Home Dental treatment Complete instructions for collargol with analogues and reviews. Collargol - instructions for use, making collargol and methods of using Collargol for acne

Complete instructions for collargol with analogues and reviews. Collargol - instructions for use, making collargol and methods of using Collargol for acne

The product is available in the form of a water-soluble powder, which forms a colloidal solution of Collargol.

Pharmacies sell ready-made drops for the eyes or nose with this drug. However, the pharmacist must explain in advance the purpose for which you need this medicine. Based on this, he will be able to determine in what proportions to dilute the powder.

The drops are transparent in color and have a slight odor. As a rule, they are sold in special bottles with tinted glass.

pharmachologic effect

These nasal and eye drops are disinfectant .

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

The composition of the drug determines its effect. The medicine affects the body as antimicrobial , antiseptic means. It is prepared on the basis of silver.

Indications for use

The medicine is used as antiseptic drug for the treatment of purulent wounds, blennorrhea , chancre , conjunctivitis , inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as inflammation in the bladder.


The solution is approved for use by everyone. It should not be used only by people with silver or albumin. In addition, if there is a need to use it for young children, you need to consult a specialist.

Side effects

No unwanted side effects were identified after using the medicine.

Instructions for use of Collargol (Method and dosage)

In order to wash purulent wounds, the instructions recommend using Collargol solution externally. To do this, dilute a 0.2–1.0% solution.

For the purpose of washing the bladder and urethra, as well as for enemas during bacillary Collargol 2% and 1% is used.

At blenorrhea And purulent conjunctivitis the medicine is used in the form of 2-3% drops or ointment.

In addition, nasal drops 2-5% are prescribed for prolonged, purulent .

At erysipelas , boils , lymphangitis , chancre instructions for use of Collargol recommend using it in the form of 5-15% ointment. The product is rubbed into the skin. Dosages for adults are 3 g; for children 5-8 years old, 1 g is prescribed 2 or 3 times a day.


There is no data on the use of the drug in higher doses.


No significant interactions with other drugs have been identified.

Terms of sale

The medicine is sold in pharmacies without a prescription.

Storage conditions

The product should be kept in tightly closed orange glass jars in a place well protected from light.

Best before date

The shelf life of the medicine is 5 years.


The main analogue of this remedy is considered. The active ingredient in both drugs is the same.

Collargol or Protargol – which is better?

Differences Collargola And often discussed on forums. These tools are similar to each other. They have an astringent, anti-inflammatory effect. However, experts clearly answer that the effectiveness of the first drug is higher. It has a more pronounced antiseptic effect.

Collargol is a drug that has an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal and astringent (reduces mucus production) effect.

pharmachologic effect

Antiseptic drug.

Indications for use

According to the instructions, Collargol must be taken in the following cases:

  • For purulent wounds.
  • With enlarged adenoids, as well as with prolonged rhinitis.
  • With conjunctivitis (a disease characterized by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye), or with purulent conjunctivitis.
  • For an infectious disease caused by streptococci (erysipelas).
  • With inflammation of the lymph nodes - lymphangitis.
  • For urethritis. Urethritis is a disease characterized by inflammation of the urethra.
  • For chronic cystitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the bladder.
  • For chancre (ulcers on the genitals).

Before using the drug Collargol in the nose (for purulent rhinitis), it is necessary to rinse it with saline solution or products containing sea water.

With proper use of the medicine, you can get rid of a runny nose within a few days. However, you should not self-medicate, and before using the drug, you should consult your doctor.

Collargol for children is allowed to be used from birth. However, the course of treatment and dosage should be discussed with your doctor. If a child has hypersensitivity to the components of the drug (silver, albumin), Collargol should not be taken.

Collargol solution is not used in its pure form, and in pharmacies the drug is diluted with water:

  • Collargol solution is used for washing purulent wounds - 0.2 - 1 percent.
  • The bladder should be rinsed with a solution of 1-2 percent.
  • If a person has erysipelas or lymphangitis, use Collargol solution 2-3 percent.

According to the instructions, Collargol drops are prescribed for the treatment of eye diseases (2-5 percent). If the patient has a runny nose, purulent rhinitis, or adenoids, Collargol nasal drops are also prescribed.

For chancroid, 15 percent ointment should be used.

Contraindications for use

If the patient has an intolerance to the drug or its substances, Collargol should not be used. In addition, the instructions do not indicate the effect of the drug on pregnant and lactating women. Therefore, the decision on the advisability of taking the drug should be made by a specialist.

Side effects

Side effects of the drug Collargol are not indicated in the instructions. However, one should take into account the fact that the antiseptic drug contains silver, which is a heavy metal. For this reason, the drug is poorly excreted and remains in the body for a long time.

A high concentration of Collargol in the body can lead to the development of argyrosis. Argyrosis is a disease accompanied by the appearance of a gray tint on the skin.

In most cases, Collargol for nasal rinsing is not recommended for a long period of time. If, when instilled into the nose, Collargol does not give any effect, and the discharge increases, you must stop using this drug.

Conditions and shelf life

The drug Collargol must be stored in a dark container, in a room protected from direct sunlight. The diluted solution, according to the instructions, should be stored for no more than a month.

The drug must be stored in tightly closed orange glass jars. It is in this case that the medicine will be valid for 5 years.

The drug Collargol is an antimicrobial agent that is produced on the basis of colloidal silver. The drug has a bactericidal effect, also relieves inflammation, and has an astringent effect. The drug is used in the form of a solution of different concentrations, which is prepared directly in the pharmacy; an ointment can also be prepared based on Collargol. In the pharmacy you can find Collargol 2 and Collargol 3, which indicates the concentration of the solution: 2% and 3%, respectively). In the form of drops and ointments, this drug is used to treat purulent conjunctivitis and blenorrhea. Drops are used in the treatment of purulent rhinitis, enlarged adenoids and runny nose. Collargol-based ointment is used for inflammation of the lymph nodes, chancre, boils, and erysipelas. Collargol solution is also effective in the treatment of urethritis and cystitis. It is worth noting that purulent wounds are washed with a solution of this drug.

Collargol solution

Another antiseptic medicine is Collargol; its distinctive feature is that it contains colloidal silver and albumin. The ratio of these active substances in their pure form is: 70% silver and 30% albumin, the role of which is to maintain silver molecules in an active state and bind them together. This drug is not used in its pure form; to use it, you need to prepare a special solution. The drug is available in powder form, which is diluted by a pharmacist to prepare a solution of varying concentrations. In pharmacies, this drug is sold already in the form of a prepared solution. Depending on the disease for which Collargol solution must be used, its concentration is determined. In order to store the drug, the following conditions must be met: the glass jar in which the drug is stored must be made of yellow glass and must also be tightly closed. And of course, you need to store the jar of the drug in a dark place.

Collargol - nasal drops

Collargol disinfectant solution is used in the treatment of various diseases. This is a drug that is made on the basis of silver, is used as an antiseptic, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. Depending on the disease, it can be used in the form of a solution or ointment of varying concentrations. They can be used to wash wounds, treat inflammation of the bladder and urethra, and be used in the treatment of eye diseases (conjunctivitis). It is also used in the form of nasal drops in the treatment of runny nose, purulent rhinitis, and sinusitis. Drops with a concentration of 2 to 5% are instilled into each nasal passage in a dosage of one or two drops two to four times a day. Before using Collargol drops, you need to clear your nose of mucus.

Silver preparations are effective antiseptic (disinfecting) agents. The medicine Collargol ®, related to colloidal silver solutions, is often used as part of complex therapy for erysipelas, inflammation of the outer eye membranes (conjunctivitis), chronic inflammation of the lacrimal sac (dacryocystitis), soft chancre, paraproctitis, adenoiditis and sinusitis (Collargol nasal drops ® can be buried even for children), etc.

Collargol ® for newborns is often prescribed as part of complex therapies for dacryocystitis.

Collargol ® is an effective bactericidal antiseptic.

In undissolved form, Collargol ® is produced in the form of black-green or black-blue small plates, characterized by a pronounced metallic luster.

Upon contact with water, Collargol ® dissolves and forms colloidal solutions of silver.

At the same time, Collargol ® plates swell and gradually dissolve, leading to the formation of rapidly collapsing sols. In this regard, Collargol ® solutions are never prepared in reserve.

The shelf life of Collargol ® in solution does not exceed thirty days.

Collargol ® solution is quite easy to prepare (provided that high-quality plates are used). Sometimes, to speed up dissolution, the plates are first ground in a mortar.

When using low-quality plates (spoiled, expired, improperly stored, etc.), cloudy solutions with sediment are obtained (due to the fact that the plates do not completely dissolve). It should be noted that low-quality plates are characterized by the absence of a specific metallic luster.

Solutions for external use are filtered through cotton wool. Solutions for washing wounds, microenemas, etc., are passed through filters made of ash-free paper or through glass filters.

Collargol ® composition

In prepared solutions of Collargol ® for microenemas, rinses, drops, etc. contains seventy percent silver and thirty percent protective albumins (sodium salts of protalbic and lysalbic acids).

Albumins are added to Collargol ® solutions to keep silver molecules in an active state, since the resulting sols are easily destroyed in the presence of acids or salts of heavy metals.

Most often, prepared solutions are prescribed in the form of 1-2% of drugs for instillation into the eyes, nose, or douching. According to indications, more concentrated solutions of the drug can be used.

For younger patients, the solution is used in concentrations of up to two percent.

Collargol ® recipe in Latin

The prescription for the medicine is written by the attending physician. It must be remembered that solutions for external use cannot be used for eye infections or for douching.

Example of prescriptions for medicine in Latin:

Rp.: Sol. Collargoli 0.2 percent, one hundred milliliters

D.S. Wash wounds.

Rp.: Sol.Collargoli three percent, ten milliliters
D.S. 5 drops each. into the nasal passage, twice a day.

Collargol ® release form

The product is available in the form of small plates or powders. Subsequently, other dosage forms of the drug are made from the raw materials, according to the prescription prescribed by the doctor.

Most often, the drug is used in the form of:

  • eye drops (two, three, five percent solution);
  • ointments at five and fifteen percent;
  • solutions for rinsing, nasal instillation and external use in the form of 0.2, 1.2% solution.

Dosage and method of use of Collargol ®

1-3 percent solutions can be used in the form of ophthalmic drops. The product is used one to two drops at a time. every six to twelve hours.

In ENT practice, they can use a 1-3 percent solution of five drops twice a day or two or three drops. every six to eight hours.

When treating soft chancre, erysipelas or lymphangitis, Collargol ® ointments can be applied to the affected area every 12-24 hours.

When treating purulent wounds, 0.2-2% solutions are used; for microenemas and instillations of the bladder, 0.2-2% solutions of the drug are used.

How to make microenemas with collargol ®

The volume of the enema, the temperature of the solution and the dosage of the drug are prescribed individually by the proctologist.

The procedure is performed on the side (the patient must pull his legs towards his stomach). The enema tip should be lubricated with Vaseline before administration.

The enema contents are administered slowly. After administering the solution, you need to lie on your side for 30 minutes.

Indications for use Collargol ®

Collargol ® has a pronounced bactericidal, astringent and antiseptic effect. The product is able to penetrate inside pathogenic microorganisms, disrupting the production of important enzymes and leading to the death of the pathogenic microorganism.

The product can be used to treat eye, venereal pathologies, diseases of the ENT organs and skin, urological infections, etc.

Collargol ® can also be used to mark the patient’s skin or when signing X-ray images.

In ophthalmological practice, collargol solutions are often used to treat conjunctivitis, gonorrheal eye lesions (including in the complex treatment of blennorrhea in newborns), dacryocystitis (for dacryocystitis, Collargol ® is often prescribed even to infants).

Also, Collargol ® solution can be effectively used for purulent, adenoiditis, purulent and other ENT pathologies. The effectiveness of the product is determined not only by the bactericidal properties of the drug, but also by its ability to reduce the degree of mucus production.

When used externally, the solution is effective for rinsing, as well as as part of complex therapies, soft chancre and lymphangitis.

Additionally, for soft chancre and lymphangitis, ointments with Collargol ® can be used.

Collargol ® is also effective for cystitis. However, the treatment of this disease must also be comprehensive. Instillation of the bladder with collargol in women and men cannot be used as the main method of treating the disease.

Additionally, Collargol ® solutions can be used not only for treatment, but also for diagnosis of dacryocystitis (tests for the patency of the lacrimal canals).

In proctology, Collargol ® is used primarily for paraproctitis and colitis. Microenemas with Collargol ® for hemorrhoids are indicated only when a secondary bacterial infection is attached.

Collargol ® contraindications

The drug is contraindicated for use in patients with individual intolerance to the components of the drug.

Pregnancy and childhood are not a contraindication to the drug, however, all treatment must be agreed with the attending physician.

Collargol during pregnancy and breastfeeding

As prescribed by the attending physician, Collargol ® solutions can be used to treat pregnant women.

According to indications, pregnant women may also be prescribed bladder instillations with Collargol ® for cystitis.

Collargol ® compatibility with alcohol

Since Collargol ® is not capable of systemic absorption, drinking alcohol does not affect the effectiveness of treatment.

However, it must be taken into account that this drug is practically not prescribed as monotherapy, and systemic antibiotics used in addition to Collargol ® are antifungal, etc. may be incompatible with alcohol.

Side effects of collargol ®

In most cases, the drug is well tolerated and does not cause complications from the treatment. In isolated cases, it is possible to develop allergic reactions to the components of the product.

Also, with long-term use in high dosages, the development of argyrosis (silver overdose) is possible.

This condition is accompanied by irreversible discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes in a grayish-blue color.

If the duration of treatment and dosages prescribed by the doctor are observed, no cases of overdose have been registered.

How to store collargol ®

Prepared solutions can be stored for up to 30 days. Vials for the drug should be made of opaque orange glass and stored in a dark place protected from ultraviolet radiation. The temperature in the room in which the solution is stored should not exceed twenty degrees.

After each use, the bottle must be tightly closed with a lid.

During the hot season, it is preferable to store the solution in the refrigerator.

Interaction with other drugs

According to indications, the drug can be combined with other medications. means.

The drug combines well with systemic antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial therapy, local agents, etc.

However, the drug is contraindicated for use with other drugs containing silver (to reduce the risk of overdose), NaCl drugs, hexamethylenetetramine, anesthetics, iodites, salts of alkaloid drugs, alcohols, electrolytes and adrenergic agonists.

Analogues of the product

Similar drugs are considered:

  • Protargol ® ;
  • Sialor ® ;
  • Vitargol ®.

Collargol ® and Protargol ®, what is the difference?

Just like Collargol ®, Protargol belongs to products containing silver. However, Protargol uses silver oxide and in a lower concentration than Collargol ®.

In this regard, Collargol ® has a more powerful disinfecting and bactericidal effect on pathogenic microflora.

Protargol ® solution is safer, less likely to cause overdose and is preferable for use in nasal drops.

- This is a blockage of the tear duct. There is no danger in this for infants, but only with timely treatment. With the right course of treatment, dacryocystitis does not threaten the further development of the body.

But if the process progresses to the stage of purulent lesions or complete blockage of the canal, a corneal ulcer, manifestations of a brain abscess, sepsis, etc. are possible in the future.

The use of instillation solutions, why they are useful

With any method of treating dacryocystitis in newborns, additional use of eye drops is justified. They can also be used as the main means of therapy.

The advantage of the drops is that they begin to act immediately. The use of drops for dacryocystitis is associated with the nature of the disease and the age of the patient.

They affect many pathogenic bacteria and viruses. Drops for dacryocystitis in newborns are used from the beginning of the baby’s life.

In the first stage of the disease in newborns and children under 3 years of age, after clearing the tear ducts, the doctor often prescribes some of the following medications:

Popular eye medications


An effective remedy in the practice of eye therapy. For infants, the medicine is used carefully, but they consider it a serious weapon in the fight against bacteria and fungi.

The basis of Tobrex is the antibiotic tobramycin. It inhibits protein synthesis by many bacteria and kills most pathogens.

Tobrex is used to treat many eye conditions in infants, children and adults.

Its use is especially indicated for:

The dose calculation is influenced by the amount of damage to the eye by microorganisms. The drug is instilled under the lower eyelid. If necessary, heat the medicine to +20…+27 °C.

The frequency of instillation is related to the antibiotic content in the drug and the severity of the disease.

Replacing a medication with another during treatment without a justified reason and frequent use for more than 7 days in a row are undesirable. The use of concomitant drugs is contraindicated in most cases.

Statistics on the undesirable effects of Tobrex on the health of children have not been published. It is used at any age.

If the infection passes without complications, the drug is instilled into the eyes after 4 hours. Newborns and infants are usually prescribed 1 drop of the drug.

An overdose of Tobrex can cause pinpoint keratitis of the outer layer of the cornea, skin erythema, severe lacrimation and discomfort in the eye area.

Point keratitis - small point lesions of the cornea, increased irritability of the eye. Visual acuity may be temporarily reduced.

Erythema is the appearance of redness of the eyelids and skin around the eyes. This phenomenon is not dangerous; erythema most often disappears within a few hours after the end of the drug's effect.

The appearance of lacrimation due to an overdose is common, but ends quickly if there are long breaks between cycles of using the drug.

With all the above-mentioned complications, itching often begins, and parents should ensure that the baby does not scratch his eyes and introduce new infections.

The medicine is not frozen and stored at a temperature of +8 to +30 ° C in both a dark and a light place.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years. It can be stored in an opened bottle for no more than 4 weeks, after which it cannot be used.


This drug is in the form of drops with an antimicrobial effect for topical use in ophthalmology. Recommended for babies from birth.

Vitabact is an antiseptic used in ophthalmology. The active substance of the drug is picloxidine, which disrupts the cell membrane and leads to the death of the pathogen.

Used in the form of drops, packaged in 10 ml. The medicine is used in the treatment and prevention of:

Using drops from an opened bottle is possible only for a month. It is necessary to use Vitabact after consultation with the doctor, although a prescription for the purchase of the medicine is not required.

The dose and duration of instillation of the drug is determined by the doctor. Drops are used up to 6 instillations per day under the lower eyelid. It is necessary to ensure that the drug gets under the eyelid and does not flow out immediately.

The product is stored at a temperature not exceeding 20 degrees, an open bottle in the refrigerator. Warm to room temperature before use.

The shelf life of the drug in a closed bottle is 2.5 years.


Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial drops. Effective in reducing mucus secretion. Used for children from birth.

Collargol consists of silver, albumin and auxiliary substances. Drops are produced with different silver contents: 2, 3, 5%.

Silver disrupts the vital activity of bacteria, their ability to divide, affects the respiratory chain and other processes in the cell, which leads to its death.

Collargol eye drops are used for:

When treating eyes, use 1-3% drops. They are buried in the conjunctival sac with the conjunctiva cleared of secretions.

Store the drug in a place protected from light at a temperature not exceeding 25 degrees.

The sealed drug is stored for 5 years; once the package is opened, it is used within a month.

What side effects may occur?

Due to the use of drops sometimes side effects occur in the form of:

  • short-term decrease in visual acuity;
  • pain in the eyes;
  • chemosis - inflammatory process of the conjunctiva;
  • allergic reactions - swelling of the eyelids, redness of the eyes and skin around them, itching, excessive lacrimation;
  • nausea;
  • development of fungal superinfection (due to long-term use of Tobrex);
  • hearing impairment in newborns;
  • eyelid hyperemia;
  • corneal ulcers;
  • accumulation of large amounts of silver (with an overdose of collargol);
  • appearance of microulcers (very rare).

Contraindications for use

Most reviews of these products confirm their benefits.

Contraindications for use may include hypersensitivity and intolerance to the components of the drug. There are no other contraindications noted in medical publications.

The use of eye drops to combat dacryocystitis in infants is the simplest, safest and most effective solution to the problem. They begin to act from the moment of the first instillation, unlike other methods of therapy.

The inadmissibility of independent use, as with any other pharmaceutical product, is clear. Before using the medicine, you should consult a pediatrician.

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