Home Wisdom teeth Runes for a car helmet of horror. Helm of horror amulet: its meaning and application

Runes for a car helmet of horror. Helm of horror amulet: its meaning and application

By popular demand, as they say... :)))

I am posting a chapter about “Helms of Terror” from the new “Practical Course of Runic Art”.
Just in case, I’ll immediately answer the question that will probably arise - the new book has nothing in common with the “Practical Course” that was published jointly with van Dart in 1999-2002. This is a completely different book.

The chapter is probably too big for one post, so I’ll break it into two parts.

For starters:

(From the Museum of Icelandic Witchcraft and Witchcraft in Holmavik, Iceland)

A little preface

...The symbol of a twelve-pointed (and more - multiples of four) cross received a conventional general name in the Middle Ages Aegisjalm, “Helm of Terror” (Old-Islamic) Ægishjalmur). Eddic legend associates this name with one of the treasures of the dragon Fafnir, which went to Sigurd who defeated him. But in the Edda we find only the name, and the drawings of the symbol are found in much later Icelandic witchcraft books.

Two main forms of the simplest “Helm of Terror”

However, this grapheme itself, well known to modern fans of the Nordic Tradition, is much older than both sources. Already in the 5th millennium BC. era, we find similar symbols on the ceramics of Central European peoples - in parallel with the swastika and the “cross in a circle”, the prototype of the “Celtic cross”. These are symbols with central symmetry, each “branch” of which continues to branch as it moves away from the center. In later times - in the Bronze Age, Iron Age, and then in the Middle Ages - similar symbols are known in the antiquities of various peoples - Scythians, Slavs and Balts, Germans, Celts, etc.

Four-part centrally symmetrical symbols on Central European pottery of the 5th millennium BC. - prototypes of future “Helmets of Terror”

Twelve-pointed cross on a Welsh stone stele (Llandilo, Dyfed). The antiquity of the stone is evidenced by the Ogham inscription running along the left edge of the front face.

In Scandinavia proper, at a relatively later time, the twelve-pointed cross was often seen as a combination of four runes Mar, turned at right angles to each other. By and large, this is the simplest form of the symbols of the “Helm of Terror” series. In late medieval Iceland, a variety of properties were attributed to this sign: from “protects from all misfortunes” to “win the love of a girl.”
Over time (mostly in Iceland), complex forms of “Helmets” arose, developing from simple ones by increasing the complexity of the “branching” of each of the rays, and also by doubling the number of basic rays (eight instead of four). Some of these symbols are called directly in Icelandic manuscripts Aegisjalm, others received their own names.

Aegishjalm, "Helm of Terror", in the narrow sense of the term - i.e. a symbol that was so called by Icelandic magicians, who believed that it was capable of granting invincibility. Drawing from a post-medieval Icelandic manuscript book of magic

Examples of simple modifications of Helms of Terror from Icelandic manuscripts. Based on materials from the Museum of Icelandic Witchcraft and Witchcraft in Holmavik, Iceland

Working with galdrastavs is not an easy thing, for a number of reasons. And the point is not only - not even so much - that for the most part these signs are quite complex graphically. The point, in particular, is that - like runes - galdrastavs require a specific attitude, a special “tuning” that cannot be provided with several pages of text. In addition, if you work specifically on Icelandic material, you also need to be able to distinguish between the drawings of superstitious peasants, who are ready to mix Jewish symbols, Christian prayers and something heard somewhere about runes for the sake of increasing the sheep flock, from the signs once created by northern magicians...

This does not mean at all that I am warning the reader against working with galdrastavs at all. In no case. This simply means that I propose to accept certain limitations - at least until the reader is sure that he myself is able to operate with his consciousness to a degree sufficient to see the galdrasts... let's say, a little differently. (In addition, any self-restraint is a kind of asceticism, i.e., it is also a source of Strength...)

The proposed restrictions are simple:
1) We work only with those “classes” of galdrastavs that are obviously a legacy of the ancient Tradition (for example, with Helms of Terror).
2) We work only with galdrastavs that go back to the tradition of creating and using knitted runes or are directly related to it.

That's all. These simple restrictions will allow you to avoid gross mistakes and completely unnecessary uncertainty, but will not prevent you from approaching work with galdrastas creatively - i.e. not just redraw incomprehensible pictures from catalogs and reference books, but create your own galdrasts based on traditional schemes, having exactly the magical load that you need.
We will not try to cover all such schemes here - this is hardly possible within the framework of this course, and there is no need for it. Here, in “Practical Recommendations”, we will limit ourselves to one class of galdrastavs - “Helms of Terror”. So…

1. In later Icelandic treatises one can find dozens of different ways and purposes of using galdrastavs of this class:
- “so that they can’t put an obsession on you,”
- “so that the trolls don’t ride your horse”
- “to avoid any damage, especially from black magic”,
- “to get what you want”
- “against witchcraft”,
- “to defeat the enemy”,
- “from the wrath of hevding”,
- “to return unharmed from a trip,” etc.

It is impossible not to notice that with all the diversity of these formulations, the absolute majority of them are in one way or another connected with ensuring the invulnerability of the “user”. This is really a kind of “leitmotif” - although not the only one...

As already mentioned, the ancient Germanic tradition calls one of the treasures of the wise serpent Fafnir the “Helm of Terror”:

« He had a scarecrow helmet that all living things were afraid of...»
"Regina's Speeches", Elder Edda

(“The Scarecrow Helmet” is a somewhat clumsy Korsunov translation of the Icelandic phrase “Helm of Horror” or “Helmet of Intimidation.”)

"[Fafnir] said:
Scarecrow helmet
I always wore
lying on gold;
stronger than everyone else
I considered myself
no matter who you meet
"Fafnir's Speeches", Elder Edda

A mythological artifact that once belonged to one of the last dragons and a number of symbols used by human magicians are united by more than just the name. According to legend, not a single fighter could stand against Fafnir who put on the helmet; the galdrastavs we are talking about have a similar function.

Leonid Korablev, in one of his works, cites a number of interesting facts about the use of the phrase “Helm of Horror” in Old Icelandic:
- « carry the Helm of Terror in front of someone" = "to frighten, oppress someone";
- « have the Helm of Terror in your eyes" = "to have the magical power of looking."

There is something else in common between Fafnir’s helmet and the galdrastavs we are talking about, but more on that later.
Well, everything that has been said must simply be taken into account when “constructing” your own Aegishyalms.

2. Structure of Helmets and their components

In medieval and post-medieval Iceland, the simplest Helms of Terror were believed to be “assembled” from four or eight New Icelandic runes Mar, "Human". For that time, this was, in general, a normal approach; however, it is worth remembering that giving this rune a name Mar and, accordingly, sound m- this is just the turn of the 1st and 2nd millennia AD. Meanwhile, the simplest Helmets (albeit under a different name) were used long before that time.

Before the degradation of the runic tradition and the formation of the Junior ranks, this rune bore the name Algiz and symbolized the state of protection and protection of the gods. Turning to a more archaic “layer” of Runic Art allows us to see, let’s say, the “power frame” of Helmets: a rune of protection and deterrence from outside aggression facing the four/eight cardinal directions. Remember in the Anglo-Saxon Rune Poem:

[Sedge] home
usually in a swamp,
it grows in water
and hurts cruelly
and paints with blood
anyone who tears it.

It is this “power frame” that we find almost throughout Europe as independent protective signs - from Bronze Age ceramics to modern sacred tattoos of the South Slavs; it itself is also the simplest version of Aegishjalm. The actual Icelandic innovation is the inclusion of these symbols “into the circulation of Runic Art”; their combination with the magic of runes made it possible to create a number of very powerful and surprisingly harmonious symbols, which are the Helms of Horror.

These are not theoretical speculations - in order to “design” Helmets yourself, you need to understand how they work.

3. Typology of Helmets and differences in their purpose

With a relatively similar general direction of impact, different galdrasts of the Helmets of Terror group have, of course, different applications. Icelandic manuscripts alone contain images and descriptions of dozens of different Helmets, and, of course, not all possible options are given in them.

It is obvious that if the general direction of action of Helmets (ensuring invulnerability in the broadest sense of the word) is determined by the “power frame” common to all of them, then the specificity of the impact of each specific Helmet is determined by:
a) the configuration of the stave, and
b) the runes that are present in it.

About the use of runes in the layout of Helmets - a little lower, and now about the differences in their configuration.

Some authors (Edred Thorsson, Greg Crawford, etc.) believe that any Helmet contains three semantic zones, in graphic terms diverging concentrically from the center of the symbol to its periphery:
- the actual center of the Helmet is the user’s “I”;
- an internal ring belt around the center - the user’s internal reality, or “subjective”;
- outer ring belt - the surrounding world, or objective reality.

In my opinion, this “geography” is somewhat redundant, but in general the semantic structure of Helmets is really this: the internal graphic zone corresponds to the user’s internal reality, the external one corresponds to the surrounding world.

Look - the simplest Helmets (including the elementary one - four Algiz runes), designed narrowly for protection and suppression, have a completely empty internal zone; all operating elements are located in the outer zone and are oriented outward. Even purely visually, at some intuitive level, the simplest Helmets are perceived as “throwing” energy in all directions - from the center, from the user’s “I”.

Helmets designed to protect against aliens look completely different. witchcraft. The active elements are still placed in the external zone (this is understandable: after all, we are talking about a threat from the outside), but each beam is blocked by a circle blocker, preventing both the “pumping out” of energy from the center and access to the center from the outside. Moreover, in the inner zone the center is generally closed by a solid circle.

Three different Helms of Horror, designed to protect against alien witchcraft (Iceland)

The configuration of the Helmet's branches is of great importance in this regard. Based on this feature, I distinguish three types of Helmets:
1. Helmets with four branches - the main activity is concentrated in the outer zone.
2. Helmets with four long and four short branches - The helmet is equally active both in the outside world and on the internal plane of the user.
3. A helmet with eight equal-sized branches is the same as type 1: the main activity is outward.

The second most important factor determining the configuration of the Helmet and, accordingly, its magic is the nature of the symmetry. Based on this, I distinguish four types:

A. All branches are the same (for types 1 and 3) or all long and all short branches are the same (for type 2). The helmet has both central and axial symmetry, and the number of axes of symmetry is 4. This type (more specifically, type “3A”; see table below) belongs, for example, to the above Helmets intended for protection against witchcraft.

B. The branches differ from each other, but the Helmet maintains central symmetry and has 2 perpendicular axes of symmetry.

An example of a Helmet of Horror, belonging to type “B”, and more specifically, “2B”. Purpose - protection from sendingar, an intention embodied through witchcraft, including malicious (for more information about sendingar, see [[[insert chapter number]]]. Iceland, 17th century

B. There are no axes of symmetry, but symmetry around the center and axial symmetry are preserved. Helmets of this type can differ from all others in approximately the same way that a swastika differs from an equal-pointed cross - the presence of dynamics (they are also graphically similar to complex versions of the swastika). I write “may” because sometimes this type of symmetry occurs by chance, when inscribing runes into the Helmet (see below) - in such cases the “vortex” structure of the Helmet will not have a significant meaning.

Ginfaxi is a galdrastav that is not directly a Helmet of Horror, but is close to such in a number of parameters. Designed to suppress an opponent in a contest in the Icelandic national wrestling Glíma and ensure victory for the user. If we nevertheless consider this becoming from the point of view of our classification, we would have to classify it as type “B”, more specifically - “1B”

D. There is no symmetry of any kind. Based on historical material, these are, as a rule, one of the most complex Helmets; analyzing them is extremely difficult. When designing Helmets on your own, you have to turn to this type when the master is faced with a very specific and delicate task with many restrictions and additional conditions...

Vegvísir - “Road Indicator”, Helm of Horror type 3G. Preserved in Icelandic records from the 19th century, but its origins are much older. Purpose: “Whoever carries this sign with him will never lose his way, neither in a storm nor in bad weather - even when the path is unknown.”

An example of an overly complex Helmet of type 3G. In my opinion, with this level of complexity chaos begins...
Iceland, manuscript from the second half of the 16th - early 17th centuries.

Below I provide a summary table of twelve structural types of Helmets - from 1A to 3G, or more precisely, a table of examples for each type.
Well, we move on to using runes in these staves.

Typology of Helmets of Terror. Examples for each typological group

Helm of Horror amulet from Scandinavia. A strange name for a talisman. But people interested in runes know about its amazing strength and powerful energy. In ancient times, the symbol was used by warriors; it instilled panic in their enemies. Today, the Helm of Terror is used as a universal protective amulet.

Helm of Horror - a talisman from Scandinavia that has amazing strength and powerful energy

History of the Helm of Terror

Helmet of horror - rune stave Agishjalm. This is a talisman of Scandinavian warriors. The sign was present on banners, it was painted on shields and armor, and applied to the skin (most often on the forehead between the eyebrows). People sincerely believed in the power of the protective symbol. It endowed the owner with special energy and invincible strength. It was also thought that Agishjalm instills terror in opponents, making them vulnerable.

The origins of the Helm of Terror are shrouded in mystery. Legend has it that it was assembled from runes by the gods Odin and Thor. Some myths connect the Agishjalm amulet with the treasures of the Nibelungs. Where the symbol came from is completely unimportant today. The main thing is what power he has.

The amulet helps the wearer if he completely trusts him. Recognizes the strength and power of the Helm of Terror.

The meaning of the amulet

The Helm of Horror is a symmetrical figure. The sketch is made up of 8 Algiz runes. They are strengthened by the Halagaz and Thurizas runes. This formula (stav), according to rune researchers, was used by the ancient Scandinavians in battles.

Known signs:

  • four-pointed cross;
  • cross of eight rays;
  • cross 12 rays.

The Algiz rune, part of the Helm of Horror, has the meaning of divine protection. In Agishjalm this protection is multiple.

There are about 10 runic formulas, combinations of different staves used in the amulet. They change depending on the purpose of creating the amulet.

A pendant or ring with the Helm of Horror applied on it is used as amulets. Often in amulets Agishjalm is enclosed in a runic circle. The Scandinavian rune alphabet is used.

Rune energy

Becoming the Helm of Terror has a special energy. It has two directions:

  • external, towards the world;
  • internal, towards the human soul.

The energies of these directions merge together in the amulet. He gains the ability to repel negative influences, support and increase the internal strength of his owner.

The energy of the talisman is very strong, so you cannot wear it every day. It is suitable for both men and women. The main thing is that the owner can cope with the force and direct it in the right direction.

What types of Helmets of Terror are there?

Today, two varieties of Agishjalma are most popular:

  1. Ordinary. It has a cross shape and consists of four algiz runes. Gives passive protection from any negativity.
  2. Galdrastav accumulation. An active sign that accumulates and multiplies vital energy.

An ordinary Helmet of Horror can be used in everyday life. It is often applied to the body.

Galdrastav helps in situations where large amounts of energy are required. It is used by practicing magicians during the performance of serious rituals. Agishjalm also helps in spiritual practices, when it is important to learn to take control of your internal energy.

In what situations should you use the Helmet of Terror?

You cannot use the power of the Agishjalm talisman every day. Previously, it was used only in special cases when it was necessary to intimidate the enemy.

When to use the Helm of Terror:

  1. Meeting with envious people, enemies, unpleasant people. Streams of negativity that someone directs at the wearer of the talisman are returned to him.
  2. Meetings with a lot of people. The amulet not only protects, but also helps to find a common language, preserve one’s own “I” during communication, and not lose face.
  3. Situations of disputes and conflicts.
  4. Important negotiations (the occasion does not matter). The Helm of Terror helps to concentrate energy.
  5. Study, spiritual practices. Agishjalm increases vitality and aspirations, which helps to focus on the path to self-development.
  6. Financial matters. The amulet will protect against fraud in financial transactions.

The helmet of horror will protect against deception in financial transactions

In important and complex work matters, you can also use the Helmet of Horror. With its help, it will be easier to cope with difficulties.

How to make the Helm of Terror amulet yourself

Any rune amulet can be bought in an esoteric shop. But the attributes that are made with your own hands have the greatest power. It is difficult to apply runic staves on metal yourself; wooden and bone materials are used. You can cut out decorations from them. Runic staves are also painted on boards or stones.

Stages of working on the amulet:

  1. The choice of material, the purpose of making the amulet (protection from magic, any negative influences, assistance in work matters, etc.). The rune pattern is selected depending on the goal.
  2. Preparing a sketch of the future amulet. It is very important to apply all the runes to the product correctly; without preparation this is not easy to do.
  3. Drawing on the product. A base is drawn (a four or eight-pointed cross), and applied to the ends of the rays.
  4. Algiz. If necessary, becoming is supplemented with other signs.
  5. Activation of the finished amulet, stipulation of work.

Activation and reservation are a mandatory step in creating a protective amulet. The painted decoration becomes a magical item. It is best to make an amulet on the Waxing Moon, early in the morning.

Activating the Helm of Terror

When activating Helmets of Terror, you must make a reservation. It must indicate the timing of the talisman’s work and the direction of its action.

It's easy to make a reservation. You need to formulate clear thoughts in your head, bring the object to your lips and say:

“I created Agishjalm for (purposes). I charge it (method).” You can speak in your own words, the main thing is not to say too much.

How to activate the sign:

  1. By breathing. Take the amulet in your hands, take a deep breath, close your eyes. In your thoughts, imagine a rune sign, think about its action. Exhale air from your chest onto the Helmet.
  2. With candles. Place the finished amulet on the table, place three or nine candles around it. Light the candles and repeat the slander out loud or silently. Leave the candles overnight. For safety, it is better to use small candles in a metal stand.

Candles can be used to activate the amulet

There are many ways to activate runes. You can choose any one you like.

Helm of Horror Tattoos

Applying symbolic designs to the body will never go out of fashion. The Helm of Horror tattoo is often placed on the right arm (forearm) or on the shoulder blade. The sign is framed with a ring of Scandinavian runes. This pattern looks very impressive and beautiful on the body, especially of a strong man. But is it worth decorating yourself like that?

The Helm of Terror is used only in critical situations. This is a powerful energy sign. It will be difficult for an ordinary person to cope with his power.

If a person treats tattoos only as art, he can apply any symbols to his body. But you need to remember the risk.

The Helm of Terror, or Agishjalm, is a very powerful protective sign. You can buy the amulet or make it yourself. It can only be used in special cases. For the amulet to work correctly, you need to activate it.


Protection from various kinds of negative influences is definitely never too much. And today we will look at the protective runic form “Helmet of Horror” with a caveat. It is interesting that this runic amulet appeared a long time ago, but modern master runologists have successfully transformed the original script, making its work even more effective. But let's take things in order.

A little history

The “Helm of Terror” is known to many as Agishjalm. Despite its terrifying name, it is considered a powerful protective talisman. According to ancient legend, the gods Odin and Thor created this miraculous ligature in order to give a person powerful strength to counteract the negative energy of ill-wishers and enemies. This amulet was used in ancient times by warriors. Over the course of its existence, the rune formula has been modified several times, and today there are about ten of its varieties.

In what situations can you use the Helmet of Terror?

The times of bloody wars are far behind us, and today the runic stave “Helm of Horror” is used for protection in everyday life. From whom or what does he protect us? Everything is simple here: from negative influences, including magical ones, from envy, hatred and curses from enemies. Even the name of the formula was not chosen by chance - it not only provides a person with personal protection, but also makes it so that enemies are afraid to approach him.

The runes included in the “Helm of Terror” formula, their work

We bring to your attention a modification of the runic stave “Helmet of Horror” from a runologist with the nickname Pea. The ligature looks like this:

There is no need to disassemble and describe it in detail - it is enough to trust the professionalism of the author and specify it in its entirety, so we will limit ourselves to the list of symbols included in the formula:

  • Rune (Madr)
  • Turisaz
  • Icelandic rune of the black series Stungin Iss
  • Teyvaz
  • Jotun's wraith

Runes provide mirror protection, i.e. when attacked, a mental blow will be sent back to the enemy. Morok is included in the ligature for a reason: it protects a person from being seen (that is, his condition cannot be seen by strangers during diagnosis).

Rules for applying, slandering and activating stav

Now let's look at the application and "Helm of Terror". It is best to apply it to your own photograph, or to a talisman made of leather, wood, metal, stone or glass. Remember that becoming only provides personal protection, so you should not use it as a talisman for your home.

The clause is read out at your request: you can mention what and from whom this runic script will protect you personally, how long the protection will last, how you deactivate the spent stave. We can also activate it in any way; the author himself claims that the formula works great regardless of whether you activated it with blood, saliva, the elements, breath, or some other method.

How long will it take for it to take effect?

The runic “Helm of Horror” with a reservation begins its action immediately after activation. The protective functions last for approximately several months, after which the formula can be circled again or burned in order to subsequently use another ligature. If you doubt that the system is working, carry out diagnostics.

A rare and unique amulet, the helmet of horror is one of the powerful amulets known to northern magic.

The parallel world of the talisman, expressed through symbols and signs, protects its owner and has long turned into a legend.

Features of the amulet

The meaning of the helmet of horrors amulet today causes a lot of controversy among lovers of Scandinavian culture and magicians who use Scandinavian runes. The inhabitants of the northern peoples - Vikings and shamans - sacredly believed in the image of the talisman.

They assumed that the helmet of horrors amulet protected warriors in battle, weakening the enemy and instilling fear, thereby lowering the spirit and making the enemy vulnerable.

Warriors painted protective symbols on shields, weapons and armor. These magical signs struck fear into opponents, striking fear into the hearts of warriors and endowing their owner with magical properties.

The ancient Scandinavians believed that the helmet of horrors amulet received the natural sense of the snake and its ability to paralyze the victim. Capable of working externally, repelling the attack of opponents, and internally, strengthening the powers of the owner of the amulet, the helmet of horrors amulet works only when they trust it completely, open their hearts and accept the powers it bestows.

What can an amulet do?

The helmet of horror amulet is an equilateral sign made in the form of a cross. Depending on what goal is set for him, the ends may end differently. Scandinavian magic says that the helmet of horrors can increase witchcraft power and give its owner special power over enemies.

In addition, this amulet is also suitable for everyday life situations.

  • The talisman serves as a concentrator of internal strength, focusing the energy that is necessary to achieve your goals. This property of the helmet of horrors is often used by professional magicians when performing rituals.
  • The characteristics of the amulet are suitable for those who need to master the material, concentrate and remember, as it has a positive effect on RAM.
  • The protective properties of the horror helmet can destroy the negative energy directed at you and direct it back to the source. It can repel witchcraft attacks and unclean thoughts.
  • The amulet is intended for finding your inner self and fruitful interaction with the outside world.
  • The amulet will become your faithful companion in the struggle for luck, financial well-being and even love.

Helm of Terror

Powerful protective amulet | Helm of Terror | Rune Algiz | Cross

Runic talisman

The runes of Scandinavia and Iceland are used in the manufacture of the helmet of horror amulet, which are selected depending on what the talisman will be intended for. However, the main meaning of the amulet comes down to suppressing the enemy and strengthening the owner of the signs such qualities as fortitude, courage and determination.

How to make a horror helmet

A simple protective sign can be made in literally five minutes by absolutely anyone. To do this, it is enough to draw a cross in the area of ​​the “third eye” on the forehead between the eyebrows.

Professional magicians approach the process of making a powerful amulet more carefully.

  • The basis of a simple amulet is the runic sign Algiz, applied to the cross in the direction of all four sides. The cross, reinforced with four runes, is a protective amulet against negativity, capable of dispersing other people's energy and keeping your own in good shape.
  • Eight rays are made for the amulet of invincibility. The Algiz rune is the main working component of the helmet of horror. At their discretion and depending on the desired result and the goal set for the amulet, the masters supplement the main active element with other components.

Today in the nature of Scandinavian magic there are more than ten different compositions of the helmet of horror amulet.

Selecting a carrier for the helmet of horrors and activating it

Professionals in the field of magic advise not to apply the symbolic signs of the helmet of horrors to yourself or to your own photograph. Select one of the items as a carrier:

  • ring,
  • pendant,
  • another amulet free of runic symbols.

The amulet is activated by saying “I carry the helmet of horrors between my eyebrows,” while simultaneously applying a magical object to the area of ​​the source of the serpentine power—the “third eye.”

You can make an active amulet in the usual way, if you have skills in working with runes. Among such well-known methods is the activation of runic talismans using breathing and blood.

Whatever method of activating the helmet of horrors amulet you choose for yourself, you need to remember: the operating time of the talisman, the range of action are specified, and a specific task is set.

Taking into account that the helmet of horrors amulet is a carrier of the most powerful energy belonging to its ancestor, one should resort to its help only in cases of extreme necessity, in the presence of controversial situations and in order to stop physical and magical confrontations.

In an effort to find what they want, improve their well-being, make life comfortable, or protect themselves from negativity, people resort to a variety of talismans. Scandinavian amulets are considered especially powerful, close in meaning and essence to Slavic ones.

Scandinavian amulets: concept, origin, purpose

The ancient Scandinavian tribes with a harsh character, also known as the Vikings, lived in the northern part of the Eurasian continent. Several states are currently based on this territory: Denmark, Germany, Sweden, Norway.

It was believed that the Viking talismans were recognized as the Gods of the Northern Pantheon many centuries ago.

The history of the origin of Viking amulets and runes

According to ancient legend, the magical sign Helm of Terror was invented by two revered gods, the heavenly father Odin and his beloved son, the thunderer Thor. It uses both Scandinavian and Icelandic motifs.

The hammer, according to legend, was used by Thor, a descendant of the heavenly father Odin and the ruling mother Yord. The young god could send thunder and lightning and fought against evil forces. Thor traveled on earth not on a horse, but on a bronze chariot, which was pulled by goats instead of horses. The chariot was decorated with copper teapots that made loud noises when moving. Oppressed people belonging to a low class could count on his intercession. Having crossed the threshold of the afterlife, their souls went to God in the Hall, which had 40 rooms.

Often Thor's Hammer is made of silver

The hammer was made for Thor by two dwarfs - Cindy and Brokk. The instrument had magical qualities:

  • helped the owner move through the air;
  • hit enemies like a boomerang;
  • could make a marriage blessed;
  • resurrected animals;
  • restored fertility to the “dead” land.

According to legend, the effect of the Hammer was enhanced by auxiliary items:

  • Yarngriper gloves, worn by the owner, heated the weapon;
  • the belt increased the impact force many times over.

In ancient times, the Hammer was installed on Viking ships (longships), and was also worn on laces as a pendant, attached to shields and sword hilts. It was believed that the talisman helped to swim to the shore faster.

Using the Valknut amulet, you will receive knowledge and energy of the three worlds

Valknut became famous thanks to Odin, the supreme god of Norse mythology. Legend has it that the heavenly father climbed the Yggdrasil Tree, where he hung for 9 days and the same number of nights (according to the number of different worlds). This helped him understand himself, as well as comprehend the true meaning of the Runes. The nine vertices of intertwined triangles represent the terms of knowledge: one for each world.

The black sun was sent to earthly inhabitants by the Gods as a valuable gift. It was called:

  • help to survive in difficult conditions (crop failure, attack by strangers, etc.);
  • win battles with the enemy;
  • defend your territory;
  • strengthen the family tree, continue the family line.

In literary sources, the description and decoding of the Black Sun are first found in the “Secret Doctrine” of E. Blavatsky (1888)

In Slavic mythology, the Black Sun indicates the relationship between reality and the other world (Navyu). It was believed that ancestors could help in difficult times and give valuable advice. The talisman could feed its owner with vital energy and open knowledge available only to a select few.

Runes are one of the most ancient Scandinavian symbols (1st–8th century AD). They were also used by tribes living in the territories of modern Germany. Translated from the ancient Germanic dialect, the word “rune” means secret.

According to legend, the Creator told the heavenly father Odin about the runes. In order not to forget their meaning, Odin imprinted the runic alphabet on the Tree of the World. The price for knowledge was his left eye. From Odin, the information was transmitted to other gods, and then reached the oracles and seers.

Symbols were used to convey valuable information, as well as in magical rituals, and helped predict the future. Viking shamans considered runes to be a sacred alphabet with which one could communicate with the Gods.

Types of Scandinavian talismans and runes

The amulets and runes that were in use among the ancient Scandinavian tribes can also help modern people in difficult life situations. It is important to remember their great power and choose the right ones based on appearance and action.

Popular amulets of the ancient Scandinavians: features and meaning

Some of the most powerful Viking amulets that have come down to us through the centuries include:

  • Helm of Horror;
  • Thor's Hammer;
  • Valknut;
  • Black Sun.

The following types of amulets have highly specialized meaning:

  1. Wolf Cross (Thor's Cross, decorated with the head of a wolf) - protects those who are on the road for a long time (sailors, travelers, drivers, etc.) It is believed that the talisman helps to return to their native land unharmed.
  2. The Throne of Odin - gives power and enormous power, brings financial well-being.
  3. Wheel of the Sun - gives well-being in the family, provides comfort and prosperity.
  4. Double Ax is a sign of a winner, ruler, leader. It indicates the relationship between heaven and earth, increases physical and spiritual strength, and gives confidence in victory.
  5. Oroboro (Snake Ring) - helps to find the best solution to a problem and achieve the intended goal. The magical decoding of this amulet is the relationship between the beginning and the end.
  6. Eye of Odin - makes knowledge clear and precise, helps to weed out unnecessary information, and develops the owner’s visionary abilities.
  7. Triskelion (Trefot) - symbolizes the kingdom of being. Formed by three spirals pointing to infinity. He helps you achieve your goal no matter what.
  8. Tree of Life (Yggdrasil) - provides the owner with spiritual immortality. It was believed that the soul of the person wearing such an amulet would find a new, successful incarnation after death.

You can often find an image of the god of summer and fertility Frey on amulets. It is believed that he personifies the masculine principle, brings harmony to the family, helps to acquire strong offspring, and gives good luck in business.

The ancient Celts (Icelandic tribes) contributed to the creation of Scandinavian amulets:

  1. Celtic cross - helps to get rid of any diseases, gives energy, protects from any negativity.
  2. Triskele - promotes communication with nature. Suitable for foresters, fishermen, hunters, farmers and anyone whose occupation is associated with natural resources.
  3. Meadow Knots - helps to know and love the world around us in all its glory. Suitable for representatives of creative professions (artists, poets).
  4. Trefoil - protects against the evil eye, induced damage and negative magical effects, promotes prosperity.
  5. Joy drives away melancholy, helps to get rid of prolonged depression and experience all the delights of life.
  6. The Root of the Spirit is designed to protect not the body, but the soul of its owner from any evil.
  7. The shield is a powerful protective talisman that gives invulnerability when attacked or damaged.
  8. Sax - designed to protect the home from any magical influence. It prevents stressful situations and helps achieve harmony in family life.
  9. Large Celtic Knot - helps maintain close relationships between people.

The swastika is a universal sign. Its decoding depends on which direction the diverging rays are facing:

  • to the right - a symbol of masculinity (Sun, spring);
  • to the left - a symbol of the feminine (Moon, autumn).

Helm of Horror

The original name of the Helm of Horror - Agishjalm - is quite difficult for a modern person to pronounce. This is an amulet of great power, usually made in the form of a pendant or ring.

A person who becomes the owner of the Helm of Terror takes the path of a warrior

The effect of the Helm of Terror is twofold:

  • suppress, demoralize the enemy;
  • strengthen the prevailing fighting qualities of the owner (courage, boldness, determination, fortitude).

Agishjalm (in another transcription - Egishjalm) was worn by warriors and magicians who firmly believed in victory. A talisman acts as an effective tool for achieving a goal. He is capable of putting opponents into a state of panic, and in some cases, brutally destroying them.

In everyday life, the amulet helps:

  • resolve controversial situations in your favor;
  • “push through” the desired decision by influencing the people around you;
  • maintain the owner’s energy balance, and, if necessary, cleanse the aura and give strength.

There are many options for performing this rune pattern. However, their basis is the same - 8 algiz (protective spears, similar in appearance to a fish skeleton with a trident at the end), closing at one point. The number of circles framing the algiz symbolizes the number of protective levels. Various runic signs belonging to the Elder Futhark can be additions to the algiz:

  • Turisaz (the name of Thor in the ancient dialect);
  • Hagalaz.

They enhance the effect of the amulet.

The runes of the Helm of Terror have a harsh effect. Therefore, the owner of the amulet must learn to control his emotions, physical and spiritual strength. Otherwise, you may harm other people.

Thor's Hammer

The Scandinavian amulet Thor's Hammer attracts attention with its unusual appearance and enormous power. In one version it resembles a crudely made anchor, in another it resembles a tool. The most powerful models are those decorated with the face of the god Thor. The amulet is also known by other names:

  • Jain Cross (or Solar);
  • Hermetic Cross;
  • Mjolnir (Crusher).

Amulet "Thor's Hammer", made in the shape of an anchor

The practical meaning of Thor's Hammer is:

  • assistance in achieving your goals;
  • destruction of all kinds of barriers and obstacles;
  • time management;
  • effective protection against damage and the evil eye, as well as against any diseases;
  • preventing misfortune, diverting troubles from the owner and people close to him;
  • successful resolution of disputes;
  • help in identifying enemies.

The effect of the Hammer is greatly enhanced in combination with the Thurisaz or Teyvaz (justice) runes. The swastika-like Torshamar and Hamasmark were often used. It was believed that these runes were marked with the blessing of Thor himself.

Amulet "Thor's Hammer", made in the shape of a tool

It is believed that the Crusher brings good luck in all endeavors and indicates high authority in society. The Vikings used it to consecrate a wedding ceremony or the conclusion of an important agreement.

The talisman can be worn by everyone without exception. However, due to the predominance of masculinity, it will become useful primarily to representatives of the stronger sex. The hammer is recommended for judges, military personnel, politicians, athletes participating in competitions, rescuers, and sailors.

Women carrying Thor's Hammer must be careful. The frantic activity and large supply of vital energy given by the amulet can scare off indecisive and shy fans.

Thor's Hammer will also be useful to those who seek to restore justice or find what was lost. It can be given to newborns; the ritual of transferring the amulet itself has much in common with Christian baptism. An interesting property of the talisman is that it imparts healing properties to ordinary water.

In the Middle Ages, the image of the Solar Cross was used as a warning sign on the borders of lands. He informed strangers that bad thoughts and actions in these domains would be punished.

Married couples placed the amulet under the bed. It was believed that it would help conceive strong and healthy offspring, and also drive away bad dreams.

Suitable materials for Thor's Hammer are any alloys based on silver or copper. Runes are painted exclusively in red because they symbolize divine fire.

Thor's hammer does not go well with reptile images. Talismans will “compete” with each other, and their protective effect will be weakened.

Amulet "Valknut"

Odin's triangle, or Valknut, is usually made in the form of a pendant, medallion or ring. The Vikings painted such an image on the hilt of a weapon or shield. The amulet is also known by other names:

  • Heart of Hrungnir;
  • Knot of the Fallen.

The “Valknut” amulet consists of three intertwined triangles enclosed in a circle

Intertwined triangles symbolize the multidimensionality of the universe:

  • Asgard (upper, or world of the Gods);
  • Midgard (middle, or real reality, the world of living people);
  • Helheim (the lower world, or the afterlife).

The interweaving of the Valknut amulet indicates the close interconnection of the worlds. In Christianity, there is a similar interpretation - the trinity of Body, Soul and Spirit, the relationship of past, present and future.

Valknut was intended for warriors and was also used in magical rituals. The Vikings believed that the talisman:

  • helped to gain fearlessness in battles;
  • gave firmness to the right hand.

It was believed that those who wore Odin's triangle were under the highest protection of the Aesir.

Runic symbols can be applied to the circle around the triangles. They enhance the effect of the amulet. Silver is considered the best metal for its manufacture.

Black Sun

A little-known Scandinavian symbol, the Black (or Central) Sun, is a solar symbol. He was held in high esteem not only among the northern peoples, but also among the Slavs. The talisman is made in the form of broken rays diverging in all directions, symbolizing the first fire, or the central planet of the Galaxy, around which the other planets and systems revolve.

The practical significance of the amulet is its effective protection against adverse factors:

  • magical influence (damage, evil eye);
  • injuries and illnesses.

The Black Sun helps to find the right solution in a difficult life situation. It is recommended to all managers, bosses, businessmen, and politicians.

Scandinavian amulet “Black Sun” cleanses the soul

The talisman also has a secondary meaning:

  • helps to develop spiritually;
  • when renouncing material things, it contributes to the knowledge of a person’s real purpose in life;
  • eliminates incorrect beliefs, helps to know the Truth.

The black sun, on the recommendation of K. Gaushofer, was a symbol of the Third Reich in Nazi Germany. The symbol was applied to the officer's uniform; it decorated one of the Wewelsburg halls. According to unconfirmed reports, Hitler tried to establish contact with the other world in this way, for which he even made human sacrifices (prisoners of concentration camps).

Some experts see the Soulu rune in the image of the Central Sun. It helps to achieve goals, crushes any obstacles, multiplies strength, gives power. You can ask the talisman for everything your heart desires, and it will certainly come true in the shortest possible time. It is only important to remember the price: it may be too high. Practicing magicians use this symbol as a last resort when other means have not given a positive result.

Scandinavian runes used to create amulets, their decoding

Viking runes (magic signs) can be used for a variety of purposes. Their main tasks are:

  • protecting the house from uninvited intrusion (robbers, invaders);
  • assistance in business endeavors;
  • getting rid of diseases, prolonging life;
  • preventing any dangers during travel and travel;
  • ensuring material well-being.

Scandinavian runes applied to the amulet enhance its effect many times over

The image of one or more runes can be transferred to jewelry, weapons and clothing.

There are two main methods of depicting runes:

  • runic script - a combination of 4 symbols forming a single complex pattern;
  • runescript - drawing magical symbols in the required order, from right to left.

The rune code must be in its “right” place. The amulet for the home is placed in the room where all family members most often gather; the amulet for travel is in the car.

The main runic alphabet (Futhark) has 24 characters. In some interpretations there is an additional, twenty-fifth sign of emptiness (similar to a space), denoting “pure fate” in magic. It was added by the Icelanders during the Middle Ages.

Each of the runes has its own meaning. Without studying it completely, you can make an amulet that brings destruction and harm. Depending on the prevailing qualities, runes are divided into protective and activating ones.

Protective runes

  1. Algiz (rune of friendship) - protects against witchcraft.
  2. Dagaz - serves as an effective talisman for the home.
  3. Otal (rune of order) - helps resolve issues with real estate and other property.
  4. Uruz (rune of personal protection) - reflects negative energy, helps maintain physical and mental health, and is indispensable for impressionable, emotional people.
  5. Raido - useful when traveling.
  6. Fehu - symbolizes financial well-being and fertility, increases capital.


Activator runes have a narrow effect; they are aimed at solving one or more interrelated issues:

  • Berkana (mother's rune) - helps women, strengthens the family, helps prolong the family line and have offspring;
  • Teyvaz - takes away fear, gives courage, helps to achieve what you want;
  • Vunyo (rune of joy) - ensures the fulfillment of desires, attracts good luck and success to its owner;
  • Laguz - sharpens intuition, helps create a strong and happy family;
  • Nautiz - adds vitality, increases endurance, helps to find your soulmate.

You can choose runes subconsciously. If the sign is “positive”, but for some reason its appearance is alarming or repulsive, it is better to refuse to use the rune.

If cracks or chips appear on the rune amulet, or it is lost, it means that it has completed its task.

Viking tattoos: the meaning of symbols and their meaning

Tattoo among the ancient Scandinavians played the same role as among other peoples. It acted as a badge of honor, a “business card”, by which one could easily identify:

  • belonging of its owner to estate, caste, class, tribe, clan;
  • occupation (sailor, warrior, artisan, etc.);
  • divine patron.

Viking tattoos not only look beautiful, but also protect the wearer from everything bad.

The storylines of tattoos can be very diverse. All of them are based on ancient legends and tales. Symbolism is divided into several groups:

  • divine themes (images of Gods);
  • runic themes (images of runoscript or ligature);
  • flora and fauna (animals, plants);
  • ornament with hidden meaning.

Each symbol has a dual meaning. For example, a wolf is a sign of nobility, great strength, but it also indicates the end of the world. Therefore, before choosing a design and getting a tattoo, you should carefully study its interpretation.

The most popular types of tattoos are:

  • the image (face) of Odin, patron of trade, maritime and military affairs;
  • the image of Frigg (Odin’s wife), who gives love, helps to create and maintain a family, the goddess of fertility;
  • the wolf, symbolizing wisdom and physical strength;
  • runic compass - helps to take the right path in life;
  • helmet of horror - protects and protects from enemies;
  • Triad (one of the symbols of Odin) - denotes the unity of body, soul and spirit;
  • Sleipnir (Odin's stallion, which has 8 legs instead of 4) or a pair of ravens - endow its owner with wisdom.

Instead of an ornament, you can get a tattoo in the form of a rune. It should be remembered that “negative” (destructive) runes can change life for the worse, provoke aggression, etc.

There are several runes that provide guaranteed success and improvement of affairs:

  • Ur - changes life for the better, improves health;
  • Laju - develops the subconscious, gives strength;
  • Maine - develops intelligence, helps to gain favor with others;
  • Ken - improves well-being, strengthens friendships and love relationships;
  • Jera - promotes the fulfillment of desires;
  • Horn - protects from enemies, helps to find love, promotes success.

Runic tattoos have enormous energy, so their significance should not be underestimated.

Activation of Scandinavian amulets

To activate the talismans of ancient Scandinavia, you will need to perform a simple ritual. This way the amulets will gain maximum power.

Runologists recommend paying attention to several factors, in particular, for whom the talisman is made (male, female, for the whole family). The optimal time to activate the male amulet is Wednesday, Thursday or Saturday, in daylight; You can ask Odin or Thor for protection. Family amulets are activated on Tuesday or Wednesday, at night, asking for the intercession of Braga.

To activate the Scandinavian amulet, the forces of four elements are attracted, so you need to stock up in advance:

  • coarse rock salt (symbol of the Earth);
  • a wax candle (preferably yellow or white), a symbol of Fire;
  • running (spring) water;
  • incense stick (symbol of Air).

The supplies are laid out on an improvised altar (you can use a table in the house or a stone in the yard), the amulet is placed in the center. Light a candle and incense with matches, calling on each of the elements in turn. The following words are addressed to the talisman:

“I conjure, in the name of Odin, by the power of the Runes, by the words of the High One.”

After this, the main qualities that the amulet should have are clearly spoken out loud. Then it is held for 1-2 minutes over each of the symbols of the elements, at the end it is returned to the center and wait until the candle flame burns out.

There are easier ways to activate Viking amulets. For example, you can meditate on Thor’s Hammer, visually “draw” what you want in front of you, and then, with a sharp exhalation, “transfer” your thoughts to the amulet.

Scandinavian amulets, runes and tattoos have a powerful effect. Their meaning may be different. Positive symbols improve the life of their owner and his family members, promote prosperity and procreation, and protect against negative influences and evil forces. “Destructive” provoke aggression and develop negative character traits.

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