Home Wisdom teeth Articulatory gymnastics (in the form of the fairy tale “The Journey of the Tongue”). Summary of a lesson on educating the sound culture of speech in the middle group Topic: “The Journey of the Merry Tongue Repetition Exercises

Articulatory gymnastics (in the form of the fairy tale “The Journey of the Tongue”). Summary of a lesson on educating the sound culture of speech in the middle group Topic: “The Journey of the Merry Tongue Repetition Exercises

In order for children not to lose interest during the first two exercises, it is necessary to dress them in a fairy tale uniform. Listening to a fairy tale, children become not only performers of exercises, but also active participants in the fabulous journey of the tongue. They “travel” with the tongue and get acquainted with all parts of the speech apparatus: the tongue, lips, teeth, cheeks, and palate. This work achieves the main thing: it is interesting, understandable, and easy for children. Articulation gymnastics helps:

· In order for children not to lose interest during the first two exercises, it is necessary to dress them in a fairy tale uniform. Listening to a fairy tale, children become not only performers of exercises, but also active participants in the fabulous journey of the tongue.

They “travel” with the tongue and get acquainted with all parts of the speech apparatus: the tongue, lips, teeth, cheeks, and palate. This work achieves the main thing: it is interesting, understandable, and easy for children. Articulation gymnastics helps:

· - warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, providing them with the greatest mobility; In order for children not to lose interest in the first two exercises, it is necessary to dress them in a fairy tale uniform. Listening to a fairy tale, children become not only performers of exercises, but also active participants in the fabulous journey of the tongue. They “travel” with the tongue and get acquainted with all parts of the speech apparatus: the tongue, lips, teeth, cheeks, and palate. This work achieves the main thing: it is interesting, understandable, and easy for children. Articulation gymnastics helps:

  • - eliminate tension and stiffness of articulatory muscles;
  • - warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, providing them with the greatest mobility;

    In order for children not to lose interest during the first two exercises, it is necessary to dress them in a fairy tale uniform. Listening to a fairy tale, children become not only performers of exercises, but also active participants in the fabulous journey of the tongue. They “travel” with the tongue and get acquainted with all parts of the speech apparatus: the tongue, lips, teeth, cheeks, and palate. In this work d

    In order for children not to lose interest during the first two exercises, it is necessary to dress them in a fairy tale uniform. Listening to a fairy tale, children become not only performers of exercises, but also active participants in the fabulous journey of the tongue. They “travel” with the tongue and get acquainted with all parts of the speech apparatus: the tongue, lips, teeth, cheeks, and palate. This work achieves the main thing: it is interesting, understandable, and easy for children. Articulation gymnastics helps:

  • - eliminate tension and stiffness of articulatory muscles;
  • - warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, providing them with the greatest mobility;
  • the main thing is realized: it is interesting, understandable, and easy for children. Articulation gymnastics helps:

  • - eliminate tension and stiffness of articulatory muscles;
  • - warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, providing them with the greatest mobility;

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“Articulatory gymnastics (in the form of the fairy tale “The Journey of the Tongue”)”

Articulatory gymnastics (in the form of the fairy tale “The Journey of the Tongue”)

In order for children not to lose interest during the first two exercises, it is necessary to dress them in a fairy tale uniform. Listening to a fairy tale, children become not only performers of exercises, but also active participants in the fabulous journey of the tongue.
They “travel” with the tongue and get acquainted with all parts of the speech apparatus: the tongue, lips, teeth, cheeks, and palate.

This work achieves the main thing: it is interesting, understandable, and easy for children.
Articulation gymnastics helps:

    Eliminate tension and stiffness of the articulatory muscles;

    Warm up the muscles of the tongue, lips, cheeks, jaw, providing them with the greatest mobility;

    Develop facial expressions, articulatory motor skills;

    Develop expressive diction.

    One day Tongue woke up, and it was dark all around mouth closed (lips closed) and scary.
    He began to look for a way out.
    He knocked on one cheek, "pierce" your tongue with your tongue
    to another -
    don't open.
    “Let me push harder!” - thought the Tongue and began to push first one Cheek, and then the other. "pierce" your tongue with your tongue “pierce” the other cheek with your tongue

    There was no exit. Then Tongue decided to look for a way out in another place and poked the top one first, - “pierce” your upper lip with your tongue,
    and then the lower lip. “pierce” the lower lip with your tongue,

    At this time, his mouth yawned and opened. The tongue saw a way out and headed towards it,
    but the Teeth did not let him pass, but began to quietly bite the tip of his tongue, bite
    Tip of the tongue.

    "What are you doing? Why are you biting me?!” - Tongue was indignant. And Teeth replied: “We haven’t chewed anything today.” And they began to chew the tongue, first on one side, and then on the other. chew tongue with side teeth,

    And on the right,
    and on the left side it turned out to be tasteless. chew the tongue on the right, chew the tongue on the left.

    The tongue again tried to squeeze between the Teeth, but they continued to bite it. biting the entire surface of the tongue, stick it out and put it away
    The tongue hid behind the Teeth. But Teeth did not stop and continued to chew.
    They chewed the lower Lip, and then the upper one. bite the entire length of the lower lip,
    bite your upper lip
    The lower lip was offended, stick out your lower lip, giving your face an offended expression,
    and the top one smiled (she was a little ticklish). raise your upper lip, exposing
    upper teeth and giving the face a smiling expression,

    But Teeth still did not calm down. They tried to bite off a piece of the cheek. have a snack
    from the inside of the cheek with the lateral teeth,

    Little Tongue looked at Teeth and thought: “Why are they so angry? Maybe because no one has done anything nice for them today?”
    The tongue began to wash first the upper and then the lower teeth. run your tongue between your lips and upper teeth, as if cleaning them, run your tongue between your lips and lower teeth,
    And once again the top and, of course, the bottom run your tongue between your lips and teeth,

    The teeth looked in the mirror and said: “Oh, how clean! Oh, what beauty! Thank you, Tongue! We won't bite you anymore." bare your teeth, stretching your lips in a smile.

    After the children have “staged” the journey of the tongue, have well remembered the entire text and the sequence of articulatory actions, they can move on to the poetic form of articulatory gymnastics.
    Here is the reed charging:

    Left - pierce the left cheek with your tongue,
    right, pierce the right cheek with your tongue,
    Once, left again,
    two, again the right cheek,
    Up - pierce your upper lip with your tongue,
    down, then the bottom one
    Up down,

    Tongue, don't be lazy!
    Lips, wake up! “vibrato” with lips,
    Mouth, open up! open your mouth wide
    Tongue, show yourself bite the tip of your tongue
    And don't be afraid of teeth! stick your tongue forward and retract it back,
    biting the entire surface of the tongue,

    And the teeth, and the teeth
    They even bite their lips. bite the entire surface of the lower lip,
    They bite, they bite bite the entire surface of the upper lip,
    And they don’t let up.
    And the lips laugh
    They are very offended twist your lower lip, giving your face an offended expression,

    They laugh merrily open your upper teeth in a smile,
    Then they get offended again twist out your lower lip
    My teeth are tired of biting -
    They began to chew their tongue. chew your tongue with your side teeth,
    The tongue is not a cabbage leaf,
    It's not tasty at all!

    Teeth, teeth, calm down,
    Wash yourself thoroughly pass the tongue between the upper lip and teeth,
    Don't be angry, don't bite, pass the tongue between the lower lip and teeth,
    And smile with us! smile.

Appendix No. 2

Dictionary of aesthetic emotions that exist in music as signs of the nature of sound

V. Razhnikov























Clowning around









































    With bravado



Elena Kosinova


You are holding an unusual book in your hands; it will help your child learn to speak correctly and clearly. Writing is formed on the basis of spoken language, so deficiencies in oral language can lead to poor performance in school. The unusualness of this book is that the material presented in it was previously available only to speech therapists; these are articulatory gymnastics - exercises for training the organs of articulation (lips, tongue, lower jaw) necessary for correct sound pronunciation.

In order for a baby to learn to pronounce complex sounds ([s], [z], [sh], [zh], [l], [r]), his lips and tongue must be strong and flexible, hold the required position for a long time, and easily perform multiple transitions from one movement to another. Articulation gymnastics will help you learn all this.

Reasons why you need to do articulatory gymnastics:

1. Some children, thanks to the timely start of articulation gymnastics and exercises to develop speech hearing, can themselves learn to speak clearly and correctly, without the help of a specialist.

2. Children with complex sound pronunciation disorders will be able to quickly overcome their speech problems.
defects, when a speech therapist begins to work with them: their muscles will already be prepared.

3. Articulatory gymnastics is also very useful for children with correct but sluggish sound pronunciation, about whom they say that they have “porridge in their mouth.”

We must remember that clear pronunciation of sounds is the basis for learning to write at the initial stage.

4. Articulation gymnastics classes will allow everyone - both children and adults - to learn to speak correctly, clearly and beautifully.

How to study using this book?

First, introduce your child to the basic positions of the lips and tongue with fun stories about the Tongue. At this stage, the baby should repeat the exercises 2-3 times. Then repeat all the exercises with him, using cards (pp. 49-61) and drawings in the book at least 5-6 times. Cards should be carefully cut out (along the lines) from the indicated pages, glued onto thick cardboard and sealed on the front side with adhesive tape so that the edges do not fray. The cards will help you quickly master all the exercises, so you can practice them without having a book at hand.

Do not forget to complete tasks aimed at developing your voice, breathing and speech hearing. This is very important for correct sound pronunciation.

Repetition exercises (pp. 41 -44) will help you practice certain positions of the organs of articulation necessary to pronounce sounds that cause the greatest difficulty for your baby.

§ At first, the exercises should be performed slowly, in front of a mirror, since the child needs visual control. After the baby gets used to it a little, the mirror can be removed. It is useful to ask your child leading questions. For example: what do lips do? what does the tongue do? where is it located (up or down)?

§ Then the pace of the exercises can be increased and performed countingly. But at the same time, make sure that the exercises are performed accurately and smoothly, otherwise the exercises are meaningless.

§ It is better to practice 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 5-7 minutes, depending on the age and perseverance of the child.

§ When working with 3-4 year old children, make sure they master the basic movements.

§ For children aged 4-5 years, the requirements increase: movements should be increasingly clear and smooth, without twitching.

§ At 6-7 years of age, children perform exercises at a fast pace and are able to hold the tongue position for some time without changes.

§ If during classes the child’s tongue trembles, is too tense, deviates to the side and the child cannot maintain the desired position of the tongue even for a short time, be sure to contact a speech therapist. You may need the help of a speech therapist and a special massage.

Correct pronunciation of sounds, along with a rich vocabulary and grammatically correct, well-developed, coherent speech, is one of the main indicators of a child’s readiness for schooling.

We wish you success!

Fairy tale ZOO

Once upon a time there was a tongue in the world, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And together with Tongue we will go to the zoo: we will portray all the animals that Tongue meets.


So Tongue came to the zoo and saw that someone huge, like a mountain, was sitting in the pond, and his mouth was opening wide. It was... a hippopotamus. Let's turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.

Description of the exercise: open your mouth as wide as possible, hold it in this position until the count of five, then close your mouth. Repeat 3-4 times.

We open our mouth wider,

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouth wide,

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

I count to five.

And then we'll shut our mouths

Hippopotamus is resting

O. Hinn

Additional task: count and show all the fish that swim to the left.


Tongue looked at the hippos and was just about to go further, when he heard: qua-a-a, qua-a-a. They were... That's right, frogs. Let's depict how the frogs smiled.

Description of the exercise: smile, show closed teeth. Hold your lips in this position until the count of “five” (until the count of “ten”), then return your lips to their original position. Repeat 3-4 times.

We imitate frogs:

Pull your lips straight towards your ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I'll see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we won’t get tired at all.

Additional task: Find a dragonfly that is different from the rest.

Description of the exercise: extend your closed lips forward and hold in this position until the count of “five” (then until the count of “ten”), return to the starting position.

2. Tongue looked at the elephant, and he began to draw water with his trunk and water himself and the baby elephant.

Description of the exercise: stretch your lips forward with a straw and “draw” some water, smacking your lips slightly.

I'm getting some water

And I water the kids!

I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with my trunk.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.

Additional task: Look at the buckets and tell me how they differ.


Tongue admired the elephant and went to another cage. And there is no one there, only a long rubber hose lying in the middle. But suddenly the hose began to move, and Yazy-choku saw that it was... a snake. Let's pretend to be a snake!

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth; stick your tongue out of your mouth, then hide it. Repeat 3-4 times.

We imitate the snake

We will be on par with her:

Let's stick out our tongue and hide it,

Only this way, and not otherwise.

Additional task: Look closely at the snakes and find 5 differences.


Tongue watched the snake and moved on. He sees a horse giving rides to children. I wanted to go for a ride myself: “Horse, will you give me a ride?” And the horse answers: “Of course!” Tongue sat down on the horse and shouted “but!” and galloped off. Let's show how Tongue rode a horse.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, click your tongue loudly and energetically. Try to keep the lower jaw motionless and only the tongue “jumping.”

I'm a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the ringing sound of hooves.


Tongue rode, got off the horse and suddenly saw himself in the mirror: “Oh, how shaggy I have become! He must have raced very fast on his horse! I need to comb my hair!” Tongue took out a comb and began to comb his hair. Let's show how he did it.

Description of the exercise: smile, bite your tongue with your teeth. “Drag” the tongue between the teeth back and forth, as if “combing” it.

I'm friends with hair

I'll put them in order.

Thank you for my hair.

And my name is... ( comb).


Tongue put himself in order and suddenly thought: isn’t it time for him to go home? We need to find out what time it is. Show me how the watch works!

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth. Stretch your tongue alternately to the left corner of your mouth, then to the right. Repeat 5-10 times.

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The tongue swayed like this

Like the pendulum of a clock.

Are you ready to play with the clock?

Additional task: Do you know what kind of clock is shown in the little pictures? Name all the ones you know.


I found out what time it is. Unfortunately, it was already too late: it was time to return home. What about a gift for mom? Tongue bought several balloons and began to inflate them, but, unfortunately, some of them burst. Show how Tongue inflated the balloons.

Description of the exercise: inflate one cheek - deflate. Then inflate another and deflate. Inflate alternately 4-5 times.

I blew up a balloon

A mosquito bit him.

The balloon burst.

It doesn’t matter, I’ll inflate a new balloon.

"Goodbye, zoo!" - said Tongue and went home.

Do you remember how you went to the zoo with Tongue? Who did Tongue see first? And then? Do you remember who Tongue saw first: a snake or a horse? And who did Tongue see later: frogs or a hippopotamus? There are animals and objects in the picture that Tongue has not seen. Show them.

Now try to tell and depict who Tongue saw and what he did in the zoo.

Note for adults: you must ensure that the child performs the exercises correctly and clearly, first - counting the adult.


There are three trains in front of you, moving and buzzing.

1. Guess and show which train is buzzing like this: TU-TU-TU! (The adult hums very loudly.)

Show me which train is buzzing like this: tu-tu-tu! (The adult hums in a voice of medium strength.) What kind of train hums like this: tu-tu-tu? (Very quiet.)

2. Now you sound like a train that is traveling next to us; like a train that is moving away from us; like a train that is very far from us.


1. Remember what fairy tale these bears are from. What are the names of the father bear, mother bear and cub?

2. Guess who is growling: a bear, a she-bear or a cub? (An adult growls in a voice of different pitches. The lowest is dad, the tallest is Mishutka, the middle one is mom.)

3. Depict how the bear cub Mishutka, Mama Bear and Papa Bear growl.

4. Guess who's saying this:

Fairy tale FUN WALK

1. Once upon a time there lived a tongue in his house. He woke up early in the morning, opened the window, looked at the weather, and then hid in the house again.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth; stick out your tongue strongly and then hide it (do not close your mouth!). Repeat 3-4 times.

2. Then Tongue looked to the left, looked to the right: were children walking on the street? Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, stretch your tongue to the glue corner of your mouth, then to the right. Repeat 6-8 times.

3. After that, the tongue looked down from the window: were there any puddles? And then up: is the sun shining?

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lower your tongue down to your chin, then raise your tongue to your nose. Repeat 4-5 times. Make sure that your mouth is open at all times and that your lower lip does not help your tongue rise up.


1. Tongue saw that the weather was good and ran for a walk in the yard. I had just stepped off the porch when I heard someone rustling in the grass. Tongue looked more closely: needles were sticking out of the grass. It was... a hedgehog. He ran in circles in the grass: first in one direction, then in the other. Let's show how the hedgehog ran.

Description of the exercise: make circular movements with the tongue between the lips and teeth, first in one direction, then in the other direction. The mouth is closed.

2. The Hedgehog ran into a flower bed. The flowers were so beautiful that Tongue wanted to smell them. He sniffed one flower and exclaimed: “Oh, what it smells!” Another sniffed and again exclaimed: “Oh, what it smells!”

Description of the exercise: inhale through the nose - “smell” the flower; while exhaling, say: “Oh, how it smells!” Repeat 2-3 times.

I have fur in my needles

And there are only a handful of supplies in the hole.

You better not touch me!

I am a prickly gray hedgehog!

Additional task: Find flowers with five petals.


1. Tongue looked around, saw that the guys were playing football, and wanted to join them. Let's play football together with everyone.

Description of the exercise: close your mouth, press the tip of your tongue with tension into one or the other cheek so that “balls” are inflated under the cheek.

2. The guys played with Tongue, and then decided to have a competition to see who could throw the ball the farthest.

Description of the exercise: stretch your lips with a straw and blow onto a cotton ball. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. Make sure your cheeks don't puff out.

There are crowds of people in the courtyard.

There's a football match going on there.

And our goalkeeper, Genka Spitsyn,

You must not miss the ball.

Because he's watching

Katerina playing from the window.

Everyone knows: Genka likes her.

Additional task: show the boy who is about to score a goal: he is wearing a yellow T-shirt, blue shorts, red socks and no cap.


After football, Tongue wanted to swing on a swing: up and down! Have fun swinging with Tongue on the swing!

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, on the count of “one” - lower the tip of your tongue behind the lower teeth, on the count of “two” - raise your tongue behind the upper teeth. Repeat 4-5 times.

The children sat on the swing

And they flew higher than the spruce tree.

We even touched the sun

And then they came back.

Additional tasks:

§ look at the butterfly that sits on Tongue’s hand, and find the same butterflies;

§ show the butterflies that fly to the right;

§ show the butterflies that fly to the left.


Tongue got off the swing and suddenly saw a menacing, angry turkey. The turkey stood in the middle of the yard and cursed terribly. Let's show how the turkey cursed.

I am a “booby-booby” ​​turkey.

Run away in all directions.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue to your upper lip and bend it up, move your tongue back and forth along your upper lip, saying: was-was-was...

Additional task: Find all the caterpillars.

Knead the dough

Tongue got scared and ran home to his mother. And the house smelled of something delicious: it was my mother preparing dough for pancakes and pies. The tongue began to help her knead the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin.

Let's help Tongue too.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, bite your tongue with your teeth - ta-ta-ta...; slap your tongue with your lips - five-five-five...; bite your tongue with your teeth and pull it through your teeth with effort.

Knead the dough, knead it, knead it,

We press the dough, we press, we press,

Afterwards we will take a rolling pin,

Roll out the dough thinly

Let's set the pie to bake.

One two three four five

Isn't it time to take it out?

O. Hinn

Additional task: look at the pictures in the squares and say what is made of flour.


Tongue helped mom knead the dough, and they began to bake pancakes. Let's show what kind of pancake Tongue turned out to be.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, put your wide tongue on your lower lip and hold it motionless for an adult counting to five; then until ten.

We baked some pancakes

Cooled in the window.

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner . O. Hinn

Additional task: Find in the small pictures all the pancakes that look like a big pancake (in the center of the page).


1. Mom and Tongue began to eat pancakes with sour cream and aromatic delicious jam, but they got all their lips dirty. You need to lick your lips carefully.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lick your upper and then lower lip in a circle with your tongue. Perform in one direction and then in the other direction. Repeat 4-5 times.

2. Look carefully, have you licked all the jam? Oh, there’s a little left on my upper lip! Let's lick this jam too.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth; without closing your mouth, lick your upper lip with your tongue; Try not to support your tongue with your lower lip. Repeat 4-5 times.

Damn we ate with pleasure

Got dirty with jam.

To remove the jam from your lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.

Additional task: Look carefully at the pictures and tell me what jam is not usually made from.


Tongue ate pancakes with jam and decided to drink tea. Let's show what a beautiful cup he had.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, stick out your tongue and pull it towards your nose. Try to ensure that the sides of the tongue are bent in the shape of a cup (so that the tea does not spill). Try not to support your tongue with your lower lip. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of five, then ten. Repeat 3-4 times.

We ate delicious pancakes,

We wanted to drink tea.

We pull the tongue towards the nose,

We present a cup of tea.

Additional task: name what is drawn in the small drawings.


1. Tongue drank tea from his beautiful cup, and his mother said to him: “Tongue, it’s time to sleep!”

Before going to bed, Tongue went to wash his face and... that's right, brush his teeth. Come on, you and I will brush our teeth.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, strongly “clean” behind your lower teeth with the tip of your tongue (left to right) at the adult’s count (7-8 times). Then lift the tongue up and brush behind the upper teeth (with your mouth wide open). Repeat 8-10 times.

2. After Tongue brushed his teeth, he began to rinse his mouth. Let's help him!

Description of the exercise: close your mouth, imitate rinsing your mouth.

Tongue washed himself and went to bed.

You need to brush your teeth twice:

Every morning and every evening.

Additional task: find all the same tubes of paste.

1. Look carefully at the drawing and describe the entire walk of the tongue: what is the tongue
did first, what then (you can tell it first in words, and then in action)
do all the exercises).

2. Remember what happened before: Was the tongue swinging on a swing or playing football?

3. There is something in the picture that Tongue did not encounter during his walk. Find these
"extra" items.

4. Demonstrate the entire walk of the Tongue with the help of exercises.


1. Do you remember the name of this fairy tale? Look at the picture and name it
luscious heroes.

2. Guess who's saying this. (The adult speaks for the hare, bear and fox in different ways

3. And now you yourself turn into a hare, a bear and a fox and say: “Kolobok, Kolobok,
I will eat you!" in different voices.


(a game for the development of speech hearing)

Frogs lived in the swamp: a father frog, a mother frog and a little frog. The father frog croaked like this: qua-qua. The mother frog croaked like this: qua-qua-qua. The little frog sang songs like this: qua-qua; qua-qua-qua.

1. Guess who is croaking: dad, mom or little frog? (An adult portrays a mother frog, a baby frog and a father frog.)

2. And now you yourself are croaking: like a father frog, like a mother frog, like a little frog.



Once upon a time there lived a little tongue. He had friends: a frog and an elephant.

Let's turn into a frog and then into an elephant.

Description of the exercise: “once” - smile, show closed teeth, hold your lips in this position; on the count of “two” - pull the closed lips forward and hold in this position. Alternate the movements “frog - elephant” to the count of “one-two”. Repeat 5-6 times.

One is a frog with a thick belly,

Two is a big and kind elephant.

Every day at the edge of the forest

Putting her in a tub,

Like in the shower, that frog

He watered with a hose.

N. Tegipko


1. Tongue had a favorite cat. When the pussy got angry, it arched its back.

Let's show how the pussy got angry and arched its back.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, rest the tip of your tongue behind your lower teeth, arch the “back”, and press the side edges of your tongue against your upper molars. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of eight, then ten.

2. Pussy loved having her back rubbed. Then she stopped being angry and became kind. Let's stroke the pussy.

Description of the exercise: tongue in the “angry pussy” position; press it with your upper teeth and “scratch” it in the direction from the root of the tongue to the tip. Repeat 5-6 times.

Look out the window

There you will see a cat.

The cat arched its back

She hissed and jumped...

Pussy angry

Don't come close!


A cheerful stream flowed near Tongue's house. The tongue decided to make a boat with a sail and send it sailing. The boat turned out very beautiful, with a pink sail. Let's show what kind of sail the boat had.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, raise the tip of your tongue and place it on the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth. Hold your tongue in this position for a count of eight; then until ten. Lower your tongue and repeat the exercise 2-3 times.

A boat sails along the river,

The boat takes the kids for a walk.

Additional task: Do you know what is drawn in the small pictures?


Tongue launched the boat into the stream, and he ran along the shore to see how far it would float. Suddenly Tongue saw a painter who was painting the roof of a house with bright blue paint. Let's show how the painter painted the roof.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue up and run the tip of your tongue across the roof of your mouth from your upper teeth to your throat and back. Perform slowly, counting to eight.

I got up this morning

And the village did not recognize:

Every pillar and every house

Was painted by a painter.

If you want to live like in a fairy tale,

Call paint for help!

N. Tegipko

Additional task: walk along the paths and find out what kind of paint the painter will use to paint the fence and what kind to paint the roof.


While Tongue watched the painter paint the fence, the boat with the sail sailed far, far away. Tongue rushed to catch up with the boat. Suddenly something flashed in the grass. Tongue stopped to look and saw that it was a mushroom. Let's show what kind of mushroom Tongue saw.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, “glue” (suck) your tongue to the roof of your mouth. Make sure your mouth is wide open when doing this. If you can’t immediately “glue” the tongue to the palate, invite the child to slowly click his tongue. Let the baby feel how the tongue “sucks” to the palate.

Under the birch tree, by the path

The mushroom grows on a thick stalk.

We can't pass by

We will put the mushroom in the basket.

Additional task: Tell me, what are these mushrooms called? Help Tongue collect only edible mushrooms.


1. Tongue collected a full basket of mushrooms and suddenly heard someone knocking. He raised his head up - and this was a woodpecker sitting on a pine tree and knocking on the trunk with its beak. Let's imitate a woodpecker knocking.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth, lift your tongue up. With the tip of the tongue, forcefully “hit” the tubercles (alveoli) behind the upper teeth and pronounce the sounds: “d-d-d...”. Perform 10-20 seconds slowly at first, then faster and faster. Make sure that only the tip of the tongue “works” and that the tongue itself does not jump.

Then the woodpecker began to knock differently: “D-dd, D-dd... (the highlighted sound is pronounced more strongly). “Tap” and do this with your tongue for 10-15 seconds.

2. And then like this: “dd-D, dd-D...”. Perform for 10-15 seconds.

A woodpecker sits on a trunk,

He knocks on it with his beak.

Knock and knock, knock and knock

A loud sound is heard.

Additional task: Help the woodpecker find all the harmful bugs that are hidden under the bark of the tree.


The tongue listened to the sound of a woodpecker knocking and moved on. Suddenly, someone squeaked subtly above his ear, and Tongue felt that someone had bitten his abdomen. “Oh, you evil, nimble mosquito!” - Tongue shouted and began to catch a mosquito. Let's show how the angry mosquito rang.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, lift your tongue up and rest it on the tubercles (alveoli). Try to pronounce “zzzz”, but not abruptly, but protractedly, for 10-15 seconds. Remember that the mosquito is angry, so press your tongue on the tubercles vigorously.

Arrives at night

He doesn't let us sleep:

Evil rings, curls over your ear,

It’s just not given into your hands.

Additional task: Guess which flower each butterfly will choose.


The tongue of the mosquito did not catch and the sad one moved on. Suddenly he heard the cheerful sounds of an accordion. “I wonder who’s playing that? I’ll go and have a look!” - thought Tongue and ran into the clearing.

He sees a hare sitting on a stump and playing funny songs on an accordion. Let's play the harmonica.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, “suck” your tongue to the roof of your mouth (see exercise “Mushroom”, no. 34). Without letting go of your tongue, lower your lower jaw strongly, close your mouth and open it wide again without changing the position of your tongue. Repeat 4-5 times.

Come on, open your mouth, little ones.

Let's play the harmonica!

We don’t let go of the tongue

Just open your mouth.

One two three four five,

It's easy for us to repeat!

Additional task: Do you know the names of the musical instruments drawn in the small pictures? What are the names of the musicians who play these instruments?


1. The bunny played his funny song and said to Tongue: “Help me start the engine in the car, and I’ll let you steer for it!” And the tongue began to help the hare start the engine. Let's try to start the engine.

Description of the exercise: smile, open your mouth wide, raise your tongue up, forcefully hit the tubercles behind your upper teeth (alveoli) with the tip of your tongue and say: “dyn-dyn-dyn...” (slowly at first, then faster and faster). Repeat for 5-10 seconds.

2. Now let’s start the engine like this: “DYN - melon, melon; DYN - melon, melon..." (the highlighted syllable must be pronounced more strongly, placing emphasis on it). Repeat 4-5 times.

Tongue helped the bunny start the engine, and they went to the bunny’s garden to water the cabbage.

Well, let's help the bunny:

Let's start the engine quickly.

And to the sunny lawn

The driver will take him there.

Over the potholes the gray bunny -

“Dyn-dyn-dyn” - flies forward,

And will have time on the lawn

He weeded the garden.

A car speeds along the highway,

It growls in all directions.

There's a dashing driver behind the wheel,

“Dyn-dyn-dyn” - the engine hums.

N. Tegipko

Look carefully at the drawing and try to remember all the adventures of Tongue. What kind of friends did Tongue have? Who did he meet during his journey? What happened first: The tongue made a boat or met a woodpecker? What happened later: the meeting with the hare or with the painter? Show through exercises all the adventures of Tongue.


(a game that helps the perception and reproduction of various rhythms)

Now we will learn to play the drum. First, listen carefully, and then repeat after me exactly. (The adult knocks, then the child repeats the rhythm. You can knock with a finger, palm, pencil. A large circle indicates a strong blow, a small circle a weaker one.)

1. Look how many musical instruments there are. Do you know their names? (The adult names the instruments and depicts how they can be played.)

2. Now imagine how you will play the piano, button accordion, pipe, drum, violin, guitar.


Exercises for correct pronunciation of sounds [С], [Сь], , [Зь], [Ц].

Here are exercises to help you pronounce whistling sounds correctly. All of them are already familiar to your child, so it will be easy for him to repeat them. Do these exercises more often, and it will be easier for your baby to learn to pronounce the sounds [С], [Сь], , [Зь], [Ц].


Exercises to help you pronounce the sounds [P], [Рь] correctly.

Morning with the cat Muzik

(O.N. Arsenevskaya)

Kitty Muzik got up in the morning,

I ran to brush my teeth.

Right-left, right-left

We brush our teeth skillfully.

Let's rinse your mouth

Like a neat little cat.

Our muzik took the comb,

And he began to comb his hair.

We are not far behind him;

Let's exercise!

Muzik arches his back.

Muzik arches his back.

And now our tongue is a ball.

Let's start the football match!

We scored a goal! Hooray!!

Now it's time for breakfast:

The cat baked pancakes for us,

They are with sour cream.

How does Kitty like sour cream?

Lick your mouth quickly.

Now let's have some tea.

We'll pour some tea into a cup.

Muzik is full, Muzik is happy!

Muzik loves all the guys!

Fun walk

(E. M. Kosinova)

Once upon a time there lived a tongue in his house. He woke up early in the morning, opened the window, and looked at the weather. And then he hid in the house again.

Tongue saw that the weather was good and had lunch and went for a walk in the yard. I had just stepped off the porch when I heard someone rustling in the grass. Tongue looked more closely: needles were sticking out of the grass. It was... a hedgehog. He ran in circles in the grass: first in one direction, then in the other. Let's show how the hedgehog ran.

The hedgehog ran into a flower bed. The flowers were so beautiful that Tongue wanted to smell them. He sniffed one flower and exclaimed: “Oh, what it smells!” Another sniffed and again exclaimed: “Oh, what it smells!”


I have fur in my needles

And the hole of supplies is a slide.

You better not touch me!

I am a prickly gray hedgehog!

O. Perova

Tongue looked around and saw that the guys were playing football. And he wanted to join them. Let's play football with them.


There are crowds of people in the courtyard.

There's a football match going on there.

And our goalkeeper, Genka Spitsyn,

You must not miss the ball.

Because he's watching

Playing from the window

Katerina. Everyone knows:

Genka likes her.

After football, Tongue wanted to swing on a swing: up and down! Have fun swinging with Tongue on the swing!


The children sat on the swing

And they flew higher than the spruce tree.

We even touched the sun

And then they came back.

Tongue got off the swing and suddenly saw a menacing, angry turkey. The turkey stood in the middle of the yard and cursed terribly. Let's show how the turkey cursed.


I am a “booby-booby” ​​turkey.

Run away in all directions.

Tongue got scared and ran home to his mother. And the house smelled of something delicious: it was my mother preparing dough for pancakes and pies. The tongue began to help her knead the dough and roll it out with a rolling pin.

Let's help Tongue too.

Knead the dough

We knead the dough, knead it, knead it,

Press the dough, press it, press it,

Afterwards we will take a rolling pin,

Roll out the dough thinly

Let's set the pie to bake.

One two three four five -

Isn't it time to take it out?

O. Perova

Tongue helped mom knead the dough, and they began to bake pancakes. Let's show what kind of pancake Tongue turned out to be.


We baked some pancakes

Cooled in the window.

We will eat them with sour cream,

Let's invite mom to dinner.

O. Perova

Mom and Tongue began to eat pancakes with sour cream and aromatic delicious jam, but they got all their lips dirty. You need to lick your lips carefully.

Delicious jam

Damn we ate with pleasure -

Got dirty with jam.

To remove the jam from your lips,

The mouth needs to be licked.

Tongue ate pancakes with jam and decided to drink tea. Let's show what a beautiful cup he had.


We ate delicious pancakes,

We wanted to drink tea.

We pull the tongue towards the nose,

We present a cup of tea.

Tongue drank tea from his beautiful cup, and his mother said to him: “Tongue, it’s time to sleep!”

Before going to bed, Tongue went to wash his face and brush his teeth. Come on, you and I will brush our teeth.

Brushing our teeth

You need to brush your teeth twice:

Every morning and every evening.

Cheerful frog

(M.V. Malets)

Right next to the swamp

Among the green hummocks

There lived a cheerful little frog -

Mama's boy.

He was very, very nice

And he was friends with everyone.

He smiled at his friends

He will smile at us too,

I’ll smile at him too

I like it, friends!

Exercise “Smile”

The teeth are closed.

Lips in a smile. Upper

and the lower incisors are visible.

Smile widely

Very simple and easy:

Like a frog

Pull to the ears

Lips. We smile.

It turns out great!

Well done! We are trying!

Frog from an early age

Get yourself lunch

I had to do it myself.

It wasn't easy for him.

He got food himself

I got up before dawn

And under the hummock of a leaf

He stretched his tongue:

To get mosquitoes,

He must become mobile.

Exercise "Pancake"

The mouth is open.

Lips in a smile.

Wide anterior edge of tongue

put it on your lower lip.

The lateral edges of the tongue touch

corners of the mouth.

Recharge it again

We'll do it in order.

Five-five-five -

Five-five-five -

Your tongue is a spatula!

On the spatula and on the pancake

Our language is now similar

He is obedient and diligent

And that's why it's good!

Exercise "Needle"

The mouth is open.

Stick your narrow tongue out of your mouth.

I'm tired of relaxing!

Let's push ourselves to the limit!

The tongue is now a “needle”

Although it is spicy, it is not bitter!

And now without regret

We alternate exercises:

“Pancake” - sharp “needle” -

Relaxation - tension.

Exercise "Clock"

The mouth is open. Use the tip of your tongue to touch alternately one or the other corner of your mouth.

“Watch” - “tick-tock, tick-tock!”

Try, do this:

Tongue is a “needle”, smile,

Touch the corners of your lips with a needle.

Like a pendulum tongue:

Tick-tick! Tick-tick!

Tick-tick! Tick-tick!

Exercise “Brushing your teeth”

The mouth is open. Tubes in a smile. Using the wide tip of your tongue, move first along the upper teeth, and then along the lower teeth, from left to right and back.

Little frog brushes his teeth

Every day, every day!

Brushing a frog's teeth

Well, not lazy at all!

Upper teeth outside

Cleans. Cleans inside too.

Admire it, look.

Lower teeth outside

Then he cleans it cleanly.

Right - left, left - right,

Everyone needs to remember this:

The lower jaw is in place!

We “brush our teeth” together!

Exercise "Swing"

The mouth is open. Raise the wide tip of the tongue to the upper lip and then lower it to the lower lip. After this, pull the tongue alternately towards the nose and chin.

The little frog cheated a little,

He shouted as loud as he could:

“Hey, mosquitoes, swing!

On the swing, on the swing!

I made you a swing!

I'll rock you myself!

Mouth open

Lips in a smile

Flexible tongue tip

Will rock you for now

Up and down,

To the lip and to the nose,

Enjoy without question!”

Exercise "Cup"

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Stick your tongue out of your mouth. Raise the lateral edges and the tip of the tongue, lower the middle part of the back of the tongue, bend downwards.

A mosquito landed on my tongue,

But he failed to take off!

Caught right in the cup!

It remained in the “cup”!

Exercise “Chatterer”

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Use the wide front edge of your tongue to move back and forth across your upper lip.

The frog is very cute

He praised himself:

“Bl-bl-bl, bl-bl-bl!

I caught mosquitoes myself!

Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah!

I had enough strength!

The tongue is wide, flat,

Like a pancake or boards,

I wrapped it in a cup

The tongue was pulled towards the nose.

Exercise “Delicious jam”

The mouth is open. Lips in a smile. Wide With the tip of your tongue, lick first the upper and then the lower lip from one corner of the mouth to the other.

He licked his lips with pleasure:

“My lunch tastes better than jam!”

This is the end of the poem -

Exercise every day.

Then you will drive away laziness!

If you drive laziness away,

You will be full every day!

Cheerful tongue

(V.N. Chernyakova)

There lived a cheerful tongue,

Children stretch their lips into a smile, performing voluntary movements with their tongue at a fast pace.

Locked on a hook.

Make the tongue narrow, the tip is raised up.

At least he lived alone

I never lost heart.

I woke up early in the morning,

I started charging.

Hands up and hands down

Move the tongue up and down behind the teeth with gradual acceleration.

And then you bend over.

The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper molars and the front part of the back of the tongue is raised, resting its tip against the lower front incisors.

And then jump, run -

The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the teeth, the tongue is wide, as if glued to the palate.

There's no time for fun here.

Using a narrow tongue, perform horizontal movements, left and right (the tempo changes).

My tongue is tired

He even stabbed the barrel.

They try to make the tongue likemaybebut already.

He went to wash himself

He found a brush in the bathroom.

The tip of the tongue behind the upper and lower teeth is used to move from top to bottom and vice versa.

I brushed my teeth, rinsed,

Simulates rinsing the mouth.

And when he washed himself, he sparkled.

Lick your lips with the tip of your tongue.

And tongue for breakfast

Drank some warm tea

The tongue is wide, its edges are raised and form a small depression in the back of the tongue.

With delicious jam,

With the front wide part of the tongue, lick either the upper or lower lip.

With great pleasure.

They smile with their teeth clenched.

The tongue got to work -

And the work began to boil:

The tongue is wide, the lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the molars, and the lower incisors are cleaned with the tip, as if from bottom to top.

Sweeped, whitewashed and washed -

They practice lifting the tongue and its mobility.

He didn't forget anything.

The wide tip of the tongue touches the palate forward.

He went for a walk

Using a narrow tongue, perform horizontal movements left and right (the tempo changes).

He found a lot of fun:

I had fun going down the hill,

The lateral edges of the tongue are pressed against the upper teeth and the front part of the back of the tongue is raised, resting its tip against the lower incisors.

Swung on a swing

Move your tongue up and down with gradual acceleration.

I rode on a horse,

Press the tongue to the palate and lower it down (click).

And he never fell.

And then he returned home,

Place the tongue in a lower position and relax by clenching your teeth.

He closed the door and smiled.

They lower their tongue down, clench their teeth and smile.

Our funny tongue

Had a nice day:

I worked hard, I rested,

Make the tongue wide.

I played enough and fell asleep.

Place the tongue in a lower position, relax it, and clench the teeth.

Deniskina exercises

(E.B. Smirnova)


Tongue up and down -Denis sat on the swing.Here's a swing highHere's the swing low.

How good is it? Have fun Deniska!


Tip of the tongue

sticks in your teeth,Let's bend the back of the tongue -It turns out to be a slide.

Quickly, quickly down the hillDenis is sledding.


Here is Deniskin's steamerSwims boldly across the sea.Not afraid of a steep wave,He buzzes cheerfully: “Y-y-y.”


Who plays the guitarAnd Denis is on the pipe:He pulled his lips forward with a narrow, narrow tube.


Denis has a watchAmazingly beautiful!

Arrows go around in circles

And they want to catch up with each other.


Recently Grandma AnfisaI bought a drum for Denis.And now he's busy:Drums loudly and loudly.


Our Deniska is a mischief maker,Pulls lips towards ears.“Look,” he says,

I'm a frog now!


If Denis

Bad mood

Our Deniska eats

Delicious jam.

Need an upper lipSpread with jam

And a wide tongueLick everything at once.


(E.M. Kosinova)

Once upon a time there was a tongue in the world, and he wanted to go to the zoo. And we will go with him: we will depict all the animals that the tongue meets.

So Tongue came to the zoo and saw that someone huge, like a mountain, was sitting in the pond, and his mouth was opening wide. It was... a hippopotamus. Let's turn into hippos and open our mouths wide.


We open our mouth wider,

We play hippos:

Let's open our mouth wide,

Like a hungry hippo.

You can't close it

Yes, I count five.

And then we close our mouths -

A hippopotamus is resting.

O. Perova

Tongue looked at the hippos and was just about to go further, when he heard: qua-a-a, qua-a-a. They were... That's right, frogs. Let's depict how the frogs smiled.


We imitate frogs:

Pull your lips straight towards your ears.

You are now pulling your lips -

I'll see your teeth.

We will pull - we will stop

And we won’t get tired at all.


I will imitate the elephant!

I pull my lips with a proboscis.

And now I'm letting them go

And I return it to its place.

Tongue admired the elephant and went to another cage. And there is no one there, only a long rubber hose lying in the middle. But suddenly the hose began to move, and Tongue saw that it was... a snake. Let's pretend to be a snake!


We imitate the snake

We will be on par with her:

Let's stick out our tongue and hide it,

Only this way, and not otherwise.

Tongue watched the snake and moved on. He sees a horse giving rides to children. I wanted to go for a ride myself: “Horse, will you give me a ride?” And the horse answers: “Of course!” Tongue sat down on the horse and shouted “but!” and galloped off. Let's show how Tongue rode a horse.


I'm a happy horse

Dark as chocolate.

Click your tongue loudly -

You will hear the ringing sound of hooves.

Tongue rode, got off the horse and suddenly saw himself in the mirror: “Oh, how shaggy I have become! He must have raced very fast on his horse! I need to comb my hair!” Tongue took out a comb and began to comb his hair. Let's show how he did it.


I'm friends with hair

I'll put them in order.

I'm grateful for my hair.

And my name is... comb.

Tongue put himself in order and suddenly thought: isn’t it time for him to go home? We need to find out what time it is. Show me how the watch works!


Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

The tongue swayed like this

Like the pendulum of a clock.

Are you ready to play with the clock?

I found out what time it is. Unfortunately, it was already too late: it was time to return home. What about a gift for mom? Tongue bought several balloons and began to inflate them, but, unfortunately, some of them burst. Show how Tongue inflated the balloons.


I inflated the balloon.

A mosquito bit him.

The balloon burst. No problem!

I'll inflate a new balloon.

Fun articulation gymnastics

(N.V. Nishcheva)

The hippopotamus opened its mouth

I held it. Then he closed it.

We'll tease the hippopotamus -

I want to make fun of him.

Open and close your mouth wide

Above the oak, above the spruce

We took off on the swing.

Tell me, would you be able to

Using your tongue to “pump a swing”?


Puppy smiles

Teeth on display.

I could do the same

Here look. Now.


The bird's beak is very sharp

And thin, sharp, like a needle.

Take a look at the page next to it:

My tongue is like a beak



The baby elephant pulls his proboscis,

He's about to get a banana.

Fold the sponges into a tube

And show the baby elephant.


Language is like the pendulum of a clock,

Ready to swing again and again.

The kitten smiles

He, like you, tries.

Pendulum (Clock)

The hamster will puff out his cheeks,

He has grain in bags.

We'll puff out our cheeks too,

Let's help the hamster now.

Hamster (cheek puffing)

All the people know this:

The bear loves delicious honey.

He licks his lip with his tongue

And he will sit closer to the honey.

Delicious honey

The dog is tired and breathing tiredly.

And you can’t even run after a cat


The wide tongue will rest,

lie down

And again the dog runs after the cat.


Bend your tongue like a back

This red cat arched.

Well, look at the picture:

He's walking across the bridge.

Bridge (Pussy is angry)

Kitten loves milk:

You pour it and there’s not a drop


Lacquers quickly and easily

Sticking out your tongue like a spatula.

Kitten lapping milk

Squirrel cracks nuts

Thoroughly, without haste.

We press the tongue

Left-right, sideways.

Oreshki (Football)

Let's bend the edges of the tongue,

Do the same as me.

The tongue lies wide

And, like a cup, deep.


The Tale of the Frog and its Merry Tongue

(M.V. Rogozhnikova)

Speech therapist. Once upon a time there lived a frog-frog on the edge of the forest, she was very funny, cheerful, because she loved to sing a song (music sounds). One day a frog frog sits and sees butterflies. She asks them.

Wah. Kva-kva-kva, butterflies, what happened to you, why don’t you fly?

Butterflies. How can we fly, frog-frog, if dark clouds have come and wet our wings with rain?

Wah. Yes, if only a breeze would help you, but in this weather it doesn’t blow.

Butterflies. What to do, who will help us?

Wah. Don't worry, butterflies, the guys will help you. They will blow on you, your wings and dry out.

Speech therapist. You need to take a deep breath in through your nose and exhale slowly, long through your mouth. Come and stand closer. (Shows a diagram of a breathing exercise.)

Breathing exercise “Blow on butterflies”

Inhale-exhale (children blow on butterflies, then sit down).

Speech therapist. So the wings of the butterflies dried out. How beautifully they fly!

Butterflies. Thank you guys! And thank you, frog frog, for your help.

Wah. Kwa-kwa, please.

Exercise "Smile"

Speech therapist. Show me how the frog smiled at the butterflies? (Count from 1 to 10.)

The children do it.

The frog turned, looked at the guys and also smiled. Smile at her.

Kwaka loves to smile,

The quack's mouth reaches to his ears,

At least sew on the ties.

Speech therapist. A frog-frog sits on the edge of the forest and sees a beautiful flower blooming, she admires its beauty: “Kwa-kwa, how beautiful!” And she smiled at him too. Smile at the flower. (Count from 1 to 10.)

The children do it.

The frog-frog was cheerful and his tongue was jumping up and down. Let's swing too.

Exercise "Swing"

Speech therapist. Smile wider:

I swing on a swing

Up and down, up and down,

I'm rising higher and higher

And then I go downstairs.

The tongue is tired.

Exercise "Spatula"

Place your tongue with a spatula

And hold it a little

The tongue needs to be relaxed

And keep it counted,

One two three four five -

The tongue can be removed.

The frog-frog wanted to say something, but his tongue stopped obeying her, he needs to be punished.

Exercise “Punish the naughty tongue”

Children say: five-five-five (5 times).

Speech therapist. The frog wanted to drink tea, but there was no cup, let's make a cup.

Exercise "Cup"

Speech therapist.

Place your tongue with a spatula

And raise the edges,

It turned out to be a cup

Round cup.

We will bring the cup into the house.

Press its edges to your teeth.

The frog-frog drank tea from a cup and closed his eyes with pleasure. And close your eyes. The frog-frog sits like this, listens to the silence of the forest, and suddenly hears... (includes wind-up horse) the horse clatters its hooves. The frog liked this sound and let it click its tongue like a horse.

Exercise "Horse"

Children cluck (from 1 to 10 times).

Speech therapist. The frog-frog looked around and suddenly saw: a fungus was growing, she smiled then and made a fungus with her tongue.

Exercise "Fungus"

Speech therapist. Smile wider - make a mushroom.

Mushroom fungus,

Oily side

Silver leg,

Jump into the basket.

(Places the fungus in a basket and hangs it on the frog’s leg.)

The frog frog was happy that she had found a fungus in the forest; she wanted to sing a song to the accordion, but she didn’t have an accordion.

Wah. Play the harmonica, guys, and I’ll sing you songs.

Exercise "Accordion"

Speech therapist. Smile, make a mushroom, lips in a smile. (Includes a frog song, children play the accordion.)

Speech therapist. This is where the fairy tale ends, and whoever listened - well done!

Did you like the fairy tale? Then next time the frog will come and tell a new tale!

Articulatory fairy tales

(T.V. Metzler)

Once upon a time there lived a cheerful tongue

In a small house

Transformed into whatever he could

To the delight of all the kids.

Here in spatula turned

And it fell apart on the sponge.

Spread out, stretched out

And he smiled with his lips.

Here the mouth opened wide,

The tongue went up

Stretched, bent

And he became cupped for all.

And now our tongue is sharp,

He became thin as a needle.

Pull your tongue

And prick with a needle.

On a thin leg

Costs fungus by the path.

Your tongue to the palate

stick it on

And pick the mushroom.

They're walking watch tick tock,

There's no way you can stop them.

To the left - tick, to the right - yes,

Tick ​​tock, tick tock.

And now look, -

It's galloping horses.

Click your tongue

Like their hooves.

Our tongue wanted:

On swing flew!

They fly up and down.

You are with them

take a ride.

Loves Tongue very much

delicious jam,

He cooked for friends

this is a treat.

The jam is nice

tasty, aromatic.

Lift your tongue, jam

lick it from the sponge.

Our tongue is like a snake

not afraid

He can get into it


Back and forth,

back and forth,

He won't scare the guys!

How painter our Tongue,

Painted it with a brush


Not the attic, but the sky!

He has a lot to do!

This is how our Tongue lives

In a small house

Turns into everything

To the joy of all the kids!

The Tale of the Merry Tongue

(T.V. Metzler)

In the same house, my friend,

Cheerful Tongue lives,

Oh, and he's smart


And a little naughty.

Tongue opened the window,

And it's warm outside.

Our tongue stretched out

He smiled broadly at us.

Spread out like spatula,

Lying on my lip

And again he went home.

Then he decided to drink tea fromcalyxes. Ate delicious jam, licked his lips. Tongue decided to go for a walk. He got on his horse and galloped off. I galloped into the clearing, and theremushrooms grow. He began to pick them: one mushroom, a second, a third... And suddenly a snake crawls towards him, it is not evil, the tongue played with it too. He gallops on. Sees -painters painting the house with brushes. The tongue turned into a brush and helped them. And they stood near the houseswing. The tongue swung up and down, up and down on them. He looked atwatch: tick-tock, tick-tock, time to go home, weirdo! On the way home, Tongue met a frog and an elephant.Frog taught him to smile widely: she really likes to pull his mouth right to his ears! They pulled, stopped, pulled, stopped and didn’t get tired at all!

A elephant showed how he plays with his proboscis:

I imitate an elephant -

I pull my lips with my proboscis.

They pulled, they stopped,

Pulled, stopped

And not at all tired!

The sun hid behind the mountain,

The tongue went home.

He locked the door,

He lay down in bed and fell silent.

The Adventures of Tongue

(E.M. Kosinova)

Once upon a time there lived a little tongue. He had friends: a frog and an elephant. Let's turn into a frog and then into an elephant.

Frog and elephant

One is a frog with a thick belly,

Two is a big and kind elephant.

Every day at the edge of the forest

Putting her in a tub,

Like in the shower, that frog

He watered with a hose.

Tongue had a favorite cat. When the pussy got angry, it arched its back. Let's show how the pussy got angry and arched its back.

Pussy is angry

Look out the window -

There you will see a cat.

The cat arched its back.

She hissed and jumped...

Pussy got angry -

Don't come close!

A cheerful stream flowed near Tongue's house. The tongue decided to make a boat with a sail and send it sailing. The boat turned out very beautiful, with a pink sail. Let's show what kind of sail the boat had.


A boat sails along the river,

The boat takes the kids for a walk.

Tongue launched the boat into the stream, and he ran along the shore to see how far it would float. Suddenly Tongue saw a painter who was painting the roof of a house with bright blue paint. Let's show how the painter painted the roof.


I got up this morning

And the village did not recognize:

Every pillar and every house

Was painted by a painter.

If you want to live like in a fairy tale,

Call paint for help!

While Tongue watched the painter paint the fence, the boat with the sail sailed far, far away. The tongue rushed to catch up with the boat. Suddenly something flashed in the grass. Tongue stopped to look and saw that it was a mushroom. Let's show what kind of mushroom Tongue saw.


Under the birch tree by the path

The mushroom grows on a thick stalk.

We can't pass by

We will put the mushroom in the basket.

Tongue collected a full basket of mushrooms and suddenly heard someone knocking. He raised his head up - and this was a woodpecker sitting on a pine tree and knocking on the trunk with its beak. Let's imitate a woodpecker knocking.


A woodpecker sits on a trunk,

He knocks on it with his beak.

Knock and knock, knock and knock -

A loud sound is heard.

Tongue listened to the woodpecker knocking and went on. Suddenly, someone squeaked subtly above his ear, and Tongue felt that someone had bitten his abdomen. “Oh, you evil, nimble mosquito!” - Tongue shouted and began to catch a mosquito. Let's show how the angry mosquito rang.


Arrives at night

Doesn't let us sleep:

Evil rings, curls above your ear,

It’s just not given into your hands.

The tongue of the mosquito did not catch and the sad one moved on. Suddenly he heard the cheerful sounds of an accordion. “I wonder who’s playing that? I’ll go and have a look!” - thought Tongue and ran into the clearing.

He sees a hare sitting on a stump and playing funny songs on an accordion. Let's play the harmonica.


Come on, open your mouth, little ones.

Let's play the harmonica!

We don’t let go of the tongue

Just open your mouth.

One two three four five,

It's easy for us to repeat!

O. Perova

The bunny played his funny song and said to Tongue: “Help me start the engine in the car, and I’ll let you steer for it!” And the tongue began to help the hare start the engine. Let's try to start the engine.

Start the engine

A car is speeding along the highway.

It growls in all directions.

There's a dashing driver behind the wheel,

“Dyn-dyn-dyn” - the engine hums.

Well, let's help the bunny:

Let's start the engine quickly.

And to the sunny lawn

The driver will take him there.

Over the potholes the gray bunny -

“Dyn-dyn-dyn” - flies forward,

And will have time on the lawn

He weeded the garden.

At grandma and grandpa's

Fat grandchildren came to visit

They are thin - just skin and bones.

Grandma and Grandpa smiled at everyone.

They reached out to kiss everyone.

In the morning we woke up with a smile on our lips,

We brush our upper teeth

Right and left, inside and outside,

We are also friends with the lower teeth.

We will press our lips together and rinse our mouths

And we puff on the samovar as much as we can.

We’ll put out saucers and they’ll put pancakes for us.

We blow on the pancake - not on the cheeks, not past it.

We chew the pancake, wrap it and bite it

Pancake with raspberry jam is delicious.

We'll put the cups down so they can pour some tea,

We blew on our nose - we cooled the tea.

We drank tea - no one was offended.

The breakfast was delicious, we'll lick our lips.

Grandma was sewing, and Barsik was with a spool

He ran as if with a living animal.

We always help our grandmother:

We thread the needles for her.

Grandmother sewed seams on a typewriter

And switched it to zigzag.

She swept the loops with a needle,

I sewed on round buttons.

Grandfather made a swing for his grandchildren.

We all managed to swing on them.

After the swing we played hide and seek

They hid in the attic and basement.

Grandfather rides his horse skillfully,

The bells get stuck in the clay of a horseshoe.

Here the horse slows down in small steps,

Here at the edge of the forest we see mushrooms

Here the turkey came from the barn,

She said importantly: “BL-BL-BL-LA”

(Puff out our cheeks.)

(We suck in our cheeks.)

(Lips in a wide smile, upper and lower teeth visible.)

(Lips move forward.)

(Again big smile.)

(Wide tongue behind upper teeth.)

(Appropriate movements in a broad language.)

(Repeat these movements with the tongue in the position behind the lower teeth.)

(Alternately puffing out the cheeks - the lips do not allow air to pass through.)

(Simultaneous inflation of both cheeks followed by release of air through the lips.)

(The wide tongue lies on the lower lip.)

(Blow on a wide tongue.)

(We chew the spread tongue, then bite it, wrapping it behind the lower teeth.)

(Lick the upper lip with a wide tongue from front to back.)

(We bend the wide tongue upward into a cup)

(Blow upward from the “cup.”)

(“The cup” moves back and forth.)

(The tip of the tongue licks the lips in a circle.)

(We hook the tip of the tongue to the lower lips and move the tongue back and forth.)

(The narrow tongue is extended forward.)

(The narrow tongue moves back and forth.)

(The narrow tongue moves left and right.)

(The tip of the tongue makes a circle behind the lips.)

(The tip of the tongue rests on one or the other

cheek, and the finger tries to push it into the mouth.)

(The wide tongue is placed alternately behind the upper and lower teeth.)

(The wide tongue is tucked under the upper lip.)

(Wide tongue - under the lower lip.)

(Click our tongue.)

(Clicking on the upper lip.)

(Slow clicking sound with tension on the hyoid ligament.)

(We suck our tongue to the roof of our mouth and open our mouth.)

(The wide tongue moves back and forth along the upper lip; we do the exercise with the voice.)

Articulation tales

(N.A. Lukina)


- Children, now we will fly into space. Let's prepare the rocket for flight: clean the motors(Articulation exercise “Let’s brush our teeth”, or the exercises known to all speech therapists “Painters”, “Delicious jam”); let's blow out the turbines(“Who will hit the ball first?”, “Focus”, “Musical bubble”); Let's check the training of astronauts(Exercises from different complexes). Ready to fly! Now - into space! Going into orbit(Circular movements of the lips and tongue extended into a tube). Let's land on this planet(Articulation exercise - the basis for sound production, the automation of which will be worked on in class). On our planet there are words with sounds [...](Automation of sounds).

Lazy kitten

Once upon a time there lived a lazy kitten. He lay on the porch the whole time.(Exercise “spatula”.) His grandmother spanked him once(five-five-five): “You can’t catch mice!” The kitten got offended and went into the forest. He walks along the path, it is sometimes wide, sometimes narrow.(The tongue is wide and narrow.) Now a hill, now a lowland.(Tongue up and down.) Suddenly he saw a fence.(Exercise “fence”.) Behind the fence there was a house with windows.(“Smile tube.”) There was a cockerel living in the house. They began to live together. The kitten helped the cockerel make repairs - he painted the ceiling.("Painter".) Every morning they brushed their teeth.(“We brushed our teeth.”) The cat fixed the clock.(Tongue left and right.) The cockerel ground the grain in the mill.(Circular movements of the tongue.) Then they went on the swings.(Tongue up and down.) The sly fox decided to steal the cockerel. She began to jump over the fence.(Clicking tongue.) The bunny saw all this, decided to warn the cockerel and beat the drum.(D -d-d-d!).

The Wolf and the Three Little Pigs

Once upon a time there were three little pigs. They couldn't speak - they just screamed.

Every morning Naf-Naf brushed his teeth.(“Let’s brush our teeth.”)

Walked around the house.(Circular movements of the tongue.)

Whitewashed the ceilings.("Painter".)

He built bridges and hammered nails.(“Mushroom”, “clinking”.)

And his stupid brothers blew away dandelions.(Produces a smooth, long-lasting, continuous air stream.)

At this time, the Wolf decided to scare the little piglets - to blow away their houses made of straw and twigs.(“Who will kick the ball further?” “Focus” - don’t puff out your cheeks.)

The piglets got scared and ran to their brother.(“Clicking.”)

And the Wolf decided to climb into their house through the pipe - and fell into the cauldron.("Cup".)

The boiling water hissed in the cauldron and burned the Wolf.(Shh-sh-sh-sh.)

How Tongue rested at sea

(N.V. Ryzhova)

The working days are over, and Tongue decided to relax at sea. He took an inflatable rubber boat 5), Beach umbrella(suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and hold it for a count of 8) and a wide terry towel(stick out your wide tongue and hold for a count of 10).

I boarded the fabulous carriage and hit the road. The train was flying fast along the rails(pronounce: “Chuh-chuh-chuh. Tu-tuu”). Trees flashed outside the window(open your mouth, touch the upper teeth with the tip of your tongue and hold for 8 seconds), Houses(lower your tongue and calmly place it behind your lower teeth, mouth open). The sun was shining tenderly(mouth open, lick lips from left to right). The tongue listened to the sounds of the train wheels(pronounce slowly: “T-d-t-d-t-d”). Very soon the blue sea appeared in the distance(open your mouth wide and hold for a count of 8). The train arrived at the station and stopped(inhale through your nose and exhale slowly: “Sh-sh-sh”). Tongue was so impatient to see the sea that he jumped out of the carriage and quickly ran to the beach(smile, click tongue).

After changing into a swimsuit and putting up a beach umbrella(suck your tongue to the roof of your mouth and hold it for a count of 8) The tongue stretched out on a terry towel under the hot rays of the sun(mouth open, tongue extended strongly and touching chin). When his tummy and back got a little tanned, Tongue decided to take a swim. He ran quickly and dove into the sea.(click your tongue three times, then stick it out of your mouth slightly; repeat 5 times). Tongue had excellent flippers, he quickly swung his legs in the water(mouth slightly open, quickly move the tongue back and forth along the upper lip, resulting in a dull syllable “pl”).

At the bottom, Tongue saw a turtle feasting on seaweed(move the lower jaw as if chewing), air jellyfish(puff out your cheeks and hold for 8 seconds), flying fish(mouth slightly open, stick out your narrow tongue, touch your upper lip and hide it in your mouth; repeat 5 once) and even a starfish that was hiding behind the stones(first stick out your wide tongue, press it between the lower and upper lips, and then slowly “pull” the tongue back into your mouth; repeat 5 once).

During his vacation, Yazychok managed to ride on an inflatable rubber boat(puff out your cheeks and keep counting until 5), collect beautiful shells, photograph a parrot and a giraffe(pronounce: “Chick-chick”). Soon he boarded the train and went home(pronounce: “Chuh-chuh. Tu-tuu”). The tongue looked out the window and smiled(smile, showing the lower and upper teeth), after all, he will definitely come here again.

How Tongue walked in the forest

(N.V. Ryzhova)

The adult performs together with the child.

Spring has come and the sun is shining brightly in the sky(open your mouth, lick your lips three times, first from left to right, then from right to left). Trees began to wake up from its rays, and the first snowdrops appeared from under the loose snow.(clench your lips, stick out your narrow tongue and hide it back in your mouth; repeat 8 times). Drops are dripping loudly(smile, open your mouth, click your tongue). Streams are babbling(open your mouth, lick your upper lip with your tongue from the outside and inside; perform at a fast pace, a squelching sound is heard).

Tongue put on a light coat andfrom went for a walk in the forest. He walked slowly along the path and heard the birds singing merrily. “Cuckoo-coo-coo,” the cuckoo crowed high on the spruce tree. How did the cuckoo crow?(Onomatopoeia.) “D-d-d-d-d-d,” the woodpecker knocked on the tree bark, looking for small bugs. How did the woodpecker knock?(Onomatopoeia.) “Twi-twi, twi-twi,” swallows quickly flew over a noisy river in the distance. Everything sang and came to life in the spring forest

How long or how short, but soon the path of Tongue led to a wonderful clearing(open your mouth, stick out your wide tongue and count until 5). Tongue sat on a tree stump(smile, open mouth, suck tongue To sky and hold for a count of 10) and looked around(smile, move your tongue left and right).

Many snowdrops bloomed in the clearing. spring breeze(inhale through your nose and exhale smoothly through your mouth, pulling your lips forward, as with the sound [u]; repeat 3 times) tilted them first one way, then the other(open your mouth, pull your tongue first to the left cheek, then to the right; repeat 5 times). Nearby, Tongue noticed a beautiful butterfly. She first spun in the air, and then sat down on one of the flowers(open mouth, 3 lick your lips from left to right once and linger on your upper lip; repeat the exercise 5 once). The tongue admired the heavenly beauty for a long time. He managed to see that the butterfly had eyes, antennae, a long proboscis, and thin legs.

Soon the clouds covered the sun and it began to get dark(open your mouth and close it slowly; repeat 5 times). The butterfly circled over the clearing, as if saying goodbye (5 slowly lick your lips from right to left once) and flew high into the sky.

The adult performs together with the child.

One winter day, Tongue looked out the window (open and close your mouth as you count to 5) and was very surprised. Everything around - benches, swings, and paths - was covered with white snow (stick out your wide tongue, place it on your lower lip and hold it until 5).

Tongue put on a warm fur coat, tied a red scarf on his hat and went outside. He smiled(smile widely, showing teeth), looked up at the sun(raise your thin tongue to your upper lip, hold for a count of 5), then down into the snow(lower your tongue to your lower lip and hold the count until 5) and decided to build a snowman.

First he rolled one snowball(puff out left cheek) then another(puff out right cheek) and finally one more, the biggest(puff out both cheeks and hold). Tongue's hands were frozen. He brought them to his mouth and began to warm them(raise your palms to your mouth and quietly say: “Ha ha ha”).

When the snowman was ready, Tongue looked up first(raise tongue to upper lip) then down(lower tongue to lower lip) on both sides(move tongue left and right) and thought: “Something is missing.” He took two buttons out of his pocket and put eyes on the snowman.(close one eye, then the other), Carrots make a long nose(stick out tongue and pull forward) The tongue made the snowman's hands from branches(pull your tongue to the right, then to the left).

Suddenly the sun peeked out from behind the clouds, and Tongue saw the snowman winking at him, first with one eye, then with the other.(wink 5 times with your right eye, and then with your left). This is the snowman that Tongue made!

How Tongue drank tea with friends

(N.V. Ryzhova)

The adult performs together with the child.

Little Tongue had not seen his old friends for a long time, and then one day he invited them to a tea party.

The tongue took a deep plate(open your mouth wide and count until 5) and began to knead the dough(squeeze your tongue back and forth between your teeth). When the dough was ready, he put it on the window(open your mouth wide and hold the count until 5) . Soon the dough began to rise and puff(take in air through your nose and gently push it out through your lips; you will hear a dull sound [p]). He laid out the dough on the table and began to make pies Inside each pie I put a tongue of raspberry jam.(lick lips from left to right and right to left) and put them in the oven(open your mouth wide and hold for a count of 5).

Then Tongue took out five beautiful cups(open your mouth, lift your tongue up and bend the side edges - you get a cup), poured water into the kettle(smile and say: “Sssss”) and put it on the fire. The water boiled quickly(smile and say: “Sh-sh-sh-sh”). Soon the pies were browned too(stick out your wide tongue, lift the edges of the tongue and hold it between your lips - you get a rolled up tube).

Suddenly someone knocked on the door(pronounce: “T-t-t-t”). These are the guests who came to Yazychka: Teddy Bear(puff out your cheeks and hold the count until 5), fox - fluffy tail(put your wide tongue on your lower lip and 5 bend the tip up once), jumping squirrel(smile and say: “Tsk-tsk-tsk”) runaway bunny(bite your lower lip, lift your upper lip upward, exposing your front upper teeth).

He seated the guests at the table and began to treat them to hot tea and pies.(open your mouth, raise your tongue up and bend the side edges - you get a cup; then stick out your wide tongue, raise the edges of the tongue and hold it between your lips - you get a rolled tube).

Sections: Working with preschoolers

Software tasks:

  1. Encourage children to be active vocally.
  2. Develop articulation and diction, coordination between hearing and voice.
  3. To promote the development of expressive singing in children, without tension, smoothly, melodiously.
  4. Strengthen the ability to sing in unison.
  5. Continue work on developing fine motor skills in preschoolers.
  6. Perform movements in accordance with the nature of the music, conveying emotional and figurative content in the dance.
  7. Practice familiar dance moves.
  8. Implement a national-regional component in the educational process.

Progress of the lesson:

(Children enter the hall and dance the “Pair Polka” by Zhilinsky’s music).

Music manager: Guys, I’m very glad to meet you again. Let's say hello to each other.

/ Children sing: "Hello"/

Music Ruk.: You entered the hall and said hello to each other and to me, and now let’s say hello to your hands, legs, eyes - to your body.

/PSong “Hello”/

Music manager: Well done, guys! Tell me, what helped you sing this song?

Children: Mouth, Tongue!

Music Ruk.: And I know the fairy tale about the tongue. Want to listen?

The tongue lived in the world,
Loved to travel.
And he walked wherever he wanted,
The world watched with interest. (Tongue out)
It's autumn again, he's in the tundra,
I went for mushrooms.
Taking the basket with you,
Goes to the valley.
An autumn breeze was blowing. (We turn into “wind” and with our breath we draw different images of the wind (gusts, strong, cold, warm, gentle, barely noticeable, calm).
A stream appeared. /Listening to music: “Stream” of music. A.Arensky/
And the water there is cold, (Perform the “Stream” exercise: A cold stream of air “flows down” in the middle of a wide tongue, the tip of which rests on the base of the lower front teeth; lips are turned in a smile, or perform the “chatterer” exercise).
He won't reach the bottom. /Listening: “Thunderstorm” music. A.Vivaldi/
And suddenly it started to rain, (they sing: drip-drip...; they sing the teasing song “Rain” r.n.m - playing musical instruments).
Then it began to drip harder. /Song: “Rain” music. Partskhaladze/
But now the rain has stopped,
The sun is shining /Song: “Sun” music. A.T. Berdysheva /
And Tongue saw a beautiful rainbow /Listening to the song: “Rainbow” music. G. Levkodimova/
Looking up at the sky I saw
Fluffy clouds. /Finger game/
Clouds, clouds,
curly sides,
Whole, holey
Light, curly.
He looked around and saw
What after the rain
Mushrooms grew in the clearing,
Seeing the tongue, the mushrooms began to dance. /Dance “Mushrooms” music. A.T. Berdysheva /

Music hands:

Tongue really liked the mushrooms,
And he decided to play with them /Game with Mushrooms/

Music hands:

And the tongue saw a clearing,
On which the berry grew - Cloudberry.
And he began to hum a song. /Round dance song: “Berry-Cloudberry” music. A.T. Berdyshev, lyrics by M. Plyatskovsky./

Music hands:

I picked up a basket full of mushrooms with my tongue,
I was very tired and went home.
He locked the door,
He lay down in bed and fell silent.
So the fairy tale about Tongue ends.
And our lesson came to an end.
Guys, what did you like about today's lesson? (children's answers).
Let's say goodbye to each other until our next meeting, guys. / Children sing: “Bye-da-ni-ya”/


  1. “Every day with friends” Panorama of “Youth Variety” No. 2, 1999
  2. I. E. Safarova “Games” for organizing pianistic movements. Ekaterinburg, 1994
  3. S. Nyarui. Collection of songs No. 2 “Tundra Holiday”, Salekhard, 1997
  4. Collection of songs “Northern Kaleidoscope”, Salekhard, "1998
  5. Audio cassette: O. P. Radynova “We listen to music” No. 5 “Nature and Music”, A. Vivaldi (compact disk) “Seasons”.

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