Home Tooth pain Donate blood for hCG. When does an hCG test show pregnancy? Could the result be wrong? Is your pregnancy progressing normally according to hCG?

Donate blood for hCG. When does an hCG test show pregnancy? Could the result be wrong? Is your pregnancy progressing normally according to hCG?

One of the most accurate methods for determining pregnancy in the early stages is a blood test for the amount of hCG hormone. Human chorionic gonadotropin beta particle is a unique glycoprotein unit that is produced after the embryo attaches to the uterus. Its blood levels vary depending on the duration of pregnancy and play an important role in the synthesis of the hormones estradiol, progesterone and estriol. For those interested in their “interesting” situation, it will not be difficult to accurately determine the presence of pregnancy by donating blood for hCG. What is this, how the procedure works, when to undergo it and how to evaluate the results, we will consider in the article.

What is hCG?

Human chorionic gonadotropin is a hormone with a protein structure. It is produced by the tissues of the developing embryo throughout the entire gestation period. Thanks to this substance, ovarian function is inhibited. New eggs stop maturing, and the next menstruation does not occur. HCG adjusts the female body to carry a pregnancy, promoting hormonal changes.

This glycoprotein consists of two units: the alpha unit is similar to other hormones in the body, while the beta unit is unique. Therefore, when carrying out the analysis, they focus specifically on the concentration of the beta particle.

A small presence of the hormone in the human body is considered normal even in the absence of pregnancy. It is produced by the pituitary gland. Sometimes some amount of the hormone is found in the body of men and non-pregnant women. The normal level of hCG in the blood is up to 5 mIU/ml, and for women during menopause - up to 9.5 mIU/ml.

How to determine pregnancy using a blood test?

The level in a woman’s body has become a universal indicator of pregnancy. Express strips are designed exactly according to this principle. They respond to the level of the hormone in the urine, which begins to increase noticeably within 2 weeks after fertilization. However, tests are not always accurate, and they cannot accurately determine the gestational age. Therefore, women who expect to conceive are advised to donate blood for hCG. What is this? A routine procedure performed in any private or public laboratory.

The results obtained are highly accurate. Many women are interested in the question: “When will blood test for hCG show pregnancy?” Obstetricians-gynecologists recommend taking your time and thinking about conducting an analysis only after a delay. The minimum period after which it is possible to determine pregnancy is 7 days from the moment of conception.

When can you donate blood for hCG?

Despite the fact that a blood test is a highly accurate and accessible method for finding out about pregnancy, it is worth thinking about the timing of its implementation. Of course, nothing prevents you from contacting a diagnostic laboratory within a couple of days after conception. But the results of such an analysis will not be reliable. And yet, when can you donate blood for hCG to get accurate data about pregnancy? Doctors recommend the following terms:

  • If a woman knows exactly the day of conception, then 2 weeks need to be counted from it. On the received date and schedule the analysis;
  • in cases where it is impossible to determine the moment of conception, it is considered advisable to take the test 3 weeks after the date of missed menstruation.

To obtain reliable results, you should be patient and wait the recommended period.

How to get tested and how much does it cost?

Women inexperienced in matters of pregnancy and motherhood ask many questions about the analysis. How to take hCG, what rules must be followed? In fact, everything is much simpler than it seems. Blood for hCG is taken from the cubital vein in an amount of 5 ml. It is advisable to come for the test in the morning and not eat anything before the procedure. Before receiving a doctor's referral, it is better to warn about taking medications. This may affect the results of the study.

What is the cost of a blood test for hCG? Price may vary depending on laboratory. On average, the service will cost 500 rubles, in the capital - about 800 rubles. This applies to private clinics and diagnostic centers. In a budgetary institution at the place of residence, a referral is issued free of charge.

Interpretation of primary results

Having decided when it is better to donate blood for hCG, having gone through the procedure and received the desired result, I would like to learn more about what the numbers on the test report mean. There are three possible scenarios:

  1. Negative - the hormone is determined in the amount of 0 to 5 mIU/ml.
  2. Doubtful - chorion indicators are recorded in the range of 5-25 mIU/ml.
  3. Positive - hCG in the blood exceeds 25 mIU/ml.

If a questionable result is obtained (a slight increase in the hormone), it is recommended to repeat the analysis in a few days. In this case, it is advisable to observe the same conditions for collecting and diagnosing blood: appear at the same clinic, at the same time of day and on an empty stomach. The new result is compared with the previous one. If the deviation in one direction or another persists and exceeds 50% of the norm, a conclusion is drawn about the presence of a pathological process (a sign of tumors). In the case of a 20% deviation from the established values, the result is again called into question by ordering a new study. In some cases, if the results are stable and there are no pathologies, a conclusion is made about the individual level of chorionic hormone in the blood.

A one-time analysis is performed only if a negative result is obtained, and there is no doubt about it over time. When pregnancy is confirmed, it is necessary to periodically monitor the hCG hormone in the blood.

Changes in test results by week of pregnancy

In the first weeks of pregnancy, the level of chorion hormone in the blood increases significantly. The growth rate is considered in days required to double it:

  • up to 6 weeks - 2;
  • 6-8 weeks - 3;
  • 8-10 weeks - 4.

By the 11th week of pregnancy, the result of a blood test for hCG will show the maximum value. After which a gradual decline will begin. At 16 weeks, the indicator will be identical to a 7-week pregnancy. During the remaining period of gestation, the hormone level will remain stable.

Changes in the amount of hCG in the blood depending on the period of gestation

A week from conception

HCG level, mIU/ml

The variation in chorionic hormone levels is very high: all options in the specified range are considered normal. In addition, only a doctor can reliably interpret the results. Sometimes the individual hormone level in the blood is slightly higher or lower than the standard.

HCG indicators during IVF

If a woman has undergone IVF, the procedure for conducting the analysis will change slightly. When will the blood test for hCG show pregnancy in this case? The answer from experts is this: the procedure should be completed no earlier than 12 days after the injection containing the chorionic hormone. The table shows the average hCG values ​​in the blood after implantation of the embryo into the uterine cavity.

Normal level of human chorionic gonadotropin hormone in the blood after IVF

Average hCG value, mIU/ml

How to take hCG if injections containing it were prescribed after implantation of the embryo in order to maintain the functioning of the corpus luteum? You should wait a few days before taking the test. Otherwise, the results will be overestimated.

High levels of hCG in the blood

Most pregnant women have little or no knowledge of their pregnancy. If everything is fine, the doctor rarely tells the expectant mother about the results of each examination. It's another matter when problems arise. HCG in the blood may be higher or lower than normal. And only with rare exceptions does this not indicate a pathology of fetal development or maternal health.

What do the inflated numbers in the hCG test results hide? Sometimes it’s nothing serious: incorrect timing or multiple pregnancies. However, suspicion often falls on the presence of diabetes mellitus, toxicosis, or pathologies in the development of the embryo. If an elevated level of hCG is detected in the blood, a repeat test and additional examination of the expectant mother are prescribed.

Low hCG levels

The level of the chorion hormone in a woman’s blood makes it possible to accurately not only detect pregnancy in the early stages, but also monitor the development of the embryo throughout the entire period of gestation. HCG is a specific hormone of motherhood. Its underestimated indicators, as a rule, indicate problems with the course of pregnancy:

  • threat of miscarriage;
  • delay in embryo development;
  • fetal death;
  • “freezing” of the embryo;
  • ectopic pregnancy;
  • pathology of the placenta or fetus.

Any deviation from the norm in the results of the hCG analysis is an alarming sign that requires immediate consultation with a doctor for advice.

Should you rely on the results of the analysis?

And yet, blood test for hCG - what is it? How much can you trust a typical laboratory test? This procedure is similar to sampling because hCG is one of them. The reliability of the result is at a high level: inaccuracies rarely occur, usually due to taking medications or consuming specific products on the eve of the analysis.

Laboratory tests may give a false positive or false negative answer. In the first case, a high level of hCG, typical for a pregnant woman, will be detected. Only after a while does it become clear that there is no embryo in the uterine cavity. Why is this happening? There are few options: either the drugs taken by the woman (including those containing hCG) are to blame, or this is a serious sign of pathology.

A false negative result usually occurs when the test is performed too early. There are also anomalies in the development of the embryo in the early stages. In any case, a repeat analysis and ultrasound are prescribed.


Blood test for hCG - what is it? It turns out to be a standard and very informative analysis. With its help, you can accurately diagnose pregnancy after just 2 hCG - a specific hormone produced by the tissues of the chorion (later the placenta). After entering the uterine cavity, its quantity increases sharply, stimulating the restructuring of the body for bearing the fetus. HCG indicators characterize pregnancy in the best possible way and promptly notify the expectant mother not only about the “interesting” situation, but also about disruptions in the baby’s development.

Why do you need a blood test for hCG? It’s worth looking into this in more detail. HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) or hCG (chorionic gonadotropin) is a hormone that is produced during pregnancy.

Figure 1. Taking a blood test for pregnancy.

This hormone promotes the production of chorion - the membrane of the embryo. Thus, donated blood for b-hCG reveals the presence of chorionic formations, that is, we can say with confidence that pregnancy has occurred. The hCG test is a blood test for pregnancy that allows you to determine its presence already on the 4-5th day from the moment of fertilization. (Fig. 1)

Promotes the appearance of hormones necessary during this period. These hormones include estrogens and progesterone. During the subsequent course of pregnancy, it is these hormones that will participate in the creation of the placenta.

The importance of human chorionic gonadotropin is undeniable. When a male baby is formed, hCG forms Leydig cells, which subsequently produce testosterone. It is the hormone testosterone in the male body that is responsible for sexual characteristics, and thanks to it, the adrenal glands of the embryo are formed.

HCG is based on two components - alpha and beta hCG. Alpha-hCG is similar in structure to hormones such as TSH, FSH and LH. But beta-hCG is considered unique. Therefore, when conducting laboratory analysis, it is b-hCG that is taken into account.

There are various tests available on the market to determine pregnancy yourself. In this case, hCG is detected in the woman’s urine. But such a test can give an erroneous result at an early stage in comparison with laboratory tests, because a blood test for hCG is determined much earlier. In addition, there are a number of indications for early detection of pregnancy.

In what situations is a hCG test required?

If a woman is healthy, then from the moment of conception the hCG hormone increases every two days. The hormone reaches its peak between 11 and 14 weeks. After this mark, human chorionic gonadotropin gradually begins to decline.

If a further increase is observed, this may occur for the following reasons:

  1. If there are two or more fetuses in the womb of a woman.
  2. For toxicosis or gestosis.
  3. For diabetic disease.
  4. For congenital diseases of the embryo, Down syndrome, multiple developmental anomalies.
  5. If the pregnancy period is incorrectly set.
  6. When using synthetic gestagens, etc.
  7. With an induced abortion.

If the hCG test shows low data, this may mean that the timing was incorrectly determined. If this question disappears, then the following pathologies may be the cause:

  1. Ectopic pregnancy.
  2. Non-developing pregnancy.
  3. Retardation in embryo development.
  4. Risk of miscarriage.
  5. Chronic placental insufficiency.
  6. Fetal death, which most often occurs in the second or third trimester.

Three stages of testing are performed to detect the correct human chorionic gonadotropin levels as well as congenital abnormalities of the fetus. But when detecting possible anomalies, such a test cannot determine what these defects are. These tests can only identify women who are at risk. In this case, they will have to undergo additional diagnostics, and in the future, possibly, a course of treatment.

Any tests are taken again to prevent mistakes, and hCG is no exception. Erroneous results can be divided into two types:

  1. False positive result.
  2. False negative result.

The first option occurs when pregnancy is diagnosed incorrectly. This indicator may be due to the following reasons:

  1. If blood was taken incorrectly or if the patient herself did something not according to the rules.
  2. Error in determining pregnancy.
  3. Disturbances in the onset of ovulation.
  4. Untimely embryo attachment.

How to take an hCG test correctly?

Usually the hCG pregnancy test is taken early in the morning. A woman must be hungry. Drinking drinks are not recommended. If it is carried out at another time, then before the analysis you should not eat for 4-6 hours. The day before the study, physical exercise and stress are excluded, and sex is also prohibited. If a woman is taking any medications, especially hormonal drugs, she should definitely inform the doctor about this.

Blood is taken from the veins. To detect pregnancy, it is advisable to conduct a test 4-5 days after a missed period. If the test shows questionable results, you can repeat the analysis on 2-3 days.

If the hCG test is taken to identify abnormalities in the fetus, then this should be done from 14 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. In addition, in order to identify pathologies in a child, the following markers are given:

  1. AFP (alpha fetoprotein)
  2. E3 (free estriol)
  3. Ultrasonography

What is the role of the hormone hCG

In addition to the fact that the presence of this hormone characterizes the onset of pregnancy, it provides information about multiple pregnancy or other characteristics of the body during this period. The functions of human chorionic gonadotropin are to ensure that the initial stage of pregnancy passes without complications. It is hCG that synthesizes the production of the main female hormones - estrogens and progesterones.

At the beginning of pregnancy, until the placenta is fully formed, and this occurs at week 16, hCG is involved in maintaining the functional activity of the corpus luteum during the formation of progesterone. Another important function of hCG is to stimulate the onset of ovulation and maintain the persistence of the corpus luteum.

Analysis transcript

This table of hCG indicators provides approximate data for its normal content:

These figures give an approximate idea of ​​the norm of the analysis data. Since each laboratory has its own indicators, the decoding will be unique.

Under what circumstances is analysis prescribed?

In addition to the fact that human chorionic gonadotropin indicates the onset of conception, it can also indicate the following indicators:

  1. Detects amenorrhea.
  2. Rules out suspicions of an ectopic fetus.
  3. To prescribe termination of pregnancy.
  4. To monitor the dynamics of fetal growth.
  5. If there is a threat of miscarriage and if there is a suspicion of a frozen pregnancy.
  6. To conclude that a tumor has arisen - chorionepithelioma.
  7. During perinatal examination of child developmental defects.
  8. In men, this diagnosis is carried out in case of suspected tumor in the testicles.

What happens if hCG increases?

If a woman is healthy, then during the gestation period after 20 weeks the hCG level declines, but if it continues to increase, then this may indicate a rare disease - hydatidiform mole in pregnant women.

The enlarging tumor, which is called chorionepithelioma, is considered a very dangerous malignant tumor. If the diagnosis has been confirmed, then drastic steps will have to be taken:

  1. Have an induced abortion.
  2. Possible removal of the uterus.
  3. Take a course of chemotherapy.

In this case, the question is about the woman's life. If you do not start timely therapy for chorionepithelioma, then as it grows it will begin to metastasize to all internal organs, which will lead to death in a short time.

In men, an increase in the hCG hormone in the blood may indicate the presence of gestosis or diabetes mellitus. But you shouldn’t draw conclusions based on one indicator, since an increase in human chorionic gonadotropin may indicate incipient bleeding. It is impossible to diagnose the disease based on one analysis; you need to undergo a series of examinations to make an accurate conclusion.

Elevated hCG levels may occur after an abortion. Usually, CG returns to normal on the 7th day after surgery. But if it is at a high level, then this may mean that the curettage operation was not completed and blood clots may remain in the uterus. Therefore, a repeat operation must be performed.

In order to determine pregnancy, the hCG test is the most effective. To be 100% sure, it is better to do just that.

Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is a special hormone that is first produced by the tissues of the embryo and then by the placenta. It is responsible for the normal course of pregnancy and fetal development. HCG contains 237 amino acids. It consists of two subunits: alpha and beta, the latter of which has a unique structure that makes it different from all other hormones.

The value of hCG in a woman’s body

The amount of hCG begins to increase from the moment the zygote enters the uterine cavity, that is, from 5-7 days after conception, and grows rapidly, reaching maximum values ​​by 8-9 weeks of gestation. Pharmacy tests, which have high sensitivity, can detect pregnancy from the first day of a missed period. Many women are interested in how to do an hCG test at home to determine whether conception has occurred.

HCG performs the following functions:

  • “forces” the corpus luteum to produce progesterone until the 12-13th week of pregnancy, after which the placenta is formed, which takes on the mentioned task;
  • stops the process of maturation of new follicles in the ovary;
  • stimulates the child’s gonads and adrenal glands;
  • preventing the development of the mother’s immune response to the baby’s cells;
  • triggers the process of testosterone production by the testes of a male fetus;
  • carries out work aimed at the normal course of pregnancy.

The amount of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood increases faster than in the urine. It is allowed to donate blood for the concentration of this hormone already on the fifth day after the date of expected conception. The results will be as reliable as possible. At home, you can determine the level of hCG in your urine.

Normal indicators for women who are not pregnant are the following:

  • in the blood 0-15 mU/ml;
  • in urine 0-5 mU/ml.

Details about various blood tests, including hCG, can be found on the Test Guide website

Laboratory method for determining hCG in blood and urine

Laboratory detection of the concentration of the hormone in the urine is advisable if dynamic monitoring of the patient is required, for example, when a frozen pregnancy is in question, and it is impossible to determine the fetal heartbeat by ultrasound, or there are uterine and ectopic pregnancies at once. Some laboratories are guided by their own standards, allowing them to draw conclusions about the results of the analysis.

When the fertilized egg is outside the cavity of the reproductive organ, the concentration of hCG increases more slowly than during normal pregnancy, and at a period of 3-7 weeks it begins to fall, after which obvious signs of ectopic pregnancy appear. If the amount of the hormone increased, an ultrasound revealed intrauterine pregnancy, but then it began to decrease, this may indicate a frozen pregnancy or miscarriage.

Blood for human chorionic gonadotropin is taken from a vein. Before taking biological material, you should not eat for at least six hours. A day before contacting the laboratory, you should give up intimate life, active sports and increased physical activity, avoid nervous shock, overheating, hypothermia, and do not overeat.

It is advisable to take the test at least on the seventh day after the date of expected conception. If pregnancy is confirmed, it is recommended to conduct the study twice more, two days apart. This will allow you to assess the dynamics of growth in the amount of the hormone and suggest possible deviations (if any). The standards given on the Internet are approximate and may differ from laboratory data.

Is it possible to find out hCG levels at home?

A popular pregnancy test is the principle of operation of which is based on detecting the level of human chorionic gonadotropin in the urine. However, due to the partial similarity of this substance with LH, it is sometimes possible to obtain false positive results. For a reliable diagnosis, given that the amount of hCG increases during pregnancy, repeated testing is recommended.

There are tests to detect the concentration of the hCG subunit, which is not similar to LH, but they are not available on the Russian market due to their high cost. It is not profitable for pharmacies to purchase them, because if there is insufficient consumer demand, this is fraught with serious losses. Thus, for a reliable diagnosis of pregnancy, it is recommended to donate blood for hCG.

Once conception has taken place, traces of human chorionic gonadotropin appear in the body several days before the expected date of menstruation. To obtain a result with 99% accuracy, it is recommended to carry out the test from the first day of missed menstruation, since in order to determine pregnancy, a certain concentration of the hormone in the urine is necessary.

How to do a hCG test at home

Essentially, a human chorionic gonadotropin test is a pregnancy test that shows a positive result when the hormone concentration is above 10-20 mU/ml. To carry out self-diagnosis, you need to collect the first portion of urine in a clean container (containers for collecting biological substances containing preservatives are not suitable) and follow the steps indicated in the instructions.

If the delay in menstruation is more than a day, then the moment of collecting the material does not matter, that is, testing is allowed at any time. Otherwise, only morning urine obtained immediately after waking up is suitable.

Before carrying out self-diagnosis, you do not need to perform any hygiene procedures, as this does not affect the result in any way.

1-2 days before the test, you must stop taking diuretics and drinking alcohol, as well as excessive amounts of fluid (more than two liters per day), as this can lead to changes in urine concentration and, accordingly, incorrect determination of hCG levels. Testing must be carried out following the instructions. The accuracy of the results is usually 99%.

Rules for self-diagnosis of pregnancy

The following factors affect the accuracy of a home test:

  • its quality and sensitivity;
  • the course of pregnancy (if it is in danger of being terminated, then insufficient chorionic gonadotropin is produced);
  • expiration date and storage conditions;
  • compliance with the rules of conduct (the study usually requires the first portion of urine);
  • functional state of the urinary system.

False results may be obtained:

  • when drinking large amounts of liquid the day before;
  • if there is protein in the urine;
  • in the case when several weeks have passed after natural delivery, cesarean section, miscarriage or medical abortion;
  • when taking diuretics several days before diagnosis;
  • if a woman received hCG drugs to induce ovulation or maintain the luteal phase (in this case, traces of human chorionic gonadotropin may remain in the body for one and a half weeks from the last time the medication was taken).
  • with regular intimate life without the use of contraception, the probability of conception is quite high (if there are no problems with reproductive function);
  • if a negative result was obtained, but menstrual bleeding has not started, then it is advisable to do the test again;
  • when carrying out diagnostics, you must follow the instructions;
  • a slight delay in menstruation may indicate ovarian dysfunction and occurs from time to time even in healthy women.

HCG begins to be produced immediately after conception and reaches maximum values ​​towards the end of the first trimester of gestation, and then begins to slowly fall until childbirth. Thus, if a questionable test result is obtained within a short period of time, it is recommended to repeat the diagnosis 2-3 more times with an interval of 3-7 days. In addition, it is necessary to take into account factors that may affect the accuracy of the method.

What is human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG)?
Human chorionic gonadotropin is a special protein hormone that is produced by the membranes of the developing embryo during the entire period of pregnancy. HCG supports the normal development of pregnancy. Thanks to this hormone, the processes that cause menstruation are blocked in the body of a pregnant woman and the production of hormones necessary to maintain pregnancy increases.

An increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood and urine of a pregnant woman is one of the earliest signs of pregnancy.

The role of hCG in the first trimester of pregnancy is to stimulate the formation of hormones necessary for the development and maintenance of pregnancy, such as progesterone, estrogens (estradiol and free estriol). During the normal development of pregnancy, these hormones are subsequently produced by the placenta.

Human chorionic gonadotropin very important. In a male fetus, human chorionic gonadotropin stimulates the so-called Leydig cells, which synthesize testosterone. Testosterone in this case is simply necessary, as it promotes the formation of male-type genital organs, and also has an effect on the adrenal cortex of the embryo. HCG consists of two units - alpha and beta hCG. The alpha component of hCG has a similar structure to the hormone units TSH, FSH and LH, while beta hCG is unique. Therefore, laboratory analysis of b-hCG is crucial in diagnosis.

Small amounts of human chorionic gonadotropin are produced by the human pituitary gland even in the absence of pregnancy. This explains the fact that in some cases very low concentrations of this hormone are detected in the blood of non-pregnant women (including women during menopause) and even in the blood of men.

Permissible levels of hCG in the blood of non-pregnant women and men

How do human chorionic gonadotropin levels change during pregnancy?

During the normal development of pregnancy, hCG is detected in the blood of pregnant women from approximately 8-11-14 days after conception.

HCG levels rise rapidly and, starting at 3 weeks of pregnancy, double approximately every 2-3 days. The increase in concentration in the blood of a pregnant woman continues until approximately 11-12 weeks of pregnancy. Between 12 and 22 weeks of pregnancy, the concentration of hCG decreases slightly. From the 22nd week until delivery, the concentration of hCG in the blood of a pregnant woman begins to increase again, but more slowly than at the beginning of pregnancy.

By the rate of increase in the concentration of hCG in the blood, doctors can determine some deviations from the normal development of pregnancy. In particular, with an ectopic pregnancy or a frozen pregnancy, the rate of increase in hCG concentration is lower than during a normal pregnancy.

An accelerated rate of increase in hCG concentrations may be a sign of a hydatidiform mole (chorionadenoma), multiple pregnancies, or chromosomal diseases of the fetus (for example, Down's disease).

There are no strict standards for the level of hCG in the blood of pregnant women. HCG levels at the same stage of pregnancy can vary significantly among different women. In this regard, single measurements of hCG levels are uninformative. To assess the process of pregnancy development, the dynamics of changes in the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin in the blood is important.

Days since last menstruation

Gestational age

HCG levels for this period honey/ml

Human chorionic gonadotropin normal graph

Norms of human chorionic gonadotropin in blood serum

In the last table, the weekly norms are given for pregnancy periods “from conception” (and not for the dates of the last menstruation).

The above figures are not a standard! Each laboratory can set its own standards, including for weeks of pregnancy. When assessing the results of the hCG norm by week of pregnancy, you need to rely only on the norms of the laboratory where you were tested.

Tests to determine hCG levels

To determine the level of hCG, various laboratory blood tests are used, which can detect pregnancy at 1-2 weeks.

The analysis can be taken in many laboratories on the direction of a gynecologist or independently. No special preparation is required for the blood test. However, before you get a referral for a test, be sure to tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking, as some medications may affect the test results. It is best to take the test in the morning, on an empty stomach. For higher test reliability, it is recommended to avoid physical activity on the eve of the test.

By the way, home rapid pregnancy tests are also built on the principle of determining the level of hCG, but only in the urine, and not in the blood. And it should be said that compared to a laboratory blood test, this one is much less accurate, since the level in the urine is two times lower than that in the blood.

It is recommended to carry out a laboratory test to determine pregnancy in the early stages no earlier than 3–5 days of missed menstruation. The pregnancy blood test can be repeated after 2-3 days to confirm the results.

To identify fetal pathology in pregnant women, a test for human chorionic gonadotropin is taken from 14 to 18 weeks of pregnancy. However, in order for the diagnosis of possible fetal pathologies to be reliable, it is necessary to take more than one blood test for hCG. Together with hCG, the following markers are given: AFP, hCG, E3 (alpha-fetoprotein, human chorionic gonadotropin, free estriol.)

Serum levels of AFP and hCG during physiological pregnancy

Gestation period, weeks. AFP, average level AFP, min-max HG, average level HG, min-max
14 23,7 12 - 59,3 66,3 26,5 - 228
15 29,5 15 - 73,8

16 33,2 17,5 - 100 30,1 9,4 - 83,0
17 39,8 20,5 - 123

18 43,7 21 - 138 24 5,7 - 81,4
19 48,3 23,5 - 159

20 56 25,5 - 177 18,3 5,2 - 65,4
21 65 27,5 - 195

22 83 35 - 249 18,3 4,5 - 70,8

16,1 3,1 - 69,6

Can an hCG test “make a mistake” in determining pregnancy?

HCG levels that are outside the norm for a particular week of pregnancy can be observed if the gestational age is incorrectly determined.
Laboratory tests can make mistakes, but the chance of error is very small.


Normally, during pregnancy, the level of human chorionic gonadotropin gradually increases. During the 1st trimester of pregnancy, b-hCG levels increase rapidly, doubling every 2-3 days. At 10–12 weeks of pregnancy, the highest level of hCG in the blood is reached, then its content begins to slowly decrease and remains constant during the second half of pregnancy.

An increase in beta-hCG during pregnancy can occur when:

  • multiple births (the rate increases in proportion to the number of fetuses)
  • toxicosis, gestosis
  • maternal diabetes
  • fetal pathologies, Down syndrome, multiple malformations
  • incorrectly determined gestational age
  • taking synthetic gestagens
An increase in human chorionic gonadotropin can be a sign of serious diseases in non-pregnant women and men:
  • production of hCG by the pituitary gland of the examined woman testicular tumors
    tumor diseases of the gastrointestinal tract
    neoplasms of the lungs, kidneys, uterus
    hydatidiform mole, relapse of hydatidiform mole
    chorionic carcinoma
    taking hCG drugs
    the analysis was done within 4–5 days after the abortion, etc.

    Usually, human chorionic gonadotropin is elevated if the test was performed 4–5 days after an abortion or due to taking hCG drugs.

    Low hCG in pregnant women, it may mean incorrect timing of pregnancy or be a sign of serious disorders:

    • ectopic pregnancy
    • non-developing pregnancy
    • delayed fetal development
    • threat of spontaneous abortion (reduced by more than 50%)
    • chronic placental insufficiency
    • true post-term pregnancy
    • fetal death (in the II-III trimester of pregnancy).
    It happens that the test results show the absence of the hormone in the blood. This result may occur if the test was performed too early or during an ectopic pregnancy.

    Whatever the result of the test for hormones during pregnancy, remember that only a qualified doctor can give the correct interpretation, determining which hCG norm is for you in combination with data obtained by other examination methods.

  • Video. Prenatal screening - hCG

Article 00042

Blood test for hCG (blood test for pregnancy) - accurate, quick and early diagnosis of pregnancy.

Readiness time for tests in express mode (Cito)

Due time Readiness
Weekdays Weekend
Clinic at the CIR Laboratory on Dubrovka
08:00-17:00 09:00-17:00 1-2 hours
17:00-20:30 -
Maryino, Novokuznetskaya, Voikovskaya
08:00-15:00 09:00-12:00 3-5 hours
15:00-20:30 12:00-17:00 The next day, as delivered at 8:00
08:00-12:00 09:00-12:00 until 16:00
07:00-09:00 08:00-09:00 until 14:00
09:00-11:00 09:00-11:00 until 16:00

The value of tests

A positive hCG test indicates implantation (one of the stages of pregnancy).

After receiving a positive hCG result (pregnancy test), it is recommended to take a second test after 2-4 days (preferably in the same laboratory) in order to track the value over time (that is, a change - increase or decrease - numbers). For example, the first value is 100, the second 400 indicates the onset and development of pregnancy. And the first value is 400, the second 49 - about the possibility of stopping pregnancy at an early stage.

Pregnancy tests are often taken when the first symptoms (first signs) appear, or when menstruation is delayed.

The border zone also requires a repeat test.

  • Early and very accurate diagnosis of pregnancy (“hCG test”)
  • Diagnosis of hidden miscarriage (this situation outwardly looks like infertility, although implantation is occurring. An increase in the level of hCG indicates implantation and changes the doctor’s tactics).
  • Determination of early pregnancy
  • Some cancers

Conditions for taking the analysis

On an empty stomach. It is acceptable to donate blood 3-4 hours after the last meal (do not eat fatty foods). Blood tests for pregnancy can be done as early as a few days before your expected period.

How to get tested at the CIR Laboratories?

To save time, place an order for analysis at Online store! Paying for your order online, you get a discount 10% for the entire placed order!

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