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Common types of viruses. Types of viruses

There are a myriad of microorganisms in the world, viruses predominate among them. They can survive in the harshest conditions. Viruses have been found in the eternal ice of Antarctica, in the hot sands of the Sahara, and even in the cold vacuum of space. Although not all of them pose a danger, more than 80% of all human diseases are caused by viruses.

Back in the 40s of the last century, humanity knew about 40 diseases provoked by them. Today this figure is more than 500, not counting the fact that new species are discovered every year. People have learned to fight viruses, but knowledge is not always enough - more than 10 of their types remain the most dangerous for humanity. Viruses are causative agents of dangerous human diseases. Let's look at the main ones.


The most dangerous type of virus is hantavirus. When contacting small rodents or their waste products, there is a possibility of becoming infected. They can cause many diseases, the most dangerous of which are hemorrhagic fever and hantavirus syndrome. The first disease kills every tenth person, the probability of death after the second is 36%. The largest outbreak occurred during the Korean War. Then more than 3,000 soldiers from different sides of the confrontation felt its effect. There is a strong possibility that the hantavirus caused the extinction of the Aztec civilization 600 years ago.

Ebola virus

What other dangerous viruses exist on Earth? The epidemic created panic in the world community just a year ago. The virus was discovered in 1976, during an epidemic in the Congo. It got its name in honor of the pool in which the outbreak occurred. Ebola disease has many symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. The most common of them include: increased body temperature, general weakness, vomiting, impaired liver and kidney function, sore throat. In some cases, internal and external bleeding is observed. In 2015, this virus took the lives of more than 12 thousand people.

How dangerous is the influenza virus?

Of course, no one would argue that the dangerous virus is an ordinary flu. More than 10% of the world's population suffers from it every year, making it one of the most common and unexpected.

The main danger to people is not the virus itself, but the complications it can cause (kidney disease, pulmonary and cerebral edema, heart failure). Of the 600 thousand people who died from the flu last year, only 30% of deaths were caused by the virus itself; the rest were the result of complications.

Mutations are another danger of the influenza virus. Due to the constant use of antibiotics, the disease becomes stronger every year. Chicken and swine flu, epidemics of which have broken out over the past 10 years, are yet another confirmation of this. In the worst-case scenario, in a few decades, drugs that can fight influenza will pose an extreme danger to humans.


The most dangerous type of virus for children is rotavirus. Although the medicine for it is quite effective, about half a million babies die from this disease every year. This disease causes acute diarrhea, the body quickly becomes dehydrated and death occurs. Most of those affected live in underdeveloped countries where it is difficult to obtain a vaccine against this virus.

Deadly Marburg

The Marburg virus was first discovered in the city of the same name in Germany in the late 60s of the last century. It is one of the top ten deadly viruses that can be contracted from animals.

About 30% of diseases with this virus are fatal. In the early stages of this disease, a person suffers from fever, nausea, and muscle pain. In more severe cases - jaundice, pancreatitis, liver failure. The disease is transmitted not only by humans, but also by rodents, as well as some species of monkeys.

Hepatitis in action

What other dangerous viruses are known? There are more than 100 types of them that affect the human liver. The most dangerous of them are hepatitis B and C. It is not for nothing that this virus is nicknamed the “gentle killer”, because it can remain in the human body for many years without causing noticeable symptoms.

Hepatitis most often leads to the death of liver cells, that is, cirrhosis. It is almost impossible to cure the pathology caused by strains B and C of this virus. By the time hepatitis is detected in the human body, the disease, as a rule, is already in a chronic form.

The discoverer of this disease was the Russian biologist Botkin. The strain of hepatitis he found is now called “A”, and the disease itself is treatable.

Smallpox virus

Smallpox is one of the oldest diseases known to mankind. It only affects humans, causing chills, dizziness, headaches and lower back pain. A characteristic sign of smallpox is the appearance of a purulent rash on the body. Over the past century alone, smallpox has killed nearly half a billion people. Enormous amounts of material resources (about $300 million) were used to combat this disease. Yet virologists have achieved success: the last known case of smallpox was recorded forty years ago.

Deadly rabies virus

The rabies virus is the first of this rating, leading to death in 100% of cases. You can become infected with rabies after being bitten by a sick animal. The disease is asymptomatic until the time when it is no longer possible to save the person.

The rabies virus causes severe damage to the nervous system. In the last stages of the disease, a person becomes violent, experiences a constant feeling of fear, and suffers from insomnia. A few days before death, blindness and paralysis occur.

In the entire history of medicine, only 3 people have been saved from rabies.

Lassa virus

What other dangerous diseases are known? The virus caused by this virus is one of the most dangerous diseases in West Africa. It affects the human nervous system, kidneys, lungs, and can cause myocarditis. During the entire period of illness, body temperature does not fall below 39-40 degrees. Many painful purulent ulcers appear on the body.

Lassa virus is transmitted by small rodents. The disease is transmitted by contact. Every year, about 500 thousand people become infected, of which 5-10 thousand die. In severe forms of Lassa fever, the mortality rate can reach 50%.

Human acquired immunodeficiency syndrome

The most dangerous type of virus is HIV. It is considered the most dangerous of those known to man at this time.

Experts have found that the first case of transmission of this virus from a primate to a human occurred in 1926. The first death was recorded in 1959. In the 60s of the last century, symptoms of AIDS were discovered in American prostitutes, but then they did not attach much importance to this. HIV was considered simply a complex form of pneumonia.

HIV was recognized as a separate disease only in 1981, after the outbreak of an epidemic among homosexuals. Just 4 years later, scientists figured out how this disease is transmitted: blood and seminal fluid. The real AIDS epidemic in the world began 20 years ago. HIV is rightly called the plague of the 20th century.

This disease primarily affects the immune system. As a result, AIDS itself does not lead to death. But an HIV-infected person who simply lacks immunity can die from a simple runny nose.

All attempts to invent it to date have failed.

How dangerous is the papilloma virus?

About 70% of people are carriers of the papilloma virus, most of them are women. Papilloma is transmitted sexually. Of the more than 100 types of papilloma virus, about 40 lead to various diseases. As a rule, the virus affects the human genitals. Its external manifestation is the appearance of growths (papillomas) on the skin.

The incubation period of the virus after entering the body can last from several weeks to several years. In 90% of cases, the human body itself will get rid of foreign microbodies. The virus is dangerous only for weakened immune systems. Therefore, papilloma often appears during other illnesses, such as influenza.

The most serious consequence of papilloma can be cervical cancer in women. 14 known strains of this virus are highly oncogenic.

Is bovine leukemia virus dangerous for humans?

Viruses can infect not only people, but also animals. Since humans eat animal products, the question of the danger of such pathogens to humans is increasingly being raised.

The leukemia virus is in first place in terms of damage. It infects the blood of cows, sheep, goats and provokes serious illnesses, and in some cases, death.

Research shows that more than 70% of people have antibodies in their blood that can fight the bovine leukemia virus. However, this does not exclude the possibility of human infection with this virus. The likelihood that bovine leukemia can lead to blood cancer in humans is very low, but there is the possibility of other negative consequences. The leukemia virus can attach to human cells, causing mutations. In the future, this may create a new strain of it, which will be equally dangerous for both animals and humans.

Although viruses can benefit people, this does not outweigh their harm. More people have died from them than have died in all the world's wars throughout time. This article listed the most dangerous viruses in the world. We hope you find this information useful. Be healthy!

Viruses can cause a wide variety of diseases, depending on the type of infection and the characteristics of the infected tissue. What types of viruses do humans have? There are a huge number of them, and throughout their lives people come into contact with most infectious agents in one way or another. The diseases they cause range from relatively mild to deadly. The most common viruses in the world are colds, flu, and hepatitis.

Viruses and colds

The common cold (as the common cold is called influenza, ARVI, laryngitis, pharyngitis) remains one of the most common human ailments. In the United States alone, about a billion cases of acute respiratory viral infection are registered every year. A viral infection of the lining of the nasal passages leads to a runny nose, watery eyes, sore throat and sneezing. The course of the disease lasts from one to two weeks. According to statistics, more than 200 of the known strains can cause a cold. What types of viruses are the most common causative agents of ARVI? These are various rhinoviruses, adenovirus, coronavirus, Coxsackie virus, echovirus, enterovirus, orthomyxovirus, paramyxovirus and

Influenza virus

Influenza is caused by three types of microorganisms. Types A and B lead to seasonal infections, occurring during a period beginning in late fall and ending in early spring. Type C virus infections are less common and most often cause mild illness. The most common flu symptoms include body aches, fever, feeling tired, headache, sore throat, dry cough and nasal congestion. Flu vaccinations protect against types A and B viral infections.

Enteric viruses

What viruses are found in the digestive system and what are their characteristic symptoms? Microorganisms of this type penetrate the tissues of the stomach and intestines, causing viral gastroenteritis. Common symptoms of the disease include abdominal pain, colic, diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In young children, including infants, gastroenteritis is often caused by rotavirus. This infection manifests itself in the form of fever, vomiting and watery diarrhea. Norovirus is an equally common causative agent of infectious diseases that affects both children and adults. However, in younger patients, diarrhea is almost always the predominant symptom of the disease, while incessant vomiting is more typical in adults. Other known enteric viruses include adenovirus, sapovirus, and astrovirus strains.

Hepatitis viruses

Infectious agents of this type infect the liver, initiating inflammatory processes. Science knows five different viruses that cause hepatitis; they were named based on the letters of the Latin alphabet from A to E. If you are interested in what types of hepatitis viruses exist in developed countries, then, according to statistical studies, in countries with developed infrastructure and medicine, types A, B and C predominate. The hepatitis A virus penetrates into the body when digesting food or water contaminated with feces. It causes one brief episode of hepatitis. Type B strains can cause acute or chronic liver infection. Microorganisms are found in blood and semen. The most common cases of hepatitis B infection include sexual intercourse, sharing the same syringes when using drugs, and transmission of the infection from mother to child during pregnancy and childbirth. Type C virus spreads through contact with the blood of a sick person. Repeated use of syringes by different people when using drugs is the most common method of transmission of infection. Hepatitis C, as a rule, becomes chronic, but adequate treatment in many cases can alleviate the disease.

Other viruses

What viruses do humans have besides the ones listed above? If you print a complete list of titles, you will have to publish several volumes of the list. Moreover: every year scientists discover new types, hitherto unknown. Some strains are very rare, but pose a great danger due to their potential lethality. These are, for example, the Ebola or rabies viruses. Other microorganisms are quite common and are the root cause of a huge number of diseases. For those who are interested in what types of viruses a person has, just open any popular medical reference book. Thus, a clear example of a common type of infection are herpes viruses that cause herpes simplex on the lips, genital herpes, infectious mononucleosis, chickenpox, shingles and many other ailments. The human papillomavirus causes not only the appearance of common warts on the skin, but also the development of cervical cancer.

What viruses have people been getting lately? Infections of the newest types - HIV, acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS coronavirus) - remain a serious problem, since today there is no truly effective treatment for these diseases.


Diagnosis of a viral infection is mainly based on a primary medical examination and analysis of the medical history. For example, a disease such as influenza is fairly easy to recognize, and most people are familiar with its manifestations. Detection of some other infections, however, may require additional diagnostic tests.

Diagnostic testing options for viral infection

Since the answer to the question of what viruses a person has involves thousands of answers, sometimes it is not enough to simply examine the patient and study his medical history. In such cases, doctors will order one or more of the following tests:

  • blood tests to check for antibodies to viruses or to detect antigens directly;
  • culturing blood components, bodily fluids, and other materials collected from the affected area;
  • spinal tap to analyze cerebrospinal fluid;
  • a polymerase chain reaction technique to create multiple copies of viral genetic material for faster and more accurate identification of the virus;
  • magnetic resonance imaging to detect inflammation in the temporal lobes of the brain.


What types of viruses do humans have? The list is incredibly extensive, but the symptoms of many infections can be systematized in order to compile a single list. Thus, signs of infection with the virus may include:

  • increased body temperature;
  • muscle pain;
  • cough;
  • sneezing;
  • runny nose;
  • chills;
  • diarrhea;
  • vomiting;
  • skin rash;
  • feeling of weakness.

More severe symptoms include:

  • neck stiffness;
  • dehydration;
  • convulsions;
  • paralysis of limbs;
  • loss of orientation in space;
  • back pain;
  • loss of sensation;
  • bladder and bowel dysfunction;
  • drowsiness, which may progress to coma or death.

Infection: viral or bacterial?

What types of viruses do humans have? The names are unlikely to say anything to a non-specialist, but one should distinguish between viral and bacterial infections.

Infections of both types cause deterioration in health and the development of various diseases. However, there is a difference between them. A viral infection, as its name suggests, begins with the impact of a virus on the body - a tiny intracellular agent even smaller in size than a bacterium. In addition, it is in a protective shell, which means it is more difficult to destroy. The virus penetrates a living cell and integrates its genome into its genetic apparatus. Such infectious agents are non-cellular particles and require foreign cells to reproduce. If you are wondering what types of viruses there are, the names you will find in this article will most likely point you to the main sites of infection. These are the nose, throat and upper respiratory tract. Viral strains can cause both the common cold and AIDS.

To initiate a bacterial infection, the pathogenic bacterium must gain entry into the body through contaminated water, cuts on the skin, or contact with an infected person or contaminated objects. One of the fundamental differences between the two types of infections is that bacteria can enter the body through contact with inanimate objects, including doorknobs and table tops, while viruses cannot. Another difference is that nature is a cell and reproduces by division, while the virus dies without a host carrier. Most often, bacteria enter the body through the respiratory tract or gastrointestinal tract. Some bacterial infections are contagious (such as strep throat).

Cause of viral infection

The question of what viruses a person has is especially acute because the cells of the human body are susceptible to them. When exposed to viral particles, the immune system tries to destroy the source of danger and remove foreign strains from the body.

Hello again.
The topic of today's article. Types of computer viruses, principles of their operation, ways of infection by computer viruses.

What are computer viruses anyway?

A computer virus is a specially written program or assembly of algorithms that are written for the purpose of: making a joke, harming someone’s computer, gaining access to your computer, intercepting passwords or extorting money. Viruses can self-copy and infect your programs and files, as well as boot sectors, with malicious code.

Types of malware.

Malicious programs can be divided into two main types.
Viruses and worms.

Viruses- are distributed through a malicious file that you could download on the Internet, or may end up on a pirated disk, or they are often transmitted via Skype under the guise of useful programs (I noticed that schoolchildren often fall for the latter; they are allegedly given a mod for the game or cheats, but in fact In fact, it may turn out to be a virus that can cause harm).
The virus introduces its code into one of the programs, or disguises itself as a separate program in a place where users usually do not go (folders with the operating system, hidden system folders).
The virus cannot run itself until you run the infected program yourself.
Worms They already infect many files on your computer, for example all exe files, system files, boot sectors, etc.
Worms most often penetrate the system themselves, using vulnerabilities in your OS, your browser, or a specific program.
They can penetrate through chats, communication programs such as skype, icq, and can be distributed through email.
They can also be on websites and use a vulnerability in your browser to penetrate your system.
Worms can spread across a local network; if one of the computers on the network is infected, it can spread to other computers, infecting all files along the way.
Worms try to write for the most popular programs. For example, now the most popular browser is “Chrome”, so scammers will try to write for it and create malicious code on sites for it. Because it is often more interesting to infect thousands of users who use a popular program than a hundred with an unpopular program. Although chrome is constantly improving protection.
The best protection against network worms This is to update your programs and your operating system. Many people neglect updates, which they often regret.
Several years ago I noticed the following worm.

But it clearly did not come through the Internet, but most likely through a pirated disk. The essence of his work was this: he allegedly created a copy of each folder on the computer or on a flash drive. But in fact, it did not create a similar folder, but an exe file. When you click on such an exe file, it spreads even more throughout the system. And so, as soon as you got rid of it, you came to a friend with a flash drive, downloaded his music, and you returned with a flash drive infected with such a worm and had to remove it again. I don’t know whether this virus caused any other harm to the system, but soon this virus ceased to exist.

Main types of viruses.

In fact, there are many types and varieties of computer threats. And it’s simply impossible to consider everything. Therefore, we will look at the most common and most unpleasant ones recently.
Viruses are:
File— are located in an infected file, are activated when the user turns on this program, but cannot be activated themselves.
Boot- can be loaded when windows loads, getting into startup, when inserting a flash drive or the like.
- Macro viruses - these are various scripts that can be located on the site, can be sent to you by mail or in Word and Excel documents, and perform certain functions inherent in the computer. They exploit the vulnerabilities of your programs.

Types of viruses.
-Trojan programs
— Spies
— Extortionists
— Vandals
— Rootkits
— Botnet
— Keyloggers
These are the most basic types of threats that you may encounter. But in reality there are many more.
Some viruses can even be combined and contain several types of these threats at once.
— Trojan programs. The name comes from the Trojan horse. It penetrates your computer under the guise of harmless programs, and then can open access to your computer or send your passwords to the owner.
Recently, Trojans called stealers have become widespread. They can steal saved passwords in your browser and in game email clients. Immediately after launch, it copies your passwords and sends your passwords to the attacker’s email or hosting. All he has to do is collect your data, then either sell it or use it for his own purposes.
— Spies (spyware) track user actions. What sites the user visits or what the user does on his computer.
— Extortionists. These include Winlockers. The program completely or completely blocks access to the computer and demands money for unlocking, for example, to deposit it into an account, etc. Under no circumstances should you send money if you fall into this situation. Your computer will not be unlocked, and you will lose money. You have a direct route to the Drweb company website, where you can find how to unlock many winlockers by entering a certain code or performing certain actions. Some Winlockers may disappear within a day, for example.
— Vandals can block access to antivirus sites and access to antiviruses and many other programs.
— Rootkits(rootkit) are hybrid viruses. May contain various viruses. They can gain access to your PC, and the person will have full access to your computer, and they can merge to the kernel level of your OS. They came from the world of Unix systems. They can disguise various viruses and collect data about the computer and all computer processes.
— Botnet quite an unpleasant thing. Botnets are huge networks of infected “zombie” computers that can be used to DDoS websites and other cyber attacks using infected computers. This type is very common and difficult to detect; even antivirus companies may not know about their existence for a long time. Many people can be infected with them and not even know it. You are no exception, and maybe even me.
Keyloggers(keylogger) - keyloggers. They intercept everything you enter from the keyboard (websites, passwords) and sends them to the owner.

Ways of infection by computer viruses.

Main routes of infection.
— Operating system vulnerability.

Browser vulnerability

— The quality of the antivirus is poor

— User stupidity

- Removable media.
OS vulnerability— no matter how hard you try to rivet protection for the OS, security holes appear over time. Most viruses are written for Windows, as this is the most popular operating system. The best protection is to constantly update your operating system and try to use a newer version.
Browsers— This happens due to browser vulnerabilities, especially if they are old. It can also be treated with frequent updates. There may also be problems if you download browser plugins from third-party resources.
Antiviruses- free antiviruses that have less functionality than paid ones. Although paid ones do not give 100 results in defense and misfire. But it is still advisable to have at least a free antivirus. I have already written about free antiviruses in this article.
User stupidity- clicking on banners, following suspicious links from letters, etc., installing software from suspicious places.
Removable media— viruses can be installed automatically from infected and specially prepared flash drives and other removable media. Not long ago the world heard about the BadUSB vulnerability.

https://avi1.ru/ - you can buy very inexpensive promotion on social networks on this site. You will also receive really advantageous offers for purchasing resources for your pages.

Types of infected objects.

Files— They infect your programs, system and regular files.
Boot sectors- resident viruses. As the name implies, they infect the boot sectors of the computer, assign their code to the computer’s startup and are launched when the operating system starts. Sometimes they are well camouflaged and difficult to remove from startup.
Macros— Word, Excel and similar documents. I use macros and vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office tools and introduce malicious code into your operating system.

Signs of computer virus infection.

It is not a fact that the appearance of some of these signs means the presence of a virus in the system. But if they exist, it is recommended to check your computer with an antivirus or contact a specialist.
One of the common signs is This is a severe overload of the computer. When your computer is running slowly, although you don’t seem to have anything turned on, there are programs that can put a lot of stress on your computer. But if you have an antivirus, note that the antiviruses themselves load the computer very well. And if there is no such software that can load, then most likely there are viruses. In general, I advise you to first reduce the number of programs launched in startup.

It may also be one of the signs of infection.
But not all viruses can heavily load the system; some of them are almost difficult to notice changes.
System errors. Drivers stop working, some programs start to work incorrectly or often crash with an error, but let’s say this has never been noticed before. Or programs start to reboot frequently. Of course, this happens due to antiviruses, for example, the antivirus deleted it by mistake, considering the system file to be malicious, or deleted a truly infected file, but it was associated with the system files of the program and the deletion resulted in such errors.

The appearance of advertising in browsers or even banners start appearing on the desktop.
The appearance of non-standard sounds when the computer is running (squeaking, clicking for no reason, etc.).
CD/DVD drive opens by itself, or it just starts to read the disk even though there is no disk there.
Turning the computer on or off for a long time.
Stealing your passwords. If you notice that various spam is being sent on your behalf, from your mailbox or social network page, it is likely that a virus has penetrated your computer and transferred passwords to the owner, if you notice this, I recommend checking with an antivirus without fail (although it is not a fact that this is exactly the case the attacker got your password).
Frequent access to the hard drive. Every computer has an indicator that flashes when various programs are used or when you copy, download, or move files. For example, your computer is just turned on but no programs are being used, but the indicator starts blinking frequently, supposedly programs are being used. These are already viruses at the hard drive level.

So we actually looked at computer viruses that you may encounter on the Internet. But in fact, there are many times more of them, and it is not possible to completely protect yourself, except by not using the Internet, not buying disks, and not turning on the computer at all.

Good afternoon Each of us has heard the word “computer virus”. Some people know quite a lot about this concept, but for most readers, this word remains mysterious, incomprehensible, something distant.

What does a computer virus mean? Let's first define a common virus. A virus is a kind of crystal that has its own DNA, cytoplasm and other elements. But the virus does not have its own core, is not an independent organism and cannot exist outside of any living being, be it a cell or a multicellular organism.

Viruses can be dormant, incubating, or active. All this applies to computer viruses. Their essence is really similar. They also integrate into another organism, e.g. program, change its code, actively reproduce, sometimes even damage the PC hardware. Just like ordinary viruses, the types of computer viruses are quite diverse.

We can say that a computer virus is a program that is capable of creating multiple duplicates of itself, embedding itself in the code of other software, in the system memory, and introducing its multiple duplicates in various ways.

What types of viruses are there? - this is the question people ask when epidemics and viral diseases are raging around. With the arrival of cold weather, as well as with a lack of vitamins in the body, we increasingly have many anti-infective and antiviral drugs among our pharmacy purchases. The New Year's mood may worsen due to fever and cough. And it happens that the disease completely knocks us off our feet, and we cannot even get up from the couch. It is important for us to know which infections are the most common and what we have to fight against. Let's talk to you about the most common acute respiratory infections and influenza viruses.

Coxsackievirus (Rhinitis)

One of the most unpleasant diseases. A simple way to become infected is to overcool your body, and this is very difficult to notice. Bacteria form in the nasal cavity and begin to multiply and become inflamed. It is enough to breathe in cold air and long-term treatment is guaranteed.

The infectious agent can also be pollen, then the disease can be considered seasonal. Symptoms in this case are nasal discharge (dry, wet and purulent), headache, lacrimation.

In any case, it is important to know what treatment is needed. There is no need to self-medicate; an experienced doctor knows what viruses are, will find the cause of the disease and will prescribe you a specific list of medications. The main thing is not to hesitate with this issue.

Respiratory syncytial viruses (Viral bronchitis)

Every schoolchild will answer what viral bronchitis is. And the main symptoms may be cough, fever, and sputum production. In general terms, bronchitis is inflammation of the lung mucosa . And the disease can last a very long time. The temperature will be around 39, the sputum will acquire a greenish tint, and in difficult cases, with blood clots.

Causes may vary, but it is generally accepted that the main reason is smoking. Many people are also sure that older people suffer from bronchitis more often. Unfortunately, children can also be affected by the disease, and the cause can be not only smoking, but also heredity, as well as the environment.

Respiratory viruses (laryngitis)

This disease is characterized as inflammation of the mucous membrane of the larynx. Pain and dry mouth, cough, fever appear, and can even lead to complete loss of voice. Like the above diseases, it can be acute or chronic.

Reason can be caused by external factors such as alcohol, smoking, ligament strain and much more. An experienced doctor will help you with treatment, because the disease cannot be neglected. Viruses can be very dangerous; a laryngeal abscess can form and be fatal.

Viral sore throat

Another name for sore throat is acute tonsillitis . In this case, the tonsils become inflamed. It is generally accepted that children suffer from sore throat more often, but this can also affect adults. Either one or two tonsils become inflamed.

Treatment is focused on relieving symptoms. But in acute forms it can even go so far as to remove these same tonsils. It also has a chronic form, and in all these cases there is no need to wait for the consequences and self-medicate.

Mycobacterium tuberculosis (TB)

This disease is not a cold, but it does occur. It is caused by the microbacterium tuberculosis. It most often affects the lungs, but can also spread to other tissues: bones, eyes, skin.

It is usually transmitted by airborne droplets, but do not forget that you can also become infected through contact with the patient’s belongings. You feel unwell, have a headache, and have a fever. The most important thing is that chest pain and cough may not appear at the initial stage. Sweating and loss of energy, and most importantly, weight loss.

Detected using a sputum smear, in some cases a negative result does not mean the absence of the disease. You definitely need to do fluorography.

Rhinoviruses (Pharingitis)

The main symptoms of pharyngitis, which is most often caused by rhinoviruses, are dry mouth and a cough with pus. Very often pharyngitis is confused with sore throat. The difference from a sore throat is a dry cough.

Also a very unpleasant symptom is a runny nose and nasal congestion. The consequence is difficulty breathing and lack of proper sleep. The cause of the disease is a variety of bacteria, such as streptococcus, adenoviruses,.

Influenza virus

Influenza is caused by viruses with complex names, such as H1N1, H1N2 and H3N2. It affects the upper respiratory tract of humans. As with tuberculosis, the source of influenza can be an infected person. Temperature, runny nose, chills, cough, aches in muscles and joints suddenly appear. In rare cases, abdominal pain and loose stools. It usually lasts 7-10 days, complications may become meningitis - inflammation of the lining of the brain.

The main fighter against the disease will be our immunity. But this cannot be done without support. The main thing is peace and abstinence from alcohol and smoking. Antiviral drugs will help. The most important thing is not to let the disease progress.

Prevention of viral infections and colds

To avoid viral diseases you need an integrated approach. Proper hardening will do. It is necessary to teach the body to react correctly to overheating and hypothermia.

///A healthy lifestyle also includes physical activity. If you cannot visit the gym, you should not forget about walks in the fresh air. A very important point - proper and nutritious nutrition . With a lack of vitamins in the body, the immune system is weakened. You need to include fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet. You can buy vitamin complexes at the pharmacy. The main thing is to remember what viruses there are, do not forget about your health, because the principle solve the problem as it arises in this case is not suitable.

Video about types of viruses

In this video, Alexander Pilyagin will talk about the TOP 10 killer viruses, what they are and how best to protect your body:

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