Home Hygiene Why do girls leak white fluid? Copious white discharge

Why do girls leak white fluid? Copious white discharge

The vaginal mucosa always secretes a small amount of mucus associated with hormonal levels, which change gradually in a woman’s body: first menstruation, puberty, monthly cycle, pregnancy, feeding, menopause.

Normally, this fluid is secreted by the walls of the vagina, ovaries and gonads, and contains traces of blood cells and dead cells of the mucous membrane of the uterus and vagina.

In bloody discharge there are more blood cells, in purulent discharge - leukocytes.

Also, disruption of the microflora and the activity of pathogenic bacteria affects the nature, smell and color of the discharge.

Each woman’s body is to some extent individual, however, the indicators should still be within normal limits. If you have any doubts about what is considered normal for a healthy woman, then you need to take into account several factors responsible for hormonal processes in the body.

Normal white discharge: functions and signs

Normally, white discharge in women has a slightly acidic environment due to lactobacilli that are constantly present in the vagina. This helps inhibit the growth of pathogens and creates a favorable environment for conception.

In addition, the secretions lubricate the mucous membrane, protecting it from friction, and also help clear away dead epithelial cells.

Copious white discharge in girls is accompanied by the establishment of the menstrual cycle and stabilization of hormonal levels. The functions of the sex glands work intensively, which increases the number and causes slight discomfort from wet underwear. During this period, it is very important to regularly carry out hygienic cleansing of the external genitalia, but not more than twice a day.

Signs of the absence of pathologies are as follows:

  1. color varies from white to cream and light yellow in the first half of the cycle; after ovulation almost transparent;
  2. do not have a pronounced odor;
  3. the consistency is liquid, slightly watery, during ovulation - viscous, similar to egg white;
  4. the amount during the day may vary, but not more than the volume of one teaspoon;
  5. Normally, they intensify before menstruation, after sexual intercourse and during sexual arousal.

Cause of white discharge with a sour odor

A whitish, transparent, odorless discharge is considered normal. In this case, the woman should not have itching, pain or burning of the genitals.

White discharge with an unpleasant odor (sour) is accompanied by candidiasis (thrush). Symptoms may be vague, that is, unpleasant sensations appear periodically, but this still indicates the presence of pathogenic microflora of the vagina.

Thrush can have several causes:

Thrush can be treated exclusively by a gynecologist; douching in this case is undesirable, as it can cause harm (especially a solution of potassium permanganate or soda, chamomile decoction, etc.).

Discharge as a symptom of the disease

If mucosal immunity is reduced, bacteria that are normally found in small quantities in the vagina can multiply and cause inflammation.

Alarm signals, or what discharge should not be:

  • white with a cheesy consistency;
  • copious amounts (more than 1 teaspoon per day);
  • foamy consistency;
  • color change to brown, yellow, green and other suspicious shades;
  • with a putrid or sour odor, reminiscent of fish or onions;
  • dryness of the external genitalia;
  • redness of the labia;
  • burning and itching in the genital area, pain in the lower abdomen;
  • pain when urinating.

Characteristic discomfort during the inflammatory process in the vagina will be pain and burning while sitting, when walking, during and after sex.

How to determine the disease by the color of the discharge

Confirming the presence of the infectious agent and prescribing the correct treatment is possible only from a doctor: a vaginal smear is sent for analysis, which will determine the type of bacteria and its sensitivity to a specific antibiotic.

Observing signs of the disease, such as color, will help you make a decision to see a gynecologist.

  1. Thus, chlamydia causes clear discharge, very foamy and profuse. Gray ones with the smell of rotting fish may indicate gardnerellosis and bacterial vaginosis.
  2. A large number of leukocytes makes them look like pus - greenish in color, very thick. This indicates an acute inflammatory process that requires immediate treatment by a gynecologist.
  3. Trichomoniasis produces a yellow discharge that is thinner because it forms directly in the vagina, where inflammation produces fewer white blood cells.
  4. White discharge in girls who are not sexually active indicates candidiasis. Any suspicions can only be confirmed by a gynecologist, based strictly on a bacterial analysis.

When not to worry, and when to see a doctor

Normal white, odorless discharge should not be alarming, as it indicates healthy function of the glands and mucous membrane of the internal genital organs. Paying close attention to your own body will help you understand whether the discharge is associated with other manifestations that may be symptoms of the disease.

It is important to note whether there was a change in temperature, abdominal pain, or disruption of the monthly cycle. If there were no health problems before or during heavy discharge, then there is most likely no reason to worry. It happens that two symptoms coincide at once: a delay in menstruation and white discharge. A delay of more than 10 days is a sufficient basis for suspicion of pregnancy, which can be confirmed by a doctor.

Regular delays in menstruation for 5 or more days with white discharge indicate a hormonal imbalance, the cause of which may be simple stress, or perhaps a dysfunction of the reproductive system, which should be consulted in the gynecologist’s office. White discharge during pregnancy may indicate the onset of the disease if it is accompanied by the symptoms described above - an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the pelvic area. Pregnancy is a serious reason to consult a gynecologist for an explanation of the cause of too strong white discharge.

White discharge does not always mean pathology. While observing yourself, it is important not to miss other accompanying symptoms.

In women, a white substance (leucorrhoea) is constantly secreted from the genital tract without itching, odor or any other painful sensations. It causes many people to worry and think about possible illnesses. However, in fact, white discharge is quite natural for any female body. With their help, the vagina is freed from “garbage”: dead cells, blood, mucus, and other waste products. True, in some cases, excessive secretion still indicates health problems.

Girls produce more leucorrhoea than women whose biological age is already approaching menopause. The reason is that in a young body the hormonal background is not yet fully formed, while in middle-aged women it is already stable and unchangeable.

Normally, both in girls and in middle-aged women, the vagina has a slightly acidic environment. It is such thanks to the vital activity of lactobacilli that produce lactic acid. The slightly acidic environment neutralizes all harmful microbes.

Signs of “healthy” discharge

The nature of the discharge is indicated by its signs. In addition to the fact that normal leucorrhoea is usually odorless and itchy, it also:

  • transparent, creamy white or white-yellow;
  • have a watery, runny consistency;
  • during ovulation they take on a transparent, viscous mucous form;
  • do not have “inclusions” in the form of flakes or lumps;
  • no more than one teaspoon is excreted per day;
  • do not increase body temperature;
  • do not irritate the skin and vaginal mucosa;
  • stains are left on underwear, the size of which does not exceed 5 cm.

During menstruation, after sex, and also when a woman experiences sexual arousal, there may be more white discharge.

“Menstrual” leucorrhoea is usually very viscous, similar in color to raw chicken whites.

If a woman has had unprotected sex, the discharge first takes the form of clots, then becomes liquid. With their help, the female body gets rid of sperm. Leucorrhoea is also needed to lubricate the vagina during sexual intercourse. They disappear very quickly.

The amount of odorless and itchy leucorrhoea may increase if a woman uses birth control pills, vaginal suppositories, coils, or cervical caps.

Discharge associated with pregnancy

Very thick white discharge, odorless and itchy, sometimes occurs in the initial stages of pregnancy (first trimester). Outwardly, they look like small clots of mucus. They are whitish or colorless and do not cause health problems.

White discharge appears due to an increase in the level of the hormone progesterone in the blood. It is produced by the corpus luteum of the ovaries, which are born after the follicle ruptures. Such leucorrhoea performs a protective function for the uterine cavity. They form a mucous plug that protects the uterus from various infectious diseases and the threat of miscarriage.

When approximately 12 weeks have passed since the start of pregnancy, the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the female body begins to decrease, and the amount of estrogen, on the contrary, increases. For this reason, the discharge takes on a liquid form and increases in number. They are usually colorless, but can also be whitish.

What does “pathological” leucorrhoea look like? What diseases cause them?

White discharge, indicating illness, has an unpleasant, often pungent odor, and causes itching. They have a yellowish and sometimes even greenish color. Because of such discharge, a woman may experience severe physical as well as psychological discomfort. Their presence indicates the following health problems:

  • pelvic cold (if the white discharge is very thick) caused by inflammation of the bladder;
  • cervical erosion;
  • during puberty (puberty) this is a sign of diseases of the urinary system;
  • fungal infection. Accompanied by a sour, extremely unpleasant odor, they have the form of flakes.

A disease called bacterial vaginosis (gardnerellosis) is another common cause of white pathological discharge. It is caused by the proliferation of pathogenic microflora in the female vagina. Gardnerellosis is accompanied by a light grayish-white discharge with a very strong unpleasant odor.

Leucorrhoea can also intensify due to problems with the immune system.

“Non-dangerous” causes of pathological leucorrhoea

Such reasons include, in particular:

  • stressful situations - cause the release of a thick, abundant white substance;
  • weather changes: magnetic storms, changes in air humidity, fluctuations in atmospheric pressure;
  • taking certain medications (hormonal contraceptives and some others);
  • period of breastfeeding. Hormonal levels change in the female body, the amount of normal secretions decreases, they become homogeneous.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

If white discharge appears along with the following symptoms, a woman should immediately visit a gynecologist:

  • itching or cutting pain in the perineal area;
  • “fishy” smell;
  • blood impurity;
  • pus;
  • pain during sex;
  • discharge in the form of foam with an unpleasant odor;
  • pain that occurs when urinating;
  • increased body temperature;
  • dull aching pain in the lower body and lumbar region.


The gynecologist will first take swabs from the vagina, urethra and cervical canal. He will also check the vagina and urethra by palpation. Perhaps the doctor will prescribe the following:

  • Ultrasound of the pelvis;
  • PCR diagnostics (polymerase chain reaction is a method by which pathogens of infectious diseases are identified);
  • colposcopy.

How to protect yourself from infections that can cause excess white discharge

It is not difficult to protect yourself from such infections: you just need to maintain personal hygiene and for this:

  • try not to irritate the vaginal mucosa. Use herbal based products for washing;
  • take a bath several times a week;
  • use sanitary pads every day, be sure to change them when thick, profuse leucorrhoea is produced;
  • choose suitable underwear. Briefs made of cotton fabric are ideal. Air passes through this fabric freely, the skin “breathes” well.

You also need to eat right, be sure to get enough sleep, avoid stressful situations and devote time to physical exercise.

White discharge, odorless and itchy, is natural and harmless. But sometimes they are a symptom of a disease. Therefore, every woman who values ​​her health must know exactly when discharge signals problems.

Almost every woman is interested in the question of intimate discharge, and many wonder whether it is normal or considered a pathology. Perhaps they indicate the onset of some disease? It is considered a natural condition for a woman or girl when the vaginal mucosa provokes discharge. Thanks to them, the internal genital organs eliminate bacteria, remove remnants of menstrual blood, dead cells and mucus. It is considered correct if the discharge has no color. When white discharge occurs, women often have many questions.

What do such discharges indicate?

Depending on your age, the amount of white vaginal discharge varies. This is due to the difference in hormonal levels: in young girls it is just beginning to form, so the discharge is more abundant. In women of older reproductive age, as well as during menopause, hormonal changes have already stopped, and therefore there is less discharge. When a girl or woman’s vagina has a weak acidity environment, where lactic acid is formed with lactobacilli. This is considered the norm. Such an environment prevents the development and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms.

But every representative of the fair sex must know what kind of discharge is considered normal.

  • The normal amount of secretion should not exceed the volume of a teaspoon.
  • The discharge should have no odor.
  • Increased discharge may occur during sexual arousal, during sex, or before menstruation.
  • The discharge should not be thick, thin or watery, and during ovulation.
  • It is normal for the discharge to be creamy, white or slightly yellowish and not particularly noticeable.

Cause of white discharge with odor in girls

During the process of renewal of cells covering the vagina, a waste product is released, which in medicine is called leucorrhoea. Discharge that is transparent and white is considered normal, and women or girls should not feel any burning, itching or pain in the vagina. Dead cells mixed with mucus and discharge from the cervix, especially increased during ovulation, are a natural product of the body. It is considered normal for the discharge to be more stretchy and mucous during the period of ovulation.

Very often, when the menstrual cycle is disrupted, when taking hormonal drugs, poor hygiene, or when overusing antibacterial gels for intimate hygiene or scented hygiene products, during stressful situations, during climate change, frequent douching (see) and even due to nutritional errors (diet, excessive consumption of sweets), as well as during pregnancy, women experience white discharge. At the same time, they may be accompanied by discomfort and itching in the genital area. The sensations can be significant or, on the contrary, they can only bother you periodically. All these are symptoms of vaginal candidiasis, or as it is also called, thrush, which causes abundant white discharge with a sour odor (see).

How to determine the disease by discharge?

The vagina contains opportunistic microorganisms that are not capable of causing harm to the body. But when they multiply, with a decrease in local and general immunity, hormonal imbalances and after taking antibiotics, they can cause an inflammatory process. If symptoms of any diseases or disorders appear in a girl after characteristic discharge, a mandatory visit to a gynecologist with a thorough examination is required:

  • The discharge changed color, became pronounced yellow, green and other noticeable shades, or turned brown (see).
  • The white discharge has become thick, copious (more than one teaspoon) and foamy.
  • When you are worried about pain during or after sexual relations, pain in the lower abdomen on one or both sides, as well as below the navel. Redness of the skin on the external genitalia, dryness and discomfort during sexual intercourse, or any unusual discharge, especially if combined with itching.
  • A clear symptom of thrush in a girl who may not even be sexually active can be thick, abundant, white discharge, reminiscent of cottage cheese. At the same time, the girl can feel it, especially when she sits in a cross-legged position.

For more information about the treatment of thrush, read the article: "" »

Discharges from different parts of the reproductive system differ. To identify the cause and pathological changes in leucorrhoea, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out, especially if the discharge has changed color, smell, quantity and at the same time discomfort is felt in the genital area.

Discharges are classified according to their origin:

  • Uterine leucorrhoea. Occur when inflammatory exudate drains and mixes with vaginal mucus as it exits through the cervical canal.
  • Pipe leucorrhoea. When the tubes become inflamed, fluid accumulates in the uterus and is released into the vagina.
  • Cervical leucorrhoea. The cause may be gonorrhea, mycoplasmosis or ureaplasmosis. Appear in the presence of an inflammatory process in the cervix (cervicitis).
  • Vaginal leucorrhoea. When the vagina is inflamed, discharge of different colors appears: white, yellow, most often with an unpleasant odor. They can be caused by trichomoniasis, thrush, and gardnerellosis, although these are some of the most harmless discharges.

Is it possible to determine the disease by the color of the discharge?

No gynecologist without laboratory tests can determine a diagnosis based on the external description of the discharge, since there are more than a hundred reasons for its occurrence, change in color or character. Only by theoretical method can girls and women have abundant, white, cheesy discharge that can unmistakably indicate vaginal candidiasis (see). Only laboratory tests such as a smear, bacterial culture from the vagina and tests for sexually transmitted infections will help determine the cause of changes in discharge, since thrush is often combined with sexually transmitted infections. The color of the discharge tells the doctor which direction to choose the research method:

  • Discharge white, odorless may indicate a disease, but this can be considered normal. Therefore, you should pay attention to the fact that mild candidiasis does not cause severe itching or burning. These signs may appear occasionally and insignificantly; you should definitely visit a gynecologist if you notice heavy discharge that has become whiter, thicker and cheesy in appearance.
  • Transparent foamy discharge can serve as one of the.
  • With gardnerellosis, the discharge most often acquires a characteristic gray tint.
  • The disease is trichomoniasis. With it, inflammation most often occurs in the vagina. There is a concentration of leukocytes, which causes the leucorrhoea to turn yellow.
  • If the discharge is greenish, this indicates a purulent process, because a large accumulation of leukocytes leads to a purulent process, and the greater the inflammatory process, the greener the color.

Only laboratory tests can serve as a diagnosis for pathological changes in discharge in women.

Should I visit a doctor if I have white discharge?

If a woman’s intimate discharge is not more than one teaspoon and is not accompanied by other unpleasant symptoms, then the woman should not worry about this. If your discharge has changed in character, has become copious, white and has an unpleasant odor, or is very foamy, cottage cheese-like, thick and has acquired a yellow, greenish or brown color in the middle of the cycle and is accompanied by itching, burning and pain in the lower abdomen (see), and these symptoms have also been added to, this is the first sign that you need to see a doctor:

  • To begin with, the gynecologist will collect anamnesis.
  • He will perform an examination on a gynecological chair, during which the walls of the vagina and the cervix can be seen in the mirrors. He will pay attention to pathological discharge, the condition of the cervix and the presence of an inflammatory process.
  • In addition to the usual collection of material for a smear and bacteriological examination, the doctor may prescribe a smear using the PCR method if a sexually transmitted disease is suspected.
  • The doctor can also perform it when indicated or to exclude cervical erosion and dysplasia.
  • If the patient complains of pain, disruption of the menstrual cycle and in the presence of inflammation of the uterine appendages and the uterus itself, it is recommended to undergo a transvaginal ultrasound, which will help to correctly establish the clinical picture of changes in the woman’s discharge.

The presence of vaginal discharge is an important indicator of a woman's sexual health. The desire to get rid of them can only do harm, since their presence provides a barrier to the penetration of many infections of fungal, bacterial or viral origin.

But sometimes an increase in the volume of white discharge indicates that some kind of disease is developing in the body or a serious hormonal imbalance has occurred. In such cases, these disturbances must be immediately brought back to normal, which is difficult to do without the help of a doctor.

To understand what marks on underwear are, you need to know where the physiological fluids that are released from the vagina are produced and how they appear.

Leucorrhoea is isolated from the following sources:

  • Vagina. Up to 12 types of microorganisms are constantly present inside it, which do not rise above the entrance to the cervix. Certain fungi, viruses and bacteria develop here; their composition is individual for each woman and changes repeatedly throughout life. Most of the inhabitants are lactobacilli, and a minimal percentage is occupied by opportunistic microbes. These microbes do not have the opportunity to develop rapidly until beneficial bacteria significantly outnumber them.
  • Vulva. From it, the secretion of the Bartholin and small vestibular glands is mixed with the general fluid, which serves to lubricate the entrance to the vagina. These glands are located at the base of the labia majora and minora and secrete secretions most actively under mechanical pressure and during arousal.
  • Uterus and cervix. On the inner surface of the uterus there is a constant desquamation of dead epithelial cells; the same cells from the cervix and the secretion of the cervical glands are mixed with them. All this mixes and descends into the vaginal lumen. The intensity of desquamation varies at different periods of the monthly cycle.
  • The fallopian tubes. Leucorrhoea from these organs is produced only when they are inflamed, from where it enters the uterus, and from the uterus down through the cervical canal.

All these secretions make up leucorrhoea, the color of which will depend on the functioning of each of the above organs.

An increase in the volume of leucorrhea and the simultaneous appearance of liquid whitish or yellow droplets on the nipples, not associated with pregnancy, can be a sign of very serious diseases, such as tumors of the reproductive organs or mammary glands, mastitis or galactorrhea, so the appearance of such a symptom should be a reason for urgent treatment specialist.

What discharge is considered normal?

Normally, a woman has leucorrhoea at any period of the menstrual cycle; the vagina should never be completely dry, since secretion performs several important functions. Firstly, it resists most pathogenic agents that enter the vagina from the outside, and secondly, it serves as a lubricant and reduces the risk of injury to delicate epithelial tissues during sex.

Leucorrhoea is considered normal if:

  • They do not have a distinct color. They can be transparent, white, sometimes cream or with a faint yellowish tint.
  • There is no strong unpleasant odor. Normal microflora never gives the secretion the smell of decaying organic matter.
  • The consistency is not too thin (not watery), but not too thick either. A jelly-like or slimy consistency is normal. During ovulation, the mucus is clear and viscous.
  • The volume is no more than a teaspoon throughout the day (but visually this parameter is quite difficult to track).

If the reproductive system is functioning normally and there are no diseases, then the discharge does not cause irritation on the mucous membranes of the genital organs, is not accompanied by pain, does not cause an increase in temperature or any other discomfort.

White discharge with a sour odor

A sour, not pungent odor of secretion is normal in many cases. The largest component of leucorrhoea is due to lactobacilli - a large group of fermented milk bacteria that determine the acidity of the intravaginal environment. Its pH averages 3.8-4.4, which corresponds to a slightly acidic reaction.

Lactobacilli form lactic acid during their life processes. It is necessary in order to:

  • inhibit the growth of opportunistic fungi in the vagina;
  • prevent bacteria from penetrating deep into the mucous epithelium;
  • regulate the fertilization process, since conception occurs only when there is a sufficient amount of sperm neutralized by vaginal leucorrhoea (a sufficient volume of ejaculate for this is an indirect indicator of a man’s general health).

Therefore, a slight sour smell may be a variant of the norm, but it is not present in all women, as it is a purely individual characteristic.

White discharge as a sign of illness

The color of vaginal secretion is a very important indicator, which reacts in the shortest possible time to changes in the state of the reproductive system. There is a list of signs that changes in the nature of discharge are associated with some kind of pathology:

  • change in consistency from normal to curdled;
  • large volume (significantly exceeding 5 ml per day);
  • hard pieces, large lumps, inclusions of other colors;
  • obvious foaming;
  • color change;
  • the presence of a sour, fishy or onion rotten odor;
  • dryness and irritation of the labia majora;
  • discomfort, pain, itching in the genital area;
  • painful urination.

If, along with these manifestations, the temperature rises, it hurts to walk, or there is severe pain in the lower abdomen, then you should urgently consult a doctor.

The main causes of heavy white discharge

An increase in the volume of leucorrhoea can be pathogenic in nature or occur for physiological reasons associated with special conditions or periods of a woman’s life. It is important to know them in order to be able to independently determine whether qualified help is needed with such changes or whether the picture is completely normal.

The condition of vaginal leucorrhoea is affected by certain medications, the period of breastfeeding, climate change and many other factors.


In young girls, aged 10-17 years, leucorrhoea is often more abundant than in adult women. The reason for this lies in the fact that before the onset of menstruation and several years after their first appearance, the body’s hormonal levels gradually improve and stabilize, while in adult women this process is already completed and follows a constant algorithm.

In girls, the abundance of discharge may not be constant, but may appear periodically. If this is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations, then there is no reason to worry.

Monthly changes

An increase in the volume of secretion is usually observed during the period of ovulation, but its consistency becomes more mucous and viscous, and the color becomes transparent. After ovulation, everything returns to its previous state.

But in the second half of the monthly cycle, and especially shortly before menstruation, thick white or white-yellow discharge appears, which lasts about five days before the start of the menstrual period. This does not require any treatment as it corresponds to normal fluctuations in sex hormones throughout the month.

During sexual arousal

During sexual arousal, special mechanisms are launched in a woman’s body that prepare her reproductive organs for sex. One of these mechanisms is the intensive work of the Bartholin glands, which are located in the vestibule of the labia in the back of them.

Strong sexual arousal quickly affects this gland, and it begins to work much harder, which is expressed in the abundance of physiological mucus, which naturally provides lubrication for better glide of the penis. The second function of such moisturizing is protection against the possible entry of pathogenic microbes into the vagina.

The intensity of secretion of such fluid during arousal varies significantly among different women, and in some it is very high. The leucorrhoea is not as thick as usual, transparent or white.

After sex

The abundance of white vaginal discharge after sexual intercourse lasts for an average day. Leucorrhoea consists of the internal secretion of the vagina and the ejaculate of the man. Ejaculate under the influence of an acidic environment can form small pieces or clots.

The color of such a liquid is sometimes white, white-yellow or almost transparent. This often causes discomfort, as the underwear becomes more moist than usual. Over the course of a day, the intensity gradually decreases and returns to normal.


The cause of the appearance of abundant secretion in the form of hard, cheesy pieces is either candidiasis. The standard clinical picture is copious discharge from the vagina of a white or white-yellow cheesy mass, which often has an unpleasant sour odor. During sex, you often feel discomfort and sometimes pain. In addition, severe itching, burning and discomfort are felt in the labia area due to excessive moisture in the underwear.

For this disease to begin to manifest itself, any weakening of the immune system or the action of other factors affecting the number of healthy vaginal microflora is sufficient.


The second name for this disease is bacterial vaginosis.

This pathology is caused by a violation of the composition of the vaginal microflora. With it, there is a sharp increase in vaginal secretion, acquiring a gray-white color and a heterogeneous structure. The secretion usually does not smell during the first 24 hours, but then acquires an odor reminiscent of rotten fish.

Gardnerellosis requires urgent treatment, as it can cause more serious diseases that affect the general health of a woman. Since it directly depends on the state of the immune system, prevention after treatment must necessarily include measures to strengthen a person’s resistance to colds and viral diseases. If this is not done, then at the next opportunity the dysbiosis will resume and lead to a new round of the disease.

How to relieve your condition before seeing a doctor

With excessive leucorrhea, a woman experiences discomfort due to the fact that the underwear in the intimate area quickly becomes wet, and the constant friction of wet fabric against the delicate skin of the intimate areas can provoke irritation. In such cases, using a healing cream will help, which should be applied in a very thin layer so as not to complicate the access of air to the skin.

Sometimes panty liners, which absorb liquid well and retain it inside their structure, sometimes help solve the problem, but this measure is not suitable for everyone, since sometimes an allergy develops to the material of the pads.

Hygienic care of the vulva is of no small importance. Following the basic rules that you need to wash yourself twice a day from front to back can save a woman from many problems.

Often, in the pursuit of excessive cleanliness, women abuse douching. Performing such procedures unnecessarily is not only pointless, but also dangerous, since such manipulations each time disrupt the natural balance of microflora, which serves as a risk factor for the development of any infections or fungi.

If the leucorrhoea suddenly changes its character, becomes too abundant, cheesy, or acquires an unpleasant odor, the best solution would be to visit a specialist.

In this video, an obstetrician-gynecologist talks about what normal discharge should be like during the menstrual cycle.

Vaginal discharge is a natural biological process. In this way, the vagina self-cleanses from pathogenic microorganisms, dead cells, and mucus. Such discharge may be clear or whitish in color. Why is there white discharge, and should I worry about it?

When discharge is normal

Why is white discharge more abundant in girls than in women of middle and premenopausal age? This is due to the development of hormonal levels and is considered normal. There is no need to worry if vaginal discharge:

  • transparent or have a slight whitish or yellowish tint;
  • have no odor;
  • have a watery consistency;
  • their daily volume does not exceed 1 teaspoon.

An increase in discharge occurs during ovulation for 1-3 days (in the second half of the menstrual cycle). During this period, the discharge acquires a mucous consistency.

Increased secretion production may be associated with sexual arousal. This happens during sex and for several hours after it.

White discharge in women: causes

It is impossible to independently diagnose the disease based on vaginal discharge. Since they can be a sign of more than 100 gynecological diseases (thrush, vaginitis, colpitis, inflammatory process, etc.). In addition, white discharge can occur as a result of:

  • frequent douching, especially with chlorine-containing preparations;
  • regular use of contraceptives and lubricants, which include 9-nonoxynol;
  • a sedentary lifestyle and, as a result, congestion in the pelvic area;
  • treatment with broad-spectrum suppositories (Terzhinan, Polygynax);
  • non-compliance with intimate hygiene rules;
  • stress;
  • constantly wearing underwear made of synthetic materials.

Classification of discharge by origin

Depending on which part of the female reproductive system the discharge occurs, the following leucorrhoea is distinguished:

  1. Pipe. They appear in the fallopian tubes when they become inflamed, from where they enter the uterus and are discharged through the cervix into the vagina.
  2. Vaginal. Leucorrhoea that forms in the vagina can be caused by diseases such as trichomoniasis, thrush, etc.
  3. Cervical. They can be caused by an inflammatory process in the cervix of various etiologies.
  4. Uterine. Discharge resulting from inflammation of the uterus enters the vagina and comes out.

What discharge is considered pathological?

Opportunistic microorganisms that populate the vagina, under unfavorable conditions (decreased immunity, hormonal imbalances, taking antibiotics) multiply and lead to the development of the inflammatory process. You should consult a doctor immediately if:

  • thick white discharge in women is accompanied by itching and burning;
  • the volume of daily discharge exceeds 1 teaspoon;
  • the discharge acquires a sharp, unpleasant odor;
  • Along with the discharge, pain occurs in the lower abdomen or when urinating, and discomfort during sexual intercourse.

The presence of at least one of the listed symptoms indicates the presence of a disease or pathology and requires diagnosis and treatment.

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