Home Oral cavity Streptocide heals. The use of streptocid powder for the treatment of wounds

Streptocide heals. The use of streptocid powder for the treatment of wounds

ENT diseases have always been one of the most common among adults and children. There are no people who have not experienced sore throat, sore throat or tonsillitis.

Many patients prefer domestic drugs, time-tested to replace expensive and imported ones.

Streptocide tablets are one of these. This medication is inexpensive, but has effective antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. Let's figure it out: what is the mechanism of action of the drug?

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Composition of Streptocide tablets

These throat tablets are classified as sulfonamide medications. Sulfonamides are white powdery substances, odorless and sparingly soluble in water.

They have an antimicrobial and antibacterial effect: they inhibit the growth of bacteria and chlamydia. Sulfonamides disrupt the metabolism in the cell of the infectious agent and inhibit their reproduction.

Medicines from this pharmacological group have serious side effects in the form of allergic skin rashes, fever, shortness of breath, heart problems and liver damage, so it is recommended to take them strictly in accordance with the instructions. It is possible to purchase sulfonamide drugs in pharmacies in Russia, Ukraine and the CIS.

The drug contains 0.3 and 0.5 grams of sulfonamide, depending on the packaging. How to use Streptocid for a sore throat? In this article we will find out how the drug is used for children, adults and in what dosages.

Streptocide for sore throat

Streptocide for the throat copes with diseases that cause pain such as:

  • (purulent,);
  • gingivitis.

The use of these tablets during treatment should occur after consultation with a doctor, who determines the severity of the disease by examination and then sets the duration of the course. As a rule, for adults the dosage of the drug is 1-2 tablets 5-6 times a day. You can apply the medication powder to the tonsils for 10–15 minutes, and also apply streptocide to the throat by rinsing the mouth with the solution 3–4 times during the week.

Instructions for use of Streptocid tablets

Before treatment, carefully read the instructions for the drug and consult with a specialist about the use of Streptocide tablets. The instructions say that adults take 1-2 tablets 5-6 times a day.

Can streptocide be used for children's throats?

The safety of treatment for ENT diseases in children has not been fully established. Therefore, this medication for children’s throats cannot theoretically be recommended. However, the instructions for using Streptocid tablets state that one-year-old children are given ¼, from 2 to 5 years old - ½ - 1/3, from 6 to 12 years old - 1 tablet per dose.

Streptocide during pregnancy: is it possible?

This medication is strictly contraindicated during pregnancy in the 1st and 2nd trimester, as well as during lactation. Laboratory studies have shown that streptocide throat tablets during pregnancy can cause the development of heart defects in the child.

During pregnancy, you should take absolutely any medications with caution, following your doctor's recommendations.

How to take Streptocid for a sore throat?

The use of this medicine for the throat should, as a rule, be in combination with other drugs. The duration of the course of therapy with tablets is 5–7 days, 5–6 times a day. It is necessary to gargle with the solution for 5–7 days, 3–4 times a day.

In the early stages of ENT diseases, it is possible to quickly eliminate pain and eliminate discomfort in a matter of days.


This drug is contraindicated in:

  • renal failure;
  • deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
  • nephrosis and nephritis;
  • damage to the thyroid gland and anemia;
  • 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy and lactation.

Reviews about the use of Streptocide

Streptocide for the throat, reviews of which are mostly positive, is able to stop and prevent the proliferation of microbes and bacteria. Many patients note its cheapness and effectiveness in the treatment of ENT diseases.

However, most argue that treating the throat with this drug is not the most pleasant procedure, since it has a bitter aftertaste. It is also worth noting that in rare cases, side effects have occurred in the form of allergic reactions, nausea and tachycardia due to increased sensitivity to sulfonamides.

Before starting treatment with Streptocide, you must consult with an otolaryngologist.

Analogs of Streptocide in tablets

Analogs of tablets can be in the form of ointments and powders: Streptonitol, Osartsid, Sulfanilamide. In tablet form, the analogues are as follows:

  • Arghedine;
  • Bactrim;
  • Bi-Septin;
  • Biseptol;
  • Groseptol;
  • Metosulfabol;
  • Oriptin;
  • Sulfadimezin;
  • Sulfargin and others.

The medicine is in the form of a soluble powder of 2 g, 5 g and 10 g for external use - an analogue of Streptocide in tablets. The drug for sore throat should be consumed no more than 7 grams per day.

As a rule, the powder is dissolved in a glass of warm water and gargled several times a day. Or you can apply it to your tonsils for 10–15 minutes and rinse with any antiseptic solution.

Despite its effectiveness, it has a number of side effects such as:

  • nausea and vomiting;
  • dizziness and headache;
  • allergic reactions;
  • agranulocytosis.

Useful video

For more information on how to relieve a sore throat, watch this video:


  1. Streptocide for the treatment of the throat is often used for sore throats, purulent and lacunar, tonsillitis.
  2. Streptocid throat tablets slow down the division of bacteria and the rate of progression of the disease.
  3. It is worth noting that sulfonamide drugs have been used for several decades, so many bacteria have developed resistance to it.
  4. If the treatment does not have a positive effect, it is necessary to replace Streptocide with a more modern remedy.
  5. These tablets for sore throat have a number of side effects and contraindications, so before treating your throat with streptocide, you should consult your doctor in order to avoid serious health consequences. Do not self-medicate.

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The site provides reference information for informational purposes only. Diagnosis and treatment of diseases must be carried out under the supervision of a specialist. All drugs have contraindications. Consultation with a specialist is required!

Streptocide is an antimicrobial drug of the sulfonamide group for external and local use. Streptocide is used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin and mucous membranes, such as tonsillitis, infected wounds, burns, folliculitis, boils, acne, impetigo, erysipelas, etc.

Varieties, names, composition and release forms

Currently, Streptocid is produced under the following commercial names:
  • Streptocide;
  • Streptocide soluble;
  • Streptocide ointment.
Strictly following the letter of the rules, one must assume that the products listed above with different names are varieties of Streptocide. However, the above different names belong to the same drug - Streptocid. Different names for the same medicine are due to the fact that some pharmaceutical factories produce medicines under historical names. In fact, all Streptocides, regardless of the name, contain the same active substance and are available in the same dosage forms, so there is no difference between them, except for the names. Considering this state of affairs, in the further text of the article we will use one name “Streptocide” for all drugs produced under different historical names.

Streptocide is currently available in Russia in the following dosage forms:

  • Ointment 10%
  • Liniment 5% for external and local use;
  • Powder for external use.
Powder and ointment are produced under the name “Streptocid”, under the name “Streptocide ointment”, respectively, an ointment, and under the name “Streptocide soluble” - liniment.

In tablet form In Russia and Belarus, Streptocide is not currently available, although such a dosage form existed in the past. However, in Ukraine, Streptocide is still available in tablets for oral administration. Also does not currently exist in Russia and Belarus, but was produced in the past "Streptocide soluble" in powder form for the preparation of solutions for intravenous administration. Streptocide in tablets and in the form of intravenous injections was used to treat tonsillitis, erysipelas, cystitis, pyelitis, enterocolitis, wound infection and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs caused by pathogenic microorganisms. Streptocide for oral and intravenous administration was no longer produced and used because more effective drugs appeared (antibiotics and other newer and more effective drugs of the sulfonamide group). Accordingly, currently in Russia and Belarus Streptocid is produced and used only in forms for external and local use, and in Ukraine the drug continues to be used in dosage forms for external use and for oral administration.

Considering the fact that oral forms of Streptocide are outdated, and in Ukraine they are produced mostly by inertia, we will consider various aspects of using only ointment, liniment and powder for external use. We will not give various aspects of the use of Streptocide tablets, since this is impractical. After all, Streptocide tablets are too outdated, since to achieve the desired therapeutic effect they must be taken in very high doses, which leads to a high risk of side effects. Currently, other drugs of the sulfonamide group are being produced, which, compared to Streptocide, are much more effective and with fewer side effects (for example, Biseptol, Sulfamethoxazole, Sulfadimethoxine, etc.).

All currently existing dosage forms of Streptocide contain as an active substance sulfonamide. Moreover, the ointment and powder contain regular sulfanilamide, and liniment contains a soluble form of sulfanilamide, which is also called mesulfamide.

Powder for external use contains only the active substance itself - sulfanilamide, and does not contain auxiliary components, unlike ointment and liniment. The ointment contains sulfonamide in the amount of 10 g per 100 g of the finished product, and liniment - 5 g per 100 g of the finished product. Accordingly, Streptocid ointment has a 10% concentration, and liniment - 5%. Streptocid ointment contains medical petroleum jelly as auxiliary components, and liniment - glycerin, purified water and an emulsifier (Lanette SX, Neowax SX).

Streptocid powder is available in heat-sealed bags of 2 g or 5 g, and is a white powdery mass. Ointment 10% is available in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars of 25 g or 50 g, and is a homogeneous thick mass of white or light yellow color. Liniment 5% is produced in aluminum tubes or dark glass jars with a volume of 30 g, and is a homogeneous, thin mass of white or white with a creamy tint.

Recipe for Streptocide

Recipe for Streptocid ointment is written as follows:
Rp.: Streptocidi 10% unguentum

In the recipe after the abbreviation "Rp." followed by the name of the drug in Latin “Streptocidi”, then its dosage form and concentration are indicated (also in Latin): “10% unguentum”. In the second line after the abbreviation "S." indicates how to use the prescribed remedy. The second line of the prescription is an instruction to the patient.

Recipe for Streptocide liniment is written as follows:
Rp.: Streptocidi 5% linimentum
S. Lubricate wounds 3 – 4 times a day.

In the first line of the prescription, the name of the drug (Streptocidi), its dosage form (linimentum) and concentration (5%) are indicated in Latin. The second line instructs the patient how to use the medicine prescribed by the doctor.

Recipe for Streptocide powder is written as follows:
Rp.: Streptocidi pulvis 5 g
S. Powder the wounds 3 – 4 times a day.

In the first line of the prescription, the doctor indicates in Latin the name and dosage form of the drug (Streptocidi pulvis - Streptocide powder), and in the second line - a brief instruction for the patient on how to use the drug.

Therapeutic effect

Streptocide has an antimicrobial effect, destroying pathogenic microorganisms that cause infectious and inflammatory diseases of various organs. The drug stops the growth and reproduction of pathogenic microbes by inhibiting the formation of purines and pyrimidines necessary for the synthesis of DNA and RNA. And in the absence of DNA and RNA synthesis, microorganisms lose the ability to reproduce and, having lived out their term, die.

Streptocide has a detrimental effect on gram-positive and gram-negative cocci (bacteria having a spherical shape), such as streptococci, staphylococci, pneumococci, meningococci, gonococci, enterococci, etc. In addition, Streptocid is destructive against the following microorganisms:

  • Escherichia coli;
  • Shigella spp.;
  • Vibrio cholerae;
  • Clostridium perfringens;
  • Bacillus anthracis;
  • Corynebacterium diphtheriae;
  • Yersinia pestis;
  • Chlamydia spp.;
  • Actinomyces israelii;
  • Toxoplasma gondii.
Accordingly, all dosage forms of Streptocide can be used to treat infectious and inflammatory diseases of the skin or mucous membranes of the mouth and nose caused by any of the above microbes.

Since the drug has an antimicrobial effect, it indirectly also has an anti-inflammatory effect due to the death of microbes that provoked the infectious-inflammatory process.

In addition to anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, Streptocide promotes faster healing of wounds on the skin.

Indications for use

The indications for use for various dosage forms of Streptocide are the same, so we present them in one list.

The powder is applied to the damaged surface of the skin using the powdering method, that is, first a little powder is poured onto gauze, after which the surface of the wound is “powdered” with this gauze. You can also gently pour the powder directly from the bag onto the surface of the wound. But you should try to evenly distribute the powder over the surface of the wound. After applying the powder to the damaged surface, you can cover it on top with a gauze cloth, bandage it, or leave it uncovered. For a single application to the wound, take 2–5 g of powder, depending on the size of the damage.

The powder can be applied to the wound surface 3 to 4 times a day. In this case, the frequency of application of the powder is determined by the course of the infectious-inflammatory process. For example, if the wound is wet, with copious discharge, then its surface is sprinkled with powder often, up to 4 times a day. If the wound is dry, then it can be treated with Streptocide powder only 1 – 2 times a day. In such a situation, it is recommended to apply Streptocide powder once a day if the wound is then covered with a bandage, and 2 times a day if the wound is left open.

If the wound is deep, then Streptocide powder is blown directly into it. In this case, for one injection, take 5–15 g of powder, depending on the size of the wound. After the powder is injected, the wound is usually covered with a bandage. The powder is injected 1-4 times a day, depending on the intensity of discharge from the wound, following the rule: the more the wound gets wet, the more often the powder needs to be injected into it.

The powder is applied to the wounds until they begin to heal or until the release of pus or inflammatory fluid from the wound surface stops.

For acute rhinitis, Streptocide powder is mixed with Sulfathiazole, Benzylpenicillin and Ephedrine, and inhaled through the nose. This powdered mixture can be used for several days (5 – 7) to treat a runny nose. In this case, the mixture is sucked into the nose several times a day, carrying out this procedure when copious nasal discharge reappears.

Streptocide ointment and Streptocide soluble (liniment) - instructions for use

The ointment and liniment are applied in a thin layer directly to the wound surface or to a gauze pad, which is applied directly to the damaged or inflamed area of ​​the skin surface. If it is necessary to apply ointment or liniment to the mucous membranes (for example, to treat a sore throat), then they are spread in a thin layer directly onto the inflamed or damaged area.

The wound treated with ointment or liniment is covered with a gauze bandage, which is changed once every 1 to 2 days. The ointment or liniment is used until the wound stops releasing pus or inflammatory fluid and it begins to heal.

Ointment or liniment is applied to the mucous membranes 2–3 times a day at regular intervals until the wound heals or until the severity of the inflammatory process decreases.

For large wound surfaces, it is necessary to take into account that the maximum daily dosage of drugs for treating injuries is 6 g of sulfonamide (for adults). This amount of sulfonamide (6 g) corresponds to 120 g of liniment or 60 g of Streptocide ointment. The maximum daily dosage of Streptocide preparations for external and local use for children 5–12 years old is 3 g of sulfanilamide (which corresponds to 60 g of liniment or 30 g of ointment), for children 1–5 years old – 1.8 g of sulfanilamide (which corresponds to 36 g of liniment or 18 g of ointment), and for children under 1 year of age - 0.6 g of sulfonamide (which corresponds to 12 g of liniment or 6 g of ointment). This daily dosage limitation means that within 24 hours, no more than 120 g of liniment or 60 g of ointment can be used for adults and adolescents over 12 years of age, no more than 60 g of liniment or 30 g of ointment for children 5 – 12 years, no more than 36 g of liniment or 18 g of ointment for children 1–5 years old and no more than 12 g of liniment or 6 g of ointment for children under one year old. The limitation of the daily dosage for treating large wound surfaces is due to the fact that the active substance from damaged skin and mucous membranes is easily absorbed into the bloodstream, and can have a systemic effect and provoke the development of severe systemic side effects.

On average, the course of using Streptocide ointment or liniment is 10 – 14 days However, if necessary and on the recommendation of a doctor, you can extend the use of the drug. Without a doctor's recommendation, you should not use liniment or ointment for more than two weeks in a row.

special instructions

Simultaneously with Streptocide powder, ointment or liniment, other antimicrobial drugs in the form of tablets, capsules, etc. can be used orally, if necessary, to increase the effectiveness of therapy.


An overdose of Streptocide ointment, liniment or powder is possible if the drugs are used in large quantities or for a long time to treat large wound surfaces. In such cases, sulfonamide is absorbed into the systemic circulation in high doses, as a result of which an overdose may develop.

Overdose is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Nausea;
  • Symptoms of dyspepsia (heartburn, belching, flatulence, etc.);
  • Crystalluria (salt crystals in urine);
  • Dizziness;
  • Confusion;
  • Visual impairment;
  • Fever;
  • Leukopenia (decrease in the total number of leukocytes in the blood);
  • Agranulocytosis (disappearance of neutrophils, basophils and eosinophils from the blood);
  • Thrombocytopenia (decrease in the total number of platelets in the blood) - observed only with prolonged overdose;
  • Megaloblastic anemia - observed only with prolonged overdose;
  • Jaundice – observed only with prolonged overdose.
To treat an overdose, it is necessary to discontinue the use of Streptocide and drink plenty of alkaline waters for several days (for example, Borjomi, Essentuki 4, Smirnovskaya, Nabeglavi, Luzhanskaya, etc.). You need to drink alkaline mineral water until all the symptoms of overdose go away.

Impact on the ability to operate machinery

Ointment, liniment and powder Streptocide do not affect a person’s ability to operate machinery. However, when using a large amount of the drug or when using the drug for a long time, sulfonamide may be absorbed into the systemic circulation, which may result in dizziness as a side effect. Therefore, if a person does not feel any symptoms of dysfunction of the central nervous system while using ointment, liniment or powder Streptocide, then he can engage in any type of activity, including those requiring a high speed of reactions and concentration. If, while using Streptocide, any symptoms of dysfunction of the central nervous system appear, then you should abandon any type of activity associated with the need to have a high speed of psychomotor reactions.

Interaction with other drugs

Ointment, liniment and powder Streptocide, when used to treat extensive wound surfaces or when used for a long time, when absorption of sulfonamide into the systemic circulation is possible, can enhance the toxic side effects on the blood system of any other drugs that have hematotoxicity.

Streptocide for acne

Any dosage form of Streptocide (ointment, powder or liniment) can be used to treat acne and acne with excellent therapeutic effect. The effectiveness of Streptocide is due to the fact that the product destroys pathogenic microbes that cause inflammation in pores clogged with excess sebum. Accordingly, the use of Streptocide leads to a sharp decrease in the severity of inflammation, relief of swelling and removal of redness on the skin.

Streptocide ointment or liniment for the treatment of pimples and blackheads is recommended to be simply applied to the skin as a cream 1 – 2 times a day after cleansing the skin. The ointment or liniment is left on the skin overnight or for several hours if the drug was applied during the daytime. If there are few pimples or blackheads, then these products can be applied pointwise, directly to the rash.

And immediately after washing, you simply dust your skin with the powder. To do this, after washing, the skin is allowed to dry so that it becomes not wet, but slightly damp, after which Streptocide powder is taken onto the fingertips and gently distributed over the entire problem area of ​​the skin with patting movements. Dust with Streptocide powder once a day in the evening, before bedtime. The applied powder is left overnight and washed off in the morning.

Streptocide quickly eliminates redness, reduces swelling and stops the inflammatory process. Thanks to this action, existing pimples and blackheads on the skin are resolved within a short period of time, and new rashes do not appear.

The drug is used in courses lasting 2–4 weeks, after which they take a break for a month and, if necessary, repeat the course of treatment. Streptocide can also be used occasionally, when skin rashes have already been mostly cured, but sometimes isolated pimples or blackheads appear. In such cases, ointment, powder or liniment is used for several days to quickly eliminate the rash that appears.

In addition, Streptocide for the treatment of acne and acne can be used not in its pure form, but in the form of a mash prepared on the basis of salicylic acid. The recipe for preparation and rules for using such talkers are given in the relevant sections. However, the effectiveness of mash and Streptocide in its pure form for the treatment of acne and pimples is approximately the same.

Streptocide on the wound

Various wounds on the skin can be treated with Streptocide powder, liniment or ointment in order to accelerate their healing and stop the infectious and inflammatory process in them.

The powder is poured directly onto the wound or into the wound if it is deep, and then covered with a gauze pad or bandage. The ointment or liniment can be applied either directly to the wound, or applied to gauze and covered the wound surface with it. After applying powder, ointment or liniment to the wound, it is recommended to cover the wound surface with a gauze bandage. Powder, ointment or liniment is applied to the wound 1 - 4 times a day for 10 - 14 days.

Before applying Streptocide powder, liniment or ointment, wash the wound with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant (for example, a solution of potassium permanganate, furatsilin, etc.).

Side effects

Streptocide is well tolerated and rarely causes side effects.

Ointment, liniment and powder most often provoke allergic reactions on the skin (urticaria, etc.) or dermatitis (rashes, itching, burning of the skin) as a side effect. However, with long-term use of ointment, liniment or powder in large doses or for treating extensive wound surfaces, the active substance Streptocide may be absorbed into the blood with the development of systemic side effects, such as:


On the domestic pharmaceutical market, Streptocide has only analogs for therapeutic action, that is, drugs that contain other active substances, but are similar in their therapeutic effects to Streptocide. Streptocide has no analogues for the active substance (drugs that contain the same active ingredient).

So, the following drugs are analogues of Streptocide in terms of therapeutic effect:

  • Argedine cream for external use;
  • Argosulfan cream for external use;
  • Dermazin cream for external use;
  • Turmanidze ointment for external and local use;
  • Mafenide acetate ointment for external use;
  • Sulfadimezin tablets for oral administration;
  • Sulfargin ointment for external use;
  • Ebermin ointment for external use;
  • Etazol tablets, solution for injection, granules for the preparation of suspension for oral administration.

Trade name of the drug:


International nonproprietary or generic name:


Dosage form:

ointment for external use


100 g of ointment contains:

Active substance
Sulfanilamide (streptocide) 10.0 g
Vaseline 90.0 g


Homogeneous ointment from white to light yellow.

Pharmacotherapeutic group:

antimicrobial agent - sulfonamide.

ATX Code:

Pharmacological properties.

Antimicrobial bacteriostatic agent, sulfanilamide. The mechanism of action is due to competitive antagonism with para-aminobenzoic acid, inhibition of dihydropteroate synthetase, disruption of the synthesis of tetrahydrophthalic acid, necessary for the synthesis of purines and pyrimidines. Active against gram-positive and gram-negative cocci, Escherichia coli, Shigella spp., Vidrio cholera, Clostridium perfringens, Bacillus anthracis, Corynebacterium diphtheria, Yersinia pestis, Chlamydia spp., Actinomyces istraelii, Toxoplasma gondii.

Indications for use

As part of complex therapy: purulent wounds, infected burns (grades I-II) and other purulent-inflammatory processes of the skin.


Hypersensitivity to sulfonamides, disease of the hematopoietic system, inhibition of bone marrow bleeding, anemia, chronic heart failure, thyrotoxicosis, renal and hepatic failure, azotemia, porphyria, congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate tetrahydrogenase, pregnancy, breastfeeding.

Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding


Directions for use and doses

The ointment is applied directly to the affected skin surface or to a gauze pad; dressing is done after 1-2 days. The course of treatment is 10-14 days.
If there is no improvement within 10-14 days, you should consult a doctor. Use the drug only according to the method of use and in the doses indicated in the instructions. If necessary, please consult your doctor before using the medicine.

Side effect

Allergic reactions; with long-term use of large doses - systemic effects: headache, dizziness, nausea, vomiting, dyspepsia, cyanosis, crystallurgy.
If any of the side effects indicated in the instructions get worse, or you notice any other side effects not listed in the instructions, tell your doctor.


Symptoms: nausea, vomiting, intestinal colic, dizziness, headache, drowsiness, depression, fainting, confusion, blurred vision, fever, hematuria, crystalluria; with prolonged overdose - thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, megaloblastic anemia, jaundice. Treatment: drinking plenty of fluids; in case of accidental ingestion - gastric lavage; symptomatic therapy.

Interaction with other drugs

Myelotoxic drugs increase the manifestations of hematotoxicity of the drug.
If you are taking other medications (including over-the-counter medications), consult your doctor before using this drug.

special instructions

Premature cessation of treatment with the drug may contribute to the development of sulfanilamide-resistant strains of microorganisms.
During therapy, it is recommended to drink plenty of alkaline fluids.
If necessary, antimicrobial drugs are also prescribed orally. If allergic reactions develop, it is necessary to discontinue the drug and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Influence on the ability to drive vehicles and machinery.

Considering the side effects of the drug, care should be taken when driving vehicles and machinery.

Release form

Ointment for external use 10%.
15, 20, 25 or 30 g in dark glass jars of the BTS type, sealed with pull-on lids with a sealing element of type 1.2. Labels made of label or writing paper or self-adhesive are glued onto the jars.
25 g and 30 g in aluminum tubes. Each jar or aluminum tube, along with instructions for medical use, is placed in a cardboard pack. Packs are placed in group packaging.
It is allowed to pack cans or tubes without a pack from 9 to 300 pieces together with an equal number of instructions for use in a box made of corrugated cardboard or cardboard for consumer packaging (For hospitals).
1 kg, 5 kg, 10 kg, 15, 20 kg in polymer containers intended for packaging, transportation and storage of food products and medicines. A label is attached to each package (For hospitals).

Storage conditions

In a place protected from light, at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Best before date

5 years. Do not use after expiration date.

Vacation conditions

Available without a prescription.

Manufacturer/organization accepting claims:

JSC "Usolye-Sibirsky Chemical Farm Plant"
Russia, 665462, Irkutsk region, Usolye-Sibirskoye, northwestern part of the city, on the northeastern side, 115 m from the Baikal highway.


active substance: sulfonamide; 1 tablet contains sulfonamides 0.3 g or 0.5 g;

potato starch, talc, stearic acid.

Dosage form.

Pills. Basic physical and chemical properties: white tablets with a flat surface, scored and chamfered.

Pharmacological group.

Antibacterial agents for systemic use. Short-acting sulfonamides.

ATX code JOIE B06.

Pharmacological properties.

Streptocide disrupts the creation of so-called “germ factors” in microorganisms - folic, dehydrofolic acids, and other compounds that have PABA (PABA) in their molecule. Due to the similarity of the structures of PABA and Streptocide, sulfanilamide, as a competitive acid antagonist, is included in the metabolic chain of microorganisms and disrupts metabolic processes in it, which leads to a bacteriostatic effect. Streptocide is a short-acting sulfonamide that exhibits a bacteriostatic effect against streptococci, meningococci, pneumococci, gonococci, E. coli, pathogens of toxoplasmosis and malaria. Does not affect anaerobic microorganisms.


When taken orally, it is quickly absorbed - the maximum concentration of streptocide in the blood is determined after 1-2 hours (within 4:00 it appears in the cerebrospinal fluid); a 50% reduction in maximum blood concentration occurs in less than 8:00. Approximately 95% is excreted by the kidneys.

Clinical characteristics.


Infectious and inflammatory diseases caused by microorganisms sensitive to the drug: infectious diseases of the skin and mucous membranes (wounds, ulcers, bedsores), enterocolitis, pyelitis, cystitis.


Sensitivity to sulfonamides, sulfones or other components of the drug; a history of severe toxic-allergic reactions to sulfonamides; inhibition of hematopoiesis in the bone marrow; uncompensated heart failure; diseases of the hematopoietic system; anemia; leukopenia; Graves' disease; kidney and liver diseases (nephrosis, nephritis, liver failure, severe renal failure, acute hepatitis); hyperthyroidism; congenital deficiency of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase; azotemia; porphyria.

Interaction with other drugs and other types of interactions.

When used simultaneously:

  1. with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, sulfonylurea derivatives, anticoagulants, vitamin K antagonists - the effect of these drugs is enhanced;
  2. with folic acid, bactericidal antibiotics (including penicillins, cephalosporins) - the effectiveness of sulfonamides is reduced;
  3. with bactericidal antibiotics, oral contraceptives - the effect of these drugs is reduced;
  4. with PAS and barbiturates - the activity of sulfonamides increases;
  5. with erythromycin, lincomycin, tetracycline - antibacterial activity is mutually enhanced, the spectrum of action is expanded;
  6. rifampicin, streptomycin, monomycin, kanamycin, gentamicin, oxyquinoline derivatives (nitroxoline) - the antibacterial effect of the drugs does not change;
  7. with nalidixic acid (nevigramon) - antagonism is sometimes observed;
  8. with chloramphenicol, nitrofurans - the overall effect is reduced;
  9. with drugs containing PABA esters (novocaine, anesthesin, dicaine), the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides is inactivated.

Sulfonamides should not be prescribed simultaneously with hexamethylenetetramine (urotropine), with antidiabetic drugs (sulfonylurea derivatives), with definin, neodicoumarin and other indirect anticoagulants.

Streptocide may enhance the effect of methotrexate due to its displacement from protein binding and/or weakening of its metabolism.

When used simultaneously with other drugs that cause bone marrow suppression, hemolysis, hepatotoxicity, the risk of developing toxic effects.

Phenylbutazone (butadione), salicylates and indomethacin can displace sulfonamides from binding to plasma proteins, thereby increasing their concentration in the blood. When used with para-aminosalicylic acid and barbiturates, the activity of sulfonamides increases; with chloramphenicol - the risk of developing agranulocytosis increases; with preparations containing para-aminobenzoic acid esters (novocaine, anesthesin, dicaine), the antibacterial activity of sulfonamides is inactivated.

Features of application.

When treating with the drug, it is necessary to systematically monitor renal function and peripheral blood parameters, blood glucose levels.

During long-term treatment with the drug, it is necessary to periodically conduct blood tests (biochemical and general blood tests). Prescribing the drug in insufficient doses or early discontinuation of the drug may increase the resistance of microorganisms to sulfonamides.

Sulfonamides should not be used to treat infections caused by group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus, since they do not eradicate it and, as a result, cannot prevent complications such as rheumatism and glomerulonephritis.

The drug should be prescribed with caution to patients with chronic heart failure, liver disease and impaired renal function. Streptocide should be prescribed with caution to patients with severe allergic diseases or bronchial asthma, with blood diseases. If signs of a hypersensitivity reaction appear, the drug should be discontinued. In case of renal failure, accumulation of sulfonamide and its metabolites in the body is possible, which can lead to the development of a toxic effect.

Sulfonamides, including streptocide, should be used with caution in patients with diabetes mellitus, since sulfonamides can affect blood sugar levels. High doses of sulfonamides have a hypoglycemic effect.

Since sulfonamides are bacteriostatic and not bactericidal drugs, a full course of therapy is necessary to prevent relapse of infection and the development of resistant forms of microorganisms.

Given the similarity of chemical structure, sulfonamides should not be used in people with hypersensitivity to furosemide, thiazide diuretics, carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and sulfonylureas.

Patients need to consume sufficient fluids to prevent crystalluria and the development of urolithiasis.

Elderly people have an increased risk of developing severe adverse reactions from the skin, suppression of hematopoiesis, thrombocytopenic purpura (the latter - especially when combined with thiazide diuretics). Prescribing the drug to patients over 65 years of age should be avoided due to the increased risk of severe adverse reactions.

During treatment, it is necessary to follow the dosage regimen, use the recommended dose at intervals of 24 hours, and do not skip doses of the drug. If a dose is missed, do not double the next dose.

If the signs of the disease do not begin to disappear or, conversely, the health condition worsens or adverse events occur, it is necessary to stop using the drug and consult a doctor regarding further use of the drug.

Use during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

The drug is contraindicated during pregnancy and breastfeeding. If it is necessary to use the drug during breastfeeding, breastfeeding should be stopped.

The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving vehicles or other mechanisms.

Until the patient’s individual reaction to the drug is clarified, you should refrain from driving vehicles or operating machinery, given that during treatment with streptocide, adverse reactions from the nervous system such as dizziness, convulsions, ataxia, drowsiness, depression, and psychosis may be observed.

Application of Streptocide.

Take orally during or after meals with 150-200 ml of water. A single dose for adults and children over 12 years of age is 600 mg-1.2 g, the daily dose is 3-6 g. The daily dose is divided into 5 doses. Maximum doses for adults: single -2 g, daily -7 g.

A single dose for children aged 3 to 6 years - 300 mg, from 6 to 12 years - 300 mg-600 mg. The frequency of administration for children is 4-6 times a day.

The maximum daily dose for children is 900 mg-2.4 g.

The duration of treatment is determined by the doctor individually, depending on the severity and course of the disease, the localization of the process, and the effectiveness of therapy.


The drug is used for children under 3 years of age.


Side effects may increase.

In case of an overdose, anorexia (lack of appetite), nausea, vomiting, colicky pain, headache, drowsiness, dizziness, and fainting may occur. With long-term use, fever, hematuria, crystalluria, cyanosis, tachycardia, paresthesia, diarrhea, cholestasis, renal failure with anuria, toxic hepatitis, leukopenia, agranulocytosis are possible.

Treatment. In case of overdose, it is recommended to consult a doctor. Treatment is symptomatic. To provide medical assistance, rinse the stomach with a 2% sodium bicarbonate solution and take a suspension of activated carbon or other enterosorbents. Drinking plenty of fluids, forced diuresis, and hemodialysis are indicated.

Adverse reactions.

From the blood and lymphatic system: leukopenia, agranulocytosis, aplastic anemia, thrombocytopenia, hypoprothrombinemia, eosinophilia, hemolytic anemia due to glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency.

From the cardiovascular system: tachycardia, myocarditis.

From the nervous system: headache; neurological reactions, including aseptic meningitis; ataxia; minor intracranial hypotension, seizures; dizziness; drowsiness/insomnia; feeling tired; depression; peripheral or optic neuropathies; visual impairment; psychosis; depressed state; paresthesia.

From the respiratory system: pulmonary infiltrates, fibrosing alveolitis.

From the digestive tract: thirst, dry mouth, dyspepsia, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, anorexia, pancreatitis, pseudomembranous colitis.

From the digestive system: increased activity of liver enzymes (AJIT, ACT, alkaline phosphatase), cholestatic hepatitis, hepatonecrosis, hepatomegaly, jaundice, cholestasis.

From the urinary system: change in urine color (deep yellow-brown color), crystalluria due to acidic urine reaction; possible nephrotoxic reactions: interstitial nephritis, tubular necrosis, renal failure, hematuria, shock kidney with anuria.

From the skin and subcutaneous tissue: skin hyperemia, skin rashes (including erythematous-squamous, papular), itching, urticaria, allergic dermatitis, photosensitivity, exfoliative dermatitis, erythema nodosum, cyanosis.

Allergic reactions: allergic reactions, including toxic epidermal necrolysis (Lyell's syndrome), Stevens-Johnson syndrome, systemic lupus erythematosus, serum syndrome, anaphylactic reactions, Quincke's edema, runny nose.

General violations: drug fever, pain in the right hypochondrium and lower back.

Other: difficulty breathing, periarteritis nodosa, hypothyroidism, hypoglycemia. In rare cases, hypothyroidism may develop.

Best before date.

5 years.

Do not use after the expiration date stated on the package.

Storage conditions.

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ° C.

Package. 0.3 g and 0.5 g in blister No. 10.

Streptocid powder is a drug from the sulfonamide group that has an antimicrobial effect.

What is the composition of the drug Streptocide (powder)?

The pharmaceutical industry produces the drug in the form of a powder, it is white in color, crystalline, it is used internally and externally, and does not have the smell of Streptocide. The active substance is represented by sulfanilamide in a dosage of 5 grams.

The powder is packaged in small so-called heat-sealed sachets, which contain five grams of the drug, or the pharmaceutical industry produces the medicine in glass bottles, which are accompanied by instructions for using the medicine.

You can buy Streptocide powder in the over-the-counter department. The drug must be stored in a dark place, since the medicinal properties of the pharmaceutical product may be lost in the light. The sales period is five years from the date of release of the medicine; after this time, its use is contraindicated.

What is the effect of the drug Streptocid (powder)?

An antibacterial agent from the group of sulfonamides, Streptocide powder has a wide spectrum of action. The drug has a bacteriostatic effect on the body, that is, it suppresses the proliferation of pathogenic microorganisms.

Streptocide powder inhibits the activity of the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase, in addition, it disrupts the synthesis of dihydrofolic and tetrahydrofolic, as well as nucleic acids, which leads to a bacteriostatic effect.

The active compound of the powder, represented by sulfanilamide, is active against the following bacteria: Escherichia coli, Bacillus anthracis, Actinomyces spp., Shigella spp., Haemophilus influenzae, Corynebacterium diphtheriae, in addition, Yersinia pestis, Chlamydia spp., Vibrio cholerae, Toxoplasma gondii, and also Clostridium spp.

What are the indications for use of Streptocide (powder)?

The drug Streptocide powder is indicated for use in infectious and inflammatory pathologies caused by bacteria sensitive to sulfanilamide, including the drug prescribed for sore throat, cystitis, erysipelas, enterocolitis, in addition, the drug is prescribed for infectious lesions of the mucous membranes and skin.

What are the contraindications for use of the drug Streptocide (powder)?

The medication Streptocide (powder) instructions for use prohibit its use in some cases that are worth listing:

In case of severe renal failure;
When breastfeeding;
Do not use the powder for blood diseases;
During pregnancy;
With a deficiency of the so-called glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase;
With inflammation of the kidneys;
For porphyria;
The medicine should not be used for thyrotoxicosis.

In addition, the drug should not be prescribed to persons who have demonstrated hypersensitivity directly to sulfonamides.

What are the uses and dosage of Streptocide (powder)?

The drug is taken orally at a dosage of 500 mg or one gram up to five or six times a day; Children under one year of age are usually prescribed powder in an amount of 50-100 mg; from 2 to 5 years, you can use the medication in a dose of 200 to 300 mg; from 6 years to 12 years – from 300 mg to 500 per dose.

The maximum dose of Streptocide powder per day should not exceed seven grams. For external use, the dosage form is applied directly to the affected areas of the mucous membranes, as well as to the skin, carefully sprinkling the medication onto the causative area.

What are the side effects of Streptocide (powder)?

Streptocide powder can cause the following side effects: in the digestive system, dyspepsia may be observed, which will be expressed in the form of nausea or vomiting, and diarrhea may occur.

In addition, the use of the powder can provoke a change in the hematopoietic system, which will be expressed by agranulocytosis, eosinophilia, thrombocytopenia, leukopenia, as well as hypoprothrombinemia.

Changes in the nervous system are possible, the patient develops dizziness, in isolated cases, blurred vision is possible, headache is typical, peripheral neuropathy is noted, in addition, ataxia is not excluded.

Other negative manifestations of the use of the powder will be as follows: skin reactions of an allergic nature, nephrotoxic reactions are added, especially when kidney function is impaired, in addition, hypothyroidism is sometimes possible. If side effects develop, you should consult your doctor. Editorial team www.! After reading these instructions for use, also carefully study the official paper leaflet accompanying the drug. It may contain additions at the time of release.

Overdose from Streptocid (powder)

Currently, no cases of overdose of Streptocide powder have been recorded.

special instructions

During treatment with Streptocide powder, the patient is advised to increase the volume of fluid consumed. If an allergic reaction occurs, therapeutic measures should be temporarily stopped, after which you should consult a doctor.

With long-term use of Streptocid powder, it is recommended to systematically monitor the main indicators of the blood picture, in addition, it is necessary to monitor the function of the kidneys and liver.

How to replace Streptocide (powder), what analogues should I use?

The drug Sulfanilamide, Streptocide white, in addition, the drug Streptocide tablets, as well as the drug Streptocide soluble are analogues.


Before starting treatment with the drug Streptocide powder, the patient should consult with the treating specialist.

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