Home Hygiene White discharge before menstruation: normal and pathological. Why does brown discharge appear before and after menstruation? White discharge before menstruation in how many days?

White discharge before menstruation: normal and pathological. Why does brown discharge appear before and after menstruation? White discharge before menstruation in how many days?

Female discharge can tell us about many gynecological processes. According to the nature of vaginal secretion it is also possible to assume pregnancy has occurred.

In this regard, it will be useful to know how normal discharge before menstruation differs from the discharge that accompanies pregnancy.

It is also necessary to have information about which types of vaginal secretions are normal and which are pathological.

What should the discharge be like before menstruation?

Female body always highlights vaginal secretion. It consists of epithelial cells, which are the top layer of the uterus, and mucus. With the help of secretions, the body normalizes microflora and prevents the spread of infections.

The consistency, color and abundance of discharge are determined by hormonal levels. It changes throughout the menstrual cycle. In the second phase, the content of gram-negative rods in the microflora increases.

Thereby the discharge becomes slightly thicker, have a transparent tint. Sometimes they can take on a light cream color. The discharge has no odor and does not cause any unpleasant sensations.

This is what normal discharge should be like before menstruation. Any changes are a reason to contact a gynecologist.

Discharge a week before your period

Most often, representatives of the fairer sex are bothered by discharge, which is observed approximately ha 7-10 days before menstruation. Towards the end of the cycle, the body prepares for the rejection of the egg and endometrium.

In this regard, in the event of any failures that occur during the cycle, discharge may be observed. Their color and consistency may vary. It depends on the specific reason for the failure.

The most common factors causing the appearance of such discharge include the following:

  • taking certain types of contraceptives;
  • the presence of an intrauterine device;
  • hormonal changes;
  • damage to the walls of the uterus during sexual intercourse, etc.

However, if there is pain or discomfort, such discharge should alert you.

Discharge before late pregnancy

From the first minutes after conception, a woman’s body begins to undergo restructuring. Progesterone is actively produced. It is under his influence that the formation begins mucus plug, which will protect the fetus from various infections entering the uterine cavity.

The basis of this barrier is vaginal secretion. Gradually it will acquire an increasingly thick consistency.

In this regard, even before the delay appears, the nature of the discharge can suggest pregnancy. They become thicker, the consistency acquires a characteristic viscosity.

How does discharge during pregnancy differ from normal discharge?

The discharge protects the vaginal microflora. During pregnancy, protective functions are activated, due to which the abundance of vaginal secretion also increases.

In addition, during pregnancy the shade of the discharge changes, it becomes bright white. Due to the formation of a mucus plug in the cervix, the consistency of the mucus will be much thicker than with normal menstrual discharge.

Clear discharge before menstruation

Transparent discharge is a normal vaginal secretion. It is produced by the cervix. This mucus is intended to cleanse the genital tract and prevent the development of infections.

If epithelial cells enter the secretions, they may become slightly cloudy. In the middle of the cycle, the intensity of vaginal secretion production increases.

Closer to menstruation itself, the discharge becomes thicker. During pregnancy, these discharges are also completely normal.

Pink discharge

In the case of pink discharge, it is of great importance time, in which they are observed. In the middle of the menstrual cycle, this phenomenon is considered normal.

It's connected with ovulation processes. If discharge is present towards the end of the cycle, then there is more cause for concern. They may indicate infectious diseases, as well as the presence of polyps or tumors in the uterine area.

During pregnancy, pink discharge, as well as white or clear discharge with pink spots, is a cause for alarm. They indicate the beginning of detachment of the fertilized egg.

Brown discharge

Brown vaginal secretions may indicate the presence of a number of diseases. The first of these is endometritis.

Cervical erosion can also manifest itself in this way. In addition, brown discharge, especially if it is regularly repeated, can be a companion to benign and malignant formations. However, they can also be caused by normal hormonal imbalances.

During pregnancy, brown discharge indicates an incipient miscarriage or an ectopic pregnancy.

White discharge

White or transparent vaginal secretion is considered normal. However, sometimes white discharge may appear Patogenic nature. As a rule, they are caused by infectious diseases.

The most common cause of this is fungal candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the consistency of the discharge becomes like cheesy. There is also a characteristic sour smell. Thrush requires appropriate treatment, especially during pregnancy.

Bloody issues

Bloody discharge in the intervals between menstruation can be either normal or pathological. They can usually appear a few days before your period begins. Also, discharge may occur in the middle of the cycle if a woman takes hormonal medications.

In other cases, the phenomenon is pathogenic in nature and can be caused by a number of reasons, such as hormonal changes, endometritis, sexually transmitted infections, STDs, etc.

In the middle of the cycle, such discharge may also be uterine bleeding. This symptom accompanies a number of dangerous gynecological diseases. When pregnancy occurs, such discharge indicates an incipient miscarriage.

Secretory discharge from the vagina is observed in women at different phases of the menstrual cycle. On some days they are more abundant, sometimes they are barely noticeable, but sometimes it happens that white discharge appears before menstruation.

Leucorrhoea plays a protective role in the body, protecting the internal genital organs from infections. However, in large quantities and in the presence of foreign impurities, they signal problems in the reproductive system. When leucorrhoea is normal and when it is a pathology, you will find out further.

White discharge - what is it and can it happen before menstruation?

In an adult woman who has a full sexual life, in the first days after menstruation, the discharge is scanty and transparent, colorless. At the stage of ovulation, they intensify, but remain transparent, and disappear closer to menstruation.

Any changes indicate damage to the reproductive system by infectious strains. The worst thing is when heavy discharge is observed against the background. The situation is aggravated by the strange color, unpleasant smell and unusual consistency of the discharge.

Normal vaginal discharge has the following characteristics:

  • Watery or slimy.
  • Odorless or slightly sour.
  • Colorless, yellowish, white or pale cream.
  • Does not cause discomfort.

But this is the ideal option. To figure out whether there can be white discharge before menstruation, you need to understand that the color and composition of vaginal discharge is influenced by various factors - nutrition, medication, psycho-emotional state, change in climatic conditions and even the appearance of a new sexual partner.

Before menstruation, leucorrhoea may change color to , and this is also considered normal. Light spotting indicates the readiness of the uterus to clear the endometrium, which has become unnecessary due to the lack of pregnancy. Your period will start in 2 – 4 days. The thick consistency of leucorrhoea is explained by the influence of sex hormones.

White discharge instead of menstruation in women can occur due to severe stress. Psycho-emotional shocks disrupt hormonal status and affect the nature of menstrual flow. But the amount of leucorrhoea is much less than the amount of bleeding that accompanies full menstruation.

In teenagers

Leucorrhoea appears in girls about six months before menarche - the first menstruation. Sometimes this period extends for 1 – 2 years. The normal age for leucorrhoea to appear is 11 – 14 years.

Hormonal changes make the figure more feminine, but the reproductive organs undergo the main changes. During puberty, the uterus grows, the ovaries learn to produce follicles, the cervix works more actively and secretes mucus.

Before their first period, teenage girls' leucorrhoea becomes more profuse than before. Both liquid and viscous consistency of the discharge is allowed. The mucus looks clear or slightly cloudy, but it should not have a foul odor or cause pain. Soon the preliminary discharge turns into real menstruation.

During pregnancy

Consider white discharge before menstruation as a sign of pregnancy. Abundant, thick leucorrhoea with delayed bleeding signals hormonal fluctuations associated with conception.

Progesterone levels increase and affect the secretory function of the gonads. An increased amount of mucus protects the uterus and embryo from infection. There is also a renewal of the cells that make up the vaginal mucous tissue. For this reason, the density of leucorrhoea increases.

In the case of an ectopic pregnancy, the leucorrhoea may have brown spots or be completely brown. These are traces of dried blood. An additional symptom of an ectopic pregnancy is constant aching pain on the side of the abdomen where the embryo is located. Gradually the pain increases and brings significant anxiety.

If the pregnancy test is negative, but there is a delay and white discharge, this may also indicate a hormonal imbalance. Only it is not associated with gestation, but with stress or vitamin deficiency. Low-fat dishes and food depleted in nutrients negatively affect the body's performance and provoke delays in menstruation. Instead of bleeding, intense leucorrhoea continues.

Diseases with the sign of “white discharge before menstruation”

White discharge that appears a week before your period may be abnormal. They are distinguished from normal leucorrhoea by their composition, increased volume, pungent odor and discomfort experienced by the woman.

There are quite a lot of diseases with the common symptom “white discharge on the eve of menstruation”. They affect not only the gynecological, but also the endocrine system. Let's talk about this in detail.

Problems of endocrine origin

With diseases of different organs of the endocrine system in women, the discharge before menstruation changes. Patients with diabetes mellitus complain of thick and profuse leucorrhoea.

Deviations are associated with hormonal disorders, improper functioning of the pancreas and changes in the acidic environment in the vagina. Diseases of the thyroid gland and ovaries create the preconditions for profuse discharge of colorless leucorrhoea.


Cervical erosion is ulceration of the mucous tissue and damage to the local glands. With this disease, leucorrhoea appears before menstruation. They are colorless in appearance, but contain mucous inclusions.

The brownish tint of the mucus is explained by the bleeding of the wounds that are on the surface of the cervix. Often women complain about a delay in menstruation.


Urogenital candidiasis destroys the mucous membranes of the vagina and triggers an inflammatory process in the genitourinary region. A characteristic symptom is a white, cheesy discharge that smells like sour milk.

Before menstruation, pathological leucorrhoea intensifies. Patients complain of severe itching in the vagina and irritation of the external genitalia.

Oncological diseases of the uterus

Doctors warn that malignant tumors are the most dangerous. In most cases, they develop asymptomatically, and only foul-smelling white thick discharge before menstruation attracts the attention of women. The shade of mucus varies. Bloody clots may be visible.

Leucorrhoea with bloody impurities may also indicate endometriosis. This is an abnormal growth of the mucous tissue that lines the uterine cavity. Oncopathology disrupts the structure of the endometrium, causing damage to blood vessels. In addition to bloody discharge, women note nagging pain in the lower abdomen.


Growths form on the mucous surface of the uterus. On the eve of menstruation, the endometrial layer loosens and swells. New growths are damaged or twisted. These events make the leucorrhoea bloody. There may be no other symptoms.

Bacterial vaginosis

Leucorrhoea with a yellowish tint and a distinct fishy odor facilitates the diagnosis of bacterial vaginosis. Before menstruation, their volume increases.

Pathological discharge irritates the vagina and causes... Sexual intercourse is painful. Vaginosis develops due to bacterial infection of the genital organs.

Inflammatory diseases

When discharge appears like egg white before menstruation, women must pay attention to its composition, smell and accompanying signs. Leucorrhoea often signals the development of an inflammatory process in the reproductive system.

What gynecological diseases may leucorrhoea indicate:

  1. Cervicitis. The mucous membrane of the cervix suffers from inflammation. Before menstruation, leucorrhoea intensifies and thins out. In the presence of pus, the discharge acquires an unpleasant odor.
  2. Vaginitis. The inflammatory process affects the mucous membrane of the vaginal tube. Local swelling, itching and burning are observed. Women feel pain in the sacrum. Leucorrhoea is thin, profuse and yellow, appearing about a week before menstruation. The analysis shows an elevated level of leukocytes.
  3. Endometritis. In this case, the uterine cavity suffers. Patients complain of foul-smelling cloudy discharge, pain when urinating, hyperthermia, and pain in the lower abdomen. Chronic endometritis on the eve of menstruation causes profuse leucorrhoea with a greenish tint. From the uterus, the pathology can spread to the appendages.

Venereal diseases

Sexually transmitted infections have an incubation period of development. Therefore, an STD may not appear immediately, but only after some time.

For example, as soon as menstruation ends, a woman will see yellow leucorrhoea. Menstruation is a kind of inflammatory process. They activate bacteria and increase discomfort if a woman develops:

  • Chlamydia. It manifests itself as yellow discharge after menstruation, itching of the perineum and a sharp unpleasant odor.
  • Trichomoniasis. Copious mucus, smelling like rotten fish, irritates the vagina and external organs. Transparent mucus first turns yellow, then greenish. Pain occurs during sex.
  • Gonorrhea. Copious discharge contains pus. They feel sticky to the touch. Symptoms of the disease are sharp pain during intimacy and urination.

Is leucorrhoea necessary before menstruation?

Since clear mucus performs a protective function, the genitals always produce it.

However, in some cases, there may not be white discharge before menstruation. The absence of leucorrhoea on the eve of menstrual periods has its own reasons. For example, in case of allergies, the amount of vaginal secretion can be affected by synthetic fabrics of underwear or unsuitable intimate hygiene products.

If, according to indications, a woman takes antibiotics or is protected with oral contraceptives, the reproductive organs also reduce secretory activity. Mini-pills especially affect the volume of discharge. The composition of these birth control pills is rich in estrogen.

Frequent douching affects the intensity and composition of discharge. Abuse of manipulation disrupts the proper functioning of mucous tissues. The result is dryness in the genitals. There will be no mucus before menstruation in this situation.

As menopause approaches, age-related changes begin to occur in the female body, affecting the hormonal system. These processes are natural. But they inhibit the production of mucus by the internal genital organs.

White discharge before menstruation is absent in those women who smoke a lot and abuse alcohol. Harmful substances disrupt hormonal levels and dry out the vaginal mucosa. There is little discharge due to improper functioning of the endocrine glands.

Do I need to treat white discharge before menstruation?

If leucorrhoea appears as a physiological phenomenon on the eve of menstruation, there is no need for treatment. It is enough to strengthen your personal hygiene and use panty liners to protect your underwear.

It is recommended to wash the intimate area at least once a day by moving your hand from front to back. This will help avoid infection of the vagina with intestinal microbes. For washing, you can use unscented baby soap and care products for delicate areas.

Underwear should be changed every day or when soiled. Panties should be made from natural, breathable materials. You can wear lace underwear, but rarely. Synthetics and low-quality fabrics do not allow air to pass through well and create a “greenhouse effect” in the intimate area. A warm, humid environment promotes the development of pathogenic agents.

If an infectious or inflammatory process is suspected, a woman should consult a gynecologist. Treatment will be prescribed after a thorough examination. The patient will be prescribed vaginal suppositories, tablets or ointments. Giving up bad habits, proper nutrition, and measures to strengthen the immune system will help speed up therapy. In order for the body to fully perform its functions, it is important to reconsider your lifestyle and reorganize your daily routine.

On average, every 28 days, for forty years, cyclical processes occur in the body of representatives of the fair sex, the result of which, according to nature’s plan, should be pregnancy. If it does not take place, then the uterus rejects its “empty” inner layer and the body again lives in “waiting for a miracle.”

The period of time from the beginning of the previous and subsequent menstruation is called the menstrual cycle. Thus, the beginning of the cycle coincides with the beginning of bleeding. For each woman, the length of the cycle and the duration of monthly bleeding are an individual indicator determined by the physical condition and lifestyle. The normal duration of menstruation is 3-6 days, and the length of the cycle should vary in the range of 21-35 days. Typically, menstruation begins with light, dark bloody discharge, which increases in intensity throughout the day and acquires a bright color. At this stage of bleeding, inclusions of mucus and blood clots are characteristic. It usually lasts 1-3 days. Later, the discharge loses its intensity, becomes less abundant and darkens, its quantity disappears, and by the fourth to seventh day it stops altogether. Representatives of the fairer sex who use hormonal contraceptive pills or the IUD may experience brown discharge one or two days before the start of the cycle; this phenomenon can be considered normal.

Discharge not related to menstruation is called leucorrhoea. Their quantity, color, consistency can be different and depend on the phase of the menstrual cycle and hormonal changes in the woman’s body.

In the first period of the cycle (follicular phase), which usually lasts two weeks from the start of menstruation, including bleeding, a dominant follicle is formed under the influence of follicle-stimulating hormone. And the increased production of estrogen promotes the formation of a new inner layer of the uterus. In addition, this hormone has such an effect on the surface mucus of the cervix, the likelihood of becoming pregnant during this period is minimal. During this period, a meager amount of mucous discharge may be released from the female genital tract, almost imperceptible to the patient.

The second period of the cycle (ovulation) lasts three to four days and is characterized by the release of a mature egg from the ovary (ovulation). Ladies develop abundant transparent mucous discharge. Also during this period, short-term slight discharge of brown, brown or pinkish color is possible. They may be caused by hemorrhage during the release of the egg from the follicle. Such discharge in the middle of the menstrual cycle indicates that the most favorable period for conception has arrived. But the combination of bright bloody discharge in this phase with severe pain in the lower abdomen, dizziness, even loss of consciousness, indicates that an ovarian rupture has occurred. And this condition requires emergency medical attention.

In the third period of the cycle (luteal phase), progesterone and estrogen are actively produced. They prepare the endometrium for implantation of the embryo in it. The duration of this phase is no more than 15-16 days.

Further, under the influence of estrogens, the vaginal flora changes, and the discharge resembles a cream-like mass of white color, possibly with a tinge of yellow. Closer to menstruation they become thick and plentiful. All this can be considered normal if the discharge is not accompanied by an unpleasant odor and discomfort in the vagina, such as burning and itching.

White discharge

  • may be a symptom of vaginal candidiasis (thrush). In this case, the discharge looks like white lumps and has a specific sour smell;
  • may indicate inflammatory diseases of the cervix. Especially if combined with pain during sexual intercourse;
  • can be companions of diabetes mellitus, combined with constant itching and swelling of the perineum;
  • may be the first manifestations of uterine cancer, when there are no other symptoms. At the first stage of the disease, the discharge becomes watery and transparent.

Yellow discharge

Different shades on the eve of menstruation indicate the imminent onset of bleeding, but they should not be combined with an unpleasant aroma and discomfort in the genital tract. Otherwise, they may indicate:

  • inflammatory diseases of the appendages. Combined with pain, fever, general weakness;
  • non-specific inflammation of the vulva and vagina;
  • erosive changes in the cervix, when combined with pain during sexual intercourse;
  • venereal diseases, combined with itching and the smell of rotting.

Pink discharge

Pinkish discharge from the genital tract can be caused by taking medications, the installation of an IUD (in the first months, such a reaction is possible), the beginning of pregnancy (slight pink discharge may appear at the stage of fixation of the fertilized egg in the uterine wall), and the early onset of menstruation. Also, the presence of pink discharge can be a manifestation of diseases such as:

  • inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus (after interventions in the uterine cavity, accompanied by general symptoms);
  • inflammatory processes in the cervical canal (discharge has a purulent appearance and smell);
  • endometriosis (pink discharge is present both before and after menstruation);
  • formation of the muscular layer of the uterus (combined with bleeding at different periods of the cycle);
  • oncological changes in the uterus (over time, abundant mucous secretions turn into them after they combine with blood).

Bloody issues

They can be considered normal only if they precede menstruation and last no more than two to three days. This situation often occurs when using an IUD. Here they are scanty in nature and can continue for several days after menstruation.

If the spotting is very heavy (more than ten pads per day) and has a bright color, then you can think about bleeding, and such a woman needs medical attention. Heavy bleeding may be a symptom of:

  • increased endometrial growth;
  • polyps of the uterus and cervical canal;
  • endometriosis;
  • disorders in the endocrine system;
  • threats of miscarriage of a short term pregnancy;
  • severe stressful situation.

As can be seen from the above, discharge from the genital tract of a particular type can be called physiological only in a limited number of cases. In other cases, it is a symptom of gynecological pathology that requires the intervention of a specialist, especially if it has been observed for a long time and there is a tendency to worsen it.

1. Every woman should have vaginal discharge, because this is how it cleanses itself and protects itself from external potential threats in the form of pathogenic microorganisms.

2. The average volume of discharge is about a teaspoon per day, but there may be permissible individual fluctuations. The volume of normal discharge can be affected by: pregnancy, emotional state, hormonal disorders (irregular menstrual cycle, diabetes, thyroid disease), changes in body weight, both upward and downward, climate change, frequency of sexual activity, exercise.

3. The main characteristics of correct discharge: white, mucous, odorless or with a slight sour-milk odor.

4. With a regular cycle, discharge varies depending on the phase of the cycle:

  • after menstruation– white, liquid, there are few of them;
  • closer to the middle of the cycle– similar to egg white;
  • after ovulation– dairy;
  • closer to menstruation Small lumps and mild itching may appear.

5. If you take contraceptives or do not have a regular cycle, the discharge will not change, there may be more of it and it is closer in appearance to diluted milk.

6. Incorrect discharge includes:

  • appearance of odor (fishy, ​​rotten, sweetish);
  • color (yellow, greenish, gray);
  • consistency (thick, curdled, foamy, watery, creamy)

7. The main accompaniment of bad discharge is a local reaction of the mucous membrane: itching, burning, irritation and discomfort, pain during urination (during the entire act, and not at the end), swelling, redness, the presence of blisters or ulcers, pain and discomfort during sexual activity .

8. If there is unusual discharge, but there are no listed symptoms, the color and consistency may have changed for another reason. For example, the yellow spectrum of discharge - from pale yellow to dark brown and even black, as well as green shades up to brown tones - may indicate the presence of a small amount of blood in the discharge. The color of the shade is associated with the oxidation of iron in the hemoglobin of red blood cells in the acidic environment of the vagina and the degree of dilution of the blood with white discharge. Such discharge occurs after menstruation or a few days before it. The main thing is that there are no local reactions!

9. Blood in the discharge (or brown discharge) outside of menstruation is most often a manifestation of the disease (normally it can be in small quantities while taking hormonal contraceptives). What to do? An examination by a gynecologist and an ultrasound are required. In the middle of the cycle, it is normal to have slight spotting that accompanies ovulation, but a check is still needed. Discharge before and after menstruation - occasionally may be normal, but the presence of prolonged and constant discharge is a sign of a disease (endometriosis, polyps, etc.)

10. The main diseases in which the discharge changes:

  • bright white curdled discharge with itching – thrush;
  • gray-white discharge with the smell of fish or rotten meat - bacterial vaginosis;
  • yellowish discharge of a thick consistency with a sweetish odor - aerobic vaginitis;
  • yellowish watery foamy discharge with an unpleasant odor + itching + pain when urinating + pain during sexual activity - trichomoniasis;
  • a similar picture, but the discharge is thicker and there are shades of green + pain in the lower abdomen - gonorrhea (but in 50% it can be asymptomatic);

11.Remember– not all altered discharge + itching = thrush, that is, without tests, by eye, you don’t need to make a diagnosis yourself and you shouldn’t take medications for thrush.

12. Combined suppositories (Terzhinan, Polygynax, Macmiror, Neopenotran) - can reduce symptoms, but do not cure the disease. It is important! Like hexicon, which is essentially a simple antiseptic. They can be prescribed after tests are taken until the results are received, after which the main treatment is prescribed.

13. The gold standard for diagnosing the condition of the vagina will be a combination of a regular smear on the flora and an assessment of the quantitative composition of the vaginal microflora (femoflor 17 (in vitro) or florocenosis (cmd). The CMD laboratory has a comprehensive analysis number 310004, which includes everything listed, including STIs (chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis).

14.Contribute to disruption of flora: taking antibiotics, stress (emotional, in response to hypothermia, lack of sleep, fatigue), vaginal douches, cunnilingus, insertion of fingers into the vagina during masturbation, use of saliva as a “lubricant”, use of “toys”, anal sex, especially insertion penis from the rectum to the vagina.

15. Algorithm for evaluating your allocations:

  • First of all, evaluate Smell(there is a smell, it is unpleasant) - there is a problem; there is no smell or it is fermented milk - no problem;
  • Color– different from white and there is itching, burning and other local symptoms – a problem with the flora; there are no additional symptoms - most likely it is blood - in addition to an examination by a gynecologist, an ultrasound and a cytological smear are required.
  • Consistency– we remember the cycle phase (on monophasic contraceptives there are no cycle phases): small and mucous – the beginning of the cycle, transparent viscous – the middle, milky – the second phase. Thick, creamy, foamy, watery - there is a problem with the flora. If there is discharge that is not white (greenish, yellowish, but there are no local symptoms), and the smear is normal - the color is changed by blood - look for the cause (cervical pathology, polyp, endometriosis, etc.).

16. If there was a long break in sexual activity, after the first sexual intercourse, even with a condom, the discharge may change and there may be unpleasant sensations when urinating - most often this is a reaction to sexual intercourse after a break, which goes away on its own within a couple of days, but can often lead to development of bacterial vaginosis. If it has not passed within two days, see point 15 for assessment of discharge.

17. What can prevent changes in vaginal flora?

  • refuse vaginal showers (there is no need to wash the inside of the vagina), all movements during hygiene are only from front to back; wear thongs less often;
  • in general, wear underwear less often (you should sleep without underwear) - air should flow into the vagina, since oxygen is necessary for lactobacilli - your main protectors;
  • change tampons and/or pads more often; Do not use tampons if you have scanty bleeding.

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