Home Prevention Protein harm and side effects. Side Effects of Whey Protein: Fact and Fiction Protein Side Effects for Women

Protein harm and side effects. Side Effects of Whey Protein: Fact and Fiction Protein Side Effects for Women

Very often, athletes have a question about how harmful it is to take sports nutrition, and especially p. In this article we will look in detail at whether it is possible to take protein and is there really any harm from this supplement?

What is protein

Protein is the chemical formula of protein. In sports nutrition, food protein is usually called protein. It is extracted from food products.

In the process of preparing pure protein, fats, carbohydrates and other components are removed from the product, leaving only pure protein, which is 100% natural component, and it does not pose any potential harm to the body.

Protein production process

You can consider the example of extracting protein from milk, since today the most popular protein is whey protein, which is made specifically from milk. The first step is the separation of whey, which is further pasteurized, goes through the stages of filtration, whey protein separation, concentration and drying.

As a result, we get a ready-made sports nutrition supplement – ​​protein. To better understand the process of preparing natural protein, you can see an approximate diagram.

Protein preparation process diagram

This way we can see and make sure that protein is an absolutely harmless food supplement, which can be taken at any age and regardless of gender.

Side effects from it can only occur if there is an individual intolerance (for example, intolerance to dairy products).

But there is one thing But" In any case, not everything can be so ideal, since the human body is a very complex system that reacts very subtly to all the food that enters our body, as well as to its components. Therefore, in addition to the above-mentioned individual protein intolerance, it can also be noted that there are contraindications to protein consumption.

Contraindications to the use of protein

  • renal failure
  • chronic digestive disorders (especially enzyme deficiency).

Also Protein is prohibited during the period of food poisoning, as this can complicate the processes of recovery and restoration of the body. Very often, side effects can occur in men who use.

The reason is that soy protein contains phytoestrogens, which in their action are similar to the female sex hormones estrogens. In other cases and in general, the protein is well tolerated and has no side effects, which has been proven by numerous studies.

What side effects can occur from protein?

  • Bloating
  • Gas formation
  • Stomach upset
  • Stomach ache

This can all happen for several reasons, either your body does not digest lactose or as it is also called (milk sugar) or your intestinal microflora is disturbed, a low-quality product can also be the cause. Once you notice these symptoms, consult a doctor and get tested to know for sure.

What protein to eat if the body does not accept lactose

If you are a fan of whey protein and are lactose intolerant, then this is perfect for you. whey protein isolate, which goes through many different filtrations and contains a minimum of lactose. Any other protein will also suit you (Soy, egg, meat, wheat, etc.)

Does protein affect the liver?

There are rumors that if you exceed your daily protein intake, it can affect the liver, as it creates additional stress on it.

But I have not yet heard complaints from athletes who actively take protein, your body will take the daily protein requirement and that’s it, the rest will leave the body naturally.

Does protein affect potency?

There are a lot of rumors and arguments on the Internet that you should stop taking protein. Most of these articles and comments can be heard from ignorant people who have not even tried protein or other sports supplements themselves, and they also cannot distinguish between steroids (which affect potency) and proteins, considering them to be chemicals.

Some studies have shown that soy protein can affect potency, and in very rare cases (exceeding the dosage), this side effect occurs due to plant compounds that are a little reminiscent of female hormones.

Also, an athlete can put a lot of stress on his body, malnourish, experience constant fatigue, and on this basis he may experience a failure, which can be mistakenly attributed to the side effects of the protein.

Protein side effects photo

It happens that some are looking for photographs of people who had side effects from taking protein, but I will repeat once again, no matter how much I talked with trainers, not one has yet told me that they saw a side effect on their face. So these are all fairy tales, and all the photos on the Internet are the consequences of other diseases or drugs (steroids and other chemicals).

Basically, you can get an upset stomach or bloating due to lactose, poor quality or, so be careful when buying protein in online stores. Also, do not buy loose protein, as a rule it is not filtered enough and very often it is from this that athletes get an upset stomach and sit on a “white horse”!

When purchasing protein, it is very important to choose a good manufacturer, since often not very conscientious manufacturers add some additives and components that should not normally be there, all this is done to reduce the cost of the product. Therefore, you need to buy protein only from those companies that have proven themselves in the market.

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What do you think Is protein harmful to the human body?? Is it really harmful or is it just fears? Let’s find out in this article, read carefully.

Side effects of using protein

Numerous protein studies have shown that rumors about its harm are absolutely groundless.

However, it can cause side effects if taken incorrectly or due to other factors.

Main factors of occurrence

  1. Protein intolerance by the body or intestinal dysbiosis;
  2. Frequent digestive disorders;
  3. Kidney failure and other kidney diseases;
  4. Excessive consumption of protein drugs;
  5. Saving personal funds and consuming low-quality protein.


Protein intolerance is an allergy to protein that is accompanied by digestive upset.

The cause of the disorder in this case is too few enzymes that the body produces to break down protein.

Dysbacteriosis is the presence of pathogenic bacteria in the intestines, the food for which is protein.

As a result of protein consumption, the amount of protein increases, and bacteria begin to multiply intensively.

As a result, the following side effects are observed:

  • Indigestion (diarrhea);
  • Excessive gas formation and bloating (flatulence);
  • Abdominal pain (in the abdominal cavity);
  • Less commonly – constipation.

To eliminate these side effects, you should start taking additional enzymes, stop taking the supplement, or reduce its amount to a minimum.

Adjusting your diet can help relieve constipation.

The protein itself does not have a harmful effect on the kidneys and liver However, its use is contraindicated if a person has problems with these organs.

This is explained by the fact that the decomposition and excretion of additional protein in the body leads to an increase in the load on diseased organs, forcing them to work harder.

Excessive protein consumption can negatively affect even healthy organs and, with insufficient physical activity, will lead to the formation of fatty deposits.

Trying to save on the quality of protein and consuming cheaper soy protein can lead to many negative consequences. Among which:

  • Allergy;
  • Gluten intolerance;
  • Feminization in men.

Feminization is the process of developing female secondary sexual characteristics (breasts) in men.

These side effects of taking soy protein are associated with the presence of phytoestrogens in it, which are similar in their effect to estrogen (the female hormone).

Eating protein during food poisoning is contraindicated, as it can delay recovery and complicate the body's recovery process.

For women

Protein has the same effect on both the male and female body.

Therefore, there is no negative impact on women, and side effects can occur in the same cases as in men.

The properties of protein to increase estrogen levels in the body have a positive effect on the female body when taken in moderation. Especially during menopause, when its production becomes insufficient.

If the dietary supplement is consumed excessively, an increase in tarragon levels will lead to disturbances in the body's metabolism of sodium (leached out) and potassium (retained), accumulation of fatty deposits and fluid retention.

The use of protein, according to scientists, has a preventive effect against the development of cancer in women.

Women who subject themselves to frequent training and lead a sports lifestyle simply need to consume large amounts of protein.

Sometimes it is enough to change your diet, focusing on protein foods, and sometimes you should resort to the use of nutritional supplements.

Otherwise A lack of protein will negatively affect a woman’s appearance (her hair, nails and skin).

When consumed in large doses

The use of protein in large doses will inevitably lead to adverse effects, unless justified by the athletes' heavy physical exertion, for example, before a competition.

Due to the way protein is broken down and absorbed by the body, excessive protein intake leads to an increase in toxins in the blood, the removal of which negatively affects the functioning of the kidneys.


Protein entering the body is oxidized and converted into energy. If it is not fully used during training, this energy will contribute to the formation of fat deposits, which will negatively affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system and the body as a whole.

That's why it is important to calculate the dose correctly nutritional supplements consumed based on the nutrients the body needs, taking into account the daily diet and intensity of training.

Professional trainers will help you make the right calculations and balance your workouts and nutrition.

Is it harmful to take protein at night?

There is no harm at night if you consume the right protein - casein. Casein is slowly absorbed, the best choice for the night!

Before going to bed, you are allowed to consume only slow-digesting proteins.

For example, casein or multicomponent proteins. They are absorbed by the body within 6-8 hours, and all this time they nourish the muscles with essential amino acids, ensuring their intensive growth and rapid recovery.

Fast proteins (isolates) are absorbed in a few minutes, so taking them before bed will not only not bring the desired effect, but can also have a detrimental effect on the body.

Isolates are best used after waking up in the morning., immediately before or immediately after training, as well as between meals.

Does it affect potency?

High-quality, well-purified protein, unlike steroid drugs, does not contain harmful substances and does not have a detrimental effect on potency.

And weakly purified and cheap soy proteins may contain an analogue of female sex hormones - phytoestrogens. They are able to influence potency, but only when the protein supplement is consumed in very large quantities.

Do not forget that physical activity (even without the use of any supplements) affects potency due to body fatigue or a man’s inability to recover after training.

This is due to the individual physiological characteristics of male organisms, and not to the use of protein.

To avoid possible problems with potency, men should maintain proper sleep and rest patterns and adjust your diet for quick and effective recovery.

Harm to teenagers

But this is not due to the danger of harmful influences, but to the fact that a young body recovers faster and you can get the desired result by organizing the right diet that provides the body with all the necessary vitamins and minerals.

Taking additional protein supplements is advisable only for teenagers seeking to achieve significant success in weightlifting or bodybuilding.

Due to high loads, it is easier for such young men and women to take whey or casein protein than to consume huge amounts of protein-rich foods.

For teenagers, low-calorie shakes or bars are more suitable.

High-calorie mixtures should be used only if there is a need for rapid weight gain.

Protein has the same effect on the adult and teenage body.

Therefore, there are no additional contraindications for use. Side effects also occur only due to the individual characteristics of protein perception by a young body or its excessive consumption. It is important for young guys not to get carried away with soy protein because of the phytoestrogens it contains.

Numerous studies have found no negative effects from teens taking protein.

However, there is a psychological danger. It lies in the desire of adolescents to achieve greater and greater results, in order to arouse the envy of their peers and to please girls.

At the same time, they can start taking dangerous steroids and drugs, without thinking at all about the possible harm that they will cause to the body.

Doctors' opinion. What experts say

Many studies have been conducted on protein to determine whether it is harmful to the body.

Statistical data collected from 2000 to 2011 proved the complete absence of negative influences.

At the same time, data were obtained on the undeniable benefits of protein for athletes and people engaged in heavy physical labor.

Using it in moderation prevents the development of osteoporosis, prevents the development of cancerous tumors and lowers cholesterol levels.

Scientists emphasize that, in addition to food additives, it is important to get proteins from regular food. And you should choose sports nutrition with special attention so as not to run into a fake, because they cause significant harm to the body.

Sports doctors are confident that with the correct dosage and proper selection, you can use protein at any age and not be afraid that it will cause harm.

In general, friends, it is very difficult to get harm from eating protein. You have to approach everything with your head in mind. If you are not careful with your head, then you can kill yourself on a harmless corner of the table. They also die from water :)

Write in the comments what you think about the dangers of protein on the human body? What bad experiences have you or someone you know had?

Happy training!

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A toned, beautiful body is something many people strive for. To get a great figure, build muscle and generally be in good shape, just working out is not enough. Muscles will grow if the loads are correctly combined with the intake of an additional source of protein - protein. What is the effect of protein?

If you are seriously concerned about your physical fitness, then you should definitely know that protein is a concentrated protein that, in the form of a dietary supplement, is easily absorbed by the body and has a lot of positive properties. Protein is the main structural component of cells and a source of energy. And the easier it is to digest, the more effectively muscle mass is built, and the process of muscle tissue restoration occurs faster.

Protein Efficiency

How do we get such an effect from protein? Protein enters our body, where it is broken down into amino acids, from which protein molecules and muscle tissue are synthesized. Thus, amino acids help muscles grow and repair, and without protein, muscle growth is simply impossible. Plus, our well-being and the condition of the body as a whole improves, we get rid of the symptom of “muscle overtraining.” So, we get the following effects from consuming protein:

  • Growth of muscle mass;
  • Weight correction;
  • Increasing the protective function of the immune system, preventing certain diseases;
  • Improving the condition of the gastrointestinal tract due to beneficial enzymes;
  • Maintaining the required energy level;

Since everything in our body is built from protein, this list can be continued endlessly. Protein is necessary not only for muscles, but also for the health of our body as a whole. You will see a noticeable result within a month, the body's fatigue after training will decrease and during intense exercise, you will feel more strength and energy.

Summary. When asking what effect to expect from protein, remember that there is no magic powder that will make you a super man or super woman; you need a proper nutrition program that is combined with regular physical activity. They should match your lifestyle and rhythm of life. Approach this issue with special care and the result will not be long in coming.

It is human nature to fear everything unknown. TV sometimes shows stories related to the death of bodybuilders. “It’s all from the chemicals he used!” - a fairly common reaction among people who have nothing to do with sports. A novice athlete, having heard enough tales about the deadly danger of protein, is often afraid of sports nutrition like fire. Is this justified? Let's try to find out what side effects occur when consuming protein.

To begin with, to determine the side effects of protein, it would be nice to know what protein is made of. So, protein is a sports supplement that consists mainly of protein. Protein is a building material for our body; it serves for the synthesis of muscle fibers, hair growth, nails, etc. The body gets this protein from food: meat, fish, milk, cottage cheese, seafood, eggs and many others. Protein is made from familiar food products: whey, casein protein from milk, egg protein from eggs, soy protein from soybeans.

The side effects of protein will depend on what exactly your protein supplement is made of.

What is the effect of protein

What effect does an athlete get from taking protein? As was written above, protein is made from ordinary products and is a concentrate purified from fats and carbohydrates. Thus, the effect of protein will be similar to the effect of eating protein foods. Those. the body will be provided with building materials and amino acids for muscle recovery after training.

Again, the effects of different proteins will vary slightly. For example, it takes a long time to digest and is best taken before bed. Whey casein, on the contrary, is quickly absorbed and is better suited for use before and after training. This is due to their composition, and the same effect will be obtained from consuming milk and whey, respectively.

What are the side effects of protein?

Actually, this article was created to answer the question “what are the side effects of protein?” As mentioned above, the side effects of protein depend on its composition. You should carefully read the composition of a sports supplement before purchasing and using it.

If you are allergic to casein, you should not consume sports nutrition that contains it. The side effects from such a protein will be the same as from drinking milk. If you cannot digest casein, you may experience intestinal problems (gas, diarrhea). Read more in the article. However, the percentage of people with this feature of the body is extremely low, and for most people this supplement is safe.

Lactose intolerance also occurs in people. In this case, you should avoid taking sports supplements that contain it, in particular whey protein. In this case, your best bet is whey protein isolate, which does not contain lactose. Again, the side effects from the protein in this case will be the same as from regular dairy products.

Now let's look at the common side effects for all proteins.

Excess protein in the diet (i.e., for example, the abuse of protein supplements or regular cottage cheese) creates excessive stress on the kidneys. To avoid this side effect, you just need to control the amount of protein in your diet (1-2 grams per 1 kg of body, depending on your goals).

Another side effect - storage of excess energy from protein as fat reserves. This happens when you exceed your calorie intake. In this case, any food (including concentrated food, i.e. protein) will be converted into energy, and then, since it is not wasted anywhere, the body will store it in fat depots. Again, the proteins themselves have nothing to do with it, and if you plan your meals correctly, this side effect will not occur.

Side effects of protein on potency

The most popular side effect attributed to the protein remains impotence. Many people mistakenly believe that protein affects potency. We have already written about these myths in this article -. Read it, you will find out that protein does not and cannot have any side effects on potency.

Side effects of protein

All side effects of protein are associated either with abuse sports supplements, or with the wrong choice of protein.

The main “side effect” of protein is spending money on it. All other side effects from protein are either fiction or non-compliance with the manufacturer’s recommendations.

For example, when buying protein, you did not notice that this particular sports supplement also contains creatine. If you have kidney problems, then you should not use this supplement, because... Creatine retains water.

Just read the composition of the protein you buy and follow the dosage - then the side effects from the protein will not affect you.

Side effects of protein: photos and videos on the web

On the Internet you can find terrifying photos and videos with the names “side effects of protein.” These materials generally have nothing to do with the effects of protein consumption. They may show you, for example, suppuration from synthol, or liver damage from steroids.

People who post such photos and videos, thereby blaming proteins for side effects, should familiarize themselves with what proteins are and why they are needed, and not scare people needlessly.

Nowadays, you can often hear that all kinds of sports nutrition and the side effects of protein have a negative impact on human health in general. But do not forget that protein products are made only from natural food raw materials and can be safely taken by people of any age.

But, as with any rule, there are exceptions. Protein is a pure protein that is physiological to the human body. It is found in large quantities in food products of animal and plant origin. They serve as the basis for the production of proteins.

Protein mixtures are almost completely free of fats and carbohydrates, which is why these products are so highly valued by athletes. When taking protein, a person should take into account that a lack or excess of protein leads to a number of side effects.

What are the side effects of protein?

  • A lack of this nutrient manifests itself in the form of hair loss, blurred vision, poor sleep and heart problems. The general condition of a person and the body’s resistance noticeably deteriorate
  • but the side effects of too much protein manifest themselves in the form of excess weight and excess fat, constipation and flatulence. Due to excessive consumption of protein, the liver is overloaded and this causes increased activity of its enzymes

If a person chooses protein foods incorrectly for himself, then he can easily get much more fat from food than necessary. Because of this, the kidneys suffer and heart diseases begin to develop.

Some people may experience protein side effects as a result of individual protein intolerance. If such a disease is present, a person may experience digestive system disorders or allergic reactions.

Disorders after taking proteins worry those people whose body produces insufficient amounts of enzymes responsible for the breakdown of proteins. A person may experience abdominal pain and diarrhea.

People suffering from kidney failure are also not recommended to consume protein. Phytoestrogens contained in soy protein lead to side effects in men. People with gluten intolerance also need to be careful when choosing and consuming protein products.

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