Home Smell from the mouth There was a wen in its place, an abscess came out. What to do if a wen (lipoma) is inflamed? Basic diagnostic methods

There was a wen in its place, an abscess came out. What to do if a wen (lipoma) is inflamed? Basic diagnostic methods

Typically, lipomas do not cause discomfort and should be treated as a cosmetic defect. It’s another matter if a wen on the body becomes inflamed, its size increases, and redness and pain appear. In such cases, at least 5 main questions arise about treatment at home and removal in the clinic.

Adipose tissue cells sometimes accumulate in a thin-walled fibrous capsule close to the epidermis. Such benign tumors are called “lipomas” or “fat tumors.” Neoplasms occur on the neck, face, chest, shoulders and hips.

In the vast majority of cases, lipomas are harmless, with the exception of rapidly growing tumors.

It is important! Under no circumstances should you press as hard as you can on the inflamed wen or try to pry it off with any instrument!

Main signs of inflammation:

  • the wen is red and swollen;
  • liquid accumulates in the capsule;
  • the size of the lipoma increases;
  • The wen hurts and sometimes itches.

One or all of these symptoms occur when the lipoma is constantly rubbed by underwear, tight clothing, or bag straps. Also, inflammation of the wen can be caused by various methods of its removal. Urgent treatment is necessary, preferably under the supervision of specialists.

It happens that for some reason an examination by a dermatologist is postponed for several days, but the wen hurts and swells. You can relieve inflammation at home using medications and folk remedies. Then you need to visit a doctor to make sure that the tumor is benign and have it removed surgically.

A lipoma can cause pain because the accumulation of fluid under the skin causes compression of the nerve endings. Other symptoms of inflammation also occur: redness, swelling, increased local temperature.

It is important! The intensity of the inflammatory process mainly depends on the state of the immune system, hormonal levels, metabolic levels, and not on the characteristics of the lipoma.

If the tumor is not too large, then pharmaceutical ointments and remedies from the arsenal of traditional medicine are used. Treatment of wen should be comprehensive with the use of antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs.

Medicines to reduce inflammation and pain contain plant extracts, vitamins, and synthetic substances. Videstim ointment based on retinol is suitable for application to lipomas in the absence of symptoms of acute inflammation.

Treatment with Vitaon balm is carried out if the wen is inflamed after an injury. The composition of the product is very rich, saturated, with the inclusion of essential oils and extracts of the best medicinal plants. The balm helps relieve pain, disinfects and accelerates healing.

When the wen becomes inflamed, itching and burning occur, Gistan cream helps a lot. This is a parapharmaceutical product, so you should look for it in the appropriate department of the pharmacy.

Substances that eliminate pain, local fever and swelling are contained in herbal remedies. Aqueous, alcoholic and oil extracts from thyme, eucalyptus, mint, and sage have strong antimicrobial and analgesic properties.

Herbal raw materials with anti-inflammatory effects:

  • leaves and buds of birch, large plantain, golden mustache, aloe, Kalanchoe;
  • herb St. John's wort, nettle, celandine, yarrow;
  • chamomile, calendula, echinacea flowers;
  • marshmallow root, ginger;
  • oak, willow bark.

Infusion and decoction are prepared with water, tincture with alcohol, extraction ointments with oil or fat. When boiling, some of the beneficial substances are destroyed, and ballast compounds go into solution. To avoid loss of active components, it is recommended to heat the infusion and decoction in a water bath.

The wen is inflamed and hurts - what to do at home:

  • take baths and baths with infusions and decoctions of herbs;
  • wipe the skin with tinctures of anti-inflammatory plants;
  • apply extraction ointments on a gauze napkin;
  • make applications with aloe juice, golden mustache leaves;
  • drink tea with medicinal herbs.

Attention! An inflamed lipoma should not be rubbed, massaged, or touched with hands (this can cause infection).

In addition to the use of plants, treatment is carried out by other means of alternative medicine. Propolis tincture (bee glue) has excellent antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties. To treat an inflamed wen, use an onion boiled in milk, flaxseed oil mixed with hot water to form a suspension.

If the wen still hurts, despite the use of pharmaceutical ointment, folk remedies, and continues to increase, then you need to consult a doctor. There is a possibility of bacterial infection, abscess formation, and blood poisoning.

Lipoma can become inflamed at any time, but most often this occurs due to endocrine disorders, due to injury and improper treatment. A swollen and reddened wen is dangerous because malignant tissue changes can occur in this area of ​​the body. Inflammation of a lipoma is sometimes one of the signs of cancer.

Wen that exceeds 0.5 cm in diameter is removed with a scalpel. Surgical treatment is performed under local anesthesia (children and some other groups of patients are given general anesthesia). Before the operation, if the tumor is suspected of being malignant, the doctor will direct the patient to undergo blood and urine tests and an ultrasound scan. The operation itself takes from 10 to 30 minutes.

Indications for surgical intervention:

  • injury and inflammation of the lipoma occurs;
  • there is a negative impact on the functioning of organs;
  • blood vessels and nerve endings in the tumor area are compressed;
  • the inflamed lipoma hurts and quickly increases in size;
  • many tumors appear on the body.

During a standard surgical operation, the doctor cuts the wen and completely removes it along with the capsule. After the operation, visible scars remain, so this method is not suitable for open areas of the body. A minimally invasive surgical option involves cleaning out the contents of the lipoma through a small incision.

Can a lipoma become inflamed after surgery? To prevent this from happening, doctors recommend applying healing ointments to the wound, and then using creams that accelerate the resorption of connective tissue in the scar area. The drug Contractubex has these properties.

Are there methods for removing wen without a scalpel?

A modern, low-traumatic way to get rid of lipoma is endoscopy. Through a small incision in the skin, the doctor inserts an endoscope and devices to destroy the fatty tissue inside the capsule. Sometimes lipomas are removed using a needle through which the contents are pumped out, similar to liposuction.

Attention! The method of destroying a lipoma inside a capsule has a significant drawback - a high risk that the tumor will reappear in the same place and become inflamed.

Small fatty tissues are cauterized with liquid nitrogen. The method is called “cryotherapy” and has been successfully used to treat a large group of skin diseases. The growth on the body is frozen, its tissues die and fall off, regeneration gradually occurs at the site of the wound, but a small scar remains.

Hardware methods for removing lipomas and other skin tumors include laser therapy and a radio wave knife. This treatment is more expensive, but has benefits. The risk of bleeding, rough scarring and re-formation of the wen is minimal.

A selection of drugs for wen

The pathological accumulation of fat at a certain point of the epidermis is popularly called a wen. The medical name for such a neoplasm is lipoma. In most cases, this is just a cosmetic defect that does not cause discomfort to the patient. What to do if the wen is inflamed? At the same time, you should not hesitate to seek medical help, otherwise there will be a risk of serious complications.

Signs of inflammation

Usually the wen grows quite quickly to a certain size, then no changes in its size are observed. A person can live for years with such a cosmetic defect without attaching any importance to it. However, if the diameter of the lipoma exceeds 2 cm, it is worth making an appointment with an oncologist to exclude the development of a malignant tumor. If the tumor becomes inflamed, you should seek help immediately.

The following symptoms may alert you:

  • the lipoma, the size of which had not changed for a long time, began to rapidly increase;
  • the color of the tumor has changed;
  • the wen became hot to the touch;
  • Painful sensations appeared when pressing on the wen.

If pain is felt without palpation, it is possible that the tumor has begun to degenerate into malignant. Liposarcoma is a dangerous pathology that threatens the patient’s life. You should also not hesitate if you have a wen on your face. Inflammation of the tumor in this area can lead to serious complications such as meningitis or encephalitis.

If the lump is inflamed, you should not hesitate to see a doctor.

Inflammation of the wen most often occurs due to mechanical impact on it. If the lipoma is located on the body, then the problem can be encountered due to wearing tight or rough clothing. You can damage the wen on the head with a comb or fingernail while performing hygiene procedures. Therefore, even if the wen is not noticeable to others and does not cause discomfort, it is recommended to remove it before it becomes inflamed.

The risk of developing inflammation increases in people with weakened immune systems. Elderly people and pregnant women are at risk. Patients suffering from chronic illnesses often also face this problem.

Surgical treatment of inflammation

If you have already encountered inflammation, you should never treat it at home on your own. The doctor must examine the neoplasm, rule out a malignant nature, and identify which pathogenic microorganisms caused the disease. Most often, the cause of inflammation is pathogenic bacteria, so after removing a lipoma you cannot avoid taking antibiotics.

Surgical removal of the wen is an effective way to solve the problem

The standard method of removing a wen involves excision of the inflamed area and complete removal of excess fat deposits along with the purulent contents that have managed to form during the inflammation process. This method is considered the most radical, but quite effective. The operation is most often performed under local anesthesia. If the wen is small, the patient can go home the same day. All you need to do is perform dressing changes on an outpatient basis every day.

Removal of a large lipoma is carried out in a hospital setting, often under general anesthesia. After the operation, the specialist additionally installs drainage to remove purulent masses. After a few days, the drainage is removed. The patient is discharged after his health returns to normal and signs of inflammation disappear (after 3-5 days).

The liposuction method is also widely used. The specialist makes an incision of about 30 mm in the middle of the wen. A special instrument, a lipoaspirator, is inserted through the resulting hole. With its help, all excess fat deposits are sucked out. There is an opinion that this technique is ineffective. It is not always possible to completely clear the wen capsule, and the tumor appears again after a while.

Lipoma removal using laser is a low-traumatic surgical method

In private clinics, the method of removing lipomas using an endoscope is widely used. Through a small hole (incision) a device is inserted into the wen, with the help of which the image is displayed on the monitor screen. This allows you to control the entire surgical process. Removal of fat deposits is carried out by injecting a special medicine that “burns” the contents of the tumor.

A small lipoma can be removed using a laser. The advantage of this operation is that there is virtually no bleeding. In addition, after such an intervention there is no scar on the skin. The wound heals much faster than with classic surgery.

Drug therapy

If a wen is inflamed on the back, stomach or any other area, you cannot do without the use of medications. After surgery, a specialist may prescribe drugs from the following groups:

  • Antibiotics. Immediately after the operation, the patient is prescribed broad-spectrum medications such as Amoxiclav, Sumamed, Cefatoxime, etc. If the inflammation does not go away, a drug is selected taking into account the sensitivity of the pathogenic microflora. Additionally, probiotics may be prescribed.
  • Antiseptics. These products are used to treat the wound surface. In hospitals, hydrogen peroxide or Furacilin is most often used.
  • Anti-inflammatory ointments. Levomekol, Ichthyol ointment, Salicylic ointment, Vishnevsky liniment show good results.
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Drugs from this category help relieve pain and normalize the patient’s body temperature. The drugs Nurofen, Paracetamol, Panadol can be used.

Medicines should be taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor.

Any medications must be used strictly as prescribed by a doctor. Self-medication often leads to the development of serious complications.

Physiotherapeutic procedures such as UHF, ultraviolet irradiation, heat therapy, and magnetic therapy help to restore the damaged area more quickly after surgery. However, such methods are used only after acute inflammation has stopped.

Traditional methods

It is highly not recommended to use traditional medicine recipes without consulting a doctor, otherwise there is a risk of aggravating the inflammatory process. Although many of the methods that will be described below show really high efficiency.


The recipe has been used for a long time to treat boils and various inflammations. Mix a teaspoon of butter with an egg yolk and add a little flour. You will get the most ordinary dough. A small amount should be applied to the inflamed area and secured with a bandage.

The product is famous for its antibacterial properties. Therefore, there are many traditional medicine recipes for treating burns, boils, abscesses and other inflammatory skin processes using garlic. It will be possible to quickly relieve inflammation if you start making garlic compresses at the initial stage. Several cloves must be grated on a fine grater, the resulting paste applied to the lipoma, and secured with a bandage. The procedure must be carried out once a day.

Garlic is a natural antibiotic

An ointment based on pork fat and grated garlic is also effective. All you need to do is mix the ingredients in equal proportions and treat the inflamed area with the resulting composition twice a day.

A standard piece of laundry soap must be ground on a fine grater and filled with 350 ml of water. The resulting mixture must be melted in a water bath. You will get a medicinal ointment with which you can treat inflammation of the wen. If the inflamed area is very painful, it must be treated with laundry soap up to 4 times a day.

Laundry soap will help relieve inflammation

Laundry soap can be replaced with tar soap. The product stimulates local immunity and accelerates the regeneration process of damaged skin.

Baked onion

A small onion must be cut into 4 parts and placed in an oven preheated to 150 degrees for half an hour. The finished product must be ground to a pulp, add crushed laundry soap (the ingredients are combined in a 1:1 ratio). The finished ointment is used to treat inflamed wen. This composition accelerates the maturation of the abscess; purulent masses, along with fatty deposits, come out.


The raw product is an excellent remedy for inflammation of the wen. You can use grated potatoes or freshly squeezed juice. Therapeutic compresses show good results. Raw potatoes are grated on a fine grater, the juice is squeezed out a little, the resulting pulp is applied to the sore spot and secured with a bandage. The bandage must be changed three times a day.

What to do if the wen is inflamed? First of all, seek help from a doctor. The method of treating the disease will be selected by a specialist, taking into account the clinical picture, as well as the individual characteristics of the patient.

A fatty tissue, or lipoma, is a tumor of adipose tissue that develops under the skin. The size of the formation can reach up to 10 centimeters in diameter.

In medicine, a lipoma is considered a cosmetic defect and does not pose a threat to human life. Therefore, removal of a wen most often occurs due to the patient’s desire to get rid of an external defect, especially if it is located on the face, back or groin.

But the situation changes dramatically when the tumor begins to increase in size, causing discomfort and pain. Most often the cause is an inflammatory process.

Sometimes it is accompanied by elevated body temperature, which indicates an infection. If the above circumstances are present, the lipoma must be treated or removed.

The growing tumor puts pressure on the nerve and the closer it is to the endings, the more pain the patient feels.

In advanced stages of the disease, the wen may rupture, which complicates therapy and leads to cosmetic defects of the skin. Therefore, it is so important to consult a doctor for help at the first signs of lipoma inflammation.


The inflammatory process of lipoma is a serious problem, regardless of what part of the body the tumor is located on.

Today in medicine there is no clear definition of the reasons why this phenomenon may occur.

Experts call some of the most common factors causing inflammation of the wen:

  1. Tight and squeezing clothes, which adheres tightly to the skin. This also includes rough and uneven seams on things, which cause friction, leading to irritation and inflammation.
  2. Mechanical damage wen area.
  3. Independent removing or squeezing out a lipoma.

Regardless of the cause of the disease, if discomfort, redness and inflammation of the wen occur, you should immediately consult a doctor for help.


The first and main sign of lipoma inflammation is a visible increase in tumor size. After this, the patient may experience pain in the area of ​​the lipoma and the surrounding area. Redness and darkening of the skin appears. When you press on the wen, acute pain occurs.

Another factor indicating inflammation is the fluid accumulated in the lipoma, which can be determined by palpation.

The soreness of the wen can also indicate its degeneration into a malignant tumor, called liposarcoma in medicine. This species poses a serious threat to human health and requires immediate treatment.

The growth of a lipoma into a malignant formation is possible against the background of the following factors:

  1. Injury tumors due to external environmental influences.
  2. Weakened immunity sick.

It is important that such transformation of the wen occurs extremely rarely, but to avoid the risk of disease, you should take the necessary tests and undergo an examination.

Pain in a lipoma can also appear due to an infection that was caused by mechanical damage. Therefore, despite the characteristic symptoms, timely diagnosis and provision of qualified assistance are important.


Methods for treating an inflamed lipoma are radically different from those used for wen in the normal state. The first step is to consult a doctor.

He will help you choose the right treatment. At the initial stage of therapy, it is necessary to relieve inflammation. It is best to do this with medications rather than with folk remedies, since the latter are less effective and require long-term use.

It is also important to remember that the tumor tends to degenerate into malignant formations called liposarcoma. Therefore, home self-medication can lead to serious negative consequences if an accurate diagnosis is not determined in time. In order to prevent the degeneration of the inflamed wen, it is recommended to remove it in the first stages of its appearance.

Before prescribing treatment for a lipoma, specialists examine it and study its internal contents. In the case of large sizes of the wen or their large accumulation on the body, doctors prescribe an ultrasound.

After completing all the necessary procedures and tests, specialists establish an accurate diagnosis, on which further treatment directly depends. In each specific case, therapy is individual. But in all cases it begins after the inflammatory process has passed.

If the lipoma is small, then it can be removed without surgery. To do this, a thin needle is used, with which the wen is pierced and a special solution is injected inside, which allows the fatty tissue of the tumor to be broken down until it completely disappears. From the start of the procedure until the lipoma is completely removed, one and a half to two months should pass.

Today, this method of removing wen is the most popular and accessible among the population. Injecting the solution allows you to quickly and painlessly remove the tumor. The advantage of this method is that it leaves no marks or scars on the skin.

The next most popular treatment for lipoma is surgery. This event is an opening of the wen. Recommended for patients whose tumor size exceeds 3 centimeters in diameter. A significant disadvantage of the operation is scars on the skin.

Laser tumor removal is considered an alternative method of surgical treatment. The procedure relieves a person of lipoma in a short time and without pain. At the end of the event, no traces remain on the skin. This fact makes laser surgery popular for use on the face and neck.

The third most popular method today is radio wave treatment. Its essence is as follows: the doctor uses a special device to influence the site of the tumor, as a result of which the fatty tissue is destroyed.

The main advantage can be considered the absence of pain during surgery and scars. It is important that the duration of the procedure itself is less than an hour, and after it is completed the patient can return to his usual image, without any restrictions.

A fatty tissue removed in this way has no possibility of recurrence, since it is removed along with the membrane. The disadvantage of the radio wave method is that it is only suitable for small lipomas.

The use of folk remedies to treat an inflamed wen is not recommended for several reasons:

  1. Without medical supervision, the components used and their dosages may aggravate situation.
  2. Self-production diagnosis and the prescription of treatment are most often erroneous and at best will not bring benefit, and at worst will harm the body. Only a doctor will help you get rid of the tumor, taking into account all individual characteristics.
  3. Speed drug treatment is much higher than traditional methods.

To avoid the occurrence of wen in the future, you need to carefully monitor the condition of your skin, follow a proper diet, in particular, eat less sweets, flour and fatty foods, and also lead a healthy and active lifestyle.

If the wen becomes inflamed, it means that a benign tumor, which previously did not cause any particular problems, has now become dangerous. The structure of adipose tissue does not imply spontaneous inflammation, which means it is due to injury, infection or disruption of the immune system. Typically, wen is not regarded as a pathology requiring immediate treatment, does not have pronounced symptoms and is classified as a slow-growing formation. What to do if swelling appears at the site of the lipoma, it hurts and increases in size?

What to do if the wen is inflamed

Regardless of the location of the tumor (lipomas can develop both from the subcutaneous fat layer, for example, on the face, back, thigh, etc., and from the adipose tissue cells of internal organs), the lump rarely becomes inflamed. The patient perceives his problem as nothing more than a cosmetic defect, so he may not immediately pay attention to the changes occurring with him. The inflammatory process is preceded not only by a feeling of discomfort, but also by the rapid growth of the lump.

An inflamed large wen is, in fact, an abscess-infiltrate, and if, on top of everything else, it also hurts, then this is a very serious problem. The first thing the patient will notice is a sharp increase in tumor diameter. Then characteristic redness and paroxysmal, spasmodic pain appear. On palpation, the pain noticeably intensifies and becomes sharp, and accumulations of exudate are visible under the skin.

What causes inflammation of the subcutaneous wen has not been established for certain, but the risk increases with injuries, and it is quite easy to injure a wen on the face, back, arms and head. Infection, which is an equally common cause of inflammation, enters the formation cavity through microtraumas of the skin caused by wearing tight clothing. In this way, bumps are usually injured on the back or chest, in the groin area and in the gluteal region. In some cases, internal processes lead to inflammation, for example, chronic diseases or general intoxication.

Patients, neglecting traditional medicine, try to eliminate lipomas themselves. But after such “removal”, even more problems appear. The tumor suddenly begins to hurt, grow and become inflamed. There is no need to touch the inflamed area, much less try to relieve the swelling yourself using folk recipes.

You need to go to surgery immediately. The danger is quite high - there is a risk of lipoma degenerating into malignant liposarcoma.

How to stop inflammation and prevent relapse

Most often, wen inflammation occurs on the face and head. It is strictly forbidden to surgically remove swollen and painful formations. First of all, the inflammation should be removed, and only then the tumor body should be exfoliated. Inflamed lipomas involve healthy tissue in the process, and, most dangerously, they infringe on the nerve endings passing next to them. It is not difficult to stop the process itself, but you need to establish its cause. Therefore, traditional medicine is not applicable in this case either.

What will the doctor do? Firstly, all necessary tests will be carried out, including blood biochemistry and an STD panel. Secondly, the patient will be prescribed broad-spectrum antibiotics, steroids, antihistamines and drugs appropriate to the specific cause of inflammation. A fine-needle aspiration biopsy will be performed to provide a histological and cytological assessment of the contents of the wen. If the lipoma grows strongly, as well as if it is localized in areas with massive accumulations of subcutaneous fat (on the face, back, buttocks, thighs), ultrasound is recommended.

As soon as all the tests have been completed and, based on their results, a diagnosis has been established, full-fledged treatment will begin, preparing the body for tumor removal. The therapeutic regimen is individual and depends on the patient’s age, his general health, the location of the lump (bumps on the face are the hardest to get rid of) and the severity of the inflammatory process. Relapse can be prevented only by complete enucleation of both the tumor itself and its connective tissue capsule.

Symptoms of decay of a postoperative wound after removal of a wen

The first sign that a postoperative wound is beginning to become inflamed is a change in the color of the tissue to red or burgundy-bluish. Swelling and hyperemia of the wound edge develop. The patient is admitted with complaints of constantly increasing pain. On palpation, under the postoperative sutures, an obvious elastic-movable compaction is felt, the boundaries of which are not defined. The patient's condition is getting worse: increased subfebrile body temperature, general weakness, muscle pain, intoxication. The seam naturally gets wet and does not heal. On the chest, back, arm, buttock - the situation is constantly getting worse due to the need to wear clothes.

What to do if inflammation begins at the site of the removed lipoma

Inflammatory infiltrates at the site of enucleated lipomas are not uncommon, but they occur in most cases due to the fault of the patients themselves. This complication is expressed in the leakage or saturation of healing tissues with exudate. But not only in the area of ​​postoperative sutures, but also within 3-5 cm from them. What to do if the infiltrate formed after the removal of the wen?

Why tissues become inflamed:

  • Infection of wounds as a result of negligence in care.
  • Inadequate installation of drainage drainage after surgery. Displacement of the drainage in obese patients (on the back, chest, hips, abdomen. Displacement of the drainage when the patient himself repeatedly feels it (on the face, chest, groin).
  • Traumatization of the subcutaneous layers during surgery. Hematomas and areas of tissue necrosis are formed.
  • The sutures were made with materials with high tissue reactivity.

These reasons can occur either individually or in combination. After a typical infiltration formation appears, the doctor will probe and remove the exudate. To reduce pressure on the inflamed tissues, individual elements of the sutures will be removed. Then the treated wound is treated with antiseptics, and the patient is given a referral for physical therapy.

If pus has formed in the wound cavity, then all sutures are removed, and after cleansing the wound, drainage is installed. Detection of an anaerobic infection is fraught with excision of all damaged tissue, and if the lesion has spread deeper, then additional excision is performed (typical for wounds on the back, buttocks, and chest).

The patient must be treated with antibiotics and immunostimulants. If the wound is on the face, you need to treat it with anti-scar creams. Every day, until the suppuration is completely eliminated, the wound is cleaned and re-drained. After the healing process becomes obvious, either repeated sutures will be applied, or tissue fusion will be accelerated by applying an ointment bandage.

Whatever the inflammatory process, there is only one way out, and that is to immediately go to the clinic. It is impossible to get rid of this problem on your own. All attempts to stop pathological changes in tissue at home will only lead to a worsening of the situation and hospitalization.

In medicine, a wen is called a lipoma. This is a type of benign tumor formed as a result of the proliferation of adipose tissue cells. If the wen becomes inflamed, this is a signal to immediately consult a doctor. Often lipomas are painless and cause discomfort only from an aesthetic point of view. When fatty tissues grow, they compress blood vessels and nerve fiber endings, which can trigger the process of tissue necrosis (death).

Wen require treatment, and their pain and growth cannot be tolerated.

General information

Doctors say the reason for the appearance of such a neoplasm is metabolic disorders, liver dysfunction, heredity, immune and hormonal imbalances. The diameter of the wen can reach from 1 to 10 centimeters; when pressed, the contents inside can be felt rolling. Sometimes a person develops several tumors at the same time, and if they are located nearby, they can merge into one tumor during the growth process. Wen appears on the head, face, groin, back, chest, limbs and internal organs. The latter case is difficult to diagnose. Lipoma rarely affects children; it most often affects people aged 30 to 50 years. If you find a lipoma on your child’s body, you should not panic, but you should still consult a doctor. Inflamed fatty tissues are especially dangerous.

Wen on the body. Why is it inflamed and painful?

Doctors find it difficult to determine the cause of inflammation in a given case. One of the most common factors is trauma to the area of ​​the lipoma. For example, inflammation of a wen on the back can sometimes be triggered even by clothing that injures the skin as a result of friction. If a lump on the chest is inflamed, the reason may also be tight or uncomfortable clothing. Other factors: disruption of the endocrine glands, failure to comply with basic rules of personal hygiene, malfunction of the hormonal system.

Symptoms of inflammation

Pain, itching, redness, increase in size are symptoms of lipoma inflammation.

Lipoma inflammation manifests itself in the following symptoms:

  • the tumor begins to actively increase in size;
  • when feeling a lipoma, a person experiences pain, often severe and sharp;
  • the skin on the wen and around it acquires a reddish tint;
  • when suppuration occurs, an ulcer appears on the surface of the tumor, through which pus from the wen flows out;
  • the person’s general condition worsens, body temperature may rise.

To protect yourself from the appearance of lipoma, follow simple recommendations: exercise, balance your diet, pay attention to the condition of your skin, and undergo a preventive examination at a medical facility at least once a year.

The fatty tissue has burst - what to do?

The inflamed wen should not be opened or removed independently. What to do if it bursts or is injured? It is necessary to blot the thick liquid that is released with a bandage, then treat the wound with a disinfectant and cover it with a sterile gauze bandage to prevent contamination and be sure to consult a doctor. It may be necessary to clean the wound or remove remaining fat tissue through surgery. A festering element in the absence of medical care threatens the patient with complications. If left unattended, an inflamed lipoma can transform over time into a malignant tumor.

The following methods are used to diagnose lipoma:

A breakthrough of the inflamed wen requires initial treatment of the wound followed by a visit to the hospital.

  1. palpation - direct feeling of the tumor;
  2. ultrasonography;
  3. X-ray;
  4. CT scan;
  5. histological examination.

How to treat?

When a person consults a doctor and after a specialist diagnoses a lipoma, there are several ways to further solve the problem:

  • monitoring the lipoma without any intervention (if the tumor is small, painless, and not subject to mechanical stress from clothing);
  • medicinal method (in the absence of festering elements);
  • surgical removal;

Therapy for an inflamed lipoma is prescribed by a doctor, but self-medication is extremely undesirable.

The attending physician, based on tests, studies and the general condition of the patient, decides on the advisability of using one or another method in each specific case. An experienced specialist will definitely find out from the patient how long the wen has been hurting, when it began to grow, and whether there was suppuration before. If the wen on your back is red and painful, your doctor will most likely suggest surgery. Lipomas on the back are dangerous because they can compress nerve endings.

Drug treatment

With the help of medications, tumors no larger than three centimeters in diameter can be treated. Special preparations are injected into the cavity of the wen using a syringe with a thin needle to promote the resorption of adipose tissue. This procedure is carried out several times. The breakdown of fat cells by medications occurs slowly, the result is visible only 2-3 months after the first administration of the drug. Either complete resorption of the lipoma or its significant reduction occurs.


Indications for surgical tumor removal:

  • there is a threat to the patient’s life;
  • there is a possibility that the wen will degenerate into a malignant tumor;
  • elimination of aesthetic defect;
  • compression of internal organs;
  • the wen has festered.

For small lipomas located in accessible places, removal is carried out on an outpatient basis under local anesthesia. In case of large wen or their complex location, the patient is operated on in a hospital setting using general anesthesia. In surgery, the operation to remove a lipoma is considered quite simple. The rehabilitation period from the moment of surgery until the patient’s complete recovery takes from 1 to 2 weeks.

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