Home Orthopedics Children's toy to twirl in hands. How to twist a pen on your fingers - good advice

Children's toy to twirl in hands. How to twist a pen on your fingers - good advice

Have you ever watched someone in class deftly twirl a pencil on their thumb? Have you ever wondered how to do such an easy and effective trick yourself? Steps to Twist a Pencil Around thumb, easy to learn, but difficult to perfect. With diligent practice, you'll soon be playing with your pencil like a police baton!


    Hold the pencil with your index, middle and thumb fingers. Hold it with your dominant hand - the distance between your index and middle fingers should be approximately the width of your thumb. In other words, if it weren't for the pencil, the thumb could fit comfortably between the index and middle fingers.

    • There are different opinions about which part of the pencil you should squeeze. Some people prefer to grab the middle, near the center of gravity, while others grab the end of the pencil. It's up to you - experiment to see what works best for you.
  1. Use your middle finger to move as if you were pulling a trigger. In this trick, the main rotational force is transferred to the pencil middle finger. Holding the pencil with your thumb, index and middle fingers as described above, press or flick your middle finger towards you as if you were pulling a trigger. If done correctly, the pencil will begin to rotate around your thumb. If you can't get the pencil around your thumb, work on your grip - if your middle and thumb are too close together, you're probably pushing the pencil on finger, not around it.

    • It is very difficult to calculate the ideal strength of movement of the middle finger. If you hit it too hard, the pencil will fly off, but if you don't apply enough force, the pencil won't be able to make a circle around your thumb. It's all a matter of practice - over time you will develop the instinct to be able to rotate a pencil just the way it should be.
  2. Rotate your wrist to help the pencil rotate around your thumb. Beginners usually have trouble rotating the pencil at the very beginning. They often fail to draw a full circle around their thumb with a pencil. To make it easier, try rotating your wrist as you move your middle finger. Gently twist your wrist (as if turning a doorknob) away from yourself, When pull the trigger. This will give the pencil an extra boost; In addition, this way other fingers will not interfere with the rotation of the pencil.

    Place your fingers so as not to interfere with the rotation. When learning to twirl a pencil, it is very important to watch the placement of the other fingers after the initial “push” of the middle finger. A common mistake among beginners is to unwittingly interfere with the rotation with the index or middle finger. There are several techniques to avoid touching the pencil with your fingers, two of them are described below:

    • After the initial “push”, tuck your index and middle fingers so that they are under the knuckle of your thumb. The pencil should rotate around the thumb above the other fingers.
    • At the same time, bend your middle finger at the lowest joint and extend your index finger as far as possible. Your middle finger should touch your thumb inside upper joint. The rotating pencil will not touch the extended index finger.
  3. Catch the pencil. The most impressive part of spinning a pencil isn't even the spin itself, but the fact that the person performing the trick is able to easily catch the pencil and repeat the trick over and over again. Having mastered the intricacies of rotating a pencil, work on how to “catch” it beautifully. After one rotation, rotate the pencil towards your middle finger. As soon as it touches your middle finger, use your thumb and index finger to support the pencil on different sides.

    Practice and practice again. It will hardly work the first time. However, as with any other act of dexterity (such as driving a motorcycle or performing a magic trick), over time the movements will become so natural that it will be difficult to rotate the pencil wrong.

Here comes a new wave of an entertaining trend among young people - spinning an incomprehensible thing in their hands. What is the name of the spinning thing in your hands and why is it needed? Why is it sold on every corner and how much is it? profitable business? What are the things you twist in your hands made of and how does it affect the body?

A newfangled toy that replaced chips, yo-yos and hoverboards is called spinner. Some consider it useless children's entertainment, others consider it a “cure for nerves,” and some even find it a way for daily relaxation. More details about everything in the article!

The device of a spinner - where it “came” to us from and why it is needed

The device was invented back in the 90s of the last century. At that time, the spinner had no entertainment purpose at all. Scientists from the USA used the “toy” in medical purposes– “prescribed” to patients with retarded development and various diseases of the central nervous system.

Uncomplicated design helps develop fine motor skills, balance with diseases that provoke the effect of “shaky hands”, and simply, calm the nerves.

Currently, the spinner is an entertaining toy that has no contraindications. On the contrary, spinning a pinwheel helps to concentrate, distract from negative thoughts, and relieve stress. Should I buy a spinner for my child? Definitely yes! We assure you that the spinner will help you take your mind off computer games and constant use of a smartphone. Considering the price of the item, the purchase should not be a matter of hesitation.

What is the spinner made of and why does it have different prices?

Now on the market you can find spinners of various colors and models. Like any newfangled toys, spinners are made in China. But this does not mean their quality is poor. Durability, alignment and quality are directly affected by the material, assembly, size, quality of bearings and cost of the turntable. For example, a primitive plastic spinner can be bought for 100 rubles, a brass spinner from 1000 rubles.

The “coolness” of the spinner is determined by the duration of the torsion of the blades. The better the material and workmanship, the longer the turntable will spin.

In addition to the basic options, you can find whimsical shapes. For example, Kim Kardashian released a dollar-shaped spinner. It has the inscription “daddy” on it. For such a creation, the author asks only $15.

It should be noted that cheap spinners also perform their functions perfectly. The only disadvantages are fragility and short-term torsion. You can appreciate all the shortcomings of a cheap device only after long-term use. It is unlikely that you or your child will use it for years. Then why spend extra money?

A spinner, spinner, fidget spinner, hand spinner (fidget spinner, hand spinner) is a fashionable anti-stress toy today. It is a real salvation for kinesthetic learners who like to twirl something in their hands.

What is a spinner toy?

In the center of the spinner there is a bearing made of ceramic or metal; on the sides of it there are several blades or weights. Finger spinner is made from various materials: plastic, brass, titanium, stainless steel, copper.

A hand spinner is a kind of gadget that consists of the following main parts: a housing with a bearing, a plug and external bearings. The spinner looks like a flat structure that is activated by hitting the side of the wing, causing the wings to rotate quickly.

That is, to spin the toy you need to hold it between the large and index finger the middle bearing, and with your second hand or middle finger rotate the wing.

The spinner was invented back in the 1990s, but only became popular in 2017. Now its popularity is growing, especially among schoolchildren who have learned to perform various tricks with it. Today, the spinner is very often presented as a toy that brings health benefits. It is interesting that in some US schools it is forbidden to bring fidget spinners because they distract from studying, and in some schools, on the contrary, they are recommended to help students concentrate.

The spinner is an effective tool for self-regulation. It is used to calm and relieve anxiety, to reduce anxiety and stress. In addition, the fidget toy helps develop fine motor skills of the fingers and increase tactile sensitivity, and this promotes concentration, strengthens memory, and develops intellectual abilities.

According to Money magazine, the popularity of these fidget spinner toys began to grow in April 2017, during which time the number of Google searches for the phrase “fidget spinner” sharply increased.

On April 27, 2017, the New York Post wrote that “so-called fidget spinners are a passing fad that has swept the country with its scale, and stores cannot keep up with the demand for them.”

In May, spinners topped Amazon's list of 20 best-selling toys.

Today, hand spinners amaze with their diversity. As mentioned above, they differ in the materials from which they are made (metal, wood, plastic, etc.), sizes, colors, rotation speed, weight, size of cut-out holes and edging.

Health effects of spinner toys

Money magazine published an article that fidget spinners were "originally created and marketed as a calming aid that could be used to help stay focused." On Amazon, fidget toys were advertised as “anti-stress.”

There is a well-known teacher who used fidget spinners when working with autistic children, and they actually helped calm the kids.

But expert opinions are mixed. Some agree that fidget spinners are beneficial for people with ADHD and autism, while others argue that fidget spinners are more of a distraction than an aid to concentration.

Those experts who are in favor of fidget spinners say that they are not only a stylish anti-stress toy, but also a simulator that helps keep your fingers and hands toned. In the process of interacting with the hand twister, stress, fear, anxiety are reduced, concentration of attention is improved, the level of irritability is reduced, emotional state comes back to normal.

This toy is suitable for people with monotonous or stressful work; it helps to relax, relieve tension, and refocus.

Thanks to the spinner, you can get rid of some bad habits: banging a pen on the table, twirling your hair with your finger, biting a pencil, nails, and performing other meaningless actions.

Moreover, with the help spinner toys you can learn to perform interesting tricks, film them and post them for everyone to see.

A hand spinner is an original gift for both adults and children.

You can clearly see what a fidget spinner toy is in the video:

A spinner, as everyone already knows, is a simple spinning toy that appeared at the beginning of 2017 and became the most noticeable trend in the first half of the year. What caused such a wild popularity of this simple twister: unique consumer qualities, novelty and originality, or banal hype based on nothing? Why does everyone need these spinners so much, and do you personally need one? And if you need it, how to choose it?
First you need to figure out what these spinners are and why are they so popular in Moscow?

First, watch the video to better understand what we're talking about:

What's the trick?

The technical characteristics and functionality of these things are very limited. This is a small toy that just spins! A plastic or iron body (other materials are less commonly used) with a bearing in the middle. “Buttons” are attached to the bearing to comfortably hold the handspinner while it rotates - technically, these hand spinners are designed indecently simply and identically! You can twirl it between two fingers, either on the table, or simply move it in your hands. Young fans of spinners begin to practice tricks, and many achieve success - they spectacularly throw a rotating spinner from finger to finger, from behind their backs, mint with them and do other interesting things.

What are they?

In addition to the similar design, there are quite a few differences in the spinners: first of all, this is the body material and its design. Manufacturers compete in originality, unusualness and beauty, constantly releasing more and more new models from a variety of materials and in different style, from steampunk to fusion, and it seems like they have no intention of stopping in their quest to create the most original hand spinner ever. Presumably, one of the reasons for its popularity is this crazy variety of designs, among which everyone can choose something to their liking. Many people, having once bought such a turntable and appreciated it, are drawn into the movement and want to get another one, then the next one, then another and another, until they have amassed an impressive collection. In fact, it is difficult to resist this mania for “collecting” seeing all the variety of new models that appear on sale.

You have to try it once!

Having never tried to turn this spinner, it is difficult to understand why everyone in Moscow and beyond is now turned to them, and if you know about it only from the Internet, most likely the attitude towards them will be, at least, wary! But once you pick up a good spinner, your attitude immediately changes miraculously! Forbes magazine describes this effect perfectly: “When introducing a product to focus groups or random passers-by, the conversation always goes the same way. We tell them about it and get a skeptical-aggressive reaction, but then we let them hold it, and in a matter of seconds the reaction changes - people fall in love with the toy and do not want to return it. This happens every time, without exception.” And this, it seems, is the main feature!

Spinning it is a pleasure!

It really is a lot of fun to spin. When rotating, a real spinner vibrates a little, you feel a gyroscopic effect (it resists changing its position in space, it is difficult to tilt), sometimes it makes a quiet sound, forms beautiful patterns in the air when rotating, or simply shines - it’s like it’s alive! And you can interact with the spinner in different ways: spin and stop, balance it on one finger, spin it on the table and watch the rotation gradually slow down. And now this is truly something unprecedented: a small piece of metal with a bearing reveals dozens of ways to interact with it. The main feature and know-how of these spinners is tactility; it has always existed, but before the advent of spinners, few people thought about this category. It is precisely because of the tactility that it is so easy to get hooked on hand spinners.
The Friday TV channel explained this well in its story (which, by the way, was filmed in our store), see:

How to choose a good spinner?

When choosing a spinner, it is important to understand that its “magic” effect is fully realized if you hold a real, good spinner. Every detail is important in any spinner, and if something is not done perfectly, you will constantly pay attention to these shortcomings and instead of pleasure you will get irritation.

You can buy a real good spinner in Moscow in our store, we have a showroom on Taganka, come and choose the spinner that suits you best! We also service and repair spinners, change and clean bearings, and of course, advise clients on any issues related to spinners. And finally, if this topic interests you, you will find a large selection of useful information using the links below.

According to a 2015 study in the Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, repetitive activities help children with attention deficit disorder concentrate. You can click the automatic handle button, or you can spin the spinner - both are equally good. Although no research has been carried out regarding this particular toy, on the English-language Internet you can find articles about the spinner that begin with the words “teenagers”, “concentration”, “attention deficit”, “benefit”. Largely thanks to them, apparently, the toy became incredibly popular, first in the USA, and then in other countries.

Who invented the spinner?

Although the spinner has gained incredible popularity, bordering on hysteria, only today, it appeared back in the 1990s, and it is most likely impossible to definitely name the creator. The authorship is usually attributed to Katherine Hettinger from Florida: in 1993, she filed documents for a patent for a “spinning toy.” Later, Bloomberg News, however, comments from Jeffrey Blake, a lawyer specializing in cases intellectual property, who saw the toy's description in the patent and stated that it was different from what is called a spinner today.

Katherine tells at least two different stories about how she came up with the idea for the toy. The first appeared in the New York Post. According to her, the woman saw children on the street throwing stones at the police, and with her invention she wanted to make the world a little calmer, and give children a less destructive way to spend extra energy. The Guardian Katherine Hettinger told another: she allegedly suffers from myasthenia gravis and cannot fully play with her daughter. To entertain the girl, she glued pieces of newspaper together with tape, making various unusual things.

In general, today we are unlikely to find out exactly how the spinner appeared, so you can choose any of these stories.

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