Home Smell from the mouth How to use hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body. Hydrogen peroxide for treatment What gives hydrogen peroxide if you drink it

How to use hydrogen peroxide to cleanse the body. Hydrogen peroxide for treatment What gives hydrogen peroxide if you drink it

The transparent liquid that began to hiss when it got on the wound has been known since childhood - every time we were injured and got wounds, mothers treated them with hydrogen peroxide. The chemical formula is H2O2, the simplest representative of peroxides.

The liquid has no color, has a metallic taste, can be dissolved not only in water, but also in ether and alcohol. With moderate use, it can be used in therapy not only externally, but also inside the body.

Hydrogen peroxide is found in various proportions in antiseptics, antimicrobials, and mouthwashes.

Medicinal properties of peroxide

Pharmacists invented hydroperite exclusively for external use. It is washed with wounds, it is used mainly as an antiseptic and antibacterial agent.

Atomic oxygen is considered the basis of the therapeutic effect. When H2O2 enters the blood, a chemical reaction occurs and the drug breaks down into atomic oxygen and water.

Due to its composition, it perfectly copes with the task of disinfecting wounds, stopping bleeding. To do this, you must first rinse the affected area with a solution.

Adults can use this medication (be sure to check the list of contraindications). Children under 5 years of age are not recommended for use. If the child is older, he is prescribed hydrogen peroxide according to the Neumyvakin method only after consulting a doctor.

The solution is suitable for reducing the discomfort of heartburn, as well as getting rid of problems associated with stomach acidity.

What is hydrogen peroxide used for?

The most common ways to use hydroperite is as an external antiseptic for wounds, to stop bleeding. In folk medicine, you can find recommendations for the treatment of various diseases by drinking this liquid.

When properly taken internally, hydrogen peroxide can cure some stomach ailments.

For the treatment of oncology, it is administered intravenously through a dropper. Modern doctors are against such categorical actions, believing that it is harmful to health.

Perhydrol helps to dissolve cholesterol plaques in the vessels. Some doctors recommend the use of hydroperite for heart problems. Be sure to consult your doctor before using the drug.

For the treatment of diseases associated with a cold, the following administration options are suitable:

  1. From a cold, you need to drip hydroperite into the nostrils. H2O2 must be diluted with water (1:3).
  2. For ear diseases (otitis), it is necessary to dissolve 15 drops in 30 mg of water. Drop medicine into your ear. This method also helps with ear plugs.
  3. For sore throats (a type of sore throat), you can rinse with peroxide.

Dentists use it to whiten enamel, treat periodontal disease, and treat caries. You can use H2O2 to prevent the appearance of tartar. To do this, it will be enough to add a couple of drops of the drug to the paste.

In cosmetology, hydrogen peroxide is used to lighten hairs, spots (which appeared after acne). Effectively copes with papillomas on the face. To do this, you will need to dilute hydrogen peroxide with ammonia in equal proportions.

To get rid of acne, it is enough to wipe the desired areas with a solution of H2O2 using cotton swabs.

Dermatologists use peroxide to treat psoriasis and get rid of nail fungus.

According to reviews, hydroperit helps a cancer patient feel better.

How to take H2O2 orally

Be careful! You can not use H2O2 in undiluted form. Otherwise, it will be harmful, namely, it will contribute to the formation of burns of the digestive tract and internal bleeding. After taking undiluted hydrogen peroxide, poisoning of the human body may occur.

If you have not previously taken peroxide orally, remember that intoxication of the body may appear. This is not scary, because once inside, H2O2 kills all bacteria. Skin inflammations that appear some time after ingestion are considered normal. This is due to the fact that toxic substances are excreted from the body through the pores of the skin.

There are rules for the use of perhydrol:

  1. For ingestion, you need to take a purified 3% solution.
  2. The start of the intake should begin with a small dose - no more than 1 drop of H2O2 per quarter glass of water. Every day, an increase by one more and no more is allowed. Remember that the drug regimen must be cyclical.
  3. Hydroperit is taken exclusively on an empty stomach. If you take after a meal, it is fraught with a negative effect of the drug on the body. At least three hours should elapse between the intake of food and medicine. Otherwise, you can earn gastritis.

To take the drug for the purpose of losing weight, it is advised to take it according to the method of Dr. Neumyvakin.

Drinking soda mixed with hydrogen peroxide at the same time benefits the body.

Scheme for taking peroxide according to Neumyvakin

Dr. Neumyvakin investigated in his works and experiments the effect of perhydrol on the human body. The professor himself took hydroperite to understand its effect.

According to research results, the drug kills cancer cells, it can cure leukemia, remove fats that accumulate on the walls of blood vessels.

Hydroperit, according to the treatment regimen of Dr. Neumyvakin, can be used for:

  • joint diseases, arthrosis;
  • manifestation of fungal infections, viruses;
  • hypertension;
  • psoriasis;
  • to strengthen the immune system;
  • SARS, acute respiratory infections;
  • gum disease;
  • varicose veins;
  • body cleansing.

Professor Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin painted a special regimen for taking hydrogen peroxide three times a day - add a drop of 3% hydrogen solution to a quarter glass of water and drink it on an empty stomach.

Every morning you need to add another drop, gradually increasing their number to ten. Then for 4 days you need to take a break. After drinking for a week and a half with ten drops of H2O2. Then back rest, and so the scheme is repeated over and over again.

With the right therapy, you can reduce high blood pressure, get rid of type 1 diabetes, prostatitis, and chylobacteria.

Contraindications for use

There are no special contraindications to taking H2O2. The main thing is not to violate the dosage and take the drug correctly. There are no restrictions on the use of other phytochemicals with hydroperite. You can not use antibiotics together, drugs that contain aspirin and peroxide.

If it is necessary to take everything at the same time, more than half an hour should elapse between the use of antibiotics and H2O2. It is not recommended to combine the intake of alcoholic beverages and peroxide.

People who have had various organ transplants should not use this treatment regimen (it is fraught with rejection of foreign tissues).

Natural contraindications include pregnancy, lactation, individual intolerance to the drug, serious damage to the mucous membranes, pancreatitis, asthma.

Don't overdo it. When changing the scheme, side effects may occur: burns of the inner walls of the intestinal tract, an ulcer. The consequence of improper intake is nausea, indigestion, rashes on the skin, weakness.

In case of discomfort, it is recommended to reduce the dose of the drug and temporarily stop treatment.

The main cause of side effects is the use of hydrogen peroxide solution without following the scheme.

Doctors' opinion

Ivanov Sergey, Kaliningrad

“Despite the fact that I do not like Neumyvakin's therapy, I have to admit that his scheme has a positive change in patients and gives results. You can not take the drug without the supervision of a doctor, it is dangerous.

Always consult your doctor before taking any remedy. It is not recommended to take hydrogen peroxide without a preliminary diagnosis for medicinal purposes, so as not to inadvertently harm the body.

Professor Neumyvakin clearly outlined the scheme for how much you need to take the drug in order for improvement to occur.

Leonidov Mikhail, Moscow

In dentistry, we use hydroperite as a treatment for stomatitis and gum disease.

We also use H2O2 to lighten tooth enamel. People with various mucosal diseases come to us for treatment. Precisely because hydrogen has an antiseptic effect, we recommend using it for rinsing the mouth. With the right scheme and dosage, peroxide can be very useful.

- a tool that is in every first aid kit, it is used to treat wounds and stop bleeding. Usually this drug is used externally, but oral administration is also possible. Before conducting a treatment course, we recommend that you familiarize yourself in more detail with hydrogen peroxide, medicinal properties and how to take the medicine.

Healing properties

Peroxides or peroxides are the most powerful antioxidants, they contribute to the neutralization of almost all pathogenic microorganisms - viruses, bacteria, fungi, protozoa, as well as cancer cells. The intake of hydrogen peroxide orally in the form of low concentrated solutions is accompanied by an effect on specific catalase enzymes, as a result of which it is split into atomic oxygen with water. Due to this, saturation of blood and tissues with oxygen is observed, thus, an oxygenating effect is manifested.

Hydrogen peroxide is quite effective against intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as candidiasis. The drug contributes to the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, including thrombophlebitis and varicose veins. In addition, according to Neumyvakin, hydrogen peroxide helps to completely cure insulin-dependent diabetes and achieve a significant improvement in diabetes with a constant need for insulin.

In view of these characteristics, the drug can be used for monotherapy and complex treatment of many diseases.

Indications for use

Not everyone knows why hydrogen peroxide is taken orally. Thanks to numerous experiments and studies conducted by Dr. Neumyvakin, the use of hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes has become understandable and effective. Perhydrol (peroxide), according to the doctor, is a unique tool in the fight against oncology, it cleanses the walls of blood vessels from atherosclerotic plaques, treats various types of leukemia. Drinking hydrogen peroxide is necessary daily to make up for the lack of oxygen in the body. The drug is effective for:

  • Various pathologies of the joints
  • Prevention of atherosclerosis
  • Psoriatic rashes
  • Fight infections and viruses
  • hypertension
  • Reduced immunity
  • Diseases of the ENT organs
  • depressive states
  • Comprehensive treatment of gum disease
  • Varicose veins.

How to take

In the case of the first use of the drug, signs of intoxication may be observed, but this should not be a reason to stop taking peroxide. This action is explained by the body's reaction to the process of neutralizing the bacterial flora. In addition, a rash will indicate the positive effect of peroxide, this is how toxins are removed from the body.

Many are often interested in the question of how to drink hydrogen peroxide correctly. It is worth noting that there are rules for the use of hydroperit:

  • It is recommended to take a solution with 3 percent hydrogen peroxide
  • Reception should begin with the minimum dosage - 1-2 drops. for 3 st. spoons of boiled water.
  • The total volume of drugs should not exceed 30 cap.
  • You need to drink the solution on an empty stomach, after the last meal should take about 3 hours
  • It is necessary to refrain from eating for 40 minutes. after the next dose of medication
  • The therapeutic solution should be consumed in courses, after 10 days. reception you need to make a three-day break.

Features of treatment according to the Neumyvakin method

To ensure the maximum medicinal effect of hydrogen peroxide, it is recommended to take drugs three times a day in the form of a solution (1 drop is diluted with 25 ml of water). Each subsequent day, the dosage of the drug is increased by 1 cap., Bringing up to 10 cap. After this, you will need to take a break for a few days, then drink the medicine according to the previous scheme (10 drops per 25 ml of water). At the moment, it is not known why this particular treatment is prescribed, but it is quite effective. The next course of admission begins with 10 cap.

It should be noted that when taking vit. C significantly enhances the effect of peroxide, so the parallel intake of vitamins will not harm, but will contribute to a speedy recovery.

Hydrogen peroxide for weight loss

Not everyone knows whether it is possible to speed up the process of weight loss with a solution of hydrogen peroxide. Processor Neumyvakin claims that this is possible. Peroxide enriches all tissues with oxygen, under its influence lipid compounds are destroyed, the immune system normalizes, brain activity is activated, and the skin is rejuvenated. After a course of peroxide therapy, hormonal balance is restored, metabolism normalizes, blood glucose decreases, and an antioxidant effect is manifested. Thanks to this effect, the process of gradual fat burning is stimulated.

To reduce weight, hydrogen peroxide is used according to the standard scheme. It should be noted that following a special diet will contribute to weight loss.


There are no serious contraindications to the use of peroxide, it is only necessary to choose the right dosage for the drug to have a therapeutic effect.

Natural contraindications include:

  • Gastrointestinal mucosal injury or ulceration
  • Excessive sensitivity to constituents
  • Pregnancy, GW.

drug interaction

The drug can be taken in combination with other herbal drugs, but it cannot be combined with antibiotics.

The course of oral administration must be agreed with the doctor without fail. Do not self-medicate, because it can seriously harm your health.


Hydrogen peroxide is an inexpensive drug that is widely used in everyday life and medicine. This tool is a universal antiseptic. When ingested, it increases the content of atomic oxygen molecules in tissues, providing a restorative effect on cells. Hydrogen peroxide improves metabolism, normalizes the digestive system, fills a person with energy. Positive effects are observed only with proper use of the drug. Incorrect dosages adversely affect health.

What is hydrogen peroxide

This substance belongs to the class of peroxides and belongs to antiseptics and disinfectants. Peroxide is highly soluble in water, has strong oxidizing and reducing properties. It is used in medicine, everyday life, industry. The drug is produced in the form of a 3% solution for external use. The composition includes the following components (per 100 ml):

  • medical hydrogen peroxide - 7.5–11 g;
  • sodium benzoate - 0.05 g;
  • prepared water - up to 100 ml.

The product is a clear, colorless and odorless liquid. Available in several types of bottles. Each container is packed in a cardboard box with instructions. There are the following types of containers:

  • glass bottles and dropper bottles with a screw neck, a polyethylene stopper, a screw cap, with and without a gasket - 40 and 100 ml each;
  • bottles made of low-density or high-density polyethylene, with a screw-on plastic cap, gasket or special nozzle - 40 and 100 ml;
  • bottles with screw-on plastic caps and gaskets - 500 ml and 1 thousand ml.

Medicinal properties

The drug is used to cleanse the body, restore and nourish cells and tissues. These effects determine the following medicinal properties:

  • Improvement of the digestive tract. Peroxide, getting into the cavity of the esophagus, stomach and intestines, breaks down into hydrogen ions and free oxygen, is absorbed through the walls of the organ and enters the nearby cells. The tool helps to normalize the acid-base and electrolyte balance, suppress the processes of decay in the gastrointestinal tract, heal ulcers, wounds, erosions.
  • Hydrogen peroxide is an antioxidant that saturates the cells and tissues of the body with oxygen. This increases the content of lymphocytes, contributes to the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms. The activity of cells of the immune system is enhanced.
  • Peroxide contributes to the effective removal of ammonia and urea, which slagging the body; eliminates the effects of alcohol, smoking.
  • Peroxide solution is a strong antiseptic, kills pathogenic bacteria, fungi, viruses.
  • Free oxygen molecules promote tissue regeneration by improving their nutrition, vasodilatation, and increased blood flow. A side effect is a decrease in blood pressure.
  • It is believed that hydrogen peroxide normalizes fat and carbohydrate metabolism, acting on intracellular processes at the molecular level.

Indications for oral use

The use of hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes is practiced in alternative medicine. It is recommended for violations of the work of various organ systems and infections. It is believed that the remedy is effective as a means for ingestion with the following indications:

How to drink hydrogen peroxide

To use the drug inside, you must first mix it with warm purified water. It is forbidden to drink undiluted solution. Use for medicinal purposes is possible in compliance with the following proportions: no more than 10 drops of the product per 30-50 ml of water at room temperature per dose. The daily dose should not exceed 30 drops of a 3% peroxide solution. The duration of the course is 20-25 days, you can repeat the treatment several times a year. It is possible to use the solution for 2-5 days with breaks between them lasting 2-4 days.

How to drink according to Neumyvakin

Russian scientist and doctor Neumyvakin developed a scheme for taking peroxide orally. The basis of his method is the use of an aqueous solution of peroxide, increasing the concentration of the agent taken. Treatment begins with a minimum dosage, which is gradually increased to the maximum acceptable. Next, you should take a break. Continue treatment with the drug of maximum concentration. The scheme for using the remedy according to Neumyvakin consists of the following points:

  • Day 1. Add 1 drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide solution to 50 ml of water. You need to drink the remedy 3 times a day 2 hours before meals or 2 hours after it.
  • Day 2. Increase the concentration of peroxide to 2 drops per 50 ml of water. Apply in the same order as the first day.
  • Day 3. 3 drops of peroxide are added to 50 ml of water. Taken 3 times.

Then, every day, increase the concentration of the peroxide solution by 1 drop (per 50 ml of water), bringing it up to 10 drops on the tenth day. The frequency of use of the drug remains the same. Then you need to take a break for 2-4 days. Continue the course with 10 drops, without increasing the concentration, for 10 days. The total duration of treatment is 22-24 days. The number of courses per year depends on the patient's condition. There are reviews proving the effectiveness of this treatment method.

For medicinal purposes

  • Hydrogen peroxide for colds. The solution is drunk, diluted according to the Neumyvakin scheme described above; injected into the nose, dissolving 6-8 drops of the drug in a tablespoon of warm boiled water. For the treatment and prevention of influenza, runny nose, acute respiratory infections, 3-5 drops are instilled in the morning and evening.
  • With sore throats, they additionally gargle with peroxide, adding 1 teaspoon of the medicine to 70 ml of boiled warm water. This procedure is carried out 3 times a day for 3-5 minutes.
  • For ear diseases, a dilute peroxide solution (a few drops of the product in 30-50 ml of water or warm olive oil) is instilled into the ear canal.
  • With stomatitis, the mouth is rinsed with a weak solution of peroxide (1 teaspoon of the product per 50-100 ml of water) 2-3 times a day.
  • Hydrogen peroxide for cancer. The solution inhibits the growth of benign and malignant tumors; metastasis - due to an increase in the content of free oxygen molecules, activation of cells of the immune system. The treatment regimen is standard, given above (according to Neumyvakin). In the advanced stages of cancer, you can increase the concentration of peroxide from 10 to 25 drops under the supervision of a physician.

For weight loss

There is an opinion that taking hydrogen peroxide is effective for weight loss as an appetite suppressant. With the use of this medicine, the absorption of vitamins, minerals, and proteins by cells improves. Slags are removed from the body, fat and carbohydrate metabolism improves, which contributes to weight loss. The regimen remains the same, they drink the remedy on an empty stomach. The duration of the course is until the desired result is achieved. Every 10 days of use, it is worth taking breaks of 2-5 days.

Harm peroxide

When used in the wrong dosage, an excess of free oxygen molecules is created and negative effects can be observed. If you feel unwell, stop using the remedy and consult a doctor. It is necessary to take breaks during treatment. In this case, symptoms of "cancellation" can be observed: decreased performance, fatigue, oxygen deficiency. An overdose of peroxide, its long-term use causes the following consequences:

  • irritation, chemical burns of the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • internal bleeding, blockage of blood vessels;
  • nausea, vomiting, pain and burning in the abdomen;
  • poisoning;
  • allergic reactions (runny nose, cough, rash, redness of the skin, lacrimation);
  • drowsiness;
  • weakness, fatigue.

Contraindications for ingestion

With the simultaneous use of a peroxide solution with other drugs, you need to take a break of 30-40 minutes between the use of drugs. Treatment of the child is carried out under the strict supervision of a physician. There are the following contraindications for therapy:

  • availability of transplanted donor organs;
  • hypersensitivity to the drug;
  • it is forbidden to use the product for pregnant women, during lactation (breastfeeding).


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Hydrogen peroxide is one of the most useful remedies that is recommended to be taken for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. Every person should understand how to take hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes for a guaranteed improvement in health.

Professor Neumyvakin I.P. recommends taking a 3% solution of hydrogen peroxide, after diluting the main component with ordinary drinking water. Such a tool is considered quite powerful, so it is advisable to adhere to a specific treatment regimen and start with a minimum dose. The maximum possible dosage is 10 drops, otherwise undesirable side effects appear and the risk of negative health effects instead of positive ones increases.

Neumyvakin IP advises taking a solution of hydrogen peroxide only on an empty stomach. This can be after 3 hours after a meal or about an hour before the intended meal.

If you follow this rule, you can count on increasing the effectiveness of a useful tool even at the stage of prevention.

It is advisable to take a therapeutic solution according to a cyclic scheme: after 10 days, a break is made for 4 to 5 days. In the future, you can start with the maximum dosage, but more than 10 drops should not be taken. If you overdo it with a medicinal solution, there is a risk of burns of the mucous membranes.

It should be noted that at the very beginning there may be a general deterioration in health. This is due to the fact that the therapeutic solution enters the human body and shows its own activity, destroys pathogenic bacteria. In extreme cases, it is allowed to temporarily reduce the dosage of the drug, but it is undesirable to completely interrupt treatment or prophylaxis.

Hydrogen peroxide can be taken for preventive and therapeutic purposes. One of the main tasks is to replenish oxygen deficiency, due to which the body is toned and effective prevention of various diseases is carried out.

  • effective destruction of viruses, fungi, bacteria, cancer cells;
  • improving the condition of blood vessels and strengthening the heart;
  • treatment of many chronic diseases;
  • improving overall well-being in diabetes and regulating blood sugar levels.

The correct intake of hydrogen peroxide guarantees an improvement in the health of people.

Basic principles for taking hydrogen peroxide

Each person who is interested in the considered method of improving health should understand how to take hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes inside. To do this, it is recommended to follow certain rules.

  1. It is advisable to consult a doctor. If a person assumes the consequences, it is recommended to be especially careful. This largely determines how effective and safe the course of treatment or prevention will be.
  2. The initial dosage is 1 - 2 drops, which are dissolved in a couple of tablespoons of water. In this case, only 3% hydrogen peroxide is used. Recommended 3-fold intake of hydrogen peroxide. The next day, repeat the reception, adding 1 drop. The final dosage is 10 drops. Only 30 drops can be consumed per day.
  3. One of the most important requirements is the absence of food in the stomach. For example, from the last meal you need to wait up to 3 hours. If the solution is not drunk on an empty stomach, it exhibits an adverse effect of peroxide. From the moment of taking the solution, it is recommended to wait 40-60 minutes.
  4. It is recommended to adhere to the regularity in taking the treatment solution, as this approach improves efficiency. The full cycle of using hydrogen peroxide is unlimited, but it is advisable to take a break every 10 days. For the next cycle, the dosage will be 10 drops, and it is undesirable to reduce or increase it in the future.

Taking into account the above principles of taking peroxide solution for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes guarantees improved health.

Reception scheme according to Neumyvakin

Many people are trying to understand how to take hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes according to Neumyvakin to achieve the best result. Ivan Pavlovich Neumyvakin, an adherent of oxygen therapy, became famous as a learned doctor, healer and professor. Neumyvakin developed schemes for taking hydrogen peroxide.

  1. On the 1st day, take a drop of 3% hydrogen peroxide. It is recommended to take a drop of the solution three times a day.
  2. On the 2nd day, the dosage is increased to 2 drops.
  3. On the 3rd day, 3 drops are already taken.

After that, they take a break for about a week or a little less and subsequently conduct a second course, but adhere to the same dosage (10 drops).

Side effects

Initially, taking hydrogen peroxide results in the following possible side effects:

  • skin rashes;
  • nausea;
  • drowsiness and fatigue;
  • catarrhal phenomena;
  • stool disorders.

Such side effects are caused by the active removal of toxins and toxins from the human body. Subsequently, adverse symptoms are eliminated and well-being improves. It is undesirable to stop taking hydrogen peroxide, but you can reduce the dosage or take a break for a couple of days. The most important thing in the future is to adhere to the Neumyvakin treatment regimen.

Contraindications for admission

There are practically no contraindications for taking hydrogen peroxide. However, in some cases, the following contraindications are indicated in the instructions for the drug:

  • blood diseases;
  • violations of the digestive tract;
  • individual intolerance to the drug.

In most cases, hydrogen peroxide eliminates waste and toxins, guarantees an effective fight against pathogenic bacteria, and enriches the body with atomic oxygen.

Knowing how to take hydrogen peroxide for medicinal purposes, how cancer and other dangerous diseases can be prevented, each person gets the opportunity to improve their own health in the shortest possible time.

Alternative medicine, no doubt, has the right to exist. Especially when it comes to time-tested healing practices, such as manual or herbal medicine, homeopathy. But, unfortunately, non-traditional healers often offer such methods of treatment that cannot be called otherwise than dangerous. What are the recommendations to drink normalization of redox processes in the body. I must say that such advice does not have any scientific basis.

For the reader to understand what is at stake, here are some excerpts from such recommendations.

The authors of the technique claim that it is useful for everyone who cares about their own health, because with a lack of oxygen, they say, food rots in our stomach. Taking inside, we allegedly provide the body with atomic oxygen. It is difficult to say in which school this man received his education, but there is no doubt that he is little familiar with anatomy and chemistry.

First, hydrogen peroxide decomposes into only as a result of chemical reactions. Every 8th grader knows this. In the stomach, peroxide forms only ordinary oxygen O2 and water. Secondly, oxygen has a place in the lungs, but not in the digestive tract. It won't do any good there, that's for sure.

If we look in a chemical reference book, we will find the following characteristic of a substance: hydrogen peroxide (peroxide) is a compound with a record oxygen content. Apparently, it is on this that the advice to take inside is based. However, the handbook refers to a concentrated substance, which is significantly different from that used in everyday life. Therefore, even about some more or less noticeable flow of oxygen into the body, it is not necessary to speak.

Frankly, hydrogen peroxide in the concentration offered by modern healers will not harm a healthy body. Especially when it comes to short-term exposure.

In the pharmacy network, you can only buy 3% peroxide. Two drops from a pipette will be approximately 0.5 ml. If this amount is diluted with two tablespoons of water (about 30 ml), we get a solution of very low concentration. Given the fact that hydrogen peroxide is an unstable substance, drinking such hydrogen peroxide is like drinking clean water. In this light, both the harm and the benefits of such treatment seem extremely doubtful.
The assertion that it is actively involved in the formation of free radicals, which provoke the aging of the body, also has very shaky ground. The human stomach has nothing to do with a chemical laboratory. Therefore, it would be more logical to assume that everything that got into it is excreted naturally - through the intestines.

Burning the gastric mucosa by taking hydrogen peroxide inside is also unlikely to succeed. After all, a solution of low concentration is used to rinse the throat or mouth with stomatitis and pharyngitis.

Ordinary peroxide is capable of exploding for no apparent reason. In order to understand what causes this effect, it should be remembered that as a result of storage, peroxide decomposes into water and gas. If the container is not completely filled, free oxygen accumulates under the lid. When a certain concentration is reached, the slightest shake provokes an explosion. I must say that the glass bottle at the same time shatters into fragments. However, this happens only with peroxide concentration of 33%, provided that the container is tightly closed. As you can see, there is no need to expect an explosion in the stomach either. Therefore, we can say that the harm and benefits of peroxide are somewhat exaggerated. Instead of taking hydrogen peroxide internally, go for a walk in the woods to provide your body with healthy oxygen.

Ardent adherents recommend hydrogen peroxide not only orally, but also intravenously. According to them, this method helps to get rid of many ailments, including cancer. This question cannot be ignored, since such healing may well lead to death.

Only a qualified physician can explain the harm of such treatment more reasonably. However, one must be aware that, relying on near-scientific methods of treatment, the patient loses the most precious thing - time. After all, any disease is more difficult to cure if it is running.

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