Home Orthopedics Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E). Instructions for use of alpha-tocopherol oil solution Vitamins

Alpha Tocopherol Acetate (Vitamin E). Instructions for use of alpha-tocopherol oil solution Vitamins

Tocopherol acetate- Vitamin E preparation.
Vitamin E is an antioxidant that protects various endogenous substances in the body from oxidation. Inhibits lipid peroxidation, which is activated in many diseases. Takes part in the processes of tissue respiration, biosynthesis of heme and proteins, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, cell proliferation, etc. With a deficiency of vitamin E, degenerative changes develop in the muscles, the permeability and fragility of capillaries increases, the epithelium of the seminiferous tubules and testicles degenerates, and degenerative processes are observed in the nervous tissue and hepatocytes. Vitamin E deficiency can cause hemolytic jaundice of newborns, malabsorption syndrome, and steatorrhea.
The drug is absorbed in the intestine in the presence of fat and bile acids; the mechanism of absorption is passive diffusion. Transported by β-lipoproteins in the blood, the maximum content is reached by the 4th hour after administration. Excreted in feces, conjugates and tocopheronic acid are excreted in urine.

Indications for use.
A drug Tocopherol acetate used for the treatment of muscular dystrophies of various types and origins, joint and tendon-muscular contractures (Dupuytren's contracture), spinal cord lesions (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis), systemic connective tissue diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, dermatomyositis, rheumatism and fibrositis), dysfunction of the male gonads and menstrual cycle, threat of miscarriage. For children, tocopherol is used to treat hemolytic jaundice in newborns, increased capillary permeability in infants, malnutrition, rickets, developmental disorders, systemic connective tissue diseases (scleroderma, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis), hypochromic anemia. In complex therapy for lesions of peripheral vessels, vascular atherosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, hypertension, allergic and ulcerative skin lesions, psoriasis, endocrine diseases of the thyroid gland, diabetes mellitus, periodontal disease, pathologies requiring antioxidant therapy.

Mode of application

alpha-tocopherol acetate(Vitamin E) is prescribed orally.
1 ml of solution contains 50 mg, 100 mg and 300 mg of vitamin E, respectively (1 ml of solution contains 30 drops from an eye dropper).
For muscular dystrophies, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, and other diseases of the neuromuscular system, the daily dose is 50-100 mg (15-30 drops of a 10% solution). Take for 30-60 days with repeated courses after 2-3 months.
If spermatogenesis and potency are impaired in men, the daily dose is 100-300 mg (10-30 drops of a 30% solution). In combination with hormonal therapy, it is prescribed for 30 days.
If there is a threat of miscarriage, Alpha Tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E) is taken in a daily dose of 100-150 mg (10-15 drops of a 30% solution) for 7-14 days.
In case of abortion and deterioration of intrauterine development of the fetus, 100-150 mg (10-15 drops of 30% solution) per day is prescribed daily or every other day in the first 2-3 months of pregnancy.
For atherosclerosis, myocardial dystrophy, peripheral vascular diseases, take 100 mg (30 drops of 10 5 solution or 10 drops of 30% solution) of the drug together with vitamin A per day. The course of treatment is 20-40 days with possible repetition of treatment after 3-6 months.
For complex therapy of cardiovascular diseases, eye and other diseases, Alpha Tocopherol acetate (Vitamin E) is prescribed in a dose of 50-100 mg (15-30 drops of a 10% solution or 5-10 drops of a 30% solution). The course of treatment is 1-3 weeks.
For dermatological diseases, the daily dose of the drug is 50-100 mg (30-60 drops of a 5% solution or 15-30 drops of a 10% solution, or 5-10 drops of a 30% solution). The course of treatment is 20-40 days.
For malnutrition and decreased capillary resistance in newborns, use a daily dose of 5-10 mg (3-6 drops of a 5% solution). The course is determined individually.

Side effects

Allergic reactions (including itching, skin flushing).
With long-term use of high doses Tocopherol acetate Possible phenomena of decreased blood clotting, bleeding of the gastrointestinal tract, enlarged liver, creatinuria, a feeling of fatigue, weakness, headache, nausea, dizziness, blurred vision.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Tocopherol acetate are: increased individual sensitivity to the components of the drug, severe cardiosclerosis, myocardial infarction.
Prescribe with caution for atherosclerosis, increased risk of thromboembolism. When using the drug, it is necessary to adhere to the dosage and duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor to prevent overdose and the occurrence of hypervitaminosis E.
With long-term use of high doses of the drug, it is necessary to monitor blood clotting time.


During pregnancy or breastfeeding, the drug Tocopherol acetate should be used as prescribed by a doctor.

Interaction with other drugs

Tocopherol acetate cannot be used orally in combination with iron, silver, alkaline-reactive agents, or indirect anticoagulants.
Vitamin E facilitates the absorption and absorption of retinol, preventing the development of vitamin A deficiency.
Vitamin E and its metabolites exhibit an antagonistic effect relative to vitamin K. Vitamin E enhances the effect of steroidal and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (sodium diclofenac, ibuprofen, prednisolone, etc.); reduces the toxic effect of cardiac glycosides (digitoxin, digoxin, etc.), vitamin A and D.
Vitamin E may increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants in patients with epilepsy, in whose blood there is an increased concentration of lipid peroxidation products.
Cholestyramine, colestipol, and mineral oils reduce the absorption of vitamin E.


When using recommended doses, no adverse reactions occur. When taking high doses of the drug Tocopherol acetate(more than 400 mg per day for a long time) possible dyspeptic disorders, a feeling of fatigue, general weakness, headache; creatinuria, increased activity of creatine kinase, increased concentrations of cholesterol, triglycerides, decreased concentrations of thyroxine and triiodothyronine in the blood serum, increased levels of estrogens and androgens in the urine.
There is no specific antidote. Treatment is symptomatic.

Storage conditions

Store in original packaging at a temperature not exceeding 25 ºС.
Keep out of the reach of children.

Release form

Tocopherol acetate - oily oral solution.
20 ml in a bottle. 1 bottle in a cardboard pack.


1 ml of drug Tocopherol acetate contains vitamin E-acetate, in terms of 100% substance - 50 mg or 100 mg, or 300 mg.
Excipient: sunflower oil.


The ability to influence the reaction rate when driving a vehicle or working with other mechanisms.
If dizziness or blurred vision occurs, you should refrain from driving a vehicle or operating other mechanisms.
The drug is used in children from birth only as prescribed and under the supervision of a physician.

Main settings


At the beginning of the twentieth century, the Polish scientist Funk first discovered specific substances, without which the human body cannot grow and develop properly. These compounds were called vitamins and divided into 2 groups: water- and fat-soluble. Today, only four main fat-soluble vitamins are known: A, D, E, E, or as it is otherwise called, tocopherol, is the most powerful antioxidant among all vitamins. Modern medical research indicates the significant promise of this vitamin in the treatment of various serious diseases and even cancer. In specialized online pharmacies you can approximately find out the correct dosage and description of the drug. Instructions for use provide more complete information about the medicine.

The effect of tocopherol on the body

Vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants. This determines the breadth of its use for both preventive and therapeutic purposes. The very concept of “antioxidant” is deciphered as a substance that prevents the oxidation of other compounds with corresponding changes in their characteristics.

The human body is a fairly dynamic chemical laboratory where various reactions occur, with oxidation most often occurring. There is a specific subtype - lipid peroxidation (LPO), which involves the addition of peroxides to various components of the cell wall or organelles with a change in their functions. SEX develops especially intensively during inflammation, trauma, dystrophic processes and irradiation of the body. The peculiarity of the effect of tocopherol is the binding of a certain mass of peroxide radicals, due to which the damaging effect of the latter is reduced. Thus, vitamin E acts as a protector of cells and certain chemical compounds of endogenous metabolism. The fat-soluble vitamin is actively involved in tissue respiration, the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, protein synthesis and the main component of hemoglobin - heme.

Tocopherol acetate will help effectively protect and restore both men and women. Instructions for use in surgery indicate more effective healing of wounds, burns and injuries during treatment with vitamin E. Tocopherol, together with vitamin A, increases the resistance of mucous membranes to viruses and bacteria, and is a preventative against Alzheimer's disease. Vitamin E is one of the factors in restoring peripheral circulation and the formation of red blood cells.

Release forms

To preserve properties and improve absorption, all fat-soluble vitamins are available in oil form, available in the form of a 5%, 10% or 30% solution for oral administration or as tablets coated with a gelatin capsule. An alternative form is injections for intramuscular administration, which are used for debilitated patients and young children.

Indications for use of vitamin E

The first and most relevant indication for the use of tocopherol is hypovitaminosis, which most often occurs in the spring. A powerful fat-soluble antioxidant is included in the therapy of dermatomyositis, Dupuytren's contracture, and amyotrophic sclerosis. In dermatology, tocopherol is prescribed for various dermatoses and psoriasis, scleroderma. Instructions for use of the vitamin indicate the effectiveness of treating menstrual disorders and infertility in men. When there is a threat of miscarriage in pregnant women, tocopherol is almost always prescribed. Instructions for use of the antioxidant describe its action as an antispasmodic for constriction of peripheral vessels and atherosclerosis.

It has a cardioprotective effect in various forms of cardiac muscle dystrophy. Peripheral neuropathies and degenerative processes in the liver are also considered pathologies for which tocopherol is recommended. E indicates that it minimizes the side effects of chemotherapy drugs and promotes tissue repair after short-term radiation exposure.

How to use tocopherol acetate

The dose and frequency of administration are determined by the doctor. Immediately after purchasing the drug, you should correctly calculate the dose of the vitamin. Since solutions come in 5, 10 and 30%, the amount of tocopherol in 1 milliliter should be determined in grams. For a 5% solution it is 0.05 g, for 10% - 0.1 g and for 30% - 0.3 g. For the treatment of muscular dystrophies and amyotrophic sclerosis, the daily rate should be from 0.05 to 0.1 g. The course lasts at least 1 month and is repeated after 60-90 days. For disorders of spermatogenesis and infertility in men, the dose is from 0.1 to 0.3 g per day. The approximate duration of the course is 1 month. If there is a threat of miscarriage, the medicine is used for 7-14 days at a daily dose of 0.1-0.15 g per day. Vascular pathology and myocardial dystrophy are treated with tocopherol acetate at a dose of 0.1 g per day. The duration of treatment is up to 45 days with a possible repetition after six months.

As for capsules, the average dose is 2-3 per day. Moreover, 1 capsule contains 5 mg of alpha-tocopherol. Instructions for the use of vitamin E to combat hypovitaminosis recommend that you agree on the dose with your doctor, due to its variability (from 10 to 30 mg/day).

Possible side effects

The instructions for the drug only indicate the possibility of developing allergic reactions after taking vitamin E. It should be remembered that allergies can manifest themselves as a minor rash or runny nose, or shortness of breath and even anaphylactic shock. In case of severe side effects, tocopherol should be discontinued immediately. The instructions for use of the drug warn about the possibility of infiltrates occurring after injections of vitamin E. This symptom occurs relatively rarely and does not require specific treatment. You just need to frequently change injection sites and lightly massage the infiltrate until it disappears.

Is it possible to overdose on vitamin E?

Cases of overdose are rare, but its symptoms are quite nonspecific. Patients report nausea, visual disturbances, and headache. Often against this background, thrombophlebitis and even hemorrhagic stroke can develop. If you notice these symptoms, you should urgently consult a doctor and stop taking tocopherol. Instructions for use of the drug indicate symptomatic treatment of overdose in a hospital setting.


Hypersensitivity is a contraindication to taking the drug, so it is advisable to immediately forget about what tocopherol acetate is. The instructions for use describe similar reactions of the body as photodermatitis, lacrimation, rhinorrhea or any type of allergic reaction.

Interaction of vitamin E with other medications

It is undesirable to use a fat-soluble antioxidant in combination with medications that have an alkaline pH, as well as compounds based on iron and silver. These drugs significantly weaken the absorption of the vitamin, as a result of which the treatment is not entirely effective.

Average prices for tocopherol in pharmacies

The approximate price for 5 mg is 35-45 rubles. for 10 capsules.

Alpha tocopherol 30% solution (50 ml bottle) can be purchased for 67-120 rubles.

Vitamin E for athletes

Tocopherol is increasingly used as part of a special diet for athletes and bodybuilders. Its use is associated with the property of the vitamin to improve peripheral blood circulation, which is very important for the growth of muscle mass, as well as recovery from minor injuries. Inhibition of peroxidation helps to enhance metabolic processes and better absorption of proteins, which every experienced professional athlete takes. In addition, alpha-tocopherol improves the metabolism of the heart muscle, which is one of the conditions for significant physical endurance.

In most cases, the diet of a professional athlete cannot provide sufficient supply of this vitamin to the body. Therefore, you should replenish its supply with tablet forms of the antioxidant. The dosage is quite individual and specific for different types of sports, which the sports doctor takes into account when prescribing tocopherol. Instructions for use, price and natural sources of vitamin E, which are given in the article, will help athletes independently choose the best way to replenish the body with this antioxidant.

Natural sources

To replace tocopherol tablets or injections, you can use products that contain the most of it. This applies in particular to the germ of cereals, nuts and unrefined oils. Vitamin E can be found in sufficient quantities in egg yolks, liver, butter and cheese. By including these foods in your diet, you prevent vitamin E deficiency and improve the condition of the nervous system, skin and hair.

Alpha-tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) is a drug that has an antioxidant effect, is involved in cell proliferation, protein and heme biosynthesis, tissue respiration and other important processes of tissue metabolism, prevents increased fragility and permeability of capillaries, and prevents hemolysis of red blood cells.

Release form and composition

The drug is available in the form of capsules and oil solution for oral administration and intramuscular injection.

Each capsule contains 100 mg of α-tocopherol acetate, 1 ml of solution contains 50, 100 or 300 mg of vitamin E.

Indications for use of Alpha-tocopherol acetate

As indicated in the instructions for Alpha-tocopherol acetate, this vitamin preparation is prescribed for hypovitaminosis E and the body’s increased need for vitamin E, including:

  • Premature newborns;
  • Young children with insufficient intake of this vitamin from food;
  • For peripheral neuropathy;
  • For diseases of the ligamentous apparatus and muscles;
  • With abetalipoproteinemia;
  • Patients with chronic cholestasis;
  • Patients with liver cirrhosis;
  • During gastrectomy;
  • With biliary atresia;
  • For Crohn's disease;
  • Patients with obstructive jaundice;
  • For celiac disease;
  • For tropical sprue;
  • Pregnant women (especially with multiple pregnancies);
  • People with nicotine and drug addiction;
  • During lactation;
  • For necrotizing myopathy;
  • With malabsorption;
  • Persons taking medications intended to reduce cholesterol intake from food;
  • When taking mineral oils;
  • People following a diet high in polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  • During the period of convalescence after diseases accompanied by febrile syndrome;
  • In old age;
  • For post-infectious and post-traumatic myopathy;
  • Women with menopausal vegetative disorders;
  • With overwork, neurasthenia;
  • Patients with primary muscular dystrophy;
  • People with degenerative and proliferative changes in the ligaments of the spine and joints;
  • For men with impaired spermatogenesis and potency;
  • For skin diseases;
  • For epilepsy in order to increase the effectiveness of anticonvulsants.

Also, alpha-tocopherol acetate, according to the instructions, is prescribed to children born with low body weight, in order to prevent the development of bronchopulmonary dysplasia, hemolytic anemia, malabsorption and complications of retrolental fibroplasia (a serious disease that affects the retina of premature and low-birth-weight children).


According to the annotation for the drug, the only contraindication to the use of Alpha-tocopherol acetate is hypersensitivity.

People with hypoprothrombinemia due to vitamin K deficiency should take this vitamin with caution, since taking vitamin E in large doses (more than 400 IU) may worsen the disease. Under constant supervision, treatment with the drug should be carried out in patients with severe cardiosclerosis, an increased risk of thromboembolism and after myocardial infarction.

Directions for use and dosage of Alpha-tocopherol acetate

Alpha-tocopherol acetate capsules are taken orally, the solution is either taken orally or administered intramuscularly.

The specific dosage and duration of use of the vitamin is determined by the attending physician, taking into account the indications (prevention or treatment) and the severity of the patient’s condition. Typically, the daily dose is from 100 to 300 mg.

Side effects of Alpha tocopherol acetate

According to numerous reviews of people who have been treated with Alpha-tocopherol acetate, in the vast majority of cases the drug is well tolerated and does not cause any side effects if the dosage recommended by the doctor is followed. In extremely rare cases, allergic reactions may develop, which is usually due to hypersensitivity or intolerance to the medication. When administered intramuscularly, pain and infiltration may be observed at the injection site. When taking the vitamin in high doses, pain in the epigastric region and diarrhea are possible.

special instructions

With the simultaneous use of alpha-tocopherol acetate with cyclosponir, the absorption of the latter increases, and with dicumarol and warfarin, their effects may change.

People eating a diet that includes high amounts of sulfur-containing amino acids and selenium may require a lower dose adjustment of vitamin E.

Alpha tocopherol acetate enhances the effect:

  • Antioxidants;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Glucocorticosteroids;
  • Vitamins A and D;
  • Antiepileptic drugs, if there is an increased level of lipid peroxidation products in the patient’s blood;
  • Cardiac glycosides, and also reduces their toxicity.

When taking tocopherol in high doses, vitamin A deficiency may develop.

With simultaneous use of alpha-tocopherol acetate in a dosage of more than 400 units per day with anticoagulants, the risk of bleeding and hypoprothrombinemia increases.

Vitamin absorption is reduced by mineral oils, colestipol and cholestyramine.

The need for vitamin E increases in people taking iron supplements, as they increase oxidative processes in the body.

Alpha-tocopherol acetate analogues

Structural analogues of Alpha-tocopherol acetate are the preparations Vitamin E, Vitrum vitamin E, Enat, Evitol and Doppelgerz vitamin E forte.

Also, α-tocopherol acetate is part of a variety of vitamin complexes.

Terms and conditions of storage

The drug is dispensed from pharmacies without a doctor's prescription. Its shelf life is 2 years, subject to the storage rules recommended by the manufacturer - protected from direct sunlight, dry and cool (at a temperature of 15-25 ºС).

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There is a saying “vitamins are life.” Modern medicine does not deny this, because a lack of any substance can cause serious disruptions in the functioning of the body. In this article we will look at what Alpha-tocopherol acetate is, how its intake affects human health and the features of its use.

Alpha-Tocopherol acetate contains:

  • active ingredient - vitamin E;
  • auxiliary component - refined sunflower oil.

Literally, “tocopherol” can be translated as “carrying offspring.” In 1920, its reproductive role was first discovered. The experiment was carried out on rats: they were fed only skim milk, which contained a small amount of tocopherol compounds. Soon the rats stopped breeding. Scientists also noticed fetal death in pregnant rats and a decrease in the amount of seminiferous epithelium in males.

Vitamin E has one peculiarity: the body is not able to produce it on its own.. It can only be obtained through food and taking vitamin complexes. It was first synthesized from grain oils in 1938.

In addition to the effect on the reproductive function of tocopherol acetate, it also has other important functions for the human body. It is not for nothing that it is considered the main representative in the group of antioxidants.

Release form

Alpha-Tocopherol acetate is available in the form of gelatin capsules, chewable lozenges and oil solution. There are also solutions for intramuscular administration. They are made from peach and olive oils. Among the most common forms of release are:

  • 100 mg tablets;
  • oil solution in the form of capsules of 100, 200 and 400 mg;
  • 50% solution for external use, produced in a glass jar;
  • 5% and 10% solution for intramuscular injection.

All medications must be accompanied by instructions for use.

The cost of the drug depends on its release form. The price of capsules is approximately 20-30 rubles. The cost of a 30% solution is approximately 70 rubles.

Indications for use

Alpha-Tocopherol acetate is prescribed in the following cases:

  1. Irritability and neurasthenia.
  2. Disorders of the function of the gonads in men.
  3. Menstrual irregularities.
  4. Increased physical activity.
  5. Fibrous breast diseases in women.
  6. Arthritis.
  7. Psoriasis.
  8. Cramps.
  9. In case of living in special climatic conditions (high mountains).
  10. During puberty and during intensive growth.
  11. Skin diseases (ulcers, eczema, dermatitis).
  12. Autonomic disorders.
  13. Eye diseases.
  14. While taking hormonal medications.
  15. Hypervitaminosis of vitamins D and A.
  16. During pregnancy to reduce the risk of miscarriage and prevent abnormal fetal development.
  17. Lactation period.

The effect of the drug on the body

As noted above, vitamin E is one of the most powerful antioxidants. It is able to increase the resistance of cells to those substances that paralyze their work. Together with its “partner” vitamin C, tocopherol prevents the development of peroxidation reactions and reduces the risk of cancer cells.

The effect of the drug is not limited to this. The circulatory system and all tissues of the human body need vitamin E. Alpha-Tocopherol acetate improves blood circulation and coagulability, saturates tissues with oxygen, restores central nervous system function, prevents the formation of blood clots and slows down fat oxidation.

This medication is used to normalize the functioning of the reproductive system of men and women. It eliminates irregularities in the menstrual cycle, restores sperm production and enhances libido. In addition, Alpha Tocopherol acetate has a beneficial effect on the growth of the fetus in the mother's womb, and also contributes to the influx of vitality in the pregnant woman.

The drug is also popular in cosmetology. It helps cope with problems such as brittle hair and nails, dry skin.

Directions for use and dosage

Many people are interested in how to take the drug, because it is available in various forms. The method of application, dosage and course of taking Alpha Tocopherol acetate depend on the disease and are determined strictly by the doctor.

The drug must be taken during meals with a sufficient amount of water. The usual daily dosage is 100-300 mg. If prescribed by a doctor, it can be increased to 1 g.

The instructions for use say that the duration of the course and the exact doses depend on the purpose of administration:

  1. To prevent hypovitaminosis, 100 mg is prescribed twice a day. Course - 1-3 weeks.
  2. In case of spermatogenesis, take 100-300 mg. The course is a month.
  3. For menstrual irregularities, 300-400 mg is prescribed. It is necessary to start taking it on the 17th day of the cycle and so on for 5 cycles.
  4. During pregnancy - 100 mg daily in the first trimester.
  5. For diseases of the neuromuscular system, 100 mg is prescribed every day. The course lasts 1-2 months.
  6. For neurasthenia, take 100 mg every day. The course is 1-2 months.
  7. For skin diseases, 100 mg is prescribed daily. Course - 20-40 days.

Side effects and contraindications

After taking Alpha Tocopherol Acetate, some side effects may occur. These include:

  • pain in the abdomen, accompanied by diarrhea and nausea;
  • allergic reactions (itching, rash, urticaria, Quincke's edema);
  • pain and infiltration at the injection site.

Contraindications include individual intolerance. Use with caution if you have the following diseases:

  • severe cardiosclerosis;
  • myocardial infarction;
  • vitamin K deficiency;
  • thromboembolism.

Analogues of the drug

Among the analogues of Alpha-Tocopherol acetate, the following can be distinguished:

  1. Alpha Tocopherol UVB.
  2. Biovital vitamin E.
  3. Vitamin E-Slovakofarm.
  4. Vitamin E Zentiva.
  5. Vitrum vitamin E.
  6. Doppelgerz Vitamin E forte.
  7. Evion.

Vitamin E is a strong antioxidant that plays an important role in human health. It can only be obtained from the outside, that is, from foods or multivitamins. An excellent way to replenish vitamin E is to take Alpha Tocopherol Acetate. Before use, be sure to read the instructions and consult a doctor.

Alpha tocopherol acetate ( vitamin E) is a drug that is used as an additional source of biologically active substances.

Helps prevent and eliminate vitamin E deficiency and the consequences caused by it. Below we describe in detail all the properties and features of the drug.

Alpha tocopherol acetate - instructions for use

  1. Solution administered intramuscularly or taken orally.
  2. Capsules taken orally after meals, without chewing and with plenty of water.
  3. Average dose of alpha-tocopherol acetate- 100-300 mg depending on the pathology.

The exact dosage and frequency of administration is determined by the doctor.


1 ml of solution contains 50,100 or 300 mg alpha-tocopherol acetate. Additional substances- soybean or peach oil, glycerin.

1 capsule contains alpha-tocopherol acetate 100 mg. Additional substances- soybean oil, gelatin, glycerin, methyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Release form

Yellow solution in dark glass bottles of 20, 30, 50 or 100 ml, for intramuscular administration and for oral administration.

Round gelatin capsules red, containing a yellow oily liquid. Available in 10 pieces in a blister made of paper or foil.

Vitamin E preparations

pharmachologic effect

  • Alpha tocopherol acetate is an antioxidant, enhances metabolism;
  • Protects body cells from destruction due to excess oxidation;
  • Reduces cholesterol in the blood;
  • Participates in the synthesis of blood cells and hemoglobin;
  • Prevents vascular fragility;
  • Protects skeletal muscles and heart from degenerative processes.

Pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetics

When administered intramuscularly, bioavailability is 100%. After entering the intestines, half of the taken alpha-tocopherol acetate is absorbed. For normal transport of vitamin E into the blood, the presence of bile and digestive enzymes is necessary.

Accumulates in endocrine glands, muscles and adipose tissue. It is excreted from the body partly in pure form, partly in the form of metabolic products, with feces and urine.

Indications for use

Taking alpha-tocopherol acetate is indicated in the following cases:

  • Vitamin E deficiency.
  • Dystrophy of skeletal muscles and myocardium.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Cycle disorders in women.
  • Risk of miscarriage.
  • Infertility.
  • Impotence.
  • Inflammatory skin diseases.
  • Psoriasis.
  • Recovery after operations and illnesses.
  • Anti-radiation therapy.
  • Nerve pathologies.
  • Stagnation of bile.
  • Cirrhosis of the liver.
  • Drug, nicotine and alcohol addiction.
  • Epilepsy.


Taking alpha-tocopherol acetate is contraindicated if:

  • Intolerance to the components included in the drug.
  • Acute stage of myocardial infarction.
  • Use with caution if you are prone to thromboembolism and progressive cardiac sclerosis.

Side effects

Taking the drug may cause:

  • Digestive disorders.
  • Decreased performance.
  • Allergic reactions.
  • Inflammation and pain at the intramuscular injection site.
  • Increased levels of creatine in urine.

Alpha tocopherol acetate - special instructions

Children under 12 years of age should take tocopherol acetate under the supervision of a pediatrician and taking into account the risk/benefit ratio. During pregnancy and lactation, the dosage and frequency of administration are prescribed by the doctor. Alpha-tocopherol acetate does not affect the reaction rate, and is approved for use by persons operating vehicles and operating potentially dangerous machinery.


  1. Enhances the effect of anti-inflammatory drugs, antioxidants, antiepileptic drugs and cardiac glycosides.
  2. In large doses it leads to hypovitaminosis A.
  3. Concomitant use with drugs that slow down blood clotting may lead to bleeding.
  4. Mineral laxatives reduce the absorption of the drug.
  5. Taking iron supplements leads to an increased need for vitamin E.


Long-term use of the drug in high doses can cause:

  • Pain in the stomach area.
  • Nausea.
  • Visual impairment.
  • Decreased libido.
  • Disorders of the vestibular apparatus.
  • Thrombosis.
  • Abdominal dropsy.
  • Kidney failure.

If the described symptoms occur, you should stop taking the drug and consult a doctor. There is no specific antidote, treatment is symptomatic.

Terms of sale and price for alpha-tocopherol acetate

You can buy tocopherol acetate at a pharmacy without a prescription. Average price:

  1. 10 capsules of 100 mg— 15 UAH / 46 rubles.
  2. 5% solution for oral administration, 20 ml - 10 UAH / 32 rubles.
  3. 10% solution for injection, 20 ml - 15 UAH / 45 rub.
  4. 30% solution, 20 ml - 22 UAH / 65 rub.

Storage conditions

Store in a dark, dry place, out of reach of children, at a temperature of 15-25º.

Best before date

Suitable for use for 2 years from the release date indicated on the packaging, subject to storage conditions.

Alpha tocopherol acetate (vitamin E) reviews

According to reviews from patients treated with alpha-tocopherol acetate, the drug rarely causes side effects. The medicinal effect corresponds to that declared by the manufacturer. Most of the side effects that occurred were related to allergic reactions and pain at the site of intramuscular injection, and passed without medical intervention.

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