Home Tooth pain What is the name of the profession after applied mechanics? Applied mechanics - bachelor's degree (15.03

What is the name of the profession after applied mechanics? Applied mechanics - bachelor's degree (15.03

The specialty “applied mechanics” trains qualified engineers for various fields of industry. There are quite a lot of specializations, they depend on which industry is more developed in a particular region. This could be automobile, railway, construction and other areas. During their studies, students learn the structure and operating principles of various mechanisms from a physics point of view. The dynamics and properties of materials are studied in depth. Future specialists learn to carry out calculations and tests of new samples. A large place in the curriculum is given to the development of automated systems and professional programs, for example, AUTOKAD, the basics of computer modeling and design. Students are also introduced to the rules for drawing up technical documentation for finished mechanisms and their components. In addition, future engineers must have organizational skills, since they will often have to lead work groups, assign tasks to subordinates and monitor their implementation.

Applied mechanics consists of four sections.

  • The first of them examines the general features of the theory of mechanisms.
  • The second section is devoted to the basics of strength of materials - dynamics and strength of engineering structures.
  • The third section is devoted to the design of the most common mechanisms (mainly cam, friction, gear).
  • The fourth section is devoted to details

see also



  • http://www.prikladmeh.ru - Electronic training course for full-time and part-time students

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

See what “Applied mechanics” is in other dictionaries:

    applied mechanics- - [A.S. Goldberg. English-Russian energy dictionary. 2006] Topics of power engineering in general EN applied mechanics ... Technical Translator's Guide

    applied mechanics- taikomoji mechanika statusas T sritis fizika atitikmenys: engl. applied mechanics vok. angewandte Mechanik, f rus. applied mechanics, f pranc. mécanique appliquée, f … Fizikos terminų žodynas

    - (RK 5) Faculty of Robotics and Complex Automation, MSTU. Bauman. The department trains engineers in the specialty 071100 Dynamics and strength of machines and candidates of technical sciences in the specialty 01.02.06 Dynamics and ... ... Wikipedia

    - (Greek mechanike, from mechane machine). Part of applied mathematics, the science of force and resistance in machines; the art of applying force to action and building machines. Dictionary of foreign words included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. MECHANICS... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    MECHANICS, mechanics, many. no, female (Greek mechanike). 1. Department of physics, the study of motion and forces. Theoretical and applied mechanics. 2. Hidden, complex device, background, essence of something (colloquial). Tricky mechanics. “He is, as they say... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

    - (Greek: μηχανική art of building machines) area of ​​physics that studies the movement of material bodies and the interaction between them. Movement in mechanics is the change in time of the relative position of bodies or their parts in space.... ... Wikipedia

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    This article contains a list of basic definitions of classical mechanics. Contents 1 Kinematics 2 Rotational motion ... Wikipedia

    Department of Mechanics and Control Processes (formerly department of Dynamics and Strength of Machines) Department of Physics and Mechanics Faculty of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University (SPbSPU). The department was created on June 1, 1934, the first... ... Wikipedia


  • Applied mechanics, G. B. Iosilevich, P. A. Lebedev, V. S. Strelyaev. For technical universities in the courses "Strength of Materials", "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", "Machine Parts". Contains a list of concepts, the location and volume of presentation of which have the purpose ...
  • Applied mechanics, G. B. Iosilevich, P. A. Lebedev, V. S. Strelyaev. For technical universities in the courses "Strength of Materials", "Theory of Mechanisms and Machines", "Machine Parts". Contains a list of concepts, the location and volume of presentation of which are intended to…

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (profile) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - at the university's choice
  • Physics - optional at university
  • Chemistry - at the university's choice
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university

Applied mechanics is a scientific field that deals with the study of the devices and principles of mechanisms. This direction plays a big role in the development and creation of innovative technology and equipment. Any device is designed based on careful calculations and methods that must meet all accepted standards. The proper operation of equipment and its durability depend on a correctly calculated design, which requires deep technical knowledge. This area is relevant at any time, since progress does not stand still; enterprises are designing new devices and equipment, the creation of which is impossible without clear calculations. That is why today some applicants with a mathematical mindset strive to enroll in the specialty 03/15/03 “Applied Mechanics”: after all, it is quite difficult to find personnel with high-quality knowledge, which creates a high demand for the profession.

Admission conditions

Each educational institution has its own requirements for applicants, so all information should be clarified in advance. Contact the dean's office of the university of your choice and find out exactly what subjects you will need to take for admission.

Nevertheless, the core discipline was and remains core-level mathematics. Among other items you may encounter:

  • Russian language,
  • physics,
  • chemistry,
  • foreign language,
  • computer science and ICT.

Future profession

During their studies, students of the direction study the theory of applied mechanics and master the skills of computational and experimental work. The program involves solving dynamics problems, analyzing and calculating equipment parameters such as strength and stability, reliability and safety. In addition, students learn to apply information technology and acquire knowledge in the field of computer mathematics and computer engineering.

Where to apply

Today, leading universities in Moscow offer applicants to master the specialty “Applied Mechanics”, providing them with all the necessary technical equipment to obtain high-quality knowledge. The most trustworthy educational institutions are:

  • Moscow State Technical University named after. N. E. Bauman;
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) (MAI);
  • MATI - Russian State Technological University named after K. E. Tsiolkovsky;
  • Moscow State Mechanical Engineering University;
  • National Research University "MPEI".

Training period

The duration of the undergraduate educational program for full-time study is 4 years, for part-time study - 5 years.

Disciplines included in the course of study

During the learning process, students master such disciplines as:

Acquired skills

As a result of completing the curriculum course, graduates acquire the following skills:

  1. Collective implementation of calculations in the field of applied mechanics.
  2. Preparation and execution of descriptions, reports and presentations on the calculations performed.
  3. Design of new equipment taking into account methods and calculations that ensure the strength, reliability and durability of the machines.
  4. Development of machine parts and assemblies using special design software.
  5. Preparation of technical documents for developed products.
  6. Conducting experimental work on created products.
  7. Rationalization of technological processes.
  8. Introduction of innovative objects of applied mechanics into the modern economic sector.
  9. Monitoring the safety of manufactured objects.
  10. Drawing up a work plan for departments and developing an effective schedule for individual specialists.

Job prospects by profession

What can you do after graduating from university? Graduates of this direction can occupy a variety of positions, including:

Specialists in this profile are often involved in the construction, automotive, aviation and railway sectors. Depending on experience and merit, as well as on the place of work, they receive on average from 30,000 to 100,000 rubles. Some large world-famous companies are willing to pay large sums, but in order to get a position in them, you need to gain experience and distinguish yourself in your professional activities.

Advantages of enrolling in a master's program

Some graduates, having received a bachelor's degree, do not stop there and continue their education in a master's degree. Here they have a number of additional opportunities:

  1. Acquiring skills in the study of theoretical and experimental problems associated with the development of modern equipment.
  2. Study of complex computer-aided design systems.
  3. The opportunity to obtain an international degree, which will allow you to work in foreign companies.
  4. Mastering one foreign language.
  5. A chance to take a leading position in a large enterprise.

Travnikov Yevgeniy, grand designer of the military-industrial complex of the USSR, candidate of technical science, associate professor

State University of Telecommunications, Ukraine

Conference participant

The article discusses issues related to the teaching of applied mechanics at universities as the basis of all driving mechanisms of dynamic information recording technology.

Keywords: Driving mechanisms with low loads but high precision.

This article discusses issues associated with teaching in the universities of applied mechanics as the Foundation of all the driving mechanisms of the technology dynamically register information.

Keywords: driving mechanisms with small loads, but with high accuracy.

Applied mechanics has accompanied me for half a century,

Incorporated into hundreds of inventions, loving me

ENIT, XXI century

Mechanics arose in ancient times, its applied The importance of raising water to small heights for watering plants, cooking, use in mills for grinding grains, etc. was widely used in human life. People did not yet know many theoretical foundations, but they built mechanisms. Mechanics called the science of the simplest forms of motion of matter. The word mechanics comes from the Greek word “mechane” - machine. Mechanics is the science of the movement of material bodies, which according to their properties are divided into absolutely solid, in which the mutual distances of the constituent particles remain unchanged (metal parts - shafts, their supports, gears, levers, flywheels, etc.) and changeable bodies - flexible, capable of changing their shape, for example, belt drives from the shaft of an electric motor to the drive shaft of a tape recorder, a rubber-coated pressure roller to the drive shaft, etc. Based on the nature of the presentation of the subject of mechanics, it is divided into theoretical and technical or applied Theoretical mechanics contains basic concepts, axioms of the simplest theory of statics, the theory of converging forces, the theory of pairs of forces on a plane, moments of force relative to a point, Varignon’s theory, the concept of an arbitrary system of forces located in a plane, the concept of a spatial system of forces, the concept of the center of parallel forces, the kinematics of a point, concepts of rigid body movements, concepts of dynamics and resistance of materials. All these concepts are given regardless of the field of application of mechanics. Applied mechanics is usually strictly tied to the area of ​​its application: applied mechanics in aviation(mechanics of landing gear drive mechanisms, flap rudders, aircraft flight control, weapon guidance and bombing systems, etc.), applied mechanics in instrument making: these are precise mechanisms of devices - friction, gear, flexible transmissions, mechanisms of gas and liquid pressure, mechanisms of recorders including magnetic recording, laser-optical, photo and film equipment, mechanisms of measuring equipment - tension and speed of movement of the information carrier, moments of rotating units , mechanisms for mechanical measurements of lengths, diameters of parts, mechanisms for analog electrical measuring instruments - amperes, volts and ohmmeters and much more. Applied mechanics can be in medicine, rocketry, automobile construction, construction equipment, machine and machine tool building and in many other areas. Naturally, applied mechanics for different areas of technology will differ significantly. If this industry includes large-sized devices (machinery and machine tools, construction equipment, etc.), large masses and heavy loads, then the basics theoretical mechanics with its strength, etc. should be included in teaching and learning. And if this industry is based on small loads (tens and hundreds of grams, rotating moments up to 10 kg), on small masses (up to 50 kg), for example, instrument making and information recording technology, then applied mechanics remains quite sufficient, although there is single mechanics with the use of resistance materials (this will be discussed later). Once upon a time, two courses “theoretical and applied mechanics” were taught at the department of “Sound Engineering and Information Registration” at KPI. When these courses were transferred to the author of this article, he reported at a department meeting about the advisability of teaching only one course, namely "Applied mechanics in information recording technology" with which my colleagues and the head of the department agreed. The author began teaching this course in 2000, wrote an electronic textbook, which is still being read from his textbook after he left (Fig. 1). A summary of the course “Applied mechanics in information recording technology” is given below (Fig. 2).

Fig.1. Cover of the ENITA e-book (504 pages).

First, the traditional purpose and areas of application are given: electromagnetic recording mechanisms (on magnetic tape, on disks, video recorders), aircraft, filming and projection equipment, scanners, printing devices, metrology (Fig. 3).

Fig.3. Examples of the use of information registration mechanisms.

From an applied point of view Mechanics - a device designed to ensure, according to an algorithm (principle of operation), a specified interaction of the information carrier with the elements of the recording - reproduction of this information. If this applies to electromagnetic recording, then the interaction of magnetic tape with magnetic heads; if it relates to disk mechanisms, then this is the interaction of magnetic (optical) disks with magnetic or laser-optical heads; if these are printers, then the interaction of paper media with ink cartridges, etc. (author's definition since 1981). Further, according to the contents of the book, there are elements of the kinematics of mechanisms. Mechanisms consist of parts (links) connected to each other, fixedly and movably. The theoretical foundations of mechanisms are kinematics and dynamics. Kinematics - a section of the theory of mechanisms in which the mechanical movement of the links of a mechanism is studied, abstracting from the causes that cause it ( kinema- gr. movement). Mechanical movement occurs in space and time. The space in which the movement of the links occurs is considered as three-dimensional, although often the links of mechanisms interact with each other in one or often in two planes. The main task of kinematics is to determine the position of the mechanism links, reflect the trajectory of individual points of the mechanism, determine linear and angular velocities and their accelerations. In order to clearly and visually solve the problems posed in kinematics, it is necessary to draw up schematic diagrams for constructing mechanisms, their components, and interaction with each other, which is possible by kinematic diagram(flat or spatial) (Fig. 4). The basic kinematic diagram of any mechanism expresses the movements of all its links relative to one, taken as stationary, for example, relative to stationary magnetic heads in electromagnetic recording equipment with the conversion of some movements into others. The drive shaft converts its rotation into translational motion of the magnetic tape, the electric motor shaft transmits its rotation at high frequency to a flywheel with a significantly lower rotation speed, etc. The kinematic diagram is the graphic skeleton of any mechanism and can be made flat for simple mechanisms (Fig. 4, a) or spatial for complex mechanisms (Fig. 4, b). Movements and their transformations that are not typical for the transmission are not indicated on the diagram.

Rice. 4. Kinematic diagram of the belt equipment mechanisms: a - flat design, b - spatial design, c - structural design of the mechanism.

In the kinematic diagram of the mechanism, there is always a source of active motion (electric motor, spring mechanical motor, electromagnets). Based on the number of electric motors, kinematic schemes are divided into single-motor (one electric motor), dual-motor (two electric motors), three-motor (three electric motors) and more. Flat kinematic diagrams are easy to implement graphically, but spatial ones are much more complicated, but they are very simple to understand, even without significant textual material. Further in the book there is a description of the types of movement of mechanisms, which are divided into rotational (the most common) and rotary (part of the rotational movement), rectilinear translational, screw and combined (Fig. 5).

Fig.5. Some examples of types of movement in SUT mechanisms.

Rotational movement of a rigid body or an elastic body enveloping it, such a movement is called when all points lying on the geometric axis of rotation remain motionless, and the remaining points lying outside the geometric axis describe a circle around this axis in planes perpendicular to this axis with center O. Angle, on which rotates any point off the axis is called rotation angle. When the angle of rotation is infinite, then this link (part) rotates stepwise (discretely) or continuously. Rotation of a part through an angle of 360° is called its full revolution. (Fig. 6).

Fig.6. Scheme of rotational movement.

Rotational motion is inherent in the drive shafts of magnetic tape transport mechanisms (uniform), electric motor shafts, rotation of rolls with magnetic or film tape (uniformly accelerated and uniformly decelerated), rotation of pressure rollers, rotation of magnetic and optical disks, etc. The rotation part that transmits torque is called shaft, and not transmitting it, mobile or stationary is called axis. The shape of the shaft (axis) can be smooth cylindrical, stepped or conical, depending on the functions performed (Fig. 7) and the design of the mechanism unit. The shape of the shafts can be smooth cylindrical, stepped, hollow of large diameter, solid or prefabricated.

Fig.7. The shape of the shafts of the TRI mechanisms.

Rectilinear and forward movement of a rigid body (link) is called such a movement when every straight line drawn in this body remains parallel to its initial position. The speed of all points of the mechanism link will be the same in magnitude. Rectilinear movement always has an initial and final position; it is inherent in the movement of laser-optical heads of disk optical mechanisms, a number of magnetic heads of Winchester mechanisms (hard magnetic disks), and the movement of guide vacuum chambers of professional and special purpose cross-line video recorders. In addition, rectilinear motion is inherent in the movement of film in the film channel of all filming and film projection equipment. Rectilinear movement can be uniform or jerky (in film channels of cinematographic equipment). Combined types of movement are those in which there are combinations of several previously discussed, for example, the rotational movement of a screw shaft and the rectilinear movement of magnetic or optical heads in disk mechanisms (Fig. 8, b, c) positioning mechanisms. I will not further consider the sections on the content of the chapters of applied mechanics, I will note that all the mechanisms given above are characterized by small overall dimensions and low loads, for example, the drive shaft of cassette tape recorders is usually made with a diameter of 2-2.5 mm, which with a radial load of 200 -250 g does not experience mechanical deflection, and the drive shaft is made of hardened tool steel HVG with a diameter of 10 mm. most aircraft magnetic recorders on an inch wide magnetic tape (25.4 mm) with a radial load of 3.5 kg. also does not experience even micron deformation and does not require structural calculations for bending and deformation from theoretical mechanics, everything is at the level of applied mechanics and all other mechanisms are based on the experience of the author’s 30-year work at the head company of the USSR in electromagnetic recording and thermoplastic (Research Institute of EMP Association “ Lighthouse").

Fig.8. Rectilinear motion and its combination with rotational motion.

The use of theoretical mechanics and its component calculation of strength of material will obviously be rational for heavily loaded mechanical-impression printing devices - printing machines (Fig. 9), but these printing machines are usually not developed here and are bought profitably abroad.

Fig.9. Electromechanical meter of tension and speed of magnetic tape according to AS No. 1682839 “ENIT-RT”.

The same applies to machines for the production of magnetic and film tapes, for example, the Svema association (Shostka) purchased from Germany (the author was once there on a business trip). In these machines, when calendering a plastic base and applying a magnetic layer, the forces reach up to 1 ton, and they were probably designed on the basis of strength of materials and theoretical mechanics. I will not consider the remaining chapters; they are also built on applied classical mechanics, but I will give a new section, not described anywhere in it, in more detail. Any research, as well as the production of technology, is unthinkable without the use of measuring tools and measuring instruments. This area is metrology, which stands out as measurement science.At the same time, there are standard and non-standard measuring instruments. The first include devices and instruments that are used in many branches of mechanics, electronics, and are mass-produced in large quantities, for example, all vernier tools, micrometers, dynamometers, bienemeters (indicators), oscilloscopes, signal generators, ampere-voltmeters, multimeters, etc. They can used for measurements in aircraft manufacturing mechanisms, automotive manufacturing, machine tool manufacturing, etc. The second group of metrological purposes includes such mechanisms that are used only for a narrow purpose of mechanisms, for example, medical, instrument-making, and, among other things, information recording technology. These mechanisms and devices are produced in small batches, often contain non-traditional designs and have high (micron) precision. I will give just one example of the use of non-standard metrological applied mechanics in information recording technology (Fig. 9). This is an electromechanical meter of tension and speed of a magnetic tape, which contains a sensitive rod 1, not traditionally formed in the form of mounted on small 5 ball bearings 3x7x2.5 mm, which are eccentrically placed in large light 4 ball bearings 17x25x3 mm on a sleeve 7. Large ball bearings are installed in a cylindrical housing 2 meters. The eccentric arrangement creates a non-traditional lever with a 3 mm arm, which ensures a very compact design of the entire meter. The sensitive rod 1 has rotation and rotational movement due to ball bearings and is located in a stationary U-shaped guide, into which the SE (sensitive rod) tends to enter, interacting with the moving magnetic tape ML. The greater the tension of the ML, the more the SE moves out of the guide 10. The sensitive rod 1 is pivotally connected to the strain gauge transducer 3, the deformation of the semiconductor strain gauge bridge of which further in the electronic unit is sent to the analog-to-digital converter, amplifier and is displayed in the form of tension in grams on the display of the electronic unit . The meter division price is 1 g to 1000 g. In addition, a handwheel 9 is installed on the upper extension of the sensitive rod with magnetic marks magnetized along its cylindrical surface, against which a Hall sensor (flux-sensitive magnetic head) 8 is placed. When the sensitive rod is rotated by magnetic tape ML, the rotation speed of the handwheel is read by the magnetic head 8 and transmitted to the electronic The block is converted there into the value of the ML movement speed, which is displayed on the display screen and can range from 1gf to 1000gf. with division price 1gs. Such magnetic tape tension and speed meters were manufactured and supplied to USSR enterprises that produced video recorders (NPO Tantal - Saratov, EMP Research Institute - Kyiv, Spectr - Veliky Novgorod, etc.). Manufacturer - ENI TECH LLC, Kiev, director and group of companies - Travnikov E.N.

1. If you write a book on applied mechanics of any direction, then you need to provide illustrations only on its subject; this will best be done by professional specialists working in this industry or in collaboration with teachers.

2. In books on applied mechanics, it is advisable to include a chapter on its metrology, which will raise the level of the book and allow a more complete disclosure of the content of the material presented.

3. So far, no one in the literature on applied mechanics has a “metrology” section, which is a shame.

5. If a book on applied mechanics has no purpose, it is simply called “Applied Mechanics”, then this is a pure deception and it is theoretical mechanics.

6. For the first time in scientific and technical literature, the author tried to write a classic book (textbook) on applied mechanics in such a huge field as “Information recording technology », to whom he gave as a designer-inventor for over 30 years and as a teacher at KPI for over 15 years .


1. G.B. Iosilevich, P.A. Lebedev, V.S. Strelyaev Applied mechanics. "Mechanical Engineering", M, 1985. (only theoretical mechanics for now). 576 pp.

2. T.V. Putyata, N.S. Mozharovsky and others. Applied mechanics. “Vishcha School”, K. 1977, 536 p. (so far only theoretical mechanics, strength of materials, theory of machines and mechanisms, machine parts).

3. Travnikov E.N. Magnetic recording mechanisms. “Technology”, K. 1976, 486 p.

4. Travnikov E.N. Vlasyuk G, G. and others. “Systems and devices for recording information”, a basic textbook for students of technical specialties of the highest basic knowledge”, “Department”, m. Kiev, 2013. 215 p.

5. Handbook of magnetic recording technology. Ed. O.V. Poritsky and Travnikov E.N. “Technology”, K. 1981, 317 p.

6. Travnikov E.N. Applied mechanics in information recording technology. Electronic version, 2001, 504 p.

07 / 25 / 2014 - 16:58

Dear Zhenya! By God, an excellent methodological article, which discusses issues related to the teaching of applied mechanics in universities, and also gives recommendations on what sections should be included in the book “Applied Mechanics”. I wish you success. Armenian friend Gevorg.

About the specialty:

Description of the specialty applied mechanics, which universities teach applied mechanics, admission, exams, what subjects are studied in the specialty.

Students will have to study a large number of specialized subjects: the theory of stable shells and thin-walled structures, electromechanical structures, aerodynamics, gas dynamics, computational mechanics, elasticity theory, strength of materials, biomechanics and many other subjects. During the learning process, you will have to go through a large number of computational practices and calculate a lot of coursework.

Employment in applied mechanics

Mechanics is a fundamental branch of physics. Most graduates are engaged in research activities. In production, a specialist can be involved in the calculation of power devices, thermal calculations of aircraft, and the creation of durable structures during construction and mining.

Career in Applied Mechanics

Specialists of this profile are in demand both in research institutions and in large companies, from the raw materials sector to high-tech companies in the aviation field. To successfully advance your career, you must obtain a master's degree. The peak of a career can be the patenting of a new material or power apparatus.

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