Home Hygiene Conscious breathing technique from Eastern medicine. Five breathing practices for all occasions

Conscious breathing technique from Eastern medicine. Five breathing practices for all occasions

Yogis practice the technique of surya bhedana, which is translated from Sanskrit as “solar breathing.” The technique is quite strange, but it is very effective if you have run out of coffee and just need strength. The essence of it is to breathe slowly and deeply through the right nostril. It is in it, according to yogis, that the most important nerve of the human energy network is located. It is responsible for the powerful force that keeps us active. And from a medical point of view, the situation is even simpler: your blood pressure will increase, and you will feel more energetic and fresh.

Calm down

Are you torn by the desire to lash out at one of your loved ones or colleagues, are your nerves strained to the limit? When we feel anger, pressure rises in the body. You breathe faster and more intermittently, blood actively circulates through your veins. The whole body is ready to fight and helpfully throws steroids into the blood: they are responsible for feelings of strength and rage. To avoid leaving your body in this stressful situation, calm down. And here is the appropriate technique. Take a deep breath and then exhale slowly - it must certainly be longer. Repeat the exercise 4-5 times. This way you will normalize your blood pressure and gradually relax. If you don't mind getting distracted and loading your brain a little with arithmetic, use a more complex scheme. Inhale through your nose for 2 seconds and exhale the same through your mouth. Take an equal break. Now repeat, but double the exhalation. Perform the exercise, constantly increasing the depth of exhalation and, if necessary, stretching the inhalation. You will calm down when you can inhale for 7 seconds, exhale for 10 and wait for 3.

Go to sleep

Do you suffer from insomnia, suffer from chronic anxiety, or, lying in bed, can’t get rid of annoying thoughts? It is better not to rely on medications, as they are addictive. To find yourself in the kingdom of Morpheus, try to deceive the body and imitate the breathing of a sleeping person. Its peculiarity is the active participation of the diaphragm. Lie on your back and try to relax all muscle groups. Concentrate on your face, stomach, lower back and other parts of the body, they are the most tense. Breathe with your belly and focus on each inhalation and exhalation, but make the last one longer. Try to feel freedom and lightness, imagine how fatigue leaves all the cells of your body. Such breathing slows down the heart rate, and the body perceives this as a guide to action: “Sleep!”

Take the pain away and get well

Let's say you get sick, cut your finger, twisted your ankle or caught a cold in your neck. It doesn't matter what exactly happened, you're just in pain and you don't want to endure it. Take a calm breath through your mouth and immediately release the air sharply with the sound “ha” (remember what some people do before slamming down a stack of something strong). It is important to engage the larynx and diaphragm. Take a break and count to yourself: “One car, two car, three car.” Now you can return to your normal rhythm. If you are sick, help your body recover as quickly as possible using the endogenous technique: take a breath, slightly inflating your stomach, and slowly (three times longer) release the air.


Keep warm

The same yogis can masterfully regulate body temperature, increasing it by as much as 8 degrees, and cope with cold. Remember Roerich’s painting “On the Heights”: it depicts a half-naked monk on a snow-covered rock, around whom a whole clearing has formed. In Tibet, a similar practice is called tummo - yoga of internal fire. Buddhists believe that if you focus on your own energy, you can absolutely not feel the cold and even heat the air around you. Looking at the fire, they try to feel the flame inside themselves and at the same time breathe in a special way. Its principle is deep awareness. It’s as if you are watching the air filling your lungs and holding it as you exhale. This is difficult because we reflexively strive to remove carbon dioxide as quickly as possible. Besides, there is no guarantee that you will be able to melt the snow around you. Tibetan monks study this for at least six years, and only a select few master the technique to impressive results.

Lose weight

So many things have been invented for lovers of cakes and croissants to support their reluctance to go to fitness - green coffee, pills, and nutrition according to the cycles of the moon. Not without breathing techniques. One of them is bodyflex. It was developed by the American Greer Childers, who in this way managed to lose weight after giving birth. But, let’s be honest, it couldn’t be done without physical exercise either. The method burns fat well, saturating the body with oxygen. True, in order to achieve amazing results (-2.7 cm in the waist in three weeks of an intensive course - this is exactly what site editor Alina Krasnova managed to achieve), three conditions will have to be met. Namely: exercise every day, only on an empty stomach (no earlier than 4 hours after eating) and no longer than 60 minutes a day. The basis of the method is diaphragmatic breathing for weight loss in one of 12 poses, in each of which problem areas are better worked out. The general principle is this: exhale slowly through your mouth, forcing the air out of your lungs. It is very important that the abdominals are engaged. Lower your head down and gently lift it while inhaling through your nose. The belly is inflated. When you can no longer inhale, purse your lips and sharply release the air, tensing your diaphragm and shouting “Groin!” Then hold your breath, tuck your stomach under your ribs and hold for 8 seconds. It is at this stage that stretching exercises are performed. For example, try this: lying on your back with your legs bent, stretch your arms up towards the ceiling and lift your shoulders off the floor. Hold your body in this position until you can’t breathe, and then calmly release the air through your nose, relax your stomach and touch your shoulder blades to the floor.

Be at peace with yourself

If you are not confident in yourself, and the known ways to correct it - from a successful career to auto-training - do not help much, try the ancient breathing technique. We are talking about pranayama - managing vital energy with the help of special exercises. Sit cross-legged facing south (this direction is only suitable for women), straighten your back and close your eyes. Place your hands on your knees and connect your index and thumb. Exhale deeply to clear your lungs and begin abdominal breathing. Squeeze the inner pelvic muscles and inhale. Gradually feel the lower, middle and upper parts of your lungs, feel how oxygen fills them one after another. At the end, slightly raise your shoulders and tuck your stomach. As you exhale, lower your shoulders and relax your stomach (keep everything below tense). Breathe smoothly, evenly and freely. Try to stop the flow of thoughts and focus only on the vital energy - prana - spreading throughout the body. Do 5-6 full cycles of inhalation and exhalation, and then you will certainly feel harmony.

Free your mind

Holotropic breathing is a method of breathing psychotherapy. It was developed by an American doctor of Czech origin Stanislav Grof. The meaning of the technique is to create the effect of altered consciousness through oxygen intoxication - then the psyche will independently “patch up the holes” and the practitioner will achieve natural harmony. Experts say that holotropic breathing removes bodily blocks, relieves diseases and even treats infertility. But the method is considered very strong and has contraindications. Beginners should practice it only under the supervision of a guru. During the seminars, holotropics breathe very quickly for an hour and a half to rhythmic music, filling the brain cells with oxygen, and the sitter watches to ensure that everything goes well.

Let go of the past

In order to get rid of traumatic memories and disturbing experiences, you can try the rebirthing technique. It is not as complex as holotropic breathing, but it requires no less precautions. Therefore, it is best to learn from an instructor and practice under the supervision of a friend or boyfriend. In general, rebirthing sets itself the task of freeing itself from bad thoughts, but suggests doing this through living the moment of one’s own birth. The method was created by American researcher and proponent of enlightened consciousness Leonard Orr. He believed that at birth a person receives a birth trauma, and it is because of it that we spend our entire lives struggling with negative thoughts, groundless anxiety and stress. The technique is based on five principles: breathing without pauses between inhalation and exhalation, muscle relaxation, establishing contact with the body, positive thinking and the willingness to completely surrender to sensations. It should be performed in four stages, for 20 minutes, combining the depth and speed of breathing. Start with "deep and slow", move to "deep and fast", then to "shallow and fast" and finish with "shallow and slow". Rebirthing gurus say: if you do everything correctly, unexpected sensations and vibrations may arise in your body, and you will experience a whole range of emotions - from sadness to joy. But no matter what happens, it is important not to pause and always maintain rhythm.

Feel the euphoria

Vacation, or revitalization, is another method from the big three psychotherapeutic breathing techniques. This is a softer and easier form of rebirthing that can be used anywhere and at a convenient time. But while performing it, the emotions that arise should not be released, but monitored and realized. Establish uniform, rhythmic breathing with active inhalation and passive exhalation, without pauses or slowdowns. Practice 20 cycles 2-3 times a day. This way you can achieve mild euphoria, and if you breathe continuously using the vibration method for a week, you can experience a completely new experience of perceiving the world.

Hello, dear readers!
The modern world is a world of speed. And speed requires constant tension and an increased level of attention. A person gets tired faster, constant stress exhausts the nervous system, and the balance of energy in the body is disrupted. People cannot relax and recuperate. What to do in such a situation? A great way to relax can be breathing techniques.

With the help of proper breathing, you can achieve relaxation, get rid of stress, drive away negative thoughts from your head and recharge yourself with life-giving energy. energy! Breathing is an excellent protector of our body (and in this article we wrote about what types of breathing exist).

There are special techniques for performing breathing exercises that not only have a calming effect, but also allow you to cope with physical pain and restore the balance of strength and energy in the body.

Examples of breathing practices for relaxation

Breathing practices are one of the popular ways to restore and increase human energy. When air is inhaled, life-giving energy Qi (Prana) enters the human body. Energy comes through the lungs. When changing the breathing pattern, you can change the rate of energy intake.

Main mode options:

  • intensive breathing mode;
  • breathing mode with delays in inhalation and exhalation;
  • breathing restriction mode.

All breathing techniques are based on these breathing methods.

Let's look at popular breathing practices.

    1. Breathing according to Andreev. The essence of the practice is that rhythmic breathing is carried out according to the following scheme: after inhalation - holding your breath, after exhaling - holding your breath. The rhythm of the manipulations is performed in unison with the heartbeat.
    2. Breathing according to Buteyko. The essence of the practice is that a volitional breath-hold is performed at the stage of the middle inhalation. Breathing pattern: inhale, incompletely exhale, holding your breath until you want to inhale again. This inhalation is done smoothly, without noise. Then 3-4 quiet inhalations and exhalations and the pattern is repeated from the beginning. Volitional retention begins with 1-2 breaths and is gradually increased to 30.
    3. Breathing with a tube. Practice involves creating a partial pressure that simulates a given height. Breathing tubes have a diameter of 30 mm and a length of 42 to 355 mm. The practice begins after a deep exhalation (or several), freeing the lungs. Through the tube they breathe calmly and easily.
    4. Breathing practice by Strelnikova (paradoxical). Such complexes are performed in a certain sequence. The following rules are observed. The first says: noisy breathing, drawing in air deeply, but without swelling. The second rule is to exhale air freely, preferably through the mouth. The third rule is to pump up your lungs using song tempos. The fourth rule indicates that they take as many breaths in a row as can be done easily, without tension.
    5. Yoga Breathing Practice has its own characteristics. So, you cannot hold your breath during maximum inhalation or exhalation. This can damage lung tissue and interfere with heart function. Yoga recommends a 1-4-2 breathing pattern. The unit is the duration of inhalation; the duration of exhalation with a 4-fold delay in duration, and exhalation is twice as long as inhalation. The practice of such breathing is aimed at restoring the natural balance of energy in the human body, at its improvement and maximum saturation with life-giving energy.

Simple breathing techniques: examples

For those who are just getting acquainted with breathing techniques, it is preferable to start with exercises intended for beginners.

  1. First of all, it is recommended to master abdominal breathing.

Description of the technique: take a deep breath of air through your nose. This inhalation will allow the diaphragm to expand (not to be confused with the chest area!). This manipulation creates the necessary pressure to fill the lungs with air. To achieve results, the exercise is performed for at least 10 minutes daily. During this time, take up to 10 breaths. Those who practice breathing techniques claim that after 6 weeks, blood pressure will normalize and overall well-being will improve, with new strength and energy appearing.

The technique can be used under any stress. It is important to teach yourself to control the breathing process.

  1. Beginners should learn and even breathing technique. Yoga calls her Vritti herself.

Description of the technique: sit in a comfortable position with your back straight. The rhythm of the exercise is counting to 4. That is. inhale for 4 counts and exhale for 4 counts. You need to breathe through your nose. Breathing through your nose allows you to increase your breathing resistance. If this technique is well mastered, then the score can be doubled. Increasing the duration will increase attention, normalize the nervous system, reduce stress, and most importantly, achieve harmony between the mind and body.

It is appropriate to do breathing manipulations at any time. You can breathe this way absolutely anywhere you can sit down. It is appropriate to use this breathing technique before bed - it will help you get rid of annoying thoughts, daytime worries and get a good night's sleep.

4. Highly complex breathing techniques difficult for beginners to perform. But master Kapalbhati still follows. This technique is called "espresso". After a very long inhalation and exhalation should be sharp and powerful. The lower abdomen is involved in the breathing process. You need to breathe through your nose. We perform 10 times at a comfortable pace, and energy is provided for the whole day.

You can also watch a video with breathing practices that will help you quickly relieve irritability, align the emotional background and will allow you to act consciously in any situation.

Breathing techniques are a source of energy and vigor for our body throughout the day. Use the practices that you like, share with friends, and youth and an active lifestyle will become your faithful companions!

And you will find even more relaxing techniques, practices and meditations.

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Are you under stress? If you know a couple of breathing exercises, relaxing will not be difficult for you. In fact, proper breathing has a positive effect on health in all respects, so breathing exercises are an important part of the Diet for Healthy Skin.

Breathing exercises are essential for healthy skin. Proper breathing increases the flow of blood and lymph to the skin, returning a healthy color to the skin. Proper breathing promotes the flow of oxygen and nutrients into the skin, which speeds up wound healing and cell renewal. Moreover, proper breathing reduces the likelihood of skin rashes caused by stress. Once you've mastered this chapter, you'll also learn how to breathe properly during exercise, which will help you exercise longer (remember, you need to sweat daily to maintain healthy skin).

Nutrients from food reach the skin last. Proper breathing improves digestion and nutrient absorption, which will help more essential fatty acids and antioxidants reach your largest organ, the skin.

Inhalation and exhalation directly affect the lymphatic system, which is responsible for skin health, immunity and disease resistance.

Reaction to stress

Stress has an extremely negative effect on the nervous system. If you are chronically stressed or always breathe shallowly, the stress hormone cortisol begins to be produced. High cortisol levels contribute to premature aging and reduce the body's ability to fight bacteria and viruses. Stress also interferes with the production of “beautiful” prostaglandins. It's no wonder that nervous tension makes you look and feel older than your age.

Breathing exercises are essential if you suffer from anxiety or depression. According to the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine, accumulated emotions and thoughts can be released through long, deep breathing. Many doctors and psychiatrists now prescribe breathing exercises to their patients as part of their treatment.


Q: The doctor said that I am breathing shallowly. What does this mean and how to get rid of it?

A: Shallow breathing, which uses the upper chest and only part of the lungs, has become a problem for modern people. According to renowned breathing instructor Sophie Gabriel, author of Breathing for Life, shallow breathing can be caused by an inability to cope with anxiety and stress, muscle tension, a sedentary lifestyle, illness, injury and smoking. Even poor posture when sitting for hours at the computer (or that book) can reduce the quality of your breathing and lead to chronic shallow breathing.

In order to change your breathing, you need to constantly monitor it. Correct your posture and learn some simple breathing exercises in this chapter. Do breathing exercises daily to achieve better results. However, it is important to note that deep breathing alone will not noticeably improve your health: it is breathing techniques and the quality of your breath that will have an effect.

Cases from medical practice

A 36-year-old woman with mild obesity, constant anxiety, an unhealthy complexion, and an aversion to exercise came to me for help. Her breathing was noticeable: as she inhaled, her shoulders rose, and she breathed very shallowly from the top of her chest. I recommended that she do breathing exercises daily and also use them in moments of particular anxiety. She noted that breathing exercises really helped her cope with anxiety, she was able to leave the house more often and even began to exercise. After three weeks, she stopped feeling tired after exercising and joined the netball team. After 6 weeks, she lost 9 kg, her complexion improved and became more even.

Learn more about breathing

Previously, it was more difficult for me than anyone in the group to maintain balance (in yoga there are many poses for maintaining body balance). Even sixty-year-old women could stand on one leg with the other one up, like elegant statues, but I couldn’t. I had to keep my leg (which had to be raised up) so low that it touched the ground. This was the only way I could avoid falling. After I started using throat breathing, my balance improved significantly.

Gabriel says balance is improved because throat breathing uses the diaphragm, one of the body's strongest muscles, whose job is to maintain body balance and strengthen the core (abs and back). Throat breathing allows you to take deeper breaths (without much effort), which quickly gives you energy and increases stamina.

Before I read Sophie's book, everything was different. For years I've heard that breathing exercises are good for you, that they help you relax, etc. I tried to breathe deeper a few times and thought, “So what?” Sometimes I would feel dizzy after taking deep breaths, and I thought it was normal to feel sick after breathing exercises.

Perhaps you also tried breathing exercises before, but did not notice a positive effect, so you abandoned them. If so, I want to tell you that breathing exercises done correctly can make you feel amazing. Of course, it takes time to learn how to do them correctly, but once this happens, you will want to return to the breathing exercises again and again.

All you have to do is watch how you breathe on the way to the bus stop or while sitting at your desk.

If you notice fatigue or tension, check your posture and do a couple of breathing exercises. They will help you feel more energized and relaxed at the same time, and I hope you love them as much as I do.


There are many ways to improve your breathing, and in this chapter we will look at abdominal breathing, which uses the diaphragm. The diaphragm is a thin muscle that lies horizontally between the lungs and the abdominal cavity, like an upside-down plate. This muscle is responsible for expanding the lungs during breathing. However, the diaphragm can lose flexibility if you regularly breathe incorrectly. A tight diaphragm makes breathing difficult, so playing sports or singing can be a real challenge. Athletes and singers have a very strong diaphragm.

Exercise 1: Watch yourself

Stand in front of a mirror and relax your shoulders. Inhale slowly and deeply, then exhale slowly. Do this several times and watch how your body moves.

    Do your shoulders rise when you inhale? If so, is it a lot or a little?

    Does the upper chest move forward during inhalation? If so, is it a lot or a little?

    Do your shoulders and neck look tense?

    Do you specifically tighten your abdominal area, preventing your stomach from moving?

    What does your posture look like? (Look in the mirror again.)

    Take a deep breath through your nose: can you hear the air passing through it?

    Take another deep breath and look in the mirror: are your nostrils moving?

If you answered yes to some of these questions, your breathing is likely shallow.

According to Sophie Gabrielle, while breathing, the shoulders should not move and should remain relaxed.

Exercise 2: Fluff your nose

One of the exercises described by Gabrielle involves loudly inhaling air through the nose. Imagine that you are smelling a bouquet of flowers, just inhale the aroma loudly and deeply. Then exhale just as loudly. How do you feel after this? Do you have a feeling of nasal congestion?

When you breathe shallowly, you create tension in your upper body. There's not much air coming in and little energy is being produced (you may feel sleepy for no apparent reason). Gabriel says that this type of air sniffing should be avoided: “It is never necessary unless you want to smell fresh coffee, cake or flowers.”

Horn breathing technique

“Throat breathing” is the unofficial name for the following exercise. The throat is not literally involved in breathing, but it is the place where sensations are concentrated. It is important to understand throat breathing techniques before exploring other breathing exercises, especially those that use the diaphragm. You will begin to understand which throat muscles to use during breathing exercises.

Throat breathing can be practiced during meditation and sports. During physical activity, this exercise allows you to quickly and without strain fill your lungs with air, which will provide you with a surge of energy. Meditation without proper breathing can leave you feeling tense, but throat breathing and good posture while meditating will help you relax.

The sensation of throat breathing appears when you take a proper deep breath.

Exercise 3: Prepare for throat breathing

For the first time, it is advisable to perform this exercise in a quiet environment, inhaling and exhaling through your mouth. This breathing exercise will then be done with the mouth closed, inhaling and exhaling through the nose, but the sensation of breathing will remain in the throat.

Sit in a chair or lie on your back and relax your shoulders. Take three slow, deep breaths and set yourself to relax with each exhale. Let your chest rise. Relax! Relax! Relax!

Breathing exercises that prolong life

Many people are confused by the abundance of methods and techniques for “correct” breathing and breathing exercises. They were and are used in almost any ancient and modern schools of health, self-defense, sports and martial arts, and martial arts. Serious research institutes are developing methods and instruments for normal, artificial or forced gas exchange in natural and extreme conditions for pilots, cosmonauts, and submariners.
The art of managing the optimal balance of oxygen and carbon dioxide in arterial blood is to increase the carbon dioxide content with the necessary and minimum sufficient oxygen content.
The need for carbon dioxide arose “historically” many millions of years ago, when carbon dioxide in the atmosphere accounted for nine-tenths of its volume. Now there is only 0.03% carbon dioxide in the air, and the blood contains more than 7%. But the laws of metabolism of the cell, which requires carbon dioxide for life, have been preserved. That's why we breathe more often than we need, but we live less than we could. The average person takes 12 breaths per minute. In this case, the lungs are strongly ventilated with excessive loss of carbon dioxide. Shallow and slower breathing - at least one and a half to two times - will lead to an increase in life expectancy by 20-30 years.

And if you learn to breathe at a frequency of 1-3 breaths per minute, as experienced yogis do, then you can actually eat low-protein foods, using air nitrogen and carbon dioxide for protein synthesis.
For the vast majority of people, it seems completely incomprehensible, and therefore impossible, to achieve such high successes in such a primitive way as breathing exercises.

The proposed breathing exercises are accessible to absolutely everyone, require little time, are technically simple, and can be done during any pause in life, when attention can be focused on the breathing process. This includes standing in line, even walking, and any break in work, etc., etc.
This complex, if performed daily, will not increase life expectancy by 20-30 years, but 7-10 years, excellent health and victory over depression are guaranteed.

As for extending life by 20-30 years thanks to yoga physical, breathing and mental exercises - this is the next and very real stage, which, however, will require 2-3 years to master complex exercises for 1-2 hours of daily training, as well as improving lifestyle. Then you will have to follow this lifestyle for the rest of your life. This is what scares most people. But this is a different, albeit very interesting topic.
The main thing to note is that breathing can be trained. We breathe continuously and spontaneously. And breathing training begins from the moment our attention switches to breathing control. That's the whole secret. There are three simplest classical stages of breathing training. This is the simplest breathing exercises, pendulum rhythmic breathing and the “vibration” mantra.

Starting position for all three stages. The main requirement for performing all exercises is the vertical position of the spine. In other words, you can sit, stand, or even move slowly without shortening your breath. In comfortable conditions, all exercises can be done with your eyes closed. The only limitation is a full stomach. Therefore, the most optimal hours are in the morning, 30 minutes before meals or 2-3 hours after meals. Graduality and moderation, lack of self-coercion, self-control and analysis of results will certainly lead to success. After breathing exercises, it is a good idea to drink a glass of hot water.

The simplest breathing exercises
THE SIMPLE breathing exercise consists of six exercises. Gymnastics can be done several times a day, if necessary, to recover or relax. If the first four exercises normalize gas exchange and are aimed at stabilizing and relaxing the body, then the last two can be considered as an oxygen cushion, as is known, used in emergency cases.
To perform this gymnastics it takes only 5-6 minutes. It allows you to quickly relieve fatigue and restore performance. When performed regularly, it normalizes gas exchange, blood pressure, the immune and nervous systems, cleanses the body of toxins, improves heart function and digestion, increases lung capacity and prolongs life.
1. Full breath. Start exhaling slowly through your nose. Lower the diaphragm, pulling your stomach in slightly. Then, without tension or holding your breath, begin a slow, calm inhalation through both nostrils “from the bottom up,” filling the lungs to 2/3 of their volume. First, stick out the lower abdomen, then slightly raise the upper chest and in the last phase slightly raise the collarbones. Without holding your breath, immediately begin a slow, calm exhalation - slightly pull in your stomach, while the diaphragm rises up, then the ribs slightly compress (the upper part of the chest drops), and then the collarbones drop. And so repeat 3 cycles of “exhale-inhale”.
Mentally counting, for example, to three during exhalation and to three during inhalation, it is necessary to ultimately select a comfortable duration of inhalations and exhalations. Attention should be focused on counting, smoothness and continuity of breathing. A mental image, for example, of a flywheel spinning evenly in the lungs or a piston rising and falling evenly along the spine helps a lot. The exercise is completed in approximately 1 minute.

2. Overcoming breathing. Lower your chin into the jugular fossa. Press the root of the tongue against the soft palate. Overcoming the narrowing of the airways, perform “full breathing” 3 times, as described in the previous exercise. When breathing, the air produces a characteristic snoring sound, which, when the exercise is well mastered, becomes audible only to the performer. Counting and the image of a flywheel or piston are very helpful here. The exercise is completed in approximately 1 minute.

3. Cooling breath. Exhale through your nose, using the “full breathing” technique. Lick your lips and stretch them out, as when pronouncing the sound “u”. Roll the wet tongue into a tube and stick it between your lips. Take a full breath through the wet tube of your tongue and lips, pause to swallow saliva, and then exhale completely through your nose. Perform the exercise 3 times. This is the only exercise in which inhalation is performed through the mouth. Counting and the image of a flywheel or piston are very helpful here. The exercise is completed in approximately 1 minute.

4. Cleansing breath. Perform “full breathing” according to the following scheme. With the little finger and ring finger of your right hand, close your left nostril. Exhale through the right nostril and inhale through the same nostril without pausing. Closing the right nostril with the thumb of your right hand, while simultaneously opening the left, begin to exhale through it. Without holding your breath, inhale through the left nostril. Change the position of your fingers and continue the exercise until you complete 2 “inhale-exhale” cycles in each direction. The exercise is easy to remember if you always exhale “through someone else’s nostril.” Counting and the image of a flywheel or piston are very helpful here. The exercise is completed in approximately 1 minute.

5. Ventilation of head cavities. Exhale, then inhale, filling your lungs about halfway. The essence of the exercise is a series of sharp, controlled exhalations. Inhalation occurs as if by itself. When inhaling and exhaling, the diaphragm should rise and fall like a pump piston, and the chest should remain expanded and motionless. The arms, head and shoulders should not twitch in time with the exhalations. Exhalation time is approximately 3 times shorter than inhalation. The entire exercise consists of 3 series with a pause between them to perform “full breathing”. In each series, from 3 to 10 exhalations can be performed so that breathing does not get lost during the pause. The exercise is completed in approximately 1 minute.

6. Ventilation. Inhale and exhale through the nose quickly and forcefully, by raising and lowering the diaphragm. The duration of inhalation is equal to the duration of exhalation. There is no gap between inhalations and exhalations. When inhaling and exhaling, the diaphragm should rise and fall like a pump piston, and the chest should remain expanded and motionless. Hands, head and shoulders should not twitch in time with inhalations and exhalations. The entire exercise consists of 3 series with a pause between them to perform “full breathing”. In each series, depending on how you feel, you can perform from 6 to 20 inhalations and exhalations so that you don’t lose your breath during the pause. The exercise is completed in approximately 1 minute.

Pendulum rhythmic breathing
THE SIMPLE breathing exercises allow you to create the basis for preparing for pendulum breathing. Here are three classic basic exercises: pendulum breathing, pendulum breathing with inhalation hold, pendulum breathing with exhalation hold.

1. Pendulum breathing. The technique of the simplest pendulum breathing practically coincides with the technique of the simplest “full breathing”, with the only difference being that between inhalation-exhalation (and exhalation-inhalation) there is a short holding of breath. However, pendulum breathing is less accentuated, because when performing this exercise, no more than half of the actual volume of the lungs is filled with air. The durations of exhalation and inhalation are the same with a very short hold in between. The breathing process is similar to a sine wave, in which the highs and lows simulate the minimum delay (more like holding) in the inhale-exhale and exhale-inhale transitions. Mentally counting, for example, to three during exhalation and to three during inhalation, it is necessary to ultimately select a comfortable duration of inhalations and exhalations. A mental image, for example, of a flywheel spinning evenly in the lungs or a piston rising and falling evenly along the spine with minimal braking between inhalations and exhalations, and vice versa, helps a lot. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes. The essence of the exercise is to focus on the breathing process. Exercise calms the nervous system, relaxes facial muscles and improves the condition of the vocal cords.

2. Pendulum breathing with inhalation hold. First, “start” normal pendulum breathing. Then you need to complete the inhalation with a pause, more like an ultra-slow inhalation, lasting 2 times less than the duration of the inhalation. In this case, the transition from super-slow inhalation to exhalation should be imperceptible. Between exhalation and inhalation there remains an instant holding of breath, as before in pendulum breathing. The entire breathing cycle consists of 2 parts inhalation, 1 part super-slow inhalation, 2 parts exhalation (2:1:2). The breathing rhythm is selected in such a way as to ensure comfort during the exercise. Attention should be focused on counting, smoothness and continuity of breathing, especially on inhalation and the pause after inhalation. As before, the quality of the exercise is enhanced with the help of a mental image, for example, a flywheel spinning evenly in the lungs or a piston or a swinging pendulum rising and falling evenly along the spine. The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes. The exercise develops attentiveness and the ability to concentrate thoughts.

3. Pendulum breathing with exhalation hold. First, “start” normal pendulum breathing. Then you need to complete the exhalation with a pause, more like an ultra-slow exhalation, lasting 2 times less than the exhalation. In this case, the transition from ultra-slow exhalation to inhalation should be imperceptible. Between inhalation and exhalation there remains an instant holding of breath, as before in pendulum breathing. The entire breathing cycle consists of 2 parts exhalation, 1 part ultra-slow exhalation, 2 parts inhalation (2:1:2). The breathing rhythm is selected in such a way as to ensure comfort during the exercise.
Attention should be focused on counting, smoothness and continuity of breathing, especially on exhalation and the pause after exhalation, as well as on relaxing the respiratory muscles. As before, the quality of the exercise is enhanced with the help of a mental image, for example, a flywheel spinning evenly in the lungs or a piston or a swinging pendulum rising and falling evenly along the spine. When the flywheel, piston or pendulum is figuratively lowered, its movement slows down (super-slow exhalation). The duration of the exercise is 2 minutes.
The breathing amplitude in this exercise is even less than in the previous two. It is necessary to strive to increase the duration of the inhalation-exhalation cycle and reduce the depth of its amplitude. Once you have mastered this exercise confidently, you can include pressing the root of the tongue to the palate, as was described in the “overcoming breathing” exercise.

Exercise is the key to perfect health, slowing down the aging process and learning the basics of meditation. It can be used as a stand-alone exercise to improve mental health.

Mantra "vibration"
Under the title “The Art of Being Happy,” back in the “samizdat” times, I came across a small book that contained (the first in my practice) a mantra that struck me with its simplicity and effectiveness.
Only later did I learn from other sources that these “secret, divine, magical, saving” sounds and the mantra itself are more than one thousand years old. Mantra means “mental protection” in the broadest sense of the phrase.

These are the seven sounds:

Starting position: Sit in a pose with a vertical spine, close your eyes for the entire period of performing the mantra, set up pendulum rhythmic breathing.
Execution technique: From pendulum breathing, switch to inhaling 2/3 of the lung volume and then, without a pause, slowly exhaling, sing, stretching the vowels and the nasal sound “mmm,” all seven sounds in succession. Start singing first sound“A-o-u-mmm” and mentally direct your gaze to the highest point of the head (fontanel). When performed correctly, you will feel a vibration inside the top of your head.
Proceed with the same exhalation to singing second sound“Woah-mmm” and mentally direct your gaze to the center of your head opposite the eyebrow. Feel the vibration. The pituitary gland or, as yogis say, the “volitional chakras” is located in this place.
If there is enough air, on the same exhalation go to third sound“Ha-a-mmm” and mentally direct your gaze to the projection of the thyroid gland on the spinal column. When you feel vibration in this area (“throat chakras”), move on to the next sound.

The time will come when you will be able to sing all seven sounds in one breath, mentally directing your gaze with closed eyes to the corresponding nerve center (chakras), and feel its vibration. However, in the beginning, you can fill your lungs again by 2/3 of the volume each time or every other time and continue singing sounds according to the same pattern.
Fourth sound“I-I-mmm” - look at the projection of the “air chakra” (roughly the center of the lungs) on the spinal column. It is difficult not to notice the vibration of this chakra.
Fifth sound“Ra-a-mmm” - look at the projection of the “fire chakra” (stomach) on the spinal column. Feel the vibration and then move on to the next sound.
The sixth sound “Wa-a-mmm” is a look at the projection of the “water chakra” (bladder) on the spinal column. Feel the vibration - vibration massage of the “water chakra” and move on to the last sound.
Seventh sound“La-a-mmm” - look at the “earth chakra” (tailbone). Feel the vibration in the intestinal area and you can end the mantra and open your eyes or return to the first chakra and begin a new cycle.
It is useful to change the pitch and volume of the sound during repeated cycles. Later, try learning to sing to yourself.
In general, the description of the “vibration” mantra is much more complicated than its execution.
Effect. This is one of the effective and easy to perform mantras. Singing the matra at the same time means performing the simplest pendulum rhythmic breathing, but with a very prolonged exhalation - exactly what is needed to prolong life, that is, to increase the level of carbon dioxide in the blood. It is known that singing, and in particular church singing, increases life expectancy.
Vibration of the nerve nodes is a kind of natural vibration massage that improves and normalizes the blood supply to these centers. This is an excellent preparatory exercise for any type of meditation. However, doing it yourself is very useful. The mantra relieves nervous stress, physical or mental fatigue, and depression.

To begin with, I want to tell you a story that happened to me several years ago.

Then everything in my life was very sad: I was alone, a lot of problems, debts and loans... In addition to everything, just before the New Year they brought me an agreement to terminate the lease agreement for the store that I had then.

I was in complete despair and didn’t know what to do.

At such moments, our brain, out of habit, begins to look for clues and help from the outside... One of my friends advised me to turn to a psychic.

We phoned - he listened to my sad story and said: “Start breathing, you’re ready!”

Then, I didn’t understand what he was talking about and simply out of despair (trusting the recommendation of a friend), I decided to do as he said.

I then breathed the way most people breathe: shallowly, my breathing ended in the chest area and my whole body, despite yoga classes, was tense most of the time due to constant stress.

Then I didn’t think about breathing, the only thing I knew about breathing was that it normalizes pressure (at a time when I was tormented by pressure changes, I bought the book “Breathing according to Buteyko” and did breathing exercises to normalize pressure).

When the psychic told me: “Breathe,” I began to breathe, I had to inhale deeply with my entire chest and exhale into my lower abdomen. To be honest, this type of breathing was unusual for me, and at first it was difficult for me to exhale into my lower abdomen... But I forced myself to do it.

At the end of the day, my head was already clear... I saw the exits, I knew what to do next, my problems no longer seemed so insoluble to me, I finally saw the light at the end of the tunnel. And the very next day I found a new premises to rent for a store.

If someone had told me 5 years ago that with the help of breathing you could radically change your life (and not only yours), I would not have believed it.

So, Conscious Breathing: 5 Breathing Secrets That Will Change Your Life

1. Breathing allows you to restore the body’s energy reserves

A person consists of 75 trillion cells and they all need to breathe.

Breathing is the basis of life, receiving vital energy from the surrounding space, and also the key to many mysteries and secrets of our body. Nature has given man the opportunity to consciously control his breathing, listening to the experience of his ancestors and relying on knowledge of anatomy and physiology. With the help of breathing you can prolong your life, heal, and cope with many problems.

Breathing allows you to know yourself. Every cell in our body breathes, all organs and systems are intertwined into a single ensemble, in which breathing plays the role of a conductor. Breathing allows you to restore health and strengthen your immune system. Many masters came to enlightenment using the breath.

With the help of breathing you recharge your “battery”. Remember how children breathe and how much energy they have.

2. Breathing helps you make the right choices for you.

Your breath is a physical manifestation of the degree of saturation with vital force.

If you are faced with a choice, but at the moment you cannot feel which choice is right for you, it is breathing that helps you realize what to choose.

Sit quietly and think about the decision you need to make, even if it's a minor one, like choosing where to go on vacation. Imagine yourself at sea, then imagine yourself in the mountains. How does your breathing change? Are there any differences?

If so, think about what you really want? How would you like to spend your holiday?

Your higher self is already aware of the opportunities and circumstances in both places. An image that is accompanied by deeper and lighter breathing should be your choice, because this is how the Soul tells you that this place is better suited for you at the moment.

If it is still difficult for you to perceive the difference in breathing, imagine two objects that are more different from each other. For example, imagine yourself doing something unpleasant and watch your breathing.

Then imagine yourself doing something enjoyable and feel the difference!

You always have a built-in mechanism for receiving an answer available to you! Breathing is one of the three control systems of your body that help you realize what is best for you right now and help you live your life on Earth in joy and pleasure.

3. Breathing reduces anxiety and fear

Breathing directly affects the intensity of the feeling of fear. Moreover, this connection is two-way: in anxiety, you absorb air superficially, in jerks, which only intensifies the panic and you do not see a way out of even basic situations. Slow, even breathing, on the contrary, serves as a good signal to the nervous system: everything is okay, dear, you can calm down and lower your heart rate. That's what happened to me. Deep breathing helped me see ways out of “no-win” situations.

I am often asked the question: is a special technique or practice needed? How to breathe correctly? There is no one, most “correct” way to breathe.

4. Breathing brings you back to the moment “here and now”

To this end, Buddhist monks, for example, practice deep breaths combined with “mindful” breathing. What does it mean? It's simple. You concentrate on the very process of inhalation and exhalation, as if observing them. 20 minutes of this action increases the flow of oxygen through the blood to the brain, increasing the activity of the latter. Your brain is responsible for behavior, emotions, impulse control, abstract thinking, and focus.

Nice bonus: this type of breathing stimulates the production of the “happy” hormone serotonin.

How to breathe. Sit as you please. Dim the lights and close your eyes and relax. Inhale slowly through your nose for 6-8 seconds. Focus on the sound of your breathing, inhale deeply, helping yourself with your stomach. And then exhale (also through your nose) for 9–12 seconds. As you exhale, contract your abdominal muscles, pulling it in slightly. The goal is to take three to four full exhalations per minute. This is a classic technique for calming the mind. You don’t have to focus on time; just exhale longer than inhale and concentrate on the process.

If you cannot switch from low-frequency thoughts (you see what surrounds you and it really bothers you) to high-frequency thoughts, to what you want to create in your reality, go outside and do an exercise "power walk"

This practice was developed by Swami Sivananda, an Indian philosopher, physician and author of more than 300 books on yoga.

It will help you learn to walk for a long time without getting tired, shift your focus, and generally improve your body’s health.

So. You need to breathe in rhythm with your walking. A step with one foot is a half step. Two half steps (right foot plus left) is a full step. The goal is to inhale in four full steps. And exhale - in six. Keep your body straight during the process, but without unnecessary tension in the muscles. Inhale slowly, evenly and deeply. And without holding your breath, exhale completely. You need to practice without tension, so when it becomes difficult, stop.

5. Breathing helps you live in your own rhythm

When a person goes out and runs at the same time as everyone else, the rhythm of his breathing automatically becomes confused, accelerates - becomes dynamic, uneven - in accordance with the general process in which he participates.

Conscious breathing helps you get out of the collective consciousness and start living your own life, your own interests, being targeted inside yourself and stable in yourself in order to shape your own life, build your own rhythm and style of life, and stay in it in the way that is most harmonious for you.

You can consciously maintain focus on your breathing. If you find yourself in the thick of things, where there is a huge bustle, where people are subject to collective intoxication or are running in accordance with some idea - at this moment you can switch your consciousness inward, to the diaphragm and the point that is located between the solar plexus and the heart center (hole, bodily notch). Having passed into the diaphragm, connect with it with your consciousness and give an impulse solution that you are ready to live from your correct state which brings you harmony.

At this moment, having received the command, your diaphragm will begin to inflate its bellows in the rhythm that is correct, optimal for you in this position, in this life situation. Then you seem to find yourself in a cocoon: at this moment, pure vibrational flows of the higher and reverse world begin to flow through you, filling your body through the focus of the diaphragm. Energy flows are distributed into the body through the presence of your conscious decision.

When you begin to breathe in your own rhythm, building a connection with the spirit - with the higher Self, you leave the collective Consciousness and connect to thoughts of a higher order. You start to think for yourself!

Thoughts of the highest order are high-frequency thoughts: these are thoughts about Love, health, Abundance, unlimited possibilities, about Strength and the ability to create your own World, your own reality.

Being a genius is very simple - you need to think for yourself!

In the beginning, awareness of the breath helps you become calmer and (paradoxically) more energetic and alert. Subsequently, it helps to develop a greater degree of awareness. There is more freedom to choose our reactions in any given situation. For example, in a situation that would normally make us anxious, we may choose to be patient and calm. Over time, we begin to define our habits instead of letting them define us. Mindfulness allows us to take full responsibility for our own lives and happiness. The practice of Mindfulness is incredibly enriching. Instead of being only half aware of what we are doing, we can experience every moment of our lives fully and vividly.

With love and faith that the awareness of every person living on Earth will lead the World to harmony, author Technologies of Image Creation,

Elena Zheleztsova

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