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Downloading ps3 games. Download PS3 games for free, without registration

There is an opinion among people that the PlayStation 3 without firmware cannot be an economical console, but today we will prove the opposite. This article demonstrates the most popular ways not only save on games, but also absolutely free to play.

Of course, “pirates” on an unflashed PS3 will not work as easily as on a hacked one, but you don’t always need to “break” something to play for free.

Running pirated games on a licensed PS3

We will not provide step-by-step instructions, since there are already quite a lot of them on the Internet and finding the right one will not be difficult. We will describe only the essence of the method that makes it possible to implement launching pirates on PS3 OFW(not stitched), and you decide whether it’s worth spending your time on this or whether it’s better to hack the console yourself or, for example, in a workshop.

Let us immediately note that the entire process, especially for the first time, will take quite a lot of time and will require you to concentrate a certain amount on what is happening. Attentively read into the details found instructions to avoid mistakes.

The method itself is based on installing special update packages(Update patches). It allows you to run games from the console’s hard drive, and the game image gets there not through the official store, as it should be, but through a computer.

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Using the program PS3 Tools Collection, which contains more than 50 useful tools for working with the console, or rather, one of its components - PS3 Game Updater - you need to find the game you want to install. Next you need to download the patch.

With help "Backup Utilities" and a couple of special programs for working with license files, the game image is “processed” and placed on the console’s hard drive.

All this can only be done with a specific version of the official firmware, for example – 4.75.

In addition to complexity, there is another unpleasant disadvantage. The fact is that not all images are reproduced correctly on the console. That is, it may be that you spent a lot of time preparing, but in the end it turned out that this the game doesn't want to start on your console.

If you don’t want to be disappointed again, it’s better to flash the console. This way you can play whatever you want for free, and not even think about whether the next toy will launch or not. In addition, using the multiMAN program, you can install various applications and easily manage files on the console, installing games, etc.

The Multiman program will not start without firmware.

For some, everything we talked about above will seem very difficult, and to some extent this is true. That's why we'll look at simple ways to save money on the purchase of games or not pay at all.

There are quite a few ways to play with the desired toy. Some of them are quite specific and not always available, for example, going to game exhibitions where a large number of draws, and not only games, but also thematic paraphernalia: T-shirts, mugs, passes to closed screenings of new products or beta testing. There are also less original, but useful: sales in the PS Store or free subscription offers.

By the way, I would like to discuss the issue of subscriptions in a little more detail. Surely many of you already know that you don’t have to buy a subscription, as you can create new accounts and take a trial version. So you can play free games of the month without spending a single penny on it.

Of course, after your subscription ends, you you won't open the game anymore, but even if you buy the annual PS Plus package, it will cost several times cheaper than the games themselves from the store.

In addition, paid subscribers can enjoy an endless stream of discounts, splashed out on the official “store”.

If you're looking for a way how to download games on PS3 without firmware, we must not forget about Free to Play projects, that is, completely free games available on the PS Store.

Most often, the emphasis in free games on PS3 without firmware is exclusively for the multiplayer component, and the main income of developers and publishers comes from in-game purchases, the execution of which is quite varied. These can be either enhancements that directly affect the gameplay and the strength of the characters, or cosmetic sets, the purpose of which is to give the player the opportunity to make his controlled unit unique and different from the rest.

Exactly internal purchases allow you to make the game free and not go broke on its support.

Before you load a game on your PS3, you may see a button that says "To the cash register" And "Pay", even if the game is completely free, just its cost is 0 rubles.

Rent, purchase and resale of accounts and disks

If you like to take risks, and without it there is no way in this matter, you can buy a profile with games on special websites and forums.

The risk is that the bulk of such “products” were brazenly stolen from previous owners. This is where the surprisingly low cost comes from, attracting those who cannot agree with Sony's pricing policy.

Those in the medium risk group are Account rental offers. For example, you can agree to rent a profile for a week and pay the daily cost of gameplay, if you can call it that.

There is nothing special to explain here: you pay money, you receive a login and password, download the game and enjoy it until the rental period expires. Of course, here you can also “get money”, but much less often, since the landlord is interested in you contacting him as often as possible.

Before paying, try to find reviews from people who have already taken advantage of the offer. It’s better if these are reviews from real people, for example, on social media. networks, and not on the same site.

All with used discs much easier, since until the goods are in your hands, you are not obliged to transfer money to the seller. Renting BR discs is usually carried out in special offline stores, so if something happens, you will know the physical location of the person whose services you are using.

Beginning PS3 users often ask questions: “What methods of installing games on PS3 exist?”, “Is it possible to play PS3 from different media?” etc. We will try to answer these and other questions in more detail in this article. To avoid emergency situations with your device, follow the instructions provided carefully and try not to make mistakes.

There are two options to play PS3 without the original game disc:

I. Installation and subsequent use of the game on the HDD of the PS3 console

1) First you need to prepare the set-top box for installation. To play without discs, you need applications specifically designed for this purpose. These include:

  • Blackb0x FTP ;
  • Open Manager.

Finding them on the Internet will not be a problem.

2) download the programs listed above. We take a suitable USB flash drive and format it in FAT32 format. Upload programs to a flash drive.

3) The next step is to put the set-top box into jailbreak mode. To do this, you must first turn off the power to the PS3, that is, unplug the cord from the outlet, or you can also, if provided, turn off the special toggle switch.

  • We insert our crack flash drive into the console’s USB port and launch the console;
  • Press the "Power" and "Eject" buttons in sequence, the latter is intended to eject the disc;
  • Log in to "Install Package Files";
  • We are looking for packages with Open Manager, as well as with Blackb0x FTP (in this menu);
  • We install them one by one using the “X” button. Don't forget to check whether the named items appear in the "Game" menu;
  • After successful installation of both programs, remove the USB flash drive and proceed to the next step - installing the game.

5) Now let’s look at how to install the game on the console’s hard drive:

5.1) First, we need to download and install Total Commander on your computer, if it doesn’t already exist (if there is, skip this sub-item and move on to the next one);

  • in the "Setting method" item select "Special";
  • “Connection method” - select “Wired”;
  • "Network device mode" - "Detect automatically".
  • IP address →
  • Subnet mask →
  • Default router →
  • Primary DNS → similar to the previous one ( )
  • We leave the remaining columns empty.

5.4) In the “MTU” item, set it to “Automatic”.

5.5) "UPnP" → enable.

5.6) There is no need to use a proxy server. Saving the settings button "X" and go to the "Game" menu. We find our recently installed Blackb0x FTP program and launch it.

5.7) Let's go back to the PC, namely Total Commander. In Total Commander, select “Network” and find the tab there "Connect to FTP server". We go into this tab and click “Add”, and in the connection settings we set:

  • Connection name - PS3;
  • Server -

Again, we leave the rest empty.

5.8) We connect to this connection and see that a menu has appeared in which we need to select a directory called dev_hdd0, and then go to the "Game" → OMAN46756 menu.

5.9) Create a folder in this directory, and you can call it whatever you like, but for ease of use it is better to call it “Games”.

5.10) Copy the selected PS3 game to this folder. After completing the copying process, you need to exit the Blackb0x FTP program.

5.11) Launch the Open Manager program (as you remember, it is located in the “Game” menu). You will be asked a question about using OMAN46756, which you need to answer by clicking the "Yes" button.

5.12) Select the copied game and press the “X” button again (the game will be displayed in the directory */app_home/PS3_GAMES).

We can play. If it does not start, see point 6.

6) Sometimes it happens that the game still won’t play without the disc, then you just need to insert it into the drive any licensed disc for PS3, after launching Open Manager and selecting the desired game, press "X". The console should recognize this disc as the original disc of the installed game.

II. Second method: launching the game from external media.

Now let's look at the second method of launching a game on PS3, it is somewhat worse, because, due to the peculiarities of the FAT32 format, the game cannot exceed 4 Gb in size. Low speed and some errors may also be observed, because the speed of the USB connection is much lower compared to the data transfer speed from a regular hard drive.

1) As mentioned above, you need to format the external media in FAT32 format and create a “Games” folder on it.

2) You need to copy the desired games or games to this folder.

3) The media must be inserted into the USB port of the console itself and, again, open the Open Manager program in the “Game” menu and use it to launch the game.

Of course, these methods have their positive and negative sides, but the choice is yours. This will simplify the use of the PS3 and save a certain amount of money on the purchase of original discs.

This instruction clearly describes how to install games on PS3 version Fat or Slim with custom firmware that has Cobra functions.

The Sony PlayStation 3 gaming console today is still widely popular among gamers, often due to the existence of exclusive games that have not been ported to the next generation. To install applications with greater comfort, you can use a Flash drive.

We will skip the topic of installing custom firmware or ODE on the console, since this process must be considered separately from the question posed regarding games. At the same time, this is a prerequisite for subsequent actions, without which this instruction makes no sense.

Step 1: Prepare removable media

The first step is to select and correctly format the Flash drive that you plan to use to install games on the PlayStation 3. Almost any removable drive will be suitable for these purposes, be it a USB flash drive or a microSD memory card.

The only significant difference between the drives is the data transfer speed. For this reason, a USB flash drive is more suitable for this task. In addition, not all computers are equipped with a microSD card reader.

The amount of storage on the disk should match your needs. This can be either an 8 GB flash drive or an external USB hard drive.

Before downloading and adding games, the removable drive must be formatted. To do this, you can resort to standard tools in the Windows operating system.

  1. Depending on the type of Flash drive, connect it to your computer.
  2. Open section "This computer" and right-click on the found disk. Select an item "Format" to go to the window with special settings.
  3. When using an external HDD, you will need to use special software to format it into the format "FAT32".
  4. The most important thing here is the list "File system". Expand it and select an option "FAT32".
  5. In line "Distribution Unit Size" you can leave the value "Default" or change it to "8192 bytes".
  6. If desired, change the volume label and check the box "Quick (clear table of contents)" to speed up the process of deleting existing data. Click the button "Begin" to initiate formatting.

    Wait for the notification that the process has completed successfully to appear and you can proceed to the next step.

If you have any difficulties or questions regarding the described actions, you can read more detailed instructions for solving the most common problems. We are also always happy to help you in the comments.

Which has a very wide range of functions and is popular in almost all countries of the world. The console allows you to watch movies, listen to music, use mail and web pages, however, most often it is purchased for the purpose of using it for its intended purpose - for gaming activities. Find out how to install or run a game from a flash drive on PlayStation 3.

The console is characterized by high quality, is considered the best device of the modern generation, and supports about four thousand different popular entertainments. One of the main problems of the console is the price of licensed discs, which makes users interested in the question of how to install a game from a flash drive on PS 3. Let's take a closer look at how you can save money and how to download the development to PS 3 via a flash drive.

Licensed discs cost a lot of money, which provokes gamers to increasingly use pirated programs and significantly save money. After purchasing a console, users most often encounter the problem of how to launch a game on PS 3 from a flash drive.

Installing computer developments from a flash drive onto the PS 3 is not possible as long as the console has standard factory protection. To run games from external unlicensed media, you should first change the console firmware.

Almost all set-top boxes can be updated with firmware, except for the latest version of Super Slim, although in the near future specialists in the field of firmware will also develop options for this model.

After changing the firmware, the console is ready to receive files from external media. To install the necessary files on the PS 3 or run them from a flash drive, you will also need to prepare the external storage device for use.

Formatting external media

In order to be able to launch the files, it must first be written in the correct format, otherwise the PS will not be able to read the information, which will not allow playing on the console.

You can perform steps to format an external storage device yourself. This can be done on a computer or laptop. Before you begin reformatting, make sure to copy all important information from the drive, as formatting will destroy it.

When formatting a USB drive, you must select the FAT 32 file system. After this, a folder called GAMES is created in the external drive, into which you will then need to copy all downloaded files.

Let's look further at how to download files correctly so that they can be launched on the console in the future. It would seem that every PC user can download information on the Internet, however, the procedure has features that PS 3 owners need to take into account.

First, you need to download the files to your computer or laptop, after which you need to export them to a flash drive, having first checked the contents of the folder with the downloaded information. The folder must contain a folder called PS3_GAME, which will contain another folder called USRDIR. If such information is not available among the downloaded files, then the game is erroneous and will not function. And also pay attention to the names of the files; they should not contain letters of the Russian alphabet.

It is also worth considering that the FAT 32 system does not allow recording files heavier than four gigabytes. If you have large files, then you will additionally have to download the program to record them. Split4GB.

Procedure for launching and installing files

Let's take a closer look at how to launch a game on a PS 3 console from an external drive. If you have a licensed disc, then no additional actions are required to launch the program; you just need to turn on the set-top box, insert the disc, and you can start having fun, since the program will start immediately thanks to autorun. Some applications do not have this function, then to launch them you need to press the start button and you can plunge headlong into the world of entertainment.

If the disk or flash drive is of unlicensed origin, however, the files recorded on them are in accordance with the recommendations described above, then in order for the data from the drives to be displayed, you will need to run the program on the PlayStation 3 Multiman, which will open games from the flash drive.

The launch of pirated applications has been sorted out. Next, we’ll look at how to install development on a PS 3 from a flash drive. To do this, you need to download programs to an external storage device in advance Blackb0x FTP, Open Manager And Total Commander, if it is not included in the factory settings. These programs must be copied to the console, with their help you can install pirated files on the PlayStation 3. After this, the installed games can be used for your own purposes at a time and place acceptable to the consumer without additional external drives.

Let's sum it up

Developers of game consoles are constantly improving and complicating the system for protecting the device from the use of pirated programs on them, however, on the Internet you can find many ways to bypass the protection.

The console from the Japanese company Sony called PS3 is one of the leading platforms for releasing games. Its full name is “PlayStation” and the history of this console has long roots. It is not as deep as that of personal computers, but it is definitely worthy of attention. Today, these applications have already reached the same level as others, and in some ways they have gone far ahead. Many gamers choose this particular console as a means to enjoy digital entertainment. If you belong to the army of Japanese technology fans, then this page will be a real salvation for you. Here download torrent games ps3 will be available to all visitors for free. There are absolutely no download restrictions. You just need to download the torrent file and wait a few minutes. You will not find such a variety of projects anywhere else.

The popularity of this series of consoles appeared with the beginning of the new century. It was then that the first model appeared on the market with several old masterpieces. Even then, everyone realized that compared to computers it has several advantages. The main thing is that it does not need to be updated in detail, and one part of the series will provide access to any projects. At that time, gaming on PlayStation was just a dream. After all, the graphics were still at the level of a cartoon, but this did not make the interest any less. It was also impossible to download a torrent from them, but now this is no longer a problem. Time has passed and technology has advanced greatly. The third installment in the series was released, and PS3 games began to appear. At the same time, some development studios worked on exclusives that were not available to other platforms. Many of them were so good that owners of other devices are still waiting for their release. Particularly noteworthy are the Uncharted series, Blood Curse, Heavy Rain and Killzone. They have earned worldwide recognition and leadership in many TOPs. If you own a Sony console, you should definitely download free ps3 games via torrent and rest assured that they will not disappoint you. Here, any user will find incredible worlds, a high-quality plot and high-level graphic design. This console has always been famous for the fact that it did not limit developers’ capabilities and therefore became one of the most popular platforms of our time.

This page of our website offers the opportunity to download via torrent all games for PS3 that currently exist. Other resources require a lot of money for this, because Japanese authors make protection for such developments. You won’t find this with us, because user satisfaction is considered the highest reward for the administration. Add the page to your browser’s quick access and check the archive. We often have new items that can't be found anywhere else on the web. Immediately after adding them, you can download them via torrent in just a couple of minutes. Start spending more time playing PS3 games than searching for download options.

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