Home Prevention What does it mean to see how in a dream. Dream in a dream: general interpretation

What does it mean to see how in a dream. Dream in a dream: general interpretation

Everything about sleep is the wilds of a dark forest, shrouded in fog and uncertainty. Everything that happens in it is beyond understanding and must be interpreted extremely carefully. Crying in a dream, this event in no way depends on our ordinary mind, which thinks logically and rationally. The explanations for this action are not always clear and true, but it’s worth a try.

Note! It is worth monitoring your dreams and checking with various dream books in order to choose exactly the one that can be interpreted truthfully.

Anyone can shed tears in a dream, both people and animals, and it happens that even stones cry. The crying of relatives and friends, girls and boys, children, all this speaks of different things, positive and negative, good and bad. To learn how to correctly interpret our dreams, read the article.

Miller's Dream Book - sob, cry bitterly

Miller interprets tears in a dream as a warning factor. It is quite possible that conflicts are brewing in the life of the sleeper, but there is still time to prevent them. Roar and cry a lot - there will be a quarrel. If a young girl sees herself sobbing in a dream, then problems will arise on the personal front. If a businessman or a businessman cries a lot, troubles and conflicts with competitors or employees may begin in his career.

But a good omen is a dream that someone else is crying, someone nearby. If this person is familiar to you, then you will make peace with him or console him, if not, still expect good news, unexpected reconciliation and resolution of the conflict.

Freud's dream book - sob in a dream, cry

A woman or girl who cries bitterly in a dream, in reality really wants to become a mother and give birth to a child; now she is in the most favorable period for this.

A man’s dream about tears is a manifestation of his roaming nature, the desire to conquer as many women as possible, he is only interested in intimate relationships and one-night stands. The tear in such a dream symbolizes his passion for women.

Crying in a dream according to Vanga’s dream book

Crying loudly in a dream is a very good sign. According to this interpretation, the nature of the tears determines the degree of future joy. A couple of tears in a dream - good news awaits the sleeper. If tears flow in a stream, everything in life will be just wonderful, everything will work out, there will be a reason for fun. A dream of crying, which reaches the point of hysteria, marks a wedding soon (yours or one of your friends).

Tsvetkov's dream book - a dream about tears and sobs

  • If a girl sees herself crying in a dream, everything will work out in reality.
  • Crying at an explosion in a dream means that all your plans will come true, you will receive a reward for your work, there will be a lot of joy and fun in life.
  • It is a negative sign to see someone else crying in a dream, this means that in life you will greatly offend a loved one with a word or deed.

Loff's dream book - why do you dream about crying a lot in a dream?

Tears themselves, and even crying out loud, have no meaning. If you dreamed that you were crying, pay attention to why and how this is happening, the reason that caused the tears will have a direct meaning. It is a reflection of your experiences in real life.

Why dream of sobbing bitterly in a dream?

There is a contradictory interpretation of the dream, that is, tears are a symbol of imminent joy. Thus, crying a lot in a dream means that in the future you will hear good news that can change your life.

If the sleeper has conflicts in real life and faces great difficulties, then sobbing and tears symbolize subconscious fatigue, allowing you to throw it out in a dream in order to get relief in real life.

  • If a lonely man dreamed that a beautiful girl or woman was crying next to him, then this is a dream that means future new acquaintances that can change life for the better.
  • If a businessman or a person working in the field of trade sees in a dream that people around him are crying, then big losses are inevitable, and his career may crack.
  • If you dreamed that your mother was crying, it means it’s time to change your lifestyle. It is quite possible that everything is fine with you, but from the point of view of higher powers, you are living completely aimlessly and incorrectly.

A sobbing bride in a dream means protracted problems on the personal front and in love affairs.

Why dream of crying a lot in a dream for a dead person?

Crying at the grave of a person who has already died or a deceased person is a good sign. In such a dream, you get rid of the hardships of real life, negative thoughts and emotions. You let go of the deceased, thereby leaving only kind and good memories in your life.

But if a dead man cries bitterly in a dream, you should be wary. Such a dream promises troubles and conflicts and is of a warning nature. The sleeper may behave aggressively or rudely towards other people; this needs to be changed urgently.

If the person who died cried in his sleep and left, then he gave you the go-ahead for a calm and successful life.


Dream Interpretation Cry
  • If you cried bitterly in a dream, life will soon give you a reason for joy and carefree fun.
  • Your affairs will go smoothly and end in success. If you show enterprise in your work, the results will exceed your wildest expectations.
  • Perhaps your rival will interfere with your cordial union, but, having lost your beloved being, you will be consoled by the fact that you will find a wonderful friend, benevolent and passionately loving you.
  • After such a dream, you will soon be convinced that the clouds passing over your head do not portend trouble.
  • If in a dream you heard the pitiful crying of other people, it means that joy will soon visit the house of your beloved friends. The dream foretells them great joy that you will share with them.
  • The bitter crying of other people often foreshadows a happy wedding.

Dream Interpretation:

Loff's Dream Book

In a dream see Cry
  • We often cry in our sleep. Crying, as a rule, is a person’s response to the influence of images or people appearing in a dream. Crying in a dream, you are not crying in the literal sense of the word, as in reality. You are simply overcome with a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes. In this case, follow your sleep. Emotional release has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this release at every opportunity. However, you must identify the TRIGGER EVENT that triggered the relevant emotion.
  • Who made you cry?
  • Did you cry for a specific reason or was it just a general release of emotional tension?
  • What did you feel after crying: relief or heaviness?




Why do you dream about crying in your sleep?

  • Crying a lot - the dream is interpreted the other way around - in life you will be given many reasons for fun.
  • Crying heavily to other people in your dream is a sign of a happy wedding.
  • Crying tears with someone means happy events, gifts, congratulations.
  • Crying tears over a person who is far from you means something bad could happen to him.

Why do I dream that I cry - especially if loudly - to joyful events in life.

Why do I dream that I am crying in my sleep - there could be such a dream as an quarrel, a scandal that will really end in tears.


Why do you dream about crying in the fall?

  • Cry - Crying for some reason in a dream means rejoicing in reality.
  • Cry bitterly - Cry bitterly in a dream - have fun in reality.


Why do you dream about Crying, interpretation of sleep:

Crying in a dream - Rejoicing, consolation; crying, hearing a pitying voice is joy, news // they are sad for you; wiping away tears is a consolation.


Why do you dream about Crying, according to the dream book interpretation:

Crying - In a dream, it foreshadows joy and consolation in reality.


Why do you dream about crying in your dreams?

  • Cry - Comfort; someone is crying - good news.
  • Crying - To joy.
  • Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream is a sign of relief.


What does it mean to dream about and how to interpret Crying?

Cry - Cry yourself - Your worries will soon dissipate. In reality, good news awaits you. See someone crying - Trouble may happen to a person from your close circle, but you have the power to prevent it. Take a closer look at who needs your help


Why dream of Crying over the Holy Quran and Sunnah:

Crying - Crying in a dream means joy, and laughing in a dream means heavy thoughts and sadness.


Why do you dream about crying?

  • Cry – We often cry in our sleep.
  • Crying, as a rule, is a person’s response to the influence of images or people appearing in a dream. Crying in a dream, you are not crying in the literal sense of the word, as in reality. You are simply overcome with a feeling of compassion and pity for the touching scene unfolding before your eyes.
  • In this case, follow your sleep. Emotional release has a cleansing effect on the psyche, so try to take advantage of this release at every opportunity. However, you must identify the TRIGGER EVENT that triggered the relevant emotion.
  • Who made you cry? Did you cry for a specific reason or was it just a general release of emotional tension? What did you feel after crying: relief or heaviness?


If you dream of Crying, what does this mean these days?

Family joy


Dreaming of Crying, why?

Unexpected news, great joy; to see people crying - you will do a dirty trick on a loved one.


Why cry in dreams, interpretation:

Your emotions require an outlet and you have to throw them out: there is a quarrel or a scandal with tears ahead, or laughter until hiccups; the drinking party will end sadly.


To see Crying in a dream, why do you have a dream?

  • If you cry in a dream with someone, the dream foreshadows celebration, congratulations with gifts.
  • Dress in mourning clothes. - It foretells an appointment, not a position.
  • You cry out loud. - Foretells a joyful event.
  • Grief and tears for a person from afar. - Foretells misfortune.
  • You cry sitting on the bed. - Portends great misfortune.
  • A man is crying, baring his teeth. - There will be rivalry, litigation.


Why do you dream about Crying in a dream book?

Seeing Cry in Autumn – Family Joy


Why do you dream about crying in the summer?

  • Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream - to the manifestation of violent emotions.
  • You will cry - Comfort and joy
  • Crying bitterly - Crying bitterly in a dream - sadness about a lost friend.


Why do you dream about crying in spring?

  • Crying out loud - To the disease of the bloodline.
  • Crying out loud - To the catch.

To dream that someone is crying or to cry yourself is a sign of trouble that is inevitably approaching you. Perhaps this will be unpleasant news or a rather tangible loss for you (if you see a deceased relative in tears). A dream in which you see a stranger crying means that you will not find consolation for your grief in anyone.

Whether a night vision will come true depends not only on its content, but also on what day of the week and at what time of day the dream occurred.


Why do you dream if you had to cry in a dream?

The dream book associates everything that dreams of crying bitterly with the end of an unfavorable period. Anxieties and disappointments will turn out to be groundless, the obstacle in an important matter will be eliminated by itself, poor health will recede.

The dream book explains the dream in which you shed tears or cry as your need for consolation, understanding, and moral support. And you will certainly receive them in the very near future, and from where you did not expect.

Interpreting what it means to cry in a dream, the dream book often mentions profit, which is symbolized by the tears on the face of the crying person. An unexpected income will come in very handy and will greatly please the dreamer. There is still justice in life!

  • To understand what it means to cry in a dream, the dream book turns to the personality of the dreamer. According to the interpretation, a joyful meeting and a truce await the separated lovers; past differences will seem insignificant, or even disappear altogether.
  • Anyone who happens to cry a lot in a dream will be consoled by fate itself in the near future. For example, the fulfillment of a desire that hitherto seemed like a pipe dream or simply an extremely successful coincidence of circumstances.
  • When a dreamer has to cry in a dream from resentment, in real life he has the right to count on recognition and honor. It will not do without material rewards, congratulations and a festive celebration in honor of the one who had to cry.
  • If you cried bitterly in a dream, one of the interpretations foretells unexpected success in business or a steep climb up the career ladder. Dreamers who do not deal with commerce will also have good luck in their field of activity, for example, in study.
  • Since you happen to see yourself crying in a dream, remember the reason that brought you to tears. If, according to the plot of the dream, you burst into tears because of the actions of other people, then in reality you may face troubles coming from them.

Competent interpretation

The interpretation of a dream in which one had to cry or sob in a dream often depends on the plot and the mood of the person crying. The dreamer may encounter a problem unresolved in a dream in reality. Tears can also represent the weight of negativity that you have managed to shed.

  • If you had to cry at a wedding, especially at your own, the dream may directly indicate the likelihood of linking your fate with an unloved person. It doesn’t matter what guides you: carelessness or hopelessness, such a union will not bring happiness.
  • A dream in which you cry in a dream from happiness should be taken literally. What made you shed tears of joy is your true aspirations, one might say, the meaning of your life. Pay attention to the details of the dream, they contain clues about what you really need.
  • When you cry in church in a dream, in real life you will be invited to a gala event as an honored guest. Perhaps you will soon find yourself among the godparents or witnesses at the wedding, or even among the heroes of the occasion.

Why do you dream about other people crying?

If you happen to see a crying person in a dream, know that one of your relatives, friends or people dear to you is in dire need of your company right now. The dream book claims that this is a dream that you can trust.

A dream in which you had to console a crying person promises someone close to you great joy, which will directly or indirectly affect you. In any case, you can be sincerely happy for the other person.

Explaining why a crying child dreams, the dream book suggests remembering whether you saw a crying baby or only heard a child cry. In the first case, you will experience disappointment, and in the second, a surprise awaits: good news or a pleasant meeting.

  • When in a dream you saw or heard a baby crying, the dream book believes that this is a good sign, a harbinger of good news. In the near future you will receive a letter or find out in another way about something you are very interested in.
  • If there is a small child in the house, everything that a crying boy dreams of can be considered nothing more than a reflection of current events: children tend to cry sometimes. For those who in reality have no connection with children, the dream promises additional troubles and anxiety.
  • When you see in a dream that a man is crying, paradoxically, joyful news or an event awaits you in reality. Worries will be in vain, what bothered you will not cause harm - this is what you dream about when a man has to cry, the dream book reassures.
  • The dream book often associates the dream of a crying man, who is unlikely to cry in reality, with positive changes in his professional activities. Don’t let a new job or a sharp rise in your career scare you - what you see in a dream indicates that you are ready for this.

About my father

If you dreamed that your father was crying, the dream book interprets such dreams as a reflection of your inner state. Recent unexpected events have literally knocked the ground out from under your feet; you are frightened by the unpredictability of the world around you, in which there is so little stability.

When you dreamed about your dad crying, the dreamer should be prepared for the fact that his worldview will soon cease to be the same. In the near future, we will see with our own eyes what previously seemed as impossible as the very fact that dad is capable of crying. Upcoming events may force the dreamer to seriously reconsider his views.

When you see your husband crying in a dream, the dream in this way is trying to focus your attention on little things that you do not attach importance to in everyday life. Most likely, you have noticed that your husband is preoccupied or upset about something. There is a high probability that your relationship or family well-being is at risk, warns the dream book.

If you saw your son crying in your dream, the dream book believes that right now he needs your support or advice, not daring to actually cry into his vest. Spend time together on a walk or have an intimate conversation.

  • When you dream of a stranger crying, the dream book reminds you that such wonderful qualities as unselfishness and the ability to empathize are not always appreciated by those around you. It is possible that someone intends to take advantage of your kindness.
  • Why do you dream of a crying guy whom you know well? The dream book explains it with the need for emotional release. It is quite possible that he is simply tired of being left alone with his problems, but you only guess about this in a dream.

Ex-boyfriend in tears

If you dreamed about your ex-boyfriend crying, the dream book promises that your disagreement will be resolved in the most incredible way. In the near future, it will become clear that the cause of your quarrel was just an annoying misunderstanding.

When you dream about your loved one crying, the dream book warns of a possible brewing conflict. A careless word or a misunderstood statement can lead to a serious quarrel and mutual disappointment. Women's flair and wisdom will help smooth out rough edges.

  • Explaining why a crying girl dreams, the dream book first of all draws attention to her appearance. A girl who is attractive even when she cries portends good news. If you dreamed of an unpleasant, emaciated person, the news may be disappointing.
  • If you see your ex-girlfriend crying in a dream, it is quite possible that you will be able to, if not renew the relationship, then at least overcome the bitterness of separation. The dream book promises that only warm memories will remain with you, and in reality there will be nothing to cry about.
  • Since you happen to see a crying woman in a dream, you will not be able to avoid making new acquaintances, many of which will turn out to be very interesting, the dream book promises. If you already know a woman who had to cry in a dream, you can be happy for her: a favorable period awaits this woman.

Mom's tears

Everything that you dream about your mother crying in your sleep is regarded by the dream book as a transparent hint that the time has come to think about your lifestyle. Your mother is concerned about your health and how your personal life is going, perhaps with good reason.

Interpreting why a crying mother dreams, the dream book mentions possible problems in communicating with others, difficulties in relationships with the opposite sex, and instability. Another option is also possible: an overly cheerful lifestyle often creates a feeling of emptiness in the soul.

  • When you see your friend crying in a dream, take this dream as a warning that someone around you is hiding their true intentions towards you. This is not necessarily your friend who happened to cry in her sleep.
  • If you happened to see a crying daughter in a dream, the dream may have a completely straightforward interpretation. Your daughter may indeed have problems that she is in no hurry to share with her family, however, you can guess about them.
  • The dream book considers a dream in which a daughter is crying to be a harbinger of a series of significant and impressive events. Will you be pleased with what is happening or not? It really depends on which side you look at these events from.
  • What you dream about when an unfamiliar girl cries should be understood as a call to take care of yourself. The dream book mentions possible health problems or chronic fatigue, which also will not bring any benefit to the body.

I dreamed about my wife

If you dreamed about your wife crying, the dream book advises you to prepare in advance for unforeseen difficulties in business. There may be problems at work or prolonged paperwork. What you see in a dream foreshadows only temporary difficulties, but not complete collapse.

  • The dream book interprets a dream in which a grandmother cries as a harbinger of injustice that threatens you. Try not to be too upset if you are presented with undeserved reproaches or accusations of something to which you are not involved.
  • The dream book explains why a crying bride dreams of a recent streak of bad luck on the personal front. The lack of stunning success among the opposite sex is not yet a reason to exchange yourself for the first people you meet and unloved.
  • Interpreting why you dream about your rival crying, the dream book assures you that you will prevail over her. In reality, some woman is trying to cross your path and make you cry, however, she will not succeed.
  • If you dreamed of your sister crying, be on your guard: you may be drawn into a quarrel out of nowhere or a heated argument about nothing. Even if you manage to come out on top in this verbal duel and demonstrate your superiority over your opponent, it will not bring you much joy.

Why do you dream if you had to cry for the deceased or see a crying dead person in a dream?

If a person who is actually dead cries in your dream, the dream book is a little afraid for you. You risk provoking a serious conflict, as a result of which you will make an enemy or ruin your relationship with a person dear to you.

The dream book recommends taking what a crying dead person dreams about as a warning. With a high degree of probability, we can assume that many of your troubles are your fault, or rather, one of your character traits. If you are able to recognize it and correct it, you will be less likely to have to cry in reality.

  • If a dead person cries in a dream, and then you see him leave or disappear, this turn of events completely changes the interpretation of the dream. The dream book regards such a plot as a good sign, foreshadowing well-being and prosperity.
  • If you happen to cry at a funeral in a dream, the dream book reassures that you cried all the tears in your dream, and in real life you are left with only positive emotions and joyful excitement.
  • When you happen to cry at a grave in a dream, the dream book connects this dream with your decision to irrevocably change something in your life. You realize that it cannot continue as before. If you haven’t guessed what it’s about yet, the plot of the dream will tell you.
  • When you have to cry in a cemetery in a dream, the dream book sees in your dream the symbolism of the beginning of a new life. Grandiose changes await you, which you could not decide on for so long. Well, in this case they come to you themselves.

What other dream books say

Often, dream books from different world cultures can interpret the same dream image differently. Here is the Muslim interpretation: crying in a dream means you will experience great joy in reality.

According to Vanga’s dream book, crying in a dream happens to those who are about to experience vivid emotions in reality. Which ones exactly are not specified. The range of possible impressions is quite wide: from great joy to serious shock.

Among popular interpreters, Miller’s dream book stands apart: crying in a dream, in his opinion, is not good. In real life, the dreamer will also have to shed a lot of tears. Miller's dream book considers family problems to be the most likely cause of crying.

Hasse's dream book warns that if in a dream you decide to calm a crying person, in reality you can cause trouble to this particular person. It is unknown whether you will do this inadvertently or whether circumstances will force you.

There is also an esoteric meaning of the dream: the dream makes those who are planning a party in the near future with an abundance of booze on the table cry. The dream book is trying to warn that this time the holiday may end in tears.

Animals and religious objects can cry too

Since anything can happen in a dream, and even inanimate objects can cry, the dream book offers an interpretation of what a crying icon means in a dream. It turns out that such dreams are unwise to ignore: they often signal an impending disaster or illness. Try to anticipate and prevent danger.

If you dreamed that a dog was crying in a dream, it means that the enemy clearly did not calculate his strength by contacting you. Your invulnerability will infuriate him. The more noise he makes, the more he will harm himself. You will even feel a little sorry for him.


What made you shed bitter tears?

An important point that must be taken into account. Remember in what emotional state you woke up from this “tearful” dream.

Usually, in most cases, after crying in a dream, we wake up in a good mood, as if liberated, and melancholy or anxiety often goes away.

If you felt good in the morning, after a dream, know for sure that this dream in which you had to cry does not bode well, and even if the dream book warns of a possible danger, then its probability is low, and you will definitely cope with difficulties.

But be on your guard - after all, if after such a dream you seem to have an unpleasant and heavy aftertaste in your soul, you feel anxiety for no reason - perhaps you should adhere to a cautious and quiet lifestyle, take care of yourself, and not take risks. One way or another, take into account both the information from the dream book and your feelings.


  • 1. If in such a dream you clearly and distinctly saw your own face, bathed in tears, interpreter Vanga regards such a dream as a harbinger of imminent changes, good news. Perhaps you will receive good, kind news from a person from whom you have not been able to wait for news for a long time.
  • 2. Cry in a dream strongly, bitterly, sobbing, from great resentment or pain - such tears are unpleasant and heavy. But in reality they promise joy, bright events, the kindness of others and the favor of fate!
  • 3. Such a dream, in which you had to cry not alone, but shed tears with someone else, for example, with a faithful girlfriend or sister, foreshadows noisy celebrations, fun, gifts and a lot of pleasant bright moments. Get ready to experience joy!
  • 4. Crying loudly in a dream - such a dream, according to the interpreter Vanga, foreshadows a great joyful event that will lead you to complete delight. You won't even expect it, but you will be incredibly delighted!
  • 5. If in a dream you cried in your bed, flooding your pillow with tears, a disease awaits you, but not a dangerous one. And it will lead to cleansing, getting rid of something unnecessary accumulated in the body.
  • 6. If in a dream you tried with all your might to hold back your tears and not burst into tears, this is not very good - it speaks of alienation, deliberate loneliness. Are you shielding yourself from communication and not opening up to people?
  • Why, and does it make your life happier? Know that this can lead you to sad, even irreparable consequences.
  • 7. As Vanga’s dream book says, if in a dream you mourn a person who died in a dream, but is alive in real life, this promises great happiness for that very person, a good fate, health until old age.
  • And you will also have peace and a very good relationship with this person. He will never become your enemy, know this.
  • 8. But if you mourn a deceased person in your dream, and he has already really left the world of the living in reality, this is a good dream for you.
  • It foreshadows cleansing, forgiveness of past sins, and generally getting rid of the burden of the past. Enter into a good, bright, new life without doubt, boldly and with a clear conscience, and do not be afraid of anything.
  • 9. If you cried in a dream from joy or happiness, this foreshadows in reality the resolution of some long-standing problem.
  • 10. Repentance, guilt, recognition of one’s wrongness in a dream, and tears about this is a wonderful, spiritual dream. He talks about the cleansing of your soul, conscience, a new level of life and spiritual development. You are moving to a qualitatively new, higher and purer level of development of your own consciousness.
  • 11. If you cried in a dream without tears, according to Vanga’s dream book, this speaks of some unfinished business that prevents you from living fully and working productively. Think about what it is - and follow through!

Don’t be afraid to cry both in your dreams and in reality if you feel the need. After all, sincere tears cleanse and release from strong internal tension.

But at the same time, look at the world more positively, be more optimistic - and there will be fewer and fewer reasons for tears!

Grievances make you shed tears in your sleep

If you find yourself crying in a dream from resentment, this probably foretells that in the near future you will begin to have carefree fun or someone will give you good news. Everything planned before crying in a dream will definitely come true. It is also worth noting that the harder and louder you cried in your sleep, the more you will rejoice in reality.

According to the esoteric dream book, such a dream symbolizes the fact that you have accumulated a lot of both bright positive and dark negative emotions that need to be thrown out, that is, to get emotional release. It will be possible to throw out emotions in the near future with laughter or tears, but still with tears of joy, not disappointment.

Crying in a dream from resentment has different meanings depending on the environment. For example, crying from resentment with someone means that you will soon attend a noisy celebration. Crying alone portends great, unexpected joy in speed. Trouble and bad weather are foreshadowed by crying in a sitting position, so you need to be wary of such a dream. While crying, you bare your teeth - this means that competition awaits you on all fronts of life.


Inconsolable despair

If in a dream you burst into tears for no reason, what is this dream for? As soon as you wake up, pay attention to the weather outside the window. Often crying simply out of sadness for no reason means bad weather, a sad mood, just falling raindrops outside the windows. However, despite this, your premonitions will not be confirmed and your loved one will surprise you with an unexpected call or your friend will remind you of herself. Crying inconsolably is a sign of a sad change in weather that will force you to cancel your picnic and outdoor recreation and you will suffer from boredom. But if the next day after sleep is a work or school day, this is a sign of joy, and an unexpected one, from which you will simply dance with delight.

  • Crying yourself in a dream on the street in the rain means it’s time to rest. Work on this day will not go well and you will not know where to escape from boredom. Girls have a vision of how to roar very loudly and out loud in a dream - to sing in reality.
  • But in some cases this means that the dream will repeat itself and someone will greatly upset you.
  • But we are not talking about loss or strong feelings, but about grief and sadness; sometimes the dream book foretells you annoyance over a missed chance, which will not give the dreamer big changes.
  • However, if a girl is very worried about broken love, loud crying in a dream and a sea of ​​tears means finding unexpected consolation.
  • This is a good sign, especially if she cried falsely and theatrically. In reality, a very unexpected turn of events will await her, which will dispel anxiety and an unfavorable mood.

Good news

In them, the crying sounds quiet, but sometimes the sobbing becomes very strong and even unnatural, on the verge of hysteria. At the same time, dreams come not when cats are scratching at the soul, but during calm and neutral events. This is how the dream book interprets a vision when you dream that you have to cry without real reasons and prerequisites.

Why did you dream in a dream if a woman cried, although there was no reason to do so? The dream book interprets such a dream as a sign of great and unexpected joy, or, on the contrary, great grief. But in any case, everything will no longer go as usual. In some cases, the dream book writes that this means a large sum, a transfer, a parcel, or even the receipt of an inheritance. This is a very rare and favorable sign that cannot be seen in a dream every day. However, if there were mourning elements, a coffin, an obituary or artificial flowers, such a dream does not mean anything good. After this, tears and bad news will indeed await you.

Why dream of crying your eyes out in the theater or at work? Expect unexpected joy, an invitation to visit, to a wedding party or a housewarming party. Especially if there was a lot of money and elements of luxury in the dream. Don’t be afraid or think about what you dreamed about if your house was robbed and everything valuable was taken away - this is the happiest omen.

After it, you should expect unexpected and wonderful changes, for a woman - the appearance of a new admirer who will fall in love with her like a boy and will delight her with bright and pleasant gifts.

The dream book writes that you will receive a letter that will greatly please you or news about a loved one. It will be unexpected and bright

It is possible that a man will propose to you after a long period of uncertainty.

When tears are not a joy

If during your dreams you saw many moments of mourning, black paper flowers, a coffin, a deceased person in it - this is a very bad sign. Most often, the dream book writes the meaning that someone who looks like a dead person will die during sleep or a person will simply get married, which will cause a lot of tears in the dreamer and deal her a big blow. For men, such a dream often promises an invitation to a wedding, a wake, or seeing someone off on their last journey.


Almost every person experiences some kind of “visions” during sleep. We dream of people, places, events, some objects or phenomena. Most often, a person sees a dream in the first person and in the morning forgets most of the dream. Some dreams affect emotions and can be very realistic. Today, scientists cannot say for sure why dreams occur, but there are several good theories that explain this phenomenon.

Why does a person sleep

First, let's figure out why we need sleep at all.

Sleep is a natural state of the body that includes several cycles. During this period, brain activity is reduced, as is the reaction to external stimuli.

For a long time, the mechanism of the sleep state and the reason for dreaming were under a veil of secrecy, and scientists from different times made assumptions based on their conjectures. Modern technologies have made it possible to study the human brain during sleep, and people have received answers, although only to some questions.

Until now, many people believe that sleep is necessary for the rest of the brain and the body as a whole. But back in the 20th century it became clear that this is not entirely true: During sleep, brain activity is only 10-15% lower than during light sleep, and the muscles can easily rest simply by being at rest. So why do we spend almost a third of our lives in a special state of sleep?

Today, this physiological phenomenon is considered not as just rest, but as a mechanism of self-regulation of the body. In the state of sleep, memories are systematized, the psyche is unloaded, stress levels are reduced, cells are renewed and toxins are removed.

What happens if you don't sleep

It is during the period of REM sleep that a person sees vivid dreams, some of which can be recalled in the morning. Each stage replaces each other several times, while their duration is uneven, and REM sleep gradually takes more and more time.

In ancient times, dreams were perceived as encrypted messages from the other world, containing information regarding a person’s future. “Knowledgeable” people () helped decipher these messages. Over time, dream books appeared, which are still popular today.

However, with the development of psychology and physiology, new views on this phenomenon began to appear, reflected in several theories.

Theory 1: Dreams are images of human desires

The famous psychotherapist Sigmund Freud suggested that in dreams a person sees repressed desires and hidden aspirations. The subconscious seems to communicate with us through dreams. Sometimes this is an exact image, and sometimes it is veiled in some symbols (images).

Freud believed that discussing dreams with a psychotherapist can help resolve a person's internal psychological problems. He even wrote a book, The Interpretation of Dreams, where he talks about typical symbols in dreams that can have similar meanings for different people.

According to Freud, dreams have hidden meanings

Theory 2: Features of the brain

But the eminent psychiatrist John Hobson, on the contrary, said that dreams do not carry any meaning. He studied exactly how dreams arise from a physiological point of view. It turned out that random signals from the brain stem lead to a vision of a plausible reality.

The brain tries to somehow interpret random impulses and puts them into certain plots. He often takes memories as a basis.

Interesting fact! It has been experimentally proven that mammals such as cats and dogs also experience dreams.

Theory 3: Constant activation

Psychiatrist Zhang Jie agrees that nerve impulses lead to dreams. But in her opinion, they are not accidental.

During sleep, the brain systematizes memories, and at the moment they move from short-term memory to long-term memory, they can be partially activated, and we see dreams.

Dreaming may be a consequence of the brain working at night

Theory 4: Threat Modeling

This is a rather unusual explanation for why we dream. It is believed that this ability was inherited by man from ancient ancestors, who, with the help of dreams, could imitate potentially dangerous situations.

In fact, dreams are a protective biological mechanism that allows you to “train” to survive threats. Modern man does not have such a dangerous life as his ancestors, so it is believed that the functions of dreams have changed a little. Hence the next theory.

There was a period when it was believed that sleep was a painful condition arising from accumulated poisons in the human body.

Theory 5: Natural selection of thoughts

Psychologist Mark Blancher suggests that situations that the brain models during sleep, allowing it to choose the best emotional reactions. He remembers them and uses them in real life.

That is, in this case, we also train, but taking into account what most often happens in our modern life.

Interestingly, a special type of sleep is lucid dreaming when a person realizes that he is dreaming, and sometimes even controls the dream. Some researchers are convinced that anyone can master this with proper training.

Be sure to check it out video with interesting information about dreams:


While no theory is generally accepted, they suggest that dreams arise from impulses in the brain and are possibly formed from memories.

Of course, if a person sees excrement in a dream, he is unlikely to wake up in a good mood. But there's really no reason to be upset. Indeed, in most cases, shit in a dream foreshadows a quick profit. Moreover, this will happen unexpectedly for you and may, for example, be associated with receiving an inheritance or winning the lottery.

Why do you dream about a lot of shit?

If you are interested in why you dream about a lot of shit, then you can connect this fact with the amount of cash receipts. That is, the more excrement you see in your dream, the greater the unexpected profit.

Alternative interpretation of sleep

But there are also alternative interpretations and, of course, this must be taken into account when analyzing a dream with excrement. Many dream books associate such a dream with the internal state of a person.


    Dried excrement indicates that in real life a person feels a lack of attention from people close to him and suffers greatly from this; Fresh shit is a reflection of a prosperous and harmonious life; Children's shit predicts that there will soon be a new addition to the family.

Excrements of various animals

If you dream of animal excrement, then in this case dreams can be interpreted in different ways. The following possible interpretations should be considered:
    Cat excrement can predict that there will soon be betrayal in your environment; Dog shit portends reliable support for a friend in a difficult situation; Horse manure predicts a long trip in the near future; Excrement of small rodents emphasizes the fact that real life on the way to the goal can obstacles will arise.
It is not a good sign if you eat cat excrement in a dream. Such a dream foreshadows possible bankruptcy. Mouse excrement also has an unpleasant interpretation, as it indicates that your favorite thing will be spoiled.

When interpreting a dream, it is very important to take into account the actions that are carried out with excrement. Almost all popular dream books, for example, Miller and Loff, indicate that getting smeared with shit in a dream is a very good sign, since it promises quick enrichment. If you managed to quickly wash yourself in a dream, then the profit will be small. To be slightly soiled with shit means to receive an expensive gift. As for Freud's dream book, feces that cannot be washed off warn that you may find yourself in an extremely awkward situation due to the fact that some secret of an unpleasant nature becomes known to you.

Why dream of eating shit in a dream?

Many people are interested in why they dream of eating shit. Such a dream predicts that in real life you will soon be faced with the hassle of organizing a big feast. But if you took shit into your mouth and spat it out, then most likely you will independently cope with all the minor misfortunes that overcome you in real life.

Location of feces

Also, the interpretation of dreams is related to the location of excrement:
    If the walls are plastered with them, then you should expect a joyful event; Shit on the ceiling indicates that you will soon have a rich patron.

According to Freud

The interpretation of a dream with shit in Freud's dream book is slightly different from other interpretations. In this case, seeing feces in a dream indicates the presence of serious personal problems due to which your soul is suffering. As a rule, the culprit of such a life situation is a person known to you, but it is with him that you least want to discuss the problem that has arisen.

According to Meneghetti's dream book, excrement in a dream also does not bode well in real life. Such a dream emphasizes the decline of all life values ​​that are very important to you. And if in a dream you eat feces, then you should expect big troubles. Dreams with shit are not interpreted entirely positively in esoteric dream books, since they foreshadow anxieties and worries associated with people close to you.

Dream Interpretation - bad meaning

Slipping on feces is a bad sign. This is a warning and indicates that you urgently need to change your outlook on life, otherwise you may suffer great losses. If you dreamed that you accidentally stepped on shit in a dream, then changes will come in your life. A large amount of excrement underfoot emphasizes that changes in life will be welcome and joyful. But the interpretation of such a reflection in Miller’s dream book is different. A scattering of feces under your feet indicates that you are disappointed in life, and you cannot earn the required amount of money to solve very important problems. It's fair to say that sleeping with feces is actually really unpleasant. And that is why it is important to know what this plot is about in a dream, because against the backdrop of unpleasant sensations after what you saw, your mood may worsen, and, therefore, the risk that you may have troubles in real life increases significantly.

according to the dream book of Nostradamus

A man sitting on a high rock means that in the distant future a great event will happen to the dreamer that will radically change his life. A meeting between a person and a stranger who has an animalistic look means a meeting with the Antichrist. Seeing an evil, despotic person in a dream is a sign that a tyrant will come to power and bring war, hunger and poverty to Earth. If you dreamed of a beggar, then big trouble will happen to you in the future, as a result of which you will lose your fortune, shelter and true friend. If you saw a large number of poor people in a dream, it means that many nations will face poverty in the future. Seeing a rich man in a dream is a good omen. A comfortable life awaits you in the circle of people close to you. Seeing many wealthy people in a dream means a happy life for the peoples of the whole world. If in a dream you saw a wounded person, it means that someone close to you will face a serious test, as a result of which this person will lose not only his shelter, material resources, family, but will also receive serious injuries.

Why do you dream about stubble?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book


The meaning of a dream about stubble

according to Freud's dream book

For women: if in a dream you touched a man’s stubble, it means that you really missed reliable men’s hands and the feeling of strength. What to do - life has decided to give you some lessons in independence.

Why do you dream of falling in love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

Why do you dream of falling in love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

an unexpected turn of affairs (depending on who you are in love with).

I dreamed about love

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a loved one in a dream means satisfaction with your current surroundings. Seeing that the love of others fills you with happiness foretells that successful management of affairs will give you contentment and freedom from everyday worries. If you find in a dream that love has passed or no longer evokes a reciprocal feeling, this means that you will be faced with a difficult question: would it be better for you to change your lifestyle or get married and achieve success in order to secure your future. For a husband or wife to dream that they love each other means great family happiness and cheerful, smart children who will bring them joy. Seeing loving parents in a dream foretells that you will develop integrity of character and constancy in your desire to achieve prosperity and position in society. In a dream, loving animals indicates contentment, although perhaps you yourself don’t think so; but after some time, fate will reward you with everything that gives you this feeling.

Why do you dream about love?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

around to the sleeping person - fortunately; you love yourself - a great reward; happy, lucky time; to a celebrity - deception; disease.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

If you dream that you are beautiful, then this is a sign that you will become ugly due to illness, and your body will weaken. Growing beauty may indicate death.

I dreamed about beauty

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing beauty in any form is extremely good. The beautiful woman of your dreams will bring pleasure into your life, and it is possible that lucrative business deals await you. If you dream of a well-built and beautiful child, this means mutual love and a happy union.

Why do you dream about beauty?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

landscape, view, painting, etc. - fulfillment of innermost desires.

I dreamed of a man

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a handsome, well-built and dexterous man in a dream means that you will fully enjoy life and take possession of your fortune. If the man you see in a dream is ugly and gloomy, you will encounter disappointments and many difficulties that will torment you. If a woman dreams of a very handsome man, she will gain fame and she will like it. If in a dream she is frightened by his repulsive appearance, then she will have unpleasant experiences because of the person whom she considered her friend.

Why does a man dream?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

A man, boyfriend or ex is pleasure (for a woman); for a man - a new thing depending on the appearance and behavior; (for a woman) - personal relationships; unfamiliar men - troubles or unforeseen events in a proven, well-coordinated business.

Why do you dream about a beard?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to see it growing is a sign of wealth (the same for hair on the legs); in curls - a quarrel with relatives; to cut your hair - monetary and personal losses; cutting another's hair means a quarrel; trim - to improve things; for a girl - a hasty marriage or relationship; for a married woman - to widowhood or loss of her husband; for a widow - to another marriage; for a pregnant woman - to the birth of a son; for a child - death; loss of a beard - a break in relationships, loss of property and honor; shaving yourself is a solution to worries in love; redhead - treacherous friends (yellow color - envy).

I dreamed about a beard

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a beard in a dream means that you will be opposed by some person alien to you in spirit, you will have a fierce struggle for power, and you will probably have losses in this struggle. A gray beard means failure and quarrels. Seeing a bearded woman means unpleasant encounters and a long illness. If someone pulls your beard in a dream, expect that you will be at great risk if you do not give up your property. Combing and grooming your beard means that your vanity will grow along with your wealth, making you extremely unpleasant to your former friends. If a young woman grooms her beard in a dream, the dream indicates her desire to break her vow of celibacy and fear of an unsuccessful marriage.

Why do you dream about being younger?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be mistaken or deceived; to troubles due to a recent acquaintance; for patients - to deterioration.

Why do you dream about pain?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

liberation in what the sore spot means.

I dreamed about pain

according to Miller's dream book

This dream is usually caused by physical reasons and does not need such an interpretation. Sometimes experiencing pain in a dream foretells that you will soon have to experience a great misfortune. If you see others suffering from pain, then this dream is a warning against a possible mistake.

Seeing pain in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Physical. Pain in dreams is an interesting phenomenon. Sometimes the trigger event is an uncomfortable sleeping position; This is your body's way of telling you, “Honey, turn over.” Moreover, the ability of the mind to produce physical stimuli corresponding to the events of a dream is amazing in itself. From an emotional point of view, dreams with elements of physical reactions are more realistic, or, more correctly, more real. Often pain sensations are related to a specific area of ​​bodily injury. Such sensations are most appropriate in dreams where bruises, infections or amputations are present, and the physical sensations are accompanied by visual images. Try to remember exactly where the pain was felt and compare this part of the body with the aspects of your life most closely associated with it. Was the pain caused by you, another person, an object? Is it caused intentionally or by accident? Was the pain so severe that it could lead to amputation, or was it simply inconvenient? Psychological. In dreams, we often encounter dilemmas that serve as sources of anxiety for the sleeper. Some things, the direct meaning of which is inaccessible to us, remain unknown as a result of introspection, since the traumatic effect of unraveling them can be truly destructive. If a dream is a source of psychological pain, it should be treated in much the same way as a dream in which physical pain is present. Is the pain so great that you need help, or does it only make itself felt as a result of something happening quickly? How often does pain occur? Does the pain get worse or stay the same? Do residual pain bother you in real life and how does it affect your daily activities? Do you feel like you have the knowledge and resources to deal with your pain on your own, or do you feel like your pain is rooted in your memory? Depending on the answers you give to these questions, you may need professional help to deal with the psychological pain you experience in your dreams.

Why do you dream about a hump?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

for yourself - a big win; for others - benefit, benefit; to see is joy.

The meaning of a dream about a hump

according to Freud's dream book

A dream about a hump symbolizes some kind of physical disability that prevents you from perceiving yourself positively. You constantly question your external data, and therefore behave constrained. This tightness even extends to intimate relationships and often causes coldness or aloofness on your part towards your partner. But it has long been known that in bed all the shortcomings are not only not noticed, but sometimes, with the wave of a magic wand, they turn into advantages.

I dreamed about a hump

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing a hump or a hunchback in a dream means unexpected complications in your plans for the future.

Why do you dream about anger?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

for a friend - benefit through him; to a stranger - unexpected good news.


according to Ayurvedic dream book

The one you are angry with in a dream is your best friend.

I dreamed of anger

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing someone's anger in a dream is an omen of great trials for you: you will be disappointed in people and break the bonds of friendship that bind you, which seemed strong to you. The dream foreshadows the machinations of your enemies, who will take up arms against you, threatening your property and reputation. Seeing angry friends and family, but maintaining composure yourself - such a dream promises you mediation in a quarrel between two close people, your wise intervention, which will turn out to be favorable.

Seeing nudity in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

Nudity in a dream is an important event. Often people report that in their dreams they were completely naked or dressed only in underwear. Such dreams often reveal our vulnerability, which is hidden under the seemingly impenetrable cover of self-confidence. This vulnerability comes from that part of our being that we hide from others. Concealment can be conscious, for example, hiding a taboo, or less conscious, based on our universal conclusion: if others know all the ins and outs of a person, then he will not be fully accepted and understood by them, moreover, he will be completely defenseless. The peculiarity of “naked dreams” is their reverse connection with the fairy tale about the king’s new dress. If you remember, the tale is about two tailors who persuade the king to stand naked at the throne, while his courtiers pretend to admire the “new dress”. In the end, only a little boy dares to voice the obvious - what everyone sees but is afraid to say out loud: “The king has no clothes.” In a nude or lingerie dream, you are fully aware that your outfit is either incomplete or non-existent, while others are completely calm about this. Once you start reacting to your nakedness, others notice it too. Your subconscious mind is tired of constantly maintaining your “facade”, which is your real, open self to society. Perhaps the time has come to make a comparative assessment of the usefulness of hiding some qualities as opposed to revealing new facets of your personality. Such an assessment can be universal and apply to all aspects of life or to an individual or interpersonal relationship that requires greater sincerity on your part. Undoubtedly, such a dream may have an exhibitionistic or sexual connotation and be a wish fulfillment or fantasy. Do you consider yourself open to others or do you take measures to hide certain aspects of your life? How do you feel about your body?

Why do you dream about nudity?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to be naked is illness, misfortune, trouble; completely naked - benefit; male - fear (for a woman); female - to illness; see Stripped; running naked - disappointment in love expectations; seeing a beautiful young naked woman means recognition; ugly and old - regret, repentance, a lot of personal grief; naked in a public place - the need for recognition; to see others naked - you will be happy.

I dreamed about nudity

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing yourself naked in a dream foreshadows a scandal and generally unseemly deeds. Seeing others naked is a sign that ill-wishers will try to lead you astray. Illness can hinder your success. If you dream that you suddenly notice your nakedness and are trying to cover it up, this means that your noble feelings will conflict with the thirst for illicit passions. If a young woman admires her own nudity in a dream, this foretells that she will achieve, but will not retain, the true respect of men. She will be lucky thanks to her charm. If she dreams that she is poorly built, her reputation will be tarnished by scandal. If she dreams that she is swimming naked in clear water, this means that she will enjoy secret love, but her own nature will take revenge on her with illness or loss of attractiveness. If she sees naked men bathing in clear water in a dream, she will have many admirers. If the water is dirty, a jealous admirer will cause malicious gossip about it.

The meaning of a dream about a disabled person

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a disabled person, this indicates that in reality you feel some kind of inferiority in yourself, and this circumstance prevents you from normally perceiving relationships with the opposite sex. You are haunted by the obsession that your current partner does not treat you as sincerely as he wants to show.

I dreamed about a disabled person

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing disabled people in a dream is a sign that foreshadows unpleasant partners who are encroaching on your interests. To dream that you are one of them foretells that unpleasant circumstances threaten you. If you dream of a person in a wheelchair, it is possible that this dream will be followed by famine and disasters, during which you will actively help those in need.

The meaning of a dream about a cripple

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed of a cripple who begs for alms, then such a dream reveals your attitude towards sex - you consider yourself a superman and the same superlover who bestows love on his loved ones. They all need your love and that's why you share it. Treat yourself easier. To see a crippled person in a dream - you feel offended, it will seem to you that you are not loved enough and are not given due attention. This time will quickly pass, and everything will fall into place. Seeing yourself crippled in a dream means that problems await you that will primarily affect family life. Perhaps now it seems to you that nothing foreshadows trouble, everything is fine, you are confident in yourself and your sex life. In fact, trouble has long crept into your home and, hiding, is waiting for the opportune moment when you are in the most complacent state - that’s when it will fall on you. Try to be prepared for the upcoming shocks. Watching many cripples means trouble. In general, this is not a good dream. It says that you are in great danger of contracting a sexually transmitted disease or having serious and sometimes insurmountable difficulties in communicating with the opposite sex, and all through the fault of the person who, as you think, treats you very well. Be attentive and careful, someone has seriously decided to ruin your life and will not spare anything for this. You need to check all the people you have connections with. The attacker will definitely give himself away.

Why do you dream about a cripple?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

unexpected help; forget the past; there are many cripples around - disappointment in friends and relatives.

Why do people dream about sick people?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

seeing yourself - to health; happy event; illness (fatal) - (literally) - a bad or fatal hobby; quick resolution of worries or desires.

The meaning of a dream about emotions

according to Freud's dream book

It is unusual to clearly express your emotions in a dream - you were counting on some person to carry out a certain plan, but at the very last moment he will let you down, and your relationship will give a serious crack. If you want to maintain your previous friendships with him, then be prepared for failure, but do not count on this person later. Hold back your emotions - soon you will find yourself in an unusual situation where you will not be able to openly express your feelings. Perhaps this is due to the fact that you and your partner will want to make love in some public place, when erotic screams and moans will cause a completely understandable reaction from others.

Seeing a cave in a dream

according to Loff's dream book

If you've ever watched the old TV series Kung Fu, you probably remember the impressive opening sequence: Grasshopper David Carre-dyne is in a cave; he grabs a smoking brand and burns the outlines of a tiger and a dragon onto his own skin. Thus, the initiation rite of a Taoist monk is completed. The cave is the archetypal place of initiation. Caves were the first hidden dwelling of man. Therefore, in our dreams we often experience a primal attraction to caves. Initiation is a term used by Jung to refer to the formation of the Self during growing up and the transition to maturity. Jung believed that in this case a person should go through a series of rituals, and they are performed in the cave. For centuries, caves have been considered a sacred refuge from the dangers of the outside world; a place where the power of the individual is strong in the face of uncertainty and impending danger. And although the cave has ceased to be the central image of human dreams, it still has its incarnations: small rooms with objects dear to our hearts from the past, cozy bedrooms or offices, basement workshops, other places of solitude and tranquility. In such a closed space you may encounter some obstacle, not necessarily threatening, but quite real. This imposed reality is created by the inner world of the cave. To be in peace with the object of this reality is to perform an act of initiation. Do you dream about leaving a cave? You may immediately feel one with the world. The peace you experience comes from a feeling of complete participation in the mysteries of nature, of belonging to the cosmos.

Why do you dream about a cave?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

exciting personal adventures (if included); you will be forgotten; strange relationship with a woman; for a woman - herself or her feelings, see Nisha; for a girl - a dubious marriage or relationship.

The meaning of a dream about a cave

according to Freud's dream book

If you dreamed about hiding in a cave, this suggests that in real life you are trying to isolate yourself from the sexual side of life by hook or by crook. The reason for this is your fear of repeating a mistake that you made in the distant past. You don't know what you're depriving yourself of. In addition, if you have a trusting relationship with your partner, he will not be able to hurt you.

I dreamed about a cave

according to Miller's dream book

To dream of a cave opening up before you in the mysterious moonlight means that you will have many difficulties and your success will be insignificant due to interference caused by enemies. There will be a health threat. Being in a cave portends changes. You may become distant from those who are very dear to you. For a young woman to sit in a cave with her lover or friend means that she will fall in love with a dishonest person and lose true friends.

Why do you dream about bones?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

lying skeleton - marriage to a doctor (for a woman) or a bad illness; danger of intrigue, conspiracy, unpleasant adventure (for a man); lying on the ground in a pile - failure, anxiety; gnawing with pleasure - trouble is on the nose.

I dreamed about bones

according to Miller's dream book

Seeing your bones protruding from your body means that the betrayal of imaginary friends is ready to strike your spirit. Seeing a pile of bones means hunger and harmful influences.

Why do you dream about a fool?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

seeing yourself crazy is good luck in a new venture; for the poor - to acquisition; for the patient - health; good news; seeing a madman is an unpleasant surprise.

Why do you dream about a fool?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

to good luck (it’s not for nothing that they say that fools are lucky).

Why do you dream about being naked?

according to Tsvetkov's dream book

(in underwear) - in a public place - unexpected honors, the higher the greater the nudity.

I dreamed of a fever

according to Miller's dream book

To dream that you are afflicted by this disease means that you are worried about trifles. At the same time, the best things in life are passing you by. You must pull yourself together and find something worthy of you. To dream that someone in your family has a fever means that someone close to you is slightly ill.

Why dream of crying in a dream? Such a dream is often interpreted in the opposite sense. The dream book states: joy, triumph, pleasant emotions, success at work lie ahead. But sometimes the plot promises discord with loved ones, difficulties, conflicts, troubles.

Miller's Dream Book:

Have you ever heard someone cry? Miller considers the vision a harbinger of reconciliation with household members or even family reunification.

Why does an entrepreneur dream of crying? There are temporary difficulties and obstacles ahead. For now, it is better to avoid big expenses and not start projects that require significant investments.

Did the woman cry a lot in her sleep? The sleeping woman will face discord with her husband and family troubles. For a girl, her sobs promise a quarrel with her beloved. The dreamer will be able to make peace only if she admits that she was wrong.

Interpretation according to Vanga’s dream book and others

Did you dream about such a plot? According to Vanga, this is a symbol of future joy or pleasant events. To see someone shedding tears means pleasant emotions await him. If you cried your eyes out, it means you will walk at the wedding.

According to Freud, a crying girl really wants to give birth to a child. This is how her subconscious desire for motherhood manifests itself.

Why do you dream of tears appearing in your eyes? The Islamic dream book is sure what they mean: the dreamer will be upset because of some action of his friend and will scold him in his heart.

Whose crying was seen in a dream:

  • a friend - someone will help overcome difficulties;
  • relative - he needs your support;
  • girls - health problems;
  • boy - failure in business;
  • infant - minor difficulties;
  • daughters - the problems she hides;
  • wives - difficulties are approaching;
  • husband - success at work;
  • mother-in-law - a fun holiday ahead;
  • grandmothers - injustice;
  • grandfathers are a big nuisance;
  • brother - reunion with loved ones;
  • sisters - you may be drawn into conflict;
  • deceased - you need to rethink your actions.

Did you dream about your parents?

Why do you dream that your parents were crying? The dream book explains: luck has turned away from you. Get ready to overcome unexpected obstacles.

Did you dream about a crying mother? Your family members are at risk of illness, this will cause a lot of trouble and worry.

Did you see your father crying in a dream? The dreamer's undertakings may be in danger of disaster. The plan wasn't as good as he thought.

The undertaking may fail due to the fact that the sleeper did not take into account all the details or possible circumstances. Measures must be taken to mitigate the consequences. And in future plans, take into account not only positive options.

Crying children and grandchildren

Did your daughter cry a lot in the dream? The dream book tells you: there are unpleasant events ahead that will interfere with business.

The meaning of a night dream in which an adult son cries is as follows: trials, quarrels, failures at work lie ahead.

Did your granddaughter cry? Financial difficulties are ahead, the financial situation will worsen. The grandson cried a lot, and you calmed him down? You are fine, don't give in to false alarms.

Why do you dream about other people crying?

Does the bride burst into tears in a dream? Failures in love have unsettled you. But this is not a reason to despair and rush to extremes.

Was there an elderly person present in such a dream? The plot foreshadows an unexpected pleasant meeting, perhaps with an old acquaintance or former colleague.

Why dream of seeing your boss cry? The dream book reports: soon you will be able to take his position.

In a night dream, was your friend so sad that he cried? In reality, problems will not be avoided. Plus, you might get sick.

What do the different circumstances mean?

Did you cry at your own wedding in your sleep? This means: you can free yourself from boring responsibility, a heavy burden of obligations.

Were you upset and didn’t notice anything - you walked in the rain and cried? The dream book states: you are too tired, it’s time to rest. The work won't be stressful, it's better to give yourself a rest.

Did you dream of hysterical crying when you couldn’t calm down? A period of serenity will begin; no major shocks are expected.

Hit the wall but couldn't cry? The plot promises family harmony, a happy marriage. Make peace with those you quarreled with.

Despair, grief

Why do you dream that you were so worried about your loved one that you cried? Be careful: resentment towards loved ones can cause disappointment.

Did you hear unpleasant news in a dream, cry, and everything inside turned upside down? According to the dream book, you have succumbed to groundless worries and doubts. They will go away on their own.

Did the sadness make you very upset? The interpretation of the vision is as follows: in reality there will be events that will please the sleeping person.

Laughter and tears

In the dream, at first you laughed so hard that your stomach hurt, and then suddenly burst into tears? Something will happen that will bring grief.

After the burst of laughter came real crying? An event will happen to which you don’t know how to react - it seems funny, but it’s unpleasant for you.

Reasons that upset you greatly

Remember what caused you to cry in your sleep:

  1. pain - good mood, good health;
  2. betrayal - your loved one is faithful to you;
  3. fear - free yourself from tormenting problems;
  4. grief for the deceased - to strong resentment;
  5. self-pity - a successful day is ahead;
  6. joy - good news;
  7. happiness - moments of joy will touch you.

Why dream about arguing with someone and crying from resentment? The dream book states: this is a shapeshifting vision. In reality you will be bombarded with compliments. If you quarreled with your family, you will sympathize with them in trouble.

Couldn't get down from the tall tree and cried? You have not fully realized your potential. Think through the ideas that come up.

Death and sadness

Mourning someone's death when in fact the person is alive? A complex problem associated with it will arise, and compromises will have to be sought.

Reliving the funeral of a loved one and saying goodbye to him while sobbing is a sign: the dreamer is ready to radically change his life.

There comes a time when you can change something in life. Don't miss it. You can no longer follow the usual path or live according to old views, so you must decide to change. Think carefully about your steps and take action!

What else do tears mean?

Did you pray and cry in repentance in a dream? The dream book is encouraging: you realize your mistakes or wrong decisions. You can correct mistakes.

If you cried loudly in church, some kind of solemn event will take place, where you will be present as an honored guest. You will be invited to a wedding, baptism or other celebration.

Your long sobs

Why dream of crying for a very long time - a whole month? In reality, this situation may repeat itself if you do not limit yourself to the limits of decency. Do not abuse alcohol, otherwise you will lose control of yourself in a difficult situation and there will be a reason to bitterly regret what happened.

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