Home Wisdom teeth How can you frame a person for an article? Rituals and conspiracies for protection from enemies

How can you frame a person for an article? Rituals and conspiracies for protection from enemies

The stronger the feelings, the harder it is to worry when something goes wrong. The pain from deceived love can be so strong that all thoughts are only about how to take revenge on a man for betrayal, lies or insult. This article will help you figure out whether you need to take revenge at all, what to think about before taking such actions, and what types of retaliation exist.

When to take revenge and when to forgive

First of all, wait until the first feelings subside. It’s better to wait for two reasons: firstly, hasty, thoughtless actions are dangerous. Secondly, you need to make sure that everything is over with this person. Sometimes it’s surprising what things girls can forgive their loved ones. But if you do bad things to your beloved before forgiving, then it will be much more difficult to return him back.

There is no point in trying to force someone who has left to return in this way. Even if we assume that this can be done in some incredible way, think: is it necessary? Why tie an unloving person to you?

It would be unfair to take action without fully understanding the situation. Sometimes circumstances develop in such a way that it is difficult to believe in the innocence of a loved one. But before making a categorical decision, it is important to make sure that reality is actually as it seemed at first. Even if a person caused pain, it would be right to understand the motives. Of course, in this case we are not talking about treason. But we cannot exclude cases when women overdramatize the situation: according to the wife, they wipe their feet on her, but in fact the husband simply accidentally walked on the freshly washed floor.

We need to think about how the situation will look from the outside. Some attempts to punish only spoil the reputation of the offended person. Girlfriends may tease him, saying that leaving feces under his door is cool, but it’s unlikely that anyone will consider such an act good.

Don't forget about legal liability. If after what you have done you have to find yourself in the dock, then it will become unclear who is worse off from what happened. In addition to the law, there is also moral responsibility, for the mental health of the child, for example. In addition, you need to act only if it is clear what to do next, how to live further.

How can you take revenge on a man?

The plan largely depends on what the person truly values. Usually, if people were a couple, it is not difficult to name the ex's values. Based on this, there may be several options:

  • deprive of property,
  • ruin your reputation
  • cause emotional pain
  • deprive one of peace.

The choice of plan will depend on what the person did to deserve the punishment and the consequences that may occur in a particular case. It would be correct to take into account the fact that some guys may respond in kind.

What is revenge in a love relationship?

Another type of punishment that is worth mentioning separately: when people are not going to change anything radically, they just want to help a man understand his feelings. We are not talking about serious misconduct here.

This can be illustrated by a situation where a guy often forgets that he promised to spend time with his beloved. In revenge, the girl promises something that her beloved will definitely be waiting for, and at the last moment “forgets” about it. When a guy experiences the whole gamut of emotions, you can simply say: “Now you better understand how I feel in such moments.”

Is it worth taking revenge on a person for betraying him?

The most common reason for retaliation has a more serious reason. Betrayal incinerates the soul from the inside, and it seems that only severe punishment will bring relief. If such a feeling does not go away over time and it was decided to break off the relationship, then what types of revenge can there be?

Most often, ladies resort to damaging property. They damage cars, entrance doors, and clothes. For some, it brings pleasure - to transfer the attitude towards a person to things and throw out the negativity through objects.

If the mistress is married, then the surest way is to inform this lady’s life partner about what happened. The deceived husband has the right to know about this.

If the relationship with the traitor is legalized, but it is impossible to forgive, then divorce and division of property will cause the ex a lot of trouble. The most important thing is to maintain an exclusively business tone, this will show that this person has really ceased to mean something.

You can teach the cheater a lesson with the help of other authorities. If the ex has his own business, then the tax office will be happy with information about hidden income or goods without invoices. And cockroaches bought at a pet store will amuse visitors to a cafe that belongs to the person of interest. If a person does not value family, then he probably values ​​work, and such a blow will be felt.

How to hurt a traitor

Some may find this insufficient. How to take revenge on a man by causing real pain? The advice is trivial, but true: become happy. Not to create an illusion on social networks, but to actually find joy in life. Traveling, language courses, hobbies - all this doesn’t require much money. In this way, you can achieve two goals at once: fill your mind with interesting and positive thoughts and make you regret it.

Maybe take a lover to annoy the departed? After this, the guy stops perceiving his ex as something of his own and feels disgusted. And this gives him a trump card: “That’s how terrible it is, how could you live with someone like that!” And yes, they will agree with him.

It’s a completely different matter if some time passed after the breakup, the one who was offended became happy and met someone with whom she could share it. Not for the sake of retribution, but for her own sake. Self-love and respect are an important point in how you can take revenge on a man for betrayal. You shouldn't do anything that could cause you to lose your self-respect.

How to punish if you are abandoned

I decided to rest, my feelings passed, I didn’t have enough fun, I met a new love... Loved ones leave for various reasons. This causes great pain, but what can you do, because it is believed that people have no obligations before marriage if there are no children or common property. How can you take revenge on the man who left you?

Many resort to damaging their reputation. To do this, they meet and try to make friends with a new lover (if they have one), and at the same time tell all the details of life with the guy. Even this fact itself will make the guy nervous. Other popular ways are to subscribe to him or magazines with specific (for example, homosexual) content, or call at work and ask him to urgently come to the venereal dispensary. The advantage of these methods is that it is not easy to prove someone's involvement in this.

Is it possible to somehow take revenge on a man who abandoned a pregnant woman? You can tell his parents that they will have a grandson. The main thing is not to start demanding something right away. Let them be imbued with sympathy, because this child is their own, and if they call with threats or demands, it will push them away. And then, when the grandparents calmly think about what happened, they will be able to influence their son in one way or another. You can also warn your new passion. And again, the main thing is to make the right impression: not an angry, hysterical ex (it’s clear why she was abandoned), but a sweet pregnant girl who was abandoned by her beloved.

Some use another method - magic. However, satisfaction can only be achieved through more tangible methods. In addition, there are a lot of charlatans who want to take advantage of such situations.

How to punish for cheating

People lie for different reasons. One of the most common is that a “single man” suddenly turns out to be married. How to annoy someone for such meanness?

You need to be very careful here. It is not at all likely that someone will believe that the mistress is a deceived woman. It will be easier for everyone to believe in deliberate interference in the family.

If the liar does not yet know that the deception has been revealed, it is really possible to deprive the deceiver of peace by pretending that the lie is about to be revealed. In the meantime, write a laconic letter to the deceived wife, remembering that the addressee is the injured party. Then, casually ask if the liar wants to tell his wife about the affair. And inform him that the letter has already been sent, but he has a chance to tell everything himself. It’s good if this conversation takes place not in private, but in a cafe or other crowded place. Then it’s better to leave, change contacts and send him to hopeless ignore.

How to punish for insult

Some men try to assert themselves by humiliating women alone or with friends, and then swear that this is the last time. You can’t believe this, it’s better to just break up. The most offensive thing for such a person is to find out that he turned out to be unworthy of this girl. The one whom he insulted and considered beneath himself.

70-80% of women who seek help from a psychologist have been offended by representatives of the stronger sex.

If the patient accepts help, then her condition, mood and life in general improves. The doctor will help you overcome the insult and give advice on how to direct your energy not to offend in return, but to how to become happy. After all, this is the main thing in how you can take revenge on a man for an insult.

Katya, Venev

Since ancient times, people have tried to look into the future in order to protect themselves from danger or prepare for one or another important event. Nowadays, interest in magic does not fade, but on the contrary, it is growing rapidly. All this is due to the huge amount of information available. Today, everyone who wants to get acquainted with magic can easily look on the Internet, read the spell of interest and perform the appropriate ritual. But not everything is as simple as it might seem. People who treat magic for fun or with ridicule can seriously harm themselves and their loved ones.

If you are seriously interested in black magic (to punish an enemy at home, or, for example, to take revenge on an offender), then read our article.


Today, many people are simply unable to forgive their offender. Every second person wants to harm him or cause unbearable pain. Having decided on revenge, he is ready to do anything to punish the culprit. Most often, black magic is used as punishment. It was indeed possible to punish the enemy at home. But almost no one thinks about what witchcraft can do in the hands of an incompetent person. Therefore, before resorting to the services of black magic, think: maybe you should forgive?

It’s another matter if a person interferes with your life, threatens you and your loved ones with violence, humiliates and insults you at every opportunity. This is where black magic comes to the rescue. Punishing an enemy at home is quite simple. The main thing is to believe in what is happening.

Revenge with needles and black thread

Carrying out this ritual will not only allow you to fully punish the offender, but also return all the negative energy to him. To do this, purchase a ball of black thread and two new sewing needles. It is important that one of them is thin and short, and the other is thick and long.

So, insert a small one into a large needle and wrap them with black thread at the intersection. Read the following plot:

“My needle is short, yours is long,

My deed is good, yours is evil,

I pierce the evil committed by you

and I return everything that was intended for me in a moment,

everything that was aimed at me, get it back

this moment and forever. Amen".

Insert the crossed needles into the offender’s doorway so that the small needle faces with its eye to the left. Read the spell again, only to yourself. From this moment the magic will begin to work. After some time, you will notice how your enemy's life will begin to change for the worse. This is how it works, punishing the enemy is not so difficult. The main thing is to remember the rule: do not tell anyone about what you did, even close people.

Revenge with coins

Take a one-kopeck and a two-kopeck coin and give them the name of your offender. If you don't know his name, use the word "villain."

Stand at an intersection, throw a one-kopeck coin in front of you and say the following words:

“The name (name of the offender) is villainous!”

Throw a two-kopeck coin in front of you and say:

"Paid double."

Turn to the left and go home.

What other conspiracies and rituals are hidden in black magic? You can also punish an enemy at home using a photo. We'll talk about this below.

Revenge on the offender using a photo

Wait until midnight, take chalk and draw a circle around you. Mark the cardinal directions. Place two red candles on the table. Place a photo of the enemy in the center of the circle. Then light the candles. Loudly call upon the spirits of all four elements. Then read the following plot, carefully peering at the photograph:

“I conjure you (name of the enemy) so that you disintegrate the way the trace elements of Air, Fire, Water and Earth disintegrate in Chaos. So that your thoughts (name of the enemy), like the rays of the pale Moon, are directed towards suffering and torment. So that you create your pain in your own imagination and follow this pain as if across hot stones. And may the spirit of evil hover over you (enemy’s name), like Water over the Earth.”

After reading the spell, thank the elemental spirits, erase the circle counterclockwise, and leave the candles to burn out until the end. The spell will take effect as soon as the candles burn out.

Many people are interested in the question of whether black magic is effective. It is quite possible to punish an enemy using a photograph if you really hate your enemy with all your heart.

Spell on nail and hammer

Can black magic at home resist the machinations of ill-wishers and enemies? In this case, punishing the enemy will not be difficult. So, take a hammer, a long nail and a flat stone. At night, with the curtains closed, light a candle. Place the point of a nail in the center of the pebble and hit the head with a hammer 3 times. Say the following words:

“Iron versus stone, sharp versus dull,

He who stands against him who lies down, strength in iron, weakness in stone,

To order one, to fall at the feet of another,

Everything is in my hands and my power.”

Do not hit the hammer too hard, otherwise you may break the stone. There should be a noticeable imprint of the nail on it. Throw the enchanted stone to your ill-wisher, and keep the nail at home. This item can serve as a talisman of superiority and power. The nail can also be used to take revenge on other enemies.

Witchcraft using holy water

What else can black magic do? You can punish the enemy (who offends you) in the following way. Take a mirror, holy water, a Bible, a clear glass. Lock the curtains and doors. Place the mirror on the table, pour holy water into a glass and place it on the Bible. It is important that Holy Scripture be reflected in a mirror.

There should be complete silence in the room. Light between the Bible and the mirror. When all conditions are met, sit in a chair, close your eyes and concentrate. Focus on the person who makes you angry. Feel the reflection of your revenge. After this, open your eyes and peer through the water into the mirror, while thinking only about the offender. Say the following words:

“Whoever exists and walks with good intentions will remain with them, and whoever holds evil, hatred in his heart and lives with a black soul, let him take back his evil; whoever walks with evil thoughts will choke on them.”

After performing the ritual, pour water under the threshold of the offender. After some time, you will see how his life will be destroyed and take on a darker and darker color. Soon you will notice how his mood will deteriorate, and everything planned will collapse.

What other conspiracies and rituals for revenge on the enemy does black magic have in its “arsenal”?

Punish the enemy for novice magicians using a photo and a black candle

Take a photo of the offender (it is better if it is no more than a year old). In the top left, paint three dots. Burn the lower right corner a little with a black candle. Next, the choice is yours.

If you want your enemy to get sick with an internal organ disease, then pierce the photo with a pin.

If you want the offender to catch a dangerous disease, pierce the image with a black needle.

If you want your enemy to writhe in pain, hit the photo with your fist.

If you want your ill-wisher to become an alcoholic or drug addict, burn the image with a cigarette.

To cloud the enemy's consciousness, you should fill the photo with red paint.

If you want the offender to receive a fracture or dislocation, then nail the image to the board.

It should be noted that when performing this ritual, one should experience enormous negativity towards the person (hatred, anger, disgust).

After performing one of the actions, read the following words:

"Pine boards, hard bed,

This is what awaits you, unfortunate (name of the ill-wisher).

If you come to bow to me and fall at my feet,

Then it will be easier for you

In the meantime, you’ll be tormenting yourself.”

The effect of the damage will continue until you change your attitude towards the offender. Basically, the spell is active from six months to three years. You can damage the enemy repeatedly, but you should remember that each subsequent ritual of black magic deprives you of your humanity and soul.

Dangerous black magic

It is also possible to punish the enemy on Easter. The ritual should only be performed when a person truly deserves to be tortured. If you are simply doing this out of envy or revenge, then expect the trouble to return tenfold. So, go to church on Easter. Buy a candle there and break it in thirteen places. At the same time, think about the enemy. Quietly, but not whispering, say the following words:

“Wait away! Get dry! Die!

Then light the candle on both sides and roll it into a ring, as if closing the existence of the ill-wisher. At the same time say:

“I close the life of the enemy (name).”

Throw a candle under the funeral table and leave without looking back. After that, go to the intersection, throw coins on the road and leave a bottle of vodka there.

Remember: everything you do can turn against you. Therefore, think carefully before doing harm to other people.

There are often situations in our lives that hurt so much or leave an unpleasant mark that it is simply impossible to get rid of the desire for revenge. The desire to take revenge for injustice is quite understandable and justified, but one should not forget about the articles of the Criminal Code and subsequent responsibility for the actions committed.

When wondering how to take revenge on a scoundrel, it is necessary to consider methods that cannot compromise you personally and will not lead to unpleasant consequences. Such methods of revenge can be called minor dirty tricks, which can significantly ruin the life of the offender, but at the same time soothe your wounded pride and satisfy your vengeful intentions.

How to properly take revenge on a person knowing his phone number?

Events that appeal to your sense of justice may be associated with fraud, with neighbors, with the betrayal of a friend or girlfriend. Let's say you were deceived or became a victim of a scammer. How can you take revenge on a person, knowing his phone number, without causing suspicion on yourself?

Revenge by phone number involves the use of various services and programs:

  1. Use a spammer auto-dialer. On the Internet, if you wish, you can find sites that offer programs for auto-dialing a phone number. When using such a service, the offender’s phone will receive calls endlessly hundreds of times a day with different settings - playing a certain audio recording, a voice message, disconnecting or holding the call on the line. This type of revenge is called “spoofing” or, more simply, a flood attack on a phone number. This type of revenge will not cause big trouble, but it will pretty much ruin the life and nerves of the offender. This service can be ordered either as a mobile or landline phone number, or via a Skype nickname.
  2. Order SMS flood to a phone number. A type of dirty trick that is similar to an auto-dialer, but instead of calls, the phone number will constantly receive messages of various contents. The text and frequency of SMS attacks are regulated personally using the program or by agreement with the company providing the services.
  3. Placing advertisements on various platforms for selling goods from hand to hand. Another way to take revenge on a person for an insult is to place an advertisement for the sale of, for example, a super-cheap car and indicate his phone number. Site visitors, greedy for cheap purchases, will be tormented with calls, at any time of the day or night.

The above types of revenge without personal confession cannot lead to you. Naturally, when establishing contact with site managers and when launching flood programs, it is better to access something other than your computer, your home or work network. It is better to use a one-time email address and carry out all actions in public areas with wireless Internet.

How to take revenge on a scammer if you know his phone number?

Perhaps one of the most cruel and dirty methods of revenge, which already borders on meanness, is the use of various dating sites. Perhaps, for minor offenders, minor nasty things will be enough, but if you have been seriously scammed, then you can go beyond the bounds of decency.

Submitting an ad on a dating site indicating intimate details or needs on behalf of your abuser and with his phone number will arouse great interest among a number of inadequate users who are active participants in such resources. Probably, after such interest, your abuser will have to change his phone number.

Revenge is a destructive feeling, but if the desire to get even cannot be gotten rid of through positive methods and self-hypnosis, you need to act. Next, we will tell you how you can take revenge on the person who offended you.

How to take revenge on a person for an insult?

Before you begin revenge, you should take into account the fact that when restoring justice, you cannot go beyond the law. This means that if, as a result of revenge, damage is caused to a person’s health or property, the avenger will have to bear responsibility. Therefore, it is advisable to choose methods that are effective, but completely legal.

Rules of revenge that are not advisable to break:

one should not go beyond the limits of justice - the damage must correspond to the damage caused;
you need to think about the consequences - revenge should not give rise to “blood” enmity;
you must act independently - you should not involve outsiders in revenge;
It is advisable to pause so that the offender calms down, and, besides, “Revenge is a dish that is eaten cold.”

The simplest and most effective way to take revenge is to respond in kind. If your spouse cheated, change in return by choosing a more successful and attractive man. However, it is worth considering the fact whether revenge will really bring pleasure or will it only bring bitterness and unpleasant sensations.

But if you don’t want to stoop to the level of the offender, you can start by ignoring him. Moreover, it must be ignored so that the person himself begins to doubt his material existence. This method is especially effective with those who were expecting a response, but received only icy indifference.

How else can you take revenge on the person who offended you: active revenge

One of the ways to take active revenge is to prove your own superiority. To implement it, you need to take a closer look at the offender and outline the points at which it is preferable to strike. There is no need to insult her to her face, just casually comment on the fashionista’s “grandmother’s” perfume, point out a mistake made in the report, and ridicule the bragging.

You can take revenge on the car owner in a variety of ways. For example, glue windshield wipers to the glass with superglue. Or coat the door handles with Vaseline or gouache, which are very difficult to clean. Finally, pour the used oil under the bottom of the front part of the car, then the owner will be tortured to look for a leak.

If the offender is worthy of big trouble, you can proceed to actions that, if the avenger is caught, can lead to proceedings with law enforcement agencies. For example, you can inject the contents of a chicken egg under the upholstery of a car with a syringe. After a few days, the smell in the cabin will be so disgusting that the seats will most likely have to be changed.

Another effective way to take revenge is to organize a barrage of spam on the phone and email of the offender. And to do this, you just need to sign him up for a variety of goods and services, best of all indecent ones. At a minimum, this will cause irritation, at a maximum - how to take revenge for an insult by overloading your computer and phone.

How to take revenge for an insult to your boss?

Revenge on the boss must be carefully thought out, otherwise the consequences may be undesirable for the avenger. If the boss is incompetent, but is accustomed to his mistakes being corrected by his subordinates, he should stop doing this. And if possible, deliberately introduce several gross inaccuracies into his speech or report. Senior management is unlikely to like this, and the threat of dismissal may hang over the offender.

Everything can be forgiven. And accept. And understand. And lose everything... You can lose your whole life if you forgive everything. But you can’t not forgive either. The soul hurts and demands - forget, forgive, leave. What to do? Need ideas. Enemies must be punished - a fact. But what is the best way to do this? This article is about...

Well, how can you not slap your cheeks?

If you are hit on your left cheek, offer your right one. If you take this principle literally, nothing good will come of it, because people will sit on their heads and swear that they haven’t given enough. But on the other hand, it’s not for nothing that almost all religions have been preaching this principle for two thousand years. So, the topic of revenge, enemies and grievances will be the object of our reflections today.

Animals, unlike people, are not kind, animals are not evil. If a wolf licks and protects wolf cubs, it is not because she loves them, but because the call of instinct tells her to do so. The crocodile in her toothy mouth saves the crocodiles from their father, who is ready to eat them. Looking at these examples, one might say that mothers love their children, but this is not true. It's just biology. If a crocodile is injected with crocodile hormones, it will take care of the little ones in the same way as their mother does. This is already biochemistry. And these are instincts.

People, unlike animals, are cut off from their instincts, because Homo Sapiens have a mind that is formed by learning in society and drawing their own conclusions. And the mind does not allow us to act as our instincts suggest. The mind thinks a lot about how to take revenge on the offender.

For example, people emit a particular smell when a person they are sexually attracted to passes by, and accordingly react to the smell that is intended for them. But morality does not allow us to simply take over some man’s wife just because she called us with her scent. Here we are controlled by morality, which is encoded in the mind. The mind has such a powerful power over the body that, even acting on our nervous system, it dulls our sense of smell so that we cannot smell all the many smells that are intended for us. The mind controls us, and we are controlled by the mind every minute. Even when we are alone, we are left with our mind, which tells us what we should do and how to spend our free time. The mind is constantly on guard - it never sleeps, even at night. And he constantly controls the situation so that it goes the way, in his opinion, it should be.

If the situation does not match his vision, then he decides that it is bad, and we feel terrible. Then he makes a decision - what we should do to get rid of the irritant, and we, perceiving his thoughts as our own, begin to act.

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

How to take revenge on an offender

Just yesterday an unpleasant thing happened to me: two weeks ago I met with a musician who was supposed to write music for my play. He listened to my reasons, said that he would take it, and disappeared for two weeks. I didn’t have direct contact with him, because his producer handles all his affairs. So I call the producer and ask how things are going with the music. The producer tells me that the musician will not compose because he does not believe in me. And says goodbye. There is a storm of feelings inside me - resentment, anger, a desire to tear to pieces, misunderstanding, some kind of humiliation and much more. I decided to go for a walk, get some air, and come to my senses. Figure out how to take revenge on the offender.

I’m walking down the street, and suddenly a car stops, a musician gets out of it, greets me very friendly and begins to apologize and explain why he can’t write melodies. It turns out that he is going on tour, so he has no time. We talked very friendly, and he moved on.

I have a storm of feelings again, in relation to this... producer - I don’t understand, I want to punch him in the face, something else... In general, I’m angry. It seems to me that if I had met him at that moment, all 5 years of my karate training would have remained on his face. Treat him like your worst enemy. He simply insulted me with his words, for no reason whatsoever.

I come home, everything is boiling inside, I start looking for my phone to express everything I think, and... I stop... I realize that there is no point. I won’t achieve anything by this, but will only lose contact with a person who may not be a very good person, but I need him. And I'm hanging out.

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Ways of revenge

On the one hand, I need to throw out the anger somehow, because if it remains in me, then its charge will fall on my beloved woman, who will soon come home. On the other hand, there is no object for aggression, if you just find a stranger and punch him... in the face. Should we take a walk down the street again, or what? - I think, think about ways of revenge... But then something suddenly happens in me, and my condition changes. The anger is gone, but what remains is... love. And who are you thinking of? To the producer! I was even a little taken aback... It was all so unexpected and somehow... wrong... But then a phrase came into my head, heard many times, but realized only now: if you are hit on the left cheek, turn your right .

What must a person have inside for him to fulfill this principle? What should it be filled with? What feelings?

Only a loving person can endure a blow and give his loved one the opportunity to take out his anger, anger, resentment, annoyance, and fear on him. And the lover will do this so that after the enraged one calms down, he can nourish him with his love, give him the opportunity to feel love and calm down.

I liked this principle, but immediately my smart brain turned on and told me that if someone approached you on the street and started robbing you, no amount of love will help. We must either fight or flee. There is no time to love.

Yes, sometimes you need to fight and run... But at the same time, let there be love in your soul, answered intuition. And I remembered one of my competitions, when I fought with a strong opponent who was my good friend. We hit with full force, tried to hit as accurately, quickly and cunningly as possible, but at the same time there was no anger, there was love for the person close to you, with whom you are now simply competing. That time I lost... But there was no feeling of losing. I was happy for my friend that he turned out to be better than me. I loved him. Then it was so fleeting that I didn’t even pay attention to this feeling, but now, remembering this story, I realized that it is with love that one can be filled with love, even while repelling the enemy. After all, in this case you will not be unnecessarily cruel. You will give such a rebuff, which will be enough to save your life. You will not seek to kill him, because it is not necessary. You already won.

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Love is the power of life

In a family, the principle “give love in response to anger” works even better and more accurately. Well, imagine whether a quarrel will develop if the husband, splashing saliva on his wife and calling her nasty words, is met with calm, deep, understanding love in response. Can he continue to beat her? No. He will stop. He will feel guilty, and here you need to support him with love. Hug him, hold him close and tell him that you understand how bad he is, how much pain he is in. Explain that you feel his confusion and would like him not to feel guilty, because you love him in every way, even this one.

Love is a powerful force. Nothing can resist her. No evil can fight love for long, because love is all-pervasive. Even on the black earth scorched by an atomic explosion, bright red poppies on green stems will still bloom someday. It is the Earth that sends us its love. She believes that her children will come to their senses and stop killing each other, and will begin to love.


Yes. Loving is difficult. You don't always want to love. You don't always remember about love. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I catch myself thinking that right now I have forgotten that I love my beloved. Yes, I'm kind to her. Yes, I care about her. But there is no love. There is not that reverent attitude when you want to quietly, quietly, tenderly, gently touch her blond hair with the edges of your lips. Inhale deeply of her exciting scent and bury your face in her chest. There is no wave that rolls over your entire body with enveloping tenderness and trembling and even moves the hair on the top of your head. No love. I forgot. Jealousy.

It's not scary. I will remember what I love. I will remember that this is not just a woman with whom I have been living for almost two years, but my most beloved person now. I'll remember this. But why did I forget about it? I don’t know... Maybe I don’t know how to love in such a way that I always feel this sensation. I grew up in a family where love was given out in portions on holidays, and in between these bright moments there were family wars. I communicated with people who love to be loved, but do not know how to love themselves, and, looking at them, I also learned to live like this - not loving, but demanding. I don’t always want to love, because sometimes the person next to you behaves not the way you want, but the way he wants. And how can I love him like that? I am an ordinary person who still wants to be an intuitive lover. I don't want to be a smart loving person.

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

What kills love?

It’s not for nothing that I started the conversation crazy. Not just like that. After all, it is the mind that evaluates the situation and says: here you can love, but here you can’t. For this you need to love, and for this you need to beat. The mind is like the manager of a water supply system, which provides water only after payment for the consumed water. Water is not given just like that, you have to pay for it. Water is someone else's, but love is ours. Why do we measure it and weigh it - give or take? Then, in order not to give too much, the mind responds. And he's right. He is logical, therefore he is right. If you give your mind free rein now, it will explain in many ways why you cannot love your enemies.

Why can't you love just like that? Why you can't love without receiving love in return. And he will be right, because the mind is the Great Creator of Illusions. He has watched enough films, read books, listened to songs, remembers the stories of friends and girlfriends, and everywhere it is said that love should be mutual. That you need to love those who deserve it. That a loved one can only be the best, etc. The mind believes it, and if we are under the power of the mind, we believe it. The mind turns us as it wants, but we believe that these are our thoughts. Don't believe it. In our heads, if there are a hundred strangers, one thought is ours, that’s good. The mind cannot truly come up with its own thoughts, because it thinks by sorting out and combining in different ways the facts already known to it. By combining the known, you cannot create something new, only something updated, but in its essence it will contain the old.

Only intuition, only intuitive insight can give us the opportunity to create something truly new, different from everything we knew before. The understanding of an old phrase and, as a result, fresh conclusions from it can be new. A little higher, I already told how I intuitively realized what it means to turn my cheek after being hit on the cheek.

To understand intuition and love, it is worth understanding us. And for the convenience of reasoning, we will assume that a person consists of three components. This is not true, but it is convenient to think about it this way.

Firstly, these are instincts, or these are innate abilities to perform expedient, unconscious actions. Breathing, sweating, digesting food, reproduction, attacking, running away - these are all instincts, and we actually cannot control them. Instincts are needed, since it is impossible to consciously control the work of all relationships in the body, but they also prevent us from being conscious when an injection of adrenaline into the blood makes us scream with rage, or sweat out of fear.

Secondly, this is the mind - the ability to think, that is, to sort through facts and combine them in various ways. Logic, inference, conversation, writing, mathematics - these are all manifestations of the mind. The mind is necessary and necessary, but it is also the worst evil that one can imagine. The mind is needed to make conclusions and translate your knowledge into a language understandable to everyone. And the mind is our jailer, which builds walls of restraining beliefs and moral restrictions.

Thirdly, this is intuition - instinct, subtle understanding, penetration into the very essence of something. Direct comprehension of the truth, without justification by evidence. It is intuition that can lead us beyond the power of instincts and prohibitions. Only intuition can give us the opportunity to instantly recognize and understand the essence of things and phenomena. Precisely instantly, because intuition works differently than the mind. If the mind requires logical arguments and conclusions, then intuition gives us the opportunity to know what we need immediately, suddenly, instantly.

But the mind can prevent us from being intuitive. The power of the mind is stronger because we are used to it. The mind rules over us with the help of all kinds of tricks. For example, arguments in favor of something. The mind will easily convince us that we are right, and at the same time will not allow us to understand that the other is right. Another means of control that the mind has is memory - a stock of impressions and experiences stored in the consciousness. We wanted, for example, to become loving, but our minds flop, and give us the memory of how we were hurt by our own love. The mind has a lot more to influence us and, it would seem, all of it is useless. How can some intangible intuition be stronger than the mind that we train from birth? Maybe.

Intuition is a connection with something beyond. This is a channel for the perception of power, which is the very basis of the Universe. This is a connection with the Divine, but not in the understanding of the word God, but in the understanding of the word - Creator of All That Is. Only the Creator has True Power, and we can draw from it immensely. We can use it as much as we want. We can use this power to create Worlds and Universes. Intuition is our connection to a Higher Power.

I, of course, understand that my words do not convey the fullness of my intuitive awareness of this truth, so I may be too verbose, but just let this text pass through you, like gold-bearing rock passes through a sieve, and, suddenly, among Gray stones will sparkle with a bright nugget. This will be your awareness. Just be relaxed.

By changing the past, we will change the present and future

To turn on intuition, you need to stop being dependent on the power of the mind. To do this, we need to gradually free ourselves from all the tools that he possesses that influence us, and over time we will become the Master, and he will become our faithful Servant. This is exactly what we will do now. We will now do an exercise that will allow us to stop depending on the unpleasant experiences of the past, and stop our emotional dependence on our enemies and offenders.

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Exercise "To the Past with Love"

Pleasant memories of the past are our resources.

You've probably had moments or hours in your life, or maybe even days, when you were simply filled with love, joy, happiness, life..! Remember something from this series right now. And relive this memory... As if it were happening right at these moments... What feelings would you have in your soul? Joy? Happiness? Pleasure? Something else? Let these memories completely take over you... Plunge into the enchanting fairy tale of life... And as soon as you feel that your body is responding, your soul is singing, squeeze your earlobe and say to yourself “Good!” and smile from your heart. Wide and happy. After all, it’s really good!!!

We have just taught your body to remember this state based on a certain signal. Your body and your soul will help you, when we need it, to remember this mood and sensations. You just take yourself in the SAME WAY by the earlobe, say ok and smile, and immediately feel a surge of vital energy. You can try... Did you feel it? If not, perhaps you didn’t grab your ear exactly as you did the first time (and this is important), or you smiled crookedly... Do the above exercise again. We'll need it a little later.

Unpleasant memories are our limitations.

Does it ever happen to you that some unfair, in your opinion, memory from the past disturbs and bothers you? Maybe something to do with parents, or friends, or love relationships? Happens? Then right now remember any situation from this series... Any... Maybe the one that just flashed before your eyes and resonated with pain in your soul, and some offensive words sounded in your ears... Take it... And let these memories take over you completely... As if you were right in this situation now... How do you feel? What do you want to say? What to do? Who is next to you, other than the person with whom you are in conflict or otherwise interact? What is your attitude towards this person(s)? How do they treat you? Just be aware of what is happening between you now.

The magic begins.

And as soon as everything has become clear to you, take a magical step - get out of your body and see the situation as if from the outside. You remember everything, which means you can control it. Such an exit to a different position will give you the opportunity to abstract from personal experiences and become an outside observer. So, get out of your body, stand somewhere near this girl (or boy), or maybe a man or a woman, it doesn’t matter, I will talk to this baby, and you will understand that we are talking about you. Fine?

So, look at the baby from the outside, how does he feel? What emotional experiences overwhelm him? Is he offended? Disappointed? Asking for help? Need support? Something else? He is crying? Trying to behave with dignity? Mentally feel sorry for him... Like a mother feels sorry for her beloved person when he cries...

Another look at the situation.

Now you will show true Wisdom. Looking at the people around your baby, mentally penetrate into them and realize what good they care about when they treat him like that?

We always strive for something good, even if we quarrel and get angry. For example, a mother yells at her child not because she likes to humiliate him, but because she is worried that he will make some mistake. She wants to protect him from stupid things that she thinks he might do. But she is not moving towards her goal in the best way. External actions are one thing, but internal aspirations are another.

So, what good do the people around him want for the baby? Allow yourself to realize this. Maybe this is not familiar to you. You may not want to understand that they are not evil, but good inside, but they are. People are kind, they just don't always show it.

Help them.

Now that you have a new perspective on this situation, taking into account the positive intentions of the participants in these events, decide what they lack so that they can show their care in the best possible way? Perhaps the father is embarrassed to be affectionate, and the mother cannot decide to be open. We are not perfect. The people around us are not perfect. And they should hardly be blamed for this. We were not taught kindness, love and affection, but we all want it. And those around you also crave goodness, it’s just that not everyone dares to show it. We need to help them.

Therefore, now mentally help the people around the baby and give them what they lack. To the poor in love, give an ocean of love. To those who are stingy with feelings, give them a river of emotions. To those who are emotionally squeezed, give them inner freedom. You understand better than I what they need. Give them a gift - give them from your soul what they lack, so that they can take care of the baby with love, tenderness and care. Give and you will receive more in return...

We use our resources.

If you have difficulty giving kind feelings, grab yourself by the earlobe, say “okay” internally and smile. You are surprised at what a powerful stream of warm, bright energy began to pour out of you. You are full of resources and can use them whenever you need them.

Things are starting to change.

Notice how the situation you improve begins to change. How its participants change. How the atmosphere begins to fill with life, affection, tenderness, care. How the faces of the participants light up. How the baby begins to smile... Add more of your mental resources...

We return to ourselves. Beloved!

Now jump back into yourself, surrounded by these kind people! Enjoy the flow of pure love, warm tenderness, tickling warmth: Maybe tears come to your eyes... Cry... These are tears of joy, they cleanse. You've been waiting for this moment for so many years...

Gratitude and coming back to the present.

Now mentally thank the participants in this story for the help they provided to you. Give them a baby hug. Kiss. They will also hug you back, and you feel the warmth of their caring, slightly rough palms. And as soon as you feel that the farewell is over, return to this room, open your eyes, stretching with a happy smile on your face, letting out a sigh of bliss. Ehhh! Good life! Do you feel it?

Why carry the burden of past grievances when everything can be resolved with a simple mental journey, love and forgiveness? Why expose yourself to anger when you can be loving? Why strive for hostility if you can live in peace. You are the Best, Beloved and Loving!

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

How to deal with offenders in the present

There is no point in waiting for the present to become the past to resolve all situations using the above exercise. After all, all this time you will be exposed to the influence of a hellishly terrible force - anger, malice and hatred. You will carry a load of grievances, and your back will arch, no matter how hard you try to be slim. The corrosive acid of hatred will corrode your soul like rust. You will rot from the inside, slowly, imperceptibly, but the stench of rotting will be felt by the people next to you, and this will push them away from you. You can't carry pain in your soul. No need...

Remember when I told the story about the producer who said that the musician didn’t believe in me? Now I will share my discovery with you, and you can repeat what I did then, right now, while you read this text. It's very simple... Intuitively simple... the main thing is to allow yourself to be relaxed, content and calm... non-judgmental... childishly interested... After all, this is exactly what children differ from adults - an interest in everything mystical and magical. And now I invite you to go on a magical journey...

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

Exercise: "Give your enemy love. And it will come back to you more than once"

Think of a person who recently offended you in some way. Let him appear before your eyes as if alive. Maybe he will even shout what he shouted, or he will simply look at you with hatred and anger... And you begin to evoke in yourself a feeling of love... not for him... but in general - a feeling of love ... Maybe you can imagine how, little by little, the yellow, warm sun begins to flare up in your chest and its rays, tickling, slowly begin to warm up your body. Love is warmth. Let this warmth, starting from your chest, spread into you... just like that... because it’s so nice... spiritual warmth... and now mentally begin to send yellow rays to the person opposite you... maybe they will make some sound... and they can shake...

Let these rays envelop the person opposite you with a warm, yellow cloud, which, penetrating into him, saturates his soul with warmth, affection, care, love: watch how his face changes. How all these evil wrinkles are smoothed out. How the canyons of the eyes become lakes of tenderness. How the strings of lips turn into flower buds... And the skin on his face warms and turns pink... he changes... and you change... and now feel love for this person... because he is so beautiful, perfect, beautiful ... feel how something inside you is reaching out to him to mentally hug him, press him to your chest and whisper some warm words of tenderness and gratitude in his ear...

At every exit, breathe out your love into him directly from your heart... Your heart is a powerful generator of love and tenderness, let it work... Imagine how a powerful, wide, humming stream of love is absorbed into the beautiful creature opposite you and it is transformed , becomes like an angel... it glows, and from it a wave of tenderness and love visible to you also begins to flow to you... you absorb it, and your soul sings and rejoices with happiness. A new healthy newborn life flows into you, into all your nerves. A huge colossal newborn force pours into your head. The whole head is brightly brightly light, the eyes are brightly brightly light. A new healthy newborn life flows into the head. Newborn life now, now gives birth to all brain mechanisms in good working order, in perfect working order, strong. Your entire body is filled with the energy of a newborn with rapid development. You are born a perfectly functioning, strong, loving person.

Keep this feeling, remember when you need love, warmth and joy, and everything will be fine with you.

Happiness to you, my dears,

Yours Gennady Pavlenko

how to take revenge, how to take revenge on the offender, how to take revenge on enemies, about love, jealousy, revenge, methods of revenge

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