Home Stomatitis Proverbs about work - folk wisdom. Proverbs and sayings about work for children and parents Illustrative collection of proverbs of the peoples of the world about work

Proverbs about work - folk wisdom. Proverbs and sayings about work for children and parents Illustrative collection of proverbs of the peoples of the world about work

Agarkova E. A.
Proverbs and sayings about the work of different people
peoples of the world. Child benefit and
parents, educators. - Prokopyevsk:
MKOU “Orphanage No. 6”, 2012. – 14 p.
Collection of proverbs and sayings about work
may be useful for children
junior, middle, high school
age. They begin to get acquainted with
folklore about labor.
And to the parents
will help
literary language, give it a special
expressiveness and simplicity..
Teachers can use as
artistic words, epithets,
organization of classes.

Proverbs and sayings are a special type of Russian creativity
Over the centuries, passed on from generation to generation, they
polished their expressiveness and artistic power.
Usually there is no sharp boundary between a proverb and
a variety of folk sayings close to it - a saying.
An attempt to formulate the difference between a proverb and a saying was
made by N.A. Dobrolyubov, who defined proverbs as
“the rule of folk wisdom in a few words”, and sayings -
“a successfully captured image of an object, its characteristics,
which then remained with him forever and is attached to the whole
a number of homogeneous objects... folk proverbs and sayings...
serve as a reflection of the people’s mind, character, and beliefs.” IN
by force
expressiveness of the Russian language.
Proverbs and sayings are an integral part of living folk
speech, oral folk art. Russian proverb creates
an image that does not impose a conclusion, but itself leads to a conclusion.
The apt image in the proverb is presented in a clear, concise form.

Patience and work will grind everything down.
If you don't crack a nut, you can't eat the kernel.
Baba baked pies with yeast and took them out with reins.
By being patient, they come out to people.
Think wisely, start early, perform diligently!
Any material is good for a good craftsman.
With craft, even the crippled will get bread.
With prayer in your mouth, work in your hands.
He who knows what gets his bread.
The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.
Every work of the master is praised.
If you don't hit the pipe, even a quail won't fly.
You'll live and see, and you'll tell me.
The more you drive, the more thorny the path.
Winter for the wolf's custom.
At least gnaw the crust, but don’t break the stumps.
A horse with a hesitation and a man with a hesitation will not overstrain themselves.
Not every craft is evil.
Sweat pours out, but the reaper takes its toll.
Joiners and carpenters are cursed by God; That's why they were cursed
that a lot of forest was transferred.
The attempt is no joke, and the demand is no problem.
The old mare does not spoil the furrow.

An icon and a shovel are made from the same tree.
The blacksmith has golden hands, and the singer has words.
The old raven will not croak past (i.e. he is experienced.)
Why is the cat smooth? - I ate it on my side.
If you try it yourself, you will believe us.
He puts bread in the oven like donuts and takes it out like lids.
And a bear chiropractor, and self-taught.
It was sown like a basket, and a little grew there.
The ant drags his burden uncomfortably, but no one says thank you to him;
and the bee carries a spark, and pleases God and people.
Hit the magpie and the crow, and you will reach the white swan.

You can't chop off an oak tree without cutting off a navel.
The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.
Nothing escapes good hands.
Live with us and chew some porridge, then you’ll find out.
It's not a bad craft if you know how to make an oar.
They don’t carry mastery behind their shoulders.
Don't rub it, don't wrinkle it - there won't be a roll.
He'll get hungry, he'll figure it out himself.
Alive not without providence.
Whoever gets up early, God gives him.
I ate bread from seven ovens (i.e. experienced)

Anyone who has been to the sea is not afraid of puddles.
Don't look at the work, look at the finish!
To me everything is trin-grass, everything is sorrel-pipe.
I love Sivka for his custom: he grunts and is lucky.
God gave the hands, and he weaved the ropes!
Like a mizgir (spider), it pulls a thread out of itself.
May God grant you to be able to do everything yourself, but not do everything yourself!
Easy to get, easy to live.
Everyone will dance, but not like a buffoon.
An old horse does not spoil the furrow. The old horse will not step past.
Some on horseback, some on foot, and some on all fours.
Serious little man, he's angry at work. And it’s grey, but hesitant.
There is a lot of haymaking on the sharp scythe.
He dances with his voice and sings with his feet.
He who runs catches up.

From work you will not be rich, but you will be hunchbacked.
As is the builder, so is the monastery!
He makes ropes out of the sand.
Trust in God, and don’t be idle!
Experienced people say, unprecedented ones sit at home.

This is not the first time it has snowed on our heads. The forest is no wonder to the falcon.
It's hot to forge, it's cold to trade

You will become lazy, you will drag your money around.
A crane walks through the swamp and gets hired to work.
Such a craft that has gone to hell.
Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.
They sow - they cry, they thresh - they jump.
It’s not just as expensive as red gold, but as expensive as it is good
The master is afraid of the work (and another master of the work is afraid.)
Some shoot rarely, but hit accurately.
There would be a catcher, but there would be a gun. The animal runs towards the catcher.
Without taking up an ax, you cannot cut down a hut.
He is the master who can do everything alone.
The craft is not a rocker, it will not drag your shoulders.
The century plays, but does not know the frets.
It's easier to work with your hands than with your head.
Don’t ask about the harvest, but plow and pray to God.
You can't cut down a tree in one go.
You can't drive an old wolf into a snare.
Let every business ferment in its own yeast.
From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers.
What you please people, you will get yourself.
People are not born with skill, but with acquired craft
are proud.
A zealous mouse will chew through the board.

God sent me work, but the devil took away the hunt.
It shaves smoothly and the shavings are curly.
The early bird cleans its sock, and the late bird cleans its eyes.
Not without mind, and not without providence.
A good tailor sews with plenty.
The ax will cut through.
He set to work like a louse on a body.
God makes the blind man wise, and the devil makes the blacksmith wise.
Don't ask the old, ask the experienced.
It is not the gods who burn the pots.
God loves work.
Heroes are born in work.
Without work, rest is not sweet.
By labor and income.
Don't be lazy behind the plow - you'll end up with a pie.
The bee is working - the candle is useful for God.
During working hours, the tongue is locked.
Labor money lies tightly, someone else’s money sticks out like an edge.
If you didn’t know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer.
And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player.
A new employee can even kill a lion.
It's easy to look at flowers, but difficult to embroider them.
You can easily hammer a nail into a stone.

In fact, reason will appear.

lazy man is healthy

job - best doctor


One person digs a well, a thousand people drink the water.
Every day you go - don't be afraid of hundreds of thousands, all the time
you work, don’t be afraid of hundreds of thousands of things to do.
When a person is hardworking, then the earth is not lazy.
If you want to get the job done, sharpen your tools first.
A hundred arts are not worth perfection in one art.
One trade is carried out in two ways.
Slow work indicates a skilled craftsman.
If you don't go through with it, you won't become smarter.
Don't be afraid if people don't invite; be afraid if skill
In all matters, you need to think three times.
They told the master: “The disciples are not afraid of you.” He replied: "Me too
I'm not afraid of them."
Hard work produces a master.
If you don't learn to work when you're young, you'll be left with nothing when you're old.
empty handed.
Hard work is a valuable tree.
You can't change winter affairs in the fall.
Starting anything is easy, finishing it is difficult.
If you want your bins to be full, get up with the rooster crowing.

If you want your bins to be full, get up with the rooster crowing.
By hard work you will get everything, but by being lazy - that's all.
you will lose.
Don't be afraid of work, be afraid of chatter.
Instead of relying on the golden mountain, rely on your hands.
To master high skill, you need to work hard.
When you drink water, do not forget those who dug the well.
The art of an archer depends not only on the bow.
Anyone who knows how to work always has money.
Eating is easy, cooking is difficult; It's easy to mess things up, fix them
If you don’t earn money and have food, the mountain will become empty.
The wise man who saw everything is not worth the man who did
just one thing with your own hands.
If you want to eat your fill, work until you sweat.
Skill is improved by hard work, but lost
If there was a strong will, the mountain would turn into a field.
Living at the expense of the sky is an unreliable business, living at the expense of one’s own
hands - the right thing.
The work of the brave is afraid.
Sitting, you can eat mountains of gold.
A working fool is more useful than a resting sage.
And don’t sit idly by for one day.

If you don’t earn money and have food, the mountain will become empty.
As much as you sweat, you will eat as much porridge.
Strike flint against flint and you will make fire; if you do not strike, you will not
you'll get smoke too.
If you sharpen a piece of iron for a long time, you can make a needle out of it.
There are no holidays that never end.
It’s better if it didn’t exist and appeared than if it existed and disappeared.
If you don't climb a high mountain, you won't recognize level ground.
Don't be afraid to hesitate, don't be afraid to stop.
If the weed roots are not removed during weeding,
the weeds will grow again when the spring wind blows.
Two people work together - which of them is bright and which is dark?
The cat must catch mice, the peasant must work in the field,
the leader is to lead, but everyone must fulfill their
functions with knowledge of the matter.
Be afraid that the lazy man will not plow, and that the yellow earth will not
give birth - don't be afraid
In his youth he wandered around idle, as an adult he dreams of digging up treasure,
old age will come - he will become a monk
The flower will not bloom - the fruit will not set
Without a cloud there will be no rain, without people the work will not be done
Money earned from trade - for thirty years; money,
earned by sweat and blood - for hundreds of thousands of years.

Only the stubborn can withstand the wind.
An old shell gives pearls.
A hundred tips are no substitute for a pair of experienced hands.
Make the rocker fit your shoulder.
Everything is difficult at first
If you don’t work, you’re hungry, but if you get to work, you’ll feel achy
If you hurry, it won't do any good
Easy to say, hard to do
Carrying firewood to the forest
If you hurry, it won't do any good
A bee makes honey, but does not eat it; a swallow builds a nest, but does not
lives in it
Swarm like ants in the grass
Everything is difficult at first
If you set off on a journey, don’t come back halfway
You can't feed yourself by stupidity.
If you start a big deal, don’t stop before
As soon as one built a bridge, the other got down to business.
If you sleep during the day, you won't become rich if you drink a lot
wine - you will not become noble.

One gained experience is more important than seven wise teachings.
In fact, reason will appear.
Everything that you put effort into becomes easy.
Neither the healer, nor God, nor the servant of God can help us.
A hundred blows from a needlesmith are no match for one blow from a blacksmith.
It is a shame for a strong person to be afraid of work.
Metal is on fire, man is learned through work.
It’s better to think for a day than to work in vain for a whole week.
Getting started can be a headache
Patience and victory - two old friends
The one who finished it did the job
Work in the field is in full swing - the lazy man is groaning in pain, the pilaf is ready -
lazy man is healthy
While there is no ax, the firewood is resting
Don't be sorry, work and don't cry, for us people,
job - best doctor
If you try in the summer, you will eat in the winter.
Promised - do it, gave your word - fulfill it.
For every stone there is a hammer.
Mows grass while sitting on a camel.
For a skilled hand all work is easy
Scold yourself, and not the sun, for the fact that your garden never bloomed.

Any material is good for a good craftsman.
A person does what he loves well.
Instead of doing poetry, cultivate rice
Long experience is more valuable than a tortoise shell.
Mastery is learned in comparison with mediocrity.
A running mill has no time to freeze.
Don't pray, but work.
Skill is more important than strength
Ill-gotten wealth and nobility
disappear like a cloud.
The slacker is talkative.
Even skillful hands spill water.
Easy to say, hard to do
Who gets up early, luck leads him.
And a bad blacksmith happens to forge a good sword
And the master has mistakes

Proverbs and sayings about work. Proverbs and sayings about skill.

Proverbs and sayings about the value and importance of work, and the fact that without work, there is no life. Proverbs and sayings for preschoolers. Proverbs and sayings for schoolchildren

Proverbs and sayings of the Russian people about work, about skill

To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.

Without hunting there is no work.

Without work, rest is not sweet.

The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing.

Time for business, time for fun.

Things went like clockwork.

You can’t even take a fish out of a pond without difficulty.

Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf,

And get up early and get yours.

A good start is half the battle.

As is the master, so is the work.

Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

The day until the evening is boring, when there is nothing to do.

Great in body, but small in deed.

It is not without reason that they say that the master’s work is feared.

Don't say what you did, but say you managed to do it.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Call yourself a milk mushroom - get into the back.

It's a bad start.

The first pancake is always lumpy.

And Moscow was not built suddenly.

He who eats quickly works quickly.

Patience and work will grind everything down.

Every bird has its nose full.

Pick one berry at a time and you'll fill a box.

What goes around comes around.

It is not the gods who burn the pots.

Strike while the iron is hot.

A good deed praises itself.

They don’t seek advice after a case.

Chickens are counted in the fall.

Don't say "hop" until you've jumped over.

Know how to start, know how to finish.

The end is the crown of the matter.

To eat a fish, you have to get into the water.

Proverbs and sayings of the peoples of the world about work, about skill

Sweetest of all fruits is the fruit of labor. (Armenian)

It is useless to apply a pattern to water. (Taj.)

He who starts a lot finishes little. (German.)

There is no work in the world without labor. (Armenian)

Even though the hands are black, the work is white. (Belarusian)

He who collects many tasks will not complete a single one. (Bulgarian)

There is no such thing as impossible work. (Azerb.)

With time and patience, the hemp stalk becomes a shirt. (German.)

Whoever dug the ditch knows where the source is. (Azerb.)

Skill is improved by hard work, but lost by idleness. (Whale.)

They learn hard work for three years,

Laziness - three days. (Whale.)

Hurry up - and today will be evening. (Cast.)

A bad dancer always says the ground is uneven. (Vietnamese)

Not having a job is also hard work. (Azerb.)

The source of life is in work,

And success lies in skill. (Mong.)

Haste does not help matters. (Japanese)

The hardworking man's barns are full,

The lazy man's dishes are empty. (Buryat.)

One day replaces three days,

Who knows how to do everything on time. (Whale.)

Better day to think

Why work for nothing for a whole week? (Finnish)

If you wave your scythe, there will be sweet peace. (Bulgarian)

Experience is the best mentor. (Latin)

Your business is easier than cotton wool,

And someone else's business is heavier than stone. (Uzbek.)

He cuts crookedly, but blames the saw. (Vietnamese)

Even boots get in the way of a bad dancer. (Belarusian)

Who is not familiar with the scene from the movie “The Adventures of Shurik”, where the chatterbox foreman, lying on the straw, exhorts the big guy, sentenced to 15 days, to work hard? In these footage, the pseudo-educator with enviable agility gave out several of the most famous proverbs about hard work and laziness.

Labor ennobles

All sciences - natural, humanitarian and social - are united in this. Even if we discard Darwin’s dubious theory (the author himself doubted it) that supposedly work turned an ape into a man, then an equally significant fact remains: a hard worker is further from stupidity than a slacker. On this occasion, the people created a saying: “Drones are good at trickery.”

Work should not be identified only with hard physical labor: after all, it can be expressed in intellectual efforts, in movements of the soul, and in inventions. Everywhere you look, human labor is involved, be it transport, houses or baked bread, books or wells, beautiful dresses and painted dishes, medicines and strollers for babies. Without labor, would such convenient and useful things appear?

Without human efforts there would be no running water, electricity, telephones, computers, airplanes, and much more. Everything in the world, with the exception of Mother Nature, is the result of human labor.

Why is work so revered by people?

This is how a person is designed that one of his basic needs is self-realization and creativity. This discovery was made by the famous American psychologist Abraham Maslow: his hierarchy of needs is successfully used to this day.

Labor is always creation, creativity: it raises a person to the next level, reveals his resources, gives him a sense of his own need and importance. The common expression “realize yourself” means to reveal your potential, to work hard.

Recently, due to growing workaholism, workload and stress in megacities, the word “work” is increasingly acquiring a negative connotation of “slavery.” There is also a version about the more ancient origin of this word, which, alas, is denied by the “grandfathers” of the science of linguistics: folk memory perceives work as RA - a particle of Bright and pure words! Probably, the word “work” once had the same meaning, until it fell under the millstone

Russian proverbs about work

A considerable layer of Slavic folk wisdom consists of proverbs and sayings about work:

  • To live without anything is only to smoke the sky.
  • If you want to eat rolls, don't sit on the stove.
  • Finished the job - go for a walk safely.
  • Life is measured not by years, but by works.
  • The master's work is afraid.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.

Proverbs about work and work do not raise doubts about how people treated hardworking people. However, you cannot hide another layer of proverbs that shows the other side of the coin.

"Work is not a wolf"

“This is not necessary,” the notorious foreman added embarrassedly. Indeed, the saying “Work is not a wolf - it won’t run away into the forest” voices a completely different point of view on work. Most likely, proverbs about work reflected the real state of affairs, and at all times there were workaholics who were too carried away by work. They ruined the lives of both themselves and those around them. There were slackers and parasites, at whom popular rumor laughed and made fun of them through proverbs.

And in our history, the not-so-commendable period of feudalism “happened,” when serfs “ploughed” someone else’s field, often contrary to their own talents. What kind of fun does this have to do with work? This is how such contradictory proverbs were born! However, if you use them wisely, then even today they will benefit everyone. The main thing in work is to follow the rule of the “golden mean”.

Here are some popular sayings that moderate the ardor of the worker and seem to tell him that the time has come to rest, take care of himself, think silently, and devote time to his loved ones.

  • Work with your mind, not your back.
  • Work loves fools.
  • Mix business with idleness and you will live a lifetime of fun.
  • God sent me work, but the devil took away the hunt.
  • You can't change everything.

So the people were very observant, and in their sayings they laid down those rules, without observing which a person simply loses his human appearance.

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Proverbs and sayings about work

It is difficult to find topics on which the Russian people have not composed proverbs and sayings. Proverbs and sayings about work should be noted. For many centuries, human life has been inextricably linked with work. People were engaged in agriculture, animal husbandry, construction, obtaining food and clothing, then crafts began to appear, which is why there are so many proverbs about attitudes towards work.

The meaning and significance of Russian proverbs and sayings about labor is clearly expressed by the following catchphrases - labor feeds a person; The sun paints the earth, and man is labored; a person gets sick from laziness, but gets healthy from work.

In other words, the one who works will be a respected, wealthy, healthy, independent person, independent of circumstances and from those around him, since he relies on his own hands, knowledge, skills and experience. He will be successful, rich, healthy.

Russian proverbs and sayings about work and hard work.

  • Without work, the car rusts.
  • Without work, rest is not sweet.
  • Without labor there is no fruit.
  • Without good work there is no fruit.
  • Idleness is the mother of all vices.
  • White hands love other people's works.
  • More action, less words.
  • More science means smarter hands.
  • If only there was a hunt, every job would improve.
  • There are no trifles in big things.
  • During working hours, the tongue is locked.
  • Getting up earlier means taking a step further.
  • Any land is good if you don't spare your hands.
  • Every person is recognized in action.
  • Every thing ends well.
  • Every skill comes from hard work.
  • Where there is work, there is plenty, but in a lazy house it is empty.
  • Where there is work, there is happiness.
  • If you do it hastily, you'll do it out of laughter.
  • The master's work is afraid.
  • Time for business, time for fun.
  • A tree is valued by its fruits, and a person by his deeds.
  • A good start is half the battle.
  • Income does not come without hassle.
  • If you have patience, there will be skill.
  • Taking on everything means doing nothing.
  • The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
  • Gold is not gold without being under the hammer.
  • Gold is learned in fire, man - in work.
  • As is the master, so is the work.
  • Finished the job - go for a walk safely
  • He who says little does more.
  • He who is a jack of all trades is never bored.
  • He who hopes for heaven sits without bread.
  • He who does not work does not eat.
  • Those who are used to working cannot sit idle.
  • Whoever gets up early, God gives to him.
  • Strike while the iron is hot.
  • Love your work and you will become a master.
  • If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled.
  • Love for work is visible to people.
  • A small deed is better than a big idleness.
  • Skill is improved by hard work and lost by idleness.
  • The world is busy and work is progressing.
  • Go to work with joy, and leave work with pride.
  • Don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf, but get up early and get your own.
  • Looking at someone else's work, you won't get enough.
  • It is not the gods who burn the pots.
  • Don't be afraid of work - let it be afraid of you.
  • Don’t take on your own business, and don’t be lazy about yours.
  • It is not the needle that sews, but the hands.
  • Don't be lazy behind the plow - you'll end up with a pie.
  • Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today.
  • Don't blame your neighbor if you sleep until lunchtime.
  • Don't sit idly by, that way you won't get bored.
  • If you didn’t know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer.
  • It is not without reason that they say that the master’s work is feared.
  • There is no bad land - there are bad owners.
  • They get healthy from work, but from laziness they get sick.
  • Put off idleness, don't put off doing something.
  • A bad owner starts ten jobs and never finishes a single one.
  • The plow shines from work.
  • Bow to Mother Earth, she will reward you a hundredfold.
  • The field loves work.
  • Work is with your teeth, and laziness is with your tongue.
  • Work until you sweat, eat when you want.
  • Work for the hands is a holiday for the soul.
  • People are not born with mastery, but they are proud of the mastery they achieve.
  • Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow!
  • The day until the evening is boring if there is nothing to do.
  • The sweetest of all fruits is the fruit of human labor.
  • Tears won't help matters.
  • Breaking a tree takes a second, growing it takes years.
  • Judge a man by his work.
  • Happiness is no wonder there, where people do not work lazily.
  • Patience and work will grind everything down.
  • Haste does not help matters.
  • Labor conquers everything.
  • Work always gives, but laziness always takes.
  • Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.
  • Man's labor feeds him.
  • Labor, labor and labor - these are the three eternal treasures.
  • A labor penny lives forever.
  • Every day a lazy person is lazy.
  • Know how to do things, know how to have fun.
  • The ability to work is more valuable than gold.
  • Work hard and there will be bread in the bins.
  • The morning hour gives us gold.
  • Bread is not given for free.
  • The owner is the one who works.
  • If you want to eat rolls, don’t sit on the stove.

V.I. Dahl in his collection “Proverbs and Sayings of the Russian People” uses the label “labor” in the index of the content and meaning of proverbs and in the table of contents defines them as work and idleness. This section is one of the largest. Below is a small fragment from Dahl’s book, which contains Russian proverbs and sayings about work.

  • Man is born to work.
  • You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty.
  • What he worked for, he ate.
  • Will and labor produce wonderful fruits.
  • If you don't work hard, you won't get bread.
  • He who works well has something to boast about.
  • Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him.
  • Our happiness lies in common work.
  • He who works, enjoys it.
  • Without labor there is no good.
  • They don’t eat honey without difficulty.
  • Labor money is a nuisance.
  • Labor feeds and clothes.
  • Without getting your hands wet, you can't wash.
  • Think wisely, start early, perform diligently.
  • If you don't crack a nut, you don't even eat the kernel.
  • If you get up early, you will take a step further.
  • Without good work there is no fruit.
  • You can't make scrambled eggs without breaking eggs.
  • Without bowing to the ground, you won’t raise fungus.
  • There, no bread will be born, where no one works in the field.
  • To live prosperously, you must love your work.
  • Those who like to chill should remain in the tail.
  • A child loves affection, and a machine loves lubrication.
  • Don't watch the beep, but watch the machine.
  • The work of learning is boring, but the fruit of learning is delicious.
  • There is a lot of work, but little profit.
  • Labor money lives forever.
  • Labor is immaculate, although small, but lasting.
  • To win in labor is to strengthen the world.
  • Heroes are born in work.
  • Where there is work, there is happiness.
  • Labor goodness neither sinks in water nor burns in fire.
  • Insomnia is treated with difficulty.
  • He who loves to work has something to boast about.
  • Better a stale crust obtained through honest labor than a rich pie that was stolen.
  • He who works honestly is not afraid of anything.
  • Without enduring labor, there will be no honor.
  • Honor cannot be found without difficulty.
  • Without labor there is no fruit in the garden.
  • Without labor and relaxation is not sweet.
  • You can’t even plan a stick without labor.
  • You can't live without work.
  • Without difficulties, work is unthinkable.
  • Without success in school there is no success in work.
  • Without study and work, food will not come to the table.
  • Without learning, without work, life is worthless.
  • Without hassle and labor, it is not corn that grows, but quinoa.
  • The blessing of life is in work.
  • God loves work.
  • If you work, you will have bread and milk.
  • If you work hard, there will be bread in the bins.
  • A healthy life is smart work; life is bad - and so is the work.
  • People who work honestly will not be forgotten.
  • In the field, Malanya does not live for the sake of partying, but bends his back and lives for work.
  • Our happiness lies in work.
  • Inspiration comes during work.
  • Live forever, work forever, and while working, learn forever.
  • Every furrow loves work.
  • Every work is worthy of reward.
  • All work is valuable, but not all is useful.
  • Where there is hunting and labor, there the fields bloom.
  • Where there is work, there is truth.
  • What is free is wasted, what is labor is lost.
  • To work for good is something to boast about.
  • For whom work is joy, for that life is happiness.
  • If work is pleasure, then life is pleasure.
  • Live by your wits, and grow your honor through hard work.
  • They don’t beat you for your work, but give them rewards.
  • Fight for a penny from work, be afraid of a penny unearned.
  • Whatever you take on with diligence, everything will shine.
  • The sun paints the earth, and labor paints man.
  • Knowledge and work give a new way of life.
  • Such are the works, such are the fruits.
  • What is the labor score, such is the honor.
  • For those who live by their labor, their work is their second home.
  • People honor those who love work.
  • He who loves to work cannot sit idle.
  • Those who love work will not sleep for long.
  • He who is not afraid of work shuns laziness.
  • He who does not see work does not know peace.
  • He who wants to live happily must love work.
  • Love and work give happiness.
  • People's love for work is visible.
  • Honor is not given to wealth, but to work.
  • Don’t be lazy, but work, don’t be flattered by other people’s things.
  • If you don’t spare any effort, you’ll get two hundred poods off a hectare.
  • From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers.
  • You will be full from your labors, but you will not be rich.
  • Diligence and work will take their toll.
  • Labor money lies tightly, someone else’s money sticks out like an edge.
  • A penny of labor goes for future use.
  • Hardworking like an ant.
  • The working people eat, the non-working people watch.
  • Our happiest person is a hardworking person.
  • Although with difficulty, it would go into the house, but without labor, there is no fruit.
  • Labor money is always strong.
  • Labor money lives forever, but unearned money always goes to waste.
  • A hard-earned penny is in your pocket, but a stray penny sticks out like an edge.
  • The labor penny is great.
  • Healthy in food, but frail in work.
  • To live without labor is to smoke the sky.
  • Where there are labor successes, there are mountains of grain.
  • The earth loves work.
  • Whoever is first in work, to him glory is everywhere.
  • The sweat on your back means the bread on the table.

Maybe somehow it won’t come to any good. You won't get bread by self-indulgence.

Without action, strength weakens. You can't catch a fish from a pond without difficulty.

Without labor there is no fruit. White hands love other people's works.

More action - less words. If there was a desire, the work would go well.

Every work of the master is praised. The eyes are scary, but the hands will do it.

The Lord's work cannot be reworked. Give to the earth, then it will give to you.

Done hastily - and made a mockery. The master's work is afraid.

Time for business, time for fun. See trees in their fruits, and see people in their deeds.

Stay close to the plow, it will be more profitable. The good start is half the battle.

Oak is the villager's iron. Think in the evening what to do in the morning.

If you put your heart into it, you can do anything. He eats for an ox and works for a mosquito.

If you have patience, you will have skill. He lives on a hill, but there is not a crust of bread.

Life is given for good deeds. Handle every task skillfully.

If you chase two hares, you won’t catch either. Don’t take on many things, but excel in one.

Stock does not spoil a person. The land is black, but white bread will give birth.

The sun paints the earth, and man's labor. You can't pull that nail out with your teeth.

What the soul lies to, the hands will put their hands to. Such are the works, such are the fruits.

Whatever the arable land, such is the brutality. Put potatoes in okroshka, and put love into action.

The end is the crown of the whole thing. Finished the job - go for a walk safely.

He who is quick in word is rarely argumentative in action. People honor those who love work.

He who does not work is not mistaken. He who does not walk does not fall.

He who does nothing never has time. Whoever sings, his work will soon end.

The one who gets up first will collect the mushrooms, but the sleepy and lazy ones go after the nettles.

Strike while the iron is hot. It's always a holiday for the lazy.

Dashing trouble is the beginning. It’s better to go quietly and forward than quickly and then back.

If you love to ride, you also love to carry a sled. The bee is small, and it works.

A small deed is better than a big idleness. It’s not enough to want, you have to be able to.

Sleeping a lot is not a matter of knowing. The ant is not big, but it digs mountains.

On uncultivated land, only weeds grow. When going to work he is behind the last ones, and when going to food he is in front of the first ones.

In someone else's work, even the sun doesn't move. You can't plow bread by running over.

Start, start, but look, finish. It is not the gods who burn the pots.

Not all of them are cooks who have long knives. Don't say "hop" until you've jumped over.

Don't say what you did, but say what you did. It’s not a wonder to start a thing; it’s a wonder to finish.

Before you start, think, but when you start, do. It is not clothes that make a person, but good deeds.

Don't put off until tomorrow what you can do today. It is not the oven that feeds, but the field.

I will not bow to the rich man if I thresh my own rye. He is not good who has a handsome face, but he is good who is good at business.

Don’t shake the apple while it’s green: when it’s ripe, it will fall on its own. Do not teach by idleness, but teach by handicraft.

Don’t boast in advance, look to the end: what will be the end of the matter. It is not the bread that follows the belly, but the belly that follows the bread.

You have to bend down to drink from the stream. There is no warrior alone in the field.

One with a bipod, and seven with a spoon. One bee will not produce enough honey.

Yelling is not playing the pipe. They plow the arable land without waving their hands.

Water does not flow under a lying stone. While the iron is at work, rust won’t take it.

The field loves work. If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

A bird is recognized in flight, and a person is recognized in his work. The bee is small, but it works.

The sleigh runs down the mountain, but not even the cart goes up the mountain. Go to bed with the chickens, get up with the rooster.

People are not born with skill, but they are proud of the craft they have acquired. You can easily hammer a nail into a stone.

This oats in the mud will be princely oats, and the rye will be in time, even in ashes. Don’t sleep on this bread: if you reap, you won’t have time to sleep.

Seven things cannot be handled by one person. No matter how much you talk, you won’t get enough of the conversation.

Soon the fairy tale is told, but not soon the deed is done. If you cut down a tree, plant two.

Diligence and work lead to happiness. If you drive more quietly, you will go further.

A hurried person does the same thing twice. He did nothing, who did not start anything.

Labor feeds a person, but laziness spoils him. The lazy spinner doesn't even have a shirt for herself.

A bad craftsman has a bad saw. A craftsman and a craftsman brings joy to himself and others.

Skill and labor will grind everything down. A zealous mouse will chew through the board.

A scientist without work is like a cloud without rain. Boast about the harvest when you fall asleep in the barn.

If you want to live, know how to spin! A bad thing has a bad end.

Chickens are counted in the fall. Even a horse has no luck through force.

What you reap is what you put together, what you put together is what you put in the barn. To be held in high esteem, you must love your work.

He was smart from a young age, but in his old age he dies of hunger.

Prepare an electronic illustrated collection of proverbs of the peoples of the world about the homeland or about work (your choice) write a short introductory article to the collection urgently 80 points


You can’t even pull a fish out of a pond without difficulty. Without good work there is no fruit. Patience and work will grind everything down. And the Swede, and the reaper, and the trumpet player. Work hard and there will be bread in the bins. If you didn’t know how to sew with gold, hit it with a hammer. Don’t put off today’s work until tomorrow! Labor money lies tightly, someone else’s money sticks out like an edge. He who does not work does not eat. A labor penny lives forever. If only there was a hunt, every job would improve. A small deed is better than a big idleness. You will be full from your labors, but you will not be rich. During working hours, the tongue is locked. The eyes are afraid, but the hands are doing. The master's work is afraid. White hands love other people's work. A bee works - a candle is useful to God. Getting up earlier means taking a step further. Don't be lazy behind the plow - you'll end up with a pie. Work is with your teeth, and laziness is with your tongue. The plow shines from work. Taking on everything means doing nothing. Happiness is no wonder there, where people do not work lazily. Without work, rest is not sweet. Any land is good if you don't spare your hands. Every person is recognized in action. Whoever gets up early, God gives to him. Heroes are born in work. Know how to do things, know how to have fun. Every skill comes from hard work. Income does not come without hassle. God loves work. Finished the job - go for a walk safely. Love for work is visible to people. Go to work with joy, and leave work with pride. It is not the gods who burn the pots. Time for business, time for fun. Bow to Mother Earth, she will reward you a hundredfold. The field loves work. They get healthy from work, but from laziness they get sick. The morning hour gives us gold. Bread is not given for free. The owner is the one who works. Don’t take on your own business, and don’t be lazy about yours. Patience and work will grind everything down. From the labors of the righteous one cannot make stone chambers. Labor feeds, but laziness spoils.

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