Home Prosthetics and implantation Why do you dream of a luxury apartment? Interpretation of the dream apartment in Miller's dream book

Why do you dream of a luxury apartment? Interpretation of the dream apartment in Miller's dream book

A stranger's apartment in a dream is usually seen as a sign of impending changes. The interpretation of the dream in most cases is similar (with only minor deviations) to what it would be like if you happened to see your own home. The dream book will specifically answer the question of why this image is dreamed of.

Miller's opinion

If in a dream you managed to get into someone else’s, well-furnished apartment, then in reality you will suddenly receive money. Perhaps it will be an inheritance or profit from a scam. The dream book promises a woman a successful marriage. But if the housing is quite modest, then do not expect special gifts from fate.

Be careful!

Why do you dream if you happen to be in someone else’s apartment? A loved one may cheat on you in reality.

To be visiting relatives or friends means that you are destined for promotion and overall success. If you find yourself in an unfamiliar house, then someone is trying to harm you.

Did you dream about the keys not to your apartment? The dream book is sure: in real life you will find out someone’s secret. Especially if in a dream you managed to open the door. Seeing closed doors at night is worse. In reality you will find yourself an uninvited guest or quarrel with friends.

Envy or happiness?

Why do you dream of someone else’s apartment in which you had to live? You will find yourself in a very awkward situation, as a result of which your reputation will suffer.

Did you dream that you had to rent a house? This is a harbinger of marriage or the start of a new business. Someone else's apartment in which you happen to sleep is to your own envy, but if you happen to spend the night with good friends, then the dream book guarantees happiness.

In your dream, did you manage to wake up in an unfamiliar bedroom? Get ready for the jealousy of your chosen one. Seeing that your owners unceremoniously woke you up means that you will soon get a great job.


What does it mean to have someone else’s apartment that you happen to be in in a dream? The dream book suspects that you have thoughtlessly invaded someone else's territory and risk getting into trouble.

Why do you dream if you happen to be in a hotel or office center? This is an eloquent hint of opportunities that are not being fully utilized.

Seeing yourself in someone else's house is good for a girl. The image promises her a quick marriage. He promises a mature lady a new lover, and a fleeting romance for a man.

Hold on!

Why dream of someone else’s apartment if you managed to go into it and occupy one of the rooms? In real life, you will become a participant in a collective cause.

Entering a house without an invitation literally means entering someone else's life. Did you dream that you were asked to come? The dream book suggests that someone will ask for your help.

It is not very good to find yourself in a hallway in a dream and wait until you are invited to move on. In the real world you will experience humiliation.

Don't miss the chance!

The dream book calls for paying close attention to the features of housing. So, a large and bright someone else’s apartment symbolizes unexpected luck.

If someone else’s apartment is gloomy and cramped in a dream, then get ready for a streak of bad luck. Did you dream of a large, luxuriously furnished room? In real life, there will be a chance to make an old dream come true.


Why do you dream of someone else’s old apartment? This is a reflection of connections that you cannot give up yet. A new apartment marks a completely new stage in life and a total change of plans.

Did you dream of an unknown house with furniture? Dream book advice: prepare for stress and a big surprise. An empty living space symbolically reflects the acquisition of unfamiliar knowledge in a dream.


Why do you dream of a very dirty someone else’s apartment? The dream book considers this a sign of confusion or an imminent trip. A dirty living space of a friend indicates in a dream that you have to solve the problems of strangers.

Did you dream of an unknown but rich apartment? You dream of a better life and will soon have a chance to improve your situation. If all the things in it were in disarray, then, despite all your efforts, nothing will work out for you.

Did you happen to see how you personally made a mess in an unfamiliar house? Hard times and lack of money are coming.


Why do you dream if you had to clean an unknown house? In reality, you have to create problems for those around you. Cleaning in a dream also means that you will be faced with a serious choice.

Did you dream that someone was forcing you to clean? the dream book warns: in reality you will do something under pressure. In general, dream cleaning symbolizes liberation from unpleasant circumstances.

If you were able to clean with the help of special tools and devices, you can change your financial situation. But cleaning with your hands literally means getting rid of people and relationships.

What they were doing?

  • Washing the floors is a scandal, change.
  • Dishes - reconciliation.
  • Vacuuming – removing excess.
  • To sweep is literally to get rid of someone.
  • Taking out the trash - gossip, open secrets.
  • Wiping off dust is a solution to old problems.

Go for it!

What is the use of someone else’s apartment in which you started renovating? You have to make a lot of effort to understand the affairs of those around you.

Making major repairs in an unfamiliar living space means that in reality you will be able to find a new use for your strengths and abilities.

It's good to glue wallpaper in a dream. The dream book considers this a symbol of wish fulfillment. Sometimes renovating someone else's home hints at family difficulties in your own home.

Hold back!

Finally, the dream book advises you to decipher the phenomena that can occur in your living space in a dream. For example, a fire without casualties marks an emotional and creative upsurge.

Did you dream that you started a fire yourself? Try to restrain your emotions, otherwise you will become the instigator of a serious scandal.

If a fire completely destroys your living space, you will get involved in a risky scam and burn out. The flood warns: in real life you will unnoticeably fall under bad influence.

Are you dreaming?

Why do you dream of robbing someone else’s apartment? Have you seen a theft without wanting to stop it? The dream book prophesies complete satisfaction.

Did you dream that you stopped robbers? In reality, you will deserve a reward for your efforts. Secretly entering an unfamiliar living space is a sign of an upcoming move.

If you decide to climb through the window, you will lose money. If in a dream you yourself robbed someone, then you simply dream too often of a rich and luxurious life.

The answer to the question: “Why do you dream about an apartment” depends on the nuances of what you see. Each detail has its own meaning.

Dream Interpretation: seeing an apartment in a dream

Miller's Dream Book suggests that if the dreamer has difficulty recognizing his own home, good news will come in reality. Renting an apartment means you need the help of others in solving problems.

If you dream that your apartment has been robbed, you will have to fight for your beliefs. It will take grit and perseverance.

A broken window in an apartment is bad. The project will fail. A flood in an apartment portends problems with property. The plot warns family dreamers that misunderstandings will arise. Buying an apartment is interpreted depending on the appearance. Clean means good changes, dirty means trouble.

According to Vanga's dream book when you dream of an apartment that is spacious and comfortable, this is a harbinger of family well-being. Repair portends financial profit.

Dream book of the 21st century for businessmen, apartment robbery is interpreted positively. Transactions in the coming period will be successful.

According to the family dream book a thief in an apartment means mistakes of the past. They need to be fixed urgently.

Modern dream book interprets moving to another apartment as a good change. Unfortunately, I dream of a mess in the apartment. There might be some crying to do. Theft in an apartment warns that excessive softness of character is harmful. It can be taken advantage of by ill-wishers.

A romantic date is coming up - this is why a woman dreams of an apartment if the living space is someone else’s. A counterpart can be either an old friend or a new lover.

Guests in the apartment portend trouble.

English source contains a different interpretation.

A mess in an apartment symbolizes difficult work that will be generously rewarded.

Freud's Dream Book interprets a flood in the apartment, when water pours from above, as upcoming sexual pleasures. Below - the passion cools down.

According to the latest dream book an open door in an apartment is a good sign. Patients will feel better.

Rearranging your apartment means a thirst for change.

Pigeons in an apartment appear in a dream to symbolize joyful events.

What kind of apartment did you dream about?

When you dream of an apartment, it is important to understand who it belonged to and whether you have been in it in reality. Of course, we must also take into account how she looked.

New An apartment in a dream, sparkling clean and cozy, means an increase in material well-being. Another pleasant meaning is the beginning of an exciting love story.

Alien old an apartment with shabby walls and floors is a warning. Difficulties will suddenly arise in the implementation of projects.

ex apartment means that the dreamer is overcome by longing for the old days. In reality, a meeting with childhood friends may take place. Additionally, the meaning of such a dream is interpreted depending on the type of room. Pure - to a calm period and peace. Littered or covered in cobwebs - to minor troubles and obstacles in the implementation of plans.

Emotional ties with relatives are very strong, that’s why you dream about an apartment, where I lived before, and now there are people dear to my heart. If you haven’t visited for a long time, it’s time to pay a pleasant visit that will make everyone happy.

For a girl someone else's the apartment foreshadows a wedding, and for a family dreamer - unexpected falling in love. For a man, such a dream symbolizes discomfort from the inability to control all life circumstances.

If unfamiliar the apartment was bright, and the feelings were positive; there were positive changes ahead that would put everything in its place. The anxious feeling left after visiting a gloomy monastery warns that difficult life problems lie ahead.

Dreamed big an apartment in a dream symbolizes ambitious plans. This reflects the need for self-realization, and in reality there is every chance to demonstrate talents and abilities.

Warns about obstacles and bureaucratic delays small apartment. However, a room that is too cramped represents both external and internal limitations. Lack of self-confidence can ruin even a very promising project.

When you dream about an apartment without repair, this indicates the need to reconsider priorities and create a detailed plan to achieve the goal. Although you have to try, your wishes will come true.

It is considered a sign of decreased vitality empty apartment. The dreamer is too busy at home and at work. This has led to mental emptiness, and at least a short rest is urgently needed.

If you dream about an apartment Furnished, in life everything comes easy. Such favor of fortune can cause laziness, but you should not relax, because fate is unpredictable.

The onset of a difficult period portends burnt out apartment. Plans will collapse due to external circumstances that could not be foreseen. Everything will literally have to start from scratch.

Dreamed dirty apartment - to routine chores. Minor troubles are likely. They will be easy to fix, but will require valuable time.

Removable an apartment in a dream is an indication that the sleeper is involved too much in the personal lives of other people, sometimes even when they are not asked to do so. Renting a two-room apartment for a single girl means two fans will appear at the same time with whom she will flirt carefree.

Beautiful the apartment is interpreted positively. Good news will come in reality, and entrepreneurs will be pleased with stable profits.

Actions with an apartment in a dream

Most often, you don’t just dream about an apartment, but a person doing something in it. Stories involving buying and selling, cleaning and repairs are quite common. After all, this is part of everyday life.

In reality, buying an apartment is a responsible step. If such plans really exist, or a property transaction has recently taken place, the dream merely reflects experiences or is a memory.

Choose apartment is a harbinger of changes that are inevitable. The dreamer himself feels joyful anticipation of new life prospects.

Buying an apartment can mean a rational investment of finances. It’s good if businessmen dreamed of such a plot - this means easy profit.

It’s definitely worth analyzing what happened buy apartment. Neat - for new acquaintances. A bright and spacious living space reflects the ability to quickly find a way out of any situation.

Buy the apartment is gloomy and even frightening - a warning. Someone is limiting the path to success.

The plot of the dream, in which it happened, warns about problems. inherit an apartment. Many small problems will require immediate elimination, distracting from the main goal.

Donated living space is a good sign. Material well-being will improve, everything in the business sphere is moving forward without difficulties.

A warning sign for families and lovers - change apartment in a dream. Inattention to your partner's interests can lead to cheating.

Look at repair in the apartment - a great sleep. In reality, one of your acquaintances will provide selfless help in a difficult matter. Doing renovations in the apartment yourself is a plot that is also interpreted positively. Through hard work and effort, life will improve.

Wallpapering in your apartment, be responsible for your family. Decorating the walls of someone else's property - in reality, a loved one will need help, and the dreamer will provide it.

For families cleaning in the apartment - a good sign. Even if there were any differences, they will remain in the past. Cleaning the apartment is a symbolic personification of cleansing from negativity. After this, life will change for the better.

Unexpected events will happen in the personal sphere if you dreamed take off apartment. Renting your own is the new romantic interest.

Sell apartment - an indication that it is time to get rid of outdated relationships. Moving means it’s worth changing your views on current events.

Why do you dream about a flood in an apartment?

Flood in an apartment in a dream means very strong emotions in reality. The details will tell you what they will be like.

Flooding of an apartment with water, which looks clean and transparent, portends that pleasant experiences await ahead. A hot, cloudy liquid that spoils furniture and belongings represents depression and illness. If a flood in the apartment happened to relatives of the sleeping people, trouble will happen to them.

According to one interpretation, if an apartment is flooded in a dream, it is a hint of alcohol abuse. This plot suggests that this problem must be urgently dealt with.

For a girl in love, icy water in the apartment considered a sign of cooling of feelings. This will cause a lot of grief and a lot of tears.

Why do you dream about a fire in an apartment?

In reality you will face troubles if you dreamed about the apartment is on fire. It will be impossible to prevent them, but it is advisable not to lose your presence of mind, then it will be easier to survive them.

Relationships with loved ones will become very complicated, this is what the dream means apartment on fire, belonging to the dreamer. It's good if the flames didn't touch the walls. True friends will help resolve a conflict situation.

Strong emotions mean smoke and fire in the apartment. If neither people nor property were harmed, the energy of the sleeper will lead to positive changes and improvement in financial situation. Smoke without fire - unfounded fears.

I had a chance put out the fire in the apartment, and managed to defeat the flames - a good sign. External and internal problems will be overcome.

Setting a fire means fatigue from some imposed obligations and exhausted acquaintances.

When you dream of an apartment, such a dream deserves attention. Deciphering the meaning will help avoid problems.

Any housing in a dream represents a person’s living space. What you dream of about a new apartment can be determined based on the images that appear. The sensations you experienced in your sleep also play a big role.

As the Esoteric Dream Book says, an apartment in your night dreams can tell you what your immediate life prospects will be. The size of the apartment, its cleanliness and lighting, even the floor on which the apartment is located in a dream can tell a lot. Therefore, first you should decide what exactly you saw.

  • Was the living space yours or someone else’s?
  • Empty or already furnished?
  • Spacious or cramped?
  • Light or dark?
  • Clean or dirty?
  • Did the apartment seem familiar to you or was it completely unfamiliar?
  • Was anyone else present besides you in the new housing?
  • What actions took place in your dream?

Dream details

As the New Russian Dream Book writes, an apartment, if it is new, symbolizes changes in the sphere of personal relationships. Owning a new home means favorable changes in fate, and they will affect not only friendships or love affairs, but also career and money.

Someone else's living space symbolizes the possibility of a change of feelings and love relationships. For a girl or unmarried woman in a dream, a new, strange apartment is a possibility of an imminent wedding. For a family lady, it foretells the appearance of a lover, for a man - a quick affair.

Why dream of an apartment with good, tasteful furnishings? If the apartment was furnished with beautiful furniture, this portends that your aspirations for a better life will come true. But if you dreamed of furnishing a new home, you should pay attention to family relationships in order to avoid conflicts.

You dream of an empty home when you need to take time for yourself. Such a vision appears in dreams if a person feels lonely or if his current job no longer suits him. You need to decide what you want now, then your life will be filled with meaning again and the feeling of emptiness and loneliness will recede.

I dreamed that the apartment was large and bright - Miller’s dream book says that this is a good sign. This means serious changes for the better in reality. But if the large apartment you dreamed of turns out to be dark and the person sleeping in it is uncomfortable, in life you should be careful in implementing your plans in order to avoid failure.

In a dream, a large apartment looks cozy, it has beautiful artificial lighting - such a dream speaks of the body’s good immunity, a high ability to cope with infections and stressful situations. A large living space in which a person feels calm and confident can also be a dream if professionally he is in the right place, and his financial situation will be stable in the near future.

If you dreamed that the apartment was spacious and clean, you don’t have to worry about the state of your family affairs: your family and friends will soon be healthy and cheerful. It can also mean the sleeper feels satisfied with the current state of affairs. Seeing cramped and cluttered housing in a dream - such a vision encourages you to devote more time to your household. You need to take care of your own health, this is the body giving a signal: something is wrong.

Why do you dream about an apartment that seems completely unfamiliar to you? Since the image of housing in a dream represents “inner space,” an unfamiliar living space symbolizes that the sleeper has ceased to “recognize himself.” If a person does not recognize the home in his vision, serious changes will soon occur in his life. What these changes will be can be assessed based on the appearance of the unfamiliar housing, as mentioned above.

If in a dream you had to see that you were in your living space and did not recognize it - for example, you dreamed of different furniture, a different arrangement of rooms, different lighting fixtures - soon you will have to re-evaluate your friendships and love relationships. Most likely, the dream books interpret that the revaluation will occur in a positive way. Those relationships that you thought had exhausted themselves will find a second wind and will again seem beautiful and attractive to you.

Buying, moving or flooding?

Why do you dream about buying an apartment? If in a dream you had the feeling that you were satisfied with both the price and quality of the new home, then such a dream signifies favorable changes in real life. This could be either a promotion, or a change of job to a higher paying one, or a marriage in which both the love and material aspects will be balanced.

Buy “square meters” at an inflated price - such a dream speaks of the dreamer’s inflated demands on others. Try to more adequately evaluate those around you, and then it will be easier for you to realize your own plans.

To dream that you were able to buy a home at a very favorable price - this portends that unexpected luck will fall on you in reality. A dream about moving to a new apartment, when you have to transport a lot of things, has a similar meaning.

Why do you dream about an apartment in which you had to renovate? If you dreamed that you were renovating your own apartment alone, you will have to work hard to ensure that your life is calm and prosperous. If your friends helped you do the renovations, then in reality you will also need help and support, and if in a dream you were doing renovations in someone else’s apartment, in reality you are taking on too many other people’s worries.

People often dream that they have a new apartment, but in reality it is far from new. The question arises: why do you dream about the old apartment that you had to move into in your dreams? Dream books say that the interpretation of a dream completely depends on what feelings you had in a dream from the housing you saw: if it was clean, cozy, comfortable, then in reality the changes will only be positive.

If the old apartment seemed uncomfortable to you, the business sphere requires you to be extremely careful so that ill-wishers do not knock the ground out from under your feet. Seeing your parents' old apartment in a dream symbolizes that you spend too much time in your thoughts on the past. To be more successful, you should pay more attention to the present.

If the apartment seen in a dream is on the upper floors, this symbolizes the dreamer’s desire for high ideals. If you dreamed that you were moving to an apartment on the lower floors, such a dream speaks of your practicality.

Oddly enough, a dream telling you that your new apartment was robbed is a very favorable sign. If you dreamed that your home was robbed, such a vision promises serious profits and changes for the better. However, the dream in which your apartment was robbed has another meaning: someone from your environment is trying to “steer” your life, so you need to show perseverance and not succumb to provocations.

The dream that housing has been damaged by water urges the sleeper not to be like an ostrich and to solve emerging problems in a timely manner. A dream where an apartment is flooded warns: all the issues that you do not want to solve are accumulating and may soon fall on you with their entire mass. However, dream books also give a positive interpretation of a dream in which your apartment was flooded. If, when you saw this spectacle in a dream, you were not frightened and you were not unpleasant, it means that changes will soon occur in reality, for which you are already internally prepared. The flood from a dream simply washes away the remnants of your doubts.

An apartment is a place where a person can fully relax and unwind. Therefore, it is quite understandable to want to find out what the apartment is for in dreams. In dreams, this symbol reflects the energetic and mental state of the dreamer.

As a rule, when you dream of an apartment, for a correct interpretation, you must remember the situation inside the premises. You should also pay attention to the quality of repairs and existing furniture. It is also important whether the dreamed apartment is yours or someone else’s.

Beautiful apartment

If the apartment you see in a dream is well-kept, bright and beautifully furnished, then this is a very favorable dream. It promises the dreamer wealth in real life. Circumstances will develop in such a way that you will constantly have new sources of income. In addition, you can expect pleasant cash surprises. There comes a period in life when fate will provide you with many brilliant opportunities.

Why do you dream about a dirty apartment?

If you dream of a gloomy and dirty apartment, then this foreshadows the onset of a period of bad luck and failure. But if you are careful and prudent, you can avoid trouble. In addition, in this period of life, you can achieve a positive result if you are not afraid of difficulties. Even the slightest inner fear makes you vulnerable.

Other dreams can be interpreted as follows:

  • A new apartment after renovation is a harbinger of new beginnings that will definitely be successful, but you will have to work hard for this. An empty apartment with no furniture symbolizes your fear of loneliness. Oddly enough, this is precisely what can prevent you from finding a reliable and faithful partner. Try to be more open to the people around you, against the background of this, the fear of loneliness will certainly disappear.

Former apartment - dream book

Very often, dreamers have a question about why they dream of a former apartment. Such a dream foreshadows the receipt of pleasant news that will concern your personal life. If you dream of a former apartment in perfect condition, then you should expect a happy period in your life. No one and nothing can harm you at this time.

But if the former apartment in the dream is dirty and unkempt, then in reality you should be extra careful. Possible troubles can affect any area of ​​life, and are almost always associated with your wrong decisions.

If the former apartment appears casually in the dream plot and the dreamer’s attention is not focused on its furnishings, then this indicates a person’s longing for the past. It’s better to get rid of this condition as quickly as possible and start living in the present.

Someone else's apartment

When you dream of someone else's apartment with completely unfamiliar furnishings, this is a very good sign. It portends favorable life changes that you have long strived for. In addition, such a dream indicates that you will be able to quickly and successfully cope with all existing problems.

Why do you dream about a new apartment?

A new apartment in a dream foreshadows gaining complete financial independence in real life. Also, such a dream often indicates the emergence of a new love relationship.

Apartment for rent

Very often I have a dream related to the fact that the apartment is for rent. Why do you have such dreams? They portend new love in reality or very interesting romantic adventures. And if you dream that you are renting an apartment, then this indicates that you will soon start a new interesting business that will turn out to be very profitable. Other interpretations of various dreams may be as follows:

  • Paying rent or paying utility bills means having a conflict in reality with a close friend. It is better to try to resolve the disagreements that arise to avoid this. Receiving rent means meeting a person from your own past. Furnishing an apartment means mastering a new business or a new profession in the near future. This will allow you to become a more successful person and gain invaluable experience that will be useful in the future for realizing your own ideas. Buying an apartment is a successful investment of your own finances. Cleaning the apartment means establishing harmonious family relationships.

If you dream of some kind of cataclysm in an apartment, for example, associated with a break in water pipes or a clogged sewer, then such a dream indicates that difficult times will soon come in reality. If you see in the plot of your dream that you caused the flooding of another apartment, then this symbolizes your strained relationships with others. And when the dreamer’s attention is focused on flooding his own apartment with dirty, muddy water, a serious family conflict with members of the household is brewing.

Apartment renovation

When you dream of renovating your own apartment, this indicates that you are moving in the right direction and are always striving to learn something new. If in a dream you have to renovate someone else’s apartment, then soon you will have to provide support in everyday matters to one of the people in your close circle.

Moving to an apartment - interpretation of sleep

Noteworthy is the dream in which he dreamed of moving to a new apartment. This is a sign that global changes are coming in real life that will affect all areas of life. And if you dream of moving to a secondary housing market apartment, then you should be prepared that there will be a lot of difficulties on the way to your goal.

Apartment as an inheritance, as a gift or as a win

If, in accordance with the plot of the dream, you dream of an apartment that you inherited, then in reality many small troubles will arise that will have to be resolved urgently in the shortest possible time. And if in your night dreams you are given an apartment, then this foreshadows profitable material investments. When in a dream you win an apartment on a promotion, then soon you will have an influential patron in your life or you will receive financial support that is important to you. Looking for an apartment in a dream indicates the dreamer’s subconscious desire to radically change his own life.

Dreaming of a large apartment indicates favorable changes in life. This symbol appears in a dream on the eve of grandiose prospects that are ready to open up before the dreamer. But for a thorough understanding of why you dream of a luxurious living space, dream books advise taking into account all the details.

According to Miller's dream book

Miller claims that a large apartment seen in a dream foreshadows changes soon. Why do you dream about wandering through unknown rooms? This means that the changes will be positive.

Did you dream that you were renting out your own spacious living space, but it was uninhabited? The dream book sees in such a plot a hint that you have many unsolvable problems.

Having your own apartment, but with someone else’s furniture, is a dream of good news.

Financial well-being

A new large apartment, with a lot of air and light, in a dream is a sign that nothing threatens your financial well-being.

According to Longo’s dream book, buying a spacious apartment with several rooms portends profit and growth in your income.

Doing renovations in an apartment with a large area in a dream means that all your actions are correct, you must continue to move in the same direction.

Changes in fate

Loff's dream book promises new relationships, explaining why one dreams of acquiring a new large living space.

If in a dream you purchased a luxury apartment or a mansion that was previously owned by a person you liked, then in reality you will develop a romantic relationship with the hero of your dreams.

Tsvetkov’s dream book prophesies a break in relations with someone dear to his heart if in a dream he saw how a recently purchased bright apartment was flooded. The same interpretation is given if a large apartment was rented out.

Don't get into conflicts

Sometimes in a dream you can see an empty spacious apartment flooded with water. Dream books advise taking into account the state of this water in order to understand exactly what this picture is about in a dream.

If the water was clear, then this is a positive sign: in life you have someone to rely on. If the liquid was cloudy and dirty, then a conflict with relatives is possible. Dream Interpretations explain that it is better to refrain from quarrels with loved ones, otherwise a break in relations is possible.

When in a dream you have to renovate someone else’s apartment, this indicates an attempt to shift your own responsibilities to someone else. And this person is not happy with your initiative.

A little sadness

The spacious apartment looked great in the dream, but was it empty? According to the Eastern Dream Book, this is the personification of longing for the past.

If you dreamed that you bought a huge apartment, but couldn’t live there, it means loneliness for a while.

What awaits on the labor front?

Why do you dream about your parents' house? Miss Hasse claims that this means changes at work or in your own business.

In the bright, huge apartment that appeared in the dream, were there many window openings? This is a sign that in the near future you will have the prospect of taking a good position or establishing new relationships with partners.

Did the apartment seem dark and gloomy? Dream experts, explaining why this is a dream, believe that problems are expected in the labor field (numerous conflicts with employees, dissatisfaction with management, breakdown of deals and betrayal of partners). The best solution at this moment is to take a vacation.

Other interpretations

A large apartment in a dream can be a harbinger of various events.

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