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Dream Interpretation. Why do you dream about a corridor?

1 Housewife's Dream Interpretation

What does a Corridor mean in a dream - uncertainty.

2 Dream Interpretation of the Sorceress Medea

Corridor - Uncertainty, transition from one state to another. The connection between two sets of circumstances. Standing in the corridor means showing indecisiveness when making a choice. Walking along the corridor is a change.

3 Psychological dream book

Corridor – see also Passage in the Buildings section. 1. When we see ourselves in corridors in a dream, we are usually in a state of transition; either we move from one state of consciousness to another, or we find ourselves in a stage of change of being. 2. We are not satisfied with the current situation, but we have no possibility of changing it, we can only accept the inevitable. 3. We are in spiritual purgatory.

4 Dream book of yogis

Dreaming of a corridor means:

A corridor is a connection (passage) between worlds.
All such places (places of forks leading to different worlds) in the universe are well guarded, especially from those for whom it is not time to be there yet.

5 ABC of dream interpretation

Meaning of sleep corridor:

If you dreamed of a corridor at night, it means that you are in a state of some uncertainty. You have left one situation, but have not yet arrived at another or you don’t know where to go – and whether it’s worth it. The corridor is a kind of connecting link between two sets of circumstances. And if you dreamed that you were standing in it, this symbolizes your indecision in making a choice. If in a dream you are walking along a corridor, it indicates impending changes, but for you they are still in the uncertain future.

6 Freud's Dream Interpretation

Corridor - symbolizes the female genital organs.
If you are wandering along a long corridor or find yourself in a dark corridor, you are confused in your sexual relationships, trying to rethink them, but still cannot find a satisfactory solution to your problems.

7 Dream Interpretation of Azar

The corridor is a long trip.

8 Dream book of Nina Grishina

Corridor in a dream means:

The corridor in which you yourself find yourself is a certain danger / a certain distance in a relationship / a path that you are forced to choose / actions not of your own free will / erotic fantasies.
On the other hand, seeing an unpleasant person means that a short distance in a relationship with him is undesirable.
The bars dividing the corridor are barriers between people.
Meeting many people in a long corridor means suspicions of treason, the inability to hide from some responsibility, from one’s duty.
To see a bright corridor with windows in a dream means a feeling of correctly taken distance in relationships with people / there is no need to worry about being misunderstood / harmony in relationships in general.
Going dark, narrow, winding or very low - dreams caused by the consciousness that you lack freedom of choice in behavior / bondage.
To endlessly move from corridor to corridor is to unsuccessfully achieve some freedom of behavior.
To see a corridor with many doors, with a mass of stairs leading up and down - to experience fear of independent decisions / ignorance determines the unpredictability, the danger of your actions / dangerous freedom.
Endless, going deep into the earth - the road of knowledge.
Running down a corridor in a crowd of people means becoming a victim of some kind of public disaster.

9 Online dream book

I dreamed of a corridor - according to the interpretation of the dream book, this means that you are at a crossroads, you have already left one life period, but have not yet entered another.
If in a dream you stand in it, you will decide for a long time whether to agree to something or not, and if you walk along it
A dream in which the corridor is very narrow suggests that there is not much to choose from. A difficult period will come in your life, but once you get through it, everything in your life will get better. If it's twisty
I dream about a long corridor - this dream has many different interpretations: a risky situation; tension between lovers; stand at the crossroads, choose your destiny; sexual desires.

10 Imperial dream book

Wandering through the corridor, but finding a way out - the dream is favorable, since the body seeks and finds internal resources for self-healing, which would be impossible without the dreamer’s thoughts about himself and the world. But you should identify the organs and systems of the body that were most affected by past mistakes and take the measures described above.

11 Home dream book

Why does a woman dream about a corridor:

Corridor in a dream - Symbolizes an alien converter of consciousness, always negative. Denotes a situation where a person falls under a directed influence of which he is completely unaware. This can be the influence of individuals or entire communities, as well as extraterrestrial civilizations. To dream of a long corridor marks the path of life, rich in surprises and difficulties that you must overcome. They probably won't have too much of an impact on the main events. A dark and empty corridor can sometimes mean loneliness, for which you yourself are to blame.

12 Esoteric dream book

Seeing a corridor in a dream means:

The corridor is the road of life. As is the corridor, so is the path in the coming period.
Twisting, dark - wandering in the dark without a clear goal.
Many doors - many possibilities, you need to make a choice which room you will enter.

It's best if you find your own room.

13 Italian psychoanalytic dream book by A. Roberti

A dream with a corridor in the dream book is interpreted as:

What does a Corridor mean in a dream - see also Passage in the Buildings section. 1. When we see ourselves in corridors in a dream, we are usually in a state of transition; either we move from one state of consciousness to another, or we find ourselves in a stage of change of being. 2. We are not satisfied with the current situation, but we have no possibility of changing it, we can only accept the inevitable. 3. We are in spiritual purgatory.

14 Idiomatic dream book

Dreaming of a corridor means:

“Corridors of power”, “knocking on thresholds or walking along corridors” are futile or humiliating business endeavors; “to walk a narrow path, a corridor” - difficulties, hardships, suffering.

15 Idiomatic dream book

Meaning of sleep corridor:

The corridor, usually dark and narrow, is a return to the womb and birth.

16 Dream book of the 21st century

What does it mean if a woman dreams of a corridor:

A corridor seen in a dream is a symbol of failure in trading.
Walking along a long empty corridor in a dream is a harbinger of trouble at work; along a corridor in which there are many people - to a favorable combination of circumstances at work, a successful career, promotion.
For a woman to see herself in a dark empty corridor means loneliness due to her own fault.

17 Jewish dream book

What a corridor might mean in a dream:

What does a Corridor mean in a dream - Finding yourself in a long dark corridor means doing a tedious task.

18 Dream Interpretation of Shereminskaya

Corridor in a dream means:

The corridor is a sign of change or the need to make a decision.
Walking along the corridor and seeing a door to another room or an exit to the courtyard means changes for the better.
If you stop in the corridor, it means that you are not decisive enough in your actions.

19 Wanderer's Dream Book - Terenty Smirnov

If a girl dreams of a corridor, it means:

The corridor is a sign of transition, from one space to another, from one state of feelings to another. May mean distance in a relationship. Symbolizes reflection, decision making.
Long or narrow, dark - difficulties, a gloomy period of life.
Walking for a long time along endless corridors is a dead end in life, bewilderment, a hopeless situation.

20 Slavic dream book

Why does a woman dream about a corridor:

Corridor - to surprises and danger.

21 Dream Interpretation of Azar

The trip is far

22 Small dream book

If in a dream you are in a long dark corridor and do not know where to go next, then such a dream is a reflection of reality and indicates that you have lost vital guidelines.

If at the end of the corridor you see the light and strive towards it, then life will confront you with the need to make a responsible decision on which your future fate will depend. If you dreamed that you were walking along a bright corridor, looking into all the doors and rooms, and not finding a single living soul, then in real life you can count on the support of close friends.

If in a dream you walk along an endless corridor, it means that in reality you will get out of obscurity and take a respected position. Finding yourself in the corridor of someone else's apartment, where it is dark and full of all sorts of rubbish under your feet - such a dream suggests that in reality you will suffer a loss in business, and some minor troubles will constantly annoy you at home. For a young person in love, such a dream foreshadows that her far-reaching plans will not stand the test of time and she will have to abandon them.

26 Dream book of the 20th century

A long corridor seen in a dream means that some business promises to take a long time.

If at the same time the corridor is a beautiful long corridor with windows along the walls: a sign that your business is being delayed due to the fact that you are distracted too often.

Dirty, dark corridor: this is a reflection of your own dissatisfaction with the long wait. After such a dream, try to be more patient and look at life on the bright side, otherwise your negative emotions will lead to new failures and things will drag on even longer.

29 Christian dream book

A sign of change or the need to make a decision. Walking along the corridor and seeing a door to another room or an exit to the courtyard means changes for the better. If you stop in the corridor, it means that you are not decisive enough in your actions. To wander the corridor in a dream, but to find a way out: the dream is favorable, since the body seeks and finds internal resources for self-healing, which would be impossible without the dreamer’s thoughts about himself and the world. But you should identify the organs and systems of the body that were most affected by past mistakes and take the measures described above.

A corridor or a large pipe in which you yourself are located is a certain danger, a certain distance in a relationship. The path you are forced to choose, actions against your will, erotic fantasies.

To see an unpleasant person on the other side of the corridor means that a short distance in a relationship with him is undesirable.

A person running away from you - someone is deliberately avoiding meeting or having a close relationship with you.

Meeting strange animals in the corridor means your obsessive, unreasonable fears.

The bars dividing the corridor are barriers between people.

A corridor with puddles, a large pipe that you walk along, a corridor with a dead end or a small door at the end. Seeing a naked woman or man at the end of the corridor means erotic fantasies, dissatisfaction in love.

To meet many people in a long corridor - suspicions of treason, the inability to hide from some responsibility, from one’s duty.

To see a bright corridor with windows in a dream, to walk along a glass pipe, through a gallery flooded with light - a feeling of correctly taken distance in relationships with people. There is no need to worry about being misunderstood. Harmony in relationships in general.

Walking in a dark, narrow, winding or very low corridor, wandering through a mine - dreams caused by the consciousness that you lack freedom of choice in behavior, captivity.

To endlessly move from corridor to corridor is to unsuccessfully achieve some freedom of behavior.

To see a corridor with many doors, with a mass of stairs leading up and down - to experience fear of independent decisions, ignorance determines the unpredictability, the danger of your actions, dangerous freedom.

Running to the toilet along an endless corridor - elusive wealth, a profitable position

Rushing down the corridor to bed means vain hopes of creating a home, vain hopes for peace and tranquility in the family.

Walking along the hotel corridor and unsuccessfully looking for your room - experiencing fear of life, uncertainty before the first intimacy in love.

Things and images in the corridor symbolize what burdens and enslaves a person.

To see a corridor with screens behind which someone lives is burdened by the surroundings, a desire to leave, to hide from people.

A corridor with windows on the ceiling - fear of responsibility, awakening in you some feelings of guilt.

The corridor opens into a forest or field - a good end to the current situation.

Walking along a corridor with a dazzlingly shining floor means not knowing what to do, losing ground under your feet.

Walking along a corridor with high steps, rising or falling, blocked by many doors - to be completely unaware of the consequences of your actions.

Walking along a corridor with deep wells and dark passages leading from it is a danger that you feel but don’t see.

An endless corridor going deep into the earth - the road of knowledge.

Running down a corridor in a crowd of people means becoming a victim of some kind of public disaster.

Walking down a corridor with glowing signs, seeing the light of a lamp in the distance is the same.

To run from a collapse through an underground gallery - you need to quickly make a decision.

Taking an underground passage from the house or yard means deceptive hopes for a quick solution to the matter, the need to cheat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Corridor

To dream of a long corridor marks the path of life, rich in surprises and difficulties that you must overcome.

They probably won't have too much of an impact on the main events.

A dark and empty corridor can sometimes mean loneliness, for which you yourself are to blame.

Walking down the corridor among a mass of people means a successful career or making new friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

A corridor or a large pipe in which you yourself are located is a certain danger, a certain distance in a relationship. The path you are forced to choose, actions against your will, erotic fantasies.

To see an unpleasant person on the other side of the corridor means that a short distance in a relationship with him is undesirable.

A person running away from you - someone is deliberately avoiding meeting or having a close relationship with you.

Meeting strange animals in the corridor means your obsessive, unreasonable fears.

The bars dividing the corridor are barriers between people.

A corridor with puddles, a large pipe that you walk along, a corridor with a dead end or a small door at the end. Seeing a naked woman or man at the end of the corridor means erotic fantasies, dissatisfaction in love.

To meet many people in a long corridor - suspicions of treason, the inability to hide from some responsibility, from one’s duty.

To see a bright corridor with windows in a dream, to walk along a glass pipe, through a gallery flooded with light - a feeling of correctly taken distance in relationships with people. There is no need to worry about being misunderstood. Harmony in relationships in general.

Walking in a dark, narrow, winding or very low corridor, wandering through a mine - dreams caused by the consciousness that you lack freedom of choice in behavior, captivity.

To endlessly move from corridor to corridor is to unsuccessfully achieve some freedom of behavior.

To see a corridor with many doors, with a mass of stairs leading up and down - to experience fear of independent decisions, ignorance determines the unpredictability, the danger of your actions, dangerous freedom.

Running to the toilet along an endless corridor - elusive wealth, a profitable position

Rushing down the corridor to bed means vain hopes of creating a home, vain hopes for peace and tranquility in the family.

Walking along the hotel corridor and unsuccessfully looking for your room - experiencing fear of life, uncertainty before the first intimacy in love.

Things and images in the corridor symbolize what burdens and enslaves a person.

To see a corridor with screens behind which someone lives is burdened by the surroundings, a desire to leave, to hide from people.

A corridor with windows on the ceiling - fear of responsibility, awakening in you some feelings of guilt.

The corridor opens into a forest or field - a good end to the current situation.

Walking along a corridor with a dazzlingly shining floor means not knowing what to do, losing ground under your feet.

Walking along a corridor with high steps, rising or falling, blocked by many doors - to be completely unaware of the consequences of your actions.

Walking along a corridor with deep wells and dark passages leading from it is a danger that you feel but don’t see.

An endless corridor going deep into the earth - the road of knowledge.

Running down a corridor in a crowd of people means becoming a victim of some kind of public disaster.

Walking down a corridor with glowing signs, seeing the light of a lamp in the distance is the same.

To run from a collapse through an underground gallery - you need to quickly make a decision.

Taking an underground passage from the house or yard means deceptive hopes for a quick solution to the matter, the need to cheat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Corridor

To dream of a long corridor marks the path of life, rich in surprises and difficulties that you must overcome.

They probably won't have too much of an impact on the main events.

A dark and empty corridor can sometimes mean loneliness, for which you yourself are to blame.

Walking down the corridor among a mass of people means a successful career or making new friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

A corridor or a large pipe in which you yourself are located is a certain danger, a certain distance in a relationship. The path you are forced to choose, actions against your will, erotic fantasies.

To see an unpleasant person on the other side of the corridor means that a short distance in a relationship with him is undesirable.

A person running away from you - someone is deliberately avoiding meeting or having a close relationship with you.

Meeting strange animals in the corridor means your obsessive, unreasonable fears.

The bars dividing the corridor are barriers between people.

A corridor with puddles, a large pipe that you walk along, a corridor with a dead end or a small door at the end. Seeing a naked woman or man at the end of the corridor means erotic fantasies, dissatisfaction in love.

To meet many people in a long corridor - suspicions of treason, the inability to hide from some responsibility, from one’s duty.

To see a bright corridor with windows in a dream, to walk along a glass pipe, through a gallery flooded with light - a feeling of correctly taken distance in relationships with people. There is no need to worry about being misunderstood. Harmony in relationships in general.

Walking in a dark, narrow, winding or very low corridor, wandering through a mine - dreams caused by the consciousness that you lack freedom of choice in behavior, captivity.

To endlessly move from corridor to corridor is to unsuccessfully achieve some freedom of behavior.

To see a corridor with many doors, with a mass of stairs leading up and down - to experience fear of independent decisions, ignorance determines the unpredictability, the danger of your actions, dangerous freedom.

Running to the toilet along an endless corridor - elusive wealth, a profitable position

Rushing down the corridor to bed means vain hopes of creating a home, vain hopes for peace and tranquility in the family.

Walking along the hotel corridor and unsuccessfully looking for your room - experiencing fear of life, uncertainty before the first intimacy in love.

Things and images in the corridor symbolize what burdens and enslaves a person.

To see a corridor with screens behind which someone lives is burdened by the surroundings, a desire to leave, to hide from people.

A corridor with windows on the ceiling - fear of responsibility, awakening in you some feelings of guilt.

The corridor opens into a forest or field - a good end to the current situation.

Walking along a corridor with a dazzlingly shining floor means not knowing what to do, losing ground under your feet.

Walking along a corridor with high steps, rising or falling, blocked by many doors - to be completely unaware of the consequences of your actions.

Walking along a corridor with deep wells and dark passages leading from it is a danger that you feel but don’t see.

An endless corridor going deep into the earth - the road of knowledge.

Running down a corridor in a crowd of people means becoming a victim of some kind of public disaster.

Walking down a corridor with glowing signs, seeing the light of a lamp in the distance is the same.

To run from a collapse through an underground gallery - you need to quickly make a decision.

Taking an underground passage from the house or yard means deceptive hopes for a quick solution to the matter, the need to cheat.

Interpretation of dreams from the Noble Dream Book

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Dream Interpretation - Corridor

To dream of a long corridor marks the path of life, rich in surprises and difficulties that you must overcome.

They probably won't have too much of an impact on the main events.

A dark and empty corridor can sometimes mean loneliness, for which you yourself are to blame.

Walking down the corridor among a mass of people means a successful career or making new friends.

Interpretation of dreams from

Dream Interpretation corridor

Cramped rooms and oppressive surroundings leave unpleasant emotions after waking up. Every person needs comfort and if he does not feel it in a dream, it means there are some serious problems. Why do you dream about a corridor? What does this sign portend?

Distinctive features

The long corridor and the dense interweaving of rooms scares almost no one. The problem appears when the dreamer wanders through the corridors for a long time and cannot get out of them. To decipher such symbols, you need to promptly seek help from dream books. After receiving short advice, you can begin to act in real life.

What did the corridor look like?

According to the dream book, the corridor plays the role of a mystical symbol that is not so easy to decipher.


A long corridor in which there is no lighting will tell you that a controversial stage will come in life.

Life paths will begin to intersect, and the right direction will play a big role. It seems to you that a mistake will be made in any case, but do not worry ahead of time.

Before making any decision, it is necessary to evaluate all the advantages and disadvantages, and then draw appropriate conclusions. By making decisions rashly, you can make a serious mistake, which will have to pay for a very long time.

Very narrow passage

If you dreamed of a narrow passage from which you cannot get out, this means a difficult life situation that will require the help of loved ones to solve it. Only they can give advice applicable to a specific situation.

A narrow passage between several rooms may be dreamed of by those who are going through a bad patch in life. If the dreamer can pass all the tests and withstand the blows of fate, then real life will soon return to its usual course.


Walking down a corridor with flashing lights is a sign that warns the dreamer. He must be extremely careful because he is in great danger. If everything is done correctly, it can be prevented.

A hospital corridor with doors portends illness and illness. As a rule, people are negligent about their health, rarely seeking help from their doctor. To prevent the development of a serious illness, the dreamer should begin to regularly visit the hospital.

Actions in transition

Getting lost in narrow corridors and calling someone for help means realizing that a wrong step was taken in life, which the dreamer regrets. As most interpreters write, constant anxious thoughts will not help solve the problem and improve the condition.


Looking for things lost within the walls of the hostel is an unpleasant interaction with neighbors. The main thing is to prevent conflict from arising. During the conversation, you need to follow a few simple recommendations:

Seeing repair work in a dream

  • never get personal;
  • do not raise your voice to your interlocutor;
  • ignore his aggressive attacks, etc.

The dreamer is trying to get out of the wide corridor in which repair work is being carried out - to repairs in real life. Dream books say that changes in life should come gradually, otherwise the desired result will not be achieved.


The white corridor, in which there are no doors or windows, tries to protect a person from thoughtlessly investing his own funds. Spending money aimlessly can lead to big problems, and this should not be forgotten. Most likely, the thing you really want to buy will become unnecessary in a short period of time.

Other interpretations

When the dreamer observes bright and sunny corridors, his mood will sharply improve, and this is associated with recognition at work and within the family itself.

Pleasant adventures await you very soon, you can already start preparing for them. A person walking along a long exhibition corridor can count on good luck in all endeavors.

A bright hospital corridor will tell you that in reality a person does not have any health problems. Any disease will pass quickly and will not leave any trace behind. If people come towards you, it means there will soon be a noisy and intoxicating party.

A passage with mirrored walls means a meeting with a dear person, communication with whom was interrupted for an inexplicable reason. The main thing is to start, and then communication will become easy and relaxed.

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