Home Stomatitis Transient emotional personality disorder. Transient personality disorder: a harmless diagnosis or a serious pathology? What is personality

Transient emotional personality disorder. Transient personality disorder: a harmless diagnosis or a serious pathology? What is personality

  • dependent (search for and binding to a guardian who will bear full responsibility for the actions taken);
  • avoidant (people are afraid of being rejected and abandoned after a short relationship, so they live alone so as not to be disappointed);
  • passive-aggressive (people who crave freedom of action, but cannot cope with it);
  • paranoid (distrust of other people, high demands on them, but not on oneself);
  • obsessive-compulsive (people who are used to controlling and criticizing everything);
  • antisocial (sociopaths);
  • narcissistic (narcissism);
  • schizoid (living in isolation);
  • histrionic (they like to make contact with others, are intrusive and overly vigilant).

It is clear that all personality disorders affect social adaptation in one way or another. Along with this, functional disorders occur in the main areas:

  • emotions;
  • perception;
  • thinking;
  • behavior;
  • interpersonal relationships.

Often there is a substitution of concepts, which distorts the overall picture of the perception of the world as a whole, a person’s principles and approaches change, but the revaluation of values ​​and improvements caused by the useful information load, which is necessary in such cases, does not occur.

Accordingly, behavior has also changed, which usually so noticeably affects the existence and definition of oneself in society. The patient’s lifestyle changes beyond recognition, oppressing him, but sometimes without the help of loved ones the patient cannot cope with the illness and resume normal life activities.

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Causes of transient personality disorder

It is not surprising that the first place among the causes of transient personality disorder is stress or severe nervous shock.

The causes of advanced long-term personality disorder may be the following factors:

  • everyday overexertion over a long period of time;
  • forced long wait for an important decision;
  • litigation;
  • divorce proceedings;
  • long separation from loved ones;
  • hostilities;
  • tiring trips;
  • violence in family;
  • imprisonment;
  • loss of real estate and other valuable property;
  • bankruptcy;
  • failures in your personal life.

In psychology, it is sometimes customary to talk about stress that has no statute of limitations and haunts a person throughout his life. Transient disorders, although they occur spontaneously, tend to recur. Naturally, such conditions do not pass without a trace. They cause serious harm to all systems of the body, often setting in motion the mechanisms that trigger autoimmune and psychosomatic diseases.

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Symptoms of Transient Personality Disorder

The main symptoms of mixed disorder are:

  • delusional states;
  • hallucinations;
  • speech dysfunction;
  • loss of orientation in space and time.

One of the above symptoms is enough to understand that a person is suffering from a transient disorder. It is very short-lived: at least one day, no more than one month. Sometimes a person falls asleep in a state of transient disorder, and wakes up normal and calm.

This does not always mean, however, that the transient disorder has not affected vulnerable areas of the body. The consequences in this case can be very sad. Sleep disturbances and high anxiety can become a continuation of the disease. It is important to note that both adults and children are susceptible to this disease, regardless of gender and age. Fears from childhood often influence these conditions.

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Treatment of transient personality disorder

In this condition, first of all, it is necessary to correctly diagnose. This can be done by a psychologist by conducting a number of projective tests and techniques. Tests of interpersonal interactions show how the patient manifests himself in society in terms of communication.

Depending on the type and nature of the disease, various forms of treatment (medicines or psychotherapy) are used. Unexpected outbursts of anger can be treated with mild antipsychotics and anticonvulsants. However, we should not forget that medications will not help in cases of accentuations of the patient’s character. Some patients have to be treated forcibly at the request of their relatives, since they pose a threat to others, without recognizing themselves as sick. Particularly dangerous are those who have a personality disorder that manifests itself in the form of hallucinations or delusions. The body of a person suffering from a similar illness can be strengthened with herbal medicines, since during the period of illness it “burns out” too much emotionally. Nerve cells are destroyed, the ligamentous-tendon apparatus is under severe stress, nervous tics appear, the quality of sleep and sexual life deteriorates.

Some famous maniacs suffered from severe personality disorders, such as Theodore Bundy, David Berkovets, Jeffrey Dahmer, Andrei Chikatilo, Gennady Mikhasevich, Anatoly Slivko, Anatoly Onoprienko. In Western practice of diagnosing personality disorders, the term “split personality” is used, which implies that the patient leads a double or even triple life in different images. Usually these are two images: a caring family man and a cold-blooded killer. After Ted Bundy was executed in the electric chair, doctors received his brain for research. This was necessary to try to figure out how the brain of an ordinary person differs from the brain of a serial killer.

A large scientific work was published which stated that there were no characteristic differences between the brains of a murderer and an ordinary person. All the main brain centers that have been studied look the same in both a merciless maniac and a peaceful citizen. David Berkovets is still alive, is in prison and continues to write letters outside on behalf of Uncle Sam. The prison guards consider him the calmest prisoner. However, in moments of hallucinations and delusional states, such a person is capable of taking up arms and killing civilians. Therefore, those suffering from mixed transient personality disorders should be protected and accompanied in society until the acute condition passes and the person fully recovers.

Unfortunately, personality disorders haunt a person throughout his life. They are often triggered by stressful situations or mental illness. Many patients have a mixed state, when one stress is replaced by another, causing a number of unpleasant consequences that create fertile ground for personality disorders.

Carrying out corrective measures with people suffering is one of the most important tasks of psychiatry. A psychiatrist is able to help such a patient return to normal life in society, in a big city, in a responsible job, in the family.

B. For 6 or more months, at least 3 of the following signs must be observed:
1) a constantly reduced ability to maintain goal-oriented activities, especially those that take long periods of time and do not immediately lead to success;
2) one or more of the following emotional changes:
a) emotional lability (uncontrollability, instability and fluctuations in the expression of emotions);
b) euphoria and flat, inappropriate jokes;
c) irritability and (or) outbursts of anger and aggression;
d) apathy;
3) disinhibition of drives without regard to consequences and social norms (the patient may engage in antisocial acts such as theft, inappropriate sexual demands or gluttony, or show extreme disregard for personal hygiene);
4) cognitive impairment, usually in the form of:
a) excessive suspicion and paranoid ideas;
b) increased interest in one topic, for example, religion, or rigid categorization of the behavior of other people as or;
5) a pronounced change in speech, with such signs as thoroughness, viscosity and hypergraphia;
6) change in sexual behavior (hypersexuality or change in sexual preference).

uh. How to say. I kind of feel normal. Although probably all the crazy people say that!?
In general, there is a question: with such a diagnosis, will it be possible, upon reaching the age of 18, to obtain a license for a car and a license for weapons (traumatic, smooth). And will it not interfere with applying for a job (we don’t hire psychos)

It seems to me that you need to shorten your reading of the self-defense section if you visit it.

"Psychology and Psychiatry / Psychotherapist (psychiatrist)"

Hello Maxim Nikolaevich! According to the modern classification of diseases ICD 10 Revision, the diagnosis code F61.0 is mixed personality disorders. This is not a complete diagnosis, its decoding. usually requires additional examination. But this is not the main thing. The diagnosis was given to you, which means that you were automatically registered with the PND at your place of residence, on Kuznetsova, 2a, as I understand it? So there aren't that many options. To be more precise, there is only one option. Count from the moment you were given a psychiatric diagnosis - 5 years (previously - the Law does not allow), submit a written application addressed to the Chief Physician of the PND, in which you state a request for a repeated re-examination of you by a commission of psychiatrists, with a view to removing the previously given to you psychiatric diagnosis, on the basis of Article 6 of the Law “On Psychiatric Care and Guarantees of the Rights of Citizens in its Provision.”

(as amended by Federal Laws dated July 21, 1998 N 117-FZ, dated July 25, 2002 N 116-FZ, dated January 10, 2003 N 15-FZ, dated June 29, 2004 N 58-FZ, dated August 22, 2004 N 122-FZ ).Here is the algorithm

Hello Oleg Ivanovich, please help me figure it out, in 2011 I was examined in a mental hospital by the military registration and enlistment office, I was given Article 18 b, diagnosed with schizo-hysteroid personality disorder, the doctors assure that this is not a disease, but a character trait and there will be no special restrictions due to this. Because of this diagnosis, perhaps I won’t be able to work in law enforcement agencies, is that true? Or maybe the doctors are just reassuring me?

Do you think that having a diagnosis of mixed personality disorder, a person can get a good job if he has the necessary education, or is this a cross for life? please answer honestly
(the diagnosis was made during a military medical examination in 2010, Article 18B (there is no article on the military ID, I am registered as an advisory group).

Re-examination for the purpose of removing the psychiatric diagnosis F61.0 is possible after 5 years from the date of the initial diagnosis or from the moment of the last diagnosis; I was examined 2 times by the military registration and enlistment office, the second time for clarification by decision of the regional military commission. I received a military ID due to asthma. the card is in the advisory group, surveys were carried out in 2010 and 2011

Mixed personality disorder: symptoms, types and treatment

Our society consists of completely different, dissimilar people. And this is visible not only in appearance - first of all, our behavior and reaction to life situations, especially stressful ones, are different. Each of us - and probably more than once - has encountered people with difficult characters, as people say, whose behavior does not fit into generally accepted norms and often causes condemnation. Today we will look at mixed personality disorder: the limitations that this disease entails, its symptoms and treatment methods.

If a person’s behavior exhibits a deviation from the norm, bordering on inadequacy, psychologists and psychiatrists consider this a personality disorder. There are several types of such disorders, which we will consider below, but most often they are diagnosed (if this definition can be considered a real diagnosis) mixed. Essentially speaking, it is advisable to use this term in cases where the doctor cannot classify the patient’s behavior into a certain category. Practicing doctors notice that this happens very often, because people are not robots, and it is impossible to identify pure types of behavior. All personality types we know are relative definitions.

Mixed Personality Disorder: Definition

If a person has disturbances in his thoughts, behavior and actions, he has a personality disorder. This group of diagnoses is classified as mental. Such people behave inappropriately and perceive stressful situations differently, in contrast to absolutely mentally healthy people. These factors cause conflicts at work and in the family.

For example, there are people who cope with difficult situations on their own, while others seek help; Some tend to exaggerate their problems, while others, on the contrary, downplay them. In any case, such a reaction is absolutely normal and depends on the character of the person.

People who have mixed and other personality disorders, unfortunately, do not understand that they have mental problems, so they rarely seek help on their own. Meanwhile, they really need this help. The main task of the doctor in this case is to help the patient understand himself and teach him to interact in society without causing harm to himself or others.

Mixed personality disorder in ICD-10 should be looked for under F60-F69.

This condition lasts for years and begins to manifest itself in childhood. At the age of 17-18, personality formation occurs. But since at this time the character is just being formed, such a diagnosis at puberty is incorrect. But in adulthood, when the personality is fully formed, the symptoms of a personality disorder only worsen. And usually it is a type of mixed disorder.

ICD-10 has another section - /F07.0/ “Personality disorder of organic etiology.” Characterized by significant changes in the habitual pattern of premorbid behavior. The expression of emotions, needs and drives is especially affected. Cognitive activity may be reduced in the area of ​​planning and anticipating consequences for oneself and society. The classifier contains several illnesses in this category, one of them is personality disorder due to mixed illnesses (for example, depression). This pathology accompanies a person throughout his life if he does not realize his problem and does not fight it. The course of the disease is wavy - periods of remission are observed, during which the patient feels excellent. Transient mixed personality disorder (that is, short-term) is quite common. However, accompanying factors such as stress, alcohol or drug use, and even menstruation can cause relapse or worsening of the condition.

When a personality disorder gets worse, it can lead to serious consequences, including physical harm to others.

Causes of personality disorder

Personality disorders, both mixed and specific, usually occur in the context of brain injuries resulting from falls or accidents. However, doctors note that both genetic and biochemical factors, as well as social ones, are involved in the formation of this disease. Moreover, social ones play a leading role.

First of all, this is incorrect parental upbringing - in this case, the character traits of a psychopath begin to form in childhood. Besides this, none of us understands how detrimental stress really is to the body. And if this stress turns out to be excessively strong, it can subsequently lead to a similar disorder.

Sexual abuse and other psychological trauma, especially in childhood, often lead to a similar result - doctors note that about 90% of women with hysteria in childhood or adolescence were raped. In general, the causes of pathologies that are designated in ICD-10 as personality disorders in connection with mixed diseases should often be sought in the patient’s childhood or adolescence.

How do personality disorders manifest themselves?

People with personality disorders usually have accompanying psychological problems - they consult doctors about depression, chronic tension, and problems building relationships with family and colleagues. At the same time, patients are confident that the source of their problems is external factors that do not depend on them and are beyond their control.

So, people diagnosed with mixed personality disorder have the following symptoms:

  • problems with building relationships in the family and at work, as noted above;
  • emotional disconnection, in which a person feels emotionally empty and avoids communication;
  • difficulties in managing one’s own negative emotions, which leads to conflicts and often even ends in assault;
  • periodic loss of contact with reality.
  • Patients are dissatisfied with their lives; it seems to them that everyone around them is to blame for their failures. It was previously believed that such a disease could not be treated, but recently doctors have changed their minds.

    Mixed personality disorder, the symptoms of which are listed above, manifests itself in different ways. It consists of a range of pathological features that are common to the personality disorders described below. So, let's look at these types in more detail.

    Types of Personality Disorders

    Paranoid disorder. As a rule, such a diagnosis is made to arrogant people who are confident only in their point of view. Tireless debaters, they are sure that only they are always and everywhere right. Any words and actions of others that do not correspond to their own concepts are perceived negatively by the paranoid. His one-sided judgments become the cause of quarrels and conflicts. During decompensation, symptoms intensify - paranoid people often suspect their spouses of infidelity, as their pathological jealousy and suspicion intensify significantly.

    Schizoid disorder. Characterized by excessive isolation. Such people react with equal indifference to both praise and criticism. They are so cold emotionally that they are unable to show either love or hatred towards others. They are distinguished by an expressionless face and a monotonous voice. For a schizoid, the world around him is hidden by a wall of misunderstanding and embarrassment. At the same time, he has developed abstract thinking, a tendency to think about deep philosophical topics, and a rich imagination.

    This type of personality disorder develops in early childhood. By the age of 30, the sharp angles of pathological features level out somewhat. If the patient’s profession involves minimal contact with society, he will successfully adapt to such a life.

    Dissocial disorder. A type in which patients have a tendency to aggressive and rude behavior, disregard for all generally accepted rules, and a heartless attitude towards family and friends. In childhood and puberty, these children do not find a common language in a group, often fight, and behave defiantly. They run away from home. In adulthood, they are deprived of any warm affections, they are considered “difficult people”, which is expressed in cruelty to parents, spouses, animals and children. It is this type that is prone to commit crimes.

    Emotionally unstable disorder. Expressed in impulsiveness with a hint of cruelty. Such people perceive only their opinion and their outlook on life. Small troubles, especially in everyday life, cause them emotional tension and stress, which leads to conflicts that sometimes turn into assault. These individuals do not know how to assess the situation adequately and react too violently to ordinary life problems. At the same time, they are confident in their own importance, which others do not perceive, treating them with prejudice, just as patients are confident.

    Hysterical disorder. Hysterical people are prone to increased emotional excitability, theatricality, a tendency to suggestibility and sudden mood swings. They love to be the center of attention and are confident in their attractiveness and irresistibility. At the same time, they reason rather superficially and never take on tasks that require attention and dedication. Such people love and know how to manipulate others - family, friends, colleagues. By adulthood, long-term compensation is possible. Decompensation can develop in stressful situations, during menopause in women. Severe forms are manifested by a feeling of suffocation, a coma in the throat, numbness of the limbs and depression.

    Attention! A hysterical person may have suicidal tendencies. In some cases, these are simply demonstrative attempts to commit suicide, but it also happens that a hysteric, due to his tendency to violent reactions and hasty decisions, can quite seriously try to kill himself. That is why it is especially important for such patients to contact psychotherapists.

    Anancaste disorder. Expressed in constant doubts, excessive caution and increased attention to detail. In this case, the essence of the type of activity is missed, because the patient is only worried about the details in order, in lists, in the behavior of colleagues. Such people are confident that they are doing the right thing, and constantly make comments to others if they do something “wrong.” The disorder is especially noticeable when a person performs the same actions - rearranging things, constant checks, etc. In compensation, patients are pedantic, precise in their official duties, and even reliable. But during the period of exacerbation, they develop a feeling of anxiety, obsessive thoughts, and fear of death. With age, pedantry and frugality develop into selfishness and stinginess.

    Anxiety disorder is expressed in feelings of anxiety, fearfulness, and low self-esteem. Such a person is constantly worried about what impression he makes, tormented by the consciousness of his own contrived unattractiveness.

    The patient is timid, conscientious, tries to lead a secluded life, because he feels safe alone. These people are afraid of offending others. At the same time, they are quite well adapted to life in society, since society treats them with sympathy.

    The state of decompensation is expressed in poor health - lack of air, rapid heartbeat, nausea or even vomiting and diarrhea.

    Dependent (unstable) personality disorder. People with this diagnosis are characterized by passive behavior. They shift all responsibility for making decisions and even for their own lives onto others, and if there is no one to shift it to, they feel incredibly uncomfortable. Patients are afraid of being abandoned by people who are close to them, are submissive and dependent on other people's opinions and decisions. Decompensation manifests itself in a complete inability to control one’s life with the loss of a “leader,” confusion, and bad mood.

    If the doctor sees pathological features inherent in different types of disorders, he diagnoses “mixed personality disorder.”

    The most interesting type for medicine is a combination of schizoid and hysterical. Such people often develop schizophrenia in the future.

    What are the consequences of mixed personality disorder?

    1. Such mental deviations can lead to a tendency towards alcoholism, drug addiction, suicidal tendencies, inappropriate sexual behavior, and hypochondria.
    2. Improper upbringing of children due to mental disorders (excessive emotionality, cruelty, lack of sense of responsibility) leads to mental disorders in children.
    3. Mental breakdowns are possible when performing normal daily activities.
    4. Personality disorder leads to other psychological disorders - depression, anxiety, psychosis.
    5. The impossibility of full contact with a doctor or therapist due to mistrust or lack of responsibility for one’s actions.

    Mixed personality disorder in children and adolescents

    Personality disorder usually appears in childhood. It is expressed in excessive disobedience, antisocial behavior, and rudeness. However, such behavior is not always a diagnosis and may turn out to be a manifestation of a completely natural development of character. Only if this behavior is excessive and constant can we talk about mixed personality disorder.

    A major role in the development of pathology is played not so much by genetic factors as by upbringing and social environment. For example, hysterical disorder may occur against the background of insufficient attention and participation in the child’s life on the part of parents. As a result, about 40% of children with behavior disorders continue to suffer from it.

    Adolescent Mixed Personality Disorder is not considered a diagnosis. The disease can be diagnosed only after puberty has ended - an adult already has a formed character that needs correction, but is not completely corrected. And during puberty, such behavior is often the result of the “perestroika” that all adolescents experience. The main type of treatment is psychotherapy. Young people with severe mixed personality disorder in the decompensation stage cannot work in industries and are not allowed into the army.

    Treatment for Personality Disorder

    Many people who have been diagnosed with mixed personality disorder are primarily interested in how dangerous the condition is and whether it can be treated. Many people are diagnosed completely by accident; patients claim that they do not notice its manifestations. Meanwhile, the question of whether it can be treated remains open.

    Psychiatrists believe that it is almost impossible to cure a mixed personality disorder - it will accompany a person throughout his life. However, doctors are confident that its manifestations can be reduced or even achieved stable remission. That is, the patient adapts to society and feels comfortable. At the same time, it is important that he wants to eliminate the manifestations of his illness and makes full contact with the doctor. Without this desire, therapy will not be effective.

    Medications in the treatment of mixed personality disorder

    If organic personality disorder of mixed origin is usually treated with drugs, then the disease we are considering is treated with psychotherapy. Most psychiatrists are confident that drug treatment does not help patients because it is not aimed at changing the character that patients mainly need.

    However, you should not give up medications so quickly - many of them can alleviate a person’s condition by eliminating certain symptoms, such as depression and anxiety. At the same time, medications must be prescribed with caution, because patients with personality disorders develop drug dependence very quickly.

    Neuroleptics play a leading role in drug treatment - taking into account the symptoms, doctors prescribe drugs such as Haloperidol and its derivatives. It is this drug that is most popular among doctors for personality disorder, as it reduces manifestations of anger.

    In addition, other medications are prescribed:

    • Flupectinsol successfully copes with suicidal thoughts.
    • Olazapine helps with affective instability and anger; paranoid symptoms and anxiety; has a beneficial effect on suicidal tendencies.
    • Valproic acid is a mood stabilizer that successfully copes with depression and anger.
    • Lamotrigine and Topiromate reduce impulsivity, anger, and anxiety.
    • Amitriptine also treats depression.
    • In 2010, doctors were researching these drugs, but the long-term effect is unknown, as there is a risk of side effects. At the same time, the National Institute of Health in the UK released an article in 2009 that said that experts do not recommend prescribing medications if a mixed personality disorder occurs. But when treating concomitant diseases, drug therapy can give a positive result.

      Psychotherapy and mixed personality disorder

      Psychotherapy plays a leading role in treatment. True, this process is long and requires regularity. In most cases, patients achieved stable remission within 2-6 years, which lasted at least two years.

      DBT (Dialectical Behavior Therapy) is a technique that was developed by Marsha Linehan in the 90s. It is aimed primarily at treating patients who have experienced psychological trauma and cannot recover from it. According to the doctor, pain cannot be prevented, but suffering can be prevented. Specialists help their patients develop a different line of thinking and behavior. This will help to avoid stressful situations in the future and prevent decompensation.

      Psychotherapy, including family therapy, is aimed at changing interpersonal relationships between the patient and his family and friends. Treatment usually lasts about a year. It helps eliminate mistrust, manipulativeness, and arrogance of the patient. The doctor looks for the root of the patient’s problems and points them out to him. For patients with narcissism syndrome (narcissism and narcissism), which also refers to personality disorders, a three-year psychoanalysis is recommended.

      Personality disorder and driver's license

      Are the concepts “mixed personality disorder” and “driving license” compatible? Indeed, sometimes such a diagnosis can prevent the patient from driving a car, but in this case everything is individual. The psychiatrist must determine which types of disorders predominate in the patient and what their severity is. Only on the basis of these factors will a specialist make the final “vertikt”. If the diagnosis was made years ago in the military, it makes sense to visit the doctor's office again. Mixed personality disorder and a driver's license sometimes don't interfere with each other at all.

      Limitations in the patient's life

      Patients usually do not have problems finding employment in their specialty, and they interact with society quite successfully, although in this case everything depends on the severity of pathological traits. If a diagnosis of “mixed personality disorder” occurs, restrictions cover almost all areas of a person’s life, since he is often not allowed to join the army or drive a car. However, therapy helps smooth out these rough edges and live like a completely healthy person.

      Mixed personality disorder

      Mixed personality disorder

      It happened that way. Based on X-rays, I was diagnosed with “osteochondrosis of the lumbar cruciate region” and scoliosis to the left by 10-15 degrees (grade 1). As far as I know, I am eligible for a military ID due to these health problems. At the assembly point, one of the doctors noticed that I still had yellow discoloration on my corneas. The only thing they told me was from lack of oxygen. I did not receive any certificate for examination of this particular yellowness. As it became known later, after tests. My hemoglobin is still high by 3-5 times, the last time it was at the level of 50. In addition, I am underweight.

      So, since I believe that I have every right to military service. Of course, I insisted on this, and in the end I was offered to undergo an examination. Examination in fool, out of stupidity and ignorance of all this. And I came across this for the first time, agreed and signed. They promised that if you were healthy, we would give you a military service for your osteochondrosis and problems with the spine in general.

      I expected to undergo an examination, receive a conclusion that I was healthy and satisfy the paranoia of the psychologist and all those who persuaded me. And there were three more of them, past the psychologist (in the psychologist’s office). Another doctor and the one who gives the conclusion after passing through all the doctors. The third was on the side so that I would not care about my rights and go to serve despite my state of health.

      So after signing, I ran around crazy. They foolishly got a card, by the way, then I already felt that not everything was going as it should. To confirm this, the nurses told me that you should not have been referred to us. Then I wanted to refuse the examination, it was too late, they said it wouldn’t work out anyway. You will be forced to undergo an examination through a court decision. I stood in line for 2 months and on August 17 I was finally put in for a month. I lay there without leaving for 7 days, although they let me go for the weekend, so it turned out to be five. After which I was transferred to the day ward; in fact, I came only when it was necessary to see one or another doctor.

      As a result, in the end I passed the military commission. On which there was that elderly woman and the head doctor. As a result, they diagnosed me with mixed personality disorder, and the commission said that I don’t need to put any articles on it, I’m just here for a healthy result. That they say, so and so at the assembly assembly they told me the following, . to which she responded emotionally and that was all. Yes, I was still working at night and didn’t sleep for two days, despite the fact that I ended up in a group of young smokers, and I was the only one there who didn’t smoke. Perhaps this all had an effect or somehow indirectly influenced it.

      So, then I didn’t know the result of the examination, I came the next day to find out from the doctor. He said that they won’t take you into the army anyway, but the point of all this was not that I wouldn’t be taken, but to defend my rights, and he said so. They say there is no need to attribute any bullshit to me and help me deflect, at the assembly they said so and so. To which I heard that you were simply deceived.

      As a result, I had to register in the madhouse, they promised that if such a conclusion was made, you would be deregistered after 5 years. I’m registered in the hospital with this diagnosis, next week I’ll go to the military registration and enlistment office to find out what’s going on with the military officer.

      What restrictions are imposed by the fact that I am registered and given this diagnosis? Will I be able to get the right to carry firearms, get a license to fly an aircraft (small aviation) or get the right to drive a car. I am especially interested in the possibility of employment as a long-distance driver.

      How can you deregister before the expiration of 5 years, how can you defend your rights to a military service for problems with the spine under the current circumstances?

      I believe that the examination was biased; due to the bias of that elderly woman, I was given this diagnosis. Unless there is a conspiracy between this woman and the psychologist who was present at the assembly point.

      Simulation F 60.1

      Theme Options

      Simulation F 60.1

      Dear forum members, experts on the issue! The situation is like this:

      Before university, he underwent a medical examination for conscription. Not wanting to go into the army, he drew all kinds of nonsense on tests from a psychologist, tried to behave in a special way with a psychiatrist in order to feign some kind of disorder, not knowing what it was. I didn’t know what this meant for me. My characteristics from school were very positive, but I was sent to a psychodispensary to write tests with a psychologist after my simulation with a psychiatrist during a medical examination. I wrote, again trying to simulate, the results did not say. I received a deferment for my studies at the university and happily forgot about all this for 5 years.

      After 5 years I receive a summons and undergo a medical examination. Because many friends went to the “psychiatric hospital” - I also try to pretend to a psychiatrist, present myself as a social phobe, complaining about mood swings, depression, and everything else. As a result, I was sent to the mental hospital where I was 5 years ago, with a suspected diagnosis of F 60.1 - as I understand it, this is a mixed personality disorder. The mental health clinic makes an appointment with a psychologist in a couple of weeks, where I will have to undergo tests and everything else that will either confirm the diagnosis or not. I know that people with such a diagnosis are not accepted into the army.

      In this regard, I have a number of questions. Previously, I pretended thoughtlessly, but now my parents panicked, saying that there were severe work restrictions. Firstly, I would like to know:

      1. What are the legal restrictions and on what specific types of activities. Will it be prohibited to obtain a license to drive a personal car?

      2. How REALLY is this diagnosis, if confirmed, could interfere with my hiring (for example, there are no restrictions on working in the city administration, or in some company, according to the law. But the personnel officers there still won’t hire, for fear of something... or because I have this diagnosis)

      3. What tests might they possibly give me at an appointment with a psychologist? How should I behave to confirm the diagnosis in the future? Or maybe the game is not worth the candle and it’s better to join the army after all?

      PS: I consider myself completely normal, I have a wonderful girlfriend, good friends, I am a cheerful person. I am sure that the suspicion of F 61.0 is the result of a simulation. I don’t know how it happened))

      PPSS: I really hope for an answer from people competent in this matter, and I am grateful in advance.


      Transient personality disorder: a harmless diagnosis or a serious pathology?

      Transient personality disorder is a psychiatric disorder characterized by a mismatch between the components of the personality structure. Unlike other types of personality disorder, transient disorder occurs over a limited period of time; after a certain amount of time, the diagnosis can be withdrawn. This disorder is most common among young people. It can occur for a number of reasons, but in most cases the pathology is curable.

      Transient personality disorder: details

      Let's figure out what generally should be classified as personality disorders. In fact, this concept in the ICD 10 classifier denotes manifestations of various behavioral disorders. Patients with a personality disorder may not conform to generally accepted norms due to a distorted perception of objective reality.

      Actually, a type of transient personality disorder is a mental disorder that can occur against the background of emotional turmoil. It is noteworthy that the disorder is not a catalyst for the development of more complex and severe pathologies; this condition is reversible, and, accordingly, cannot irrevocably change the perception of the surrounding world and self-awareness.

      In fact, transient personality disorder is a partial disorder, which, as a rule, occurs against the background of experienced unrest and severe stress, as a result of shocks.

      Symptoms of Transient Personality Disorder

      TPD is to some extent a borderline condition - that is, the symptoms are usually so general that diagnosing the disorder is quite difficult. The main cause of mental disorder is prolonged exposure to stress. Unfortunately, in modern realities, people quite often suffer from stress - for example, nervous work, difficult financial or family circumstances, moving, a difficult situation in the country, and so on. Even the presence of one of the listed factors can unsettle a person, not to mention their combination.

      In psychology, there are individual differences between personality types, but difficult situations affect everyone, however, everyone reacts to such situations differently. How does our psyche work? If some serious trouble happens, the person will feel exhausted, tired, and will have a depressed mood. However, a day or two - and everything returns to normal. But what happens if the stress factor has not disappeared? The body will continue to fight and act actively in a critical situation (partly due to the release of large doses of adrenaline into the blood, which is typical for experiencing stress), but sooner or later the resources are depleted, and then a phase of burnout, depression, apathy or a nervous breakdown begins.

      One of the results of prolonged exposure to stress is the development of TPD. Symptoms of the disorder may include:

      • retardation in movement and communication;
      • rave;
      • hallucinations;
      • catatonic behavior, stupor;
      • disorientation.

      These are the main signs. It is noteworthy that in TRL only one or more of them may be manifested. Only a qualified specialist can make an accurate diagnosis. The duration of the disorder can take from 1 day to 1 month. If the symptoms drag on and the person suffers for more than a month, perhaps we are talking about a more complex pathology. For example, schizophrenia can manifest itself this way.

      Causes and treatment of transistorized emotional personality disorder

      The causes of TRL may be the following factors:

      • severe and prolonged conflicts at work;
      • difficult atmosphere in the family;
      • long and exhausting travel, frequent and tiring business trips;
      • personal problems - for example, difficult divorce proceedings;
      • ending up in a pre-trial detention center, prison or war zone;
      • regular domestic violence;
      • separation from near and dear people for a long period of time.

      As we already reported above, this disease is characterized by a kind of transience - for example, a person can suffer for 1-2 days, then rest well, and the symptoms will go away. Often, with such pathologies, nightmares can still occur, and the night's rest itself can become intermittent and painful.

      But if symptoms disappear quickly, why do experts pay so much attention to TRL? Because the violation can recur. With new stress or some kind of shock, it will most likely come back. Doctors also say that transient disorder almost never goes away without a trace. Without proper attention, TPD can also develop into acute psychosis, which requires immediate medical attention for the patient. In turn, the symptoms of psychosis are delusions and hallucinations - these are the main manifestations of the patient’s health-threatening condition.

      Also, the pathology has a rather serious effect on nerve cells - for the purpose of prevention, experts often recommend that their patients take various vitamin complexes, including folic acid and vitamin B12.

      As for modern treatment, it is always prescribed individually, after passing all the necessary studies and tests that will allow the correct diagnosis to be made. In such cases, psychotherapy and drug therapy are used. In the most severe situations, when the patient has fallen into a state of psychosis, hospitalization and appropriate treatment are carried out.

      Regarding treatment in a state of remission, the opinions of experts are divided - some believe that after completing the course of treatment the patient is no longer considered sick and does not need observation. Other doctors believe that it is necessary to take supportive therapy and follow the doctor's recommendations to avoid a recurrence of the attack. Our specialists have a second opinion, so we examine patients with TPD even after completing a course of treatment - only constant observation and following the recommendations will help to establish a fulfilling life.

      Transient personality disorder is a mental disorder characterized by its short-term course. This condition is characterized by a mismatch in the personality structure; it mainly manifests itself in adolescents and emotionally unstable people. This mental pathology is a sharp deviation of behavior from generally accepted norms due to a distorted perception of real events.

      A disorder can develop due to excessive stress or moral shock; it occurs over different time periods, most often from 1 day to 1 month. The disorder does not belong to the category of severe mental pathologies and does not cause persistent changes in consciousness and perception in the patient. With timely initiation of treatment, the symptoms of the disease quickly subside, and the patient returns to a normal lifestyle.

      Scientists and psychologists have established the fact that most of the registered cases of mental disorders occur among residents of large cities, while rural residents are more emotionally stable and mentally healthy.

      The age of high technology involves an excessive burden on the human body, both moral and physical. These negative impacts can radically influence a person’s psyche and lifestyle, which leads to mixed mental states (they give rise to fears and phobias) - they are diagnosed as transient disorders.

      Any personality disorder classified as transient has a number of distinctive features that deviate in behavior from generally accepted norms. There are no right and wrong personality types, there are only conditions for their development and transformation into successful and harmonious, or depressive and depressing manifestations. Personality disorders are divided into the following types:

      As a disorder progresses, disturbances occur in one or several areas of the body - emotions, thinking, perception, behavior, relationships with other people. The overall picture of the perception of the world is distorted, a person changes his own principles, but does not rethink his values.

      Causes of transient disorder

      In most cases of transient personality disorders, the cause is excessive stress overload and severe nervous shock. What is transient personality disorder is now clear, we need to understand the reasons for this phenomenon:

      • daily stressful situations;
      • forced long wait for any important decision (for example, a court decision);
      • divorce and litigation;
      • long tiring trips;
      • loss of tangible property;
      • debts;
      • inability to start a family;
      • physical and moral violence from relatives.

      Some stresses in psychology are usually called “no statute of limitations”, since these traumatic situations can haunt a person throughout his life. Transient disorders are spontaneous in nature, but they recur regularly. It is for this reason that processes of dysfunction not only of the mental sphere, but also of a psychosomatic and autoimmune nature are launched.

      Symptoms of a transient disorder

      Signs by which a transient form of personality disorder can be identified:

      In most cases, with a transient disorder, not a whole series of symptoms listed are observed, but just one. The manifestation of several signs at the same time may indicate the progression of the disorder and the transition of the pathology to a more complex form, distinguishing a serious mental illness.

      Differential diagnosis

      In order to distinguish a transient disorder from more serious pathologies, such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, a certain time period is needed, at least six months. The patient is monitored over time, after which suspicions of concomitant pathologies are finally removed. The diagnosis of a transient disorder is made based on the following differences from more serious pathologies:

      For differential diagnosis, ultrasound of the neck vessels is extremely important, since it is necessary to exclude the influence of atherosclerosis. No less valuable in diagnosing transient disorders are neuroimaging techniques, for example, MRI.


      Drug therapy for such disorders involves the prescription of drugs that reduce intoxication, as well as antipsychotics. Doses of medications are selected individually; in most cases of the disease, medium and low doses are used, although some situations require the maximum amount of drugs.

      Most often, doctors combine Aminazine with Haloperidol, but taking these drugs does not only mean getting rid of an acute condition. In many cases, transient disorders have the ability to relapse, which requires the prescription of these medications for a long course, for several weeks after the end of the main therapy. It is preferable to take medications in the evening.

      Psychotherapy is an important point in the treatment of transient disorders. Methods are selected not only those that cope with acute conditions, but also those that identify the causes of the disorders that have arisen - these are psychoanalysis, individual and group cognitive psychotherapy.

      After undergoing appropriate treatment, individuals who suffered from a transient disorder can serve in the army; in some cases, such employees are marked “unfit” or “qualified with restrictions” in their personal files. Sometimes, when the condition worsens, such patients are discharged early and treated in an inpatient or outpatient setting. But in most cases, such a pathology does not entail a recall from military service.

      It must be remembered that transient disorder is a mild degree of mental disorder, however, one should not treat it irresponsibly. If the diagnosis is made in a timely manner and treatment is started immediately, then the therapy usually quickly produces positive results, and not a trace remains of the pathology. If symptoms are ignored, the disease will progress, developing into more complex forms such as schizophrenia and affective states.

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