Home Stomatitis Research work on how stars are born. Research work in astronomy

Research work on how stars are born. Research work in astronomy

Regional scientific conference for junior schoolchildren

Section "Physics"

Celestial bodies

student of 2 "A" class

GBOU secondary school No. 2 village. Volga region

Head: Tumanovskaya Tatyana Nikolaevna

primary school teacher

GBOU secondary school No. 2 village. Volga region

With. Volga region


Main part

Chapter 1. Theoretical part:

1.1. Telescope……………………………………………………

1.2. How to use a telescope…………………………….

1.3. Astronomical binoculars……………………………….

1.4. What are stars……………………………………………………………...

1.5. What is a constellation………………………………………………………..

1.6. Treasures of the Solar System………………………….

Chapter 2. Practical part:

2.1. Observing celestial objects in different ways...

2.2. How to fix the identified problem…………………..



I. Introduction

I, Revina Ksenia, study in grade 2 “A”. By nature, I am a very inquisitive person. Even during the lessons of the surrounding world in the 1st grade, I became interested in topics about the starry sky. A friend of our family, a teacher of physics and astronomy, Vladimir Nikolaevich Astashin, aroused my great interest in this topic. Every time he comes to visit us, he brings a telescope and observes individual objects in the sky, and photographs these objects.

For me, the study of celestial bodies became relevant, because In recent years, the school curriculum has not included the subject of astronomy, and this topic can only be studied independently or in a study group.

Object of study: starry sky near st. Lermontova s. Volga region at different times of the day.

Item: celestial bodies.

Purpose of the study: introductory

Tasks, that need to be solved to achieve the goal:

    study the purpose of astronomical binoculars and telescopes;

    learn how to use a telescope;

    conduct comparative observations of celestial bodies in different ways (with the naked eye, using astronomical binoculars and using a telescope);

    prepare a photo report on the observed objects in the form of a presentation;

    Conduct a conversation with students in the class based on the results of the work.

Hypothesisresearch: It can be assumed that the work I have done will arouse interest in studying and observing the starry sky among other students.

In my work I used the following methods.

Research methods:

    collecting information from books, Internet resources;

    conversation with a physics and astronomy teacher, with a librarian;

    observation using astronomical binoculars and the Celestron telescope;


    generalization of the obtained data.

II . Main part

Chapter 1. Theoretical part

Traveling to other stars is the cherished dream of humanity. But even from the nearest luminaries we are separated by such gigantic distances that a space expedition still seems completely unrealistic.

You can learn a lot of interesting things by observing the starry sky.

The science that studies stars is calledastronomy (from the Greek aster - “star”).

1.1. Telescope

To observe the stars, a special device was invented -telescope . Telescope is translated from Greek as “I see far” - an instrument that helps in observing distant objects by collecting electromagnetic radiation (such as visible light).

The telescope is a tube (solid, frame) mounted on a mount equipped with axes for pointing at and tracking the object of observation. A visual telescope has a lens and an eyepiece. The rear focal plane of the lens is aligned with the front focal plane of the eyepiece. Instead of an eyepiece, photographic film or a matrix radiation receiver can be placed in the focal plane of the lens. The telescope is focused using a focuser (focusing device). In addition, to observe the Sun, professional astronomers use special solar telescopes, which differ in design from traditional stellar telescopes.

There are telescopes for all ranges of the electromagnetic spectrum: optical telescopes, radio telescopes, X-ray telescopes, gamma-ray telescopes.

1.2. How to use a telescope

First you need to configure the telescope.

Before further work with the telescope, you need to make sure that it is on a flat surface and that there are no sources of crumbs or dust near it that could damage the optics of the device.

Before looking through a telescope for the first time, it is important to check that you have a solar filter. Working with a telescope without it is extremely dangerous and can cause vision impairment. Observe the Sun with caution and do not focus on it for a long time, otherwise the temperature-sensitive parts of the telescope's optics may overheat and become unusable.

If you are using the device to record your observations, always perform the setup again after connecting and disconnecting the camera.

If a child under 15 years of age uses the telescope, then adults must be present next to him.

1.3. Astronomical binoculars

Astronomical binoculars (binoculars) - binoculars designed for observing astronomical objects: the Moon, planets and their satellites, stars and their clusters, nebulae, galaxies, etc.

Binoculars are easy to point at the desired celestial object, so they are widely used for observing the night sky, even with a telescope.

A stereoscopic image is not possible even for distant ground-based objects, but using two eyes at once makes it easier to observe the starry sky (in particular, there is no need to squint). Astronomy enthusiasts typically use prism binoculars, either field or military. Unlike telescopes, astrobinoculars' eyepieces are not removable.

With the help of telescopes, astronomers at special stations, observatories, observe and study the starry sky.

1.4. What are stars

Star is a massive ball of gas emitting light.

The closest star to Earth isSun .

The sun is many times larger than the globe. If you imagine the Earth in the form of a grain of millet, then the Sun will be the size of a large watermelon.

Earth and Sun (photomontage maintaining size ratio)

Thiso a frequently encountered yellow star, which scientists named the Sun, after the ancient Roman name. That's why our system of planets is calledsolar system . There are trillions of other stars inINuniverse, the same as our Sun. Many of these stars have their own planetary systems, moons, asteroids and comets. The solar system consists of planets that revolve around our sun. In addition to planets, the Solar System also consists of moons, comets, asteroids, minor planets, dust and gas.

Light from the Sun can reach Earth in just 8 minutes! This is the speed of light. The Sun is located almost 93 million miles from Earth (that's about 145 million km).

1.5. What is a constellation

A long time ago, people, looking at the starry sky, noticed that some clusters of stars resembled figures of people, mythical heroes, animals, objects, and astronomers called such clusters of starsconstellations.

Knowing the constellations is the ABC of astronomy, but it is necessary not only for astronomers. Pilots, sailors, tourists, travelers, and scouts often navigate by the stars.

1.6. Treasures of the Solar System

Let's look at some celestial objects to which, in the practical part of my work, we paid special attention and took photographs of them.

Moon is a companion of the Earth in outer space. This the only natural satellite and the celestial body closest to us. The average distance to the Moon is 384,000 kilometers. Every month the Moon makes a complete trip around the Earth. It glows only with light reflected from the Sun, so that constantly one half of the Moon, facing the Sun, is illuminated, and the other is immersed in darkness. How much of the illuminated half of the Moon is visible to us at a given moment depends on the position of the Moon in its orbit around the Earth. As the Moon moves through its orbit, its shape appears to us to be gradually but continuously changing. The different visible shapes of the Moon are called its phases. On some days the Moon is not visible at all in the sky. On other days it looks like a narrow sickle, a semicircle and a full circle. The Moon, like the Earth, is a dark, opaque round body. The full cycle of phases ends and begins to repeat every 29.59 days. The Moon rotates relative to the Sun with a period equal to a synodic month, so a day on the Moon lasts almost 1.5 days and the night lasts the same amount. Not being protected by the atmosphere, the surface of the Moon heats up to + 110 ° C during the day, and cools down to -120 ° C at night. Even with the naked eye, irregular darkish extended spots are visible on the Moon, which were mistaken for seas; the name was preserved, although it was established that these formations have nothing in common with the earth’s seas. Telescopic observations, which were started in 1610 by Galileo, made it possible to discover the mountainous structure of the surface of the Moon.

Moon (real image from the Celestron telescope 07/26/2015)

Earth and Moon (photomontage maintaining size ratio)

The next stop on our journey through the solar system is one of the most exciting.Planet Saturn is the farthest planet that can be seen from Earth without a telescope.

It is the sixth planet from the Sun, a huge and bright gas giant surrounded by thousands of sparkling rings. It’s interesting that the closer you are to the planet, the more you can see. What may initially seem like two large rings actually consists of thousands of small ones and together is the Saturn system. Around all this beauty there is a system of 62 moons, from dwarf satellites to giants. Seven of them are large enough to be of interest for our study. All this is the planet Saturn with its mysterious system of rings and satellites.

Saturn (photomontage)

Undoubtedly, the most striking feature of the Saturn system is its rings. This entire complex is a large accumulation of ice particles. Their size varies from specks of dust to large ice floes the size of a car. Although they have a circumference of 282,000 kilometers, they are only about a mile thick. It is because of this that, when viewed from the outside, the rings are not visible. The rings of Saturn were first observed through a telescope by Galileo Galilei in 1610. The first studies showed that the planet has only two rings. But later, thanks to expeditions to the solar system, it turned out that there are many more rings. Recent observations show that the whole thing is a very complex structure of thick and thin regions and spiral-shaped clusters. In addition, it turned out that some rings are in one place due to the gravitational force of small satellites, which are commonly called Shepherd Satellites.

Saturn (real image from the Celestron telescope 07/26/2015)

Some of Saturn's small moons orbit either within the rings or very close to them. Their gravity aligns the rings in straight lines, and they are the reason for the gaps between the rings. It is these satellites that are called the Shepherd Moons, due to the effect of gathering rings together.

Chapter 2. Practical part

2.1. Observing celestial objects in different ways

Conversation and work together with the teacher of physics and astronomy of the MBOU Aviation Lyceum No. 135 - Vladimir Nikolaevich Astashin.

During the observation of celestial bodies, I had many questions, to which Vladimir Nikolaevich gave me comprehensive answers. He explained what a telescope is and showed how to work with it correctly.

For comparison, I observed celestial objects at different times of the day in several ways:

    naked eye;

    using astronomical binoculars;

    using a telescope.

I made very interesting conclusions for myself. For example, we see 1 star in the sky with the naked eye, but in fact it may be a double star that can only be seen through a telescope (this is the Albireo star).

During the daytime, we observed sunspots on the Sun using a telescope.

In the evening and at night we looked at the lunar surface, on which craters and “seas” were clearly visible. I saw what the planet Saturn looks like; The Andromeda nebula is the closest large galaxy to the Milky Way.

We looked at star clusters: the Pleiades and the globular star cluster M-13 in Hercules.

I also met new constellations:

    constellation Hercules;

    constellation Perseus;

    The asterism constellation Cassiopeia is one of the most remarkable not only in the northern hemisphere, but also in the entire starry sky. Cassiopeia has the characteristic appearance of the Latin letter W or an inverted M;

Now I know the brightest stars: Vega, Arcturus, Deneb, Altair.

On the night of August 12-13, 2015, we observed a phenomenon called a “starfall” - the Perseids - a meteor shower that appears annually in August from the direction of the constellation Perseus. Formed as a result of the Earth passing through a plume of dust particles released by Comet Swift-Tuttle. The smallest particles, the size of a grain of sand, burn in the earth's atmosphere, forming star rain. At first it “spills” with the greatest force, then gradually weakens.

While observing at night, I noticed that in the area of ​​the sky in the area of ​​our Lermontov Street there were airlines: several planes flew over us both in one direction and in the opposite direction. It turns out that at night you can also observe a large number of moving satellites, including the ISS (International Space Station).

Based on the results of observations in the application, I compiled a photo report in the form of a presentation.

2.2. How to fix the identified problem

Conversation with the librarian of the Central Children's Library Nina Vasilievna Meshcherekova.

During the research, I needed to study additional specialized literature. I contacted the Central Children's Library. Volga region to the librarian Nina Vasilievna Meshcherekova.

This is what she answered to my questions:

1. Are there many books about space in the children's library?

- Unfortunately, our library has a small number of books on this topic.

2. How often do children turn to special literature about the starry sky?

- Very rarely.

Hence, there was a problem : little interest of children in studying specialized literature and observing the starry sky.

How to fix the identified problem?

I think it is necessary:

    Draw students' attention to the relevance of topics about space. There are many interesting celestial objects around us that we can observe every day, but we know very little about them.

    Prepare and conduct a class hour “Riddles of the Starry Sky” for primary school students.

III . Conclusion

At one of the class hours, I had a conversation with the students in the class based on the results of my work. I asked them a few questions:

    Do you like to look at the stars? And tilt your head back to look for familiar constellations, stars and planets? (Everyone answered yes).

    Did you like my story about observing the starry sky?

Most of the guys answered that they really liked my story, and they also wanted to read books about celestial bodies, but most of all they wanted to look through a telescope, which confirms my hypothesis , put forward at the beginning of the work.

In conclusion of my work, I would like to note the following.

The star dome above us is a boundless world full of secrets and mysteries. And studying it is an incredibly interesting and mind-blowing process.

I really enjoyed observing celestial objects and learning something new about them. I hope that in the future I will also have the opportunity to observe using special astronomical instruments. And perhaps next time I will talk about one of the celestial bodies in more detail.

IV . While working on the topic, I became acquainted with the following literature:

    Space: [encyclopedia: for ml. school age] / [ed. : Zhitomirsky S.V. [etc.]; comp. A. V. Volkova; artist A. G. Danilova [and others]. - M.: ROSMEN, 2010. - 95 pp.: color. ill. - (My first encyclopedia). - Decree. : With. 94-95.

    Levitan E. P. Fairy-tale Universe: a fascinating encyclopedia for future astronomers and cosmonauts, as well as for all inquisitive children: [for teens. school age] / Efrem Levitan; [art. T. Gamzina-Bakhtiy]. - M.: Publishing house. Meshcheryakov House, 2010. - 503, p. : color ill.

    Petya's extraordinary adventures in space: [for reading by adults to children] / [text by A. Ivanov, M. Malorossiyanovskaya; rice. K. Elkina]. - M.: Clever-Media-Group, 2011. - p. : color ill.

    Portsevsky K. A. My first book about space: [for juniors. school age] / K. A. Portsevsky; [ill. A. I. Bezmenova, A. G. Danilova, N. V. Danilchenko and others; issued series by L. D. Andreev]. - M.: ROSMEN, 2011. - 95 p. : color ill. - (My first book). - Indication: p. 94-95.

    Rancini J. Cosmos. Supernova atlas of the Universe: ill. reference with constellation maps / Gianluca Ranzini; [transl. from Italian G. Semenova]. - M.: Eksmo, 2010. - 216 p. : color ill. – Word: p. 213-214. - Alf. decree: p. 215-216.

    Farndon D. Children's encyclopedia of space: [for children preschool. age] / John Farndon; lane from English N. Concha. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 144 pp.: color. ill. - Words. : With. 138-142. - Indication: p. 143-144.

    Dreamers. Journey into space [Electronic resource]: [developmental program: for children from 5 years old] / author. programs: I.L. Tuychieva, O.N. Gornitskaya, T.V. Vorobyova, A.Yu. Kremlev. - M.: New Disk, 2011. - 1 electron. wholesale disk (CD-ROM): sound, color. - (Creative workshop for children).

    Brashnov D. Amazing astronomy: [from the series: What the textbooks were silent about] / Dmitry Brashnov. – ENAS-book, 2014. – 200 pp.: color. ill. 61.

The text of the work is posted without images and formulas.
The full version of the work is available in the "Work Files" tab in PDF format

IN conducting

When the sun disappears behind the horizon and night falls, the most amazing picture in the world appears before your eyes: the starry sky. I really love watching the stars. And I was always worried about questions: Why do stars light up? Are they far from us? Why do stars shine at night but not during the day? How many stars are there in the sky? Why does starfall happen?

What is the milky way?

Why does starfall happen?

I also knew that the sky used to replace a compass, a clock, and a calendar. People asked the stars: is morning soon; They used the stars to determine when spring would come. Man has always needed heaven. This means that the stars played an important role in human life. And how to deal with these stars, I wondered then. How to find out what a constellation is? Why do constellations have such names and outlines?

And then I decided that I needed to reveal the secret of the starry sky and set a goal for myself.

The purpose of my work : Reveal the secret of the starry sky, find out what the stars and constellations are.


1. Study the history of the appearance of stars, the characteristics of stars.

2. Find out the meaning of the concept “Constellations”.

3. Study the history of the names of constellations.

4. Find out what constellations can be seen in the starry sky.

5. Find out what the Milky Way is.

6. Practical application of your knowledge. Creative work - the game “Journey through the Starry Sky”.

Hypothesis: I assume that searching for answers to my questions will help reveal some of the secrets of the starry sky.

Object of study: space.

Subject of study: stars.

Research stages:

Stage 1

  • Questioning classmates .

Stage 2

  • Visit to the planetarium in Ufa.
  • Conversation with a physics teacher.
  • Visiting the library, working with Internet resources.
  • Practical use.

At the first stage of my work, I decided to find out what my classmates knew about the stars and constellations. I compiled and wrote down questions in the young researcher’s diary, which I then asked them.

Conclusions of the first stage of the study:

I interviewed 28 students, of which they answered:

to 1 question “What is a constellation?”

Know - 27 people.

Don't know - 1 person.

to question 2 “Why are stars combined into constellations?”

Know - 7 people.

They don’t know - 21 people.

to question 3 “How many constellations are there?”

Know - 0 people.

They don’t know - 28 people.

At the second stage of work:

Visited the Planetarium;

I talked to the physics teacher at school;

Visited the school library;

I read information about space on the Internet.

1. What is a star? The birth of stars.

I began my research work with a visit to the Planetarium in Ufa, where the guide explained in detail that the science that studies stars is called astronomy (from the Greek aster - “star”).

To observe the stars, a special device was invented - a telescope. Telescope is translated from Greek as “I see far.” With its help, astronomers at special stations observe and study the starry sky. In ancient times, people believed that stars were burning lanterns fixed on the crystal vault of heaven.

Based on the conversation, I learned that stars are huge red-hot luminous balls. The birth of a star goes something like this: first, a clump consisting of interstellar gas forms in a cosmic cloud. Rotating at tremendous speed, it increases in size and, when its mass increases several times, it begins to shrink under the influence of gravity. Inside this clot, the temperature rises to 10 million degrees, it begins to glow, and then a bright star flashes in the sky. Pilots, sailors, tourists, travelers, and scouts often navigate by the stars. The brightest stars in the sky have their own names, for example Altair, Vega, Sirius, etc.

Conclusion 1 : Stars are huge, hot, glowing, rotating balls of gas. Stars shine because when they rotate at tremendous speed, they increase in size, the temperature inside rises to 10 million degrees, and they begin to glow.

2. Color of stars. Life of the stars.

Looking at the stars even with the naked eye, you can see that they are not all the same. There are blue, yellow, orange, red stars, not just white ones. The color of stars tells a lot to astronomers, first of all it depends on the temperature of the star's surface. Red stars are the coldest, their temperature is approximately 2-3000 o C. Yellow stars, like our Sun, have an average temperature (5-6000 o C). The hottest are white and blue stars, their temperature is 50-60000 ° C and higher.

There are even pulsar stars. When observed through a telescope, they appear to be double. A double star is a system of two celestial bodies connected by a common center of gravity.

Stars live for several billion years. Astronomers have found that every year at least one star “dies” in the sky. Stars die for one simple reason: they run out of fuel. When the supply of hydrogen in the core runs out, the star swells and becomes a red giant. In the end, all that remains of the star is the dead core - the white dwarf. After billions of years, the white dwarf cools down and turns into a black dwarf that does not emit light. To replace the dead stars, several hundred new stars are born.

Every year in August we think there is a Starfall. But in fact, it is not stars that fall, but meteors and meteorites that fall. They burn because they fly at high speed.

Conclusion 2: Stars are blue, yellow, orange, red stars, white. The color of stars depends on the temperature of the star. Red stars are the coldest, yellow ones, like our Sun, have an average temperature. The hottest ones are white and blue stars. Pulsar stars are double stars - a system of two celestial bodies connected by a common center of gravity.

When the supply of hydrogen in the core runs out, the star dies. The sun is withthe brightest star visible from all points on the globe.

3. What is a constellation? Why were the stars united into constellations?

All stars visible from Earth are part of one constellation or another. A group of stars united by an imaginary line is called a constellation. Even in ancient times, astronomers called the drawings obtained from the points of stars constellations. In star clusters, our ancestors guessed the figures of various animals, objects, people, and mythological heroes. In the imaginary sky we recreated images of some of the most famous constellations that we can observe in our part of the world. In fact, there are a lot of constellations - 88 and each has its own name.

For example: The “Lipper” we see in the sky is part of a constellation called Ursa Major.

A constellation is a section of the sky with established boundaries.

Stars in constellations are at different distances from the observer; The position of the constellation changes throughout the day.The process of combining stars into constellations is not as simple as it seems at first glance. Over the centuries, some changes have been made, as a result of which some constellations are forgotten and several others exist in their place. Many of the forgotten constellations were identified by different astronomers and were not recognized by the scientific community. The winter sky is richest in bright stars.

At first glance, the names of many constellations seem strange. Often in the arrangement of stars it is very difficult or even simply impossible to discern what the name of the constellation indicates. The Big Dipper, for example, resembles a ladle; it is very difficult to imagine a Giraffe or Lynx in the sky. But if you look at ancient star atlases, the constellations are depicted in the form of animals.

Next, I turned to my physics teacher for help. She told me about why the stars are united into constellations. To better distinguish the stars, in the ancient world, thousands of years ago, astronomers grouped them together as if they were points of an imaginary figure: a lion, a snake, a scale, or other objects and mythological creatures. They called these groups of stars constellations. Knowledge of the location of stars in the sky helped sailors and travelers navigate their way. You can find the polar star by the constellations Ursa Major and Ursa Minor.

The North Star is located in the tail of the constellation Ursa Minor. If you stand facing her, we will get direction

on North. She is constantly in the north.

Conclusion 3: A constellation is a group of stars.Knowing the location of stars in the sky helps to navigate in space.

There has been controversy over the constellations for a long time. In 1930 The International Astronomical Union has clearly recorded 88 constellations.The most famous constellations that we see are: Ursa Major, Pegasus, Cassiopeia. All stars in the constellations are designated by letters of the Greek and Latin alphabets.

4.Zodiac constellations.

The physics teacher also talked a lot about the Zodiac constellations. At different times of the year you can see different constellations in the sky. Why does this happen? Observations by astronomers show that the Sun not only moves across the sky along with all the stars, but also slowly moves among the stars in the opposite direction, moving from one constellation to another, spending about a month in each. This strip of constellations through which the Sun alternately passes is called the Zodiac, and the constellations are called zodiac. There are 12 of them in total. Aries begins this path, then Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. When the Sun is in one of the constellations in the corresponding month, that constellation is not visible from Earth.

And what is most interesting is that even the character and fate of a person can largely be determined by the constellation that was in the sky at the time of his birth.

Conclusion 4: It turns out that the Sun slowly moves among the stars in the opposite direction, moving from one constellation to another, spending about a month in each. This strip of constellations through which the Sun alternately passes is called the Zodiac, and the constellations are called zodiac.

5. Milky Way.

Next, I went to the library to find the answer to the question: what is the Milky Way? On a clear, moonless night, a whitish stripe is clearly visible in the sky, which the ancient Greeks called the Milky Way. And why is it called that? Having read and watched many books about space. I learned that in myths and legends the Milky Way was called the Road of the Gods, the mysterious Star Bridge, the magical Heavenly River filled with divine milk.

And only Galileo Galilei, using a telescope, discovered that the Milky Way consists of many stars. He discovered that the Milky Way is a Galaxy that consists of 100 billion stars, the Sun is only one of them.

Conclusion 5 : The Milky Way is a Galaxy consisting of 100 billion stars, which was discovered by Galileo Galilei.

Work results:

  1. Overall, I think I managed to achieve the main goal of the study, that is, to find answers to the questions:

I revealed the secret of the starry sky for myself:

I learned the history of the appearance of stars, the characteristics of stars;

I found out what a constellation is, why stars are united into constellations;

What constellations are called zodiacal.

2. I solved all the tasks set for myself.

3. I found out that being anywhere on earth, you can find your way around thanks to the stars.

4. As a result of her work, she developed the board game “Journey through the Starry Sky.” I was looking for a way to visually show my classmates what constellations, big and bright stars there are, and I came up with this. The game not only introduces you to the constellations, but also teaches you how to navigate by the stars.


  1. I explore the world: Det. Encycl.: Space / Author. - comp. T.I. Gontaruk.
  2. Siegel F.Yu. Treasures of the starry sky: A guide to the constellations and the Moon.
  3. E. Ubelaker, Encyclopedia: “Constellations”.
  4. K. Macallan, Interactive encyclopedia: “Starry Sky”.
  5. Encyclopedia "Astronomy and Space".
  6. A big book of questions and answers: “What, Why and Why?”

Appendix No. 1

Game for school-age children “Journey through the starry sky.”

Rules of the game:

  • This game can be played by two, three or four people.
  • To play you will need chips, one for each player, and a die with numbers from 1 to 6.
  • Determine by lot who will go first.
  • All players begin the game on the “Start” square.
  • Players take turns rolling the dice and moving their piece forward as many steps as the number of points rolled on the dice.
  • Movement is carried out along fields of white, yellow and red.
  • If the player lands on a red field, he misses his turn.
  • When landing on a green field, the player gets the right to an extra move.
  • The first one to reach the “Finish” wins.

Appendix No. 2

Diary of a young stargazer.

Litvyakova Polina

Project Manager:

Koshkina Tatyana Evgenevna


Municipal educational institution secondary school with UIOP No. 6 of Komsomolsk-on-Amur

In the presented research project on the surrounding world (primary school) "Features of starlight during the day" The author characterizes the birth of stars, the mystery of their brightness, color and presents their classification.

In the process of working on research project on the surrounding world (primary school) "Features of starlight during the day" A 1st grade student set a goal to study the features of starlight during the day by observing the starry sky in the dark and daylight, as well as by studying literature on the topic of research.

The basis of the research work on the surrounding world (primary school) “Features of starlight during the day” is the search for answers to the questions What are stars? How are they built? Why do they light up in the sky?, using encyclopedic and Internet sources.

In the proposed project on the surrounding world (primary school) "Features of starlight during the day" The author collected and analyzed information about the birth of stars, the characteristics of their light during the day and night, and also in the appendix to the project presented materials from a small experiment that proves that stars do not disappear during the day, but dim.

1.Secrets of the starry sky
1.1.What is a star
1.2.The birth of stars
1.3.The mystery of star shine
1.4.Classification of stars
1.5.Color of stars
2. Do stars disappear from the sky during the day? Watching the light
List of sources used


Every person loves to look at the stars. We see them all the time at night. They attract our attention with a special, bewitching radiance. Our ancestors believed that they could influence our destiny and our future. Some people simply admire the beauty of the night sky, while others try to unravel the mysteries that space holds.

What are stars? How are they built? Why do they light up in the sky? These questions have always worried people. Scientists and astronomers have conducted a lot of research and discovered a lot of new things. Books have been written about the stars, educational films have been made, and yet many do not know the secrets of the starry sky.

Relevance of the problem : Where do the stars disappear during the day?

Problem : Is it possible to see the light of a star during the day?

Object of study: starry sky.

Subject of study: star light.

Research methods:

  • work with literary sources;
  • research;
  • observations.

Purpose of my research study the features of starlight during the day.

Tasks :

1. Conduct observations of the night and daytime starry sky;

2. Study literature on a given topic;

3. Determine the features of starlight;

4. Conduct an experiment to identify the intensity of star light in the daytime and night sky;

5. Based on the experiment, draw conclusions about the light of stars during the day and night;

Olga Medvedeva
Research work of a pupil of the senior group “Stars”

What are stars?

If they ask you -

Answer boldly:

Hot gas.

Everyone is attracted to beauty starry sky. Since ancient times, people have loved to look at stars, and they were very interested in what they really were like! I wanted to know what the world is called stars, what size stars, how many are there, why do they shine at night but not during the day, and can they fall?

Purpose work is the study of literature about stars.

An object research: heavenly body - star.

Item research: stars.

Hypothesis research: if I study information about stars, I can find out what they are, what their clusters are called and why they fall.

Methods research: conversations with adults, studying literature, observing the night sky, conducting experiments, analyzing the data obtained.

After reading encyclopedias, talking with parents, teacher, I learned that the boundless and vast world of the sky is called Space or the Universe. It is filled with countless stars, planets, and other cosmic bodies. The Universe has no end or edge. It's cold and dark there, and there's no air. Stars and planets in the Universe move only along their own path and do not collide. And the word "space" denotes order.

Dad told me that in in the old days people thought that the stars are brilliant lanterns suspended from the crystal vault of the sky. But scientists now know that stars are balls of fire consisting of gas and dust.

I watched the night sky with my parents. We saw a lot stars. From Earth they seem the same to us, but in fact they are different in size and temperature. Hottest stars are white, less hot ones are blue. So people gave stars names

I noticed a wide light stripe in the night sky. Dad explained that this is the Milky Way, which consists of many stars. I asked why the milky way is called? In the book we read about a legend that says that ancient people thought that gods lived in the sky. One goddess named Hera gave birth to a son, Hercules. Hera fed him milk and accidentally spilled it. A stream of milk spilled across the sky and turned into the Milky Way. Word "milky" means milky, white from many different stars.

I noticed that there are a lot of stars in the sky. Dad said that ancient people peered into the night sky, mentally connected stars lines and imagined various animals, objects, people, mythological heroes. They combined them into groups and called constellations to understand them. Constellations people gave names to animals, gods and heroes because the pattern of stars reminded them of the silhouettes of animals, birds and people. For example, there is constellation Dolphin, Sculptor, Orion, Shield, Pegasus and others. Different nations have the same thing constellation could be called differently. Everything depended on what people’s imagination told them. Thus, the well-known Ursa Major was depicted both as a ladle and as a horse on a leash.

We found constellation Ursa Major. It looks like a ladle. Four the stars formed a bucket, and three stars - long handle. These seven stars are the brightest in constellations. There are many dim stars that are almost invisible. By constellation Ursa Major is easy to find Polaris star, it is always above the northern side of the horizon. Along Polyarnaya star you can determine the sides horizon: if you face the Polar star, then in front there will be north, behind - south, on the right - east, on the left - west.

People really wanted to know what it was stars and why are they so bright. Scientists have come up with special instruments - telescopes.

In kindergarten, I told the children about my observations, and the teacher asked, Where "disappear" stars during the day? We experimented with her « The stars shine constantly» . Educator I punched holes in the cardboard with a hole punch, put it in an envelope, and took the envelope with the cardboard in one hand. We turned on the flashlight and, at a distance of 5 cm, shone it on the side of the envelope facing us, and then on the other. The holes in the cardboard were not visible through the envelope when we shined a flashlight on the illuminated side of the envelope, but they became clearly visible when the light from the flashlight was directed from the other side of the envelope, directly at us.

During the walk, the teacher asked what it was called star which shines during the day? We were surprised and the teacher said that the Sun is the closest to the Earth star. It gives light and warmth.

In order to make sure that there are many stars in the sky, we took 2 containers with cereal, in one there are ten grains, and in the other there are as many as stars in the Universe. We scattered the cereal from the first glass and were able to count the grains. Then we poured the cereal from the second glass onto a tray and imagined what it was stars on the sky. There were a lot of them! We couldn't count them.

In our the group has a game M. Montessori "Collect constellation» . Children, according to the model, lay out small stars your constellation.

Children in group I suggested drawing an owl constellation, under which they were born. So we made a homemade book "My constellation» .

Sometimes you can watch them fall from the sky stars. They say that when you see a falling star, you need to make a wish, and it will definitely come true. Star showers can be observed when the Earth of the Sun crosses a meteor shower. My dad and I looked on the Internet and found out that in 2016 such rains will occur in August and October.

My assumption was confirmed - I was able to find out what it is « star» , what their clusters are called, when they shine and why they sometimes fall.

Publications on the topic:

Application with children of the senior group “Stars and Comets” Goal: learn to cut out five-pointed stars by folding a square according to a pattern, create the image of a comet using various materials (crumpled.

Structural unit of the kindergarten “Golden Cockerel” of the state budgetary secondary educational institution of the Samara region.

Research work “The Sorceress Salt” Dear colleagues, I present to your attention a research paper, I hope that this information will be useful to you. (With this research.

Research work “Magic feather” Research work “Magic Feather” Participant: Masha Golovchenko (6 years old) Leader: Lyubov Vladimirovna Nazarenko (teacher).

Research work of a pupil of the preparatory group “Strong, large, graceful animal” Topic: “Strong, big, graceful animal” Goal: expand and deepen children’s understanding of wild and domestic animals. Tasks: -form.

SLIDE 1. When the sun disappears behind the horizon and night falls, the most delightful picture in the world appears before our eyes: the starry sky. We all love to watch these countless sparkling points with which the sky is strewn - stars. At first glance, you can count several thousand stars, but in reality there are billions of them.
SLIDE 2. The mystery of the starry sky is interesting to all children, without exception. Scientists and astronomers have conducted a lot of research and revealed many secrets. Many books have been written about stars, many educational films have been made, and yet many children do not know all the secrets of the starry sky.
The relevance of our topic lies in the interest of children in this topic and in replenishing knowledge in this area. The topic takes into account the age characteristics of students and contributes to the development of their cognitive activity. Since childhood, we have all wondered why we cannot reach the stars to touch and count them.
Survey results
SLIDE 3. Working on this topic, we invited 2nd grade students to answer the questionnaire in order to understand what is best to talk about. The questionnaire included 4 questions. 27 students took part in the survey.
SLIDE 4. Having processed the questionnaires and received the results, we concluded that the relevance of our research is obvious. Consequently, our further research was based on these 4 questions.
Why are stars visible only at night?
SLIDE 5. Just as the light of a light bulb or lantern is not visible during the day, but in the dark they are clearly visible, stars sparkle brightly in the darkness of the night and are not visible during the day, because they are eclipsed by sunlight. And that’s why they are hard to see under a clear moon. The only star that can be seen during the day is the Sun, but it is so close to the Earth that you cannot look at it directly because the intensity of its light is blinding. The Sun is not the largest star and does not have more heat than the others, but it is closest to the Earth and therefore appears larger than the others. The stars are very far from the Earth, which is why they appear so small.
The Mystery of Starlight
SLIDE 6. Stars look like huge balls of fire, they emit a huge amount of light - and from Earth we perceive this light as a silvery sheen. This happens because stars are formed by burning hydrogen and helium, and these gases release light and heat when burned. The brightest stars have a brightness many millions of times greater than that of the Sun, although there are stars whose luminosity is millions of times less.
The Birth of Stars
SLIDE 7. Stars did not always exist. Let's look at how stars are born. Almost all of them developed in small groups from a relatively cold mass consisting of gas and stardust. This mass was concentrated, that is, particles of cosmic matter united, forming a kind of cloud called a nebula. Perhaps this nebula began to rotate and reached the highest temperatures, approximately a million degrees on the centigrade scale. The nebula, having caught fire, already becomes a star.
Star color
SLIDE 8. When we look at the stars, it seems to us that they are all the same color: white-bluish. But there is no doubt that they all have different colors, which depend on their temperature. The stars that produce the most heat are white and blue, those that have an average temperature are yellow and orange, and the red ones have the least heat. The Sun is a medium-temperature star, so it is yellow, but when it begins to fade and enters its last phase of activity, it will become a red star and eventually go out.
SLIDE 9. In conclusion, it can be noted that the tasks set in the work have been completed, the goal has been achieved. Thank you for your attention.

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