Home Dental treatment Brief eastern horoscope for the year. Tags: Eastern horoscope

Brief eastern horoscope for the year. Tags: Eastern horoscope

The rooster is an unpredictable bird, so in 2017 he will behave differently with each zodiac sign. Knowing what surprises the Fire Rooster has prepared for this period, it will be easier to feel comfortable in any area. Having studied the eastern horoscope for 2017, each constellation will be able to receive the desired bonuses from the patron of this year - the Rooster, and will have a chance to get rid of possible obstacles.

The real lucky ones in 2017 include the Rooster, Goat and Dragon. They will find ideal opportunities where it would be virtually impossible to find them. This year's patron is a real symbol of success and luck for them. The Sheep has a good chance of winning a nice sum in the lottery or receiving an inheritance. The eastern horoscope guarantees good prospects for personal life for those born this year. The Dragons will be able to move up the career ladder in 2017.

The emotionality characteristic of the Monkey and the Tiger can play a cruel joke on them. The eastern horoscope advises them not to make important decisions in a bad mood. For the Monkey, this period will be promising for new discoveries and beginnings. Detailed characteristics from the stars will help the Tiger not to mess things up. The heavenly bodies indicate that in 2017 they need to find a reliable friend or even a patron. The eastern horoscope according to the year of birth of the Snake hastens to warn her against possible problems in her personal life.

Busy events await the Horse and Rat. Events will develop differently for them every day, so they should be prepared for changes. For example, one day the Rat will be in one city, and the next day will spend in another country. These can be either business trips or unplanned trips of your own free will. It is advisable for people born in the year of the Horse to pay attention to their health and get rid of bad habits.

The eastern horoscope warns the Pig and the Ox not to enter into confrontations with colleagues and friends. Especially Pigs will be eager to prove they are right and defend their opinions where this is not always appropriate. In 2017, it is recommended that the Pig (Pig) devote more time to his loved one and his family. The Ox will also have a desire to fight for the truth. In order to prove his opinion to his opponent, the Ox will be ready to take decisive action and quarrel with old friends and even management.

The Dog and Rabbit will want global changes in 2017. Their thirst to change something in their life can play a cruel joke on them. The year of birth of these two signs confirms the fact that their desire to build new relationships can destroy strong and lasting ties. The dog needs to be more attentive to insidious strangers (strangers) who will show close interest in them. The celestial bodies give the Rabbit an equally disconsolate description, since they will also have to fight the desire to go to the left.

Money predictions

By calculating the most favorable months for financial risks according to the calendar, the Ox and Monkey will be able to enrich themselves. The eastern horoscope recommends that they make deals in March, September and December. These months promise to be the most fruitful. In 2017, it will be useful for the Monkey to change his occupation and do something he likes. The Dragon should start looking for a new job or getting additional education. This period will become a symbol of good luck and new opportunities for him.

Having established close friendly ties with the leadership, the Goat (Sheep) and Boar (Pig) will be able to move up the career ladder. However, the heavenly bodies advise them not to go too far in imaginary friendship, trusting the management with their innermost secrets, since some things will be most useful to keep secret. It is recommended that the Sheep (Goat) put money on deposit in the bank throughout the year, because this is how she will be able to increase her income. It will be useful for the Pig to track promising months on the calendar for experiments in work (this could be June, August and April).

Frequent business trips await the Snake, Rat and Tiger. The Snake is recommended to think about repairs and investing in the purchase of new furniture. A person born this year will need maximum comfort and family warmth (that’s why fresh renovations are so important). This year's patron will become a real symbol of success for the Tiger, so he should not miss the opportunity to improve his financial situation. The time has come for the Rooster and the Rat to forget about their fears and plunge into a new business for themselves, since only in such a case will they be able to get rich and become happy.

In order not to go into debt for the Dog, Rabbit and Horse in 2017, it’s time to save some money. Their year of birth indicates that they will face possible financial setbacks during this period. A detailed description from the stars for 2017 confirms the fact that these constellations are used to buying beautiful things and not denying themselves anything. Therefore, it is advisable for the Rabbit and the Horse to spend less money on clothes and give preference to practical models (rather than branded ones). The dog should visit pubs, clubs and restaurants less often and devote more time to relaxing at home (as well as walks in the fresh air).

Love predictions

“An interesting fact is that it is the lonely Snake, Goat and Pig who will want to dramatically change their status in 2017. The eastern horoscope in 2017 will influence even the most avid flirts. The characteristics from the stars are such that the Snake will have every chance of a happy relationship with a colleague or friend. If the Snake does not miss its chance, it will be happy. To find true love, Goat and Pig will have to try hard and even make concessions in order to maintain the desired connection. If the Sheep and the Pig find people with similar interests and outlooks on life, then the union will work out.”

According to the eastern horoscope, the Monkey will want real family comfort. If the cheerful and restless Monkey acts according to the calendar and listens to the advice of the stars, then this period will be successful for her. To find a soul mate, she needs to choose mid-spring or early summer. The symbol of this year, the Fire Rooster, will accompany those who decide to tie the knot in September and July. The time has come for family constellations to start devoting a sufficient amount of time to their soulmate and helping her in difficult times.

2017 will be a busy year for the Ox, Dragon and Rat. The eastern horoscope foretells such difficulties in your personal life:

  • The Ox needs to be wary of the most dangerous months according to the calendar. In January, May and August, quarrels and conflicts with a loved one await him or her. This state of affairs can lead to serious disagreements or even separation;
  • According to the year of birth, the Dragon is ideally compatible with the Tiger. However, it will not be easy for him to be with other partners throughout 2017;
  • For the Rat, the eastern horoscope indicates that the time has come for her to “tread on the throat” of her interests and put her other half in first place. If she behaves selfishly, then she will not avoid problems in 2017.

The time for love experiments has come for the Snake, Rooster and Horse. In the case of this year’s representative, you should decide on non-standard dates and an extreme search for your soulmate. According to the year of birth, this sign will be ideally combined with bold and extravagant personalities. The time has come for the snake to add a touch of variety to his intimate life with his partner. If a loved one is not around yet, then the Snake does not need to be upset, since happiness awaits it already in the middle of spring. The characteristics from the stars indicate the fact that it will be useful for Horses to look for love on a dating site.

The time has come for Goat and Pig to learn to appreciate what they have. In 2017, they should become a symbol of fidelity and understanding. If they listen to the eastern horoscope and act according to the calendar, they will lure love into their networks. Pig and Sheep need to be given a chance to those who have long been uneasy towards them (in February and October). Those who already have a partner should work on their relationship and become more gentle towards their loved one. If the Goat (Sheep) and Boar (Pig) are kinder, more attentive and responsive to the requests of the other half, they will be able to build a harmonious tandem this year.

It is recommended that the Rabbit and the Dog study the eastern horoscope (2017) especially carefully. Only by following the calendar and listening to the advice of the stars can they avoid many mistakes. The Eastern horoscope advises the Dog to study its characteristics in detail for this year, since right now it can make a lot of mistakes. In search of a more promising partner for life, the Dog is capable of missing out on the only love in life, so it needs to be more careful in its decisions. The Rabbit's year of birth indicates that in 2017 he will have a fateful meeting with his future spouse.

Health Predictions

The year of birth can tell a lot about its representative. For example, the year of birth of the Rooster, Tiger and Rabbit indicates that their irrepressible energy will spill over this year. However, the characteristic from the eastern horoscope for these signs is this: they should not forget about healthy sleep and proper rest. To restore internal strength, it will be useful for the Rabbit, Tiger and Rooster to do yoga or swimming. The Tiger is recommended to pay attention to the health of his joints.

The eastern horoscope advises people whose year of birth belongs to such signs as Ox, Monkey, Rat to devote time to their nutrition. A symbol of health and well-being for them will be proper nutrition and giving up bad habits. If they adhere to the recommendations from the heavenly bodies and monitor their well-being, they will live this year in harmony with themselves. The Monkey, Ox and Rat should visit the doctor strictly according to the calendar (and in the summer, pay special attention to the kidneys).

The eastern horoscope advises such signs as Sheep (Goat) and Boar (Pig) to start devoting time to sports. A sheep, for example, would benefit from going to the gym or taking a Pilates class. The symbol of health for these constellations should be a balanced diet and increased physical activity. The year of birth of these signs indicates that in 2017 they may be worried about cardiovascular diseases and knee problems.

It is recommended that the Dog and the Horse pay special attention to advice from the eastern horoscope. They should not forget to visit a doctor and monitor their well-being. Having made an appointment with the dentist according to the calendar, they need to arrive exactly on time. If the Horse consults this doctor on time, he will avoid many dental problems and save money on additional treatment in the future.

The Dragon is considered a symbol of joy in China. However, the frivolity of the people of this constellation can harm them in 2017. They should carefully study the characteristics that the eastern horoscope provides and clearly begin to follow its recommendations. For those born during this period, it will be useful to do an ultrasound and make sure that the internal organs are functioning normally. It would also be a good idea to pay attention to gastrointestinal diseases!

Chinese horoscope signs:

Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit (Cat), Dragon, Snake, Horse, Goat, Monkey, Rooster, Dog and Pig.
According to Eastern legend, it was in this order that these animals came to say goodbye to Buddha when he left the Earth. And as a reward they received the right to control time and human destinies once every twelve years.

On January 28, 2017, the year of the Red Fire Rooster according to the eastern calendar will come into its own..
This year will be very important for the history of human civilization; it will be full of colorful, bright, loud, global and memorable events. The main color of the year is red, which represents beauty, energy and power.
Therefore, the forces of good will be given additional fuel for victory over evil in all its manifestations.
The element of the Year of the Rooster 2017 is fire, therefore, many of our troubles will burn out and, like a phoenix bird, we will be reborn for a new happy life.
Especially generously in the year of the Red Fire Rooster will be rewarded for those who do not look for easy ways and crooked paths, do not violate moral and legal laws, speak little and work hard, and persistently, grain by grain, create the foundation for their success and well-being.

Features and characteristics of the Fire Rooster

The rooster is a bird that has a clear voice, bright plumage and exudes cheerfulness.
This symbol marks the beginning of something new, because the rooster is one of the first to wake up at dawn and notify people that a new day has arrived.
People born in the year of the Fire Rooster are distinguished by their indestructible willpower. This type of rooster has all the makings of a leader and often uses all these qualities. They make excellent leaders and managers. Nature has endowed such people with a strong, proactive character, thanks to which they do not give up on their plans halfway, but always achieve their goals.
Another characteristic characteristic of Roosters is straightforwardness. They tell a person to his face everything they think about him. Of course, some people don’t like this behavior and stop being friends with the Rooster. That is why representatives of this sign do not have many friends.
Due to the fact that the element of the 2017 symbol is Fire, they are extremely energetic and purposeful. Their temperament will be the envy of many; it is rare to see a Rooster exhausted or tired. They literally emit waves of energy that are transmitted to those around them.
This sign is valued for hard work, assertiveness and ambition. There is an opinion that such people are not afraid of problems - they are ready to endure and overcome everything. Roosters are excellent competitors, they are passionate and ready to win at any cost. It is worth noting that the love of victory manifests itself not only in the professional sphere, but also in love! Although in love, representatives of this bird show too much selfishness, which prevents them from building normal long-term relationships.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily find the eastern horoscope sign you are interested in and read in the appropriate section about yourself and your loved ones.
The Chinese horoscope by year will help you better know yourself and recognize the character traits of your friends. Also, using the Chinese horoscope, you can find out your compatibility with other people and learn how to smooth out negative aspects in communication and enhance positive ones.

Rat: 1912, 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008
Bull: 1913, 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009
Tiger: 1914, 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010
Cat: 1915, 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011
Dragon: 1916, 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012
Snake: 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Horse: 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Goat: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Monkey: 1920, 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016
Rooster: 1921, 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017
Dog: 1922, 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018
Pig: 1923, 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

According to the Chinese calendar, the Red Fire Monkey will not leave us with the chiming clock, but will reign a little longer while the Red Fire Rooster flies to its throne. The Rooster will take power on January 28, 2017, and all twelve animals will be worried - it seems they are already accustomed to the Monkey, but what will the eccentric Rooster bring with him?

The Rooster is a restless but fair bird, so everyone will feel quite comfortable in his year. The owner of 2017 treats all animals with warmth and understanding, and even favors some. The Red Fire Cockerel is a family creature; in his chicken coop there is always peace and tranquility, order and prosperity. And everything will work out well in our lives - the love sphere will be filled with happiness and romance, and in family life many will expect pleasant surprises - the year of the Rooster is rich in weddings and the birth of children. In 2017, the Cockerel will also take care of improving living conditions - after all, comfortable living and a cozy apartment are also components of a happy family life.

People who are in search of their beloved half can breathe a sigh of relief in the year of the Rooster - there will be quite a lot of chances to meet unearthly love. The Red Fire Rooster is a headstrong bird and loves to show its character. The Fiery Master will certainly bring good luck to everyone who is brave and positive in his year. There will be many romances in the year of the Rooster, and thanks to the influence of the cheerful bird, many couples will enjoy open relationships, dates can be arranged almost every day, but the Rooster will also put its wings into creating strong, happy unions.

As for the financial sector, 2017 will be one of the most successful in this regard. The symbol of the year is a leader by nature and, although he loves to show off and brag about his successes, the owner of 2017 will not mind if someone overtakes him on the path to wealth. The hen, as you know, pecks at the grain, and so does the Red Fire Rooster - slowly but surely, a caring bird will help us achieve financial well-being. The Rooster is courageous and courageous, and money usually sticks to the hands of those who are not afraid to take risks; in its year, the magical bird will make sure that all adventurous individuals get what they deserve - there will be enough money not only for bread and butter, you can afford and serious purchases and an expensive resort.

The Rooster will appreciate the efforts of each of us, but will especially favor those who are not lazy and are not afraid to move forward - with his multi-colored wings, the Rooster will conjure chests with gold coins and jewelry in a hiding place. As a last resort, the Rooster has already issued several million bank cards with good content - finance will not sing romances, that's for sure.

There will be no problems with your career in the year of the Rooster. The Rooster is frank, and of course, will help those who cut the truth without thinking about the consequences. But the stars still want to warn - sometimes it is better to remain silent, because this will not be considered as hiding the truth. The rooster will conjure good luck with his fiery red wings in the creative field - career growth is just around the corner, and in 2017 many people can boast of fame and recognition. But again - no modesty, and even more so, no laziness - only forward, to victory and to success with your head held high.

The Rooster is a conservative and does not like all sorts of innovations too much, but during the year of his reign he will not interfere with those individuals who are not afraid to try their hand at new activities. For those who decide to change jobs, the Rooster will give some advice and put them in touch with the right people; the only important thing is not to miss the meeting. And if you are satisfied with your current job, but want a higher and more respectable position, Cockerel will help here too and talk with the boss over a bottle of cognac. It is undesirable to quarrel with colleagues in the Year of the Rooster - they will help you change your office chair to a comfortable leather armchair, and they will also go with you for a suit that suits your status.

Now it is advisable to clarify the question that worries us most: how will the fiery Rooster coexist with other elements?

So, there will definitely be no problems with those who were born in the year of the fiery animal - the Cockerel loves his element, and will certainly do everything so that his fiery brothers do not need anything. The Cockerel will be friendly with earthly people - fire is not at all against the earth, on the contrary, he appreciates the diligence and perseverance of individuals born under this element. The fiery Rooster is afraid of water, but this does not mean that he will not help people who were born in the year of the aquatic animal - the Rooster respects the element of water and will do everything to help and give a hint. As for the wooden element, don’t worry, the Cockerel will not burn wood or start a fire. It will warm, comfort, and even throw up a lot of surprises. The fiery Rooster will make friends with metal from the first days of his reign - after all, metal becomes even stronger in fire, so luck will follow on the heels of those born in the year of the metal animal.

But how will the Red Fire Rooster treat people depending on the year of which animal they were born? The Bull, the Cat (Rabbit), the Horse, the Goat (Sheep), the Rooster, the Dog and the Pig can definitely be calm - the Cockerel will in no way offend pets, because he is a bird himself, who loves comfort and always monitors household affairs. The Rooster respects the Tiger for its courage and courage, and loves the Rat for its cunning and ability to adapt. The Cockerel snake is simply cute in itself, and the Rooster appreciates the Dragon for its beautiful wings and incredible generosity. The Cockerel will definitely get along with the Monkey - the cheerful madam, while handing over the throne, managed to tell the owner of 2017 a couple of jokes - those born in the year of the Monkey can continue to joke and enjoy life in the year of the Rooster. In general, the forecast for the year of the Red Fire Rooster is optimistic, it is only important to meet it cheerfully and with sparkle, and the owner of 2017 will appreciate our efforts! The stars promise success and love, the main thing is to hope for luck and believe in yourself!

For those born in the year of the Dog, the Red Fire Rooster has a lot of interesting things in store. Dogs are honest and reliable people, and these qualities help you in the professional sphere. Any self-respecting boss will hire Dogs without hesitation. Those Dogs who decide to change jobs in 2017 should think carefully. Of course, a new place is always attractive, but in the old service the team is already like family, and the boss, although harmful, is cheerful and lively. It's up to you to decide; if you need anything, ask the Rooster for advice - he will always advise and help.


Those born in the year of the Rooster can climb up on their favorite perches and sing funny songs in 2017. The Red Fire Rooster will take care of its fellows as if it were itself. Although it is believed that two Roosters will not get along in one chicken coop, in this case everything will be the other way around. As for professional activities, in 2017 everything is top-notch for Petushki. You yourself will arrange castings among directors to choose who to get a job with. Or you can aim for a respectable position yourself, and the owner of the year will be happy to help you choose a decent suit.


In the year of the Red Fire Rooster, charming Pigs and Boars will be happy. Pigs take the world as it is, and the Rooster likes your approach. The fiery bird will help the Pigs achieve their goals - hurry up for the bonuses that the owner of 2017 has prepared.


For those born in the year of the Horse, the stars promise that 2017 will be a happy year. Horses are hardworking people, they really work like horses, and in 2017 Fortune, together with Cockerel, decided to encourage you. Any work must be rewarded, and the owner of 2017 will personally ensure that the Horses receive a new position and an increased salary. Horses who dream of showing their talents in business will be doubly lucky - you can try your hand at any business, be it agriculture or opening a restaurant. Many Horses in the year of the Fire Rooster will be able to shine in the creative field - the right guys will definitely notice you!


For wise and charming Snakes, the year of the Rooster will bring a lot of interesting things. The Red Fire Rooster adores Snakes, who are calm and calm, but at the right moment they will show their sting and hiss if necessary. To an ignorant person, Snakes may seem lazy, but the stars know that you are accumulating strength for the next breakthrough. In 2017, many Snakes will have good luck in the professional sphere - you can open your own business, the main thing is a thoughtful approach, but you will not have problems with this. In the year of the Rooster, it is advisable for snakes to improve their level of education - intelligence plus intuition, and now you are at the pinnacle of power.


Goats and Sheep are artistic guys, and the Red Fire Cockerel will certainly notice you. Goats-Sheep will be happy in 2017 - the good owner of the year will do everything so that you do not need anything. Horned creatures do not like to play leading roles, but in the year of the Rooster, Goats will have to be the center of attention - your ideas deserve to be heard by the whole world. At work, things will work out perfectly, but if you don’t dream of the boss’s chair, you can be like his boss, this is also a pleasant activity. In matters of planning, Goats have no equal; sometimes the Cockerel himself will turn to you for advice.


Monkeys are cheerful and lively people, and if in your year you were carefree jumping on the branches, then with the coming to power of the Fire Rooster, little will change in your life. The only thing the owner of 2017 will ask from the frivolous Monkeys is to add a little planning to life. Monkeys know what they want, but your desires change every minute - today you feel comfortable in the boss’s chair, and tomorrow you are ready to rush to the North Pole with an expedition. The cockerel gives the go-ahead - do whatever you want, the main thing is that you enjoy it, and the caring bird will turn on the green light at any moment.


The stars are sincerely happy for those born in the year of the Ox - in 2017, the Fire Cockerel will take you under his wing. Stubborn Bulls will climb the career ladder - the path is not close, but reliable. In the role of bosses, Oxen will show their best qualities - their subordinates will be happy. The same cannot be said about competitors - not only will the Cockerel peck at all their contracts, the Bulls will also scare their rivals with their menacing horns. Bulls love power, and respect conditions and traditions, but in the year of the Rooster you will like innovations - no one will stop the Bulls from achieving success in business or creative activity.


This horoscope is one of the best! I really liked it! Finally, I found out what awaits the Horse in 2017!

The eastern horoscope by year of birth is popular both in the East and in the West. The history of the eastern horoscope goes back about 4000 years. According to the eastern horoscope, every year within a 12-year cycle passes under the sign of one animal.

A person born in a certain year receives a number of innate qualities, depending on which his fate is shaped. It should be remembered that the eastern year is counted according to the lunar calendar, each month of which begins with a new moon.

The beginning of the eastern year is determined by the second new moon after the winter solstice, which occurs on December 22. Therefore, a person born in January or early February may be subject to the sign of the previous Chinese year.

Knowing your year of birth, you can easily find the eastern horoscope sign you are interested in and read in the appropriate section about yourself and your loved ones.

For the people who are patronized Rat, 2017 will be a period of great unrest. The Red Fire Rooster will constantly test the Mouse's strength. The stars do not recommend making any major changes this year. Any changes can provoke the development of unexpected events and negate all past achievements. The best solution for the Rat would be to strengthen and maintain the successes already achieved. 2017 will be a particularly turbulent year for the Rat in such areas as career and business relationships. Due to the presence of troubles, she will be in constant tension.

This can affect the health of the nervous system. The vital energy of the Rat will decrease somewhat during this period. To avoid serious health problems, astrologers recommend taking serious steps to strengthen the immune and nervous systems. To do this, you can use any acceptable methods, ranging from folk remedies and traditional medicine to rare Tibetan techniques. It is advisable for Rats people who suffer from ailments to undergo a comprehensive examination of the body to identify various pathologies.
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And those who have chronic diseases are recommended to contact the clinic for adequate treatment. And if the Rat has bad habits, it’s worth getting rid of them. This will help her maintain her health during such a difficult period for her. In 2017, it is better to start making grandiose plans for the future. And they need to be translated into reality no earlier than February 16, 2018, when the Red Fire Rooster will be replaced by the Brown Earth Dog. All people born in the year of the Rat should remember that free cheese can only lie in a mousetrap! Based on this, there is no need to start projects and sign serious contracts, even if they seem as “transparent” as possible and promise great benefits. Carelessness in business partnerships can result in significant financial losses.

For Bull 2017 promises to be fruitful. A hardworking and balanced Ox will be able to reach incredible heights, climb the career ladder, stabilize and improve their financial situation. The Year of the Red Fire Rooster is a very favorable period for starting a business from scratch. The Ox will also acquire a large number of business connections and make new friends who will become a reliable support in life. Despite the resounding success in his career, some obstacles will still be encountered on the Ox’s path.

The stars advise solving problems as they arise, without waiting until a large volume of unresolved issues accumulates. The main obstacles awaiting the Ox will be related to the sphere of personal relationships. The Ox is a nature prone to order. And his colleagues will constantly interfere with him in setting and following the rules. This is where problems will arise, and even conflicts on this basis are possible. Minor troubles await the Ox in the family sphere. To avoid problems, you should try to concentrate your attention on solving everyday issues, for example, home renovation, activities with children, purchasing necessary things for the home. As for health, the stars recommend avoiding stress. Otherwise, this may cause moral instability and decreased ability to work. And staying active is so important for the Ox in 2017.

The coming year for Tiger will be a rather difficult period. The main problems are related to his temper. After all, the Tiger has a cool and even harsh character, striving to be the first everywhere and in everything. However, not the whole year will be difficult; some periods will be a time of calm and peace. To avoid troubles, you should be gentler with family, friends, colleagues and subordinates. The results of 2017 for the Tiger can only be successful if he can switch to creative work, to which he devotes sufficient time and effort. Everything is in his hands.

If he wants to achieve success in his work or create his own business, he should not waste his time on empty squabbles, proceedings and resolving secondary issues. This year there is a threat of losing reliable and time-tested business and friendship relationships. This situation will cause a lot of anxiety. But outwardly the Tiger will not show his feelings in any way and will remain unperturbed. People born in the year of the Tiger need to learn to admit their own mistakes, conduct discussions in a peaceful manner, resolve conflicts amicably, and not wage open “war.” If the Tiger becomes more loyal and is able to take into account the opinions of others, he will be able to safely avoid problems in 2017. Troubles that arise like a snowball can undermine the Tiger’s mental health. Especially in the spring period of the year, when there is a high probability of problems arising, Tiger people need to try to remain calm and protect themselves as much as possible from emotional worries.

2017 will bring many signs of the eastern pantheon a turbulent time, full of events and impressions. The Fire Rooster - the new Master of the year - will not let anyone get bored.

Although there will be no reason to suspect him of wanting to complicate someone’s life. And everyone can get along with him if they want. We bring to your attention a detailed eastern horoscope for 2017, in which different aspects of our lives are thoroughly analyzed - from the professional sphere to relationships with the opposite sex. From it you will learn what you should do to avoid certain misunderstandings, how to act in ambiguous situations, what to focus on in order to achieve the greatest possible success. If you are not too lazy to draw conclusions from this useful information received on our website, then you will be able to turn even the problems during this period to your advantage.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) RAT/MOUSE


Horoscope 2017 for Rat/Mouse

It is unlikely that Rats should count on the patronage of the Master of the Year. They have too many disagreements at the “ideological level.” And therefore, Rats should not make grandiose plans. In essence, the task for most of them is to remain in the same positions in which they will meet 2017. Although, if we talk about the dissatisfaction of the Rat and the Rooster with each other, then on the part of the first it is clearly greater. The Rooster is less categorical and, therefore, there is no particular reason to fear that he will deliberately obstruct the Rats and create problems. So a busy year awaits them, not the easiest, but interesting, and to some extent even useful.


In 2017, rats are prescribed love for their own person. They need to take care of themselves, saturate them with vitamins, exercise and pleasant emotions. In particular, it is advisable to limit heavy libations and overeating, which Rats will definitely be prone to this year; They will think that this is a pleasant way to relieve stress. If possible, it is advisable to undergo a complete examination of the body. Problems during this period for Rats can be caused by the stomach (by the way, precisely because of overeating and alcohol), as well as seasonal viral infections. In addition, caution should be exercised by those who suffer from chronic forms of disease. For chronic diseases, there is a high probability of exacerbation and transition to an even more complex stage.


From a financial point of view, the year promises to be somewhat stressful for the Rats. They will have to forget about wastefulness. Moreover, it makes sense for everyone who has not yet decided to do this to start keeping track of their income and expenses. The Rats' income will neither increase nor decrease significantly compared to last year. However, this means that planning and distributing income will not be difficult; The main task will be not to stray from the optimal spending rhythm.

Those Rats who entered the Year of the Rooster with any debt obligations should try to get rid of them as soon as possible. And no later than the first quarter of the year. It will be much more difficult to do this further, and it is even possible that then you will have to drag this “tail” along with you next year. There is one more point that it is not only undesirable to forget about, but also dangerous. It concerns large capital investments. They must be done extremely carefully, with great reinsurance.


Significant upswings in the professional sphere are not predicted for Rats. Some of them will remain in the same position in which they started the year; some people will be able to move up one step. And you can count on this, most likely, in the second half of the year. In 2017, those engaged in intellectual professions will have more luck. In particular, people involved in politics and representatives of the political circle can count on success. But none of them, as well as all Rats in general, should not get involved in risky endeavors at this time.

If possible, representatives of this sign should avoid changing activities, especially if the new job will be associated with a large team. For those who are planning to do something new alone, you can try, but only if there is really a significant need for it. If we are talking about another whim, you shouldn’t count on easy and quick success.


Married Rats risk experiencing new love in 2017. You need to try to resist this, not only because it will create the danger of breaking your family union, but also because the intentions of the new partner (or partner) are not serious. The fact is that in the year of the Rooster, Rats will often meet frivolous and even adventurous people along the way, and the risk of falling in love with just such a person is quite high.

The personal life of single Rats will probably not change radically. They may have affairs, affairs, but they are unlikely to meet “their” person. But for those of them who already have a partner with whom they are ready to tie their fate, it is important to try not to miss him by being tempted into another relationship. All the same, the new person will not be as good as the current partner.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) OX/OX


Horoscope 2017 for the Ox

Despite the fact that the Rooster clearly sympathizes with the Bulls, these people manage to create problems for themselves. True, for the sake of fairness, we immediately note that the ability to cope with difficulties among representatives of this sign will be excellent. Moreover, in 2017 they will even be able to correct some of the mistakes made earlier. And therefore, from this period of time they can safely expect big events, bright emotions, and new impressions.


The Bulls will have only two health problems that require attention in 2017. The first is related to the nervous system, the second - to the diet. Bulls will start the year very well, and most of them will feel that their body’s resource is almost endless. As a result, by the middle of the year, many of them will face the problem of increased fatigue, insomnia and other “surprises” that arise in the body brought to stress.

Therefore, it is advisable for Oxen today to begin to tune in to the need to distribute their time in such a way that there is an opportunity to take walks, go on vacation, and allow themselves relaxation procedures, etc. Those who decide that everything will “get better on its own” should take into account: little by little, but quite confidently, they are embarking on a slippery path that will eventually lead to heart disease. As for the diet, we are talking about paying attention to its balance and usefulness. But with diets for weight loss in the year of the Rooster, it is advisable for the Bulls to be careful.


This side of life will give Oxen many more pleasant moments than negative ones. Many of them, in addition to the main source of income, will also have an additional one, so in the year of the Rooster the Bulls will probably have enough money for planned acquisitions, entertainment, and capital investments. Moreover, these people are advised not to save money “under the mattress”, but to invest it in business; undertakings that will be given the go-ahead in 2017 will most likely turn out to be promising and profitable.

Those who are planning to attend any courses, learn a new profession, improve their qualifications, and so on, can do this at any time, because investing money and efforts of this kind in the year of the Rooster will certainly bring dividends in the future. By the way, starting from the second half of summer, the Bulls can plan to purchase real estate.


The Bulls' career prospects are quite optimistic. They will be lucky, especially in those activities where organizational and oratorical talents are required from them. However, this beautiful barrel of honey also has its own fly in the ointment. It lies in the fact that not all people will be ready to understand and accept the Bulls.

Moreover, the lower the Ox’s status and the closer he has to contact with specific people (and not with the collective as a whole), the more painful various kinds of attempts to prick, annoy, and trick him can turn out to be. By the way, the most problematic period in this regard will be in the spring. Therefore, if the Ox is not one of the most important bosses at his job, then he should not forget about the importance of good communication connections.


The Bulls will have enough time for their personal life. True, some of them for some reason will decide that they should spend it on sorting out relationships, on searching for some incredible happiness, leaving their beloved ones without attention, and on other options for self-affirmation that no one needs. It would be better for the Bulls to leave it all. And just live, diversify your leisure time wisely with loved ones.

Lonely Oxen will clearly not be deprived of the love of the opposite sex. Moreover, there is a possibility that in 2017 they will have that fateful meeting that brings together two true halves who are able to keep up with each other through life. Bulls who are already married will be able to pay attention to family matters and solve everyday issues.

And we must admit that they will enjoy it. Of course, their unions will not be idyllic (Oxen have too much temperament), but in general, their personal life in the Year of the Rooster can be described as fruitful, interesting and pleasant.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) TIGER


Horoscope 2017 for Tiger

The Rooster frankly does not sympathize with the Tigers. True, their lack of mutual understanding arises gradually, not immediately. Therefore, representatives of this sign can succeed in short-term tasks quite satisfactorily, but it is better for them not to set strategic goals for themselves in 2017. However, if they wish, the Tigers will be able to find a common language with the Master of the Year. But for this you will have to make some effort. Are they ready for this? Here is a question that deserves the closest attention...


Tigers should not be afraid of any significant disorders in the functioning of the body. It's just nerves... They can become a real stumbling block in 2017. And it is because of them that Tigers can experience problems, and it is even impossible to predict where exactly the stress will “settle”, because each of them has their own weaknesses.

So, if Tigers take healthy eating and consistent attention to themselves as the basis for their lifestyle, then they will be able to avoid significant health problems. Plus, we need to pay tribute to prevention, relaxation procedures, and the use of seasonal vitamins. And, of course, Tigers should not infringe on themselves in terms of vacations. Regardless of the season in which they can afford to relax, they need to try to squeeze the maximum benefit and pleasure out of this time.


In 2017, the Tigers, apparently, will go hand in hand with finances and communication skills. Therefore, in many cases, for the sake of material well-being, they should prioritize decency and mutual assistance, and not finances, no matter how strange it may sound.

In addition, in any situation related to enrichment, Tigers should be interested not only in the result, but also in the process. In general, these people should clearly understand that nothing comes for free, however, their diligence and dedication will certainly pay off. If the Tigers do everything right, they will not only be able to stay afloat in the current difficult times, but also solve old money problems.

And if some of them don’t have those, then increase their material well-being.


This side of life can cause a lot of trouble for Tigers. And this despite the fact that their opportunities for professional growth are quite large. Problems in this regard may arise, firstly, due to their excessive categoricalness and, secondly, from the desire to cover everything at once. To avoid this, it is advisable for Tigers not to allow themselves to be disoriented and, even in conditions of turmoil (trouble, uncertainty, etc.), to do what is intended and planned. If from the very beginning of the year the Tigers are consistent, then difficulties will be resolved quickly and painlessly, and results that are satisfactory for them will begin to appear all the more clearly and demonstratively. By the way, it is unlikely that Tigers should plan a long vacation for the summer, because it is during the summer months that, with a high degree of probability, perhaps the most difficult part of the work in their profession will occur.


The personal life of Tigers in 2017 promises to be interesting and eventful. Not always, of course, the events in it will be exclusively positive, but these people definitely won’t be bored. Lonely Tigers have a great chance of meeting the man of their dreams in the year of the Rooster. But the risk of immediately losing him (or her) will be almost as great. Therefore, it is advisable for Tigers to approach new acquaintances with intelligence and restraint and not cut them off under the influence of fleeting emotions.

Married Tigers must be patient and keep personal ambitions in check. Moreover, this will be necessary not only and not so much in relationships with your other halves, but also with growing children (who have them). In general, in order to achieve the greatest possible harmony in relationships with the opposite sex, Tigers should grumble and find fault less, and also carefully and carefully express their own emotions and opinions.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) RABBIT/CAT


Horoscope 2017 for Rabbit (Cat)

For Rabbits, 2017 will not be cloudless. However, it is difficult to imagine most of them as victims. Fighters are a more correct description, because they clearly do not intend to passively put up with difficulties. On the part of the Master of the Year, the attitude towards Rabbits is not so much unfavorable as bewildered; their claims are largely incomprehensible to him. As a result, we get the Rooster in the role of an observer who watches, with self-distance, what will come of all this, and Rabbits who try to behave in the way that seems most correct and convenient to them, not in accordance with the circumstances and people.


The beginning of the year promises to be the most problematic for Rabbits. In winter, they are at high risk of catching colds. And besides, those who suffer from various forms of chronic diseases should be wary of their exacerbation. Another important point is the tendency to abuse junk food and alcohol in the first few months of the year.

Rabbits should limit themselves in every possible way in this, because the consequences in the future due to this kind of excess may be the most serious. Among other things, it is highly advisable for representatives of this sign not to be lazy about taxing themselves physically. Rabbits cannot be called hyperactive people, however, their laziness, usually moderate, risks becoming a real scourge in the year of the Rooster.


Rabbits will most likely be able to avoid significant financial problems in 2017. Moreover, they need to take into account that the first half will be more successful in this regard than the second, and plan their expenses accordingly. True, these people will also have to bear considerable costs in the year of the Rooster. And first of all, they will be related to family needs and investments for the future, for example, for training or something similar.

During this period, presumably, there will be many people who will want to borrow money from the Rabbits. The latter should approach such situations very carefully, because not all of their potential debtors will be inclined to honestly return what they took.


The professional sphere is another successful aspect of the existence of Rabbits in the year of the Rooster. Here, the reluctance of the Master of the Year to help will even be to their advantage, because the Rabbits themselves will know well what they expect from their work. And outside help would become something like good intentions that lead to that very notorious bad place. In 2017, Rabbits will probably have to travel a lot. This will bring them many pleasant moments, although initially they may not be very happy with this state of affairs. For those of them who are engaged in business, trips will bring new useful contacts, while others will allow them to gain new experiences and impressions. And a considerable number of Rabbits during this period, thanks to their profession, will be able to strengthen or improve their social status.


For those born under this sign, the family promises to become something of a quiet haven in which they can hide from everyday problems. Married Rabbits may not be afraid of shocks and unpleasant “surprises” from their other halves. Singles will get a chance to meet potential life partners who will suit them in almost all respects. In general, Rabbits will be surrounded by a lot of potential suitors and admirers in the year of the Rooster.

And if for those of them who are already married, this will not become a particular problem, then for single people this situation can create problems. The fact is that among the motley “swarm” surrounding them there will be many random people who will only distract the Rabbits from those who they really truly need.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) DRAGON


Horoscope 2017 for Dragon

The Rooster sympathizes with Dragons. True, they cannot wait for obvious manifestations of affection from the Master of the year. He will rather watch the Dragons, waiting for the moments when they definitely need his help. And 2017 will pass for them as if under the unspoken supervision of a force that determines its success and failure and seeks to save them from the second. Will representatives of this sign be able to take advantage of this secret support and extract the maximum benefit from it for themselves? Let's see…


In this regard, the year will start quite optimistically for the Dragons. And in the same vein, it can end for them, without in any way disrupting the prosperous state of the body. But this is only theoretical. In real life, Dragons will still have a source of problems. It's their own nerves. Nerves can cause these people to experience moments and entire periods of heightened emotionality; they will lead to irritability, unreasonable mood swings, insomnia, and in some situations, nervous breakdowns.

So, if Dragons are able to organize their own lives so as not to bring themselves to stress, then they will live a year without much hassle with their health. Another aspect that definitely deserves attention is the risk of gaining extra pounds. It is advisable for Dragons not to lose sight of this question throughout the year. The reason for weight fluctuations for them will also be nerves, so here, as they say, see point one.


The financial side of life will mostly please Dragons. Presumably, this area will be in the direct concern of the Master of the year. The first half of the year will be especially successful for them; in any case, it is advisable to make large acquisitions (for example, the purchase of real estate) and investments, if any, during this period. In general, most Dragons will even have the opportunity to choose where to invest or spend their money.

And their task will be to find the most promising among these opportunities. This, of course, is not an easy task, however, it is always pleasant and interesting to choose between constructive options rather than between dubious or even potentially negative ones...


It is unlikely that Dragons need to fear that someone will create serious obstacles for them in the professional sphere. However, in any case, it is advisable for them to follow the rules of communication, because it is precisely problems with people in 2017 that will pose the greatest danger to the Dragons’ careers. In this sense, another prediction turns out to be justified and logical: the most successful areas for them will be areas related to individual activity.

And besides this, good prospects await Dragons who run their own business. Among other things, at this time Dragons should think about the need to improve their skills, as well as engage in self-education.


The main task that Dragons must try to solve for themselves is to analyze their internal state. The fact is that many of them incorrectly “present” themselves to the opposite sex - they demonstratively emphasize their merits, putting their own needs and requests above the needs and requests of their partner.

Of course, no one calls on Dragons to dissolve in a loved one and completely forget about themselves, however, the time has come to learn how to maintain a reasonable balance in all this. Many single Dragons will finally decide to put emphasis in their relationships with their loved ones by getting married. Although some, on the contrary, will want to put an end to them by breaking up. Lonely Dragons, if they are able and want to rethink their priorities in relation to the opposite sex, in the middle or second half of the year they will have a wonderful chance to meet a person with whom they can safely connect their entire future life.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) SNAKE


Horoscope 2017 for Snake

The Lord of the year undoubtedly favors Snakes. These two signs are true astrological friends. But what exactly is the Rooster ready to please the Snake? Firstly, positive changes, which many of them will later call the beginning of a new stage in their lives. Secondly, an opportunity for them to show their best personal qualities in 2017. Thirdly, the freedom to make independent decisions and very rarely depend on strangers. Well, the set turns out to be quite good. And interesting. All that is required of the Snakes is to be able to take full advantage of all this.


The Rooster will provide the Snakes with excellent health at the beginning of the year. And even if they do not take care of their health at all, and begin to live, as they say, to the point of wear and tear, then this potential will be enough for at least the entire first half of the year. But in the summer, some Snakes may begin to experience signs of malaise. There is no need to panic, because they most likely will not mean anything critical for the body. But, of course, you should pay attention to this.

An important topic for Snakes in the year of the Rooster should be their diet. They are recommended to more often introduce vegetables, dairy products, and lean meat into their diet. In this case, they will be able not only not to harm the functioning of their internal organs, but also to regulate their weight (this problem may also be relevant for Snakes).


The Snakes do not expect any special problems with money in 2017. True, their expenses will increase, and they will not have the time and desire to plan their budget. But, in essence, during this period they will be able to afford to spend money as they please. And even help financially relatives and friends.

But still, you shouldn’t completely let your financial affairs take their course, because you can exhaust any resource. And if the Snakes bring their finances to a crisis, they will greatly regret it in the future, since such a favorable year as this may soon not be repeated. In the second half of summer and autumn, it makes sense for Snakes to make significant investments. This time will be especially successful for them, because it is then that they will be able to get maximum benefits from investments.


Snakes running their own business can count on significant success. In 2017, they will be surrounded mostly by worthy partners with whom it is a pleasure to do business. For those Snakes who work in a large team, the Year of the Rooster will be a time of comfortable relationships. They will have someone to rely on in difficult situations; but so that this was exactly so for sure; they themselves should not skimp on help and support for their colleagues. The most fruitful period, when the opportunity for self-realization in the professional sphere will be especially significant, will occur in the first quarter to third of the year. And it is advisable for the Snakes to try not to miss it.


The Year of the Rooster promises to be most successful for lonely Snakes. For them, new love and new promising relationships are predicted for this period. Those of them who have already acquired a partner (or life partner) must learn patience and understanding that their personal interests do not always have to be in the foreground. In general, Snakes in 2017 will be stunningly attractive, and sometimes even intriguing. This can especially manifest itself in the spring. By the way, the last feature can become both a positive moment for them, attracting the opposite sex to them, and a negative one. The fact is that love adventures, if the Snakes give themselves free rein, risk taking them too far.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) HORSE


Horoscope 2017 for Horse

The Rooster is not very friendly towards the Horse. And she, I must admit, answers him in much the same way. In 2017, Horses will have to go through life on their own, without the help of their Master, who is unlikely to be willing to lend their shoulder to them.

However, you shouldn't get too upset about this. Indeed, in some situations, no support is much better than inappropriate or awkward support. And, besides, representatives of this sign are quite capable of coping with many of their problems themselves.


In 2017, it is advisable for Horses to pay constant attention to their health. Although it seems that they won’t have to set them up for long; most of them themselves will be fully aware of this. They should pay special attention to this... In the first half of this year, some misunderstandings may arise in the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys. Therefore, if possible, it makes sense to be examined for this subject at the beginning of the year.

In winter, you need to be as careful as possible for those Horses who have a vacation planned for this period and who are going to spend it at a ski resort or other place where winter sports are planned. The risk of injury during such a pastime will be quite high. In the year of the Rooster, Horses should not abuse the use of alternative medicine. There is a high probability that when turning to specialists providing such services, they will encounter charlatans and ignoramuses. But it is very useful for Horses to take a course of massage for a year.


The financial issue for Horses in 2017 will be quite acute. The fact is that, on the one hand, their income may decrease, and on the other, their expenses will increase at the same time. Many of the Horses, in the year of the Rooster, will want to start arranging their home (renovating, buying new furniture, etc.). Some will have other points of “application” of money. And in any case, these people will strive in every possible way to ensure that everything they spend their money on is of the highest quality, the most stylish, and so on. And it always costs money...

And yet, Horses should hardly be dissuaded from making all these expenses. After all, a financially difficult period is a temporary phenomenon in their life, but good things will serve and delight for a long time. And besides, when 2017 is in the past, new tasks will arise for the Horses, and then, freed from the need to spend money on household purchases, they will be able to feel much freer.


This area of ​​life most likely will not occupy a dominant position among Horses. Most of them will have other priorities during this period. Meanwhile, in 2017 they will have a lot of opportunities to establish new professional connections. It would be good for Horses to try to tie at least some of them. After summer, many Horses will have to go through a difficult situation. They are awaiting some kind of global check or something like that. It is advisable for them to keep this information “on pencil” from the beginning of the year, so as not to let things slide and, if necessary, pull up old “tails”.


The Year of the Rooster promises to pass for most Horses under the sign of passion. Single Horses will fall in love and almost immediately warm up to the object of their love. Married people - to flare up with emotions, to break down for no reason. But a particularly unpleasant topic for them will be feelings of jealousy. It is this that can create serious risks of breaking relationships with partners. Moreover, the most problematic situation will be for those of them who are just getting into a relationship. Jealousy can simply kill a union that has not yet become strong and stable. So it is imperative to control yourself in such manifestations.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) GOAT/SHEEP


Horoscope 2017 for Goat (Sheep)

The Rooster may have many complaints against the Goats. And initially they can hardly afford to expect great favor from the Lord of the year. However, Goats are patient, not angry, and attentive. They will be able to find an approach to him and, in the end, force the Rooster to begin to treat himself loyally. And if they are not too lazy to add their own talents to this, they will be able to achieve what they want and avoid many problems.


Goats will enter 2017 with good health potential. And if they give themselves the trouble to spend it wisely, then they will be able to completely avoid misunderstandings associated with the loss of good health. The main rule of success for them during this period is attention to the prevention of seasonal diseases and potentially dangerous situations for their body (no specifics here, because each Goat has them individually, and each one knows about them). In addition, Goats are prescribed moderate activity, so as not to “stay too long,” and a normal work schedule. Astrologers advise forgetting about constant overtime and excessive initiative in the professional sphere in the year of the Rooster.


This side of life will mainly please Goats. In first place in terms of success are Goats engaged in their own business. But other representatives of this sign will also most likely not be offended. Those Goats who have the opportunity to make a profitable (in their opinion) investment must definitely agree to this.

Of course, you need to make sure in advance that such an “event” is promising, because the risk of being involved in some kind of fraud still exists. However, it is small, and you definitely shouldn’t retreat when all the arguments are in favor of this investment. Among other things, many Goats may have a new - and very significant - source of income in 2017. And some of them will be able to increase financial income from the business they are already engaged in.


In the professional sphere, a stable time is predicted for Goats, not accompanied by the danger of losing their existing positions, but, however, not suggesting a chance for a big takeoff. By the way, this is why they shouldn’t work too hard at work, bringing their body to the point of stress and exhaustion. The only ambiguous point in this case is the human factor. Goats should not trust people without reason to do so. It’s not that a sworn enemy suddenly appeared near them, setting as its goal sabotage towards them. But the possibility of ending up in a relationship with someone incompetent or unnecessary exists, and this can create several unpleasant moments for Goats that can damage their reputation.


For Goats who are already married or have finally decided to legalize their relationship with their partner, the Year of the Rooster will pass calmly and without incidents. In any case, if they themselves don’t decide to buck and try to raise their self-esteem by cheating. Single and unmarried Goats for the most part will experience real success with the opposite sex. Some of them will even have the opportunity to have several novels at once (by the way, they are strictly not recommended to do this).

But astrologers strongly advise more persistently winning the attention and heart of a person towards whom the Goat has serious intentions. In addition, Goats who met the Year of the Rooster without a loved one have a great chance to meet a person who will become not only love for them, but also a real guardian angel. This will be someone influential, with significant capabilities and willingness to help the beloved Goat in her professional affairs.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) MONKEY


Horoscope 2017 for Monkey

The Rooster is somewhat skeptical about Monkeys. And before deciding whether to be a friend or not, the Master of the Year will first think carefully. In this situation, the Monkeys need to prove to him that they deserve both the sympathy and protection of the Rooster. And then “everything can still end very well.” Although, presumably, a lot of effort will be required from them.


The health status of the Monkeys during 2017 will need their attention. It all starts with the fact that some of them will have to meet the Year of the Rooster with liver problems. And this problem should under no circumstances be left to chance or self-medicated. Later, by summer, the genitourinary system may malfunction. Although this ailment can be prevented. To do this, it makes sense for Monkeys to undergo an appropriate examination at the beginning of the year.

Throughout 2017, it is advisable for people of this sign to monitor their skeletal system and, in particular, their spine. This should be expressed, first of all, in the fact that Monkeys need to try to protect themselves from excessive physical exertion. Another important point is this: Monkeys are better off sticking to traditional medicine and not really believing in the omnipotence of non-traditional remedies.

In any case, in the year of the Rooster, Monkeys, turning to this kind of “specialists”, have only one chance - to get rid of their money. In this sense, nothing optimistic can be predicted regarding well-being.


Monkeys will continue to treat finances with a certain degree of frivolity. Many of them will not try to save. And even those who were able to make them earlier will manage to spend everything “down to the hardware.” As for 2017 specifically, Monkeys are instructed to optimize their spending as much as possible and try - as far as possible and acceptable for them - to plan their own expenses and proceed from considerations of necessity and usefulness.


The Monkeys have very good opportunities in the professional field. True, it is by no means a fact that all representatives of this sign will be able to use them. Two things can become an obstacle to success in the year of the Rooster for them. The first is financial stability. As long as Monkeys have money, they will not bother with career achievements and will primarily pay attention to their own hobbies, regardless of their prospects and everything else. The second is the monkey character. These natures are hot-tempered and changeable. For the sake of what they consider to be principles, they can sacrifice what is rational and clearly beneficial. However, in fairness, it must be stated that, fortunately, for many Monkeys, the principles and benefits in the year of the Rooster coincide.


2017 could be a very successful year for lonely Monkeys. They will have many chances to meet their Great Love. True, in order to consolidate such a relationship, they will have to strain themselves and try to demonstrate the best of their strengths. Without this, Monkeys risk going unnoticed. Those of them who have already found a partner to their liking should not rush to legitimize their relationship.

And we are not talking here about testing feelings and the like, but about the fact that, having married in 2017, Monkeys risk soon encountering everyday problems that they will not be able to solve quickly. Accordingly, the new family “ship” may simply crash on the “rocks” of minor domestic problems. Monkeys should marry during this period only if they are confident that they can build it on a solid foundation of material well-being. Family Monkeys don't have much to worry about. Their relationships with their spouses do not foreshadow any excesses. The main thing is not to concentrate too much on everyday worries and pay due attention to romance.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) ROOSTER


Horoscope 2017 for the Rooster

Is the Rooster a friend to the Rooster? By definition - yes! But in fact, the situation here can develop unpredictably. That is, representatives of this sign, having clear advantages over all others in 2017, may completely unforgivably fail to use them, and some of them will even manage to harm themselves. Meanwhile, the Roosters are the masters during this period, and they will be forgiven a lot. So they should neither rejoice nor worry ahead of time. It will be much more effective to try to live through the year with a cool mind and attention to what directly concerns them.


In 2017, Roosters may begin to be bothered by old health problems. Those who suffer from chronic forms of disease should be especially wary - and already now. And try, as far as possible, to minimize the possible consequences of such exacerbations. Roosters generally do not have to worry about new misunderstandings with their well-being. Of course, even under favorable circumstances, you can create difficulties for yourself. For example, this year there is some risk for them to gain extra pounds. And besides this, in winter many of the Roosters must be wary of injuries.


From a financial point of view, Petukhov will not have the easiest period in 2017. Most of them are faced with unplanned expenses, which risk “washing out” not only all the money from their wallets, but also what was hidden “just in case.” In this situation, those who will be in the most advantageous position will be those who, already this year, will be concerned about creating additional savings, and will also set themselves up for saving mode. Some of the Roosters will decide that they do not want to put up with this state of affairs. And he will try to find new sources of income, invest money in some business, and so on. Astrologers warn: one should not demonstrate too much persistence in this regard. The probability of success here is quite low, but the risks are significant.


The Roosters' career prospects are very good. Many of them can count on a promotion, or improved working conditions, or increased authority. True, this will not bring them additional income yet. And it will also require some effort, because the Roosters won’t have to count on patrons and helpers in the new situation. But this is only for now, so in no case should they refuse possible changes in the professional sphere. Many of those who find themselves unemployed will be happy in 2017. This period is conducive to job searches, giving you the opportunity not to get a job at all, but to choose from several options the interesting and most attractive one for yourself.


Roosters who are already married will live this year quite calmly and without problems. They will have a desire to please their loved ones with pleasant things and take care of them. And in return they will also begin to receive full love, understanding, and care. Lonely Roosters will be actively searching. However, it seems that their enthusiasm in this matter is only enough to start a relationship. They will not always be able to support them. Roosters will be intemperate and jealous.

Moreover, this will manifest itself especially strongly in the second half of the year. In addition, by presenting certain rules and principles to their partners, they themselves will violate them, forcing them to treat themselves critically and unkindly. Astrologers give the following advice to Roosters: talk more with your loved ones, discuss with them both pleasant and problematic topics; but do it philosophically, without trying to impose your point of view or blame your partner for all sins. Then in such conversations truth and compromise will be born, and many conflicts will be avoided.

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) DOG


Horoscope 2017 for Dog

Dogs will have reasons to be dissatisfied with the Master of the Year. But the Rooster, for his part, will be convinced that he is only doing good for them. The problem in this case is that “good” for the Rooster and for the Dog are often radically different things. However, Dogs are not without character, so they will certainly insist on their own, and sometimes in spite of everything. And in some ways they will be able to defend themselves and their personal vision of the truth.


To feel satisfactory in 2017, it is advisable for Dogs to avoid extremes. Here is an example to illustrate... In the Year of the Rooster, these people will be susceptible to seasonal colds. Those who take this warning lightly will definitely be wrong: such Dogs will spend a lot of time undergoing treatment, falling out of the normal rhythm of life and wasting their immunity in vain. On the other hand, if at the first sign of illness you start eating handfuls of pills, then you can even harm yourself by causing malfunctions in the functioning of certain internal organs. Those who adhere to the golden mean, dressing properly, leading a healthy lifestyle and taking medications in dosage and rationally, will be able to survive such health-risk periods more or less normally.

Dogs should pay special attention to their diet. It is very useful in 2017 to constantly introduce cereals into it. And besides, lean meat products during this period are desirable. Another important point concerns sports. Dogs definitely need exercise. But it should be something like this, and not mechanical exercises in the gym or morning exercises on the balcony twice a week. Ideally, Dogs would like to do something extreme. Or at least some kind of martial arts.


In this regard, everything depends on the Dogs themselves and no one else. In particular, they should not listen to other people's advice and recommendations. In 2017, the principle that is perfectly expressed in the saying “What is good for a Russian is death for a German” will work for them. In general, the amount of money most Dogs have will be proportional to the amount of effort expended in order to earn it. But a conscientious attitude towards the business they are engaged in will certainly pay off financially. Some of the Dogs will be able to improve their financial condition. They will be able to achieve this thanks to a successful investment. But let us note once again: you need to do this solely on your own initiative, and not at someone’s prompting. And all the information about this must be collected independently, and the analysis of the prospects of this “event” must also be done personally, without trusting anyone.


Those Dogs who work in a team should prepare for some tension in relationships with colleagues. And make it a rule to be as peaceful as possible. Although, of course, we are talking about its acceptable degree, because you definitely shouldn’t allow yourself to be spanked and infringed upon. Dogs running their own business will be lucky. They will almost certainly receive quite lucrative offers, which - if they accept them - will significantly strengthen their position.

Those Dogs who have the opportunity to climb up the career ladder should definitely take advantage of this. Even if initially the new position seems too hectic (exorbitantly responsible, etc.), it does not matter. The fact is that later the Dogs will repeatedly have the opportunity to be convinced that in a new place the chances to reveal, express themselves, and demonstrate their talents will be much greater than in the current one.


In this regard, the Owner of the Year is ready to help Dogs sincerely and from the heart. He promises lonely representatives of this sign a successful search for their soul mate. But at the same time, he warns against a rash desire to see an ideal life partner in every new acquaintance. It is advisable for dogs to first take a closer look at a new person before making promises and taking decisive steps.

Most Dogs who have already found a loved one will live 2017 in an aura of romance and mutual care. By the way, this will help them get rid of pessimistic moods and significantly increase self-esteem. For dogs who decide to separate from their partners in the year of the Rooster, it is advisable to first think carefully about the advisability of this step. Separating will not be a problem for them (no one will make scandals for them, try to blackmail them, etc.) However, no matter how they regret it later...

Horoscope for 2017 by year of birth (eastern) PIG/BOAR


Horoscope 2017 for Pig (Boar)

The pigs will be able to adapt to the Master of the Year quite satisfactorily. They will not act on their own, but will allow the Rooster to save them from a problem somewhere, or to help them cope with a misunderstanding that has arisen. That is why from the outside it will often seem that even time works for Pigs, and many misunderstandings “resolve” on their own. Sometimes this will indeed be exactly the case, but, to their credit, they themselves will not sit idly by.


Pigs are not in danger of anything critical to their health in 2017. They will have two main sources of problems with their well-being - teeth and the risk of injury. Accordingly, it is advisable for them not to miss scheduled visits to the dentist and to be more careful on the roads, while playing sports, etc. In addition, it would be a good idea for Pigs to limit their consumption of sweets. Especially do not try to relieve stress in this way. Don't forget that extra pounds usually creep up unnoticed and stick to your sides quite tenaciously.

The Year of the Rooster favors those Pigs who want to make some adjustments to their appearance. Of course, they should not, hoping for luck, just go to the first salon or clinic they come across. Of course, it is necessary to collect information about the activities of the organization they decide to contact. But if nothing speaks against the competence and responsibility of its specialists, then you can safely go there for cosmetic or other procedures.


Pigs are not expected to have any shortage of money in the year of the Rooster. Some of them will have an increase in income due to a promotion, businessmen will be able to acquire new business partners by concluding new contracts with them, and so on. However, astrologers still recommend not wasting money, but spending it wisely. Otherwise, it wouldn’t work out, as in the story with the irredeemable ruble... Remember? While its owner spent it on useful things, it invariably returned to the wallet, but as soon as out of vanity it was spent on a useless trifle, it immediately disappeared. So it is here: financial luck may turn away if the Rooster sees that his help is not appreciated, but is wasted.


Career prospects for Pigs are also predicted to be impressive. Management will give them their due, valuing their talents and skills quite highly. But this does not mean at all that Pigs can afford to simply go with the flow, folding their arms and hoping that Fortune itself will take them to the shore of success. On the contrary, representatives of this sign are required to pay attention to all issues that arise in the workplace, carefully collect and process information, as well as be ready to innovate and search for non-standard solutions. The point is that in order to be noticed (appreciated, nominated, etc.), they must become noticeable. No one will look for them in the gray crowd of numerous employees or potential partners.


This side of life will require a lot of attention and care from Pigs. First, some of their habits and principles will require revision. Secondly, a new love may loom on the “horizon”, confusing all their cards and pushing them to betrayal. You should try to prevent this, because the likelihood that the secret will become apparent is too high. Thirdly, children and relatives will most likely create trouble, and this can also cause discord in the relationship with your partner.

In the year of the Rooster, it is advisable for Pigs to make their relationships with their loved ones more romantic and interesting. To do this, you need to use every opportunity that arises. Those Pigs who do not neglect this advice will make an excellent foundation for the future. The fact is that in the future it will help them to more easily experience difficult situations, since in the memory of their loved ones not only scenes of everyday life and prosaic pastime will appear, but also these most vivid and impressive moments.

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