Home Prosthetics and implantation How does breast cancer appear? Breast cancer: causes, symptoms, stages, diagnosis, treatment

How does breast cancer appear? Breast cancer: causes, symptoms, stages, diagnosis, treatment

Malignant cells can form in all organs of the human body. The most common cancer in women is breast cancer. That is why ultrasound diagnostics and mammography are included in the list of mandatory studies when conducting a preventive examination. If the presence of a neoplasm is suspected, taking into account the patient’s complaints, the doctor prescribes appropriate tests to make an accurate diagnosis. Breast cancer occurs in both women and men.


  • Hormonal changes:
    • early onset of the menstrual cycle,
    • late menopause,
    • late birth of the first child,
    • nulliparous women,
    • multiple miscarriages or abortions,
    • long-term use of hormonal medications (hormone replacement therapy or contraceptives).
  • Heredity (malignant tumor of the mammary glands or ovaries in close relatives).
  • Women suffering from the following diseases are at risk:
    • mastitis,
    • fibroadenoma,
    • mastopathy.


Depending on its location and methods of spread, breast cancer is divided into:

  • diffuse form (there are several types: edematous, erysipelas, armored and mastitis);
  • Paget's cancer.

The most common cancer is the nodular form. A lump or hardening can be palpated under the skin. This dense formation does not have clear boundaries and is not separated from the surrounding tissues. As the compaction develops, disintegration may occur, causing an ulcer to break open onto the surface of the skin. The ulcer looks like a normal inflammation, but it does not heal for a long time and does not respond well to local treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs. An infection may attach to the wound site, causing body temperature to rise and signs of intoxication to appear. A breast tumor can grow deeper, reaching the ribs and sternum.

In diffuse tumors, the lesion is large and often occupies a segment of the mammary gland or the entire breast. A large lump is palpable in the chest. The seals do not have clear boundaries and are fused to the surrounding tissue. Externally, changes appear on the chest that are similar to erysipelas - the chest becomes swollen, turns red, and body temperature rises. A malignant tumor with an edematous variant is characterized by a lemon peel-type skin change. When the breast decreases in size and the nipple is retracted, they speak of an armored type of cancer. This type of cancer metastasizes quickly.

The third type of tumor is Paget's cancer. In this type of cancer, a tumor appears near the nipple of the breast. This type of tumor grows slowly and is less common compared to other types of cancer. At the beginning of the disease, small scales form around the nipple. The nipple then retracts and inflammation may occur around it. The lump grows deep into the gland with the development of regional or distant metastases.


Modern oncology divides cancer into 4 stages depending on the size of the tumor:

  • at stage T1, the tumor size does not exceed 2 cm, the tumor does not extend beyond the tissue;
  • stage T2 is characterized by a lesion size of up to 5 cm;
  • at stage 3, the tumor size exceeds 5 cm;
  • at stage T4, the formation spreads beyond the boundaries of the mammary gland and grows into other tissues.

The letter N in the classification means the presence of metastases in the lymph nodes.

  • N0 - there are no metastases in the lymph nodes.
  • N1 - metastases are detected in the axillary region, they are not fused together, one or two lymph nodes are affected.
  • At stage N2, lymph nodes in the axillary region are found fused together.
  • Stage N3 is established when enlarged internal lymph nodes of the mammary gland are detected. The appearance of metastases in the lymph nodes is detected at stage 3 of the disease.

Stage 3 cancer can manifest itself as distant metastases, which are designated by the letter M. M0 - there are no distant metastases. M1 - there are distant metastases.

Symptoms of cancer

In the early stages, the tumor does not manifest itself in any way. The first signs of cancer are discovered by chance during a medical examination. You can detect lumps yourself during palpation or a routine medical examination by a gynecologist, ultrasound or mammography. A lump found in the breasts of women should always be a warning sign for cancer.

Breast cancer often shows its first symptoms at an advanced stage.

  • Upon examination, you can see retraction of the nipple, changes in skin color, unevenness and tuberosity of the mammary gland, the appearance of redness and ulcers, and discharge from the nipple.
  • In the presence of regional metastases in stage 3, the axillary lymph nodes enlarge.
  • Sometimes, upon examination, you can see a dense path leading from the mammary gland to the armpit.
  • As the tumor spreads, general signs of intoxication appear - weakness, fatigue, weight loss.

Do breasts hurt with cancer? In the later stages, the glands begin to hurt. This is due to the fact that the process affects the nerves innervating the mammary gland. The pain is nagging and can radiate to the arm or armpit area.

Palpation is carried out in a lying and standing position. To determine whether a tumor is benign or malignant, surgeons use the palm sign. If you put your hand on the breast area, the malignant tumor will bulge and be felt under your fingers, then they speak of a positive palm sign. A benign tumor is not felt when touched, then they speak of a negative symptom.

An ultrasound examination reveals compactions. The seal has an uneven, unclear contour and increased blood flow. The lesion can be detected by mammography. Doctors often prescribe both research methods to clarify the diagnosis. In a general blood test, the ESR level increases and anemia occurs. To clarify the tumor process, a blood test is prescribed for a specific tumor marker CA 15-3. CEA and CA markers are considered less specific 27,29. Some oncologists believe that these tumor markers should be assessed together. A biopsy of a suspicious area of ​​tissue will help determine cancer.

How to conduct a self-examination

Self-examination helps in early diagnosis of the disease. Detecting a tumor at an early stage improves the prognosis for the patient.

Before you start palpating, you need to examine your breasts. They must be the same size and have no skin or nipple defects. The same should be done when raising your arms above your head. If no changes are detected, proceed to palpation. To examine the right breast, the right hand is raised behind the head, and the gland is palpated with the left hand. The palm is placed flat on the mammary gland and begins to gradually move in a spiral, feeling each area and determining whether there are lumps in the breast. Then you need to examine the area of ​​the nipple and areola to make sure there is no discharge. Then the same examination is carried out in a lying position. The examination ends with palpation of the axillary lymph nodes.


The management of a patient with a tumor depends on the stage of the disease. In the absence of metastases, surgical treatment is performed. Modern oncology involves radical surgery, which consists of complete removal of the mammary gland with adipose tissue and axillary lymph nodes. If the tumor is large and has invaded adjacent tissues, a radical mastectomy is performed along with removal of the pectoral muscles and, sometimes, ribs. If cancer is detected early at the initial stage, a sparing operation is possible - sectoral removal of the tumor area and axillary lymph nodes.

After any operation, radiation therapy is required. Chemotherapy can be prescribed before surgery to shrink the tumor in size or after it to prevent metastasis. Usually several courses of such treatment are carried out. If distant metastases are detected, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are performed, which is supplemented with hormonal therapy. Supportive treatment and periodic examination of women with breast cancer are carried out for 5 years after surgery. The question of treatment methods for a particular patient is decided individually by the oncoconsilium.

The prognosis depends on the identified stage of the disease. For early-stage cancer without detected metastases, the prognosis is favorable. Timely surgery and radiation or chemotherapy can prolong the patient’s life and avoid relapse. The prognosis for breast cancer with metastases is questionable. Only conservative therapy aimed at relieving intoxication is possible.


Pathological cells enter other organs through the lymph and blood. This is usually typical for stage 3 and 4 cancer. The axillary lymph nodes are the first to be affected. The tumor then spreads to the parasternal, subclavian, cervical and subscapular nodes. They become painful, increase in size, and adhere to the surrounding tissue. Distant metastases usually form in the liver, lungs, bones and brain. When metastases appear, the prognosis is unfavorable.


It has long been known that an increase in estrogen in the blood leads to an increased risk of tumors. Their lowest activity is observed during pregnancy and lactation.

Independent or uncontrolled use of hormonal contraceptives also leads to a shift in the level of hormones in the blood and can contribute to the development of a tumor. In the period preceding menopause and during the menopausal period, it is necessary to control the level of hormones in the blood to prevent the risk of disease.

Having a baby and breastfeeding is the best prevention of breast cancer!

Breast cancer often appears in nulliparous women over 30 years of age, especially with unfavorable heredity for cancer. This is the main risk group. During this period, an annual examination by a gynecologist with additional instrumental studies is necessary.

The main prevention of cancer is its early detection. An annual visit to a gynecologist and mammologist, an ultrasound of the mammary glands or mammography, and self-examination are necessary.

At the same time, over the past few decades, the incidence of malignant neoplasms has increased significantly.

Such progress of the disease is associated with a sharp deterioration in the environmental situation in the world, with changes in the lifestyle of women themselves, with a deterioration in their nutrition, etc.

In addition, the reasons for the development of this disease may lie in predisposing heredity, in the tendency of women to terminate pregnancies, or in refusal to breastfeed.

And these are not all the reasons why such a formidable and life-threatening disease can develop.

Why, according to doctors, does breast cancer occur?

As we have already said, the truly known (with evidence) reasons why a woman develops breast cancer are not known to modern medicine.

And this means that in each specific case, it is simply not possible to unambiguously answer the question: why the patient developed breast cancer.

Indeed, today (this is the opinion of practicing doctors), many cases have been recorded in which breast cancer develops in a fairly young, practically healthy woman, with positive heredity in terms of oncology, without bad habits, who has not had an abortion, etc.

At the same time, it also happens that women do not limit themselves in any way during their lives, in terms of bad habits and poor nutrition, they have many diseases that can provoke the development of cancer, but nevertheless, they calmly live to a very old age, without facing a terrible diagnosis.

Today, doctors know only one thing for certain - the reasons for the appearance of malignant cells in the female body (which indicate that breast cancer has developed) lie in mutations of normal cellular tissues of the mammary gland.

However, from what, under the influence of certain carcinogens, the initially healthy genetic cellular material begins to change pathologically, unfortunately, is not known.

At this point in time, doctors can only discuss with a certain degree of certainty some factors that may possibly provoke the development of the disease.

Main risk factors for breast cancer

Scientists have long proven that the more often a cell in the body begins to divide, the significantly greater its chances of further degeneration (under the influence of certain carcinogens) into malignant material.

In cases of breast cancer, doctors note many factors that can play a leading role in cell carcinogenesis, which these factors can enhance.

These factors are generally considered to include:

  • A slightly increased level of estrogen in a woman’s blood, or their clear predominance relative to other hormones. What often happens to patients who have heard a diagnosis of breast cancer.
  • Some or other irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
  • Frequent abortions.
  • Refusal or physiological absence of normal lactation.
  • Certain dysfunctions of the thyroid gland.
  • Some disorders of the physiologically normal functioning of the adrenal glands.
  • Fibrocystic disease in its nodular and severely advanced forms.

It must be said that young (or not so young) men also get breast cancer, although much more rarely than women. You may ask why men experience this disease - much more often, this disease can affect those men who previously suffered from gynecomastia.

In addition, a woman’s complete absence of children or the presence of only one child, rather late first motherhood, frequent stress, the presence of bad habits (smoking, alcoholism), excessive love for a strong tan without a swimsuit top, can also become factors provoking breast cancer. Since breast cancer most often occurs in women over forty-five years of age, another factor provoking the problem can be long-term (for 10 years or more) use of drugs, so-called hormone replacement therapy.

Women who consider themselves to be at risk (often faced with the manifestations described above) should regularly undergo the necessary examinations and monitor their own health status together with a mammologist.

Unfortunately, despite such an abundance of external and internal risk factors, the only way today (and this has been proven by scientists) to protect oneself from the negative manifestations of the disease is regular medical examinations.

It is the timely detection and rapid treatment of the problem that allows most women to cope with this terrible disease.

How does breast cancer manifest itself?

The only manifestation of a malignant neoplasm of the mammary gland, directly at the earliest stages of development, can be considered the presence of a certain compaction (nodule), palpable in the thickness of the breast tissue. Otherwise, the disease is asymptomatic at first.

Such small formations are most often detected by women themselves, or they are discovered during routine ultrasound examinations, mammography, etc. It must be understood that in the absence of adequate treatment, breast cancer will progress - over time, the tumor will increase in size, possibly growing into the skin or other organs, from which the survival prognosis for the patient can significantly worsen.

Let us remind you that if you leave the process of development of an oncological disease without control and correction (treatment), quickly enough through the blood malignant cells can be spread throughout the female body, thereby giving life to new dangerous tumors or metastases.

Most often, a malignant breast tumor prefers to metastasize to the lymph nodes, lungs, bones, liver, spinal cord or brain.

Naturally, damage to such vital organs leads to the disintegration of their tissues and the subsequent death of the patient. And this means that every sane woman can and should be examined in a timely manner, detect and begin to fight the disease in the early stages.

This article gave me the impetus to think about my health. I was skeptical about breast cancer. But after reading this article, I seriously thought about my health. Understanding the state of our current ecology and the nuances that I am often subjected to mental attacks. I am grateful to the doctors for their work in uncovering and working on such an important disease to which many women are exposed!

We are happy for you, if we make at least a few people think about their health, about the need for scheduled preventive examinations, about the need to correct the not always correct lifestyle and nutrition, then our resource was really not created in vain. We wish you to always appreciate and take care of what you still have - your health and go to doctors only for the purpose of preventive examinations (we remind you that completely healthy women need a preventive examination of the mammary glands at least once a year).

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Symptoms and treatment of breast cancer in women

In recent years, breast cancer has ranked third among all causes of death in women. These figures could be significantly lower if every representative of the weaker half of humanity treated herself more carefully and did not neglect preventive examinations by a gynecologist and mammologist. This is the only way to detect the first symptoms of breast cancer in time.


The causes that lead to breast cancer have not been thoroughly studied. However, there are known factors that place women at increased risk of developing this type of cancer:

  • Age after 50 years.
  • History of breast cancer.
  • Cases of cancer, including breast cancer, in close relatives, especially on the maternal side.
  • Lack of children until a late age.
  • Beginning of menstruation before age 11.
  • Menopause after 55 years.
  • Contact with sources of radiation.
  • Long-term consumption of fatty foods.


Almost all subtypes of breast cancer are characterized by pain and discomfort. Sometimes there may be other changes common to all types, for example:

With any type of breast cancer, a woman may experience a number of skin symptoms. For example, when the skin above the tumor is pinched, you can see a violation of the usual direction of skin folds, the appearance of grooves of varying depths between them. Visually, this symptom is similar to senile wrinkles, but appears only on a limited area of ​​the chest.

Such pathological wrinkling usually appears in the early stages of the disease. Also, in this phase of breast cancer, another more characteristic symptom is often detected - skin retraction. It can also appear in the second stage of the disease, and is detected when the skin is pinched with the fingers while the patient is lying down.


There are several types of breast cancer. They are similar to each other, but each has its own characteristic features.

Already at the first stage, this subtype of cancer is manifested by such an external sign as wrinkled skin, and as the growth of the node increases, skin retraction is observed. A late symptom of this disease is skin that visually resembles lemon peel. The nodular form of breast cancer can also affect the nipple, resulting in its noticeable deformation.

The edematous form affects mainly young women. Most often it develops during pregnancy or lactation. The course of this type of breast cancer is acute, but there is practically no pain. Symptoms may include swelling of the skin and breast tissue. At the first stage, a thickened area of ​​the breast with reddened skin is detected, which over time spreads throughout the entire mammary gland.

Erysipelas-like cancer is accompanied by redness of the skin. This symptom is easy to distinguish from other rashes or irritations, since the edges of the redness are uneven and tongue-shaped. The disease is acute, body temperature can rise to 40°C, but the tumor is almost impossible to detect by palpation.

Mastitis-like cancer often occurs in young women and is manifested by the following symptoms:

  • Increased body temperature.
  • Swelling and redness of the breast skin.

Paget's cancer is considered the form of the disease with the best prognosis for cure. It is a localized type that affects the nipple and/or areola. Clinically, it manifests itself in the form of symptoms such as ulceration and maceration of the nipple. If left untreated, the disease progresses and the nipple is destroyed, leaving an ulcer in its place.

With armored cancer (diffuse-infiltrating form), a decrease in the mammary gland and thickening of the skin are observed. The affected breast has limited mobility. The disease usually affects the gland on one side of the body, but if left untreated, it spreads to the other.

Occult breast cancer is also called occult breast cancer because it is almost impossible to detect. The first clinical sign is an enlargement of the lymph nodes in the armpits, but the tumor formation is not palpable in the gland itself. Often a woman with this type of cancer is treated for inflammation of the lymph nodes, and it can only be detected when peripheral metastases appear.

Ductal breast cancer begins to develop from the inner walls of the milk canals, but does not affect the lobes and other glandular tissues. Invasive ductal (infiltrating) breast cancer causes symptoms such as nipple discharge, pain, and firm or lump-like areas in the breast.


Formally, there are 5 stages of breast cancer:

  • Stage zero is non-invasive cancer, that is, the tumor remains within its initial appearance in the breast lobe or duct and does not spread to other areas of the breast. There are no clinical symptoms of the disease at stage 0, the axillary lymph nodes are not affected.
  • Stage 1 – invasive breast cancer. The tumor appears in the surrounding tissues, but there are no metastases. The size of the neoplasm is about 2 cm.
  • Stage 2 is characterized by enlargement of the axillary lymph nodes on the side of the affected breast in the absence of metastases. The size of the tumor exceeds 2 cm.
  • Stage 3 – locally advanced cancer. Its main symptom is axillary lymph nodes welded together (or with nearby fatty tissue), forming conglomerates (packets).
  • Stage 4 – metastatic cancer, in which metastases may appear in any organ and part of the body, the bones of the skeleton are most susceptible to damage. The disease can spread to the lungs and liver, and sometimes to the brain, skin and adrenal glands.


To determine breast cancer, the following are used:

  • Clinical blood test (including tumor markers, biochemical).
  • Mammography (breast x-ray).
  • Ductography (x-ray of the mammary glands using a contrast agent, necessary for the destruction of the milk ducts).
  • Ultrasound of the chest, chest and abdomen, pelvis.
  • Biopsy of breast tissue and lymph nodes.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • Immunohistochemical and histological examination of the biopsy specimen.
  • Computed tomography (CT).
  • X-ray of the lungs.
  • Osteoscintigraphy (radioisotope study of bones).


  1. Chemotherapy. To treat cancer, cytostatic (cytotoxic) drugs are prescribed that disrupt the division mechanism of pathological cells and, as a result, stop their proliferation. Such means include:
    • platinum drugs – Carboplatin, Cisplatin, Cytoplastin, Triplatin, etc.;
    • alkaloid group products – Vinblastine, Vincristine, Vinorelbine, Maverex;
    • oxazaphosphorine derivatives - Mafosfamide, Trofosfamide, Endoxan, etc.;
    • fluoropyrimidine carbamate derivatives - Xeloda, Capecitabine, etc.

Chemotherapy for breast cancer can be carried out as the main and only treatment, with the aim of reducing the size of the tumor before surgery or stopping the formation of metastases after surgery.

  • Radiotherapy (radiation therapy) for breast cancer causes mutation and death of cancer cells under the influence of radioactive radiation. Radiation therapy may complement surgical removal and chemotherapy.
  • Surgery - removal of the tumor and part of the surrounding tissue (lumpectomy) or removal of the entire breast (mastectomy). This method is used in oncology in most cases of breast cancer if the disease is diagnosed at an early stage.
  • Hormonal therapy. According to experts, it is advisable to carry out this method of treatment after surgery only for women with hormone-dependent formations, that is, if the cancer cells are sensitive to progesterone and estrogens. The drugs used as hormones are aromatase inhibitors - Letrozole, Anastrozole or Exemestane.
  • Targeted therapy is a method aimed at a cancer tumor and its metastases. Recombinant monoclonal antibodies of the IgG1 class (similar to the human ones produced by immune cells) selectively bind to the HER2/neu molecular receptors on the outer membrane of cancer cells and stop their reproduction and growth. The most popular targeted drugs are Epratuzumab and Trastuzumab.

    Treatment for stage 0 breast cancer primarily involves removing the cancerous area of ​​the breast (sectoral resection) or lumpectomy. Operations may be accompanied by lymph node dissection - removal of nearby lymph nodes. Also, when treating stage 0 cancer, a course of radiotherapy is necessarily prescribed, and in some cases targeted therapy is carried out.

    To treat stage 1, lumpectomy with elimination of the axillary lymph node is used. To get rid of the remaining cancer cells and avoid their replication, hormonal, radiation or chemotherapy is prescribed after surgery according to indications.

    The first stage of treatment for stage 2 cancer is partial removal of breast tissue (lumpectomy) or complete removal (mastectomy). In this case, enlarged regional lymph nodes are also subject to elimination. After the operation, a course of chemotherapy is prescribed. For those patients whose tumor has reached 5 cm or higher, a course of chemotherapy is prescribed 2 times: before surgery and after. In addition, courses of hormonal and radiation therapy are carried out according to indications.

    When treating stage 3 breast cancer, a complex attack is first used on cancer-affected cells using cytotoxic agents (chemotherapy) and oncological hormonal therapy. If the first stage gives positive results, then the attending doctor decides to perform an operation, the result of which is confirmed by a repeated course of chemotherapy or ionized radiation. For hormone-dependent cancers, long-term use of aromatase inhibitors (hormonal therapy) is indicated, and for cancer overexpression of receptors, the use of monoclonal antibodies is indicated.

    Treatment of stage 4 breast cancer is mainly aimed at alleviating the condition of patients. Properly selected complex therapy at this stage of the disease can significantly prolong life. To reduce the level of intoxication in the body, mastectomy is used, and all anti-cancer methods are used to combat metastases: hormonal, radiation and chemotherapy. Supportive treatment of concomitant diseases is also prescribed.

    Treatment with folk remedies

    • At the first signs of breast cancer, it is useful to take an infusion, for which you mix in equal proportions the flowers of calendula and immortelle, the roots of valerian, burnet, angelica, dandelion, St. John's wort, string, oregano, celandine, cudweed, plantain, yarrow, motherwort, thyme, nettle, eucalyptus, coltsfoot, sage, birch, linden, pine, fennel, chamomile. Pour 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 30 minutes, then strain. Take the folk remedy 5 times a day.
    • Belladonna leaves have an analgesic effect and are used as applications to the affected mammary gland.
    • Propolis is one of the most powerful natural immunostimulants, which has a universal effect on all parts of the human immune system. In its pure form, propolis is recommended to be taken 5 times a day, 5-6 grams daily, 1 hour before meals. To prepare medicinal propolis oil, you will need 1 kilogram of unsalted butter and 160 grams of peeled and crushed propolis. Melt the butter, bring to a boil, add the prepared propolis to it, then immediately remove from the heat and stir constantly for 30 minutes. To treat breast cancer, add 0.5 tablespoon of milk to 1 tablespoon of medicine and drink 3 times a day before meals.

    In men

    Breast cancer in men can appear both with gynecomastia (overgrowth of glandular tissue) and in a previously healthy gland. The reason for this rare pathology is a lack of male and excess of female hormones. Breast cancer in men is several times more aggressive than in women and is less treatable. Symptoms of breast cancer in men include nipple discharge and lumps.

    In children

    Breast cancer in children is very rare. It can occur in adolescence in girls as a result of hormonal changes in the body. Predisposing factors include:

    • Heredity;
    • earlier initiation of smoking;
    • alcohol abuse;
    • strong emotional stress and stress.

    Breast cancer in children is not as aggressive as in adults. It can manifest itself in the form of general symptoms: weakness, fatigue, weight loss, slight increase in body temperature. The cause of breast cancer is a disorder of cellular metabolism in a child’s body. After some time, a small nodule may appear in the child’s chest, which is easily palpable. In rare cases, ulcers, erosions that are accompanied by weeping, scales and crusts may appear on the skin of the breast.


    It is impossible to insure yourself against breast cancer, but if you follow some simple rules, you can significantly reduce the risk of its occurrence:

    • monitor your diet and eat exclusively healthy foods, stick to a diet rich in vegetables and fruits;
    • stop smoking, minimize alcohol consumption;
    • Avoid hormone replacement therapy during menopause.

    The main preventive measure that allows early diagnosis of the disease is systematic breast examinations, both independent at home and professional by a gynecologist or mammologist.

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    Breast cancer

    Breast cancer is a malignant tumor that develops in breast cells. This type of tumor is considered a typical female disease.

    It grows and develops not only in the mammary gland itself, but can spread to other organs.

    Anatomy of the female breast

    The female breast is the mammary gland. It is a convex disk consisting of 15–20 cone-shaped lobules - glands. The lobules, in turn, are connected to the nipple by ducts.

    Around them are adipose and connective tissue that perform a protective function, as well as blood and lymphatic vessels that nourish the mammary glands.

    Where do tumors form?

    Most often, cancer cells appear around the breast ducts. The process of tumor formation can also begin in the cells lining the lobules. Tumors in other parts of the breast are less common.

    Where do breast tumors metastasize?

    The female breast is riddled with lymphatic vessels. Tumor cells enter them and move to the lymph nodes to which the breast is “connected”: axillary, in the chest and in the collarbone area.

    Most often, breast cancer metastases develop in the axillary lymph nodes, leading to their proliferation. If tumors appear in the axillary lymph nodes, the risk of their metastasis to other organs and tissues of the body increases significantly.

    Are all breast tumors malignant?

    Most breast tumors are benign—simply lumps formed in connective tissue (fibrosis) or cavities filled with fluid (cysts).

    To determine what type of tumor it is, you need to do a biopsy - take a small piece of the tumor for examination.

    Benign breast tumors do not metastasize and are not life-threatening. However, they are an additional risk factor for the development of a malignant tumor and require constant monitoring of the condition.

    How common is breast cancer?

    This is the most common form of cancer in women. It occurs in one in nine women. However, in one case out of a hundred, breast cancer occurs in men.

    Why does breast cancer develop?

    1. Gender Women are much more likely to have breast cancer than men. The risk of tumor formation in women is higher because breast cells are constantly stimulated by the female sex hormones estrogen and progesterone.

    2. Age. The risk of breast cancer increases with age. This disease occurs in one in eight women over 45 years of age and in two out of three women aged 55 years and older.

    3. Genetics. Five to ten percent of breast cancer cases are a direct consequence of genetic defects inherited from parents.

    4. Cases of breast cancer in the family. Having one immediate family member with breast cancer doubles your risk of developing the disease. Strict monitoring of the condition of the mammary glands allows you to notice the onset of tumor formation in time and remove it.

    5. Personal history of breast cancer. If a tumor was found in one breast, the risk of its formation in the second increases by 3–4 times.

    6. Drinking alcohol seriously increases the risk of breast cancer. Moreover, this risk increases with the amount of alcohol consumed. For those who drink two to five servings of alcohol per day, the risk of developing a malignant breast tumor increases by one and a half times.

    7. Overweight. The female sex hormone estrogen is produced not only by the ovaries. It is also produced in adipose tissue. Therefore, large doses of estrogen and its longer exposure to glandular tissue in obese women increases the risk of cancer.

    8. Sedentary lifestyle. Studies have shown that just 10 hours of walking a week reduces the risk of breast cancer by almost 20 percent.

    9. Smoking. Consumption of tobacco products and secondhand smoke increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

    10. Dense breast tissue. Women who have a large amount of breast tissue and little fat have a higher risk of developing breast cancer.

    11. Certain types of benign breast tumors increase the risk of breast cancer. Women who have such tumors need to carefully monitor the condition of the mammary glands themselves and undergo regular examinations.

    12. Features of the menstrual period. If women start menstruating very early (before age 12) and menopause starts very late (after age 55), the risk of developing breast cancer is increased. This is due to the longer exposure of the hormones estrogen and progesterone to breast tissue.

    13. Childlessness or late childbirth. Childless women and those who have children after age 30 have a higher risk of developing breast cancer. Having multiple pregnancies and becoming pregnant before age 30 reduces the risk of breast cancer.

    14. Refusal to breastfeed. Breastfeeding reduces the risk of breast cancer. According to Yale University of Medicine in the US, women who breastfed for more than 13 months or breastfed more than three children had half the risk of developing breast cancer compared to women who had never breastfed.

    Contrary to popular myths, regular use of antiperspirants, wearing bras and breast implants do not increase the risk of developing breast cancer.

    How to detect breast cancer early?

    The reason for contacting a doctor should be the appearance of a lump and any other changes in the mammary gland, in the area of ​​the nipple or areola.

    After 40 years, every woman must undergo an annual examination by an oncologist, including X-ray mammography and ultrasound of the mammary glands.

    This examination is free, painless and does not take much time. The question of the frequency of examination is decided individually depending on the patient’s complaints, the presence of benign tumors and other factors.

    If breast cancer is detected early, complete cure is possible in more than 80 percent of cases.

    The most important

    Malignant breast tumors are the most common cancer among women. Many factors contribute to its development, including an unhealthy lifestyle.

    Regular examination by a doctor will allow you to detect the tumor in time and completely cure it.

    © Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation

    All rights to materials on the site are protected in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, including copyright and related rights.

    Breast cancer (breast cancer)

    What is Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer) -

    Breast cancer is one of the most studied and researched forms of cancer. The oldest known description of breast cancer (although the term "cancer" itself was not yet known or used) was found in Egypt and dates back to approximately 1600 BC. The so-called Edwin Smith Papyrus describes 8 cases of tumors or ulcerations of the mammary gland that were treated by cauterization with fire. The text reads: “There is no cure for this disease; it always leads to death." At least one of the eight cases of breast cancer described in the papyrus occurred in a man.

    What provokes / Causes of Breast Cancer (breast cancer):

    Age over 40 years;

    High level of estrogen in the blood;

    Having 1st degree relatives (mother, sister, aunt, grandmother) with breast cancer;

    Taking hormonal medications for the purpose of contraception or regulation of the menstrual cycle, hormone replacement therapy during menopause;

    First pregnancy over 30 years of age;

    Previous history of ovarian or breast cancer;

    Contact with sources of radiation;

    Changes in the mammary gland, interpreted by the doctor as the occurrence of atypical epithelial hyperplasia. Despite the fact that fibrocystic mastopathy is not a precancerous condition, atypical changes in the epithelium of the breast ducts increase the risk of breast cancer;

    Lack of childbirth and pregnancy;

    Endocrinological and metabolic disorders (thyroid diseases, obesity);

    Early onset of menstruation (before 12 years of age) and/or late onset of menopause;

    Increased consumption of fatty foods.

    Pathogenesis (what happens?) during Breast Cancer (breast cancer):

    By lymph flow, which is very developed in breast tissue, tumor cells are transported to the lymph nodes and give initial metastases. The axillary, subclavian and subscapular groups of nodes are primarily affected, and if the tumor is located in the medial quadrants of the gland, the chain of parasternal lymph nodes is affected. The next stage of metastasis is to the supraclavicular, cervical and mediastinal lymph nodes, as well as crosswise to the opposite axilla. Cross metastasis to the second mammary gland is observed. In some cases, metastases in the axillary lymph nodes appear earlier than a tumor is detected in the mammary gland, and then, first of all, it is necessary to exclude its cancerous lesion.

    Symptoms of Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer):

    In addition to the usual clinical picture of breast cancer, its special forms are distinguished: mastitis-like form, erysipelas-like form, armored cancer and Paget's cancer.

    You have discovered a lump in your breast;

    Discharge from the nipples appeared;

    The skin of the breast has changed (“lemon peel”, retraction, redness, swelling);

    The nipple has changed (it has retracted and a bleeding wound has appeared).

    Diagnosis of Breast Cancer (breast cancer):

    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) method.

    Mammography is the most informative diagnostic method.

    To make an accurate diagnosis, a biopsy is necessary. A biopsy is a minimally invasive method that allows you to take a section of suspicious tissue for histological examination before starting treatment. Pathohistological examination determines the type of tumor, and immunohistochemical tests make it possible to determine the hormone dependence of the tumor (i.e., the presence of estrogen and progesterone receptors, as well as the presence of receptors for Her2neu), since hormonal status influences prognosis and choice of treatment. Our hospital performs all necessary types of biopsies, including high-tech stereotactic biopsy, which is rare for Ukraine. A special installation allows you to very accurately and almost painlessly take for examination, and sometimes completely remove, formations as small as 1 mm. The procedures are performed under anesthesia on an outpatient basis; no special preparation is required before performing such manipulations.

    Ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs;

    Computed tomography of the abdominal cavity and chest;

    Scintigraphy (radioisotope study) of the skeleton;;

    General clinical tests and examinations;

    Examination of lymph nodes before treatment.

    Treatment for Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer):

    Plastic surgery using your own tissues taken from other parts of the body (usually the stomach, less often the back). In this case, figure correction is possible;

    Plastic surgery with an artificial implant;

    A combination of both methods.

    To reduce the likelihood of relapse after excision of a tumor in the mammary gland and after removal of the affected lymph nodes;

    For symptomatic (palliative) treatment of unremovable tumors, in case of complications - ulceration, bleeding;

    For palliative treatment of distant metastases, if they cause severe complications - compression of the brain or spinal cord, severe pain, etc.

    Prevention of Breast Cancer (Breast Cancer):

    The simplest and most accessible method of prevention, however, and the least effective, is self-examination - examination and palpation of the mammary glands by the woman herself. This procedure allows you to detect a tumor at an early stage. Self-examination is carried out once a month. First, an inspection is performed in front of a mirror. The following signs should be a mandatory reason to see a doctor:

    Visually identifiable formation,

    Changes resembling “lemon peel”.

    The most effective method of preventing breast cancer is screening.

    Screening is a routine examination of a healthy population in order to identify the earliest forms of a tumor. Breast cancer screening procedures are very simple and painless. Thus, women are recommended, depending on age, to:

    Inlet - breast self-examination monthly, yearly ultrasound (ultrasound examination), especially if the woman is at risk;

    Perform a mammogram once at age;

    From the age of 40 - monthly self-examination, annual mammography.

    1. screening was carried out by a highly qualified specialist who knows how to detect even the most insignificant signs of the disease;

    2. the equipment used for screening was highly accurate and met modern standards of global oncology;

    3. The hospital provided comprehensive and effective cancer care.

    Which doctors should you contact if you have breast cancer (breast cancer):

    Is something bothering you? Do you want to know more detailed information about breast cancer (breast cancer), its causes, symptoms, methods of treatment and prevention, the course of the disease and diet after it? Or do you need an inspection? You can make an appointment with a doctor - the Eurolab clinic is always at your service! The best doctors will examine you, study external signs and help you identify the disease by symptoms, advise you and provide the necessary assistance and make a diagnosis. You can also call a doctor at home. The Eurolab clinic is open for you around the clock.

    Phone number of our clinic in Kyiv: (+3 (multi-channel). The clinic secretary will select a convenient day and time for you to visit the doctor. Our coordinates and directions are listed here. Look in more detail about all the clinic’s services on its personal page.

    If you have previously performed any tests, be sure to take their results to a consultation with your doctor. If the studies have not been performed, we will do everything necessary in our clinic or with our colleagues in other clinics.

    You? It is necessary to take a very careful approach to your overall health. People do not pay enough attention to the symptoms of diseases and do not realize that these diseases can be life-threatening. There are many diseases that at first do not manifest themselves in our body, but in the end it turns out that, unfortunately, it is too late to treat them. Each disease has its own specific signs, characteristic external manifestations - the so-called symptoms of the disease. Identifying symptoms is the first step in diagnosing diseases in general. To do this, you simply need to be examined by a doctor several times a year in order not only to prevent a terrible disease, but also to maintain a healthy spirit in the body and the organism as a whole.

    If you want to ask a doctor a question, use the online consultation section, perhaps you will find answers to your questions there and read tips on caring for yourself. If you are interested in reviews about clinics and doctors, try to find the information you need in the All Medicine section. Also register on the Eurolab medical portal to be constantly aware of the latest news and information updates on the site, which will be automatically sent to you by email.

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  • Today, breast cancer is one of the most common types of cancer pathologies, but also the most curable.

    A positive prognosis is primarily justified by the severity of the external symptoms of the disease, which make it possible to diagnose it at the initial stages of development.

    Breast cancer is a fibrous neoplasm of an oncological nature that replaces healthy breast tissue. This type of tumor can be localized in any part of the organ, but most often affects the outside of the gland facing the armpit.

    Despite the fact that this pathology is considered a female disease, it can also affect men.

    Stage 1

    This stage is characterized by smoothed external symptoms or its complete absence. Since the tumor is at the first stage does not exceed 2 cm, it is rarely possible to visually determine it.

    Most often, changes in the structure of the gland are observed upon palpation. But in some cases, pathology can still manifest itself as external changes in the breast. At the site of tumor origin, skin can change your shade.

    Typically, a small area becomes yellowish or brown. In appearance it resembles a healing bruise. In this area, the surface of the skin begins to slightly peel off, which is associated with malnutrition of soft tissues.

    When the neoplasm is located close to the surface, a noticeable slight lump-shaped seal. It has clear boundaries, along the edges of which slight redness is localized.

    On palpation a small tight knot, more often with a homogeneous structure. The node is motionless and has clear localization. In some cases, palpation is accompanied by pain.

    Stage 2

    The second stage is characterized by a more pronounced manifestation of the disease, which is explained by the growth of the tumor. At this stage of development, pathology can be determined by a change in the shade of the skin of the affected area, which becomes reddish or acquire a bluish tint.

    At the same time, healthy breast tissue is characterized by pronounced pallor. On the chest, visually determined inflamed area, which is a seal with a diameter up to 5 cm The surface of the pathological growth becomes coarsened and heterogeneous.

    It marks multiple nodules and pits. The skin over the seal changes its structure. Observed deepening of pores what gives the skin type of orange peel.

    When you press on the inflamed area, it deforms into a small depression. Restoration of the surface does not occur immediately. When this place is taken into a fold, the formation of numerous deep wrinkles, straightening out only within a few minutes after the fold is released.

    Due to tumor growth, it can change the shape of the nipple, which is insignificant lengthens or retracts. It is also noted asymmetry of the sides affected breast. In the place where the formation grows, it becomes slightly enlarged. But when you raise your hands up, at the place of increase a depression is formed.

    Upon palpation it is revealed node, resembling cartilage tissue, which has fuzzy boundaries.

    Stage 3

    As a result of tumor growth, pronounced resizing breasts and their appearance. Most often, the affected breast decreases in diameter or shortened. But there are situations when the chest becomes much more healthy, while her central some may sink.

    Also, completely the shape of the nipple changes, which retracts in breast tissue, acquiring flat shape. Its foundation expands, merging with the areola. Their shade changes to more dark.

    The surface of the chest becomes heterogeneous. Under the skin there are small numerous nodules and irregularities that do not have clear boundaries. The skin becomes hyperemic.

    Gradually redness covers the entire chest and extends to the armpit in the area of ​​the lymph nodes. Hyperemia has jagged edges, resembling flames.

    As the tumor grows, it is observed violation of the integrity of the skin. Due to the deterioration of trophism, small wounds that do not heal well.

    Their edges covered with scales or plaques. Often the pathology is accompanied by constant itching and peeling. They can be localized over the entire surface of the breast, including on the nipples and areola. The nipple, areola and surrounding skin become covered numerous deep wrinkles, which do not straighten even with tissue tension.

    During palpation examination it is noted tissue heterogeneity and formation atypical nodule of round shape, with a knobby surface and completely blurred boundaries.

    Stage 4

    The fourth stage is characterized by tumor growth into the skin and other organs. If the growth does not affect the skin, then a deterioration in external symptoms is observed. Breasts gain almost flat shape, or excessively increases in sizes.

    The skin becomes glossy due to overstretching. Can appear adhesions or stretch marks. Skin tone changes to cyanotic. At certain types, it becomes very dark, almost black.

    If a tumor grows into the skin and beyond, it is completely replacement with fibrous tissue. The neoplasm has a heterogeneous nodular structure and is distinguished by a pronounced purple or bluish tint. In some areas, a process of necrosis is observed.

    After operation

    The only method that increases the chance of survival is surgical removal of the tumor. Depending on the stage of the disease, a partial or complete mastectomy (removal of the breast) may be used.

    At partial removal, most of the mammary gland is preserved. Removal is carried out by cutting the tissue in the areola area. Wherein the nipple and skin are not affected. This operation is considered less traumatic and practically leaves no traces. The seam is located along the line of the areola and smoothes out over time, becoming invisible.

    In case of extensive damage to the mammary gland, it is carried out complete removal together with the skin. During the operation, only a small part of the skin, intended for closing the wound area.

    In this case, the surgeon does elliptical cut, from the inner lower edge of the chest to the center of the armpit. After breast removal, the skin is tightened and stitched with absorbable sutures.

    In the first few days the seam has high edges. Its surface acquires a dark red glossy tint. As it heals, a scar is formed, which later completely smoothed out. It can only be noticed by its shade, which is slightly darker than the intact surface of the chest.


    Breast correction after breast removal worries every woman who has undergone this operation. And if just a few decades ago, women had to put something in their bra to simulate the presence of breasts, today you can find a lot of products and methods that restore breasts both visually and physically.

    There are several options to solve this problem:

    1. Implantation. It is a complete replacement of the mammary gland with a special prosthesis and is indicated when the entire breast, including the nipple, is removed. This procedure can be performed either directly during a mastectomy or much later. Restoration is carried out in two stages. First, the breast itself is restored, and then the nipple and areola are formed.
    2. Breast reconstruction due to replacement of removed tissues with muscles, skin or fat from the patient's body. As in the previous case, surgery can be performed both during tumor removal and after it.

      To reconstruct the breast, a part of the superficial abdominal or back muscle is most often used. This technique allows you to get breasts that differ little from natural ones, but at the same time new scars form on the woman’s body at the site of tissue excision.

      Expander. Wearing an expander is used if only the mammary gland and part of the skin were removed during the operation. An expander is a special device implanted under the skin, which causes it to stretch as it is worn.

      Subsequently, the expander is removed, and the resulting cavity is filled with a special solution. As a rule, to achieve the effect, the expander must be used for 3 or 6 months.

      Vacuum former. It is a special device, under the influence of which the skin in the area of ​​tumor removal is gradually stretched and a fat layer is formed under it. This method is suitable for those women who have had only part of the breast removed.

      To obtain a positive result, the device is attached to the problem area and worn every day for 12 hours. It is worth noting that using this method, you can achieve only a slight breast enlargement, and the correction will be associated with pain.

    3. Shapewear. Now on the shelves of specialized medical stores, you can buy ready-made underwear that simulates the presence of breasts. As a simulator, foam rubber or other substitute material is sewn into the bodice. As a rule, such underwear has standard sizes corresponding to the sizes of underwear or clothing.
    4. Imitators. They are silicone attachments designed for fixation on the skin or bra. These nozzles can be purchased in standard sizes or made to order.

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    Breast cancer is a serious disease characterized by tumor growth in the mammary gland. It is considered one of the most common diseases in women with a constant increase in the number of cases. The risk group includes women over 45-50 years of age and women who have not given birth, which is associated with hormonal levels in the body. Signs of breast cancer largely depend on the stage of the disease and intensify as the tumor grows. Every woman is able to independently recognize the first signs of breast cancer with proper self-examination.

    Causes of development and first signs of the disease

    The appearance of breast tumors in women is associated with the impact on their body of both external and internal factors.

    In some cases, the woman herself is able to predict the diagnosis of a breast tumor during self-examination, which is a good opportunity for early diagnosis of the disease. Therefore, it is important for every woman to know the answer to the question of how to determine breast cancer.

    The first signs of breast cancer are:

    That is, with careful attention to their health, women can independently detect the initial symptoms of the development of a tumor lesion. It is worth noting that the detection of these changes is not always a manifestation of malignant pathology. In some cases, similar signs can be found in other diseases of the mammary gland - inflammatory mastitis, mastopathy, etc. If a woman has discovered signs of breast cancer, then she needs to contact a medical institution to undergo diagnostic measures and prescribe, if necessary, timely complex treatment.

    Proper breast self-examination

    For early diagnosis of breast cancer, it is necessary to regularly undergo self-examination, which allows you to identify the first signs of the disease, including precancerous conditions (mastopathy, inflammatory mastitis, etc.).

    How to identify breast cancer? To do this, it is necessary to carry out frequent examinations in front of a mirror and using palpation according to the following algorithm:

    Other symptoms that you can identify yourself

    The clinical picture of breast cancer is varied, which makes its diagnosis in oncology a little difficult. Symptoms in women depend on the stage of the process, its prevalence, destruction of nearby tissue, as well as the presence of metastases.

    The main symptom of nodular breast cancer is the presence of a round formation of various diameters (from a few centimeters to 10 cm or more) in the mammary gland. In addition to this, there are other signs that were listed above as the first symptoms, or will be described below.

    The diffuse type of tumor is divided into several subtypes: erysipelatous, mastitis-like and armored. These types of cancer in women are very aggressive and differ from nodular and other forms of benign tumors in the absence of growth boundaries. Erysipelas-like and mastitis-like types of breast tumors are necessarily associated with the development of an inflammatory process, which leads to increased body temperature, redness of the skin and tenderness of the mammary gland upon palpation.

    Very often doctors confuse these forms of the disease with erysipelas or mastitis, respectively. Such an error leads to the prescription of antibacterial agents and other drugs that are not able to cope with the actual disease. As a result, the tumor grows and develops, worsening the clinical picture and prognosis for the woman’s health.

    The armored type of cancer begins with the formation of compactions under the skin, which ultimately form a characteristic dense “shell.” In this case, contraction of healthy breast tissue occurs and its reduction, very often easily noticeable upon external examination.

    In a small number of cases, the first symptoms of the disease are associated with the manifestation of symptoms of metastases in the lymph nodes. In this case, the breast tumor is called hidden, since it is quite difficult to detect.

    If the size of the tumor is small, then women may not experience symptoms. It is possible to independently detect a node only if the breast size is small or its superficial location. Women with large breasts most often cannot feel such formations in their breasts. In cases where a node is nevertheless detected, it is necessary to evaluate its characteristics: mobility, relationship with surrounding tissues, pain, etc.

    A benign tumor is characterized by an elastic structure, mobility in the subcutaneous tissue, smooth edges and slight pain when squeezed. In the case of a malignant neoplasm, the detected irregularly shaped node is fused to the surrounding tissues, practically does not move and is painful even at rest. The inflammatory nature of the compaction can be established on the basis of the addition of intoxication syndrome; in these cases, you should be as careful as possible and not miss mastitis- and erysipelas-like forms of breast cancer.

    Signs of tumor malignancy

    The malignant nature of the formation is primarily indicated by changes in the skin. Most often, due to the infiltrating and tightening growth of the tumor, the skin takes on a wrinkled or “lemon peel” appearance. In severe cases, the tumor may grow to the surface - then the skin swells and takes on the appearance of a “cauliflower”. However, a similar situation occurs in oncology in women very rarely.

    It is important at any stage of breast cancer to pay attention to the axillary lymph nodes, since it is in them that the primary metastasis of the tumor occurs. If the lymph nodes are unchanged, painless and not enlarged, then there is no cause for concern. However, changes in their size, consistency, limited mobility and pain are a serious cause for concern, since very often these symptoms reflect the process of tumor metastasis.

    A number of patients experience swelling of the shoulder and upper part of the lower limb. These manifestations are also associated with tumor metastasis and impaired lymph outflow as a result of these processes.

    To summarize, the main common symptoms of breast cancer are:

    Symptoms at different stages of breast cancer

    How does breast cancer manifest at different stages of the disease in women? The answer to this question will help to better understand the possibilities of early diagnosis and its methods.

    The first stage of the disease is associated with the beginning of tumor growth in the breast tissue. The size of the tumor is 0.5-1.5 cm. Despite such a small size, the tumor can already be detected during self-examination or during a preventive medical examination. Other symptoms are very rare. It is important to note that at this stage the disease is best treated with therapeutic treatments without the need for surgery.

    In the second stage of cancer, symptoms expand and become more pronounced. The small lump gets larger or stays the same. But it is at this stage that metastases and changes in the axillary lymph nodes most often occur. However, this stage also refers to the early form of cancer.

    In the third stage of a breast tumor, women experience more striking manifestations: the tumor continues to grow - up to 10 cm or more, grows into adjacent tissues and leads to visible deformation of the breast. Mucous or bloody discharge from the nipple of various types may appear.

    Pathological changes, including those of an inflammatory nature, are observed in the lymph nodes. Not only the axillary lymph nodes are affected, but also the thoracic, supra- and subclavian, etc. At this stage, only surgical treatment with the simultaneous use of chemotherapy and radiation therapy is possible.

    At the next stage, metastases affect internal organs, and various paraneoplastic syndromes develop with various symptoms. As a rule, in this case, only palliative treatment is used, aimed at alleviating the suffering of women, but not at fighting the tumor itself. At the fourth stage, the symptoms of damage to internal organs exceed the threat to health from local changes in the mammary gland.

    Breast cancer is a serious pathology that develops over a long period of time and leads to a serious decrease in the quality of life, even death. In this regard, every woman should pay maximum attention to her health and breast self-examination. If lumps are detected in the mammary glands or any other symptoms, you must contact a medical facility for diagnostic measures.

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