Home Smell from the mouth How long will the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker remain? Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

How long will the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker remain? Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

About seventeen centuries have passed since Saint Nicholas, the great Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, lived and labored on earth. He is revered and glorified by the entire Christian race. It pleased God's providence to send St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to earth at one of the most difficult times for Christianity.

And now modern pilgrims rush to the place where the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are located.

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Brief life story of the saint

Svyatoch was born around 270 in the city of Patara, in the Lycian region (now the territory of modern Turkey).

His mother and father, Nonna and Theophanes, came from a noble and pious family and were very wealthy. But wealth and a noble title did not prevent them from being known as merciful to the poor and zealous in God’s prayer. For many years they prayed to the Creator to give them a son, and “in return” the couple promised to devote his life to serving God. Their prayer was heard and from Above the family was given a son, named Nicholas in Holy Baptism.

The parents understood that their child was destined for special service to God, so they paid special attention to his upbringing, instilled Christian values ​​and directed him on the righteous path.

Nikolai did well in his studies. He was not interested in conversations with his peers about worldly things; everything bad was alien to him. He avoided sinful entertainment, was chaste and spent his free time reading the Holy Scriptures, divine books, and prayed a lot.

Soon Nikolai was ordained a reader, and later a presbyter.

The Lord vouchsafed Nicholas to live to a ripe old age. At the end of his years, he became seriously ill and peacefully departed to Christ in the heavenly abode on December 6, 342. The burial took place in Myra in the cathedral church.

Temples consecrated in honor of Nicholas the Ugodnik:

Holy relics

700 years after the death of the pleasure-maker, devastation and devastation reigned in Lycia, this happened after the invasion of the Saracens - nomads, robbers, Bedouins.

Monks were on duty at the ruins of the temple, where the remains of the saint rested. In 1087, Nicholas came to one of the Bari presbyters in a sleepy vision and ordered his body to be urgently transferred to Bari. For this purpose, three ships were equipped, and the elders and noble townspeople settled on them under the guise of traders.

This precaution was necessary because the Venetians wanted to intercept the procession and bring the holy remains to their city.

The traders sailed through Egypt and Palestine, conducting trade business along the way so as not to arouse suspicion. Finally, they ended up in Lycia. They opened a snow-white marble tomb.

To the surprise of those present, it turned out to be filled to the brim with a fragrant ointment, and Nikolai’s body rested in it. The nobles were unable to take the heavy tomb with them, so they transferred the remains into the prepared ark and headed to their homeland.

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Bari, Italy

After 20 days, on May 9, 1087, they arrived in Bari. Here the Liturgy was served with a multitude of clergy, and the relics were placed in the Church of St. Eustathius. And after 2 years, the crypts of the new temple were consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas the Pleasant, and the remains were solemnly transferred there.

Important! The incorruptible body still streams myrrh, and many miracles are performed from it. With faith, the saint grants healing from bodily and physical ailments to those who are anointed, and drives away unclean spirits.

At the end of the 11th century, the holy relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker were transferred to the city of Bar.

How to apply to the remains

There are unspoken rules for applying to holy remains:

  • when approaching the ruck, you should not rush, push, or crowd;
  • It is not advisable to carry bags or packages with you;
  • kissing a shrine with painted lips is prohibited;
  • before approaching the shrine, you must bow twice from the waist and cross yourself, and make the third bow after applying;
  • You can't kiss saints on the face.

Icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The appearance of the saint

In 1953, restoration work was carried out in the church in which the crypt is located. One of the anatomists received permission from the Vatican to examine the bones, according to which a conclusion was made.

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The meaning of Nicholas the Wonderworker in Christian culture

Nicholas the Wonderworker, also called St. Nicholas the Saint, lived in the 4th century in Asia Minor (now the territory of Turkey). He was a priest and then became the archbishop of the city of Myra in Lycia. In church traditions there is evidence of numerous miracles that the saint performed. Christians believe that Nicholas the Wonderworker still helps people. He is considered one of the patrons of travelers, in addition, St. Nicholas is one of the most revered Christian saints.

According to the church calendar, celebrations in his honor are held twice a year: December 19 on the day of his death and May 22 in memory of the transfer of relics from Myra in Lycia to the city of Bar, which is now called Bari.

The saint was originally buried in the Church of Holy Zion, where he served, in the city of Myra in the confederation of ancient Lycia (now the city of Demre in Turkey). In May 1087, Italian merchants stole most of the relics of the saint and transported them to Bari.

Since 1969, Catholics have allowed Orthodox Christians to hold services in the crypt of the Basilica of St. Nicholas in Bari according to their rites. After these services, which take place every week on Thursdays, everyone can venerate the relics through a special window in the marble altar.

In Russia, the veneration of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is very widespread, and the number of churches and icons dedicated to him was the largest after the Virgin Mary. His name was one of the most popular in Russia for naming babies until the beginning of the 20th century.

The decision to deliver the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from Bari to Russia

The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker have never left the papal basilica in the Italian city of Bari for 930 years. There was an exception. The relics are kept under the throne of the altar of the crypt walled up underground. Every year hundreds of believers from Russia came to Bari to venerate the saint.

An agreement on the delivery of part of the relics of the saint was reached at a historical event in Havana on February 12, 2016. Patriarch Kirill said that for the majority of Orthodox Christians in Russia, pilgrimages to Italy are difficult to implement. Therefore, it was decided to remove part of the relics (the left rib) from under the cover in order to send it to Russia. The process of separating part of the relics was carried out by medical specialists using special devices.

How long will the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker remain on Russian territory?

Bringing part of the relics of St. Nicholas from Italy from May 21 to July 28. The relics will be located in Moscow in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. You can venerate the relics on May 22 from 12:00 to 21:00. And from May 23 to July 12, pilgrims will have access from 8:00 to 21:00. The queue to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior will form from the Crimean Bridge. Volunteers will give water to the believers, and the authorities have decided to install food service points along the line. In July the relics will be transported to St. Petersburg.

The bringing of the relics is timed to coincide with the saint’s memorial day. It was decided to greet the ark with the relics with a festive ringing in churches throughout Moscow.

Delivery is carried out by a special board. And at the jewelry factory, in time for the arrival of the relics, they made a 40-kilogram ark from precious metals. In addition, to the bringing of relics to Russia. It was created by icon painter Olga Zhukova.

All information about bringing the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to Russia can be found on a specially created website.

At whose expense will the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker be delivered to Russia?

The Russian company PhosAgro and the Guryev family personally took upon themselves the financing of the delivery of the relics of Saint Nicholas to Russia and their sending back to Bari.

PhosAgro is one of the world's leading producers of phosphorus-containing fertilizers. Its general director is Andrey Guryev. This company has always paid for charters for Russian pilgrims to the relics of the saint twice a year. Participation in the delivery of the relics to Russia was a continuation of this good cause, said priest Alexander Volkov, press secretary of Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus'.

Miracles of St. Nicholas

Orthodox believe that St. Nicholas is considered the patron saint of travelers. According to church traditions, he performed many of his miracles while traveling by ship to Palestine, where he went to worship the local saints. Nicholas showed the gift of foresight; he warned the sailors about the impending storm. When a storm hit, Saint Nicholas calmed the team and turned to God with a prayer - the elements calmed down without causing trouble.

During the journey, Nicholas the Wonderworker resurrected one of the sailors who died after slipping on the deck. The young man came to life after prayer.

During stops along the coast, the saint healed people physically and spiritually: he drove out evil spirits, healed them from illnesses, and gave them consolation in sorrows.

According to church tradition, Nicholas the Wonderworker saved his native people in the Lycian country, where famine was raging. Before sailing, the merchant saw the saint in a dream, who ordered him to sail to Lycia and gave him a deposit of three gold coins. Waking up, the merchant actually found money in his hand and fulfilled the will of the saint.

In 1956, an event took place in Kuibyshev (today Samara) that is now known as “Zoya’s Standing”. According to legend, during the New Year celebration, the girl Zoya, without waiting for her groom, took the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the wall and began to dance with it with the words: “If there is a God, let him punish me.” Suddenly she froze in place with the icon pressed to her chest; they could not move her. This went on for a long time, but before the Feast of the Annunciation, a handsome old man found himself in a house where a girl was standing. He turned to Zoya with the words: “Well, are you tired of standing?” And when the guards looked into the room, they did not see him there. The girl stood motionless for 128 days, then the petrification began to pass; at this time she asked everyone to pray for peace and prayed herself.

Christians believe that St. Nicholas the Saint still helps believers. It is believed that myrrh (fragrant oil for sacred anointing) of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker can heal from many diseases, including cancer. Parishioners also believe that prayer to St. Nicholas saves you from smoking and alcoholism, helps you find a job, pay off debts, avoid getting lost in another country, and even get pregnant.

The miraculous image of St. Nicholas of Mozhaisk is considered evidence of the mercy of Nicholas the Wonderworker towards Russia. During the siege of Mozhaisk by the Mongols, a sign appeared in the sky. Saint Nicholas, as the legend says, appeared in the sky above the cathedral, in one hand he held a sword, and in the other an image of the temple surrounded by a fortress. This frightened the enemies and instilled courage in the city's defenders. After this, an image of the saint was created in gratitude for his help.

Bringing the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to Russia

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Having reached a very old age, Saint Nicholas peacefully departed to the Lord on December 19 (NS) around the year 345. The body of the Pleasant of God was laid with honor in the cathedral church of the Mir Metropolis.

They were kept incorruptible and exuded healing myrrh, from which many received healings. For this reason, people flocked to his coffin from all over the world. For with that holy world not only physical ailments were healed, but also mental ailments. According to the relics, they were in Myra (Myra) in Lycia for several hundred years until they were transferred to Italy.

Transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker to Bari

More than seven hundred years have passed since the death of the Pleasant of God. The city of Myra and the entire Lycian country were destroyed by the Saracens. The ruins of the temple with the tomb of the saint were in disrepair and were guarded only by a few pious monks.

In 1087, Saint Nicholas appeared in a dream to an Apulian priest of the city of Bari (in southern Italy) and ordered his relics to be transferred to this city.

The presbyters and noble townspeople equipped three ships for this purpose and, under the guise of traders, set off. This precaution was necessary in order to lull the vigilance of the Venetians, who, having learned about the preparations of the inhabitants of Bari, had the intention of getting ahead of them and bringing the relics of the saint to their city.

The nobles, taking a roundabout route through Egypt and Palestine, visiting ports and conducting trade as simple merchants, finally arrived in the Lycian land. The scouts sent reported that there were no guards at the tomb and it was guarded only by four old monks. The barians came to Myra, where, not knowing the exact location of the tomb, they tried to bribe the monks by offering them three hundred gold coins, but due to their refusal, they used force: they tied up the monks and, under the threat of torture, forced one faint-hearted person to show them the location of the tomb.

Broken tomb of St. Nicholas in Myra Lycia

A wonderfully preserved white marble tomb has been opened. It turned out to be filled to the brim with fragrant myrrh, in which the relics of the saint were immersed. Unable to take the large and heavy tomb, the nobles transferred the relics into the prepared ark and set off on their way back.

The journey lasted twenty days, and on May 9 (May 22, new style) they arrived in Bari. A solemn meeting was arranged for the great shrine with the participation of numerous clergy and the entire population. Initially, the relics of the saint were placed in the church of St. Eustathius.

The celebration of the transfer of the shrine was accompanied by numerous miraculous healings of the sick, which aroused even greater reverence for the great saint of God. Two years later, the lower part (crypts) of the new temple was completed and consecrated in the name of St. Nicholas, built deliberately to store his relics, where they were solemnly transferred by Pope Urban II on October 1, 1089.

May 22 is the day of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker

The transfer of the relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker from Myra Lycia to Bari aroused special veneration of the saint and was marked by the establishment of a special holiday on May 22. At first, the feast of the transfer of the relics of St. Nicholas was celebrated only by residents of the Italian city of Bari. The Greek Church, for example, did not establish a celebration of this memory, because the loss of the relics of the saint was a sad event for it.

The Russian Orthodox Church established the celebration of the transfer of the relics of Nicholas shortly after 1087 on the basis of deep veneration of the great saint of God. The glory of the miracles performed by the saint on land and sea was widely known. His image of the omnipotent Wonderworker-philanthropist became especially dear to the heart of an Orthodox person, because he instilled deep faith in him and hope for his help.

Where are the relics of St. Nicholas now?

Relics of St. St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in the Basilica of Bari, Italy

Currently, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are located in the city of Bari in Italy. It must be said that the Pleasant of God became one of the most revered saints in Orthodox Rus'. Before the revolution, believers from the Russian Empire made up the bulk of pilgrims coming to Bari. Therefore, here also in 1913-1917 it was built in honor of St. Nicholas by the Russian Orthodox Church. Moreover, money for construction was collected throughout Russia.

To this day, the honest relics of Nicholas the Wonderworker exude blessed myrrh, giving physical and spiritual healing to thousands of Christians from all over the world. Once a year, on the day of the transfer of the relics to Bari, the priests collect the myrrh exuded by the relics. Diluted with holy water, it is then transported by pilgrims to different countries so that Orthodox believers in different parts of the world can receive spiritual and physical healing from the consecrated oil.

Relics of St. Nicholas in Venice

Relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the island. Lido, Venice

The small part of the remains of Nicholas the Wonderworker that remained in Myra was stolen around 1097 and transported to Venice. It was decided to keep them in the church on Lido Island, which was consecrated in honor of St. Nicholas.

For several years, the inhabitants of the island of Lido and Bari waged fierce disputes over the relics of St. Nicholas. Some claimed that the real relics were kept in the Lido, others - that in Bari. They were judged by their examination, which proved that in both cases there is truth. Most of the relics are kept in Bari, and only one fifth in the Lido.

Every year, temples are visited by a huge number of pilgrims from all over the world, striving to venerate the highly revered shrine and exalt

The relics of the saint are in Russia for the first time in 930 years Nicholas the Wonderworker, brought from Italy. Bringing the shrine to Russia became possible thanks to an agreement reached between the Primate of the Russian Orthodox Church Patriarch Kirill And by Pope Francis.

For about three weeks, the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker were exhibited in Moscow, where almost two million people worshiped them. From July 13, 2017 the shrine can be venerated in St. Petersburg.

Who is Nicholas the Wonderworker, and why is he so revered

Saint Nikolai Mirlikiysky, which in Russia is called Nicholas the Wonderworker or Nikolai Ugodnik, is one of the most revered saints in the Christian world. He plays a huge role in the lives of believers of all faiths, but he is especially loved and revered in the Orthodox world. In Rus', Saint Nicholas has always been considered the protector of the orphaned, the poor, the sick, and the suffering. Sailors, travelers and generally everyone whose life was connected with the sea prayed to him. He is considered the protector of children and orphans.

Nicholas the Wonderworker has always been extremely revered among those who were in prison. Especially often people turned to him who believed that they had been convicted unfairly, due to libel or slander.

Nicholas the Wonderworker was born in the 3rd century in a Greek colony in Asia Minor. He came from a wealthy Christian family and from childhood devoted himself to serving God.

Having been orphaned, Nikolai distributed his inheritance to the poor and in general was always incredibly generous, willingly helping those in need not only with prayer, but also with money. He did this secretly, so as not to humiliate those he helped and to avoid unnecessary praise. For his piety and godly deeds, Nicholas the Wonderworker was incredibly revered by parishioners in all the parishes where he was a bishop. Numerous miracles and healings are attributed to the saint.

In Western tradition, Nicholas the Wonderworker is associated with Santa Claus because he gave gifts and favored children.

During his lifetime, Saint Nicholas became famous as a pacifier of warring parties, a defender of the innocently condemned, and even a deliverer from needless death. According to his life, immediately after his death (and Saint Nicholas died at a very old age), his body began to flow myrrh and immediately turned into an object of pilgrimage.

A basilica was built over his grave in the city of Myra in Lycia Minor in the 6th century, and at the beginning of the 9th century the still existing church of St. Nicholas. The relics were kept in this temple until 1087, when Italian merchants, who incredibly revered Saint Nicholas, stole the shrine and took it to Italy. Most of the relics are located in the Italian city of Bari, from where part of the ninth rib of the saint was brought to Russia. Also, part of the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker is located on the Lido Island in Venice. In addition, in many churches around the world there are small particles of the saint’s relics, and they also exist in Russia.

Why is there such a stir around the relics brought from Bari?

Both the widespread coverage of the bringing of the relics in the press and the desire of believers to work in a godly task - a pilgrimage to the revered shrine - played a role here.

How long will the relics stay in St. Petersburg?

Where the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will be exhibited

The relics of St. Nicholas will be exhibited for veneration in the Holy Trinity Cathedral of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. Address: emb. Monastyrki River, building 1. Nearest metro stations: “Pl. Alexander Nevsky - 1" and "Pl. Alexander Nevsky - 2". You can find out how to proceed to the shrine on the website of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Time to access relics

From July 14 to July 27, veneration of the relics will be carried out daily from 7.00 to 22.00 (the organizers of the pilgrimage advise queuing no later than 18.00).

How long to queue

In Moscow, depending on the day of the week and the time when the queue was busy, the wait ranged from 8-10 to 22 hours. So in St. Petersburg you need to count on at least five to six hours of standing, and possibly more. Most likely, some pilgrims, especially visitors, will line up early at night in order to approach the shrine in the morning.

What to take with you

Pilgrimage organizers advise taking water with you, dressing for the weather and having hats. Pilgrims are also advised to carry the medications they usually use.

Toilets and points of sale of food and drinks will be organized in places where pilgrims gather, but from Moscow experience we advise you to take with you a reasonable amount of food for a snack, and if you intend to spend the night in line, tourist “foams”, inflatable mattresses and pillows, as well as folding chairs . Thermos with warm drinks, warm clothes and rain capes will not be superfluous - summer is not too pampering for St. Petersburg residents yet.

Should I take my children with me?

This issue is entirely at the discretion of the parents and legal representatives of minors; in any case, there are no contraindications to this.

How to deal with a disabled child

For preferential categories of pilgrims, which include persons accompanying children with disabilities, a special regime of access to the shrine is provided, which can be found on the website of the Alexander Nevsky Lavra.

Is there a danger of infection?

The epidemiological situation in the city is calm, and the organizers of the pilgrimage are taking all necessary measures to prevent the spread of infections. In addition, pilgrims are well protected by faith and a positive attitude.

Is it possible to be cured by venerating the relics?

You will most likely not be cured, but it is quite possible to receive a positive spiritual charge for recovery. However, a pilgrimage to the relics does not replace medications, procedures and recommended surgeries prescribed by doctors.

Who should not go to the relics

As in the comment Federal News Agency Chairman of the Department for Relations between Church and Society of the St. Petersburg Diocese Archpriest Alexander Pelin, most likely, atheists and skeptics have nothing special to do in line to see the relics. People go to the shrine first of all in order to feel God’s invisible grace on themselves through visible signs, and for this they need want feel it.

As the archpriest noted, during the visit to the relics and prayer to the saint, “people will be given what they ask for according to their faith.”

The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker from the Italian city of Bari to Moscow on May 21 for the veneration of believers will be delivered by the head of the Department for External Church Relations (DECR) of the Moscow Patriarchate, Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, and the mayor of Bari, Antonio Decaro.

In addition, representatives of the Roman Catholic Church will participate in bringing the Christian shrine to Russia: Archbishop Monsignor Francesco Cacucci, rector of the Basilica Padre Ciro Capotosto and Secretary of the Papal Council for Christian Unity Monsignor Andrea Palmieri.

The relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, which will leave the city of Bari for the first time in history, will be delivered from Italy to Russia by special plane.

Moscow will greet the relics with the ringing of bells

The relics will arrive in Moscow on the evening of May 21. They will be placed in the Cathedral of Christ the Savior. The shrine will be greeted by the Patriarch and the clergy of the capital.

On Sunday evening, all Moscow churches will ring their bells. “The entire church of Moscow will greet the relics with the ringing of bells at 6 o’clock in the evening,” said priest Alexander Volkov, press secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, at a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya MIA.

This ringing, according to him, will begin from the main bell tower of Russia - the Ivan the Great Bell Tower in the Kremlin.

Meals are provided for believers in line to see the relics.

The Moscow authorities are expecting large queues of pilgrims who want to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas, so paid meals will be organized for believers, Konstantin Blazhenov, deputy head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, said at a press conference at the Rossiya Segodnya International Information Agency.

According to him, food will be “at reasonable prices.”

About 10 thousand volunteers will help organize the stay of the relics

The head of the youth department of the Moscow diocese, Mikhail Kuksov, said that thousands of volunteers will take part in organizing the stay of the relics and will help in shifts.

According to him, two shifts of volunteers will regulate the flow of pilgrims and also help in the temple. Each of them will have at least two hundred people. In order to avoid a large number of people, the regions from which the pilgrims will arrive “will be scheduled by day.”

The queue to the relics in Moscow will begin from the Crimean Bridge

The queue to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, where the relics of St. Nicholas will be displayed for veneration, will stretch for about two kilometers - to the Crimean Bridge, three checkpoints will be placed along its length, said the head of the capital's department of regional security and anti-corruption, Vladimir Chernikov.

“To regulate the flow of the queue, which will start from the Crimean Bridge, three checkpoints will be placed along the route from the Park of Culture to the Cathedral of Christ the Savior to regulate the flow of the queue. There will be no special passes; access to the relics will be organized on a first-come, first-served basis for all citizens,” Chernikov said.

According to him, the city is ready to accept any number of pilgrims, and the queue, if necessary, can increase to 5 kilometers.

Access to the relics will be provided daily

Access to the relics on May 22 will be from 14.00 to 21.00, and on subsequent days from 8.00 to 21.00.

Security will be provided by more than 2 thousand police officers

Security will be provided by over two thousand law enforcement officers; for convenience, 11 food and rest points will be located near the temple for those who came.

There will be no VIP passes to the relics of St. Nicholas

There will be no special passes for those wishing to bypass the general queue to venerate the relics of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker in Moscow or St. Petersburg - this makes the veneration itself meaningless, said the press secretary of the Patriarch of Moscow and All Rus' Kirill, priest Alexander Volkov.

People with limited mobility will be able to access the relics without hindrance.

The only group of citizens for whom the relevant structures in the Moscow government will provide more unimpeded passage are groups of citizens with limited mobility, noted priest Alexander Volkov.

Deputy Head of the Department of National Policy and Interregional Relations of the City of Moscow, Head of the Department for Relations with Religious Organizations Konstantin Blazhenov clarified that in this case we are talking about people with disabilities of the musculoskeletal system with one accompanying person and infants with one accompanying person.

The relics will remain in Russia from May 21 to July 28

The relics of the greatest Christian saint will be in Russia from May 21 to July 28, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Rus' and Pope Francis agreed on this during a historic meeting in Havana. From May 22 to July 12, they will be available for worship at the Cathedral of Christ the Savior in Moscow, after which they will be transported to St. Petersburg. For the first time, the relics of St. Nicholas will leave the city of Bari, where they are constantly located.

Based on materials from RIA Novosti

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