Home Prevention Why do you dream about wanting to sleep? The influence of a dream in which I happened to fall asleep a second time

Why do you dream about wanting to sleep? The influence of a dream in which I happened to fall asleep a second time

Seeing your own or someone else's sleepy face in a dream means that you should take a closer look at your surroundings. You have envious people who spread bad rumors about you. Such a dream promises troubles and failures.

Oversleeping in a dream is a sign that you should be more attentive to your affairs. Otherwise, you may miss out on a profitable business.

If you are sleeping in a dream, then be afraid of being late to do something. Your slowness will prevent you from achieving success.

Sleeping on the street in a dream means that your affairs will worsen and your financial situation will be shaken. Sleeping on a veranda or balcony in a dream is a sign of the futility of your hopes and obstacles in business. Sleeping on the road or on the go in a dream is a harbinger of failure.

Sleeping in your own bed in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Sleeping in the same bed with a loved one is a warning about the need to be vigilant and wary of rivals.

Waking up from sleep in a dream is a sign of renewed hope, success or great luck in business. To be sleepwalking in a dream is a harbinger of a change in weather. See interpretation: overnight stay, bedroom, mirror, face.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

Dream Interpretation - Sleep

To dream that you are sleeping or about to go to bed: is a sign of your inaction and inattention.

If the atmosphere of sleep somehow weighs on you at the same time, if you are going to go to bed in a good mood: it seems that in reality you really should forget about some of your troubles and problems for a while, perhaps they will be solved by themselves or after resting , you will find some good way to solve them.

Interpretation of dreams from

Seeing your own or someone else's sleepy face in a dream means that you should take a closer look at your surroundings. You have envious people who spread bad rumors about you. Such a dream promises troubles and failures.

Oversleeping in a dream is a sign that you should be more attentive to your affairs. Otherwise, you may miss out on a profitable business.

If you are sleeping in a dream, then be afraid of being late to do something. Your slowness will prevent you from achieving success.

Sleeping on the street in a dream means that your affairs will worsen and your financial situation will be shaken. Sleeping on a veranda or balcony in a dream is a sign of the futility of your hopes and obstacles in business. Sleeping on the road or on the go in a dream is a harbinger of failure.

Sleeping in your own bed in a dream means that you should take care of your health.

Sleeping in the same bed with a loved one is a warning about the need to be vigilant and wary of rivals.

Waking up from sleep in a dream is a sign of renewed hope, success or great luck in business. To be sleepwalking in a dream is a harbinger of a change in weather. See interpretation: overnight stay, bedroom, mirror, face.

Interpretation of dreams from the Family Dream Book

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See in a dream Sleep

Waking up in a dream.

Tip of the day: trust your intuition these days.

Seeing people sleeping.

Tip of the day: you are not using all your capabilities and skills.

Try something you've almost forgotten how to do

Interpretation of dreams from the Self-Teacher on Dream Interpretation

Dream about Sleeping

To dream that you are sleeping or about to go to bed: is a sign of your inaction and inattention.

If the atmosphere of sleep somehow weighs on you at the same time, if you are going to go to bed in a good mood: it seems that in reality you really should forget about some of your troubles and problems for a while, perhaps they will be solved by themselves or after resting , you will find some good way to solve them.

Interpretation of dreams from

Wow, you had a pretty unusual dream, didn't you? The dream in which you fall asleep cannot be interpreted unambiguously. First, let us warn you - based on the details of this dream, you can tell a lot about a person’s emotional foundation, his tolerance and torment. So, why do you dream that you are lucky enough to sleep in a dream?

Interpretation of individual subjects

Do you need to be alone, meet with friends, or forget about things?

We advise the reader to fully concentrate on the details of his recent dream, to literally imagine the picture. What happened, how did you fall asleep, where was it, did they wake you up? Only by putting together a complete puzzle from fragmentary memories will the reader be able to interpret his dream.

Our website will give you all the necessary information, just tune in, evaluate your sleep with a sober look, remember all the circumstances and we will begin. So, find an interpretation for your dream and enjoy the prediction:

  • I dreamed of a sleeping child. A sleeping cute creature in your dream symbolizes creative inclinations, ideas that you never dare to implement in real life. The subconscious is literally screaming at you - make up your mind;
  • Mother sleeps. Seeing a sleeping mother in your dream means staying safe. Surprisingly, according to dream books, a mother in a dream is always a symbol of security and purity of thoughts;
  • Dear sister fell asleep. Watching your sister while she sleeps. A dream with a similar plot symbolizes significant losses that will have to be endured. It is recommended to wait for some time after the dream, without getting involved in adventures, deals or taking on important projects, to be more careful in everything;
  • Your brother fell asleep while in your dream. The dream foretells excellent understanding between you and relatives, friends and colleagues. You have finally begun to trust each other, so you no longer need to be afraid of betrayal;
  • You felt sleepy. If you dreamed that you wanted to sleep in a personal dream, then such dreams symbolize your capriciousness. You are used to doing something first, and only then thinking about the reason for your action. Dream books recommend that the dreamer takes life more seriously, and such a dream is only a reminder of a too idle lifestyle;
  • Lots of people sleeping. The vision showed you many people who had fallen asleep, which means you have to show yourself in all your glory. Use your talents, surpass everyone, become much smarter and better in a certain matter, which will bring you one step closer to your cherished goal;
  • A group of two or three people who sleep nearby. Not the most rosy dream, in the near future the dreamer’s reputation will be affected by gossip that will be spread by neighbors, colleagues or just acquaintances of not the most distant mind; one should also beware of betrayals;
  • A little boy. After such a dream, prosperity will come to your abode, peace will come to your soul, and life will be full of adventures for every day;
  • The baby sleeps, after having yelled and cried thoroughly. The vision predicts a troubled life; at least for some time after the dream, you will be faced with far from pleasant troubles, minor everyday problems and minor quarrels with or without any reason with the people around you;
  • An animal fell asleep, namely a cat. The cat, who considered it his duty to fall asleep in your abode of dreams, is a symbol of a series of betrayals and deceptions that will happen in your life, but which will not cause you much trouble, will be revealed quickly, and the conscience of the people who attacked your honor will ache for a long time;
  • You were lucky enough to fall asleep in nature. While relaxing in nature you fell asleep, in which case this dream means the submission of your enemies, they hid or realized that you are much stronger and smarter, so it is a futile matter to compete with you;
  • You fell asleep in a wedding dress. Falling asleep in a wedding dress in your dreams, especially before the wedding, is a bad sign. Most likely, a wedding in real life will not happen, your expectations will be destroyed without due diligence;
  • We went to bed naked. A dream with a similar plot predicts shame for the dreamer, destruction of reputation, terrible gossip that will be believed;
  • You fell asleep in a hammock. Sleeping on a hammock in your dreams is a great sign - you will be able to maintain a good mood, will not betray your principles and will remain an incorrigible optimist in any life situation, which will help you make the right decision and move forward no matter what;
  • You fell asleep, we apologize, in a coffin. Yes, a terrible dream, but a positive interpretation cannot but rejoice - a very long life awaits you, all dream books unanimously recognize the vision in which you had to sleep in a coffin as a harbinger of a long life filled with love and affection;
  • You fell asleep on the street, in a busy area. Many dream books project a dream with this plot onto real life, namely, you will sleep through the most important events of your life, and then you will regret more than ever before such irresponsibility and indecision to refuse your urges and bad habits;
  • We fell asleep on the grass. And these dreams are interpreted extremely positively, just like falling asleep in a coffin. So, if you are lucky enough to fall asleep on soft grass, a carefree life awaits you, filled with fun, creativity and love. You will live it without betrayal, of course. if you yourself are a good person;

Interpretation of dreams by famous personalities and dream books, Vanga, Miller, Freud and the sorceress Medea

  1. Dream Interpretation of Medea. The sorceress characterizes such a vision as a unique opportunity given to the dreamer, because he will be able to express his feelings, show his skills only by trusting his heart, without making special plans, simply trusting his intuition and special, “human logic”;
  2. Miller's interpretation. The psychologist warns that the dream is quite dangerous; betrayals and betrayals are not uncommon, which, however, will be easily revealed by you. Another thing is what scars they will leave on your soul, how quickly the dreamer will leave them depends only on him;
  3. Interpretation of Vanga. The Bulgarian seer associates such a dream with deception, betrayal and gossip. You shouldn’t trust all people, you shouldn’t tell even your closest friends about all the nooks and crannies of your soul;
  4. Dream book of Sigmund Freud. Freud gets to the root of it, and the double dream symbolizes a lack of sexual contact.

Sleeping in a dream symbolizes a person’s mental and moral state, his readiness for change and moving forward. To figure out what such a dream means, you should carefully analyze what you saw, remember the dream in detail, and turn to the dream book for a hint.

In Hasse's dream book, the meaning of sleep is to sleep in the fresh air, and is interpreted as a quick trip or an upcoming journey. Dozing in transport means carrying out trade affairs and connections; in church - you need to be wary of slander and intrigue from ill-wishers; with relatives - staying in a state of peace and security. Resting on the balcony speaks of the fulfillment of the dreamer’s hopes and dreams; in the estate is one of the cherished desires to come true.

Medey's dream book interprets such a dream as a sign that a person is drowning out his own intuition with the voice of reason. You need to learn to trust and listen to your inner voice, because in the near future, with the help of intuition, a person can achieve a lot.

The need for a respite, a delay or a pause in solving any issues and problems, this is what it means to sleep in a dream, according to the theory of psychologist Megetti.

I dreamed that I was sleeping

Why do you dream about going to bed? This vision characterizes a missed moment in real life, a desire to step away from business, to relieve oneself of burdensome duties and responsibilities. Also, such an image can be deciphered by the dream book as deception and insidious intrigues, which a sleeping person can “fall for”. , For a girl, seeing herself sleeping in a dream foretells the occurrence of extraordinary events that can affect both the personal and business spheres. The young lady should devote more time to rest, since fatigue can be one of the reasons for deterioration in productivity at work.

Wanting to sleep in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the physical and moral fatigue of a sleeping person. This is the first bell that warns the dreamer that if he continues to neglect his health, something irreparable may happen. Only a normal approach to work, and the alternation of rest and work, will ensure prosperity and a decent financial position for a person.

The place where the dreamer sleeps

Sleeping on the street, in the open air in a dream, is interpreted by the dream book as impending trips or travels. For business people, this vision speaks of possible business trips going abroad, for travelers - the opportunity to go on an exciting trip.

Some dream books ambiguously interpret what it means to dream of sleeping on the ground. On the one hand, the vision presupposes respect from superiors and honor among colleagues, and on the other hand, it means that through his carelessness, the sleeping person will allow into his inner circle a person who can deliberately bring harm and trouble to the dreamer’s home.

Sleeping on the floor is interpreted by the dream book as a subconscious search for protection and stability. A dirty floor represents the neglect of a sleeping person’s affairs, which he cannot sort out without outside help. Also, this dream may concern the home environment and relationships between household members; in order not to miss anything important, the dreamer should devote more time to his loved ones.

Most dream books negatively interpret what it means to dream of sleeping in a bed. Having your own bed portends a long-term illness or deterioration in the general condition of the body. To avoid this, you should devote more time to rest and recovery, without pushing yourself to the extreme.

For people who had to sleep in water in a dream, the dream book advises them to give themselves emotional release, since nerves, strained to the limit, can shoot out at the most inopportune moment. Extreme sports and active pastime are well suited for this.

Sleeping on a table, according to the dream book, means that a person strives to stay as far away from noisy companies as possible, preferring to be alone with himself. Fun parties do not evoke positive emotions in the dreamer, but, on the contrary, depress him.

A dream in which I had to sleep in a cemetery in a dream has a negative interpretation. This picture indicates that a person should pay close attention to his health. It is necessary to urgently consult a doctor and do all the necessary tests. However, you shouldn’t beat yourself up ahead of time, most likely the disease will turn out to be harmless and easily curable.

People who happened to sleep on a grave in a dream should not worry or worry about this. In most cases, the dream indicates severe physical fatigue and moral devastation. To improve your vitality, you should relax a little and spend a few weekends in nature.

If a person who has health problems in reality had to sleep in a coffin in a dream, then, as the dream book states, one should not be careless about one’s illness, since it can cause great consequences and affect future well-being.

Dozing with someone in a dream

Despite the terrible sight and some confusion after what he saw, sleeping with a dead person in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a rather favorable sign, which is deciphered as a healthy and long life for the sleeping person.

For a woman, sleeping with her deceased husband in a dream, according to the dream book, means troubles that will affect the dreamer’s personal and business sphere. If the young lady has already married for the second time, it means that in real life, the girl will have a small disagreement with her current husband.

For a young girl to sleep with a man in a dream, the dream book foreshadows the threat of being deceived. The man with whom the young lady has a love relationship will not be able to live up to the dreamer’s hopes in real life. A married woman in bed with an unfamiliar man foretells a pleasant surprise from her husband.

If a young lady has recently quarreled with her chosen one, there is no doubt why she dreams of sleeping with her beloved. The dream book indicates a quick reconciliation, a renewed feeling of love and romance between partners.

Sleeping with a guy in a dream may be a sign for a young lady not to focus on the joint problems that affected the couple, but to pay attention to the relationship between her and her chosen one.

The inability to forget or forgive your ex-boyfriend, unanswered questions and unfinished business between former lovers is what dreams of sleeping with your ex-boyfriend mean.

For a man sleeping with a woman, the dream book foretells a dubious or precarious position at work, problems with finances or with mutual understanding between family members.

Putting a child to bed in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as the dreamer’s fatigue from minor troubles and problems. A woman in reality should take a break from her household duties, a man should devote more attention to his family and children.

A dream in which the dreamer has to sleep “jack” with some person speaks of the opposing aspirations of people. For a woman dozing in this position with her own husband, the dream book indicates the existence of a misunderstanding between the spouses, a struggle of characters and different goals. Until the spouses come to a common denominator, one should not hope for the fulfillment of desires and aspirations.

A positive interpretation has a vision in which people in love happened to sleep in an embrace. The dream book speaks of harmony and mutual understanding in a couple, acting in unison and striving for the same goal.

Seeing someone dozing

Watching a child sleep in a dream is interpreted by the dream book as a certain shyness and naivety of the dreamer, personifying a person’s helplessness in front of the world around him. A baby’s anxious sleep speaks of impending problems that will undermine a person’s mental and moral state.

If a baby sleeps peacefully, snoring peacefully through his nose, it means that in real life all important matters will go smoothly, and his undertakings will be successful. If a mother admires a dozing baby in a dream, then harmony, peace and tranquility will come in the young lady’s life.

For a mother, a sleeping daughter in a dream, the dream book promises pleasant changes in life, profit, prosperity and well-being. For a father, such a picture portends calmness and tranquility, the ability to concentrate on work.

If you dream that your husband is sleeping in someone else’s bed, then you should prepare for a surprise that will be unpleasant. In some cases, the dream book speaks of the betrayal of the faithful, or his reluctance to have offspring.

If a stranger sleeps in the dreamer’s house, then you should prepare for the unexpected arrival of uninvited guests.

To see a mother sleeping in a dream, the dream book predicts peace, harmony and tranquility in the family. To find out more about what such a vision means in a dream, you should pay attention to the posture of the mother. If mom is dozing on her stomach, then fun and happiness will illuminate the dreamer’s house. If on the back there are unforeseen circumstances that a person can quickly cope with.

If a guy dreams of a sleeping girl, it means that there will be harmony and peace in the relationship between lovers. For a young man to see a sleeping woman, previously unfamiliar, in a dream, speaks of pleasant acquaintances in reality, which can positively affect a person’s career.

If in a girl’s dream, an unfamiliar man sleeps in her husband’s place, then, according to the dream book, the dreamer will experience unexpected joy or a pleasant surprise that the chosen one will present in reality.

The need to pay close attention to your health and well-being is what you see in a dream in which a dead person sleeps on a person’s bed.

Why do you dream about a sleeping girlfriend? The dream speaks of dramatic changes in the life of a friend, which will entail changes in the life of the dreamer.

Why do you dream of a sleeping cat? A person’s awareness of the emergence of difficulties, but the inability to influence or warn him. If a pet is dozing in a dream, then such a picture indicates peace and well-being in the house.

Seeing a cat sleeping in a relaxed state, basking in the sun in the yard, is a sign that ill-wishers have relaxed their vigilance and will not bother the dreamer with treachery in the near future.

It is useful to know what a sleeping rat means in a dream. This image means that a person will get rid of remorse and feelings of guilt that have tormented him lately. The vision also indicates getting rid of embitterment, feelings of hostility towards someone.

If a young lady dreams of a sleeping dog, it means that in reality the person is tormented by a feeling of uncertainty, and also indicates the unpredictability of the partner in the relationship.

If a young lady dreamed of a sleeping snake, it means that soon the dreamer will have a chance to spend time with her children and enjoy their company.

The mysterious and not fully studied kingdom of Morpheus amazes with the stunning variety of visions and images that arise in a sleeping person. Their interpretation is given by dream books that collect information based on long-term observations and subsequent analysis. Let’s try to figure out what a dream means in a dream using the most popular sources.

ABC of dream interpretation

In this dream book, sleeping and then suddenly waking up means that now you can completely rely on your own intuition. You must do everything possible to prevent the voice of reason from drowning out your natural instincts and ability to foresight. The appearance of other sleeping people in a dream is a sign that your capabilities are not being fully used, and there are still many reserves that need to be used.

Ancient dream book

If you have to go to bed in a dream, it means there is a high probability of being deceived by someone close or distant. Seeing yourself fast asleep portends great surprise, and when another person sleeps, it is a sign that you need to remain constantly vigilant. Trying to wake up a sleeping person means a call for caution and caution.

Esoteric dream book

The interpretation of what it means to dream about sleeping in a dream, from an esoteric point of view, is as follows. Such a vision may indicate the dreamer’s readiness to receive the necessary information through dreams and use it in his daily life. Before going to bed, you need to mentally say what question you would like to know the answer to. You need to try to remember everything you see and consolidate it in your memory.

Dream book of the past

When a sleeping person dreams that he is sleeping, it means that there is some kind of insoluble situation in his life. Subconsciously, he tries to delay an important solution to this problem, because he is not sure which way out will be better. Sleeping in your dream symbolizes the need to delay making important decisions.

Sleeping in a dream - what is it for?

Dream book of psychologist Loff

From the point of view of a famous psychologist, the state of sleep in one’s own dreams means the body’s vulnerability to external factors. At such moments, a person is practically unable to protect himself or his loved ones. Such disarmament and helplessness can give rise to an anxious state, resulting either in a feeling of relief or in a desire to hurt other people.

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

If during sleep you have a vision that you are sleeping or about to go to bed, it means that there is a lack of initiative and activity in your life. Such a vision most often symbolizes inaction, passivity and inattention to detail.

If the dreams in your sleep are severe, it means that your inaction can lead to unpleasant consequences. Reconsider your approach to life; active actions can significantly improve its quality. When you go to bed in a good mood, it means that in real life you can expect an unexpected resolution of long-standing problems.

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