Home Prosthetics and implantation Is 1C an ERP system? Erp enterprise management 2 tutorial.

Is 1C an ERP system? Erp enterprise management 2 tutorial.

The 1C company, specializing in the production of accounting programs and corporate business applications, is very popular thanks to the company’s flagship product - the 1C: Enterprise program. What are the 1C line of business application products?

The 1C:Enterprise 8 program line includes two components:

1. Platform.(A software product not intended for independent use or solving business problems, but serving as the basis for the functioning of application solutions produced by 1C)

2. Application solutions on the platform (configurations). (A set of components that have the necessary functionality to solve specific problems. Intended for use by the end user. The purchase of any application solution implies the installation of a platform (kernel). Several application solutions can be installed on one platform. That is, the platform is installed once, the necessary solutions are purchased and installed separately)

For a more complete picture of the corporate business system, we list its main features.

Signs of an ERP system:

1. Multifunctionality.

2. Modularity.

3. Multi-vector.

4. Reliability.

5. Deep analytics.

So, does 1C contain all the listed characteristics? Let's look at it in order.

Multifunctionality. All business line products 1C are divided into separate solutions that provide tools for managing production tasks. 1C itself calls them “configurations”. Configurations can be narrowly functional, hybrid and wide-ranging. Narrowly focused ones, such as “Accounting”, “Trade Management”, “Consolidation” are programmed to solve specific problems: accounting, sales management, formation of analytics. For medium-sized companies without a hierarchical structure, they are quite suitable for solving everyday problems and conducting business activities. In addition, by connecting two configurations through data exchange (1C supports the ability to exchange data between the family of its branded products) “Accounting” and “Trade Management”, you can get double functionality. Those. in “Accounting”, along with taking into account wages and fixed assets, sales will be visible, analytics for which was carried out in the “Trade Management” configuration. The symbiosis of these two programs specifically can be obtained using the “Retail Enterprise Management” configuration, which contains the functionality of the mentioned configurations, but all data, functions and capabilities are already combined into one system and do not require additional reboots. From the point of view of convenience and completeness of functions, the “Trade Enterprise Management” configuration meets all the requirements of most trading companies, and from the point of view of 1C it is a hybrid product, because combines the functionality of the “Accounting” and “Trade Management” configurations. This begs the question about the appropriateness of releasing two separate configurations, if you can purchase the functionality of both in one configuration. On the one hand, this is true, but on the other, you need to understand that not all companies and entrepreneurs need all the “USP” functionality to record sales, to record 5-10 transactions per month on a single tax. In addition, the wider the functionality, the correspondingly higher the price of the software. And so the buyer has a choice between inexpensive and narrow-profile and more expensive, but with expanded functionality.

There are also very multifunctional configurations such as: “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, “Consolidation”. These solutions cover almost all possible processes occurring in an enterprise and are equipped with powerful analytical tools. And even these configurations can be expanded and customized for specific business tasks, using the capabilities built into the platform in the built-in 1C programming language.

Those. 1C software products are initially multifunctional and expandable.

Modularity.A module is a program code presented on the user side in the form of logically integrated functionality around a certain business process (for example: sales management, inventory management, production and costing).

Program 1C consists of modules. There are standard (system) modules that are responsible for launching the program, displaying menus, etc., and there are those that help users solve specific tasks. The meaning of the word system implies the integration of something into a coherent mechanism, and an ERP system implies the integration of program modules into one whole to achieve the common goal of the company - managing business activities.

In 1C, modules are combined into one whole system. For example, issued sales documents from the “sales management” module are linked to the “taxes” module, forming a relationship between the extract of the document “Invoice” and the extract of the document “Tax invoice”. With the help of reports, accountants can track the amount of VAT obligations by writing out missing tax documents. Thus, operations are performed by two different modules, but are interconnected. Accordingly, the more functional modules in the configuration, the more time the developer spent on development and the more expensive the cost of the software for the end user. Therefore, when purchasing solutions from 1C, you need to pay attention to whether the program is complete with modules (solutions) that are included in the basic functionality. Without understanding it, you can purchase a program cluttered with unnecessary and extensive functionality, or, on the contrary, buy a minimal set, spend money but still not solve pressing problems.

Multi-vector. Thanks to our own built-in language based on the 1C platform, you can model an almost unlimited number of solutions, including individual ones. That's why 1C solutions multi-vector thanks to both the functionality originally built into ready-made solutions and the ability to expand it using open source code.

Reliability.The reliability of any ERP system is determined by two factors: external and internal. An external factor is the hardware on which the program operates. It is not directly related to the program itself, but its performance and quality affects the quality of all programs installed on this PC. And the internal factor is the architecture of the program itself (separation of user rights, type and structure of the database, database errors, deadlocks).

External factor.The server or simply a personal computer on which 1C is installed must correspond to the expected load and scale of the company’s activities. For example, if you plan to use a file database with 5-10 active users, then an average PC with 2-3 GB of RAM will do. This is approximately the kind of PC that most users now have at home or at work. If it is assumed that the number of users will exceed 50, in this case you cannot do without a server with 8-16 GB of RAM and a client-server version of the database. Do not count on stable, reliable operation of the system if you organize the work of 40 users in a file-based distributed database located on an average PC (2 GB of RAM). Everything needs to be correlated and calculated.

Internal factor.Separation of user rights. Well, for example, if you have 2 program administrators, then they can carry out global actions in the program inconsistently (re-posting documents, loading balances, exchanging RIB data), which can lead to deadlocks, errors and data loss. Therefore, the correct assignment of rights to users, including program administrators, is a guarantee of reliable operation of the program within the program itself. It is also necessary to correctly distribute the load on the system over time. If, say, during the day the maximum load is placed on the program by actively working users, then it is inappropriate to carry out administrative procedures at the same time (deleting documents, exchanging RIB data, re-posting documents for the period). It is better to perform administrative procedures at night, or at any other time when the program is minimally loaded.

Deep analytics. Analytics in 1C is divided into three types: activity results, current indicators and planning. All three types are interconnected and function in close connection, which makes it possible to obtain accurate indicators.

Each 1C configuration in the basic delivery is equipped with the necessary reports and processing for complete analytics of the activities of the entire economic circuit implemented in the configuration. Additionally, it is possible to use external reports written to order (they do not have to be built into the program), thus expanding the analytics. And as mentioned earlier in 1C, the functional areas of the program (modules) are combined with each other, forming the same connection in analytical tools, thereby ensuring convenience and quality of access to information.

Conclusion.1C company produces software products that correspond to ERP systems. First of all, this is the flagship product “Manufacturing Enterprise Management”, which is really very broad in functionality and covers all contours of economic activity. Of course, ERP systems cannot include narrowly focused, small software products designed to automate small business activities. The 1C program platform includes all the basic features of the system, namely: multi-functionality, modularity, multi-vector, reliability and analytical tools.

The presence of an ERP system is the most important means of increasing a company's capitalization, regardless of the efficiency of its operation. This is always justified, since the presence of a system, although it does not indicate perfect management, does confirm the absence of managerial chaos.

Therefore, not all, but some software developments of the 1C company can be called ERP systems, because they fully realize the ability to manage the business activities of the company.

If you have questions about the 1C program or are planning to buy 1C Enterprise, contact our consultants for an initial consultation on choosing a solution and building an information architecture.


1C:ERP Brief overview of configuration settings

Brief Introduction

1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 is a software product on the 1C:Enterprise platform, which replaced such a solution as 1C:Manufacturing Enterprise Management.

1C:ERP provides the ability to maintain the following types of accounting:

  • Managerial
  • Accounting and tax, financial accounting (IFRS)
  • Operational
1C company specialists had fun and worked from the heart, so after the first edition of 1C:ERP 2.0, edition 2.1 was released relatively soon, followed by version 2.2 (current at the time of writing). It is important to understand that these are not just release version changes! The production management subsystem significantly changes its functionality in each version of the program.
It is also worth noting separately the questions on preparation for the “1C: Professional” certificate... There were probably so many jambs of inconsistencies in the wording and answer options in none of the sets of questions.
Now to the point :)

Initial Configuration Settings

You need to start working with the program with the settings that belong to the “Research and Administration” subsystem. And let's start by listing the main sections that need to be configured (this is a minimal list, we won't go without it) first of all
  • Section "Enterprise"
    Define an organization (To be able to maintain records for several organizations, you must enable the "Multiple organizations" option)
    For each organization, indicate the accounting policy
    If records are kept for several organizations, indicate a prefix for each of them
    Specify the work schedule of the enterprise
    Set the "Multiple currencies" flag if there are other currencies besides the Russian ruble
  • Section "Nomenclature"
    Indicate the need to use several types of nomenclature
    Indicate the need to use series and characteristics
    Specify the units of measurement used
  • "Sales" section
  • Section "Purchases"
  • Section "Warehouse and delivery"
    Indicate the need to use multiple warehouses
    Indicate the need to use the delivery management subsystem
    Indicate the need to use movement and internal consumption of goods
It is important to understand that this MINIMUM necessary settings! And of course! This list does not even reflect 10% of what needs to be accomplished before you stop being a bad developer and become a good one in the eyes of your Customer/Management/RP, etc. But first things first.
I can recommend that you familiarize yourself (for a quick start) with the course from the resource "Courses-on-1C.rf":

So where do we start? Let's start with how both solutions describe the economic model of the enterprise.

In 1C:UPP we have parallel independent management and regulated accounting. To do this, in the documents we indicate the compliance of the management unit and divisions of the organization, and also use the “Reflect in” flags to regulate in what type of accounting the documents should be reflected. Thus, synchronous parallel reflection of data in different types of accounting is carried out.

The construction principle in the 1C:ERP configuration is different. All economic activities are reflected within the framework of operational accounting. The concept of economic activity and the principle of its financial assessment are clearly separated. In this case, a financial assessment can be given according to any standards (RAS, IFRS or any accepted internal standards of the enterprise). Moreover, this financial assessment is done using the deferred method.

How does this affect the structure of the enterprise? First of all, departments and divisions of organizations are divided according to the tasks they solve. The organizational structure of organizations is reflected in the “Divisions” list; this directory solves exclusively personnel accounting problems.

Enterprise structure - used for prompt reflection of accounting documents in the system and for maintaining cost accounting for both management and accounting purposes. The composition of such units is determined by management goals, so in a sense, operational and management units form a single whole.

All transactions are reflected in operational accounting. This allows you to manage the enterprise and make decisions based on the analysis of all data. If some transaction needs to be reflected only for the purposes of regulated accounting, for this purpose certain transactions are provided for documents that are indicated in them, and the document is reflected only for regulated accounting. As a result, information on such documents will not affect operational management data.

1C:ERP is advisable to use for those enterprises where the accounting principles for management and regulated accounting correlate with each other.

Reflection of trading activities

An important issue for any company is the reflection of trading activities.

What are the main differences?

In 1C:UPP, trading activities with counterparties are carried out within the framework of a counterparty or agreement. Mutual settlements can be detailed before the order, invoice or payment document.

The concept of Partner (new directory) has been introduced into 1C:ERP. This is a directory of holding units or group of companies. The Contractors directory is actually a legal directory. Persons For each partner, you can define one or more counterparties. You can track mutual settlements by partners.

The main tool of 1C:UPP is the buyer's order. Within the order, you can use reports to track the volume of deliveries and the amount of debt. And when making payments using settlement documents, the number of days in debt.

In 1C:ERP it is possible to track orders by status: agreed, approved, for shipment, etc. And what is important, business processes for order approval have appeared. The mechanisms for visualizing the status of an order in the list of orders have been expanded (pictograms reflecting the importance of orders, color markers, obtaining transcripts of orders by pressing one button), which allows the user to quickly assess the situation. Convenient mechanisms for prompting work with an order have appeared: if an order requires a mandatory advance payment, it cannot be transferred to execution until payment is registered, accordingly, this order will not be reflected in the implementation generation workplace. All this reduces the erroneous generation of documents without complying with delivery conditions.

In 1C:UPP, to track conditions under a contract (obligation to sell certain products or make a sale for an amount), conditions are specified using the document “Conditions under contracts”, and control is carried out by the corresponding report. There is no automatic tracking of compliance of a specific implementation with the conditions or order in the functionality.

New tools have been added to 1C:ERP - standard and individual agreements. Partners can be assigned one sales condition, uniform discounts/markups, which is fixed in a standard agreement. And these indicators will apply to all legal entities (Counterparties) included in the holding or group of companies.

A separate individual agreement can be established for an individual counterparty.

A mechanism has been implemented to monitor compliance of sales or deliveries with the agreement specified for a partner or counterparty. Control is carried out on the volume of delivery, price and conditions (advance payment, assigned discounts, etc.)

In 1C:UPP, discounts and markups can be assigned for a counterparty, for an item, or a price group of an item, for volume, by period.

In 1C:ERP, the mechanism for assigning and calculating discounts/markups, the conditions for assigning discounts/markups using the displacement mechanism (one discount/markup displaces another if the condition for its application occurs) has been significantly expanded.

Also, many users find it very convenient that 1C:ERP implements a mechanism for downloading prices from Excel.

Inventory control

In 1C:UPP, warehouses are a mandatory accounting section. The need to keep records of characteristics and series is specified for each item. You can maintain an order warehouse (use an incoming and outgoing warehouse order, where the storekeeper indicates only the counterparty, incoming/outgoing items and quantity, while price indicators are documented by the accounting department). Whether or not an order warehouse will be used is determined by regulations at the enterprise. In addition, the decision to issue or not to issue orders is made in each individual case, so there is no system control that after implementation a warrant is required or upon receipt the storekeeper created an order - no.

In 1C:ERP, warehouse accounting is enabled optionally. Thus, if a small enterprise does not have separate warehouses (one warehouse), there is no need to separate storage areas by territory, then warehouse accounting can be disabled. This does not mean that reports on warehouse balances cannot be obtained - they are generated in a standard manner. They just don’t have information about which warehouse this balance is in, because... warehouses are not important.

The maintenance of characteristics and series is retained, but these parameters are set for the item type. By series, accounting can be kept informatively (for reference, only for issuing a document) or fully (with receipt of balances for each series).

Maintaining an order scheme in 1C:ERP is optionally enabled for each warehouse. In addition, you can determine for which transactions orders are required - for example, only when written off from a warehouse. The storekeeper's issued sales document is an order to issue an order, which is reflected in his system desktop.

The operations of shipment from one warehouse and acceptance to another warehouse are also separated. This is convenient when warehouses are remote from each other and you need to understand that goods and materials have already been shipped from one warehouse, but they have not yet arrived at another warehouse.

1C:ERP implements a cellular warehouse. You can keep records within the warehouse by premises and work areas.

You can store goods in cells in 2 ways:

  • by reference placement method - in this case, the goods are taken into account in the context of a warehouse (premises), the balances of goods in each cell are not controlled, only the specific storage location of the goods is determined.
  • method of address storage - in this case, goods are taken into account in the context of cells, and control of goods in cells is carried out.

The first method allows you to simply quickly find the product upon shipment, and the cell upon receipt. The second method is aimed specifically at automating and optimizing the processes of placement and selection of goods, taking into account various strategies, and allows you to control weight, volume, cell fullness and other parameters.

Organization of operational management in production

Since ERP-class systems are intended, first of all, to solve the problems of manufacturing enterprises, issues related to the organization of operational management in production are of the greatest interest. What are the main differences between 1C:UPP and 1C:ERP?

In 1C:UPP, all processes are based on the structure of the product. To use planning mechanisms, it is necessary to specify specifications for manufactured products in the system. Because of this, the system places very high demands on the detail of master data, down to each technological operation performed at each technological work center. This approach ensures only strictly sequential execution of the order: first we must complete the full development of technological documentation, and only then begin to manufacture the products that interest us.

In 1C:ERP the approach is different. In fact, the emphasis is on managing production processes. Two-level control is presented, i.e. inter-shop planning and management within the workshop.

Inter-shop planning is the definition and planning of the implementation of production stages; at this point it is enough to describe the products according to the stages being performed. For each stage, you can specify the output products, materials and services that will be required at this stage, as well as the labor costs that are required to complete it. This is a description of the production process. When describing it, you can take into account those factors that are not clearly indicated in the technological documentation and indicate the most realistic deadline in terms of duration.

And the direct execution within the stage of each operation is delegated to the workshop level and detailed technological documentation for the implementation of each stage can be issued at the beginning of its implementation. This allows you to organize parallel work on the product, from the moment the production process begins, to finalize the technological documentation for subsequent stages.

For management at the workshop level, a tool has appeared - a route sheet (for production accounting mode 2.1) or a production stage (for production accounting mode 2.2), in which specific operations to be performed are determined within the execution stage.

The production schedule in 1C:UPP is an operational production schedule that is planned on a continuous time axis. When creating it, the availability of work centers is assessed. Such a schedule is very sensitive to deviations that may occur during its actual implementation, and also places high demands on the speed of feedback for organizing replanning.

In the 1C:ERP application solution, the production schedule is built by intervals. Those. planning is carried out on a discrete time axis, which is divided into planning intervals, which are set individually for each department. Availability control during scheduling is performed for work centers and material resources. This approach means initially introduced temporary redundancy. However, in combination with the operational reflection of the implementation of route sheets/production stages, where deviations in the execution of stages are recorded, it allows reducing the number of cases when re-planning is required. The freedom of the local dispatcher allows the program to be executed within the planned period.

LLC "Chelyabinsk Plant of Mobile Power Installations and Structures"

It produces reliable block-modular equipment for industrial enterprises: fire extinguishing stations, pumping stations, compressor stations, gas separation stations, transformer substations.


The company faced the need to automate structural units: project management, logistics, warehouse, accounting, design department, financial department

Project results:

  1. The time frame for providing project budget estimates has been reduced;
  2. Reduced labor costs for planning and working with the current cash flow budget;
  3. Reduced likelihood of errors during data transfer;
  4. The efficiency of interaction between production services and services that provide production with resources has increased;
  5. Reduced stock of goods in warehouses;
  6. The processes of interaction between the dispatch service and the logistics department have been improved;
  7. The time period for agreeing to pay the supplier's invoice has been reduced;
  8. Increased transparency and visibility of the payment calendar;
  9. Obtaining reliable cost data will allow the plant to be more flexible in its approach to pricing in the future when assessing future projects. Flexible pricing will give it a competitive advantage;
  10. Integration of 1C:ERP with third-party systems;
  11. Financial accounting, treasury and budgeting blocks have been automated.
  • 1C:ERP

ACG Glass Europe

AGC Glass Europe is the European glass division of AGC, the world leader in flat glass. The company manufactures, processes and markets glass for the construction, automotive, solar and high-tech industries.

Situation before the project:

The AGC Russia group of companies has developed a need to update the IT landscape in terms of personnel management and payroll calculation. As part of the project, it was necessary to update the equipment and implement a system that was supposed to maintain personnel records in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation, including the protection of personal data, and the requirements of the territorial bodies of the Federal Tax Service, the Social Insurance Fund and the pension fund.


It was decided to implement the 1C: Salary and Personnel Management CORP system and integrate it with the corporate SAP system. At the same time, it should have been possible to download accruals for food, mobile communications, gasoline, and VHI from Excel; it was necessary to support automatic contributions to the non-state pension fund; create and maintain monthly cards for providing social benefits (vouchers) for employees and their children.

Project results:

  1. Data transfer from SAP HR to 1C:ZUP was carried out;
  2. Exchange interfaces with SAP have been developed;
  3. Maintaining timesheets fully meets the company's needs in terms of data entry, creation of primary documents based on them, and control over the entered data.

  • 1C:ERP

The company "GFK-Rus" is a subsidiary of the German holding company "Gfk Group" and is engaged in conducting various marketing and social studies. For more than 25 years of work on the Russian market, the company's staff has reached one and a half thousand people, several hundred of whom are employees of field departments located in different cities of Russia.

Situation before the project:

Previously, GFK-Rus used the product “1C: Salary and Personnel Management 2.5” as a system for automating personnel records and payroll. However, some operations were carried out manually.

Due to the rapid growth in the number of personnel and the increase in the territorial distribution of departments, the procedure for calculating payments to employees began to take up a lot of personnel and time resources. Moreover, due to the large volumes of data processed, errors due to the human factor often occurred during the calculation process. Subsequently, this inevitably affected the correctness of the enterprise’s personnel records.

In order to optimize the processes associated with personnel records and calculations of payments and deductions from personnel, GFK-Rus required a revision of the automation strategy for these areas and expansion of the profile functionality.

In addition, the company was looking for ways to relieve HR department specialists, freeing them from a large number of routine operations and reducing errors associated with manual performance of costing tasks.

Project results:

  1. The influence of the human factor in the payroll calculation process is minimized;
  2. The functionality of the 1C:ZUP program has been expanded;
  3. HR staff productivity was optimized and increased;
  4. A high level of information security is ensured when working with confidential data of employees and the company;
  5. The mobility and accessibility of personnel has been increased, since the system can be worked through a web client;
  6. It is possible to obtain operational reporting, which is necessary for the company's management to make management decisions regarding the business development strategy.

  • 1C:ERP

Indexeventus company

One of the leading Russian suppliers of equipment for merchandising and POS materials.

Situation before the project:

Before the start of the project to implement 1C:ERP, the Indexeventus company did not have mechanisms for maintaining management accounting in the required analytical sections, and there were no regulated forms of accounting and tax reporting. Some types of reporting had to be generated manually.

Project results:

  1. The time frame for generating regulated reporting has been reduced;
  2. The influence of the human factor is minimized;
  3. Business process management is carried out in a unified information system;
  4. The productivity of employees and the enterprise as a whole has increased;
  5. Automated management accounting in the required analytical sections;
  6. Automated production processes.

  • 1C:ERP

LLC "ELSTER Gaselectronics"
(Nizhny Novgorod)

Russia's leading enterprise in the production of gas measuring equipment, as well as in the deployment and implementation of automated systems for collecting and transmitting data from commercial natural gas metering units (ADS systems) in the industrial and public sector.

Situation before the project:

The information system that was used at the enterprise did not fully meet the client's needs. There were not enough mechanisms for maintaining production records in the required analytical sections; there were no opportunities to analyze production costs and calculate the actual cost of production, or maintain operational accounting of cash flows.

Project results:

  1. Automated production accounting;
  2. The ability to analyze costs and calculate the cost of production is provided;
  3. Automated cash flow accounting;
  4. Optimized accounting and tax accounting in a unified information system;
  5. Employee productivity has increased;
  6. The efficiency of the enterprise has increased;
  7. Management now has the ability to financially plan taking into account various factors and analytical data provided by the system.
  • 1C:ERP

JSC "Krasnoyarsknefteproduct"

The largest commodity distribution network of oil depots and gas stations, consisting of 14 operating distribution oil depots and a retail network of 137 gas stations.

Situation before the project:

Before the project, obsolete software for the corporate accounting system of an outdated version was used. Each branch of the company used its own configuration, constantly being improved on its own. Because of this, the company did not have uniform business process regulations; it was decentralized in unique databases. Tax accounting, consolidated accounting and tax reporting, as well as reconciliation and settlement of intra-company settlements of Krasnoyarsknefteprodukt were prepared manually. This entailed delays in reporting preparation and errors in primary documents due to the human factor.

Project results:

As a result, a unified integrated business management system was introduced, which implements end-to-end business processes: from procurement planning to shipment to customers.
This allowed the KNP:

  1. Monitor consolidated information on most blocks in real time;
  2. Accumulate information on retail and corporate sales from the entire network of gas stations in a single database;
  3. Reduce the number of accounting employees by 4 times (from 120 to 30 people);
  4. Significantly simplify the process of issuing primary documents to corporate clients;
  5. Reduce the time frame for preparing accounting and tax reporting by 2 weeks;
  6. Normalize key directories;
  7. Implement unified contract templates, automatically generated and printed from 1C: Document Flow KORP;
  8. Create a unified IT Service operating according to ITIL;
  9. Put the service desk system into operation.

  • 1C:ERP

JSC "Tyumen Regional Road Maintenance Enterprise"

An enterprise with a powerful fleet of vehicles, with its own production bases, asphalt concrete plants, crushing and screening complexes, bitumen bases

Situation before the project:

Before the project, the customer worked in 25 different databases on Galaktika. In these databases, records were kept of completed road construction work, wages and accounting were calculated. However, not all databases were configured to issue waybills; in some areas, waybills were printed daily in Word or filled out manually on printed forms.

Project results:

  1. Dispatchers' workplaces have been automated;
  2. The process of working with waybills has been accelerated;
  3. From the waybill, a driver’s report card is generated in a single database, that is, the management staff immediately checks accruals (all in one month) without recalculating wages;
  4. A unified database with fuel consumption standards has been created;
  5. It is possible to obtain operational data on all working equipment: where and what is located, what equipment is being repaired, what equipment can be “transferred” and where;
  6. The company's management quickly sees the completed volumes under agreements/contracts in a single database;
  7. The company's business processes have been optimized and become more efficient;
  8. All types of accounting are automated, including tax, accounting and wages in a single system;
  9. The formation of Property Tax has been automated. Equipment fleet – 3500 units.

  • 1C:ERP

Shcherbinsky elevator plant

One of the main manufacturers of elevator equipment, which produces the widest range of elevators and lifts with electric drive in Russia and abroad.

Situation before the project:

The software that was used in the Client’s company to automate sales before the project did not have such capabilities, so the company arose the question of replacing the corporate sales accounting system.

Project results:

  1. The speed of processing orders from customers, servicing them, and preparing the necessary documentation has increased by 2 times;
  2. The number of errors due to human factors has decreased by a third;
  3. The accuracy of planning and forecasting work results has increased;
  4. Customer loyalty has increased by more than 30% due to a reduction in errors due to the human factor;
  5. Internal processes for approving contracts and applications have been accelerated;
  6. Optimized accounting and storage of documents;
  7. The efficiency of settlements with counterparties, inventory management, cost calculation, sales analysis, pricing, ordering, interaction with suppliers and mutual settlements, accounting and storage of contract documents has been optimized and increased.
  • 1C:ERP

Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant

Helicopter manufacturer.

Key issues before the project:

  1. Lack of unified regulatory and reference information (data between different systems had to be compared semi-manually);
  2. Repeated entry of the same data, lack of a “single source of truth”;
  3. Significant time delays between the fact of economic activity, the reflection of primary documents in information systems and the generation of reporting;
  4. High labor costs for accounting;
  5. Moral obsolescence of software products, the complexity of their further maintenance, the difficulty (impossibility) of implementing support for the latest changes in legislation on tax accounting, state defense orders and others.

Project results:

  1. Receipt of regulated reporting has been accelerated by 50%;
  2. Increased transparency and efficiency of accounting;
  3. Labor costs were reduced by 20% by eliminating repeated data entry in different systems;
  4. A unified system of reference books has been created;
  5. The total cost of ownership of accounting process automation systems has been reduced;
  6. The system is developed without significant interference in the logic of a standard software product.

  • 1C:ERP


One of the leading suppliers of medicines and medical products in the pharmaceutical market of Tajikistan.

Situation before the project:

The company experienced difficulties in promptly obtaining complete and reliable reporting from 20 divisions. The goods accounting system was implemented on the basis of MS Access and consisted of separate databases installed in each of the divisions. The system covered 50 workplaces.
The company distributes goods based on expiration dates. Mutual settlements with partners are carried out in the context of several currencies. To consolidate a complex reporting system, accounting data was downloaded into spreadsheets and then merged manually.

Project results:

  1. The accounting system of the enterprise as a whole is centralized;
  2. The work of all participants in the company’s business processes has been simplified and systematized;
  3. The influence of the human factor on reporting is minimized;
  4. The reliability of accounting for all business transactions of the company has been increased;
  5. The process of obtaining reports has been accelerated, the relevance and accuracy of data has increased;
  6. It became possible to control warehouse balances;
  7. Control over compliance with the terms of the company's shares has been strengthened;
  8. The processes of mutual settlements and goods distribution have become more transparent;
  9. The procedure for monitoring and controlling the company’s funds has been improved;
  10. Compliance with the conditions of storage and sale of medicines is ensured.
  • 1C:ERP

Company "Basis"

Research and production enterprise "Basis" develops and produces power and communications electronic equipment, LED lighting equipment for general and special purposes.

Situation before the project:

All divisions of the enterprise worked in different information systems. Accounting for materials and their write-off for production was carried out manually. There was no operational information about current balances, and there was no possibility of distributing purchasing tasks. As a result, there was a shortage of materials; it was not possible to consolidate information about all orders accepted for work and evaluate their feasibility.

Project results:

  1. The volume of shipped products increased by 20% over the year;
  2. The number of simultaneously processed orders in production increased by 2.5 times;
  3. It was possible to reduce labor intensity and reduce the time for data processing by enterprise employees;
  4. The efficiency of generating and receiving reporting data has been increased;
  5. The efficiency of making management decisions has been increased;
  6. The efficiency of the processes for generating and receiving reports has been increased.
  • 1C:ERP

"PC Transport Systems"

A Russian company that has combined the competencies of experienced specialists in the production of urban electric transport. It was established in 2013 as part of a large machine-building holding.

Situation before the project:

The company experienced difficulties in working with the 1C:ERP software product, which was installed by the contractor in 2014. In this regard, the company faced problems in production accounting and obtaining consolidated reporting for the enterprise. Online display of records of materials consumed and products produced was also labor-intensive, making it impossible to obtain prompt and up-to-date data on material balances in warehouses.

Project results:

  1. Automated generation of consolidated reporting for all areas of the enterprise’s activities;
  2. Thanks to automatic calculation of product costs, production costs are reduced;
  3. The likelihood of errors associated with the human factor is minimized;
  4. The process of coordinating and approving applications for spending funds has been automated;
  5. The document flow process is fully automated and regulated;
  6. Procurement planning has been introduced, orders to suppliers are formed based on data analysis;
  7. Production operates entirely within the accounting system;
  8. Accelerated receipt of complete and up-to-date information on the state of affairs in production so that management can make informed and prompt decisions;
  9. Company employees have the opportunity to control the processes of mutual settlement with counterparties and track receivables. Accounting for operational activities has become more transparent.
  • 1C:ERP

Kasimovsky Instrument Plant

Branch of OJSC "GRPZ". One of the leading manufacturers and suppliers of medical and laboratory equipment.

Situation before the project:

Before the start of the project, the functionality of the existing PrIZ production accounting and planning system did not meet the needs of the Kasimovsky Instrument Plant and its new workshop No. 382. As a result, there was no automated operational production planning, no control over product output and no control over work in progress. In addition, there was no possibility to take into account marriage.

Project results:

  1. A production circuit was developed and implemented in a new workshop of the plant;
  2. Increased production speed;
  3. Transparency of the production cycle and product release stage is ensured;
  4. Control of warehouse balances has been strengthened;
  5. The efficiency of production planning and management has been increased.
  6. The possibility of operational production planning, control of work in progress and balance is provided;
  7. The registration of marriage was organized.

  • 1C:ERP

Neon Art

The Neon-Art company is the largest player in the market for the production of outdoor advertising and visual communications.

Situation before the project:

Before the project, Neon-Art-M LLC employees worked in a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. There they also kept management records, operational reporting, and counted money, costs, and budgets.

Project results:

  1. A “seamless” integration of 1C:ERP with 1C:Document Flow was carried out;
  2. Production accounting is provided, which allows for the calculation of actual and standard costs, cost accounting and depreciation calculations;
  3. Automation of the sales management process made it possible to quickly process customer orders and generate price lists;
  4. Automated management and operational accounting;
  5. The ability to promptly receive reporting, both managerial and regulated, is provided;
  6. Uninterrupted and prompt communication with counterparties has been established.

  • 1C:ERP

Agrocluster LLC "Fragaria"
(Lipetsk region)

The main activity is the cultivation of fruit and berry crops and the production of semi-finished products from berries and fruits.

The peculiarity of the implementation of 1C:ERP was that the project started when production had not yet started. Fragaria was just building the plant and forming processes together with consultants from Ukraine, Germany and Italy, and specialists from the First BIT company were automating them at the same time.

Project results:

  1. Accounting is provided for the collection of berries by picker, date, sectors, varieties and batches;
  2. Payroll calculations taking into account KPIs are carried out in real time;
  3. The wages of pickers are calculated taking into account the number of berries collected;
  4. Mobile berry weighing points have been implemented to enter information about the harvest;
  5. Automated production accounting for cost calculation;
  6. The influence of the human factor in the transfer and consolidation of data on the number of berries collected and the calculation of wages taking into account this data is minimized;
  7. It became possible to obtain operational data on the total amount of collected raw materials.
  8. Automation of accounting, tax and personnel records according to Russian standards;
  9. A unified information environment has been created for maintaining regulated accounting, which is closely related to production accounting;
  10. A berry picking accounting system has been developed that provides accounting of berries directly on the field in the context of pickers.

  • 1C:ERP

(Saint Petersburg)

Manufactures and supplies “black” forgings, mechanically and heat-treated blanks. The company is a partner in Russia of the world's leading companies working in the field of metallurgy and supplies metallurgical semi-finished products for manufacturers of equipment for nuclear and thermal energy and shipbuilding.

Situation before the project:

Automation of operational processes in the company was carried out on the basis of the software product “1C: Trade Management 11.1”. This software product was relevant at the time of its implementation, however, due to improvements in the system, the program has not been updated since 2014. Regulated accounting was carried out on the basis of the software product “1C: Enterprise Accounting 2.0”, while there was no exchange with “1C: Trade Management 11.1”, all data was entered manually. With the advent of the requirements under Federal Law 275, the functionality of the program “1C: Trade Management 11.1” did not allow full accounting of the enterprise’s activities. The increased number of orders from tollers also complicated the introduction of accounting in the system, since 1C: Trade Management 11.1 did not have the appropriate mechanisms for accounting for tolling schemes.

Project results:

  1. It was possible to build a modern and convenient system for managing the operational activities of the enterprise;
  2. Made the transition from “1C: Enterprise Accounting 2.0” to version 3.0;
  3. Data exchange is configured;
  4. Reduced labor costs for entering documentation;
  5. The likelihood of errors when entering data into the system has been reduced.

  • 1C:ERP

The first BIT, using 1C:ERP Enterprise Management, automated 154 jobs, creating a management system for workshop storerooms at JSC GRPZ

Despite the large volumes of products produced, the accounting of workshop inventories at the enterprise was not automated and integrated with the automated control system central warehouse system. Employees of the enterprise could not track and control inventory balances in production departments, and therefore the cost of work in progress (WIP) at the enterprise exceeded acceptable levels. Reporting was generated manually, and deadlines were measured in days

Project results: Enterprise employees were able to track and control inventory balances in production departments in real time. WIP has been inventoried. There is a tendency towards their decrease. It takes a few minutes to generate reports. There is no need to manually enter data; it is automatically transmitted from the shop storeroom accounting system.

– an innovative solution for building complex information systems for managing the activities of multi-industry enterprises, taking into account the best global and domestic practices in the automation of large and medium-sized businesses.

The 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 solution was developed on the new modern version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform by a project team of specialists from 1C with the participation of a specially created expert council, which included specialists from leading 1C partners (ERP Centers, Development Centers "1C") and heads of specialized departments of large industrial enterprises. Before the release of the final version, this product was studied and tested by hundreds of partners and dozens of clients in pilot implementations for more than a year.

During the development, special attention was paid to the implementation of functionality required by large enterprises in various areas of activity, including those with technically complex multi-process production. This approach made it possible to significantly expand the capabilities and scope of the new ERP solution compared to “1C: Manufacturing Enterprise Management” edition 1.3.

Key product benefits:

  • extensive functionality at the level of international-class ERP systems;
  • flexible and productive modern platform “1C:Enterprise 8.3”, supporting work via the Internet, including “cloud” technologies and work on mobile devices;
  • a large number of specialized solutions that expand the capabilities of the system on a single platform (PDM, MES, EAM, PMO, ITIL, CRM, MDM, WMS, TMS, BSC, ECM, CPM, etc.);
  • a wide network of partners with many years of experience in implementing ERP systems;
  • low cost of ownership and the possibility of obtaining a significant economic effect with increased labor productivity and a quick return on investment.

Main directions of development:

  • A new production management subsystem has been developed - management of inter-shop transitions and at the operational level, route sheets, management of launch batches, group and personal work assignments, operational dispatch, management of bottlenecks, load management, planning up to the time quantum, readiness to work with inaccurate standards.
  • A subsystem has been developed for organizing repairs - accounting for repair objects, recording operating hours, accounting for current and unscheduled repairs, integration with the production subsystem - equipment availability schedules.
  • Development of a cost accounting and cost calculation system - detailing down to the volume of initial costs, visibility and control of the validity of the calculation.
  • Development of the financial management subsystem - accounting by activity areas, stages of approving applications, flexible distribution rules, acquiring operations.
  • Improving budgeting mechanisms and tools - tabular budgeting model, versioning, calculation of planned indicators, data decoding.
  • Development of subsystems for automating the trade and warehouse activities of an enterprise - managing the efficiency of sales processes and transactions with clients, customizable automatic pricing capabilities, the use of regulated sales processes, advanced management of customer orders, management of sales representatives, monitoring the status of sales processes, separate accounting for orders - reserving needs , mobile workplaces for warehouse workers, accounting for reusable packaging, statistical analysis of inventories, delivery management and product calendar (unification with Trade Management, edition 11.1).
  • Development of a regulated accounting subsystem - setting up rules for reflecting business transactions for financial accounting groups, accounting for facts of economic activity in a deferred manner with control of the relevance of the reflection, operational control of the formation of postings for an arbitrary document, settlements with separate divisions of the organization (79 accounts), automatic support for accounting for “complex” VAT without additional settings, interpretation of the income tax return and regulated reporting.
  • Improving the product's capabilities in terms of personnel management and payroll calculation - maintaining a staffing table, calculating salaries based on employee output data, flexible options for reflecting salaries in financial and regulatory accounting.
  • Using the new features of version 8.3 of the 1C:Enterprise platform - work in thin client and web client modes is supported.

Suitable for industries:

  • Agriculture
  • Forestry
  • Food industry
  • Fuel and energy complex
  • Mechanical engineering
  • Metallurgy
  • Recycling of waste and recyclable materials
  • Chemical and pharmaceutical industry
  • Publishing and printing
  • Production of building materials
  • Construction
  • Development
  • Real estate
  • Trade
  • Stock
  • Service and repair organizations
  • Design organizations

Suitable for:

  • Integrated Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP)

Procedure for selling software products

The application solution "1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2" is a comprehensive solution covering the main contours of management and accounting, which allows you to organize a unified information system for managing various aspects of the enterprise.

It is recommended to entrust the implementation of a new comprehensive solution to trained specialists who have mastered the capabilities of the 1C:Enterprise 8 platform and have experience in implementing management and accounting solutions at manufacturing enterprises. In this regard, the 1C company recommends, as organizations providing consulting services and implementing implementations, those franchisee partners who have sufficient competence in the field of automation of production enterprises and a staff of specialists certified in software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system - First of all, these are ERP Competence Centers.

Software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system can only be purchased through 1C franchise partners. To purchase 1C:ERP Enterprise Management 2 software products, the user submits to the partner an application in the form established by 1C.

Based on the data received from the user, the partner forms an electronic application on the 1C company website and receives either permission to purchase the software product or a reasoned refusal. If the decision is positive, the software product can be shipped to the user the next day.

Service maintenance

For software products of the 1C:Enterprise 8 system, service is provided through information technology support (ITS). The delivery package for the main products includes an ITS disk of the current release and a coupon for free ITS service for 3 months. To receive services, the user must register the purchased software product with 1C and sign up for a free three-month subscription using the coupon included with the software product. ITS service includes:

  • telephone and email consultation line services;
  • receiving new program releases and configurations;
  • obtaining new reporting forms;
  • monthly receipt of an ITS disk containing methodological materials on setting up and operating the system, various consultations and reference books on accounting and taxation, and much more.

At the end of the free service period, in order to continue receiving the listed services, you must subscribe to a paid subscription to the ITS.

You can read more about the solution at http://v8.1c.ru/erp

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