Home Pulpitis Day of the operational worker of the penal system in Russia. Day of the operational worker of the penal system Congratulations on the day of the operational officer of the penal system

Day of the operational worker of the penal system in Russia. Day of the operational worker of the penal system Congratulations on the day of the operational officer of the penal system

Where life is different behind the walls -
The order is controlled by you.
So that anyone who has once broken the law
He realized his crime and healed his soul.

We wish you to have patience,
Maybe where leniency is needed,
For awards and new titles,
Exceeded all expectations.

Penitentiary system operatives
Today we congratulate you on the holiday,
Hard work and strong character
We will glorify you on a special day.

We wish you well guys
Let the fire glow in your hearts.
May your spirit always be cheerful
And let your palm be strong.

To all employees of the penal system
I wish you strength and courage,
Let life become happier
More awards are coming.

Work will become safe,
Waiting for a promotion in the service
And let the people honor you,
They express admiration!

How much dirt, how many crimes,
In your lifetime you have observed
Many tears and bitter regrets...
You gave half your life to this.

You are strong in both body and soul,
You've been carrying a heavy burden for a long time,
May the Lord open your eyes,
This will save someone.

We want you to be loved

We bore the burdens patiently,
And in the service, to be appreciated,
And they found a reserve for the bonus.

Penal system employees are congratulated today
Citizens of our country.
They correct those who have broken the law,
Always staying true to honor.

We wish you peaceful everyday life,
And may luck be nearby
Decent salary, promotion,
Health, joy, luck in everything.

Happy Penal Insurance Worker's Day!
Hurry up and smile
Forget about the difficult life
On a good, bright, wonderful holiday.

They will honor you
And colleagues and friends,
May you always be healthy
Smart, strong and smart!

Penitentiary system operatives
We congratulate you on this day,
We wish you cheerfulness and strength,
Let laziness be thrown aside,
Let them succeed soon
Eradicate all crime
They will get their way
Problems can be solved!

All employees of the penal system
I congratulate you warmly.
Gratitude for the work
And the honor to you is endless.

I wish you strength and courage,
Peace, good health,
May heaven protect you
An angel watches at the head of the bed.

In personal life there is only happiness
And let love reign
The path to high achievements
Let it be open to you.

Sometimes your work is not easy,
And your service is hard,
After all, every day is your task,
Conduct criminal affairs.

And it’s fair to punish
Criminals for grave sin,
So that I can sleep peacefully,
Every Russian person.

We want to say “thank you”
For your courage and honor,
Thank you, our dears,
For what you were and are.

The work is dangerous, the service is not easy,
But something keeps you here for years on end!
After all, your work is useful; you can subtly
Solve the crimes of all the devils!

Thank you for your dedication to work,
For the safety that you give us!
You give us justice and happiness,
You are even - a little - like gods.

And we wish you that your work
It brought you joy and gave you peace!
Although for someone like you, a patriot
This can only be a dream...

At one time, Russian cinema was overwhelmed by a wave of specific series about police officers. You all must remember very well such “soap operas” as “Streets of Broken Lanterns”, “Cops”, “Opera” and others in the same spirit. Such series demonstrate the dangerous workdays of operational department workers and their dedication to the common cause. Representatives of the profession deserve to be honored annually. On May 8, Russians celebrate the day of the operational worker of the penitentiary system.

Date history

The holiday Day of the Operational Worker of the Penitentiary System is closely connected with the emergence of the penal system itself. This event dates back to 1925 - it was then, more than 80 years ago, that employees of the secret department of the United State Political Directorate received an order from the authorities to start secret operational work. Direct progress in this matter at the official level began only 10 years later, and on May 8, 1935, the first operational units of the penal system appeared. Since this happened during Stalin’s time - the era of repression and violence, the work of the detectives could not be called easy. Their competence, first of all, was to work with prisoners in places of deprivation of liberty. Although, due to the disgusting conditions of detention, prisoners left en masse for the next world,” only an employee with a strong nervous system was able to withstand this. Moreover, the operatives themselves often became victims of the whims of the authorities, ending up behind bars.

Enlightenment in the situation occurred in the mid-50s. last century. It did not happen suddenly - the process was quite slow. Attitudes towards prisoners, including political prisoners, have changed for the better. The goal of destruction was replaced by the desire to correct a person who has stumbled along the path of life through work that has practical benefits.

After 2 decades, those arrested began to be involved in the process of personal development. They encouraged amateur activities, general secondary education and a specific profession in a vocational school. Only one thing remained unchanged: physical labor continued to act as the main tool for re-educating those who had stumbled.

During the period of perestroika, the instability of the situation in the country immediately affected the situation in the penitentiary system, and subsequently affected that in places of detention. Terrible unrest began there, so there was a need for reform in this structure, which was done. In 1992, adjustments affected the criminal code, as well as the situation of the arrested themselves. In particular, the latter were granted freedom of conscience, the opportunity to use medical services on a paid basis, and freely communicate with family through telephone calls. The rights of prisoners were no longer limited to the point of absurdity.

In 1998, the penal system came under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Justice. The previous “boss” of the penal system was the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. It must be said that along with its structure, the Ministry of Justice received a host of problems in addition. A large number of problems are still waiting to be solved, but the current authorities are doing quite a lot to ensure the coherent and high-quality work of the penal system.

Emergence of structure

The holiday of May 8 - Day of the Operative Worker of the Penitentiary System - is an excellent opportunity to look into history.

If the penal system began to exist and function only in 1935, how did things stand until now? It turns out that the penal system, or rather its prototype, took place back in the era of Ancient Rus'. The founder of the penal system can be called the “Russian Truth” created by Yaroslav the Wise - a specific set of laws. It was based on the following meaning: for each crime, punishment is provided depending on the severity of the crime. True, there was not a word in this document about the arrest.

The second stage in the formation of the ancient penal system is the emergence of Sudebnikov. The period of origin of these information sources is 1497 and 1550. Here the punishments are more severe, there is a public death penalty. Bribery was punishable without fail.

Well, the unified penal system of Russia, which began its operation as a result of the decree of Emperor Alexander II, signed in 1879, is considered a full-fledged predecessor of the modern penal system. Based on this document, a unified prison department was created. The latter was called the Main Prison Directorate. The date of completion of his work is 1922. In the same year, the prisons acquired a new ruler - the NKVD. Although most of us do not have the most rosy associations with this abbreviation, the beginning of the existence of units under such patronage did not bode well. Troubles broke out in the late 20s, as violence and totalitarianism became the main management strategy in the USSR.

Profession "investigative officer"

And, of course, May 8 is the Day of the Operative Worker of the Penitentiary System - it’s time to talk about the heroes of the occasion, about the “investigative officers.”

An employee of the penal system is called an investigator. This position is no less important than, for example, the profession of an investigator and a lawyer, if not more, because the operative essentially does all the “dirty” work: collects evidence, “unearths” the necessary details, recreates the true picture of the incident, and conducts a preliminary interview of witnesses. He carries out his operational investigative activities in accordance with the Federal Law of August 12, 1995 “On operational investigative activities.”

A distinctive feature of the profession is the need to keep the information received secret. Cases investigated by employees of the Penitentiary System of the Russian Federation are usually listed as “secret” and “top secret”.

The history of the operative profession begins in the 20th century, in 1918. Then the title of the position “investigative officer” of the criminal investigation department was first introduced.” In the 70s, the profession acquired a different name - “criminal investigation inspector.” However, already in the first half of the next decade, the previous name came into force again.

The service of an operational officer of the penal system of Russia takes place in the operational department of places of deprivation of liberty, for example, a pre-trial detention center, a prison. In addition to solving crimes in these institutions among prisoners, the detective is engaged in drawing up many handwritten documents. This profession is classified into several options.

The most common of them are: “investigative officer for particularly important cases”, “senior detective officer”, “junior detective officer”. Regardless of the internal status, any operational employee of the penal system must have a set of certain qualities. These include endurance, discipline, perseverance in achieving goals, speed of reaction, making important decisions, imaginative thinking. Let's sincerely congratulate the operational workers of the penal system on May 8 on their professional holiday, the Day of the Operative Worker of the Penitentiary System, and wish them more solved cases, good salaries and always a good mood. Well, the main thing is that in any circumstances they should be surrounded by true, loyal friends!

On May 8th, criminal investigation officers have been celebrating their professional holiday for many decades. The symbolic date of the celebration coincides with the day of the creation of operational units of the penal system. This significant event for the country took place on May 8, 1935, but the history of the structure begins even earlier - from 1925.

Day of the Operational Worker of the Penitentiary System brings together employees of internal authorities involved in ensuring the safety of prisoners and correctional facility workers. They celebrate their professional holiday in a tense working environment, ensuring continuous crime prevention in correctional institutions.

Show congratulations

On the Day of the Penitentiary System Worker, which is May 8,
I congratulate you, wishing from the bottom of my heart
Be patient and wise,
Earnings so that they are not meager.

Although the work is not easy,
Let it be, as if from a bush,
Joy and optimism,
And, my friend, patriotism!


Happy Penal Insurance Worker's Day
I congratulate you,
Patience and courage
I sincerely wish.

Your work is difficult -
Fight crime
Try for the people
Well, how difficult is it for you?

Good health to you
I want to wish
Every day is yours with love
Meet the family.


Penal system employees are congratulated today
Citizens of our country.
They correct those who have broken the law,
Always staying true to honor.

We wish you peaceful everyday life,
And may luck be nearby
Decent salary, promotion,
Health, joy, luck in everything.


Responsible and objective
He is cunning, like a fox.
Smart, quick-witted, persistent.
This is him, an employee from the penal system.

I wish you perseverance
Patience and determination in business
Happy professional day, I congratulate you!
There are no gifts, so in verse!


Where life is different behind the walls -
The order is controlled by you.
So that anyone who has once broken the law
He realized his crime and healed his soul.

We wish you to have patience,
Maybe where leniency is needed,
For awards and new titles,
Exceeded all expectations.


This service is both honorable and difficult,
Undoubtedly, everyone needs it.
They are tasked with maintaining order
And maintain stability in the state.

Along with many others
And they have their own special day of the year.
Abbreviated as "opera" we say
And we always thank them for their service.


You have chosen hard work -
Serve in the monastery of bondage.
Sometimes family won't understand
How, in the midst of cruelty and pain,
You have preserved the light of your soul.
In the official darkness of the bottom,
It's up to you to do your job.
Fairness is so important here.
What do you wish for on this day?
Health, happiness and care,
So that there is less evil in the world,
So that you have less work.


UIS servicemen - honor and glory!
Let behind the high wall,
There is no time for fun and amusement,
Supervision, security and control.

It all means nothing
The calculation of benefits is simple,
Your conscience has given you a task,
Protect the country's peace!

It's a holiday for you, if everything is fine,
You are happy if behind the line -
No incidents, in order
The operative writes with his own hand.


There is a lot of deceit and evil in the world,
I see a lot of vile deeds
No matter how dark things are,
And retribution for them is expected.

Although the evil deeds cannot be counted,
But crime falls down
Because in Russia there is
Valiant service UIS.

Are you performing your service properly?
For our protection from darkness,
We will say thank you and most importantly,
So that the power of good is preserved.


How much dirt, how many crimes,
In your lifetime you have observed
Many tears and bitter regrets...
You gave half your life to this.

You are strong in both body and soul,
You've been carrying a heavy burden for a long time,
May the Lord open your eyes,
This will save someone.

We want you to be loved

We bore the burdens patiently,
And in the service, to be appreciated,
And they found a reserve for the bonus.


Employees of the executive and criminal systems,
Those brave and selfless people.
We congratulate you sincerely, with all our hearts today,
We wish that every villain is caught.

We wish you health, vigor and strength of spirit,
May nothing ever let you down.
We wish you excellent vision and hearing,
So that everything in life is successful, joyful, bright.


You are on guard night and day,
All under the motto “We will save you!”
You are in a constant struggle for order,
Peace and tranquility are your reward.

I would like to wish you all the best
Success, income and don’t get sick,
May your merits be significant
Goodness and warmth to your home!


Penal system
Today is a glorious, bright day.
All responsible and exemplary employees
We congratulate you on their holiday now.

May luck and success help you
Every day in all processes and matters.
May your income always increase.
Let sadness and fear bypass you.

Leave your work on your day and relax.
Gather all your friends, family, colleagues.
You will drive away all your sadness and sadness.
Happiness, joy to you, victories in life.


Everyone is looking for a path in life,
If only I could take a look and take a look,
What awaits us around the corner,
Maybe it would be better to turn it off?

Only, we are not given to know,
That someone is destined.
They say don't promise
Beware of bad thoughts.

If someone stumbles,
And got out of hand a long time ago,
You, hard workers, will have to
Fulfill your oath.


The work is dangerous, the service is not easy,
But something keeps you here for years on end!
After all, your work is useful; you can subtly
Solve the crimes of all the devils!

Thank you for your dedication to work,
For the safety that you give us!
You give us justice and happiness,
You are even - a little - like gods.

And we wish you that your work
It brought you joy and gave you peace!
Although for someone like you, a patriot
This can only be a dream...

We are well aware of the work of employees of the penitentiary system from television series that did not leave the silver screen at the turn of the 90s and 2000s, where the romantic life of “operatives” was presented. Various adventures happened to them, they were involved in gang warfare and rushed between a quiet civilian life and their work, which was completely saturated with risk, danger and adrenaline.

In fact, an operational worker is far from a romantic profession; it is very difficult and someone who is weak in spirit will not be able to build a career in the penal system. The main tasks of the “operative” are to ensure the safety of imprisoned criminals, as well as workers of correctional institutions, that is, colonies, prisons and medical correctional institutions.

In 1925, an order was given to create a structure that would engage in secret operational work. The first obvious successes were noticed only ten years later. Then, in 1935, on May 8, the penal system was officially created. Therefore, when establishing the holiday, it was decided to celebrate it in May, on the 8th, reminding everyone of that significant date.

Day of the operational worker of the penal system 2019 - congratulations

You are a very important worker,
Every new day is a labor of love,
Sometimes you don't sleep at night,
And you don’t know about fear!

I wish you today
Only the best!
May good luck await you
And success and goodness!

Let the UIS succeed,
Do your own thing!
I sincerely wish you -
To be lucky in life!

Your job is not easy -
Always fight crime!
You work hard and succeed
And may luck smile!

Let everything be as you want -
May happiness await you in life!
You will find happiness in work,
And may fate grant you

More vivid impressions,
Happy days without fuss,
And many fabulous moments,
And, of course, kindness!

I sincerely wish you -
Always live well
Never lose heart!

May good luck and health
Your lives are filled,
And with great love
Your family is waiting for you!

After all, fighting crime is
This is not an easy matter!
May the sun shine in your life!
Happiness, peace and tranquility!

Postcard for the Day of the operative worker of the penal system 2019

Click on the repost to copy to social media. net

Every year May 8 Penal system workers' day is celebrated in Russia. This celebration has a centuries-old history, and the traditions of the holiday have been formed over several decades. Penal Enforcement Officers' Day is not widely celebrated. Small meetings are held locally and awards are given to the best employees who distinguished themselves in the previous year.

What date is the day of employees of the penal system 2017

The date of the holiday on May 8 dates back to 1935, and the structural unit itself from 1925, when a special secret department of the United State Administration was entrusted with work in detention centers with political prisoners. But only ten years later a separate division was created, as well as a document regulating its activities.

May 8th today is celebrated by those who work in difficult conditions, ensuring law and order in correctional institutions. Penitentiary system employees also search for and capture criminals who are evading punishment or who decide to escape from prison. In addition, today, as part of the Federal Penitentiary Service of the Russian Federation, there is a special unit “operational management”, which is directly responsible for the safety of staff of correctional institutions and prisoners in them, and also investigates all cases of criminal acts committed in prisons, colonies and correctional medical institutions.

Modern society has only a vague idea of ​​the work of penal system employees, most of all obtained from fashionable television series and movies. The plots shown exude romance, pathos, slight risk and the simple extrication of an operative from any dangerous situation. In reality, everything is not so colorful. The work of a penal system employee is filled with danger and serious decisions on which the lives of people, and sometimes the worker himself, depend. Difficult working conditions, the complexity of the tasks performed, the working day, sometimes not limited by time frames - these are not all the difficulties faced by a person who decides to choose such a profession.

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