Home Children's dentistry Depositing personal funds into the IP transaction account. How to withdraw money from an individual entrepreneur’s current account for personal needs: mechanism, transactions

Depositing personal funds into the IP transaction account. How to withdraw money from an individual entrepreneur’s current account for personal needs: mechanism, transactions

To transfer funds to yourself to a card issued by another bank, you need to indicate the account details of the recipient's bank card when making a payment.

An entrepreneur can also transfer money to any individual.

However, you need to know the difference between transfers from a current account to a card for yourself or another person. The law does not establish restrictions on the transfer of money received from the business activities of an entrepreneur.

What accounts can be used to reflect in accounting personal funds deposited and received by an individual entrepreneur from a current account, as well as funds associated with business activities (an individual entrepreneur keeps accounting records)? Is it possible to use count 75 in this situation?

The funds that an individual entrepreneur transfers to the settlement account opened for him to carry out business activities, from his personal accounts, cannot be recognized as income, since they are not related to payments for sold goods (work, services) or property rights (see also the letter from the Department of Tax Administration of Russia by city

Moscow dated April 17, 2002 N 11-17/17692). Accordingly, the return of these funds to the entrepreneur will not be an expense.

How to cash out money from an individual entrepreneur’s current account legally in 2018

Considering the complexity of processing cash transactions and the need to pay a commission to the bank, we recommend making cash payments to counterparties and employees in extreme cases.

As for withdrawing cash for personal needs of an individual entrepreneur, this is easier to do.

Individual entrepreneur account

And at the end of the month, the amount that the individual entrepreneur took from the business is attributed to other expenses. Debit 76, subaccount “Settlements with an individual entrepreneur”, Credit 50(51) Debit 91, subaccount “Other expenses”, Credit 76, subaccount “Settlements with an individual entrepreneur” Question About the possibility of an individual entrepreneur applying the simplified tax system with an income object (41 kB) Article How entrepreneur to take money from business to personal (75 kB)

Individual entrepreneur transfers money to his card, how to reflect this in the transaction

Recognition of income in the form of dividends (income from equity participation) is reflected in the debit of account 76, subaccount 76-3, and credit 91 “Other income and expenses”, subaccount 91-1 “Other income” (Instructions for using the Chart of Accounts).

Next, the individual entrepreneur transfers his “income” from his current account to his personal account in another bank. Payments to suppliers can be made in cash and through a bank account. Transactions with “real” money are limited to an amount of 100 thousand.

How to transfer money to an individual entrepreneur’s current account and reflect it in accounting

Also, the transfer of funds is necessary for settlements not only with clients, but also with suppliers.

Although having a settlement account for individual entrepreneurs is not mandatory in our country, it makes financial transactions much easier. As an advantage, it can be noted that you can transfer money to current accounts without thinking about restrictions: there are no restrictions on the amount.

Accounting entries for private equity assets ->

Accounting entries for private equity assets

Dt 75 Kt 51 - it seems not entirely reasonable, since according to the chart of accounts this is an account of settlements with the founders, and founders are only in organizations - SO IT IS OBLIVATED.

Dt 76 Kt 51 - quite possible, but is it correct?

Put your own funds as an individual entrepreneur for settlements with different debtors and creditors? I think not!


Dt 84 Kt 51 - Retained earnings? For example, 84.03 “Undistributed profits in circulation” add the subaccount “Individual’s own funds” When he carries his money, we make a posting Dt 51 Kt 84.03, removes Dt 84.03 Kt 51.

When you deposit D50 K84, and then hand over D51 K50 to the bank.

I think there can be no way to be right here. Accounting for individual entrepreneurs does not fit into the accounting rules. Neither the plan nor any accounting regulations provide for such operations, because they were not written for individual entrepreneurs.

And for yourself you can bet on any account, although for example I use 86 on 00.

Not because it’s right, but it’s just more convenient for me.

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How does an individual entrepreneur spend money on personal needs?

How much money can an entrepreneur spend on himself?

What documents do I need to fill out to take money from the cash register for personal needs? How to reflect purchases in accounting if the entrepreneur paid for them with personal money?

On June 1, 2014, Directive of the Bank of Russia dated October 7, 2013 No. 3073-U “On cash payments” (hereinafter referred to as Directive No. 3073-U) came into force. This document officially allowed individual entrepreneurs to spend money from the cash register for their personal needs (previously, this possibility also existed, but was not directly stated in the instructions of the Central Bank).

At the same time, also from June 1, 2014, individual entrepreneurs are allowed not to draw up a cash book and cash receipts and debit orders. This is established by the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U “On the procedure for conducting cash transactions...”.

Note. Until June 1, 2014, individual entrepreneurs had to be guided by Bank of Russia Directive No. 1843-U dated June 20, 2007 (hereinafter referred to as Directive No. 1843-U).

From this article you will learn how you can document spending money on personal needs, taking into account all these nuances.

An individual entrepreneur can spend any amount for personal needs

An entrepreneur is the full and sole owner of the business. And he has the right to dispose of the money received from conducting activities and remaining after paying taxes at his own discretion (Article 209 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation). It turns out that you have the right to take money from the cash register at any time and spend it on personal needs. For example, to buy a gift for a relative. This conclusion is now confirmed not only by the provisions of paragraph 1 of Article 861 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, but also by Directive No. 3073-U, which has entered into force.

Previously, Directive No. 1843-U did not contain direct permission for such expenses. And the Central Bank, in its letter No. 29-1-2/5603 dated August 2, 2012, explained that entrepreneurs have the right to spend cash on personal needs without restrictions. However, this applied exclusively to money withdrawn from the current account. Therefore, many businessmen doubted the legality of spending cash proceeds for personal purposes. Now there is no doubt about the legality of such operations.

As for the amount of money you can spend on personal needs, there is no limit to it. This means that to pay for personal expenses (not related to running a business), you have the right to take as much money from the cash register at any time as you need.

How to withdraw money from the cash register for personal needs

So, from June 1, 2014, individual entrepreneurs may not maintain a cash book and not draw up cash documents (clauses 4.1 and 4.5 of the Directive of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation dated March 11, 2014 No. 3210-U). This relaxation applies to all individual entrepreneurs, regardless of the taxation system. We talked about the pros and cons of refusing to prepare cash documents in a separate article on p. 16. Please note that in order to exercise the right not to issue “prikhodniki” and “consumables”, you need to issue a corresponding order, a sample of which is given in the previous article.

When to comply with the cash payment limit

Entrepreneurs, when concluding business transactions with organizations and other entrepreneurs, must comply with the cash payment limit. Currently it is 100,000 rubles. and applies not only during the validity period of the agreement, but also after the expiration of its validity period (clause 6 of Directive No. 3073-U). For example, if after termination of the lease agreement the tenant has a debt, then he will be able to repay this debt in cash only within 100,000 rubles. taking into account all previous cash payments under this agreement.

Failure to comply with the limit of 100,000 rubles for cash payments. may result in an administrative fine in the amount of 4,000 to 5,000 rubles.

(Article 15.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation).

Note that earlier in Directive No. 1843-U it was not stated that the limit of 100,000 rubles. is valid even after the expiration of the contract. However, the Bank of Russia itself, in its official explanations, explained that the ban on cash payments in amounts exceeding 100,000 rubles applies to the fulfillment of obligations both during the validity period of the agreement and after its expiration. About this is the official explanation of the Bank of Russia dated September 28, 2009 No. 34-OR. The tax service also agreed with the Central Bank (letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated June 10, 2011 No. AS-4-2/9303@).

And if you have issued such an order, in order to spend cash on personal needs, you do not need to draw up any documents at all. You will not officially record the receipt or expenditure of cash. You can keep personal records in your notebook. If you come to the conclusion that it is more expedient for you to continue maintaining cash documents, then to issue money from the cash register for personal needs, issue a cash expenditure order in form No. KO-2 (approved by Resolution of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88). As the basis for the payment in such a document, you can indicate either “Issuance of funds to the entrepreneur for personal needs” or “Transfer of income from current activities to the entrepreneur.” Then do not forget to reflect the written out “consumables” in the cash book. Its unified form No. KO-4 was approved by Decree of the State Statistics Committee of Russia dated August 18, 1998 No. 88.

Example 1 . IP Selenin R.V. I was planning to go on vacation with my wife. To pay for the trip, he took money from the cash register in the amount of 65,000 rubles. A sample of filling out a cash receipt order is shown below.

How to register a cash purchase in accounting

Entrepreneurs rarely separate money into those used in business and those intended for personal needs. Especially now that it is allowed to freely withdraw any amount of cash for personal spending. Therefore, a situation may arise where you paid for a purchase necessary for your business with your personal money. Can these costs be taken into account for tax purposes? Let's figure it out.

According to paragraph 1 of Article 221 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, in order to account for expenses as part of the professional deduction for personal income tax, expenses must actually be incurred and documented. In addition, they must be directly related to generating income. Documents confirming expenses will also be required if you apply the simplified tax system with the object income minus expenses. How to arrange all this?

Regardless of whether you conduct cash transactions or not, you, as an individual entrepreneur, do not need to give yourself money on account. Because they are all yours anyway. The Central Bank of Russia announced this two years ago in a letter dated June 14, 2012 No. 29-1-2/4255. Issuing accountable amounts is only relevant if your employees buy something.

Accordingly, you personally do not need to formalize the purchase of valuables using an advance report, as, for example, your employee would do. You just need to take into account those documents on which the property (work, services) needed for the business was paid for. Having made entries in the Accounting Book.

For tax accounting of expenses, a cash receipt, invoice or sales receipt is sufficient. This requirement is relevant if you pay personal income tax or apply the simplified tax system (object - income minus expenses).

If you use UTII, the patent system or the simplified tax system (object - income), then documents confirming expenses are no longer particularly relevant. After all, you don’t take tax expenses into account and don’t keep accounting records.

June 2014

How can an individual entrepreneur receive his income from business activities?

How can an individual entrepreneur receive his income from business activities?

Tax accounting entries under the simplified tax system

Tax accounting entries under the simplified tax system We have collected all the most common mistakes when calculating a single tax, read the questions and advice from regulars, and prepared a cheat sheet for you: how to correctly reflect tax under the simplified tax system using entries?

Entrepreneurs who apply the “simplified tax” pay one instead of three main taxes (profit, property and value added):

  1. or 6% of total income for 12 months;
  2. or 15% of the difference between income and expenses, but not less than 1% of the total.

The percentage charged under the “” taxation scheme is unchanged.

Postings for payment of income of an individual entrepreneur

Discussions 26 messages If accounting is still carried out, then, in our opinion, in this case you can use account 75 “Settlements with founders”.

In accordance with the explanations to the specified account, information on the presence and movement of all types of settlements with founders for payment is summarized on account 75. Payment of intermediate income is reflected in the debit of account 84 “Retained earnings” and the credit of account 75 “Settlements with founders”.

How can an individual entrepreneur get his money from entrepreneurial activity?

Please clarify which part of the article allows you to draw such a conclusion? An individual entrepreneur can freely manage his money from business activities, regardless of whether he has employees or not.

Can anyone tell me what entries in correspondence with 51st should be generated?

Payment of income to individual entrepreneurs - when is an organization a tax agent for personal income tax?

Payment of income to individual entrepreneurs - when is an organization a tax agent for personal income tax?

Personal income tax on the income of an individual entrepreneur received from an organization - who should pay it: an entrepreneur or an organization? In Art. 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation seems to clearly state that the individual entrepreneur himself must pay this tax. But there are exceptions to this rule, which we will discuss in our article.

In accordance with Art. 227 of the Tax Code of the Russian Federation, individual entrepreneurs and other persons engaged in private practice independently calculate and pay personal income tax in relation to income received from business or professional activities.

Payment of personal income to an entrepreneur

payment of personal income to an entrepreneur payment of personal income to an entrepreneur Well, it will even be fun, so what, after all, accounting is only for individual entrepreneurs personally, and he wants to know how much he spent on himself!

I think what is important here is not the wiring, but the concept of the meaning of the operation.

Probably all such desires to create unnecessary postings for individual entrepreneurs arise when using the wrong software.

Often in the process of entrepreneurial activity it is necessary to resolve the issue: “A certain amount of funds has been deposited into the account of an individual entrepreneur from an individual entrepreneur. How to properly formalize a monetary transaction, taking into account the requirements of regulatory documents?”

Why does an entrepreneur contribute his own money?

In the process of economic activity, the need arises to pay in personal money to the cash desk. The reasons that prompted the individual entrepreneur to take this position are varied:

  • providing financial assistance to your own business;
  • replenishment of working capital for individual activities.

If there is not enough money, then the entrepreneur increases working capital at the expense of some amounts stored on a bank deposit. You should take into account such a nuance as registering the receipt of money for a subsequent competent report to the financial authorities.

The contribution of your own funds must be accompanied by an indication explaining the legality of their enrollment. Receipts are justified by the following formulations: “Replenishing the account with your own funds”, “Depositing personal savings”.

Registration of financial transactions is carried out taking into account the instructions of the Central Bank of Russia, in accordance with clauses 4.14, 4.5, dated 03/11/2014 N 3210-U.

Replenishment of the account for issuing salaries to employees

To settle payments with hired personnel, an individual entrepreneur has the right to deposit personal savings into the organization’s cash desk and subsequently spend them on production needs.

A simplified scheme for maintaining financial documents is mandatory for individual entrepreneurs, but it is allowed not to enter the receipt of money into the cash book and not to draw up receipt documentation.

It is mandatory to indicate your own funds deposited into the company’s account for the payment of salaries in a written document signed by the head of the organization. A statement for the disbursement of money is attached to the order.

If an individual entrepreneur deposits certain amounts, but does not draw up a receipt and debit order, he is obliged to record report data in a book that takes into account the simplified tax payment scheme and save cash and sales receipts. After the account is replenished, the payment of money for wages is carried out in accordance with the accrual order and several instructions indicating the legality of such actions. For reporting, the entrepreneur uses account 76.

Accounting for personal amounts in the account

Depositing money by an individual entrepreneur into his personal account is not considered revenue. After the operation, a cash receipt order is filled out, which indicates the purpose of the funds as not related to business income. When filling out a debit order, you must indicate the number of the current account to be replenished and the address of the banking institution.

Of great importance is the correct execution of documents indicating the source of receipt of money when depositing it with the bank. An individual entrepreneur has the right to deposit cash through a bank cash desk only into his own account.

If this rule is violated, the bank refuses to accept money. After the transaction has been completed, the entrepreneur receives from the cashier a receipt signed and stamped by the financial institution that accepted the payment in cash. After posting the money, an account statement is issued indicating the entire amount. If funds were deposited as your own, you should post them through the cash register using account 84.

If money is deposited into the account of an individual entrepreneur and it is received from the sale of goods, it is necessary to indicate their purpose in the PKO, registering it as revenue. All accounting entries must be documented. If an entrepreneur deposited his own money into an individual entrepreneur’s account in order to pay off a debt, it is displayed in 1C with the obligatory issuance of a cash receipt order. The total amount accepted is not subject to recording in the income and expenses ledger.

An individual entrepreneur does not always keep accounting records, but if the appropriate documents are available, they use entries Dt 50.1 Kt 76.78.66 (at their own choice). Sometimes it is convenient to use account 72 - income, expenses of an individual entrepreneur, 72.1 - investing personal funds, 72.2 - replenishing an account.

It is considered possible to use account 84, since the funds of an individual entrepreneur are understood as the entire totality of his expenses, both profits and losses.

Taking into account all the positive and negative aspects of drawing up cash documents in the process of work, the individual entrepreneur formalizes the receipt of funds with order No. Ko-1. If money is deposited into the cash register, an account is used for accounting that records work with creditors and debtors, as well as postings (Debit 76, Credit 50) indicating the receipt of money through the cash register. If the entrepreneur refuses to maintain accounting documentation, it is necessary to comply with clause 2 of Art. 6 of Law No. 402-FZ, concerning tax accounting of profits and expenses.

Personal funds reflected in 1C: Accounting

In the process of work, regardless of the type of activity of the organization, the entrepreneur uses the 1C program.

The total amount entered into the documents in connection with its posting is not reflected in reports to the tax authorities. A document confirming the receipt of money is generated at the time of depositing funds into the cash register. Be sure to fill out the columns “Base” and “Appendix”. Next, posting Dt 50.01 Kt 84. 01 is generated. If an individual entrepreneur deposits his money into a current account, it is necessary to indicate the type of transaction and issue posting D151 Kt 84.01.

If a private entrepreneur spends money from his current account for personal needs, he can reflect the entire progress of the operation in the 1C system. For these purposes, account 75 is used, indicating the mechanism for working with founders. An entrepreneur just needs to issue a check, which can be used to withdraw money. Subsequently, documents are drawn up that take into account the inflow and outflow of funds in the individual entrepreneur’s account.

To withdraw money for personal expenses, an entrepreneur draws up a document that takes into account tax and accounting and records: debit (amount), credit (amount). After the pension tax has been withheld, debits and credits are noted again.

Paying taxes on personal money of individual entrepreneurs

In the process of activity, an entrepreneur working on the simplified tax system deposits his personal funds into a bank account to pay for the rent of the premises. A pressing issue for him is the payment of tax on the amount transferred to the account.

An individual entrepreneur who deposited his funds into the account is not a person forming the tax base, and his personal money cannot be recognized as income, since it is not related to the sale of goods or services.

Although having a current account is not necessary for an individual entrepreneur, many people use this service because it has a number of advantages. An individual entrepreneur has the right to withdraw money from a bank account and dispose of it at his own discretion.

Is it worth opening a bank account for an individual entrepreneur?

Considering that cash flow may raise questions for a credit institution, entrepreneurs often decide to work without a current account. This is convenient because you don’t have to wait for the bank to transfer the money. In addition, some contractors offer a discount when paying in cash.

The law does not oblige individual entrepreneurs to open a bank account, but this is a convenient tool for entrepreneurs who run a legal business. In addition, large payments (from 100 thousand rubles) to counterparties can only be made in cashless form. This rule does not apply to cash payments with clients and customers in smaller amounts.

In general, a bank account is reliable and convenient. Funds in the account can be used to pay for goods and services, rent, employee salaries, interest on loans, taxes, etc. This makes it easier for an entrepreneur to control the receipt and expenditure of funds, and in a credit institution money is safer than, say, in the cash register of an enterprise. Of course, it happens that banks close, so it’s worth choosing a credit institution to open a current account not only based on the size of the commission, but also on reliability.

Bank account for individual entrepreneurs - a convenient financial management tool

How much money should I keep in my current account?

It is worth remembering that individual entrepreneurs’ funds in banks are insured for up to 1.4 million rubles. True, entrepreneurs will receive compensation only after all obligations to individuals have been covered. Therefore, experts recommend storing available funds not in the individual entrepreneur’s account, but in the personal account of the individual.

What the law says

Since an individual entrepreneur has the status of an individual, and not a separate organization, all funds are his personal property, which he can use as he pleases. In accordance with the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (Article 209), the owner has the rights to own, use and dispose of property, which includes the money of an individual entrepreneur.

It is worth considering that there is Law No. 115-FZ “On combating the legalization of proceeds from crime,” according to which banks must identify suspicious transactions and verify them. Withdrawing large amounts from an individual entrepreneur's account may arouse the interest of a credit institution, especially if you often withdraw cash in large amounts - from 600 thousand rubles. In this case, the bank may ask what you spend the money on, so it is useful to have documents confirming the expenses.

An entrepreneur who has paid the budget on time and in full can freely use the remaining funds for personal needs.

Withdrawing funds for personal needs

An entrepreneur can withdraw funds from his current account for personal needs at any time. At the same time, the position of an individual entrepreneur is much more advantageous than that of an LLC: the owner of a limited liability company can cash out funds only by paying them to himself in the form of dividends. This can be done provided the company makes a profit and no more often than once every three months, while personal income tax is withheld at 13%.

The funds that remain in the current account of an individual entrepreneur after paying taxes, fees and obligatory payments can be used by him for personal purposes. The Tax Code does not provide for taxation of amounts of funds transferred from the current account of an individual entrepreneur to the account of an individual.

Deputy Director of the Department of Tax and Customs Tariff Policy of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation Ruben Sahakyan

You can withdraw funds for personal needs in any amount - it is not limited by law, but often banks set a limit on withdrawals per day or per transaction.

There is a restriction that does not allow the withdrawal of individual entrepreneur funds for personal needs. If an individual entrepreneur has debts to the budget for taxes or insurance premiums, it will not be possible to withdraw funds. By order of the tax inspectorate, the bank will block them until you pay off your debts.

Blocking a current account can result in a suspension of payments and a ban on cash withdrawals for an entrepreneur.

Methods for withdrawing funds from a bank account

There are several options for cashing out funds - they differ in convenience, speed and cost:

  • Now withdrawing cash by check is an outdated method that is gradually becoming a thing of the past. The entrepreneur writes a check in his name, and then receives the money at the cash desk of the credit institution. The waiting period is up to three days. In addition, you must pay a commission to the bank for carrying out this operation.

    Checkbooks were popular in the USA, but are no longer used

  • Cash card. You can open a card for your current account that allows you to withdraw funds through ATMs or bank branches. A fee is charged for withdrawing funds from an ATM, if provided for in the terms of the agreement.
  • Personal bank account (card). At the moment, this is the most convenient way to withdraw funds. It is enough to transfer funds from an individual entrepreneur’s account to an individual’s account in order to cash them out using a plastic card in the future. In this case, it is advisable to open a personal account in the same bank as the current account of the individual entrepreneur, otherwise a commission will be charged for the transfer between banks. It is worth considering that only withdrawals of funds to an account belonging to an individual who opened an individual entrepreneur are not subject to taxes. If you transfer funds to another person’s personal account, he will have to pay personal income tax - 13%. This is due to the fact that for another individual, receipts to the account will be considered income. Transfers between accounts usually occur during the banking day, which is not very convenient if funds need to be withdrawn urgently.

    Almost all commercial banks offer plastic cards to their clients

  • Bank cash desk. This is a fast and convenient method, but if you plan to withdraw a significant amount, you will most likely need to make a preliminary application, which will be satisfied within 1-5 days. This is due to the fact that for the cash desk of a credit institution there are restrictions on the amount of funds remaining at the end of the operating day.

    Cash withdrawal from an individual entrepreneur's current account is accompanied by the collection of a commission

  • Deposit. An individual entrepreneur can transfer money from an individual entrepreneur’s current account to a deposit or savings account, and then withdraw it after the expiration of the deposit.

    Placing available funds on a bank deposit will protect them from inflation

Tariffs and limits for withdrawal of funds by individual entrepreneurs

There are no taxes or fees that would be charged for cashing out funds. But you still have to pay a commission to your bank. If you withdraw funds to pay salaries to employees, the commission is usually small - about 1%. For withdrawals for other needs, the commission may be higher - up to 3.5%.

Table: interest on withdrawals from Russian banks

Mechanism for withdrawing funds for personal needs

When withdrawing funds for your own needs, the question arises: do you need to fill out cash documents? According to the rules of the Bank of Russia, individual entrepreneurs are exempt from maintaining cash documents, but if they are not filled out, the tax inspectorate may have questions when determining the tax base. Therefore, it is still worth filling out incoming and outgoing cash orders.

To receive funds from your current account for personal needs, you must:

  • contact a bank specialist with your passport (the specialist will help you fill out a check for cash withdrawal);
  • get money from the teller at the bank.

A more convenient option is when money is transferred from the individual entrepreneur’s current account to his personal current account or card account and then withdrawn at the cash desk of a credit institution or through an ATM.

Purpose of cash withdrawal in a payment order

Beginning entrepreneurs often do not know what to write in the “Purpose of payment” field of the payment order. The bank will tell you how to do this correctly. Usually they write “for personal needs”, “entrepreneur’s income”, “for personal purposes”, “transfer of own funds”, “issuance of funds for personal needs”. You cannot write “entrepreneur’s salary”, since the individual entrepreneur pays the salary to his employees, but not to himself. It is also necessary to indicate that withdrawals are not subject to VAT.

Usually, withdrawing funds from a current account is not difficult.

Should an individual entrepreneur report for withdrawn money?

There is no need to report separately for withdrawals, but to avoid possible problems with the tax office, it is worth keeping all documents related to the movement of funds through the individual entrepreneur’s account. These can be contracts with counterparties, payment orders, invoices, cash and sales receipts, invoices, pay slips, etc. And for large personal expenses it is also better to have supporting documents.

Individual entrepreneur withdraws money from the current account: transactions

An individual entrepreneur is not required to keep accounting records; accordingly, he does not need to know accounting entries. But no one prohibits individual entrepreneurs from conducting accounting, as this ensures more effective control over funds.

Individual entrepreneurs may not keep accounting records

Table: examples of typical IP postings

Contents of a business transaction Account by debit Loan account
Received to the cash register from the current account - posting50 51
An advance payment has been received from the buyer of products/services51 62.2
Payment received from the buyer of products/services51 62.1
Cash was deposited in the bank through collection51 50
The previously listed advance payment was returned from the supplier51 60
Money returned from the budget/FSS51 68 (69)
Payment for products has been transferred to the supplier60 51
The buyer's prepayment was returned62.2 51
Taxes transferred to the budget (injury contributions to the Social Insurance Fund)68 (69) 51
Salaries were issued to employees on cards/accounts70 51
Money was issued to employees for reporting on cards/accounts71 51
Bank services for cash settlement services written off91 51

There are other options for accounting for the expenditure of individual entrepreneurs’ funds. Thus, the chief expert of the Accounting Online forum, Alexander Pogrebs, believes that to account for funds it is not at all necessary to use standard transactions from 1C, since the Chart of Accounts is approved only for organizations, and it does not apply to individual entrepreneurs. You can keep records using a ledger for recording income and expenses - this is quite enough. Income and expenses are recorded line by line in the ledger.

Using standard transactions intended for organizations for individual entrepreneurs can lead to the preparation of unnecessary documents, for example, expense reports.

Cash received by an individual entrepreneur from a bank account can be spent on personal needs without restrictions. Drawing up an advance report on the amounts of cash spent directly by an individual entrepreneur for any purpose is not carried out.

And. O. Director of the Cash Circulation Department of the Bank of Russia Yuri Loboda

Video: how an individual entrepreneur can manage his own profits

Although withdrawing cash from an individual entrepreneur’s current account is quite simple, experts recommend resorting to this in extreme cases. Most expenses can be paid by bank transfer. If you need to withdraw funds for personal needs, the easiest way to do this is by transferring to a personal bank account and a plastic card attached to it.

Do you urgently need to transfer money for goods or pay taxes, but there is not enough money in your account?


You are an individual entrepreneur, not an LLC, which means there is nothing complicated for you in this situation. Organizations are in complete trouble. In order to replenish their account, they need to either increase the authorized capital, or obtain a loan or financial assistance from the founders. Fortunately, individual entrepreneurs are spared this hassle.

How to deposit money for an individual entrepreneur?

You just need to top up your current account in any convenient way:

  1. Transfer money from your personal account.
  2. Deposit cash through the cash desk at the bank.
  3. Transfer from a bank card.

And that’s it, now transfer the money where necessary. But with any of these three options, do not forget to indicate “Replenishment of the account with personal funds” in the payment purpose. The wording is approximate, you can create your own, as long as it reflects the meaning. This is necessary so that later this money is not considered as revenue and is not required to pay taxes on it.

Is it necessary to reflect the deposited money in accounting? No, personal funds do not appear in accounting and reporting and are not reflected in the KUDiR. If you keep records in the service and reflect the receipt of funds, you will see them in the “Money” section, but they will not be included in the Income and Expense Accounting Book, and, accordingly, they will not be included in the taxable base.

How can I deposit money into an individual entrepreneur’s account for other people?

But this shouldn’t be done at all. If a husband, wife, aunt, nephew, mother-in-law or anyone else decides to help an entrepreneur with money by depositing it into his current account, the tax authorities can easily regard this as revenue and force him to pay tax on it.

What if the money is not deposited into a current account, but in cash at the cash desk?

If you maintain a cash book, then you need to issue a receipt order. In the money service, it will be generated automatically as soon as you register the receipt of money.

Let us remind you that since 2014, entrepreneurs are allowed not to draw up cash documents. If you have exercised this right, then you do not need to register the receipt of money at the cash desk.

If you want to buy something for your business and pay in cash from your own funds, buy and pay with confidence. Then attach the supporting document to the KUDiR and take into account the expenses in expenses.

You see, there are no particular difficulties. Register in the service, and you will easily and simply solve problems even more difficult than this one.

Sometimes an individual entrepreneur needs to deposit personal funds into the cash register. Is it possible to contribute your own funds to the company’s turnover? Let’s figure out in what cases you can invest your money in an individual entrepreneur’s cash register and how to register the receipt of funds.

During the entire period of business activity, each individual entrepreneur may have several reasons why he will have to deposit his money into the cash register.

The reason may be:

  • financial support for your own business;
  • replenishment of the current account;
  • debt repayment.

If finances are not enough, then an individual entrepreneur can contribute money to his personal account from his own savings. In any case, you need to take into account the subtlety of the execution of this monetary transaction, because you need to draw up the correct ones for the tax office.

When depositing his own money into the cash register, an individual entrepreneur must accompany such payment with an indication that confirms the legality of this operation.

For example, a payment can be signed as:

  1. “Replenishing your account with personal savings.”
  2. “Depositing your own finances into your account.”

In this case, the execution of a monetary transaction is carried out taking into account the regulations of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation.

Deposit of funds for settlements with employees

An individual entrepreneur has the right to deposit his own funds into the cash register and for. At the same time, it is very important to correctly reflect the value of the receipt of this money in the book of income and expenses (KUDiR). In this case, you must save all bank receipts.

As soon as the funds arrive in the appropriate account, the payment of salaries to employees will be carried out in accordance with the documents used, which confirm the legality of such financial transactions.


The entrepreneur’s personal funds, which he decided to deposit in the cash register, can be considered as revenue. Therefore, you need to immediately issue a receipt order. And it should be noted that these finances are not related to the activities of the individual entrepreneur, and also reflect the purpose of the payment.

The entrepreneur’s personal funds, which he decided to deposit in the cash register, can be considered as revenue.

When filling out a debit order, it is also important to indicate the bank account number to which the transferred amount will be credited. It is also worth writing down the address of the bank where the transfer was made.

When depositing money at the cash desk, it is very important to complete the documentation correctly. Namely, it is correct to indicate where this money came from. An individual entrepreneur can deposit cash only into his personal bank account. Otherwise, the bank may refuse.

Upon completion of the operation, the individual entrepreneur will receive a check stamped and signed by the cashier. After completing the operation, you need to make transactions; in our case, you need to use account 84 (“Other operating expenses”).

It is only necessary to indicate the purpose of money in a cash receipt order (PKO) when money received from business activities is deposited into the cash register. In this case, they must be registered as proceeds. Each wiring, regardless of type and purpose, must be documented with the necessary documentation.

When an individual entrepreneur has a debt and deposits money into the account in order to pay it off, it is necessary to issue a PKO. The entire amount that was invested is not taken into account in the KUDiR.

When investing your money in the cash register, you must use the following entries: 72 “Income/expenses of individual entrepreneurs”, 72.1 “Deposit of personal funds”, 72.2 “Replenishment of the account” and 84 “Other operating expenses”.

Taking into account the nuances that relate to the correct execution of various types of documents, it is worth noting that the contribution of personal money to the cash desk should be supported by warrant No. Ko-1. Only in this case, financial accounting of funds deposited in the cash register will be kept in the account that reflects work with creditors and debtors (Debit 76, Credit 50), as well as in the posting account.

What about taxes?

Typically, the individual entrepreneur who uses the simplified tax system deposits funds into his bank account to pay the office landlord. And the question of writing off tax from the payment amount is also very acute for him.

The individual entrepreneur who deposits his funds into the account is not the person forming the tax base. And his own money is not recognized as income, since it is not directly related to the sale of goods or the provision of any services.

An individual entrepreneur has the right to spend any amount for his own needs, including replenishing the company’s current account from his own pocket. But in this case, you need to prepare the appropriate documents. And if the tax office receives a request-claim regarding a specific payment, then send there a document that states all the amounts of funds received and their purpose.

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