Home Prevention Chicken salads with cheese and nuts.

Chicken salads with cheese and nuts.

Today I will show you a recipe for a salad of boiled chicken meat with champignons and walnuts, very tender in consistency and interesting in taste. This salad is prepared quite quickly and easily, and the end result is a very original dish that you can pamper your family with on holidays, and even on an ordinary weekday, serving it, for example, for dinner as a main course.

Salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is very nutritious and satisfying and consists of the most healthy products. Chicken breast and mushrooms contain a lot of protein and valuable amino acids, which restore muscle tissue and strengthen the body's immunity. Nuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the functioning of the nervous system and stimulate mental activity. Eggs replenish the lack of vitamin D in the body, which is especially important during the cold season. And although this salad is not the most dietary dish, even after a small portion you will not want to eat for several hours, which compensates for the possible harm to your figure.

Well, the taste of this wonderful salad is not so easy to convey in words; you definitely have to try it. But take my word for it, it will not leave anyone indifferent. Soft and tender chicken fillet and eggs go perfectly with the rich taste of champignons, and onions fried with aromatic spices and spicy walnuts add their own special, unique note. Prepare a salad with chicken, mushrooms and nuts using this simple recipe and see for yourself!

Useful information How to prepare a delicious holiday chicken salad - recipe with mushrooms, eggs and walnuts with step-by-step photos


  • 2 chicken fillets
  • 1 can of canned champignons (400 g)
  • 4 eggs
  • 1 medium onion
  • 80 g walnuts
  • 80 g mayonnaise
  • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
  • salt, pepper, 1/2 tsp. spices for chicken


1. To prepare a salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts, cut the onions into thin quarter rings and fry in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown for 8 - 10 minutes.

2. Add chicken spices to the onion and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes.

3. Boil the chicken fillet in boiling water for 30 - 40 minutes, cool and cut into cubes, place in a salad bowl.

4. Hard-boil the eggs, peel them, cut them into cubes and add to the chicken.

5. Drain the liquid from the champignons and cut them into small slices. I usually buy mushrooms already chopped, but they usually require additional chopping as well.

6. Lightly fry the walnuts in a dry frying pan.

7. Chop the nuts and put half of them in a salad bowl along with the fried onions.

9. Mix everything thoroughly.

When serving, sprinkle the remaining nuts on top of the salad. Delicate spicy salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is ready!

Friends, today I want to bring to your attention a recipe for a delicious layered salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts. I would like to immediately note that this salad has a very high-quality selection of products, which makes the salad very nutritious, but light. It can be prepared not only with mayonnaise, but also using a wide variety of other types of dressings. Choose at your own discretion. Let's look at how to prepare a layered salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts...

  • 150 grams of chicken fillet
  • Two chicken eggs
  • 100 grams of mushrooms
  • One medium-sized onion
  • 100 grams of hard cheese
  • Two cloves of garlic
  • 50 grams of walnuts
  • Mayonnaise to taste
How to prepare salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts:
  • This salad, like all salads of this kind, is prepared very easily and simply. To begin with, it is better to finely chop the onion. Boil fresh mushrooms in salted water for 8-10 minutes, then fry them in vegetable oil with onions in a hot frying pan. Allow the mushrooms to cool.
  • Boil the meat in lightly salted water until cooked. Let it cool and chop into small pieces.
  • Hard-boil chicken eggs and grate them. Peel the garlic and grate it on a fine grater. Also grate the cheese and mix it with garlic. Pour mayonnaise over the cheese-garlic mixture and mix well. We recommend lightly frying and crushing the peeled walnuts. In order to lay out our salad in layers, we have everything ready.
  • Place chicken fillet in the first layer of this salad and spread mayonnaise on top.
  • The second layer is eggs, which we also coat with mayonnaise.
  • Now mushrooms with onions, which again lightly grease with mayonnaise.
  • In the next layer, spread the cheese-garlic mixture in mayonnaise.
  • And we cover it all with chopped walnuts.
  • Now our layered salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is ready!

    Simple recipes for a hearty salad with chicken and nuts, with the addition of cheese, pineapples, prunes, champignons - take your pick!

    One of the simplest recipes for delicious and satisfying salads, which should especially appeal to men. Tender chicken breast, spicy pickled cucumbers, juicy onions and neutral-tasting chicken eggs combine quite interestingly with walnuts. This salad is prepared quickly and is perfect for both everyday meals and holiday tables.

    • chicken breast – 500 gr
    • pickled cucumbers – 300 gr
    • chicken eggs - 4 pcs
    • walnut – 80 gr
    • onion - 150 gr
    • mayonnaise - 300 gr

    First of all, let's cook the chicken breast. In general, there are two basic rules according to which chicken breast is cooked. If you need broth, place the meat in cold water, and when you are preparing the breast itself (for example, for the same salads), put it in boiling water. Then the breast will turn out juicy and very soft, since it will not have time to give all its juices to the broth. So, put the chicken breast in boiling water and cook at a moderate boil for about 15 minutes (after the water boils a second time - the boiling stops when you add the meat, as the water temperature drops).

    Meanwhile, finely chop the peeled onion. If you come across a sharp onion, you need to scald it with boiling water (already chopped), then rinse it in ice water - the bitterness will go away. At the same time, set the chicken eggs to boil hard.

    Peeled walnuts need to be chopped with a knife or crushed using a blender. The main thing is not to get fine crumbs, but to leave small pieces of nuts so that their texture can be felt.

    After this, cut the crispy pickled cucumbers into small cubes. I won’t tell you the size of the pieces, since I don’t measure them, but they’re roughly the same size as you chop ingredients for Olivier salad.

    The chicken eggs are ready: cool them under cold running water directly in the saucepan. This way they will cool faster and will be easier to clean. Chop them into the same cube. By the way, do you know how to prevent eggs from cracking during cooking? Firstly, they must be at room temperature (that is, remove the eggs from the refrigerator in advance), as well as water. Secondly, when cooking, add a little vinegar or salt to the water.

    The chicken breast is also ready - remove it from the broth, let it cool a little, then cut it into small cubes. If you calculate the cooking time correctly, the breast will turn out juicy, and the cubes will be perfectly smooth and non-fibrous.

    So, you can gradually layer the finished ingredients. By tradition, I use deep bowls, which I completely line with cling film - this way the food won’t stick in the dishes and the salad will come out smooth on the dish. The layers are laid out in reverse, that is, the bottom of the bowl is the top of the salad. In general, if you are not particularly interested in the shape of the salad, you can mix everything and eat it right away. My first layer is chicken - we put half of all the cubes on the bottom, which have already cooled completely. It is important to coat each layer with a fairly generous portion of mayonnaise so that the salad is not dry.

    After the chicken, add half of the chopped pickled cucumbers, which we also don’t forget to coat with sauce.

    Next is a layer of boiled chicken eggs and mayonnaise.

    Then we lay out the chopped onions, coating them with mayonnaise.

    And finally - chopped walnuts (leave a handful to decorate the finished salad). Don't forget the mayonnaise!

    All that remains is to add the other half of the chicken cubes (mayonnaise!).

    The final layer is the second portion of pickled cucumbers.

    Cover the salad with the edges of the cling film and press all the ingredients a little with a spoon or directly with your palm so that the layers set. You can leave the salad in this form to soak in the refrigerator for several hours (I indicated the salad preparation time only from the point of view of our work).

    When it’s time to serve the dish, cover the bowl with the salad with a flat plate and turn the structure over. Now remove the bowl and then remove the cling film, thanks to which the food does not stick to the walls of the dish. The salad turns out smooth and neat, the layers are clearly visible.

    Your culinary imagination will tell you how to decorate the finished dish. I just sprinkled it with walnuts.

    It turns out to be a very simple, but at the same time interesting, tasty and satisfying salad, which will surely appeal to many. Try it too!

    Recipe 2, step by step: salad with chicken breast and nuts

    Very tasty and beautiful salad. Very tender, with a pleasant nutty crunch. This dish will perfectly decorate any holiday table. The salad is very nutritious and satisfying. It is prepared quickly and easily. This recipe can be done by even the most novice housewife.

    • Chicken fillet – 250 g
    • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs
    • Hard cheese - 80 g
    • Walnuts - 50 g
    • Mayonnaise - 3 tbsp
    • Raisins - 30 pcs
    • Salt - to taste

    Prepare all the necessary ingredients and feel free to start cooking. Any mayonnaise or thick sour cream (at your discretion), as well as any hard cheese, is suitable for preparation.

    At the first stage, you need to boil the chicken fillet in salted water, then cool and cut into small pieces with a knife.

    While the meat is cooking, prepare the remaining ingredients of the dish. You need to split the walnuts and crush the kernels into smaller pieces in a mortar or other method. You can use both almond kernels and peanuts, it's up to you.

    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater.

    Also pass hard-boiled chicken eggs through a coarse grater.

    Once you have all the ingredients ready, start preparing the salad. You need to take a wide dish, lyagan or a large flat plate. Evenly distribute the sliced ​​chicken fillet onto the bottom.

    Then sprinkle nut crumbs over the meat layer, also evenly.

    Apply a small amount of grated cheese to the nuts.

    Then all the laid layers of the dish need to be covered with egg crumbs and pressed down a little with your hand to make it easier to apply the mayonnaise.

    Now spread the egg layer evenly with mayonnaise.

    In conclusion, we proceed to the final stage - the design of the dish. Cover the salad with a layer of the remaining cheese and garnish with steamed raisins. Instead of raisins, you can use any fresh seedless grapes.

    The salad turned out very beautiful and delicate in taste. This dish can be successfully prepared for any holiday or family celebration. Cook and treat your friends and guests. Bon appetit everyone!

    Recipe 3: Chicken salad with walnuts and mushrooms

    Delicious festive chicken salad with walnuts and mushrooms, which will be very easy to prepare.

    • Chicken breast - 2-3 pcs.
    • Walnut - 0.5 cups
    • Champignons – 300 g
    • Butter - 50 g
    • Cheese - 100 g
    • Mayonnaise - 100 g
    • Salt - 1 teaspoon

    How to make chicken salad with mushrooms and nuts: Wash the chicken breasts. Fill with water (1 liter). Bring to a boil and add salt (0.5 teaspoon of salt). Boil chicken breasts in boiling salted water for 15 minutes.

    Cool the chicken breasts and chop finely.

    Wash the champignons and finely chop them.

    Heat a frying pan, melt the butter. Place the champignons. Fry in butter over medium heat, stirring (15 minutes).

    Leave a quarter of the nuts for decoration. Grind walnuts in a mortar or blender.

    Mix finely chopped chicken breasts with walnuts and fried champignons.

    Set cheese (20 g) aside for decoration. Grate the remaining cheese. You can grate it on a fine grater, or on a coarse one - according to your taste.

    Add grated cheese to the remaining ingredients, add salt (a pinch).

    Season chicken salad with mushrooms and nuts with mayonnaise.

    To decorate, grate the cheese on a fine grater.

    The top of the chicken salad with walnuts and mushrooms can be decorated with grated cheese and nuts.

    Recipe 4: chicken salad with prunes and nuts (with photo)

    An unusual combination of prunes, chicken, nuts and garlic make this salad the favorite on any holiday table.

    • Chicken fillet - 200 g
    • Potatoes (medium potatoes) - 2 pcs.
    • Hard cheese - 150 g
    • Prunes - 150 g
    • Chicken egg - 3 pcs
    • Walnuts (I had less today) - 150 g
    • Garlic (more possible (to taste)) - 4 teeth.
    • Mayonnaise (to taste)
    • Sour cream (to taste (you need sour cream that is not very sour))
    • Salt (to taste)
    • Black pepper (to taste)

    These are necessary products.

    Fry the breast on both sides and cut into cubes.

    Boil potatoes and eggs, peel, cool and grate on a coarse grater.

    Steam the prunes, drain the water after a few minutes, dry and cut into cubes.

    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, chop the nuts not very finely, I just chop them.

    Mix mayonnaise with sour cream, approximately one to one. Add finely chopped or grated garlic.

    Place grated potatoes on a large flat plate, lightly add salt and pepper, and brush with garlic-sour cream-mayonnaise sauce.

    Place the next layer of chicken breast and grease with garlic-sour cream-mayonnaise sauce.

    Then grated cheese and garlic-sour cream-mayonnaise sauce.

    The next layer is made of prunes and sauce.

    Then add the grated eggs, salt and pepper, brush with sauce

    Sprinkle generously with nuts.

    Bon appetit and good mood to you and your guests!

    Recipe 5: French Chicken Salad with Nuts and Pineapple

    I offer a recipe for a delicious salad for the holiday table) There are many varieties of chicken salad, but this and another option are my favorites. Today we will prepare a salad with chicken fillet, canned pineapple, cheese and walnuts.

    • 250 g chicken fillet (one small chicken breast)
    • 150 g – hard cheese (for example, “Russian”)
    • 1 can canned pineapple slices
    • 150 g walnuts
    • mayonnaise for dressing (light)

    Boil the chicken, lightly salt it. Cool the chicken. Then cut into thin strips. Grate the cheese on a coarse grater. Finely chop the walnuts.

    Place in a flat salad pan in layers (spread each layer with mayonnaise):

    Place the chopped chicken fillet on the bottom of the mold, grease with mayonnaise

    Grate the cheese on a coarse grater, place it on top of the pineapple, grease the cheese layer with mayonnaise, but do not smear the pineapple layer!!!

    Walnuts (no need to grease the top!). Pour the chopped nuts on top of the mayonnaise and press firmly. Cover the salad with cling film or a lid, put it in the refrigerator for at least 2 hours, optimally for 5-6 hours, the salad will be soaked and will be very tasty!!!

    Recipe 6: Chicken salad with prunes and walnuts

    A salad with chicken, prunes, walnuts and cheese is a win-win option for any occasion, but if such a dish appears on the table on an ordinary weekday, your loved ones will be simply delighted. All the ingredients for the salad are available; you only have to pre-cook (cook) the chicken, and everything else is just chopped or grated. Thanks to this, if you have already cooked chicken, the salad can be prepared in literally 15 minutes.

    • 200 g chicken fillet
    • 1 handful of prunes
    • 1 handful of walnuts
    • 1–2 pickled or pickled cucumbers
    • 3 tbsp. l. mayonnaise
    • 1/5 tsp. salt
    • 2–4 sprigs of greenery
    • 50 g hard cheese

    Place the chicken fillet in salted water and cook until tender. To give the meat more flavor, you can add a couple of bay leaves and peppercorns to the broth. 25-30 minutes after the water boils will be enough, then cool the meat and cut into small cubes.

    We will collect the salad immediately in bowls or in a large communal salad bowl. Place chicken pieces at the very bottom.

    Cut the cucumbers into small cubes and place on the chicken.

    You can take not hard cheese, but, for example, processed or soft pickled cheese. Hard cheese needs to be grated, and soft cheese can be mashed into fine crumbs with a fork. Pour the cheese into a salad bowl or bowl.

    Place mayonnaise on a layer of cheese and sprinkle pieces of walnuts on top.

    Cut smoked or dried prunes into pieces and also place on top of the salad.

    Before serving, the salad can be decorated with fresh herbs. There is no need to insist on it, since the layers were not coated with mayonnaise. Already on the table, immediately before use, all the ingredients in a bowl or salad bowl need to be mixed.

    Recipe 7: Salad with Chicken Breast and Walnuts
    • Chicken breast 250 g
    • Chicken egg 2 pcs
    • Red sweet pepper 1 piece
    • Walnuts 100 g
    • Vegetable oil 1 tbsp
    • Parsley (greens) to taste
    • Mayonnaise to taste
    • Salt to taste
    • Mix of peppers to taste

    Finely chop the chicken breast.

    Season, salt

    Fry the fillet until done

    Hard boil the egg, chop finely

    Pepper cut into cubes

    Add chicken fillet

    Finely chop the parsley

    Chop walnuts with a knife

    Add Mayo


    The recipe for “Chicken and Nut Salad” is ready, bon appetit!

    Recipe 8: salad with chicken, mushrooms and nuts (step by step)

    Today I will show you a recipe for a salad of boiled chicken meat with champignons and walnuts, very tender in consistency and interesting in taste. This salad is prepared quite quickly and easily, and the end result is a very original dish that you can pamper your family with on holidays, and even on an ordinary weekday, serving it, for example, for dinner as a main course.

    Salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is very nutritious and satisfying and consists of the most healthy products. Chicken breast and mushrooms contain a lot of protein and valuable amino acids, which restore muscle tissue and strengthen the body's immunity. Nuts are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, which support the functioning of the nervous system and stimulate mental activity. Eggs replenish the lack of vitamin D in the body, which is especially important during the cold season. And although this salad is not the most dietary dish, even after a small portion you will not want to eat for several hours, which compensates for the possible harm to your figure.

    Well, the taste of this wonderful salad is not so easy to convey in words; you definitely have to try it. But take my word for it, it will not leave anyone indifferent. Soft and tender chicken fillet and eggs go perfectly with the rich taste of champignons, and onions fried with aromatic spices and spicy walnuts add their own special, unique note. Prepare a salad with chicken, mushrooms and nuts using this simple recipe and see for yourself!

    • 2 chicken fillets
    • 1 can of canned champignons (400 g)
    • 4 eggs
    • 1 medium onion
    • 80 g walnuts
    • 80 g mayonnaise
    • 2 tbsp. l. vegetable oil
    • salt, pepper, ½ tsp. spices for chicken

    To prepare a salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts, cut the onions into thin quarter rings and fry in vegetable oil over medium heat until golden brown for 8 - 10 minutes.

    Add chicken spices to the onion and cook for another 2 - 3 minutes.

    Boil the chicken fillet in boiling water for 30–40 minutes, cool, cut into cubes, and place in a salad bowl.

    Hard boil the eggs, peel them, cut into cubes and add to the chicken.

    Drain the liquid from the mushrooms and cut them into small slices. I usually buy mushrooms already chopped, but they usually require additional chopping as well.

    When serving, sprinkle the remaining nuts on top of the salad. Delicate spicy salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is ready!

    Step 1: prepare the chicken breast. Such a simple salad does not pretend to be exquisite, and perhaps gourmets will find more disadvantages in it than advantages, but as a dish that perfectly diversifies the holiday or everyday menu, this yummy is simply ideal. First of all, pour about 2 liters of purified water into a deep saucepan and put it on medium heat, letting it boil. Then we take a fresh chicken breast or, as it is also called, fillet, thoroughly wash it to remove any dirt and dry it with paper kitchen towels. Then we place this ingredient on a cutting board and, using a sharp kitchen knife, remove the thin film, cartilage, and excess fat from the meat, of course, if any. Step 2: Cook the chicken breast.
    After a while, when the water in the pan begins to bubble well, add salt to taste and carefully lower the whole breast into it. After boiling again, cook the meat until fully cooked for 25–30 minutes, periodically using a slotted spoon to remove the gray-white foam from the surface of the liquid - the first coagulated protein. As soon as the chicken is cooked, move it to a plate and place it near a slightly open window so that it cools faster to room temperature.
    Step 3: prepare onions and mushrooms.
    We don’t waste a minute while the meat is cooling, using a new kitchen knife, peel the onions and remove the root of each mushroom. Then we wash them under running cold running water, dry them, place them on a clean cutting board and chop them. We chop the onion into cubes, half rings or quarters with a thickness of 5 to 7 millimeters, and chop the champignons into layers, slices or small pieces of arbitrary shape up to 5 millimeters thick and move on. Step 4: fry onions with mushrooms.

    Place a frying pan over medium heat and pour a little vegetable oil into it. After a few minutes, dip the onion slices into the heated fat and fry them for 2-3 minutes until transparent, periodically loosening them with a wooden or silicone kitchen spatula.

    As soon as the vegetable softens slightly and begins to turn a delicate blush, add pieces of champignons. Simmer everything together for another 15 minutes, during which the mushrooms will release juice, but it will quickly evaporate and the food will begin to gradually fry.
    When the vegetable mass is ready, remove it from the stove and place it in the window instead of the chicken so that it also cools. Step 5: prepare the boiled chicken fillet.
    Next, cover the countertop with a kitchen towel, pour walnuts onto it and sort through them, removing any kind of debris. After this, we grind the kernels in any convenient way, for example, we break them into small pieces with clean hands, chop them with a knife on a cutting board, grind them to the desired size using a stationary blender or pass them through a meat grinder with a medium mesh, in extreme cases, we simply grind them with a kitchen pestle in mortar and proceed to the next step. Step 7: bring the salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts to full readiness.
    Pour crushed walnuts, chopped chicken breast and cooled fried mushrooms with onions into a deep bowl. Season everything to taste with salt, ground black pepper, mayonnaise and mix with a tablespoon until smooth - the salad is ready! Well, serving this miracle depends only on your imagination.
    Step 8: Serve the salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts.
    Salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts can be served immediately or after a short thirty-minute infusion in a special container designed for this purpose, on portioned plates or in small tartlets as a snack for breakfast, lunch or dinner. This dish does not need any additions, except that before putting it on the table, you can decorate the salad with finely chopped cheese or fresh finely chopped dill, parsley, and cilantro. Cook with love and enjoy delicious homemade food!

    Bon appetit!

    Very often, finely chopped or shredded hard cheese, prunes, canned corn, peas, hard-boiled chicken eggs, fresh or pickled cucumbers are added to the salad. Of course, you shouldn’t add everything at once; it’s better to choose one of the listed ingredients; individually they give the dish their own flavor;

    Instead of champignons, you can use any other edible fresh mushrooms, but do not forget that each variety is prepared for frying differently;

    Modern society perceives the word “salad” as a dish with finely chopped vegetables, meat, fish, mushrooms or fruits. There are three characteristics of the dish: fast, chopped and cold. That is why every housewife should know recipes for making salad with mushrooms and nuts.

    Today, the Internet is filled with a huge number of salad recipes, but most women are quite conservative and are accustomed to treating guests to standard dishes. If you want to surprise your friends, you can always try experimenting with salads.

    This dish is distinguished by its excellent taste and high-quality ingredients, which make it nutritious and at the same time easy on the stomach. Dressing a salad with chicken, mushrooms and walnuts is allowed not only with mayonnaise, but also with other types of dressings, it all depends on the taste preferences of family members.

    In order to prepare this dish, you need to stock up on the following set of ingredients:

    • 200 grams of chicken fillet.
    • 2 eggs.
    • 200 grams of champignons.
    • 75 grams of hard cheese.
    • One onion.
    • 50 grams of walnuts.
    • A few spoons of mayonnaise.
    • 0.5 teaspoon of sunflower oil.
    • Salt to taste.

    The cooking process is divided into several stages. Here are the main ones:

  • Grate or finely chop the onion.
  • Initially boil the mushrooms for 10 minutes, then fry them with onions.
  • Throw the meat into salted water, cook, cool and cut into medium-sized pieces.
  • Boil eggs, cut into pieces.
  • Pass the garlic through a grater along with the cheese. Mix everything well. Add mayonnaise to the resulting mass.
  • Peel the nuts, fry a little and chop.
  • Next, take a suitable container and drop a little mayonnaise on the bottom. Since the salad is layered, it is better to lay out the ingredients in the following order: chicken fillet, eggs, mushrooms and onions, cheese with garlic, walnuts. Each layer must be lubricated with mayonnaise or sour cream.

    Due to the fact that the fairy tale salad with chicken and mushrooms should be well soaked, it is customary to leave it in a cool place for 30 minutes. After the specified time, the dish is decorated with herbs and served to guests.

    Salad with mushrooms, chicken, prunes, cheese and walnuts

    This salad is quite simple to prepare, at the same time it is tasty and original. The dish will not leave anyone indifferent.

    Initially, the housewife should arm herself with the following products:

    • 1 kilogram of chicken breast.
    • 500 grams of mushrooms.
    • 200 grams of prunes.
    • 2 onions.
    • 240 grams of hard cheese.
    • 140 grams of chopped nuts.
    • 10 tablespoons of oil.
    • Mayonnaise or sour cream, bay leaf, peppercorns, salt and herbs.

    Step-by-step preparation is divided into several points:

  • Place bay leaf, salt, pepper and meat into the pan. Boil everything thoroughly until done. Then remove the meat and cut into cubes.
  • Peel the onion, cut into rings, and mushrooms into slices. Mix everything and simmer in oil for about 20 minutes.
  • Treat prunes with boiling water to soften them. Then finely chop it into small pieces.
  • Pass the cheese through a grater.
  • Place all products in a large bowl, cover them with nuts and mix. Then add sour cream and mix again. Place the finished salad with walnuts and chicken with mushrooms in a salad bowl, garnish with herbs and serve to guests.

    “Tsarskiy” salad with chicken and champignons

    This original dish, which is usually decorated with red caviar, always becomes the star of a festive feast. Today, the salad in question is quite popular, like Olivier, because it contains many healthy and appetizing products.

    The ingredients for cooking are:

    • 2 boiled potatoes.
    • 2 eggs.
    • 300 grams of boiled chicken meat.
    • 350 grams of fresh mushrooms.
    • 1 onion.
    • 1 carrot.
    • 200 grams of hard cheese.
    • A glass of mayonnaise.
    • 40 grams of red caviar.
    • Spices to taste.

    The meat is boiled and cut into cubes; do the same with eggs. The champignons are cut in half, and the onions, potatoes, carrots and cheese are grated on a coarse grater, but without mixing.

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