Home Wisdom teeth John the theologian biography briefly. Apostle John theologian

John the theologian biography briefly. Apostle John theologian

Among the books of Holy Scripture given to people by the Lord through his disciples, the Apocalypse stands out especially. It talks about the “end of times” that awaits humanity as a result of their sinful lifestyle. The author of the Apocalypse is the Apostle-Evangelist John the Theologian (another title of the book directly indicates this - “The Revelation of the Holy Apostle John the Theologian”). The Lord chose this man to carry a warning to all the inhabitants of the Earth. The Church established the date of memory of John the Theologian on May 21 (May 8 according to the old style), the day of his death.

The Beginning of Serving Christ

On the day of remembrance of the holy apostle, let's take a closer look at the life of John the Theologian.

John the Theologian was the son of the daughter of St. Joseph the Betrothed from his first marriage, Salome and a Christian named Zebedee. The apostle was also the brother of Saint James and the nephew of Christ himself. John the Theologian became one of the disciples of Jesus by following the call of the Son of God on Lake Gennesaret. He set out on the path of faith together with his brother. It was Saint John who became one of the three disciples closest to Christ and witnessed many signs and wonders performed by the Savior during his lifetime. It was he who asked Jesus a question during the Last Supper about who would betray the Teacher, and also one of all the apostles did not hide at the moment of the crucifixion of the Messiah on the cross and cared, by the will of the one who sacrificed himself for the salvation of mankind, about the Mother of God until the Dormition of the Most Pure One.

According to the lot, designed to determine for each disciple the land of Christ to carry out preaching activities there, John the Theologian had to follow to Asia Minor. In order to get to the place, the apostle had to travel by sea, which he was incredibly afraid of. Therefore, when all the disciples got ready to set off, John remained with the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem, where he stayed until the 50th year. But he still had to sail to Asia Minor, and when this happened, the ship on which Christ’s disciple was sailing was wrecked. However, no one died, and even the apostle himself, who had gone missing, was later miraculously carried by a wave to land unharmed.

Arriving in Ephesus together with his disciple Prochorus, John the Theologian became a victim of oppression by a local resident, Romana. However, God interceded for his charges: very quickly the conflict was resolved, and the evil woman and two men saved through the prayers of the apostles accepted Christian Baptism. At the fiery request of John, the Lord showed terrible signs to the pagans who were raging in the city, in order to convert them to the true faith. This helped, and thousands of people left the fold of paganism. Unfortunately, Emperor Domitian learned about what had happened, in particular about the destruction of the ancient temple by an earthquake caused by the apostle’s prayers to the one Lord. He ordered the preacher to be seized, and seeing the disciple Jesus in person, he sentenced the unfortunate man to death. However, it was not so easy to kill a person under the protection of God. The poison drunk by the apostle did not have the slightest effect on him, and the boiling oil in the cauldron into which John the Theologian was thrown afterwards did not harm the saint’s body. As a result, Domitian exiled the righteous man to the island of Patmos, deciding that he was immortal.

The path to the island lay across the sea. During the journey, John had the opportunity to convert the guards accompanying him to God. Through the prayers of the saint, a man who had fallen overboard was saved, the crew quenched their thirst with fresh water, and a patient with dysentery was healed. Seeing such miracles, the guards wanted to release the apostle, but he resisted. Then they stayed next to the disciple of Jesus on Patmos for 10 days, as a result of which they received holy Baptism and became Christians.

While in exile, the apostle did not stop performing miracles. John cast out a demon from the young man, the son of a resident of the city of Flora, eventually baptizing the victim himself and his entire family; exposed the pagan sorcerer Kinops; raised children and adults from the dead; healed women from infertility; delivered the despairing from despondency and unbelief. With his fiery prayers, he destroyed the temples of Dionysus and Apollo on the island and converted almost all the inhabitants of Patmos to the path of Christianity.

Voice from the sky

In 96, power changed: Emperor Nerva ascended the throne, because the previous ruler was killed. The new king had no desire to persecute Christians and hinder the spread of their faith. Moreover, he freed John the Theologian, and he, having received a vision from the Lord, prepared to sail with Prochorus to Ephesus. The inhabitants of Patmos were saddened to learn about this and turned to the apostle with a request to leave them a written version of the Word of God. This is how the world-famous Gospel of John appeared, transmitted to people by the Lord. The holy apostle spoke, and his companion wrote down the message for two days. They ended up with two copies of the Gospel: they left one for the inhabitants of the island, and took the other with them.

According to Holy Tradition, the Apocalypse was recorded by Prokhor from the words of John there. This was preceded by a ten-day fast of the apostle in prayer and solitude, living in a cave. In the latter, John the Theologian heard the voice of heaven about the events that people should expect at the “end of times.” This cave today is located under the buildings of the Monastery of the Apocalypse and is a church in the name of the Apostle John the Theologian. “Revelation” is rightfully considered the most mysterious book in the world, because all the information in it is encrypted in figurative expressions and mysterious hints.

Last years of life and death

So Saint John returned to Ephesus and stayed in the house of a young man named Domnus, whom he had once raised from the dead. Afterwards the apostle was greeted quite cordially by this man many times. John the Theologian continued to travel through the cities of Asia Minor and preach the Word of God. During these campaigns, he baptized many people.

At the end of his life, Saint John the Theologian became an even greater ascetic than ever. He spent days and nights in deep abstinence, rejecting any food except water and bread. Already in complete old age and weakness, John the Theologian instructed bishops, and repeated only one thing to his disciples: “Children, love one another.” It must be said that throughout his entire earthly existence he taught people peace; that’s what they call him today: “the apostle of love.” At the age of 95, the holy apostle received a revelation from God, from which he learned that he would soon die. Then he gathered seven of his disciples, early in the morning he went with them to a field outside the city, ordered to dig a grave in the form of a cross, lay down in it and asked them to cover themselves with earth up to their necks, and cover their heads with a thin cloth. The disciples obeyed, said goodbye to John and were sent back to the city by him. Returning to Ephesus, they reported what had happened to the Christian residents. They were saddened and wanted to see the elder’s grave. When we found ourselves on the spot with the disciples, we saw that it was... empty.

For many years, the grave of John the Theologian exuded fragrant myrrh. People who collected it received healing from mental and physical ailments. Today, the holy apostle is considered their patron by subjects whose professional activities are in one way or another connected with writing: authors, publishers and editors. This is not surprising, because John the Theologian gave humanity, by the will of God, the most important written sources of the Lord's truth...

On May 21 (NS) the Orthodox Church honors the memory of the apostle and evangelistJohn the Evangelist. In all the works of John the Theologian, the main idea is about love: “Love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God. He who does not love does not know God, because God is love” (1 John 4:7-8). Therefore, John the Theologian is called the Apostle of Love.

Gospel Events

The Apostle John the Theologian was the younger brother of the Apostle James, the son of Zebedee and, according to legend, the grandson of Joseph the Betrothed (the betrothed husband of the Mother of God). Christ called the fishermen John and James when he saw them near the Sea of ​​Galilee (modern Lake Kinneret). On the pages of the Gospel, Christ calls both brothers with an epithet that is translated as “sons of thunder.” This is interpreted this way: the Zebedee brothers had an ardent disposition and a fiery sacrificial character of Christian love. John and James ask Jesus to sit on His right and left sides in the Kingdom of Heaven. Together with the Apostle Peter, the Zebedee brothers are witnesses to the Transfiguration of the Lord and the prayer of Christ in the Garden of Gethsemane. It is to John that the crucified Jesus entrusts the care of the Mother of God, and tells her that John is now her son. Tradition says that John did not leave the Mother of God until the Assumption of Mary and carried ahead of the funeral procession the lily from Paradise, which the Archangel Gabriel had given to the Virgin the day before.


According to legend, after the Dormition of the Mother of God, John the Theologian again went to preach in Asia Minor, in the city of Ephesus (in the territory of modern Turkey), together with his disciple Prokhor. There John performed many miracles - he healed, and through his prayers the dead were resurrected. Seeing all this, the pagans converted to Christianity. At this time, Emperor Nero began persecuting Christians. John was ordered to be executed. First they gave him poisoned wine, then they boiled it in boiling oil, but nothing harmed the apostle. Then Nero ordered John and Prochorus to be sent into exile on the island of Patmos in the southeast of the Aegean Sea. Along the way, through the prayers of the apostle, guards and sailors were saved more than once; as a result, everyone on the ship became Christians. It got to the point that the guards were going to let John go, but he ordered not to violate the order. It was on Patmos that John had a revelation recorded by Prochorus and which became the book “Apocalypse” - the closing and only prophetic book of the New Testament. Many years later, when the persecution of Christians in the Roman Empire ceased, John was able to return to Ephesus. According to legend, John the Theologian, being the youngest of the twelve apostles, outlived them all, living for more than 100 years, and the only one of the twelve died a natural death. And his elder brother Jacob was the first of the twelve to suffer martyrdom.

Gospel of John

In the canon of the New Testament, the Gospel of John occupies fourth place. At the same time, it has some differences from the three previous ones - the synoptic Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, which repeat each other almost word for word. The Gospel of John does not have such vivid visual images as Mark has. But John has many night scenes. If the weather forecasters have Christ talking to a large number of people all the time, then in John He regularly conducts a dialogue with one interlocutor. The result is the impression of a frank conversation, which is why the Gospel of John is sometimes called the Gospel of encounter or the Gospel of prayer, due to its distinctive mysticism and the fact that John is the only evangelist who shows Christ from the inside, personally, spiritually. At the same time, the Gospel of John shows the same Jesus Christ as the weather forecasters, but together all the Gospels complement each other with some details, as if we were reconstructing the entire object in our imagination from several photographs of a certain object.

Memory of the holy glorious and all-validated apostle and evangelist John the Evangelist The church honors October 9 (September 26, old style). This day is referred to as numbered among the twelve. The Apostle John occupies a special place among the disciples of Christ. It is no coincidence that the Church calls John the apostle of love, since he taught that without love a person cannot approach the Lord. The Apostle John is the author of the Gospel of John, three conciliar epistles and the Revelation of John the Theologian (Apocalypse). John the Theologian- the only one of the twelve apostles who died a natural death.

The life and sermon of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian was the son of Zebedee and Salome (daughter of the righteous Joseph the Betrothed). John, together with his older brother the Apostle James, who was a fisherman, was called by Jesus Christ to be one of his disciples, this happened on Lake Gennesaret. And they, leaving their father Zebedee, followed the Savior. (Matt. 4:21; Mark 1:19). John was one of the Savior’s favorite disciples. According to the Gospel of Mark, Christ called the brothers James and John “sons of thunder” (Boanerges), probably because of their impetuous character. John always followed the Lord. He witnessed the Lord's resurrection of the daughter of the synagogue ruler Jairus (Mark 5:37; Luke 8:51) and a witness on Mount Tabor (Matthew 17:1; Mark 9:2; Luke 9:28). During the Last Supper, he reclined next to the Lord and, at a sign from the Apostle Peter, leaning against the Savior’s chest, asked about the name of the traitor.

The Apostle John followed Christ when He, bound, was led to the trial of the lawless high priests Annas and Caiaphas; he was also in the bishop's court during the interrogations of the Savior and followed Him along the Way of the Cross. At the foot of the Cross, he grieved together with the Mother of God and heard the words of the Lord addressed to Her: “Woman, behold Thy son,” and to him: “Behold Thy Mother” (John 19, 26, 27). From this period, the Apostle John took care of the Most Holy Theotokos until Her Dormition. Afterwards, the Apostle John went with his disciple Prochorus to preach in Ephesus. The ship they were sailing on was wrecked. Everyone except the Apostle John was thrown ashore by the wave. On the fortieth day, a wave washed him ashore. In Ephesus, the apostle's preaching was accompanied by numerous signs, and the number of believers increased significantly.

During the reign of Emperor Nero, John was captured and taken to Rome, where he was given poison to drink, then thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil, but the Lord preserved him. Then the apostle was exiled to Fr. Patmos. During his stay on the island, John converted all the inhabitants to the Christian faith, cast out many demons from idol temples and healed the sick. The sorcerer Kinops especially strongly resisted the preaching of the Apostle John, but with the help of prayer, the power of God’s grace acting through him, John destroyed all the demonic tricks of Kinops, and the proud sorcerer died in the depths of the sea. On about. Patmos, the Apostle John wrote the book “Revelation” (Apocalypse), in which he figuratively announced the secrets of the destinies of the Church and the end of the world. After the end of his exile, the Apostle John returned to Ephesus, where he continued his work on the gospel, teaching Christians to beware of false teachings. Here he wrote the Gospel and three conciliar messages, which speak about the meaning of love for God and neighbors, without which salvation is impossible.

John the Evangelist on Patmos, 17th century, Nizhny Novgorod

It is no coincidence that the Church calls John apostle of love, because he taught that without love a person cannot approach the Lord. Being already an old man, John learned that one young man had left the true path and became the leader of robbers. The apostle went into the desert in search of him. Seeing John, the young man began to hide from him, but the apostle rushed after him, begging him to stop, promising to take upon himself the young man’s sin, if only he would repent and leave his soul-destroying path. The young man was touched by the kindness and love of the apostle, repented and set about correcting his life.

Library of Russian Faith

Repose of the Apostle John the Theologian

The Apostle John ended his earthly journey at the age of over one hundred years. He lay down alive in the grave and ordered his disciples to cover him with earth, which they did, grieving for him. Having learned about this, the rest of the apostle’s disciples came to the burial place and dug up the grave, but it turned out to be empty.

Repose of the Apostle John the Theologian. Miniature Minology of Vasily II. Constantinople, 985 Vatican Library. Rome

In the 4th century, a small church was built on the site of the grave of John the Evangelist, and under Emperor Justinian a huge basilica with six domes (each 30 m high) was erected here. Currently, only floor slabs and columns remain from it.

Ruins of the Basilica of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Veneration of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Every year, fine dust emerged from the grave of the Apostle John in the form of manna, with the help of which Christians were healed of illnesses. In memory of this miracle, it was established to celebrate May 21 memory of the holy apostle and evangelist John. Also, the memory of the holy apostle is celebrated on July 13 - the day of the council of the holy, glorious and all-praised twelve apostles, and on October 9 - the day of the repose of the Apostle John the Theologian.

Troparion and Kontakion to the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

Troparion, tone 2:

The beloved Apostle of Christ God, trying to deliver unrequited people, accepts the bot, falling down, even as he reclines on his chest. Pray to the Theologian for the impending pagan rebuke, as if to disperse a cloud, asking us for peace and great mercy.

Kontakion, voice 2:

Who will confess your greatness as a virgin; You pour forth miracles, and pour out healings, and pray for our souls, as the Theologian and friend of Christ.

Library of Russian Faith

Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. Icons

The Holy Church gave only the holy Apostle John, as the seer of God's destinies, the title of Theologian. The iconographic symbol of the Apostle and Evangelist John is the eagle. Also, the Apostle John is depicted with an Angel who conveys to him the Divine Word. In early Christian art, the Apostle John the Theologian was often depicted as a young man, in particular, as he is depicted in mosaics in Ravenna: in the dome of the Baptistery of the Orthodox (mid-5th century) and in the medallion on the western arch of the Church of San Vitale (546-547).

However, there are also the oldest images of the apostle in the form of an old man in the church of San Vitale in Ravenna.

Apostle John the Theologian. Mosaic from the Church of San Vitale in Ravenna. 546–547

In later icons, the Apostle John is depicted as an old man with an inkwell, a pen, a book in his hands and in the presence of an angel or eagle.

Apostle John, 1408, Rev. Andrei Rublev. Fragment of the fresco “The Last Judgment” from the Assumption Cathedral in Vladimir
Apostle John. Icon. Rus. XVI century Ryazan
Apostle John with his life. Icon. Rus. Beginning of the 16th century Tretyakov Gallery Moscow

Temples and monasteries in the name of John the Theologian in Rus'

In the name of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian was consecrated temple in Varyazhki in Smolensk, built between 1160 and 1180.

Church of St. John the Evangelist on Varyazhki. Smolensk

In 1547, in Pskov, in the town of Misharina Gora, a temple was built in the name of John the Theologian.

Church in the name of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian on Misharina Mountain. Pskov

In 1455, in the Pskov land, the Monk Savoy Krypetsky (d. 1495) was founded St. John the Theologian Monastery.

Krypetsky St. John the Theologian Monastery

In 1462, St. Jonah (d. 1470), Bishop of Perm, founded the Cherdyn St. John the Theologian Monastery on the banks of the Kolva River.

Church of St. John the Theologian of the Cherdyn St. John the Theologian Monastery

In 1478, the Cheremenets St. John the Theologian Monastery was founded, located on a peninsula on Lake Cheremenets in the Luga district of the Leningrad region in the town of Cheremenets, Skreblovsky rural settlement. The first mention of the monastery dates back to 1498. According to legend, during the reign of John III (1440-1505) in 1478, on the island where the monastery is located, the peasant Mokii appeared icon of the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian. The prince, having learned about this phenomenon, ordered to found a monastery on the island in the name of the apostle.

Cheremenetsky St. John the Theologian Monastery. Early 20th century photography

Old Believer churches in the name of John the Theologian

In the Old Believers, there are currently several churches in the name of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian. In the Russian Orthodox Old Believer Church today the throne is in and in (the district of Tatarstan), as well as in the Odessa region; in the Russian Ancient Orthodox Church - in the village of the Nizhny Novgorod region.

Temple of the Apostle John the Theologian. Old Nekrasovka
Temple of the Apostle John the Theologian. Tonkino

The image of the Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian in painting

Among the artists who depicted the apostle and evangelist John the Evangelist, world-famous painters are: El Greco “John the Evangelist” (1595-1605. Prado Museum, Madrid); Hieronymus Bosch “St. John on Patmos” (1504-1505, Berlin Art Gallery, Berlin), “Scenes of the Passion of Christ and a Pelican with Chicks (Reverse side of the board “St. John on Patmos”; Hans Memling “Apostle John” (c. . 1468); Domenichino “St. John the Evangelist” and others.

El Greco "John the Evangelist", 1595-1605. Prado Museum, Madrid
Hieronymus Bosch "Saint John on Patmos", 1504-1505, Berlin Art Gallery, Berlin

Soulful teaching

A Word about the Young Man Who Was Saved by John the Theologian

When the great disciple of Christ, John the Theologian, came to the city of Asia, he met there a young man of good birth, tall in stature, and handsome in face, and wished to save his soul so that he would become faithful. Having taught him enough of the commandments of God, he brought him to the bishop of that city and said: “Bishop, I commend this young man to you, with the testimony of the Holy Spirit, that you may keep him from all evil.” And having said this, John went to other countries to teach them the faith of Christ.

The bishop, having received the young man, taught and kept him and instructed him diligently. And soon he baptized him, thinking that he would be confirmed by baptism. The young man began to gradually relax and get closer to other young men and crazy men, going with them to feasts, and drunkenness, and all-night fornication. Then he went on a robbery spree, and eventually his evil friends took him with them to the mountains. And, since he was great in body, the robbers made him one of their elders and made him unmerciful and godless, bitter and cruel in everything.

Then, after a year, John came to Ephesus and in front of everyone said to the bishop: “Bring me the young man whom I entrusted to you.” The bishop took a deep breath, shed tears and answered John: “a young man has died.” John asked: how and in what way? Mental death or physical death? And the bishop said: “To her, my soul. The great destroyer is also the ultimate fierce robber.” And John said to the bishop: “Have I not made you the guardian of the soul of this young man, as a good shepherd for the sheep of Christ? But now bring me a horse, and I will go to the place where the young man is hiding.”

Mounting his horse, John quickly drove him off, looking for Christ’s lost sheep. When he reached the mountain where the robbers were hiding, he was captured by the robber guards. And John prayed to them to take him to their elder, and they took him and led him away. The young man stood armed, and when he saw John coming towards him, he ran away out of shame. John, forgetting his old age, quickly chased after the young man and shouted to him: “Why are you running away from me, child, from your father? And why are you bothering me so much, my son? Become, do not be afraid, you have hope of salvation. I will lay down my soul for you, as the Lord Jesus Christ did for us. Don't be afraid, child, stop, don't be horrified. Christ sent me to give you forgiveness of sins. I will suffer for you, and the blood that you shed will be on me. The burden of your sins will be on my neck, child!”

Hearing all this, the young man stopped and threw down his weapon, shaking and crying a lot. He approached John with tears and kissed him. He hid his right hand, because it was still covered in blood. Having taken it from the robbers, John returned to Ephesus. There he introduced him into the church, giving us all a well-known example of repentance, so that none of us, having fallen into many sins, would despair of our salvation. But, coming to repentance, he would receive God's mercy. The Lord wants to save us all and bring us to true reason.

A Word about Saint John the Theologian, how he taught a man to paint icons

Not far from Constantinople there was a certain small town in which lived a young orphan named Hussar. He earned extra money by hiring out to herd geese. On the gates of that city there was an image of John the Theologian, painted with paints. And always, when the geese were grazing in front of the city gates, the Hussar wrote with his finger in the sand, looking at the image of John the Evangelist. At the same time, he said: “Lord, grant me to learn how to paint this image, for my soul desires this.” When he was unable to depict hands, or a head, or eyes, he smoothed out his drawing and painted again.

He did this for three years. And one day, while he was writing, John the Theologian came to him in the form of a gray-haired old man, just as he was depicted on the gate. And he asked him: “What are you doing, Hussar, drawing in the sand?” The hussar replied: “Look at the gate, where the image of John the Theologian is. I’ve been learning to paint this image in the sand for three years.” Saint John said to him: “Do you want to study icon writing?” The Hussar said: “Yes, sir, I wish it.” Then John took a cane and ink and wrote a letter: “I, John the Theologian, who reclined on the honorable chest of the Lord and drank His secret cup, am sending this youth Hussar to you, Khinar, so that you can teach him how to paint icons better than yourself.” And, having sealed the letter with a ring, he gave it to the Hussar, saying: “Go to Constantinople, there is a royal icon painter there, named Hinar. He writes in the golden royal chambers and goes to the Church of St. Sophia for matins. After waiting for him, give him this letter. Tell me that John the Theologian gave it to me, and then go with him.” Having said all this, John became invisible.

The hussar soon went to the city and, when it was morning, he saw this royal icon painter there returning from the Church of St. Sophia, gave him the letter and followed him. The icon painter, having read the letter, marveled at what was written in it. The hussar told him everything that happened. Then envy gripped the icon painter’s heart so as not to teach the Hussar.

At that time, a certain Tsar’s husband built a stone church and ordered Khinari to paint an icon of St. John the Theologian. The icon painter, absent on some business, ordered the Hussar to rub the paints. According to God's provision, Khinar slowed down until lunch, then John the Theologian came to the Hussar and asked him what he was doing. The Hussar answered: “I’m rubbing paint so that my master can paint the icon of John the Theologian.” John said to him: “Get up and write.” The hussar, frightened, replied: “Sir, I haven’t even learned to hold a brush.” John said, “Look at me and write.” Taking the cane and putting it in his hand, he began to write the image on the board. And, having written, he left him. Then the whole chamber was illuminated by the icon, as if by the sun.

The hussar began to cry, thinking about what would happen to him now from the master. Returning, the master was surprised at what had happened. And from that time on, the Hussar became more skillful than the master. They also told the tsar that the icon painter had a student who had come to study for the third day, and yesterday he painted the icon of John the Theologian in such a way that the chamber glows from it, as from the sun, in a way that cannot even come to a person’s mind. Having taken the icon, they took it to the king. The king was seized with fear from the light emanating from the icon, and this was to the shame of the royal icon painter among the royal men. Some said that the student is more skillful than the master, others that the master is more skillful. The king said: “I can truly judge who is more skillful than whom. Let them paint two eagles in my chambers and put them on the wall. I'll take the hawk and let it go. And whose eagle the hawk begins to grab, that master will be more skillful.” And everyone answered: “Right, king, you say.”

They arrived soon and painted two eagles, each their own, and everyone marveled, looking at both. Looking at the master’s writings, they said that there is no other like him in the world. Having approached the student’s writing, they marveled and were amazed at his great art. The king, taking the hawk, let it go. And the hawk began to grab the student’s bird on the wall. From that time on, the king took Hussar into his chambers to paint icons, and his writing was more skillful than his teacher Khinar. There are those two birds to this day in those royal chambers where they were written. And the icon of St. John the Theologian was taken to the church and this church was consecrated in the name of St. John the Theologian, and they celebrated with joy in Christ Jesus our Lord. To him be glory, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

Life of the Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian

The Holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian was the son of Zebedee and Salome, daughter of Joseph the Betrothed. He was called to preach the Gospel of the fishermen's nets. When our Lord, Jesus Christ, walking by the Sea of ​​Galilee, chose apostles from among the fishermen and had already called two brothers, Peter and Andrew, then he saw other brothers, James Zebedee and John, mending their nets in a boat with their father Zebedee, and called them. Immediately, leaving the boat and their father, they followed Jesus Christ.

At his very calling, John was called by the Lord “Son of Thunder,” because his theology, like thunder, was to be heard throughout the world and fill the whole earth. And John followed his good Teacher, learning from the wisdom that came from His mouth; and he was greatly loved by his Lord Christ for his perfect kindness and virgin purity. The Lord honored him as the most distinguished of the twelve apostles: he was one of those three closest disciples of Christ to whom the Lord many times revealed His Divine secrets. So, when He wanted to resurrect Jairus’ daughter, he did not allow anyone to follow Him except Peter, James and John. When he wanted to show the glory of His Divinity on Tabor, he took Peter, James, and also John. When he was praying in Vertograd, and there he was not without John, for he said to the disciples: “Sit here while I go and pray there, and taking with you Peter and both sons of Zebedee” (Matthew 26:36-37), i.e. . James and John. Everywhere John, as a beloved disciple, was not separated from Christ. And how Christ loved him is evident from the fact that John reclined on His chest. For when at the Last Supper the Lord predicted about His traitor, and the disciples began to look at each other in bewilderment about whom He was talking about, then John reclined on the chest of his beloved Teacher; as he himself tells about this in his Gospel: “one of His disciples, whom Jesus loved, was reclining at the chest of Jesus; Simon Peter made a sign to him to ask who it was that he was talking about; he, falling to the chest of Jesus, said to Him : Lord! Who is this? " (John 13:23-25). John was so loved by the Lord that only he could unhinderedly recline on the Lord’s toes and boldly ask Him about this secret. But John also showed his mutual love for the Teacher who loved him, greater than the other apostles: for during the free suffering of Christ, all of them, leaving their Shepherd, fled, and he alone constantly looked at all the torment of Christ, heartily compassionating with Him, crying and weeping with the Most Pure One. Virgin Mary, the Mother of the Lord, and did not even leave the Son of God who suffered for us with Her until the very cross and death of the Savior. For this, he was adopted from the Lord at the cross of the Most Pure Virgin Mary: hanging on the cross, the Lord, “seeing the mother and the disciple standing here, whom he loved, says to His Mother: Woman! Behold, your son. Then he says to the disciple: Behold, your Mother! And from that time this disciple took Her to himself" (John 19:26-27). And he treated Her as his mother, with all respect, and served Her until her honest and glorious dormition. On the day of her dormition, when the honorable and holy body of the Mother of God was carried for burial, Saint John walked in front of her bed with the royal scepter shining like light, which the Archangel Gabriel brought to the Most Pure Virgin, announcing to Her that she had been brought from earth to heaven.

After the Dormition of the Most Holy Theotokos, Saint John went with his disciple Prochorus to Asia Minor, where his lot fell to preach the Word of God. Going there, Saint John grieved, as he foresaw disasters at sea, which he predicted to his disciple Prochorus. It happened that when they boarded a ship in Joppa and began sailing, at the eleventh hour of the day a great storm arose, and at night the ship crashed, and everyone on it floated in the waves of the sea, holding on to whatever they could. At the sixth hour of the day the sea threw them all with Prokhor ashore, five fields from Seleucia: only John remained in the sea. Prokhor cried a lot and for a long time and went to Asia alone. On the fourteenth day of his journey he came to a village lying by the sea, and stopped here to rest. And while one day he was looking at the sea and yearning for John, a foaming wave of the sea rushed ashore with great noise and threw John out alive. Prokhor came up to see who had been thrown out by the sea, and, meeting John, lifted him from the ground, and, hugging, they cried and thanked God for everything. So Saint John spent fourteen days and nights at sea, and by the grace of God he remained alive. Having entered the village, they asked for water and bread and, having refreshed themselves, went to Ephesus.

When they entered the city together, they were met by a wife named Romana (Romeka), famous even to Rome for the wickedness of her deeds, who kept public baths in that city. And so she, having hired John and Prokhor, put them to work in the bathhouse and tortured them. With her cunning, she attracted both of them into her service: she ordered John to maintain the fire, and Prokhor to pour water, both for the rest of their lives, and for a long time they remained in great trouble. There was a demon in that bathhouse who annually killed one of those bathing in it - a young man or a young woman. When this bathhouse was being built and the foundation was laid, then, through demonic delusion, a young man and a young woman were buried here alive; Since then, such murders began to be committed. It happened at that time that a certain youth named Domnus, the son of the city elder Dioscorides, entered the bathhouse. When Domnus was washing in the bathhouse, a demon attacked him and strangled him, and there was great lamentation for him. This became known throughout the city of Ephesus; Having learned about this, Dioscorides himself was so saddened that he, too, died of grief. Romana prayed a lot to Artemis that she would resurrect Domna, and, praying, she tormented her body, but nothing helped. While John was asking Prokhor about what had happened, Romana, seeing them talking, grabbed John and began beating him, reproaching him and blaming the death of Domnos on John. Finally, she said "If you don't resurrect Domna, I will kill you."

After praying, John resurrected the boy. Romana was horrified. She called John God or the Son of God, but John preached the power of Christ and taught to believe in Christ. Then he resurrected Dioscorides, and Dioscorides and Domnus believed in Christ, and they were all baptized. And fear fell upon all the people, and they marveled at what had happened. Some said about John and Prochorus that they were Magi, while others rightly objected that Magi did not raise the dead. John cast out the demon from the bathhouse, and he and Prochorus stayed in the house of Dioscorides, confirming the newly enlightened in the faith and teaching them a virtuous life.

At one time the festival of Artemis happened in Ephesus, and all the people in white robes celebrated, triumphant and rejoicing at the temple of Artemis; opposite the temple stood the idol of that goddess. And so John, entering a high place, stood near the idol and loudly denounced the blindness of the pagans, that they do not know who they worship, and instead of God they worship the demon. The people were filled with rage for this and threw stones at John, but not a single stone hit him: on the contrary, the stones beat those who threw them. John, raising his hands to the sky, began to pray - and immediately heat and great heat arose on the earth, and out of the multitude of people up to 200 people fell, and they all died, and the rest barely came to their senses from fear and begged John for mercy, for the horror and trembling fell upon them. When John prayed to God, all the dead were resurrected, and they all fell to John and, believing in Christ, were baptized. There, at a certain place called Tychi, John healed a paralytic who had been lying for 12 years. The healed one glorified God.

After many other signs were performed by John, and the rumor about his miracles spread everywhere, the demon staying in the temple of Artemidin, fearing that he too would be deposed by John, took on the image of a warrior, and sat down in a prominent place and wept bitterly. People passing by asked him where he was from and why he was crying so much.

He said: “I am from Caesarea in Palestine, the commander of the prisons, I was ordered to guard two wise men who came from Jerusalem, John and Prochorus, who, due to the multitude of their atrocities, were condemned to death. In the morning they were supposed to die a cruel death, but By their sorcery they escaped from prison at night, and because of them I fell into trouble, since the prince wants to destroy me instead of them. I begged the prince to let me pursue them, and now I hear that those magicians are here, but I have no one to help me catch them."

Saying this, the demon also showed a letter testifying to this, and also showed a large bundle of gold, promising to give it to those who would destroy these wise men.

Hearing this, some soldiers took pity on him, incited the people against John and Prochorus and, approaching the house of Dioscorides, said: “Either give us the magicians, or we will set fire to your house.” Dioscorides would rather have his house burned down than hand over the apostle and his disciple Prochorus to them. But John, foreseeing in spirit that the people’s rebellion would lead to good, gave himself and Prokhor to the people’s gathering. Led by the people, they reached the temple of Artemis. John prayed to God - and suddenly the idol temple fell, without harming a single person. And the apostle said to the demon sitting there:

I tell you, wicked demon, tell me, how many years have you been living here, and have you stirred up this people against us?

The demon answered:

I have been here 109 years, and I have stirred up this people against you.

John said to him:

In the name of Jesus of Nazareth I command you to leave this place. And immediately the demon came out.

Horror seized all the people, and they believed in Christ. Even greater signs were performed by John, and many people turned to the Lord.

At that time, Domitian, the Roman emperor, initiated a great persecution against Christians, and John was slandered before him. The eparch of Asia, seizing the saint, sent him bound to Rome to Caesar, where for his confession of Christ John first of all suffered blows, and then had to drink a cup filled with deadly poison. When, according to the word of Christ: “If they drink anything deadly, it will not harm them” (Mark 16:18), he did not receive harm from her, then he was thrown into a cauldron of boiling oil, but also came out of there unharmed. And the people cried out: “Great is the God of the Christians!” Caesar, no longer daring to torment John, considered him immortal and condemned him to exile on the island of Patmos, as the Lord said in a dream to John: “It is fitting for you to suffer much, and you will be exiled to some island that is in great need of you.”

Having taken John and Prokhor, the soldiers took them to the ship and sailed away. On one of the days of their voyage, the royal nobles sat down to dine and, having a lot of food and drink, had fun. One of them, a young man, while playing, fell from the ship into the sea and drowned. Then their joy and joy turned into crying and lamentation, for they could not help the one who had fallen into the depths of the sea. The father of that boy, who was right there on the ship, wept especially hard: he wanted to throw himself into the sea, but was restrained by others. Knowing John's power to work miracles, they all began to earnestly ask him for help. He asked each of them which god they worshiped; and one said: Apollo, another - Zeus, a third - Hercules, others - Aesculapius, others - Artemis of Ephesus.

And John said to them:

You have so many gods, and they cannot save one drowned person!

And he left them in sorrow until the morning. The next morning, John took pity on the death of the young man and earnestly prayed to God with tears. Immediately there was a commotion on the sea, and one wave, rising to the ship, threw the young man alive at the feet of John. Seeing this, everyone was surprised and rejoiced at the young man saved from drowning. They began to highly venerate John and removed the iron shackles from him.

One night, at five o'clock, there was a great storm at sea, and everyone began to scream, despairing of their lives, since the ship had already begun to collapse. Then everyone cried out to John, asking him to help them and beg their God to save them from destruction. Commanding them to be silent, the saint began to pray, and the storm immediately stopped and great silence fell.

One warrior was overcome by a stomach illness and was already dying; the apostle made him healthy.

The water on the ship became scarce, and many, exhausted from thirst, were close to death. John said to Prochorus:

Fill the vessels with sea water.

And when the vessels were filled, he said:

In the name of Jesus Christ, draw and drink!

Having drawn it, they found the water sweet and, having drunk, rested. Seeing such miracles, John's companions were baptized and wanted to set John free. But he himself persuaded them to take him to the place indicated to him. Arriving on the island of Patmos, they gave the hegemon a message. Myron, the father-in-law of the hegemons, took John and Prokhor into his home. Myron had an eldest son named Apollonides, who had within himself a soothsaying demon who predicted the future; and everyone considered Apollonides to be a prophet. While John was entering the Myrons’ house, Apollonides immediately disappeared; he fled to another city, fearing that the soothsaying demon would be driven out of it by John. When a cry arose in Mironov's house about Apollonides, a notice came from him, informing him that John had driven him out of the house with his sorcery, and that he could not return until John was destroyed.

After reading the letter, Myron went to his son-in-law, the hegemon, to report what had happened; the hegemon, having seized John, wanted to give him to be devoured by wild beasts. But John begged the hegemon to be patient a little and allow him to send his disciple to Apollonides, promising to return him to his home. The hegemon did not prevent him from sending a disciple, but tied John himself with two chains and put him in prison. And Prochorus went to Apollonides with a letter from John, in which it was written like this: “I, John, the apostle of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, to the prophetic spirit living in Apollonides, I command in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: come out of God’s creation and never enter it, but be alone outside this island in dry places, and not among people.”

When Prochorus came to Apollonides with such a message, the demon immediately left him. Apollonides' reason returned, and, as if awakening from sleep, he and Prokhor went back to his city. But he did not immediately enter the house, but first rushed into prison to John and, falling at his feet, gave him thanks for freeing him from the unclean spirit. Having learned about the return of Apollonides, his parents, brothers and sisters all gathered and rejoiced, and John was freed from his bonds. Apollonides told the following about himself: “Many years have passed since I slept on my bed in a deep sleep. A certain man, standing on the left side of the bed, shook me and woke me up - and I saw that he was blacker than a burnt and rotten stump His eyes burned like candles, and I trembled with fear. He said to me, “Open your mouth,” and I opened it, and he entered my mouth and filled my belly; from that hour good and evil became known to me, and also everything that happens in the house. When the Apostle of Christ entered our house, then the one sitting in me said to me: “Run from here, Apollonides, lest you die in suffering, for this man is a sorcerer and wants to kill you.” And I immediately fled to another city. When I wanted to return, he did not allow me, saying: “If John does not die, you cannot live in your house.” And when Prokhor came to the city where I was, I I saw him, - the unclean spirit immediately left me in the same way that he first entered my womb, and I felt relief from a great burden, my mind came to a healthy state, and I felt good.”

Hearing this, everyone fell at John’s feet. He opened his mouth and taught them faith in our Lord Jesus Christ. And Myron believed with his wife and children, they were all baptized, and there was great joy in Mironov’s house. And after that, the hegemon’s wife, Chrysippida, daughter of Mironov, accepted holy baptism with her son and all her slaves; After her, her husband, Lavrenty, the hegemon of that island, was baptized, at the same time laying down his power in order to serve God more freely. And John remained with Prokhor in Mironov’s house for three years, preaching the word of God. Here, by the power of Jesus Christ, he performed many signs and wonders: he healed the sick and drove away demons, destroyed the temple of Apollo with all its idols with one word, and baptized many, converting them to faith in Christ.

There was in that country a sorcerer named Kinops, who lived in the desert and for many years knew unclean spirits. Because of the ghosts he produced, all the inhabitants of the island considered him a god. The priests of Apollo, who were indignant at John for the destruction of the temple of Apollo and for the fact that he made all people followers of Jesus Christ, came to Kinops and complained to him about the Apostle of Christ, begging him to be noted for the dishonor of their gods. Kinops, however, did not want to go to the city himself, since he had lived in that place for many years with no way out. But citizens began to come to him even more often with the same request. Then he promised to send an evil spirit to the Mironov house, take John’s soul and deliver it to eternal judgment. In the morning he sent one of the princes over evil spirits to John, ordering him to bring his soul to him. Arriving at the Mironov house, the demon stood in the place where John was. John, seeing the demon, said to him:

In the name of Christ I command you not to leave this place until you tell me for what purpose you came here to me.

Being bound by John's word, the demon became motionless and said to John:

The priests of Apollo came to Kinops and begged him to go to the city and bring death on you, but he did not want to, saying: “I have been living in this place for many years without leaving; will I bother myself now because of a bad man and insignificant? Go your way, and in the morning I will send my spirit, and he will take his soul and bring it to me, and I will deliver it to eternal judgment.

And John said to the demon:

Has he ever sent you to take a human soul and bring it to him?

The demon answered:

All the power of Satan is in him, and he has an agreement with our princes, and we are with him - and Kinops listens to us, and we listen to him.

Then John said:

I, an apostle of Jesus Christ, command you, evil spirit, not to enter human habitations and not to return to Kinops, but to leave this island and suffer.

And immediately the demon left the island. Kinops, seeing that the spirit did not return, sent another; but he also suffered. And he sent two more of the dark princes: he ordered one to go in to John, and the other to stand outside to bring him an answer. The demon who came to John suffered in the same way as the one who came earlier; another demon, standing outside, seeing his friend’s misfortune, ran to Kinops and told about what had happened. And Kinops was filled with rage and, taking the entire multitude of demons, came to the city. The whole city rejoiced to see Kinops, and everyone bowed to him when they came. Finding John teaching the people, Kinops was filled with great rage and said to the people:

Blind men, who have erred from the true path, listen to me! If John is righteous, and everything he said is true, let him talk to me and perform the same miracles that I do, and you will see which of us is greater, John or me. If he turns out to be stronger than me, then I will believe his words and deeds.

And Kinops said to one young man:

Young man! Is your father alive?

He answered:

And Kinops said:

What kind of death?

The same one answered:

He was a swimmer and when the ship crashed he drowned in the sea.

And Kinops said to John:

Now show, John, your strength, so that we may believe your words: present his father to the son alive.

John answered:

Christ did not send me to rescue the dead from the sea, but to teach deceived people.

And Kinops said to all the people:

Although now believe me that John is a flatterer and is deceiving you; take him and hold him until I bring his father to the youth alive.

They took John, and Kinops stretched out his hands and struck the water with them. When a splash was heard on the sea, everyone was scared, and Kinops became invisible. And everyone shouted:

You are great, Kinops!

And suddenly Kinops came out of the sea, holding, as he said, the father of the boy. Everyone was surprised. And Kinops said:

Is this your father?

Yes, sir,” answered the boy.

Then the people fell at the feet of Kinops and wanted to kill John. But Kinops forbade them, saying:

When you see more of this, then let him be tormented.

Then, calling another man, he said:

Did you have a son?

And he answered:

Yes, sir, he had, but someone out of envy killed him.

Are you surprised, John?

Saint John replied:

No, I'm not surprised by this.

Kinops said:

You will see more, and then you will marvel, and you will not die until I frighten you with signs.

And John answered Kinops:

Your signs will soon be destroyed.

Hearing such words, the people rushed at John and beat him until they considered him dead. And Kinops said to the people:

Leave him without burial, let the birds tear him to pieces.

And they departed from that place, rejoicing with Kinops. Soon, however, they heard that John was teaching in the place where criminals were stoned. Kinops called on the demon with which he performed magic, and, coming to that place, said to John:

I am planning to bring you even greater disgrace and shame, which is why I left you alive; come to the sandy seashore - there you will see my glory and be ashamed.

He was accompanied by three demons, whom the people considered to be people raised from the dead by Kinops. Strongly clasping his hands, Kinops plunged into the sea and became invisible to everyone.

“Great are you, Kinops,” the people cried out, “and there is no one greater than you!”

John commanded the demons who stood in human form not to leave him. And he prayed to the Lord that Kinops would not be alive and it would be so; for the sea suddenly became agitated and boiled in waves, and Kinops no longer emerged from the sea, but remained in the depths of the sea, like an ancient accursed pharaoh. And to those demons whom the people considered to be people raised from the dead, John said:

In the name of Jesus Christ crucified and risen on the third day, leave this island. And they immediately disappeared.

The people sat on the sand, waiting for Kinops for three days and three nights; from hunger, thirst and the heat of the sun, many of them were exhausted and lay silent, and three of their children died. Having mercy on the people, John prayed for their salvation, and after talking a lot with them about faith, he raised their children, healed the sick - and they all unanimously turned to the Lord, were baptized and went home, glorifying Christ. And John returned to the Mironov house and, often coming to the people, taught them faith in Jesus Christ. One day he found a sick man lying by the road, suffering greatly from a fever, and healed him with the sign of the cross. One Jew, named Philo, who was arguing with the apostle over the Scriptures, seeing this, asked John to come into his house. Now he had a wife with leprosy; she fell before the apostle and was immediately healed of leprosy and believed in Christ. Then Philo himself believed and received holy baptism with his entire household. Then Saint John went out to the marketplace, and the people gathered to him to listen to his saving teachings from his lips. The idol priests also came, one of whom, tempting the saint, said:

Teacher! I have a son who is lame in both legs, I beg you to heal him; if you heal him, then I will believe in the God whom you preach.

The saint said to him:

Why do you tempt God like this, Who will clearly show the deceit of your heart?

Having said this, John sent to his son with these words:

In the name of Christ my God, arise and come to me.

And he immediately got up and came to the saint healthy; and the father at the same hour, because of this temptation, became lame on both legs and fell to the ground screaming from severe pain, begging the saint:

Have mercy on me, O saint of God, and heal me in the name of Christ your God, for I believe that there is no other God but Him.

Touched by the prayers, the saint healed the priest and, having taught him faith, baptized him in the name of Jesus Christ.

In the morning John came to the place where a man was lying who suffered from dropsy and had not gotten out of bed for 17 years. The Apostle healed him with a word and enlightened him with holy baptism. On the same day, the man who became hegemon after Mironov’s son-in-law, Lavrenty, sent for John, earnestly begging the saint to come to his house; for the time had come for the hegemon’s wife, who was not idle, to give birth, and she suffered greatly, being unable to relieve herself of the burden. The apostle soon arrived and as soon as he stepped on the threshold of the house, his wife immediately gave birth, and the illness was alleviated. Seeing this, the hegemon believed in Christ with his whole household.

Having lived there for three years, John went to another city, the inhabitants of which were darkened by the darkness of idolatry. When he entered there, he saw people celebrating demons and several young men tied up. And John asked one of those standing there:

Why are these young men bound?

The man replied:

We honor the great god - the wolf, to whom we celebrate today; It is to him that these young men will be slaughtered as sacrifices.

John asked to show him their god, to which the man said:

If you want to see him, wait until four o'clock in the afternoon; then you will see the priests going with the people to the place where God appears; go with them and you will see our god.

John said:

I see that you are a kind person, but I came; I beg you, take me now to that place yourself: for I greatly desire to see your god; and if you show it to me, I will give you the precious beads.

He led John and, showing him a swamp filled with water, said:

From here our God comes out and appears to the people.

And John waited for that god to come out; and about four o'clock in the afternoon the demon appeared, emerging from the water in the form of a huge wolf. Stopping him in the name of Christ, Saint John asked:

How many years have you lived here?

70 years,” answered the devil.

The Apostle of Christ said:

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, I command you: leave this island and never come here.

And the devil immediately disappeared. And the man, seeing what had happened, was horrified and fell at the feet of the apostle. John taught him the holy faith and said to him:

Behold, you have from me the beads that I promised to give you.

Meanwhile, the priests with the bound youths reached that place, having knives in their hands, and with them many people. They waited a long time for the wolf to come out in order to kill the youths for him to eat.

Finally, John approached them and began to ask them to free the innocent youths:

“There is no longer,” he said, “your god, the wolf; it was a demon, and the power of Christ defeated him and drove him away.

Hearing that the wolf had died, they were frightened, and, not finding him, despite a long search, they freed the youths and sent them away healthy. Saint John began to preach to them about Christ and expose their deception, and many of them believed and were baptized.

There was a bathhouse in that city. One day the son of the priest Zeus washed himself in it and was killed by the devil who lived in the bathhouse. Hearing about this, his father came to John with great weeping, asking him to resurrect his son and promising to believe in Christ. The saint went with him and in the name of Christ raised the dead man. And he asked the young man what was the cause of his death:

He answered:

When I was washing in the bathhouse, someone black came out of the water, grabbed me and strangled me.

Realizing that a demon lived in that bathhouse, the saint cursed him and asked:

Who are you and why do you live here?

Bes replied:

I am the one you kicked out of the bathhouse in Ephesus, and I have been living here for the sixth year, harming people.

Saint John expelled him from this place as well. Seeing this, the priest believed in Christ and was baptized with his son and his entire household.

After this, John went out to the market square, where almost the entire city gathered to hear the word of God. And so one woman fell at his feet, crying and begging him to heal her demon-possessed son, for whose healing she gave almost all her property to the doctors. The Apostle ordered him to be brought to him, and as soon as the messengers said to the demoniac: “John is calling you,” the demon immediately left him. Coming to the apostle, the healed man confessed his faith in Christ and was baptized together with his mother.

In the same city there was a particularly revered temple of the idol of Bacchus, called the “father of freedom” by idolaters. Gathering here on his holiday with food and drink, men and women had fun and, drunk, committed great lawlessness in honor of their vile god. Coming here during the holiday, John denounced them for their nasty celebration; the priests, of whom there were many, grabbed him, beat him and threw him bound, and they themselves returned to their vile business. Saint John prayed to God that He would not tolerate such lawlessness; and immediately the idolatrous temple collapsed to the ground and killed all the priests; The other people, being frightened, freed the apostle from his bonds and begged him so that he would not destroy them either.

In the same city there was a famous magician named Nukian; Having learned about the fall of the temple and the death of the priests, he was very indignant and, coming to Saint John, said:

You did wrong to destroy the temple of Bacchus and destroy its priests; I beg you to resurrect them again, just as you resurrected the priest’s son in the bathhouse, and then I will begin to believe in your God.

Saint John answered:

The cause of their destruction was their iniquity; Therefore, they are not worthy to live here, but let them suffer in Gehenna.

If you cannot resurrect them,” said Nukian, “then in the name of my gods I will resurrect the priests and restore the temple, but you will not escape death.

Having said this, they parted. John went to teach the people, and Nukian went to the site of the fallen temple and, going around it with sorcery, did what 12 demons appeared in the form of beaten priests, whom he ordered to follow him and kill John.

The demons said:

It is impossible for us not only to kill him, but even to appear in the place where he is; if you want John to die, go and bring the people here, so that when they see us, they will be angry with John and destroy him.

Nukian, moving away, met a multitude of people listening to the teaching of Saint John, and Nukian shouted to them in a strong voice:

Oh, senseless ones! Why do you allow yourself to be seduced by this wanderer, who, having destroyed your temple with the priests, will also destroy you if you listen to him? Follow me and you will see your priests whom I raised; I will also restore the destroyed temple before your eyes, which John cannot do.

And everyone followed him like crazy, leaving John behind. But the apostle, walking with Prokhor on a different road, arrived before them at the place where there were demons in the form of resurrected priests. Seeing John, the demons immediately disappeared. And so Nukian came with the people; not finding demons, he fell into great sorrow and again began to walk around the destroyed temple, casting magic and calling on them, but there was no success. When evening came, the people indignantly wanted to kill Nukian because he had deceived them. Some said:

Let's grab him and take him to John, and we'll do whatever he commands us.

Hearing this, Saint John warned them in the same way and stood in the same place. The people, bringing Nukian to Saint, said:

This deceiver and your enemy has planned to destroy you; but we will do with it what you indicate.

The saint said:

Let him go! Let him repent.

The next morning, John again taught the people faith in Christ, and many of them, having believed, asked John to baptize them. When John led them to the river, Nukian turned the water into blood with his sorcery. The apostle blinded Nukian with prayer and, making the water clean again, baptized all who believed in it. Defeated by this, Nukian came to his senses and, sincerely repenting, asked the apostle to be merciful to him. The saint, seeing his repentance and having sufficiently taught him, baptized him - and he immediately received his sight and brought John into his home. When John entered it, suddenly all the idols that were in Nukian's house fell and were smashed to dust. Seeing this miracle, his household were afraid and, believing, were baptized.

There was in that city one rich and beautiful widow named Proklianiya. Having a son, Sosipater, with a handsome face, she, through demonic delusion, was inflamed with love for him and tried in every possible way to attract him to her lawlessness. But the son hated his mother for such an insane passion. Having escaped from her, he came to the place where Saint John was then teaching, and listened with pleasure to the teachings of the apostles. John, to whom everything that happened to Sosipater was revealed by the Holy Spirit, having met him alone, taught him to honor his mother, but not to obey her in a lawless matter, and not to tell anyone about it, hiding his mother’s sin. Sosipater did not want to return to his mother’s house; but Curse, having met him, grabbed him by the clothes and with a cry dragged him into the house. At this cry, the hegemon, who had recently arrived in that city, appeared and asked why the woman was dragging the young man like that. The mother, having hidden her lawless intention, slandered her son, as if he wanted to commit violence against her, and tore out her hair, crying and screaming. Hearing this, the hegemon believed the lie and sentenced the innocent Sosipater to be sewn up with deadly reptiles in leather fur and thrown into the sea. Having learned about this, John came to the hegemon, denouncing him for an unfair trial, but without investigating the accusation as he should, he condemned the innocent young man to death. And Curse also slandered John, that this deceiver taught her son to do such evil. Hearing this, the hegemon ordered the holy apostle to be drowned, sewn into the same skin with Sosipater and various reptiles. And the saint prayed - and suddenly the earth shook, and the hegemon’s hand with which he signed the verdict regarding the saint withered; Both of Proklianiia’s hands withered and her eyes became distorted. Seeing this, the judge was horrified, and all those who were there fell on their faces in fear. And the judge begged John to have mercy on him and heal his withered hand; The saint, having taught him enough about fair judgment and faith in Christ, healed him and baptized him in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. So the innocent Sosipater was delivered from misfortune and death, and the judge came to know the true God. And Curse ran away from the youth to her home, bearing God’s punishment on herself. The Apostle, taking Sosipater, went to her house. And Sosipater did not want to go to his mother, but John taught him kindness, assuring him that now he would no longer hear anything unlawful from his mother, for she had become wise. This was indeed the case. For when John and Sosipater entered her house, Curse immediately fell at the feet of the apostle, crying and confessing and repenting of her sins. Having healed her of her illness and taught her faith and chastity, the apostle baptized her and her entire household. So, having become chaste, Prokliania spent her days in great repentance.

At this time, King Domitian was killed. After him, Nerva, a very kind man, took the Roman throne; he freed everyone who was imprisoned. Released from captivity with others, John decided to return to Ephesus: for he had already converted almost everyone living on Patmos to Christ. The Christians, having learned about his intention, begged him not to leave them until the end. And since the apostle did not want to stay with them, but wanted to return to Ephesus, they asked him to leave at least the Gospel that he wrote there as a memory of his teaching. For, having once commanded everyone to fast, he took with him his disciple Prokhoram, moving away from the city to a long distance, ascended a high mountain, where he stayed in prayer for three days. After the third day, great thunder roared, lightning flashed, and the mountain shook; Prokhor fell to the ground in fear. Turning to him, John picked him up, sat him on his right hand and said:

Write what you hear from my lips.

And, raising his eyes to heaven, he prayed again, and after the prayer he began to say:

- “In the beginning was the word” and so on.

The student carefully wrote down everything that he heard from his lips; This is how the Holy Gospel was written, which the Apostle, having descended from the mountain, ordered Prokhor to rewrite again. And he agreed to leave what was copied in Patmos for the Christians, according to their request, and initially kept what was written for himself. On the same island St. John and the Apocalypse was written.

Before leaving that island, he walked around the surrounding cities and villages, establishing brotherhood in the faith; and he happened to be in a certain village in which lived a priest of Zeus named Eucharis, who had a blind son. The priest had long wanted to see John. Hearing that John had arrived in their village, he came to the saint, begging him to come to his house and heal his son. John, seeing that he would win human souls here to Christ, went to the priest’s house and said to his blind son: “In the name of my Lord Jesus Christ, see,” and the blind man immediately received his sight.

Seeing this, Eucharis believed in Christ and was baptized with his son. And in all the cities of that island, Saint John improved the holy churches and appointed bishops and presbyters for them; Having sufficiently taught the inhabitants, he greeted everyone and began to return to Ephesus. And the believers saw him off with great weeping and sobbing, not wanting to lose such a sunshine who had enlightened their country with his teaching; but the saint, having boarded the ship and taught peace to everyone, sailed on his way. When he reached Ephesus, the believers greeted him with unspeakable joy, crying out and saying: “Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord?”

And he was received with honor. While staying here, he did not stop working, always teaching the people and instructing them on the path of salvation.

One cannot remain silent about what Clement of Alexandria says about St. John. When the apostle walked around the cities in Asia, in one of them he saw a young man with a soul disposed to a good deed; the holy apostle taught and baptized him. Intending to leave from there to preach the Gospel, he entrusted this young man to the bishop of that city in front of everyone, so that the shepherd would teach him every good deed. The bishop, having taken the young man, taught him the Scriptures, but did not take as much care of him as he should have, and did not give him the kind of education that befits young men, but, on the contrary, left him to his own will. Soon the boy began to lead a bad life, began to get drunk on wine and steal. Finally, he made friends with robbers, who, having seduced him, took him into the deserts and mountains, made him their leader and committed robbery on the roads. Returning after some time, John came to that city and, having heard about that youth, that he had become corrupted and became a robber, he said to the bishop:

Return to me the treasure that I handed over to you for safekeeping, as if in faithful hands; return to me that young man whom I handed over to you in front of everyone so that you could teach him the fear of God.

And the bishop answered with tears:

That young man died, he died in soul, but in body he was robbing the roads.

John said to the bishop:

Is it right for you to guard your brother's soul? Give me a horse and a guide so that I can go and look for those whom you have destroyed.

When John came to the robbers, he asked them to take him to their commander, which they did. The young man, seeing Saint John, was ashamed and, getting up, ran into the desert. Forgetting his old age, John chased after him, shouting:

My son! Turn to your father and do not despair of your fall; I will take upon myself your sins; stop and wait for me, since the Lord sent me to you.

The young man stopped and fell at the feet of the saint with great trepidation and shame, not daring to look him in the face. John embraced him with fatherly love, kissed him and brought him into the city, rejoicing that he had found the lost sheep. And he taught him a lot, instructing him in repentance, in which, striving diligently, the young man pleased God, received forgiveness of sins and died in peace.

There was at that time one Christian who fell into such poverty that he had no means to pay his debts to his creditors; Out of cruel grief, he decided to kill himself, and asked one sorcerer - a Judean - to give him a deadly hell. And this enemy of Christians and friend of demons fulfilled the request and gave him a deadly drink. The Christian, having taken the deadly poison, went to his house, but on the way he became thoughtful and afraid, not knowing what to do. Finally, having made the sign of the cross over the cup, he drank it and did not feel the slightest harm from it, since the sign of the cross took away all the poison from the cup. And he marveled a lot at himself that he remained healthy and did not feel any harm. But, again unable to bear the persecution of the creditors, he went to the Judean so that he would give him the strongest poison. Surprised that the man was still alive, the sorcerer gave him the strongest poison. Having received the poison, the man went to his house. And thinking for a long time before drinking, he, like before, made the sign of the cross on this cup and drank, but again did not suffer at all. He went again to the Judean and appeared to him healthy. And he mocked the sorcerer that he was unskilled in his sorcery. The Jew, being frightened, asked him what he was doing when he drank? He said: “nothing else but to make the sign of the cross over the cup.” And the Jew learned that the power of the holy cross drove away death; and, wanting to know the truth, he gave that poison to the dog - and the dog immediately died in front of him. Seeing this, the Jew went with that Christian to the apostle and told him about what had happened to them. Saint John taught the Jew faith in Christ and baptized him, but he ordered the poor Christian to bring an armful of hay, which he turned into gold with the sign of the cross and prayer, so that he could pay off his debts and support his house with the rest. Then the apostle returned to Ephesus again, where, staying in the house of Domnos, he converted many people to Christ and performed countless miracles.

When the apostle was more than a hundred years old, he left the house of Domnus with seven of his disciples and, having reached a certain place, ordered them to sit down there. It was already morning, and he, having gone as far as one could throw a stone, began to pray. Then, when his disciples, according to his will, dug a cross-shaped grave for him, he commanded Prokhor to go to Jerusalem and remain there until his death. Having given further instructions to his disciples and kissed them, the apostle said: “Take the earth, my mother, and cover me with it.” And the disciples kissed him and covered him to his knees, and when he kissed them again, they covered him even to his neck, put a veil over his face, and kissed him again, with great weeping they covered him completely. Hearing about this, the brethren came from the cities and dug up the grave, but found nothing there and cried a lot; then, having prayed, they returned to the city. And every year, on the eighth day of the month of May, fragrant myrrh appeared from his tomb and, through the prayers of the holy Apostle, gave healing to the sick in honor of God, glorified in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen.

Troparion, tone 2:

Beloved Apostle of Christ God, hasten to deliver the unrequited people, who accept you when you fall, and who have fallen upon the Persian, who are accepted: Pray to Him, O Theologian, and disperse the present darkness of tongues, asking us for peace and great mercy.

Kontakion, voice 2:

Thy greatness, virgin, who is the story; perform miracles, and pour out healings, and pray for our souls, as a theologian and friend of Christ.

1. The birthplace of John the Theologian was Bethsaida. His parents were pious people who lived in anticipation of the Messiah. Even in adolescence, they taught John the law of Moses. From childhood, Saint John was an assistant to his father in his work on fishing and trade. John's comrades and like-minded people were residents of the same Bethsaida, St. brothers Peter and Andrew, later also St. Apostles. When Saint John the Baptist came out to preach, all these pious young men willingly became his disciples, although they had not yet left either their home or their studies. They left all this only when the Lord made them His disciples
2. According to the legend. Jerome John was still quite a youth when the Lord called him to be one of His disciples. Pious parents did not prevent John, like his brother James, from becoming disciples of the Divine Teacher
3. The name “Boanerges” (son of thunder), in addition to this, also indicated some features of the character of the saint. Apostle. Being pure, kind, gentle and trusting, he was at the same time filled with strong zeal for the glory of God. He loved the Lord with all the strength of his innocent heart. That is why the Lord loved John more than all His other disciples. A year after his calling, John was chosen by the Lord from among His many disciples to be one of the 12 Apostles
4. In the 50th year A.D., i.e. two years after the Dormition of the Mother of God, Saint John was still in Jerusalem, since it is known that he was present at the Apostolic Council that took place in Jerusalem that year. Only after 58 A.D. St. John chose for himself a place for evangelizing the country of Asia Minor, where St. preached before him. Apostle Paul
5. Seaside town in Syria
6. The first principles of the Christian faith were laid in him by the disciples of John the Baptist; The Apostle Peter already found Christians here, but mainly the Gospel was preached here by the Apostle Paul; then his disciple Timothy was a bishop here; Finally, Ephesus was the seat of the Apostle John; it was that the pure teaching of the Gospel was preserved in Ephesus, so that the Church of Ephesus, according to Saint Irenaeus, was a true witness of the apostolic tradition
7. Aesculapius - the son of Apollo, a fabulous doctor, who after death became, according to pagans, the god of healing, was depicted with a staff entwined with a snake
8. Tradition tells that one day John, together with his disciple Prokhor, retired from the city to a deserted cave, where he spent 10 days with Prokhor, and the other 10 days alone. During these last 10 days, he did not eat anything, but only prayed to God, asking Him to reveal what he needed to do. And there was a voice from above to John: “John, John!” John answered: “What do you command, Lord?” And a voice from above said: “Be patient for another 10 days, and many great things will be revealed to you.” John spent another 10 days there without food. And then a wonderful thing happened: angels from God came down to him and told him many unspeakable things. And when Prokhor returned to him, he sent him for ink and a charter, and then for two days he spoke to Prokhor about the revelations that had been made to him, and he wrote them down
9. Clement of Alexandria - one of the most famous Christian scientists of the first centuries of Christianity, died around 217
10. The last years of his life, John lived the harsh life of an ascetic: he ate only bread and water, did not cut his hair, and dressed in simple linen clothes. Because of his old age, he no longer had the strength to preach the Word of God even in the vicinity of Ephesus. Now he only taught the bishops of the Church and inspired them to tirelessly teach the people the word of the Gospel, and especially to remember and preach the first and main commandment of the Gospel, the commandment of love. When, says Blessed Jerome, the holy Apostle reached such weakness that his disciples could barely carry him to church, and he could no longer pronounce lengthy teachings, he limited his conversations to the constant repetition of the following instruction: “Children, love one another! " And when one day his disciples asked him why he constantly repeated this to them, John answered with the following words worthy of him: “This is the commandment of the Lord, and if you keep it, then it is enough.” At the end of his days, the holy Apostle enjoyed special love from the entire Christian world. He was at that time the only Apostle - a witness of the Lord, since all the other Apostles had already died. The whole Christian world knew that Saint John was the Lord’s favorite disciple. Therefore, many were looking for an opportunity to see the Apostle and considered it an honor and happiness to touch his vestments. In addition to his great works to spread the Christian faith among the pagans, St. The Apostle John also served the Church of Christ through writing. He wrote to St. The Gospel, the three Epistles and the Apocalypse, or book of revelations. The Gospel was written by John already in old age, at the very end of the 1st century AD. The bishops of Ephesus and all of Asia Minor in general, fearing the false teachings that had multiplied at that time about the Face of our Lord, Jesus Christ, and foreseeing the imminent death of St. The Apostle, asked him to give them his Gospel “new, in comparison with the three that already existed). They wanted to have this Gospel as a guide in the fight against heretics who rejected the Divinity of Christ. John granted the request of the bishops and gave them the Gospel written by him at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, different from the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke. In his Gospel, St. John speaks mainly about what those evangelists do not speak about. He supplements them, omitting what is conveyed from them, and talking about what is omitted from them All the events of the earthly life of the Savior, which John mentions, are conveyed by him with the most detailed accuracy. For his Gospel, St. John received the title of the Theologian, that is, a narrator who in his Gospel sets forth mainly not the events of the earthly life of the Lord, and sublime and thoughtful speeches about God, God the Word, i.e. the Son of God, and the Savior’s conversations about spiritual rebirth in the Holy Spirit (chapter 3), about life-giving moisture (living water), satisfying the spiritual thirst of people (chapter 4), about the bread of life that nourishes the human soul (chapter 6), about the mysterious road, leading to the truth, about the door through which we enter and exit (chapter 10), about light and warmth, etc. By all these names, Saint John always means the Lord Jesus Christ Himself, since He alone is truly living water, spiritual bread, light, the door of our salvation, truth, truth, God. He is our Savior, from all eternity existing with God, in God, and Himself being God. And God is the Highest Love, who loved the world so much that She did not spare Her Son, but sent Him into the world to suffer to redeem people and save them from sin, curse and death. For such an exalted content of the Gospel of John, it is called the “spiritual” Gospel, and Saint John the Theologian is depicted on icons with an eagle: just as an eagle soars high in the skies, so John in his Gospel rises to the highest religious truths. “Rivers of theology from your honest ones mouth flowed, O Apostle,” the Holy Church sings in her hymns to St. John; there she also calls him the God-moved celestial hymn of heavenly chants, a cryptographer, a divinely spoken mouth, a witness of the ineffable mysteries, a mystery of the ineffable, ascended to the heights of theology, etc. Such St. John also reveals his thoughts in his three epistles. All these epistles were written by him in the city of Ephesus. In them he also refutes the false teachings of heretics, defends the dignity of Jesus Christ as the Savior of the world, the reality of His incarnation and the truth of His teaching, and also convinces believers to be Christians not only in name, but also in fact. Since at that time heretics appeared who rejected the appearance of Christ in the flesh, the Apostle John warns believers against such false teaching and says that only “Every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ who came in the flesh is from God" (1 Jn. 4:2). Then in his messages he repeats that “God is love” (1 John 4:16), and therefore people should love God. Only “he who abides in love abides in God, and God in him” (John 4:16). But what is love for God? - “This is love, that we should walk according to His commandments” (2 John 1:6). And the Lord’s commandments boil down to the commandment of love (1 John 4:7-8). One must love not “in word or tongue, but in deed and truth” (1 John 3:18). “Whoever says, “I know Him” (i.e., God), but does not keep His commandments, is a liar, and there is no truth in him” (1 John 2:4), just as there is no truth in him who “says “I love God, but he hates his brother” (1 Jn. 4:20). “He who loves God also loves his brother” (1 John 4:21). The Apocalypse, or book of revelations, depicts the future fate of the Church of Christ, the struggle of Christ with the Antichrist in the defeat of the Antichrist. The future destinies of the Church of Christ are depicted here more fully than anywhere else in the other book of Holy Scripture
11. In memory of this wonderful event, the annual celebration of St. Ap. John May 8

The repose of the Savior’s beloved disciple, the holy apostle and evangelist John the Theologian, is one of the most mysterious events in Holy Tradition.

The well-known legend is this: having lived for more than a hundred years, he retired and asked his disciples to bury him while still alive, covering his face with a scarf. They did not dare to violate the teacher's request. However, after some time, when the grave was opened, John’s body was not there. But every year, on May 21, a thin layer of dust (or “manna”) began to appear on the grave, bringing healing. In honor of this event, a spring celebration of the memory of the saint was established Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian.

What kind of dust is this and where did the apostle’s body go? I came across the opinion that the sleeping John lies in the grave, and fine dust rises from his breath. A more common view is that the apostle was taken to heaven along with his body, like the Mother of God and the ancient righteous - and Enoch.

Many saints (Hippolytus of Rome, Andrew of Caesarea,) expressed confidence that the Apostle John, together with Elijah and Enoch, would preach before the Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. " The Holy Apostle John the Theologian... was miraculously reposed and lives to this day on earth and in heaven“, says the saint is right. John of Kronstadt.

You could write a huge theological treatise or at least a serious article on this topic.

In any case, Sacred Tradition recorded a change in the “order of nature” - decay did not touch the body of the “apostle of love”. This victory over corruption emphasizes his spiritual kinship with the Most Holy Theotokos, who adopted John at the foot of the Church.

It is worth noting that they were not even awarded such a miracle, although the martyrdom of both was a feat of faith, a testimony of Christ.

A few days after the repose of the holy Apostle and Evangelist John the Theologian, we celebrate a holiday that makes us remember again and again the service provided to us by the Most Pure Virgin. It seems to me that the proximity of these two dates is not accidental or at least symbolic. One can even assume that the mystery of John the Theologian (and, moreover, important aspects of Christian soteriology) are revealed in the feasts of the Mother of God and the Intercession.

If the Assumption shows us the truth of the eternal maternal love of the Blessed Virgin (“In the Assumption, you did not forsake the world, O Mother of God”), then the Feast of the Intercession demonstrates to us the fulfillment of this love - prayer as an active intercession, protecting us from all evil.

If the Protection of the Mother of God was revealed once to the holy fool Andrew of Constantinople, then the evidence of the intercession of the “apostle of love” could be observed by everyone during the first centuries of Christianity - this is what the spring day of his memory is dedicated to (we recall that on May 21 the Church remembers the annual appearance of the miraculous fine dust at the grave of the saint apostle).

It is before this active love, which originates in the Source of Life - God - that death and decay recede.

Life of John the Evangelist

At the very beginning of his ministry, following the brothers Peter and Andrew, Jesus called two children of the fisherman - the elder James and the younger John. They heard the call of Christ on the shore of the Sea of ​​Galilee, on their usual working day. John became one of Christ’s favorite disciples, especially close to Him. It was he who followed Christ when He, betrayed by Judas, was led from the Garden of Gethsemane to the judgment of the wicked high priests Annas and Caiaphas. He followed the Lord along the way of the cross, grieving with all his heart for His suffering. Already from the Cross, turning to the Mother of God, the Lord Jesus Christ said about John, “Woman, behold thy son,” and turned to John: “Behold thy mother” (John 19:26-27). Right up to the Dormition of the Theotokos, John served the Virgin Mary as his own mother, and She lived in his house.

John began to preach faith in Christ in Ephesus and other cities in Asia Minor. He was about to cross the sea with his student Prokhor when a terrible storm occurred. John remained in the water, and everyone else was thrown onto land. Prokhor grieved terribly for his teacher. But on the fourteenth day, the waves threw John ashore alive, despite the fact that he had been in the depths of the waves all this time. This is how the Lord showed His miracle. Despite the fact that the ministry of John the Theologian was accompanied by many more miracles, Emperor Nero began persecution of Christians. The Apostle John was tried in Rome. The torturers failed to carry out the death penalty. John remained alive after drinking a cup of poison and passing through boiling cauldrons.

The Holy Apostle John lived a long life, preaching the teachings of Christ, and died at the age of over a hundred years. When the time came for him to go to the Lord, the Apostle John asked his disciples to dig a grave for him outside of Ephesus and bury him alive. The disciples complied with his request with sorrow and amazement. Having learned about this, those disciples who did not participate in fulfilling the apostle’s request dug up the grave, but found nothing in it.

Akathist to John the Theologian

Kontakion 1

Chosen by the Lord from the depths of the fishermen to preach the Gospel and from catching fish to catch people in the light of true knowledge of God, great Apostle, disciple, friend and confidant of Christ, pray to the one true Lover of Mankind, whom you sincerely loved, that he may have mercy on us who seek your intercession to Him. and calling you:

Ikos 1

Angelic powers and every creature of the Creator, Master and Lord, who took on our flesh and appeared on earth for our salvation, having seen Galilee walking by the sea and calling on you and your brother, Blessed John, for the title of apostleship, leave the fishermen’s seas and your father in the ships, From then on you unswervingly followed the Savior’s footsteps. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, having forsaken your father according to the flesh for love of Christ; Rejoice, having found the Heavenly Father in Christ.

Rejoice, despiser of the world and all its delights; Rejoice, you who received heavenly goodness as reward.

Rejoice, thou who has completely enslaved the flesh to the spirit; Rejoice, having subdued your spirit to your Sweetest Teacher Jesus.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 2

Seeing Christ the Lord the immaculate purity of your heart, not darkened by carnal pleasures, judge that you are worthy of the sight of mysterious revelations, as if, penetrating into the depths of theology, you can preach it to the hearing of the whole world. For this reason you were named “son of thunder” by the Lord, and you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 2

Illuminating your soul with the mind of true knowledge of God, you walked after your Good Teacher, learning from the lips of His emanating wisdom, and for the sake of your perfect kindness and virgin chastity, you were loved by Christ your Lord. Hear us slaughter, singing to thee:

Rejoice, kindness to the zealot; Rejoice, guardian of virginity and purity.

Rejoice, teacher of love for God and neighbors; Rejoice, teacher of good morals.

Rejoice, mirror of humility; Rejoice, shining light of Divine grace.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 3

You clearly knew the power of the Divinity of Christ, hidden under the cloud of weak human nature, when our Lord, resurrecting the daughter of Jairus and subsequently being transfigured on Tabor, vouchsafed thee from another two disciples to witness the existence of such glorious miracles. Having realized that Christ is the true God, from the depths of your heart you cried out to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 3

Having great boldness towards Christ the Son of God who loved you, you reclined on His forehead at the Last Supper, and when the Lord prophesied about His betrayer, then you alone dared to ask about his name. For this reason we cry out to you:

Rejoice, beloved disciple of Christ; Rejoice, His friend.

Rejoice, you who recline on the Lord’s feet without restraint; Rejoice, boldly questioning the name of the betrayer.

Rejoice, you who are closest to Christ more than others; Rejoice, O you have laid up the words of the Lord as a treasure of great value in your heart.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 4

The storm of rage and malicious fury of the hard-hearted and ungrateful Jews, when the Son of God rose up against Christ, then all His disciples, once embraced with fear, fled; but you, having a stronger love for Him, even to the Cross and death, you did not retreat from Him, looking at all the torments of Christ and sympathizing with your heart to the Virgin Mother of God, crying and weeping. Wondering at the extreme mercy and long-suffering of God, you cried out to Him who suffered for the human race: Alleluia.

Ikos 4

Hanging on the Cross, nailed for our sins, the Savior of the world and seeing you and His Mother coming, He gave your son away to the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, saying to Her: “Woman, behold Your son,” and again to you: “Behold your Mother.” We, marveling at the love of Christ manifested in you, sing to the Lord:

Rejoice, son of God, who was honored to be the Mother; Rejoice, for this reason especially to Christ, as if by some kind of spiritual kinship, you have been assigned.

Rejoice, thou who has served the Mother of God worthily; Rejoice, O you who, like your mother, have had all honor with you.

Rejoice, and in the Assumption you conducted Her honorable and holy body to the grave; Rejoice, with the shining branch of paradise brought by the Archangel Gabriel, who preceded Her to her bed.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 5

The God-bearing star appeared in Asia, going out to preach the word of God, as if it had been shown to you by lot. But on your way, the Lord allow you to be thrown into the sea: the grace of God, always abiding with you, kept you alive in the waters of the sea, and after fourty days he commanded a wave of seas, so that, foaming, he would spew you onto the shore. When your disciple Prokhor, who had already wept a lot over your death, saw this, he cried out to the miracle-working God with a great voice: Alleluia.

Ikos 5

Having seen the inhabitants of Ephessia, the glorious miracle you created, when the youth Domnas was killed by a demon, you raised him up through your prayer, hastening loudly with the power of God, whom you preached to them, and having been delivered from vile idolatry, I cried out to you:

Rejoice, servant of the true God; Rejoice, demon driver.

Rejoice, you quicken the dead by the power of Christ; Rejoice, with this you return life and health to people.

Rejoice, calling those who are darkened in mind to the Light of Truth; Rejoice, instructing the right faith through enlightenment to virtue.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 6

You were a God-bearing preacher of the word of God in Ephesus, and, zealous for the spread of the grace of the Gospel, you confirmed your teaching with great signs and miracles, and you overthrew the temple of Artemidino with a single prayer, so that by seeing this, the pagans would know the One God, to Him we cry: Alleluia.

Ikos 6

The light of the faith of Christ, preached by you, appeared in Ephesus, like the sun, when the evil Dometian raised persecution against Christians; then you too, as a zealous confessor in the name of Christ, have been sent by the dioceses to Rome, where you suffered terrible torment. For those sake, we piously proclaim to you:

Rejoice, slain for the sake of Christ’s confession; Rejoice, having drunk the cup of deadly poison without harm.

Rejoice, you were not boiled in a cauldron of boiling oil; Rejoice, preserved intact by the power of Christ in fierce torment.

Rejoice, thou who hast terrified Caesar, who tormented thee, by thy unharmedness; Rejoice, for this people are assured of the greatness of God, revered by Christians.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 7

When the tormentor sees the cruelest torments you have suffered from him, unable to kill you, then, imagining you to be immortal, he condemns you to exile on the island of Patmos. But you, obeying the Providence of God, which was so favorable, you sang with gratitude to God, who arranges everything for good: Alleluia.

Ikos 7

You showed new miracles to the pagans, seeking to convert them to the saving faith of Christ, when I was sailing into your exile, by your command the youth who drowned the sea was alive on the ship, the storm was tamed, the water turned into sweet, the warrior was healed from a stomach ailment, and upon your coming to Patmos, the inquisitive demon, the future prophet, was expelled from the one possessed by him. Then all who see such a wondrous sign performed by you come to the knowledge of the Trinitarian God and are baptized. We please you like this:

Rejoice, commander of the sea and storms; Rejoice, drive out satanic spirits from people.

Rejoice, you heal illnesses with a single word; Rejoice, give help to everyone in need.

Rejoice, you who astonished idolaters with your miracles; Rejoice, thou who through thy unfaithful teachings has strengthened the true faith.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 8

It’s strange to see the priest of Apollo, as if you brought down the temple of their god and all the idols that were in it with one word to the ground. Wondering about this and angry at your boldness, you went to a certain sorcerer, who had great power from Satan in himself, asking him to take revenge on the dishonor of their god; He, blind in soul, not knowing the power that dwells in you, attempted to frighten you with various ghosts and incite the people against you: otherwise the accursed himself plunged into the sea and died there, powerless by the former demon to save him, for you forbade them in the name of Jesus Christ The Son of God, Who the people glorified, witnessed miracles, singing: Alleluia.

Ikos 8

Being completely filled with the love of the Divine, you appeared as the receptacle of the gifts of the Holy Spirit: you prophesied the future, you proclaimed the distant as if present, you healed the sick, you gave relief to the wife of the hegemon on the island of Patmos, who was suffering from the disease of birth, as soon as he entered her home, he gave relief you are. Take therefore from us, sinners, this praise:

Rejoice, receptacle of God's grace; Rejoice, dwelling place of the Holy Spirit.

Rejoice, you miraculous river of healing power in illnesses; Rejoice, source of instructions leading to the knowledge of the right faith.

Rejoice, you expose the deceit of the evil Satan; Rejoice, faithful one, protect him from the snares.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 9

Zealously destroying all iniquity from among people, to whom you were sent, you exposed the seduction of idolaters, who revered the demon, who appeared to people in the form of a great wolf, and you brought many of them to the faith of Christ: with your prayer you destroyed the same temple of Bacchus, and the sorcerer Nukian, together with his household, you turned to repentance through your miracles. Tiy, having turned from sin to salvation, silently cried out to God: Alleluia.

Ikos 9

The orbit of human wisdom cannot be uttered, nor can the mind of a carnal man comprehend below, even as you announced to us about the beginningless existence of the Trinitarian God: like Moses, in the thunder and flashing on the mountain, you received from God the secret of theology and you proclaimed to the world, as in the beginning was the Word , Inseparable from time immemorial to the Father and guilty of all things, possessing the Light of Life, Whom darkness cannot embrace. Illuminated by such illumination of the light of Divine Truth, we honor you as the secret one of the Beginning Trinity and sing of you as the most perfect Theologian:

Rejoice, eagle, soaring to the very fiery Throne of God; Rejoice, trumpet, who announced to the world the Eternal and Beginning God.

Rejoice, you who explain humanity and the Divinity of Christ to us; Rejoice, you proclaim to us the wondrous words and instructions of the Lord in your Gospel.

Rejoice, teaching us love by deed and truth; Rejoice, you promise to those who abid in love that God will abid in them.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 10

To save human souls, you taught people in every way to believe in Christ the Son of God, to have a clear conscience and to love one another, so that they could not only here, but also in the villages of the righteous, sing sweetly to Almighty God: Alleluia.

Ikos 10

Having seen the walls of the Mountain of Jerusalem in revelation, you told us what you saw there and what they will be until the end of the world, telling us this in allegorical words that only the mind, having wisdom, can understand. Marveling at the gift of prophecy given to you by God, we sing to you:

Rejoice, having transcended human nature through the knowledge of the Existing and the Like and the Coming; Rejoice, receptacle of mysteries inconceivable by the human mind, the former.

Rejoice, you who have seen the ineffable revelation of God; Rejoice, thou who teachest the faithful.

Rejoice, having known the joys of the saints in this life; Rejoice, now enjoy them in abundance.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 11

Bring a song of thanksgiving to you, holy Apostle John, Christian, who came into poverty and had nothing to repay his lender, fell into despair and sought to kill himself; But you, a preacher of love for your neighbors, wanting to save him from temporary and eternal death, you turned the hay into gold with the sign of the cross and gave this to him, so that with this gold he will repay the debts to the lender, and saturate his house, to God, who has blessed it with you , yes he sings: Alleluia.

Ikos 11

Your luminous soul, having reached the measure of perfect age, has become aware of the approaching time when it is fitting for the corruptible to inherit incorruptibility and for a mortal to inherit the promised immortality. Having ended your earthly life, you commanded your disciples to cover your body to the top with earth; Having heard about this, the brethren in the city came to your tomb and, having dug it up, found nothing in it. Moreover, having realized that your change was not created by an ordinary human death, I hurried to you like this:

Rejoice, O eagle, who renewed your youth by approaching the Sun of the Glory of God; Rejoice, for by such a change you have surpassed all the rules of human nature.

Rejoice, according to the promise of your Good Teacher, you are seated on one of the twelve thrones; Rejoice, do hereby bring justice and righteousness among the people of God Israel.

Rejoice, enjoy the sight of the Sweetest Jesus, you reclined to the Unmanly One before His Passion and Resurrection; Rejoice, intercede for us all good things from His mercy.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 12

Grace was given quickly from God to the place where your body was given over to the earth, so that on the day of your burial it would emit fine dust for the healing of the sick, showing with this miracle how God glorifies those who love Him, and all, seeing this, unceasingly with their hearts and lips in the days and in the night we cry to Him: Alleluia.

Ikos 12

Singing your works in the apostleship and the miracles and healings that you exuded and exude with the grace of the Holy Spirit who dwells in you, we praise God, who has given us such a guide, instructing us on the path of salvation and being merciful about our infirmities. Accept from us, holy Apostle, this praise:

Rejoice, most zealous evangelist of the faith of Christ; Rejoice, most excellent teacher of the Church of Christ.

Rejoice, the beginning and foundation of theologians; Rejoice, announcer of the Divine Mysteries.

Rejoice, rule of virginity and chastity; Rejoice, all the faithful who come running to your intercession, quick helper and patron.

Rejoice, John the Apostle, confidant of Christ and the Theologian.

Kontakion 13

O glorious and all-praised Apostle and Evangelist, beloved confidant of Christ, John! By your all-powerful intercession to your All-Good Teacher and our Master and Lord, ask us for all the good temporal and eternal and Christian end of our life, so that with you and with the angelic faces in the village of the righteous we will sing to the Trinitarian God: Alleluia.

This kontakion is read three times, then the 1st ikos of “Angelic powers...” and the 1st kontakion “Chosen by the Lord from the sea of ​​fishermen...”.

Prayer to John the Evangelist

O great Apostle, loud-voiced Evangelist, most graceful Theologian, master of the secrets of ineffable revelations, virgin and beloved confidante of Christ John! Accept us, sinners, who come running under your strong intercession. Ask the All-Bountiful Lover of Mankind, Christ our God, Who poured out His Blood for us, His indecent servants, before your eyes, so that He may not remember our iniquities, but may He have mercy on us and deal with us according to His mercy: may He grant us health of soul and body, all prosperity and abundance, instructing us to turn it into the glory of Him, the Creator, Savior and our God, and at the end of our temporary life, may He deliver us from the merciless torturers in the air ordeals, and thus may we reach, led and covered by you, the Mountain of Jerusalem, You have seen His glory in revelation, but now you enjoy endless joys. O great John! Save all Christian cities and countries, this temple, those serving and praying in it from famine, destruction, cowardice and flood, fire and sword, invasion of foreigners and internecine warfare; deliver us from all troubles and misfortunes and with your prayers turn away the righteous wrath of God from us, and ask for His mercy for us, so that together with you we will be worthy to glorify in the uneven days the most holy name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit forever and ever. Amen.

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