Home Oral cavity Conducting collections. The procedure for preparing, organizing and conducting training camps

Conducting collections. The procedure for preparing, organizing and conducting training camps

10th grade... Military training is just around the corner. Many schoolchildren are in amazing anticipation of what awaits them at real military training camps! For boys, this is the first experience of a real man, a defender of his homeland; for girls, it is an interesting pastime that allows you to feel the strength of character. Although in many schools girls are not involved in such activities at all, which is a pity.

Military training is...

Before disassembling this topic “piece by piece”, it is important to define the terms and concepts. So, military training is a daily practical exercise that is related to combat, civil, and physical training.

In fact, the term "military" was appropriated by teachers and parents. You will not find any mention of military training for schoolchildren in any regulatory act. In this situation, the definition of “training fees” is used.

Military training for 10th grade students is usually held at the bases of military units. And where there are none, military institutions, patriotic and youth organizations with a defense and sports focus are involved. In practical lessons, schoolchildren must consolidate not only theoretical knowledge, but also gain skills related to military service.

About girls

The 10th grade has arrived... Military training requires the presence of all students of this age. As practice shows, both girls and boys are involved in training sessions, but the former are not required to take part in them.

It is worth noting that schools used to have an elective called it, but with the advent of the 90s it was cancelled. The item that replaced it does not need to be deciphered).

Organization of training camps

Military training after 10th grade is organized by a life safety teacher. Yes, the NVP was cancelled, but the section devoted to this type of preparation is still present in all textbooks from grades 9 to 11.

In 1998, the Ministry of Education included a section on “Fundamentals of Military Service” in the curriculum. On this topic, issues related to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, military traditions, military symbols, and so on are studied.

Purpose of the classes

Military training camps (grade 10) pursue clearly defined goals, namely:

  • Obtaining solid theoretical knowledge in the field of defense.
  • Obtaining skills in behavior during civil defense in the following cases: when declaring a state of emergency and martial law, contamination of nature, penetration of toxic substances, providing first aid.
  • Preparation for military service.

The above-mentioned goals are pursued by military training (grade 10). The program for their implementation is reflected in the Government Decree, which is mandatory for all schools.

About classes

Military training at school (grade 10) is carried out on the basis of Government Decree No. 1441 of December 31, 1999, as well as the Instructions attached to it. The above regulations fully regulate all issues related to the conduct of student training camps. Moreover, the NLA affirms the need to conduct practical training with females. The law talks about separate training, as well as in-depth study of the basics of medical care.

Fees are one of the most important things that you have never encountered with this type of activity. That is why many people have a completely natural question: “What do they do at military training camps?” 10th grade never remains indifferent to this issue, so it is almost always discussed in class.

On the first day, the guys are told about the life and accommodation of employees, shown the main rooms, sleeping arrangements, the process of serving, the work of the squads and much more. During their stay, students become directly acquainted with the organization of the guard, the protection of the military banner, the work of internal services, departments, and so on.

Direct practical training begins with studying the elements of drill training. Moreover, during the lesson it is important to pay attention not only to a clearly defined step, but also to knowledge of concepts, definitions, as well as learning commands.

During the exercise, all the guys become familiar with the elements of fire training. Nobody says that tenth graders can be trusted with weapons - dear parents, don’t worry! However, learning safety precautions, types of ammunition, prohibitions and commands is as necessary for boys as the ability to cook is for girls.

3. Assembling AK and PM - 25 and 10 seconds, respectively.

4. Putting on a gas mask - 7 sec.

5. Putting on protective ammunition - 4 min. 4 sec.

Teachers of disciplines

There are special positions during training camps. Thus, the head of training camps is the first person. It is mandatory to approve a list of his deputies, namely for educational work, logistics support, the chief of staff and a medical worker. It is important to take into account that military personnel are appointed to the above positions, and subject teachers are elected to help. For example, life safety and physical education teachers are always at their workplaces.

Additional persons

In addition to the personnel of the military unit, as well as school teachers, the law allows the involvement of employees not related to the service. Thus, the most frequent guest at training camps is a medical worker. Moreover, he is involved not only in providing medical care in case of injury, but also in conducting theoretical classes.

Still, you cannot get carried away and transfer most of the powers to invited persons. The leading role belongs to military personnel, who are responsible for the proper training of variable personnel.

10th grade has arrived... Military training is now not as scary as it seems! Judging by the feedback from students, five days fly by quickly, many want to continue working with officers!

In order to improve sportsmanship and achieve the highest level of sportsman, before the most important competitions and before a long training cycle, services for conducting sports training will be required. Such an approach to organizing training can not only strengthen and increase the personal achievements of individual athletes, but also unite all participants into a single and cohesive team. This will be the team that will be able to represent its coaches and its own sports club with honor and dignity at competitions of any level.

However, in the life of an ordinary person there are a large number of factors that can interfere with training - from problems at home to issues related to the rental of sports facilities and the necessary equipment. Tour operator Alean provides sports training services, so athletes can fully concentrate on training, recover and relax before a difficult season.

Sports training options

There are also opposite situations, when the season has already been completed and, of course, it is very doubtful that this will not affect the physical and moral condition of the athletes. They should recover, replenish their strength and treat injuries, while not stopping training. This especially applies to those involved in figure skating or gymnastics, where the slightest downtime can be critical.

In this case, the best option would be to hold sports training camps at special health centers, where athletes will be provided with all the conditions for training and undergo treatment procedures. And this applies not only to recovery, but also to the rest of athletes - sports training, with the proper approach, should also take into account the need to introduce a relaxation and entertainment program.

44. The training of citizens in the basics of military service in educational institutions and training centers involves holding annual training camps.

All citizens studying in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational and secondary vocational education and in training centers are invited to participate in training camps, with the exception of those who are exempt from classes for health reasons.

45. Duration of training camps - 5 days (40 training hours). During the training, the following are studied: the accommodation and life of military personnel, the organization of guard and internal services, elements of combat, fire, tactical, physical and medical training, as well as issues of radiation, chemical and biological protection of troops. During the training camps, military professional orientation activities are carried out.

46. ​​Training camps, as a rule, are organized on the basis of military units. In places where there are no military units, training camps are organized at educational institutions, military-patriotic youth and children's public associations, as well as at defense sports recreation camps.

47. As a rule, fees are held:

with students in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education - at the end of the penultimate year of study - in May - June;

with students in educational institutions of primary vocational education - at the end of the penultimate year of study - in June - July;

in educational institutions of secondary vocational education - at the end of the penultimate year of study (depending on the duration of study and specialties);

at training centers - upon completion of the theoretical part of training.

Specific dates for training camps are established by local (municipal) education authorities in agreement with the military commissariats of the districts. The time for conducting training sessions for citizens at training centers is determined depending on the completion date of training by a decision of local governments in agreement with the military commissariats of the districts.

48. The organization of training camps is carried out in accordance with the decision of the head of the executive body of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation or local government, agreed with the head of the military garrison, and the preparation plan for training camps.

The draft decision provides for: the place and time of training camps, methodological support for training camps, issues of interaction with military units, the procedure for financing training camps, as well as issues of organizing the life and everyday life of citizens at training camps (accommodation, catering, medical care, delivery of citizens to the place fees). Responsible managers are appointed.

49. Planning and organization of training camps is carried out by local (municipal) educational authorities and heads of educational institutions (chiefs of training centers) together with district military commissariats and commanders of military units.

50. Based on the decision made, the head of the local (municipal) education authority issues an order on the organization and conduct of training camps, agreed upon with the military commissar of the district.

To conduct training camps with citizens studying in educational institutions (training centers), by order of the head of the education management body (by order of the head of the local government body - for training centers), the following are appointed: the head of training camps, his deputies - for educational work and for economic affairs, the head collection headquarters and doctor. Heads of educational institutions, if necessary, provide additional subject teachers to assist teachers providing training in the basics of military service.

The head of training camps provides general management of the preparation and conduct of training camps. He is responsible for the timely development of documents regulating their implementation; training of collection officials; coordination of issues of organization and procedure for holding training camps; organizing the interaction of an educational institution (training center) with the military commissariat of the region and the military unit (military educational institution of vocational education) involved in the preparation and conduct of training; organization and state of educational work, economic and financial activities, compliance with safety measures.

The deputy head of training camps for educational work is responsible for organizing and conducting military-patriotic education of citizens, their discipline and moral and psychological state. He develops an action plan for the military-patriotic education of citizens, participates in the development of a plan for sporting events, studies the needs and requests of citizens and takes measures to satisfy them.

The deputy head of the collections for economic affairs is responsible for the material support of the collections. He organizes accommodation, food and medical care for citizens, receives and issues property provided for in the plan for preparing and conducting training camps; ensures the safety and maintains records of material assets. After the end of the collection, he hands over the property and other material resources received for temporary use, and reports for the food consumed.

The head of the training headquarters directly develops a plan for the preparation and conduct of training, a schedule of classes, a daily routine, monitors the implementation of the training program, organizes the accommodation and transportation of citizens to and from places of training, draws up applications for obtaining the necessary equipment, organizes and manages the internal service at the training camp, draws up cost estimate for training fees.

The gathering doctor is obliged to: organize medical care for citizens taking part in the gatherings, monitor compliance with established sanitary standards of accommodation, food, water supply, participate in the development of the diet of citizens at the gatherings, carry out systematic medical monitoring of the quality of food and the good quality of water, and make referrals if necessary sick citizens for treatment in health care institutions.

51. To conduct training camps, the head of the garrison, on the basis of instructions from the headquarters of the military district, together with the military commissar of the district, assigns military units to educational institutions (training centers) located on the territory of the garrison.

52. The head of the educational institution (organization on the basis of which the training point is created) and the teacher providing training in the basics of military service (head of the training point), together with a representative of the district military commissariat, agree in advance with the military unit: the time and procedure for conducting classes, placement points students in the training camp area, routes for their safe movement to places of training, safety measures during classes and other issues.

53. The educational process carried out during training camps is organized in accordance with the curriculum, educational thematic plan and daily routine. Samples of these documents are given in Appendix No. 6 to this Instruction.

The organization of training camps at educational institutions, military-patriotic youth and children's public associations can be carried out through daily trips (exits) to the field, to the shooting range (shooting range), as well as on the basis of defense sports recreation camps according to programs agreed upon with the military commissar of the district .

54. Training of citizens in shooting from military hand-held small arms is organized and conducted in the prescribed manner by commanders of military units at shooting ranges or shooting ranges. To conduct shooting, commanders of military units appoint responsible officials and provide weapons and ammunition.

When the headquarters of a military unit is developing a combat training plan for a military unit for the new academic year, one of its sections includes activities for conducting training camps with students in educational institutions of secondary (complete) general education, primary vocational and secondary vocational education and training centers of organizations assigned to military unit by order of the garrison commander. The appendix to the said plan includes a separate line for the consumption of ammunition when conducting shooting exercises with students.

55. To supervise and maintain the shooting, as well as to ensure safety measures during shooting, the order for the military unit appoints: the senior shooting leader, the head of the cordon, the doctor on duty (paramedic) with an ambulance and an artillery technician (master). In addition, the senior shooting director appoints shooting supervisors at the sites, observers and the head of the combat feeding point. When shooting at one site, the responsibilities of the shooting director at the site are assigned to the senior shooting director. The responsibilities of officials involved during the shooting period and safety measures during shooting are given in Appendices No. 9 and to this Instruction.

56. Before shooting, the teacher providing training in the basics of military service studies in detail with the students:

device and procedure for using combat hand-held small arms;

safety measures when handling weapons and ammunition;

order of performing shooting exercises.

The readiness of each student for shooting is checked by a representative of the military unit in the presence of a teacher providing training in the basics of military service. Only those citizens who have the skills to handle weapons and have firmly grasped the safety measures when conducting shooting are allowed to shoot.

57. During the period of fire training, trainees perform initial exercises with a machine gun (carbine) and exercises in throwing hand training grenades on foot during the day.

During shooting, fire training classes are organized with the trainees in the rear of the shooting range.

58. In districts and cities where there are no military units of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, shooting is organized by the military commissar of the district at shooting ranges and shooting ranges under the jurisdiction of federal executive authorities, where the law provides for military service, defense sports, technical and other organizations of the Russian Federations (by agreement with them).

The organization of shooting is carried out by the heads of the specified bodies and organizations in the manner established by them.

If there are no conditions for shooting from combat hand-held small arms, shooting from sports or pneumatic weapons is organized in specially equipped places.

59. Classes under the training program not related to shooting from military weapons are conducted by teachers providing training in the basics of military service, together with military personnel specially appointed from assigned military units.

Specialists from state and municipal health care institutions (for medical training), territorial bodies managing civil defense, and other specialists may be involved in the classes according to the decision of the head of the local government body.

ConsultantPlus: note.

On the issue concerning food supply for military personnel and some other categories of persons in peacetime, see Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2007 N 946.

60. Providing food for citizens involved in training camps organized on the basis of military units is carried out in accordance with the Regulations on food supply for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in peacetime<*>according to current standards with advance payment of the cost of food rations at established prices and food preparation costs in the amount of 20% of the cost of rations (without bread), and when conducting collections at educational institutions, in other organizations - with forces and means determined by the decision of the head of the local government .

Municipal state educational institution of the Borisoglebsk urban district Makashevskaya secondary school

Methodology for organizing and conducting military field training.


Organization and conduct of five-day training camps with 10th grade students on the basis of an educational institution.


life safety teacher

Ponamarev Mikhail Vasilievich

MKOU BGO Makashevskaya secondary school



The presented work on the topic “Patriotic education is an integral component of five-day training camps” in the category “methodology for organizing and conducting military field training camps, military tactical games and competitions in military and technical sports” represents the experience of organizing and conducting training camps with boys of 10th grade.

Goals of work:

Determining the main directions in organizing and conducting training, solving assigned tasks for preparing young people for military service,

Coverage of the problems of patriotic education and exchange of work experience in order to increase its effectiveness.

The information contained in this work can be used in the preparation, organization and conduct of military sports events, training camps, military-applied competitions, and in classes to study the fundamentals of military service. When conducting a lesson or practical form of classes, this information can be taught using the method of storytelling, instruction, testing, and tests.

Work on this topic is effective in the older age group. When using this material in the practical activities of students, their conscious attitude towards the activity being performed, independence and responsibility increases, and the level of patriotic education significantly increases. If patriotism is the personification of love for the Fatherland, involvement with its history, a component of the spiritual and moral foundation of the individual, civic position and the need for worthy, selfless service to the Motherland, then military-patriotic education is designed to prepare the younger generation for worthy service to the Fatherland, to protect the interests of the country. And this is a multi-component education that meets the entire system of requirements of society and its Armed Forces.

The values ​​on which military-patriotic education is based include:

Civic duty is a constant internal need for a highly moral attitude towards military and other socially significant requirements of the state;

Military duty is a system of socially significant values ​​and moral and legal responsibilities of military personnel, expressing readiness to defend the interests of the people and defend the Motherland, loyalty to the military oath, everything that is expressed in the Laws of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, military regulations;

Military skill is the level of professional readiness to perform military service in peacetime, during the period of preparation and conduct of hostilities;

Professionalism is the degree of mastery of military specialties and the ability to successfully perform assigned tasks.

And finally, we recognize the objective relationship between military-patriotic and mental education; the latter creates a culture of mental work, the significance of which is enormous in light of the modern high demands of military service, which presuppose that every soldier has the ability to quickly find optimal solutions in extreme conditions. After all, military service itself for a young man is already an extreme environment where psychological and physical preparation is necessary.

The end result of the implementation of the program of five-day training camps is expected to be a positive dynamics of the growth of patriotism in the country, an increase in the social and labor activity of citizens, especially young people, their contribution to the development of the main spheres of life and activity of society and the state, overcoming extremist manifestations of certain groups of citizens and other negative phenomena, revival spirituality, socio-economic and political stability and strengthening of national security. Stimulating the manifestation of patriotism in the official, military, labor and social activities of Russian citizens.

The purposes of the fees are:

Preparing young men for service in the Armed Forces of our country, fulfilling their constitutional duty to protect the Fatherland;

Consolidation of theoretical knowledge acquired in life safety classes at school, acquisition of practical skills necessary for young men to quickly adapt to military service;

Instilling in young men pride in the Armed Forces, readiness to serve in their ranks and defend their homeland.

The educational goals here are formulated as follows:

To consolidate and deepen students’ conviction in the need to strengthen the country’s defense, that every young person must prepare himself to defend the Motherland;

State the main provisions on the defense of the state, show their development in government documents on the purpose and functions of the Armed Forces;

Promote the military traditions of the Armed Forces, instill in students a sense of love and respect for the Army and Navy;

To develop in students the ability to explain situations of a military-political nature from an objective, scientific point of view, to apply the acquired knowledge and skills in lessons and during extracurricular military-patriotic events; carry out self-preparation for future military activities and defense of the Fatherland.

The teacher should highlight the supporting concepts, laws, and basic ideological ideas of the topic being studied, which must be connected with the life experience and main activities of the students:

“disarmament concept”;

"military doctrine";

“the concept of a comprehensive system of international security”;

“patriotism and internationalism”;

“combat potential of the Armed Forces”;

“unity of the army and the people”;

"military duty"

The process of organizing the assimilation of concepts and laws, cross-cutting worldview ideas should take place taking into account interdisciplinary connections.

To ensure the organized conduct of military field training, the necessary documentation is drawn up: orders, instructions to students, parent meetings are held to ensure order, discipline and safety.

The orders of the director of an educational institution determine the responsibility of the persons organizing this event and their actions to implement the assigned tasks. Instructions drawn up by the teacher-organizer of life safety must take into account the entire scope of safety measures at the training camp. The results of the instruction are confirmed by the signature of the students in the statements, which ensures the awareness and responsibility of students at the gatherings and during the educational process. Familiarizing parents with the conditions for their children to attend field training camps, the organization of training and everyday life, determines the proper level of responsibility and participation in preparing their children for training camps.

Of no small importance when preparing for training camps is writing plans - notes of classes. Lesson plans must program all goals and objectives, methods and means of solving them. To conduct training camps, students prepare all the necessary equipment that ensures compliance with the rules of hygiene and health, and supplies for conducting classes.

Clothing must be appropriate for weather conditions and changing temperatures, as well as the type of activity. The necessary minimum of supplies to meet everyday needs is necessary for every student. Hygiene products are especially important, since most of the activities are carried out in natural conditions. Due to the inability to conduct centralized training sessions in the Borisoglebsk City District, they are held on the basis of general education institutions. The teacher-organizer of life safety prepares plans - lesson notes on the subject of training, the necessary supplies and property for conducting practical classes.


The training program for boys - tenth graders is designed for 40 hours. In accordance with the curriculum for training sessions with students, classes are conducted on:

1.Physical training, during which students study a complex of morning exercises, physical qualities that need to be developed by military personnel, and principles for the development of physical qualities. Also, in physical training classes, students develop physical qualities such as strength, speed, agility, endurance, flexibility. Classes are held in the fresh air, using the school’s sports ground equipment. The set of compulsory exercises includes: running, parallel bars exercises, overcoming the labyrinth in various ways, pull-ups, push-ups, squats, etc. Competitions are held, both singles and teams.

2. Drill training. During drill classes, students practice performing various commands in formation: “to the left”, “to the right”, “circle”, “stand in two lines”, “stand in one line”, “march in place”, “ march forward step by step”, “sing a song”, as well as marching step, ceremonial step. Students study the basics of the Formation Regulations of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation: elements of formation, commands given in and out of formation.

3. Tactical training. During tactical training classes, students study commands given for movement in battle and the order of their execution, techniques and methods of using the terrain when hit by the enemy from the air, camouflage, including blackout, methods of repelling an enemy attack, methods and techniques enemy attacks.

Tactical training

Tactical training is a system for training personnel of units, units and formations, as well as commanders and command and control bodies in the conduct of combat operations. Tactical training is one of the most important subjects of combat training.

Tactical training of a soldier includes: studying the characteristics of modern combat, techniques and methods of action in battle, methods of using weapons in battle, and instilling high moral and combat qualities in military personnel. The volume and content of tactical training are determined by the combat training programs of the branches of the Armed Forces and branches of the armed forces.

In this section we will briefly introduce the characteristics of modern combat and the actions of a soldier in battle.

Modern combined arms combat and its characteristics

Modern combat- the main form of tactical actions of aviation and naval forces, an organized armed clash of formations, units and subunits of the warring parties, which is strikes, fire and maneuver coordinated in purpose, place and time in order to destroy (defeat) the enemy and perform other tactical tasks in a certain area for a short time.

Combat is the only means to achieve victory. The defeat of the enemy and victory in battle are achieved by powerful strikes of all types of weapons, timely use of their results, active and decisive actions of formations, units and subunits.

Modern combat is combined arms in nature. It is carried out by the combined efforts of all troops participating in it using tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), artillery, air defense systems, airplanes, helicopters and other military equipment and weapons.

Combined arms combat can be conducted with the use of nuclear weapons and other weapons or with the use of only conventional weapons. In a battle using only conventional weapons, the main means of destruction are the fire of artillery, tanks, infantry fighting vehicles (armored personnel carriers), anti-aircraft weapons and small arms in combination with air strikes. Conventional weapons consist of all fire and strike weapons using anti-aircraft artillery, aviation, small arms, engineering ammunition and missiles in conventional equipment, as well as incendiary ammunition and fire mixtures.

Responsibilities of a soldier in battle

In modern combined arms combat, the role of the soldier increases immeasurably. He bears personal responsibility for the defense of his Fatherland and must: not spare his strength and life itself when performing military duty; unquestioningly obey commanders (superiors) and protect them in battle; protect the unit’s Battle Banner like the apple of your eye; to fully fulfill your military duty in battle.

Every soldier is obliged:
- know the combat mission of the platoon, your squad (gank) and your mission;
- know the volume and sequence of equipment of fortifications;
- constantly monitor, simultaneously detect the enemy and immediately report him to the commander;
- act boldly and decisively on the offensive, staunchly and stubbornly on the defensive, destroy the enemy by all means and means, show courage, initiative and resourcefulness in battle, provide assistance to a comrade;
- be able to identify an air enemy and fire at his planes, helicopters and other air targets from small arms, know their most vulnerable spots;
- protect the commander in battle, in the event of his injury or death, boldly take command of the unit.

4. Fire training. Fire training classes (due to the lack of material resources) are organized and conducted at the school. Students become familiar with the structure of the Kalashnikov assault rifle, the operation of the parts and mechanisms of the assault rifle, cleaning, lubrication and storage of the assault rifle. Practice skills in assembling and disassembling a Kalashnikov assault rifle; shooting, firing from a machine gun, safety measures when shooting.

1. Purpose, combat properties and design of the machine gun, disassembly and assembly

Purpose, combat properties and design of the machine gun

Purpose of the 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle is an individual weapon. They are designed to destroy manpower and destroy enemy fire weapons. To defeat an enemy in hand-to-hand combat, a bayonet-knife is attached to the machine gun. For shooting and observation in natural night light conditions, the AK74N and AKS74N assault rifles are equipped with a universal night rifle sight (NSPU).

For firing from a machine gun, cartridges with ordinary (steel core) and tracer bullets are used.

Combat properties of the 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle.

Automatic or single fire is fired from the machine gun. Automatic fire is the main type of fire: it is fired in short (up to 5 shots) and long (up to 10 shots) bursts and continuously. When firing, cartridges are supplied from a box magazine with a capacity of 30 rounds. The machine's magazines are interchangeable.

The target firing range is 1000 m. The most effective fire on ground targets, on airplanes, helicopters and parachutists, is at a range of up to 500 m. Concentrated fire on ground group targets is carried out at a range of up to 1000 m.

Direct shot range: at the chest figure - 440 m, at the running figure - 625 m.

The rate of fire is about 600 rounds per minute.

Combat rate of fire: when firing in bursts - up to 100 rounds per minute; when firing single shots - up to 40 rounds per minute.

Weight of the machine gun without a bayonet with a plastic magazine loaded with cartridges: AK74 - 3.6 kg; AK74N - 5.9 kg; AKS74 - 3.5 kg; AKS74N - 5.8 kg. Weight of the bayonet with sheath is 490 g.



Data name


Sighting range, m

Direct shot range:

according to chest figure, m

according to a running figure, m

Rate of fire, rounds per minute

Combat rate of fire, rounds per minute:

when firing single shots

when firing in bursts

Initial bullet speed, m/sec

Range to which the lethal effect of a bullet is maintained, m

Maximum bullet flight range, m

Height of the firing line, mm

Machine weight, kg 1:

with an empty plastic magazine.

with equipped plastic magazine

Magazine capacity, cartridges

Weight of plastic magazine, kg

Weight of bayonet-knife, kg:

with scabbard

without scabbard

Caliber, mm

Machine length, mm:

machine gun with attached bayonet and folded butt

machine gun without a bayonet with a folded butt

with folded stock

Barrel length, mm

Length of the rifled part of the barrel, mm

Number of grooves, pcs.

Rifling stroke length, mm

Sighting line length, mm

Front sight thickness, mm

Cartridge weight, g

Weight of a bullet with a steel core, g

Powder charge weight, g

Weight of NSPU sight in firing position, kg

General design of a 5.45 mm Kalashnikov assault rifle.

The machine consists of the following main parts and mechanisms:

barrel with receiver, sighting device, butt and pistol grip; receiver covers; bolt frame with gas piston; shutter;

return mechanism; gas tube with receiver lining; trigger mechanism; forend; store.

In addition, the machine gun has a muzzle brake-compensator and a bayonet-knife.

The machine kit includes: accessories, belt and bag for magazines; The set of the machine gun with a folding butt also includes a case for the machine gun with a pocket for the magazine, and the set of the machine gun with a night sight also includes a universal night rifle sight.

2. Incomplete disassembly of the machine and its reassembly after incomplete disassembly

2.1. Disassembly of the machine can be incomplete or complete:

partial disassembly is used for cleaning, lubricating and inspecting the machine;

Complete disassembly is used for cleaning when the machine is heavily soiled, after it has been exposed to rain or snow, when switching to a new lubricant, and during repairs.

Excessively frequent disassembly of the machine is harmful, as it accelerates the wear of parts and mechanisms.

Disassemble and assemble the machine on a table or clean mat; Place parts and mechanisms in the order of disassembly, handle them carefully, do not place one part on top of another and do not use excessive force or sharp blows. When assembling the machine, compare the numbers on its parts; For each machine gun, the number on the receiver must correspond to the numbers on the gas tube, bolt frame, bolt, receiver cover and other parts of the machine.

Training in disassembly and assembly on combat assault rifles is allowed only in exceptional cases and with special care in handling parts and mechanisms.

2.2. The procedure is for incomplete disassembly of the machine.

Cleaning rod compartment

Receiver cover compartment

Return mechanism compartment

Bolt carrier compartment with bolt

release the trigger.

When disassembling an assault rifle with a night sight, after separating the magazine, separate the night sight by moving the handle of the clamping device to the left and back, moving the sight back, separating it from the assault rifle.

Remove the accessory case from the stock socket. Press the lid of the socket with the finger of your right hand so that the pencil case comes out of the socket under the action of the spring; Open the pencil case and take out the cleaning cloth, brush, screwdriver and punch.

For assault rifles with a folding stock, the pencil case is carried in the pocket of the magazine bag.

Separate the cleaning rod. Pull the end of the cleaning rod away from the barrel so that its head comes out from under the stop on the base of the front sight, and remove the cleaning rod. If it is difficult to separate the cleaning rod, you can use a drift, which should be inserted into the hole in the head of the cleaning rod, pull the end of the cleaning rod away from the barrel and remove it.

Separate the muzzle brake-compensator from the machine gun. Use a screwdriver to press in the muzzle brake-compensator clamp.

Unscrew the muzzle brake-compensator from the threaded protrusion of the front sight base (from the barrel), rotating it counterclockwise. In case of excessively tight rotation of the muzzle brake-compensator, it is allowed to unscrew it using a drift (ramrod) inserted into the windows of the muzzle brake-compensator.

Separate the receiver cover. With your left hand, grab the neck of the butt, with the thumb of this hand, press the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism, with your right hand, lift up the back of the receiver cover and separate the cover.

Separate the return mechanism. Holding the machine gun with your left hand by the neck of the butt, with your right hand, push forward the guide rod of the return mechanism until its heel comes out of the longitudinal groove of the receiver; lift the rear end of the guide rod and remove the return mechanism from the bolt frame channel.

Separate the bolt carrier with the bolt. Continuing to hold the machine gun with your left hand, with your right hand, pull the bolt frame back as far as it will go, lift it along with the bolt and separate it from the receiver.

Separate the bolt from the bolt frame. Take the bolt frame in your left hand with the bolt facing up; with your right hand, pull the bolt back, turn it so that the leading protrusion of the bolt comes out of the figured cutout of the bolt frame, and remove the bolt

Separating the bolt from the bolt frame

Rotating the gas pipe closure using the accessory case

Separate the gas tube from the barrel lining. Holding the machine with your left hand, put the accessory case with a rectangular hole on the protrusion of the gas tube contactor with your right hand, turn the contactor away from you to a vertical position and remove the gas tube from the gas chamber pipe.

2.3. The procedure for assembling the machine after partial disassembly:

Attach the gas tube to the barrel lining. Holding the machine gun with your left hand, push the front end of the gas tube onto the gas chamber pipe with your right hand and firmly press the rear end of the receiver lining to the barrel; Using the accessory case, turn the contactor toward you until its lock enters the recess on the sight block.

Attach the bolt to the bolt frame. Take the bolt frame in your left hand, and the bolt in your right hand and insert its cylindrical part into the frame channel; turn the bolt so that its leading protrusion fits into the figured cutout of the bolt frame, and push the bolt forward.

Attach the bolt frame with the bolt to the receiver. Take the bolt carrier in your right hand so that the bolt is held in the forward position with your thumb. With your left hand, grab the neck of the butt, with your right hand, insert the gas piston into the cavity of the sight block and push the bolt frame forward so that the bends of the receiver fit into the grooves of the bolt frame, press it with a slight force to the receiver and push it forward.

Attach the return mechanism. With your right hand, insert the return mechanism into the bolt frame channel; compressing the return spring, move the guide rod forward and, lowering it slightly downwards, insert its heel into the longitudinal groove of the receiver.

Attach the receiver cover. Insert the front end of the receiver cover into the semicircular cutout on the sight block; press the rear end of the cover with the palm of your right hand forward and downward so that the protrusion of the guide rod of the return mechanism enters the hole in the receiver cover.

Release the trigger and put the safety on. Pull the trigger and raise the translator up to full stop.

Attach a muzzle brake-compensator to the machine gun. Screw the muzzle brake-compensator onto the threaded protrusion of the front sight base until it stops. If the groove of the muzzle brake-compensator does not coincide with the latch, it is necessary to unscrew the muzzle brake-compensator (no more than one turn) until the groove aligns with the latch.

Inserting the pencil case accessories
into the butt socket

Joining a store

Attach the cleaning rod.

Insert the pencil case into the butt socket. Place the cleaning cloth, brush, screwdriver and punch into the pencil case and close it with the lid, place the pencil case bottom into the butt socket and push it down so that the socket is closed with the lid. For assault rifles with a folding stock, the pencil case is stored in the pocket of the magazine bag.

Attach the magazine to the machine. Holding the machine gun with your left hand by the neck of the butt or fore-end, insert the magazine hook into the receiver window with your right hand and turn the magazine toward you so that the latch jumps over the magazine support ledge.

When assembling an assault rifle with a night sight, after attaching the magazine, attach the NSPU sight. Take the machine gun by the fore-end, align the groove of the sight clamping device with the weapon strap; making sure that the clamping device handle is in the rear position, push the sight forward as far as it will go and secure it by turning the handle forward all the way.

2.4. Study of the conditions and procedure for complying with standards for partial disassembly and assembly of the machine.

Features of working out standards for fire training

Standards during classes and training are practiced using serviceable training (combat) machine guns (machine guns) and training cartridges.

The weapon must be fully equipped with accessories stored in their places.

Training to comply with standards related to disassembling and assembling weapons, equipping belts (magazines) is carried out only with training weapons and training ammunition at a separate training place. In exceptional cases, it is allowed to comply with the standards for disassembling and assembling weapons using combat weapons assigned to military personnel, subject to special rules for careful handling.

The standard is considered fulfilled if the conditions for its implementation are met during work and there have been no violations of safety requirements, as well as charters, manuals, instructions and manuals.

If, while working through the standard, the student makes at least one mistake that could lead to injury (defeat) to personnel, breakdown of weapons or an accident, fulfillment of the standard is stopped and the student is assessed as “unsatisfactory.”

For violation of the sequence of compliance with the standard, which did not lead to accidents, breakdown (damage) of weapons, as well as for each error leading to a violation of the conditions for fulfilling the standard, the requirements of charters, manuals, manuals, instructions, the score is reduced by one point.

When meeting standards in skin protective equipment (OZK, L-1, etc.), the time increases by 25%, and when working in respiratory protection equipment (gas mask, respirator) - by 10%.

At an air temperature of minus 10°C and below, plus 30°C and above, with heavy rain, snowfall, the time to comply with standards increases to 20%, and when operating at night, if the time for night conditions is not determined, it increases to 30%. .

Technical malfunctions of weapons discovered during the implementation of the standard are not eliminated (unless they interfere with the implementation of the standard). After completing the standard, the trainee reports on any defects identified.

The time for fulfilling the standard by a military personnel is counted by a stopwatch from the moment the command “To fulfill the standard - START” (or another established command) is given until the moment the standard is fulfilled and the trainee reports on its implementation.

The procedure for determining the assessment for meeting standards

If a standard is practiced several times during the training process, then the grade for its implementation is determined based on the last result shown or on the result of a control attempt.

5. Medical training. During the classes, students learn ways to stop various types of bleeding, as well as a set of measures for penetrating and gunshot wounds of the abdomen. They practice self- and mutual-aid skills for wounds and injuries. Carrying out the wounded from the battlefield. To practice resuscitation skills (artificial ventilation, chest compressions), the Maxim-II simulator is used.

1. First aid for bleeding

1.1. Methods to temporarily stop bleeding

Temporary stopping of bleeding is achieved by applying a pressure bandage, tourniquet or twist, pressing the artery to the bone along its length.

Ways to temporarily stop bleeding:

a – with a pressure bandage, b – with a tourniquet, c – with a twist

The final stop of bleeding is carried out when surgeons treat wounds in the dressing room and operating room.

For any bleeding, especially if a limb is injured, the injured area should be elevated and rested. This helps to lower blood pressure in the blood vessels, reduce blood flow in them and form a blood clot.

Bleeding from small wounds and capillary bleeding can be stopped by applying a sterile pressure bandage. In order to better compress the vessels, a cotton-gauze pad of PPI or a sterile bandage is applied to the bleeding wound in the form of a tampon. To temporarily stop bleeding on the torso, only this method is suitable, since others are unacceptable.

Pressing the artery along its length, i.e., along the bloodstream, closer to the heart is a simple and accessible way in various situations to temporarily stop arterial bleeding. To do this, the vessel is pressed in a place where one or another artery does not lie very deep and it can be pressed against the bone. At these points, you can determine the pulsation of the arteries when palpating with your fingers.

When bleeding in the face and scalp, you need to press the submandibular and temporal arteries.

In case of bleeding in the neck, press the carotid artery to the spine at the inner edge of the sternocleidomastoid muscle.

A pressure bandage in the neck area is applied in such a way that blood circulation is maintained on the uninjured side.

Bleeding at the base of the upper limb is stopped by pressing the subclavian artery in the supraclavicular region. The brachial artery is pressed against the shoulder bone along the edge of the biceps muscle.

Bleeding in the forearm and hand can be stopped by placing a roller in the elbow bend and bending the arm to the maximum at the elbow joint.

The arteries of the lower leg are pressed in the popliteal fossa, after placing a soft cushion in it and bending the leg at the knee joint as much as possible.

In case of arterial bleeding in the lower limb area, the femoral artery is pressed in the groin or at the inner edge of the quadriceps muscle.

To successfully stop bleeding, the arterial vessel must be compressed with the pulp of two to four fingers. This method of stopping bleeding is used as a short-term measure. It must be supplemented with a quick tourniquet.

Application of a tourniquet is the main method of temporarily stopping bleeding on the battlefield when large arterial vessels of the limb are injured.

Pressure of the brachial artery.

Femoral artery compression

Method of applying a tourniquet

Twist application method

A rubber band is used for this. It consists of a rubber band 1-1.5 m long, with a metal chain attached to one end and a hook to the other.

Before application, the tourniquet is stretched, then wrapped 2-3 times around the limb so that the turns lie side by side. The ends of the tourniquet are secured with a chain and hook or tied with a knot.

The tourniquet is applied above the wound (closer to the heart) directly on clothing, or the area where the tourniquet is to be applied is wrapped in several layers of bandage or other material. It is important that the tourniquet is not applied too loosely or too tightly.

If the tourniquet is applied weakly, the arteries are not completely compressed, and bleeding continues. Due to the fact that the veins are pinched with a tourniquet, the limb becomes engorged with blood, its skin becomes bluish and the bleeding may increase. If a limb is severely compressed by a tourniquet, the nerves are injured, which can lead to paralysis of the limb.

Correct application of a tourniquet stops bleeding and makes the skin of the extremity pale. The degree of compression of the limb by the tourniquet is determined by the pulse in the artery below the place where it is applied. If the pulse disappears, it means that the artery is compressed by the tourniquet. The limb on which the tourniquet is applied should be wrapped warmly.

The tourniquet that is applied cannot be kept for a long time. It should not exceed 2 hours, otherwise necrosis of the limb may occur. Therefore, an inscription is made on the bandage or on the skin with an indelible pencil indicating the time of application of the tourniquet. A note can be used for this purpose.

If after 2 hours the wounded person is not taken to the dressing room or operating room to completely stop the bleeding, the tourniquet should be temporarily loosened.

To do this, press the artery with your fingers above the place where the tourniquet is applied, then slowly, so that the blood flow does not push out the formed thrombus, the tourniquet is released for 5-10 minutes and tightened again.

Temporarily loosening the tourniquet in this way is repeated every hour until the victim receives surgical care. A wounded person wearing a tourniquet must be monitored, as the tourniquet may become loose, leading to renewed bleeding.

In the absence of a tourniquet, to temporarily stop bleeding, you can use available materials: a rope, a belt, a twisted handkerchief, etc.

Using improvised means, the limb is tightened in the same way as with a rubber band, or a twist is made, the end of which is bandaged to the limb

2. Applying bandages to various areas of the body using standard and improvised means to stop bleeding

2.1. Headband

The patch on one eye is monocular. First, horizontal fastening tours are applied around the head. Then, in the back of the head, the bandage is passed down under the ear and passed obliquely up the cheek to the affected eye. The third move (fixing) is made around the head. The fourth and subsequent moves are alternated in such a way that one move of the bandage goes under the ear to the affected eye, and the next one is a fixing one. The bandage is finished with circular moves on the head.

The bandage on the right eye is bandaged from left to right, on the left eye - from right to left.

The bandage on both eyes is binocular. It begins with circular fixing tours around the head, then in the same way as when applying a bandage to the right eye. After which the bandage is applied from top to bottom to the left eye. Then the bandage is directed under the left ear and along the occipital region under the right ear, along the right cheek to the right eye. The bandages shift downwards and towards the center. From the right eye, the bandage returns above the left ear to the occipital region, passes above the right ear to the forehead and again passes to the left eye. The bandage is finished with circular horizontal rounds of the bandage across the forehead and back of the head.

Neapolitan bandage for the ear area. The strokes of the bandage correspond to the strokes when applying a bandage to the eye, but extend above the eye on the side of the bandaged ear.

2.2. Chest bandages

The conical shape of the chest and changes in its volume during breathing often lead to the bandages slipping. Bandaging the chest should be done with wide bandages and additional techniques for strengthening the bandages should be used.

To apply bandages to the chest, gauze bandages with a width of 10 cm, 14 cm and 16 cm are used.

Spiral chest bandage. It is used for chest wounds, rib fractures, and treatment of purulent wounds. Before applying the bandage, a gauze bandage about a meter long is placed with the middle on the left shoulder. One part of the bandage hangs loosely on the chest, the other on the back. Then, with another bandage, fastening circular tours are applied in the lower parts of the chest and in spiral moves (3-10) the chest is bandaged from the bottom up to the armpits, where the bandage is secured with two or three circular tours. Each round of the bandage overlaps the previous one by 1/2 or 2/3 of its width.

The ends of the bandage, hanging loosely on the chest, are placed on the right shoulder girdle and tied to the second end, hanging on the back. A kind of belt is created that supports the spiral passages of the bandage.

Occlusive dressing. It is applied using an individual dressing package (PLP) for penetrating chest wounds. The bandage prevents air from being sucked into the pleural cavity during breathing.

The outer shell of the bag is torn along the existing cut and removed without disturbing the sterility of the inner surface. Remove the pin from the inner parchment shell and take out the bandage with cotton-gauze pads. It is recommended to treat the surface of the skin in the wound area with boron petroleum jelly, which provides a more reliable sealing of the pleural cavity.

In the absence of an individual dressing package, the bandage is applied using small or large sterile dressings. Cotton-gauze pads are placed on the wound and covered with a paper bandage cover, after which the dressing material in the wound area is fixed with spiral rounds of bandage.

2.3. Upper limb bandages

Converging tortoiseshell bandage
to the elbow joint

Expanding tortoiseshell elbow bandage

Bandage for the elbow joint

Turtle bandage for the elbow joint. In case of injury directly in the area of ​​the elbow joint, a converging turtle bandage is applied. If the injury is located above or below the joint, a divergent turtle bandage is used. Bandage width – 10 cm.

Converging tortoiseshell bandage. The arm is bent at the elbow joint at an angle of 90 degrees. The bandaging begins in circular strengthening rounds either in the lower third of the shoulder above the elbow joint, or in the upper third of the forearm. Then, using eight-shaped rounds, the dressing material is closed in the area of ​​damage. The passes of the bandage intersect only in the area of ​​the elbow bend. The eight-shaped rounds of the bandage are gradually shifted towards the center of the joint. Finish the bandage with circular tours along the joint line.

Expanding tortoiseshell headband. The bandage begins with circular fastening rounds directly along the line of the joint, then the bandage is alternately applied above and below the elbow bend, covering two-thirds of the previous rounds. All passages intersect along the flexor surface of the elbow joint.

This way the entire joint area is covered. The bandage is finished in circular motions on the shoulder or forearm.

Scarf bandage for the elbow joint. The scarf is placed under the back surface of the elbow joint so that the base of the scarf is under the forearm, and the top is under the lower third of the shoulder. The ends of the scarf are passed to the front surface of the elbow joint, where they are crossed, circled around the lower third of the shoulder and tied. The top is attached to the crossed ends of the scarf on the back of the shoulder.

Spica bandage for the shoulder joint. Used to hold dressing material on wounds in the shoulder joint and adjacent areas. The crossover of the bandage is performed directly over the dressing material covering the wound.

The width of the bandage is 10-14 cm. The left shoulder joint is bandaged from left to right, the right shoulder joint is bandaged from right to left, that is, the spica bandage is bandaged in the direction of the side of the injury.

There are ascending and descending spica bandages for the shoulder joint area.

Ascending spica bandage. The bandage begins with circular fastening rounds in the upper part of the shoulder, then the bandage is applied to the shoulder girdle and along the back to the axillary region of the opposite side. Next, the bandage moves along the front side of the chest to the front surface of the shoulder, along the outer surface around the shoulder into the axillary fossa, with a transition to the outer surface of the shoulder joint and shoulder girdle. Then the rounds of the bandage are repeated with an upward shift of one third or half the width of the bandage. The bandage is finished with circular tours around the chest.

Spica bandage for the shoulder joint:

a, b – ascending; c, d – descending

on the shoulder joint area

Descending spica bandage. Apply in reverse order. The end of the bandage is fixed in circular passages around the chest, then from the axillary region of the healthy side, the bandage is lifted along the front surface of the chest to the shoulder girdle on the injured side, bended around it along the back surface and through the axillary region brought to the front surface of the shoulder girdle. After which the bandage is moved along the back to the axillary region of the healthy side. Each subsequent figure-of-eight move is repeated slightly lower than the previous one. The bandage is finished with circular tours around the chest.

Scarf bandage on the shoulder joint area. The medical scarf is folded with a tie and the middle is brought into the axillary fossa, the ends of the bandage are crossed over the shoulder joint, passed along the front and back surfaces of the chest and tied in the axillary region of the healthy side.

2.4. Bandages for the lower limb

Turtle bandage for the knee joint. Allows you to securely hold the dressing material in the area of ​​the knee joint and the areas immediately adjacent to it, while movements in the joint are slightly limited. If there is damage directly in the area of ​​the knee joint, a converging turtle bandage is applied, and if there is damage near the knee joint, a divergent bandage is applied. The bandage is applied in a position of slight flexion in the joint. Bandage width – 10 cm.

Expanding tortoiseshell bandage for the knee joint area. The bandage begins with fastening circular tours through the most protruding part of the patella. Then eight-shaped diverging moves are performed, crossing in the popliteal region. The bandage ends in circular circles in the upper third of the leg or lower third of the thigh, depending on where the damage is located.

If it is necessary to apply a bandage to the lower limb in an extended position, use a spiral bandage technique with bends. The bandage begins with circular moves in the upper third of the leg and ends with fixing rounds in the lower third of the thigh.

Spiral bandage with bends on the thigh. It is used to hold dressing material on wounds and other injuries of the thigh, which, like the lower leg, has a cone shape. Bandage width – 10-14 cm.

The bandage begins with fastening circular tours in the lower third of the thigh above the knee joint. Then the entire surface of the thigh is covered from bottom to top using spiral moves of the bandage with bends.

As a rule, such bandages on the thigh are poorly held and easily slip off. Therefore, it is recommended to complete the bandage with rounds of a spica bandage on the hip joint area.

3. Emergency resuscitation measures

Causes and signs of conditions requiring emergency resuscitation measures

Emergency conditions are pathological changes in the body that cause a rapid deterioration in the condition of the victim and, in the absence of immediate medical care, pose a threat to the life of the victim or patient.

Emergency conditions requiring resuscitation include:

breathing problems (drowning, asphyxia due to foreign bodies);

bleeding from the great vessels;

allergic conditions (anaphylactic shock);

traumatic shock;

electrical injury, lightning damage;

heat and sunstroke.

In all of these cases, the victim may be unconscious, so you should clearly understand the algorithm for providing first aid in emergency conditions.

Stage 1 - elimination of the effect (cause) of the damaging factor (removing the drowned person from the water, removing a foreign body from the respiratory tract, stopping bleeding, eliminating the effect of the allergen, preventing exposure to electric current).

Stage 2 - assessment of the victim’s condition and, if necessary, initiation of resuscitation measures.

Stage 3 - after stabilization of the victim’s condition - maintenance of vital functions, continuation of therapy and hospitalization of the victim.

The main resuscitation (aimed at reviving the body) measures that every military personnel must be able to carry out are: artificial ventilation (artificial respiration) and closed cardiac massage. They allow you to restore breathing and blood circulation.

Rules and techniques of indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration

Artificial ventilation (artificial respiration).

First, it is necessary to ensure airway patency. Restoration and maintenance of airway patency is achieved by placing the patient on his back and performing the so-called triple maneuver, including throwing back the head, pushing the lower jaw forward and opening the mouth.

This technique ensures an anterior displacement of the anterior group of muscles of the neck and the root of the tongue, which restores the patency of the pharynx. Maintaining airway patency is facilitated by placing a small cushion under the patient's back at the level of the shoulder blades.

Moving the lower jaw forward and upward when the root of the tongue is retracted

If there are foreign bodies, blood or vomit in the mouth or throat, they must be removed with a finger wrapped in gauze, a handkerchief, or cloth. If a suction device is available, use it. If, after ensuring the patency of the airways, breathing is not restored, artificial pulmonary ventilation (ALV) is immediately started.

Ventilation during resuscitation is carried out using the simplest methods: “mouth to mouth” or “mouth to nose”. In this case, the person providing assistance is located on the side of the patient, takes a deep breath, and then exhales forcefully into the air.

6. Radiation, chemical and biological protection. During the classes, students become familiar with the types of modern weapons of mass destruction in service with the RF Armed Forces, their damaging factors, as well as the history of the creation and development of chemical and radioactive weapons. Personal and collective protective equipment is also being studied. During the practical part, students become familiar with the methods of putting on the OZK and the L-1 suit; techniques and methods of individual protection, practice the skill of overcoming an area of ​​terrain contaminated with radioactive substances.


The educational process is carried out in accordance with the educational thematic plan and daily routine. The teacher draws up a plan - a summary - for each lesson. The classes are practical in orientation and are provided with everything necessary for their implementation: regulations of the RF Armed Forces, compasses, gas masks, small infantry shovels, AKM and other necessary equipment. Depending on the topic of the lesson, places are organized for their conduct: field conditions - for tactical training classes, classrooms - for studying the structure of the Kalashnikov assault rifle. Drill training classes are held on the drill parade ground. Practical shooting with live ammunition from AKM takes place at the military unit’s shooting range. One of the activities for developing practical skills is the actions of students on “alarm”, with the deployment of training personnel to the “combat operations” area. Students make a 6-kilometer march - a throw. The skills and abilities of combat, physical, tactical training and civil defense are comprehensively improved. When conducting classes, teachers pay special attention to compliance with safety measures in conditions of activity in unfamiliar terrain and the actions of participants in the educational process in cases of injury and damage. In order to develop and improve the physical qualities necessary for future defenders of the Fatherland, mass sports work with students is planned for the entire training camp period. Sports and public events at training and field training camps are held with students in accordance with the daily routine and plan. The physical education teacher, together with the life safety teacher-organizer, organizes and accepts tests from the training camp personnel, recording the results in the protocol. Based on the test results, each student is given a final physical fitness grade at the training camp. Military patriotic education is carried out by a system of events at which students receive information from the legislative knowledge base about military service. Meeting with people of the military profession, summarizing historical experience and modernity - make the younger generation think about the importance of protecting their Fatherland, the need to serve in the army. All events are held in the form of conversations, competitions and quizzes, and practical exercises. All students who have completed training and field training in the school magazine on the subject of life safety are given a grade received at the training camp. Students who have not completed the training camp for good reasons take the tests theoretically.

The specificity of pre-conscription training as a special link in the system is that within its framework the tasks of moral, psychological, military and physical training are solved. The potential of such training is enormous; it is all the more important to optimally use it in order to form civic, patriotic and moral qualities of the individual. Teaching schoolchildren to see and hear the voice of the heroic history of the Fatherland is the primary task of the teacher. To put teenagers in the position of active researchers, to captivate them and force them to look around them not with a sense of consumerism, but to see next to them those who are bearers of the military and heroic traditions of the Motherland - veterans of the Great Patriotic War, home front workers, veterans of the Russian Armed Forces, so that learn as much as possible about the past of the Fatherland, learn to love the Motherland just as their grandfathers and great-grandfathers loved it, so as not to break the ties of times and generations, so that the young generation of the new century is truly considered the Heirs of the Great Victory. The past of the Motherland is the key to understanding the present, it is a guide to the future!

The educational effect of the educational process is significantly increased if it occurs in conjunction with a system of extracurricular activities, with the real involvement of students in work that contributes to the formation of their love for the Motherland, political vigilance, and constant readiness to fulfill their civic and military duty with honor.


The results of the training sessions are assessed in the following areas:

in tactical training - choosing a place for shooting, tracing a trench, moving on the battlefield by dashing and crawling;

in fire training - incomplete disassembly of a Kalashnikov assault rifle, knowledge of the operation of parts and mechanisms, preparation for shooting, safety measures, performing initial shooting exercises with an AK, air rifle, small-caliber rifle, as well as throwing a hand grenade;

in drill training - drill stance, turns on the spot and in motion, marching step, military salute on the spot and on the move, formation of a squad, platoon;

on radiation, chemical and biological protection - techniques and methods of radiation, chemical and biological protection; crossing a section of terrain contaminated with radioactive (poisonous) substances; actions of a soldier in response to warning signals and the flash of a nuclear explosion; compliance with standards for wearing personal protective equipment;

in medical training - stopping bleeding, applying a bandage to wounds of the upper and lower extremities;

for physical training - to the extent of the requirements for new recruits to military units and for candidates entering military educational institutions.

The individual assessment of each student consists of the marks received for fulfilling each standard:

“excellent” - at least 50% of the standards were met “excellent”, the rest - “good”;

“good” - at least 50% of the standards are met as “excellent” and “good”, the rest - not lower than “satisfactory”;

“satisfactory” - if no more than one of the standards is rated “unsatisfactory”;

“unsatisfactory” - if there are 2 or more unsatisfactory grades according to the standards.

The overall grade for training fees is given:

"excellent" if the marks received in tactical and fire training are "excellent", and in combat training - not lower than "good" with exemplary or satisfactory behavior;

“good” if the marks received in tactical and fire training are not lower than “good”, and in combat training – not lower than “satisfactory” with exemplary or satisfactory behavior;

“satisfactory”, if in no more than one section of the curriculum a grade of “unsatisfactory” was received with exemplary or satisfactory behavior;

"unsatisfactory" if two or more sections of the curriculum received "unsatisfactory" grades.


Documentation for military training .

Educational and thematic plan for conducting five-day training camps with 10th grade students.

Topic name

Number of hours


Type of activity

1. Introduction

Instruction on rules of conduct, safety precautions and training procedures

Study room

Story, explanation

2. Accommodation and life of military personnel, basic security of military service

Study room

Story, explanation

Study room

3.Organization of internal service

3.1. Purpose and composition of the daily work order, duties of the orderly

Study room

Story, explanation

School premises

Practical lesson

4. Organization of guard service

Study room

Story, explanation

4.2. Guard duty

School premises, school grounds

Practical lesson

5.Combat training

Practical lesson

5.2.Moving in formation


Practical lesson

6. Fire training

Study room

Story, explanation

Study room

Practical lesson

Shooting ranges, shooting range

Practical lesson

7. Tactical training

School area

Story, explanation

Study room

7.3.A soldier’s actions in battle

School area

Practical lesson

8.Medical training

Providing first aid for wounds, injuries, removing the wounded from the battlefield

Practical lesson

9.Radiation, chemical and biological protection

Means and methods of personal protection, overcoming the contaminated area

Study room, school area

Practical lesson

10.Physical training

10.1.Cross 1 km

Practical lesson

Sports ground (gym)

Practical lesson


Practical lesson

Calendar and lesson plan for holding five-day training camps with 10th grade students

the date of the


topics, lesson content

1.Instruction on the rules of conduct, safety precautions and training procedures

2.2.Organization of security in everyday activities, daily routine

3.1. .Purpose and composition of the daily work order, duties of the orderly

7.1. Responsibilities of a soldier, order of execution of commands, camouflage, choice of place for shooting

10.1.Cross 1 km

3.2.Preparation of daily assignments, internal service

5.1.Single drill training, drill techniques without weapons

6.1.Safety when shooting, rules for firing from a machine gun

10.3. Throwing a grenade, learning exercises of the morning exercise complex

4.1. Organization of guard service, duties of a sentry

6.2. Disassembly and assembly, cleaning, lubrication, operation of parts and mechanisms

9. Means and methods of personal protection, overcoming the contaminated area

4.2. Guard duty

5.2.Moving in formation

8. Providing first aid for wounds, injuries, removing the wounded from the battlefield

10.2.Shuttle run, pull-up

2.1. Accommodation and life of military personnel.

6.3.Practical shooting (if possible)

7.2. Familiarization with weapons

7.3.A soldier’s actions in battle

Life Safety Teacher ____________________________

List of military training participants

I have read the instructions for participants in training camps on safety measures and rules of conduct:

Doctor's note on admission

The briefing was conducted"___"___________20___g

Certificate of passing shooting standards

(putting on a gas mask, OZK, disassembling and assembling a machine gun, medical training)

Full Name




Test report on physical training of 10th grade students involved in training camps

In the 20__-20__ academic year

Result and assessment by type of physical training

Shuttle run


Throwing grenades

Overall rating

Doctor's note on release





Physical education teacher ________________________________________________

Director of an educational institution _____________________________________________

Summary record of 10th grade students involved in training camps in the 20__-20__ academic year



Physical Fitness Score

Chemical Preparation Score

Firefighting assessment

Medical training assessment

Drill training assessment

Final assessment of fees

"___" _______________ 20___

Director of an educational institution _____________________________________

1 The weight of the machine gun is indicated without a bayonet; The numerator indicates the weight of the machine gun with a fixed stock, and the denominator with a folding stock.

to the order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
dated May 17, 2007 N 185

on organizing military training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation

With changes and additions from:

I. General provisions

1. These Guidelines determine the procedure for planning military training for citizens of the Russian Federation who are in the reserves (hereinafter referred to as citizens), the responsibilities of officials of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation in organizing control over the conduct of military training and the reporting procedure for them.

2. Conducting military training in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is organized on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation on conscripting citizens for military training in accordance with the plan for conducting military training, approved by the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation.

The organization of military training of citizens intended for special formations is carried out by the central bodies of military command, in whose interests special formations are created, at the request of the federal executive authorities, which are entrusted with the task of forming them.

3. The duration of military training, the place and time of its holding are determined by the decisions of the heads of the central military command and control bodies, the commanders of the military districts planning the military training. This takes into account the period of readiness of a formation, military unit (ship), organization of the Armed Forces to carry out a combat mission (mission as intended).

4. Military training is carried out for the purpose of preparing citizens for military service and accumulating them in the reserve to supplement troops (forces) during the mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces, other troops, military formations and bodies.

The objectives of the training camps are:

enlisted personnel - testing and improving the skills of citizens in relevant military positions in action with weapons and military equipment;

training sessions with citizens who have entered into a contract to remain in the mobilization human reserve (hereinafter referred to as training sessions, reservists), - restoration (improvement) of military knowledge, skills and abilities in the performance of official duties provided for by the terms of the contract;

for the training of citizens in military specialties - acquiring and increasing the level of military professional knowledge, improving training and military skills in the relevant military specialties required in the areas of recruitment of formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces;

for the maintenance of emergency reserve materiel - maintaining materiel in readiness for combat use (use) in the interests of replenishment (mobilization) of formations, military units and organizations of the Armed Forces.

Verification training is carried out in order to verify the readiness of military command and control bodies, associations, formations, military units (ships), organizations of the Armed Forces and military commissariats to carry out combat missions (tasks as intended).

II. Procedure for planning military training

5. General planning of military training is carried out by the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate) on the basis of proposals from the central bodies of military command and headquarters of military districts.

Planning for military training is carried out in advance in the year preceding the year of its holding.

Planning of military training by the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate) is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, based on proposals from the central bodies of military command and headquarters of military districts regarding the volume of training of citizens at military training camps next year, financial planning of military training camps and the preparation of a draft decree of the President of the Russian Federation on the conscription of citizens to military training camps are carried out.

Limits for conscription of citizens for military training next year, as well as preliminary volumes of budgetary allocations for their implementation, are determined by the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate) and communicated to the central bodies of military command and headquarters of military districts.

The headquarters of military districts, when planning military training sessions for citizens next year for troops of military districts at the bases of military units of central subordination, coordinate the volume and timing of their holding in the prescribed manner with the relevant central military command authorities. At the same time, planning for the training of reserve officers is also coordinated with the Main Personnel Directorate.

At the second stage, based on proposals from the central bodies of military command and the headquarters of military districts for conducting military training, a draft plan for conducting military training is developed. At the same time, the draft plan for conducting military training includes the following sections:

holding training camps next year;

conducting training camps during the threatened period;

conducting verification sessions.

Extracts from the plan for conducting military training are communicated by the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate) to the central bodies of military command and headquarters of military districts no later than two months before the start of military training.

6. General planning of military training in the central bodies of military command and military districts is entrusted to the organizational and mobilization bodies and is carried out in two stages.

At the first stage, the central bodies of military control, the headquarters of military districts, based on proposals received from subordinate military units, determine the number of citizens planned for conscription for military training next year, calculate the need for funds for military training and send it to the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate) by March 1, information on the number of citizens planned to be drafted for military training in the military district next year, according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Manual.

At the second stage, based on the limits on conscription of citizens for military training next year, preliminary calculations of the limits of funds for their conduct and proposals from subordinate military units, proposals for planning military training in next year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Guide. At the same time, the central bodies of military command and the headquarters of military districts submit proposals only for the military units directly subordinate to them.

The central bodies of military command coordinate the timing of military training in directly subordinate military units with the headquarters of the military districts in whose territories they are stationed, and before June 1 send their proposals for holding military training to the relevant headquarters of the military districts.

Upon receipt of instructions from the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation on the organization of military training and extracts from the plan for conducting military training next year, according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 3 to this Manual, the following are developed:

central bodies of military control - plans for military training;

headquarters of military districts - consolidated plans for conducting military training;

personnel departments of military districts - consolidated plans regarding the training of reserve officers at military training camps.

The consolidated plans take into account all military units stationed in the territories of military districts, regardless of their subordination.

By December 1 of the current year, consolidated plans for conducting military training by the headquarters of military districts are submitted to the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate), and consolidated plans regarding the training of reserve officers at military training by the personnel departments of military districts - to the Main Personnel Directorate.

Until December 1 of the current year, the headquarters of military districts communicate to military units and military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation extracts from the consolidated plans for conscripting citizens for training camps next year. At the same time, extracts regarding reserve officers are communicated to military units and military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation by the personnel departments of military districts.

7. The heads of departments, departments, services of the central bodies of military command, military districts for the military units directly subordinate to them represent:

to the relevant headquarters (departments): by February 10 - information on the number of citizens planned to be drafted for military training next year, according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Manual with the calculation of the need for funds for military training; by June 1 - proposals for planning military training next year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Guide;

to the personnel bodies of the central bodies of military administration, which are under their personnel support, military districts: by February 10 - information on the number of citizens planned for conscription for military training next year in terms of reserve officers, according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to to this Manual with calculation of the need for funds for military training; by June 1 - proposals for planning military training according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Guide.

Upon receipt of extracts from the plans (consolidated plans) for conducting military training, the heads of departments, departments, services of the central bodies of military command, military districts develop plans for conducting military training, extracts from which are communicated to the military units directly subordinate to them.

8. Planning for the training of reserve officers is carried out by personnel bodies of the central military command and control authorities, military districts, which, after completion of planning, represent:

to the organizational and mobilization departments of the headquarters of military districts by February 20, information on the number of citizens planned to be drafted for military training next year, according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Manual; by June 10 - proposals for planning the training of reserve officers at military training camps next year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Manual;

to the Main Personnel Directorate: by July 1 - proposals for planning the training of reserve officers at military training camps next year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 2 to this Manual.

Upon receipt of proposals for planning the training of reserve officers at military training camps next year, the Main Personnel Directorate summarizes them, analyzes them and takes part in the work of the General Staff to develop a plan for conducting military training camps.

Extracts from the plan for conducting military training are communicated by the organizational and mobilization bodies of the central bodies of military command and military districts to the personnel bodies of the relevant headquarters (directorates).

Upon receipt of extracts from the plan for conducting military training in the part relating to reserve officers, the personnel departments of the military districts bring them to the military units stationed in the territory of the military districts, regardless of their subordination, as well as to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

9. Military units of central subordination, in accordance with the established procedure, represent:

by February 10 - information on the number of citizens planned to be drafted for military training next year, according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 1 to this Manual and calculation of the need for funds for military training;

by June 1 - proposals for planning military training next year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 4 to this Guide.

Upon receipt of extracts from the plans (consolidated plans) for conducting military training, military units, no later than a month before the start of training camps, develop plans for conducting training camps and, in cooperation with military commissariats, organize further work to prepare for training camps.

10. The procedure for planning training camps in military commissariats is determined by the headquarters of military districts.

Based on the instructions of the chiefs of staff of military districts to conduct military training and extracts from the consolidated plan of military districts for the conscription of citizens for training camps next year, the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are developing plans for conscripting citizens for training camps and the corresponding extracts from them are communicated to the relevant departments of the military commissariats subjects of the Russian Federation by municipalities (hereinafter referred to as departments (municipal).

Information about the timing and number of citizens called up for training camps is communicated in the prescribed manner by the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation to the relevant executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and heads of organizations.

Subsequently, departments (municipal), with the assistance of executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, and heads of organizations, organize work to recruit citizens to training camps.

11. The main initial data for developing proposals for holding military training are:

information about citizens assigned to military units for mobilization and who do not correspond to their official purpose;

information on the condition and capacity of the educational material and technical base, barracks and welfare facilities;

information about the availability of specialists (military personnel and civilian personnel of the Armed Forces) capable of training citizens in military specialties and military positions for which citizens are intended for mobilization;

information on planned next year activities for operational, mobilization and combat training of troops (forces), command and staff (mobilization), tactical (special tactical) exercises and others;

information about the condition of stored weapons, military equipment, and other materiel and the capabilities of technical support units for their maintenance and repair.

12. When preparing information about citizens who do not correspond to their official purpose, the following are taken into account:

qualitative characteristics of the staffing of military units with reserve personnel by wartime levels;

information about the shortage of reserve officers;

information on the number of warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors missing to staff the troops (forces) for their official purposes.

13. When planning military training, the organizational measures carried out in the Armed Forces, the seasonal separation of citizens for agricultural work, as well as the capabilities of military commissariats to select and conscript citizens for military training are taken into account.

Conducting training sessions for assigned personnel and testing sessions is planned simultaneously with the implementation of operational, mobilization and combat training activities for troops (forces).

14. Planning for military training during the threatened period is carried out simultaneously with planning for military training for the next year.

15. The headquarters of military districts that receive citizens from other military districts for military training, no later than two months before the start of military training, notify the corresponding military districts that supply citizens for military training about the quantity, place and time of their delivery.

16. The conscription of citizens to training camps by the military commissariat is carried out in accordance with extracts from the consolidated plans of military districts and requests from military units to supply citizens to training camps.

Before conscription for training camps, departments (municipal), together with military units, study and select citizens - candidates for training camps.

17. According to military registration data, a preliminary selection of citizens is carried out without calling them to military commissariats.

The heads of organizations in which citizens work are notified of the call of citizens to military training. The notice, which is an integral part of the agenda, indicates the start and end times of military training to which citizens are called up.

18. For citizens who have passed a military medical commission and are called up for training camps, personal lists are drawn up according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 5 to this Guide.

19. For citizens called up for military training, military commissariats send to the commanders of military units the personal lists and personal files of reserve officers (with service records).

The personal files of reserve officers called up for military training, in sealed form, as well as personal lists of citizens, are handed over to the senior command officer against signature.

20. Citizens called up for military training in military positions involving work with information constituting a state secret must have access to information constituting a state secret, issued in the prescribed manner, in the appropriate form.

Citizens who do not have a permit of the appropriate form or have a permit that has been terminated or expired are prohibited from being sent to military training for military positions that involve working (familiarizing) with information constituting a state secret.

21. As a rule, citizens destined for mobilization into military units or from the remaining resources of military commissariats who have appropriate training in military-registration specialties are called up for training camps for enlisted personnel, training camps for the maintenance of emergency reserve materiel, and verification camps.

22. Reception of citizens called up for military training in military units is carried out at personnel reception points according to the personal lists of military commissariats. Personal belongings of citizens are accepted for storage with the issuance of receipts of the established form.

At the end of the reception of citizens called up for military training, an order is issued by the commander of the military unit on their inclusion in the lists of personnel of the military unit, about which appropriate entries are made in the military registration documents of citizens.

Registration of citizens called up for military training is carried out in accordance with the established procedure.

Citizens called up for military training and who have not previously taken the Military Oath are given the Military Oath in the prescribed manner within 5 days. When citizens take the Military Oath, appropriate entries are made in their military registration documents.

23. Accommodation of citizens for the period of military training is carried out at points of permanent deployment of military units, training centers or camps according to decisions of the relevant heads of the central bodies of military command and commanders of military districts.

Their dismissal from a military unit is carried out by unit commanders (chief of military training) in the manner established by the commander of the military unit, in accordance with the requirements of the Internal Service Charter of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Internal and guard services at military training camps are carried out in accordance with the requirements of the Charter of the internal service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and the Charter of the garrison and guard services of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

24. When transferring (full or partial) military units to wartime staff during training camps for enlisted personnel and verification training, it is prohibited to use the actual names and conventional names of wartime military units. During this period, military units in official documents and correspondence are referred to only by their conventional names, and newly formed military units are referred to by the peacetime conventional names of their formative military units with the corresponding letters assigned to them.

25. When transferring military units to wartime states during the conduct of training camps of enlisted personnel and verification training, the call of citizens intended for mobilization to military positions, staffed by personnel subject to dismissal when transferring military units from peacetime to wartime (to wartime states time) is not carried out.

26. Training of citizens called up for military training is carried out using standard weapons and military equipment of military units according to combat training and (or) military training programs developed by the central bodies of military administration and (or) directorates of associations, formations and military units conducting training fees.

27. To check the quality of training and provide the necessary assistance to commanders (chiefs) conducting military training, specialists from other military units may be involved according to the instructions of the relevant commanders (chiefs).

28. Familiarization of citizens called up for military training with new types of weapons and military equipment undergoing military tests is prohibited.

29. To receive tests, by order of the commander of a military unit, special commissions are created from among the most trained and experienced officers.

Citizens who have successfully passed the tests may be assigned (changed) military registration specialties (military positions), as well as assigned the next military ranks, about which appropriate changes are made to the military registration documents in the prescribed manner.

30. The assignment of successive military ranks is carried out on the recommendation of the official in charge of military training, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

Training camps for enlisted personnel

31. The timing of training camps for enlisted personnel must be agreed upon with the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local governments.

32. The conscription and dispatch of citizens to training camps for enlisted personnel by military commissariats, their reception and organization of training by military units are carried out in accordance with the requirements of service documents developed in relation to mobilization planning documents.

33. The conscription of citizens intended to be part of the organizational core according to mobilization plans to military units, as a rule, is carried out in advance, but no later than 5 days before the main personnel are sent to them.

In order to ensure high-quality training of citizens, the duration of training camps for enlisted personnel may exceed the readiness periods of military units. The increase in the duration of training camps for assigned personnel is carried out by increasing the duration of the stages of combat coordination of subunits and military units.

The total duration of training camps for assigned personnel must be at least 10 days.

34. Training of citizens at training camps for enlisted personnel is carried out in wartime military positions within subunits and military units and is carried out according to training camp programs for enlisted personnel developed by the central bodies of military administration and (or) directorates of associations, formations and military units conducting training camps , in relation to combat coordination plans.

35. Only citizens assigned to a given military unit should be called up for training camps for enlisted personnel.

36. When conducting training sessions for enlisted personnel, it is prohibited to use original mobilization planning documents.

Training sessions

37. Training sessions are the main form of training reservists for military service and are carried out as part of units, crews, crews and are carried out according to the appropriate combat training program.

38. Training sessions are held monthly. The total duration of training for reservists during training sessions throughout the year should not exceed 24 training days.

Training camps for training citizens in military specialties

39. Citizens are called up to training camps to train citizens in military specialties, usually intended to complete military units to wartime levels. In order to accumulate in reserve citizens trained in military specialties and military positions necessary to ensure the mobilization deployment of the Armed Forces and make up for the losses of troops (forces) during the war, 1st category citizens can also be drafted from the remaining resources of the component military commissariats.

The total duration of training in the military specialty of one citizen in the reserve should not exceed 2 months (training of reserve officers from among warrant officers and midshipmen, sergeants and foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors - at least 45 days).

40. Plan and conduct training sessions for the training of driver mechanics of tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, tracked tractors, engineering and special vehicles in military units that do not have the right to issue certificates for the right to drive a combat (special) vehicle or other type of weapons and military equipment, prohibited.

41. The conscription of citizens by military commissariats to training camps for training in military accounting specialties of military intelligence is carried out according to the personal lists of the headquarters of military districts.

Verification fees

42. Conducting verification training is carried out on the basis of a decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation or, on his instructions, decisions of the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, commanders of troops of military districts in accordance with the plan for the distribution of limits for calling up citizens for verification training. At the same time, citizens are submitted to verification training on the basis of orders for the mobilization of citizens, as well as updated applications to fill the current and temporary shortages of personnel in military units.

43. The timing of inspection gatherings is determined by the officials who made the decision to conduct them.

The total duration of the verification sessions must be at least 7 days.

III. Responsibilities of officials of the Armed Forces in organizing control over military training

44. The organization of control over the conduct of military training is entrusted to the heads of the central bodies of military command, commanders of troops of military districts, formations, commanders of formations, military units, heads (chiefs) of organizations of the Armed Forces and military commissars.

The main form of control over the conduct of military training is the practical work of officials in subordinate military units to verify the organization and effectiveness of military training.

The inspection of the organization of military training is carried out in accordance with plans developed by the central bodies of military command, the headquarters of military districts, associations, formations, organizations of the Armed Forces and military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

Monitoring plans for military training should include checking the readiness of military units to conduct military training, as well as checking the effectiveness of the educational process during military training.

Central bodies of military command and headquarters of military districts develop control plans for military training on the basis of plans (consolidated plans) for conducting military training, and by military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation - on the basis of plans for conscripting citizens for military training.

Directorates, departments, services, personnel bodies of the central bodies of military control, military districts develop control plans for military training on the basis of extracts from plans for monitoring military training, which are communicated to them by the central bodies of military control, headquarters of military districts, respectively, before December 15 of the year preceding the year of the military training, as well as their plans for military training next year.

Planning of activities to monitor military training in the next year must be completed before December 25 of the year preceding the year of its holding.

45. Military training can begin only with permission from senior commanders (chiefs) after determining the readiness of the military unit to conduct it.

Officials who monitored military training prepare written reports to senior commanders (superiors) based on the results of inspections.

46. ​​The heads of the central bodies of military command, commanders of troops of military districts, commanders (commanders) of associations (formations) are responsible for the complete and high-quality implementation of plans for conducting military training, preparing proposals for improving the organization and procedure for conducting military training.

They are obliged:

check the readiness of military units to conduct training sessions, take measures to ensure their full material, technical and financial support;

provide comprehensive assistance to commanders of military units in organizing preparation and conducting training camps, preparing training leaders, conducting demonstration and instructor-methodological classes on the most complex issues practiced during training camps;

develop activities and proposals to improve educational programs for training citizens at training camps.

47. Management of the educational process for training citizens at military training camps is entrusted to the combat training departments (departments) of the central military command and control bodies, military districts, formations and combat training departments of formations.

They are responsible for:

development and organization of provision of military units with combat training programs and training sessions for citizens, examination materials for conducting control classes;

timely preparation of educational material and technical base for military training;

organization of combat and special training of citizens, combat coordination of units and military units during military training;

generalization and dissemination of best practices in training citizens at military training camps.

48. Commanders of military units are responsible for:

organizing the reception of citizens for military training;

timely communication to citizens arriving for military training of the requirements for maintaining state secrets, storing and handling secret documents, weapons and military equipment, the procedure for conducting personal correspondence, and the requirements for security measures;

ensuring security measures;

timely and complete material, technical and financial support for military training;

organization of the educational process and classes;

combat coordination of units and military units;

timely payment of salaries for military positions and salaries for military ranks, as well as coefficients (regional, for military training in high mountain areas, for military training in desert and waterless areas) for military training in the Far North, equivalent areas and other areas with unfavorable climatic or environmental conditions, including remote ones, and percentage allowances in the amounts established by legislative and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation for citizens working and living in these areas and localities;

organizing and ensuring a regime of secrecy, safety of military equipment, weapons and other material assets;

timely submission of the necessary data to military commissariats on military positions for which it is necessary to obtain access to information related to state secrets using the appropriate forms.

Commanders of military units are obliged to:

a) no later than one month before the start of the training camp:

develop and approve a plan for conducting a training session with calculation of hours and indication of topics for subjects of study for each week, calculations of the costs of motor resources, ammunition, other material and technical means, calculation of financial support;

issue an order on the preparation and conduct of the training session;

submit applications to the supplying services for the missing material and monetary resources to ensure the training fee;

send applications to the military commissariats of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation for the supply of citizens for training camp;

organize the study and selection of citizens for training at the component military commissariats;

b) one week before the start of the training camp:

approve the class schedule for the first week of the training camp, approve methodological developments and class notes. When preparing a training session on the maintenance of emergency supplies, develop a plan for their maintenance;

develop and coordinate with the component military commissariats a schedule and method for delivering citizens to a training camp at a military unit;

develop a checklist for monitoring the progress of admission of citizens to the training camp;

c) no later than 3 days before the start of the training camp:

conduct instructional and methodological classes with the personnel of the training camp administration;

allocate the required amount of weapons, military equipment and ensure the readiness of the educational material and technical base to conduct classes with citizens called up for training;

check the readiness to receive, equip, accommodate, provide meals and wash citizens called up for training, and begin the educational process with them;

d) during military training:


reception, equipment, accommodation and food for citizens arriving for military training;

storage of personal belongings of citizens arriving for military training;

issue an order to enroll citizens in the lists of personnel of a military unit, organize their registration;

organize the educational process with citizens arriving from the reserve;

take the Military Oath to citizens who have not previously taken it;

issue, during a training session for the training of citizens in military specialties and a training session for enlisted personnel, an order to create a commission to verify that citizens have mastered the program material;

e) at the end of the military training:

organize tests for citizens on knowledge of program material;

draw up service characteristics for reserve officers who have completed training camps for training in military specialties, as well as for citizens who have completed training under the training program for reserve officers, which reflect the degree of mastery of the training camp program, attitude towards the study of military specialties, moral and business qualities, the military position for which a citizen may be designated for mobilization, what weapons and military equipment he studied, the military specialty in which he should be considered (in the event that the citizen underwent retraining in a new military specialty) , and the conclusion about the possibility of assigning the next (first) officer rank in the prescribed manner;

make appropriate entries about the completion of military training in the military registration documents of citizens, indicating the duration and type of military training and assuring them with their signature or the chief of staff, and about their awareness of information constituting a state secret - in certificates of access to information constituting a state secret , certifying them with the signature of the head of the unit for the protection of state secrets and the official seal of the military unit;

draw up personal lists for warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors who have successfully completed training camps and received the necessary training in the relevant military positions (regardless of the duration of military training), indicating in them the type and duration of training camps, numbers (codes) ) military registration specialties and codes of military positions, the type of weapons and military equipment by which to take into account and use them in the future, the date of taking the Military Oath of citizens who have not previously taken it;

make an entry in the military registration documents for citizens who have successfully passed tests on knowledge of program material about the possibility of assigning them the next military rank;

check the presence, integrity and safety of secret documents, weapons and military equipment, individual units, blocks and parts for them, used at military training;

organize the placement of weapons and military equipment for storage and placement in the emergency reserve of material resources instead of those spent during the period of military training;

make, in accordance with the established procedure, payment to citizens who have completed military training, salaries for military positions provided for by the staff of the military unit, and salaries for military ranks;

issue an order to exclude citizens from the lists of a military unit;

organize the issuance of personal belongings to citizens;

carry out in a solemn atmosphere the organized departure of citizens from military units to their place of residence;

send personal files and characteristics for reserve officers and personal lists for warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, reserve soldiers and sailors who have completed military training, within 10 days to the departments (municipal) at the place of their military registration;

at the end of the military training, submit a written report on the results of the military training to the immediate commander (chief) at the headquarters of the military district in whose territory the military unit is stationed;

upon receipt of registration cards from departments (municipal) for citizens who have completed military training, make appropriate changes to the documents of the plan for staffing the military unit with personnel and clarify the quality of staffing of the military unit with personnel.

49. Heads of departments (municipal) are responsible for:

high-quality selection of citizens for conscription for military training;

organization of medical examination of citizens called up for training camps;

timely notification, collection, delivery of citizens to military units for military training, as well as the complete implementation of the plan for conscripting citizens for training camps;

organizing the transportation of citizens called up for military training from the military commissariat (collection point) to the place of military training and back;

timely registration of access to state secrets for reserve citizens assigned to positions providing for their access to state secrets during military training;

the reliability of the information provided about the actual time spent by citizens at military training and making entries in military registration documents about the completion of military training, about the change (assignment) of a military specialty (military position);

timely compensation of expenses of organizations and citizens associated with military training, as well as timely payment of the minimum wage to citizens who do not work and are not registered with a state employment service agency for the period of participation in events related to their military training.

Heads of departments (municipal) are obliged to:

a) in preparation for the training camp:

develop, with the receipt of instructions from the chief of staff of the military district for holding military training next year and extracts from the plan for conscripting citizens to training camps, a plan for conscripting citizens to training camps;

bring information about the timing and number of citizens called up for training camps next year to local governments and heads of organizations;


work on selecting citizens for training camps in cooperation with local governments, organizations and military units;

notification and summons to the military commissariat of citizens pre-selected for training to clarify military registration data;

medical examination of citizens selected for training camps (except for training sessions);

registration of access to state secrets in the appropriate form for citizens intended for positions providing access to state secrets;

delivery of citizens to military training camps and back, in the case of transportation of citizens by rail, sea, water and air transport - registration and issuance of military transportation documents;

drawing up personal lists for citizens called up for military training and issuing an order on their conscription for military training;

an extract based on the personal lists of citizens selected for training camps, summonses and mobilization orders for citizens who do not have them, which are placed in a separate file cabinet for training camps;

separating the personal files of reserve officers, registration cards of warrant officers, midshipmen, sergeants, foremen, soldiers and sailors selected for military training into a separate file for military training, indicating the command numbers;

development, a week before the start of training camps, of documents for monitoring the progress of notification, collection, conscription and delivery of citizens to military units for training camps;

delivery to military units of personal files of reserve officers and personal lists of citizens called up for military training by a representative of the military commissariat, accompanying citizens to military units;

b) at the end of military training:

Upon arrival of citizens who have completed military training, make records at the military commissariat about the citizens' completion of military training and organize the issuance of certificates of the established form about their completion of military training;

organize the issuance of monetary compensation to citizens for participation in events related to their stay at military training camps;

organize a record of actual awareness of particularly important and top secret information of citizens who had access to it during military training;

c) assign (change), upon receipt of personal files and personal lists for citizens who have completed training camps and successfully passed tests on program material, if necessary, military registration specialties, military positions or reserve categories;

submit documents in the prescribed manner for citizens who have successfully passed tests on program material during military training and are intended for mobilization in military units for military positions, for which the staff of military units provides military ranks equal to or higher than the military ranks available to citizens, for the assignment of regular officer military ranks;

assign (assign) citizens for mobilization to military units at the location of military training, clarify the qualitative characteristics of the staffing of teams;

make the necessary changes to the military registration documents of the military commissariat and, within a month, send registration cards for citizens who have completed military training to the military units being recruited;

call citizens who have completed military training to the military commissariat, make the necessary entries in their military registration documents and present new mobilization orders;

submit a report on the results of training citizens at military training sessions to the military commissar of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

d) upon receiving information from organizations about the amount of actual expenses associated with the conscription of citizens for military training and their participation in military training, pay these expenses.

IV. Procedure for reporting military training

50. Based on the results of military training, the following are submitted:

a) commanders of military units (ships), chiefs (leaders) of organizations of the Armed Forces, departments (municipal) within 15 days after the end of the military training to the central bodies of military command, headquarters of military districts, associations and formations - reports on the results of military training ;

b) commanders of formations and commanders of formations annually by December 10 - reports on the results of military training for the year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Manual to the central bodies of military command and headquarters of military districts;

c) by military commissars of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation annually by December 10 to the headquarters of military districts - reports on the results of military training for the year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 7 to this Manual;

d) heads of central military command and control bodies for directly subordinate troops (forces) to the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate):

monthly by the 1st - a report on the results of military training with information about the beginning and end of military training in the past month in the prescribed form;

by December 30 annually - a report on the results of military training for the year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this Manual;

e) chiefs of staff of military districts for troops (forces) stationed in the territory of the military district, regardless of their subordination to the General Staff (Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate):

monthly by the 1st - a report on the results of military training with information about the beginning and end of military training in the past month;

annually by December 30 - a report on the results of military training for the year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this Manual;

f) by the heads of military branches, special troops, services, departments, departments of central military command and control bodies, military districts for the military units directly subordinate to them to the relevant headquarters (directorates), and for reserve officers - to the relevant personnel authorities:

monthly by the 25th - a report on the results of military training with information about the beginning and end of military training in the past month;

annually by December 10 - a report on the results of military training for the year according to the model in accordance with Appendix No. 6 to this Manual;

g) heads of personnel bodies of central military command bodies, military districts and fleets insofar as they relate to reserve officers:

report on the results of training of reserve officers at military training in the past month:

monthly by the 28th - to the organizational and mobilization departments of the headquarters of military districts;

monthly by the 1st - to the Main Personnel Department;

a report on the results of training of reserve officers in the reporting year in accordance with Appendix No. 8 to this Manual annually by December 20 - to the organizational and mobilization departments of the headquarters of military districts, annually by December 30 - to the Main Personnel Directorate.


* Further in the text of this Manual, unless otherwise stated, for brevity we will refer to: the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - the Armed Forces; Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Ministry of Defense; General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - General Staff; Main Personnel Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - Main Personnel Directorate.

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