Home Gums Character of those born in the year of the tiger. Character of people born in the year of the Tiger

Character of those born in the year of the tiger. Character of people born in the year of the Tiger

Each person is an individual with a set of personal character traits and temperament inherent to him. But, in addition to psychological characteristics, people are influenced by the date and year of birth. The connection between personal characteristics and the year of birth was first noticed in ancient times, before the advent of horoscopes based on the location of celestial bodies.

It is known that the Chinese horoscope is based on the movement of the planets: Saturn, Jupiter and the Earth's satellite - the Moon. In addition, there is a legend about the origin of the eastern horoscope. It says that Buddha gave protection for a certain year to each of the 12 animals that came to him to celebrate his birthday. One of these animals was the Tiger.

Sign matches

The tiger rules the third year of the 12-year cycle and has the following characteristics:

Characteristics of those born in the year of the Tiger

People born under the sign of the Tiger can be radically different from each other. Some act under the influence of the positive energy of the sign, others - on the contrary. The time of birth also determines the character of the Tiger. Representatives of this sign, born during the day or in the morning, are usually much more active than their “night” counterparts.

Men born in the year of the Tiger are distinguished by innovative ideas, charm and the desire to be the first in everything. The characteristics of women are not much different from those of men. The fire sign endows the fair sex with strong qualities and inner core.

The main characteristics of Tigers are honesty, courage, and a developed sense of justice. These are powerful people, their pressure is difficult to resist, thanks to which they easily gain authority in society. They are distinguished by decency, kindness and courage, they are ready to take risks for the sake of others and help the weak. Representatives of this sign are very principled, they always defend their point of view, and because of this they sometimes commit actions contrary to common sense.

There are also people of the opposite type - overly complacent and self-confident. They do not accept judgment and disobedience, and are irritable and rude. Such people love conflicts, sometimes they deliberately make others emotional.

In business relationships - they come into conflict with their superiors, do not take into account their status, do not respect subordination . Submitting to anyone makes Tigers angry. They do not know how to compromise and obey orders. The innate desire to achieve his goals makes any superior person a competitor of the Tiger, with whom he competes for a place in the sun.

Thanks to their optimism and cheerfulness, Tigers often become the life of the party and have many friends and acquaintances. The company in which he acts as the ringleader will never be bored - the Tiger will certainly find something to do, because there is still so much unknown in the world.

Despite their active youth, the second half of the life of representatives of this sign passes quietly. Inner fire and passion will find a way out in solving everyday, financial and business problems, so the Tiger will meet old age quietly, remembering the busy years of his youth.

The sociable and sociable Tiger will find himself in the theater, cinema, sports - wherever he can show off in public and arouse the admiration of people.

In love, Tigers are flighty and amorous; it is difficult for them to build strong relationships. They are sexually active, especially in their youth, and may have several lovers. Tigers easily achieve love, winning over their partner through beautiful courtship and compliments. Representatives of this sign are jealous and love stormy showdowns, followed by reconciliation in bed. They are open to any experiments, which they often boast about among close friends. Nevertheless, they always find a reliable partner when youthful passions subside.

Positive and negative qualities

The Tiger is a lively and assertive person, prone to extraordinary actions. He is a born leader, capable of achieving success in any endeavor. Positive aspects of character:

Despite this, the Tigers’ character also has negative qualities:

Character traits by year of birth

First of all, you need to find out whether you were born in the year of the Tiger, which years of birth correspond to this sign, because each period gives people certain traits and qualities:

The next year of the Tiger will be 2022.

Distinctive features according to zodiac signs

The character can also be influenced by the zodiac sign of people born in the year of the Tiger:

Compatibility with eastern horoscope signs

Features of the union of signs in different areas of life:

Features of Tigers

These people choose risky people with a thirst for the unknown as friends. They don't like to lose. In difficult situations they often get lost and cannot decide to take any action.

Tigers are born optimists, they do not like monotony, they prefer to talk and talk about themselves and their lives. They do not know how to listen to others, do not make plans, but act impulsively and openly express their thoughts.

It is difficult for two Tigers to get along in the same house. This is the luckiest sign in the Chinese horoscope.

Of course, in addition to the year of birth, many other factors influence the fate and character of a person, such as the place and time of birth, environment, and upbringing. However, people born in the year of the Tiger can find important advice in the description of the sign. And knowing the possible positive or negative traits of your sign, you can avoid many unpleasant situations and direct the information given by the stars to work on yourself.

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Water Tiger

Wooden Tiger

Fire Tiger

Earth Tiger

Metal Tiger

Water Tiger

Wooden Tiger

Fire Tiger

Earth Tiger

Metal Tiger

Water Tiger

Wooden Tiger

Tiger is the male yang principle, the third triangle, the element of wood.

The distinctive character qualities of the Tiger sign are swiftness in decision-making, excellent reaction in communication, and a love of risk. Those born under the sign of the Tiger are a daring, passionate lover. Loves to compete. Attractive in appearance, he masks his iron will with soft, courteous manners. A proud man who knows how to stand up for himself. Impulsiveness and unpredictability in actions make life with a Tiger interesting, but do not bring peace. In a relationship with a partner, he can show real tenderness and care, but also love of freedom, independence and extravagance. The love of entertainment and risk makes their life unstable, full of ups and downs. But natural optimism gives all the Tiger’s actions a bright shine of luck. Cannot stand strict control and restrictions on his freedom.

A tiger born at night will lead a calmer life than a tiger born in the daytime. The Night Tiger is more family-oriented and balanced in character. The Day Tiger loves dangers and challenges of fate, so his life is contrasting, filled with a series of troubles and ups.

Positive qualities of the sign

Passionate and bright, the Tiger stands out in society with good manners and temperament. His unpredictability and unusualness make life around him interesting, full of adventures and new impressions. The powerful energy of this sign inspires deeds and beautiful deeds. And courage and generosity invariably attract loving people to the Tiger.

Negative qualities of the sign

The love of taking risks can easily turn into recklessness on the edge of the possible. Stubbornness and selfishness will interfere with partnerships. The tiger can be an aggressive, ruthless opponent. Sometimes he doesn't get along well with people because of his gloomy, affected appearance. Independence and struggle against authority can prevent you from achieving heights in your career.

In the year of the Tiger You should expect big changes in life, exciting events, travel and unforgettable experiences from meeting bright people. It’s good to have a safe haven, not to undermine existing relationships and not to take unnecessary risks. A good period to change the boring course of your daily life and learn new things. A good year for Tiger, Dragon, Horse and Dog. A busy year for the Ox, Rat, Rooster and Sheep. Neutral period for the Rabbit, Snake, Pig and Monkey.

Celebrities of this sign

Charles de Gaulle, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Alexander II, Queen Elizabeth II, Niccolo Paganini, Grigory Skovoroda, Ho Chi Minh, Dwight Eisenhower, Simon Bolivar, Emily Dickinson, Ivan Turgenev, Oscar Wilde, Francisco Goya, Marco Polo, Agatha Christie, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder. Actors: Marilyn Monroe, Tom Cruise, Jodie Foster, Leonardo DiCaprio, Christian Bale, Penelope Cruz, Andrei Panin, Demi Moore, Robert Pattison, Shia LaBeouf, Megan Fox, Emilia Clarke, Kit Harrington.

Character of the sign by elements

Black Water Tiger

He is distinguished by his acting abilities, knows how to look at things from the point of view of his interlocutor, and remains mysterious even after a long acquaintance. All of the above makes the Water Tiger a very attractive partner. He often finds himself in the center of attention, but maintains mystery and outward calm under any circumstances. He is difficult to understand, approaches love with special interest, and is rarely satisfied with his only partner.

Green Wooden Tiger

Endowed with a good sense of humor, he is more inclined to show his feelings than Tigers of other elements. It is easier to understand him, it is easier to get close to him and find a common language. Often has a developed intellect, loves entertainment, feels romance, passionately responds to those who reveal their feelings to him. Loves to learn, improves and changes all his life.

Yellow Earth Tiger

Has a developed taste in the field of pleasure, luxury and strives for fame. The most balanced among Tigers of different elements, more often than his brothers in the sign, he achieves success in his career due to greater perseverance and concentration. Cannot tolerate pressure on the psyche, restrictions and checks from a loved one. The Earth Tiger has diverse interests in everything in the world, can do various things at the same time, often forgetting to pay attention to his partner, which will require effort to maintain a long-term relationship with him.

White Metal Tiger

Characterized by the absence of emotional problems, prudence and perseverance. In communication and in work, he insists on his point of view; he is not inclined to compromise. Authoritarianism does not make him less passionate, but among his fellow signs of other elements he is most capable of leadership. More than others, he needs advice and emotional support. Does not like to reveal his true feelings, is careful in choosing partners.

Red Fire Tiger

An optimist by nature, the Fire Tiger is the most ambitious, creatively gifted and energetic. He loves to give himself to others, enthusiastically takes on new things, and looks at the world positively and idealistically. Due to his wide social circle, it is difficult for him to maintain regular long-term relationships. He often gets into love affairs and does not learn from his mistakes. To attract the attention of the Fire Tiger for a long time, you will need physical endurance and a fair amount of knowledge.

People born in the year of the Tiger are very different from each other, especially in spiritual terms. Some are distinguished by their exceptional positive qualities of character and disposition, others by their negative ones. The former are guided in life by classical concepts of honor and decency. These are brave and courageous people, brave and kind, always ready to take risks for the sake of justice, protecting the weak and infirm. They are principled in their intentions, decisions, actions, even if this contradicts common sense. These are real fighters, always ready to sacrifice for the sake of their idea, cause, for the sake of a loved one. The outside world and the public almost always appreciate them. They always attract attention to themselves, it is difficult for them to object, to resist their pressure. Their personality traits and behavior, natural power over others create for them natural authority, prestige, and reputation.

Another type of Tiger is just as bright, but with opposite qualities. Their self-esteem rather resembles excessive vanity. These people are overly self-confident, stubborn to the point of obstinacy, sensitive to the point of pain, very hot-tempered and irritable, harsh, rude and petty. They often come into conflict with colleagues, higher officials, even with government agencies and departments. Often in this state they make very rash decisions and come to the right conclusions too late. They do not like to ask, they only demand and are ready to fight for their rights until complete victory.

The tiger, as a rule, is either a revolutionary, or a military leader, or an excellent leader. But, like many bosses, he does not always deserve blind obedience. First you need to look around, reflect, before obeying and acting on his instructions. The fact is that his taste for risk is very great, to the point of recklessness, to unconscious actions, and this can lead to disaster.

Tigers cannot obey, but with great pleasure they try to keep others under their power. As a rule, they do not compromise. They may be selfish in small things, but selfless in big things. Tigers always strive only forward; they are not stopped by official ranks or hierarchy of power. They oppose conservative forces and bureaucratic officials, against political dogmatism and the philistine mentality.

In general, these are people of extraordinary actions and very exceptional fates, people of unexpected situations. Already from childhood, their presence, their cheerfulness and good mood have a beneficial effect on the environment - at home and in the yard, at school and college, and then in the work team. True, just as early they begin to look for their first victims in order to sharpen their claws and measure their strength. Those who are not afraid of them make friends with them, paying tribute to their attractive and powerful nature.

The tiger strives for everything it has not achieved. He is in eternal search, in constant worry. He also needs to be the center of attention, the ringleader in any society. Where the Tiger appears, something is already starting to happen, there is a smell of risk and danger. Recklessness and imprudence, and often tactless behavior give rise to many enemies for him.

In the life of Tigers, everything may not happen as they initially imagined. If the first third of their life in many cases passes relatively calmly, then the second is more stormy, since they have to solve problems at all levels - labor, financial, love, family. He will not be spared anything. The last third of life can already bring peace and tranquility.

Much depends on when the Tiger was born: at night or during the day. Born at night, especially around midnight, the Tiger will be free from any traps, and his life will be less stormy compared to the Tiger who was born after sunrise, especially at noon. This Tiger will be passionate, harsh, exposed to many dangers. In any case, he will never know melancholy or boredom, and will never regret it.

The sociable Tiger type always needs an audience and applause. He is used to admiring himself, boasting and being arrogant. He loves flattery and praise, showing off and external shine. The closed type does not have this self-confidence; he needs a stronger partner. However, all Tigers love public spectacles, sports stadiums, the world of art, especially the theater stage and cinema, music and the stage, fashionable clothes.

For eastern peoples, birth in the year of the TIGER is a magnificent sign, personifying the power of the earth, a symbol of the protection of human life. A tiger in the house can get rid of such misfortunes as thieves, swindlers and fire. But if there are two Tigers in the house, then one of them must definitely disappear.


TIGER and RAT. An alliance between them is possible if the Rat allows the Tiger to go into the world of adventure. In addition, the Tiger must give up his intransigence, and the Rat must give up his cunning, cunning and deceit. In this case, they will be able to celebrate not only a golden, but even a diamond wedding. Otherwise, marriage is very problematic. Friendship between them will probably not happen, because the Rat is seen as too much of a materialist for the Tiger. Business relationships can take place if both work honestly and conscientiously, relax together and celebrate after good profits.

TIGER and BULL. A marriage union is unlikely. The Tiger, deep down in his soul, will either fear, or despise, or envy the Bull, but he will not openly oppose him, knowing that the Bull can simply destroy him. Friendship between them is impossible due to complete incompatibility. Business relationships are also impossible. They will end in bankruptcy, collapse, or even real disaster.

TIGER and TIGER. Marriage is not recommended. Agreement between them is only a short-term phenomenon. Everyone will try to dominate the family, and this always ends in discord, breakdown of relationships and inevitable separation. The friendship between them can be simply great. Together they can travel around the whole world, make a revolution, a coup d'état.

TIGER and RABBIT. The marriage is not the best. Although they understand each other well, after some time the relationship between them will become strained. The Rabbit can always resist the Tiger, but the latter does not really like this. The friendship between them is also very short. The Rabbit does not take the Tiger seriously, but the Tiger cannot get over this. Business relations between them are possible. Their qualities complement each other well, especially the caution of the Rabbit and the audacity of the Tiger.

TIGER and DRAGON. The union is promising and promising. These are two strong signs, and in addition, the Dragon will be useful to the Tiger with its prudence and caution. The friendship between them is strong and rock-solid. They complement each other well in many ways, which brings them both benefit and benefit. Business relationships are great because of the good interaction between two strong personalities. The Dragon will think for two, and the Tiger will work.

TIGER and SNAKE. Here, married life should be avoided. This will lead to a complete and hopeless misunderstanding of each other. The wisdom of the Snake is simply not perceived by the Tiger. Friendship between them is also impossible. They don't hear or understand each other. Business relationships are equally impossible. They will never be able to come to an agreement.

TIGER and HORSE. Marriage is possible. The Horse, as a rule, completely satisfies the Tiger’s excessive passions, while at the same time maintaining independence from him. And since the Tiger is always very busy, he will not suspect anything. The friendship between them is interesting because when they are together, they argue endlessly, but when apart, one cannot live without the other. Business relationships are also possible. Although at times some difficulties may arise, the overall background should still be favorable and prosperous.

TIGER and GOAT. This is a very problematic marriage, because in a moment of an angry outburst, the Tiger can simply “eat” his Goat. There may be friendship between them; the Tiger treats the Goat very tolerantly and condescendingly. Business relationships are possible if they both come to an agreement that the Goat will plan all the affairs, and the Tiger will carry them out.

TIGER and MONKEY. The prospect of marriage is problematic. Despite the fact that the Monkey always tries to charm and seduce the Tiger, for him this union is attractive as long as he is still looking for adventure. Friendship between them is possible, and even not bad, but only as long as it is kept within the bounds of decency, as long as this relationship does not go too far. Business relationships are promising as long as the Tiger is careful and prudent about all the tricks of the Monkey, and the latter respects the Tiger’s strength.

TIGER and ROOSTER. The marriage between them is problematic. The pride of the Rooster does not fit in with the vanity of the Tiger. There is a power struggle between both partners. Friendship as such does not attract them at all. Business relationships are definitely doomed to fail. The Tiger is not a partner for the Rooster.

TIGER and DOG. This is a possible alliance. Both of them, sharing the same ideas, will fight and fight together for their implementation, forgetting even about love. Friendship between them is impossible, especially strong and long-lasting. Business relationships can flourish in all areas and areas of cooperation and co-authorship, with the exception of financial and commercial activities.

TIGER and PIG. This marriage union is possible. The Pig understands and appreciates the Tiger well. If only the latter does not tire her too much with his passions, then their life together portends peace and tranquility for both. The friendship between them can be strong and long-lasting. They understand each other well, and the Pig’s prudence and caution helps a lot here. Business relationships will largely depend on the nobility and generosity of the Tiger, otherwise these relationships will pose a constant danger to the Pig.

years of birth: 1902 1914 1926 1938 1950 1962 1974 1986 1998 2010

The tiger is an animal of the Yang group. He came from the East. The tiger is the king of beasts, it is majestic and has excellent Yang and Yin defense. This protection is expressed on the tiger’s skin by contrasting stripes, which protect it not only from the cold, but also reward it with mystical power. The tiger is the ruler of the jungle, he commands all animals, instilling fear in demons and evil spirits. Often in China, in order to protect themselves from evil forces, young people wear hats in the shape of a tiger's head.

The tiger is a symbol of faith and patience; it is revered and feared, but it does not protect everyone.

A tiger born at night is the happiest of all his brothers, he is calm and wise, the night is his domain in which he prowls in search of prey. His business is more fruitful, and his rivals are sleeping. But those born during the day are more mobile, careless and active, because in daylight they are exposed.

Their childhood proceeds peacefully, with a rich variety of childhood adventures and pranks. The youth of Tigers is very exciting, emotional, full of conflicts and changes. Tigers have a passionate nature, and therefore they are constantly faced with other people's misunderstandings and shocks. If they are not looking for adventure, then adventure will definitely overtake them by surprise. But in general they live the first part of their lives happily.

The maturity of Tigers is interesting, but if they have not learned lessons from the past and have not learned to restrain themselves, then a period of frustration and disappointment begins. Usually they are haunted by financial difficulties, family conflicts, love dramas. In old age, Tigers also find it difficult to calm down, because they cannot come to terms with their situation. Old age was not created for Tigers, and it is difficult to live to see it after such battles. In general, their lives are very varied, full of passions, and in the end they get the life they want. The tiger dies suddenly and cruelly.


Tigers have a broad vision of the world, they know how to be and

But tolerant and liberal, as long as their honor is not involved. They are disgusted by everyday life, but they shoulder this burden. Tigers have royal generosity and readily forgive, as they are not petty at all. The tiger knows how to be harsh with himself, but he is demanding of those around him. Tigers do not like to have their praises constantly sung to them, and they know how to distinguish truth from flattery. Often they are not aware of their actions, because they believe that they always do the right thing and this makes them blind.

If you can count on the advice of these people, then only if they are not irritated. Tigers live by their passions and therefore are almost always in tension. They are often frightened by their emotional contradictions, which prevent them from controlling their aggressiveness. Often this is very disturbing to others.

At first glance, Tiger men look kind-hearted, but this is a general misconception, since they have iron fists, an iron will and exceptional fatalism. They know how to resist vandalism and destroy enemy positions.

Women of this sign are very active, passionate, generous and powerful. Therefore, it is better to be born a man this year - it is easier for men to conquer the world. The Tiger is born with the need for confrontation with the existing order. But the Tiger woman is smart, dexterous, and frank. True, it is very difficult for her to find the right methods of raising children. She's also not a good housewife, because she doesn't really like to stay at home. Her constant dissatisfaction and independence often leads to emotional demands, which greatly interfere with her personal life.

Tigers are born fighters for justice and rebels, always opposing power and control. They are often involved in all sorts of revolutionary movements, but sometimes they do not deserve the trust that is given to them. Because Tigers are not inclined to think through their every step, but immediately rush headlong into the pool and drag their fellow tribesmen with them. But reasonable people will always wonder if they are worth following? And this is correct, since the followers of the Tiger may find themselves on the verge of disaster with them.

If Titra is put in a cage, he will either become brutal or lose his dignity. This animal needs endless spaces. Even behind bars, he becomes aggressive, loses control and gets into fights. It is impossible to force him to share something he does not want. It is difficult to teach a tiger to discipline, because he does not listen to anyone, his actions are ahead of his thoughts. His courage borders on thoughtlessness, recklessness, and taking pleasure in the feeling of danger. Those Tigers who gain fame in dangerous situations revel in the admiration of others, and thus waste themselves. They can be very straightforward and stubborn and almost always quarrel with someone. Although they are considered selfish, they are capable of great generosity when it comes to something great. They are warm and sensitive, and often become selfish. When their life becomes boring, they start looking for convenience at the expense of others. To make the world more interesting, the Tiger needs to live in the jungle.

At the same time, it is difficult to resist him, because he has a magnetic character and his innate authority attracts associates. People respect him intuitively, even his enemies. The tiger loves to be obeyed. He will not allow anyone to command him and defends his positions to the end. He believes that he was created for great things.

If the Tiger begins to think when to act, and if he listens to reasonable advice, he can achieve unprecedented success. But, as a rule, he does not have trust in others. Sometimes he stops before an important decision or hesitates until it is too late.

The hardy Tiger always goes to visit on foot; he cannot stand cars. But if he has the opportunity, he prefers horse riding because he is very close to nature. On his weekends, he does not like to look at architectural monuments or Gothic ruins, but devotes himself to hunting or active sports.


People of this sign easily operate in financial spheres, in transactions with movable and immovable property, and in stock exchange transactions. They can often be found in theater salons or at sports competitions, where they invariably emerge as winners.

Tigers need to be very rich because they have higher demands than other people. They love long trips and luxurious safaris. On their outings they are accustomed to minimal comfort, but in everyday life they are surrounded by both simple and luxurious things. Their salons are occupied by low, wide sofas and silk pillows. Often their floors are decorated with the skins of wild animals. Tigers love beautiful things: Persian carpets, many souvenirs that they bring from

Trip. If they are athletes, then their walls are hung with war trophies. But they do not attach much importance to them; rather, all this exists for self-praise in front of the guests.

Their room is somewhat reminiscent of a den, and they do not like it when their territory is invaded. And this cave of a predator makes an enthusiastic and at the same time depressing impression on those around him. The tiger is used to showing his fantasy and imagination even in the house.


Tigers are born leaders and commanders, so they are absolutely not created for subordination. Often the actions of Tigers are impulsive, but they still have incredible intuition, which keeps them from complete disaster. They do not want to be obligated to anyone, even their parents or loved ones. They retain the right to belong to themselves.

The Tiger's head is filled with interesting ideas; he is able to implement new plans that do not raise any doubts among others. They feel enslaved in a boring job and therefore will try to leave it at the first opportunity. Risk does not frighten them at all; they are confident in their actions. And they never do anything halfway, trying to delve deeply into the essence of the matter. Their passionate enthusiasm and dynamism captivates those around them, so they always find allies willing to follow. them to the last.

The Tiger does not like to share his laurels; he does not report to anyone and does not recognize responsibilities. When it comes to any changes, the Tiger shows persistence, reaching the point of impudence. Everything is in motion with him, no one gets bored with him. Tigers have deep knowledge that can baffle even a specialist. A tiger that is deprived of independent activity becomes aggressive and unstable. Tiger women are always ready to support any new idea in order to overcome conventions or achieve equality with men.

Tigers are suitable for the role of a military commander or a factory director, but at the same time they can become dangerous gangsters because they love professions associated with risk. Most often they can be found in the role of paratrooper, parachutist, driver, matador, trainer, investigator, boss in various industries. They often make good statesmen and revolutionaries.


Passionate, impetuous Titre tries to know happiness in love even before coming of age. As we have already noted, he believes only in his own experience and therefore will not believe the moral teachings of outsiders. Usually the second reason he leaves home is early marriage.

Tigers are too exalted, terribly sentimental, they quickly accept love and admire it until it turns into everyday life. The connection can only continue if the partner is smart and knows how to artificially stir up the Tiger’s interest and curiosity, otherwise the passion of our predator will quickly pass. And the Tiger cannot be called unfaithful, he simply needs animal passion and if he does not receive it, he tries to find it on the side, thus asserting himself.

The Tiger needs to test his irresistibility, so the art of seduction for the Tiger is something like a sport to keep in shape. He is capable of great love, but often his feelings become excessively strong and therefore his love affairs rarely have a happy ending.

There are other ways to keep the Tiger: hint to him that there are interesting partners besides him. The tiger will never allow its prey to be stolen and will jealously guard its primacy rights. But neither in. In no case should you go too far, because even the Tiger may one day run out of patience. He can say that he is tired of this unsettled life, but he himself will never be able to turn into a skin that is used to decorate the floor by the fireplace.

The Tiger has strong feelings and almost never lies, as he hates pretense. But it also happens that he himself ruins what he created. Unconsciously, he can offend his partner without even noticing it. Naturally, this can lead to a break. This will cause him great regret, but in a few days he will be back on the path.

It is best for the Tiger not to get involved in intricate intrigues, because they can only bring him suffering. Although they have bright personalities and many envy them, their life is very difficult. Because of his own nobility, he often sacrifices himself. Tigers are loyal, very generous and always sincere. Therefore, when they break up, they royally leave their positions. They know how to lose with dignity. There is no better friend and no nobler enemy than the Tiger.


Tigers are born adventurers and conquerors. They love to shine and show off. Naturally, they will not let go of the reins of power in the family either. They will definitely find an organized spouse who is capable of not only managing the household, but also decorating their life. As for the Tiger woman, she can run the house for personal success. Women of this sign are too active and emancipated. They cannot take orders from anyone and give only their family all the time. The Tiger woman succeeds everywhere, but only if her husband does some of the housework.

Tigers love to travel. They cannot be called exemplary parents, because they themselves sometimes do not believe what they say. Imagine that. The tiger will teach his child common sense and caution. Absurd! In this case, they can lie if they see that they will achieve the desired goal. If a reserved and sensitive Titer is a good influence on children, allowing them to experience life for themselves, then such a parent becomes a very dangerous educator. They do not know how to hide mood swings, outbursts of impulsiveness and anger, and this can tragically affect the life and character of children born in the year of the Rat, Hare, Sheep and Dog. Such children need affection and understanding. It is better for a Tiger to deal with a Dragon, Horse, Monkey or Rooster child. Such children will admire their parents and look forward to their advice. It is not always possible to achieve mutual understanding with a Pig child; it is a little easier in this regard with an Ox and a Snake. True, the Ox with his unyielding principles can make the Tiger suffer. The Snake child will always try to show off, but his parents will consider his actions unnatural.


Thanks to their looks and charm, Tigers are the most seductive partners in the entire horoscope. But you cannot thoughtlessly rush into their arms, because they captivate, take possession, and then quickly cool down. When they are convinced that sex is a mistake of their youth, they move on to more serious relationships.

In all situations, Tigers want to dominate and do not like to be dragged into bed. Any of their relationships are long-term, so they require respect. Tigers live by their wits and sex for them is not a diplomatic tactic.

Tigers love company and love to be given attention. They behave very elegantly, and if they like someone, the financial situation of this person does not matter.

In sexual intercourse they insist on its purity. They start sex slowly, but when they pick up the pace, they show some animal instincts. Sex for them is wonderful music in which they are used to expressing their imagination. They strive for new pleasures and try to try everything. They believe that anything that enhances pleasure is perfectly acceptable. Their warmth and understanding are effective especially for those who suffer from an inferiority complex. In their desire to please, they always put the needs of others first rather than their own.


Such people can be identified in any society. They are independent, easy-going, and have the penetrating gaze of a hunter. Under such a gaze, you can’t help but feel like prey, arousing the royal appetite. If the Tiger likes someone, he will not miss the opportunity to seduce and entice him. The most unforgettable moments of your life can be associated with the Tiger. A tiger can change only if he is forced by circumstances. But he can’t stand betrayal. Having learned about his partner’s misconduct, he will leave with dignity.

If you want to give the Tiger a gift, it is better to choose a long and interesting journey to an unknown corner of the earth. And if this is not possible, buy him the skin of a wild animal. He will appreciate your attention. But if communicating with a Tiger gives you trouble, try putting a collar on him. The freedom-loving animal will not tolerate such an insult and will not bother you.


Queen Beatrice of Holland, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Agatha Christie, Jon Bon Jovi, James Clavel, Phil Collins, Isidora Duncan, Charles De Gaulle, Dwight David Eisenhower, Frederick Forsythe, Karl Marx; Marco Polo, Suzi Quatro, Lionel Richard. Stevie Wonder, Emilia Brontë, Marilyn Monroe, Arthur Rimbaud, Maximilian Robespierre, Ho Chi Minh City, Tiberius, . Georgy Abashidze, Emil Keogh (son), Sergei Lemeshev, Boris Mayorov, Maria Maksakova, Richard Singh, Lydia Smirnova, John Steinbeck, Andre Citroen, Louis De Funes, Francis Goya, Grigory Gurdjieff, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Mohammed, Giulio Mazariki, Vyacheslav Molotov, Admiral Nelson, Niccolo Paganini, Francois Rabelais, Romain Rolland, Maria Stuart, Oscar Wilde.


Tiger and Tiger

In family life the situation is even worse, because both... trying to play a dominant role. But from another point of view, their union can also bring positive results. Because they don't need to be pushed or ignited, these bright individuals can complement their partner's efforts. Everything depends solely on both of them, because there are also Tigers that are like cats. In this case, such a partner, with his prudence and patience, will help maintain calm in the house. After all, the Tiger is noble and knows how to listen to others, but this should not last too long. And one more rule: such partners must be constantly busy in order to completely smooth out all the troubles.

Tiger and Rat

The best way to gain the Rat's admiration is to show him courage and bravery. But Tiger is not interested in her. And yet the connection between them is extremely difficult. Of course, their passion is satisfied, but the Tiger is a born predator and is accustomed to freedom. Therefore, from time to time he leaves his cave and begins to scour in search of new prey, and it will be very difficult for the Rat to survive this. The Rat does not like to have her feelings played on; she believes that she is simply irresistible. True, she understands that others may have shortcomings. She's not very vindictive. And when she sees the Tiger returning, her heart calms down. The Tiger is a realist and completely unselfish, but the Rat is greedy, and its fear

The future makes the king of the jungle laugh a lot. Maybe that's what they are. complement each other, because our eternally hungry predator will always be happy with a piece of meat hidden by the Rat for a rainy day.

Tiger and Ox

For such a bloodthirsty animal as the Tiger, the Ox is an excellent prey, because the Tiger will never, in his life, resist the temptation to snatch a fresh piece of meat. The ox is not too used to being attacked or pushed, he will not allow himself to be swallowed. Oxen are too freedom-loving, and whoever manages to eat it will definitely ruin their stomach. The ox cannot prevent the Tiger from leading a predatory lifestyle, but still he tries to somehow dominate and warn him. They will not see any common business, because every trifling misunderstanding ends in a stormy scandal. But Ox women are somewhat different from the male representative of this sign, and they get used to a silent role if Tigers can satisfy all their needs. But later they will definitely become impatient. The Tiger woman will definitely pay attention to the majestic Ox, because in her eyes he is an example of a clear conscience.

Tiger and Hare

These two signs have many similarities. Both signs love to make money. In all respects, these are excellent businessmen, but at the same time they want to maintain a sense of freedom. They both love to travel and then bask at the family hearth. These are two independent animals that do not need to be fenced off with four walls. But the Hare does not have such risky behavior as the Tiger, and thinks more about his own safety. In this union, it is better if the Hare takes second position, only then does he have the right to exist. The Tiger must earn a living, and it is better for the Hare to organize comfort. In this case, the Hare should become a small deterrent for his reckless partner. The Tiger will certainly be annoyed by the cautiousness of the Hare, who will begin to control the Tiger. This may give rise to quarrels, but the diplomat still has the final say.

Tiger and Dragon

These signs are also very similar because they are bold, energetic and quite adventurous. Tigers are excellent advisers and always prevent their partner’s careless steps. But they themselves are always the first to get into a fight. The Dragon also loves to lead and is always confident in his own rightness. The Dragon can give the Tiger the skill of rational thinking, which will be very useful for the Tiger, because paths worthy of his efforts will open up for him. Sometimes the Dragon can mislead the Tiger or push him into a difficult adventure. But this doesn’t scare them at all. Their mutual ignorance of limits will only make life together more exciting. True, in this case stability is somewhat lost. If the Dragon refuses to obey the Tiger, conflicts and disputes will undoubtedly arise, but thanks to their sincerity, these signs will be able to smooth out any misunderstandings.

Together they always succeed, since each infects the other with success and at the same time there is absolutely no rivalry between them. They will make a lot of noise in their business, but if they have a good administrator, things will go even better.

Tiger and Snake

The union is not entirely favorable, because the Tiger is a lively animal, and the Snake is prone to contemplation and will consider the Tiger simply nervous. The Snake will not want to follow the Tiger and keep up with his pace, because he is too lazy and does not like to be urged on. She is used to figuring things out on her own and hates other people's advice, even if it is appropriate. Often she is simply dogmatic, and the Tiger absolutely cannot stand this. The Snake is an owner who always follows winding paths, while the Tiger always follows only the straight road and ahead. The Snake constantly thinks about the result, and the Tiger prefers to think about the means, so they do not understand each other. The Tiger will not want to follow the winding lines of the Snake, and the Snake will not be able to tame the wild Tiger. In business they always have a wonderful union because they complement each other. One takes the risk and the other takes the execution. Life together is completely impossible, since the Snake will betray the Tiger, and he will destroy it.

Tiger and Horse

These are two types of enthusiasts, together they can move mountains. Everything goes well in their contact, provided that the Tiger does not pay attention to the Horse’s selfishness. She always has desire in the foreground, but if she is in love, things are different. It is better if their union is based on mutual feelings, then the Tiger will not have time to think about the strange behavior of the Horse. But if their feelings are based on a different basis, the Tiger may be quickly disappointed, because the Horse is blind to its shortcomings and is so convinced that it is right that it is very difficult for it to explain its mistakes.

The horse is always sure that he cares not only about himself, but also about his partner. In practice, things are completely different. In relation to the Horse, the Tiger is more liberal. But in the event of conflict, disputes take tragic turns. The horse rears up, and the Tiger goes wild.

Tiger and Sheep

The Tiger's heart is filled with joy when he sees a Sheep nibbling grass in the meadow - she bleats pitifully, and the Tiger quietly approaches her in anticipation of a delicious dinner. But it is not yet known whether he will be able to eat the Sheep. Maybe he will be fascinated by her? There are no laws in love. A Sheep always seeks protection from a stronger personality, and a Tiger in love will turn out to be a good protector and he will never want to eat his charming victim. He will give her freedom and this, at first glance, will seem very strange, but in fact it is just a manifestation of sincere feelings. The Sheep also needs freedom, she loves to travel and look at the stars, and the Tiger will not interfere with this. She admires his courage, valor, and it’s great if they have enough money in reserve, because the Sheep doesn’t know how to handle money. Then the Tiger sometimes cannot fulfill his obligations; he relies only on chance. But they are happy and treat each other with touching affection.

Tiger and Monkey

Despite his adventurism, the Tiger is not as subtle as the Monkey. He respects his partner's freedom and loves clarity in relationships. But the Monkey loves to chase two birds with one stone, she is used to being liked by everyone and cannot deny herself this weakness.

She is used to adapting and is constantly trying to escape from the Tiger. This really irritates him. The monkey is a mocker and loves to mock people's weaknesses. Of course, she cannot be indifferent to the delightful Tiger and cannot resist the temptation to pull his mustache. In this case, the Tiger waits for the moment when the Monkey falls asleep in order to devour it. This union is possible only if both show maximum restraint in the relationship.

Tiger and Rooster

This is a very difficult union for the reason that the sensitive and loyal Tiger is not too reasonable to understand the actions of the Rooster. The tiger is often perplexed by the actions of people. But the Rooster cannot be judged only for external actions. The Rooster always makes an irresistible impression on those around him with his diversity, which sometimes creates a false impression of his personality. In alliance with the Tiger, everything goes well for them at first. The power-hungry Tiger is flattered by the adoration of the Rooster. But soon the Rooster's boasting begins to irritate the Tiger, and the Tiger begins to criticize him. The rooster cannot stand comments and suffers from the injustice of his striped partner. Things take an undesirable turn, the Rooster feels misunderstood and decides to retire to where people are more tolerant. But before he leaves, he will frankly tell the truth to the Tiger. They can always maintain friendly relations, be wonderful lovers or companions, but not for long.

Tiger and Dog

Both of them are incorrigible idealists. Therefore, some misunderstandings occur in their union. The Dog always tries to get ahead, and the Tiger always tries to maintain a dominant position. But in their desire to fight, they will always find a common language. They have common points of contact - for this they need a goal that they will quickly find. And together they will fight to the end, while there are no obstacles for them and their enthusiasm never runs out. The Tiger's generous dynamism makes the Dog smile. But the Dog can find arguments in time to refute the Tiger’s judgment and save him from an unnecessary step. This union can be very happy; its only enemy is everyday life. True, this is not without difficulties, because the Dog needs constant reassurances of affection, and the Tiger is not very used to showing signs of attention. For a long-lasting union, they need to deeply understand their behavior and find common goals; only in this case can they achieve harmony.

Tiger and Boar

These signs are united by their loyalty. They know how to make friends and love, their nights are full. passions and they know what honor is. The Tiger is much more cunning than the Pig, and therefore it helps him defend himself. He instills in Pig the ability to find weak points in the enemy’s defense and thus adapts him to life. Both respect each other's freedom, show tolerance and trust, which is the basis of their union.

From time to time, the Tiger pisses off his partner, but he does this not out of anger, but rather out of curiosity.

Business is doing great, they complement each other.

Eastern horoscope, Tiger sign: legend, character, money and career; what is the zodiac sign of Tiger; Tiger compatibility horoscope


1926 - fiery year

1938 - earthen

1950 – metal

1962 – water

1974 – wooden

1986 - fiery year

1998 – earthen

2010 – metal

2022 – water year

Eastern horoscope Tiger: Chinese legend

According to it, twelve animals arrived at the call of Buddha, having first swam across a stormy river. Because of the Rat's cunning, the Ox, who swam first, took second place. Next came the Tiger. Strong people, Bulls and Tigers, also constantly compete. The Bull is stronger, the Tiger should give in and disappear from the Bull’s environment. The tiger was rewarded, the third year of the cycle is his year. Each animal gives its own character to those born in the year it protects. Asians consider the Tiger to be a wonderful sign, the embodiment of the power of the earth, an emblem of human protection.

Tiger: character

Leader, rebel, hot-tempered, does not live by the rules, always resists his superiors, even undisciplined. Tigers are revolutionaries, leaders. They always look for new, interesting, promising roads instead of the beaten ones. They can take possession of a lot at once, but also lose everything at once.

Tigers despise hierarchy, superior authority, and conservatism. They themselves do not obey anyone, but with their magnetism and irresistible charm they force those around them to obey them. Tigers are respected, but they do not dare to tell the truth. But Tigers, captivating others with their ineradicable enthusiasm, are risky leaders. Their ideas are interesting, their speech is passionate and sincere, they are inspirers and organizers. However, before acting on the call, those around you should think carefully and even restrain the Tiger: with his love of risk, he can lead to disaster. Tigers often find it difficult to distinguish between a successful project and a dangerous adventure.

Tigers can become military leaders, leaders, but also dangerous criminals. After all, without risk, they are not interested in any enterprise. Life for them is an unknown adventure, most of the ideas are unconventional, they sincerely believe in themselves, are prone to maximalism, and often go all-in. They need adrenaline, which is why they often get involved in some extreme sports or choose a dangerous profession.

Despite their charm, Tigers' relationships with others are complex. Directness develops into harshness and offends; reluctance to obey creates problems at work. It is not easy for the Tigers themselves with their rebellious, impetuous, impulsive character. Especially in love: with their directness, pressure, and passion, they often scare off their chosen ones. However, the family life of tigers is always rich, amazing, and full of deep, sincere feelings.

Tigers are paradoxical. Enthusiasts, they may not make an important decision until it is too late. Hot-tempered, conflictual, they can sacrifice themselves in the name of a common cause. Petty egoists are capable of selflessness in great matters. These are people of violent death, but also of extraordinary luck. A tiger can save a house from 3 misfortunes: fire, cunning people, thieves.

Tigers in general are sensitive, reflective, but strong, courageous, noble people. They, waving a knightly sword, make a lot of mistakes, but with sincere motives. These are flaming hearts that can sometimes change the course of history.

Tiger: career, money

The tiger is impetuous and unpredictable, and so is his career: dizzying ascents give way to sudden falls. However, the Tiger believes in humanity, in itself, so it still moves upward. This is also helped by his talent and infectious enthusiasm.

With money it’s the same. The tiger is not inclined to accumulate in order to provide for old age. He often takes risks: he invests capital in an unknown and obscure enterprise, and plays on the stock exchange. So he may suddenly become the owner of a huge fortune or an absolute bankrupt. Usually the Tiger's money slips away like sand through his fingers. At the same time, he is able to get them out of nowhere; his pockets are rarely empty.

Tigers - celebrities

Beethoven, Maria Stuart, Friedrich Hegel, Karl Marx, Agatha Christie, H.G. Wells, Bon Jovi, Isidora Duncan, Stevie Wonder, Marco Polo, Charles De Gaulle, Marilyn Monroe, Niccolo Paganini, Dwight Eisenhower, Maximilian Robespierre, Admiral Nelson, Francis Goya , Oscar Wilde.

Characteristics of the zodiac sign Tiger

Capricorn is the most reasonable; He avoids trouble very well.

Aquarius - smart; his thinking and action are in reasonable balance.

Pisces - slightly crazy Tiger. Funny, but dangerous... especially for himself.

Aries - Beware! Increased reaction, it is possible to overcome the sound barrier.

Taurus – balance. The Tiger is too susceptible, even scrupulous.

Gemini - for adventurous, crazy enterprises, capable of achieving success in them.

Cancer is the most inactive Tiger. The way of life is to sit by the fire.

Leo is a true Leo. The tiger of action, achieves goals.

Virgo is an aristocrat, a subtle nervous system, called upon to bring beauty.

Libra - tamed Tiger Cub. A pleasant business companion, especially in matters of trade.

Scorpio – it’s difficult with this Tiger. You can expect anything.

Sagittarius - Tiger is real. It might go far...too far.

Tiger compatibility horoscope

Excellent: Dog, Dragon, Horse;

Not bad: Cat, Tiger, Rat, Boar, Rooster, Sheep;

Bad: Monkey, Snake, Ox.

The Tiger can create an alliance with the Horse, whose honesty appeals to him; The Dragon, bringing caution and strength to the Tiger; A faithful Dog, ready to support great things, to always be there.

The very smart Snake Tiger will not understand. The cunning, unscrupulous, dexterous Monkey is dangerous for him; the Tiger cannot trust her in anything. The Bull constantly competes with the Tiger, suppresses it, attacks in order to destroy it. It is better for the Tiger to leave the house where the Ox lives.

The cat constantly annoys the Tiger, it will be difficult to get along, although these cats understand each other. The same goes for a pair of Tigers.

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