Home Coated tongue Another love horoscope, all about men.

Another love horoscope, all about men.

Aquarians are talented, extravagant and mysterious people. A birthday on February 1st gives a person the character of a true representative of this sign. In some cases, this brings a lot of problems, since living under the rule of Uranus is not very easy. Almost all people born in the second decade of this air sign have an unusual and interesting destiny.

February 1: zodiac sign

A man born on this day is an Aquarius. Belongs to the group of Air signs, which are characterized by the following character traits:

  • focus on the future;
  • sociability and charm;
  • loyalty to marriage and business partners - people of this sign know how to forgive;
  • sociability - they are able to find a common language with any person;
  • confidence in yourself and your actions,
  • suddenness, spontaneity in decision making.

Also signs of this element are Gemini and Libra, but they are ruled by other planets - hence the differences in attitude and perception of life’s difficulties and joys.

Strengths and weaknesses of the character of those born on February 1

The zodiac sign Aquarius (second decade) endows representatives of the stronger sex with the following positive qualities:

  • the ability to come to an agreement with everyone;
  • excellent diplomatic skills;
  • the ability to infect an opponent with your point of view;
  • a penchant for writing and fantasizing;
  • musical abilities;
  • the ability to please others.
  • deceitfulness - often without malicious intent they like to embellish events;
  • in order to achieve their goal, they are ready to do almost anything - even to betray loved ones;
  • an overly scrupulous attitude towards money is stinginess;
  • often perform work “carelessly”, making many mistakes in completing the task;
  • he is not stubborn - but if he decides to achieve his goal, he will take roundabout paths to achieve it.

Childhood and youth

The fate of an Aquarius man is interesting and rarely boring. His childhood and youth pass quickly and violently - in an effort to learn and try everything early, a series of days flies forward. Aquarians, looking back at their youth, often note that there were so many events that it is impossible to remember everything.

A lot of acquaintances with peers and older guys (often these relationships are semi-criminal in nature) can direct the course of Aquarius’ life in the wrong direction.

Parents should instill in an Aquarius boy the concepts of “good” and “bad” from an early age. Examples from books will work very well for him. Aquarius boys are very fond of fairy tales, stories and tales of fantastic travels. In this they can find themselves: a passion for writing and fantasy will help them create their own unforgettable fantasy world.

Relationships with the opposite sex

Aquarius men discover the world of romantic and sexual relationships early. Relationships are rarely long-lasting - they do not strive for this. A man's zodiac sign (February 1) gives him the desire to participate in many sexual experiments.

His constant partner becomes boring to him very quickly. If she tries to keep him through pregnancy or other means, this will only cause aggression and hatred. This is a freedom-loving sign that does not need a family hearth. Most Aquarians start families only in the third part of their lives, from forty to fifty years. Before this age, if they marry, it is short-term.

Romantic compatibility

He can, if desired, find a common language with any person. Aquarius is one of the most sociable signs of the zodiac. Compatibility of a man (February 1 or another birthday in the second decade of the sign) with women:

  • Relationships with Aries will be passionate, but rarely long-lasting. However, both of them are satisfied with this fact.
  • With Taurus, they will face mutual misunderstanding and irritation. In rare cases, the sociability and charm of Aquarius may interest a Taurus girl. When Taurus tries to “hold” Aquarius, he will show aggression.
  • A girl born under the sign of Gemini is an excellent match for an Aquarius man. It is she who will be able to mate him for life, who will understand and accept his flighty and fickle character.
  • A Cancer girl and an Aquarius man are one of the most disharmonious couples. These people are completely different in everything: in their ideas about family life, relationships, sex, work and partnership.
  • With Leo there is mutual interest and respect, but a long-term relationship is unlikely to develop due to the jealousy of both partners.
  • Virgo will irritate the Aquarius guy with her moralizing, he will simply be bored with her.
  • Libra and Aquarius have many common topics of conversation, since both adore art and literature, and are knowledgeable about the latest music and painting.
  • Scorpio and Aquarius are the “ice and fire” of the horoscope. Their relationship is unpredictable - but in any case rarely can become long-lasting.
  • Sagittarius and Aquarius are a strong couple; they understand each other perfectly.
  • A Capricorn girl will never be able to fully understand the subtle and vulnerable soul of a seemingly successful Aquarius.
  • Two Aquarians can rarely get along with each other - conflicts are guaranteed.
  • Dreamy and sweet Pisces girls are to the liking of our hero-lover, but the outcome of the relationship is most often disappointing - Pisces is left with a broken heart.

Partnership and business

Not many successful male businessmen were born on February 1st. The zodiac sign and horoscope foretell that Aquarians of this day will be more successful in creativity than in business.

These people have difficulty forming partnerships, despite their sociability and communication skills. Inconsistency, the ability to evade direct answers to questions, attempts to profit from the weak - all these qualities make Aquarius a bad partner in business.

Only in collaboration with Gemini (who are also an air sign and have a similar worldview) is success in trading possible.

Bad habits

What vices are typical for a man born on February 1? The zodiac sign Aquarius gives him the following inclinations:

  • relaxes in a noisy company, likes to drink and dance in a crowd of friends;
  • the habit of drinking alcoholic beverages in company often develops into everyday drunkenness;
  • Aquarians are prone to smoking and very quickly develop a strong addiction to nicotine.

It’s hard for them to give up their bad habits - the psyche quickly gets used to such relaxation. Aquarians often find themselves as clients of rehabilitation centers and rehabs. Some of them are unable to part with their bad habits, which inevitably lead these bright personalities to premature death.

Possible health problems

The Aquarius man often cannot control his emotions. Fantasies overwhelm him. They have a fairly mobile and vulnerable psyche. Since childhood, they have been characterized by diseases of the nervous system and sleep problems.

Immersion in the world of dreams often causes auditory and visual hallucinations, which eventually disappear forever.

All Aquarians born on February 1 should avoid intoxicating drugs - alcoholic beverages, drugs and even cigarettes. They develop dependence very quickly, but the process of weaning themselves from bad habits is often impossible.

They should take care of their clothes - these are dandies, for whom beauty and style are often more important than comfort and warmth. Therefore, they constantly catch colds during the cold season.



  • As a manager, he is a charismatic leader who always wants to be one step ahead of you. You just thought about it, but he already did it and didn’t regret it even once.
  • As a subordinate - “out of place”, since he is just waiting for the moment to take your throne;
  • As the head of the family, you are an active, energetic earner, craving praise, which you must certainly pronounce several times a day. An optimistic figure who never bores, does not shift worries onto you, but looks for a way out of problematic situations.
  • As a husband, he requires active attention to his person (always be aware of his affairs), and is acutely concerned about the prestige and image of his other half. Be prepared not to argue with him, otherwise the dispute will last until the night. Show him your love constantly, he cannot live a day without admiration.
  • Like a father - a little older than his child, whom children adore, as he will find time to play with them and treat them to their favorite delicacies.
  • As a lover - passionate and tireless, not sparing money on you, able to pleasantly surprise and have fun with you.
  • As a friend - cheerful and funny, always ready to “hang out” once again; easily flying to your aid, which is why his friends love him so much.


  • As a leader - consistent, unhurried, harmoniously enjoying power and money, enjoying the process of accumulation and expansion, where quality does not suffer from the available quantity.
  • Like a subordinate - a pampered, lazy "cat", who does not want to overwork himself, working "for his uncle", but does circus steps if he sees the possibility of obtaining the desired benefits.
  • As the head of a family - thinking about the practical benefits of his family and a stocked refrigerator, a true hoarder of values, who prefers to earn money than to delve into household chores himself (if he does not understand them); does not like to complain about fate, and this is worth a lot.
  • Like a husband - affectionate and gentle, loving massage on the fur, decorously performing his duties, peaceful if he likes everything; difficult to “boil”, but uncontrollable in rage (a scandal once every 5 years, but according to all the rules of a volcanic eruption).
  • Like a father - prudent and correct, but trying not so much to play as to hug, lie down, sleep with the children.
  • Like a lover - romantic and generous, showering you with delights, giving you antique items of incredible value and taking you to “a la gourmet” restaurants, in return demanding to indulge in love and sensual “things”.
  • As a friend - devoted and faithful, but not at the expense of his time and family.


  • As a leader, he is flexible, dexterous, quickly and variably solving all issues, and has no unsolvable issues. What he has is never enough for him, as he strives for the unattainable.
  • As a subordinate, he manages, in addition to his main job, to do his own business and earn basic money.
  • As the head of the family, he is irreplaceable, as he keeps his finger on the pulse, although he solves all household problems remotely at a distance, due to his constant absence from home (he earns money, after all). He never ceases to amaze, this is a huge plus for living together, but he does not know how to control his expenses, because of which quarrels with relatives are possible.
  • As a husband - “a figaro here, a figaro there”, not caught means not guilty. He knows how to lie without blushing; always one step before a scandal, but on time buying his wife a trip to Cyprus or the Maldives. Unable to sit at home in the gray routine of the household and family, looking for and finding a reason to sneak out of the house.
  • As a father, he is a friend and a social entertainer, taking his family to places of leisure, where he himself has a place to play and relax.
  • As a lover, he is simply a “gift of fate,” entertaining, humorous and, most importantly, not boring. Constantly promising to marry, but fulfilling this due to an objective desire for freedom. He loves fun and life on a grand scale, which can include you too.
  • As a friend of the world, he can give his last shirt, and even his pants, for the sake of a common cause.


  • As a leader - loyal, rarely shouting, knowing your strengths and weaknesses, respectively, knowing how to manipulate you, subtly rubbing into your space.
  • As a subordinate, he is a man of mood, producing a creative product only in case of good material incentives.
  • As the head of the family, he is excellent, since above all he values ​​comfort and coziness in his home.
  • As a husband - demanding respect and care, strictly adhering to his traditions and habits. Learn in advance to feel his glances and facial expressions; failure to understand this can lead to unnecessary drama (we only ask for money when he’s on a roll).
  • Like a father - a little lazy, but penetrating to the essence of his children's problems if his wife asks for it.
  • As a lover - selfishly capricious and hypersensitive, over-emotional, slightly intrusive, but intuitively understanding your nature and calculating the course of your thoughts, knowing how to conquer you with his attention and gifts.
  • As a friend - secretive, preferring to come out of his hole only in those cases when he has something to brag about or wants to forget.

a lion

  • As a leader, he is self-sufficient, greedy for flattery and titles, looking into the future, but not seeing the problems around him, preferring to throw dust in his eyes rather than admit that he feels bad. This is a leader who loves his team, who reciprocates his feelings. Agree, it’s great to have an optimist in your leadership who never hangs his head!
  • As a subordinate - creative and creative, adding zest to gray everyday life, creating fireworks among colleagues. A joker who is adored by the team.
  • As the head of the family - oriented towards the best, most prestigious and suffering if he cannot provide it. Creating his own castle to receive guests there, create a holiday and have fun.
  • As a husband, he cannot tolerate criticism and reacts painfully to it. Sensitive, restless and restless.
  • As a father - kind and affectionate, loving to care for and educate, emotionally active and loved by children.
  • As a lover - generous, reckless and energetic, loving to give gifts and organize entertainment.
  • Like a friend - cheerful and real.


  • As a manager, he is nasty and boring, constantly dissatisfied with the quality of work, because he is convinced that no one understands his business better than him. It’s useless to argue with Virgos, they don’t listen, they have the last word.
  • As a subordinate - ideal, diligent, irreplaceable, with whom you can always “close any hole.” A workaholic and careerist who dreams of working for himself.
  • As the head of the family, he is pragmatic and rational, the main thing is that frugality does not develop into stinginess, and frugality does not turn into piles of rubbish in the country house and in the barn. He has no time to dream, since he is constantly working or thinks that he is working.
  • As a husband - problematic, rarely praising, criticizing, demanding constant self-improvement from you, but proud of you if you meet his ideals. Warming relationships in the family are hampered by increased sobriety and pessimism, constant thoughts about the welfare of children, about one’s future old age.
  • As a father, he is exemplary, but with his correctness he puts pressure on the children. Only dad knows how to eat, how to brush your teeth and wash your hands.
  • Like a lover - sadly romantic, wanting to sit on your time and ears; touchingly unfortunate, to whom life has treated unfairly, looking for consolation in your arms.
  • Like a friend - constantly teaching, who is avoided to be invited to the company because he is boring, but is gladly invited to help build a fence.


  • As a leader, he is popular and personable, easy-going, generous with compliments, which is why his employees idolize him; ostentatious and condescending, but really cunning and playing on the weak positions of his subordinates and opponents.
  • As a subordinate - diligent and demonstrative, understanding management and employees, able to show that they cannot do without him. Scrupulous, meticulous, hyper-responsible.
  • Like the head of the family - showing you that if you chose him, then you have good taste. With external self-control, he is extremely unsure of himself and feeds energetically from you.
  • As a husband - a conservatively exemplary one, who does not wash dirty linen in public, but regularly blows the minds of his half; defiantly showing at every opportunity that he is taller than you, but doing it subtly and gracefully.
  • As a father, he is selfishly ideal if he loves his child.
  • Like a lover - nervous, constantly busy, but if he finds time for you, you won’t find a better partner, as he will show you how to live beautifully. Elegant, loving to “star” and hear compliments in his direction.
  • As a friend - a devotee, if you are beneficial to him or he depends on you; ignoring - if he is not interested in you. Often gets into trouble because of his friends.


  • As a leader, he is a tycoon, guided by the proverb “The slower you go, the further you will go,” analytical and insidious, risky and impenetrable. Having a magnetic gaze that pierces you, a strong energy of independence, excessive self-confidence that puts pressure on you regardless of your desire.
  • As a subordinate - a workhorse, he can do a lot of work. If you disrespect yourself, you can easily “bite off your hand.”
  • As the head of the family - stable, responsible, protecting you, once again not showing possible troubles, but strongly experiencing them from the inside. Not stingy and not greedy, rather prudent and wise, having his own savings.
  • As a husband - silent, zealous, not shuffling, preferring to show his love in actions and deeds, demanding from his wife fidelity and obedience, which he himself adheres to.
  • Like a father - strict and fair, immensely loving his own blood.
  • Like a lover - passionate, energetic, specific (if “mine”, then obey me), harsh, but this is what attracts.
  • As a friend - a devotee, ready to give his life.


  • As a leader - promising and quick-witted, absorbing everything that is bad and making it productive; having a global mindset.
  • As a subordinate - fickle, looking for where it is better, better and more interesting, where he can show himself in all his glory.
  • As the head of the family, he is peace-loving, if he is given due honor, and carries the spoils home to “music.”
  • As a husband - romantic, fickle, but generous, constantly giving out compliments if he is “packed”, rushing about if he is just increasing his power. Quite often he behaves like a child, because he does not want to see the problem point-blank.
  • As a father - interesting and loving to talk and play active or gambling games, sports with children; able to tell funny and interesting stories.
  • As a lover - loving, wanting to live through all the emotions and feelings, immersed in great sex.
  • Like a friend - optimistically charging with his energy, taking everything lightly, kind, open, cheerful, not boring!


  • As a leader - in his place, structural, incredibly ambitious, knowing what he wants. He has a gut feeling of benefit and doesn’t miss a single opportunity.
  • As a subordinate - diligent, responsible, doing more than others, because he wants to be significant and needed.
  • As the head of the family, he “walks over corpses” towards his goal, providing for his family, as he values ​​and values ​​the comfort of home, trying to make it more and more comfortable and prestigious.
  • As a husband - complex and problematic, terribly correct and oppressive with authority (since he needs subjects), but if his wife supports the balance of such forces, he cares about the prestige of his half, and is proud of her!
  • Like a father who is rarely at home, but comes to the child’s final concert at the music school and makes sure that the child has the best.
  • Like a lover - soft and fluffy, waiting for your initiative, submissively agreeing to all your whims and desires, the main thing is that you do not go beyond what is permitted.
  • Like a friend - looking closely for a long time, not trusting, but subsequently faithful.


  • As a leader - unpredictable, original, living in an extreme way, always one step ahead. Follows only your own mind, trusts only your intuition, completely ignoring the opinions of others.
  • As a subordinate - if he is already in captivity, he looks like a bomb with a torn pin, the manager can only dream of peace of mind (use it for its intended purpose - give room for innovation), who loves to work remotely more.
  • As the head of the family, he impeccably supports his own contractual rules, previously outlined with you, and you cannot put anything more on him. Just have time to fulfill your duties, otherwise problems are inevitable.
  • Like a husband, he clearly defines his zone of space, opening it only in emergency cases, when he is happy and happy.
  • As a father - despite his lack of understanding and eccentricity, he is loving and caring, and has a consistently calming effect on children.
  • Like a lover - unexpectedly disciplined in meetings (you know exactly the days and hours of meetings with him), but do not delude yourself, this is so that you do not interfere with his leisure time. When we meet, he will not forget gifts, flowers, sweets, he will definitely joke and “disappear” until the next meeting.
  • As a friend - “cool”, informal, loving parties or extreme sports.


  • As a leader, he is not calculating, “on his own mind,” whom it is a sin to underestimate, since in “a quiet swamp there are devils.” Not used to showing his real financial power, he has a sarcastic attitude towards life in general.
  • As a subordinate - immensely creative, consciously wearing rose-colored glasses so as not to see the gray reality. Feeling the direction and being in the right place at the right time, but never getting the job done on time.
  • As the head of the family, he talks more than he does, but rarely admits it. He loves his home and everyday life, but does not know how to cope with it on his own.
  • Like a husband - caring, but driven. If he starts a family, he prefers to have a strong companion, unless he himself is the master of fate. Most often, he either “doesn’t give a damn” about household duties, or constantly starts, but, unfortunately, never finishes anything.
  • Like a father who loves and rules the soul of a child, constantly talking to him about his problems and helping him solve them.
  • Like a romantic lover, who calls you on the phone several times a day, who absolutely understands your problems and finds time to discuss them. May take you to an expensive restaurant, but prefers creative, theatrical or informal get-togethers.
  • As a friend, he is wonderful, because he is ready not only to listen to you, but also to wipe your nose.

The standard “real man”: smelly, hairy, with a scary face, and a pitted stomach. Stupid. Greedy. Beef. Life credo: “Dementia and courage.” At first he does it, then he doesn’t think because he has nothing to do.

Positive traits

Never loses optimism. He rushes up the career ladder with the pulling power of a launch vehicle. Loves to have fun, especially to eat. At heart, he is a naive romantic and an eternal child, which, in fact, is immediately obvious, because the entire depth of the soul is about half a pencil. It’s amazing but true: Aries are pathologically faithful men (well, as long as they love, of course).


Negative qualities

An ordinary guy: angry, stubborn, grumpy, he acquires the second stage of alcoholism with his high school diploma. He gets furious with every sneeze and takes it out on his loved ones. Incapable of compromise (we suspect that the meaning of this word simply did not fit into his head). It is almost impossible to shut up the fountain of eloquence of Aries, despite the fact that the fountain itself is a muddy stream of nonsense in the spirit of awesome stories from the newspaper “Ust-Zakukuysky Oracle”. Selfish to the core. In the most advanced cases, the patient is visited by delusions of grandeur - and never leaves.


The guy is a stone wall: it’s good to hide behind him from enemies if you bury dynamite under the wall in advance. Otherwise, the wall risks turning into a prison, because Aries thinks that he is in charge in the relationship. On the other hand, if you let him think like that, he will purr and eat from your hand. In general, in love it is a naive ram that is easy to pull by the horns. The main thing is not to mentor the second couple. He will not forgive and will take revenge cruelly.


He wants classics, and in his understanding, classics were shown on daddy’s videotapes in the early nineties: so that you would be in red lace lingerie and heels, and would come after the third friction, preferably loudly and scratching your back. Otherwise, we are as unteachable as a shrew, but just as tireless.


He enthusiastically plays the head of a patriarchal family: he drags a mammoth into the house and demands respect, veneration, cleanliness, borscht and “Ku” three times. Housework is divided into men's and women's, and men's work in his understanding is limited to the item “Give everyone valuable instructions and lie down on the sofa.” He sincerely considers his wife, who is ready to come to terms with this, to be the best woman on earth, which, however, he never tells her, but he tells her to everyone whom the dear Universe has not deprived of ears.



The struggle was equal, two sadly fragrant results of the digestive process were fighting (there was a rhyme cut out by the censor). Only unconditional surrender can put an end to hostilities, which in the case of Aries is synonymous with the word “death.”

Aries + Taurus

“Why are you killing yourself like that? You won’t kill yourself like that!” - Taurus seems to declare, watching Aries’s senseless and merciless attempts to break through the metaphorical gates of her fortress with his forehead. One worry from him!

Aries + Gemini

Extremely loud and incredibly close. But not for long.

Aries + Cancer

All. Very. Badly. Fortunately, Cancer's intuition allows her to understand that her shell will very quickly crack under Aries' hooves, so Cancer does not look at Aries as a man. He looks like a cute but weak-minded cat.

Aries + Leo

Ideal couple: Aries wrote down the item “I fooled the goddess!” in his book of achievements, the Lioness gets herself a strong, charming, successful and from all sides a magnificent tame berserker for setting on unwanted people.

Aries + Virgo

Coffin, coffin, cemetery. For Aries, which is typical. Under the pressure of Aries’s temperament, Virgo will quickly pretend to be dead, and when he starts gnawing on the corpse, she will gladly rip out its intestines with a scalpel hidden in her sleeve.

Aries + Libra

A wonderful union: Aries carries in the beak, and the Libra woman is beautiful and inspiring.

Aries + Scorpio

Bingo! Aries wants to conquer and subjugate the beautiful mortal shell of Scorpio, and Scorpio wants to hamster his immortal soul. Everyone will get theirs, and they will live happily ever after. Perhaps they will even be given a common cauldron in hell.

Aries + Sagittarius

High, high relations: it is recommended to get discount cards for furniture and tableware stores, because neither stools nor plates will last long in this house. The cycle of “quarreled, broke dishes, had sex, made up” will never end. As both, in fact, want.

Aries + Capricorn

An excellent union with the prospect of living happily and dying on the same day. If Aries is smart enough to realize that Capricorn kicks under his mighty butt represent metaphorical Signs of Fate and will still lead him to success.

Aries + Aquarius

The upper classes cannot, the lower classes do not want to. Aries cannot control Aquarius, Aquarius does not want anything at all, because he sees: a tuft of wool from this black sheep will cost her dearly.

Aries + Pisces

The only feeling that can arise in this union is xenophobia: “What are you?!” - both seem to ask, and without waiting for an answer, they go in different directions - out of harm’s way. And they do it right.

Ruling planet:♄ Saturn. Element: Earth.

Capricorn man

It seems that the Capricorn Man, like Hercules, is able to hold the world on his powerful shoulders. At least, it’s people like him who give the world stability and solidity. Traditions, family values, honor, duty, discipline - without all this the world would have turned into chaos, and it was largely thanks to Capricorn that this did not happen.

The Capricorn man is so designed that almost from childhood he begins to strive for the very top. However, since the main thing he is used to relying on is his own strength, his character becomes stronger with age, and his strength grows and grows. Ambition as the main engine gradually makes Capricorn a surprisingly integral, persistent and hardworking personality; he can handle almost anything, no matter what he takes on.

However, being outwardly confident and imperturbable, even a little dry, the Capricorn man in his soul will be very grateful to you if you mention his merits out loud (and preferably in front of strangers). Indeed, in addition to all sorts of big and small achievements that make up his life, ordinary human participation and simple praise are so important to him. But those around him don’t indulge him! Some see in him an invulnerable biorobot, alien to human passions, others simply openly envy his ability to achieve his goal. In other words, show a Capricorn man that you appreciate him for what others don't see, and you will find the key to his stern but loyal heart.

True, even when in love, Capricorn is unlikely to rush to put an engagement ring on you. The fact is that family is the foundation for him, and he wants to be absolutely sure that your marriage is serious and long-lasting. Ideally, for life.

It is not surprising that Capricorn can search for his soul mate for so long, making a number of demands on her. Only if you are a thrifty, faithful, loving woman, know how to behave in society and dress well (this is very important for an ambitious Capricorn!), do you have a chance to become his wife.

Don’t forget that the concept of “family”, which is so important for a Capricorn man, also includes all his numerous relatives. So if you want Capricorn to make the best impression of you, get the approval and support of his family, first of all, his parents.

In addition, it will be simply wonderful if you can unobtrusively show Capricorn your talents as a future mother and housewife - for example, prepare a delicious dinner or play with someone’s child in front of him. Conversely, the best way to get rid of a calm, conservative Capricorn is to scare him with excessive activity, intrusiveness and violent expression of his feelings.

If you are smart enough to understand that actions are more important than words, then Capricorn is your ideal man! Yes, he won’t send you sugary SMS with emoticons, lisp you and call you a bunny, but you can be sure that his head doesn’t turn with every skirt, and the family budget doesn’t go to slot machines. Capricorn can generally say the word “love” only twice a year - on your birthday and on the eighth of March - but his actions will tell you about it every moment.

Capricorn is a very responsible, caring and strict father. Children for him are an integral part of family life. Perhaps he can put too much pressure on the child, harshly imposing his will on him, but no one can blame the Capricorn man for paying him little attention and strength!

The Capricorn man will do everything to ensure that you do not need anything, that your home is a full cup, so that you and your children do not doubt his boundless devotion. With his broad back, he will protect you from all the storms and problems of the outside world, protect you from failures, and provide confidence in the future.

He also has one more amazing quality: with age, he becomes younger in soul and almost in body! In his youth, the Capricorn man, due to his seriousness and responsibility, usually looks older than his years, but over the years, having reached certain heights, he makes up for lost time. Until old age, he can maintain a youthful, strong appearance and clarity of vision - to the envy of his peers. Only his strong feelings for you will not undergo any changes: and at seventy years old, his love will burn with the same clear, confident, even light as on your wedding day.


If he's in love

Aries in love does everything to look like a knight in your eyes without fear or reproach. And often he gets used to the role so much that you sincerely consider him perfection. But, having achieved his goal, Aries behaves like the master of the situation: he does not tolerate delays and does not take into account your “I can’t, I don’t want, I don’t want.” Decide for yourself what you prefer: maintaining distance in the relationship, but getting a knight at your disposal, or achieving complete trust, resigning yourself to Aries’ desire to command the parade.

How to win him

This is the case when you should not take the initiative and try to take Aries by the horns. Your strategy is a languid look, a mysterious smile and a sexy dress. Being representatives of the Martian - purely masculine type of people, Aries are unable to resist overt femininity.

In close relationships, it is better not to try to openly follow your line - he will not tolerate this. Avoid discussing his shortcomings, do not scold his family and friends, and do not give him ultimatums like “either me or your mother” - you will only get aggression in response. Be more cunning, and he simply will not guess who is really in charge in your alliance.


If he's in love

Taurus is a practical sign, so it strives to win you over with gifts and tempting offers. He will shower you with flowers, sweets and expensive trinkets, take you to good restaurants and prestigious resorts, sparing no effort and expense. This does not mean that he will always be as generous, although Taurus remains romantic and tender even after you surrender to his mercy.

How to win him

Taurus are very amorous and pay attention to all the pretty people who happen to be nearby (and what they find attractive first of all are girls who look and behave naturally). On the other hand, Taurus are very selective and will weigh the pros and cons for quite a long time before going on a decisive offensive. If you want to speed up this process, convince him that you are practical, economical and self-confident.

Don’t expect violent passion, intense emotions and thrills - all this can be achieved only by driving Taurus to the brink, and he is terrible in anger. If you want to find out how much, start criticizing his way of life, making a fuss out of nowhere and arguing on issues that are fundamental to him.


If he's in love

When Geminis fall in love, they cease to be interested in anything other than the object of passion. And they literally do not give access to this object: they cut off the phone, stand guard at the door, write ten letters a day and are constantly bursting with ideas. They talk so much that you feel dizzy and fall into their open arms. And this attraction will not end - in order to maintain interest in yourself, you will have to continue to play games that are interesting to these big children, simultaneously protecting them from gastritis and runny nose and turning a blind eye to their fleeting hobbies.

How to win him

To attract the attention of Gemini, you need to surprise and interest them. Let him know that you are better at something: you know how to stand on your head, negotiate in Japanese, or fly an airplane. Make jokes in response to his barbs and do not show obvious interest in him - Gemini will not tolerate this and will do everything to conquer your unapproachable heart.

If you don’t want to quarrel to smithereens, try not to interfere with him in business and not to inflict painful blows on his pride - they won’t forgive you for this. But if there is something that doesn’t suit you in your relationship, feel free to tell him about it - Geminis are ready to seriously work on relationships - after all, this is also a kind of game.

If he's in love

This is one of the most honest and sincere signs in love. However, at first, Cancer behaves constrained: he is afraid that a sincere expression of sympathy will scare you away. Starting the fight for your heart, he either acts too arrogantly and cheekily, or begins to take care of you in a fatherly way and give you meaningful gifts. But, having achieved reciprocal feelings, Cancer tries to establish firm rules in the relationship and avoid surprises.

How to win him

A frontal attack with inviting looks and deep necklines will only confuse the impressionable and reserved Cancer. Approach him carefully, try to find official reasons to shake his hand and kiss him on the cheek. Let him have the opportunity to pretend for a long time that nothing is happening until he himself decides that the moment has come.

Avoid excessive intimacy and openness in relationships. Try not to manipulate his feelings or invade his territory too much. Cancer needs personal space, and if your presence seems excessive to him, he may run away without looking back.

If he's in love

Leo's favorite trick when he wants to achieve his goal is to pretend to be a sheep. He will nobly give up his interests for the sake of yours and easily agree to your terms. He will win your attention, trust and heart, but as soon as you lose your vigilance, he will immediately regain his lost positions. Without noticing it, you will play by his rules and lead the lifestyle that is more convenient for him. However, having received a place on his throne, you can throw out any feints: Leo calmly endures everything except lies.

How to win him

Leos are usually spoiled by attention and will take flirting for granted. But if, after obvious signs of interest, you “cool” towards him for a week, he will try to immediately return your affection. With the right choice of strategy, this wild animal quickly becomes tame and domestic, like a kitten.

Do whatever you want, just don’t teach him how to live and don’t try to shame him, especially in the presence of others. Feeling guilty, Leo would rather break up with you than admit that he was wrong, which would be humiliating for him. In addition, with him you cannot constantly take a position of weak and dependent - prey that does not resist is not interesting to Leo.


If he's in love

Finding out how a Virgo really feels about you is not easy. He can make passionate speeches, being slightly in love, or he can act cold and aloof, experiencing deep feelings for you. But if he decides to have a close relationship, rest assured: this is serious and long-term. Moving on to decisive action, he will do without beautiful actions, but will try to logically prove that you will be happy together.

How to win him

Oddly enough, calm and practical Virgos are capable of passionate madness. But then he will certainly take a time out to think about further actions. And if he decides that it was love for one evening, it will be difficult to convince him. Especially if you start rushing things and demanding everything at once.

Virgo's weak side is sincerity, so don't try to penetrate his inner world - this is a closed area. Don’t stop him from making far-reaching plans and trying to sort your relationship into pieces - he will be offended. If you want to express your complaints, do it constructively - hysterics and theatrical suffering cause rejection in Virgo.


If he's in love

Libras in love will look into your eyes quietly, tenderly and devotedly. Then, plucking up courage, they will ask for advice or help... Carefully, in small steps, they will creep into your trust - and you will suddenly find that they have become an integral part of your life. Having achieved this, Libra, as a rule, stop pretending to be noble gentlemen and begin to play on your feelings, forcing you to do what they themselves are too lazy to do. And they become dependent on you.

How to win him

This sign holds primacy in the zodiac in terms of amorousness. For Libra men, any communication with a girl is necessarily flirting. But this flirting for him is a self-sufficient thing, and not a prologue to a closer relationship. And if you want to get Libra to continue, take the initiative.

He doesn't know how to be helpful and feels bad when he has to give up his principles or put your interests above his own. Libra can be convinced to make such a noble gesture, but then you will have to praise and thank them for a long time, otherwise they will be seriously offended. Libra considers their taste impeccable, so don’t criticize - be more tactful, otherwise the scales will tip against you.


If he's in love

Scorpio grabs his victim with a death grip and tries to hold him in every possible way - from gentle seduction to crude blackmail. But when you finally agree to be with him, he will not shorten the measured distance one iota.

How to win him

Don’t try to defeat Scorpio with his own weapons: a femme fatale who plays cruel games with men will be interesting to him until she gives up. Better try to become a true friend to him. Convince him that you value in him exactly what he hides deep inside, and share his feelings and thoughts, and he himself will transfer your relationship from friendly to romantic.

In relationships, Scorpio primarily values ​​mutual interest, understanding and trust while preserving the right to independence and complete freedom of action and self-expression. But - a paradox - if everything is exactly like this in your union, he himself will quickly put an end to the relationship. He simply needs emotional experiences, feats and heroic overcoming of difficulties, otherwise he will begin to get bored and waste away. Therefore, do not strive for the ideal - let everything be, but let at least something be missing.


If he's in love

Representatives of this sign are ideal partners for those who “love with their ears.” A Sagittarius in love seeks your favor not through exploits, but through stories about exploits. He is ready to talk to you all day long and talks so interestingly about a variety of things that it is difficult for you to tear yourself away and switch to something else. And if your opinions agree in many respects, then you have met a person who is more accurate, decent and interesting than anyone.

How to win him

Sagittarians value their inner world more than their appearance, so if he is not interested in you as a person, then there is no point in trying to win his heart. He is looking for a like-minded woman who shares all his hobbies. Show enthusiasm in response to his next idea, offer to participate in an interesting adventure, or support a three-hour conversation about philosophy - and your chances of success will increase significantly.

Yelling at Sagittarius, scolding him, throwing tantrums and stamping his feet is a pointless exercise. A disrespectful attitude towards his person is a sure way to say goodbye to him forever. You shouldn’t lie to him - he won’t forgive that. Discuss the situation calmly and honestly - hysterics, pretentious tirades and sad sighs will not solve the problem, but will only lead Sagittarius into a deranged state.


If he's in love

The only sign that is incapable of cunning in love. But he is capable of much more: inexhaustible patience, loyalty and sincerity. He can honestly accompany you to exhibitions, disgusted by art, smile at your friends with whom he is bored, and if necessary, he will come to your aid without any questions or demanding gratitude. All this attracts you much more than any maneuvers.

How to win him

Capricorns are conservative people, and until he gets used to you, nothing will happen. So don't rush things. The more you argue with him and demonstrate your independence, the less interested he is in you. But if you agree more often and do as your Capricorn asks, he will think: “How nice she is” - and will immediately melt.

If you want to say goodbye to him quickly, force him to publicly demonstrate his feelings for you. No matter how romantic this may look from the outside, Capricorn will not survive it. No less of a blow for him will be doubts about his practicality, as well as the desire to dramatically change your life with him or unpreparedness for changes that he himself planned and thought through.


If he's in love

When Aquarius is in love, he shines with wit and does the impossible. But you won’t realize until the last moment that this magnificent show is addressed specifically to you: first it will charm all your friends, then your family, and only then narrow the circle, focusing on you. Having achieved a reciprocal feeling, Aquarius will not stop pretending that he has no end to his fans.

How to win him

He can remain on friendly terms with you for a long time if you do not take the initiative yourself. But here it is important not to go too far - violent manifestations of passion frighten him. It will be easier to shorten the distance if you are able to become your own for him, sharing his interests. But under no circumstances adapt to him in everything - if you lose your individuality and uniqueness in his eyes, your novel will be shorter than you would like.

He doesn’t like having strict rules imposed on him, and will only make a concession if he feels he owes you something. And at the same time he will certainly fall into despondency and melancholy. He will be even more upset by your attempt to get into his soul and find out why he behaves this way and not otherwise - he himself hates delving into himself, and even more so will not allow others to do this. Do not let him understand that the white light has converged on him like a wedge, and do not make great sacrifices, counting on his gratitude - he will not appreciate it.


If he's in love

A mysterious look, vague hints, half-smiles are sure signs that Pisces wants to charm you. Or not you. Or they don't want to. Go figure... Consider it the way you like best: Pisces will still never agree that they didn’t start flirting first. Love for them is air, water and food, without it they waste away, so they start non-binding romances constantly and everywhere. If you can accept the fact that they are always in a state of slight love, enjoy their tenderness - it will be worth it.

How to win him

To get acquainted, it is enough to start a conversation about nothing, which turns into a heart-to-heart conversation. Next, you will have to drag Pisces out on dates yourself, figure out where to go, give compliments to hear back, and personally decide when to take the relationship to the next level.

Trust, openness, and honesty are not the things Pisces need most; they are more comfortable among omissions and ambiguities. They can’t stand being told for being late (even if they were honestly late at work), they can’t stand jealousy, and they perceive an attempt to force them to open up as inhuman torture.

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