Home Dental treatment Quarrel on the 29th lunar day. Lunar birthday

Quarrel on the 29th lunar day. Lunar birthday

The twenty-ninth lunar day brings chaos and confusion; these days can be called the most difficult in the entire month. Even the Moon bashfully hides its face, as if apologizing for the negative cosmic influence.

  • Today's element is Earth. The earth is the basis of everything, the other elements are subordinate to it, and it is no coincidence that it is considered our home. As we treat the Earth, so it treats us - we will be good residents, and the elements will become supportive and kind.
  • The prototype of Scylla, the Octopus (or Octopus) is a symbol of the 29th day. This creature is connected with secret forces; it entangles you with tentacles and pulls you into the abyss. But people with pure thoughts have nothing to fear - the tentacles can be cut off, and it’s easy to come to an agreement with the Octopussy, turning him into an affectionate creature.
  • Today has three lucky colors. Red is associated with power and love. This color can symbolize joy and happiness, and at the same time be a source of anger and aggression. The magical Scarlet color is fraught with many mysteries, it brings romance and gives vital energy. On day 29 we can’t do without the color Black, the main thing is not to overdo it with dark clothes. The color Black has many meanings, and today it symbolizes secret sadness, fears and negative emotions. But by mixing all three colors, we get an unusual shade that will bring good luck.
  • A figure under the influence of the Moon will help cope with the troubles of the 29th day. This is the Two, which is often called the unity of opposites. She can be beautiful and ugly, evil and kind, gentle and cruel - it all depends on our attitude towards her.
  • Day 29 has several talisman stones. If we choose jewelry with the Serpentine, we will discover magical talents in ourselves. But the stone carries danger - you can accidentally turn away from the true path and get confused. Pearls will give the owner youth and help get rid of sad thoughts, and Mother of Pearl will protect against the evil eye and bring pleasant changes.
  • Let's turn to the South-West, and there will be no reason to cry - this direction will be successful. But any path can be made happy if you worry about road talismans in advance. We will be saved by a ring placed in a wooden box - the talisman will protect us from problems both in the north and in the east.
  • The Prince of Darkness Oswada will become our guardian angel. He is able to overcome all dark forces, and with such a protector we are not afraid of evil spirits.

Characteristics of the 29th lunar day

Despite the fact that today is full of dangers and trials, we can live it peacefully and calmly. The main thing is not to get involved in adventures and not to look for adventures. It is also advisable to avoid communication on the twenty-ninth day - any conflict situation can turn into eternal enmity, and it will be difficult to restore the previous relationship.

The moon is shining, but its light today does not evoke positive emotions - many of us want to scream, stomp our feet, and break dishes.

Melancholy and depression arise on their own - a casual glance causes a scandal, and an ordinary word spoken out of place can lead to a heated quarrel.

Of course, the Moon does not force us to sit at home and flinch from phone calls, but we need to look for company very, very carefully. Friends on day 29 easily turn into enemies, and loved ones irritate and cause rejection.

Energy vampires on the twenty-ninth lunar day are stronger than ever. They are ready to pump energy from everyone - even a protected magician can be subject to attacks. Envious people and black sorcerers are also active today - they are looking for loopholes and dream of bringing the evil eye and damage. Of course, you can repel an attack, but on the twenty-ninth day you can’t get by with a clove of garlic or a simple conspiracy.

We put up blockages, imagine crystal walls, and look for cement for the brickwork, in the hope that the views of bad people will not break through such protection.

All that remains is to hide from ourselves, because literally every person on the 29th day comes out with all the blackest and most negative things - that is, everything that has accumulated over the previous lunar day.

It is better to postpone festive events, parties, outings into nature - any gatherings organized on the twenty-ninth lunar day can end in a disagreement, or even a fight. Today a lot of offenses and serious crimes are being committed. The day is not suitable for trips and trips - accidents often occur on the twenty-ninth day.

The stars also advise approaching household issues with caution - there is a high probability of domestic injuries. It’s better not to mess with electricity at all – you should forget about fixing appliances until the next day.

It’s a complete “No”, but there are also advantages – on the 29th lunar day you are allowed to get rid of trash. So, we throw away unnecessary things, part with boring people, and fight negative emotions.

We can go somewhere in nature and arrange a little magical shake-up - we’ll light a fire and throw all the sad thoughts into it. There is no point in jumping over the flames - on such a difficult day we may accidentally fall into it.

If possible, you should take a day off on the twenty-ninth lunar day. Of course, it is not necessary to explain to your boss the reasons for refusing to work - you took sick leave, and that was the end of it. As long as they don’t find out anything in the Universe, and the main thing is that the neighbors don’t get wind of anything, otherwise they will instantly fill our unplanned vacation with the sounds of a hammer drill and hard rock.

Communication with the animal and plant world is allowed, but in moderation. We won’t go to the zoo, but you can pet a cat or your favorite dog all day long - pets are less susceptible to the lunar influence, and will not show their teeth or hit us with their tails.

And plants on day 29 should be chosen according to our mood - if we are drawn to hug a tall spruce tree, it means that this tree has the right energy. However, those who are tempted to break a birch tree or uproot a young mountain ash should stop and think - perhaps this is the machinations of the devil, and the evil spirit is just waiting for us to commit an ugly act.

Let us repent of our sins, be patient, and the day will pass, if not with an A plus, then certainly with a solid B.

Haircut on the 29th lunar day

On a hard day, on a dangerous day - get a haircut, everything will be great! This motto is written on all hairdressing salons, and Luna advises experimenting with hair.

For example, the familiar Garson and Kare on the leg will add good luck in your personal life, and the creative Bob will attract success in career matters.

Bald heads sparkle and shimmer - of course, we won’t run to get a haircut “Under zero” in the hope of attracting the attention of the Universe, and will stop at a shaved temple or the back of the head.

Pixies on the twenty-ninth day can be requested by both chubby ladies and beauties with thin faces - this multi-layered haircut will attract cosmic energy, and real creative inspiration will attack us. The main thing is to fight off unnecessary ideas, because with such a hairstyle, not only smart thoughts enter your head, but also all sorts of nonsense.

All that remains is to choose the bangs - there are no problems with this matter at all on the 29th day. We can show off with straight bangs up to the eyebrows, or we can make oblique bangs with thinning. Well, torn bangs are suitable for ladies with low self-esteem - on the twenty-ninth lunar day it will add courage and even aggressiveness.

Hair coloring should be approached carefully, as far as the Moon is concerned, she generally advises hiding all the jars and tubes and leaving the color given to us by nature. Coloring your hair can upset your financial balance and lead to conflicts in the professional sphere.

If the hair is gray, and princes or ministers are waiting for us to visit, we can take a risk, the main thing is not to tease the cosmos with bright black or blue-green hair.

Short-haired people today don’t have to worry about braids and styling - apply foam, blow-dry, and you’re done. But those with long hair should think carefully. Luna has prepared a lot of options, and the more unusual the styling, the better.

We can comb our hair in a la Greek style, and decorate an elegant bun with a decorative needle with a butterfly at the end, or arrange a ship's mast on our heads, at the height of which a small silver monkey perches.

Hetera's hairstyle (Greek knot) will look good - with such a masterpiece on our heads we will certainly become an object of admiration.

You can weave golden threads or colored laces into your braids, but if your imagination runs wild, we can easily pretend to be a Moldavian woman from a song and decorate the braids with multi-colored ribbons hanging down to the waist.

It is advisable not to do a straight parting on day 29 - all the cosmic energy will fall into the center of our poor little head, and not everyone can handle such a test.

There are no restrictions in the choice of hair jewelry - bobby pins, veil pins, and delicate nets are in a hurry to come to us. Well, the main character of the day is the scallop. The comb can be decorated with beaded flowers, or a ribbon with gold petals can be attached to it.

The moon on the twenty-ninth day doesn’t care what kind of hair we wear – straight or curly. But both smooth-haired beauties and cute lambs can turn into fairy-tale princesses and please the Universe by decorating their hair with a tiara.

On the twenty-ninth evening, hair needs rest more than ever. Let’s unravel our braids, take off the numerous hairpins, and comb our hair, saying: “Hair, hair, rest, absorb the moonlight.” And of course, a magical rinse - today we will need ordinary water with the addition of oak bark: “The eternal oak stands, so my hair shines. Strong, strong and healthy, and the word has power. And one, and two, and three - the hair grows, grows!

We soak a comb in the broth and go through our hair - your hair will shine with joy.

Also read: Lunar haircut calendar

Beauty on the 29th lunar day

We are all, undoubtedly, beautiful creatures, but today the Moon advises us to look in the mirror less often - we will accidentally jinx ourselves, and the mirror may break on such an eerie day.

We won’t take care of ourselves with our eyes closed – we have about ten minutes, so we have time to clean our face and apply makeup. Your face will be happy to see a regular baby cream, so wash your face, apply a scrub, and then begin to pamper your delicate skin. The same advice applies to the décolleté area and neck.

By the way, makeup on the twenty-ninth day can be bright, the main thing is not to go overboard, and to be in moderation. We can use blue and black shadows, or make a transition between brown and green. Eyeliner will also be used, any kind - silver, dark gray, or classic black.

On day 29, it is advisable to choose high-quality mascara - if we have to quarrel, then we can be sure that when we cry from resentment, the cosmetics will not run and will not leave tracks on the cheeks.

Cherry and plum lipstick colors on the twenty-ninth day are suitable for brunettes, but blondes need to use scarlet or soft lilac lipstick. Terracotta and coral pink colors rush to visit the red-haired ladies - their lips will shine with happiness and pleasure.

It is advisable not to go to manicure specialists - either the nails will be cut incorrectly, or the polish will dry out right under our noses in the bottle, or even the specialist will faint. Nails can be cut by those who have no other choice, so we take scissors if: gloves are torn from just looking at our hands, people shy away, fearing that they have encountered clawed ghouls, and microbes run merrily under our nails and eat dirt. And for everyone else, a date with nail scissors is contraindicated.

Well, what was wrong with the varnish? - we ask, and Luna will answer: you are allowed to paint your nails, the main thing is not to overdo it, and not to depict fantastic scenes.

For example, with a classic French jacket, on day 29 we will be allowed into a store that sells plumbing fixtures and into a restaurant where the royal family is staying.

Black varnish with a golden coating on the little fingers will appeal to both our friends and Luna - this manicure is both strict and elegant at the same time. Well, nails coated with milky pink varnish will look natural and cute in any situation - unless, of course, we start digging potatoes or scrubbing the entrance.

In pedicures today, dark colors dominate, and gray, black and dark blue polishes are rushing to the toenails. Among them, the color red sometimes flashes - it is just right for drawing patterns and geometric lines.

Let's not forget about the timeless classics and boldly combine black and white varnish. But after the nails have dried, it’s better to put on socks anyway - why tease the symbol of the day, because the octopus can get angry (and only shabby memories will remain from our pedicure).

Don’t pierce your ears, don’t touch your navel, and even more so, you need to leave your tongue alone - the Moon on the twenty-ninth day is categorically against piercing. Even if there are punctures, it is advisable to refrain from jewelry, although a couple of tiny pearls will not do any harm.

Opinions are divided on the issue of depilation - the Moon is not happy with shaggy or prickly legs, so we trust the opinion of our earthly companion and shave our hair without any doubt. But if we are very, very superstitious, then we will throw away the razors and waxes, choose dark tights, and calmly go about our business.

The sun has set and it’s time to give your body a rest. We turn on a gentle melody, fill the bath with water, and mash bananas. Yes, yes, we worked hard today, and banana water will soften our tired body. We will add olive oil to the banana puree, fill it with warm water, and pour it into the bath in a stream: “Body, young body, be beautiful, gentle, slim. And with a banana stream you will shine under the moon.” We won’t lose twenty-nine years, but we will look five to ten years younger.

Wedding on the 29th lunar day

The stars grab moonhorns and shout: “Don’t go to the registry office, take care of your nerves.” Indeed, the ceremony scheduled for the twenty-ninth day cannot lead to anything good. The spouses quarrel at the wedding, and will continue to quarrel until they divorce. And they will part soon, because it is impossible to live together if every day is like a terrible fairy tale, and there is not a single intact cup left in the house.

Scandals in such a family will drive you crazy, and the spouses will not even have time to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.

It is also undesirable to submit an application on the 29th lunar day - at best, the registry office will be closed. But if a guy and a girl break through to a stern woman who is sitting with an important look with papers, they will immediately lose their love, tear up the application, and run away in different directions.

To meet or not to meet future relatives? Of course, it’s up to the young to decide, but Luna advises leaving these thoughts aside and just wandering around the wedding salons. You don’t have to buy outfits; you can first take a closer look at the price tags on dresses and suits.

For those couples who managed to get married before the twenty-ninth day, the Moon advises them to go on a honeymoon. True, the trip will be hectic and exciting, and if the couple is looking for adrenaline and adventure, they will love it.

This is not a good day to look for an apartment. Ladies will become overly demanding, and guys, instead of looking at the plumbing in the house and negotiating payment, will hide in the basement and drink beer with local authorities. The owners will completely raise the price, or even turn out to be scammers and disappear with the money forever.

Is it really that sad? - the lovers ask sadly and look at each other in bewilderment. And Luna claims that there are no barriers to true love, and if a man and a woman can’t stand it, they can have a modest wedding, with a couple of guests, and one bottle of children’s champagne.

The 29th day is not very suitable for a wedding ceremony. Even a sweet bride and a modest groom can quarrel over nonsense and accuse the priest of behaving incorrectly. But if the angels are on the side of the lovers, there is nothing to fear - the sacrament will go as it should, and the family will turn out great. And the babies will appear quite soon - storks fly to those who are not afraid of negative cosmic influences with pleasure.

Birthday on the 29th lunar day

Life, as one of the greats said, is a struggle, but life in the “twenty-ninth” can be called an eternal battle. The birth of these babies does not go unnoticed - something is certainly happening on earth. Meteor showers and floods are seeds, but winter in the middle of a hot summer, or a downpour in the desert is a completely normal occurrence.

“Twenty-ninth” children from the first year of life begin to be haunted by misfortunes - either the nanny is evil and harmful, or the pediatrician is stupid, or some other nonsense. But, oddly enough, there are advantages to this - lunar creatures learn to cope with problems, and by the time they enter school they become such cold-blooded individuals that those around them are amazed.

The character of these guys is not sweet, they are silent and stubborn, but if they take on something, they will complete it to the end. “Twenty-niners” read a lot and do not hang out on the Internet like their peers. They are entrusted with the most difficult work, and lunar beings approach the solution of any issues thoughtfully and carefully.

Despite their isolation, “twenty-niners” attract people - children and grown-ups are always hovering around them, and even elderly neighbors periodically invite them to tea.

“Twenty-niners” are full of all kinds of ideas; since their youth they have been struggling with the invention of a perpetual motion machine - who knows, perhaps they have already achieved their goal, but they prefer to hide their achievements from others.

They are talented and their professional life is full of surprises. “Twenty-Niners” can be excellent businessmen, but with the same tenacity they achieve success in teaching and cooking.

Many “twenty-ninth lunar people” become writers, poets or artists - they are known under pseudonyms, which is why friends do not even know about the abilities of their strange friends.

Often, “twenty-niners” give up, and they see no point in either their work or their lives - if at that moment a faithful comrade or loved one is not nearby, we can say that everything is lost. “Twenty-niners” will begin to look for themselves in completely wild areas, and will succeed in cheating, or in black magic. By the way, about loved ones - the “twenty-ninth handsome men and beauties” have a lot of suitors, but their hearts remain cold.

It just so happened, and the lunar guys suffer from the fact that they cannot find a suitable soul mate. However, this does not stop them from having affairs with a dozen admirers at the same time - because of the “twenty-ninths,” duels are ordered and families are broken up. The main weapon of the “twenty-ninths” is compliments. They do not play, and they themselves believe in the sincerity of their words.

These lunar beings do not want to lose their freedom, but sometimes they too fall in love. They will do everything to make their chosen one happy, although it happens that the “twenty-ninths” hide their significant other in a crystal castle and torment them with jealous scenes.

“Twenty-niners” have developed intuition, but it is one thing to read other people’s thoughts, and quite another to understand oneself (this, alas, is difficult). So the guys rush through life, overcoming obstacles and jumping over problems.

“Twenty-niners” are not looking for adventure; they accidentally find themselves in ridiculous and confusing situations. However, these kids have few enemies - they are respected by criminal authorities, honest oligarchs, and even the elite.

Life for the “twenty-niners” is not easy; moreover, they are not in good health, and are capable of catching a cold while sitting at home on a beautiful summer day. But it’s impossible to see these creatures in a hospital bed - most likely, the “twenty-niners” will steal the nurse’s phone, call a taxi, and go to a cafe to discuss with friends a new plan to hack some server (nothing personal, just for fun).

Dreams on the 29th lunar day

On a moonlit night, a terrible, evil octopus wanders here and there - yes, with such words we are unlikely to plunge into a pleasant dream and surrender to our fantasies. The symbol of the day is dangerous, and will easily subjugate our subconscious to its gloomy mind, but after all, lunar advice and an irreplaceable dream catcher are with us.

Let's try to “improve” our catcher with the help of bright colors. We will hang a golden bell in the center, and we will weave blue, pink and scarlet threads into the web - no self-respecting demon will climb into such a rainbow labyrinth.

Dreams on the 29th night can be viscous, viscous and sticky - in a nightmare the main thing is not to get confused and not to forget the clever lunar words: “I am dreaming, this is not reality, the evil spirit leave me. Fly to the underworld, take the nightmare with you."

It remains to deal with the intricate plots - even in a good dream today it is easy to get lost, but we will try.

If in the twenty-ninth lunar labyrinth we have lost our way, but light looms ahead, it means that amazing things await us in reality. Some will meet with an old friend, and some will have the opportunity to establish relationships with colleagues.

The size and shape of the pictures tonight also matter. For example, if we watch small round creatures without names running around under our feet, then in real life we ​​will face problems in our personal lives. If the night creatures are large and square, then everything is fine - the very next morning our business partners will call us and tell us the good news.

Walking on clouds during the twenty-ninth lunar dream is great and fun, and besides, this plot promises love adventures. But swimming underwater is undesirable - this is the symbol of the day, the Octopus has tried its best, and is about to drag us into a nightmare funnel.

Seeing insects means good luck for money, but rats will come to warn you: there are gossipers in our environment. We dream about pets just like that: for sure, the cats took advantage of our sleepy state, collapsed on our chest, and penetrated our thoughts.

Deceased relatives and acquaintances come with a warning in the 29th dream. If the departed souls smile, then everything is in order, and the dream does not carry any meaning. But if visitors have sad or angry faces, you should think about it - are we making mistakes, and isn’t it time to change our lives?

Winged, tailed and horned creatures can rush after us until they get tired - there is no need to be afraid of them on the twenty-ninth night. We will show the devils a silver cross, we will protect ourselves from vampires with a garlic necklace, and we will deal with the devil with a lunar prayer. If a white-winged angel appeared to us in our twenty-ninth dream, let’s try to ask the good spirit about the purpose of the visit. Perhaps he will predict the future, or guide you on the right path.

Those who are walking through a green meadow tonight and admiring scarlet poppies or white daisies should remember: this dream is good only at first glance, perhaps there has been a glitch in our subconscious, and we do not notice the evil spirits that are lurking just a few steps away from U.S.

Not everyone can control their dreams, but on the twenty-ninth night even insecure and weak people will be able to escape from a viscous and unpleasant dream. We do the opposite, and sleepy demons will not be able to fight us.

And the most important thing that we should remember on the twenty-ninth lunar day is that any dream is just a mirage or jokes of lunar dreamers, and we need to wake up, turn on the cold water at full power and whisper: “The night is gone, and the darkness is with you, this lunar along the path. Sadness floats away with water, leave me a good dream.” We washed ourselves, cheered up, and left only good and bright thoughts in our heads.

Business sphere of the 29th lunar day: business, work, finance

Chaos and confusion reign in the business world, and gloomy, tough guys from the nineties with bats and chains hang around the offices. Yes, that’s right, and the possibility of “attacks” on the twenty-ninth day is very high.

Although falling into the clutches of racketeers is not so scary, because you can still come to an agreement with these guys (by force, money, promises). But today the tax services are also active - in general, we destroy the papers and run for the hills.

Those who risk holding a meeting or negotiations will also not be happy - a huge scandal will definitely happen. All those gathered will fight, and not only heads will fly, but also important documents, tables, and even computers. Then they will also get it from the technical staff - on day 29 the staff fights as if in fights without rules, without considering faces and ranks.

Ideally, all working people (from salespeople to senior managers) need to take a day off. Only bakers can be left at the service so that there is fresh bread for the table. Luna hopes that the guys will not start throwing dough and dipping each other in the cream for the buns. The police won’t be able to rest either, because they need to fight the criminal guys (otherwise on the twenty-ninth day they will completely go crazy).

Students are a people accustomed to everything, but even they are in a slight shock on the 29th lunar day - of course, because the teachers growl at every occasion, it’s good that they don’t bite. The record books are full of stakes and units, exams are failed, tests are not passed, and there are more expulsions today than in the entire previous semester.

Of course, there is a way out, and Luna will not leave the poor students without care. You need to take two blank pieces of paper in a box, and on each write twenty-nine wishes - any, but it is better that they are related to good studies. For example: I want an A, I want a pass, I want not to be asked, and so on. Well, magic: you need to stack the sheets on top of each other, carefully roll them into an envelope, and hide them under the pillow. They say that the method is effective.

Usually on the twenty-ninth day it doesn’t come to reading lunar advice - students tear up books and record books like crazy, and teachers cheerfully collect papers and scatter them on the street with a mysterious look.

In financial matters today, even the devil can break his leg - nothing is clear. Ideally, it is better not to touch money at all, and not to make any transactions or sign contracts. It is advisable not to carry large sums of money with you - thieves run around without any fear and snatch wallets in broad daylight. Virtual scammers are also active on day 29 - even smart programs for protecting funds fail, and money migrates into the pockets of nosy hackers.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, creative people destroy their masterpieces and tear out their hair - nothing works out, and not a single idea lingers in their heads. Luna advises you to calm down and put everything aside - it’s better to endure it than to torment yourself and the Muse.

You should make friends with magic for attracting money on day 29 (but there is no need to rush things). Literally one mistake in the plot, and everything is lost - the money seems to blow away with the wind, so gold or silver cleaning can be done by those who are confident in themselves and in their abilities.

We are not allowed to go to the casino today, and in general Luna is not a fan of these “underground entertainments.” Participating in competitions and lotteries is also not recommended.

But you can cast a spell on leaves (if it’s autumn), or on snowflakes (if it’s winter). So, we look at the street and whisper: “As the leaves (snowflakes) circle, so the money rushes to me. Wealth sweeps through like a whirlwind, linger in my house.”

The Moon does not promise instant enrichment, but the financial situation will still begin to improve. It’s a pity, of course, that it’s not today, but it’s so harmful - this twenty-ninth day.

Health on the 29th lunar day

If everything is going wrong today, maybe something good will come of it with the food?! Be that as it may, heartburn begins at the mere thought of delicious food, and nausea sets in as soon as we sit down at a table laden with delicacies. But there is also some nonsense going on with the diet. Some apples are wormy, pears become moldy, and a pack of kefir bursts in our hands as soon as we take it out of the refrigerator.

So why should we sit near the table all day and drink water in small sips?! Slim and chubby people have nothing to worry about, they just need to find the right words. Let’s prepare the food and whisper: “This delicious food, we will find the path to health. I eat, and I lose weight, and I don’t gain an ounce of weight. I’m getting healthier, I’m not afraid of gaining weight.”

But you don’t need to pounce on fried mushroom pies or barbecue dripping with juice - you need to snack calmly and with dignity.

Quitting smoking on the twenty-ninth lunar day is a thankless task - in ninety percent of cases the attempt is doomed to failure. Alas, this is the fate of smokers. But if you quit today, you can be sure that it will be forever. The moon will appreciate such a brave act and will deprive you of your craving for tobacco products.

There are even a couple of simple conspiracies to combat smoking on the 29th lunar day. You need to take two packs of expensive cigarettes and give them to your enemies (or simply people who are unpleasant to you). Wait for these unfortunate creatures to leave and whisper after them: “I give away my cravings, I don’t like cigarettes. I hate tobacco smoke, I’m parting with it forever.” But this method is cruel, it is better not to harm anyone, and to perform the sacrament alone.

Two cigarettes need to be placed in a saucer and filled with milk. While the white and yellow ladies are drowning, you need to say: “I will drown my pain, I know, I know the password. I don’t smoke, I don’t smoke, I love clean air.”

It is advisable to part with sports exercises and physical activity on the twenty-ninth day. Otherwise, we will sit down and sciatica will fall on us, we will jump and twist our foot, and if we run, we will certainly get entangled in our own legs and collapse right on the path. Yoga is also out of the question today - let’s leave all these poses alone and just do exercises, like in first grade (the wind blows in the face and the tree sways).

Doctors collapse from fatigue on day 29 - today many people are admitted to hospitals, and doctors don’t even have time to have a snack. If we already went to the hospital, we’ll take sandwiches for Aibolit - it’ll be nice for him and it’ll be good for us (maybe he won’t give injections and will just prescribe delicious vitamins).

Today, diseases that we forgot to think about may worsen - we need not to delay, but to deal with the disease as quickly as possible.

We are not afraid of dentists - we treat and tear teeth, say goodbye to caries and stones, insert a new sparkling crown, and do not run away from dentists screaming.

There are huge queues to see eye doctors on the twenty-ninth day. Maybe it’s lunar influence, maybe it’s self-hypnosis - let’s not guess, but make an appointment. The main thing is not to quarrel in the corridor - people are nervous these days, and aggression rushes even from harmless-looking old women in glasses (maybe they are actually wolves in disguise).

Luna advises postponing procedures aimed at improving your appearance. Otherwise, the new nose will turn out crooked, the lips will look like pancakes, and the toned neck will suddenly sag and begin to look like a wrinkled scarf.

Today, the happiest doctors are psychologists - they learn so much new about people that they can safely sit down to write a dissertation. Even habitual patients do such things that you can’t even look at them without tears - let’s not bring joy to the “Therapists of the Soul”, but heal the nerves ourselves. Moreover, the tea has already been brewed - on the twenty-ninth day it is not tea, but a fairy tale.

We will pour boiling water over mint and hawthorn, lemon balm and oregano, and add raspberry and currant leaves. There is no need to drink the hot broth, otherwise we will get scalded and the tea will not enter the body, but out the window. We drink the warm liquid and say: “Moon decoction, heavenly gift. Life is beautiful and calm, I deserve good things.” If a guy drinks tea, you need to read: “worthy” - as lunar sociologists have found out, men are also subject to cosmic influence.

Bottom line

We cut off all the tentacles of the vile Octopus, but he still managed to release a black negative liquid and spoil our lives - until the twenty-ninth evening came, we are trying to correct the situation.

Let us be restrained and attentive, we will begin to control our own thoughts, and perhaps we will be able to live this day in peace and harmony (if not with the people around us, then at least with ourselves).

Today it is not recommended to wander the streets and start conversations with strangers - they will definitely turn out to be bandits or scammers. Yes, and you should have minimal contact with your best friends - they look like monsters from horror films, and at any moment they will grab you by the throat and begin to suck out the remaining energy.

Any negative day is sent for some kind of cosmic lesson - let’s be obedient students, and the 29th day will become, if not happy, then quite pleasant.

Today it is advisable to face your fears. Are we afraid of spiders? Yes, there’s a cobweb, but poor spider Anansi can’t get to it - let’s help the baby, and he won’t threaten us with his fists anymore. Are we afraid to ride in an elevator? And he just stopped on our floor, all you need to do is sit in the booth and press the right button. Even if this colossus breaks down and stops (which is unlikely, because there are already enough unpleasant surprises today), we will not run around shouting: I’m stuck, help and save me. This is most likely a Lunar test, and if we keep our cool and calmly call the elevator operator, there will be a pleasant surprise waiting for us outside.

We will deal with other phobias in the same way. But without much fanaticism, because if we are afraid of our neighbors, this does not mean that on the twenty-ninth day we need to bake pies and ask for a visit.

Today it is useful to ventilate the room, but it is best to open the windows and escape somewhere into nature. We will do without company, but if homeless cats or puppies become attached to us, we will not ignore the animals, but we will buy them a treat, and we can also take the poor fellows to the shelter - saving living beings is the best cure for a bad mood.

Or we can bring a pet home - on the twenty-ninth day, both households and neighbors will be happy if a cute barking dog or a gentle screaming kitten settles nearby.

Using the Feng Shui forecast for each day, determine which lunar day rules today and read the recommendations.

29 lunar day.

Symbol: Octopus, hydra.

Key words: panic, completion.

According to the Avestan scriptures, the entire lunar cycle is a passage through the layers of the astral world, a path of spiritual ascent. Or falls, depending on each person's choice.

The 29th lunar satanic day is the last step, the most difficult, the most dangerous. But at the same time, this is an opportunity to defeat the lord of darkness himself - Angro-Manyu, or in a more familiar version - Lucifer himself. This is the last test, after passing which you can become independent and independent, not subject to the strict control and influence of the entities of the Dark Side of the Moon.

In everyday life this can manifest itself in different ways. The day can bring unpleasant news, difficult emotional states, depression, all sorts of situations when a person faces a choice between Good and Evil. Even the brightest and purest people on this day can make serious mistakes and commit actions that they will later regret.

Black magicians and sorcerers commit their most terrible crimes against people on this day, when a person is most vulnerable to intrusions into the conscious and subconscious. Those who drink alcohol and psychotropic substances on this day, succumb to fears and despondency, and are weakened by illness are especially vulnerable. Moreover, evil can come even from people who do not possess secret knowledge, but are simply burned by envy, malice, and jealousy. Any negative emotions directed towards a person can cause failure, devastation, and the establishment of a negative program. Evil words, gossip, condemnation can cause illness, poor health, and unpleasant events.

Therefore, on this day it is very important to avoid crowds, alcoholic libations, avoid people who complain, envy, cause negative emotions, and avoid watching and reading books and TV shows with a negative context. It is very important on this day to control your emotions, changing dark and negative ones to bright and positive ones. You need to control your actions and words, making choices in favor of the good and righteous. Any unpleasant events or news of this day must be looked at through the prism of the peculiarities of these lunar days, then they will not seem so terrible and significant.

It is believed that the 29th lunar day is a day of karmic retribution, when everyone receives what they deserve. There is an opportunity to complete work on old karmic debts and conditions, or create new ones for yourself, aggravate the past ones. Everything depends on us.

On this day, it is strictly not recommended to start any important business; even planning should be excluded. Don't throw parties, don't borrow money, don't accept any gifts. The simplest everyday affairs, a minimum of contacts and conversations - this is what the lunar horoscope recommends for today.

Do not believe any promises, rumors, forecasts. They do not carry reliable information, but can cause emotional instability, fear and depression.

Fire is a good defense against astral attacks. Light candles or incense in the house and turn on bright lights in all rooms. Be sure to take a shower before bed - water also has a powerful cleansing effect. Well, don’t forget that the best means of protection from any negative impact is pure thoughts, bright thoughts and good deeds. When you need to get rid of the darkness, you just need to turn on the Light.

On this day you need to exclude sex, not to mention conceiving a child. This is probably the most negative day for conception of the entire lunar cycle.

A person born or conceived on this day has a mission - to be a victim or a destroyer. At best, this is a person who is forced to struggle all his life, a monk, a spiritual healer, but often an outcast in ordinary human society. In the worst case, on this day madmen, criminals, murderers, sadists come into our world and bring destruction and chaos. Even if such a person is born and raised by spiritual parents, it is unlikely that he will ever be able to enjoy simple human happiness. His whole life is a struggle.

As for health, the causes of serious illnesses or injuries on this day will most likely be karmic developments, negative programs, popularly called damage, the evil eye. The remedies suggested by the lunar calendar are prayer, fasting, and complete cleansing of the body. It is not safe to schedule surgical interventions on this day.

Dreams of this day may be difficult and unpleasant, but it is unlikely that they will come true. Don't remember them and don't tell anyone.

Any manipulation with hair can lead to health problems and loss of energy.

Memo: satanic day, the last stage of the tests of the lunar month.

Memo for every lunar day. Key phrases that will help you quickly remember the peculiarities of each lunar day.

Lunar horoscope. We choose a favorable time for important meetings, romantic dates, and surgical interventions. We plan things in accordance with the passage of the Moon under the signs of the Zodiac.

Moon in Aries. Time for some quick work.

Moon in Taurus. Time to make money.

Moon in Gemini. Time to be friends.

Moon in Cancer. Time for family.

Symbol: octopus

Stones: black pearl, mother of pearl, colored jasper

The 29th lunar day is very difficult, difficult, fraught with many dangers and troubles.

To say that the twenty-ninth lunar day refers to the critical days of the lunar month means to say nothing.

This is not just a critical day, but the most difficult and dangerous day, on which the most terrible temptations and trials can come to us.

Melancholy, depression, decreased activity often occur, and various diseases appear. You need to be careful in literally every habitual action: there is evidence that on this day there are more accidents and crimes than on other days.

It’s better to put things off, they will still go awry. Go to church, read holy books.

On these black, moonless nights, darkness thickens, people weaken, and black magicians commit their unseemly acts.

But, as previously written, if you live in accordance with the rhythms of the Moon, this day will pass relatively easily for you. In many ways, the events of these lunar days depend on how the month was lived. But the second half of the day, one way or another, remains extremely unfavorable.

Despite its “blackness,” it is very important for our spiritual development. If troubles befall you on the twenty-ninth lunar day, remember that on this day we receive our karma in concentrated form.

So, most likely, we are rewarded for those unseemly actions and impartial words that we ourselves allowed ourselves in relation to other people. Thank the Universe for these lessons and ask for forgiveness, at least mentally, for your wrong actions.

On the 29th lunar day, it is best to get rid of everything unnecessary in your life: this includes both material things and character traits.

Keep track of the thoughts that visit you on this day. All the “chernukha” that you have accumulated over the month is trying to break out today. Track it and transform it into pure light and love. “Bad”, difficult days are precisely intended to get rid of everything unnecessary and alien.

Beware of quarrels and scandals, they can go too far. The whole environment of the 29th lunar day contributes to various quarrels, squabbles, disagreements, hostility, conflicts, anger, envy, malice and other negative events and emotions.

If you notice that you are approaching a conflict, it is better to stop it in time. If today you allow yourself to be drawn into a “showdown” or offend someone, then you will have to deal with the consequences of these actions for a long time, and acute situations can develop into hostile relationships for many years.

Try to communicate less with people around you on this day, there is a high probability of deception and fraud.

The 29th lunar day is favorable for fasting, abstinence from food and sex, it is advisable to practice humility and repentance.

The twenty-ninth lunar day is completely unsuitable for starting any kind of business, since all undertakings will invariably be doomed to failure. You shouldn't even dream or plan.

It is best to take care of the house and household and the most urgent matters of life. The time has come to cut off false connections, drive away annoying people and annoying thoughts.

Today there is a high probability of evil eye and damage. Therefore, at the end of the day it is necessary to cleanse with water. For example: take a shower and imagine how the water washes away all the negative things that exist from you. If this is not possible, then at least keep your hands and feet in cold water. You can perform any ritual known to you to cleanse yourself from damage.

There must be a candle or lamp burning in the house, at least for a short time. On this day, it is necessary to cleanse the apartment with fire; it is useful to burn incense, wild rosemary, thistle, juniper or wormwood, whatever you like.

They all act the same way: they expel lower entities and all kinds of “evil spirits” from the premises, normalize the energy of the room, which has a beneficial effect on the health and affairs of all family members.

Today, try to avoid dark places, indoors, and swimming in muddy water.

The twenty-ninth lunar day is a day of heavy emotions, throwing from one extreme to another, a period of melancholy and depression, when we are overcome by despair.

But, under no circumstances succumb to self-pity and do not try to go into illness. This is a day of humility and repentance, and at the same time it assumes full responsibility for every word spoken and every action taken.

It will be a bad sign of this already difficult day if you hear screams, shouts, or music with a predominance of drawn-out sounds. Lingering musical sounds are a warning that you are doing something wrong in life.

Very often, the 29th lunar day completes the monthly cycle, and these lunar days may be the last in this lunar month. don't always happen. If this is the last day, then it’s time to take stock and complete everything started earlier, analyze mistakes, and reflect on the past period.

Dreams and prophecies are usually deceptive. I often have nightmares involving creepy and sinister characters, of which ghosts are the cutest and most harmless.

A thunderstorm with thunder and lightning in a dream warns of the approach of illness.


The 29th lunar day is absolutely not suitable for a first date. In addition, today there is a high probability of encountering love-illusion, love-seduction, with a feeling that will make us suffer and rush around in search of a way out.

If you have been dating for some time, then remember that today it is very easy to quarrel, get offended and angry at each other, and say a lot of unnecessary things. Postpone the meeting, or control your every word and action.

It is absolutely not worth getting married on this day, as it will place a heavy burden on your life. Sexual contacts and conception of a child are undesirable.

The most inappropriate day for fun, holidays and feasts, especially with alcohol consumption.


A great day for general house cleaning and routine housework. But this is only if you have strong enough energy.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, you can do household chores only if you feel strong enough to do so. Be careful at work.

As on any of the critical days of the month, there is a danger of injury.


Diseases that begin on the twenty-ninth lunar day can be very dangerous. Complete abstinence from smoking, alcohol, meat and dairy foods, sex, and violent emotions will help protect the body.

The less the patient eats, the easier it is to cure him. A good effect is caused by cleansing the body (without using an enema).

On this day, the hips and rectum are especially vulnerable (you cannot treat or do enemas). Surgery is contraindicated. A cold foot bath is recommended in the evening.

Effectively cleanse the body (without using enemas). The most effective means of healing on this day is prayer.

Business and money

The 29th lunar day is one of the worst days of the month for financial matters. Do not work with money under any circumstances, do not sign documents, do not lend or borrow money, do not carry large sums of money with you.

Trade deals will fail. Put off negotiations: all words, decisions and promises today are empty and deceptive.

The only type of business that is destined to prosper on the twenty-ninth lunar day is cleaning companies, that is, cleaning companies.

Energy of the day: active day

Lucky number 29 lunar day: 2; element of the day: Earth.

Lucky color of the 29th lunar day: red, scarlet and black.

Stones: serpentine, black pearl, mother of pearl

Body part: butt, anus, rectum.

Happy day of the week of the 29th lunar day: Monday.

Lucky direction of 29 lunar days: Southwest.

The predominant form of 29 lunar days: a square, a horizontally elongated rectangle.

Symbol of the 29th lunar day: Octopus, Octopus, Hydra.

Key words: danger, increased self-control, spiritual transformation, cleansing the Augean stables of the inner world.

Guardian Angel of the 29th lunar day: Oswada - Lord of the Shifting Moon. Prince of Darkness. Angel of newness and origin. Despite the number of gloomy names and titles, this guardian angel is the most peaceful and friendly. Moreover, he is the most faithful and reliable defender, capable of protecting from all the forces of darkness. Knowing all the secret habits and laws of dark forces, he is able to protect you from most troubles and troubles, and protect you from the invasion of any dark entities and influences. Your protection is his job.

Basic properties of the day

The 29th lunar day has acquired quite a bad reputation. And this is no coincidence, since this is the hardest day of the entire lunar cycle. Many esoteric schools even call this day “satanic.” The fact is that his energy is so powerful that most people simply cannot cope with it.

As a rule, the twenty-ninth lunar day completes the lunar cycle. The 30th lunar day in a lunar month does not always occur, and if it does, its period lasts very short. Thus, it turns out that in fact the 29th lunar day is the final of the lunar month.

It should be borne in mind that on the 29th lunar day the likelihood of various kinds of conflicts and quarrels greatly increases. And if you don’t catch it in time, acute situations can develop into hostile relationships for many years.

On this day, you can perceive any carelessly thrown word as a blood offense, and only one question will occupy you: “How to take revenge?” It is not for nothing that the octopus is a symbol of these lunar days: with its tentacles of negative thoughts and negative emotions it will wrap around your entire consciousness, so try not to lose control over yourself, otherwise your whole life will be subordinated to one goal - to inflict even greater offense on your offenders.

29th lunar day - On this day you should be especially restrained and attentive. Be tolerant of other people's shortcomings, do not react too violently to attacks in your direction. Forgive your offenders: this is the best thing you can do on the 29th lunar day to avoid tense and conflict situations.
During this period, you should avoid walking in disadvantaged areas of the city, do not walk along dark streets, and do not believe any proposals from strangers: any situation can turn into a tragedy.

The 29th lunar day accounts for the highest percentage of accidents and accidents. This is why you should be especially careful when crossing the street and while driving a car.
However, despite all the dangers of this period, you should not dwell on its negative aspects. Excessive feelings of fear, doubt and doom are dangers in themselves.

We can avoid many unpleasant situations if we change our attitude towards current events. Everything just needs to be taken with humor and irony. Don't take everything to heart.
Anyone who passes the 29th lunar day with dignity will enter the new lunar cycle renewed and changed. The Moon Goddess will bestow her mercy and blessings on such a person.

On the 29th lunar day, direct the flight of your thoughts to the Universe, try to establish an imaginary connection with the Cosmos. Think about everything at once, about one world. Catch the wave of world harmony and stay on it.
Optimally combine creative and contemplative activities, for example, leisurely work in the garden. Plant flowers and admire their beauty.

Any destructive actions are prohibited. On the same plot of land, nothing should be torn, dug up or uprooted. It’s better not to give flowers even on this day: in this case, you also become involved in destruction. Fans of hunting and fishing can say with full responsibility: this is not your day!

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, there is no need to take any active actions, and certainly not start new things. Any business started on this day is doomed not just to failure, but to complete collapse.

It’s also not worth finishing any projects or activities today. If this is done, then the work of many days, months or years will be wasted. Why cross out what cost you a lot of effort?

Try to limit contact with people as much as possible, or even better, cancel meetings altogether. The fewer contacts you have on this day, the greater the chances of avoiding problems in the future. If you are forced to communicate, remember that the 29th lunar day is fraught with betrayals. You may be called upon to be frank for the sole purpose of then using it to your advantage.

Even close friends with whom you, as they say, have eaten a ton of salt, can cause you a lot of trouble. So try to spend the 29th lunar day alone.
It is on this day that astrologers advise being distrustful. Be sure to check dubious figures and facts. Do not believe all kinds of forecasts: they are unlikely to come true.

The time is not at all suitable for travel and business trips. It is best to spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, then you will get good results.

I’ll probably repeat myself, but I want to draw your attention to THIS:

Of course, it was not originally conceived as some kind of “Black Monday”. The fact is that his energy is so powerful and assertive, so overwhelming, that most people simply cannot cope with it.

The Tibetan astrological tradition advises refraining from performing funeral ceremonies and rituals, as well as wakes. It is believed that such procedures attract various kinds of harmful entities from the afterlife, since on this lunar day they are very active and it will not be difficult for them to move into our world. In general, it should be noted that the twenty-ninth lunar day is the time of evil spirits.

But with all that, if you spend this period alone and devote it to creativity, it will bring good results.

Business sphere: 29 lunar day

Businessmen today need to be extremely careful, since their Business, in modern language, can be attacked today by anyone, from the tax inspectorate to racketeering. Therefore, if possible, it is advisable to completely close your establishment, company or enterprise for this period. Of course, the same tax inspector may come another day, but today their arrival at ninety-nine percent and ninety-nine-nine-tenths will end tragically for you.

It is recommended to stop all trading activities on the twenty-ninth lunar day. There is no need to buy or sell goods. Signing agreements, concluding contracts, establishing new business connections, concluding deals and similar actions on the 29th lunar day are also doomed to failure, or they will go in such a way that you will more than once regret that you started it at all.

Bosses need to remember that now they need to maintain peace and order in the team, but not at the cost of aggressive and expansive actions.

Anything that in one way or another resembles dictatorship and authoritarianism will only cause a negative and negative reaction, a process of resistance and rejection. For this reason, it is not worth signing statements, issuing new orders, issuing directives, establishing new rules, and so on.

But remember that issuing bonuses and rewards on the twenty-ninth lunar day will also not give the desired result. People will still remain dissatisfied, as they say, “neither in the forehead, nor in the forehead.”

It is best to declare a day off during this period, this way you will give your staff a rest and protect yourself from troubles.

Marriage and wedding: 29th lunar day

It is better to plan a wedding or marriage registration on another day, otherwise in the near future a clash of interests will arise between the young spouses and the family union may crack. Divorce can be very difficult and protracted because a difficult relationship will wrap its tentacles around you like an Octopus.

If you are planning a wedding and on the 29th lunar day you were going to discuss the details of the upcoming event, it is better to postpone it until tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, otherwise you will quarrel at the most inopportune moment.

Today it is also not worth carrying out divorce proceedings, since the parties will not part on good terms.

Health: 29 lunar day

During this period, the entire human body is exposed to the negative influence of negative energies. Therefore, it is recommended to load yourself as little as possible. Avoid drafts and damp rooms. Be careful during training - the day is fraught with an abundance of injuries, which often result in serious complications.

On the twenty-ninth lunar day, those diseases that you have already forgotten about can again make themselves felt. This is a sure signal that you have actually eliminated the symptom, and not the disease itself. The “matrix” of the disease is still in your body and must be removed immediately, otherwise the disease will return to you every time, until it becomes chronic and then turns into pathology.

Sex and erotica: 29 lunar day

Today it is better to refuse any kind of sex, forget that it even exists.
Intimate relationships on the twenty-ninth lunar day will only lead to quarrels, resentments, and even sexually transmitted diseases.

Dreams: 29th lunar day

Dreams on the twenty-ninth lunar day tell a person about the processes that occur in his subconscious; this is the so-called “shadow” side of our personality, which also requires attention. The dream images of this period should be carefully analyzed and worked out with utmost care. These images indicate problems that you are trying to turn away from. Unresolved, they only accumulate and create constant tension in your subconscious. For the same reason, treat them with due respect. Work on your dream imagery with a psychoanalyst or a good dream interpreter.

Esoterics: 29 lunar day

In the Tibetan esoteric tradition during this period, rituals were usually performed to pacify local angry spirits. And in other mystical directions, it was customary to devote the twenty-ninth lunar day to various cleansing practices, both for the person himself and for any area.

In pagan schools during this period, bonfires or candles were always lit, which burned until this lunar day ended. After the fire was extinguished, its ashes were buried deep into the ground, since it was believed that many evil spirits and harmful creatures burned in the flames, whose ashes should be buried so that they would not be found again.

Lunar ritual on the 29th lunar day

Practice of the day: Cleansing the home

On the day of concentration of negativity, you should cleanse your home with fire, water and incense smoke. We must turn to the Higher Mind and ask for strength and protection in this practice. Before the procedure, open or slightly open the windows and doors in the apartment and order all entities to leave your house, as you are going to clean it.

  • You should start cleaning the house from the front door inside the apartment.
  • Standing facing the closed front door, make three clockwise circles and three crosses with a lit candle in your right hand. You can take incense or juniper incense sticks in your left hand.
  • From the front door of the apartment, walk around all the rooms of the apartment clockwise with a candle and incense around the perimeter, saying: “I cleanse my house, I cleanse my flesh, I cleanse the blood of my ancestors.”
  • Corners should be cleaned with candle fire. moving it from the floor from bottom to top until it begins to smoke or crack.
  • Doors and windows are cleaned with three circles and three crosses when exiting and entering any room. If the candle goes out, then it should be lit from the flame of another candle and continue cleaning in the place where it went out.
  • After walking around the entire apartment, go to the front door and clean it with three circles and crosses. go out of the apartment to the stairwell and also clean the door from the outside.
  • After this, thank the higher powers for their help and support in cleaning the house.
  • Don’t put out the candle, let it burn out until the end for the well-being of the house. Wrap the spills in paper and throw them into flowing water over your left shoulder with your right hand (you can throw them into the toilet).
  • After this, sweep the floors in the apartment. Start from the far left corner and sweep everything towards the threshold. Collect all the garbage in paper and take it to the trash.
  • At the end of the practice, you can sprinkle holy water on all corners of the apartment.
  • Then, open the windows and doors of the room and say: “Come in, good spirits, but there is no place for evil spirits here.”

It is highly advisable to clean the premises in the morning, but if this is not possible, then try to clean the apartment (or other room, for example, an office) before sunset.

Of course, the room that is being cleaned must be free of people. You should not be distracted from performing the ritual. Otherwise, the result will be minimal.
The candle used is a household one, of good quality. Preferably yellow or blue. purple color.

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