Home Removal Ovarian cyst metaphysical causes. Psychological causes of endometriosis and related pathologies

Ovarian cyst metaphysical causes. Psychological causes of endometriosis and related pathologies

^ Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

^ Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to cushion the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also the article CANCER. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

^ Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

Physical blocking

Fibrosis is the hardening of connective tissue fibers that occurs as a result of some pathology. Most often, this disease affects the LUNGS and PANCREAS (see related articles).

^ Emotional blockage

A person suffering from this disease has become bitter against himself, other people, and especially against life. He is pessimistic and does not believe in success. This disease often occurs in a person who plays the role of a victim, that is, uses his illnesses to attract attention to himself and finally gain the desired dependence on others.

^ Mental block

If you are suffering from this disease, it is time for you to realize that you have everything you need to build your life on your own and that you do not have to follow the lead of others. This disease disrupts your life plan because it can make you disabled and thus prevent you from acting. Your soul screams: “Help, I want to live!”

^ Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).

Physical blocking

Kyphosis is a curvature of the spine with protrusion backwards. Most often observed in children and adolescents, especially males. With kyphosis, the back becomes rounded and a hump may even form.

^ Emotional blockage

A young man suffering from kyphosis feels as if the whole world is loaded on his back. As a rule, his family has high hopes for him, and he bends - under the weight of responsibility and from the fear of not being up to par. See also the article SPIN (PROBLEMS).

^ Mental block

If you are young and suffering from this disease, it is time for you to decide who you want to become, while objectively assessing your capabilities and abilities. In addition, you must realize that your parents (or people who surround you) want only the best for you and therefore pin so many hopes on you. Instead of trying to push them off your back, think about the fact that everything that happens in the outside world is a reflection of what is happening inside you. Once you realize that you can achieve your goal on your own, they will leave you alone and give you freedom of action.

Spiritual blockage and conclusion

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).
Physical blocking

The intestine begins after the duodenum and ends with the anus. It consists of the SMALL INTESTINE, which plays a major role in the absorption of nutrients, and the LARGE INTESTINE, which plays an important but much less prominent role. In the large intestine, certain types of food are finally decomposed and the remaining water is absorbed, and feces take on their normal appearance. It is a reservoir for digestive waste, that is, what the body no longer needs.

Problems associated with the small intestine include: TUMOR, CANCER, DIVERTICULITIS, CROHN'S DISEASE and DIARRHEA.

In the large intestine, the following may occur: CONSTIPATION, DIARRHEA, COLIC, COLITIS, ACCUMULATION OF INTESTINAL GASES, TUMORS, CANCER, CONVASIONS, GASTROENTERITIS and WORMS. See the related article in this book and the description below.

^ Emotional blockage

If the problem occurs in the SMALL INTESTINE, it is due to the person's inability to extract and absorb from daily life what is useful to him. This person clings to details when a global approach to the situation is necessary. He often rejects everything that happens if he is not satisfied with some trifle. They say about such people that they make mountains out of molehills.

COLON problems occur when a person clings to old ideas or beliefs that are no longer useful to him (constipation) or is too quick to reject ideas that might be helpful to him (diarrhea). He often faces major contradictions that he cannot digest. People of this type tend to get irritated instead of seeing the positive side of a situation or person.

^ Mental block

A problem with the intestines suggests that you must learn to feed yourself with good thoughts, and not waste your energy on fears and doubts. You also should not be afraid of material troubles. Try to gain faith that there is a divine principle within you and that the Universe cares for all life on this planet, including you. Get rid of everything old to make room for the new. See also the article STOMACH (PAIN).

^ Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).

Physical blocking

Claustrophobia is a form of neurosis. A person with claustrophobia begins to experience unbearable anxiety as soon as he finds himself in a confined space. Very often, people who suffer from claustrophobia also suffer from agoraphobia (that is, they experience extreme anxiety in large open spaces away from familiar, “safe” places). See also the article AGORAPHOBIA.

^ Emotional blockage

Claustrophobia manifests itself in a person who leads a restless, anxious life and pays too much attention to his work, plans, responsibilities, etc. He feels captive to his activities and suppresses a significant part of his impulses, be it desires or aggressiveness.

^ Mental block

Claustrophobia tells you that you are fixated on your activities, withdrawn into your small little world. It's time for you to open the doors of your prison, because only you have the key to it. This key is your decision to relax and become an ordinary person, that is, accept all your weaknesses, fears and shortcomings.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).

Physical blocking

The clavicle is an oblong bone located almost horizontally and connecting the sternum to the scapula. The collarbones are susceptible to fractures and dislocations. Sometimes a sharp pain may occur in the collarbone for no apparent reason.

^ Emotional blockage

Since all bone problems are related to power, unexpected pain in the collarbone is often a sign that a person does not want to recognize someone else’s power over himself, but is afraid to speak out against this person, to defend his rights.

^ Mental block

You must understand that you need to finally get rid of fear and learn to express your opinion, otherwise you will always be in the role of a subordinate. Remember also that any pain speaks of a person’s subconscious desire to punish himself for something. You probably feel guilty about thoughts of rebellion and not having the courage to go your own way.

Perhaps in childhood and adolescence you believed in the infallibility of your parents and allowed them to impose decisions on you, but this does not mean that you should live your whole life that way. When you learn to express your feelings and desires, all your hidden fears will come out and dissipate, and you will find it much easier to assert yourself than you imagined. See also the article BONES (PROBLEMS), and if the fracture of the collarbone is the result of an accident - the article ACCIDENT.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).

Physical blocking

Skin, the outer covering of the body, consists of an underlying layer (dermis) and a superficial layer (epidermis). It protects the body and ensures its constant contact with the outside world. The main skin problems are described in the relevant articles in this book.

^ Emotional blockage

On a metaphysical level, the skin represents a person's ability to value himself in the face of the world around him. Being the shell of the body, it reflects what a person thinks about himself. Anyone who wants to know what he really thinks about himself needs only to describe his skin. Example: delicate skin means I consider myself gentle. If the skin is dry, see also the article ICTHYOSIS.

Any skin problem indicates that a person is ashamed of himself. He places too much importance on what others think of him. He does not allow himself to be himself and rejects himself too readily. Its internal integrity is easily disrupted even by weak external influences. Such a person is very sensitive to what happens around him, too easily allows others to get under his skin and cannot love himself as he is.

If a skin problem is accompanied by the discharge of pus, this indicates that some person or situation is so unpleasant to you that you are trying to get rid of them with the help of this disease.

Having a serious skin disease is a great way to distance yourself from people. The skin allows a person to come into contact with other people, and it also allows him to isolate himself from people. A person may be so ashamed of himself that he refuses to engage in relationships with other people, using his skin disease as an excuse. He becomes untouchable. He would like to have new skin, that is, to change completely.

When a person tries to get close to someone and is met with indifference or neglect, it causes shame and resentment, which in turn can cause skin cancer.

If a skin disease causes a person to constantly itch, see also the article ITCHES.

A disease that affects only the superficial layer of the skin (for example, VITILIGO) indicates that a person is having a hard time with a breakup, separation, or termination of a relationship. He feels rejected. Such a person always yearns to save others, especially members of the opposite sex.

The affected part of the body represents the area of ​​life in which the cause of the disease should be sought (example: damage to the face indicates the fear of losing one’s face). You can learn the purpose of various parts of the body from this book.

^ Mental block

Your skin is very visible to yourself and to others. The more serious the problem, the more worried you are about how you feel about yourself. You must change your ideas about yourself. To do this, you must list your positive qualities on a piece of paper and add one new item to this list every day. If you are having difficulties, seek help from those who know you well. Skin disease is an important signal that you should give yourself the right to be imperfect and not consider that you are worthless. You have the right, without guilt, to make a decision that allows you save your skin even if those you love don't like the decision. Your value lies in what is in your heart, in your unique individuality - and not in the events and things of the physical world.

Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).

Physical blocking

The following description applies to skin redness that is not accompanied by pain or itching.

^ Emotional blockage

Redness of the skin may indicate that a person is holding back himself, trying to fit into some image, and in the end begins to feel like a prisoner of the chosen role. He forces himself because he is afraid of not living up to the ideal he created. In order to find out in what area of ​​his life a person is restraining himself, you should find out the purpose of the part of the body on which redness appears.

Some people experience redness in their neck and face very often. As a rule, such redness indicates that the person suddenly felt fear. This may be the fear of not meeting other people's expectations, that is, not meeting the ideal image. It is usually difficult for such a person to accept himself as he is.

^ Mental block

Your body tells you that you are creating an ideal for yourself that is difficult to achieve and that others expect much less from you than you think. Talk to them and make sure of this.

^ Spiritual blockage and imprisonment

Same as for ABSCESS (see page 27).

Whooping cough is an acute infectious disease. Its causative agent is a bacterium. The main symptom is a severe cough. Whooping cough primarily affects children under five years of age. See the article CHILDHOOD DISEASES, with the addition that the child feels favorite and coughing is a way for him to attract attention.
Physical blocking

The knee is the most important joint of the leg. The knees bear the weight of a person's body when he stands and give him the ability to walk, go up and down stairs, sit, bend and straighten. The following description applies to all problems that can affect the natural functions of the knee, as well as pain in this joint.

^ Emotional blockage

Pain or a problem in the knee that interferes with one of its functions is a sign of a lack of flexibility in relation to the future. Knee pain usually occurs in a vain and stubborn person who does not want to accept other people's ideas and advice. This attitude only harms him, since he deprives himself of the opportunity to find easier ways to secure his future. If the pain is caused by ARTHRITIS or ARTHROSIS, see also the relevant articles.

^ Mental block

This pain helps you realize that you are not flexible enough. Don't forget that your body is always trying to warn you about things you may not be aware of. You do not want to accept new ideas and change your attitude towards your own future or the future of the people you love, because you are afraid of losing control over yourself or over the situation. You don't have to believe anymore give in- Means kneel down or obey. Perhaps your lack of flexibility is because you are afraid of becoming like one of your parents. Know that you can live an independent life, regardless of your parents. But absolute independence does not exist; we all need someone's help from time to time.

1. CYST- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Scrolling through an old, painful record of images. Carry with your wounds and the harm that was caused to you. False growth (growth in the wrong direction).

The images in my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them that way. I love me.

2. CYST- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Constantly “replaying” old grievances in my head. Incorrect development.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I think that everything is going well. I love me.

3. CYST- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to cushion the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. If the cyst is malignant, see also article. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

Thought is material, it is embodied in our affairs, in relationships with people, in our illnesses and general well-being.

This statement has recently surprised almost no one and has found many supporters. The thinkers and healers of antiquity shared the same opinion.

Psychosomatics is a science located at the intersection of medicine and psychology, believes that the connection between soul and body is so strong that unstable emotions and unbalanced human behavior lead to the appearance of diseases.

Who is Louise Hay?

One of the authorities in psychosomatics is Louise Hay, an American researcher of this problem. She experienced first-hand the mechanisms of disease occurrence.

She was diagnosed with uterine cancer, which this woman dealt with in a few months. Such a successful cure was preceded by a long journey of reflection and analysis of one’s own life.

Louise Hay knew about the negative impact of unresolved problems and unspoken grievances on even the strongest organism.

Louise Hay, who turned to psychosomatics, came to the conclusion that her illness arose as a result of her inability to let go of the situation, due to her beliefs in her own inferiority as a woman.

She chose affirmations as her beliefs - beliefs compiled according to special rules.

These affirmations, repeated over several months, made her a healthy person and a confident woman.

Louise Hay did not stop there, she decided to help other people and began to promote her experience.

Based on the results of her research, she compiled a table of the causes of diseases, known as the Louise Hay table, which draws a connection between the disease and a person’s emotional problems.

Louise Hay table - what is it?

The stereotypes of our thinking are formed on the negative experiences received by a person. This postulate of psychosomatics and the table of diseases are closely related to each other.

If you change these old beliefs, you can completely get rid of many problems and illnesses. Each incorrect setting leads to the appearance of a certain disease:

  • cancer is an old grudge;
  • thrush - subconscious rejection of your sexual partner;
  • cystitis – containment of negative emotions;
  • Allergy – reluctance to accept something or someone into your life, perhaps even yourself;
  • problems with the thyroid gland - dissatisfaction with the quality of life.

Louise Hay believes that the cause of the disease will disappear after a person realizes the emotional problem. The disease does not appear just like that; it is sent to every person so that he thinks about its psychological causes. Louise Hay's table is intended to facilitate these searches.

Table of diseases Louise Hay

  1. First you need to find your problem in the first column, where diseases are arranged in alphabetical order.
  2. On the right is the probable cause that led to the disease. This information should be read carefully and be sure to think and comprehend. Without such elaboration, you should not use this table.
  3. In the third column you need to find an affirmation that corresponds to the problem and repeat this positive belief several times throughout the day.

The positive effect will not be long in coming - the established mental balance will lead to an improvement in health.


Probable Cause


In this book, Louise Hay writes that we create all diseases for ourselves, and we ourselves are able to treat them with our thoughts. Thoughts are material, this is no longer a secret to anyone. But it’s not enough to know that thoughts are material; you also need to learn how to constantly direct them in the right direction, not allow negative thoughts into your head, and try to always be positive.

With the help of the techniques and affirmations that the author of the book reveals to us, we can gradually get rid of many negative stereotypes that are firmly entrenched in our heads and prevent us from living calmly and happily, without illness.

Quite often, diseases come into our lives as a result of certain thinking, behavior or psychological influence from the outside. This section describes the probable causes of a particular disease.

Many psychologists believe that diseases do not come to us by chance, and that the cause of this or that illness can be our mental perception of this world. In order to identify the cause of the disease, you will have to delve into your spiritual state and understand what exactly could affect your physical condition.

This service was created on the basis of many years of research by the American psychologist Louise Hay, the Canadian philosopher and psychologist Liz Burbo, the wonderful doctor Valery Sinelnikov, as well as the interpretation of the Russian psychologist Vladimir Zhikarentsev

1. CYST- (V. Zhikarentsev)

Causes of the disease

Scrolling through an old, painful record of images. Carry with your wounds and the harm that was caused to you. False growth (growth in the wrong direction).

The images in my mind are beautiful because I choose to make them that way. I love me.

2. CYST- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Constantly “replaying” old grievances in your head. Incorrect development.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I think that everything is going well. I love me.

3. CYST- (Liz Burbo)

Physical blocking

A cyst is a pathological spherical cavity in an organ with dense walls, filled with liquid or pasty contents (less often solid). The cyst is usually closed, its walls are not connected by blood vessels to the contents. This neoplasm can be benign or malignant.

Emotional blockage

The cyst ball speaks of some kind of grief that has been accumulating for a very long time. This extra flesh accumulates to cushion the blows that ego the patient receives from the outside world. A person with one or more cysts cannot get rid of severe pain associated with some events in his past. The purpose of the part of the body in which the cyst has formed indicates in which area of ​​life grief and pain have accumulated. So, a cyst in one of the breasts is associated with the material interests of this person.

Mental block

The cyst is a warning that it is time for you to forgive yourself or another person, and not reopen an old wound again and again. What you accumulate in yourself harms you. It may seem to you that some person has harmed or is harming you, but in reality it is your inner attitude that makes you suffer. The cyst, this ball of flesh, says that you should no longer create protection within yourself from the blows of fate and that it is time for you to forgive others and yourself. (See the explanation of the stages of forgiveness at the end of this book.)

4. CYST, TUMOR, MASTITIS- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Excessive maternal care, desire to protect. Taking on excessive responsibility.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I allow others to be who they are. We are all free and we are safe.

5. FIBROMA AND CYST- (Louise Hay)

Causes of the disease

Remember the insult inflicted by your partner.

A Possible Solution to Promote Healing

I consign to oblivion that in me that caused this event. I do only good in my life.

An effective remedy for CYSTS without surgery and hormones, recommended by Irina Yakovleva!

Physical health is closely connected with the psychological state of a person. Mental experiences, disorders, problems driven into the deep layers of the subconscious do not pass without a trace and become the cause of serious somatic diseases. The science of psychosomatics, which stands at the intersection of clinical medicine, psychology and psychopathology, studies this close relationship.

The richer a person’s emotional life, the more strongly it affects his physical health. Pleasant experiences contribute to the coordinated functioning of all body systems, while negative ones disrupt it and cause illness. This relationship is especially pronounced among representatives of the fair sex, who perceive the world through the prism of feelings and emotions, distinguishing the slightest shades of moods and experiences. Women's diseases and pathological formations in the female genital organs and mammary glands provoke not only physical factors, but also a violation of mental harmony.

If a woman cannot cope with the negative energy flow that has engulfed her, this becomes a problem at the body level. But even the most serious illness can be cured if you understand the underlying cause of its occurrence. The struggle waged on all fronts is in this case doomed to success. Recovery of the body will occur faster if it is accompanied by cleansing the soul of negativity.

Psychosomatic theory as a science

Psychosomatics claims that many diseases are the result of a certain (wrong) way of thinking or behavior, a general negative perception of the world, and external psychological influences.

The fact is that a person is not limited to the physical body that can be seen. Energy fields surround him. Esotericists call the totality of these energies an aura, a name that has also passed into academic science. The aura is closely connected with the human psyche, his mental life, and is its reflection. Negative experiences, neuroses that cause mental disorders (guilt, depression, constant anxiety) violate the integrity of the energy shells, which leads to illness of the physical shells.

This psychosomatic concept of the connection between the physical and the mental is best reflected by the well-known Soviet slogan “In a healthy body, a healthy mind,” to which we can only add the correct opposite statement: “A healthy mind is the key to a healthy body.” A sick psyche tries to inform its owner through bodily manifestations that something is going wrong.

Initially perceived by society as a branch of esotericism, psychosomatics is gradually developing as a science, acquiring supporters - wonderful researchers. Among them: famous psychologists Louise Hay (USA), Liz Burbo (Canada), Vladimir Zhikarentsev (Russia), psychotherapist and therapist Valery Sinelnikov (Russia), etc. These and other scientists created the wonderful concept “Love your illness,” which states that physical ailments accompany mental and spiritual growth and human development.

Noticing psychological problems through physical illnesses, a person solves them, overcoming the next stage of development. The theory is confirmed by practice. Numerous studies reveal patterns between personality characteristics (character, temperament, behavioral styles, role positions, constitution) and diseases characteristic of it. Similar people suffer from similar diseases.

Neuroses as a cause of disease

The foundations of psychosomatic science were laid back in 1818 by the German psychiatrist Johann Heinroth, who was the first to determine the dependence of some somatic disorders on the patient’s mental experiences. He defined illness as an internal experience of a conflictual nature.

The neuroses underlying psychosomatic disorders cause a condition when a healthy organ works “idle”, not fulfilling its natural function. This vicious circle must be broken for successful healing.

  • Rigidity of thinking contributes to the persistence and stability of the symptom; for a sick person, maintaining his beliefs (even incorrect ones) is more important than gaining health.
  • Infantility, mental underdevelopment, a person’s reluctance to take responsibility for his own condition, and reluctance to develop also contribute to the development of the disease.

Neuroses develop when a difference appears between what a person really wants and what he actually does, supporting his actions with arguments like “I want, but I can’t do this” or “I don’t want, but I have to.” Discrepancies lead to disturbances in mental processes.

Psychosomatic pathologies that have been studied in detail are peptic ulcers of the digestive system, disorders of the cardiovascular system (ischemia, hypertension, autonomic disorders), bronchial asthma, and migraines.

Treatment of psychosomatic diseases

The cause of a disease that is psychosomatic in nature should be clarified through a deep analysis of the patient’s inner world, his spiritual state for hidden problems. For most people, such a close acquaintance with themselves is a new, unknown thing, so sometimes you have to turn to the help of a professional psychologist, psychotherapist, or psychosomatics specialist who knows what to pay attention to and where to look for clues leading to unraveling the true nature of the disease.

You should not rush from one extreme to another, look for deep-seated mental problems in any disease and try to solve them. Many diseases have predominantly physical causes: microbial infection, poisoning with harmful substances, mechanical injuries. However, most often they develop against a favorable (pathological) mental background. In this regard, treatment by a medical specialist is mandatory, who will select adequate and competent medication or alternative therapy. Solving mental problems should complement treatment, but not replace it.

Women's psychosomatic problems

The fair sex is beautiful because it perceives the world sensually. Women handle psychic energies more freely than men and understand them better. However, because of this sensitivity, it is women who often have problems with mental regulation; it is difficult for them to get rid of strong negative experiences, anxiety, stress, doubts; they often become completely immersed in this negativity.

The structure of modern society does not simplify a woman’s life. The fair weaker sex wants and strives to be like the stronger sex, to live and work the way men do, which is unusual for female nature itself. On this path, women encounter many obstacles and difficulties that must be overcome by gritting their teeth, suppressing emotions, hiding deeper “women’s problems” that are of no interest to anyone in this “man’s world.” A woman who strives to be like a man encounters criticism, increased and not always adequate demands on herself. Not everyone can withstand such pressure.

Intergender relations are also changing. The Domostroevskaya concept of family is a thing of the past, but the new family idea never really took shape. Women try to take on the role of leader, suppress their partners, and at the same time blame them for weakness.

Women refuse their femininity, do not understand and do not accept it. Women have forgotten how to be women next to men, they keep and “replay” their grievances against them in their heads.

Such women who resist their nature are at risk of diseases of the “female sphere”: the genitals and mammary glands.

Psychological causes of female somatic diseases

  • Problems with self-esteem, lack of faith in one's own abilities and strengths.
  • Internal conflicts, “male” demands on oneself, leading to constant stress.
  • Dissatisfaction with one's own body, low assessment of one's own sexuality and attractiveness.
  • Non-acceptance of female nature, fear and reluctance to be a mother, possibly caused by childhood psychological trauma.
  • Feeling of insecurity, inability or inability to stand up for yourself.
  • Inharmonious relationships with a partner, playing a “male” role in the family, distrust of your man, resentment towards him.
  • Resentment towards men, the formation of a collective negative image, extended to all men, the formation of attitudes (“all men are goats”).
  • Long-term absence of relationships, including sexual ones.
  • Internal restrictions, psychosexual disorders, rejection of sex, guilt for “dirty” relationships caused by upbringing.
  • Unsuccessful sexual experience, rape, experience of betrayal.
  • Inability or self-prohibition to enjoy life.
  • Storing and replaying grievances, wounded pride, envy.

If you dig deeper, having become familiar with the world's unconscious archetypes, you can see connections between the psychological problems of a woman who denies her femininity in one form or another, and their projections onto the female reproductive system. Each organ and pathological process symbolizes (has a clear but unconscious connection) a certain manifestation of femininity. If this connection is realized, treating “female” diseases will become much easier.

In searching for the psychological cause of a somatic problem, one should proceed from the individuality of the psyche of any woman and the processes occurring in her. The formation of the disease is influenced by many factors, among which are: age, a woman’s marital status, her career position, life aspirations, relationships with parents, crises experienced, etc. The same disease can have a different nature and arise from different experiences. A woman should get to know herself, study her inner world and realize what the true cause of the disease is.

Female menstrual cycle and its disorders

Menstruation is the most important process of cleansing the female body, preparing it for the potential conception of a child. In fact, it is the personification of femininity. In the body of a healthy mature woman with stable positive psychological attitudes, menstruation is painless.

Various disorders of the monthly cycle (dysmenorrhea), painful symptoms accompanying it (premenstrual syndrome), absence of menstruation (amenorrhea) very often have a psychosomatic nature.

  • These pathologies indicate a girl or woman’s denial of her feminine nature. The roots of this disorder are usually found in childhood, in the girl’s relationship with her mother. For a small child, a mother is a symbolic image of femininity; the concepts of “woman” and “mother” are identical. If the relationship between them is tense, the girl may decide that she does not want to be like her mother, and therefore does not want to be a woman. The solution to the problem can only be deep introspection and forgiveness of parents.
  • Cycle disturbances accompany a woman’s dissatisfaction with herself and her body. She doesn’t like herself, she convinces herself that she is not a woman (a bad woman).

Women, of course, can “invent” many problems for themselves, but they know how to cope with them. It has been noted that the broken cycle returns to normal if representatives of the fair sex communicate with each other in a team with a positive moral climate. Mutual emotional support from friends normalizes energy flows and cures painful menstruation.

External genitalia

The vulva and vagina are directly related to sex, so any of their pathologies (inflammatory processes, bacterial or fungal infections, sexually transmitted diseases) indicate sexual disorders, fears, unfulfilled and suppressed desires. A sick woman may believe that sexuality is bad and shameful, and feel guilty for the sexual desire that appears in her. Relationships with a partner with whom a woman does not want sexual intercourse can also cause distress. Diseases of the external genitalia thus provide her with physical protection from sex, preventing her from having sex.

Sexual dysfunctions, anorgasmia

Frigidity is also a serious illness with psychosomatic overtones. A woman who does not enjoy sex experiences fear of it. There can be many reasons: upbringing, sexual abuse, lack of sympathy for your partner, the formation of a negative collective image of a man based on the image of a father or ex-partner. Frigid women usually choose sexually inferior men as partners, thus justifying their sexual insensitivity.

The cause of anorgasmia is the impossibility and self-prohibition of relaxation caused by distrust of the whole world, including men. The absence of sexual release for a long time leads to serious somatic problems: congestion and inflammation in the pelvic organs. With the development of serious pathologies, it is almost impossible to establish the true cause of the disease. It is very difficult for a woman to get out of such a situation on her own; she needs the help of a psychotherapist or a very loving and mentally strong partner.

The uterus and its pathologies

The very name of this female organ speaks of its main function: to help a woman become a mother. The psychosomatics of uterine diseases is associated mainly with an unhealthy attitude towards motherhood (denial, fear) - “I am like a mother” and problems in a woman’s relationship with her own mother, a rebellion against her - “Me and a mother”.

  • Pathologies of the cervix (polyps, inflammation) become a barrier to the path of sperm in a woman who does not want to become a mother or who experiences an alarming mistrust of men.
  • Erosion (ulcerative pathologies) of the cervix becomes an external expression of a woman’s wounded pride, accumulated grievances, which is characteristic of the infantile psyche. Most patients diagnosed with “erosion” do not know how to realize themselves in relationships with a partner; the inability to manage feminine energy ultimately turns into resentment towards a man, which “corrodes” the feminine essence.
  • Endometriosis indicates the perception of men as predators, a fear of them that is not caused by anything. Reproaches to oneself and a man, unjustified rudeness towards a man cause the development of inflammatory pathology of the endometrium, which physically confirms the “sacrificial” state of a woman.
  • Uterine fibroids - a benign tumor of the myometrium (muscle layer) is a sublimation of pregnancy by a woman, and even its development in medicine is calculated by weeks (like pregnancy). For some underlying reason, a sick woman does not allow herself to become pregnant, but really wants it. The justification may be an unstable financial situation, the absence of a reliable man nearby who can become a good father to the child, or other factors. And such a woman, instead of an embryo, begins to grow a tumor in the uterus. Myoma and fibromyoma can also be a symbol of “nursing” a grudge.
  • Obstruction of the fallopian tubes, in which the meeting and fusion of a mature egg with the “fastest” sperm occurs, is also an expression of fear of becoming pregnant and a physical obstacle to conception. It occurs in women who try to control all areas of their lives, even internal processes in the body.

Psychosomatic causes of ovarian diseases

The ovaries are the female centers of creativity, creation, and realization of the feminine principle. These gonads perform essential functions that are disrupted in diseases. Psychosomatics of hormonal ovarian pathologies is the topic of femininity, its rejection, misunderstanding, and conflicts associated with it.

Adrenogenital syndrome

Adrenogenital syndrome is a hormonal disorder in a woman’s body. In stressful situations, the adrenal glands produce “stress hormones” that mobilize the body according to the “flight or fight” plan. With this pathology, in a tense situation, it is not the adrenal glands that are activated, but the ovaries; instead of adrenaline, the female body receives male sex hormones. A woman, instead of using a natural reaction developed over generations, tries to literally become a man. This reveals the denial of one’s own nature, the desire to change it, rejection of oneself as a woman, and a feeling of one’s own inferiority.

Another example of an organism that is undecided about the sex can be polycystic ovary syndrome, in which ovulation of mature eggs does not occur, and developed follicles turn into cystic vesicles filled with fluid. It is as if the body cannot decide whether it should grow eggs as a female type or produce sperm as a male type.

Storage of embryonic eggs and their development – ​​potential for procreation

According to this aspect, the psychological causes of diseases are due to a woman’s prohibition against becoming pregnant and procreating. There can be many reasons for this, for example, a woman’s esoteric confidence in a generational curse or a subconscious fear of giving birth. The body responds to the mental request by developing ovarian pathologies (functional disorders, cyst, cancer).

Psychosomatic pathologies of the ovaries are a desperate call from the body, indicating a broken connection between a woman and femininity, the ability to create, to create.

Ovarian neoplasms

Ovarian cysts and other neoplasms of the gonads are found in every 5th woman of childbearing age. These are pathological processes characterized by abnormal growth of an organ area, growth in the wrong direction. The liquid contents of cystic blisters indicate the accumulation of emotions, the psychological burden that a woman accumulates in her soul. Such a diagnosis should prompt the patient to think that her values ​​and life goals are not aimed at what she really needs. Most often, these are benign formations that can be treated, but their oncological degeneration is possible. Probably, the psychosomatic factor also plays an important role in the process of malignancy.

Psychological support for the treatment of somatic ovarian diseases

A woman suffering from ovarian diseases (inflammation, cyst, tumor) should definitely consult a doctor to treat her problem. But for maximum success, traditional therapy must be supported by restoration of mental balance, deep introspection, study and resolution of psychological problems.

These diseases are called “female diseases” for a reason; they arise when a woman denies her femininity.

  • In order for the treatment to proceed easier and faster, and for the disease to never return, the patient must regain her femininity, believe in herself, and love herself.
  • She must understand that being a woman does not mean being weak or bad, and get rid of the need to prove her masculinity to the whole world.
  • Get to know yourself, your inner world, realize feminine nature.
  • Get rid of the fears of becoming a mother.
  • Establish relationships with the stronger sex, do not be afraid to love.
  • Learn to enjoy life.
  • Do not accumulate old grievances in yourself, get rid of mental burden.

Self-analysis will help not only solve a somatic problem, but also increase the level of awareness of life and improve its quality in general. This is not an easy matter; if necessary, you should seek help from specialists - psychotherapists. The diary method of analysis works great. Having realized the cause of the disease, you need to take the next step: begin specific actions to eliminate it.


Masculine and feminine, yang and yin are the foundations of the world. Only in their combination are life and happiness possible. A woman’s denial of her nature is based on false social and cultural stereotypes. Every woman should know her femininity, understand it and accept it. Only in this case, no “female” diseases will darken her life.

By secret

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  • Without taking hormonal drugs!
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