Home Gums Where to go to dig for coins. Where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Moscow region, in the Leningrad region, in the Tula region, in the Krasnodar region? Where is the best place to look for coins with a metal detector? Where and what to look for

Where to go to dig for coins. Where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Moscow region, in the Leningrad region, in the Tula region, in the Krasnodar region? Where is the best place to look for coins with a metal detector? Where and what to look for

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Greetings to all diggers! It looks like that’s it, the 2014 season is over:(. It’s snowing, it’s freezing outside. What does that mean? That’s right, it’s time for theory for beginners. And this article is especially for those who are going to buy a device or have just bought it. I and The group was asked a lot of questions about the choice of places to dig, where at least something was caught. Well, let's get started.

As you know, if you point your finger at the sky and go to the first field you come across, you are unlikely to be satisfied with the process and the result of the search. Either you won’t find anything, or you will find spare parts for the tractor :) So if you want to find something, it’s worth the effort :)

If so, there is a video:

You can find places to cop both by communicating with people in person and using a computer and the Internet. Almost any old-timer in the village will tell you about his village or surrounding area. He will describe in detail what was where, who lived and where the treasure was buried :). It is worth establishing contact with local residents.

The Internet will tell you many places to search, you just need to find them correctly. First you need to acquire a set of programs. The most necessary and convenient in terms of viewing the area from satellite images is SAS Planet. She can save pictures for later use in a navigator or smartphone directly on the cop. This program is convenient because you can view pictures from different companies. If your device is equipped with a GPS module, it will also show your location in this photo.

This photo shows an abandoned village, stone houses are visible, and the outlines of vegetable gardens are visible. Seeing this picture, you immediately imagine how and where you will dig :)

You can also download Google Earth, but I don’t use it :). Google did not deign to take clear pictures of our area :(. The program has similar functionality.

The simplest method is to look for places using satellite images. All the villages, farmsteads, tracts are visible on them, you can see where the houses stood. Especially if the pictures are high quality. You can consider all the places and plan how you will conduct your search.

Plowed-up villages and other interesting places in the image are very difficult to find and for this you need to use another map to find out what was there.

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Another way is to directly search on maps. There are many free maps on the Internet, both linked and not. There are many maps on the website etomesto.ru, where there are a lot of different linked maps, which can be immediately superimposed on a modern map on this page. This site is primarily recommended for beginners as it is the easiest.

The world map is divided into squares. And to navigate the map correctly, you need to know your square. Without it, it will be difficult for you to find the map you need, especially the topographic map of the General Staff. For example, my square is O-39. There is a convenient website for determining the square. Here is his address. Having entered it, just click on the desired place and a window will immediately appear where you will be given a square for different scales.

Once we have identified the square, we can already look for the card you need. There are many of them. The most common is the map of the General Staff. This is a regular topographic map with a detailed scale. It ranges from 1 km to 250 m in 1 cm. These maps can also be used in satellite navigation, but for this they need to be linked.

The most interesting, in my opinion, is the PGM-General Land Survey Plan. This is an old map, dating from the late 18th century, but very detailed. Basically it's a mile per inch. If we convert to the metric system, we get, if my memory serves me correctly, 420 meters in a centimeter. But this map is not freely available for all provinces and districts, but it can be purchased. Judging by the reviews, it's worth it.

There are also Strelbitsky maps and Schubert maps. But I don't use them :).

We need to look for abandoned villages on maps. The vegetable gardens are especially interesting. The older, the better:). There should also be places near the village where people walked on holidays. Next we look for fairs, taverns, inns, postal stations, estates, old roads and highways, especially their intersections. These places on the maps have their own symbols. They usually come with the card. Here's an example:

Working with cards is also very interesting. The result of the cop depends on your choice. This way you also explore your native land :).

I also advise you subscribe to the channel “Old Vyatka”, where you will find many videos about digging, metal detectors, navigation, cartography and coin care:

Well, that seems to be it. If anything new appears, I will definitely write. Bye everyone.

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Greetings to all treasure hunters and metal detectorists. Today, when it is -20 degrees outside, in the month of January, we remember the best places for digging, such places, the memories of visiting which warm the soul of every digger. These, of course, are ancient, abandoned, abandoned villages, of which there are still a great many in the vastness of our vast homeland. Trips to such “heavenly” places to search for coins do not happen often, and all because, as a rule, it takes a very long time to get to such villages, drive along impassable roads, and in general, such trips are planned in advance. Of course, it sometimes happens that you leave a noisy city for your small homeland, which is far away and there you can do some great digging. In this article I will show you those places that will warm the soul of every treasure hunter; these are photos of ancient villages where we have been.

All of you, I think, are fans of searching with a metal detector, and therefore go digging any time the opportunity arises. Of course, if everyone goes digging in autumn and spring, then in summer, especially in the heat, when the temperature is +28, heat and mosquitoes, few people dare to climb into the forest in search of an abandoned village. One like this one.

At first glance, this is a rather attractive place for a cop to dig, but looking for coins in such places when the grass is shoulder-deep is a very difficult and difficult task. Of course, the alternative is to take a scythe or trimmer with you and mow down promising areas, but it’s still a hassle. So in such villages that are heavily overgrown, you can dig, for example, on the road.

road through an abandoned village

Here is another cool place for a digger, also an ancient village and also abandoned. And most importantly, it is not knocked out, which is incredibly pleasing, so we will dig here, I hope))... The search for coin boxes in such places is very promising, no matter what you say.

photo of an abandoned village

Every digger knows that the more stone houses in a village, the richer it was, because in those days only a wealthy peasant or even a merchant could afford to build a stone house. So the houses of merchants became the main target of diggers who hope to find treasure in and around the house. We have been to such places.

A very promising place for a cop

Such places, and even those that have not been knocked out, are becoming less and less common, so if you find a village like the one in the photo, then go there more often, there is a lot of things to dig there. And if you’re lucky, you’ll be able to pick up the treasure, because wealthy merchants could well have left something for a rainy day when the revolution broke out. Look, colleagues, look. The photos are really cool, I look at them and immediately want to go there.

Chapels are very common in such places. Photo of the chapel, which stands next to the road.

photo of a chapel in an abandoned village

We often search for coins in fields located next to tracts, fortunately very often they sow something on them and in the fall everything is mowed down. Well, at the beginning of spring, such fields are dug up with a tractor, due to which the coins rise to the top and the number of finds increases.

field in autumn where you can dig

In autumn, the search season can last several months, until the first snow. But dry autumn weather always pleases diggers.

photo of an abandoned village in autumn

Well, sometimes you come across very rare buildings, such as a windmill. Have you ever seen a windmill? It seems to me that there are only a few such people)) Do you think you can find coins next to the mill, because people went for flour and paid the miller with coins. Which is what we need. Where to look for coins? Of course, there are finds in the area.

This is how the post turned out, it contains interesting and disturbing pictures for the digger’s soul, photos of ancient, abandoned villages, mills, chapels. Look, such places for digging are becoming less and less common, if you find such ones, dig, and may treasure hunting luck be with you. Spring is coming, the search season is just around the corner, so if you are not a digger yet and you don’t have a metal detector, then by all means buy one and go ahead and dig for coin boxes and other crap.

Well, the best way to look for treasures is with metal detectors from the Minelab company, although this is just my IMHO)) There have been cases where treasures were found using the simplest detector. Some are lucky and some are not.

Choosing a search location is an eternal problem for novice treasure hunters, although given the rapid development of treasure hunting, a “good” undiscovered place is becoming increasingly difficult to find even for an experienced digger. Let’s say that over the weekend we decided to test it in action, and at the same time, of course, find a couple of coins, even if not ancient ones, but even “tips”. Where to go?

I’ll tell you how my colleagues and I went digging when we were newbies. And actually, there are no secrets here, we use all the methods to this day.

1. Large poplars.

You can see them from afar, of course, if the poplars are visible from the road, then everything has probably been dug up, but it would be useful for a novice digger to visit such a place, because this is one hundred percent the place where the village used to stand. Let there be pits and a huge amount of metal garbage, there will be coins there too. Take, for example, the situation this summer. My wife and I went mushroom picking, drove quite a bit from the city, about 5 kilometers, turned and suddenly I saw a row of poplars on the horizon in the distance.

The place turned out to be quite suitable for a cop.

I think to myself - I need to visit there. And the next weekend we went there, but the results of the digging were not at all so great, but the fact is that the field was still unplowed before the fall. I told my colleagues about that place that it was nearby and there were large poplars, they visited there without me and what would you think - the field turned out to be plowed and they dug up nothing, 5-7 coins for each, old coins (Nikolashki, early Soviets - there were also bilons, and where would we be without them), in total they dug for 2-3 hours. So take note - there are such places and they can be almost nearby. However, don’t be surprised if there are a lot of people there with instruments))

3. Vintage maps + GPS navigator.
This method is by far the coolest, because it allows you to find places where no one has ever been. One of my colleagues is already quite cool and competent in the issues of overlaying old maps on a GPS navigator, he knows which maps to download and where. Thanks to him, it was found very close to the city, on this tract there was. So, if you approach the task of treasure hunting carefully, think through everything and work on finding promising places, then your results in treasure hunting will be much more noticeable. By the way, the total amount received for the treasure was about 40,000 rubles. and this for 100 silver coins (there were just rare silver 5 kopecks, so small, they probably went for 2000-2500 rubles). And by the way, a treasure of ordinary was found. So don’t think that if you have a cheap metal detector, you won’t find treasure.

I think I’ll soon write an article about ancient maps, where to get them, which ones are better, and everything in the same spirit. So check it out sometimes))

Treasure hunting is a rather exotic hobby that combines romance with undoubted practical benefits (if the search is successful). Interesting antique finds can become the basis of a collection, or they can be very successfully sold.

Treasure hunting as a hobby

Any novice treasure hunter is interested in knowing where to look for coins with a metal detector in the summer. It is at this time of year that lovers of such “romance” become more active. It is a common belief that most “treasures” are discovered by accident by strangers who have nothing to do with it. But there are a considerable number of people who are specifically looking for treasures, who have chosen this almost as their life’s work. The search procedure itself becomes so exciting for them that they literally become hooked on this unusual activity.

The most common type of treasure is coins, both modern and ancient. Those that are well preserved have the greatest value for collectors. They can be found, as a rule, in so-called caches - special places protected from prying eyes.

What does the treasure look like?

Sometimes coins are found directly in the soil, mostly sandy. But such specimens most often have severe damage and are not of interest to collectors. Most of the finds are small ones released in past centuries (from the seventeenth to the twentieth). Older coins are not easy to find and are usually in very poor condition.

But even in this condition, coins made of precious metals can be sold very, very profitably. It happens that the sale of the only gold coin found pays for all the costs of preparing the treasure-hunting expedition.

You should not think that any coins found are a specially buried treasure. Most often, money is simply lost or left in certain places “for luck.”

Let's go searching

What does a novice treasure hunter need? The best assistant in this matter is a reliable metal detector. This tool will be able to detect coins at a depth of up to 40 centimeters. There is no point in buying an expensive model for a beginner. Get yourself a simple metal detector first, and it’s quite possible to recoup the cost of its purchase in 1-2 searching seasons.

Treasure hunting requires digging in the ground, sometimes in dirt and debris. Based on this, the suit should be durable, practical and comfortable. A navigator will also be useful in searching for treasures, with the help of which it is most convenient to navigate the area and you can determine the coordinates of places where it is better to look for coins with a metal detector quite accurately.

And of course, knowing history never hurts. Professional treasure hunters study ancient maps and record information about the territories of ancient settlements, mass battles and trade routes in special journals. After all, it is in historical works that places and events that are associated with large money burials are described.

Where should a treasure hunter go?

With a metal detector: in a village, in a city, in an open field? The best places are considered to be areas where in the past there were inns, taverns, fairs, drinking establishments and any kind of housing. After all, it was there that the daily life of people took place, who ate, drank, took out and spent money and inevitably lost some of the coins.

Trading places (territories) are considered the most promising. In addition, it is quite possible to dig up entire treasures (not to mention individual lost coins) along old highways and roads. As a rule, areas of ancient settlements these days are built up with new city blocks, but sometimes there are places free from erected buildings where you can quite successfully search for coins with a metal detector.

According to statistics, most coins are found around populated areas, as well as where the longest streets were once located. The most promising in this regard are the sites of former taverns and taverns.

On the importance of theoretical training

Experienced treasure hunters usually map all their finds, which gives a more complete picture. Having identified promising areas where it makes sense to search for coins with a metal detector, they go there with equipment. The choice of place to search should begin in an office environment. Your helpers will be ancient books, maps and, of course, the Internet.

It is not enough for a treasure hunter to know the locations of the richest settlements. He should become familiar with the history of his native land in sufficient detail: where battles or popular uprisings took place, where the main trade routes lay.

The best places to search

Areas of Old Believer hermitages, mills (where flour was actively traded) and Jewish settlements are considered promising for treasure hunters. In places of fist fights or along the roadsides you can find not only coins, but also many ancient pectoral crosses.

In addition to coins lost by accident, there are also specially buried treasures. Most often they can be found near the territory of settlements, along the edges of fields or in forests. Another place for such treasures is the underground of an old house.

Where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Moscow region?

This question occupies the minds of many “archaeologists,” especially those who live in or near Moscow. Is it possible to dig up anything worthwhile in the Moscow region?

There is information that in the 18th century it passed not far from our capital, crossing the famous Vladimirsky Highway. It was located at a distance of about 100 km from Moscow. This place is considered the most promising for treasure hunters.

When going on a search, stock up on more than just equipment. The success of the expedition lies in its careful preparation. Experienced treasure hunters spare no time, delving into ancient archives, conducting preliminary reconnaissance of the area and drawing up an action plan. All this significantly increases the chances of a successful search.

Where did our ancestors live?

Having familiarized yourself with ancient maps, you can determine that on the site of today’s endless fields, several centuries ago there were entire villages and busy roads. These are the places where you need to look for coins with a metal detector in the first place. Of course, maps of ancient settlements are not so easy to find. But if you show persistence, the chances of success increase many times over.

During excavations, you can find not only coins, but also cutlery and ancient jugs. Often these devices also contain gold or silver in the form of coins.

Another promising area for treasure hunters is Shatursky. Many managed to discover ancient coins there dating back to the era of Ivan the Terrible. Experienced treasure hunters say that these places are associated with many legends and beliefs that have a rather negative connotation. But this does not stop numerous fans.

About difficulties and costs

However, nothing scares them. Neither the earth cracked from the heat in the field, nor the obstacles in the form of rivers and dense thickets, through which not a single SUV can get through. Adventure seekers are able to carry a large amount of bulky equipment and equipment, get wet in the rain and get lost in unfamiliar places where searching for coins with a metal detector is especially difficult.

In addition to courage and endurance, the treasure hunter will need basic physical training. Not everyone can support the weight of a heavy device. Therefore, most lovers of easy money quickly leave the race.

At the same time, most treasure hunters are subject to all sorts of superstitions. One of them is the need to appease the spirits guarding the treasures. Another belief is that, having found a treasure, a person can get a lot of troubles and problems attached to it.

It is believed that a streak of bad luck often follows successful “archaeologists” immediately after a major discovery. But this does not stop those who are “hooked” on the treasure hunting needle.

Where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Leningrad region?

As you know, the Leningrad region and St. Petersburg itself belong to different subjects of the Russian Federation. In addition to the historical values ​​discovered on the territory of the Northern capital, many unknown finds await those suffering in areas that historically later became part of the surrounding region.

They were inhabited by a variety of nationalities, both culturally and ethnically. Over the past century and a half, the region has boasted a number of major finds. This is a large treasure from the Middle Ages in the form of three hryvnias made of silver, discovered in 1875 near the village of Gorki.

Another burial, also consisting of silver hryvnias, was discovered right in a field, not far from a village called Uzmina (in 1889). The parish of Shpankovo ​​distinguished itself in 1913 by presenting to the world a clay pot with embedded valuable jewelry and a huge number of silver coins.

A treasure of things and coins was found near the village of Zabelskaya (1914). In relatively recent times (2010-2011), large burials were also discovered in the north of the Leningrad region and in the Kingisep region. Most of the discovered treasures eventually found refuge in museum storage facilities, in particular in the State Hermitage.

Treasures of the Tula region

Where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Tula region? Historians testify: the lands of the present Tula region in the 16th century. were actively developed, the reason for which was the construction of the Zasechnaya Line and surroundings in the form of fortified cities. This area was subject to numerous raids by the Crimean Tatars, which brought confusion and ruin to the Russian people.

Such instability led to the burial of many valuables. A treasure in the form of coins, widely known in literary sources, found in Pavlovo-Odoevsky district, belongs to one of the earliest examples.

Beginning of the 16th century the treasure found on the territory of Pskov and Novgorod coins of specific mintage is dated. Two more expensive finds in the Tula region are associated with the Muravsky Way.

Treasures of the Krasnodar region

This area is a true paradise for all lovers of antiquity. In search of ancient artifacts, treasure hunters have literally shoveled every piece of territory in Krasnodar, Taman, Kurganinsk and Krymsk. To a person who knows where to look for coins with a metal detector in the Krasnodar Territory, these names say more than just designations of geographical locations. This is a real guide to ancient burial places.

It is quite possible to find here both ancient Greek coins and 20th century weapons used in battles with the Nazis. At least a tenth of all archaeological Russian expeditions work in the Krasnodar Territory.

About black archaeologists

In addition to historians and archaeologists, amateurs are also looking for treasures. They sell found weapons, jewelry, and marble figurines on the black market or look for buyers on the Internet.

Even numerous amendments to the Law on Protection do not stop such diggers. Measures against them are directly contained in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Treasure hunters who do not have official permission to excavate face sanctions in the form of a ban on using search and equipment, but they stubbornly continue their work, justifying themselves with the desire to diversify life and have a good time.

This kind of hobby doesn't come cheap. As a rule, a regular metal detector costs several tens of thousands of rubles, not to mention more advanced devices. Demand creates supply: in Krasnodar alone, many online stores offer similar equipment.

Treasure hunters and the law

Through efforts, several historical monuments have already been destroyed. It comes to the point that archaeologists are organizing guard posts and vigils around historically significant objects in order to prevent vandalism.

The Civil Code of the Russian Federation (its 233rd article) defines treasure as hidden money or valuable objects (by any means), the owner of which cannot be determined. Citizens who find objects that can be regarded as historical or cultural values ​​are required to hand them over to the state. At the same time, they have the right to a legal reward worth half of what was found. But many are in no hurry to make their valuable findings public. After all, you can get a lot more for them on the black market.

Treasure hunting is a hobby that some Russians enjoy, and a metal detector is an almost necessary assistant. Some treasure hunters are very successful and make money from their hobby, but questions arise about the legality of the excavations. The Criminal Code provides for quite severe penalties for violating treasure hunting rules, so it is imperative to know the nuances of the legislation when going in search of artifacts. Where you can dig with a metal detector under the new law, what penalties are provided in 2018 for violating the legislation on treasure hunting.

Does the law allow treasure hunting in principle?

This needs to be dealt with in more detail. On the one hand, the law allows treasure hunting as such, but at the same time it imposes such restrictions on such activities that in fact most treasure hunters violate the criminal code and take quite a lot of risks.

When engaging in treasure hunting, you need to be guided by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, according to which a person, if he is not a professional archaeologist or a person of another profession who has been issued a special document - a permit, or an open sheet - has no right to damage or destroy a cultural layer.

The whole question is what is considered a cultural layer in this case. According to Russian law, a cultural layer is a layer in the ground or under water that contains traces of human existence that are more than 100 years old.

In this sense, Russian law is more specific than Soviet law, which vaguely spoke about previous eras, but did not give a specific line beyond which these eras begin in the understanding of the legislator.

Thus, you have the right to conduct searches only where there clearly cannot be any traces of human activity that are more than a hundred years old. And there are not many such places. They may be:

  • used in agriculture, a field that is plowed annually and where no cultural layer remains,
  • a public beach, where there is also no cultural layer, so the finds are not archaeological objects,
  • other places where human settlements and other traces of human activity more than a century ago are not clearly recorded.

In the latter case, it is worth understanding that if you nevertheless discover some kind of find that is more than a hundred years old, by law you are obliged to hand it over to the state, because everything that is in the cultural layers and all archaeological objects are by law the property of the state.

What is the penalty for breaking the law?

The same article of the criminal code - 243.2 - provides for quite severe penalties for violating the cultural layer and for searching for artifacts that are more than a hundred years old. In this case, the metal detector in your hands acts as an aggravating circumstance, so you may face one of the following sanctions:

  • fine up to 1 million rubles,
  • a fine in the amount of the offender’s income for 5 years,
  • deprivation of the right to work in certain positions for up to 5 years,
  • forced labor for up to 5 years,
  • imprisonment for up to 6 years.

In fact, any discovery you make in 2018 could qualify you for the article if it dates back to an earlier era than the start of the Russian Civil War.

According to Russian law, a cultural layer is any trinket that was dropped by some peasant more than a hundred years ago. If you find a rusty horse shoe underground that fell off before the revolution, you risk becoming accused in a criminal case.

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