Home Wisdom teeth Infusion of sage leaves instructions for use. Sage leaves (Salviae folia)

Infusion of sage leaves instructions for use. Sage leaves (Salviae folia)

Sage is a healing and mystical plant. They say that if you see him in a dream, good luck awaits you in work and love affairs. The healing properties of sage have been known since ancient times.

In Egypt, remedies from this plant were given to women who could not have children. In addition, the Egyptians used the plant as protection against such a terrible disease as the plague. The ancient Greeks also believed in the healing power of sage. They used sage for "Greek tea."

Healers and sages - Pliny the Elder, Hippocrates and Galen advised the use of the medicinal plant in question in order to normalize the functioning of the stomach and liver. In addition, sage remedies helped improve the functioning of the senses. Dioscorides considered this herb sacred. He recommended using it for infertility treatment. Sage was also valued in the Middle Ages. It was used in the fight against dermal pathologies.

Sage is also widely used in modern alternative medicine. Medicines from the plant are recommended to be used for the treatment of pathologies of the nervous system, cardiovascular diseases - atherosclerosis, hypertension, diseases of the upper respiratory tract and dermis, gynecological ailments, and joint diseases. Alcohol tinctures, extracts, oils, decoctions, and infusions today treat infertility in men and women and diabetes mellitus.

Products from the plant are also used for rinsing the mouth for inflammatory pathologies (stomatitis, gingivitis). Sage is also useful for women's health. It is used for painful periods and menopause. Do you know what sage looks like? Salvia officinalis is a herbaceous perennial or subshrub, belongs to the Lamiaceae family and reaches a height of 60 centimeters.

The plant is endowed with erect, branched, whitish, somewhat pubescent stems, opposite petioles, fluffy, finely toothed, woody, wrinkled, grayish-green leaves, blue, purple, pink or white two-lipped flowers. Sage blooms at the end of the summer period. The birthplace of the miraculous plant is Asia Minor. Moldova, Ukraine, Crimea - habitat.

Composition and medicinal properties of sage. Both the leaves and seeds of the plant are healing. You can purchase both the first and second at any pharmacy or online store. The average price of seeds is 90 rubles, leaves - 45 rubles. Sage, the medicinal properties of which are determined by its rich composition, is endowed with a large number of useful, nutritious substances necessary for the functioning of the human body.

It contains a significant amount of:

  • phytoncides;
  • bitter substances;
  • phenolcarboxylic acids: caffeic, rosemary, chlorogenic;
  • essential oils;
  • cineole;
  • linalool;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • camphor;
  • tannin;
  • borneol;
  • tannins;
  • vitamins P and PP;
  • flavonoids;
  • alkaloids;
  • resins;
  • triterpenoids;
  • acetic acid;
  • fatty oils;
  • coumarin.

Sage: medicinal properties and indications for use. The plant is very useful. Regular use of formulations based on it will help strengthen the immune system. Sage is a great alternative to pills. The plant is especially useful for memory disorders.

To date, the following effects of the herb on the human body are known:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • hemostatic;
  • antimicrobial;
  • restorative;
  • immunostimulating;
  • astringent;
  • antispasmodic;
  • hepatoprotective;
  • antiulcer;
  • painkiller;
  • disinfectant;
  • diuretic;
  • expectorant;
  • antipyretic.

Medicines from sage help:

  • strengthening the immune system;
  • preventing the development of atherosclerosis;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • normalization of metabolic processes;
  • removing toxic substances and waste from the body;
  • improving the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • decreased permeability of the walls of capillaries and blood vessels;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • relief of pain and spasms;
  • normalization of the functioning of the gonads;
  • improving the functioning of the central nervous system.

The plant is recommended for use in the treatment of: eczema, psoriasis, dermatitis. Menopause, painful menstruation, stomatitis, gingivitis, bleeding gums, gumboil, sore throat, gastritis, colitis, hypertension, atherosclerosis, joint pathologies, tuberculosis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, cough, frostbite, hemorrhoids, migraine.

In Bulgaria, the foliage is used as a drug to limit sweating. Sage is also useful for women during menopause. The use of the plant helps eliminate the unpleasant symptoms of menopause. In Poland, sage is used as an anti-inflammatory, astringent and disinfectant.

Products from the plant in question are also used by people who know first-hand what hair loss is. The Germans value sage for its beneficial effects on the central nervous system. It is prescribed for night sweats and hand tremors. The plant is also popular among cosmetologists. Essential oils are often used to improve the condition of the skin. Decoctions of the plant are used to rinse hair. Sage, or rather the substances it contains, help heal and strengthen hair, as well as stimulate its growth.

Moreover, sage is useful for people suffering from problems such as dandruff and oily shine. Thanks to its antibacterial effect, the plant is an indispensable assistant in the fight against rashes, acne and oily sheen. Regular use of formulations with sage oil will help rejuvenate the dermis, eliminate oily shine, eliminate fine wrinkles and improve the health of the skin. This plant is medicinal. But it, like other medicinal plants, has contraindications for use.

If you have never taken a product from the plant before, make sure that you are not allergic to the substances in the plant. To begin with, it is recommended to conduct a skin test. Apply a little mixture to your wrist and wait a couple of minutes. If there is no redness, itching or burning as such, you can safely use the medicine. As for internal use, you need to start with a minimum dosage. If after taking it you feel exceptionally better, then you are not allergic to sage, and you can safely use it for medicinal purposes.

As for contraindications, sage preparations are not recommended for use during pregnancy, breastfeeding, hypotension, decreased thyroid function, and nephritis. People suffering from epilepsy and cough with sputum should not be treated with the compositions of the plant in question. Small children should not be treated with products from the plant. Do not abuse medications or exceed the dosages and proportions indicated in the recipes. If you experience nausea, vomiting, malaise, dizziness, or abdominal pain, stop taking the product and seek help from a qualified physician.

Beneficial properties of sage for coughs and pathologies of the dermis, as well as why sage helps pregnant women

The beneficial properties of sage are determined primarily by its rich composition. The plant is widely used in both medicine and cosmetology. Sage, whose leaves and seeds are endowed with beneficial properties, is useful and effective in the fight against various pathologies.

Several species of the plant in question are medicinal, in particular meadow and nutmeg. The plant is useful for the entire gastrointestinal tract. Sage is included in various herbs that help increase the secretory function of the stomach, normalize intestinal motility, as well as treat colitis, gastritis, and cholecystitis. Sage is a medicinal plant that has astringent, diuretic and hemostatic properties. This plant is useful for women.

It helps eliminate hot flashes and increased sweating during menopause, as well as normalize menstruation and minimize pain during menstruation. In modern times, drugs based on it are prescribed to women suffering from infertility, as well as to couples who, for various reasons, cannot conceive a child. There are many reasons for infertility. But the leading one is still ovulation disorder.

If the egg does not leave the ovary, fertilization will not occur and pregnancy will not occur. Female sex hormones are responsible for regulating the fertilization process. Under the influence of a sharp increase in the level of estrogen and luteinizing hormone, somewhere in the middle of the menstrual cycle, the follicle bursts in the ovary.

A mature egg comes out to meet sperm. If the follicle does not receive the necessary signal, ovulation does not occur. Sage phytohormones help stimulate the synthesis of natural hormones, as well as compensate for the lack of estrogen levels in the blood. Often, when planning a pregnancy, an infusion is prescribed.

Regular use of the medication will help:

  • improving the state of hormonal levels in the female body;
  • accelerating follicle growth and ensuring normal functioning of the ovaries;
  • increasing the chances of successful conception;
  • rapid recovery of the myometrium;
  • increase in endometrial thickness.

The herb is also effective for representatives of the stronger half of society. Taking an infusion of the plant in question stimulates testosterone production, increases spermatogenesis and sexual activity. Often, if a couple is unable to conceive, both partners undergo therapy. Sage increases the chances of getting pregnant.

Several recommendations regarding the use of the plant. It is necessary to take folk remedies, as well as medications, after prior consultation with your doctor. This is especially important if you are seriously thinking about conceiving a child. Remember, inappropriate use of medications is fraught with disastrous consequences.

  1. From what day and how much should you take sage? Experts recommend starting treatment with the plant from the first day after menstruation. Duration of therapy is two weeks. Then comes a break. On the first day of the break you need to do an ultrasound. This is needed to find out whether the treatment was effective or ineffective.
  2. Where to get raw materials? Many people prefer to use independently collected raw materials. However, it should be understood that grass that was collected and prepared incorrectly may have half as many beneficial properties. In this case, therapy may be ineffective. Therefore, it is preferable to use pharmacy fees. They are tested and certified.
  3. How to prepare the medicine? It is necessary to steam 20 grams of raw material in boiled water - 200 ml. Next, the container, covered with a lid, should be set aside in a warm place for half an hour. Filter. It is not recommended to prepare the product for future use. It is preferable to use fresh infusion.
  4. How to take the medicine? You need to drink ¼ glass of the drink three times a day. Duration of therapy is 30-90 days.

Before you start taking the infusion, make sure that you have no contraindications to this method of therapy. It is not recommended to use the infusion for girls with uterine fibroids, endometriosis, polycystic ovary syndrome, hypothyroidism, individual intolerance, hypertension, and nephritis.

Sometimes there is a need to stop lactation. If you don’t need to do this urgently, you can use sage, the beneficial properties of which you already know. The medicine is prepared as follows. Brew a spoonful of chopped sage herb in a glass of boiled water. Leave the product for an hour. Take 1/3 cup after meals. The duration of the course is seven days. You can use dosed filter bags for bulk collection. You can buy packaged sage at the pharmacy. For the treatment of colds accompanied by cough, it is recommended to use the following remedy.

Brew the dried plant in an amount of twenty grams with boiling water. Place the container on the stove and wait until it boils. Rinse your mouth with the mixture at least four times a day. This remedy is also useful for gumboil, stomatitis, gingivitis, and pharyngitis.

The decoction helps eliminate inflammation and itching, cleanses the dermis, accelerates the wound healing process and restores the dermis. For the treatment of acne, targeted use of the product is recommended. In other cases, it is recommended to use lotions and rinses.

What do sage tea, sage infusion and other folk and medicinal remedies from sage help with?

Sage infusion is used to treat a variety of pathologies, in particular cough and sore throat with sore throat and other colds (for rinsing the mouth), gastrointestinal pathologies, including flatulence. Tea with sage has an immunostimulating, restorative and anti-inflammatory effect and helps strengthen the immune system, eliminate inflammation, and stimulate ovulation. If you don’t have a particular desire to prepare the products yourself, you can always buy already prepared drugs at a pharmacy or online store.

Today the following drugs and products are produced based on the plant in question:

  • sage oil Average cost - 120 rubles;
  • lozenges. Average cost - 150 rubles;
  • tea. The average price is 40 rubles.

Sage oil is used for cosmetic purposes, as well as for mouth rinsing and cold compresses. The tablets are prescribed to treat colds accompanied by a severe cough. The use of sage tea is more common than other forms. It is used both for the treatment and prevention of gastrointestinal diseases, skin diseases, and liver diseases.

Alternative medicine preparations from sage:

  1. Using sage infusion. Brew 15 g of chopped sage with boiling water - 300 ml. Let the product sit for a while. Drink ½ cup of the strained mixture after each sitting at the table.
  2. Atherosclerosis, central nervous system diseases: treatment with tincture. Pour a couple of spoons of dry sage leaves with half a liter of alcohol. Infuse the composition in a cold place for thirty days. You need to take twenty drops of the composition twice a day.
  3. Preparation of a stimulant drug. Pour 100 g of sage leaves with a liter of grape wine. Set aside for a week. Drink 30 ml of the drug twice a day.
  4. Pathologies of the bronchi and lungs: treatment with sage. Brew a spoonful of dry sage with milk - 300 ml. Drink half a glass of the drug twice a day.
  5. Composition for improving memory. Grind the sage leaves to a powder consistency. Take three grams of the medicine three times a day. Take it with water.
  6. Multiple sclerosis: treatment with infusion. Brew a spoonful of the plant with boiling water - 0.5 liters. Insist for an hour. Drink half a glass of medicine four times a day.
  7. Sage baths. Brew 100 grams of sage in three liters of boiling water. Boil the mixture over low heat for ten minutes. Pour the strained mixture into a bathtub filled with hot water. Such procedures help strengthen the immune system, improve mood and general health, as well as treat the skin. The duration of the procedure is 15 minutes. For preventive purposes, water procedures are recommended to be carried out once a week, and for therapeutic purposes - twice a week.
  8. Sage infusion in the fight against dandruff. Steam 20 grams of dried plant herbs in 200 ml of boiled water. Use a filtered hair rinse after shampooing.
  9. Mask for those with dry dermis. Combine oatmeal - 20 grams with yogurt, sour cream or cream - the same amount. Add sage essential oil to the mixture - three drops. Apply the composition to the cleansed dermis of the face for 10 minutes. After the procedure, wash in warm water.
  10. A product for those with oily dermis. In order to eliminate excess fat and other related problems, it is recommended to use lotion. Steam 15 grams of the plant's herb in a glass of boiled water. Let it brew. Strain the mixture and combine in equal proportions with apple cider vinegar. Use lotion to wipe the dermis of the face twice a day. The product should be stored refrigerated.
  11. Preparation of restorative tea. Combine sage with mint (10 grams of each component) and anise seeds - 5 g. Brew the mixture with boiling water - 200 ml. Let the composition sit for a while. Drink ¼ cup of the drug three times a day. If desired, you can add honey. The duration of the course is three weeks.

Sage is one of the most useful and effective plants that helps cure a large number of diseases. You already know how to cook, how and how much to use the product. The main thing is not to overuse the ingredients and strictly follow the proportions and dosages. Judicious and regular use of sage will bring you exceptional benefits.

Salvia officinalis has been used in folk medicine since ancient times. The healing properties of the plant are described in the works of healers of Ancient Greece, Egypt and Rome. The legendary physician Hippocrates called Sage a “sacred herb” and advised its use for general strengthening and rejuvenation of the body, as well as the treatment of a number of diseases.

The homeland of this herb is the Mediterranean, from where Sage came to other regions with trade caravans.

Note:Salvia officinalis should not be confused with Meadow sage, which grows almost everywhere in our country. Only the first type is characterized by healing properties, since it contains a significantly higher content of biologically active substances.

Salvia officinalis is a herbaceous cross-pollinated perennial plant or subshrub belonging to the Lamiaceae family. The height of the straight branched stems, woody at the base, reaches 70 cm. The leaves are gray-green, densely pubescent, oblong in shape. Flowers with purple corollas are collected in inflorescences. Flowering time is June-July, and the fruits ripen in late summer - early autumn.

This herb is not found in the wild on the territory of the Russian Federation, but is cultivated almost everywhere. The grass is an excellent honey plant.

Salvia officinalis leaves, as well as grass tops with inflorescences, are prepared as medicinal raw materials, which are dried in well-ventilated attics or under a canopy. The plant substrate is stored in bags in rooms with low humidity levels.

The leaves, as well as the inflorescences of the plant contain a large amount of aromatic essential oil. Organic acids (formic and acetic), pinene, bioflavonoids, tannins, camphor, vitamins B1, and tannins, paradiphenol, salvin phytoncide and the terpenoid compound linalool were found in Sage. The seeds contain a lot of fatty oil and proteins, and coumarin was found in the roots of the unique plant.

Beneficial features

For what diseases is Sage indicated?

Medicines based on Salvia officinalis are indicated for the following diseases and pathological conditions:

  • various diseases of the digestive tract;
  • pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract (in particular - and);
  • viral infections (as a general tonic to enhance immunity);
  • spicy and ;
  • neuritis;
  • diabetes;
  • polyarthritis;
  • radiculitis;
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (,);
  • bronchial (to relieve attacks);
  • a number of dermatological diseases (including mycoses);
  • chronic fatigue;
  • hysteria;
  • increased sweating.

Note:Externally, Sage preparations are prescribed for the speedy healing of wounds, thermal wounds, and ulcers.

Sage contains a high concentration of plant analogues of estrogens, so it is used for disorders characteristic of menopause in women (nervousness and hot flashes). The hemostatic effect helps reduce blood loss during heavy and prolonged menstruation.

A decoction of Sage herb is used to prepare sitz baths for.

Sage is part of gastric preparations that help fight flatulence, improve motility of the digestive tract, improve appetite and stimulate the secretion and discharge of bile.

The plant can strengthen general immunity, increase mental activity and physical endurance.

Note:The pleasant-smelling essential oil of Sage is used in aromatherapy to relieve fatigue and relieve psycho-emotional stress.In cosmetology, decoctions are prescribed to combat dandruff and to reduce oily skin.

Contraindications to the use of Sage

Salvia officinalis preparations should not be taken in case of acute inflammation of the kidneys (decreased production of thyroid hormones), as well as in case of individual hypersensitivity to the active substances.

Since the medicinal herb has estrogenic properties, it is strictly contraindicated in women diagnosed with polycystic disease, fibroids or.

Another contraindication to taking Sage medications is pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Salvia officinalis contains a large number of active phytohormones, which in their nature of action are close to female sex hormones. Biologically active compounds in the herb compensate for the lack of estrogen and stimulate the process of their production. Thanks to this, the plant can help with problems caused by disturbances in the ovulation process.

In order for conception to occur, it is recommended to take a water infusion of Sage, starting from the 3-4th day of menstruation until the moment when the egg is expected to reach its largest size. In particular, with a regular 28-day cycle, taking the drug should be completed on days 11-12. After ovulation, Salvia preparations cannot be taken, as they increase the tone of the muscles of the uterus and fallopian tubes and can interfere with the attachment of a fertilized egg.

Sage infusion recipe for infertility

Take 1 tbsp. l. dried and thoroughly crushed leaves of the plant and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Infuse in a well-sealed container for 15 minutes, then cool and strain. Drink a third of a glass 4 times a day.

If conception has not occurred, then it is advisable to take the Sage infusion according to the previous regimen for another 1-2 cycles. This course of infertility treatment can be carried out no more than 3 times per year.

Infusions and decoctions of Salvia officinalis are strictly contraindicated for pregnant women, since stimulation of uterine tone can cause spontaneous abortion (miscarriage) or premature birth. It should also be taken into account that the active substances of the medicinal herb reduce the biosynthesis of progesterone, which is necessary during pregnancy.

For the same reason, you should not take Sage during breastfeeding, although it is completely safe for infants.

If for some reason you need to stop lactation, then the herb infusion will help reduce the level of synthesis of the hormone prolactin, as a result of which the production of breast milk will gradually decrease.

Important:Sage helps fight mastitis and congestion in the mammary gland.

Recipe for Sage tea to reduce lactation

Take 1 tsp. chopped dry herb (or 1 whole stalk with inflorescence) and pour 200 ml of boiling water. Leave for 10 minutes, cool, strain and take a third of a glass 3 times a day.

Recipe for Salvia officinalis decoction for rinsing and external use

This decoction is used to make lotions, baths and douches for gynecological and skin diseases, as well as diseases of the throat and oral mucosa

Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry leaves or 2-3 stems with inflorescences, pour 200 ml of water and place in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Cool the finished broth, strain and add boiled water to the original volume.

Immediately before the procedure, it is recommended to warm the drug to body temperature. The finished broth can be prepared for future use and stored in the refrigerator, but no more than 12 hours.

Sage decoction is used for rinsing for dental diseases (gingivitis and stomatitis), as well as for rubbing gums with removable dentures and for inflammation of the socket after tooth extraction. For rinsing, 200 ml of the drug is used. Frequency of application – 5-6 times a day.

For laryngitis, sore throat and sore throat due to acute respiratory infections, rinsing with a decoction 4-5 times a day is recommended. The anti-inflammatory and bactericidal properties of the herb allow you to quickly relieve the symptoms of the disease.

Douching and sitz baths with a decoction are indicated for vaginitis and cervical erosion. It is recommended to carry out the procedures 2 times a day. The optimal temperature of the drug is about 38°C.

For wounds and frostbite of the skin, as well as for the treatment of fungal diseases, neurodermatitis and psoriasis, the affected areas should be washed with a decoction 4 times a day. Sage will help reduce swelling and relieve itching. In addition, the grass promotes rapid tissue regeneration. If the wound is festering, then instead of washing it is advisable to use blotting using clean gauze soaked in the broth.

For seborrhea, dandruff and alopecia (hair loss), you should rinse your hair with the broth after washing.

Recipe for infusion for oral administration for bloating, to improve bile flow and treat bronchitis

Take 1 tbsp. l. crushed dry inflorescences or leaves of the plant, pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave in a tightly closed container for half an hour.

In case of impaired intestinal motility and flatulence, drink a quarter glass 4 times a day half an hour before meals. A course of treatment is indicated; Course duration – 7 days.

As a mucolytic and expectorant for bronchitis, it is advisable to prepare an infusion using milk instead of water. Take 100 ml hot three times a day.

In pharmacy chains you can purchase alcoholic tinctures of Sage, as well as preparations containing an extract of this medicinal herb (Salvin).

Sage for children

For children of preschool and high school age, baths with Sage decoction are recommended as a general tonic (additionally, it is recommended to add sea salt). You can make lotions with a decoction to heal wounds, treat burns and reduce swelling from bruises.

Children of the older age group should drink water infusions mixed with milk and honey or do inhalations when coughing. If you are allergic to honey, you can replace it with butter.

Plisov Vladimir, herbalist

The medicinal plant sage has been known and used since ancient times. The famous scientists Hippocrates and Dioscorides called sage a “sacred herb.” This plant has many unique properties and is traditionally used for gargling for sore throat, chronic tonsillitis, gingivitis, and stomatitis. Sage has a calming effect on the nervous system; it is useful to use for increased nervous excitability and irritability, nervous tension during stress, and it relieves nervous tension after intense work. Sage tea brings significant relief from colds in the autumn-winter period. Dry sage is also used in cooking as a spice for various vegetable, meat and fish dishes, and for making sauces.

An infusion of sage leaves is used for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Sage baths are effective for skin diseases. "Sacred Herb" cleanses blood vessels. It is used because it contains many phytohormones. A large number of essential oils, vitamins, acids, alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins are part of sage.

Contraindications to its use are pregnancy, breastfeeding (it suppresses milk production), polycystic ovary syndrome, increased estrogen levels. In case of prolonged delay of menstruation (amenorrhea), treatment with sage is also contraindicated. It should be used with caution and only under the supervision of a doctor for hypothyroidism - a long-term and persistent lack of hormones. Experts often recommend replacing sage with other phytoestrogens - raspberry leaves, hops or linden.

In women, when there is a deficiency, sage often causes the degeneration of follicles into cysts. This can lead to persistence - a violation of the maturation of the follicle, in which it does not open due to lack of ovulation. Some women regularly use drugs, decoctions, and even with normal follicle development, which poses a danger due to the unpredictability of the effects of sage on the body.

When using sage internally, using folk recipes, you should strictly adhere to the dosage when preparing and consuming medicines. Otherwise, exceeding the dose threatens intoxication of the body and headaches. Sage-based preparations should be used for no more than three months. Then a break is taken for 20 days, then the next course can be carried out. Official medicine does not allow internal use of sage.

This plant is not recommended for use for debilitating coughs, as it significantly intensifies attacks. Sage is contraindicated in acute kidney inflammation, pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis, menstrual irregularities, low blood pressure (hypotension). Before using sage-based products, be sure to consult a specialist. This is a basic rule that requires strict adherence. Take care of your health!

Sage is a perennial herb whose healing properties can hardly be overestimated. Its beneficial effects on the body are very multifaceted. Medicinal compositions made from sage are used not only to cure all possible ailments, but also to alleviate painful conditions and for the purpose of prevention. Sage has been used as a medicinal drug for a long time. Ancient Greek healers knew about its healing properties and widely used this plant in their practice. This miracle herb is also mentioned in the works of Hippocrates. Italian lands are considered the starting point for the widespread spread of sage (salvia). The plant spread along trade routes, winning more and more admirers.

Sage as a medicinal plant

Modern official medicine also could not ignore it. Scientists have studied sage in detail - the medicinal properties and contraindications, as well as possible side effects from its use, have been identified and systematized. Now this knowledge is successfully used to specifically resolve various health problems in patients. It should be noted that in Russia, with the exception of the Krasnodar Territory and the Crimean Peninsula, the medicinal form of sage is not found in the wild. But it is widely cultivated as a garden plant.

There are also wild varieties of cultivated grass. But meadow sage grows everywhere, but its healing abilities are expressed to a much lesser extent. Official medicine does not recognize it as a medicinal plant. The leaves, as well as the apical parts of sage along with the inflorescences, are used for medicinal purposes. The grass (by the way, it often takes the form of a subshrub) begins to bloom only in the second year of life.

The flowers, as well as the green foliage, exude a pleasant tart aroma due to their high content of essential oils. It should be noted that sage is heat-loving; severe frost can completely destroy it. But it tolerates drought well and does not need special care. Therefore, it can often be seen in garden plots. It is also suitable for apiaries - it is a honey plant.

Sage - medicinal properties and contraindications

Having examined the chemical composition of sage, we discovered the presence of essential oils in all its parts. There are various odorous substances present here, including camphor.

Composition of the plant. Sage contains alkaloids, flavonoids, phytoestrogens, tannins, vitamin and mineral compounds. This composition ensures its versatile effect on the human body. This plant is used as a raw material for the preparation of decoctions, essential oils, infusions, alcohol tinctures, and tablet preparations.

Sage is used externally for:

  • Compresses.
  • Mask.
  • Wraps.
  • Lotion.
  • Bath.

In addition, it is suitable for vaginal douching, enemas, rinsing and oral administration. It is also impossible not to note the widespread use of sage oil for aromatherapy.

Properties of Salvia officinalis

Sage has a number of medicinal properties that have found application in various fields of medicine and have been used for many centuries to cure various diseases. During the research, the following properties were identified in salvia:

  • Anti-inflammatory.
  • Antimicrobial.
  • Antifungal (weakly expressed).
  • Antioxidant.
  • Immunomodulatory.
  • Regenerative (stimulate tissue regeneration).
  • Decongestant and tonic.
  • Expectorants.
  • Diuretics.
  • Astringents.
  • Antitoxic.
  • Hemostatic.
  • Painkillers.
  • Sedatives.
  • Antisecretory (inhibit the work of the sweat and sebaceous glands, but stimulate the secretion of digestive enzymes, a choleretic agent).

So, all the healing properties of the plant have been identified, studied, and now they are successfully used to solve various health problems. It is prescribed for the treatment of colds, female diseases and menopause, to normalize the functions of the gastrointestinal tract, and for some dental problems. It also helps with diabetes, rheumatism, hemorrhoids, atherosclerosis, arthritis, stomatitis, hyperhidrosis, diarrhea, neuritis, cystitis. It is also used in dermatology, traumatology, cosmetology and as an aromatic additive.

Contraindications and precautions

Despite the many beneficial properties, sage has some limitations in its use. It is recommended to refrain from using it in the following cases.

  1. When epilepsy manifests itself.
  2. During gestation.
  3. At the stage of feeding the baby with breast milk.
  4. For kidney problems.
  5. In case of dysfunction of the thyroid gland.
  6. Before reaching the age of five (especially when using essential oil preparations).
  7. If there are problems with blood pressure (hypo- or hypertension).
  8. With high levels of estrogen and associated diseases - endometriosis, breast tumor, polycystic disease, fibroids, etc.
  9. In the presence of allergic intolerance and individual rejection.

It should also be remembered that sage has a pronounced expectorant effect. Therefore, when treating a cold, it should be used only to facilitate the discharge of sputum in the initial stages of the disease. Further use of drugs with sage will stimulate its strengthening, rather than cure. Strictly speaking, long-term continuous use of sage is contraindicated in any case. This may lead to poisoning. After a course of therapy (up to 1 month, maximum 3) you should take a break.

Possible side effects

If the dosage is exceeded, as well as as a side effect, the following is observed:

  • Dizziness, migraines.
  • Itching, redness of the skin.
  • Sudden change in pressure.
  • Drowsiness.
  • Decline in appetite.
  • Signs of poisoning.
  • Epileptic seizures.
  • Hallucinations.

Infusion and decoction of sage - how to prepare medicine at home

Essential oil, tincture, tablets and lozenges with sage can be purchased at the pharmacy. But you can prepare the product for both internal and external use yourself.

Decoction. Dry grass is poured with raw water 1:10. When using a fresh plant, the ratio changes to 1:5. The liquid is brought to a boil and kept on low heat for 15 minutes.

Infusion. The raw materials are poured with boiling water and placed in a thermos until completely cooled, or kept in a steam bath for about an hour. Do not allow the mixture to boil! The proportions are the same as when making a decoction. For oral administration, both infusion and decoction should be diluted with water after preparation (approximately 1:4). For rinsing, more concentrated formulations are used, and for an enema they can not be diluted at all, as for external application.

Tincture. 3 large spoons of raw material are poured with half a liter of vodka and left for about a month. When using alcohol, its ratio to dry herb should be 10:1. For oral administration, the tincture is diluted with water.

Use of sage - at home and traditional medicine

Sage is widely used in folk medicine, and quite successfully, it helps against various diseases.

Sage infusion. Effective for colds (facilitates expectoration, reduces swelling of the mucous membrane), helps normalize glucose levels, relieves inflammation and relieves pain in gastrointestinal diseases. It is used externally in the treatment of rashes (including acne) and other dermatological diseases, as a wound healing agent, as well as to strengthen and stimulate hair growth. It is also used for atherosclerosis and for the treatment of gynecological diseases, including infertility. The decoction is used in the form of rinses to treat stomatitis, periodontal disease, to eliminate toothaches, and also during sore throat. It can also be used in the form of inhalations.

Sage tea. Use a decoction of pleasant concentration. It is convenient to prepare tea using pharmaceutical bagged herbs.

Drinking a drink:

  • as a diuretic and antiperspirant;
  • for colds to alleviate the condition and reduce intoxication;
  • for colitis and other problems with the gastrointestinal tract to relieve pain and normalize functions;
  • if necessary, cessation of lactation;
  • to smooth out menopausal conditions;
  • as an immunostimulating and restorative agent;
  • to relieve stress and prevent chronic stress conditions;
  • for the prevention and treatment of sclerotic vascular damage;
  • as a tonic that helps activate thought processes.

Sage oil. It is used externally in cosmetic formulations. Also used for preparing baths, compresses and lotions. Helps with problem skin, effective in reducing pain from injuries and joint pain. Used in aromatherapy for relaxation and prevention of chronic stress conditions.

Salvia oily extract. Applicable for:

  • rinses for dental problems to relieve inflammation, disinfection and reduce the intensity of pain;
  • oral administration for inflammation and ulceration of the gastric mucosa, cholecystitis, bronchitis;
  • solutions to dermatological problems (topical application);
  • cosmetic purposes (rejuvenation, improvement of skin condition, treatment of acne and acne, strengthening hair follicles, combating excess sweating).

Sage tincture. Used for rinsing for inflammatory and infectious lesions of the oral cavity and pharynx. Helps with atherosclerosis (it is also effective for preventing its development), diarrhea, cystitis, spasms of the digestive tubes, and activates the nervous system. It also helps relieve menopausal symptoms.

Sage tablets. Tablets (lozenges) should be kept in the mouth until completely dissolved (dissolved). Used for sore throat. These tablets help relieve pain, swelling, have an antimicrobial effect and accelerate the regeneration of damaged mucous membranes. Use according to instructions.

Sage for the treatment of respiratory organs. Salvia as an integral component is included in pharmacy breast preparations. The plant is also used as an independent medicine to solve various problems with the respiratory system. It provides significant assistance in the fight against lung diseases, including tuberculosis. For colds, salvia has a number of positive effects.

  1. Relieves swelling of the mucous membrane.
  2. Eliminates headaches.
  3. Stimulates the functioning of the immune system.
  4. Fights germs.
  5. Stimulates the production of sputum and facilitates its removal.
  6. Relieves sore throat.
  7. Helps get rid of toxins.
  8. Tones and alleviates the general condition.

For this purpose, various pharmaceutical preparations, as well as home remedies, are used.

Sage for hemorrhoids. When hemorrhoids appear, a decoction of sage will help relieve the condition, relieve pain and itching, stop bleeding, and block the inflammatory process. It is consumed in the form of tea, and is also used to prepare enemas and warm sitz baths. Before administering the decoction through the rectum, a cleansing procedure must first be carried out. Then 100 ml of undiluted decoction is administered, after which you should not get up for about 20 minutes. The procedure is carried out once a day for a seven-day course.

Help for salvia in the field of gynecology. Phytohormones and aphrodisiacs were found in sage, so this plant is used to normalize various disorders in the sexual sphere, as well as to solve many gynecological problems.

  1. Frigidity is eliminated.
  2. Infertility is treated.
  3. Hormonal imbalance is eliminated.
  4. Menstrual cycles are normalized, the process itself is facilitated, and the volume of discharge is reduced.
  5. Prevents and stops bleeding
  6. Inflammations are stopped and their causes are eliminated.
  7. Labor activity improves.
  8. Breast milk production is suppressed.

To obtain these effects, tea, decoctions, and tinctures are used. They are needed for internal use, douching and preparing sitz baths. For infertility, an infusion of salvia leaves and seeds is used. The course is carried out as prescribed by the gynecologist, who also monitors the patient’s condition. It can also be prescribed for men.

Treatment with sage helps eliminate the lack of estrogen responsible for:

  • among women - for the formation of follicular structures, growth of the intrauterine lining, normalization of menstruation, increased desire;
  • in men – for maintaining sexual function, increasing libido, sperm viability.

But excess estrogen causes serious consequences, so uncontrolled use of sage remedies is unacceptable.

Sage and cessation of lactation. Sometimes situations arise when a woman needs to reduce or completely stop the release of breast milk. Sage tea will help here. It smoothly reduces the secretion of the mammary glands, so the process is easily tolerated by women. It is also recommended to treat the breasts with oily sage extract to prevent the development of inflammation and the appearance of lumps.

Salvia for menopause. The menopausal period is characterized by the appearance of various unpleasant sensations. Many women take it very hard. To alleviate the condition, reduce sweating, relieve pain, eliminate dizziness, and normalize the psycho-emotional sphere, it is recommended to take sage both externally and internally. It is also recommended to use salvia essential oil as an aromatic additive for relaxation.

Residents of our country are very lucky, because in its vastness it is easy to find many useful herbs that can be used to maintain the health of your body. In this case, you can use medicinal, that is, chemically created, medications only as a last resort. Sage herb: instructions for use, benefits and many other interesting things about the plant - in this article.

What kind of plant is this

You need to start with the most basic. So what is sage herb? This is an essential oil crop. The leaves are simple, pinnate. The flowers are bell-shaped, slightly tubular. It should be noted that this plant has been valued as a healing agent since ancient times. This is probably why sage is translated from Latin as “that which promotes health.”

It is important to understand that the sage that grows in meadows and along roads is not suitable as a medicine. Here you will need a completely different type of it. This same representative of this plant does not have such pronounced medicinal abilities.

About plant types

Based on the above, it is also necessary to talk about the fact that sage grass comes in different types. And depending on this, it has different purposes.

  1. Medicinal sage. This is the most familiar and common plant for every resident of our country. It is used in medicine, by the way, also traditional. It can also be useful in industry and cooking.
  2. Ethiopian sage. It is a honey plant and also a material for preparing spices. In folk medicine, only its leaves are used.
  3. Twig sage. Honey plant is also used as a spice. It is especially good for cooking fish.
  4. Sage of the fortunetellers. This type of plant has a hallucinogenic effect, therefore it is highly valued by various magicians and shamans. If used in normal dosage, it has a medicinal effect.
  5. Clary sage. It is used as a flavoring agent for cigarettes, as well as in the confectionery and alcoholic beverage industries. Some claim that it is an excellent aphrodisiac.

Composition of grass

When considering the properties of sage herb, it is also necessary to talk about what this plant consists of. After all, it is in the composition that all its benefits lie.

  1. First of all, this is due to which the plant has a bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effect.
  2. Alkaloids help blood circulate better. They are able to dilate blood vessels, improving blood flow.
  3. Bitter substances primarily have a positive effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. They also improve kidney and liver function, normalize blood sugar and cholesterol levels.
  4. Flavonoids have a laxative and laxative effect. It is also an excellent diuretic.
  5. Phytoncides are useful for the functioning of the heart muscle, and also have a depressing effect on pathogenic microflora.
  6. nicotine, ursol, ascorbic. This complex has many beneficial properties, including cholesterol regulation, removal of toxins, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.
  7. Essential and fatty oils. They have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain, central nervous system, and heart. They also normalize metabolic processes and remove bad cholesterol.
  8. Sage herb also contains B vitamins, which are essential for the human body. They are responsible for the restoration of tissues and cells and also have a positive effect on the functioning of the brain and nervous system.
  9. Other useful substances: vitamins A (promote cell growth), phosphorus (strengthens nerves, important for the production of enzymes), sodium (dilates blood vessels and promotes muscle growth), magnesium (useful for the functioning of the heart, blood vessels and central nervous system), iron (an important participant in oxygen metabolism), zinc (important for protein metabolism, also able to stimulate libido), copper (an antiseptic that has an astringent effect), selenium (increases the body's defenses).

What are the benefits of sage?

So, the subject of our close consideration is the herb sage. How is it useful, and when should it be used? Its beneficial effect is as follows.

  • Sage is beneficial for respiratory health. At the same time, this plant also helps with coughs, as it has an expectorant effect.
  • It is an anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, antimicrobial, and also antifungal agent.
  • It is important for normalizing the processes of the central nervous system.
  • Sage herb is used to adjust metabolic processes.
  • This plant is useful for boosting immunity.
  • Sage is an excellent diuretic that significantly improves kidney function.
  • It has a positive effect on memory and mental activity.
  • We also must not forget that the plant contains a set of phytohormones. And this is extremely useful for the female body.
  • We must also remember that previously this plant, in combination with other natural medicinal preparations, helped women conceive children.

A few more words about the benefits of this plant

What else is the herb sage useful for? So, experts say that this medicinal plant should be taken in the following cases.

  1. For diseases of the upper respiratory tract. These are problems such as pharyngitis, laryngitis, sore throat, tonsillitis.
  2. This plant is excellent for helping with various dental diseases. It can fight gingivitis and stomatitis.
  3. Sage also helps with a wide variety of skin diseases. So, it fights eczema, neurodermatitis, psoriasis, as well as burns and frostbite.
  4. The medicinal herb sage will also be useful for those who have joint problems such as osteochondrosis, articular rheumatism, and degenerative lesions.
  5. This medicinal plant also helps with ulcers, as well as gastritis with low acidity.
  6. Sage is also useful for a variety of disorders in the gastrointestinal tract: spasms, flatulence.
  7. This plant also has a positive effect on the body in a state of fever. First of all, it reduces sweating.

Important information

The medicinal herb sage, if used incorrectly, can also have a negative effect on the body. Therefore, before you start taking this plant for medicinal purposes, it is best to familiarize yourself with all its features.

  • It must be remembered that taking this herb during pregnancy is strictly prohibited. After all, sage is a biologically active plant. Also, drugs based on it are not used during breastfeeding.
  • Sage tea is very useful for diabetics, because its components enhance the action of insulin, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels.
  • Children should also use sage with caution. So, baths from this plant have no contraindications and can be prescribed to children from one year old. But as a treatment for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, sage can be given no earlier than from the age of five. In any case, before using this plant, you should consult your pediatrician.
  • It is believed that sage can also fight infertility. In this case, its unique complex of phytohormones works.

Contraindications to the use of the plant

What else should be mentioned if the herb sage is being considered? The instructions for use state that you should not use medications based on this plant in the following cases:

  • if there is hypersensitivity to the components of a given plant, simply if you are allergic to it;
  • women are prohibited from taking sage if they have elevated levels of progesterone and estrogen, as well as with diseases such as uterine fibroids, polycystic disease and endometriosis;
  • nephritis and kidney inflammation;
  • hypothyroidism (insufficient levels of thyroid hormones in the body).

It is also worth remembering that it is very important to observe the correct dosage of this plant when using it independently and taking it in the form of a medicine, because otherwise, such a medicine may have a negative impact on the functioning of many organs. It is not difficult to understand that a lot of the drug has been taken. In this case, an allergy will appear, or vomiting may also occur.

Sage tea

At this stage, it is already extremely clear what the herb sage is. The instructions for using this plant say: you can prepare both infusions and decoctions from it. The cooking process itself will depend on what kind of disease you need to get rid of.

How to prepare a universal sage infusion? So, to prepare it you need boiling water and dried grass leaves.

  1. Ate dry sage, proportion 1:10 with water.
  2. If the sage is fresh, the proportion is 1:5 with water.

Everything is placed in a thermos for about an hour. After this it is filtered. You don’t have to put the medicine in a thermos. But in this case, it will need to be simmered in a water bath for the same amount of time.

Sage decoction

To prepare a decoction of medicinal herbs, we took sage flowers (dried or fresh), as well as boiling water. The proportion is the same as described above. The only difference in preparing the medicine is that it needs to be boiled over low heat. Time - approximately 15 minutes. Next, the decoction is filtered and taken as medicine. You need to drink this remedy on an empty stomach, half an hour before meals.

Sage for diseases

When else is sage (herb) used? The medicinal properties of this plant are so wide that they can have a positive effect on a wide variety of diseases. It is used in folk medicine.

  1. Dental problems. In this case, you need to rinse your mouth with a decoction or infusion. You can do this every 2-3 hours until the condition improves.
  2. To facilitate expectoration of phlegm, you need to prepare a sage decoction with milk. The proportions are the same. It is best to use this medicine along with honey.
  3. Skin problems: neurodermatitis, psoriasis. In this case, wounds or painful areas should be washed with sage infusion. This should be done at least three times a day. And to get rid of fungus on the skin, you need to blot the affected areas, holding the cotton swab for a couple of minutes.
  4. If there is a problem such as hemorrhoids, you can cope with it with the help of an enema. For this, an infusion is prepared, which is administered once a week. During treatment you should not drink alcohol.
  5. Women's problems. You can cope with thrush or inflammation using douching or sitz baths. In this case, a decoction of sage is used.

Other uses of Salvia officinalis

When else can sage (herb) be used? The instructions read: this plant is widely used in cosmetology. Especially if you have problems with your hair. To cope with dandruff and hair loss, you need to rinse your hair in a decoction of this herb. Next, wrap it in a towel (preferably an old one, since the broth can stain it) and dry it without a hairdryer.

Sage tea

An excellent support remedy is tea from this plant. It’s easy to prepare: you need 1 tsp. dry herbs, pour a glass of boiling water, leave for about 15 minutes. The maximum dose of this drink per day is one glass. This is an excellent prevention of colds, memory problems, and central nervous system support. In addition, it is a good invigorating and uplifting drink.

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