Home Gums Why do bags appear under the eyes? Bags under the eyes are fatty, hernial

Why do bags appear under the eyes? Bags under the eyes are fatty, hernial

A fatty hernia under the eyes is quite common. Such an aesthetic defect can be found both in older people (as a result of natural aging) and in fairly young women and men (in the form of anatomical features of the eye structure). Constant tension in the facial muscles over many years leads to a loss of tone in the muscles surrounding the eye. Such areas tend to sag, and the formed “void” is filled with adipose tissue.

The causes of hernias under the eyes may include:

  • Hereditary predisposition.
  • Reduced density of membrane structures of the eyelids.
  • Violation of the ratio and quantity of hormones.
  • Increased visual load.
  • Stressful situations.
  • Lack of sleep.
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  • Smoking.
  • Alcohol abuse.
  • Environmental air pollution.
  • Difficulty in blood circulation.
  • Individual features of the structure of the skull.

Types of fatty hernias

There are 2 types of hernias based on their location:

  • Hernia in the upper eyelid area. Formed in the inner sub-brow region of the eye.
  • Hernia in the lower eyelid area. Forms directly under the eye and looks like “bags”.

Do I need to get rid of fatty hernias?

When hernias form, it is primarily the aesthetic appearance of a person that suffers (he outwardly appears older), but pathologies also appear physiologically (blood circulation and lymph outflow are disrupted, which makes it difficult to nourish the muscles and leads to swelling, which increases the aesthetic defect). Such changes do not threaten a person’s life, and there are practically no strictly medical indications for removing adipose tissue (with the exception of severe overhanging skin over the eyes, which interferes with the functioning of the ocular apparatus), but if you want to improve your appearance, it is possible to carry out manipulations to remove them.

Methods for correcting the defect

Surgical procedures

Removal of a hernia under the eyes and in the upper eyelid area is carried out mainly by surgical methods. Such techniques allow you to completely remove adipose tissue (in the required amount) and immediately improve facial aesthetics. There are 2 methods.

Scalpel surgery

The operation is performed as part of blepharoplasty. Under local or general anesthesia, the surgeon uses a scalpel to make an incision (if correction of the upper eyelid is necessary, along the natural crease; in the case of plastic surgery of the lower eyelid, along the ciliary edge). Next, special instruments are used to excise excess fatty tissue and skin (if necessary). Subsequently, the incisions are sutured.

The rehabilitation period takes a little less than a couple of weeks, disability lasts 6-20 days. At first, the appearance of the eyelids does not look at all presentable (swelling is noted, bruises may appear). Later, when the wounds heal and tissue function is restored, and the seams are smoothed out and become white, the result can be assessed (after about 3 months).

Transconjunctival scalpel techniques

If removal of excess skin tissue is not required, then manipulation with minimal intervention is possible: surgery to remove a hernia under the eyes (only on the lower eyelid) is performed through the conjunctival tissue. It is carried out through a small incision or needle puncture. After such an intervention, scars do not form on the skin. The recovery period lasts several days. The incision is sutured with self-absorbing threads.

Transconjunctival laser techniques

Laser removal of a hernia under the eyes is performed under local anesthesia. The doctor uses a CO2 laser to make a small incision (up to 4 mm) through the conjunctiva. After that, tissue dilution is carried out and when the adipose tissue is exposed, it is removed using the same laser device. After exposure, the incision is sutured with self-absorbing threads. Advantages: minimally invasive, coagulation of small capillaries during medical manipulation, rapid rehabilitation period.

We must not forget that blepharoplasty is an operation, regardless of the method of its implementation. Before carrying out the manipulation it is necessary to undergo examination:

  • Take a general and biochemical blood test.
  • Get test results for syphilis, HIV and hepatitis.
  • Take a urine test.
  • Take a chest x-ray (fluorography).
  • Take an electrocardiogram.
  • Consult an anesthesiologist.

Before removing hernias under the eyes, it is necessary to exclude the presence of contraindications in the patient:

  • Infectious disease (including respiratory infections).
  • Pathologies in the functioning of internal organs.
  • AIDS.
  • Oncological formations.
  • High level of intraocular pressure.
  • High blood pressure that cannot be treated with medication.
  • Increased production of hormones by the thyroid gland.
  • Pathologies of blood clotting.
  • Dry eye syndrome.
  • Exacerbation of chronic diseases.
  • Diabetes.
  • The period of menstrual bleeding and 4 days before or after it.

Alternative techniques

Is it possible to remove hernias under the eyes without surgery? There are some salon procedures that can improve the appearance of a person who has fatty hernias in the upper or lower eyelids. Thanks to them, the elasticity of the skin increases, it tightens and its sagging decreases. But it will not be possible to influence adipose tissue using such methods. To maintain the result, a course of procedures is required, which will have to be repeated every six months. Hardware and injection procedures have become widespread.

Hardware procedures

To carry them out, radiomagnetic radiation techniques are used, called. They are placed in a separate group. High-frequency radiation affects the deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous fat, causing an increase in temperature in this area (up to 40 degrees in the case of conventional RF lifting and up to 60 degrees with Thermage). This effect acts as a catalyst for the synthesis of collagen, the main elastic fiber of the skin. The effect of the manipulation increases over several months (provided that the full course of 8 procedures is completed), the result lasts for an average of 5 years.

Not everyone can use this alternative method; contraindications include:

  • Electrical implanted devices.
  • Connective tissue diseases.
  • Skin diseases in the affected area.
  • The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  • Infections in the body (including respiratory infections).
  • Malignant formations.
  • Mental disorders.
  • Diabetes.

Injection procedures

During the manipulation, the following is introduced into the skin using a needle:

  1. special medicinal compounds that stimulate the production of collagen and normalize skin nutrition in this area of ​​the face (increases blood circulation). Can be used (injection of the patient’s own plasma), .
  2. dermal fillers (fillers) mainly based on hyaluronic acid (read about the procedure itself in the article “”).


  • Tendency to form keloid scars.
  • Diabetes.
  • Infectious diseases.
  • The period of breastfeeding and pregnancy.
  • Tendency to allergic reactions.
  • Malignant formations.
  • Mental disorders.


In the initial stages of hernia formation and after surgical treatment, it is possible to use techniques to slow down the unwanted process. They consist of activation of blood circulation in the eyelid area and increased lymph outflow. You can use salon procedures, or you can resort to home methods. Prevention methods:

  • Use of specialized cosmetics.
  • Lymphatic drainage massage.
  • Use of face masks.

The result is most pronounced with a complex effect; home lymphatic drainage massage shows good results.

Home lymphatic drainage massage

  1. It is necessary to apply a special cream to the skin of the face to improve lymph flow (increased amount of vitamin E, extracts of medicinal plants).
  2. Massage the scalp: put your fingers together and make circular movements (without moving your fingers) over the entire surface of hair growth for a minute; grab a strand of hair and pull it up (do it in straight lines).
  3. Connect the fingertips of both hands in the middle of the forehead and make smoothing movements from the center to the periphery (temples), repeat 3 times.
  4. Connect three fingers on each hand and at the same time slightly squeeze the temples on both sides (repeat 3 times, maintaining pressure for 4 seconds).
  5. Place the inner side of the fingers folded together in the eye area (including the brow area and upper cheek area) and press three times, maintaining the pressure for about 4 seconds.
  6. Place your palms down on the cheek area and repeat the manipulation in this area.
  7. Tap the face area with all fingers, starting from the chin, for 2 minutes.
  8. Place the inside of your palms on the entire face area (fingers at the top) and press three times, maintaining light pressure for 4 seconds.
  9. Without removing your palms, move them to the periphery of your face, maintaining slight pressure on the skin.

Eye hernias are cosmetic defects that do not cause harm to health. They spoil the appearance, age prematurely, and cause psychological discomfort. Women have a natural desire to remove hernias under the eyes without cosmetic surgery.

Most patients with hernias under the eyes ask their doctor how to get rid of swelling without surgery.

There are hernias that can only be corrected surgically. And, conversely, there are hernial formations in the eye area that cannot be treated surgically.


The appearance of eye hernias is provoked by the following factors:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • the effect of UV rays (in solariums and sunny weather, you should protect your eyes with dark glasses);
  • neuropsychological overstrain, stress;
  • disturbed sleep;
  • drinking alcohol, smoking;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • individual anatomical shape of the eyes;
  • impaired blood circulation;
  • eye diseases.

In people over 35 years of age, eye hernias occur due to age-related changes. With age, muscles lose elasticity, weaken and no longer maintain skin tone.

Education mechanism

An eye hernia is a clump of fat that forms under the skin of the eyelids. The facial muscles work continuously. Endless contractions of the facial muscles end with the skin of the face losing its elasticity. Voids form in epithelial tissues. The free space is intensively overgrown with fat cells. A stream of lymph flows into the eyelid area.

Voids filled with adipose tissue and lymphoid fluid turn into cosmetic defects. The skin in the eye area becomes deformed.

Swelling forms on the upper eyelids, and bags form on the lower eyelids. Defects make the face ugly and age it prematurely.


Symptoms of eye hernias are expressed in:

  • the appearance of a defect in the lower eyelid that looks like bags under the eyes (however, other factors provoke the appearance of a defect, and the mechanism of its formation is different);
  • swelling of the skin on the eyelids and in the corners of the eyes when lightly pressing on the eyeball;
  • drooping upper eyelid;
  • decreased vision and lacrimation (manifestation occurs with extensive swelling compressing the tear ducts).

Once defects form, you should consult a doctor. He will advise you on how to remove hernias under the eyes and which treatment option is best to use.

Selecting a method

Defects caused by structural features of the eye sockets or genetic factors can only be removed surgically. If swelling appears due to eye fatigue, disturbed sleep, or prolonged stress, their elimination does not require surgical intervention.

Surgery is avoided when eye hernias are caused by excessive alcohol consumption. Conservative methods help remove hernia caused by age-related and hormonal disorders.

Non-surgical treatment options

Preventive measures, cosmetic procedures and folk remedies help fight eye hernias. They relieve external symptoms, tone muscles, and prevent the development of hernia formations.

Debugging Life Mode

Sometimes in women, eye hernias disappear after normalization of the regimen. To do this you need:

  • eat right (eat spicy, salty, sweet, smoked foods in minimal quantities);
  • establish a drinking regime (do not drink at night);
  • get a good night's sleep;
  • give up alcoholic beverages and smoking;
  • Spend less time at the computer and watching TV.

If simple prevention is followed, surgical removal of hernias under the eyes may not be necessary.

Cosmetic procedures

Cosmetologists get rid of the defect using hardware treatment methods. They are performed without surgery. Eliminate hernia formations using:

  • Lymphatic drainage. It improves the outflow of fluid, eliminates swelling, and promotes resorption of swelling.
  • Thermage. The laser beam removes dead skin layers.
  • RF lifting. The procedure allows you to tighten the skin of the eyelids.
  • Microcurrents. The method stimulates the skin, improves blood circulation, increases muscle tone, and does not allow fatty tissue to accumulate.
  • Injections - intradermal injections of enzymes and prednisolone. The drugs promote the production of collagen and increase the elasticity of the epithelium.
  • Plasmolifting. The method returns elasticity to the skin.
  • Scrubs and creams. Cosmetics cleanse and increase the elasticity of the skin.
  • Mesotherapy. The technology accelerates lymph flow and saturates tissues with nutrients.
  • Chemical peeling. The manipulation renews epithelial tissue.
  • Microneedling into the bag under the eye. The procedure stimulates the production of elastin and collagen.
  • Mesothreads. Special threads strengthen the skin - a new method in cosmetology.
  • Eyelid massage.

Hardware procedures are gentle, painless methods for removing an eye hernia. They are safer than surgery. After their implementation, patients do not need rehabilitation.

But removing a hernia under the eyes without surgery is permanently impossible. Hardware methods only eliminate visible signs of hernia formation on the eyelids.

They cannot be used to remove fat tissue. The effect of cosmetic procedures lasts for 1-5 years.

Folk remedies

Alternative treatment methods relieve external symptoms of a cosmetic defect at home. They improve blood circulation and tone muscles. As a result, the progression of the ocular hernia slows down.

Effective means:

  • Applications with parsley decoction. Take 30 g of chopped herbs, add 200 ml of water, boil for 5 minutes. The broth is filtered, cotton pads are soaked in it, and they are applied to the hernia formations. Application duration is 20 minutes.
  • Application made of white clay with rose oil (1:1 ratio). The mixture is applied to the eyelids, after 5 minutes the mask is washed off, and the skin is lubricated with cream.
  • Pumpkin compress. The pureed pulp of boiled pumpkin is applied to the eyelids. The mask relieves swelling and nourishes tissue.
  • A hernia under the eyes is treated without surgery by massage, which is performed with ice cubes for 15 seconds. For the procedure, freeze water or decoctions with parsley, oak bark, chamomile, calendula or sage.
  • After cooling, apply steamed tea bags to the eyelids. The duration of the cold compress is 15 seconds. The procedure improves blood flow, eliminates swelling, and prevents the formation of fatty deposits.
  • Birch leaves are brewed with boiling water and infused. The filtered infusion is used for applications lasting 15-20 minutes.
  • Potato compresses. Raw potato pulp is wrapped in a napkin and applied to the swelling. The duration of the procedure is 5-20 minutes. You can add chopped parsley and dill to the potatoes. Warm boiled potatoes in their jackets are also suitable for applications. The puree is transferred to a napkin and placed on the eyes.
  • Lotions from linden flowers, chamomile, rosemary. The infusion is prepared from 1 tbsp. spoons of raw materials and 250 ml of boiling water. Wipes soaked in a warm solution are applied to the eyes.
  • Cucumber mask. The cucumber is turned into a paste, placed on a napkin, and applied to the eye area. Cotton pads are generously soaked in milk and placed on top of the cucumber applications.
  • Natural tonics. Pour 250 ml boiling water 1 tbsp. spoon of sage, let it brew, filter. Divide the finished filtrate in half. In one jar, cool the infusion to 15 0 C, and in the second, slightly warm it up. Make alternating applications on the eyelids with cold and warm products. Contrast procedures increase blood circulation and skin turgor.

Gymnastics for the eyes

If there is a problem with hernias under the eyes, there is a simple solution - therapeutic exercises. Simple exercises help eliminate swelling of the eyelids. Exercises developed by ophthalmologists do not take much time and can be easily performed at work and at home.

A set of health exercises:

  • First they close their eyes tightly, then open their eyelids wide.
  • The head is straight. The gaze is directed to the right. At the count of 5, the gaze is transferred directly. The same exercise is done in the opposite direction.
  • Blink quickly and frequently. On the count of 11, close your eyes tightly without straining your facial muscles. At the count of 5, the eyelids open and look into the distance. The gaze is fixed on a distant object without visual strain.
  • The gaze is quickly moved from right to left, from top to bottom and vice versa. Perform circular movements with the eyes.

All exercises are repeated 5 times.

Surgical treatment

Surgery is the most effective way to get rid of eye hernias. After surgery, the look becomes fresher and the face becomes noticeably younger. Surgical treatment is carried out in 2 ways.


Using this method, a hernia of the upper and lower eyelid is removed. The method of blepharoplasty eliminates overgrown hernia formations with severe stretching of the skin. When operating on the lower eyelid, the excision is performed along the eyelash line or on the conjunctiva.

If the upper eyelid is being operated on, the excision is made parallel to the natural fold. Fat deposits are removed through the incision. Stretched skin is removed and normal tissue is sutured. Minor scarring remaining after the sutures are removed will resolve within 30 days. There are no traces left after it.

Rehabilitation lasts from 20 days to 2 months. Patients who have undergone surgery are advised to:

  • temporarily exclude physical activity;
  • protect your eyes from water;
  • walk with bandages for 4 days (until the stitches are removed);
  • make cold applications (they relieve swelling);
  • do not use cosmetics for 10 days.

Transconjunctival blepharoplasty

Surgery is performed without excision of tissue. The hernial formation is removed using a needle. A cannula is inserted into the eyelid and fat deposits are pumped out.

This method can only get rid of hernial formations that appear on the lower eyelids.

The procedure is performed under local anesthesia.

Complications and contraindications

Postoperative complications occur in exceptional cases. They appear as:

  • hematoma;
  • lacrimation;
  • incomplete closure of the eyelids;
  • scarring.

An eye hernia is not operated on if there is:

  • diabetes;
  • hyperthyroidism (increased synthesis of hormones produced by the thyroid gland);
  • hypothyroidism (dysfunction of the thyroid gland, expressed by reduced production of hormones);
  • certain eye diseases.

Before surgery, patients undergo a full examination. Surgical intervention is performed if there are no contraindications to it.

It is impossible to completely cure eye hernias using non-surgical methods. They make them less noticeable. Surgery eliminates hernia formations. Those who prevent the development of pathology can avoid radical treatment.

2472 09/18/2019 6 min.

Women always want to be attractive. Many even make great sacrifices in order to look good. However, what kind of beauty is there if bags under the eyes suddenly appear? But that's not so bad. The problem of some representatives of the fair sex is disfiguring hernias under the eyes. Is it possible to remove them without surgery? The answer to this question will be found later in the article.

Description of the disease

With age, the skin around the eyes stretches, sags, loses tone and elasticity. The free cavities that appear are filled with adipose tissue. The outflow of lymph from these areas worsens, resulting in swelling around the eyes, which does not suit any woman. Hernias under the eyes are not as dangerous as vertebral hernias, but they greatly spoil the appearance and upset a person.

Fatty tissues that form above the upper and lower eyelids are called eye hernias.

There are several types of hernias:

  • Hernias of the upper eyelids, which are formed by excess skin reserves of the inner corners of the eyes. They can be detected by pressing on the eyeball.
  • Hernias of the lower eyelids, the so-called “bags” located under the eyelashes. The presence or absence of a hernia is determined in the same way as in the case of the upper eyelid.

Symptoms of an eye hernia:

  • (since the hernia compresses the tear ducts);
  • Externally, you can see bags under the eyes (puffiness, swelling, dark circles);
  • With slight pressure on the eyeball, the skin in the corners of the eyes or on the eyelids themselves swells;
  • Drooping of the upper eyelid.

If you notice such symptoms and suspect the presence of a hernia, you should contact a medical specialist.


The appearance of hernias under the eyes can be associated with such external or internal factors as:

  • Hereditary predisposition;
  • Exposure to ultraviolet rays, therefore it is recommended to use sunglasses when visiting a solarium or being under the scorching rays of the sun;
  • Nervous tension and stress;
  • Insomnia;
  • Smoking and alcohol;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Anatomical features of the structure of the orbital bones;
  • Circulatory disorders;
  • Eye diseases (, keratitis, and others).

Most often, hernias under the eyes occur in people over 35 due to age-related changes and muscle weakening.

Conservative treatment methods

At the initial stage of a hernia, you can try conservative therapy without resorting to surgery. To do this, multiple methods are used, which we will consider below:

This method is worth highlighting separately. This procedure corrects wrinkles in the eye and forehead areas. Its essence lies in the targeted removal (evaporation with a laser) of a small amount of old skin, while the collagen gains density and elasticity. After several procedures, the skin around the eyes is completely renewed.

Benefits of the procedure:

  • No need for rehabilitation;
  • The skin under the eyes is tightened;
  • Wrinkles, bags, dark circles are removed.

Disadvantage: This method will only remove the visual visibility of these hernias, but they will still remain and after a while they will become noticeable again.

Injection methods

Such methods include contour plastic surgery, plasma lifting, and carboxytherapy. All these procedures normalize blood circulation, stimulate the production of collagen and elastin, which tighten the skin from the inside, but, as in previous cases, they do not produce significant changes. Doctors inject hyaluronic acid under wrinkles, which helps support and straighten old skin. Thanks to such procedures, humidity is normalized; their effect lasts for six months or a little more.


This method involves internal rejuvenation. Platelet-rich plasma, which is isolated from the patient's blood, is injected under the skin. As a result, a regeneration process is launched, accelerating the production of collagen and elastin. The result lasts for about a year.

Cosmetical tools

There are a large number of different products: creams, lotions, milks, peeling products, etc. Before choosing any of the products, you should carefully study the instructions for use, determine your skin type (combination, dry or oily), and also select the required composition (vitamin or herbal).

You should not select the product yourself to avoid disastrous results. It is recommended to obtain prior approval from dermatologists and ophthalmologists.

The advantages of the listed procedures are that they are safer than operations, they are gentle, painless, and do not require a recovery period, as after surgical treatment. However, all these methods can only remove the visible manifestations of a hernia, but will not rid the woman of fatty tissue. The duration of these procedures ranges from six months to 3-4 years.

Folk remedies

Traditional medicine recipes, as well as the cosmetic procedures described above, can influence external symptoms and can improve blood circulation and muscle tone, which can prevent the appearance of a hernia or slow down its further development.

When using traditional medicine, you should consult a doctor to identify allergic reactions to the products used.

The most popular folk remedies:


Special exercises for the eye and facial muscles can also help remove hernias. We offer several simple exercises that can be performed even at the workplace:

  1. Close your eyes tightly and then open your eyes wide (5-6 times).
  2. Squint your gaze to the side, counting to five, while keeping your head straight. On the count of five, look straight ahead. Then do the same, looking in the other direction (3-5 times).
  3. Blink quickly and frequently while counting to ten. On the count of 10, squeeze your eyelids tightly, but do not wrinkle your face. After 5 seconds, lift your eyelids and fix your gaze on some distant object, but do not strain your eyesight (3-5 times).
  4. Quickly change your gaze position left and right and up and down, then roll your eyes in a circle.


Measures to prevent eye hernia follow from the causes of this phenomenon:

  • Don't drink a lot of fluids at night;
  • Avoid salty foods before bed;
  • Eliminate fried foods and alcohol from your diet;
  • Periodically wipe your face with ice cubes made from water with lemon or parsley decoction;
  • After 30 years, undergo special cosmetic procedures once a year: RF lifting, contouring, carboxytherapy, etc.

Preventive measures will help to effectively prevent the development of eye hernias if there are no genetic prerequisites for the disease.



Getting rid of hernias under the eyes, at least partially or temporarily, without surgery is real. At the same time, they need to be dealt with at the early stages, and even better, these phenomena can be prevented using the measures described above.

In order to achieve a positive effect, use any of the above methods, but be sure to consult a doctor first.

Hernias under the eyes do not decorate a woman, do not add attractiveness, and visually even add several years to her appearance. Such a defect can appear both in old age as a result of natural aging, and in young people. The reason for this may be the peculiarities of the anatomical structure. What else can cause an eye hernia?

Most often, a cosmetic defect appears in women in adulthood. The constant work of facial muscles leads to the fact that over time the skin loses its elasticity. This causes swelling and wrinkles.

The muscles around the eyes quickly lose their tone due to frequent blinking and facial contractions. As a result, the fatty tissue bulges and bags appear under the eyes. Impaired microcirculation of moisture or tissue lymphostasis can also trigger the appearance of an eyelid hernia.

In this article we will talk about how to remove hernias under the eyes, but first we will find out the very essence of the problem, as well as its causes.

Causes of eye hernias

In addition to the natural aging of the skin, the following factors can provoke the appearance of fatty hernias:

  • genetic predisposition;
  • anatomical features;
  • bad habits that impair blood circulation, in particular smoking and alcoholism;
  • ophthalmological diseases;
  • lack of sleep;
  • hormonal disbalance;
  • low-quality decorative cosmetics;
  • stressful situations;
  • air pollution;
  • increased eye strain;
  • aggressive exposure to sunlight.

The genetic material of each person contains information about skin proteins that are responsible for elasticity, so the hereditary factor plays a huge role in the occurrence of fatty hernias under the eyes

Characteristic signs

An eye hernia visually looks like excess folds of skin. The defect provokes the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • profuse lacrimation. This is due to the fact that fatty tissue can block the path to the tear;
  • blurred vision due to compression of the tear ducts;
  • red or pink swelling;
  • hanging over the eye.

How to distinguish a hernia from bags under the eyes? Gently press down on the eyeball without much effort. If it really is a hernia, then the formation will increase.

Experts distinguish four main degrees of ptosis, that is, drooping of the eyelid caused by age-related changes:

  • Slight swelling.
  • A noticeable decrease in the tone of the orbicularis oculi muscle. In addition, there is a drooping of the soft tissues around the cheeks.
  • Sagging tissue on the upper and lower eyelids. The outer corners of the eyes droop, the tissues of the cheeks, eyebrows and cheekbones sag. The nasolabial fold becomes pronounced.
  • Noticeable bags sag on the cheekbones.

A hernia under the eyes is not just a cosmetic defect, it affects physiological processes. Blood microcirculation and lymphatic drainage are disrupted, which further aggravates the aesthetic problem.

Eyelid hernia often occurs due to age-related changes


Depending on the location, experts distinguish two types of hernias:

  • a hernia of the upper eyelid forms in the inner sub-eyelid part;
  • A hernia of the lower eyelid appears directly under the eye in the form of bags.

Upper eyelid hernia

Skin bulging is most often associated with sprain or injury. Inflammation of the upper eyelid is directly related to a person’s lifestyle. If he spends a large amount of time at work, is often tired, and is exposed to stress, then the likelihood of a defect increases.

Drooping of the upper eyelid, or blepharoptosis, may be associated with muscle disorders, damage to the motor pathways and decreased muscle tone. The main symptom of this phenomenon is periodic twitching of the eyelid. In addition, a person may experience pain in the eyes and fatigue.

Lower eyelid hernia

A lower eyelid hernia is a small pouch under the lower eyelashes. It does not differ in color from other parts of the eyelid, and is also not accompanied by inflammation and pain. It is for this reason that many do not pay much attention to this problem. Pathology requires correction not only for medical, but also for aesthetic reasons.

The skin loses its elasticity, becomes thinner and stretches. This leads to the appearance of pronounced expression lines, dark circles and drooping eyebrows.

The photo shows how excessive folds of skin under the eyes add age to a woman.


Conservative methods are usually used in the early stages of the pathological process, but they only help slow down the development of the disease. Surgery will help completely eliminate the problem. Let's talk about all the modern techniques that help eliminate the hernial band under the eyes.

Conservative methods

The primary task of specialists is to eliminate the immediate cause of the cosmetic defect. And after this, problem areas are corrected. In some cases, consultation with an ophthalmologist, cardiologist or nephrologist may be necessary to make a diagnosis.

Not every person will agree to surgery. Cosmetic procedures are a good alternative to surgery. They not only remove hernias, but also help rejuvenate the skin and give it a fresh look. Let's talk in more detail about how to get rid of the problem without surgery.

The procedure helps remove excess fluid from the intercellular area. It is performed manually or using special equipment. In general, with the help of lymphatic drainage you can relieve swelling and improve the condition of the epidermis.

In order to perform lymphatic drainage massage, it is not necessary to contact a cosmetologist. This is also possible at home.

To perform the procedure correctly, adhere to the following recommendations:

  • to improve lymphatic drainage, apply a cream with a high content of vitamin E and medicinal plant extracts to the skin of the face;
  • then massage the scalp for a minute. To do this, connect your fingers together and perform circular movements;
  • then place the fingertips of both hands to the middle of the forehead and make smoothing movements along the massage lines;
  • connect three fingers and use your fingertips to press on the temple area;
  • now press on the eye area, grabbing the brow area and the upper surface of the cheeks;
  • then the hands are lowered a little and the manipulation is repeated on the cheek;
  • Using tapping movements, use your fingertips all over your face.

Lymphatic drainage will help remove hernias under the eyes without surgery


Current pulses of various frequencies affect the skin, causing active muscle contraction, improving blood supply and metabolism in tissues. The advantage of electromyostimulation is that it eliminates not only the bags themselves, but also the very reason for their appearance. With the help of the procedure, it is possible to get rid of excess folds forever.

The essence of the procedure is to carry out microinjections into the deep layers of the skin. As a medicine, healing cocktails consisting of nutrients are administered. Mesotherapy promotes restoration at the cellular level and improves metabolic processes.

Treatment of hernias with injections of healing cocktails is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • infections;
  • endocrine disorders;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • mental problems;
  • allergy.

With the help of mesotherapy, that is, therapeutic injections, they get rid of hernias


The deep layers of the epidermis and subcutaneous fat are exposed to high-frequency radiation. In this area the temperature increases to sixty degrees Celsius. What does this give? High-frequency radiation activates collagen synthesis, which is responsible for the elasticity of skin fibers. Thermage has an increasing effect. When completing the full course, the therapeutic effect lasts up to five years.

However, there are a number of contraindications to the use of Thermage, namely:

  • the presence of electrical implants;
  • connective tissue pathologies;
  • dermatitis;
  • pregnancy or lactation period;
  • infectious processes;
  • diabetes;
  • malignant neoplasms;
  • mental pathologies.


This is a hardware technique that uses low voltage currents. As a result, ion exchange is normalized at the cellular level and tissue lymphatic drainage is improved. Moreover, the work of the sebaceous glands is stabilized, which is why hernias under the eyes are removed.

The essence of the technique is that special plates are applied to problem areas. Specially selected medicinal formulations relieve swelling and reduce bags.

The photo shows the result after cosmetic procedures

Ultrasonic lifting is an innovative method that allows you to remove hernias under the eyes. The impact of ultrasound is selected purely individually. This becomes possible due to the fact that the device visualizes the subcutaneous layers.

Ultrasonic lifting helps to normalize the tone of the subcutaneous layer, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands and uniform distribution of adipose tissue. The procedure does not require special preparation or anesthesia. The effect is obvious after the first session. The therapeutic result lasts for a long time.

Ultrasonic lifting will help you do without surgery

Effective exercises

The following simple exercises will help stop the process of aging and fading of the skin:

  • Close your eyes for half a minute and then open them wide. It is necessary to do up to ten such repetitions. It is recommended to do gymnastics in the morning to relieve swelling and improve microcirculation;
  • Close your eyes tightly and count to ten, then open them wide and look up, while your head remains motionless. It is enough to do five to six repetitions. Try not to include facial expressions; only the eye muscles should work;
  • squint your gaze to the left and hold it for a few seconds, then look ahead and close your eyes. Then we do the same with the right eye. Remember to keep your head straight;
  • alternate between blinking quickly and relaxing your muscles.


Surgery will help get rid of the problem once and for all. Still, you should not forget about the existing contraindications:

  • diabetes;
  • arterial hypertension;
  • dry eye syndrome;
  • increased intraocular pressure.

Scalpel surgery is performed as part of blepharoplasty. The operation is performed under local or general anesthesia. The rehabilitation period usually lasts several weeks. Severe swelling and bruising may remain after blepharoplasty, but this will subside over time. Results can be seen after approximately three months.

In some cases, the hernia is removed through the conjunctival tissue. To do this you will need to make a small incision or even a puncture. The surgeon uses self-absorbing sutures. Rehabilitation lasts only a few days. There are no scars left after the procedure.

The operation is a complete relief from a hernia under the eyes

Also recently, laser techniques under local anesthesia have been widely used. A small incision is made through the conjunctiva with a laser. This is a minimally invasive procedure, during which small capillaries can be coagulated, that is, blood loss can be minimized.

Treatment with folk remedies

Alternative medicine will help slow down the pathological process and to some extent cope with the problem in the early stages. People's advice can also be used for prevention purposes.

Independent attempts can only aggravate the situation, so you should definitely consult a doctor before using even safe folk recipes.

Traditional medicine offers a large number of ointments, compresses, and infusions. Fresh potatoes are best for preparing a medicinal compress. The vegetable must be peeled and grated. Next, the pulp is squeezed out and applied to the problem area. To prepare the ointment, take subcutaneous fat or Vaseline, as well as medicinal herbs. It is better to make an infusion based on chamomile or rose oil.

Traditional healers also recommend using parsley. It contains a large number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect on the skin. The plant should be crushed into a paste and applied in a thick layer to the surface of the upper and lower eyelids. Place gauze on top. After fifteen minutes, remove the parsley from your eyes. After the first procedure you will feel the result.

Massaging with ice cubes also helps. Freeze the decoction of medicinal plants. The procedure should be carried out carefully so as not to overcool the skin.

For too noticeable bags, a combination of camphor oil and interior fat helps. Both ingredients are taken in equal proportions. For complete dissolution, the medicinal mass is sent to a water bath. Use the resulting medicine to wipe the area around the eyes every day before going to bed.


Of course, it is impossible to completely prevent the appearance of a hernia under the eyes, because not all causes depend on us. But it is still within our power to reduce the likelihood of a defect occurring. For this you will need:

  • performing eye exercises;
  • compliance with the work and rest regime;
  • protection of the area around the eyes from aggressive ultraviolet radiation;
  • the use of nourishing creams intended for the skin around the eyes;
  • carrying out massages and peelings.

Hernias under the eyes are not life-threatening, but they worsen the aesthetic appearance and have a detrimental effect on some physiological processes. There can be many reasons for the appearance of a defect, ranging from lack of sleep, stress, hereditary predisposition, to anatomical features and ophthalmological diseases.

You can get rid of the problem using hardware techniques, surgery, and even folk recipes. The main thing is to identify the provoking cause as part of the treatment and try to eliminate it. A competent specialist will help you choose an effective method for eliminating a hernia; do not self-medicate!

", Moscow

  • Price: 45,000 rubles (until the end of November there is a promotion for Cosmopolitan readers: lower blepharoplasty 35,000 rubles, upper blepharoplasty 30,000 rubles instead of 40,000. When making an appointment, you must say “Cosmo”)
  • Indications: aesthetic
  • Contraindications: acute diseases and exacerbations of chronic
  • Where do the “bags” under the eyes come from?

    The connective tissue septa stretch, and the fatty tissue begins to swell. Hernias appear with age or are a consequence of a genetic predisposition - then “bags” can appear at the age of 15. Hernias are not dangerous and only spoil the appearance.


    What is blepharoplasty

    Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) includes several types of operations and techniques for performing them. Thus, traditional blepharoplasty is the correction of the lower and/or upper eyelids with sutures. With its help you can get rid of drooping eyelids, remove so-called bags and even change the shape of your eyes. Typically, traditional blepharoplasty is prescribed to patients over 40 years of age, when the face takes on a tired appearance and excess stretched skin around the eyes can only be removed surgically, that is, full-scale plastic surgery.

    There is no seamless upper eyelid surgery.

    Blepharoplasty of the lower eyelids can be combined with correction of the upper eyelids, reshaping the eye, brow lifting (correction of the eyebrow shape) and facelift.

    How is transconjunctival blepharoplasty fundamentally different from classical

    The operation is shorter in time, and rehabilitation is faster; there is no need to remove stitches; surgical intervention does not affect the shape and shape of the eyes (with classical blepharoplasty, the eyes may temporarily “round” during swelling; there is no risk of eversion of the eyelid (this happens with unscrupulous surgical intervention).

    Who is suitable for sutureless blepharoplasty?

    Transconjunctival (sutureless) blepharoplasty is an option for younger patients (about 30 years old) who have already developed lower eyelid hernias, but the skin is not yet overstretched and is elastic enough that excision of excess skin is not necessary. This is exactly the option for getting rid of “bags” and dark circles under the eyes that was offered to me by a plastic surgeon, Ph.D. Kirill Narzoev.

    How is surgery performed to remove lower eyelid hernias?

    The surgeon makes an internal incision in the conjunctiva behind the lash line, retracting the lower eyelid, and removes the fat sac. All manipulations with both eyes take about 30-40 minutes, there are no stitches left on the face, the shape of the eyes does not change, access to the hernia is through the conjunctiva.

    The operation is performed both under general anesthesia and under sedation - a type of anesthesia in which the patient is in a state of superficial medicated sleep, not feeling pain, but remaining conscious. You can choose your option immediately before the operation together with an anesthesiologist who will assess both the physical and psychological condition of the patient. In rare cases, general anesthesia is contraindicated, but in this state of health the operation itself is questionable.
    The operation is also possible with local anesthesia, but this is extremely inconvenient for both the surgeon and the patient himself - not everyone is able to remain calm throughout the entire operation.

    Rehabilitation after blepharoplasty

    After recovering from anesthesia, the patient remains in the room for about an hour with a cold compress over the eyes. There are no categorical requirements to limit reading or working with gadgets, but during the first 24 hours, “sand” or ripples may appear in the eyes, and focusing may also be impaired. For example, I saw everything clearly as soon as I woke up, but for several days after the operation my eyes began to get tired of the bright screen. It is ideal if work with gadgets is limited during the week after the operation, but I had to return to the office on the third day (the operation was performed on Friday morning, and on Monday I was already sitting at my workplace). I fought eye fatigue by dimming the screen brightness and taking frequent breaks, trying not to focus my eyes on anything. She continued to make cold chamomile compresses in the mornings and evenings. If there is hemorrhage in the sclera (this happens infrequently), vasoconstrictor drops are prescribed, but as planned, the doctor prescribes only antiseptic drops.

    Immediately after the operation, strips are applied to the lower eyelids, which are removed by the doctor after 3-4 days. The next day after the operation, bruises began to appear from under the bandages.

    When the patches were removed, the obvious bruises were almost gone, although the circles under the eyes lasted more than a week, but this is normal.

    After removing the strips (fourth day after surgery)

    After surgery, it is extremely important to follow all doctor’s recommendations. For example, make a cold compress with chamomile decoction every two hours on the first day, instill an anti-inflammatory solution 3 times a day for a week after surgery and apply an anti-swelling and bruising agent (arnica, badyaga, traumeel) to the eyelids. However, I did not part with the ointment for bruises for a long time after removing the strips. Rehabilitation is individual, and it is impossible to predict the timing of the body’s recovery in each individual case. For example, as soon as the doctor removed the patches (on the fourth day after the day of surgery), the skin around the eyes began to swell more (before that it was fixed with strips). For more than a week after removing the bandages, I applied Arnica ointment at night and in the morning to the lower and upper eyelids, and before that I washed my eyes with a chamomile solution, since a little ichor had accumulated on my eyelids during the night. Touching the lower eyelids was painful, so scratching the eyes or removing makeup had to be done very carefully (bruises and circles can be masked immediately after removing the strips).

    After two weeks, the bruises completely disappeared, the painful sensitivity decreased, the eyes stopped getting tired - and the result became visible. The lower eyelids stopped swelling in the morning, the skin under the eyes smoothed out, the dark circles did not disappear completely, but became smaller.

    Care after removal of lower eyelid hernias

    Cosmetic procedures - facial massage, cleansing - are possible after three weeks. 3-4 weeks after surgery, laser procedures (fractional rejuvenation will tighten the skin of the eyelids) or microcurrent therapy are useful to improve blood circulation and accelerate healing.

    Effect of transconjunctival blepharoplasty

    The operation provides a lasting effect for 10-15 years. With the right lifestyle (control your weight, eat a balanced diet), the effect can be extended up to 20 years. After this period, the skin may stretch due to age-related processes, and then we can talk about classical eyelid skin correction.

    Is it possible to get rid of dark circles under the eyes with surgery?

    As a rule, after blepharoplasty, bruises under the eyes become less pronounced - due to the leveling of the skin surface, the shadow caused by the hernia disappears. To combat bruises as such, there are “lightening” injections based on vitamin C based on the principle of mesotherapy - this is done by cosmetologists.

    What is prohibited after blepharoplasty:

    - lifting weights and physical activity for a week or two after surgery, including bending your head down (you cannot lower your head when tying shoelaces, picking up something from the floor, or cleaning);

    - solarium for two weeks after surgery;

    - wearing contact lenses for two weeks after surgery;

    - visiting the pool, bathhouse and sauna within a month after the operation;

    — it is necessary to wear dark glasses if the operation is performed during periods of solar activity;

    - In about five days you can fly on an airplane.

    What tests need to be done before blepharoplasty?

    - detailed blood tests (complete blood count, biochemistry, hospital complex, Rh factor and additional indicators prescribed by the doctor);

    - general urine analysis;

    — fluorography of the thoracic region;

    — consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary in case of the following problems: dry eye, recurrent conjunctivitis, glaucoma, diabetes mellitus and autoimmune disease, as well as high and extremely high myopia.

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