Home Prosthetics and implantation The biggest cats. The world's largest cat breeds

The biggest cats. The world's largest cat breeds

Many cat lovers, and just people who are not indifferent to pets, are interested in what the largest cat breed in the world is. On the Internet, articles and videos appear every now and then in which happy (or not so happy) owners demonstrate the impressive dimensions of their pets. Sometimes they (the dimensions) are amazing.

The largest cat breed in the world: Who will get the title?

If you look through the Guinness Book of Records, you will find out that the largest domestic cat in the world is the breed savannah.

What kind of animal is this? To achieve incredible size and the possibility of domestication, experts crossed a domestic cat and a serval. The result was an interesting hybrid, weighing up to 15 (sometimes up to 20) kilograms.

The largest cats of this breed are not only heavy, but also impressive in height. For example, a cat named Trouble has a height at the withers of 48 cm. Considering that Trouble is translated into Russian as “problem”, you can guess what it’s like to keep a pet in your apartment, weighing and the size of a dog, and even with African genes wild predator.

Considering that the Savannah is the largest cat breed and quite rare, such an animal costs up to 25 thousand dollars. Considering that for this money you can buy a good car, it is immediately clear that the breed was bred for people who are not poor.

Silver: Maine Coon or Welcome to the USA

Before the savanna appeared, it was believed that the largest domestic cats were American Maine Coons. Their homeland is Maine. The average weight of such a cat reaches 10 kg, but there are individuals weighing up to 15.

In the photo: Maine Coon cat

These cats have tufts on their ears, like lynxes. Only, fortunately for the owners, the animal is not aggressive and friendly. Which is very important for an animal whose length can exceed a meter! Stewie is recognized as the longest Maine Coon. 123 cm in length, this is a serious claim to success.

A real American loves care and attention, and also a hearty meal. After all, a cat weighing 10-12 kg requires a lot of food to keep it strong and healthy.

Bronze medalist: jungle cat and chausie

According to some experts, the largest cat breed in the world is the domestic cat. jungle cat. This “giant” has a body weight of up to 18 kg, which is more than that of the largest Maine Coon. But in terms of length and height at the withers, he was inferior to the leaders. You can read more about jungle cats in the article

In the photo: jungle cat

Chausie, or Houseie- the result of crossing Abyssinian cats with reed cats. Despite its impressive dimensions, this big cat is quite good-natured, unlike its wild ancestors. And also, he is unpretentious, and there is practically no hair from him.

In the photo: Chausie cat

Honorable fourth place: ragdoll

If you are interested in the largest cat breeds, but do not want to have a micro-tiger, who can get anything into his head, pay attention to ragdoll. This is a kind of “shaggy pillow”, kind and phlegmatic, so much so that it can withstand any kind of bullying. The best option for a family with children.

In the photo: Ragdoll cat

By the way, the largest cats in terms of body weight, cats of this breed reach 9 kg. And in terms of length, it can easily grow to “near-record” dimensions.

This is a really large breed of cat that is liked by many for its beautiful appearance and docile nature. A kitten can cost up to a thousand dollars, sometimes more.

Get a mini-lynx at home, or better yet, a pixie-bob

So, we now know what breed of the largest cat is, but we are not going to stop there. After all, there are still many interesting furry candidates for the title of “best.” Eg, pixie bob.

In the photo: pixie-bob cat

Outwardly, it resembles a lynx, only it is smaller in size, and weighs no more than nine kilograms. There is everything you need - a short tail (5-10 cm), tassels on the ears, colors like a lynx. At the same time, he is not at all aggressive, and it is much easier to feed him than larger cats. Females even weigh up to 5 kg.

"People's" cat of the Siberian breed

If in the post-Soviet space a competition was held for our local animals, then hardly anyone could dispute the fact that the breed of the largest domestic cat is Siberian. Not only do Siberians weigh from 9 to 12 kg, but they also do not contain allergens in their fur. So feel free to get yourself such a pet. If you are confused by the size of males, take a female cat. She weighs no more than 6 kg.

The fattest cat

If you're wondering what the largest domestic cat is, breed isn't the only deciding factor. There are animals that their owners have fed to a weight of 15-20 kg. Considering that for their breeds they had to have a body weight of no more than 9 kg, these are obvious excesses. Fortunately, the category for the fattest was removed from the records so that owners would not expose their pets to the risk of obesity. It was from this problem that the weight record holder who lived in Australia died.

Mythical cats – Asherah

On the Internet you can often see photos of the largest breed of cats that are not Savannah, or even Maine Coon. The fact is that a certain breeder named Brody claims that he managed to cross an Asian leopard cat, a serval and a wild predatory cat. Cat lovers and professional felinologists argue about whether it is possible to consider Asher a new breed.

As you know, all dog breeds are usually divided into three categories - small, medium and large. But domestic cats, in the traditional view, have approximately the same size; it is not without reason that when describing the external parameters of a particular animal, we often use the expression “the size of a cat.” But recently, breeds whose height and weight exceed this average by several times are becoming increasingly popular. Our review is dedicated to these giant cats.

Top 10 largest domestic cat breeds

Most existing standards for cat breeds do not impose strict size requirements (canine experts, by the way, are more severe in this regard). Therefore, large animals are found even among the British and Siberian cats that are well known to us; bobtails, etc. are very large.

I saw an ordinary yard cat of absolutely incredible size. The owners of the pet store, near which the mustachioed bandit liked to spend time, said that at first it was a completely ordinary kitten. They named him Bonus and began to feed him little by little. Over time, the baby grew so big that dogs entering the store literally shied away in horror.

The unusual size of a cat can frighten even a large dog

But the above example is rather an exception to the rule. I would like to talk about those cats for whom a weight of 8 kg or more is a standard, and not a record or the result of overeating.

Photo gallery: cat breeds that have very large representatives

Chartreuse is a French breed, a cat can weigh up to 7 kg. A British cat sometimes reaches 10 kg. Turkish Vans weigh on average 5 kg, but some cats reach 10 kg. The maximum weight of an American shorthair cat is 8 kg. The maximum weight of a Kurilian bobtail is 7.5 kg. Due to its large amount of wool, Siberian cats sometimes weigh up to 9 kg

And the second point. There are several cats in our rating that, let’s say, are not entirely domestic. They either have a wild ancestor as one of their parents or are wild beasts themselves. And now - our version of the ten largest cat breeds.

A very rare breed in Russia due to the difficulties associated with exporting these cats from Canada and the USA, where they were bred.

Pixie Bob - a massive cat with a short tail

Distinctive features of the breed are massiveness, a large head with sideburns, a wide chest, strong legs and a short tail. Another feature of these cats is polydactyly (the presence of extra fingers), which is not considered a defect.

Most sources indicate that "pixie-bob" is translated from English as "short-tailed elf", but another option can be suggested. The fact is that, according to one version (not actually confirmed), the breed is the result of a natural, without human intervention, crossing of a domestic cat and a North American lynx. All that people did was catch several of these semi-wild cats and began to breed them, turning them into pets. The owners named one of the first cats domesticated in this way Pixie (“pixie” means “fairy”, but can also be translated as “elf”), and she gave the first part to the name of the new breed. But the second part is intended to indicate not so much the short tail of the cat, but its relationship with the wild lynx (“lynx” in English - “bobcat”).

The North American Lynx is a close relative of the Pixie Bob.

Actually, because of this semi-mythical connection with a wild cat, we put the pixie-bob on the tenth step of our rating. In reality, these animals are quite modest in size, their height is only 30-35 cm, cats weigh on average 3-5 kg, but cats are really large, their weight ranges from 6 to 10 kg.

Owners have different opinions about the character of the “domestic lynx”. Some claim that these cats easily adapted to the role of pets, get along well with people, and are also distinguished by literally canine devotion to their owner. Others, on the contrary, insist that the pixie-bob has inherited some detachment from its wild ancestor; in any case, these animals are extremely reluctant to make contact with humans.


Chito is an experimental breed and is not recognized by most felinological organizations. Its name comes from the English “cheetah” (cheetah) and reflects the main goal of the breeder: to achieve maximum resemblance of a domestic cat to one of the most beautiful representatives of this family.

Cheeto - a smaller version of a cheetah

But unlike many other breeds, which we will talk about later, there is practically no wild blood in the Chito. At least eight generations separate it from its forest ancestors. It was bred by crossing and, which, in turn, was created on the basis of the Abyssinian and Siamese breeds.

Photo gallery: ancestors of the Chito cat

The Bengal cat has a wild ancestor - the Asian leopard cat
Siamese cats are the embodiment of grace. Abyssinian cat is a tame puma without any admixture of wild blood. Ocicat is a hybrid of Abyssinian and Siamese cats.

Cheeto cats, with a standard height of 30 cm, can weigh from 6.5 to 10 kg, which is almost twice the average weight of a domestic cat.

Brave, like a wild one, and obedient, like a domesticated one - this is a brief and at the same time capacious description of the character of a cat of the Chito breed.

Norwegian forest

Despite the formidable name, we are talking about a completely domestic and very friendly animal. The Norwegian Forest has a strong build and a characteristic double coat with a dense, water-repellent undercoat, long guard hairs hanging down the sides and fluffy “pants” on the hind legs.

The Norwegian Forest is a large cat with a thick double coat.

The standard weight of a cat is from 5 to 9 kg, but larger individuals are also found.

The Norwegian Forest Cat is not the result of selective breeding. This is really a beast that once lived in the Norwegian forests. There is an assumption that Angora cats, which adapted to the local climate and came to Northern Europe from Turkey, acquired this appearance over time. According to another version, we are talking about a mutation of forest cats brought here from Scotland by the Vikings.

There is a version that Norwegian forest cats descended from the Turkish Angora

The Norwegian cat has very tenacious claws and is an excellent tree climber (they even say that it is able to descend from a tree head down, although, given the structural features of a cat's claw, it is difficult to believe this). In addition, Norwegian cats are excellent fishermen.

Norwegian Foresters were once excellent hunters

FIFe recognized the breed in 1977, but these cats have lived on Scandinavian farms for a long time, getting along well with children and pets. With such a long history of domestication, Norwegian forest animals have now largely forgotten their wild habits. They are distinguished by an intelligent disposition, patience, gentleness and even some effeminacy.

Norwegian Foresters have long been kept on farms

Not having to get their food by hunting or fishing made the Norwegians lazy and a little slow.

Maine Coon

Maine Coon - raccoon cat from Maine

Like pixie bobs, these animals are associated with the North American lynx, and in the same way, this version of the origin of the Maine Coon is more like a legend.

It is only known that no one specially bred this breed, but huge cats with tufted ears, long mustaches and thick hair have been considered the national pride of North America for a century and a half (Maine is the name of a state located in the northeastern United States).

Having long been domesticated, Maine Coons have a soft and gentle character, while maintaining independence and self-esteem. They say that these cats make excellent nannies for small children.

Maine Coons make good nannies

Surprisingly, despite their frighteningly large size, Maine Coons do not weigh that much: for a cat, the norm is between 7 and 10 kg, cats are rarely heavier than 6 kg. A certain illusion of bulkiness is created by a muscular body and long hair.

The statement that Maine Coons should reach 20-25 kg is erroneous. Even 12 kg for a Maine Coon is a lot; such weight occurs only in castrated cats with obvious signs of obesity.

Maine Coon's too much weight is not the norm, but a sign of obesity

Literally, “ragdoll” is a “rag doll.” The name well reflects the phlegmatic and good-natured nature of these giant domestic cats bred in the USA. In the hands of its beloved owner, it completely relaxes, as if spreading and floating, like a candle.

Ragdoll - "rag doll" with blue eyes

These animals have a low pain threshold, which, combined with their pliability and natural laziness, makes them poorly protected from “domestic violence.” Families with small children should not get a Ragdoll, since this bumpkin, unlike most other cats, is not always able to stand up for himself.

The Ragdoll is a semi-long-haired, massive animal with a fluffy collar around the neck and certainly blue eyes.

Blue eyes are the calling card of the ragdoll.

The cat's body length can reach one meter, weight - up to 12 kg. Cats are smaller, but also by no means miniature: 80 cm in length and 7 kg in weight.

The breed was developed by crossing Ragdoll cats with Persian and Himalayan cats to achieve larger sizes and a variety of colors.

The Ragamuffin is a colorful relative of the Ragdoll.

According to another version, “rag dolls” were bred with ordinary mongrel cats, which is why the new breed received such a strange name (the word “ragamuffin” is translated from English as “waif”, “ragamuffin”).

However, despite the fact that Ragamuffins are recognized by the CFA as a separate breed, they differ from Ragdolls only in color. The cat did not become larger, but retained the impressive dimensions of its predecessor, so it fully deserves to be given its own step in our rating.


If the creators of cheats tried to achieve only an external resemblance between a domestic cat and its wild relative, then safari is the result of direct crossing of these animals.

Safari - a hybrid of a wild and domestic cat

The South American wild cat Geoffroy was taken as the main participant in the experiment. Obtaining a stable hybrid immediately encountered two serious problems. Firstly, wild cats, instead of performing an act of love with domestic pets, simply killed them. A way out of the situation was found quite easily: the two animals were raised together from infancy, and the aggression between them disappeared. But then “secondly” arose.

It turns out that wild and domestic cats have different numbers of chromosomes (Geoffroy has 38, the domestic cat has 36). From such crossing in the first generation, males with 37 chromosomes were born, which were infertile, therefore, hybrid females of the first generation (F1) were crossed with American or European shorthairs, as well as Siamese cats.

Geoffroy - the wild parent of the safari

Whether a stable hybrid was eventually achieved remains a mystery. The breed is not recognized by any felinological organization, and when selling kittens, the serial number of the hybrid is always indicated, indicating how many generations separate it from the wild ancestor (the lower this number, the more expensive the kitten).

Safari F1 is a large and strong animal. Cats weigh on average 8 kg, males - 14 kg, some specimens reach 17 kg.

Safari F1 - very large cat

In the nature of the safari, the owners primarily note independence. Aggression is not typical for cats; they will happily sit at their owner’s feet and allow themselves to be petted. But only on the condition that the animal itself wants it, and not its owner.

Safari can be very affectionate

Moreover, if the cat is in the mood for affection, and the person is busy with something else, he will be politely but persistently asked to drop everything and take care of the “pet” pet.

An attempt to cross domestic and wild cats, in addition to safari, allowed the Americans to get two more large hybrids that occupy the next steps of our rating.

These are not only the largest, but also the most expensive of all domestic cats, since, as in the case of safari cats, they cannot interbreed and after a few generations they degenerate into ordinary domestic cats.

Chausie - a hybrid of a jungle cat and an Abyssinian cat

Chausie is a hybrid obtained by mating a jungle cat and an Abyssinian cat.

The jungle cat is the wild ancestor of the Chausie

The animal's height is 40 cm, weight - from 10 to 15 kg.

Chausie is much larger than a regular house cat

Chausie is a balanced and noble animal that inherited a love of water from its wild ancestor. It requires not so much attention from the owner, although it can be an affectionate and devoted friend, but rather the opportunity to frolic to its heart’s content.


The next hybrid of a wild and domestic cat is the Savannah. Today it is the largest domestic cat. Its height is about 45 cm, at the withers - 60 cm, average weight is 12 kg, but can reach 20 kg.

Savannah is the largest and most expensive cat in the world

An African serval (bush cat) was used for crossbreeding.

The ancestor of the safari is the African serval

Despite the fact that the breeder positions the Savannah as a sociable, playful and docile animal, trainable and dog-like in character, all this is nothing more than an advertising gimmick.

The breeder claims that the Savannah is dog-like in character

In fact, the first generation hybrids have retained the features of their wild ancestor: they are distrustful of strangers, and they are unlikely to forgive “their own” for excessive familiarity. This behavior becomes understandable if we consider the conditions in which these animals were born and at what stage their socialization took place. Any cats designated F1 were kept from the first days of life not in a family, like pets, but in a cage or other enclosed space, more or less reminiscent of a zoo. A friendly and trusting attitude towards people is not something such animals take for granted.

Hybrids of domestic and wild cats are raised in cages

Subsequent generations of the savannah are better socially adapted, but their external resemblance to the serval, and, accordingly, their value and size decrease sharply.

Wild cats as pets

Since semi-wild and feral cats are increasingly becoming residents of private houses and even city apartments, we could not ignore them when compiling the rating. The fashion for this kind of pets came to us from the USA and is largely caused by the strange desire of people to own a large, “serious” cat.

The difficulties that arise when trying to cross a wild cat with a domestic one are not able to stop people who want to keep a large feline in their home. Having failed to achieve convincing results from breeders, the most desperate enthusiasts take a simpler route: they purchase exotic wild cats as pets.

Some people really want to domesticate wild cats

It must be said that the idea of ​​keeping pumas and cheetahs at home instead of domestic cats is by no means new.

The Berberov family, which, to the surprise of the whole country, kept a lion and a puma in their apartment for many years, paid a bloody price for this. Lev King, a movie star, was killed in the summer of 1974, after which the Berberovs decided to “adopt” another lion cub. But what they succeeded with one predatory animal, they failed with the other. On November 24, 1980, King II, in a fit of rage, attacked the owner Nina Berberova and tore her son Roman to pieces. Both the killer lion and the puma died from the bullets of the arriving policemen.

King I and King II, or the Tragedy of the Berberov family - from glory to bloody denouement


The tiger is probably the largest of all domestic cats.

Table: wild cats that are often kept indoors

No.Animal nameHeight to shoulder, cmBody length (excluding tail), cmWeight of an adult male, kg
1. Asian leopard wild cat (ancestor of the Bengal domestic cat)16–41 45 10–15
2. Jungle cat (ancestor of the Chausie)40 56–90 8–12
3. Geoffroy (ancestor of the safari)23 45–75 4,8
4. Caracal40 74 16–20
5. Serval (ancestor of the savannah)52 83–100 8–18
6. Ocelot32 68–100 10–16
7. Canada lynx48–56 76–110 8–16
8. Vivver cat (fisher)35 95–120 11–15
9. Far Eastern forest (leopard) cat35 50 4–8
10. Jaguarundi35 55–70 4–8

Video: how a cheetah purrs when it is scratched behind the ear

Features of keeping large cats

  • animals whose impressive size is determined by breed or individual characteristics, but at the same time are completely domesticated;
  • wild cats or animals that have a wild ancestor in the next generations (hybrids).

If in the first case, advice to future owners can be clearly formulated, then in the second, the only truly valuable recommendation would be to remember the tragic fate of the Berberov family and think again about your decision.


Large domestic cats (we emphasize the word “domestic”) make the same demands on the owner as their standard-sized relatives. To paraphrase the old humor, we can say that they look like small ones, but they eat like big ones. The basic rules for caring for domestic cats are determined not by size, but by the characteristics of the breed. For example:

  • long hair requires constant attention; short-haired cats do not need to be combed at all;
  • There are breeds with stronger immunity, while others have it weaker, but in general, each breed has its own “bouquet” of the most common diseases;
  • Some cats require constant attention and communication, others are great at doing without people.
  • more space;
  • more food.

Games and walks

The amazing grace that we love so much about wild cats must be constantly maintained by an active lifestyle. All cats, without exception, are excellent hunters by nature. Constantly being indoors and receiving food without making the slightest effort, a pet can very quickly lose all its luster. Therefore, outdoor games, the ability to run, jump, overcome obstacles and climb to the top are necessary for cats.

But if an elegant and fragile Angora or a miniature Singapura can frolic to its heart's content even within the confines of a small city apartment, then a ten-kilogram carcass briskly jumping around the house is not a sight for the faint of heart, and it is difficult for the animal itself to take its soul away within the four walls of a small apartment.

A kitten doesn't need a lot of space to play.

The ideal conditions for keeping big cats are your own country house, which comes with an owner who is ready to walk his pet in the fresh air. This rule applies primarily to wild and semi-wild cats. They need to exercise their hunting instincts and release their energy, otherwise both will be used against you.

Hunting plays an important role in a cat's life.

Nutritional Features

The amount of food a cat should eat depends on many factors - the age of the animal, its lifestyle and the individual characteristics of the body. On average, the daily intake should be 5-10% of the cat’s weight. Approximately 70% of the diet should be meat (replaced with fish once a week), the rest should be dairy products, vegetables and cereals. Thus, the pleasure of keeping a pet weighing 15 kg in the house will cost the owner “only” half a kilo of fresh meat daily.

A big cat needs a lot of meat

It is enough to feed adult animals once a day. You can divide the daily ration into two meals, but it is very important that feeding is carried out at the same time, and everything that the animal does not eat is removed until the next time.

It’s more difficult with wild cats: to maintain their “tone,” these animals do not need an imitation of hunting, but a real process. Breeders recommend giving such cats live food: mice, rats, day-old chicks or quails, and the predator eats all this whole, along with offal, stomach contents, fragments of feathers and skin.

If live food is entertainment for domestic cats, it is a necessity for wild cats.

Some two mice or one rat a day, according to experts, will be quite enough for a serval or jungle cat.

Wild cat in the house

The main difference between a domestic cat and a wild and semi-wild cat is that the former lived among people for many generations and managed, let’s say, to adapt socially. Moreover, if we are talking about breeding animals, the likelihood of them showing causeless aggression is minimized, since individuals in which such behavior has been identified are disqualified and not allowed to breed.

The situation is the opposite with hybrid and wild cats. For them, life in a “human pack” is unnatural. You can talk as much as you like about how sweet and obedient Savannahs and Chausies are, but, in fact, these are wild animals that do not have to be tame at all.

A wild cat doesn't have to be tame

Breeders often recommend sterilizing such cats to prevent them from showing aggression. According to generally accepted standards, all domestic animals not used for breeding should undergo a similar procedure. This is necessary for the health of the cat itself (sexual abstinence with “playing hormones” has a detrimental effect on both the psyche and somatics of the animal), but in the case of a wild animal, it can indeed have an additional goal - to protect the owner.

Still, the consequences of sterilization should not be overestimated. The aggressive behavior of an animal is not always associated with sexual instincts. Thus, it is customary to distinguish the following types of aggression in cats:

  • intraspecific (territorial and dominant) - animals sort things out among themselves, fighting for territory, a female, etc.;
  • maternal - protecting the babies, the cat can rush at anyone in whom it sees a threat;
  • redirected - not being able to get to the irritant (for example, a bird brazenly chirping on a branch outside the window), the cat takes out its anger on everything that is within reach;
  • caused by affection - the animal does not like how and where it is scratched, or it is simply not disposed to manifestations of love, and the owner does not understand the signals sent to it;
  • caused by fear - the effect of a rat driven into a corner;
  • caused by pain - the self-preservation instinct is triggered;
  • The struggle for territory is only one of the possible reasons for aggression

    Only the first two types of aggression can be stopped by sterilization, and even then only partially. Even neutered cats fight for territory, it’s just that the range they claim is much smaller. And the fact that a complex medical operation, which also involves the use of general anesthesia (narcotic drugs), does not exclude, but, on the contrary, provokes aggression caused by fear or pain, is not at all in doubt.

    Cat fangs are a terrible weapon

    In conclusion, I’ll tell you a story that I really don’t like to remember. It concerns the same unprovoked aggression in a normal-sized domestic cat. Obviously, we were unlucky to acquire an animal (I won’t name the breed, but it was an expensive kitten from a prestigious nursery) with congenital mental pathology. For the time being, the disease did not manifest itself in any way, except that the cat might unexpectedly hiss at one of the household members, except for its beloved mistress. But one day, something switched in the animal’s head, and the “pet” began to attack everyone, including the main Person in his life, as soon as he spoke to someone or picked up the phone. Believe me, it had nothing to do with a fun game when a cat from around the corner grabs your leg and accidentally leaves a couple of scratches on it! The cat was clearly aiming for the head, trying to grab the eyes and tear off the hair along with the skin. No sedatives helped, the animal fell off its feet under their influence, got up and jumped again. Of course, this is an anomaly; the likelihood of encountering such a nightmare is minimal. But we're talking about something else. I speak with all responsibility: four kilograms of fury, armed with razor-sharp claws and no less terrible fangs, is an incredible force that cannot be stopped without killing! To those who do not believe, I can only wish to continue to be in illusions. But I dread to think what would have happened to us if our poor cat had been a little larger.

    A wild cat doesn't have to want to hurt you. She can do this in the game, and when she smells blood, she can get even more excited. This behavior seems inappropriate, but in reality we behave abnormally, dragging a cougar or caracal into our house. The desire to tickle your nerves, stroke your pride, show off to your neighbors is great, but there are many ways to get the same result without risking the life of your family, let alone the life of the unfortunate cat who will die if she accidentally loses control of her emotions, worthless.

All domestic cats found in urban areas and beyond have common roots. They are believed to be a subspecies of the forest cat, domesticated 10,000 years ago. According to statistics, there are 600 million domestic cats in the world today, and each of them belongs to 1 of 256 breeds.

Over a period of thousands of years, each breed has acquired individual traits and parameters that a person can easily navigate when choosing a pet. Cats differ not only in appearance, each has its own individual temperament and even a tendency to hereditary diseases that is passed on to the offspring. These characteristics make up the calling card of each breed.

Below is information about the largest cat breeds, the star cat Omar and the humane ban on one of the cat nominations in the Guinness Book of Records.

The largest domestic cat

This cat was found in Australia - he turned out to be a 3-year-old Maine Coon named Omar. The cat is 120 cm long and weighs 14 kg. The cat's owner, Stephie Hurst, claims that her pet was big before - Omar's weight was already 10 kg in a year. She also assures that this is not the limit and Omar is still growing.

Omar the cat - the largest cat in the world

The cat gained worldwide fame after Stephy decided to create a personal account for him on the social network Instagram – omar_mainecoon. As of June 2017, Omar has over 60,000 followers, and his photos and videos receive thousands of likes.

Soon, media representatives began to contact Stephie to talk about her pet and take a photo with the star cat. Also, data on Omar’s weight and height have been sent to representatives of the Guinness Book of Records, from whom they are awaiting confirmation of the establishment of a new record.

Officially, today the record belongs to the Maine Coon Ludo from the British city of Wakefield, whose length reaches 118 cm.

According to Omar's owners, he is a calm cat who prefers to lead a measured lifestyle. During the day, Omar loves to walk around the yard, keeping the dogs company, lie on the trampoline, or hide in secluded places. A cat's favorite treat is kangaroo meat.

Previously, the Guinness Book of Records also presented the nomination “The fattest cat in the world.” The record belonged to a cat named Himmy, whose weight was 21.3 kg. But at the age of 10 he died from respiratory failure. Then representatives of the Guinness Book of Records decided to exclude this nomination from the list in order to prevent the deliberate overfeeding of animals in order to set records and gain fame for the owners.

Top 10 largest breeds

These cats are the undisputed favorites of all family members. They are affectionate and are able to let both the owner they have designated for themselves and strangers approach them. Bobtails are able to get out of difficult situations, for example, finding a way out of a closed room or cage. They also often exhibit a predatory instinct; they love to hunt for insects.

This breed of cat appeared on the Kuril Islands, which is why it got its name. The main distinguishing feature is considered to be a very short tail, despite its impressive size. The weight of a male representative reaches 7 kg, height 35 cm.

Bobtails are full of energy, love to play a lot and are always looking for the company of people. These cats are patient and do not show aggression, even if they experience discomfort from excessive affection. From an early age they are obedient and trainable.

8. Pixiebob. Pixiebob cats are artificially bred in the United States of America. The Americans tried to create a cat that looked like a lynx. As a result, this large breed was obtained. The weight of male representatives reaches 8 kg, height – 30-35 cm.

Despite their slightly wild appearance, these cats are affectionate and loyal. They get along easily with other pets in the house, especially with dogs, with whom they often walk around the yard. The pixie bob breed is the only one allowed to have multi-toed paws due to its genetic characteristics, and this factor does not in any way affect participation in exhibitions and competitions.

This breed lived for hundreds of years on the shores of Lake Van in Turkey, which is why it received its name. It is not known exactly how long ago they appeared in those places, but scientists define the Turkish Van breed as very ancient. The weight of male representatives reaches 9 kg, height – 30 - 40 cm.

These cats show themselves as loving and affectionate animals, often playing and spending time with their owners. They are even ready to become entertainment for children, but only on the condition that they do not torment them too much. Turkish Vans are trainable and especially love games where you need to catch toys on the fly.

6. Norwegian forest. The Norwegian Forest is similar in appearance to the Maine Coon breed, and some scientists adhere to the theory that these cats have common ancestors. The weight of a male representative reaches 10 kg, height – 30 cm.

Norwegians are very smart cats, able to quickly learn standard commands, even as kittens. These cats thoroughly remember the location of things in the house, they are not aggressive and patient, but do not like affection in large quantities. They appreciate most when they are treated like full-fledged members of the family.

5. Siberian. Siberian cats are a domesticated indigenous breed that has become widespread in Russia. The weight of a male representative reaches 12 kg, height – 33 cm.

The character of the Siberian cat cannot be called simple; they do not like to obey the will of others and are very capricious. Usually in the family they choose a leader for whom they respect, and may not even notice the rest of the family members. These cats rarely play playfully in the yard, preferring balanced and calm behavior. Although favorite toys can still make cats want to run around the apartment with them, to the surprise of their owners.

4. British Shorthair. The British Shorthair cat resembles a favorite soft toy from childhood, which leaves no one indifferent. The weight of male representatives reaches 12 kg, height – 33 cm.

The British Shorthair cat is independent and intelligent. It is not for nothing that they are often defined as cats for businessmen. The British do not outwardly show affection for their owners and rarely come to them for affection. At the same time, they delicately allow themselves to be played with, but if possible, they step aside. Despite this, the British are considered loyal animals who get bored when alone. Another feature is that they will never allow themselves to spoil property in the house, carefully bypassing all decorative elements in the apartment.

3. Chausie. The third place is occupied by the Chausie breed - these are cats known even in Ancient Egypt. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height – 40 cm.

Chausies cannot stand loneliness, they try to be close to their owners when they are at home, they also enjoy playing with children and generally like to move a lot. Their character is peaceful, and their intelligence develops rapidly, so representatives of the Chausie breed are often used in the household.

2. Maine Coon. Second place went to representatives of the Maine Coon breed - cats from North-East America. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height – 41 cm. And the maximum body length, listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is equal to 1.23 m.

Despite their large size, Maine Coons are domestic and affectionate, loving their owners. But the wild nature will take its toll if you bring the cat to a pond, where he will prove himself to be a real hunter, freely walking along the water in search of prey.

Savannah cats have a calm character and easily adapt to new living conditions. They are not afraid of water and love fresh air. Another pleasant characteristic of this breed is its devotion, comparable to that of a dog.

Top 5 biggest wild cats in the world

Lions, tigers and leopards, which belong to the cat family, are, of course, the largest representatives of these. But this rating is based on little-known cat breeds that look almost indistinguishable from domestic pets, but live in the wild.

Amur forest cats live in the Far East. The weight of male representatives reaches 6 kg, height – 35 cm.

Most of all, these cats love to feast on birds and chipmunks. They may even hunt roe deer, but this does not happen often. On average, Amur forest cats live 10 years.

This cat is considered a representative of Equatorial Africa, living in forests. The weight of male representatives reaches 14 kg, height – 50 cm.

African golden cat

These wild cats are considered loners in life, and their species itself is recognized as very rare. Being predators, cats prefer to hunt at night and rest in the treetops during the day.

3. Speckled cat. The second name of this species is the fishing cat. It was not obtained by chance, since speckled cats are considered virtuosos in catching fish. The weight of male representatives reaches 15 kg, height – 41 cm.

The fishing cat is an excellent swimmer due to its muscular build. There are cases when they even entered into fights with artiodactyl cubs and won.

2. Bush cat (serval). This is the most graceful cat in the rating. The average weight of an adult cat is 8-15 kg, but can reach 18 kg, and its height is 65 cm.

Servals are capable of jumping 3 m in height; they practice such jumps while hunting. Servals forage for food both below and above the ground. They live in Africa. A distinctive feature of bush cats is their ability to live in captivity, and, if necessary, even become tame. Servals are also known to mate with members of the domestic cat family.

The first place in the ranking is occupied by the ocelot. The size of this cat is impressive - the weight of male representatives on average reaches 16 kg, height - 50 cm. They live in the tropics of America. Ocelots feed on both birds and snakes; often even small mammals are present in their diet. There are cases when ocelots coped with pigs and even donkeys.

Recently, the idea of ​​keeping a wild cat at home, rather than its domesticated relative, has become popular among wealthy people. Unfortunately, people do not understand that this can be detrimental to freedom-loving animals. Therefore, lovers of large and apparently wild cats should pay attention to the domestic Savannah and Maine Coon breeds. The cost of the former today varies greatly and reaches 1.5 million rubles, the average price is 300,000 rubles. As for Maine Coons, their price is much lower - from 25,000 to 70,000 rubles.

Anyone who loves domestic cats cannot remain indifferent to their large wild counterparts. Perhaps many people, in their spare time, even imagine what it’s like when a graceful and powerful animal, like a lion or leopard, fawns over you.

Of course, these are just fantasies; wild cats belong in nature, not in our homes. However, there is still an opportunity to get closer to the dream; the breeders have taken care of this. And it must be said that the giants of the cat world immediately won the love of owners all over the world. Today we present to you the breeds of the largest cats with photographs “in the background” of the owners.


In order to get an animal weighing 25 kg and height at the withers up to 45 cm, of course, it was impossible to get by by crossing only domestic cats. Therefore, when breeding the savannah, the African serval was used. The breeders claim that they managed to soften the wild temperament of the latter and get a pet that is quite docile and suitable for keeping in the house, but it just needs a lot of space.

Savannahs are reminiscent of dogs in character: they are very active, love to swim and walk on a leash, are easy to train and become attached to their owners.

Maine Coon

Among the photos of the largest cat breeds that owners proudly post on social networks, the Maine Coon stands out. And for good reason. This breed is the largest of the non-hybrid domestic cats, that is, those without wild blood. Males can reach 7 – 12 kg in weight, and cats - 5 – 9 kg, which makes them larger than many decorative dog breeds. At the same time, Maine Coons are rightly called gentle giants for their friendly and flexible nature.


The breed was bred in America and it was there that it gained the greatest popularity. The average weight of cats is 7 – 9 kg, females – 5 – 6 kg. Translated, ragdoll means “rag doll.” The breed received this name not only for the extreme good nature and easy-going nature of these cats, but also for their physiological characteristics.

When you take a ragdoll in your arms, you are amazed at the surprisingly soft gutta-perfectness of his body, which seems to spread over your hands. Because of this, ragdolls do not jump well, and falling from a height threatens them with serious consequences. Constant muscle relaxation does not allow animals to quickly group.


A very rare and expensive breed of cats, it is very difficult to buy it in our country, and there are only a few Chausie catteries abroad. It is believed that the ancestor of this cat was a wild jungle cat, so the breed was originally a hybrid. The weight of chausie reaches 10 kg, and they are distinguished by their wild, pristine beauty.

The character of these cats is quite friendly, but keeping such an animal at home is quite difficult; it requires a lot of space for movement, as well as regular walks.


Another creation of American breeders who wanted to get a greater variety of colors in ragdolls, but got a ragamuffin. Actually, this breed is no different from its progenitor, only the Ragdoll can only be of color-point color, and the Ragamuffin can be of absolutely any color.

Hence, apparently, the name of the breed, which translated means “ragamuffin.” Apparently, it contains a hint of the picturesque rags of the poor, who are forced to put on whatever they need.

Norwegian forest

One of the most beautiful breeds of long-haired cats, distinguished by their large size. Cats can weigh 5 – 6 kg, and males can reach 7 – 9 kg. Affectionate and attached to their owners, Norwegian Forest Dogs at the same time have a fairly strong character. The tufts on the ears and the intense “wild” gaze make these cats similar to the free inhabitants of the forests of their homeland.


This Russian breed, recognized and loved all over the world, is distinguished by its significant size: cats weigh from 4 kg, males from 6, but there are also much larger individuals up to 6 - 8 kg and 8 - 12 kg, respectively.

Siberians are perhaps one of the most intelligent and at the same time freedom-loving cat breeds. Breeders make sure that aggressiveness does not become entrenched in the breed, but nothing can defeat the free spirit of these rebellious children of the harsh north. Siberians are a breed for those who respect the cat in a cat.

British Shorthair

As you may have noticed, all non-hybrid “giants” turn out to be semi- or long-haired beauties, and the British are the only short-haired breed on our list.

Cats weigh from 3 to 5 kg, males - up to 6 kg, some - up to 8 kg. The wonderful cozy appearance of the British has made these cats the most popular breed in Russia and, perhaps, in the world, but they cannot be called plush. Proud, independent and intolerant of familiarity, the British are not distinguished by their tame and flexible character. So you often have to admire them from afar.

Turkish van

Another semi-long-haired breed of very representative size. Males weigh, on average, from 6 to 9 kg, cats - from 4.5 to 6 kg. This breed can rightfully be called a waterfowl, because Vans not only have a calm attitude towards water, but actually love to swim.

Some breeders claim that this makes Vans suitable for people with allergies to cat saliva - the main cause of so-called cat allergies. It is believed that if you wash the animal once every six weeks, the symptoms will either disappear or be very mild. But the Vanir, they say, should not be forced to wash at all!

How much do your pets weigh? Perhaps they will give a head start to the largest cat breeds - we are waiting for your photos and comments.

Larisa Solodovnikova

Cats have been the most popular pets for centuries. It is this fact that explains the fact that specialists do not stop breeding new breeds of these animals. There are fluffy and bald, curly and smooth-haired, short-legged and graceful representatives of the cat class, and this article describes the largest breeds of cats. In this article we will talk about the biggest cats.

The Maine Coon is a domestic cat that ranks first in the world size rankings. The name of the breed is translated from English as “Maine raccoon.”

The weight of the animal is up to 15 kg for males and up to 10 kg for females.

The largest breed is distinguished by its magnificent appearance, which is ensured by the following characteristics: a strong skeleton, well-developed muscles, long luxurious hair (can be of different shades), a large bushy tail and expressive eyes in emerald-golden tones. Maine Coons are sociable and easy-going; they become very attached to their home and their owners.

The largest cat breed in the world is also the quietest. The fact is that Maine Coons practically cannot meow.

Instead of the usual “meow,” they extremely rarely make a quiet melodic sound.

Sometimes, in order to hear the “singing” of these large cats, owners have to lightly pinch their ears. , despite the fact that he is the largest of his relatives, he remains active and playful until old age.


The largest breeds of domestic cats include recently bred ones, which, due to their small numbers, are mainly pets of breeders.

The body weight of adult individuals is 13-14 kg in males and 9-11 kg in females.

The large Chausie breed is easily recognizable by its spectacular appearance. They have a dense silky coat of silver, brownish or black color; a round muzzle with swollen cheeks and nose pads; ears with small tassels; strong muscular body. Thanks to the presence of all these characteristics, chausies have the appearance of real predators. And not in vain, because their ancestor is the jungle cat - a large wild animal. This explains the freedom-loving nature of the representatives of the described cat breed.

Even though Chausies are quite large, they are more energetic than many other cat breeds. At the same time, these pets crave communication with their owners and cannot live without their affection.


The Redgall is a relatively new cat breed with large eyes. But its main distinguishing feature is not an expressive look, but reduced muscle tone. This fact is confirmed by the name of the breed, which is translated from English as “rag doll”. The Redgall is the result of crossing a Siamese and a Burmese cat.

The weight of an adult animal reaches 7-9 kg in males and 5-6 kg in females.

Large domestic cats, Redgalls give birth to pure white kittens, whose fur is covered with dark markings before the age of two. Depending on how the spots on the body of adults are distributed, the breed is divided into two varieties: colorpoint (color, like the Siamese) and two-color (with white areas on the muzzle and tail). In each of them, colors such as blue, lilac and chocolate are acceptable.

Redgolls are characterized by calmness and equanimity. This representative of big cats is ready to make friends with any other pets. A hamster can easily run across it, a parrot can sit on its tail, a large dog can step on its stomach, etc. What kind of cat would not react in this case? And the redgall won’t even blink an eye, because for him everything living is a friend. But sloths are very interested in everything new: people, things, toys, treats. Occasionally, a redgoal can accumulate a lot of energy, and then the animal will rush around the house like an avid parkour athlete.


When considering large breeds of cats with large ears, one cannot fail to mention the Savannah, which belongs to the category of the most expensive pets.

The body weight of these smooth-haired animals reaches 14 kg in males and 6 kg in females.

Quite large cats of this breed are very reminiscent of cheetahs in the following characteristics: mobility, flexibility, graceful movements and the presence of characteristic spots. Cats are somewhat calmer. But unlike the cheetah, savannahs have larger ears and short, silky fur. The length of the fur increases slightly in the area of ​​the animal’s ear cavity, thanks to which its auditory organ is reliably protected from various insects. The savannah inherited these characteristics from one of its ancestors - the serval (the described breed is a hybrid of this wild African cat and an ordinary domestic cat).

Cats with large ears are more similar in basic habits to dogs than to their whiskered-striped relatives. This “not quite feline” representative of the animal world is not only large in size, but also great in its “spiritual” qualities: he is loyal, quickly learns commands, follows his owner everywhere next to him or on a leash, and if necessary, he will give his life for him . In basic matters, savannas are not much different from ordinary cats: they do not require any special care or exotic food.

Siberian cat

When considering the largest cat breeds with Russian roots, one cannot ignore the Siberian Murka, a naturally formed breed. Domestic felinologists only had to hone it to perfection and certify it. The Siberian cat is distinguished not only by its large size, but also by a number of other characteristics: rounded head; lush, hard, thick fur, even breaking through between the paw pads; wide fluffy tail of medium length. A medium-length ear may have a tassel at the tip.

The largest Siberian cat weighs about 11 kg, but there are individuals weighing 8-10 kg; the body weight of females is almost half that - it is 5-6 kg.

The most common colors of Siberians are black, gray, white, red and various combinations thereof.

These big cats are rightly called universal: they are peace-loving, good hunters, quickly adapt to new conditions, neat, love children, and fearless in the face of dangers. The huge “Siberian” gets along well with other pets, but if small animals (rodents, birds, fish, reptiles, etc.) live in the house, then there is a risk that they will be eaten by a furry predator.

Although domestic cats are not as active as, for example, Savannahs and Chausies, their representatives simply love to explore the surfaces of cabinets and other “elevations.” In addition, “Siberians” welcome various toys. But the playfulness of these animals is combined with a sound mind: they will first think carefully, and then take the only right step. One of the characteristics of representatives of the Siberian breed is that they love to walk a lot in the fresh air in any weather.

Anyone who dreams of having a pet should not be afraid of the definition of “the largest,” thinking that such cat breeds can cause a lot of trouble. Here you need to take into account that a majestic pet will behave accordingly. Therefore, you can safely start choosing a mustachioed and tailed friend, throwing away all worries and doubts!



In this video you can see all the largest cat breeds. Enjoy watching!

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