Home Dental treatment Job description for local general practitioner doc. Results of our work

Job description for local general practitioner doc. Results of our work

Many had to operate with the term as a characteristic. In modern realities, the old concept of a letter of recommendation has come into use. When the time came to go to work, or the opportunity arose to take an honorable position. Some time ago, the guarantor's recommendation was replaced by a banal characteristic. There is a difference between asking for a characteristic and issuing it is completely different. Use a sample that will save time on drawing up the correct document Nowadays, characteristics, as before, have begun to be called letters of recommendation. Characterization was always required.

Ward nurse's certification report


Novosibirsk, 2008

To the head of the sanatorium from RA employee E.N. Dudko


I ask you to allow me to undergo certification in the certification commission of the medical service of the Siberian Military District for the assignment of the highest qualification category in the specialty “nursing in therapy.”

Date and signature.

Chairman of the Certification Commission of the Medical Service of the Siberian Military District

I petition on the merits of this application.

Head of the sanatorium, Lieutenant Colonel of the Medical Service N.V. Shevchenko

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    Added to the site:

    Job description of an anesthesiologist-resuscitator[name of organization, enterprise, etc.]

    This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the Unified Qualification Directory of Positions for Managers, Specialists and Employees, section “Qualification Characteristics of Positions of Workers in the Healthcare Sector”, approved by Order of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Russian Federation dated July 23, 2010 N 541n, and other legal acts regulating labor relations.

    1. General Provisions

    1.1. An anesthesiologist-resuscitator belongs to the category of specialists and is directly subordinate to [name of the immediate supervisor].

    1.2. A person who has a higher professional education in one of the specialties “General Medicine”, “Pediatrics” and postgraduate professional education (internship and (or) residency) in the specialty “Anesthesiology-Reanimatology” or professional retraining in the specialty is accepted for the position of doctor-anesthesiologist-resuscitator. "Anesthesiology-Reanimatology" with postgraduate professional education in one of the specialties: "Neonatology" or "Nephrology", without presenting requirements for work experience.

    1.3. An anesthesiologist-resuscitator must know:

    Constitution of the Russian Federation;

    laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of healthcare, consumer protection and sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population;

    regulatory legal acts regulating the circulation of potent, psychotropic and narcotic drugs;

    general principles of organizing anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care services;

    regulatory legal acts regulating the activities of the anesthesiology and resuscitation service;

    equipment of departments;

    methods of preoperative examination and preparation of patients for surgery and anesthesia;

    modern methods of general, local and regional anesthesia in various areas of surgery, including in patients with concomitant diseases;

    principles of emergency care and features of anesthesia for patients in conditions of mass admission of victims;

    modern methods of intensive care and resuscitation for various diseases and critical conditions;

    basics of labor legislation;

    internal labor regulations;

    labor protection and fire safety rules.

    2. Job responsibilities


    2.1. Assess the patient's condition before surgery, prescribe the necessary therapeutic and diagnostic measures related to preparing the patient for anesthesia, determine the tactics of managing the patient in accordance with the procedure and standard of medical care, and prescribe premedication.

    2.2. Organizes the workplace in the operating room taking into account technical and fire safety measures; prepares for work and operation anesthesia-respiratory and monitoring equipment, as well as the necessary tools, consumables and medications.

    2.3. Provides anesthesiological support for operations, diagnostic and therapeutic procedures that require pain relief or monitoring of the respiratory and circulatory system during their implementation, using modern anesthesia methods approved in the Russian Federation.

    2.4. Conducts general intravenous, inhalation, regional, multicomponent and combined anesthesia during abdominal and extracavitary operations in surgery, urology, obstetrics and gynecology, traumatology and orthopedics, etc. in adults and children.

    2.5. Uses muscle relaxants.

    2.6. Performs forced ventilation of the lungs with a mask of the anesthesia machine.

    2.7. Performs tracheal intubation.

    2.8. Supports anesthesia.

    2.9. Carries out continuous monitoring of the patient's condition during anesthesia, prescribes reasonable corrective therapy, infusion and transfusion therapy during anesthesia, taking into account the characteristics of childhood and old age, concomitant diseases, the functional state of the cardiovascular system, and the severity of the patient's condition.

    2.10. Monitors the patient and carries out the necessary treatment during the period when the patient recovers from anesthesia, as well as in the immediate postoperative period until complete restoration of vital functions, monitors the patient.

    2.11. Conducts various methods of local and regional anesthesia, prevention and treatment of complications of local and regional anesthesia; masters modern methods of conducting complex cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation.

    2.12. Determines indications and performs catheterization of peripheral and central veins.

    2.13. Monitors ongoing infusion therapy.

    2.14. Conducts emergency measures for various diseases, acute and critical conditions of various origins in adults and children.

    2.15. Corrects water-electrolyte disorders and acid-base status, disorders of the blood coagulation system.

    2.16. Carries out emergency measures for various forms of shock, burn injury, severe traumatic brain injury, polytrauma, chest trauma, complicated forms of myocardial infarction, heart rhythm disturbances (using electrical stimulation therapy and electropulse therapy), hypertensive crisis, comas of unknown etiology, poisoning (medicines) , household chemicals, carbon monoxide, FOS, ethanol, etc.), tetanus, cholera, botulism, radiation injuries, dysfunction of vital body systems; severe obstetric pathology; eclamptic states, nephropathy, shock states, obstetric hemorrhage, exogenous poisoning; knows methods of extracorporeal detoxification; knows the principles of treatment of emergency conditions in infectious diseases in adults and children; pheochromocytoma crisis, adrenal insufficiency; thyrotoxic crises.

    2.17. Qualifiedly and timely carries out orders, instructions and instructions from the management of the institution, as well as regulatory legal acts related to his professional activities.

    2.18. Complies with internal labor regulations, rules on labor protection and fire safety, sanitary and epidemiological regime, promptly takes measures, including timely informing management, to eliminate violations of safety regulations, fire safety and sanitary rules that pose a threat to the activities of the healthcare institution, its employees, patients and visitors.

    2.19. Systematically improves his skills.

    2.20. [Other job responsibilities].

    3. Rights

    An anesthesiologist-resuscitator has the right:

    3.1. For all social guarantees provided for by law.

    3.2. Make proposals to senior management to improve their work.

    3.3. Make decisions independently within your competence and organize their implementation.

    3.4. Require the management of the organization to provide assistance in the performance of their professional duties and the exercise of rights.

    3.5. Sign and endorse documents within your competence.

    3.6. Receive information and documents necessary to perform your job duties.

    3.7. Improve your professional qualifications.

    3.8. [Other rights provided for labor legislation].

    4. Responsibility

    The anesthesiologist-resuscitator is responsible for:

    4.1. For failure to perform or improper performance of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description - within the limits determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.2. For causing material damage to the employer - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4.3. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal, and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document].

    Head of HR department

    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]


    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]

    I have read the instructions:

    [initials, surname]


    [day month Year]

    A character reference for a medical worker, like any other reference from an employer, should ideally contain all the necessary and sufficient information for the organization to which this document is required. As a rule, this information consists of three parts: personal data, an assessment of the level of professionalism and a description of personal qualities.

    Questionnaire part, usually contains the following information: last name, first name, patronymic; date of birth; education; current place of work and a list of previously held positions.

    In terms of characteristics, which describes the professional level of a health worker, provides basic information about his job functions: what they include and how successfully they are implemented in everyday activities. Here it makes sense to reflect steps to improve qualifications - studies, retraining, courses.

    Description of personal qualities, should also be done in the context of professional-industrial relations. Thus, information about how sentimental a given employee is, say, is unlikely to be necessary, but information about how conflict-oriented, sociable, disciplined, and so on a person is is very important for making many personnel decisions.

    Medicine is a special type of professional activity in which the physician is in close interaction with people who are often in difficult, stressful situations - patients, their relatives. In this regard, communication skills, responsiveness, and attentive attitude towards people not only characterize a health worker as an individual, but also have professional significance. The characteristics may reflect information from the book of reviews or complaints of the medical institution left by patients addressed to this employee.

    The characteristics also often list professional achievements: victories in competitions, publications of scientific works, awards and incentives.

    Final part characteristics for a medical worker, as a rule, contains a conclusion about the suitability of the position held, about the presence (or absence) of grounds for encouragement and promotion.

    Let's give a brief example of characteristics for an average medical worker - a hospital nurse.

    Characteristics for a medical worker - example

    Natalya Filippovna Sokolova has been working as a nurse in the therapeutic department of Sedanovsk City Hospital No. 1 since May 2011. Documented as a transfer from a similar position from GB-2 in the city of Bratsk. Total work experience in treatment and preventive medical institutions is 6 years.

    She graduated from the Bratsk State Medical School in 2008. In 2012, she took advanced training courses at Irkutsk State Medical University with a degree in “Organization of Nursing”

    During the work of Sokolov N.F. provided care for patients and monitored their condition, ensured compliance with medical-protective and sanitary-epidemiological regimes in the department, received medications, ensured their accounting and storage. Responsibilities were performed in full, medical prescriptions were carried out in a timely and accurate manner.

    In the team of Sokolov N.F. has proven herself on the positive side: she takes an active part in the social life of the team, is respected by colleagues, and has positive reviews of patients. The most noticeable qualities on a personal level are accuracy, responsibility, a friendly attitude towards people, and a conscious desire to improve one’s professional level in every possible way.

    The characteristics are given to the IGMU certification commission for admission to the correspondence department.

    Chief physician Surkov V.A.

    Finally, state your opinion that has developed over the period of your working life about a particular employee. Perhaps you will evaluate his qualities, attach the results of his work, for example, reports, documents, copies of certificates, etc. 5 After this, put your signature and the date of the review. Be sure to certify what is written with the official seal. It is advisable to prepare the document in several copies - this is especially important when sending for certification or advanced training, since a separate copy is attached to the employee’s personal file. Please note: The review assumes a more business-like style of presentation rather than a characterization. Therefore, it is necessary to fully reveal the employee’s business potential and activities and, at the end, write about his personal qualities. The ratio should be somewhere around 4 to 1.

    F.m. stein - radiologist characteristics

    International Ophthalmological Clinic. Since 2011, he has been working as an ophthalmologist at the Visus Plus ophthalmology clinic. During my work, I underwent several improvements:

    • 1981

    VNIIGB Ministry of Health of the USSR - underwent on-the-job training;
  • 1988 – Krasnoyarsk Medical Institute, topic: “Myopia, strabismus, amblyopia.”
  • 1990 – advanced training in pediatric ophthalmic surgery at the Leningrad State Institute of Internal Medicine.
  • 1993 – advanced training at the MNTK “Eye Microsurgery”.
  • 1994 – Helmholtz Research Institute of GB, “Diagnostics and treatment of ophthalmopathology in children.”
  • 1997 – courses at the All-Russian Center for Eye and Plastic Surgery, “Plastic and vasolymphoreconstructive operations.”
  • 2001 – “New in children’s health care”, Research Institute named after. Helmholtz.
  • 2010 – Institute for Advanced Studies of the Federal Medical and Biological Agency of the Russian Federation, “Ophthalmology”.
  • Characteristics for an ophthalmologist (sample, example)

    An example of a doctor's profile Characteristics of a doctor Tamara Viktorovna Leshch, born on January 30, 1973, a resident of the city of Svatovo, Lugansk region. Citizen Tamara Viktorovna Leshch has lived in the city of Svatovo, Lugansk region since the day of her birth. Works as a pediatrician at the Children's Clinic. Has a higher medical education.


    Has an academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. He treats his work diligently and performs it at a high professional level. Always attentive to young patients and their parents.

    Knows how to listen and give useful advice. In her work she uses the latest medical technologies. Her work was marked by many Certificates of Honor and government awards.


    Treats public assignments conscientiously. She was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the city council. Currently serving as a deputy of the regional council.

    Married. Loving and caring mother.

    Characteristics for a doctor sample

    Helpful advice: Study the methods of writing psychological conclusions in the works of different specialists. This will help you develop the most accurate format for writing a psychological report and expand your knowledge on this topic.
    When transferring to another job, certification or advanced training, as well as in other cases, the employee requires a recall from the place of last employment. The employer himself decides on the nature of the information, whether it will be positive or negative.
    Instructions 1 First, decide what kind of review you will write. If you decide to characterize the employee and his activities positively, write in a similar context; negatively, give other arguments.

    Ministry of Health of the Republic of Kazakhstan characteristics - presentation

    Conducted scientific and practical work on the introduction of economic management methods in the work of a bacteriological laboratory in the conditions of budgetary insurance medicine. He has no comments or penalties for the entire period of work.
    She is respected and fair among her colleagues. She is friendly by nature. Chairman of the certification commission N.D. Melyanchenko PETTION The Yurga Territorial Medical Association sends materials for the certification of bacteriologist Lyudmila Petrovna Shagaeva and petitions for confirmation of her first qualification category.

    Total work experience 27.5 years. Experience in the specialty - 20 years. Qualification characteristics of an endoscopist Appendix 10 to the Order of the Ministry of Health and Medical Industry of the Russian Federation dated May 31, 1996

    Sample job description for a doctor

    As a result, preoperative diagnosis of early forms of gastric tumors has increased and the possibilities of surgical treatment of gastric tumors have increased. F.M. Stein developed and successfully used an original method for x-ray examination of laryngeal tumors. Considering that the treatment of laryngeal cancer depends, first of all, on early recognition and the degree of spread of the tumor, primarily in the preepiglottic space, he developed an x-ray method for examining the larynx, based on artificial contrast with carbon dioxide - x-ray carboxygraphy using a system specially developed by him for the introduction gas The practical significance of this method lies in the correct assessment of the prognosis of the disease and the expected volume of partial and total surgical interventions. The work was exhibited at VDNH and was awarded a bronze medal.
    All news Clarifications on orders When in 2012 there will be clarifications or an order to issue lump sum payments for the purchase of housing to pensioners of the Ministry of Internal Affairs who are in ... All news Queue for certificates Good afternoon! We live in the city of Togliatti, we are forced ... All news Here is an example that will save time for printing a satisfactory document If the time has come to apply for work, or take an elective position. Many have encountered the concept as a characteristic. In the socialist past, the letter of guarantee was replaced by an issued reference. Increasingly, the old concept of a letter of recommendation has come into business use.

    There is a difference between receiving characteristics and composing them. You always had to go to the HR employee with a reference.

    Today, characteristics have begun to be called letters of recommendation.

    Characteristics for a radiologist for an award

    For this purpose, a special protractor was created and a mathematical table was developed, with the help of which the optimal positioning of the patient is calculated. This technique allows you to obtain complete information about the pathological process throughout its entire duration. In terms of information content, the method is not inferior to the bronchographic method. F.M. Stein took an active part in the development of transvaginal pelvic phlebography, based on a new method of introducing a contrast agent into the uterine wall from the vagina, which greatly expanded the possibilities of diagnosing uterine tumors. The undoubted merit of F.M. Stein is the active organizational, methodological, diagnostic and advisory assistance he has been carrying out for a number of years to medical institutions in the Rostov region to improve the radiology service in identifying malignant diseases.
    Knows how to listen and give useful advice. Goiko Ivan Ivanovich has established himself as a responsive, conscientious and always ready to help person. Enjoys great authority among work colleagues.

    Observes the basics of deontology when communicating with patients and colleagues, takes an active part in the public life of the team. He treats his work diligently and performs it at a professional level.

    According to the plan drawn up for the internship, he completed his internship at the following base: City Clinical Hospital No. 2, City Clinical Hospital No. 4, Minsk Anti-Tuberculosis Dispensary, Minsk Oncology Dispensary, Minsk City Clinic No. 3. I am ready for certification and subsequent independent work as a radiation diagnostics doctor. Internship supervisor E. V. M. P. Epifanova

    Characteristics for a radiologist for awards

    Indicate in detail and with examples (specific phrases, descriptions of actions) how the subject behaved in a particular case. This part should be a set of points that you should illustrate with specific examples. This part is the most informative and voluminous. One of the most important characteristics of this part of your report is its objectivity. 4

    Summarize your research. List a few key characteristics that you can give to the person being examined. This summary should not contain a diagnosis; a psychological report does not require one.

    Only a few basic theses, using which in the future it will be possible to make a diagnosis. Please note: Keep your presentation objective.

    It is important that the psychological conclusion is as reliable as possible and does not depend on your personal sympathy or antipathy towards the patient.

    Characteristics for a radiologist sample

    Qualify the doctor’s professional competence according to the following criteria: work experience and professionalism, mastery of skills and abilities within the specialty, knowledge of the basics of emergency care, receptivity to learning, including the ability to self-educate, knowledge of regulatory documents, one’s rights and responsibilities. 3 Describe the doctor’s performance, noting his activity, timely execution of orders, work efficiency, responsibility, ability to manage personal time and act in force majeure situations. 4 Summarize the business aspects of the specialist, namely the talent to manage subordinates and nursing staff, skill in resolving conflict situations, knowledge of aspects of planning the work of your department and organizing relationships with other departments and services of the clinic.

    Ministry of Health of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Specialist certificate since June 8, 2000, confirmed. 9.11.2014 State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy of the Ministry of Health of Russia. Work experience as an ophthalmologist for 37 years. Characteristics Sergey Nikolaevich Ivanov is a highly qualified doctor who has the highest qualification category since 1996 and a specialist certificate since 2000. He has repeatedly completed advanced training courses and thematic courses in various areas of ophthalmology. Constantly improves the level of knowledge, introduces advanced medical achievements into practice. Actively participates in scientific and practical conferences and ophthalmological societies of Nizhny Novgorod. Conducts classes on theory and practice at advanced training courses for doctors at the Nizhny Novgorod Medical Academy.

    Qualification categories of doctors: description and rules for obtaining

    Finally, state your opinion that has developed over the period of your working life about a particular employee. Perhaps you will evaluate his qualities, attach the results of his work, for example, reports, documents, copies of certificates, etc. 5 After this, put your signature and the date of the review. Be sure to certify what is written with the official seal. It is advisable to prepare the document in several copies - this is especially important when sending for certification or advanced training, since a separate copy is attached to the employee’s personal file.

    Please note: The review assumes a more business-like style of presentation rather than a characterization. Therefore, it is necessary to fully reveal the employee’s business potential and activities and, at the end, write about his personal qualities. The ratio should be somewhere around 4 to 1.

    Characteristics of a doctor for assignment of category

    The main part consists of the following points:

    • characteristics of the population undergoing treatment in the department;
    • possibility of carrying out diagnostic measures;
    • carried out medical work with the indicated results for specialized diseases;
    • deaths over the past 3 years and their analysis;
    • implementation of innovations.

    The conclusion of the report consists of summarizing the results, indicating possible problems and examples of their solutions, and opportunities for improvement. If published materials are available, a copy is attached. A list of literature used and studied over the past few years is indicated.

    Points for promotion Each specialist receives points that are used in making decisions about qualifications.

    Characteristics for a doctor sample

    Analyze his attentiveness, fatigue, what assessment he himself gives of his performance. The patient may complain about his general health. All this should be recorded in the first paragraph of your conclusion.

    2 Dedicate the second part of the conclusion to a description of how the patient coped with the tasks that you gave him during the examination. Does he complete them quickly, does he need to make an effort to do this? Was he interested in completing tasks? Can the patient himself be critical of his work? How adequate is his assessment? This part of the conclusion should not be lengthy. Three to five sentences. 3 Describe in detail the clinical picture of the subject’s condition.
    List the techniques you used in your work. Describe the results you arrived at specifically and in detail.

    Characteristics for an ophthalmologist (sample, example)

    Indicate in detail and with examples (specific phrases, descriptions of actions) how the subject behaved in a particular case. This part should be a set of points that you should illustrate with specific examples. This part is the most informative and voluminous.

    One of the most important characteristics of this part of your report is its objectivity. 4 Summarize your research. List a few key characteristics that you can give to the person being examined. This summary should not contain a diagnosis; a psychological report does not require one.

    Only a few basic theses, using which in the future it will be possible to make a diagnosis. Please note: Keep your presentation objective. It is important that the psychological conclusion is as reliable as possible and does not depend on your personal sympathy or antipathy towards the patient.

    Characteristics for a medical worker - sample


    The secretary informs the specialist of the date of the meeting, which includes an interview and testing. More than 70% of correct answers allow you to consider the test passed. The interview takes place by questioning the person being certified according to theory and practice, the knowledge of which must correspond to the requested qualification.


    The meeting is accompanied by the preparation of a protocol, which is signed by the members of the expert group and the chairman. The final decision is noted on the qualification sheet. A specialist receives the right to retake the exam only after a year.

    Within 7 days, the certified person receives a document confirming the promotion, reduction or refusal to assign a category. Extreme measures The administration of a medical institution can send a request to the commission so that the doctor is deprived of qualifications or promoted ahead of schedule. In this case, documents are sent to justify the decision.

    Qualification characteristics.

    If the data does not match the requirements for the latter, the documentation will be refused (no later than 2 weeks from the date of receipt). The secretary of the committee agrees with the chairman of the expert group of the required specialization on the date of the examination. Members of the expert group review the certification works of doctors for the category, completing a review for each of them, displaying the following data:

    • level of practical skills of a specialist;
    • participation in social projects related to the medical field;
    • availability of published materials;
    • self-education of the certified person;
    • compliance of knowledge and skills with the declared category of doctors.

    The examination must take place within two weeks from the date of receipt of the report. The result of the review is an indicator of the possible outcome of the certification.

    Sample characteristics of a psychiatrist

    He took part in the VII Congress of Ophthalmologists of the Russian Federation in 2005, where he made a report “Dysbinocular amblyopia: methods of training accommodation using the direct and friendly method.” He is the author of 11 articles and 2 inventions. In March 2008, he defended his PhD thesis on the topic “Accommodation in dysbinocular amblyopia in childhood and the influence of pleoptic treatment on it.” During his work, S.N. Ivanov showed himself to be a highly qualified leader and organizer of a children's ophthalmological service.

    A good ophthalmic surgeon with excellent professional knowledge, knowledgeable in all areas of his specialty. She loves her work, treats patients attentively, and builds good business relationships with colleagues.

    Certification of doctors for category

    Instructions 1 Write a description in free form in the third person, highlighting several semantic points in it. In the first block, indicate your full name. doctor, his date of birth and position held, as well as education received and previously held positions, that is, provide complete information about the employee’s work activity. In the second paragraph, indicate the personal traits of the physician, in the third - the conclusion and purpose of the characterization.

    Remember that the right vocabulary helps produce the desired effect. Therefore, do not use the following words when drafting such documents: “bad”, “failure”, “panic”, “error”, “terrible”, “hate” and “problem”.

    Works as a pediatrician at the Children's Clinic. Has a higher medical education. Has an academic degree of Doctor of Medical Sciences. He treats his work diligently and performs it at a high professional level. Always attentive to young patients and their parents.

    Knows how to listen and give useful advice. In her work she uses the latest medical technologies. Her work has been marked by many Certificates of Honor and government awards. Treats public assignments conscientiously. She was repeatedly elected as a deputy of the city council. Currently serving as a deputy of the regional council. Married. Loving and caring mother. He has two children: a son, born in 1995, and a daughter, born in 2000. Tamara Viktorovna is a cheerful, responsive, conscientious person and always ready to help.

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