Home Prevention Depressed depressed depressive state 6. Depressed (depressed) state: why it occurs and how to cope with it

Depressed depressed depressive state 6. Depressed (depressed) state: why it occurs and how to cope with it

A depressed state (depressed state) is pathological condition psyche, characterized by lack of interest and deterioration general condition. A depressed state can be one of the symptoms of neurosis, depression, or arise as an independent pathology.

Periodically, this condition occurs in completely mentally healthy people who are experiencing or have experienced a serious emotional condition, mental trauma or prolonged stress.

This condition can become pathological if symptoms persist for several months or symptoms of other symptoms appear. mental illness or the appearance of suicidal thoughts and intentions.

A depressed state may occur due to:


Experienced stress or psychological trauma can cause a state of depression that lasts from several days to several weeks and does not require special treatment. A depressed person continues to perform daily duties, communicates with others and does not refuse help. In more severe cases, the person’s psyche cannot cope with unpleasant experiences, and he “gets stuck” in this state.

There are several forms of pathological depression:

  • psychological depression;
  • emotional depression;
  • internal depression.

Psychological depression

It most often arises due to internal conflict, the inability to achieve what you want, achieve your goal, and so on. A person spends too much energy and internal resources on what he has planned or on experiencing some kind of failure and cannot cope with it on his own. As a result, he withdraws into himself, stops achieving his goal, and feels motivated. In this state, people can stop communicating with people, visiting any entertainment activities, and in difficult situations - even refuse to leave the house.

Emotional depression

Its appearance can be triggered by psychological trauma, severe stress or other experiences. The inability to experience and “live” negative emotions leads to the fact that they accumulate, block a person’s consciousness and become the cause of development psychosomatic diseases or emotional depression.

This pathology most often develops in those people who in childhood were forbidden to openly express their emotions, shamed for tears, fear or weakness. As an adult, not being able to cope with your feelings can cause many mental problems - if negative emotions will be too strong, they may cause breakdown or severe depression.

With this form of the disease, a person seems to “freeze”, he becomes a little emotional, stops enjoying life and being interested in anything. Unexperienced emotions can cause problems with sleep, appetite, headaches, heart or stomach pain, and general deterioration condition.

Inner depression

The cause of its development can be any negative experience or psychological trauma. Internal depression occurs due to difficult experiences or negative emotions that “accumulate” inside a person.

Internal depression constantly manifests itself bad mood, lack of motivation, desire to avoid contact with others. Such a person can completely stop trying to achieve anything, take any actions at all, and simply “go with the flow.” Internal depression is dangerous because patients may begin to take alcohol, drugs, gamble, or do something dangerous or illegal in an attempt to somehow fill the inner emptiness.

Danger and consequences of this condition

Depression or depression can cause the development of depression and lead the patient to alcoholism or drug addiction. Also, the lack of motivation and desire to achieve something leads to the fact that a person does not develop, agrees to exist in any conditions and does not try to achieve something better.


You can cope with a depressed state on your own or. If a person is aware of his problem and wants to change his condition, psychoanalysis, lifestyle changes or taking herbal sedatives will help cope with depression.

Drug treatment

Treatment for depression and apathy usually includes:


Psychotherapeutic treatment helps the patient understand the causes of depression and cope with internal problems.

Most often they use rational, psychoanalysis and auxiliary techniques: dance therapy, art therapy, music therapy and so on.

Explain to me what prosration in Sports is? And how to write correctly: prostration or prosration? I'm ashamed in front of my colleagues. and got the best answer

Answer from Dolphin[guru]
Come on... frustration...
Condition: go away, old woman, I'm sad....))

Answer from 2 answers[guru]

Hello! Here is a selection of topics with answers to your question: Explain to me what prosration in Sports is? And how to write correctly: prostration or prosration? I'm ashamed in front of my colleagues.

Answer from Denis[guru]
It depends on what you need, if you give a shit, then it’s a waste.

Answer from Nurken Sisengaliev[guru]
Prostration - A sharp decline in mental tone combined with speech and motor retardation, expressed by a decrease (or absence) of response to external stimuli.

Answer from Natty[guru]
the word "prostration" does not exist as such in the Russian language... there is "prostration"
Use of the concept
Encyclopedic Dictionary of Brockhaus and Efron
Prostration is a term often used in medicine, expressing, on the one hand, severe decline physical strength, as, for example, in case of serious illnesses, on the other hand, insufficiency of the functions of plant organs of the body. A similar condition complicated by decline or disappearance mental activity, always expresses extremely dangerous condition patient, requiring an immediate increase in his strength.
Great Soviet Encyclopedia
Prostration (from Late Lat. prostratio - from Lat. prosterno - overturn, destroy) - outdated, not clear enough medical concept, denoting an extreme degree of exhaustion, relaxation, and loss of mental activity. Occurs in severe infectious diseases, poisoning, excessive exhaustion, after sudden nervous shocks.
[edit] In specialized dictionaries
Medical-terminological dictionary
Prostration (from Late Lat. prostratio - oppression, decline) - a state of extreme loss of strength, depression; characterized by relaxation, helplessness, and lack of response to external stimuli.
Dictionary of Social Sciences.
Prostration is a state of complete physical and neuropsychic relaxation of the body, which occurs after serious illnesses, severe overwork, nervous shock, and starvation. lat. Prostratio - decline.
Oxford Dictionary in psychology
Prostration literally means “spread out”, “lying on the stomach”. In a special sense, the term is used to describe a state of extreme exhaustion resulting from illness or shock to such an extent that many of the body's normal reflexes are not evoked. A somewhat looser meaning is any extreme physical or mental exhaustion. Metaphorically, it implies the action of lowering the body down in a gesture of humility or humiliation.
[edit] In explanatory dictionaries
New explanatory dictionary.
Prostration (f.) - a depressed, depressed state, accompanied by a complete loss of strength and an indifferent attitude towards the environment.
Ozhegov's Dictionary
Prostration (book) - a depressed, depressed state, complete indifference to the environment.
Ushakov's Dictionary
Prostration (book) - a depressed, depressed state, accompanied by a complete loss of strength, an indifferent attitude towards the environment

Depressed state like a bag of stones that presses us to the ground. There is no will to action, you don’t want anything, and the future is seen in a gloomy light. AND characteristic feature Such a state is that any new thought or action further aggravates the deplorable state of affairs. Because in the oppressed depressed mental state the person is completely disoriented.
Oppressed deterioration may be characterized by the most in different forms manifestations of this mental illness. But the essence is always the same - a person is possessed by apathy and negative emotions in one form or another. The energy has left the body, and despair, fatigue and sadness (or even heavy thoughts of hopelessness) become its main habitual sensations.
The reasons can be very different - from failures, discord in personal life and ending with the fact that a person himself creates phantoms of negative perception in his head and is no longer able to get out of it. Depressed depressed state difficult to overcome. Any person who finds himself in a similar position would tell you that all sorts of recommendations are, of course, great, but “there is absolutely no strength or desire.” The person feels dead and empty. And he simply does not have the will to act. Especially because at such moments a person no longer sees the meaning in anything and, without wanting to, aggravates and maintains such a mood.

Depressed state - how to get out of it

This is the insidious feature depressed depressed depressed state. Start healing with unexpected side, “deceive” your illness of the spirit. One person used a strange method for this. He was in terrible despair because he was burdening himself with an immense number of tasks that were beyond his strength. In the end, it crushed him both physically and psychologically. And suddenly he imagined that life would end one day anyway. No matter what happens, no matter how things turn out, it will end. Oddly enough, this brought him relief, because it gave rise to the idea that there was no point in putting such a strain on himself. And he let himself go. I calmed down and gradually began to carry out those actions that were truly important. And I simply threw everything unnecessary out of my head.

The main idea is that first you must find one thing that will bring you relief, some kind of liberation from the oppression in which you are. And this, like a thread, will begin to “unwind” the entire tangle of your condition. And it will pull you out of the swamp into which your consciousness and body have fallen.

Depressed state - what to do first, how to help yourself

Accept the idea that you are already at the bottom and have nothing to lose. Throw away for a while everything that weighs on you. Allow yourself this. Watch the “games” of your mind and as soon as the same heavy thought arises, discard it mercilessly. Consider that you are “on vacation” from all your problems and failures. Allow yourself to live like a child lives - and just do what makes you happy, without thinking about the rationality of it. It will heal you better than any medicine. You will remember your true nature, and it will give you confidence and strength, remind you of your real goals, and not those imposed by a depressed state. Take action!

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