Home Prevention How to diagnose mental illness. The most terrible mental illnesses: list, why they are dangerous, symptoms, treatment correction and consequences

How to diagnose mental illness. The most terrible mental illnesses: list, why they are dangerous, symptoms, treatment correction and consequences

Mental illness, mental illness or mental disorder is an impaired mental consciousness that is not related to bad character traits or behavior. Healthy people adapt to the conditions around them, find mutual language with people who are able to solve problems that arise life problems. People suffering from mental disorders are unable to cope with everyday tasks on their own. They have difficulty achieving even small goals and performing daily tasks.

Prevalence of mental disorders

In the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10), disorders mental health have class V, which includes “ Mental disorders and behavioral disorders." Mental illnesses cause uncontrollable aggression and behavior, apathy, and indifference to other people and life.

The statistics of mental disorders are amazing: WHO (World Health Organization) claims that by the beginning of 2020, such illnesses will be among the top 5 diseases that make it impossible to be able to work. Mental disorders are also found in children. According to statistics in developing countries 5% of children are diagnosed with mental retardation.

Causes of mental illness

Neuropsychiatric disorders are caused by abnormalities in the functioning of the brain. Among the causes leading to pathology, there are 2 subgroups: exogenous and endogenous factors. Exogenous causes – negative external influence, For example:

  • injuries;
  • use of drugs and other toxic substances;
  • viral diseases.
Mental illnesses manifest themselves as obsessive-compulsive disorders

TO endogenous factors include internal violations, these can be:

  • mental development disorders;
  • genetic and hereditary diseases;
  • chromosomal mutations.

Important! If a person is affected by exogenous factors, then this will not necessarily lead to mental disorders - everything is purely individual, and depends on the physical characteristics of individuals, their reaction to life situations, social problems.

Symptoms of mental disorder

The presence of a mental illness in a person is determined by external signs and through diagnostics. If the disease is just developing and manifests itself only in syndromes (asthenic - increased fatigue, obsession, affective - depression), then a consultation with a neurologist is needed.

A doctor who treats and diagnoses mental disorders with severe symptoms is called a psychiatrist. Symptoms that you should consult a doctor for include the following:

  1. Inappropriate behavioral reactions or their absence - the patient laughs when he should cry or for no reason.
  2. The appearance of hallucinations - a person sees something that is not there or talks to himself.
  3. Spatiotemporal disorientation is the inability to determine one’s location, time of year or day of the week.
  4. Substitution in self-identification - a person’s inability to recover after a bereavement leads to the replacement of his identity with another (this did not happen to me, but to another person with a new name).
  5. Incoherent text or nonsense - changes in the pace of speech, phrases with incomprehensible words or constant repetition any text.

Groups depending on the signs of the disease

By symptoms mental illness are divided into groups:

Important! The above conditions are clear signs pathologies in consciousness, although the patient may not experience any of them. Each individual mental illness manifests itself differently, but may have similarities with other illnesses, so they distinguish different types disorders.

Classification of mental illnesses

Depending on the causes causing disturbances in consciousness, endogenous, endogenous-organic and extensive mental disorders are distinguished. The list of endogenous pathologies, i.e. caused by internal factors, includes:

  • cyclothymia;
  • reversible disorders late age(from 45 to 60 years);
  • mania;
  • psychoses;
  • depression;

Among endogenous-organic mental diseases there are:

  • atrophic diseases of the brain (Parkinson's disease, Pick's disease);
  • epilepsy;
  • violations caused by vascular diseases brain.

A broad group includes exogenous-organic, exogenous and somatogenic mental disorders:

  • disorders in somatic diseases;
  • exogenous mental disorders caused by alcoholism, substance abuse, drug and industrial intoxication, disorders in infectious diseases of extracerebral localization.

Mental health check

Mental test is not a guarantee of presence or absence mental disorders. For correct diagnosis you need to visit a psychologist or neurologist. The test below is provided for your reference.

Question No. 1. Do you feel in Lately increased fatigue?

a) feel;

b) I am always active;

c) sometimes.

Question No. 2. Have you noticed that your mood is too changeable (after you finish crying, you start laughing)?

a) yes, I am prone to frequent mood changes;

b) didn’t notice this;

c) sometimes it happens.

Question No. 3. Are you aggressive?

a) causeless aggression constantly arises inside;

b) I am a balanced person, I always try to understand others;

c) if they get it too much.

Question No. 4. Do you have OCD (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)? obsessive states, for example, do you think that if you don’t wash your hands, something bad will happen?

a) yes, such manias often occur, I don’t know how to get rid of them;

b) this is the first time I’ve heard about this, it’s never happened before;

c) I can check twice before leaving whether the door is closed - does this count?

Question No. 5. Do you ever have conditions when you don’t want to do anything so much that you think about the meaning of life?

a) unfortunately, depression is a constant companion in my life;

b) I am always cheerful, I know what I want and am not prone to depression;

c) happens when life changes or situations occur that I don’t like.

Count your answers and read the results:

Most answers are B. You are a cheerful, optimistic, sociable person. You are no stranger to sadness and sadness, but they pass quickly. You have a purpose to live for and it helps you. Read the result above, where the majority of answers are A. There may be someone in your life who needs help. Share your cheerfulness with others!

Most answers Q. Are you in normal condition? mental state, however, you may benefit from a change of environment. Find a hobby, analyze what you like to do, try to relax more. Depression and mental disorders “sneak up” unnoticed, so try not to dwell on the bad and take an example from a person who has the majority of answers B.

Mental disorders are a condition in which changes in a person’s psyche and behavior are observed. In this case, the behavior cannot be characterized as normal.

The term “mental disorder” itself has different interpretations in medicine, psychology, psychiatry and law. The fact is that mental disorder and mental illness are not identical concepts. The disorder characterizes a disorder in the human psyche. Mental disorders cannot always be defined as a disease. For these cases the term “mental disorder” is used.

Mental disorders are caused by changes in the structure or function of the brain, which can occur for several reasons:

  1. Exogenous factors and causes. These include external factors that can influence the human body: industrial poisons, drugs, alcohol, radiation, viruses, cranial and psychological trauma, vascular diseases.
  2. Endogenous factors and causes. This internal factors, influencing at the chromosomal hereditary level. These include: gene mutations, hereditary diseases, chromosomal disorders.

Despite the clear division of the etiology of mental disorders, the causes of most of them have not yet been identified. It is completely unclear which factor from the identified groups causes certain disorders. But it is clear that almost every person has a tendency towards mental disorders.

The leading factors of mental disorders include biological, psychological and environmental.

Mental disorders can accompany a number of somatic diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases of the brain, infectious diseases, and stroke. Disorders can be caused by alcoholism and.

Everyone knows such phenomena as autumn depression, which can “unsettle” a person. Needless to say, stress, troubles, and deep emotional experiences can also cause a number of mental disorders.

For the convenience of analyzing mental disorders, they are grouped according to etiology and clinical picture.

  • A group of disorders caused by organic brain disorders: consequences of traumatic brain injury, strokes. This group is characterized by damage to cognitive functions: memory, thinking, learning with the appearance crazy ideas, hallucinations, mood swings.
  • Persistent mental changes caused by the use of: alcohol, drugs.
  • Schizotypal disorders and different kinds schizophrenia, characterized by personality changes. This group of disorders manifests itself in a sharp change in personality, illogical actions of a person, a change in hobbies and interests, sharp decline performance. Sometimes a person’s sanity and full understanding of what is happening around disappears.
  • Group affective disorders, which is characterized by a sharp change in mood. The most famous example This group is biopolar disorder. This group includes mania and depression.
  • The group of neuroses and phobias combines stress, phobias, and somatized deviations. Phobias can be caused by a wide variety of objects. People successfully cope with some of them or learn to avoid them, while others cause panic attacks and cannot be corrected on their own.
  • Behavioral syndromes caused by physiological disorders: eating (overeating, anorexia), sleep disorders (hypersomnia, insomnia, etc.), sexual dysfunctions(frigidity, libido disorders, etc.).
  • Behavioral and personality disorders V mature age. This group of disorders includes a number of violations of gender identification and sexual preferences, such as transsexualism, fetishism, sadomasochism, etc. This also includes specific disorders as a response to certain situations. Depending on the symptoms, they are divided into schizoid, paranoid, and dissocial disorders.
  • Mental retardation. This large group congenital conditions characterized by intellectual impairment and (or) mental retardation. Such disorders are characterized by intellectual impairments: speech, memory, thinking, adaptation. Mental retardation can be severe, moderate or mild. It can be caused by genetic factors, pathologies intrauterine development, birth trauma, psychogenic factors. These conditions appear at an early age.
  • Mental development disorders. This group includes speech impairments, delays in the formation of learning skills, motor dysfunctions, including fine motor skills, attention disorders.
  • Hyperkinetic disorders. This group of behavioral disorders manifests itself in childhood. Children are disobedient, hyperactive, disinhibited, aggressive, etc.

This classification characterizes the main mental disorders, grouping them according to causation.

Mental disorders are surrounded by a number of myths. The main myth concerns the incurability of mental disorders. Most people tend to think that the psyche, which has once undergone a change (disorder), is incapable of recovery.

In fact, this is far from the case. Correctly selected drug treatment can not only eliminate the symptoms of the disorder, but also restore the human psyche. At the same time, psychotherapeutic intervention and behavioral therapy can cure the disorder with a high degree of effectiveness.

Modern Information system tends to attribute any deviations from adequate normal behavior to mental disorders. Mood swings and inappropriate reactions to stress or adaptation disorders are just that and should not be classified as disorders.

However, these manifestations may be symptoms of mental disorders, the essence of which is not external manifestations, but in deeper mechanisms. The symptoms of mental disorders are very varied.

The most common are:

  • sensopathy: disturbance of nervous and tactile susceptibility;
  • : exacerbation of irritants;
  • hepaesthesia: decreased sensitivity;
  • senestopathy: sensations of squeezing, burning, etc.;
  • : visual, auditory, tactile;
  • (when the object is felt inside);
  • distortions in the perception of the reality of the world;
  • violations thought processes: incoherence, lethargy, etc.;
  • rave;
  • obsessions and phenomena;
  • fears (phobias);
  • disorders of consciousness: confusion, ;
  • memory disorders: amnesia, dimnesia, etc.;
  • obsessions: obsessive words, melody, counting, etc.;
  • obsessive actions: wiping things, washing hands, checking the door, etc.

Mental disorders are still the object of research by scientists in the field of psychiatry and psychology. The causes of the disorders are identified, but are not absolute. Most disorders appear as a result of the interaction of a number of factors: external and internal.

The same factors can cause severe mental illness in one person and simply distress in another. The reason for this is the stability of the psyche and the receptivity of a person.

It is very important to distinguish a mental disorder from overwork or nervous disorder. At the first signs of distress, you should seek help from a specialist without changing treatment sedatives, which will not bring any effectiveness.

Treatment of mental disorders occurs through the integrated use of medications, behavioral therapy and pedagogical correction in certain types. Relatives and friends are required to strictly follow all the doctor’s instructions and be patient with an unhealthy person.

The effectiveness of treatment depends not only on the chosen methods, but also on the creation of a favorable psychological climate for the patient.


A mental disorder can be diagnosed by one specialist or a group of psychiatrists if one doctor finds it difficult to diagnose accurate diagnosis. Initially, a conversation is held with the patient, on the basis of which a mental disorder cannot be diagnosed. Only in case of pronounced violations and deviations in behavior, one conversation is enough.

In addition, an electroencephalogram of the brain may be prescribed and several tests may be performed. diagnostic samples. The test can contain up to 200-300 questions, which the patient must answer independently.

At the same time, the patient himself may feel quite comfortable and be completely unaware that he is sick, which is why it is so important to listen to relatives, who most often initiate a visit to a psychiatrist.

The presence of visual, auditory, and tactile hallucinations is a direct confirmation of a mental illness, which can be short-term in nature and caused by taking large amounts of alcoholic beverages, narcotic or psychotropic substances. Often, a mental disorder occurs due to industrial poisons, toxic substances, after exposure to radiation on the body, due to cerebral and psychotraumatic factors - all this refers to exogenous disorders and is temporary.

Endogenous mental disorders have internal factors of occurrence, for example, associated with gene diseases, chromosomal disorders, hereditary predisposition. This mental disorder is difficult to treat and can accompany a person throughout his life with short periods of remission, when enlightenment occurs, and periodic exacerbations.

Mental illnesses are divided into schizophrenia, mania, bipolar disorder, neuroses, psychoses, panic attacks, paranoia. In turn, each disorder is further divided into several types. If the doctor cannot accurately make a diagnosis, it is permissible to indicate that the etiology of the mental disorder has not been identified. Depending on the patient’s condition, treatment is carried out on an outpatient or inpatient basis.

Chronic mental disorders: symptoms and signs of disease

Chronic mental disorder is a disorder of the human psyche, manifested in various options dysfunction of action.

This disease leads to mental disorder and causes several types of diseases:

  • schizophrenia;
  • progressive paralysis;
  • paranoia;
  • manic-depressive psychosis and others.

Causes of mental disorders

Such manifestations are caused by various phenomena. The causes are easily established in the following cases: dysfunction of blood vessels, poisoning or head injury.

In other cases, with bipolar disorder or schizophrenia, it is currently impossible to accurately assess the cause.

Factors causing disorders are divided into 2 groups:

Internal (endogenous)

Endogenous factors include:

  • Genetic inheritance;
  • Functional disorders at the rudimentary level of development;
  • Metabolic dysfunction;
  • Hormonal imbalance;
  • Kidney and liver diseases.

External (exogenous)

Exogenous factors include the following phenomena:

  1. Availability bad habits(intoxication, drug addiction);
  2. Injuries and;
  3. Inflammatory reactions ( , );
  4. Negative influence of factors environment(radiation, release of toxic chemicals);

Mental illnesses have specific properties.

For example, if it is known for sure that the disease is hereditary, then its development largely depends on a number of accompanying phenomena (society, environment, care, help, understanding of others, traditions, etc.).

Symptoms and signs of mental disorders

This disease is characterized by the following symptoms:

An aggressive reaction is manifested by the following signs:

  • Alcohol inappropriate reactions;

Regular occurrence of feelings of anxiety, fear, horror:

  1. Panic;
  2. Development of various phobias;
  3. Spatial disorientation;
  4. Use of heavy medications.


  • Alcohol;
  • Use of heavy medications.

Judgment Insanity:

  1. Loss of mind;
  2. Speech incoherence;
  3. Delirium;
  4. Excited state (high tone, aggression);
  5. Mood swings;
  6. Excessive wariness and suspicion;
  7. Short term;
  8. Incomprehensible speech;
  9. Alarming symptoms;
  10. Drowsiness, fatigue.

Main types of chronic mental disorders

There are three main groups of mental disorders:

  • Endogenous;
  • Exogenous;
  • Mental development disorders.

Exogenous disorders include psychoses that occur when negative external factors appear. Negative factors can appear when exposed to a dysfunctional environment, alcohol, drugs, infections, toxins.

Endogenous factors include factors that are transmitted hereditarily. Genetics is a very complex science and it is still unknown how this disease is transmitted; cases of the disease have been reported in subsequent generations.

The main manifestation of this type of disorder is schizophrenia. This disease cannot be identified by external factors; many retain intelligence and understanding of the situation.

There are a number of diseases that are not related to either exogenous or endogenous types of mental disorders. This type of disease includes mental retardation, developmental delay (autism).


Schizophrenia causes a person to have difficulty thinking, memory loss, and unusual behavior. It is an obstacle to creating normal conditions life.

A person suffering from such symptoms cannot concentrate and distance himself from everyday life and unnecessary problems.

Some people suffering from such an illness do not cause problems to the people around them, the main problem is that they cannot adequately exist in real life, they are overcome by hallucinations, fear, anxiety, deviations, etc.

Bipolar affective disorder

This disorder is characterized by the following conditions:

  1. Mania;
  2. Depression.

The severity of bipolar disorder depends on how the illness progresses.

Rapid manic symptoms become dangerous to society.

Bulimia and anorexia

Bulimia is a person’s need to eat food without stopping and without appetite.

Bulimia constantly causes painful sensations in the pancreas region.

This disease is considered mental because it is caused by dysfunction thyroid gland and nervous system.

Anorexia is characterized by mental disorders that cause an obsession with constant weight loss.

In these cases, the digestive and endocrine system person.

Dissociative identity disorder

This type of disorder is marked by loss personal qualities, rejection of one's own identity. Such processes are characterized by the presence of a complex of mental disorders.

Dissociative disorder has the following characteristics:

  • The occurrence of amnesia;
  • Loss of personal foundations;
  • Loss of ability to navigate in space;
  • Stressful situations.

Other types of diseases

Affective disorders are characterized by sudden changes in mood. Known forms affective disorders are cyclothymia and dysthymia.

Mental retardation is a congenital condition characterized by mental retardation.

In a person suffering mental retardation, happens , memory, logical thinking, adaptive abilities.


When determining treatment for mental disorders, accurate diagnosis of the brain and nervous system is necessary.


Sedatives do not provide side effects, do not cause drowsiness or addiction.

The good thing about sedatives is that they are not sleeping pills, but still provide a restful night's rest.


These drugs are used to exterminate neuroses and psychopathic phenomena.

The following types of drugs are known:

  1. Butyrofinones, haloperidol, droperidol;
  2. Phenothiazines, chlorpromazine, propazine, thioproperazine, triftazine;
  3. Xanthenes and thioxanthenes;
  4. Bicyclic derivatives (risperidone);
  5. Atypical tricyclic derivatives (clozapine, opanzaline, quetialin);
  6. Benzamides derivatives (amylsulpiride, sulpiride, thiagride).


Nootropics have a positive effect on metabolic processes nervous system.

The following drugs are used:

  • Pyrolidone derivatives (piracetam);
  • Pyridoxine derivatives (pyritinol, encephabol);
  • Neuropeptides (protirelin, thyroliberin).


Disorders can be identified by external signs:

  1. Behavior change;
  2. Lack of housekeeping skills;
  3. Anxiety and fear;
  4. Outbursts of anger and aggression;
  5. Thoughts about suicide;
  6. Having bad habits.

If such phenomena are detected in a person, it is necessary to urgently seek help from specialists.

Mental disorders are a condition characterized by mental and behavioral changes in a destructive direction.

The term has several interpretations, both in the field of jurisprudence and in psychiatry or psychology, which introduces ambiguity into its meaning.

The ICD (International Classification of Diseases) does not distinguish this disorder as a mental or mental illness.

The term is rather a general assessment of various disorders of the human psyche.

Psychiatry notes that it is not always possible to identify biological, social or medical signs mental disorders. Only a few mental problems arose due to physical impairment body.

Risk factors

Each mental disorder of an individual can arise both due to changes in the structure and due to disruption of the normal functioning of the brain.

The reasons influencing this are divided into the following groups:

  1. Exogenous. This category usually includes any external factor, affecting humans: be it various industrial toxins, narcotic drugs, microorganisms or brain injuries, which could also be caused by a disease.
  2. Endogenous. This category includes immanent factors that include chromosome disorders, gene diseases, and hereditary diseases.

It is scientifically impossible to explain many more mental disorders. Every 4th person has a tendency to mental disorders and behavioral variability.

The main factors provoking the pathologies under consideration are usually considered to be biological and psychological impact environment.

The disorder can be genetically transmitted regardless of gender. Psychological factors combined heredity, as well as the influence of the environment, which can lead to personality disorders.

Instilling among children a false idea of family values increases the chances of developing mental disorders.

Mental pathologies most often manifest themselves among patients diabetes mellitus, vascular diseases of the brain, infectious diseases and those who have experienced a stroke.

Alcohol addiction can deprive a person of his sanity, disrupting the mental and physical functions of the body.

Symptoms of the disease may also appear in case of regular use of psychoactive drugs that affect the nervous system.

Autumn exacerbations or personal troubles can lead to any person mild depression. It is for this reason that it is recommended to take vitamins in the fall.


To make it easier to make a diagnosis, the World Health Organization has classified mental pathologies, which are usually grouped as follows:

  1. A condition caused by various types of organic damage to the brain. This category includes disorders caused by brain injury, stroke, or systemic diseases. Cognitive functions are impaired, and symptoms such as hallucinations, emotional variability, and delusions occur.
  2. Persistent mental change caused by excessive use of alcohol or drugs. IN this group includes pathologies that were caused by the influence of psychoactive drugs, as well as sedatives, hypnotics, and hallucinogenic substances.
  3. Schizophrenia and schizotypal disorders. Symptoms manifest themselves in the form of a sharp change in character, the commission of illogical and ridiculous actions, changes in interests and the emergence of uncharacteristic hobbies, and a decline in performance. An individual may completely lose the state of sanity and perception of the events surrounding him. If the symptoms are mild or borderline, the patient is diagnosed with schizotypal disorder.
  4. Affective disorders are a group of disorders characterized by mood swings. The brightest representative of the category is considered to be bipolar disorder. This group also includes manias with a variety of psychotic disorders and Persistent forms of these disorders are considered to be
  5. Phobias and neuroses. This group usually includes various neurotic disorders, including panic attack, paranoid state, neurosis, chronic stress, various phobias and somatized deviations. The classification includes specific and situational types of phobias.
  6. Behavioral syndromes including physiological problems. This group includes various types of disorders associated with nutrition, sleep and sexual dysfunctions..
  7. Personality and behavior disorders. This group included many conditions, including problems of gender identification, sexual preferences, habits and attractions.

    Specific personality disorders include permanent change behavior as a reaction to a social or personal situation. Such conditions include paranoid, schizoid, and dissocial personality disorder symptoms.

  8. Mental retardation. This category includes congenital conditions characterized by delay in mental development. These manifestations reduce intellectual functions, such as speech, thinking, attention, memory and social adaptation functions.

    The disorder may be mild, moderate, moderate or severe, which is characterized by obvious clinical manifestations. These conditions are based on possible injuries to the fetus during childbirth, developmental delays inside the womb, genetic predispositions, and attention deficits at an early age.

  9. Mental development disorders. This category included speech pathologies, delays in acquiring skills, learning, motor functions and problems psychological development. The condition begins in childhood and is often caused by brain damage. It proceeds evenly, without deterioration or remission.
  10. Disorders that involve activity and attention. This group also includes hyperkinetic pathologies. Symptoms appear in adolescents or children as problems with attention. Children show hyperactivity, disobedience, and sometimes aggression.


Mental pathologies have the following symptoms, divided into groups of signs.

  1. Group 1 - hallucinations

    Hallucinations include imaginary perceptions that are not caused by external object. Such perceptions may be verbal, visual, tactile, gustatory and olfactory.

    • Verbal (auditory) hallucinations manifest themselves in individual words, songs, music, phrases that the patient hears. Often words can be in the nature of a threat or an order that is difficult to resist.
    • Visual can manifest itself in the appearance of silhouettes, objects, pictures and full-fledged films.
    • Tactile hallucination is perceived as the sensation of foreign beings or objects on the body, as well as their movement along the body and limbs.
    • Taste hallucination characterized by a feeling of taste as if the patient had bitten something.
    • Olfactory hallucination manifested by a sense of aromas that usually cause disgust.
  2. They can manifest themselves in a wide variety of cases and are a symptom of psychosis. They can occur both in schizophrenia and in case of poisoning with alcohol or other toxic substances. It may also occur in cases of brain damage or senile psychosis.

  3. Group 2 - symptoms of thinking disorder

    This group of symptoms includes pathologies of thought processes, it includes: obsessive, delusional and overvalued ideas.

    • Obsessions include conditions that occur against the patient's will. The patient evaluates the standing critically and tries to cope with it. Intrusive thoughts characterized by inconsistency with the patient’s worldview. An obsession occurs in cases of neurosis or schizophrenia.
      • obsessive doubt is manifested by regular uncertainty in actions and actions, and exists contrary to reasonable logic;
      • the patient can repeatedly check whether electrical appliances are turned on and whether the doors are locked;
      • obsessive memory is manifested by regular reminders to oneself about an unpleasant fact or event;
      • an obsessive abstract idea is manifested by scrolling through thoughts of incoherent concepts, numbers and operations with them.
    • Super valuable ideas. They manifest themselves as logically supported beliefs based on realistic situations that are related to personal characteristics and emotionally charged. Such ideas push the patient to narrowly focused actions, which often contributes to his maladjustment. At the same time, critical thinking is maintained, so ideas can be adjusted.
    • Crazy ideas. They mean a false idea that arises against the background of mental disorders and does not correspond to reality. Such judgments are not subject to criticism; therefore, they are fully immersed in the patient’s consciousness, changing activity and reducing social adaptation sick.
  4. Group 3 - signs of emotional disturbance

    Various types are grouped here emotional disturbances, reflecting the human attitude towards reality and oneself personally.

    The human body has a close connection with external environment, that leads to constant exposure irritants from outside.

    Such an impact can be either emotionally positive or negative or cause uncertainty. Emotions can be newly emerged (hypothymic, hyperthymic and parathymic) or lost.

    1. Hypotymia manifested by a decrease in mood in the form of anxiety, fears, feelings of melancholy or confusion.
      • Yearning is a condition that depresses any mental processes person. The entire environment is painted in dark tones.

        Activity decreases, there is a strong expression of doom. There is a feeling that life is meaningless.
        There is a high risk of suicide. Melancholy manifests itself in cases of neurosis and manic-depressive psychosis.

      • Anxiety- internal anxiety, tightness and excessive tension in the chest. Usually accompanied by a feeling of impending disaster.
      • Fear is a condition that causes fear for one’s own life and well-being. The patient may, at the same time, not realize what he is really afraid of and be in a state of expectation that something bad will happen to him.

        Some will strive to escape, others will become depressed, freezing in place. Fear can have certainty. In this case, the person realizes the cause of fear (cars, animals, other people).

      • Confusion. IN this state there is variability in the emotional background along with the manifestation of bewilderment.
    2. Hypothymic states are not specific and can occur in various conditions.
    3. Hyperthymia - excessive good mood . Such conditions manifest themselves euphoria, complacency, ecstasy, anger.
      • - causeless joy, happiness. In this state, there is often a desire to do something. Manifests itself when using alcohol or drugs, as well as in manic-depressive psychosis.
      • Ecstasy is characterized by the highest degree of mood enhancement. Occurs in patients with schizophrenia or epilepsy.
      • Complacency is a state of carelessness with a lack of desire for action. Most often occurs when senile dementia or atrophic processes of the brain.
      • Anger. The condition is irritability highest level, anger with the manifestation of aggressive, destructive activity. When combined with sadness it is called dysphoria. The condition is typical for patients with epilepsy.

    All types described above emotional states can occur in completely healthy person V Everyday life: the main factor here is the number of manifestations, intensity and impact on further activities.

  5. Group 4 - symptoms of memory impairment
  6. The fourth group contains symptoms of memory problems. These include a decrease in memory function or their complete loss, the inability to remember, retain and reproduce individual events or information.

    They are divided into paramnesia (memory deception) and amnesia (memory loss)

  7. Group 5 - signs of impaired volitional activity

    TO volitional disorders include such types of violations as hypobulia (expressed as a weakening of volitional activity), (lack of activity), and parabulia (perversion of volitional acts).

    1. Hypobulia is characterized by a decrease in the intensity and number of activities that encourage activity. It may manifest itself as suppression of individual instincts, for example, food, sexual or defensive, which leads to anorexia, decreased libido and lack of protective actions to the threat accordingly. Usually observed in neuroses, depressive states. More persistent conditions occur in some cases of brain damage, as well as schizophrenia and dementia.
    2. The opposite symptom is hyperbulia, which is expressed by a painful increase in volitional activity. A similar unhealthy desire for activity occurs in the case of manic-depressive psychosis, dementia and some types of psychopathy.
  8. Group 6 - signs of attention disorder
  9. The sixth group of symptoms includes signs of absent-mindedness, distractibility, exhaustion and stiffness.

    1. Absent-mindedness. In this state, a person is unable to concentrate on one type of activity.
    2. Exhaustibility. Such a violation of attention leads to a weakening of concentration on a specific process. As a result, it becomes impossible to do work productively.
    3. Distractibility. Such a manifestation leads to frequent and unreasonable changes in activity, and as a result, to a loss of productivity.
    4. Stiffness. It becomes difficult for a person to switch attention from one object to another.

The pathologies described almost always occur in cases of mental illness.

Public reaction

Most people tend to avoid contact with people suffering from mental disorders, most often the reason for this is stereotypes.

At the same time, there are many variants of deviations that create problems for the patient, but not for the people around him. Only some pathologies lead to antisocial behavior and breaking laws. In this case, the person is declared insane and sent to compulsory therapy.

Old stereotypes cultivate complexes in people that do not allow them to visit psychotherapists, as is common in Western culture. No one can be immune from mental disorders, so you should not ignore specialists who can help overcome a psychological problem.

With timely provision of the correct medical care it is possible to avoid the severe and sometimes irreversible impact of mental illness on a person.

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