Home Orthopedics Prayer for the health of a sick person is the strongest. Which saint should you pray to in certain life situations?

Prayer for the health of a sick person is the strongest. Which saint should you pray to in certain life situations?

Very often, people ordering a prayer service, magpie or other worship service ask about who and what they should pray for in order to receive God’s help.

The Orthodox Church responds to this as follows: “Any prayer service is a divine service aimed at glorifying the Lord, the Mother of God and all the Saints. In the prayer service, Orthodox Christians ask for mercy or thank God for the blessings received. The Savior favors His children who turn to Him for help, and helps - according to the power of our faith, showing miracles of good deeds, the purpose of which is to heal, enlighten, encourage and reveal to a person the spiritual side of life. The Lord hears any of our prayers addressed to him. Therefore, when praying or ordering prayer services, remember all the Saints, for each of them, as well as all of them together, are equally important."

Nevertheless, each of the Saints, each of the Miracle-Working Icons, have their own, unique grace. Prayed for centuries, Miracle-Working Icons are for believers a source of God's love, which the Lord generously bestows upon us. In this section of our website you can find out detailed information about all the Miracle-Working Icons located in churches and monasteries in Moscow and the Moscow region.

  • Pray for healing. Young virgins especially pray before her, asking for help in maintaining chastity, piety and morality. They call on Her and in the hope of meeting with kind man, they ask for a successful marriage, a strong and happy family life. They pray to the Queen of Heaven before Her image “Tenderness” and for the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy and a successful delivery. Prayer.
  • Located in Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - August 01, August 10.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God “Tenderness” for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. Proposed

  • They pray for the well-being of the entire country. In front of the Vladimir Icon, they turn to the Mother of God to ask Her for intercession from the enemy, for help in overcoming difficulties and for strengthening faith. Prayer in front of this image also helps to heal from physical ailments and mental hardships. Prayer.
  • Located in Moscow
  • Days of veneration - June 03, July 6, September 08.
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God "Vladimir" for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • The icon became famous for its numerous healings from physical ailments, including fatal ones. They pray for the health of both themselves and their family and friends. They ask the Mother of God in front of the icon “for the joy of all who mourn” and for healing from spiritual illnesses - lack of faith, despondency, despair and sorrow.
    Prayer in front of this image helps in other everyday issues. If there is a “burden” on your heart, things are not going well, there are family feuds, difficulties with work, etc. – you can pray to the Mother of God in front of the “Joy to All Who Sorrow” icon for a successful outcome of all this.
    In front of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow” with coins, in addition to everything listed above, they pray in need. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God of All Who Sorrow Joy on Ordynka, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - November 6.

  • They pray for healing for cancer. Prayer helps in getting rid of drug and alcohol addiction and gambling addiction. They pray asking for protection from witchcraft spells, from magical influence on anyone’s part. Prayer.
  • Located in the Novospassky Stavropegial Monastery, Moscow.
  • Days of veneration - August 31.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Everyone who is sick physically prays, and through their prayers they receive healing from the most serious illnesses. Prayers in front of this image also heal from the passions that often overwhelm human soul, depriving us of vitality and from mental illness. They pray to correct moral vices that lead to the spiritual death of a person. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple in the name of the prophet of God Elijah (EXCELLENCE OF THE LORD'S CROSS) in Cherkizovo, Moscow
  • Days of veneration are every year on Friday of Bright Week (Easter week).

  • They pray for healing from diseases of the soul and body, for the protection of the home from natural disasters and attacks from enemies, for the inviolability of the borders of the Fatherland. Repentant sinners come to her asking for forgiveness of their sins, and relatives pray for the unrepentant. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration are February 25, October 26, every year on Tuesday of Bright Week (Easter week).
  • If you need the Iveron Icon of the Mother of God for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for deliverance from any disease, including those over which doctors are powerless. There are many known cases of healing from blindness and paralysis, plague and other mass epidemics. They pray for the protection of their home and country from attack and capture by enemies, from robbery and other unlawful actions. They pray in front of the Jerusalem image and for salvation from natural disasters. Often in front of the Jerusalem Icon of the Mother of God you can hear prayers for the preservation of the hearth, for the well-being of the family and good relations between its members. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple in the name of the prophet of God Elijah (EXCELLENCE OF THE LORD'S CROSS) in Cherkizovo, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - October 25

  • By venerating the miraculous image, people received instant healing from severe toothaches, gumboils, and stomach pains. Prayers to the icon saved men from alcohol addiction, and also cured severe cancer, blood diseases, ulcers, and kidney stones. There are numerous cases of miraculous healings and, in particular, the gift of children to infertile couples. They pray for healing of illnesses and healing of infertility (conception of children). Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kosino, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - July 3

  • They pray for a speedy conception, a successful pregnancy and a safe delivery. They also turn to the Heavenly Intercessor in matters of feeding newborn children - when there is not enough milk, or when the baby does not latch well. They also pray to the Mother of God for the health of children and their timely development. Prayer.
  • Located in Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - January 25.

  • They pray for sclerosis, atherosclerosis, lack of intelligence, weak mental development, and also when “adding” intelligence (help in studying) is required for students and schoolchildren. In addition, you can turn to this icon with a prayer for help (addition of mind or admonition) when scientific work, working on any project. They pray for help to students, mental enlightenment and the cure of the mentally ill. Prayer.
  • Located in Moscow,
  • The days of veneration are on the day of the Dormition of the Virgin Mary, August 28.
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God “Addition of Mind” for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Prayers to this icon bring comfort in sorrows and help with mental and other ailments. They ask a prayer for deliverance from demonic possession.
    They pray for healing from cholera, the blind and paralytic, from the fire. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ in Sokolniki, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - August 26.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God “Passionate” for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray to ask to overcome life's difficulties, misfortunes and adversities. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Tolmachi, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - February 07.

  • Unexpected joy is a miracle that we no longer hoped for or counted on - unexpected, sudden and unpredictable. Believers turn to the Mother of God in prayer in front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon when it seems that the flame of hope has already died out. They ask the Most Pure One for protection from sorrows and troubles, pray for deliverance from mental anxieties and physical illnesses. Prayer before the “Unexpected Joy” icon helps mothers seek physical and spiritual health for their children. Lost but repentant souls can finally receive forgiveness and find peace. Those who have lost relatives and friends turn to the Mother of God to reunite with dear people. And those who suffer from physical illness are healed. The icon also helps those who are burdened by a heavy spiritual burden - irreconcilable resentment or deep sadness. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of the Icon of the Mother of God Unexpected Joy, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - December 22, May 14.
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God "Unexpected Joy" for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, clicking on this link Face 2. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for well-being on the way, from storms and drowning at sea, for healing from various ailments, for protection family hearth, about help in various troubles, from sadness and despondency, for children, to get daughters married, about help in poverty and need, about intercession for widows and orphans, about compassion for the defenseless, in captivity from enemies. Prayer.
  • Located in the Epiphany Cathedral, Moscow.
  • Days of veneration - May 22, December 19.
  • If you need an icon of the Savior Nicholas the Wonderworker for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, Clicking on this link Face 2, Face 3, Face 4, Face 5. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Believers turn to her to ask for help and protection for their homes and their families. It is with this icon that during the sacrament of weddings the newlyweds are most often blessed for a strong and happy marriage. The image of the Kazan Mother of God is often placed next to the crib of children, because they believe and know that the Most Pure One will not leave the child, but will graciously watch over him. Prayer before her has more than once helped people get back on their feet and regain their sight, not only physically, but also spiritually. Lost souls kneeling before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God regained faith and returned to a pious life, for the Mother of God responds to the call of everyone who thirsts for Her help and forgiveness with all their heart and soul. Prayer.
  • Located in the Epiphany Cathedral, Moscow,
  • Days of veneration - July 21, November 4.
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God "Kazan" for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, Clicking on this link Face 2, Clicking on this link Face 3. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for the fate of Russia, as well as for forgiveness for the death of Nicholas II and his family. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Pyzhi, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - July 17

  • Considered the patroness of babies, she is also called the nursery. She helps children in illness, calms the restless and disobedient, helps them choose friends, and protects them from the bad influence of the street. It is believed to strengthen the bond between parents and children. Helps women during childbirth and pregnancy. They also pray when there are problems with conception. Before her they pray for the sight of the blind and the healing of eye diseases, for illnesses of children, for epilepsy and paralysis, for the preservation of peace and the non-occurrence of war. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple in honor of the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God in Alekseevsky, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - July 9
  • If you need the Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for any help they need - in matters of the heart, in healing from illnesses, in case of financial disorders or to avoid impending deception, in case of damage from the elements, in preserving the family, in caring for children and their well-being - you can’t list everything. But the holy elder Matrona is always with us, and prayerful trust in her intercession before her icon helps everyone who comes to her in sorrows and illnesses. Prayer.
  • Located in the Pokrovsky Stauropegial Women's Monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - March 8 (discovery of relics), May 2, October 5.
  • If you need an icon of St. prbl. Matrona of Moscow for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for healing of head diseases. Prayers before miraculous icon helped many people find a happy marriage (ask for a good husband/wife). Prayers to Saint John the Baptist will help every person to successfully cope with any work and fulfill their duty with dignity. With it, it will be easier for you to discover your destiny, following which a person finds happiness and health. Prayer.
  • Located in St. John the Baptist Stauropegial Convent, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - October 6 - Conception, July 7 - Christmas, September 11 - Beheading, January 20 - Council, March 9 - first and second finding of the head, June 7 - third finding of the head, October 25.
  • If you need an icon of St. John the Baptist (Baptist) for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for protection of the home from ill-wishers, for healing from epidemics, and for the protection of military personnel. They pray for the well-being of those on the road and those traveling. Prayer.
  • Located in the Mother of God-Smolensk Novodevichy Convent, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - August 10

  • They pray for help in God’s blessing over the house, in housing problems, they pray for finding their own home. Prayer before the icon of the Holy Blessed Daniel of Moscow helps in cases where the Fatherland is in military danger, and also asks for the preservation of peace. They ask him for help if they see unnecessary divisions between people, about the lenient nature of governments and authorities - for example, you can pray to him before elections of heads of any scale, so that he helps, perhaps gives some kind of sign so that a person makes the right choice in favor of or another candidate. They pray to Saint Daniel to stop and prevent internecine warfare. But most of all, a prayer request to him helps in solving housing issues - they pray to him for finding his own home and for God's blessing above the house. Also, the holy blessed Prince Daniel of Moscow is now the heavenly patron of the Engineering Troops of the Russian Army. Prayer.
  • Located in the Danilovsky stauropegial monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - March 17, September 12
  • If you need an icon of St. Prince Daniel of Moscow for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Saint Peter is the first Moscow saint, he is revered as the heavenly patron and protector of the city of Moscow. They pray for deliverance from all illnesses and troubles. There are many known cases of miraculous healings that occurred through prayers to the Saint. Prayer.
  • Located in the Vysoko-Petrovsky Monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - January 3, September 6 - transfer of relics, October 18 - Moscow. St., October 23 - Volynsk Cathedral. Saints

  • Prayer can heal a wide variety of ailments, such as stomach diseases, eye and dental diseases, and helps with mental disorders, and can also give women suffering from infertility long-awaited offspring. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Martin the Confessor (Ascension of the Lord), Moscow
  • Days of veneration - September 4

  • Prayer in front of his icons will help pacify pain and heal from any illness. They appeal to Panteleimon with requests to cure spiritual ailments - despair, anxiety, anger, resentment and other vices of the soul. It is customary to pray to Panteleimon not only with requests for deliverance from any hardships, but also with requests for the preservation of existing health.
    Panteleimon the Great Martyr is addressed as the patron saint of those whose work and life are invariably connected with the salvation of people. Military, doctors, sailors, employees can ask the Saint for well-being in their activities internal organs law enforcement, representatives of peacekeeping forces, etc. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Izmailovo, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - August 9
  • If you need an icon of the Great Martyr. Panteleimon for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, Face 2. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for children who are having trouble studying. They pray for the healing of physical and mental illnesses, alcoholism and drug addiction. They pray for spiritual guidance for young people, help in choosing life path, support in old age's infirmities. Holy Righteous John of Kronstadt is the greatest healer and intercessor for us; we can resort to his help in any trouble and in any difficulty. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of St. Sergius of Radonezh in Rogozhskaya Sloboda, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - January 2

  • They pray to find what was lost, expose theft, and return what was stolen. Since ancient times in Rus', under serfdom, they believed that prayer to the holy martyr John the Warrior would help apprehend a runaway slave or find a robber and return the loot, evidence of which exists in our times. If such a nuisance happens to someone, it is worth turning to the saint for help in sincere prayer. In Rus', all thieves were afraid of the saint: if suspicion of theft fell on someone, they served a prayer service to Saint John the Warrior, and the thieves were so afraid of the saint that they themselves confessed to theft. They pray to him for help in finding missing things. They also resort to it in protection from offenders. They also pray to Saint John the Warrior for those who are in captivity or imprisonment. Anyone who is in spiritual sorrow or any other everyday situation can turn to Saint John the Warrior for help. Prayer.
  • Located in the Temple of St. John the Warrior on Yakimanka, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - August 12
  • If you need an icon of St. John the Warrior for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray to ask the Holy One for help in getting rid of physical and mental ailments. Especially often, pilgrims appeal to the Reverend, begging for the pacification of pride, as one of the most serious sins. They ask not only for themselves, but also for their friends and enemies. This image is especially revered by parents whose children do not show success in learning. Sergius of Radonezh himself could not cope with reading and writing for a long time and mastered it perfectly only after fervent prayers to our Lord. Now he himself stands next to God and asks him for those who cannot succeed in learning only on their own. The students themselves turn to Sergius of Radonezh on the eve of an exam or when mastering complex sciences. Sergius of Radonezh is also revered as the Holy Protector of the righteous and honest life. Therefore, they pray in front of his icons on the eve of important court cases or during litigation: the Reverend helps everyone who is sincere and pure in thoughts and deeds and fights for the truth against lies in court. Prayer.
  • Located in the Holy Trinity Sergius Lavra, Sergiev Posad, Moscow region.
  • Days of veneration - July 18 - acquisition of honest relics, July 20, October 8 - Repose
  • If you need an icon of St. Sergius of Radonezh for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, clicking on this link Face 2, clicking on this link Face 3. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for a successful marriage, for success in all areas of life, for help in raising children and for their excellent studies, for the gift of children (for those who cannot conceive), for healing from illnesses and for those who died without communion (begging). Prayer.
  • Pieces of the relics and the icon are in the Chapel of St. Ksenia of Petersburg at the Kuzminskoye cemetery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - February 6.
  • If you need an icon of St. prbl. Xenia of St. Petersburg for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for help with real estate, taxes and financial well-being. Prayer.
  • Located in Moscow
  • Days of veneration - December 15th.

  • The Venerable Mary of Egypt is the patroness of repentant harlots, fornicators and the judge at the Last Judgment of those who have not repented. Prayer has the properties of liberating a person from bad addictions, which can lead to harmful habits (drunkenness, drug addiction, gambling addiction) if a prayer is read before it. They pray to obey in performing abortions. You can pray to the Reverend Mary of Egypt for choosing the right path in life, for the gift of modesty, chastity, and Christian wisdom. Prayer.
  • Located in the Sretensky stauropegial monastery, Moscow
  • Days of veneration - the fifth week (Sunday) of Lent, April 14 - the day of repose...

  • They pray for solutions to material problems in life. Spiridon Trimifuntsky even now helps to find a job, resolve legal issues related to money matters, conducting business affairs; people turn to Spiridon Trimifuntsky for help in buying and selling real estate, which was recommended by Ambrose Optinsky. Prayer.
  • The revered icon with parts of the relics and the shoe are located in the St. Daniel Stavropegial Monastery (slipper), the Zachatievsky Stauropegial Convent, in the Church of the Resurrection of the Word on the Assumption Vrazhek, Moscow, Nikolo-Solbinsky Convent, Yaroslavl Region.
  • Days of veneration - December 25th.
  • If you need an icon of St. Spyridon of Trimifunt for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, clicking on this link Face 2. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for the establishment of family piety, assistance in the upbringing and moral and religious growth of children. Prayer.
  • They are located in the Pokrovsky Khotkovsky stauropegial convent, Moscow region, Sergiev Posad district, Khotkovo.
  • Days of veneration - January 31, October 11.

  • They pray for the salvation of a heavily drinking family member, any neighbor, and help with such destructive, fatal addictions as drug addiction and smoking. Helps in the fight against gambling addiction. People also turn to her for help in resolving housing issues, concluding housing transactions for exchange, purchase and sale, and problems with inheritance. You can pray about everything, express all your wishes, requests, sorrows - the Queen of Heaven will not refuse anyone with heartfelt and sincere prayer. Prayer.
  • Located in the Serpukhov Vvedensky Vladychny Convent, Moscow region, Serpukhov.
  • Days of veneration - May 18.
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for career, creative and spiritual growth. In addition, turning to her, they pray for healing from various diseases, as well as for a successful marriage. Prayer.
  • Days of veneration December 4th.

  • They pray for strengthening faith, humility, ascetic work, piety, preservation of virginity, and healing for illnesses. Prayer.
  • Located in the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, Moscow region, Zvenigorod.
  • Days of veneration - December 16.

  • They pray for fertility, from fire, from floods, from diseases, from ulcers. They also pray for success in business, for travelers, for sailors, for warriors. Prayer.
  • Located in, Moscow region, Mozhaisk.
  • Days of veneration - June 9, January 9.

  • They pray during mental and physical illnesses, at the end of any matter, for the granting of a Divine miracle (healing, spiritual insight, the return of the lost, pardon for sinners). Prayer.
  • Located in the Luzhetsky Ferapontov Nativity of the Mother of God Monastery, Moscow region, Mozhaisk.
  • Days of veneration - July 11.

  • They pray for deliverance from enemies and for the preservation of the Russian State, for help to the Orthodox Russian army in difficult times for Russia. Prayer.
  • Located in the Tretyakov Gallery, the miraculous list of the icon is located in Moscow.
  • days of veneration - September 1.

  • They turn in prayer for help in various temptations and persecutions, to gain firmness of faith, to admonish non-believers and sectarians, to give understanding in their studies. Prayer.
  • Located in the Donskoy Stavropegial Monastery, Moscow..
  • Days of veneration: April 7, October 9, November 18.

  • They pray during difficult childbirth, for happiness in marriage, in case of prolonged childlessness, for successful pregnancy and during difficult childbirth. They also make requests for healing. Prayer in front of the Feodorovskaya icon of the Mother of God helps in cases of long-term childlessness of a family; brides pray in front of it for a successful marriage, expectant mothers, and also pray for women in labor during difficult births. If not everything is going well in the family, then prayer before it will help to improve the shaky relationship between the spouses. This icon is also revered as miraculous and helps heal diseases, especially women’s diseases. Prayer.
  • Located in the Donskoy stauropegial monastery, Moscow.
  • Days of veneration are March 27 and August 29.
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God "Feodorovskaya" for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Lik1, Clicking on this link Lik 2. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray and pray for healing from blindness and cholera. They also pray for an end to disasters, for protection from enemy attacks, from fires, for protection from thieves and criminals and for the return of what was lost, for deliverance from the plague, for the pacification of warring parties and deliverance from internecine warfare. Prayer.
  • Located in the Donskoy stauropegial monastery, Moscow.
  • Day of veneration is December 10.
  • If you need the icon of the Mother of God "The Sign" for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link Face 1, Clicking on this link Face 2. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • A prayer to the Holy Great Martyr George the Victorious helps Russian soldiers in performing active and urgent service; his icon in the house helps in prayers for the well-being of those who have gone into the reserves or for a well-deserved rest in military labor. The prayer also helps farmers and livestock breeders - they pray to him for the preservation of crops and the health of livestock, protection from the elements in agricultural work. Prayer.
  • Days of veneration - May 6, November 16, November 23, December 9.
  • If you need an icon of St. George the Victorious for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • You can pray to Saint War for the unbaptized. They pray asking for relief for the fate of the souls of relatives and neighbors who died in unbelief, who did not accept Holy Baptism, who did not know the True God, and who deviated from God’s truth. In addition, they pray to Saint Huar for the health of infants and young children, as well as for infants who died in the womb or during childbirth. You can pray to Saint Uar FOR the unbaptized, but NOT for suicides. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Vishnyaki, Moscow
  • Days of veneration November 1

  • They pray for the birth of children, for the granting of a successful birth. They also pray before her for the health of newborns. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Transfiguration on Bolvanovka, Moscow
  • Days of veneration January 8
  • If you need an icon of the Mother of God “Helper in Childbirth” for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray for those who are imprisoned. Unfairly captive prisoners can ask the saint for speedy release and strength in order to endure the hardships of fate with dignity, without losing faith or falling into despair. They also pray to the Great Martyr to gain humility and spiritual harmony, to strengthen faith and enlightenment, to heal ailments of the body and soul, as well as to give her strength and desire to honestly conduct her affairs for the benefit of herself and other people. Prayer.
  • Day of Remembrance January 4
  • If you need an icon of St. Anastasia Pattern Maker for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • Pray for the well-being of the family. Prayer should be sought in difficult circumstances for the family. When a family falls apart, the priest brings peace, love and all-forgiving understanding to each and every one. Liberation from the disease of drunkenness, the gift of children through prayers at the shrine with St. relics, relief from very different illnesses, help in the troubles and needs of everyday life. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of St. Nicholas in Klenniki, Moscow
  • Days of veneration: June 22, September 29

  • This bright image of the Mother of God is revered as the guardian of the hearth. They pray in front of this icon to maintain harmony in the home, to reconcile with relatives, resolve long-term conflicts with loved ones, and improve relationships between spouses, as well as children and parents. The Mother of God is addressed with prayer before Her with the images “Seven Arrows” and “Softening Evil Hearts” when any discord, quarrel, enmity or complex litigation begins in a person’s life. For many centuries, Christians appealed to the Queen of Heaven through this icon if wars or riots broke out in the country. Prayer before it helps to “soften the hearts” of the warring parties and prevent bloodshed and cruelty. Prayer before her will protect us from other people’s intolerance towards us, from our own anger and irritation, which are not best properties human nature and are present to one degree or another in everyone. Prayer.
  • Located in, in Moscow.
  • Days of veneration on August 26.
  • If you need the “Seven Arrows” icon of the Mother of God for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • They pray in all matters related to education in one way or another. Schoolchildren, students and graduate students ask the Great Martyr for help in understanding the sciences, and teachers ask for strength to honorably fulfill their educational duty. She is prayed to by people in whose work rational judgment is decisive - prosecutors, judges, lawyers and advocates. In addition, young girls who dream of marriage, and women who want to become pregnant, safely bear and give birth to a child, can turn to the Saint in their prayers. Prayer.
  • Located in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on the Maiden Field, in Moscow.
  • Day of Honor December 7
  • If you need an icon of St. Vmch. Catherine for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

  • An ardent prayer in front of the “Unfading Color” icon can not only guide the souls of the suffering on the path of righteous and spiritual life, it also helps preserve physical beauty and youth. Prayer before the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” helps in preserving a marriage, strengthening family relationships and resolving serious problems faced by household members. Young unmarried girls turn to the Most Pure One through this image to ask for the mercy of the Queen of Heaven in search of a faithful and reliable life partner. Those who suffer from loneliness, who have suffered great sorrows, as well as people who have experienced some kind of grief also turn to the Virgin Mary in front of this image. In such cases, praying to the Mother of God in front of Her “Unfading Color” icon helps to gain strength to continue life, inspires one to fight disappointment, and relieves one from mental anxieties and dark thoughts. Prayer.

    • Prayer helps those whose profession is related to military affairs, as well as diplomatic work. For men, the image will become a protector, saving them from any evil, helping them maintain health, gain longevity and peace in the soul. Prayer protects from visible and invisible enemies. With her, your home will prosper. With this image, you and your loved ones will strengthen in faith, live together in harmony and prosperity. Prayer.
    • Located in the Church of the Archangel Michael at the Clinics on the Maiden Field, in Moscow.
    • Days of veneration: June 5, September 12, December 6
    • If you need an icon of St. blv. Alexander Nevsky for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

    • They pray for protection from evil intent, enemies and secret enemies. They turn to Him in search of intercession from evil spirits and with a prayer for the healing of ailments of body and soul. Orthodox Christians also ask St. Michael for a happy life in a new house; its builders especially honor it. Given the important role of the Archangel at the Last Judgment, believers turn to Him with requests to protect the souls of deceased relatives. Michael the Archangel is revered as the patron saint of the Russian land, therefore at all times the people prayed to Him for the protection of their homeland. Prayer

    • They pray for protection from enemies and ill-wishers, for protection in family life. Prayer.
    • Located in the Spaso-Vlaherna convent, in Dedenevo, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region.
    • Day of veneration is July 20.

    • People who find themselves on the verge of death, mental or physical, pray. They ask the Most Pure One to grant willpower to resist sorrows and endure them with dignity, without defaming their souls and without violating the commandments of the Lord our God. They pray in front of this image even when loved ones are in trouble: they ask for health for those who are near death, they ask for healing and spiritual insight for children. During the war, pilgrims appealed to the Most Pure Virgin in front of the icon “Seeking the Lost,” begging the Intercessor to protect those who were at the front. This image is also revered among unmarried girls, because it helps to ask the Queen of Heaven for a happy family life. Prayer

      • He is the patron saint of children. Helps sick children and infertile couples. Saint Stylian gained the glory of a miracle worker for barren parents, whom through his prayers he made capable of childbearing. Prayer.
      • Located in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kosino, Moscow
      • Day of Honor December 9
      • If you need an icon of St. St. Stylian Paphlogonian for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

      • It will protect against enemies who threaten the well-being of the house and everyone living in it. They pray to her, asking for healing and wishing health to loved ones. They pray for help in treating diseases of the hands, feet, and eyes. Relieves melancholy and sad thoughts. Patronizes those who engage in crafts.
        The “Three-Handed” Icon of the Mother of God and prayer in front of the image contribute to the growth of well-being. Prayer.
      • Located in the Church of the Dormition of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Gonchary, Moscow
      • Days of veneration - July 11, July 25.
      • If you need the “Three-Handed” icon of the Mother of God for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

      • Representatives of medical professions, and especially surgeons, over whom the Saint took Heavenly Patronage, turn to the Saint in their prayers. People burdened with various ailments, those who are awaiting surgery or have already lost hope of help from doctors, also pray to him. Prayer.
      • Located in the Danilovsky stauropegial monastery, Moscow
      • St. Luke of Crimea is venerated three times a year: June 11 (May 29, old style). The date was set to honor the peaceful end earthly path Saint.
        March 18 (March 5, old style). On this day, the discovery of the multi-healing relics of St. Luke of Crimea is celebrated. February 7 (January 25, old style). The celebration is timed to coincide with the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors of Russia.
      • If you need an icon of Luke of Crimea for a home iconostasis or as a gift, you can purchase it in the online store by clicking on this link. The icons offered in this online store were made by masters of the Danilovsky Monastery in accordance with all the canons of Orthodoxy.

The most powerful prayer for the health of a sick person is a prayer said with deep faith, sincerity and sincerity. Such prayer works even at a distance, often works real miracles, sometimes proving stronger than the most expensive medications.

It is allowed to read a prayer for the health of the sick both within the walls of the temple and at home, in front of the icons of saints. You can ask for health and healing from illness both for yourself and for your family and friends (parents, children, husband, wife, other relatives and friends). However, before turning to the saints with a request, you must make sure that the sick person was baptized in the church. Of course, nothing and no one forbids praying for the health of a person who has not been baptized, but in this case the effectiveness can be significantly reduced.

Not only the most powerful prayer text, but also a church prayer service for health can help a patient recover from his illness. It is pronounced by clergy within the limits of liturgical health at the prior request of the customer. You can order a prayer service daily, or for a month, or for 40 days. In any case, it significantly increases the chances of recovery for a person defeated by the disease.

Any prayer is a positive energy message that has great power and gives faith in healing and hope for a bright future. It allows you to convey a positive attitude to the patient, during which his health begins to gradually improve, and his illness gradually recedes.

Often the course of the disease worsens due to the patient’s lack of mental balance - one might say that the person is sick in spirit. Prayer for health, in this case, improves the mental state of the sick person, restores lost peace to him, and helps him cope with tormenting fears and doubts.

With words of prayer for the health of the sick, believers most often turn to the Lord himself, to the Most Holy Theotokos, to the Blessed Elder Matrona of Moscow and to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker.

The reason why people pray to the Almighty and the Mother of God for health is clear even without explanation: in the hierarchical ladder of the Higher Powers they occupy the highest positions. The fate of all life on Earth, including humanity, is concentrated in the hands of the Lord. The Most Holy Theotokos, who gave this sinful world a Savior, has always been the intercessor of the weak, sheltering them with her reliable maternal wing.

Believers turn their requests to Matronushka and Nicholas the Pleasant because these saints are among the most beloved and revered in Orthodox Christianity. Even during their earthly life, Blessed Matrona and the Wonderworker became famous for their gift of healing, and helped a considerable number of people find a miracle of healing. Evidence of this is thousands of stories recorded in church books and on Orthodox websites (Matrona of Moscow), preserved in ancient manuscripts, in Christian legends and traditions (Nikolai Ugodnik).

The most powerful Orthodox prayers for the health of the patient

To higher powers for healing

The peculiarity of this prayer is that it refers not to any specific representative of the Higher Powers, but to everyone: to the Lord himself, to the Mother of God, to all the saints and angels. That is why it is considered one of the most powerful prayers. If possible, it is better to read it within the walls of the temple. Instead of parentheses, it is necessary to mention the name of the patient who needs to be cured of the disease. The text is as follows:

To the Lord

Prayers asking for healing and health addressed to the Lord God should be read in front of the icon of the Savior, with lit candles. This can be done both in church and at home, if for some reason there is no opportunity to visit the temple yet.

First prayer the text of which is presented below can be read both for yourself and for your loved one or loved one. The phrases “God’s servant” can be replaced with “God’s servant,” and instead of parentheses, the name of the ill person can be given. Words:

Another prayer addressed to God, is also considered one of the most powerful. It asks for recovery. Strength can be increased many times over by ordering a magpie for health in the temple. Text:

Holy Mother of God

First prayer addressed to the Blessed Virgin Mary, gives good health. It is also permitted to read it both in church and at home, and it is obligatory to read it in front of the holy image of the Mother of God. You can say prayer words for yourself, for your family and friends. Text:

Prayer Rule second prayer for health addressed to the Mother of God, similar to prayer rule first. To pronounce this text required condition- so that the patient is baptized. It is advisable to read this sacred text in front of the icon of the Mother of God “Joy of All Who Sorrow.”

Matrona of Moscow

You can ask Blessed Elder Matrona for health and healing with the help of a universal prayer known to every deeply religious person. Its text has already appeared on our website several times, but we will present it again:

There is another special prayer with which they ask Matronushka for health. The words in it are:

Prayers to the Blessed Matrona must also be read before her face. But not in every church you can find the icon of Matronushka. But you can easily get out of the situation if you buy an icon with the image of the holy old woman for your home and begin to pray at home. Matrona usually does not refuse help to anyone, because she made a promise to help people even after her death.

To increase effectiveness, the Church recommends that before pronouncing it, surround yourself with good deeds: give alms, help everyone in need, make donations to the temple. Matrona of Moscow will definitely appreciate your mercy and generosity.

Nikolai Ugodnik

Those who want to get rid of illnesses and gain health pray to Nicholas the Wonderworker. The prayer is read before the image of the holy elder (both in the temple and at home). You are allowed to read the prayer text both for yourself and for your relatives and loved ones, substituting the name of the sick person instead of brackets. Text:


When turning to representatives of Higher powers about healing and health, one must not refuse drug treatment and all necessary medical examinations. It must be remembered that Higher power sometimes they help us through other people. Therefore, saying prayers and medical treatment should go in parallel, complement each other, and not oppose.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

"Master Christ God, Who is the Passion
Healing my passions and ulcers
Healed my ulcers with his own"

(from the canon of repentance)

The Christian Church honors the memory of its saints, who became famous for their exploits of virtuous living.
Many holy saints of God received special grace from God, and He deigned them to be intercessors before Him for deliverance from our sorrows and bodily ailments, in which they themselves were tempted.
The holy saints in their earthly life turned to God for help in healing their ailments, sorrows and deliverance from temptations, asking God that even after death He would honor them with the gift of helping people in various cases of life.
The saints invisibly participate in our conversation with God. Just as before, they were petitioners for God’s mercy, and to this day they stand before God, hear the prayer of people living on Earth, and strengthen it many times over.
Need to remember: so that the prayer is heard, one should pray to the holy saints of God with faith in the power of their intercession before God, in words coming from the heart.
In our prayers we turn to the Lord God, to His Most Pure Mother - our Intercessor and Helper, to the holy Angels and holy people - the saints of God, because for their sake the Lord God is more likely to hear us sinners, our prayers.
Mother of God we pray because She is closest to God and at the same time is also close to us. For the sake of Her maternal love and Her prayers, God forgives us a lot and helps us in many ways. Mother of God- Great and Merciful Intercessor for all of us, for the entire Christian race.
Angels- these are incorporeal and immortal spirits, gifted with mind, will and power. They are sinless and always do the will of God. When God sends them to people, then they appear in a visible image, taking on a bodily form. The word "angel" means "messenger". There are nine angelic ranks - Seraphim, Cherubim, Thrones, Dominions, Powers, Powers, Principalities, Archangels, Angels.
God gives every Christian at baptism Guardian Angel, which invisibly protects a person throughout his entire earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects him in the terrible hour of death, and does not leave him even after death.
We call holy people saints of God, because while living on earth, they pleased God with their righteous lives and now, being in heaven with God, they pray to God for us, helping us living on earth.
Saints have different names: prophets, apostles, martyrs, saints, saints, unmercenaries, blessed, righteous, confessors.
Prophets- saints who, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, predicted the future, mainly about the Savior. They lived before the Savior came to earth.
Apostles- these are the closest disciples of Jesus Christ. After the descent of the Holy Spirit on them, they preached the Christian faith throughout all countries. There were first twelve of them, and then seventy more.
Two of the apostles - Peter and Pavel- are called Supreme, since they worked more than others in preaching the faith of Christ.
Four Apostles- Matthew, Mark, Luke and John the Theologian, who wrote the Gospel are called Evangelists.
Saints who, like the apostles, spread the faith of Christ in different places are called equal to the apostles. For example: the blessed kings Constantine and Helen; Righteous Prince of Russia Vladimir; Saint Nina, enlightener of Georgia; Mary Magdalene; First Martyr Thekla and others.
Martyrs that is, Christians who accepted cruel torment and even death for their faith in Jesus Christ.
If, after the torment they endured, they later died peacefully, then they are called confessors.
Confessors whose torturers wrote blasphemous words on their faces are called inscribed.
The first to suffer for the faith of Christ were: Archdeacon Stephen and Saint Thekla, and that is why they are called first martyrs.
Those who died for the holy faith after especially severe (great) suffering, to which not all martyrs were subjected, are called great martyrs, for example: the holy great martyr George (the Victorious), the holy great martyrs Barbara, Catherine and others.
Saints- bishops or bishops who pleased God with their righteous lives, such as St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, St. Alexy, Metropolitan of Moscow, and others.
Saints who suffered torment for Christ are called holy martyrs.
Saints Basil the Great, Gregory the Theologian and John Chrysostom are called Universal teachers, i.e., teachers of the entire Christian Church.
Reverends- righteous people who moved away from worldly life in society and pleased God by remaining in virginity (i.e., not marrying), fasting and prayer, living in deserts and monasteries. For example: Sergius of Radonezh, Seraphim of Sarov, Venerable Anastasia and others.
Saints who suffered torment for Christ are called venerable martyrs.
Righteous lived a righteous life pleasing to God, lived, like us, in the world, being family people. For example: holy righteous Joachim and Anna and others.
The first righteous people on earth, the ancestors (patriarchs) of the human race, are called forefathers. For example: Adam, Noah, Abraham and others.
Unmercenary they healed for free, that is, without any payment, without demanding remuneration for their labors, they healed illnesses, both physical and mental. For example: Cosmas and Damian, Cyrus and John, the great martyr and healer Panteleimon and others.
Fool for Christ's sake- a person who, for the sake of Christ, appears to the world to be strange in his outward actions, but in reality is filled with true wisdom. Such people are also called blessed.


Prayer- the most powerful remedy for healing all diseases - both physical and mental.
Prayers can be laudatory or grateful, petitionary and repentant.
If we have been guilty before God, have sinned, we must ask him forgiveness, that is repent. Such prayers are called repentant.
If everything is fine with us, if we and our loved ones are healthy and prosperous, if we have a place to live, something to wear, something to eat, we must glorify and thank God for this. Such prayers are called laudatory or thanksgiving.
If some misfortune, illness, trouble or need happens, you need to ask God for help. Such prayers are called pleading.
Since we constantly sin before God, we must always, before asking Him for anything, first repent before Him, and then ask Him for our needs, that is a prayer of repentance, like a prayer of thanksgiving, should always precede a prayer of supplication.
It is best to pray in church, order a prayer service with the blessing of water, then the prayer will be more successful.
We must remember: when you pray to some saint in your special need, turning to him for help - prayer for us will be holy, and through his prayer we receive help from God.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Joy of All Who Sorrow"(1688; October 24/November 6).
On the icon is the inscription: “Robe for the naked, healing for the sick.” The icon became famous in 1688, October 24 (old style) on Ordynka, and in 1890-91. from her there was a wonderful miracle of healing from shaking and paralysis.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon (305; July 27/August 9).
The Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon has been the most revered healer in Rus' for all physical and mental ailments since ancient times. People turn to the intercession of Saint Panteleimon for any illness, since during his lifetime he became famous for his great gift of healing.

Hieromartyr Ermolai, mentor of Panteleimon, priest of Nicomedia(c. 305; July 26/August 8).
This saint was also given the grace to heal illnesses.

(c. 530; June 27/July 10).
People turn to Reverend Sampson the Stranger, a priest and healer, for help in healing from various diseases. He was given grace through his prayer to God to heal the sick.

(c. 348; December 12/25).
This saint at the First Ecumenical Council in 325 showed clear evidence of Unity in the Holy Trinity. He took a brick in his hands and squeezed it: instantly fire came out of it, water flowed down, and the clay remained in the hands of the miracle worker. “Behold, there are three elements, and the plinth (brick) is one,” said the saint, “so in the Most Holy Trinity there are three Persons, but the Divinity is one.” Many miracles during the life of this saint also included miracles of healing the sick.

(1110; August 7/20).
Pimen himself was weak in health since childhood, but strong in his trust in God. All his life he suffered from a serious illness, but humbly endured it. Before his death, he received a miraculous healing.

(298; August 16/29).
This martyr treated the sick “free of charge” even during his earthly life.

To the unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas and Damian Asiysky (III; November 1/14).
These holy martyrs became famous as “free” doctors. Even during their earthly life, these holy brothers healed infirmities in the human body “free of charge,” fulfilling the commandment: “Freely you have received (from God), freely give.”

To the unmercenary, martyrs Cyrus And John(311; January 31/February 13; June 28/July 11).
The holy martyrs Cyrus and John are “free” doctors who treated those suffering from illnesses during their earthly life.

Martyr Falaley(c. 284; May 20/June 2).
Saint Thalaleos suffered martyrdom at the age of 18 in Cilicia. This saint is mentioned in the prayer service for the blessing of water.

Martyr Aniketa(305-306; August 12/25), Hieromartyr Mokius(c. 295; May 11/24), Martyr Tryphon(250; February 1/14).
The martyr Aniketas, like the martyrs Falalei, Mokiy and Tryphon, is mentioned in the prayer service for the blessing of water.
Saint Tryphon, even in his adolescence, had the gift of healing the sick. For his holy and pure life, he received from God the grace of healing, for which he became famous among the residents of the village of Kopmsady. When the messengers of Aquilina were looking for Saint Tryphon, the residents answered them with a question: “Isn’t this a shepherd of geese, a doctor of art?”

Hieromartyr Charalampios(202; 10/23 February).
Saint Charalampios is considered a healer of all kinds of diseases.

Venerable Agapit of Pechersk, “free” doctor(XI; June 1/14).
Providing first aid to many sick people during his lifetime, Saint Agapit did not demand any payment from them, which is why they called him the “free” doctor. Agapit healed the hopelessly sick.

Venerable Damian, presbyter, healer of Pechersk(1071; September 28/October 11; October 5/18).
The relics of Saint Damian rest in the caves of Saint Anthony. In the Pechersk Patericon he is called a healer, “who healed the sick with prayer and holy oil.”

(c. 345; May 9/22; December 6/19).
Saint Nicholas was glorified by God for the gift of miracles, including healings. The Great Pleasant of God and Wonderworker Nicholas is one of the most revered saints in Rus'. The basis for his veneration not only among the Orthodox, but also among the pagans and Mohammedans are his countless miracles revealed during the life and especially after the death of this saint.

To the Righteous Artemy Verkolsky(1545; June 23/July 6; October 20/November 2).
Righteous Artemy, the son of a villager from the village of Verkola, died at the age of thirteen in a field in 1532, caught in a strong thunderstorm.
From the relics of this saint they received relief from serious illnesses.


(92; April 11/24).
This Antipas is mentioned in the Apocalypse (Revelation 2.13). When he was thrown by his tormentors into a red-hot copper bull, he asked God to grant him the grace to heal people with “inconsolable toothache.”

(1461; June 15/28; March 31/April 13; May 27/June 9; October 5/18).
Saint Jonah is the first of the All-Russian metropolitans, elected and approved by the Council of the Russian Clergy. According to the prophecy of Saint Metropolitan Photius, "...the first hierarch of the Russian land." During his lifetime, Saint Jonah had the gift of healing toothache. There is a known case when during his lifetime he healed one boyar from a toothache. After his death (1461), his relics became famous for the gift of miracles.


(8/21 July and 22 October/4 November). The first miracles from the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God were healings of people with sore eyes. This is where it arose folk faith pray before this icon asking for healing of eye diseases. Abundant miracles from the icon Kazan Mother of God contributed greatly to the spread of the faith of Christ in Rus'. “O zealous intercessor, Mother of the Lord Most High, pray for all of Your Son, Christ our God, and cause all to be saved, those who seek refuge in Your sovereign protection. Intercede for all of us, O Lady, Queen and Lady...”
Before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God they pray for the sight of blind eyes.

(1; October 18/31; January 4/17).
The Holy Apostle Luke, who wrote the Gospel and the book of the Acts of the Apostles, studied painting and the art of medicine, “as a physician who heals human infirmities, natural ailments and ulcers of souls,” he helped people even in his earthly life, especially in healing eye diseases. The Apostle Paul called him “the beloved physician.”

(c. 345; December 6/19 and May 9/22).
Nikolai Ugodnik not only healed eye diseases, but also restored sight to the blind. There are many tales about his life and even more tales about his posthumous miracles. Testimonies of his help to people who resort to him in prayer do not dry up to this day throughout the Christian world.

(III; November 1/14).
Both brothers, having studied the art of medicine, “helped not only as a person, but also as a beast” in many diseases, including eye diseases.

(1552; August 2/15).
Preaching mercy, the blessed one helped people. The relics of St. Basil became famous for their miracles during the reign of Theodore Ioannovich, healing the sick and also from eye diseases.

(305; July 27/August 9).
As a young man, Panteleimon studied the art of medicine. He dedicated his entire life to the suffering, the sick, the poor and the poor. He “freely treated everyone who turned to him, healing them in the name of Jesus Christ” from all diseases, including eye diseases.

Holy Martyr Archdeacon Lawrence of Rome(258; August 10/23).
Holy Martyr Archdeacon Lawrence - healer of eye diseases. During his lifetime, he gave sight to those born blind, and therefore they pray to him for the healing of eye diseases.

Saint Nikita, recluse of Pechersk, Bishop of Novgorod(1108; January 31/February 13; April 30/May 13; May 14/27).
Of all the miracles of this saint, it is especially remarkable that it is mainly the blind or people with impaired vision who receive help from him.

Martyr Longinus the Centurion, like the one at the Cross of the Lord(1; 16/29 October).
This centurion was on guard at the Cross of the Savior. While the warrior was piercing the ribs of Christ, a drop of blood from the pierced rib dripped onto his sore eyes, and he was healed. The first miracle from the head of Longinus, beheaded by the sword, was the sight of a blind woman.

(c. 306; October 26/November 8).
At the age of 20, Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica was appointed proconsul of the Thessalonian region. Instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he openly began to teach the inhabitants of the region the Christian faith.
They pray to the Holy Glorious Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki for insight into the eyes.

(1694; September 12/25 and December 18/31).
From this saint many received healing from eye diseases, severe and long-lasting. For the most part, the saint of God himself appears to the sick in a dream, inspiring them to seek help from him.

(1015; July 15/28)
Vladimir suffered during his life with his eyes and was almost blind, but after Holy Baptism he recovered. The holy noble prince Vladimir is the baptist of Rus'. In Kyiv, he first of all baptized his children. The place where he baptized them is still called Khreshchatyk.

(1378; February 12/25; May 20/June 2; October 5/18).
Even during his earthly life, Metropolitan Alexy healed eye diseases. Khan Janibek's wife, Taidula, suffered from an eye disease and asked for his help. Khan wrote to the Grand Duke: “We heard that heaven does not refuse anything to the prayer of your chief priest, may he ask for health for my wife.” Saint Alexy went to the horde, with hope in God, and was not deceived: Taidula recovered. They pray to Saint Alexy for the granting of insight.

(1407; July 7/20; May 17/30).
The Monk Eudokia, the wife of Demetrius Donskoy, shortly before her death, took monastic vows and was named Euphrosyne in monasticism. Exhausting her body with fasts, she wore several clothes, appearing everywhere with a cheerful face and rejoiced when she heard that slander made her chastity doubtful. This rumor offended the sons. Then Evdokia took off part of her clothes in front of her sons, and the sons were horrified, seeing the thinness of her body and withered skin from extreme abstinence.
They pray to this saint for the sight of the eyes and for healing from paralysis.


John (January 7/20; June 24/July 7; February 24/March 9, May 25/June 7; August 29/September 11; September 23/October 6; October 12/25) with the singing of the troparion and the Gospel reading of the Beheading the head of it.
One look at the suffering head of the Baptist invites us to seek help from him against this pain.

Holy Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon(305; July 27/August 9).
Even before converting to Christianity, Panteleimon, who knew about Jesus Christ, through fervent prayer to Him, resurrected a dead child bitten by a snake. After this miracle, Panteleimon was baptized and “healed everyone free of charge,” healing wounds and curing all diseases, including diseases of the head.

Saint Gury, Archbishop of Kazan(156. December 5/18; June 20/July 3).
Gury was innocently imprisoned, where he suffered for two years, after which the prison door opened freely.
They pray to Saint Gury for relief from headaches.

As a guardian and helper of our soul and body.


(362; October 20/November 2).
Artemy was crushed by his tormentors with a huge stone, which caused his insides to be displaced. Most of his miraculous healings were to stomach pain sufferers.

(826; November 11/24; January 26/February 8).
Theodore himself suffered from stomach problems during his lifetime. After his death, through prayer before his icon, they received healing from stomach pain.


(362; October 20/November 2).
As well as in case of stomach illness, by prayer before the icon of the holy great martyr Artemia patients received healing from a hernia.


(1694; September 12/25; December 18/31).
Holy righteous Simeon helps get rid of leg pain as well as eye disease. He himself made the journey to Siberia on foot, feeling exhaustion in his legs.

To the Martyrs Blessed Princes Boris And Gleb, in Holy Baptism to Roman And David(1015; May 2/15; July 24/August 6; September 5/18).
The noble Russian princes Boris and Gleb, sons of the Baptist of Rus' - Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir - are the first Russian martyrs-passion-bearers, the first Russian intercessors before God "for the new Christian people, having purchased for themselves the Kingdom of Heaven with passion, and received the crown from the hand of the Lord." Since ancient times, the Orthodox Church has venerated the brother passion-bearers, who constantly provide prayerful assistance to their native land and to those suffering from illnesses, including diseases of the legs.

(1833; January 2/15; July 19/August 1).
To repel the onslaught of the devil, the Monk Seraphim took upon himself the feat of pillar-building: every night he climbed a huge stone in the forest and prayed with raised hands. During the day, he prayed in his cell also on a small stone, leaving it only to rest and strengthen his body with meager food. In 1825, by revelation of the Mother of God, he began to host people, instructing, comforting and healing them from all diseases, including those suffering from leg diseases.

Venerable Jacob of Zheleznoborovsk(1442; April 11/24; May 5/18).
Jacob was tonsured by Saint Sergius of Radonezh and, with his blessing, retired to the deserted places of Kostroma, where he settled near the village of Zhelezny Borok and founded a monastery. The monk healed the sick, including those with leg diseases. He himself twice last time in old age, he walked to Moscow, feeling exhaustion in his legs. They also pray to him for healing from paralysis.

(III; November 1/14).
These holy saints of God, unmercenaries and miracle workers, brothers Cosma And Damian, even during their lifetime they made the lame and crippled healthy.


Venerable John of Damascus(c. 780; December 4/17).
When John of Damascus had his hand cut off due to slander against him, he tearfully prayed before the icon of the Mother of God that his hand, which wrote spiritual works for the glory of God, would grow back. And the severed hand grew back together during a short sleep. Then John of Damascus, as a sign of gratitude to the Mother of God, hung a silver image of a hand to Her icon, which is why the icon received the name "Three-handed", A John of Damascus grace is given to provide assistance in pain or injury to the hands.


Saint Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov(1709; September 21/October 4; October 28/November 10).
The miracles that occurred from the incorruptible relics of St. Demetrius, which glorified the Russian land, especially relate to the healing of the sick, including chest diseases. Demetrius himself became exhausted and died from this disease. After death, he helps sufferers who are exhausted by chest illness.


To the Apostle Peter(67; June 29/July 12; January 16/29).
At the Apostle Peter, the Savior healed his mother-in-law, “who was lying and burned by fire.” The Holy Apostle Peter has the special grace of deliverance from fever.

Venerable Maron, Syrian Hermit(IV; February 14/27).
Saint Maron, even during his earthly life, was known as a healer of fevers and fevers.

Haralampy Before his death, he prayed that where his relics would be located, there would be no pestilence.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Tikhvin"(1383; July 9).
This holy icon was painted, according to legend, by the holy Apostle Luke. In 1388, the icon, brought in the 5th century from Jerusalem to Constantinople, suddenly disappeared and appeared in radiance over Lake Ladoga near the city of Tikhvin.
This icon became famous for many miracles.

Saint Julian, Bishop of Kenomania(I; July 13/26).
During his lifetime, Saint Julian healed and even resurrected the people of Meaden. On the icon he is depicted with a baby, whom he holds in his arms.

Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver(February 3/16).
When, on the fortieth day, the Virgin Mary brought the Infant God to the temple, Elder Simeon, with open arms, received Him, rejoicing, and cried out: “Now you are releasing Your servant, Master, according to Your word, in peace.” They pray to Righteous Simeon the God-Receiver for the protection of children, for healing, and for the preservation of the health of infants.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday(III; October 28/November 10).
She received her name Paraskeva, which means Friday in Greek, because she was born on the day dedicated to the remembrance of the Passion of the Lord and was especially honored by her parents. She repeated the fate of many Christian martyrs, drinking the cup of suffering to the bottom.
Saint Paraskeva Friday is prayed for the healing of children.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Support of Sinners"(1843; March 7/20; May 29/June 11).
The icon is named after the inscription preserved on the icon: “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son.” The icon became famous for its miracles in 1843 in the St. Nicholas Odrina Monastery. The first to receive healing was a relaxed boy, whose mother fervently prayed before this shrine. “I am the Helper of sinners to My Son; This One gave Me a hand for them to hear Me, so that those who bring Me joy will be asked to rejoice forever through Me” (“gave a hand” - that is, the Savior solemnly assured His Mother that there would always be listen to Her prayers).

(1533; August 30/September 12; April 17/30).
Alexander Svirsky was so holy and pure in soul that he was awarded a vision of the Most Holy Trinity. Of his twenty-three miracles known from his life, almost half relate to the healing of the paralyzed and paralyzed.

Reverend Nikita had the gift of healing, including the paralytic. It is known that young Mikhail, the son of Vsevolod of Chernigov, went to Pereslavl-Zalessky for treatment to the venerable Nikita, who lived on the pillar, and that the miracle worker healed the prince with his rod. Michael put a cross in that place indicating the year 6694 (1186) May 16 (Old Art.).

Reverend Evdokia, in nuns Euphrosyne, Princess of Moscow (1407; July 7/20; May 17/30).
Reverend Evdokia pray for healing from paralysis.


Venerable Hypatius of Pechersk, healer(XIV; March 31/April 13).
Saint Hypatius, during his lifetime, helped many with his graceful power in this illness.


Reverend Anthony The Great (356; January 17/30).
Anthony, about 20 years old, distributed most of his estate to the poor and began a hermit's life. He lived in the desert, in complete solitude and constant struggle with demons, and found peace of mind and peace of mind. They pray to him for the protection of the weak.


Hieromartyr Blasius, Bishop of Sebaste (c. 316; February 11/24).
One woman’s only son was eating fish, the bone stopped in his throat, and the boy began to suffer greatly. His mother took him half dead and took him to the saint Blasius. Vlasiy, placing his hand on the youth’s lips, began to pray: “Oh, Lord, who helps all who diligently resort to You! Hear my prayer: By Your invisible power, pluck the bone from the throat of this youth and heal him. And do so that if anything like this will happen to someone, one of the people who at the same time will say: “God, help with the prayers of Your servant Blasius,” - to those You, Lord, hasten to help and grant healing to the glory and honor of Your holy name!” After the saint’s prayer, the youth became completely healthy. Saint Blasius They pray for healing of throat disease and the danger of strangulation with a bone.


Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon(305; July 27/August 9), (see about him earlier).

Reverend Theodora Studitus, confessor (826; November 11/24; January 26/February 6). Saint Theodore suffered for icon veneration, for which he was imprisoned. During the reign of Irene, he restored the Studite monastery in Constantinople, of which he was abbot, and wrote a charter for it. Died in 826. From the icon of this saint, not only stomach patients, but also those suffering from other abdominal diseases received healing.

Unmercenaries, martyrs Cyrus and John(311; January 31/February 13; June 28/July 11) (see about them earlier).

Reverend Seraphim, to the Wonderworker of Sarov (1833; January 2/15; July 19/August 1). Saint Seraphim of Sarov united in himself the spiritual forces necessary for the achievement of many people, with his deep humility, which was in him during his life and which is now revealed during his afterlife appearances and miracles. He rested in his cell, kneeling before the image of the Mother of God “Tenderness”.
They also pray to him for healing from celiac diseases.


Unmercenary martyrs Cyrus and John(311; January 31/February 13; June 28/July 11) (see sections ahead).

FROM “SHEEP” SHOPE OF BREATHNESS (bloating and heavy breathing)

Reverend Vasily to the confessor (750; February 28/March 13). The Monk Basil the Confessor is an associate of Procopius Dekapolitus, who shared with him imprisonment in prison for veneration of icons. They pray to him for deliverance from “sheep” shortness of breath.


Martyr Vitu(c. 303; May 16/29; June 15/28). Holy Martyr Vit suffered during the reign of Diocletian. They pray to him for deliverance from epilepsy, that is, epilepsy.


Reverend Irinarch, recluse of Rostov (1616; January 13/26).
Irinarh, in the world Ilya, a farmer of the Rostov region, during the famine he lived for two years in Nizhny Novgorod. Having reached the age of 30, he renounced the world, took monastic vows and spent 38 years in seclusion in the Borisoglebsky Monastery, in a grave he himself dug. Irinarch himself spent sleepless nights in seclusion.

Reverend Marufu, Bishop of Mesopotamia (422; February 16/March 1). They pray to Saint Maruf for relief from insomnia.

Maximilian, Jamblichus, Martinian, John, Dionysius, Exacustodian (Constantine) and Antoninus (c. 250; 408-450; August 4/17). They pray to these holy youths for a sleepless baby. “Look from the heights of Heavenly glory at us, who honor your memory with love, and especially at the Christian infants, entrusted to your intercession by their parents.”

To his Guardian Angel(or the baby's Guardian Angel, if the baby has insomnia). God gives every Christian a Guardian Angel, who invisibly protects a person in his earthly life from troubles and misfortunes, warns against sins, protects him in the terrible hour of death, and does not leave him after death. The angels rejoice over our repentance and success in virtue, try to fill us with spiritual contemplations and assist us in all good things.


Reverend Seraphim, to the Wonderworker of Sarov (1833; January 2/15; July 19/August 1). They also pray to this saint for healing from lower back pain.


Reverend Hypatia, abbot of Ruthian (c. 446; March 31/April 13). “You have received the gift from the Lord, praiseworthy Hypatius, to heal various ailments, and especially water sickness.”


Martyr Tryphon(250; February 1/14). During his holy and pure life, Tryphon received from God not only the grace of healing people, for which he became famous among the inhabitants during his lifetime, but also received the grace of deliverance from other misfortunes, including deliverance from snoring.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Inexhaustible Chalice"(1878; May 5/18). One peasant of the Tula province was obsessed with the passion of drunkenness, he reached a beggarly state, his legs were paralyzed. One day he saw an extraordinary dream, in which a holy elder advised him to go to the monastery of Yurod Serpukhov and there, before the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice,” to serve a prayer service for the passion of drunkenness.
Having reached this monastery with difficulty, having found an icon that even the monks did not know about, having served a prayer service before the miraculous icon, he recovered. This was in 1878. Since then, many suffering people have flocked to the monastery, seeking healing from this icon.

Martyr Boniface(290; December 19/January 1). Boniface himself perished from the passion of drunkenness, but turned to Christ and was awarded martyrdom. They pray to him for deliverance from the passion of drunkenness and binge drinking.

Reverend Moses Murin (IV; August 28/September 10). Moses himself first perished from the passion of drunkenness, then he became a monk and labored in a monastery in Egypt. He died a martyr's death at the age of 75. Those suffering from heavy drinking pray to him for deliverance from the passion for wine.

Martyrs Florus and Laurus(II; August 18/31). These holy martyrs lived in Illyria. Flor and Laurus, stonemasons by trade, were siblings not only in flesh, but also in spirit. At first they also suffered from the passion of drunkenness, but then they converted. They suffered martyrdom for their Christian faith - they were thrown into an empty well and covered with earth. During their lifetime, they healed people from illnesses and from the passion of drunkenness.

Righteous John of Kronstadt(1908; December 20/January 2). The life of John of Kronstadt is an example of purity and holiness. During his lifetime, he received a miraculous gift of healing from God. Through his prayers, God healed many sick people - those who came to him asking for help. Among the common people of the city of Kronstadt, where he was a priest, there were many who suffered from the disease of drunkenness. There are many testimonies of his healing of such patients.
With the blessing of the priest, you can take up the work of prayer, praying for your family and friends who suffer from drunkenness. This requires intense prayer and readings of the akathist in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “The Inexhaustible Chalice” and the canon to the holy martyr Boniface.


Mother of God "Joy to all who mourn"(1688; October 24/November 6). The name of the icon itself speaks for itself.
"Quiet my sorrows"(1640; January 25/February 7).
In a life full of adversity, everyone has experienced physical and especially mental sorrow. In such moments of temporary earthly life, we mentally turn to where we are waiting for help - our spiritual gaze rushes to heaven, to the Blessed Virgin Mary, whispering a prayer: “Quench my sorrows that crush my heart, for You are the speedy Comforter!” And the Queen of Heaven listens to the tears and tender prayers of all believers who come running to Her in their needs, sorrows and sorrows.

Archangel (Archangel) Michael(November 8/21; September 6/19).
Above all nine angelic ranks, the Lord placed the holy Archangel Michael (translated from Hebrew as “who is like God”) - a faithful servant of God. He cast down from heaven the proud Lucifer (Satan) with other fallen spirits. Archangel Michael helped the Israelites when leaving Egypt - he led them in the form of a pillar of fire; defended Israel in all disasters; appeared to Joshua and revealed the will of the Lord to take Jericho and much more. The protection of Russian cities by the Most Holy Theotokos was always carried out by Her appearances with the Heavenly Host under the leadership of Archangel Michael. Therefore, the faith of Orthodox Christians in the help of Archangel Michael in all troubles, sorrows and needs is strong. Archangel Michael is considered the defender of the glory of God.

As a helper, intercessor, and guardian of us in earthly life. The Guardian Angel protects us everywhere. He is the leader, the guide. He who hears and listens to him is strong. The Guardian Angel is a witness before God, how we accepted everything that God revealed to us. “Holy Angel of God, my Guardian, pray to God for me, a sinner.”

Martyr Tryphon(250; February 1/14). Tryphon himself experienced grief when, having surrendered into the hands of those sent by the eparch of Anatolia, he was brought to Nicaea. Here, having experienced terrible torment, he was sentenced to death and died at the place of execution before the sword touched him.

(303; April 23/May 6; November 26/December 9; November 3/16; November 10/23). The holy great martyr, inflamed with zeal for the faith of Christ, is revered as a helper in sorrow.

Saint Stephen, Bishop of Great Perm (1396; April 26/May 9). Stefan, under the protection of heaven and his meekness, succeeded in the soul-saving work of preaching the faith of Christ and baptizing idolaters among the Zyryans, the Perm residents.

They pray to all these saints for deliverance from sorrow and misfortune.


Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker (c. 345; May 9/22; December 6/19). “To the elder-parent... at night you gave three hidden bundles of gold (secretly).” With the help of these bundles (knots) with gold, the daughters of the poor father were settled.

To the Righteous Philaret the Merciful(792; December 1/14). Filaret became impoverished; he was left with three adult granddaughters. For faith and mercy, one of them was chosen as the bride for the king.


(62; November 30/December 13).
The Apostle Andrew was the first to follow Christ, and then brought his brother Peter to Him. He preached the Word of God, walking from Asia Minor to the place where Kyiv now stands. Having climbed the Kyiv mountains, he blessed them with them and entwined them and erected a cross. The death of the Apostle Andrew - 62nd year; the transfer of his relics to Constantinople - in 354, and in 1208, on May 8, Art. - to Italy; the head of the apostle is in Rome, and the right hand is in the Moscow Epiphany Cathedral.
They pray to Apostle Andrew the First-Called for good suitors.

Great Martyr Catherine(305-313; November 24/December 7). Saint Catherine announced that she would marry someone who would surpass her in nobility, wealth, beauty and wisdom. The image of the Heavenly Bridegroom Jesus Christ gave birth in the soul of the virgin to an ardent desire to see Him. After Holy Baptism, she had a vision of the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus, who looked tenderly at Catherine and gave her a ring, betrothing her to Himself. When the vision ended, Catherine saw a ring on her hand. They pray to Saint Catherine for good suitors.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (III; October 28 / November 10). Paraskeva, having matured, took a vow of celibacy, devoting herself to serving the Christian faith. They also pray to her for good suitors.


Mother of God, Who attended the wedding in Cana of Galilee.
The marriage, honored by the presence of the Lord and His Most Holy Mother, took place in a poor family, whose meager means were manifested in the lack of wine. The humane-loving Mother of God, compassionate towards all those who mourn, turned with warm intercession for them to Her Divine Son, and by the almighty will of the Creator, the water collected in six large stone vessels turned into the best wine.

Apostle Simon the Zealot(I; May 10/23; June 30/July 13). Simon the Zealot or Canaanite (after the name of the Galilean city of Cana), according to legend, himself was the groom at the wedding in Cana of Galilee.

In the Old Testament we find a story about how the Angel who accompanied Tobias on his journey (it was Archangel Raphael) helped him find a bride.

Martyrs Chrysanthus and Daria(283; March 19/April 1). Even before their marriage, these saints agreed among themselves to lead a holy life devoted to God.

Martyr Tryphon(250; February 1/14). Saint Tryphon, to whom God gave from a young age the grace of healing illnesses, casting out demons, and helping in everyday affairs, is also prayed for the happiness of marriage.

To the blessed prince Petru, in monasticism to David and the princess Fevronia, in monasticism of Euphrosyne, Murom miracle workers (1228; June 25/July 8). Saints Peter and Fevronia are an example of Christian marriage. The holy spouses became famous for their piety and mercy. They died on the same day and hour, June 25 (Old Art.), 1228, and even miraculously ended up in the same coffin. These saints bring down blessings on those entering into marriage.

Unmercenary and miracle workers Cosma and Damian Asiykim (III; November 1/14). They pray to these holy miracle workers for the protection of weddings and those entering into marriage.


Venerable Athanasia Abbess (860; April 12/25). The Monk Athanasia did not even want a first marriage, thinking of devoting herself solely to God. But at the behest of her parents, she entered into a second marriage, then retired into the desert. Her life was so holy that a year after her death her relics were revealed. They pray to this saint for the well-being of the second marriage.


To the Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna, to the parents of the Blessed Virgin Mary (September 9/22). Righteous Joachim and Anna suffered bitter infertility until their old age, but they did not despair and prayed to the Lord, promising that if God gave them a child, they would dedicate him to God, and the Lord heard their prayer and gave them a daughter - the Blessed Virgin Mary. When She was three years old, they brought Her to the temple and, as promised, dedicated Her to God. The Righteous Fathers of God Joachim and Anna are the main helpers in marital infertility.

to the Prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist (I; September 5/18). These pious spouses also had no children until old age, and then, with the blessing of God, they gave birth to John the Baptist.

Reverend Roman(V; November 27/December 10). It is said about this saint: “Create many barren wives through prayer to give birth to children.” During his lifetime, this saint ate only bread, salt and water, and never used a lamp. During his lifetime, he healed the ailments of many. They pray to him for permission from infertility and childlessness.

Venerable Martyr Evdokia(c. 160-170; March 1/14). Women who cannot get pregnant pray to Saint Evdokia. Evdokia, having accepted holy baptism and renounced her wealth, pleased God with a strict fasting life and received the gift of miracles.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (III; October 28/November 10). As a child, Paraskeva lost her parents. Having matured, she took a vow of celibacy, devoting herself to serving the Christian faith, for which she was severely tortured and executed. Paraskeva Friday is especially revered in Rus': a helper in women’s cares, patroness of the household, giver of good suitors, patroness of agricultural work. They also pray to her for permission from childlessness.

(473; January 20/February 2). The Monk Euthymius lived in a deserted place, spending his time in work, abstinence and prayer, eating food only on Saturday and Sunday, never sleeping lying down, but only sitting or standing, holding on to a rope tied in his cell. The Lord rewarded His saint with the gift of miracles and clairvoyance. Through prayer, he brought rain down from the sky, healed the terminally ill, drove away demons, and foresaw the spiritual properties of people. They pray to him in marital infertility and in times of famine.

Venerable Hypatius, abbot of Ruthian (c. 446; March 31/April 13). They pray to this saint for deliverance from childlessness and for healing from dropsy.


To the Holy Evangelists: John the Theologian (98-117; October 9; May 21); Mark (63; May 8); Luke (I; October 31) and Matthew (60; November 29).
They pray to the Holy Apostles and Evangelists for good relationships in the family, for advice and love between husband and wife. Saint John the Theologian, the beloved disciple of our Lord Jesus Christ, took the Most Pure Mother of God after the crucifixion of Christ into his home, where She remained until Her Dormition.


The Most Holy Theotokos and Ever-Virgin Mary(September 21). The Most Blessed Virgin Mary, through Whom salvation was granted to the whole world, Who, according to the Providence of God, served the mystery of the incarnation of God the Word, the Mother of our God Jesus Christ, is the Patroness, Intercessor and ambulance Helper in all matters and human needs, including family ones.

Martyrs and confessors Guria, Samon(299-306) and Aviva(322; November 28). The wife of one cruel husband, Euphemia, was laid alive in a coffin. With tears and strong faith, she prayed in the tomb to the holy martyrs Guria, Samon, Aviv and remained alive. Therefore, the holy martyrs Gury, Samon, AviB are revered as punishers when “if a husband innocently hates his wife.”

Archbishop Myra of Lycia (c. 345; May 22; December 19). The Lord honored this Saint of God with great glory. There are many tales about his life and even more tales about his posthumous miracles. Testimonies of his help to people who resort to him in prayer do not dry up to this day throughout the Christian world, and not only the Christian one - recognition of the help of the Holy Pleasant of God Nicholas the Wonderworker has become universal. Numerous miracles are known to be performed by this God-pleaser in all matters, needs, illnesses, and family relationships.
B>Martyrs Adrian and Natalia(305-311; September 8).
Adrian was imprisoned, where he was tortured along with other Christians, after which he died. Holy Natalia, his wife, died at her husband's grave. These saints are prayed for good relationships in the family.


Reverend Alexander Svirsky(1533; September 12; April 30).
The pious parents of Alexander Svirsky had male and female children. Then their childbearing stopped. They began to pray to God to grant them a son to comfort and support them in their old age. The fruit of their prayer was Alexander Svirsky. Then, after his death, they prayed to this saint to have male children, and the prayers of the believers were fulfilled.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Assistance in childbirth"(January 8). Since time immemorial, in moments of severe suffering during the birth of children, when death is so close, women have resorted with especially fervent prayer to the Savior and His Most Pure Mother. Even in our time, in pious families one can see the icon of the Mother of God “Help in Childbirth”. This image is somewhat reminiscent of the “Sign” icon. There is also an ancient icon of the Virgin Mary "Helping wives give birth to children". On it, the Mother of God is depicted with an open head and loose hair. Below her folded hands, the Eternal Child is depicted, blessing with his gum. The grace from these icons is clear from the name itself.

Mother of God in honor of Her icon "The word became flesh"(166; March 22). The miraculous image of the Mother of God “The Word Became Flesh” depicts the womb of the Divine Child, therefore the custom has taken root to pray before him for mothers during their womb and illnesses of birth. There are known cases of the grace-filled power of the icon of the Mother of God “The Word became Flesh” in the severe pangs of remission from pregnancy and in the successful outcome of the illness of birth.

Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Quick to Hear"(X; November 22).
The icon of the Divine Quick to Hear, the Queen of Heaven, the Book of Prayer, quick to obey for us, performed countless miracles: it gave sight to many blind people, it gave the lame walk, it strengthened the paralytic, it delivered many from shipwreck, it freed captives, and it created and still does other innumerable miracles for all Orthodox Christians who resort to Do it with faith.

Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Healer"(XVIII; October 1).
“...you have mercy on little children... and you heal all kinds of varied passions: for all things are possible through Your intercession to Your Son, Christ our God.”


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Feodorovskaya"(1239; August 29; March 27). The Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God, according to legend, was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist. The holy image of the Mother of God was placed in the temple in the name of St. Theodore Stratilates and more than once demonstrated its spiritual power. March 14 (Old Art.) is the celebration of this icon in memory of the naming of the Russian state, since on this day (that is, March 14), starting in 1613, the accession to the throne of the first tsar from the Romanov dynasty, Mikhail Fedorovich, was celebrated. In the cathedral church, Michael’s “petition” for the throne took place. Young Mikhail refused this heavy yoke, and his mother, Elder Martha, did not want this. She was adamant to all pleas.
Finally, Archbishop Theodoret of Ryazan took in his hands the Vladimir and Abraham Palitsyn the Feodorov icons of the Mother of God and said to her: “Why did the icons of the Most Holy Lady march with us on a distant journey? If you do not obey us, then for the sake of the Mother of God and the great saints, bow to mercy and do not anger Lord God!" Mikhail’s mother could not resist such words. She fell prostrate before the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God and said: “Thy will be done, Lady! I commend my son into Your hands: guide him on the true path, for the good of Yourself and the Fatherland!” After this, Mikhail gave in. He was immediately proclaimed tsar-autocrat.
They pray before the Feodorovskaya Icon of the Mother of God during difficult childbirth.

to the Prophet Zechariah and righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist (I; September 18). The holy righteous Zechariah was bound by muteness before his pregnant wife Elizabeth was delivered.

Great Martyr Anastasia To the Pattern Maker (c. 304; January 4). Saint Anastasia was married to a noble Roman, but even during her marriage she retained her virginity, citing the illness that tormented her.
They pray to her during difficult births.

Reverend Melania Romans (439; January 13). Holy Melania She herself suffered in childbirth and almost died from it.

Great Martyr Catherine(305-313; December 7). Saint Catherine had rare beauty and intelligence. She announced to her parents that she would marry someone who would surpass her in nobility, wealth, beauty and wisdom. The spiritual father, the holy elder, told Catherine that he knew a Young Man who surpassed her in everything. The image of the Heavenly Bridegroom (Christ) gave birth in the soul of the virgin to an ardent desire to see Him. Having received holy baptism, Catherine was honored to see the Mother of God with the Baby Jesus. Saint Catherine is prayed to during difficult births.


Mother of God in honor of her icon "Mammal"(The 25th of January). This icon represents the Mother of God, the mammal of Her Son.


Reverend Hypatia Pechersky, healer (XIV; April 13).
About this saint in the Prologue it is said: “women are without food... make milk.”


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Recovery of the Dead"(or “Deliverance from the troubles of the afflicted”) (February 18).
Since time immemorial, the Russian people have firmly believed in all-powerful help. Holy Mother of God and trusts in Her as the last hope of perishing people, and has adopted the name of Her icon, “Seeking the Lost.” The last owner of the icon “Recovery of the Lost,” located in the church in honor of the Nativity of Christ, was widowed and was on the verge of complete poverty. Diligent prayer to the Most Holy Theotokos saved him from despair and arranged the fate of his orphan daughters.

Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Unexpected Joy"(May 14; December 22).
The icon is so called because many who resort to the help of the Most Holy Theotokos with faith and love receive through this holy icon the unexpected joy of forgiveness of sins and grace-filled consolation.
This icon inspires in every believer a comforting faith in the help of the Queen of Heaven and, through Her, in the mercy of the Lord in all our affairs, as well as in prayer for children.

Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Quick to Hear"(X; November 22).
The Good Representative of the penitents, who announced to the table of the Nile: “...Let all Orthodox Christians turn to Me in need, and I will not leave anyone: I will intercede for all who come running to Me with reverence, and the prayers of all will be fulfilled by the Son and My God, for the sake of My intercession before Him, so that from now on this icon of mine will be called the Quick to Hear, because I will quickly show mercy and fulfillment of petitions to all who come to it.” They also pray for children in front of this icon.

(January 20; July 7; March 9; June 7; September 11; October 6: October 25). The Holy Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John, the greatest of the prophets, completes the history of the Old Testament Church and opens the era of the New Testament. The Holy Prophet John witnessed the coming to earth of the Only Begotten Son of God.
They pray to him for children.

(c. 306; December 17). Varvara's father was a noble and rich man in Iliopolis, Phoenician. Having learned that his daughter Varvara had become a Christian, he severely beat her and took her into custody, and then handed her over to the ruler of the city, Martinian.
The saint was cruelly tortured. At night in prison the Savior Himself appeared to her and healed her wounds. Then Varvara was subjected to even more cruel torture, then her nipples were cut off and she was led naked around the city, after which she was beheaded. They ask her for help and intercession for the children.
If you want to correct someone from their shortcomings, then cast sorrow on the Lord (Psalm 54:23) and pray to Him, who tests our hearts and bellies (Psalm 7:10), with all your heart, so that He Himself will enlighten the mind and heart of a person; if He sees that your prayer breathes love and comes from the bottom of your heart, He will certainly fulfill the desire of your heart, and you will soon say, having seen a change in the one for whom you are praying: this is the betrayal of the right hand of the Most High (Psalm 76:11).


Venerable Xenophon and his wife Maria(V-VI; February 8). Reverend Xenophon And Maria They lost their sons John and Arkady, searched for them for a long time, did not weaken their hope in God, and finally met their beloved children. These saints are prayed to during the deprivation and loss of children.

Great Martyr Eustathius Placidas(c. 118; October 3). Eustathius, who experienced a lot after being baptized, lost his wife, taken away by a barbarian, and his sons, kidnapped by beasts. After 15 years of wandering, he found his wife and sons alive and became famous for his great victories over the enemies of the empire. They pray to him during the deprivation and loss of children.

Guardian Angel children.

Great Martyr George the Victorious(303; May 9; November 16; November 23; December 9). Saint George, having gone down in history as the Victorious, began to be revered as the angel and patron of the state, the army, the Russian peoples, families, and children. They pray to him for the return of lost children.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Giver of Mind"(August 28).
This image of the Mother of God also has another name - "Increasing your mind". In this image, the deep religious faith of Orthodox Christians in the Blessed Virgin as an Intercessor before God and Her Son for the granting of material and spiritual benefits to people, among which the enlightenment of the mind and heart with the light of divine truth occupies a primary place, was poured into appropriate external forms. Therefore, the parents of those children who are not particularly successful in mastering the initial foundations of faith and literacy often turn with prayer to the Mother of God and Her Infant Jesus Christ, as the source of higher and unearthly wisdom and intelligence, and ask for “adding intelligence” to their feeble-minded children. birth to children and the gift of assistance in their assimilation of book teaching taught at school.

Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Key of Understanding"(14th of April).
The Most Holy Mother of God is depicted in this icon in full height; A key is drawn at the bottom of the icon. Prayers are performed in front of her before the youths begin their studies, and they also pray in cases where children show poor development of mental abilities necessary for mastering the sciences taught to them. Therefore, this icon is called the “Key of Understanding.”

Prophet Nahum(VII BC; December 14). Prophet Nahum, one of the 12 minor prophets, lived in the seventh century BC and was from the village of Elkosha (Galilee). He predicted the death of the Assyrian city of Nineveh for its lawlessness. He died at the age of 45 and was buried in his native land. Since ancient times, they have prayed to the prophet Nahum at the beginning of a letter - “the prophet Nahum will bring to mind.”

St. Sergius, abbot Radonezh, All Russia to the Wonderworker (1392; October 8; July 18). At the age of seven, Sergius (then still Bartholomew) was taught to read and write, but learning was difficult for him. Hotly, with tears, he prayed that God would grant him the understanding of literacy. And the Lord heeded the prayer. He sent him an Angel in the form of an old monk, who blessed the boy and said: “From now on, God gives you, my child, to understand what is needed, so that you can teach others.” They pray to him for help in difficult teaching.

(1908; January 2). As a child, John had difficulty reading and writing, which prompted him to especially fervently pray to God for help. And a miracle happened - one night, after fervent prayer, he was suddenly shocked and, as if a curtain had fallen from his eyes, his mental gaze opened, after which the boy immediately began to easily read, understand, and remember. They pray to him for help in difficult teaching.

Equal to the Apostles Cyril(869) and Methodius(885), Slovenian teachers (May 24). The holy brothers Cyril and Methodius, by revelation of God, compiled the Slavic alphabet and translated the Gospel, the Apostle, the Psalter and many liturgical books into the Slavic language. They pray to these saints for enlightenment of the mind and for teaching spiritual literacy.

To the unmercenary and miracle workers Cosmas And Damian Asiysky (III; November 14). They pray to the brothers Cosmas and Damian for the enlightenment of the mind to the teaching of literacy.

Holy Three Youths: Ananias, Azarias And Misail(600 BC; December 30). The holy youths became famous for their wisdom at the court of the Babylonian king. They pray to them for the enlightenment of the mind to the teaching of literacy.

Martyr Neophytos(303-305; February 3). The neophyte showed miraculous power in himself when he was still in school. They pray to him for enlightenment of the mind.

Blessed Xenia of Petersburg(XIX; February 6). “Help, holy blessed mother Xenia, illuminate the babies with the light of holy Baptism and seal the gift of the Holy Spirit, educate boys and girls in faith, honesty, fear of God and grant them success in learning” (from the blessed prayer). They pray to Saint Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg for the enlightenment of the mind and teaching children to read and write, as well as for all family and household needs.

Saint John Chrysostom(407; September 27; November 26; February 9). John Chrysostom is the great Ecumenical teacher and saint, a profound interpreter of the Holy Scriptures, nicknamed Chrysostom for his eloquence. When he preached, the whole city began to move: merchants abandoned their goods and trade, builders - their buildings, lawyers - their courts, artisans - their crafts - everyone rushed to the church. His sermons were passed from hand to hand. They pray to him for enlightenment of the mind and for teaching spiritual literacy.

Great Martyr Catherine(305-313; December 7). At the age of eighteen, Saint Catherine was already known for her great learning, knew the books of philosophers and poets, spoke many languages, and practiced the art of healing. Using this knowledge, she converted to Christ the first wise men and scientists of the king, the royal adviser, many warriors and the queen herself. During her terrible suffering, she made all the people exclaim: “Great is the Christian God!” They pray to this holy great martyr for the enlightenment of the mind and the teaching of spiritual literacy.
Read the prayer “Heavenly King” and the prayer “I Believe.”

Read the Lord's Prayer 40 times before going to bed.


Sainted Mitrofan, in schema Macarius, Bishop of Voronezh(1703; December 6; August 20). When Saint Mitrofan already held the rank of bishop, he asked the venerable persons about his son Ivan Mikhailov, who served as a clerk, so that there would be no offense against him, so that there would be protection for his position and that his son would keep himself away from bad people.


Martyr Uaru(c. 307; November 1). Church-wide commemoration of the unbaptized dead is not performed in the Orthodox Church. Notes with their names cannot be submitted to the Liturgy and memorial service. Relatives of the dead who have not been worthy of Holy Baptism can pray for them themselves, privately, and read the canon to the martyr Uar. The holy martyr Huar begged God for forgiveness of the sins of the relatives of blessed Cleopatra, who took care of the preservation and glorification of his relics. This refers mainly to dead infants, since they did not accept Holy Baptism through no fault of their own, and adults who did not accept Holy Baptism could have already been baptized themselves, that is, they did not accept it through their own fault.


Forty Martyrs, in Sebaste Lake of the Tormented (c. 320; March 22). We find instructions for prayer for this case in Saint Basil the Great in his sermon on the holy martyrs.


The Mother of God in honor of Her is the Smolensk icon, called “Hodegetria” (Guide Book)(brought from Constantinople in 1046; August 10). The Greek Emperor Constantine Porphyrogenitus blessed his daughter, Princess Anna, with this icon, marrying her in 1046 to the Chernigov prince Vsevolod Yaroslavovich. Since this icon accompanied Princess Anna on her journey from Constantinople to the Principality of Chernigov, hence the icon itself received the name Hodegetria, that is. "Guidebook". According to legend, this icon was painted by St. Luke the Evangelist.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker (c. 345; May 22; December 19).
From the day of his birth, Saint Nicholas showed people the light of his future glory as a great wonderworker. His mother, Nonna, was immediately healed of her illness after giving birth. The newborn baby stood on his feet in the baptismal font, unsupported by anyone, thereby giving honor to the Most Holy Trinity. He was glorified by God with the gift of miracles. They pray to him for help in various troubles, for well-being along the way, “... as many times in one hour, traveling on land and sailing on the sea, you anticipate, help...” (Kontakion 6). They also pray to him when the road is lost.

Holy Apostles Cleopas And Luke Evangelist (January 17). These holy apostles themselves traveled preaching the Holy Gospel. They bring blessings down on travelers.

Holy righteous Joseph the Betrothed(in the week of Forefather). Joseph with the Virgin Mary and the Child of God himself had to flee to Egypt, fleeing Herod. They also pray to him when the road is lost.


Great Martyr St. George the Victorious(303; May 6; November 16; November 23; December 9).

Great Martyr Demetrius of Solunsky(c. 306, November 8). In Christian churches on St. Demetrius Saturday, the commemoration of “soldiers killed in battle” takes place.

Great Martyr and Healer Panteleimon(305, August 9). Saint Panteleimon is considered the patron saint of the Russian fleet. His name was given to many Russian warships. The Russian fleet defeated the Swedes at Gangut and Grengam on the feast day of St. Panteleimon.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Softening Evil Hearts" (Semistrelnaya)(on All Saints Sunday). In the icon, the Mother of God stands on a cloud with seven swords stuck in her heart. The number seven in Holy Scripture means the completeness of something - in in this case the fullness of the grief, sadness and heart disease that were endured by the Blessed Virgin Mary in Her life on earth. This icon is also called “Simeon’s Prophecy” - because of the prophecy of Simeon the God-Receiver of the Mother of God about Her earthly suffering for Her Son.

To the faithful martyrs Princes Boris and Gleb in Holy Baptism to Roman and David (1015; August 6; May 15). The passion-bearing brothers themselves suffered from Svyatopolk the Accursed. Young Gleb meekly begged before his death to spare him, but on the orders of the killers his throat was cut.

Martyr John the Warrior(IV; August 12). John the Warrior, sent by Emperor Julian to persecute and kill Christians, in fact provided great assistance to the persecuted: he freed those captured, warned others about the danger that threatened them, facilitated their escape, for which he was imprisoned. After the death of Julian, John was released and devoted his entire life to serving his neighbors, living in holiness and purity.


Hieromartyr Kiirianu and martyr Justina(304; October 15). Cyprian Before his baptism, he himself was a sorcerer, and Justina remained without any harm from his demonic spells, by the sign of the cross. “Turning from magical art, O God-Wise One, to the knowledge of the Divine, you appeared to the world as the wisest physician, granting healing to those who honor you, Cyprian and Justina, praying to the Lover of Mankind, the Lady, to save our souls.” (kontakion, tone 1). These saints are prayed for protection from evil spells, for deliverance from sorcery and harm from wizards.

Reverend Nifontu, Bishop of Cyprus (IV; January 5). Saint Niphon, for his arduous deeds, was awarded by God the gift of driving away evil spirits. He spent almost his entire life in a struggle with unclean spirits and always defeated them with the help of God. One day the saint happened to be seriously ill. During a short sleep, the Most Holy Mother of God appeared to him with a branch of an olive tree with the holy martyr Anastasia the Patternmaker, holding in her hands a vessel and a branch dipped in holy oil. Those who appeared led him to the Church of the Holy Apostles. Here the Mother of God ordered Anastasia to anoint the sick man with oil from the lamp in the altar, saying that this serves as God’s mercy to him, handed him an olive branch and explained that this is a visible sign of God’s grace, which is given to the saint for his power over evil spirits. Therefore, Niphon is considered an intercessor against obsession and the wiles of the evil one.

Reverend Marufu, Bishop of Mesopotamia (422; March 1). Saint Maruf became famous for his learning and was present at the Second Ecumenical Council. The Lord gave him the power to drive away evil spirits.

Reverend Nikita, stylite of Pereslavl, wonderworker (1186; June 6). The Monk Nikita, the stylite of Pereslavl, a wonderworker, at first indulged in many vices, but was struck by the immutable truths of Holy Scripture from Isaiah the Prophet: “wash yourself and be clean, take away wickedness from your souls.” He came to the monastery, put iron chains on himself and chose to solitary stay pillar. The Lord gave him the grace of driving away evil spirits.

Reverend Macarius Great, Egyptian (390-391; February 1). For his exploits, Macarius was awarded by God the gift of prophecy and such grace of miracles that the dead responded to his voice, if the benefit of faith or the happiness of innocent sufferers required this. They pray to him to drive away evil spirits.

Reverend Anthony The Great (356; January 30). Reverend Anthony gained spiritual experience in the fight against the devil, serving the Lord with work and prayer in complete solitude in the desert.

Martyr Tryphon(250; February 14). They pray to him for driving away evil spirits and for deliverance from sorcery.


Martyr John the Warrior(IV; August 12). The martyr warrior exposed the thieves for theft. He died peacefully, in old age, and he suffered torment for Christ earlier, John the Warrior reveals what was stolen.

Great Martyr Theodore Tiron(c. 306; March 2). Theodore, like John the Warrior, is prayed for to find stolen goods from thieves.

FROM sadness and despondency

(c. 306; December 17). Varvara herself experienced these mental anguish.

Saint Nicholas the Pleasant, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker (c. 345; May 22; December 19). During his lifetime, this saint performed many miracles, comforting those burdened with sadness.

Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Voronezh, Zadonsk Wonderworker (1783; August 26). Saint Tikhon himself struggled for a long time with this mental illness.

Martyr Tryphon(250; February 14). Saint Tryphon, subjected to cruel tortures, bravely endured them, and himself experienced spiritual grief.


Holy Prophet and King David(per week P.X.). King David unshakably believed in God and tried to do His will. He suffered a lot of persecution from his enemies, but did not become embittered, but placed all his hope in God, and the Lord delivered him from all his enemies. David was meek and pious. They pray to him to tame anger and impart meekness.
Read the prayer to the Virgin Mary.
As you approach the door of the chief, say: “Remember, O Lord, King David and all his meekness,” or read the entire Psalm 26 and 131 (“The Lord is my enlightenment and my Savior” and “Remember, O Lord, David and all his meekness”).


Martyr Alexander Rimsky(284-305; May 26). Before his death, Alexander prayed to the Lord God that those who would honor his memory would be freed from illness and laziness.
“We beg you, holy martyr Alexandra! Help us throw off the burden of negligence and laziness, so that we can cheerfully begin the deeds of hard work and remain firm in spiritual aspirations and activities.” (from prayer). They pray to this saint for deliverance from laziness and all diseases.


Saint Nikolai Ugodnik, Archbishop Myra of Lycia, the Wonderworker (c. 345; May 22; December 19). Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is revered as a nourisher of widows and orphans. The basis for believing in the help of St. Nicholas the Pleasant are his countless miracles during his life and after his death. In St. Nicholas we see a special speed - swiftness in the help he provides. He is not late and sometimes helps at the last minute.
Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker is our prayer book for the improvement of life, for deliverance from various troubles and sorrows, the main patron of travelers, especially those sailing on the waters. They also pray to him for the intercession of widows and orphans, help in poverty and need.

Saint Demetrius, Metropolitan of Rostov(1709; October 4; November 10). During his lifetime, Saint Demetrius used all the excesses of his estate on the sick, the poor, the orphaned and the defenseless.

To the martyrs Eustratius, Auxentius, Eugenius, Mardarius and Orestes(284-305; December 26). After their death, these holy martyrs miraculously helped one monastery during a time of scarcity of supplies.

To the blessed prince Vsevolod, in Holy Baptism Gabriel, Pskov (1138; February 24; May 5; December 10). In the life of Saint Vsevolod-Gabriel it is said: “He was an intercessor and provider for widows and orphans, having his bosom open to everyone, and no one left his house greedy.”

Reverend Maxim Grek(1556; February 3). Maxim the Greek reminded Prince John in 1553 about helping the widows and orphans killed near Kazan, then asked to remind the tsar that if he forgets the widows and orphans, his son, the prince, will die. The saint's prediction came true when the king did not listen to righteous advice.

Saint Martin the Merciful, Bishop of Tours (c. 400; October 25). Saint Martin was filled with deeds of mercy and Christian love for the unfortunate and wretched, for which he earned himself the title “Merciful.”

Saint John the Merciful, Patriarch of Alexandria (620; November 25). John became famous for his boundless charity.

Great Martyr Theodore Tiron(c. 306; March 2). The Holy Great Martyr Theodore Tiron, under Julian the Apostate, appeared in a dream to the bishop, and delivered Christians in the first week of Lent from the desecration of supplies sprinkled with blood sacrificed to idols.

Righteous Philaret the Merciful(792; December 14). Saint Philaret, nicknamed the Merciful for his special mercy towards his neighbors, loved the poor and needy and gave them alms. Whoever asked him for anything, no one was refused.

Hieromartyr Zotika, presbyter, syrup-giver (IV, January 12). Saint Zotik was distinguished by his mercy and love for the poor, and built hospitals and hospice houses. For denouncing heresy, he was tied to wild horses and tortured.

Hieromartyr Blasius, Bishop of Sebaste (c. 316; February 24). In addition to all the previously listed graces given by God to this saint, through the prayer of this saint they ask for help in everyday affairs and for God’s blessing over the house.

Righteous Evdokim Cappadocian (IX; August 13). The holy righteous Evdokim lived in great deeds of charity.


Reverend Afanasy Afonsky(1000; July 18). Among the many miracles performed by Athanasius during his lifetime, the first aid to the desperate was especially remarkable.

Saint John Chrysostom, Archbishop of Constantinople (407; November 26; September 27). John Chrysostom is a mentor in patience to those persecuted for the sake of truth and in hope in the mercy and Providence of God to those who despair.


Reverend Ephraim the Syrian(373-379; February 10). Ephraim was by nature of a hot-tempered nature, but after a long struggle with himself, with the help of God he acquired the gift of perfect kindness.


Reverend Savvaty Solovetsky(1435; October 10; August 21). Drawn by a thirst for solitude, this great worker retired to Lake Ladoga, to the island of Valaam, then a secret voice showed him the way to the White Sea. In 1429, Savvaty erected the holy cross and set up a cell on Solovetsky Island. They pray to Saint Sabbatius when they start mowing.


"The Bread Wrangler"(1891; October 28). The name of the icon was given with the blessing of St. Ambrose of Optina. This name indicates that the Mother of God is the Helper of people in their labors to obtain their daily bread. The first mercy that poured out from this icon was that although 1891 was a famine year in Russia and there were areas affected by poor crops around the Kaluga diocese, bread was born within the Kaluga and Shamordino fields.
In 1892, there was a drought in the Voronezh province, and famine threatened to begin. A prayer service was served in front of the icon “Spreader of the Loaves.” Soon it began to rain, and the surrounding fields recovered.

to the Apostle Philip(1; November 27). Both during the sowing of grain and during the harvest of grain they pray to the Apostle Philip. Apostle Philippa The Savior experienced it when he wanted to feed five thousand people with five loaves.

Righteous Godfathers Joachim and Anna, parents Holy Mary(September 22nd). Remember these saints before sowing - there will be a harvest for everything.

Hieromartyr Charalampia(202; February 23). Saint Charalampios brings down fertility to the earth.

Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John(January 20, July 7; March 9; June 7; September 11; October 6; October 25). John the Baptist, the great Prophet, Forerunner of our Lord Jesus Christ, after the death of his parents, “lived in the deserts until the day of his appearance to Israel” (Luke 1:80). They pray to him for the protection of crops and fertility.

To the martyrs, blessed princes Boris and Gleb, in Holy Baptism to Roman and David (1015; August 6; May 15; September 18). These saints are prayed for fertility.

missus Queen Helena(327; June 3; March 19). Deeply revering the Cross of the Lord, Emperor Constantine wished to find the Cross itself on which our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. To do this, he sent his mother, Queen Helena, to Jerusalem. By the providence of God, in 326 she managed to find the Life-giving Cross of the Lord, on which Jesus Christ was crucified. They pray to the Blessed Queen Helen for the protection of crops and fertility.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (III; November 10). Saint Paraskeva is considered the patroness of agricultural work. They pray to her for help during sowing and harvesting.

Saint Tikhon, Bishop of Amafunt (425; June 29). Through Tikhon’s prayer to God, a vineyard miraculously grew in a barren place, the juice of which he consumed when performing a bloodless sacrifice. They pray to him for the granting of fertility.


Equal to the Apostles King Konstantin(337; June 3). According to popular belief, St. Constantine, known in world history as the Great, is prayed for the cucumber harvest.

Blessed Isidora, For Christ's sake, to the holy fool, the Rostov wonderworker (1474; May 27). Many miracles both during the life of Isidore, Christ the Fool for the Fool, and after his death marked the holiness of the saint of God. They pray to him for the cucumber harvest.

Venerable Martyr Evdokia(362-364; August 17). Evdokia suffered for Christ in Persia around 362-364. Her relics were subsequently transferred to Constantinople. They pray to her for the cucumber harvest.


Martyr Foke heligraduator (approx. 320; October 5). The holy martyr lived in the city of Simon, gardening. He suffered for the spread of the faith of Christ.


Hieromartyr Charalampia(202; February 23). Before his death, Saint Charalampius prayed that admirers of his memory would receive help through him in times of famine and spoilage of fruits.

Saint Spiridon, Bishop of Trimifuntsky, wonderworker (c. 348; December 25). During a famine, Saint Spyridon saved one poor man by turning a toad into an ingot of gold for him.

Reverend Euthymia The Great (473; February 2). Euthymius was born through the fervent prayers of his parents, after their long childlessness. In the 30th year of his life, he secretly retired to a cave for prayerful feats, then became the head of the monks. The Monk Euthymius ate only on Saturdays and Sundays. As his last dying testament to the brethren, he said that the monastery should always be open to strangers, for which he promised the monastery God's blessing. They pray to him during times of famine.


to the Prophet Elijah(IX century BC; August 2). Elijah was called by God to prophetic service during the reign of the Israeli king Ahab (906 years BC). For his extremely holy life, and for his unusually fiery zeal for the glory of God, he was taken alive into heaven (c. 896, BC). It is said about this saint: “Pray, and the sky will let it rain.” They pray to him for the gift of rain during thunder or hail.

Saint Nikita, recluse of Pechersk, Bishop of Novgorod (1108; February 13; May 13; May 27). Novgorod owes its miraculous salvation from two disasters to this saint - from a prolonged drought and from a terrible fire.

Martyr Paraskeva, named Friday (III; November 10). Paraskeva Friday in Rus' is revered as a patroness and helper in agricultural matters and family needs; they also pray to her for the gift of rain, thunder or hail.


Hieromartyr Blasius, Bishop of Sebaste (c. 316; February 24). Vlasiy himself asked God for the gift of healing and preserving cattle. Before his death, he bequeathed to one widow to seek help through him for the well-being of her livestock. Therefore, if you mean cattle, then you need to ask this saint for help.

Great Martyr George Victorious (303; May 6; November 16; November 23; December 9). One should resort to the help of this saint if there are entire herds of livestock that could be attacked by predators in the field. St. George the Victorious is a famous patron of flocks. On the icons he slays the monstrous serpent. They also pray to Saint George for the protection of shepherds, and before driving livestock into the field for the first time, for the preservation of livestock from being eaten by animals.

Reverend Iulian(IV; October 31). Prayer is appropriate for Julian in the same cases as for St. George the Victorious. Julian ordered the predatory lion to leave the country where many were suffering from the beast, and the beast obeyed.

Saint Modest, Archbishop of Jerusalem (633-634; December 31). A prayer to Saint Modest is appropriate when it comes to livestock. Modest revived a poisoned man during his lifetime livestock one man. They pray to him for deliverance from the death of livestock.

Holy unmercenaries and miracle workers Cosma and Damian Asiysky (III; November 14). These holy brothers “not only helped with man, but also with cattle.”

Martyr Agathia(251; February 18). The martyr Agathia is considered the patroness of cattle. They pray to her for cows.

Venerable Martyr Anastasia Romans (III; November 11). St. Anastasia, who lived in the 3rd century, is the most revered patroness of sheep. Without the patronage of the Heavenly Intercessors, it is unthinkable to raise sheep or use sheep products, and Saint Anastasia is the most sympathetic helper in these matters.

Reverend Abramia recluse (c. 360; November 11). Reverend Avramiy, who lived in the 4th century, is considered the patron saint of shepherds. They pray to him to protect and look after the sheep in the summer.

Saint Vasily The Great, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia (379; January 14). Saint Basil is considered the patron saint of pigs.

Great Martyr Nikita(c. 372; September 28). The Great Martyr Nikita, who suffered for his faith in 372, is considered the patron saint of geese. They pray to him for waterfowl.

To the martyrs Flora and Laurel(II; August 31). The martyrs Florus and Laurus, brothers in flesh and spirit, are the patrons of horses. These martyrs are prayed for deliverance from horse death. "... Florus and Laurus... just as during your lifetime you healed horses, so now save them from all sorts of ailments."

Reverend Feofan, Confessor of Sigrian (818; March 25). This saint should be prayed for the healing of horse diseases.


To the glorious and all-validated chief apostle Petru(c. 67; July 12), apostle Jacob Zebedee (44; May 13), apostle and evangelist John Theologian (98-117; May 21; October 9). Throughout the whole night the apostles Peter, James and John They didn’t catch anything, casting the net again according to the word of the Savior, they caught so many fish that the net broke (Luke 5:4-11).
They pray to them for success in fishing, for the protection of fishermen, for successful fishing.

Reverend Alexy, man of God (411; March 30). Alexy, secretly from his parents, sailed on a ship to Mesopotamia, and there, in the city of Edessa, he began to live on the porch at the Church of the Most Holy Theotokos. After the revelation of the Mother of God to the sexton, who commanded: “Bring into My Church the man of God worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven,” the holy righteous man, avoiding glory, boarded a ship and headed to Rome. Unrecognized, he humbly asked his father to settle in his house. On the day of his death, a wonderful voice was heard in the cathedral Church: “Find the man of God departing into eternal life.” They pray to the Monk Alexy, a man of God, for the protection of fishermen.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Savior of the Drowning"(1751; January 2). The name of the icon speaks for itself. Legend has it that there is a very dangerous whirlpool on the Desna River. It often happened that huge barges loaded with bread fell into this whirlpool and became prey to the abyss: the circulation of the water with its rapid force carried them along with the people accompanying them. And in this dangerous place one day an icon of the Mother of God was found, floating to the river bank. Opposite the fatal place, on the mountain, they first placed an icon, and then the Church of the Mother of God near the village of Lenkovo. It was noticed that from the time of the appearance of the icon of the Mother of God, misfortunes began to happen rarely, and then completely stopped. The icon of the Most Pure Virgin “Savior of the Drowning” is worshiped by many believers, especially those who often have to surrender themselves to the power of the water element.

Saint and Wonderworker Nicholas To the Saint, Archbishop of Myra of Lycia (c. 345; May 22; December 19). In the image of St. Nicholas, his special connection with the water element is noted. Repeatedly during his life and after his death he showed his help to those in need at sea. The entire Christian world reveres St. Nicholas the Pleasant as the main patron of travelers, especially those sailing on the waters. In the akathist we read to him: “many times... you have helped those sailing on the sea.” Belief in the help of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the water has already become universal.

Righteous Procopius, For Christ's sake, to the holy fool, the Ustyug miracle worker (1303; July 21). The Monk Procopius often sat on the river bank, praying for those floating.

Reverend Filaret To the Gracious (792; December 14). Saint Philaret was merciful, generously provided for widows and orphans, and did not refuse anyone in need, which is why he received the nickname of the Merciful. For such virtue, the Lord rewarded him with the gift of miracles. They pray to him for deliverance from drowning at sea and for the protection of widows, orphans, and the poor.

Reverend Zosima(1478; August 21; April 30) and Savvatiya(1435; October 10; August 21) Solovetsky. The righteous Zosima and Savvaty themselves sailed along the White Sea to the Solovetsky Islands.


"Ozeryanskaya"(XVI; November 12). The Ozeryansk Icon of the Mother of God appeared in the 16th century in the settlement of Ozeryansk. In the Ozeryansk Hermitage, abundant miracles began to be performed from this icon. In 1794, the icon was transferred to the Kuryazhsky Monastery, located on a high mountain. For the sake of numerous pilgrims, the icon is carried daily to the church of St. Onuphrius, built under the mountain, on a spring. The spring is located right under the altar; a cast-iron pipe runs from it under the floor along the entire church. This water flows into nearby baths, where many receive healing from various diseases. In front of this icon they pray for the protection of fishermen and hunters.

Saint Vasily The Great, Archbishop of Caesarea of ​​Cappadocia (379; January 14). Before his priestly service, Saint Basil himself worked so hard, cutting stones, that calluses remained on his hands for a long time. In his liturgy, the saint prays for those who work “in the mountains, and in the ores... and in the abysses of the earth, and in bitter works.”


Saint Joasaph, Bishop of Belgorod (1754; December 23; September 17). In his monastery, Saint Joasaph devoted all his strength to the improvement of the monastery (Holy Transfiguration Monastery of Mgara); in the Holy Trinity Lavra, he also selflessly restored the monastery after a fire.


Mother of God in honor of Her icon "Burning bush"(1680; September 17). "Burning Bush" Mother of God It is called by this comparison: “Just as the bush is not scorched, so the Virgin gave birth and the Virgin remained.”
In a fire that is threatening or has already begun, there can be no stronger help than from the Mother of God. “Rejoice, you who deliver us from the fiery dew of prayers! Rejoice, you who take away the strikes of lightning and thunder from our heads!” On Mount Sinai there is a custom to sing the service before this icon of the Mother of God during a strong thunderstorm, “when lightning is terrible.”
The “Burning Bush” is sometimes depicted as a bush engulfed in flames, above which rises the Mother of God and the Child, visible from the waist up. Much more often, an octagonal star is depicted surrounding the Mother of God. The star consists of two quadrangles. One is painted red - in the image of a flame, the other, reminiscent of the greenery of a mysterious bush, - green. In the corners of the icon are four symbols mentioned in the Apocalypse of John the Theologian: a man, a lion, a calf and an eagle, as well as archangels with those symbols that church tradition assigns to them: Michael with a rod, Raphael with an alabaster, Uriel with a fiery sword, Sephiel with a censer, Barachiel with a bunch of grapes, and Gabriel with a branch of the gospel.

Saint Nikita, recluse of Pechersk, Bishop of Novgorod (1108; February 13; May 13, May 27). With one prayer Nikita put out the fire in Novgorod. They pray to Saint Nikita from the danger of being killed, in rainlessness or drought, from fire and from being struck by lightning.

Venerable Spyridon, prosphora bearer of Pechersk(XII, November 13).
During a fire in the monastery kitchen, Spiridon took water into his thin mantle, the water did not spill out of the mantle, and there was enough of it to extinguish the fire.

(1552; August 15). St. Basil is buried in Moscow in St. Basil's Cathedral on Red Square.
This saint had the gift of foreseeing the future. In 1547, he predicted the great fire of Moscow and extinguished the Fire in Novgorod with prayer.


Great Martyr John the New, Sochava(1330-1340; June 15). John of Sochava was himself a merchant. They pray to him for successful trade (for well-being in trade matters).

Martyr John New from Ioannina (1526; May 1). John traded in Constantinople next to Turkish shopkeepers and was more successful in his trade than anyone else. For this and for his Christian faith and holiness of life, he was martyred by infidels. They pray to him for successful trading.


Saints of Silver and Wonderworkers Cosme And Damian Asiysky (III, November 14). In Rus' the holy brothers Cosma And Damiana Blacksmiths and artisans have long been considered their patrons. They are prayed for good luck in blacksmithing.

Which saint should you pray to? Prayers for all occasions: about work, to get pregnant, about marriage, about children and others - are they traditional for Orthodoxy?

The tradition of venerating saints in the Christian Church is very ancient; it has existed since the very moment the Church appeared, from the first years of its existence. Christian churches in ancient times were built on the tombs of martyrs. And it was the blood of the martyrs, according to one ancient church writer, that was the “seed of Christianity,” that is, Christianity spread thanks to the feat of the martyrs.

Prayer for all occasions - does it exist?

I would like to speak very briefly about one negative phenomenon that is associated with the veneration of saints. The fact is that some perceive saints approximately the same way the pagans perceived their gods - according to the principle “which saint helps with what.” Such people come into church and ask: “ Which saint should I light a candle to get an apartment?”, “Which saint should I pray for a toothache?” etc.

We must remember that saints are not some kind of gods, from which you can get something, and from each their own. Saints are not experts in issuing apartments, stopping toothaches, or other similar things. There are, of course, saints who were doctors during their lifetime, and we turn to them with a request for healing, for example, the Holy Great Martyr Panteleimon. Indeed, through the prayers of such saints, many healings occur. But under no circumstances Saints should not be perceived as some kind of fetish; We cannot replace a prayer to a saint as a person who has achieved spiritual perfection and can help us in some way with a prayer to a saint as some kind of idol who is needed only because we can get specific help from him.

Saints are first and foremost ours heavenly friends who can help us in our progress on the path to salvation, on the path to God. And only secondarily, saints are those who help us with specific everyday things.

Prayers for work, prayer for good luck at work

How to pray for the Lord to help at work, looking for work? How to pray for work to go well? Whether there is a "Prayers for good luck at work" as often asked on the Internet?

A Christian asks God for help in every matter, so it is right to pray both in finding a job and that the work goes well. How to pray?

Of course, you need to pray to the Lord Jesus Christ with all your heart, asking Him to help you find a job in which you can worthily, without sin, use your gifts for the glory of God and the good of people.

When looking for work, they also pray to the holy martyr Tryphon.

Prayer to the Holy Martyr Tryphon

Oh, holy martyr of Christ Tryphon, quick helper to all who come running to you and pray before your holy image, quick to obey the intercessor!

Hear now and forever the prayer of us, your unworthy servants, who honor your holy memory. You, servant of Christ, promised that before your departure from this corruptible life, you would pray for us to the Lord and asked Him for this gift: if anyone in any need and sorrow begins to call upon your holy name, may he be delivered from every excuse is evil. And just as you sometimes healed the daughter of the princess in the city of Rome from the torment of the devil, you saved us from his fierce machinations all the days of our lives, especially on the terrible day of our last, intercede for us with our dying breaths, when the dark eyes of evil demons surround and frighten they will start us. Then be our helper and quick drive away of evil demons, and leader to the Kingdom of Heaven, where you now stand with the face of the saints at the Throne of God, pray to the Lord, that he will grant us also to be partakers of ever-present joy and joy, so that together with you we will be worthy of glorifying the Father and the Son and the Holy Comforter Spirit forever. Amen.


Thy martyr, O Lord, Tryphon, in his suffering received an imperishable crown from Thee, our God; Having Thy strength, overthrow the tormentors, crush the demons of weak insolence. Save his souls with our prayers.


Divine food, most blessed, enjoying in Heaven endlessly, glorifying your memory with songs, cover and preserve from all needs, drive away animals that harm the fields and always cry out to you in love: Rejoice, Tryphon, strengthening of the martyrs.


With Trinitarian firmness you destroyed polytheism from the end, all-glorious, you were honest in Christ, and, having defeated the tormentors, in Christ the Savior you received the crown of your martyrdom and gifts Divine healings, as if invincible.

One saint, Pachomius the Great, asked God to teach him how to live. And then Pachomius sees the Angel. The angel first prayed, then began to work, then prayed again and again began to work. Pachomius did this all his life. Prayer without work will not feed you, and work without prayer will not help you.

Prayer is not a hindrance to work, but a help. You can pray in the shower while working, and this is much better than thinking about trifles. The more a person prays, the better his life is.

Prayer before starting any work, any business

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our souls.

Bless, Lord, and help me, a sinner, to complete the work I have begun, for Your glory.

Lord Jesus Christ, the Only Begotten Son of Your Father without beginning, You declared with Your most pure lips that without Me you cannot do anything. My Lord, Lord, with faith in my soul and heart spoken by You, I fall down in Your goodness: help me, a sinner, to complete this work, which I have begun, in You, in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, through the prayers of the Mother of God and all Your saints . Amen.

Prayer at the end of the case

You are the fulfillment of all good things, O my Christ, fill my soul with joy and gladness and save me, for I am the only One who is most merciful, O Lord, glory to You.

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Theotokos, Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and Mother of our God. The most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption, we magnify Thee as the real Mother of God

Prayer for spouses who do not have children (prayer to get pregnant)

Hear us, Merciful and Almighty God, may Your grace be sent down through our prayer. Be merciful, Lord, to our prayer, remember Your law about the multiplication of the human race and be a merciful Patron, so that with Your help what You have established will be preserved. By Your sovereign power You created everything out of nothing and laid the foundation for everything that exists in the world - You created man in Your image and, with a sublime secret, sanctified the union of marriage as a foreshadowing of the mystery of the unity of Christ with the Church. Look, O Merciful One, on these servants... (names), united in a marital union and begging for Your help, may Thy mercy be upon them, may they be fruitful and may their sons see their sons even to the third and fourth generation, and may they live to the desired old age , and will enter the Kingdom of Heaven through our Lord Jesus Christ, to whom all glory, honor and worship is due with the Holy Spirit forever. Amen

Daily prayer for health

Remember, Lord Jesus Christ, our God, Thy mercy and generosity from all eternity, for whose sake Thou didst become man, and Thou didst deign to endure crucifixion and death, for the sake of the salvation of those who believe in Thee; and rose from the dead, you ascended into heaven and sit at the right hand of God the Father, and look upon the humble prayers of those who call upon You with all their hearts: incline Your ear and hear the humble prayer of me, Your indecent servant, in the stench of the spiritual fragrance, which brings You for all Your people . And in the first place, remember Your Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, which You have provided with Your venerable Blood, and establish, and strengthen, and expand, multiply, pacify, and preserve the insurmountable gates of hell forever; Calm the tearing of the Churches, quench the pagan vacillations, and quickly destroy and eradicate the heresies of rebellion, and convert them into nothingness by the power of Your Holy Spirit. ( Bow)
Save, Lord, and have mercy on our God-protected country, its authorities and army, protect their power with peace, and subdue every enemy and adversary under the nose of the Orthodox, and speak peaceful and good words in their hearts about Your Holy Church, and about all Your people: yes Let us live a quiet and silent life in orthodoxy and in all piety and purity. ( Bow)
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on the Great Lord and Father of our Holiness Patriarch Alexy, Your Eminence metropolitans, archbishops and Orthodox bishops, priests and deacons, and the entire church clergy, who You have appointed to shepherd Your verbal flock, and with their prayers have mercy and save me, a sinner. ( Bow)
Save, Lord, and have mercy on my spiritual father (his name), and with his holy prayers forgive my sins. ( Bow)
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on my parents (their names), brothers and sisters, and my relatives according to the flesh, and all the neighbors of my family, and others, and grant them Your peaceful and most peaceful goodness. ( Bow)
Save, O Lord, and have mercy, according to the multitude of Your bounties, all the sacred monks, monks and nuns, and all those living in virginity and reverence and fasting in monasteries, in deserts, in caves, mountains, pillars, gates, rock crevices, and sea islands, and in every place of Thy dominion, those who live faithfully and piously serve Thee, and pray to Thee: ease their burden, and comfort their sorrow, and grant them strength and strength to strive for Thee, and through their prayers grant me remission of sins. ( Bow)
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on the old and the young, the poor and the orphans and the widows, and those who are in sickness and sorrow, troubles and sorrows, conditions and captivity, prisons and imprisonments, and even more so in persecution, for You for the sake of the Orthodox faith, from the tongue of the godless, from the apostate and from the heretics, Thy present servants, and remember, visit, strengthen, comfort, and soon by Thy power I will overcome the weakness, grant them freedom and deliver them. ( Bow)
Save, O Lord, and have mercy on us, who are merciful and nourishing to us, who gave us alms, and who commanded us unworthy to pray for them, and who give us rest, and do Thy mercy to them, granting them all the petitions for salvation, and the perception of eternal blessings . ( Bow)
Save, Lord, and have mercy on those sent to the service, those traveling, our fathers and brethren, and all Orthodox Christians. ( Bow)
Save, Lord, and have mercy on them who I tempted with my madness, and turned away from the path of salvation, and led me to evil and inappropriate deeds; By Your Divine Providence, return again to the path of salvation. ( Bow)
Save, Lord, and have mercy on those who hate and offend me, and those who create misfortunes against me, and do not leave them to perish for my sake, a sinner. ( Bow)
Those who have departed from the Orthodox faith and are blinded by destructive heresies, enlighten the light of Your knowledge and bring Your Holy Apostles to the Catholic Church. ( Bow)

A girl's prayer for marriage

Oh, All-Good Lord, I know that my great happiness depends on the fact that I love You with all my soul and with all my heart, and that I fulfill Your holy will in everything.
Rule Yourself, O my God, over my soul and fill my heart: I want to please You Alone, for You are the Creator and my God.
Save me from pride and self-love: let reason, modesty and chastity adorn me.
Idleness is disgusting to You and gives rise to vices, give me the desire to work hard and bless my labors.
Since Your Law commands people to live in an honest marriage, then lead me, Holy Father, to this title, sanctified by You, not to please my lust, but to fulfill Your destiny, for You Yourself said: it is not good for man to be alone and, having created He gave him a wife to help him, blessed them to grow, multiply and populate the earth.
Hear my humble prayer, sent to You from the depths of a girl’s heart; give me an honest and pious spouse, so that in love with him and in harmony we glorify You, the merciful God: the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer for children

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, bless, sanctify, preserve my child by the power of Your Life-giving Cross. Amen."
(And put the sign of the cross on the child.)

A mother's prayer for her children

(compiled by St. Ambrose of Optina)
God! Creator of all creatures, adding mercy to mercy, You have made me worthy to be the mother of a family; Your grace has given me children, and I dare to say: they are Your children! Because You gave them existence, revived them with an immortal soul, revived them through baptism for a life in accordance with Your will, adopted them and accepted them into the bosom of Your Church.

Since ancient times, the Church has had the custom of turning in prayer, not only to the Lord Himself, but also to the Mother of God and the Saints. Do we not offend the greatness of God by this? The great prayer book, holy righteous John of Krondstadt, writes about it this way: “Today I doubted, of course, because the evil one instigated me, about one turn in one prayer, namely: “You alone have the power to forgive sins through the prayers of Thy Most Pure Mother and all the saints.” thought: “How does God have the power to forgive sins through the prayers of His Most Pure Mother and saints, and not Himself independently?” And without the prayers of others He has power, of course He alone has power; but in order to honor the high virtues of the saints, especially His most pure Mother, who are His friends, who pleased Him to the last strength in earthly life; He accepts their prayerful intercessions for us, the unworthy, for us who often must stop our lips because of our great and frequent falls into sin. Remember Moses, who interceded for the Jewish people and interceded for their life from the angry Lord. Who will not say that even without Moses the Lord could have spared His people, but then the Lord would have been, so to speak, unjust, giving them life, unworthy of life, when He Himself determined to kill them. And when Moses began to intercede - a righteous, meek and humble man - then the eyes of the just God rested on the righteous man, on his love for God and for his people, and for the sake of his merits the Lord had mercy on the unworthy, and for the sake of the righteous on the unrighteous. So now, through the prayer of His Most Pure Mother, He has mercy on us, who in themselves, for their great and frequent sins and iniquities, would be unworthy of His mercy.” “The saints fulfilled the word of the Lord; The Lord fulfills their word; They did for Him - He did for them. That is why the Lord quickly fulfills the prayers of the saints for us.”

While living on earth, the saints pleased God by fulfilling His commandments about love for God and neighbors. Out of this great love, they prayed for other people, asking God for what they needed. Moreover, after their death, when they have moved into eternity and stand before the face of God, they pray for us. You just need to clearly understand that, as righteous John of Kronstadt writes, the prayers of the saints and the Most Holy Theotokos have the power of intercession solely through the Grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, by virtue of the great intercessory sacrifice of the Son of God on the cross. This is a reward from the Lord according to the merits of the saints. And, in addition, Father John warns: “The Lord accepts the intercessions of saints for sinful people when the sins of these latter do not exceed the measure of God’s forbearance.”

When resorting to the help of saints in our troubles, sorrows and illnesses, let us not forget that the best way to get rid of great troubles and grave sorrows in life is to avoid sin, to live according to the will of God, according to His commandments, and the best spiritual medicine in any illness is repentance in sins, unction, communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ.

It is no coincidence, by the way, that there are no prayers for protection from all kinds of sorcerers, sorcerers, and magicians in church books. Such prayers began to be composed independently only in last years. According to the unanimous opinion of the holy fathers, a person who tries to live according to the commandments of God, who sincerely repents of his sins and partakes of the Body and Blood of Christ, “no enchantment or sorcery can harm” (the answer of St. Athanasius of Athos, given in his life) .

Of course, we need the help of the saints. According to Father John of Krondstadt, “the saints of God are great merchants, enriched with all spiritual treasures, all virtues, meekness, self-control, humility, patience, rich faith, hope and love. That is why we ask their holy prayers, as rich beggars, so that they help us in our spiritual poverty, so that they teach us to pray and succeed in Christian virtues, so that they, as those who have boldness before God, pray for the remission of our sins and protect us from new ones "

Unfortunately, in Lately in the minds of some people, the host of Orthodox saints began to resemble a collection of pagan gods; this one is the god of fishing, this one is the patron of trade, this one is responsible for the eyes, this one is responsible for the stomach. Sometimes this even looks insulting towards the saint: he did not live for this, he lived for the sake of God, performed great feats, endured great suffering, often death, out of love for God, and we belittle the greatness of his life. In addition, it would be wrong to tie a saint to any specific private needs. Without a doubt, ANY SAINT IS POWERFUL TO HELP US IN ANY OF OUR NEEDS. And to that saint for whom we have a special love, a special heartfelt disposition, we can turn for help in any matter, with childlike simplicity and undoubted faith.

What, for example, do they pray to St. Seraphim of Sarov or Blessed Matrona of Moscow? Yes about everything. But, of course, there is also a tradition of praying before some icons of the Mother of God and turning to some saints in certain circumstances, often based on real facts from the lives of saints, as well as from the centuries-old prayer experience of the Church. For example, the names of the icons of the Most Holy Theotokos “Seeking the Lost,” “Education,” “Adding the Mind,” “Healer,” speak for themselves.

The icon of the Mother of God “The Tsaritsa” became famous for its miraculous help in severe, incurable diseases, in particular cancer.

The Great Martyr Panteleimon studied medicine, and when he believed in Christ and was baptized, he healed people by invoking the name of Christ and prayer. Therefore, of course, when they are sick, people turn to him in prayer.

Both the Monk Agapit of Kiev-Pechersk and the holy unmercenaries Cosmas and Damian were unpaid doctors in earthly life.

In Illness, the Special Canon to the Lord and the Mother of God about the sick person is also read.

In prayer to righteous Martha and Mary, the holy sisters of righteous Lazarus, whom the Lord Jesus Christ loved, help is asked in acquiring those virtues that a Christian woman should have in order to please Christ.

Wanting to acquire humility, they most often pray to St. Sergius of Radonezh and St. Mitrophan of Voronezh, who were extremely humble.

They pray to the holy spouses, Prince Peter and Princess Fevronia of Murom, for a blessing for marriage.

In front of the “Unexpected Joy” icon, people often pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for marriage, as well as for many other needs, for example, granting repentance to those who live in grave sins and do not repent. This icon depicts a repentant sinner who changed his life after a miracle from the image of the Mother of God and received from God the “unexpected joy” of forgiveness of sins through the prayers of the Mother of God.

It is natural for holy wives who have pleased God in marriage to pray for the granting of the virtues necessary for a Christian wife, for the ability to build a family life. These are the faithful princesses Anna Kashinskaya, Anna Novgorodskaya, Evdokia of Moscow, Olga Equal-to-the-Apostles, Juliania Lazarevskaya.

For the preservation of love they pray to the Apostle John the Theologian, who wrote so much about Christian love. To the holy spouses and martyrs Adrian and Natalia, who had not earthly affection for each other, but high Divine love.

They pray to the holy martyrs Guria, Samona and Aviv for a successful marriage, since their most famous miracle is the deliverance from imprisonment and death of a young woman whom a certain warrior tricked into marriage and tortured her.

They pray to the righteous saints Joachim and Anna for the gift of children, who did not have children for a very long time, until the Lord finally consoled them with the birth of the Blessed Virgin. You can also pray to these saints that your marriage will be truly Christian, because they pleased God precisely in marriage.

Traditionally, they pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for a successful birth in front of her Feodorovskaya icon, and they also pray to her for the gift of a long-awaited child.

Nursing mothers ask for help from the Mother of God in front of the Mammal image.

In the lives of St. Sergius of Radonezh and righteous John Kronstadsky describes how in childhood it was difficult for them to learn, they prayed with sorrow and the Lord miraculously enlightened their minds. Therefore, of course, mothers pray to these saints for their student children. There is also a request for help for children in learning in the prayer to Saints Cosmas and Damian of Asia.

There are also petitions for children in prayers to the holy infant martyr Gabriel of Bialystok and the holy seven youths of Ephesus. According to tradition, they pray for children, for the arrangement of their future fate, and to St. Mitrofan of Voronezh.

For the upbringing of children they pray to the holy martyrs Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov, who themselves were little girls and their mother, Saint Sophia, who managed to raise three saints. It is natural to prayerfully turn to Saints Cyril and Mary, parents of Saint Sergius of Radonezh, for help in family life and in raising children.

The holy warriors, the Great Martyrs George the Victorious and Demetrius of Thessaloniki, pray for help to those who perform military service.

There is a tradition of praying to the Holy Great Martyr Barbara for deliverance from sudden death without repentance and communion.

People usually pray for those imprisoned to the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Pattern Maker and St. Nicholas, Archbishop of Myra. The Holy Great Martyr dedicated her life to easing the lot of Christians imprisoned: she brought them food, drink, clothing, bandaged their wounds, and with money bought for them some relief from the severity of their imprisonment. And after prayer to St. Nicholas, three governors, unjustly imprisoned, were released.

Saint Nicholas the Wonderworker, Archbishop of Myra, probably the most famous saint in the whole world. Based on facts from his life, they pray to him for help at sea, for those traveling, for the marriage of daughters, for extreme poverty, and for many other needs.

It is appropriate to ask the holy Angels for protection for yourself and your loved ones.

Traditionally, they pray to the righteous Philaret the Merciful for the arrangement of the family life of children, to whom the Lord helped arrange the fate of the children, despite the fact that the saint’s family fell into extreme poverty because of his extreme mercy. One of the saint’s daughters even married the emperor.

They turn to the holy martyr Charalampios for help in agriculture on the basis of his dying prayer. And for the preservation of livestock from diseases and other disasters they pray both to the Great Martyr George the Victorious and to the Hieromartyr Blasius, who asked that God send help to those who pray for help to man or livestock, remembering the name of God’s servant Blasius. In addition, one day, through the prayers of the saint, the wolf returned the piglet that had been stolen from the widow.

Based on their lives, they pray to the Holy Prophet Elijah and Saint Spyridon of Trimifunt for food for the family. There is also a tradition of turning to St. Spyridon in case of difficulties with housing.

The lives of Blessed Xenia of St. Petersburg and Matrona of Moscow describe cases of their miraculous help in starting a family, when looking for work, and in many other cases.

The prayer of St. Paisius was so strong before God. that he was able to beg Him for forgiveness of the monks who had renounced Christ. Therefore, they pray to the monk for forgiveness of the grave sins of the living and for deliverance from the eternal torment of the dead.

In prayers to the saints there are often no petitions that correspond to our needs. In such cases, you can glorify the saint by reading an akathist, canon or troparion, and then express your request in your own words.

Saint of the "wide profile"

Everyone knows the miracle worker and ambulance Nicholas. Many drivers, even those who do not go to church regularly, know by heart the troparion to the saint, “The Rule of Faith and the Image of Meekness,” and read it every time they get behind the wheel. I do this myself. Saint Nicholas of Myra is considered the patron saint of travelers, because during the days of his earthly life he helped the needy a lot on the road. They also pray to St. Nicholas for the marriage of their daughters, because at one time he took pity on the three daughters of an impoverished man and helped with their marriage. For the same reason, they pray to him for family well-being. They also pray to Saint Nicholas to save him from all sorts of troubles, since his life describes how he rescued the governors who were unjustly sentenced to execution. There are also other reasons (according to the expanded prayer book) because of which one should turn in prayer first of all to this saint.

Recently one of my parishioners lost mobile phone. He came up to me and asked me to read an akathist to St. John the Warrior. I was surprised to ask why to him. The answer was cheerful: “Who else should we pray to in this case?” I didn’t have an akathist to John the Warrior, so I suggested reading the akathist to St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. He is, after all, a “wide-profile” saint.

It turns out that many saints have a fairly narrow specialization. From this point of view, it is indeed customary to pray to the martyr John the Warrior for the return of stolen goods, and, say, before an exhibition of bees - to the Monk Zosima and Savvaty of Solovetsky, going into the forest - to King Solomon, and so on. The general logic of this distribution is clear. We take the life of a saint, read about what he endured in life - that’s why he can help, what miracle he performed in his body, the same thing can be performed by those in Heaven. The narrowness of this approach is obvious. The Apostle Paul writes: “For we know in part, and we prophesy in part; But when that which is perfect comes, then that which is in part will cease. When I was a baby, I spoke like a child, thought like a child, reasoned like a child; and when he became a husband, he left behind his children. Now we see as if through a dark glass, fortune-telling, but then face to face; Now I know in part, but then I will know, even as I am known” (1 Cor. 13:9-12). Here the holy apostle speaks of the mystery of the future age, when the gifts of everyone will be revealed to perfection, and God will fill and perfect what is incomplete and imperfect. Surely the saints in Heaven are already on the threshold of this glory, and their gifts have been multiplied and expanded many times over. We try on our earthly shirt on them, and glue a label on each one.

Many modern preachers say that such a utilitarian attitude towards saints is echoes of our pagan past. But I also see something else. In paganism it was not quite like that. There were many gods, each of whom was responsible for his own field of human activity. “The Golden Calf” immediately comes to mind: “We were 50 children of Lieutenant Schmidt and we divided the entire Union...”. Also in the pagan pantheon, there is no competition between the gods. Artemis is the patroness of hunting, Aphrodite - love, Aesculapius - medicine, and so on. The pagan mind understood that if you fell ill, you need to make a request to a higher being. But it could never have occurred to any Roman of the 1st century BC that if his leg hurt, he should pray to one god, if his throat hurt, he should pray to another, and his stomach, to a third. This was because at that time there were practically no divisions of doctors into narrow specialties. The healer was a healer for the whole body. The god Aesculapius was the same super healer for the whole body.

But in our time, medicine has developed extraordinary. We cannot imagine a gynecologist treating teeth or a surgeon treating the flu. We are always looking for a specific specialist in a narrow field. And we transfer these same relationships to the spiritual world. Therefore, we are no longer satisfied with the fact that there are generally recognized “free doctors and healers” to whom the Church turns, say, during unction. The mind, fragmented by sin, begins to look for in the life of each saint something to cling to. And it begins: for toothache, pray to the martyr Tryphon, righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye for eye diseases, St. Seraphim of Sarov for leg diseases, and the like. It's like a heavenly clinic! Room 20 - dentist martyr Tryphon, room 21 - ophthalmologist righteous Simeon of Verkhoturye... May the holy saints forgive me!

I’m not at all against praying to the martyr Tryphon when I have an unbearable toothache, but I’m wondering: if I change the signs on the offices, it won’t work? Let's say St. Seraphim can't, perhaps, help with toothache? And Simeon Verkhotursky? As they like to write in some modern prayer books: “The saint (name) was given the grace to heal such and such.” Why does the martyr Tryphon help with toothache? Of course, not because during his execution the saint prayed, as it is written in the prayer book, that he would be given the grace to heal dental diseases (by the way, I never found these words in any of his life). He helps because he is a HOLY and can intercede before the Throne of the Most High for us. But Nicholas the Wonderworker, John the Baptist, and others can also intercede in exactly the same way. Martyr Tryphon helps with toothache, for he hears our prayers and has mercy on us. It would also help with travel and with finding the lost... When we “drive” the saints into the framework of a certain “specialization,” we humiliate the grace given to them. All our saints are “general-profile” saints.

Yes, each of us, to one degree or another, is captive of these stereotypes. After all, I said at the beginning of the article that I myself read a prayer to St. Nicholas before starting the car. But at the same time, I know that if I pray, say, to St. Sergius of Radonezh, he will also try to guide my path kindly, just like St. Nicholas.

Figurine of St. Joseph, “patron saint of real estate dealers.” The inscription on the label: “Sell your house!”

It is easy to imagine what the distribution of saints according to duties by extracting certain fragments from their lives could lead to. To complete absurdity. You can pray to the prophet Elijah if you can’t light a fire, you can appeal to the prophet Moses if you are going to climb the mountains, you can turn to the Great Martyr Barbara if you are going to build a bathhouse... You can successfully declare Noah the patron saint of shipbuilding, St. Spyridon the patron saint of manufacturers of building materials and, in particular, brick, the prophet Elijah, the patron of runners (he ran in front of Ahab’s chariot for about 30 kilometers)…

The funny thing is that after this article is published, Internet search engines will index this page. And when some person who rarely goes to church types into Google: “Who to pray to when building a bathhouse,” it will come up short description this article mentioning the name of Saint Barbara and my wretched person. And it may happen that, without enough time to read the entire text, a person will pray to Saint Barbara, thinking that this priest has given his blessing to do so. And what is most absurd in this situation is that Saint Barbara will respond with her mercy if a person prays as needed.

So what am I indignant against? Against the humiliation of saints. Any saint can help us in any matter. If only we pray with attention, reverence and contrition. If only we asked for a good cause, thought about “the only thing needed” and sought the Kingdom of Heaven.

Yes, the Church has legislated in certain cases to turn to a specific saint. For example, to the prophet Elijah - during a rainless period. But even in the priestly Breviary there are only a few such prayers. The main body of prayers has a single addressee - the Lord God. I, of course, do not suggest going to the opposite extreme and praying only to God. This is clearly overkill. We need to follow the “royal path.”

It should be understood that the saint helps us not with his own power, but with the power of God. Therefore, a certain hierarchy should be observed in prayers. Most of our prayers should be addressed to the Perfecter of saints - God, then to the Most Holy Theotokos, and only then to the saints. This will be the “royal path”.

We address the saints not as little gods of the “Orthodox pantheon,” but as Christ’s closest friends. Just as the servants of the king of the earth, who are in close relationships with him, can say a word and decide someone’s fate, so the saints say a word of prayer for us before the Throne of the Lord, unite their holy prayer with our weak one, so that something will change in our lives .

So what is the criterion for choosing a saint to address? After all, praying to the saints is the same natural need of the Orthodox heart as praying to God. This criterion is our love for the holy. We must read the lives of the saints, study their works. From this, a special love for certain saints and a desire to pray to them is born in the soul. And such a saint, whom we honor as a father, will help us both in sorrow and in illness.

A similar situation prevails in the area of ​​veneration of icons. An icon is often torn away from its prototype and endowed with power in itself. Any icon helps a person insofar as the one who is depicted on it helps. Therefore, the desire to find an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos “for every need” seems a little naive: the “Burning Bush” icon will protect the house from fire, the “Helper in Childbirth” icon will help women in labor, the “Mammal” icon – for nursing mothers, the “Inexhaustible Chalice” – for alcoholics, etc. .d. Again, I don't mind. Of course it will help. Only not an icon, but the Blessed Virgin Mary. And if a nursing mother prays before the Kazan icon, or a drinker prays before the Vladimir icon, the Mother of God will help them in the same way, because she will take pity on the mourners. Even if at the same time you read not the corresponding akathists, but the usual canon of the Mother of God (“Creation of Theostiriktus the monk”), which is in any prayer book. Because “with God no word will fail” (Luke 1:37), as Archangel Gabriel said to the Holy Virgin.

Let us, brothers and sisters, always seek an Orthodox understanding of certain things. Let us compare our understanding of Orthodoxy with the understanding of the holy fathers. Let us pray to the original source of miracles - the Lord God, His Most Pure Mother and all the saints who have pleased Him from the ages, may He have mercy and confirm us in the holy Orthodox faith. Amen.

Priest Sergius Begiyan

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