Home Dentistry Head of "Orlovka": earthly and heavenly paths. Post-war reconciliation in Monino

Head of "Orlovka": earthly and heavenly paths. Post-war reconciliation in Monino

At the end of summer, my friends took part in the celebration of Russian Air Force Day at the airfield " Orlovka", which is located not so far from Rzhev - in the Zubtsovsky district, two kilometers east of the village of Pogoreloye Gorodishche. According to them, they found themselves at a democratic, fun and spectacular festival, since everything was based on the enthusiasm of those who are truly in love with the sky. This fall, enthusiasts from “Orlovka” again reminded the residents of Rzhev, and not only them, of themselves by organizing a training religious procession in the airspace above the Rzhev diocese and its cathedral city. " Flight of the Cross“This is an extraordinary event; it was interesting to meet its initiators. Since the interest was genuine, I wanted the conversation to be informal. True, already at the airfield it became clear that, to put it mildly, journalists are not welcome here. What saved the situation was that we represented Rzhev, and our colleagues from Rzhev Television at that August air show made a favorable impression in Orlovka with their objective presentation of the material. On the way to the runway, we met the leader - or, as is customary among pilots, the senior aviation commander of Orlovka, Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov. “A pilot must fly,” explained Mikhail Georgievich, heading towards the plane. — Personally, I try to fly three days a week - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For now, talk to people here, drink some tea, and I’ll join you later... The general flew away, and we headed to the hangar to watch the planes. They all turned out to be surprisingly colorful, but “all markers have different tastes and colors,” commented my guide Timur. - Why do you dislike journalists so much? - I'm interested. — Our pilots don’t need PR, no matter what they do. For example, there is such an organization “Angel”, when people use their aircraft to carry out search and rescue operations, looking for mushroom-pickers and berry-pickers lost in the forests. They spend a colossal amount of money on this without receiving compensation from the state. But for some reason, journalists in most cases want aviation general purpose(AON) show in a negative light,” Timur says in a conciliatory tone. — With your suggestion, ordinary people hear about Caller ID exclusively in the context of disasters. — Does Caller ID remain beyond their understanding? “Everyone is used to the fact that there are military, civil and experimental aviation. Few people imagine what GA (general aviation) is. But it exists, and is built almost entirely on the enthusiasm of individual people. We are talking about individually owned aircraft - like cars. But while the concept of a private jet is foreign to most people, aviation for them is the Air Force and civil aviation. In the Tver region, we, perhaps, became pioneers. Once upon a time, an Aeroflot detachment of chemists was stationed in Pogoreloye Gorodishche. After 1991, everything fell into disrepair, and the runway looked more like a landfill. 5 years ago we acquired an airfield, cleared it, lengthened the runway, installed hangars, and created a command and control tower for flights. And they began to develop general aviation. After all, there are many people who cannot serve as military pilots or work in civil aviation, and the dream of the sky lives in them... *** Therefore, today in “Orlovka” there is a certified aviation training center “Nebosvod-Avia”. Professionals in their field provide both theoretical training and, most importantly, practical flight training. 42 hours in the air, plus a ground theoretical part. True, they are very conditional - these 42 hours, training can last from 2 months to six months. People get a pilot's license and buy a small plane, which, by the way, costs no more than a foreign car. And they fly. At Orlovka they are confident that the state needs general aviation; a country with such vast territories will not survive without small aviation. Caller ID can be used for emergencies medical services, during search and rescue operations. Aerial photography, agricultural work, monitoring forest fires, pipelines, power lines - all this can be done by Caller ID. *** “We have people of various specialties,” says Timur, “from a doctor to the commander of a Boeing 747-800, who flies about 200 hours a month at work. But on " Orlovka“On a small plane he gets more pleasure, because he feels the plane in real life and pilots it manually. — Probably the best time to fly is in the summer? — Summer is not the best time for flying; the sun is very active. The earth warms up in different ways, thermal currents are formed, which can go up or down, and the plane begins to shake a lot. This is not comfortable, you have to fly at an altitude of over 1600 meters, and GA flies up to 1000. The best weather for GA is autumn, when the air is balanced, its density is high, this has a positive effect on the aircraft in terms of shaking and vertical rate of climb. — Is that why they decided to hold a training procession by air in the fall? “I think it would be better for Mikhail Georgievich to tell you about the flight of the cross himself,” says Timur. « Flight of the Cross» is a complex task Here it is necessary to say about the head of Orlovka himself. Born in the Altai village. As a child, he loved to lie on the grass, arms outstretched, look at the floating clouds and dream about the sky. Now Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov is the president of Concern OJSC. Before retiring, he was Head of the Directorate for the Use of Airspace and Air Traffic Control under the Russian Ministry of Defense. Widely known practitioner in the field of air navigation. Honored Military Specialist Russian Federation, awarded state awards. He is still an active pilot. - Mikhail Georgievich! Your training “flight of the cross” caused a great resonance... - The idea to fly around the Rzhev diocese appeared a long time ago. Moreover, the tradition of religious processions - component national history and culture. After consulting with Bishop Adrian, we decided to make a training flight with a composition of five crews, but if the weather permits, we will create a more powerful group. My dream is for 14 crews to fly. While lining up order of battle, and this, first of all, selecting aircraft at the same speed causes difficulties. But we will not rush, first of all - Her Majesty flight safety. All flights that we conduct are the initiative of private individuals. " Flight of the Cross“For us it’s a complex task: it’s also teamwork and pilot training. From Caller ID to BAS— Mikhail Georgievich, at your airfield good prospects, thanks to people who are willing to devote a lot of time and effort to the development of small aviation. In what key will Orlovka develop further? — First of all, “Orlovka” is a flight experimental base for testing new technologies and testing the concern’s equipment “ International air navigation systems" Currently, our company employs 16 doctors of science, professors, and 41 candidates of technical sciences. The developments carried out by IANS are world-class. All of them, including various meteorological complexes, radars, weather stations, remote video surveillance systems and other equipment, are being tested and tested at the Orlovka airfield. We are very proud that we have our own airfield. After all, if you look at the creation of any device on an aircraft or unit, analyze it life cycle and financial costs, it turns out that approximately 20-30 percent of the time and cost is spent on product development and manufacturing, and 70-80 percent of the time and money is spent on flight testing. — What are you working on now? — At Vnukovo airport we are finishing the installation of remote video surveillance to prevent plane crashes, similar topics, in which the president of a French oil company was killed in October 2014 when a snow blower drove onto the runway towards an accelerating plane. Now the Russian state is implementing the Aeronet program - this is the development of advanced technologies for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). We strive to create a Russian-level center for the development of unmanned aircraft technologies at " Orlovka", and our project is considered with a fairly high rating. Memorial, temple and children— Mikhail Georgievich, in your life the earthly paths and the heavenly paths surprisingly intersect. So, is the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Pogorelye Gorodishche under your personal patronage? — Other people made timid attempts to help in the restoration of the temple, but Father John will not let anyone lie, the main contribution to its restoration is ours. Besides me, Nikolai Lavushkin is also helping us in the revival of the ancient temple. Next to the Elias Church there is a memorial to Soviet soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. Patriotic War. My dream is to make a children’s playground nearby and surround the entire ensemble with a beautiful fence. This will be a unique complex in Russia, uniting concepts that are sacred to us: a memorial to soldiers - as a memory of the past of the Fatherland, a children's playground - as a symbol of the future of the country. And the temple that rose from the ruins, testifying to the triumph of God’s truth. By the way, its rector, Archpriest John Krylov, was a participant in the training flight of the cross,” notes Mikhail Georgievich. — I say: “procession of the cross,” and Mikhail Georgievich corrects: “flight of the cross.” “Going is when they walk, but we fly.” This was my first flight, the impressions were wonderful,” says the priest. — When we first met Mikhail Georgievich, he talked about his intention to build a temple in the village. In turn, he invited him to restore the existing ancient temple built in the early 18th century. It was closed in the 1930s. He honestly warned that he would have to make every effort, some had already tried, but they were frightened by the scale of the upcoming work. At that time, Mikhail Georgievich did not know that the temple existed. Then we got into the car and arrived at the place. He glanced at the ruins and walked around. He immediately said with a backhand: “We will restore.” Only the skeleton of a temple stood here, like the skeleton of a ship. Our further acquaintance took place during the recovery process. A team arrived from Belarus, and residents began donating money for bricks. Mikhail Georgievich brought the dome from Volgodonsk in disassembled form, it was consecrated by Bishop Adrian. A familiar icon painter depicted a huge face of Christ on the dome. Another benefactor pays for the construction of the iconostasis. Now the builders are working in the refectory part of the temple, the temple has been plastered on the outside, and work is underway on the inside. *** Apparently, people like General Kizilov think holistically. Therefore domestic aviation develops and improves agriculture in the Zubtsovsky district, and restores the destroyed temple. Patriot, not in words, but in deeds. By the way, he also cares about the upbringing of the younger generation: “If a boy rises to the sky at least once and feels it, he will never become a drug addict or alcoholic,” Mikhail Kizilov is sure. But that’s another story... Irina Kuznetsova Photo by Maxim Shorokhov

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Head of Orlovka: earthly and heavenly paths

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KIZILOV Mikhail Georgievich

Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of the Union of Aircraft Manufacturers

Widely known practitioner in the field of air navigation. Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation. Previously, he headed the Directorate for the Use of Airspace and Air Traffic Control of the Russian Defense Ministry. Led the creation of a principled new system air traffic organization in Russia.

After his transfer to the reserve, he was part of the directorates of such leading Russian state concerns in the field of aviation and air navigation as the Almaz-Antey Air Defense Concern and OJSC Aviapriborostroenie Concern.

Lieutenant General. Recipient of state awards.

KANEVSKY Mikhail Igorevich

Deputy Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of the Union of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor. Graduated from the Daugavpils Higher Military Aviation Engineering School (DVVAIU) with a degree in electrical engineering, postgraduate studies at the DVVAIU, doctoral studies at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky (VVIA named after Prof. N.E. Zhukovsky).

He has more than 120 publications, including 2 monographs (co-authored) and 3 textbooks. Prepared as scientific supervisor 5 candidates of technical sciences. Experience in scientific and pedagogical work is more than 17 years.

Under the leadership of Colonel M.I. Kanevsky developed a new “Expanded Addendum to the Manual on the Combat Use of Aircraft Weapons” in the edition for the Russian Air Force and foreign customers, which was approved as the main normative and methodological and legal framework when carrying out work on the creation of weapons and military equipment for the RF Armed Forces and foreign customers.

Currently, the main activity of Professor M.I. Kanevsky is aimed at developing systems for ensuring flight safety and increasing the efficiency of airspace of a new generation. Under him scientific guidance and with his direct participation:

— the applied theory of constructing vortex flight safety systems for manned and unmanned airfield- and ship-based aerial vehicles has been developed;

— criteria and methods have been developed for identifying wake vortices dangerous for piloting aircraft and aircraft-carrying ships based on laser ranging technologies and spectrometry of turbulent flows;

— an experimental flight model of a unified on-board system for ensuring vortex flight safety was created, which successfully passed flight tests at the Flight Research Institute named after. MM. Gromova (Zhukovsky).

The high level of development allowed in 2007 Professor M.I. Kanevsky together with Doctor of Technical Sciences A.S. Belotserkovskiy to submit on behalf of the Russian Federation for consideration of the 36th ICAO Assembly working document A36-WP/1931 with proposals to include in the ICAO Technical Work Program the development of basic requirements for airborne and ground-based wake vortex warning and indication systems. In 2008, at a briefing by the ICAO Air Navigation Commission, as a result of a detailed discussion of the vortex safety system developed by Professor M.I. Kanevsky and his team, with specialists from 50 countries, determined that the proposed principle of constructing the system satisfies the needs of tomorrow, and the technical solutions proposed by Russian scientists will be used in the construction of national air navigation systems of a new generation by the European Union and the United States.

Professor M.I. Kanevsky is a co-inventor and co-owner of more than 20 patents different countries on the topic “Vortex safety”. Member of the ICAO study group on wake vortex turbulence, expert of the RTCA SC 206 specialized group on the development of vortex safety system standards. Recognized by the global aviation community, the scientist in the field of flight safety continues his work to introduce Russian developments to the global high-tech market of new generation air navigation systems.

Colonel. Recipient of state awards.

SHELKOVNIKOV Valery Georgievich

First Deputy Chairman of the Air Navigation Committee of the Union of Aircraft Manufacturers of Russia

President of the Consulting and Analytical Agency "Flight Safety"

Graduated from Ulyanovsk Higher School flight training, Academy of Civil Aviation. In 1990 - Higher courses at the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the USSR. Headed the Main Directorate of Air Traffic of the USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation. From 1993 to 1996 - Chairman of Rosaeronavigatsiya. He was president of the International Aviation Safety Foundation. Head of the first flight of general aviation aircraft on the route Moscow - Seattle - Moscow. Private pilot.HMember of the Board of the World Flight Safety Foundation.

LaureateUSSR State Prizein the field of security.Work experience in civil aviation for more than 51 years.

Colonel. Honoredstate and international awards.

BYKOV Vladimir Nikolaevich

Deputy Chairman of the Aeronautical Information Subcommittee

Chief designer - head of TN-37 "Aviation geoinformation technologies" of JSC "BANS"

Candidate of Technical Sciences, scientific title - senior researcher in the specialty “Armament and military equipment, complexes and systems for military purposes of the Air Force.Work experience at enterprises aviation industry over 30 years:

1987 to 2001 - adjunct, senior researcher, senior lecturer at the Air Force Engineering Academy named after. prof. NOT. Zhukovsky, Moscow;

2001 to 2008 - chief specialist, head of department, deputy chief designer of CJSC NPO Mobile information systems", Moscow;

2010 to 2010 - Leading engineer of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “State Research Institute of Aviation Systems” (GosNIIAS), Moscow;

2010 to 2011 – Deputy Chief Designer of JSC Moscow Research and Production Complex “Avionics”;

2013 to present – ​​chief designer - head of the thematic direction “Aviation geographic information systems” of BANS JSC.

ZOBOV Nikolay Fedorovich

Deputy Commercial Director of Azimut JSC

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Air Traffic Management

Candidate of Technical Sciences, Academician of the Academy of Transport, expert of the European and North Atlantic Bureau of the International Civil Aviation Organization (Paris), Honored Transport Worker (work experience in the civil aviation system - more than 45 years).

Started labor activity traffic controller at the Magadan Civil Aviation Department at Seymchan Airport (dispatcher, flight director, deputy head of the airport for traffic).

In 1981, by order of the Minister of Civil Aviation of the USSR, he was transferred to Moscow to work in the central office of the MGA, where he worked until the dissolution of the USSR MGA in positions from leading engineer for core activities to deputy. Head of the Main Directorate for Aircraft Traffic of the USSR Ministry of Civil Aviation.

Since 1993, after the reorganization of the Moscow State Administration, a deputy was appointed. Chairman of the Commission for Air Traffic Regulation under the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation (Rosaeronavigatsia), then acts as Chairman (with the rank of Deputy Minister of Transport of the Russian Federation).

After the reorganization of the Commission, he holds the position of First Deputy General Director Federal Unitary Enterprise "State ATM Corporation".

In 2005, after the reorganization of the State ATM Corporation, he went to work at the Interstate Aviation Committee as Chairman of the Commission (with the rank of head of a Federal-level Department).

During his work, he was directly involved in the organization of air traffic in the USSR and Russia, the formation of regional enterprises of Rosaeronavigation (33 enterprises were created), and was responsible for the state of flight safety in air traffic control. Under his direct leadership, a system of international air routes for flights from America to Southeast Asia, through the North Pole, was developed, and to support them, the first air traffic control center in Russia based on satellite technology was created, meeting the latest international civil aviation (ICAO) requirements. . For this work, he was awarded the title of laureate of the authoritative international aviation magazine Aviation Vic and Space Technology in the Commercial Transport category in 1995, and his name is included on an honorary plaque at the US Air and Space Museum.

Currently works in the Interstate Aviation Committee as Chairman of the Commission for Harmonization and Coordination of Flight Safety Programs, and is a member of the Supervisory Board public organization"Aviasoyuz" and a member of the board of directors in the concern "International Aviation Systems", heads the subcommittee on ATM in the "Union of Aircraft Manufacturers of the Russian Federation", is an expert in the European and North Atlantic Bureau of ICAO on air traffic control issues, is a full member Russian Academy Transport where it leads scientific direction“Integrated global ATM systems based on CNS/ATM technologies”

KOPTSEV Anatoly Ivanovich

Head of the Department for Design of EU and ATM Facilities and Airfield Complexes of JSC NPO LEMZ

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Organization of Aerospace Search and Rescue

Koptsev A.A. born January 26, 1964. In 1987 he graduated from the Moscow Institute of Civil Aviation Engineers (MIIGA) with honors. In 1989 he defended his Ph.D. thesis. Since 1989 he worked as a teacher at MIIGA.

From 1992 to 2004 he was in public service in Rosaeronavigation, the Federal Aviation Service, Federal service air transport, State Civil Aviation Service.

From 2004 to 2009, he worked at the Federal State Unitary Enterprise State ATM Corporation, LLC ATM Systems Corporation, and CJSC Scientific, Technological and Design Institute of Transport Infrastructure. From 2009 to the present, he has been managing the design department for EC ATM facilities and airfield complexes at NPO LEMZ OJSC.

Since 2010, he has been organizing work on the design, development and creation of automated information management systems for unified system aerospace search and rescue of the Russian Federation.

Awarded the badges “Excellence in Air Transport”, “Honorary Transport Worker”, “Honorary Radio Operator”.

From 1998 to 2010, he worked as the General Director of the first created autonomous non-profit organization “Roshydromet Agency for Specialized Hydrometeorological Supply” (ANO “Roshydromet Meteorological Agency”).

In 2010, Petrova M.V. appointed to the position of General Director of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Aviamettelecom of Roshydromet.

Under the leadership of Petrova M.V. for the first time in Russia, together with civil aviation organizations, the Federal target program “Modernization of the EU ATM for the period until 2015” was developed (approved by the Government of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2015), the thematic area “Development of meteorological support for civil aviation”, and a mechanism for implementing the Federal Target Program was developed .

Petrova M.V. FSBI Aviamettelecom Roshydromet has developed and implemented a quality management system (QMS) that meets the requirements of the 9000 series quality assurance standards of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). The QMS of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Aviamettelecom Roshydromet was certified for compliance with the requirements of GOST R ISO 9001-2008 (ISO 9001:2008) in May 2011, which is confirmed by the Certificate of Conformity “Meteorological services for flights of civil and experimental aircraft”.

Currently Petrova M.V. organizes and actively implements the Meteorological Support Project for the Sochi 2014 Olympics. The introduction of innovative solutions made it possible to train qualified meteorological personnel, carry out technical re-equipment, and implement modern technologies providing meteorological information for civil aviation, which is especially important in the conditions of Sochi airport and the mountain cluster.

Since 2003 Petrova M.V. is a member of the Board of Roshydromet. From 2002 to the present Petrova M.V. serves on the management group of the Commission for Aeronautical Meteorology (CAM) of the World Meteorological Organization (WMO); heads a number of WMO expert groups on various issues of development of aviation meteorological support, actively works in ICAO working groups on aviation meteorology issues.STEPANOVA Elena Nikolaevna

Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Aeronautical Information Center"

Chairman of the Aeronautical Information Subcommittee

Stepanova E.N. is a major leader and scientist in the field of Aeronautical Information of the state.

All activities of Stepanova E.N. was aimed at implementing state policy in the field of Aeronautical Information. Having assumed the post of Chairman of the Subcommittee on Aeronautical Information of the Air Navigation Committee of the Union of Aircraft Manufacturers, Stepanova E.N., as a highly professional and highly qualified specialist, carries out comprehensive work to further improve and develop the air navigation industry of the state, closely interacting with the air navigation communities of foreign countries.

From the north of the capital along New Riga, two hours - and we are at our goal. The hum of engines can be heard even at the entrance to the airfield - the An-2 is turning. Parachute dots are raining down on the green field in multi-colored rain.

In the improvised parking lot near the airfield, cars are lined up in three rows.

We came from neighboring Shakhovskaya, our neighbor is a pilot,” says 30-year-old Alena Ivanisova. - My son dreams of flying school, but he’s only 9, it’s too early.

And you don't mind? Aren't you scared? - I’m going to ram.

Isn't it scary in a car? - the woman nods at the car keys in my hand.


Meanwhile, there was activity on the runway - demonstration flights began. I walk into the “friends” area - the field is in full view, a handsome IL-14 is “resting” on the grass.

On the way to the runway, I meet the leader - or, as is customary among pilots, the senior aviation commander of Orlovka, Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov.

You know, the most superstitious people in the world are pilots and sailors,” Mikhail Georgievich interrupts my questions. - Let the guys fly away - and then we’ll talk.

“Don’t tell her anything,” a pilot in dark glasses intervenes in the conversation. - Journalist.

Ivan Kislov, - Kizilov introduces us.

Why, Ivan, did the journalists offend you, I carefully ask.

Came here yesterday alone, from television. Federal channel. He promised to film a story about how we train pilots, but in the end it all came down to the disaster near Istra, the low qualifications of the pilots and mistakes,” explains Ivan. - You're only scaring people.

But there are a lot of pilots who spend the entire summer conducting search and rescue operations in their aircraft. They are looking for mushroom pickers and lost tourists. And they don’t get a penny for it.

They apparently make money elsewhere, I smile. - This is not a cheap job.

There is no money in aviation,” another pilot, Alexander Yezhel, senior aviation commander of the Adagum airfield near Anapa, joins the conversation.

The roar of jet engines makes your ears pop, and the sky is cut by the sharp nose of the Yak-32.

Unique aircraft. There are only three things that fly in the world,” explains Ivan.

How much does a plane cost?

From 5 thousand dollars,” says Yezhel. - Even so - you can fly absolutely safely on a two-seater paratrike - the price of such a device starts from 400 thousand rubles. Available? This is an inexpensive foreign car.

The Yak-32 soars up at an almost right angle.

Look, Nesterov is making a loop. Can you imagine what it's like inside?

I can’t imagine, I squint in the sun.


Who comes to flying clubs today? Enthusiasts? - I continue to torture Yezhel.

Yes. Some returned after participating in flying clubs at school. I personally retired 12 years ago - I’m in the military - and didn’t know what to do. I thought I would be a fisherman - I went and bought everything for fishing. Then I bought an underwater gun. Over time, I realized that the third dimension was missing - I got into a helicopter club, then I turned my attention to airplanes.

Was it difficult to study?

Learning to fly an airplane is easier than learning to drive a car. 42 hours of flight time - and you get a pilot's license.

People come and learn - just like in a driving school. Then they take exams - like in the traffic police. But we have a waiting list to get pilot licenses. There are no necessary forms - you can wait six months.


An aviation expert, President of AOPA-Russia told VM about what an aircraft flight plan is and whether it is always necessary to submit it. Vladimir Tyurin.

If the entire flight is in uncontrolled airspace, a special flight plan is filed for it, sometimes called a notice. Submitting a flight plan is quite simple - in a special online system, formally no less than an hour before departure.

There is no consensus on whether it is mandatory to submit flight plans. One of the reasons for this state of affairs is that the government decree contains a phrase that can be interpreted in two ways. “The airspace user provides a flight plan for the purpose of receiving emergency alerts and flight information services.” Some people read this phrase - if you don’t have such goals and you don’t need anything from air traffic services, then you don’t seem to have to submit anything. And others read - “provides a plan”, which means it must provide.

You must understand that a flight plan is provided for different purposes. And one of these goals is to prevent collisions between aircraft. This is, in general, the main purpose of air traffic services.

All air traffic is divided into controlled and uncontrolled space - here we are now on the territory of Orlovka, here the air at a certain altitude - up to 1200 meters - is the so-called class G space, uncontrolled.

In this airspace, the controller does not even have the right to prevent collisions. If, for example, two aircraft are flying and both are in contact, the controller does not have the right to tell them how to separate. All that he can and must do is to notify both ships that they are moving towards each other at such and such a height. The ships must decide on their own how to disperse. This is the essence of uncontrolled space. This is how it works all over the world - and this is most of the space at altitudes below 5 kilometers. In fact, the space where the controller, and not the aircraft commander, is responsible for preventing collisions is a smaller part. Especially in the lower airspace. Qualified motorists have no doubt about how to pass each other on the road correctly - and here it is, this is common practice. You see visually other cars - there are rules for which sides to diverge, who should gain altitude if the routes intersect. It is clear that a certain risk remains, and when it becomes unacceptable, then the state says: “In this place the traffic density has become such that it is no longer possible to leave an uncontrolled space here, we will provide traffic control services here for money.”

The flight plan also helps dispatchers know more about a particular vessel - so that the pilot does not have to explain on air who he is, what type of vessel he is, where he is flying, and so on. However, for visual flights, a plan is generally not needed and in the vast majority of countries in the world its submission is not mandatory, although it is recommended. That is, it is not prohibited to fly if for some reason it was not possible to submit a flight plan or there was no time for this.

I am sure that in Russia we will come to such an understanding,” sums up Vladimir Tyurin.


Look, there's a drunk pilot on the field! - a cry is heard in the crowd.

The aviators around are winking. A camouflage Cessna 150G takes off into the sky - sways from side to side, then gains altitude, then goes into a tailspin, passing at a minimum altitude above the runway. Some spectators clearly believe - they instinctively duck. However, there is no need to worry, there is an ace pilot at the helm. But it’s worth talking about flight safety in connection with the attraction.

Ordinary people hear about small aviation exclusively in the context of disasters. To be honest, it feels like the boards are hitting with terrifying regularity.

For quite a large number of years, the number of aviation accidents has remained at the same level, explains Vladimir Tyurin. - This is approximately 25 disasters per year (catastrophe - an aviation accident with human casualties. -"VM") . On average, 30–40 deaths per year. But if you look at different sources, the numbers will be different - because these incidents are recorded differently in terms of registration. Here we see that all aircraft here are marked RA - this is civil aviation. And if the aircraft is not registered - there are such, the further from Moscow, the more there are - then the Interstate Aviation Committee, which investigates aviation accidents, does not take them into account. There are also separate figures for DOSAAF and state aviation. There is also experimental aircraft.

It is because of this that different numbers are obtained - and sometimes you can notice an increase in the number of disasters. For example, the Federal Air Transport Agency reports an increase in aviation accidents - nothing like that, there is no increase, there is an increase in the number of registered ships. And there are approximately the same number of them beating.

According to official data, 200–300 foreign aircraft and about a hundred helicopters are imported into the country per year. That is, 300–400 aircraft are added per year. Often statistics take into account the absolute number of accidents without taking into account “there are twice as many flights, and there are one and a half times more accidents.” Is this an improvement in flight safety? Undoubtedly. So, it is necessary to calculate relative numbers, not absolute ones.

What are the main reasons why crashes happen?

Among the main causes of air accidents are crew errors, errors in decision making, flying in weather conditions for which the crew is not trained, and attempts to perform maneuvers for which the aircraft is not intended. Equipment failures account for about 10 percent of all aviation accidents; these are the rarest cases,” Tyurin sums up.


The demonstration performances are over - Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov, as promised, joins the discussion.

Mikhail Georgievich, is there any help for small aviation from the state?

The most important help from the state is not to interfere. A lot was done in Russia when the airspace was opened. In the Soviet Union and in all countries of the socialist camp there was a permissive use of airspace - that is, on the eve of your departure you must come to the dispatcher and, in the established order, give a request for tomorrow, indicate the point of departure, point of arrival, route, crew commander. You come in the morning on the day of departure - either the application has been lost, or the airspace corridor is not given. It is clear that the aviators suffered greatly. Finally, a decision was made to introduce notification use of airspace. This is a very strong step forward. We began to live the way the whole world lives. That is, you have your own aircraft, registered, with all the documents - and come an hour before departure and notify that I am such and such, type of aircraft, flying on such and such a route, here is the departure point, here is the arrival point - no need to expect anything.

Please indicate the main problems of small aviation?

It is necessary to seriously simplify the procedure for registering an aircraft. You try to register an aircraft - it is very, very difficult. We also have ATCs - aviation training centers - which have “one room, a legal entity and a machine for counting money.” There are no planes, no classes, no airfields - nothing. And there are those too. And I am categorically against this approach. There must be professionals who would provide both theoretical training and, most importantly, practical flight training.

And as for flight practice - jokes aside - under no circumstances should an untrained pilot be released.


The sky both beckons and frightens - how do you, aviators, manage to feel confident when taking off from the ground?

The pilot must fly, answers Mikhail Kizilov. - And the longer you fly, the more, as we say, flying. And the more confident you feel. Personally, I try to fly three days a week - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. When you spend a lot of time in the sky, it’s not scary. Doing forbidden things in aviation will not solve the problem. On the contrary, we must do everything to develop small aviation - create conditions. And today we have a tendency to ban everything.


If a boy rises into the sky at least once and feels it, he will never become a drug addict or alcoholic, Mikhail Kizilov is sure. - Aviation is the education of the younger generation, these are ready-made young guys who, in hard times, can be quickly retrained for combat vehicles. This is a school - it’s not for nothing that there was DOSAAF in the Soviet Union, where they trained flight personnel en masse, the guys underwent initial flight training.

This was a great help. In the Soviet Union there were 12 flight schools and regional DOSAAF. And now, if we move away from this and do not give young people the opportunity to rise into the sky, it will be a crime.


Sergey Kudryashov, Honored Test Navigator of the Russian Federation, Head of the Navigation Service of the Design Bureau named after. A. S. Yakovleva:

Small aviation is a necessary component of our civilization. It is she who will help make our country more accessible. After all, sometimes, to move from one point to another, automobile and other types of transport - even large aviation - are not enough.

A private pilot needs to be taught to fly for short term and for little money - but with high quality. I believe that in Russia it is necessary to create a special code for amateur pilots, which would show how a person should enter amateur aviation. After all, in essence, both large and small aviation are one type of activity, and it must be treated equally responsibly.

It is also necessary to establish an aircraft operation system. So that there is a sufficient number of specialists who can service an airplane or helicopter, repair it, and replace high-quality equipment that should be on the market. But such a market - services and material parts - does not exist now.

Alexey Biryukov, director of the Kudinovo airfield:

Statistics speak most clearly about the state of the industry. Currently in Russia, 4,100 aircraft have valid airworthiness certificates, of which about 2,800 are commercial. There are 225 thousand private aircraft in the USA. In France - 32 thousand. In Germany - 21 thousand. In the Czech Republic there are 2.5 thousand light aircraft and about 6–7 thousand ultralight aircraft.

In 1992, there were 1,302 airfields in the civil aviation register and not a single private one. Currently, there are about 240 private airfields - or rather, it would be more accurate to call them landing sites. There are 315 airfields left in the civil aviation system. In the USA there are 14,120 private airfields alone, of which 4,000 are with artificial turf. 5200 are regional airfields used for passenger transport.

There are now 14,200 civil pilots in Russia, about 4,000 private pilots. In the USA there are 630 thousand private pilots alone. Even in the small Czech Republic there are about 10 thousand pilots.

Maria Troshenkova is the leading editor of VM. Two members of her family recently became small aircraft pilots. She herself is sick of the sky - but for now from the ground.

"LG" dossier":

Kizilov Mikhail Grigorievich was born in 1947 in Krasnodar, where he graduated from high school. After graduating from the Leningrad Technological Institute of the Refrigeration Industry, he served in the Navy, worked research fellow, from 1974 to 1985 - at Komsomol work. Since 1985 – Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the magazine “Smena”, since 1988 – editor-in-chief. Member of the Union of Journalists and the Union of Writers. Author of seven books of prose, publications in magazines and newspapers. Novels and short stories have been published in English, German, Azerbaijani, Bulgarian, German and Czech.

– Your magazine was founded in January 1924. How will the team celebrate this anniversary? Probably not on such a scale as in Soviet era?

– The team has already noted, since the anniversary issue (No. 1, 2014) was published at the end of 2013. And now we are actively working on the next issues.

– Nowadays the Smena brand doesn’t mean much to the younger generation. But once it was the most popular youth magazine in the country! What happened?

– The same thing happened with all the magazines. True, Smena suffered more than others, since in 1989 the number of subscribers to the magazine exceeded three million, and suddenly it turned out that the Soviet Union did not have the production capacity to produce such a circulation. “Smena” and “Ogonyok” were printed on the same press, so Alexander Yakovlev, the main party ideologist of that time, said that “Ogonyok” should not be touched, and the CPSU Central Committee decided to transfer “Smena” to book format. But then “the economy, which should be economical,” had its say. Cunning and smart men from the Administration of the same Central Committee calculated that a book the volume of “Smena” costs one ruble on sale, and a magazine - 35 kopecks, and decided on the sly simply not to print half the circulation for Siberia and Far East(profit of almost two million rubles per month). Naturally, a scandal broke out, but the men earned their money, and the magazine’s readership decreased. And then other games began, about which so much has been said...

– But still there should have been a solid readership. Even by profile. These are the same young people.

– A book-format magazine without bright illustrations cannot be of interest to young people, so since 1990 we were forced to “go into text” in order to become interesting for family reading.

Last time I held your magazine in my hands fifteen or twenty years ago. Now I just don’t see it in kiosks that are filled with gloss and other consumer goods. But no, some legendary publication from the past will flash there. But not yours. Why? Have you gone online and made paper circulation purely symbolic?

– Unfortunately, we are perhaps the only country in Europe where publishers pay money to distributors and sellers for taking the product for sale (and this is in addition to their own markups). For a magazine that has no advertising, such economics are simply unsustainable. It turns out that the larger the circulation, the more the sellers and resellers win, and the more losses the publisher suffers. That’s why we are sold in Biblio-Globus, in Auchan stores, where there are no such fees, and at airports. In 2008 we tried to make a magazine for young people. They invited very talented young journalists and experienced chief editors, and the magazine became brightly illustrated, in a large format and on excellent paper. But, having convinced ourselves from our own experience that young readers today prefer the Internet, we decided to return to the book format (in our niche) and again began to gain circulation, after a serious decline in the “youth publication”, we created an interesting website that is visited by 1000–1500 people a day .

– From time to time we hear that the authorities help this or that publication. Have you received any offers of help? Did you ask for help yourself?

– Of course, “Smena” would not have survived without the financial support of Igor Vladimirovich Sherkunov, a very modest, brilliantly educated Moscow intellectual and a true philanthropist. He understands perfectly well that if so many people need good magazine, then this should come out. Understands and helps...

– Vladimir Mayakovsky once called for reading “Smena” in his poems. Works by Gorky, Sholokhov, Zoshchenko, Platonov, Shukshin, Soloukhin, Astafiev appeared on your pages... It’s impossible to list them all. What is your relationship with modern writers?

– Relations with modern writers are good. In the 21st century (you can afford such temporary formats), Smena provided its pages to Svetlana Alexievich, Yuri Grechko, Andrei Dementyev, Anatoly Kurchatkin, Mikhail Popov, Vladimir Trapeznikov and many, many other authors.

– But if we talk about “thick” literary magazines, then they definitely remember “ New world", "Our Contemporary", "Banner", "Moscow". And “Smena” somehow falls out of this series, as if you had never had anything to do with literature...

– The magazines you are talking about are the honor and pride of Russia, and I have sincere respect for those people who work in them, because they are the ones in the most difficult period modern history they did not allow Russian literature to die, they were the movers and shakers of the Russian literary process, since publishing houses at that time made “commercial projects”, which is not always Her Majesty’s literature. That is, “thick” magazines and, of course, Literaturnaya Gazeta, since the time when Yuri Polyakov became editor-in-chief, have fought and are fighting for the survival of the writer as a class. And I think that they coped with this with dignity and are coping. I would like to believe that the most worst times behind, because those in power (it started in the provinces, and today the highest officials in the capital) realized that without those who know how to write and compose, and not just voice, the country cannot develop.

– You are heading the publication in a very difficult period. What has been your success as editor-in-chief? It is clear that it is difficult to compare the former magazine, which was generously funded by the state, with the current one. But still...

– “Smena” could afford to think only about the reader and his interest all these years. We have made and are making a magazine in which we remind our readers that in Russian history There have been times worse than these, we strive to support them morally, print those things that lift our spirits. We don’t have dirt and vulgarity, we don’t have everyday dullness and gloomy reality. But we have little-known best works of great writers, the most interesting historical essays O the best people and the most important historical events. Every year, education becomes more and more in demand. This is evidenced by the results of subscriptions via the Internet. For the most part, these are young parents who want to make up for lost time in school, and not only in school years, so as not to be ashamed in front of their children. This is what we do and do not hesitate to say that Smena is truly an educational magazine. Of course, a huge contribution to this goes to deputy editor-in-chief Tamara Chichina, who has been working in the magazine for more than 25 years. Throughout its history, Smena has published and “discovered” young talented writers, poets, journalists, and artists. We continue to do this now, especially since today in Russia, especially in the provinces, there are a lot of interesting authors who need support.

– How do you see the future of Smena?

“Smena” has always, especially since the time when Albert Likhanov became editor-in-chief, “sows the reasonable, the good, the eternal.” It's worth working for. I would like to believe that as long as Russia exists, the Smena magazine will delight its readers.

Conducted the conversationIgor CHERNYSHOV

Lovers in the sky

At the end of summer, my friends took part in the celebration of Russian Air Force Day at the Orlovka airfield, which is located not so far from Rzhev - in the Zubtsovsky district, two kilometers east of the village of Pogoreloye Gorodishche. According to them, they found themselves at a democratic, fun and spectacular festival, since everything was built on the enthusiasm of those who are truly in love with the sky.

This fall, enthusiasts from Orlovka again reminded the residents of Rzhev, and not only them, of themselves by organizing a training procession of the cross in the airspace above the Rzhev diocese and its cathedral city.

“The Flight of the Cross” is an extraordinary event; it was interesting to meet its initiators. Since the interest was genuine, I wanted the conversation to be informal. True, already at the airfield it became clear that, to put it mildly, journalists are not welcome here. What saved the situation was that we represented Rzhev, and our colleagues from Rzhev Television at that August air show made a favorable impression in Orlovka with their objective presentation of the material.

On the way to the runway, we met the leader - or, as is customary among pilots, the senior aviation commander of Orlovka, Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov.

“A pilot must fly,” explained Mikhail Georgievich, heading towards the plane. — Personally, I try to fly three days a week - Friday, Saturday and Sunday. For now, talk to people here, drink some tea, and I’ll join you later...

Caller ID: aviation enthusiasts

The general flew away, and we headed to the hangar to look at the planes. They all turned out to be surprisingly colorful, but “all markers have different tastes and colors,” commented my guide Timur.

- Why do you dislike journalists so much? – I’m interested.

— Our pilots don’t need PR, no matter what they do. For example, there is an organization called “Angel”, where people use their aircraft to carry out search and rescue operations, looking for mushroom-pickers and berry-pickers who are lost in the forests. They spend a colossal amount of money on this without receiving compensation from the state. But for some reason, journalists in most cases want to show general aviation (GA) in a negative light,” Timur says in a conciliatory tone. — With your suggestion, ordinary people hear about Caller ID exclusively in the context of disasters.

Does Caller ID remain beyond their understanding?

“Everyone is used to the fact that there are military, civil and experimental aviation. Few people imagine what GA (general aviation) is. But it exists, and is built almost entirely on the enthusiasm of individual people. We are talking about aircraft that are individually owned - like cars. But while the concept of a private jet is foreign to most people, aviation for them is the Air Force and civil aviation.

In the Tver region, we, perhaps, became pioneers. Once upon a time, an Aeroflot detachment of chemists was stationed in Pogoreloye Gorodishche. After 1991, everything fell into disrepair, and the runway looked more like a landfill. 5 years ago we acquired an airfield, cleared it, lengthened the runway, installed hangars, and created a command and control tower for flights. And they began to develop general aviation. After all, there are many people who cannot serve as military pilots or work in civil aviation, but the dream of heaven lives in them...

Therefore, today in Orlovka there is a certified aviation training center “Nebosvod-Avia”. Professionals in their field provide both theoretical training and, most importantly, practical flight training. 42 hours in the air, plus a ground theoretical part. True, they are very conditional - these 42 hours, training can last from 2 months to six months. People get a pilot's license and buy a small plane, which, by the way, costs no more than a foreign car. And they fly.

At Orlovka they are confident that the state needs general aviation; a country with such vast territories will not survive without small aviation. Caller ID can be used for emergency medical services, during search and rescue operations. Aerial photography, agricultural work, monitoring forest fires, pipelines, power lines - all this can be done by Caller ID.

“We have people of various specialties,” says Timur, “from a doctor to the commander of a Boeing 747-800, who flies about 200 hours a month at work. But at Orlovka he gets more pleasure in a small plane, because he feels the plane live and pilots it manually.

Perhaps the best time to fly is in the summer?

— Summer is not the best time for flying; the sun is very active. The earth warms up in different ways, thermal currents are formed, which can go up or down, and the plane begins to shake a lot. This is not comfortable, you have to fly at an altitude of over 1600 meters, and GA flies up to 1000. The best weather for GA is autumn, when the air is balanced, its density is high, this has a positive effect on the aircraft in terms of shaking and vertical rate of climb.

Is that why they decided to hold a training procession by air in the fall?

“I think it would be better for Mikhail Georgievich to tell you about the flight of the cross himself,” says Timur.

“Flight of the Cross” is a complex task

Here it is necessary to say about the head of Orlovka himself. Born in the Altai village. As a child, he loved to lie on the grass, arms outstretched, look at the floating clouds and dream about the sky. Now Lieutenant General Mikhail Kizilov is the president of OJSC Concern International Air Navigation Systems. Before retiring, he was Head of the Directorate for the Use of Airspace and Air Traffic Control under the Russian Ministry of Defense. Widely known practitioner in the field of air navigation. Honored Military Specialist of the Russian Federation, awarded state awards. He is still an active pilot.

Mikhail Georgievich! Your training “flight of the cross” caused a great stir...

— The idea to fly around the Rzhev diocese appeared a long time ago. Moreover, the tradition of religious processions is an integral part of Russian history and culture. After consulting with Bishop Adrian, we decided to make a training flight with a composition of five crews, but if the weather permits, we will create a more powerful group. My dream is for 14 crews to fly. So far, building a battle formation, and this, first of all, selecting aircraft at the same speed, is causing difficulties. But we will not rush, first of all - Her Majesty flight safety. All flights that we conduct are the initiative of private individuals. “The Flight of the Cross” is a complex task for us: it is also about flying together and training pilots.

From Caller ID to BAS

— Mikhail Georgievich, your airfield has good prospects, thanks to people who are ready to devote a lot of time and effort to the development of small aviation. In what key will Orlovka develop further?

— First of all, Orlovka is a flight experimental base for testing new technologies and testing equipment of the International Air Navigation Systems concern. Currently, our company employs 16 doctors of science, professors, and 41 candidates of technical sciences. The developments carried out by IANS are world-class. All of them, including various meteorological complexes, radars, weather stations, remote video surveillance systems and other equipment, are being tested and tested at the Orlovka airfield. We are very proud that we have our own airfield. After all, if you look at the creation of any device on an aircraft or unit, analyze its life cycle and financial costs, it turns out that approximately 20-30 percent of the time and cost is spent on product development and its manufacture, and 70-80 percent of the time and money is spent for flight testing.

What are you working on now?

“We are finishing the installation of remote video surveillance at Vnukovo airport to prevent plane crashes like those in which the president of a French oil company died in October 2014 when a snow blower drove onto the runway towards an accelerating plane.

Currently, the Russian state is implementing the Aeronet program - this is the development of advanced technologies for unmanned aircraft systems (UAS). We are striving to create a Russian-level center for the development of unmanned aircraft technologies at Orlovka, and our project is considered with a fairly high rating.

Memorial, temple and children

— Mikhail Georgievich, in your life the earthly paths and the heavenly paths surprisingly intersect. So, is the Church of Elijah the Prophet in Pogorelye Gorodishche under your personal patronage?

— Other people made timid attempts to help in the restoration of the temple, but Father John will not let anyone lie, the main contribution to its restoration is ours. Besides me, Nikolai Lavushkin is also helping us in the revival of the ancient temple.

Next to the Ilyinsky Church there is a memorial to Soviet soldiers who fell during the Great Patriotic War. My dream is to make a children’s playground nearby and surround the entire ensemble with a beautiful fence. This will be a unique complex in Russia, uniting concepts that are sacred to us: a memorial to soldiers - as a memory of the past of the Fatherland, a children's playground - as a symbol of the future of the country. And the temple that rose from the ruins, testifying to the triumph of God’s truth. By the way, its rector, Archpriest John Krylov, was a participant in the training flight of the cross,” notes Mikhail Georgievich.

— I say: “procession of the cross,” and Mikhail Georgievich corrects: “flight of the cross.” “Going is when they walk, but we fly.” This was my first flight, the impressions were wonderful,” says the priest.

— When we first met Mikhail Georgievich, he talked about his intention to build a temple in the village. In turn, he invited him to restore the existing ancient temple built in the early 18th century. It was closed in the 1930s. He honestly warned that he would have to make every effort, some had already tried, but they were frightened by the scale of the upcoming work. At that time, Mikhail Georgievich did not know that the temple existed. Then we got into the car and arrived at the place. He glanced at the ruins and walked around. He immediately said with a backhand: “We will restore.” Only the skeleton of a temple stood here, like the skeleton of a ship. Our further acquaintance took place during the recovery process. A team arrived from Belarus, and residents began donating money for bricks. Mikhail Georgievich brought the dome from Volgodonsk in disassembled form, it was consecrated by Bishop Adrian. A familiar icon painter depicted a huge face of Christ on the dome. Another benefactor pays for the construction of the iconostasis. Now the builders are working in the refectory part of the temple, the temple has been plastered on the outside, and work is underway on the inside.

Apparently, people like General Kizilov think in complex terms. Therefore, it develops domestic aviation, improves agriculture in the Zubtsovsky district, and restores the destroyed temple. Patriot, not in words, but in deeds. By the way, he also cares about the education of the younger generation:

“If a boy rises into the sky at least once and feels it, he will never become a drug addict or alcoholic,” Mikhail Kizilov is sure. But that's another story...

Irina Kuznetsova

Photo by Maxim Shorokhov

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