Home Pulpitis Russian language 100 years later. It's unlikely you've seen anything like this anywhere

Russian language 100 years later. It's unlikely you've seen anything like this anywhere

Hello, Dear friends! In this article I will talk about how they spoke and wrote 90 years ago. Some things will just seem funny to you, and some will come in handy. It is unlikely that interesting outdated phrases will help you write an effective selling text (although who knows: the target audience can be very different). The words and phrases I have collected here may have other benefits. Creative congratulations, jokes, opinion articles, viral video scripts - this is where you can and often need to use unusual, memorable speech inclusions. So have a pleasant and useful reading for everyone!

It's unlikely you've seen anything like this anywhere

The source for this article is the book “The Murder of the Royal Family” by Nikolai Sokolov, published in 1925. Don't be afraid, there won't be anything boring in this post. historical facts(all of them have been collected a long time ago). I chose this book because few people know about it and because it contains examples of written and oral speech beginning of the 20th century. Thanks to this, most of my readers will be able to find something truly unique in the article.

As they said and wrote 90 years ago: 10 amazing quotes

Quote No. 1: about how you can be satisfied with life

Her rebellious soul and her masculine mentality could hardly allow her to be completely satisfied with the life of her family.

To be satisfied with life – you must agree, sounds unusual and interesting these days. Imagine this turn of phrase in a congratulation:

I wish you to always be satisfied beautiful women, and they were satisfied with you.

Quote No. 2: about courtesy

At this time he (Yakovlev) treated the Emperor not only well, but even attentively and helpfully.

It turns out that once upon a time the word “helpful” was often used to mean “being full of courtesy, helpfulness.”

I've never heard this word associated with courtesy, although it appears online in an outdated sense.

Quote No. 3: about a revealing case

Around 1913, an incident took place that particularly clearly revealed Vyrubova and Rasputin.

Imagine the use of such expressions in modern speech.

A month ago there was an incident that particularly clearly revealed copywriters and the Advego article exchange.

Quote No. 4: about fence literature

They were covered with all sorts of inscriptions: the result of the guards' penchant for fence literature.

Fence literature is simply super! By the way, this phrase has already brought me some money - it helped me come up with several funny congratulations.

This phrase can also become an incredibly powerful argument when “communicating” with Internet trolls.

Quote No. 5: about nobility and the gracious sovereign

...And he angrily shouted to us: “You are our enemies. We are your enemies. You’re all corrupt here.” He shouted this loudly, with indecent gestures, like a drunk. I told him: " You, dear sir, are mistaken in our nobility”.

This is how they used to respond to drunks who scream loudly and show obscene gestures! Excellent phrase. It can be used to write a script for a comedy sketch, or to respond to an overly picky customer.

Quote No. 6: about religious aspirations

After this, he, according to him, began to prepare to enter a theological seminary, since he had been imbued with “religious” aspirations since childhood.

You come to an interview at a digital agency, they ask you why you do what you do, and suddenly:

“It’s just that since childhood I was imbued with “optimizing” aspirations”

Quote No. 7: about the address

The Empress pointed out these same Red Army soldiers to Demyanova through the window. She shouted at them, seeing them for the first time: “Good Russian people.”

Let me take liberties. Perhaps even rudeness (you will write later in the comments whether I went too far). Imagine that you are busy doing this very thing, and suddenly your girlfriend says:

“Shout some dirty curse words at me!”

Quote No. 8: about intercourse

In the end, she apparently came to the conclusion that some concessions were necessary and tried to communicate in writing with the Emperor.

Mom is at work. I have a free minute, calls my teenage daughter and asks what she is doing. Daughter's answer:

“Nothing special. I have sex with a guy... In writing, of course! How could you think of anything else?!”

Quote #9: about embarrassment

It seems that Avdeev’s assistant took it, but it was noticeable that they were confused: to take it or not to take it.

And then I noticed my customer’s confusion: to give or not to give an advance payment.

Quote No. 10: about relief

It looks like he blamed Dr. Derevenko and Avdeev for one thing; that they are both royal family made it easier.

A 14-year-old schoolboy comes home. Parents ask: “Why so early?” He replies: “They just made me feel better.”

It's not what you think, honey. I just made him feel better)

P.S. The book I used to write an article on a very serious topic. But I want to repeat once again that the post is completely unrelated to this topic. I wrote about the nuances of the Russian language, and not the investigation led by investigator Sokolov.


G . Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region


"New Rule"

Late one evening I was getting ready to go to bed and remembered that I hadn't done homework In Russian. “Okay, I have no strength at all, my eyes are sticking together. I’ll write to someone tomorrow,” I told myself and fell asleep peacefully. And now I have such a dream...

Morning. I woke up and got ready for school as always. On the way, I noticed a strange sign: “Happy New Year 2017!” “Oh, so many mistakes, how can you write like that!” flashed through my head. “The year 2017 is coming, and what kind of “year” is this, and even “again”. Just as I was indignant, the name of a familiar street suddenly caught my eye: Zhukofskava Street. There was no way I could explain this. Unless this is some kind of new flash mob. You need to ask your classmates. Well, where are they? Several people appeared in the distance. I came closer and wanted to ask if they noticed the mistakes in the inscriptions. But these guys turned out to be strangers to me. My search for classmates continued at school. When I approached the schedule, I couldn’t believe my eyes! Three physical education lessons, three technologies. That's all. This has never happened before. But what about the Russian one, which I wanted to write off?

I looked back and saw a boy in a blue T-shirt. He had a book in his hands. I said, “Hi, what class are you from?” He replied: “Hello, from the 7th.” “Why don’t I know you,” I was surprised. “Maybe because you’re from the past,” he joked, noticing the words “LA 2016” on my sweater. But it was not a joke, I actually found myself in the future, in 2116. I was shocked! We got to talking with my new acquaintance, and he told me the terrible truth. It turns out that in the past, people were so tired of struggling with the Russian language and learning many rules and exceptions, tired of reading books and doing homework, that the Russian language was recognized as the most difficult lesson in Russia. And they decided to fight it. The new president accepted new law: “From now on, all rules of the Russian language are canceled. And instead of them, we accept one single universal rule: AS IT IS HEARD, SO IS IT WRITTEN.” The joy of schoolchildren and all illiterate people knew no bounds! Everyone began to write as they heard. Several years passed like this. Over time, people got used to the distorted words: DIKABR, YASCHIK, DUP, VISNA, NACHINAITSA. Many books and scientific publications turned out to be simply unnecessary, because no one else could understand them. Everyone laughed at the old words and wondered why write “SPRING”, why write “BEGINS”. All school textbooks were rewritten. And the Russian language at school no longer raised questions, because there was only one rule, and everyone remembered it anyway. In Russian, everyone had only 5, because if your hearing is normal, then everything will be fine with your language. To be honest, I was very saddened by this news. My new friend also told me a few more terrible details: it turns out that in different regions of Russia people began to hear words a little differently. It seemed to some that the word “LANGUAGE” was heard as “YEZYK”, and to others it was heard as “IZYG”. In general, people from different regions and even cities no longer always understood each other. And then, for understanding, the people in our country came up with signs for communication. If you want to greet someone, you simply show your palm, and if you want to say goodbye, you simply wave your hand. They began to show numbers on their fingers, and now everyone had special pictures on their phones: hearts, emoticons, bears. That's how everyone started communicating. Or rather, they almost stopped doing it. It became very boring. Science fell into decay, the country was not worried better times. “Where is this world coming to! The Russian language must be saved!” - I thought with horror and woke up.

It was exactly 5 am. Everyone in the house was asleep; according to the calendar, it was 2016. Oh, well, I'm tormented by nightmares! I'll dream about something like this! What if all this really comes true, if people get completely lazy? And then I decided to act. She got up, washed herself and sat down at homework In Russian. And now I always do my homework, also Additional tasks I'll take it, otherwise this nightmare will come true.

Chudakova Olga, 7 V.


Nizhny Novgorod and Nizhny Novgorod region


A competition of creative works for schoolchildren is held as part of the social and educational project “Literate Nizhny”. The initiator of the project is the Faculty of Philology of Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky. Support – Ministry of Culture of the Nizhny Novgorod Region. Information support – Ministry of Education of the Nizhny Novgorod Region.

The purpose of the competition is to generate interest among schoolchildren Nizhny Novgorod region to the Russian language, to develop children’s imagination and creative abilities, to provide an opportunity to fully express their love for their native word, to reveal individuality through the verbal expression of thoughts and feelings.

conditions of the competition

The competition “Russian Language: One Hundred Years Later” starts on September 8, 2016 – International Literacy Day. Works will be accepted until December 31, 2016.

The competition requires the participation of everyone - students of both primary and secondary schools, including high school students.

Choice genre creative work free. It can be an essay, story, poem, poem, play, fairy tale, ballad, script, etc. The main thing is to show imagination and, of course, “get into” the topic.

Volume creative work is not limited.

Requirements to registration minimal. Both handwritten and printed text of any format is accepted.

On title page the name of the competition is indicated; title of the work – title, subtitle (if necessary); Mandatory – author’s first and last name, school, class, city, district. Provide contact information (home address, phone number, address Email). Don't forget to write the last name, first name and patronymic of the teacher who helped! Group works are accepted.

Members of the competition jury - teachers and undergraduates of the UNN Faculty of Philology - will determine the winners in various nominations. Taken into account:

- unexpected genre decision

- originality of concept

- linguistic thinking

- expressive speech

The results of the competition will be posted on the website of the Faculty of Philology of UNN on February 21, 2017, International Mother Language Day.

The best works are published in the journal of the Faculty of Philology of UNN “Moment of Philological Happiness”.

The awarding of prizes, diplomas to nominees and certificates to all other participants is planned in April 2017 during the “Literate Nizhny” festival week. Venue: Old Assembly Hall of Nizhny Novgorod State University (B. Pokrovskaya, 37). Certificates, thanks, etc. are not sent by mail, including e-mail.

We are waiting for your work at the address: 603000 Nizhny Novgorod, st. B. Pokrovskaya, 37. Department of modern Russian language and general linguistics (room 318). Email address: [email protected](subject of the letter “Russian language: one hundred years later”).

Head of the project “Literate Nizhny”

prof. E.V. Marinova

“Snob” tells how the “great spelling revolution” began and how it went 1917–1918 of the year


The work of philologist Yakov Grot has been published “ Controversial issues Russian spelling from Peter the Great to the present day,” which for the first time collected all the basic norms of Russian pre-revolutionary spelling. After 12 years, Grot released the manual “ Russian spelling”, which finally approved the rules of language and literacy.

However, teachers and teachers began to actively fight Grotto's spelling, because it was based on two principles - phonetic and historical-etymological. That is, in order to write correctly, you had to memorize lists of words because the spelling rules were inconsistent. It got to the point that a few years after leaving school, the peasants deliberately simplified their spelling, not using the letters “yat” and “i decimal,” that is, they wrote “illiterately.”

First of all, teachers suggested replacing the letters Ѣ (yat), Ѳ (fita), I (“and decimal”) with the usual E (is), F (fert) and I (“and octal”). And the letter Ъ (er) should be abolished altogether, because it was not pronounced anyway.


The discussion about spelling led to various enthusiasts beginning to propose their own ways to simplify and modify spelling. Professor and philologist Lev Voevodsky, in the brochure “The Experience of Simplifying Russian Spelling,” in addition to abandoning “yat” and “fita,” proposed introducing the letter h, which conveys the sound “g” in the manner of the Ukrainian language.

Economist and accountant Fyodor Yezersky came up with a universal alphabet from a mixture of Cyrillic and Latin. In his brochure he included examples of what classic poems written in the new alphabet might look like:

Bura · ̇ mglou · ̇nebo kroet,
The way zve·̇r·̇onazavoet,
Then she will cry like dita


The academic community has finally taken up the Russian language reform project. Grand Duke Konstantin Romanov, head of military educational institutions and president of the Academy of Sciences, raised the question of whether the time has come to update Grot's spelling manual, on which school education is based.

A Spelling Commission of 50 people was assembled for discussion. Scientists have given many arguments in favor of reform with the exclusion of letters: from the accessibility of spelling ordinary people until book printing becomes cheaper. Supporters of spelling reform began to be considered supporters of progress and democracy, while conservatives insisted that abandoning the old rules was destroying culture. The spelling commission created a subcommittee of seven philologists who began to develop new spelling rules.


The Spelling Subcommittee has published specific proposals for reform. Among the radical proposals is to completely abandon the letter Ъ, as separator use b and unspelt soft sign at the end of words after hissing words (for example, noch, vesch, berech, lyubish). The project was never accepted.


After February Revolution The Provisional Government took up spelling in state level. In May, the Ministry of Public Education decided that from the beginning school year students junior classes They will be learning new rules. The project almost completely copied the proposal of the Spelling Commission. The reform included:

  • replacing the letters Ѣ, Ѳ, I with E, F, I
  • replacing the endings -ago, -yago in the genitive and accusative cases of adjectives and participles with -ogo, -ego (for example, darling instead of milago)
  • form replacement female plural one, one, one, one, one on they, one, one, one, one
  • replacing the letter z in prefixes with s, if the next letter is a voiceless consonant (tell instead of tell)

Pre-reform spelling was not prohibited, which is why in practice the new spelling rules took root poorly and reluctantly.

On December 23, immediately after the October Revolution, a decree of the People's Commissariat of Education was published, essentially once again approving the new rules of the Russian language proposed by the Provisional Government - with the only difference that from January 1, 1918, all government and state officials were required to switch to the new spelling publications To this end, on December 30, a decree was published prohibiting the use of the old spelling. Compliance with the new rules was monitored by revolutionary sailors who inspected printing houses and confiscated prohibited letters. Due to the removal of the letter Ъ, an apostrophe had to be used as a dividing mark, so after October revolution spellings of words such as congress and explanation appeared in print.

There are two books in the file:

One hundred years later...

The story of my second birth

One hundred years later...

Chapter 1.

Strange, incomprehensible feelings washed over me. Everything here reminded me of my past. Of course, this is no longer the same Forks as it was 100 years ago, but my heart still sank treacherously. The city has grown, now it’s ours an old house, which once stood at a fairly large distance from the city in the wilderness, was now almost within the city limits. Yes, we decided to return to Forks, each of us perceived this place as our only home. For me this place was special. Here I met the love of my life. All my eternity. Edward.

Bella, is everything okay?

Of course, Ellis! I just...now there are so many memories, emotions

But this is so great! We've finally returned home! We're in Forks, Bella! We're back in Forks!!

Ellis danced towards the house. For many years I have been just like her, but, alas, I am unlikely to ever achieve such a gait. Rosalie is surprisingly calm today, maybe even happy. I chuckled to myself last time she was so happy when we got into the elevator in Derville, the walls, floor and ceiling of which were lined with mirror panels. She saw herself from all angles! That's luck! I suspect she sneaked there at night.

I walked into the house and human smells filled my nose. Carlisle rented this house to people. It's very convenient, they lived here and took care of the house. And they paid too. I don't remember the last time I thought about money. I went up to Edward's and my room and gasped. Nothing has changed about her at all! Furniture, carpet, books - everything remained in its place, as it was 100 years ago! "Edward! How did you do that?!”, I knew that he was in the living room on the first floor, but when he heard my question, he immediately found himself behind me

Do you like it?

I...I have no words! how did you do this?!

Magicians don't reveal their secrets, Bella!

Just like vampires...

Yes, like vampires... I doubt that anyone here can remember us. We are completely safe,” he instantly became serious, his joking tone disappeared.

I...yes...I'm going for a walk

Are you all right?

Yes, everything is great, why is everyone asking this? just so many memories. I'll take a walk and look around.

I will go with you

No, Edward. Not worth it. I'll be back soon

I saw sadness and concern in his eyes. He still cares about me as if I were still human. I stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the lips. He didn’t let me pull away, he pulled me close and kissed me, long, passionately. After a hundred years I should have gotten used to it, but every touch of his still made me shiver. My desire did not disappear for a minute. Gluttony has become a part of me. Although I'm already used to it.

Edward, it won't help, I'll go anyway

But was it worth a try?

I kissed his cold hand and jumped out open window on a spruce branch that grew a couple of meters from the house. The cold, frosty air cleared my mind, which Edward had so carefully clouded. I saw Emmett and Jaspir having a snowball fight in front of the house. Seeing me, Emmett cheerfully shouted: “Bella, you are in dangerous territory! We don’t take prisoners,” and with these words he threw a snowball at me. Although it was hard to call it a snowball, it was the size of the huge TV box that Esme carried into the house with such ease. For Emmett, size doesn't matter. At least in the snow. I stretched out my hands in front of me, intending to fight off the “snowball” flying at me, but Edward beat me to it. He flew out of the window after me with incredible grace, breaking a pile of snow that was flying so quickly at me. He landed softly on the ground, looked up at me, smiled and winked. He clearly already had a plan in place to take revenge on Emmett for me. By the time he landed on the ground, he already had an icicle in his hands, a long, sharp one similar to a sword. I looked at Jasper and Emmett; they already had the same ones in their hands. Yeah, the three musketeers... I wasn’t particularly interested in this comic battle, this war of theirs had lasted for many decades and I suspect that it would last for more than a century.

The wind whistled in my ears, I soared above the ground, jumping from tree to tree. I was too high and with my speed it was difficult to notice me. I shouldn't have worn a dress today. I guess I look like a ghost. At some point I stopped. I didn't realize where I was going. Looks like I've made a circle. This place, I...faint echoes of memories...I descended from the tree and decided not to traumatize the naive and quiet residents of Forks with my flight over their small houses. I walked along the sidewalk along a street that seemed unusually familiar to me. A couple of guys about 16-17 years old walked past me with their eyes and mouths wide open. Damn, I didn’t realize that I needed to wear a jacket. Normal people They don’t walk around in winter in a summer white linen dress. But I didn’t intend to appear in the city. It all happened completely by accident. Although, of course, I understood that at the end of my walk I would certainly look into Forks, I just didn’t want to admit it. It’s good that there are no people nearby anymore. I wonder what time it is? It's probably already night. It's time to go back, although Edward is already beside himself anyway. I wonder how many centuries will it take him to understand that with his bite he demagnetized me from trouble? Now I can create trouble for others. With my strength, abilities, sharp teeth, beauty...I never noticed that I had changed. My hair is still the same dull, dark, my skin has become only slightly paler, and my eyes. Yes, my eyes have changed. It's not about the color. In a hundred years everything changes. I am changing. The only thing that remains constant is my love for Edward. To all the Cullens, Renesmee...I haven't seen her in 32 years. Every mention of her hurt my icy heart. But she herself chose this path. It's her choice. I don't know if Edward will ever forgive her...

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