Home Hygiene My most favorite animals. Essay on the topic my favorite animal is dog

My most favorite animals. Essay on the topic my favorite animal is dog

Did you know that your favorite animal can tell you a lot about you? The choice will reveal the basic characteristics of a person, as well as those traits of his personality that are hidden from outsiders.

Picture test

So, take a look at the picture and choose your favorite animal:


You are a person with excellent communication skills and communication experience. You enjoy entertaining others. You experience real joy from communicating with the people around you.

In addition, you get great pleasure from the fact that there is a lot of laughter and smiles around you. You are a sparkling, temperamental and sincere person, endowed with an excellent sense of humor and the ability to laugh at yourself.


You are an intelligent, well-read person who loves sports and sports games.

If a quarrel suddenly occurs between your loved ones or friends or something goes wrong, you, as a true peacemaker, intervene to reconcile everyone. For this you are loved and appreciated by others.

You love the world and know how to value friendship.

Your favorite animal


You are friendly and peaceful.

In addition, when it comes to work, you are a very organized and responsible person who is always ready to complete the work you have started. logical conclusion. This is why your bosses value you.

It is very easy for you to make new friends, connections and acquaintances.


you are very a kind person. Perhaps even too kind...

You absorb other people's emotions and moods like a sponge. You are also a bit shy and prefer to hide from potential danger.

You like to feel protected and safe.


You set important goals for yourself and set high standards and confidently move towards their fulfillment and implementation.

What you are really interested in in life, you do clearly and decisively without delay or looking back or to the sides.


You succeed in almost everything you undertake.

You are a fearless person and a very determined person who never backs down even when faced with a number of challenges and obstacles.

Among huge amount representatives of the animal world it is difficult to select the most beloved animal by all. It is very difficult to give the palm to someone. Literally every people on the planet has its own preferences, based on a symbiosis of beliefs, religious beliefs and level of civilization.

Everyone's favorites are monkeys, cats and dogs

First in the ranking everyone's favorites belongs orangutans and chimpanzees. Probably because they are most similar to people. Both physically and intellectually. Monkeys are easy to learn, have excellent social skills, and can even learn a language and communicate with people using a special alphabet.

The most beloved animals Russians According to the results of numerous surveys, it is believed. This graceful creature attracts with its flexible character, tenderness and friendliness. Dogs also deserve honorary laurels. Men especially appreciate them, noting high level devotion and intelligence of these kind creatures.

Unusual favorite animals

Prize-winners of people's love are considered decorative rats . These smart animals are treated with special respect in China. The rat even became one of the figures Chinese horoscope. The Chinese value rats for their irrepressible vitality, determination and cunning.

Considered to be quite a popular person pig. She easily adapts to any conditions and has remarkable intelligence at the level of a 3-year-old child. It is easy to train and enjoys respect and recognition among many peoples.

Squirrel– a very beloved animal, a character of numerous folk tales. She has excellent memory, dexterity and ingenuity. The squirrel is easy to tame; it quickly gets used to its owner and even responds to its name. These abilities, combined with a bright sunny color, make the red beast a favorite of many.

Animals protect human health

It is considered one of man's favorites dolphin. Certain abilities and behavioral characteristics allow them to enter into close emotional contact with people. Dolphin therapy is considered one of the most promising directions V modern medicine. Evidence confirms that dolphins are excellent for coping with stress and alleviating many mental illnesses.

First elephants appeared in Africa approximately 23 million years ago. Since then, they have shared the palm with the horse in terms of love and popularity. In many countries, the elephant is considered a sacred animal, the embodiment of purity and wisdom. Many African tribes believe that elephants can cure a number of diseases.

They enjoy well-deserved love and recognition horses. Previously, they mainly did heavy work physical work, making life easier for people in many ways. Today, keeping and breeding horses is not a cheap hobby. People value these beautiful animals for kind heart and devotion. Today, the so-called hippotherapy, or treatment with horses, is very popular. Since the time of Hippocrates, it was believed that communication with this noble animal can cure many diseases.

Almost every child has a pet or dreams of one. Therefore this homework, like writing an essay “My favorite animal” will not cause difficulties for schoolchildren. The most important thing is to approach the question responsibly and write an essay from pure heart, fully conveying your thoughts.

What should an essay be like for a school student?

Every student, no matter what grade he is in, should understand how to do his homework correctly. An essay about your favorite animal should be:

  • Written according to a pre-planned plan.
  • Be of the correct structure.
  • Completely convey the idea that should be conveyed in the essay.
  • Have an introduction, main body and conclusion.

Of course, each of the school students once received homework such as writing an essay. Therefore in general outline understand how this task should be completed.

Essay plan

Moms and dads can make it easier for their son or daughter to complete a task such as writing the essay “My Favorite Animal.” They can do this by suggesting to the child the correctness and order of transmission of thoughts in a creative task. A standard essay plan is usually like this:

This is a rough outline of the essay. Of course, depending on the age and creative abilities of the child, parents can offer their son or daughter a more detailed plan.

Essay “My Favorite Animal” for elementary grades

Schoolchildren of the first, second or third grade may well receive a creative assignment home, in which they will need to convey thoughts about what role our little brothers play in human life. The essay “My Favorite Animal” for elementary grades could be as follows:

My parents and I love animals. I like all of them without exception: fish, rodents, cats, and dogs. I am very sorry that we live in an apartment and the number of animals cannot be large. Therefore, I dream of a private house in which I can have several dogs, cats and even large animals such as a horse and a cow.

Even though we live in an apartment, mom and dad allowed me to have a pet. I have a cat Matryona and fish. My cat is a very interesting animal, she constantly asks to be held and petted. When she sits on her knees, Matryona begins to mutter to the whole apartment. I also love watching my Matryona look after the fish. There is a lid on the aquarium, so she cannot pull out the aquatic inhabitants with her paw. But watching fish for hours is my cat’s favorite thing.

I believe that every person needs animals. They make people kinder and give joy to every apartment resident.

Everyone in my family loves animals. That is why there was room in the apartment for a dog, a cat and even a chinchilla.

I can talk about my pets for a long time. Therefore, I will only say the main features of each of my pets. My dog ​​is a shepherd breed. This is my most true friend, she always looks at me like a person. And on the street he doesn’t leave a single step, because Lucy protects and protects me. The cat, whose name is Mila, is an Angora breed, very calm and sweet. She loves to sleep next to Lucy, and sometimes even on top of her. Chinchilla Shusha is not tame. She usually runs around her cage. But I still love to admire her.

I believe that every person, and especially a child, should have a pet. They help you feel always needed and significant.

Such essays are quite suitable for little ones.

Essay on the topic “My favorite animal” for high school students

Students who crossed the threshold junior school, and moved to intermediate, they can write more complex statements of their own thoughts. You can take the following essay ideas as an example:

My favorite animal is a dog. I had different pets, cats, fish, and even ferrets. But when a Lambrador dog appeared in my house, I realized that I couldn’t think of a better animal.

My Richie, that’s the dog’s name, is always next to me. Mom and him accompany me to school, Richie looks after me with sad eyes, as if he doesn’t want me to leave. When I get home, he greets me by barking loudly and jumping on me to get me to play with him. Mom is not even afraid to send me to walk the dog myself, because my four-legged friend- Very reliable protection. Richie is happy when I play with him, sad when I leave. It seems to me that I am his favorite owner.

If I were ever offered to exchange my dog ​​for several other animals, I would never agree to it. Richie is my best, most loyal friend and I would never trade him for anyone.

I adore animals. For as long as I can remember, I have always had pets.

At first, my mother did not want to have animals at home. But because I kept asking for them, she went and bought an aquarium with fish. At first, only a couple of fish lived in it, and there were no special decorations. Gradually we bought various decorative corals, shells and also bought more fish. Today we have a large aquarium, the inhabitants of which are very pleasant to watch at any time of the day, especially in the evening. My next pet was guinea pig. I really like her too. When I arrive, Masha lets out a squeak of joy. She also coos contentedly when I feed her.

Life is much more fun with animals. Therefore, it is worthwhile for everyone who, for some reason, does not yet have pets, should get one. Animals are very necessary for a person, they help to become real, sincere and kind.

Such combinations of thoughts will please the teacher and deserve praise.

Essay about an animal for high school students

In high school, they may also assign similar homework. Therefore, students must be prepared to put their thoughts together. As an example, you can take the following essay on the topic “Love Animals”:

Man's attitude towards animals can be easily understood inner world. Evil people They get irritated when a cat rubs near their feet or when a dog fawns on them. Unkind people are very easy to identify; if you are in a house where there are animals, they will definitely show themselves in some way.

Dogs, cats, fish, rodents, birds, any animal deserves to live together with a person, and not within the walls of pet stores. If everything makes you angry and those around you seem bad and indifferent, you should get yourself a pet. You can choose an animal based on how much free time you have.

You need to love animals, because they are sincere and never harm humans. Only pets help us become real, humane and world-loving people.

This essay has a philosophical meaning, so it is ideal for high school students.

How to convey thoughts correctly

To get a good grade and earn praise from the teacher, the most important thing is to write an essay from the heart, putting in sincerity and mood. Only then will the essay be worthy of the highest score and will help to recognize the inner world of the writer.

Greetings, friends. For as long as I can remember, cats have always lived in our house.

I don’t remember exactly how many there were.)))

Muriki, Murziki, Timka, Silva and others.

The breeds were usually short-haired European or, in simple terms, “Yard Terriers.”))

The only cats that stood out from this formation were two cats of the Siamese breed.

Cat Timofey and cat Sylvia. True, now this breed is called Thai, not Siamese.

I also love dogs very much, but due to the fact that our home was always small, it was impossible to have a dog.

And I love dogs large breeds, such as German Shepherd, Labrador or Rottweiler. It was impossible to keep such a dog in a one-room apartment where a family of three lived.)))

This is how we go through life with our furry pets. Now I have a cat named Gosha.)) You may have seen his photo on the pages of my blog.)))

But recently I also had 2 cats. Moreover, one is mine, Goshan, and the second was in our foster care. We lived for a whole year, and when we had to leave, it was very difficult to do so.

And it was like this... Friends were going abroad, but there was no one to leave the cat with. That's how we got our cat Edward.))

He came to our home and immediately felt like a master. I immediately walked around the apartment, looked at everything, immediately ate and lay down on Goshino’s favorite place - on the windowsill.

Gosha was simply dumbfounded by such impudence and spontaneity.)))

Then their cat life together began. Gosha was very jealous, but Edward behaved like a master and was in no way inferior to Gosha. In the morning they ate together, and then they started sparring.))) They ran after each other, bit each other... And then they lay down together and licked each other. It was so sweet.

In the evening, the morning program was repeated... One day, I saw that Gosha was limping. There seemed to be no reason for this. I picked him up, but he wouldn’t let me see one of his paws. And I caught a glimpse of something glittering on his “pad.”

It turned out that he broke the line on the fishing rod and the fishing hook went very deep into his pad. We couldn't get it at home.

I had to go to the vet. The operation had to be done under anesthesia. (((

I brought Gosha home, who was sleeping under anesthesia. She laid him on the mat. So, can you imagine, Edward came up to him, sniffed him and lay down next to him. Licked him for a long time, it seemed like he wanted to wake him up. Edward did not leave Gosha until he recovered from the anesthesia. So he lay next to him. Didn't go, neither drink nor eat.

He just lay next to him and waited for him to wake up.

And then it was time for Edward to leave. They gave him an animal passport, passed all the tests, and gave him vaccinations. They even microchipped him. These are the requirements of the country where the cat was flying. They saw him off. His road was difficult. First the train is 10 hours, and then a few hours by plane.

Now Goshan, as before, lives with us alone. And he sincerely thinks that we are his servants or service personnel.

But we really love this impudent red face, which brings us a lot of positive moments and decorates our lives.

And you, friends, write what animals live with you or what kind you plan to get for yourself in the near future. Before see you soon on the pages of my blog!

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