Home Smell from the mouth Vomiting as a symptom: possible causes, treatment and emergency care. Vomiting is the logical conclusion of nausea. If a person vomits

Vomiting as a symptom: possible causes, treatment and emergency care. Vomiting is the logical conclusion of nausea. If a person vomits


An unpleasant companion to many painful conditions is a feeling of nausea and subsequent vomiting, caused by various reasons. It is possible and necessary to cope with these symptoms at home. Today, there are many known antiemetics and methods that help stop debilitating manifestations with the help of medications or traditional medicine.

What is vomiting

The involuntary, unconscious ejection of food leftovers or other stomach contents through the mouth is called vomiting. It is accompanied by a characteristic sound and is the result of a sharp contraction of the diaphragm and abdominal muscles. This reflex in itself is not dangerous, but it is extremely unpleasant, it is difficult for the body to tolerate, and the condition requires first aid at home.

What to do when vomiting

If you experience nausea, you should immediately seek medical help to find out what is causing the condition. Nausea may be a protective reaction of the body, a symptom of a hidden disease, or the result of a pathology of the nervous system, so the manifestation of vomiting requires an immediate response. Hypertension can cause vomiting. You need to check this by measuring your blood pressure. If gagging is the result sharp increase temperature, it should be brought down with the help of an antipyretic. If you suspect an injury, call a doctor immediately.

First aid

The most important thing when vomiting occurs is not to panic (during hysteria, spasms are less controllable) and call ambulance. Vomiting can be stopped with medical supplies or simple home remedies. It is necessary to try to accurately determine the cause of vomiting as soon as possible, since further actions directly depend on what caused it. The reasons may be as follows:

  • Food poisoning - spoiled foods often cause nausea. Such gagging does not need to be stopped immediately, because the body gets rid of the source of intoxication. It is better if the entire volume of low-quality food is removed from foodways. When excluding the possibility of perforation digestive organs The procedure of gastric lavage with water and salt or potassium permanganate will be effective. After stopping the vomiting, the patient should be given frequent warm drinks. Strong sweet tea or rosehip infusion from chamomile and lemon balm flowers is good.
  • Medication overdose - medications taken in excessive quantities can quickly lead to severe consequences. Such cases require an urgent call to the ambulance and immediately taken measures to rid the body of the swallowed medicine. Drinking plenty of fluids and gastric lavage are the first steps that need to be taken to avoid the substance entering the bloodstream. If the victim still has the packaging of the drug, it should be shown to a doctor for a quick diagnosis and treatment. If the patients are a pregnant woman, an elderly person or a person in a weakened condition, intensive gastric lavage before the arrival of emergency doctors is dangerous. It can cause dehydration due to loss of large volumes of fluid. In such a combination of circumstances, it is better for the patient to only offer small portions of drink before being examined by a doctor.
  • Intestinal infection - pathogenic flora, which caused infectious disease stomach, is removed from the body through defense mechanism vomiting. In between attacks, the patient is asked to drink small volumes of a solution of the drug Regidron. It restores the deficiency of essential substances removed from the body along with the liquid. If the vomiting does not stop, you can drink Cerucal or Motilium.
  • Intoxication with toxic vapors - inhalation of toxic substances (gas or vapor poisoning chemicals) may lead to nausea and vomiting. The victim should be taken out into fresh air as soon as possible to ensure oxygen enters the lungs. Sweet, weak tea or coffee will help stop the urge to vomit. The victim should not be left unattended, so that in case sudden loss consciousness, he did not choke on vomit.
  • Motion sickness - a weak vestibular apparatus often causes nausea and vomiting in transport. Children are especially susceptible to this problem. To prevent such a development of events, you should try to provide yourself and your loved ones with a comfortable position on the road (preferably reclining), avoid overfeeding children on the eve of the trip, and take several with you. simple means, which can alleviate the onset of nausea:
  1. mint flavored caramel for sucking;
  2. a slice of lemon with peel (hold behind your cheek);
  3. sweet and sour lollipop (can be offered to children for vomiting);
  4. Validol tablet (keep under the tongue);
  5. ammonia.

Medication methods

Today, pharmacies offer a wide selection of antiemetics that have different action on the body. Each of the drugs has its own scope of action. Depending on the pharmacological group The following types of drugs are identified to help stop nausea:

  • M-cholinergic receptor blockers - drugs act on the peripheral nervous system, reducing its activity. Drugs in this group include Metherazine - effective tablets from motion sickness. Active active substance medications - prochlorperazine. Take the product after meals with water. Safe dosage is limited to 4 tablets per day. The list of side effects of the drug is headed by drowsiness and dizziness. It is not recommended for persons with impaired liver function, heart disease, or vascular diseases.
  • Anti-nausea medications central action directly stop the vomiting center of the brain. These include the antihistamine Diprazine. Active substance Promethazine reduces stimulation of vestibular receptors and has a sedative effect. Take the medicine once an hour before the trip, children - 10-20 mg, adults - 25-50 mg. The drug is not prescribed to pregnant women, people with allergies to components, or people with heart, liver, bone marrow or brain diseases.
  • Antiemetics of mixed action, blocking central and peripheral receptors, reduce the activity of the gastric outlet and stop the reflux of intestinal contents. Metoclopramide belongs to this group - effective and cheap drug, suitable for stopping vomiting in children. It is not effective in treating nausea of ​​vestibular origin. Available in the form of tablets and solution for injections. Dosage for adults - three times a day, 0.01 g.
  • Histamine H1 receptor inhibitors - drugs that reduce the amount of histamines in the blood that cause irritation vestibular apparatus. Pipolfen is widely used by travelers to help with motion sickness. The active substance of the drug, promethazine hydrochloride, is classified as fast-acting - it stops nausea within 5-10 minutes after administration and lasts for 4-12 hours.

Adults take 1 tablet before the trip, drinking 1 tablet every 4-6 hours if necessary. Side effects of the drug include: drowsiness, apathy, loss of strength and decreased blood pressure. It is not prescribed to chronic hypotensive patients, persons suffering from bradycardia, impaired transmission of nerve impulses, pregnant women, and children under 6 years of age.

  • Sorbents (substances that remove toxins from the body) are used for vomiting caused by too much food, medicine or other drugs entering the stomach. The most famous drug in this group is activated carbon. In case of poisoning, gastric lavage is prescribed with a solution of 1-2 tablets per glass of water. After this, charcoal is taken at the rate of 4-8 tablets three times a day, treatment lasts several days. Long-term use of charcoal can lead to hypovitaminosis; it is contraindicated for internal bleeding and peptic ulcers.

Antiemetic at home

If the cause of vomiting does not require treatment in a hospital, then you can take effective measures to stop it at home. For a mild intestinal infection, the doctor will recommend taking nitrofuran drugs or an antibiotic for 5 to 7 days. To stop gagging, it is better to drink solutions of Regidron or Gidrovit. During the first hour you need to take at least 10 ml per kg of body weight. For an adult weighing 70 kg, take 700 ml of solution in small sips. Then the dosage is reduced to 5 ml per kg.

What to give your child when vomiting

First aid for vomiting in a child is urgent measures to restore the water-salt balance of the body; children are very sensitive to fluid loss. If the cause of vomiting is heatstroke, try to lower the temperature. Regidron in combination with a 5% glucose solution is suitable for feeding children. Diluted drugs should be mixed in a 2:1 ratio. The solution should be prepared based on the norm of 25 - 60 ml per kg of body weight. This volume is drunk in 10 hours. Afterwards the dosage is reduced to 10 ml per kg of weight.

If the necessary drugs to stop vomiting in a child, I don’t have it at hand, you can solder it mineral water Essentuki or Borjomi. The gas must first be removed from it. Sweet, weak tea will also work. It is better to drink liquid in fractional portions, since babies can burp for some time after the spasms have stopped. A gentle diet is recommended (feeding cereals, vegetable and fruit purees, dried fruits).


After determining the cause of vomiting, the child is prescribed medications used in pediatrics. They can be classified into one of the following groups:

  • Intestinal septic tanks - drugs that act against pathogenic microbes, located in the intestines, destroying pathogenic bacteria. The drug Enterofuril belongs to this group. Release form - capsules or suspension, active substance - nifuroxazide. The medicine is prescribed to babies from 1 month (2.5 ml of suspension 2-3 times a day). Children over 7 years old can take 1 capsule 4 times a day. Side effects of the drug include allergic reactions, therefore, if you are individually sensitive to the components, it is not prescribed.
  • Antibiotics are antimicrobial drugs that stop the development of intestinal infections. For children, the cephalosporin Ciprofloxacin or the macrolide Azithromycin is recommended.
  • Sorbents are substances that absorb toxins and remove them from the body. For children, doctors recommend activated carbon, Smecta, Atoxil. From the first year of life, you can give your child Enterosgel. Polymethylsiloxane polyhydrate in its composition is responsible for the absorption and evacuation of toxins. The cleansing gel is diluted with a small volume of water or milk and offered to children. To stop vomiting, infants under one year old are given 0.5 teaspoon of gel 6 times a day, older ones - a dessert spoon three times a day. The medicine is not used for hepatic or renal failure.
  • Enzyme preparations, restoring the functioning of the digestive tract (Motorix, Pancreatin), are given to a child if he is over 5 years old. Doctors often recommend accessible remedy Mezim. The enzymes lipase, protease and amelase in its composition help with vomiting caused intestinal infections, inflammatory processes, dysbacteriosis. Children under 7 years old are given 1 tablet 2 times a day, after 7 years old you can take 1-2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Rare side effects include allergic reaction. Mezim is contraindicated in intestinal obstruction, acute pancreatitis.
  • Antiemetic drugs - stop nausea by blocking receptors. Motilium is effective. Its active substance domperidone is a dopamine antagonist. A child under 12 years of age is prescribed a suspension of 0.25-0.5 ml per kg of weight up to 4 times a day. The drug is contraindicated in patients suffering from stomach bleeding, pituitary tumors, renal or liver failure. Rare side effects are observed in the form of allergies, drowsiness, and stomach cramps.

How to stop vomiting during toxicosis in pregnant women

It is better to prevent the appearance of vomiting in pregnant women using routine measures. Requires non-tiring walks, a diet excluding foods rich in fat, avoidance of unhealthy fried foods and fast food. A simple method that helps many is brushing your teeth with mint paste. The doctor can prescribe Aeron, Bonin, Cerucal or Etaperazine, which is approved for pregnant women:

  • Aeron - tablets that stop nausea in transport. The active substances (scopolamine camphorate and hyoscyamine) have a sedative effect and reduce the muscle tone of the digestive organs. The drug is not recommended for glaucoma. An hour before the trip, you need to take 2 tablets on an empty stomach, and then 1 tablet 2 times a day. Maximum daily dose- 4 tablets.
  • Cerucal is a popular anti-nausea medicine that stops vomiting within 30 minutes. The active substance is metoclopramide. The effect of the drug lasts 12 hours. Take 1 tablet half an hour before meals 3 times a day. The maximum dose is 6 tablets per day (2 times a day, 2 tablets). The medicine is prescribed with caution for kidney and liver dysfunction.
  • Bonin - softly active drug. The recommended dose is 1 tablet 60 minutes before the start of the trip, and then 1 tablet per day if the need to stop nausea remains urgent. Reported side effects are fatigue, drowsiness, dry mouth, visual disturbances.
  • A healing drink made from dried ginger, brewed with 250 ml of water, infused for a long time, drink a teaspoon before meals three times a day.
  • Dill water (brew a teaspoon of seeds with boiling water and leave for 2 hours), taken 5 ml during the day, will help stop vomiting in a child at home.


Attention! The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and make treatment recommendations based on individual characteristics specific patient.

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How to stop vomiting in children and adults

Recurrent symptoms - nausea with vomiting, usually referred to as dangerous pathologies in the body requiring emergency care.

Causes of frequent nausea and vomiting

Constant nausea may indicate the progression of a dangerous disease. Frequent attacks of vomiting can occur due to smell, taste, and they pose a threat of dehydration. In this case, the process occurs quite quickly.

The causes are usually problems with the functioning of the digestive system. In case of food poisoning, vomiting is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, and fever.

When diagnosing the cause, it is necessary to establish the time of development of the ailment. If nausea occurs immediately after eating, there is probably a digestive problem: gastritis, ulcers, stomach pathology.

Nausea with frequent vomiting occurs due to diseases of the gallbladder and liver.

In any case, measures should be taken, because prolonged vomiting will provoke severe violation metabolic processes, acid-base balance, loss of minerals required for the normal functioning of tissues and organs.

Such a weakened state ultimately leads to the development of paralysis, impaired consciousness, convulsions, and dysfunction of the kidneys, heart muscle, and brain.

Diseases that cause frequent vomiting

Usually such symptoms provoke illness. In addition to nausea and vomiting, they are characterized by other signs that make it possible to identify disorders and carry out timely treatment.

Biliary dyskinesia

May cause constant nausea. Dyskinesia leads to gallbladder dysfunction, the outflow of bile worsens, and occurs more often in women. It is provoked by constant stress, hormonal problems and large quantities of junk food. This disease can be caused by helminthic infestation. In addition to incessant nausea with frequent bouts of vomiting, there is pain in the right hypochondrium and the following ailments:

  • belching;
  • constant fatigue;
  • nervousness;
  • frequent heartbeat.

Eating fatty, fried foods only worsens the symptoms. In men, dyskinesia is accompanied by a decrease in libido.

Disease long time is asymptomatic with periodic exacerbations. Treatment consists of normalizing the diet, taking medications, vitamins and probiotics. If the disorder is caused by worms - anthelmintic therapy.

It is also the cause of periodic vomiting, its development is caused by the following factors:

  • alcohol addiction;
  • gallstone disease;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • operations.

Pancreatitis is characterized by an acute inflammatory process in the pancreas. It provokes nausea with vomiting, which contains bile. In addition to these symptoms, flatulence develops, severe pain in a stomach. The skin turns pale, and during acute attack takes on an earthy hue. At the stage of exacerbation, painkillers are prescribed - Baralgin, Promedol, also indicated antihistamines– Tavegil, Suprastin, and protein preparations.


When it develops, the first signs can be confused with the flu - pain, loss of appetite, nausea with bouts of vomiting, fever up to 38 °C, persistent weakness.

Often there is a feeling of discomfort and pain on the right under the ribs. Therapy consists of taking medications prescribed by a doctor in accordance with the form of hepatitis, organizing proper nutrition and a routine of work and rest.

Main causes of the disease: insufficient compliance personal hygiene rules, unwashed vegetables and fruits, contact with a sick person.

Inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It can easily be confused with gastritis or an ulcer based on its symptoms. Against the background of gastroduodenitis, the disorder manifests itself sharply duodenum. Symptoms depend on the form of the lesion, the main signs are:

  • constant fatigue;
  • headache;
  • apathy;
  • sleep problems;
  • pale skin.

During an exacerbation, the nausea is especially severe and the stomach hurts. The disease lasts a long time and requires integrated approach in treatment. With it, you need to follow the prescribed diet, take prescribed antispasmodics, enzymes, antacids, and multivitamin complexes.

Gastritis and stomach ulcers

These diseases have similar symptoms and causes. With absence appropriate measures treatment gastritis turns into an ulcer. The initial reasons are not proper nutrition and non-compliance. People with mucous membranes susceptible to inflammation are susceptible to diseases.

Severe constant nausea is the first symptom of the pathology, periodically vomiting, appetite worsens, stool is disrupted, a persistent feeling of thirst appears, severe belching, cramping pain in the stomach area.

After diagnosis, the doctor prescribes medications and discusses nutritional principles.

Problems with metabolic processes, stagnation of bile provokes the formation of stones in gallbladder. The disease does not manifest itself sufficiently for quite a long time, accompanied by nausea with belching, bloating and periodic problems with stool. Sometimes there is pain in the right hypochondrium.

In the first stages of the disease, you should exercise regularly, change your diet, and give up alcohol and smoking.

To stimulate bile, phenobarbital drugs are prescribed, and, if necessary, surgery.

Inflammation of the mucous membrane in the small and large intestines. Constant nausea and frequent vomiting are a symptom of this disorder. This occurs due to digestive problems and indigestion. Acute forms can be combined with gastritis.

If enterocolitis is not treated, it becomes chronic, which provokes permanent digestive disorders. Acute forms of the disease are treated with a water-tea diet, including porridge with water and rice water. Infectious forms require a course of antibiotics.

Proper nutrition and following all doctor’s recommendations will help you achieve remission.

If timely treatment is not carried out, helminthiasis will cause complications that affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract.

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At the first signs of infection, get tested for helminthiasis. Once the diagnosis is confirmed, you will be prescribed suitable drugs. In the future, preventive measures must be observed to prevent relapse.

What to do about symptoms

To carry out therapy comprehensively, you need to eliminate the cause itself. Depending on the disease, choose medications and traditional medicine. Be sure to consult a doctor, only he will select a treatment that will truly quickly and effectively eliminate the disease.

If you vomit severely and for a long time, 2-3 hours, you need to refuse food, drink a lot and call an ambulance.

In case of frequently recurring attacks, completely eliminate spicy, salty, fried and fatty foods from the diet. These dishes and products will only worsen the condition. Drink more warm water - at least 2 liters per day, this will speed up the elimination of toxins.

If the attacks do not go away, consult a gastroenterologist for diagnosis. Medicines such as Cerucal, Metoclopramide can quickly eliminate bouts of vomiting; the number and time of taking tablets is prescribed by the doctor. The following groups of drugs are also indicated against vomiting:

  1. Adsorbing drugs – Smecta, Enterosgel, Polysorb. These products are able to attract toxins, removing them from the body, thereby cleansing it.
  2. The tranquilizer Diazepam helps to carry out complex treatment vomiting, has a calming effect on the body, does not cause drowsiness.
  3. Regidron saline solution prevents dehydration and loss of minerals.
  4. Antibiotics – Amoxiclav, Erythromycin, Levomycetin. Prescribed for infectious nature of nausea and vomiting.
  5. Neuroleptics – have a sedative effect, similar in effect to tranquilizers.

Before using any medications, consult a specialist so as not to cause additional complications.

Folk remedies

For such treatment at home, herbal decoctions are suitable:

  • A collection of lemon balm, valerian and mint in equal proportions. Pour a tablespoon of the mixture into a glass of boiling water and drink a little throughout the day.
  • Collection of dill and chamomile in equal proportions. Prepare similarly to the previous one.

These remedies will help get rid of stomach spasms, relieve nausea, and prevent vomiting.

Also, as a drink, water with lemon, orange juice, or green tea relieves nausea.

Frequent nausea and vomiting that cannot be stopped is a great stress for any body; they provoke dehydration and threaten health. When such a condition develops, it is necessary urgent help doctors, self-medication will only aggravate the situation, causing progression of the primary disease.

In rare cases it is associated with bacterial infection, which requires drug treatment to eliminate. However, in most cases it goes away on its own within a few days. However, vomiting can also occur with other diseases and conditions, some of which require medical intervention.

Causes of vomiting

Symptoms of vomiting

You can cope on your own with vomiting associated with motion sickness, overeating, large amounts of alcohol, or.

For vomiting that is acute and persistent or repeated several times after a head injury, for signs of dehydration, dry mouth, intense urination, changes in mental or functional activity in older people, as well as for vomiting accompanied by rigidity occipital muscles, if there is blood in the vomit or if they resemble coffee grounds, you must urgently seek medical help (call an ambulance).

What can you do

Adults are advised to give their stomach a rest. Do not eat or drink anything for at least 2 hours. As soon as the nausea stops, you can start drinking, but little by little. It is best to drink water, low-fat broth, sweet tea or still soda and mineral water. Drink often, but in small portions and small sips. Drinks containing caffeine, dairy products, citrus fruits, alcoholic beverages, as well as taking (aspirin) and ibuprofen are not recommended. If the vomiting does not continue for a long time and is not too severe, no medication may be given. The vomiting should stop on its own within a few hours.

After 6-8 hours you can start eating. Choose light dishes, best porridge with water, low-fat soup, rice. Also eat small meals.

Avoid spicy and fried foods for 1-2 days.

Children with severe vomiting are recommended to be given a special solution once an hour to restore the amount of fluid in the body. Avoid giving your child very sweet, salty or sour drinks. You need to drink a small amount of liquid, in small sips. When the vomiting stops and your child has an appetite, offer him lean meats, yogurt, bananas, vegetables, rice, potatoes, bread or any grains. Vomiting usually does not lead to long-term loss of appetite in children.

What can a doctor do?

The doctor can determine the cause of vomiting and eliminate it, prescribe medications, and refer you to the hospital if necessary.

Preventive measures

If you are traveling with children by car, place the child in the front seat so that he looks out the windshield (not the side). This will prevent motion sickness and nausea.

At severe cough And high temperature Give children mild antipyretics. In children under 6 years of age, fever and cough often cause vomiting.

Eating and drinking heavily, especially sweets and carbonated drinks, while playing or playing sports often causes vomiting in children. Don't let your child eat or drink a lot at snack times, limit the amount of sweets and carbonated drinks, and don't allow them to play or run around immediately after eating.

Anyone who has ever experienced nausea understands that this phenomenon is not the most pleasant. Weakness of the body Bad mood- this is only a small part of the symptoms that people have to face during an attack of nausea. Fortunately, there are many different drugs And folk remedies, capable of dulling it unpleasant feeling. Read more about what you can drink for nausea, and we'll talk in this article.

If you constantly feel sick on buses during long trips, then this is not a pathology and there is no need for treatment. But it’s a completely different matter if nausea occurs for no reason and can last for days. In this case, you need to understand the causal factors contributing to its development.

On a note! The most common cause of nausea is pathology gastrointestinal tract(Gastrointestinal tract), but this is far from the only reason. Many patients need consultation with a cardiologist, endocrinologist or neurologist.

Let's consider the main reasons for this condition:

  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • gallbladder diseases;
  • problems with the functioning of the pancreas. As a rule, they arise as a result of the development of an inflammatory process;
  • appendicitis (if it causes nausea, the patient requires urgent medical attention);
  • intestinal infection, food poisoning;
  • development of viral hepatitis;
  • digestive problems;
  • intoxication with nicotine or alcohol.

These are the most common causes of nausea or vomiting, but there are other factors that can cause such an unpleasant phenomenon:

  • consequences of taking certain medications;
  • pregnancy;
  • migraine;
  • severe stress, emotional overstrain;
  • dehydration of the body;
  • mechanical damage. Quite often, a mild concussion can cause nausea;
  • development of meningitis.

Meningitis may be accompanied by a severe headache, elevated temperature body and nausea. If you notice any of these symptoms, seek help from your doctor right away.

Video: 8 reasons why you feel sick

First aid

If the patient begins to have attacks of nausea, which are accompanied by a headache, then you need to use ammonia. Inhaling its vapors for 1-2 seconds will allow you to come to your senses for a while. To do this, apply a little alcohol to a cotton swab and present it to the patient’s nose. After this, give him one validol tablet.

Nausea may also occur along with prolonged vomiting. In this case, you should immediately call an ambulance, especially if blood or a black substance is released along with vomiting. If the patient has lost consciousness at this time, then first aid should also consist of protecting his respiratory tract from vomit. Otherwise, he may simply choke.

What to drink for nausea

Various methods are used to combat nausea, ranging from medications to medicinal decoctions, infusions or other traditional medicine recipes. Following a diet during the treatment period is also an important component for Get well soon. Let's consider each of these methods separately.

Pharmacy drugs

First of all, when nausea occurs, people go to the pharmacy to get medicine. Fortunately. There you can buy many different drugs without a prescription. But which one is best for the job? This is why we created the rating. the best drugs from nausea. Just choose the most suitable product for yourself.

Table. Effective anti-nausea medications.

Name of the drug, photoDescription

One of the most common medications used for nausea. It has adsorbing properties, due to which all the harmful toxins that caused the symptom gradually come out of the body. The drug should be taken 3 times a day, 2 tsp. The duration of the treatment course is 5-7 days.

It has strong antiemetic properties, therefore it is able to suppress the feeling of nausea. Available in tablet form. For optimal results, take 1 tablet 2 times daily. It is not recommended to be treated with this drug for long period, because this can lead to serious complications. The duration of the course of therapy and dosage may be slightly adjusted by the attending physician depending on the patient’s condition.

An excellent remedy used in medicine for treatment different types intoxication of the body. It comes in powder form, so before use, you need to mix it with warm water and drink throughout the day. Relief of nausea symptoms is observed within 30-40 minutes after taking the first dose of the medicine.

An effective drug used for nausea or vomiting. Thanks to active components, which are contained in the medicine, you can get rid of nausea literally immediately after starting treatment. The product is available in tablet form. Take 1 tablet 2 times a day until the symptoms of intoxication are completely eliminated.

An antitoxic drug used to combat attacks of nausea and vomiting. It is not produced in the form of tablets, as is often the case with drugs of this group, but in the form of a powder. Before use, the contents of the bag should be filled with 200 ml of warm water and stir everything thoroughly so that the powder can completely dissolve. To achieve maximum effect, you need to take Atoxil 3 times a day. The duration of the course of treatment should not exceed 4-5 days.

It is rightfully considered the most widespread and effective drug to combat nausea. The product is available in tablet form, so it does not need to be diluted in warm water, as is the case with powder. Take 1 tablet 2-3 times a day and you will soon forget about these unpleasant symptoms. You need to take the drug until you completely get rid of the feeling of nausea.

This is far from full list medications used for nausea or vomiting. Before using this or that drug, you should definitely consult a doctor. Otherwise, you may not only not help yourself, but also harm your body even more.

Folk remedies

As a complement to traditional methods Many people use proven folk remedies to treat nausea. Below are the most common ones.

Table. Effective folk remedies for nausea.

Product name, photoApplication

To prepare this medicine you need to pour boiling water over 5-6 mint leaves and leave for 7 hours. After infusion, the broth should be filtered through cheesecloth and drunk in small portions throughout the day. This should relieve symptoms of nausea.

Another anti-nausea recipe. Pour 200 ml of boiling water over 2 tbsp. l. dried lemon balm leaves and leave for 2 hours, preferably in a thermos. After this, take the resulting product 3 times a day, 50 ml. The duration of the treatment course is 2-3 days. This should be enough to eliminate nausea.

A universal remedy used in folk medicine to treat many ailments, including nausea. To prepare the solution, mix 50 ml of warm water with 1 tsp. soda The resulting liquid should be drunk at one time. After about 30-40 minutes, the nausea should go away. If necessary, the procedure must be repeated.

Peel 2 large potatoes and pass them through a juicer or meat grinder. Place the resulting pulp on cheesecloth and squeeze out the juice. Take potato juice 3 times a day, 2 tsp, preferably 10-15 minutes before each meal. The duration of the therapeutic course should not exceed 10 days, but in most cases, nausea disappears within 2 days after the start of treatment.

One of the simplest methods of dealing with attacks of nausea at home, but this does not cease to be effective. Prepare strong green tea and add one slice of lemon. Add sugar to taste. Drink the medicine throughout the day instead of regular tea. You need to drink from 1 to 3 cups per day, but no more.

To prepare this decoction, you will need 2 tbsp. l. dill seeds Pour 300 ml of boiling water over the seeds and cover the dish with a lid. It is advisable to use a half-liter jar for this purpose, as it is very convenient to close it with a plastic lid. Infuse the decoction for 4 hours, then strain through cheesecloth to get rid of plant residues. Take 3 times a day, 1 tbsp. l. Duration of treatment is 3-4 days.

On a note! If the use of the above remedies does not help and the nausea does not go away for a long time, then you need to consult a specialist. IN in this case You need consulting help from a therapist or gastroenterologist.

Video: Tablets for nausea and vomiting

If nausea takes you by surprise and it is not possible to take appropriate medications, then the following recommendations may help you:

  • if you feel nauseous, try to avoid physical activity. It is better to refuse any movements at all, because this can only aggravate the situation;
  • Breathing exercises are another effective way to combat attacks of nausea. To do this, close your eyes and start thinking about something beautiful, for example, beautiful places, where you would like to visit (sea beach, snowy mountains, and so on). Alternatively, you can play a cassette or disc with the sounds of a waterfall, birdsong or the sound of the ocean. This will help take your mind off unpleasant symptoms for a while;
  • Slow and gentle rubbing of the abdomen can also relieve symptoms of nausea. Just don’t overdo it, because if the reason lies in the course of serious diseases, intensive massaging will only make it worse;
  • if the cause of nausea is food poisoning, try to stop eating food for a while or at least give up heavy products overloading the digestive system. Otherwise, there is a possibility of more severe attacks of nausea, which will be impossible to cope with without the help of a doctor;
  • Symptoms can be eased by staying in a cool, well-ventilated area. If the patient stays in a closed and hot room for a long time, then claustrophobia may also be added to nausea;
  • Correct body position also plays an important role in treatment. You need to sit with your back straight. If you are curled up in a ball, then have no doubt that the nausea will not go away or even get worse. In such cases, you need to sit and think about something good, but in no case about food.

If you often experience bouts of nausea, it is better to carry a plastic bag with you at all times. Put it in your jacket or jacket pocket so that the package is always at hand at the most opportune moment. In most cases it plays psychological factor: Often, nausea can go away due to the fact that you have become more confident.

As a conclusion

Frequent bouts of vomiting can harm your body because excess gastric juice can negatively affect the walls of the esophagus (it will corrode them). Acid also spoils tooth enamel, which leads to the development of various dental diseases.

Many people, wanting to achieve their coveted slim figure, induce vomiting on their own. This method of losing weight is bad for your health.

Vomiting is a natural human reaction to irritating or toxic substances entering the stomach. In addition, this is how we react to strong or long-term stress, motion sickness or “sea sickness”, hormonal changes during pregnancy (toxicosis), concussion, etc. The occurrence of vomiting is primarily associated with diseases of the digestive system, poisoning with unsuitable food or incompatible products, ingestion of viruses, hypertensive state. Therefore, it is very important to know how to provide first aid for vomiting, how to help a patient if he vomits frequently, and what to do if severe vomiting begins.

What to do if a person is vomiting, vomiting, treatment of severe vomiting and nausea

The patient, first of all, should not be interfered with in the process of self-cleansing of the stomach. Once this process of vomiting is over, first aid can begin. The patient must be seated in a comfortable position and the chest covered with a towel or piece of polyethylene. A container is brought to the mouth into which you can vomit if the attack recurs. If the patient's condition is too serious, it is allowed to put him to bed and turn his head to the side so that it is located below the level of the body. An empty container is also placed next to the bed. After cleansing the stomach, the patient is given a glass cold water for rinsing the mouth, then put to bed.

How to properly help with severe vomiting, what to do to stop vomiting?

What to do if vomiting occurs severe nausea and frequent vomiting? You can soften the urge to vomit with frequent and severe vomiting and delay the approaching vomiting with the help of ice cubes and mint or a couple of drops of peppermint infusion. At " seasickness“Patients are allowed to take scopolamine, cerucal or motilium. When taking medications, you should adhere to the recommendations of your doctor and instructions, having first studied possible contraindications. Self-medication in this, as in the vast majority of other cases, is not recommended, since it may have unpredictable Negative consequences for human health and life.

A patient suffering from bouts of vomiting should not be allowed to eat. Acceptance allowed activated carbon or other enterosorbents aimed at accelerating the removal of toxins from the body. To prevent dehydration, the patient is advised to drink plenty of fluids, in particular glucose-salt mixtures.

Taking antiemetic drugs, which ones to choose and when can you use antiemetic drugs to stop vomiting?

An adult vomited, how to properly provide first aid for vomiting? The most popular drugs to stop or prevent vomiting are gastrolit and rehydron. The action of rehydron is aimed at inhibiting the dehydration process and maintaining water and salt balance. It is taken alternately with green tea. Alternation is necessary to prevent saturation of the body with salts. In turn, the drug Gastorlit contains plant components, in particular chamomile extract. This allows you to relieve spasms from the intestines and remove inflammation from the mucous membranes. The drug requires mixing in hot water and short insistence. When the mixture has cooled, it can be given to the patient. The effect of Gastrolit is noticeable within the next 24 hours after consumption.

If the described drugs are not available home medicine cabinet, and there is no time or opportunity for a visit to the pharmacy, you can prepare a sugar-salt solution at home to provide first aid. For one liter of warm water add half a teaspoon of soda, one spoon of salt and eight spoons of sugar. The patient must drink all of this solution. If the patient's vomit contains signs of bleeding, is brown in color or has blood clots, the only correct solution is to call an ambulance. In this case, until examined by a doctor and given medical prescriptions, the patient is not allowed to feed and drink, even with the above solutions.

Before choosing a drug to stop vomiting, you should consult a specialist, because... There are a number of cases when antiemetic drugs cannot be used to treat vomiting. Vomiting is a natural reaction of the body that allows you to get rid of a component of the stomach that is poisoning the body. That is why, in some cases, stopping vomiting can only harm the body. Before using antiemetic drugs to stop vomiting, it is necessary to agree on the appropriateness of their use with a specialist doctor.

How to quickly help someone who is vomiting?

Nausea and vomiting are the body’s natural response to waste and toxins that have entered it. Reactions to irritants by the digestive system do not include vomiting resulting from severe stress, disorders of the vestibular system and injuries.

Severe vomiting and nausea, what to do, how to treat frequent vomiting?

Severe vomiting in children and adults, following nausea and repeated several times, requires a mandatory call to the emergency room. Before her arrival, you need to be ready to provide the patient with first aid.

1 The basic rule is to let the vomiting end and only then begin to provide assistance. The stomach should completely empty itself, without outside intervention.

2 The patient is seated or placed in a comfortable position. The chest is covered with a towel or oilcloth. When laying down, make sure that the head is lower than the body and turned to the side. This is necessary to prevent vomit from entering the respiratory tract.

3 After the complete cessation of vomiting attacks, the patient is given water to rinse the mouth, and then a sorbent.

Traditional medicine to combat vomiting

Before using folk remedies to stop vomiting or its consequences, you should definitely coordinate such actions with your doctor. If the patient needs urgent Care, then you can resort to techniques from the people only if you have successfully practiced this before. It is important to remember that unconventional methods of therapy may not be individually suitable for a particular person or may have the same side effects, as well as pharmaceutical drugs.

Severe poisoning. Remedy: take a decoction of rosea radiola. A decoction of this plant has proven effective against poisoning of various origins. Its roots are used for treatment. If you prepare them yourself, you need to know that the roots are dried in recent months spring. Drying is carried out in the open sun. For the decoction, use crushed radiola rosea root in a ratio of 1:10 with vodka. Take 10 drops 2-3 times a day. The decoction is also effective for restoring memory and concentration.

Others can help you get rid of nausea medicinal herbs. A mixture of mint, chamomile, plantain, agrimony and St. John's wort herbs in equal parts is poured with boiling water for half an hour, then filtered and poured into a clean glass container. Take one teaspoon every two hours. Starch. You can stop severe vomiting with a decoction consisting of: potato starch(1 tsp) and water (1 tbsp). The mixture acts quickly to relieve unpleasant symptoms. Chicory. Chicory is often used to combat the effects of food poisoning. An infusion with it is prepared as follows: take one tablespoon of chicory powder or herb for one glass of boiled water, leave the infusion warm overnight, then give the patient one tablespoon half an hour before meals.

Egg whites. An effective solution after alcohol abuse. The whites of three eggs must be beaten and immediately drunk in one gulp. Ammonia. To get rid of signs of nausea and vomiting, use ammonia dissolved in water (10 drops per half glass of water) every 20 minutes. Ammonia can be replaced apple cider vinegar. Elecampane for severe poisoning. Take 2 tbsp per glass of boiling water. grated elecampane root and leave for 20 minutes. Drink 1 tbsp. 2-3 times a day before meals. We repeat that any non-traditional remedy should be used only with the prior approval of the attending physician. Self-medication can do more harm than good and will only worsen the patient’s condition.

First aid for vomiting - how to give it correctly?

Vomiting is almost always natural way cleansing the body of toxic substances. Not associated with poisoning or infectious infection only emptying the stomach of contents after a concussion, severe stress or nervous tension, or when motion sickness occurs. If a person has suffered from such an ailment as vomiting, it is necessary to provide him with assistance so that the unpleasant condition passes as soon as possible and does not recur. First of all, the act of vomiting must be completed without outside intervention. Do not attempt to take any action until the vomiting stops. After this, the patient should be seated comfortably, avoiding pressure on the stomach, and a clean, damp towel or oilcloth should be placed on the chest. In this case, a container is brought to the mouth into which you can vomit when the attack returns - a basin or bucket. If a person cannot sit independently, you can help him lie down, while his head should hang slightly to one side and be slightly lower than his body. If the victim has lost consciousness, it is recommended to place him only in a supine position, so that vomit can freely exit the body and does not clog the airways. When the stomach is cleared, the patient can be given water to rinse the mouth from any remaining vomit.

After this, it is allowed to put him to bed and give antiemetics, for example, Motilium or Cerucal. In such situations in an effective way To prevent a recurrent attack, use mint drops. Scopolamine helps stop gagging during motion sickness. When vomiting is overcome, try not to eat for several hours. It is possible to take a sorbent - activated carbon or its analogues. After helping the patient, carefully examine his vomit. Your further actions will depend on this. If the substance rejected by the stomach has bloody inclusions or looks like coffee grounds, call an ambulance immediately. No additional action is required on your part before the doctors arrive. If vomiting is common, it is necessary to begin to relieve dehydration. Replace fluids and minerals lost by vomiting by drinking plenty of fluids. You should not drink pure water, but saline solutions.

To restore the water-salt balance in the body, products such as Regidron, Gastrolit, Trisol and others are used. Regidron is deservedly recognized as the most suitable means for restoring the ratio of salts and liquids, as well as stopping further loss of moisture. In turn, Gastrolit, in addition to beneficial salts, contains chamomile extract, which helps relieve inflammation and spasms from the intestinal walls. The drug is poured with boiling water and drunk after cooling. This is necessary so that the chamomile can brew properly. If you don’t have a pharmaceutical solution on hand, you can prepare it at home. Pour 1 tbsp into 1 liter of clean boiled water. l. table salt, half a spoon baking soda, 7 spoons of sugar. Stir the solution until smooth and give the patient drink in small sips. Drinking should be repeated at intervals of 5-10 minutes. It is optimal to alternate taking this remedy with a five percent glucose solution or unsweetened tea. This way you can prevent excessive saturation of the body with salts.

How to stop vomiting - first aid for vomiting

To summarize, we can outline what the first steps should be when helping a person after cleansing the body through vomiting. The patient needs to be seated comfortably or helped to lie down, taking a position in which, if the attack recurs, he can quickly turn to the container for rejected masses. After the vomiting stops, the victim should be allowed to rinse his mouth with clean cool water and wipe the corners of his mouth and lips with a clean napkin.

If a painful condition has greatly weakened a person, wipe his mouth with a disposable cotton swab soaked in boiled water or a special disinfectant solution (sodium bicarbonate, two percent, solutions of boric acid or potassium permanganate). You can stop gagging without using medications by using mint oil or drops, a piece of ice that needs to be sucked, or cool water. When it is not possible to stop vomiting using the above methods, it is advisable to resort to drug therapy. The patient is administered intravenously m-anticholinergics, antispasmodics or metoclopramide. This will stabilize intestinal motility. Some drugs are administered intramuscularly. In case of non-stop vomiting and the use of other medications to no avail, antipsychotics are used as a last resort.

Drug treatment of vomiting, how to stop vomiting with antiemetic drugs?

Considering high risk dehydration of the body as a result of vomiting, it is very important to ensure that after emptying the stomach the victim drinks more fluid in order to restore the water-salt balance. The best means for this are water and glucose-salt solutions. They are accessible and always in stock at any pharmacy. The previously mentioned Regidron and Gastrolit have proven themselves better than the others. Let's take a closer look at them.

The action of Regidron is aimed at preventing the body from losing fluid and restoring the optimal ratio of water and vital salts in it. In order not to lead to excessive filling of the body with salts (which is also not healthy), taking Regidron should be alternated with taking tea without adding sweeteners.
The advantage of Gastrolite is that it contains, in addition to salts, chamomile extract. With the help of its anti-inflammatory and calming effect, the intestines quickly get rid of tension and spasms. In order for chamomile to infuse and provide maximum benefits, the drug is diluted with boiling water and cooled to room temperature, and only then taken orally. The beneficial effect of Gastrolit on the body is noticeable already on the second or third days.

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