Home Removal The child constantly cries before going to bed. A child cries before going to bed - why does this happen and what to do?

The child constantly cries before going to bed. A child cries before going to bed - why does this happen and what to do?

Many young parents face problems with their babies crying before bed. Up to 30% of babies may scream and cry for seemingly no reason before falling asleep, day or night. What are the reasons for difficulty falling asleep and screaming if the child is healthy, dry and fed? Some babies cry before going to bed in the evening or at night when they wake up and then have difficulty falling asleep, or it is difficult to put them to sleep during the day. What are the reasons for such crying, is the help of a doctor always needed or can parents cope on their own?

Baby crying: is it normal?

Crying is a universal means for a baby to communicate with outside world, and especially in order to send signals to parents and surrounding adults about the baby’s problems. There can be many reasons for a child’s dissatisfaction, and it all depends on the specific situation. It is important to understand that you cannot ignore a child’s crying, following harmful advice that you need to let him cry out and calm down, associating it with spoilage and the habit of being held. You should not think that periods of crying can pass on their own; the child will outgrow them. The baby signals for help in this way, and if you do not pay attention to such signals, in the future this will lead to serious sleep disorders and problems of emotions and psyche.

By its nature, a child's crying is a kind of universal mechanism given by nature due to the fact that the child cannot speak, but at the same time it is important for him to convey to adults certain information about his ill health, discomfort or serious emotional problems.

Screaming and crying in children is formed for reasons various types inconvenience, and not always these are problems of physical well-being. Crying can often be caused by external stimuli and problems with emotions that are beyond the control of a baby due to the immaturity of the nervous system, and fear or protest against other people’s touches and contacts, fear that the mother is not around, can also be expressed in a similar way.

The nature of crying: how to recognize the signals

Based on the characteristics of a child’s crying, it is quite possible to draw certain conclusions about the child’s health and well-being.


If the newborn is weak or sick, he will cry quietly and pitifully, whining and moaning. If the screams are demanding and loud and attract attention, this indicates sufficient nutrition and a satisfactory state of health.

When crying in the form of a physical need, if the baby is suddenly cold or he wants to eat, the crying will stop after his need is satisfied - he was put to the chest or given a bottle, given a drink, wrapped warmly, etc.

If the reasons for crying are emotional overexcitement, problems with the nervous system or other factors, then the baby will calm down only after the excess tension has been released, the screaming or crying will be relatively long, different tones and sounds, with active waving of legs and arms. This will be a way to relieve stress.

Crying before bed in a baby

At an early age, baby sleep is extremely important for general condition his health, and especially for the full maturation of the nervous system. Night and day rest is one of the most complete methods of restoring strength that was actively used up during the previous period of wakefulness. Child early age actively grows during sleep, his immunity is formed, matures and strengthens, his nervous and endocrine system, and the brain actively assimilates and digests the received data from the surrounding world.

It is important to know that the number of dreams and their quality characteristics significantly influence the child’s behavior during the waking period.

If a baby at such a young age systematically lacks sleep, this will have an extremely negative impact on his daytime behavior and activity, well-being and mood. He will be less able to assimilate the volumes of information that come to him, he will have trouble latching on to the breast or sucking a bottle, he may actively demonstrate his negative mood, he may cry and scream, and be capricious. Often, frequent whims during the daytime can indicate that the baby is not sleeping well and is not getting enough sleep. Therefore, it is extremely important to strictly observe the sleep and wakefulness regime from the first days of life, and this is necessary for absolutely the whole family. It is worth performing the same sleepy rituals every day, putting the baby to bed so that he gets used to the regime. Constantly maintaining a consistent daily routine helps the child develop better. If there are problems with the routine, discomfort or fatigue, imbalance of the nervous system, this threatens crying before bed and difficulty falling asleep.

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Causes of crying: physical factors

If a child does not fall asleep for a long time and cries constantly or periodically, you should not immediately panic and think that something has happened to him. Parents need to pull themselves together, without showing irritation and hysterics, and identify the true causes of the child’s anxiety. Most often, such reasons are objective physical factors.

Child's hunger. Often, children may refuse to sleep due to the fact that they are hungry, not full of mother's milk (if they are rarely fed, they are limited in their stay at the breast), they incorrectly calculate the volume of formula for feeding, introduce it late, and incorrectly calculate the amount of nutrition for each meal ( if these are children older than six months). Often, such crying children and poor sleep can lead to early period in infants, indicate the manifestation of problems with lactation. Then you need to make every effort to increase the volume of milk, put the baby to the breast more often. Often, such problems arise during the period of so-called growth spurts (previously they were mistakenly called lactation crises), and then it is important not to switch to formula, but to stimulate the release of a larger volume of milk. A lactation consultant, pediatrician, or more can help. experienced mothers. For children born artificially, you can try changing the formula.


Hunger cries usually start as a whimper that progresses to increasingly loud and demanding screaming and crying. In this case, searching behavior with shaking the head in search of the breast, smacking lips or sucking the edge of the diaper will be noted.

Wet clothes, filled diaper. Often children experience severe discomfort from wet clothes and skin irritation, filling the diaper and skin contact with its contents. In this case, they groan and cry, loudly and demandingly, kicking their legs and arms, jerking their whole body. After changing the diaper, washing and changing clothes, the problem usually goes away.

Crying due to discomfort and pain
Often, when pain or unpleasant, uncomfortable sensations occur in the body, children cry pitifully and painfully. Often, such screams and sleep problems are accompanied by, and even if the teeth have not yet appeared, there is itching and unpleasant pressure in the gum area, tension, which can intensify in evening time due to fatigue. This can lead to irritation and crying of the child. Special teethers, gum massage, or the use of painkillers and soothing gels can help.

Influence external factors, objectively interfering with sleep. Often children may cry if they are tired and want to sleep, but cannot fall asleep due to the influence of various external factors on them, which can be either on the street or in an apartment or nursery. These may include loud noises from operating equipment, passing cars or repairs from neighbors, bright light from a window or lighting fixtures, as well as too cold or, conversely, hot air in the house. It is important to eliminate as much as possible irritating factors, especially temperature ones and those located in the apartment. The fact that a child is too hot can be indicated by his sweating and redness of the face, increased body temperature and screams; in a too hot and poorly ventilated room he may not sleep well, and the presence of dust and bad smell, infrequent cleaning can also provoke irritation of the mucous membranes and even allergic reactions. Crying can occur due to the discomfort of the position and being in it for a long time, if the baby does not yet know how to toss and turn. Chafing or tight, uncomfortable clothing can cause no less disturbance if folds, clasps or seams are pressing.


When a child falls asleep, there should be no sharp or loud sounds, but you should not accustom him to absolute silence either. It is important that the baby can fall asleep to the sounds of monotonously working ordinary household appliances and the quiet voices of family in other rooms. This will help all other family members sleep better and lead their normal lives during the dream period, without leading to the immediate awakening of the baby.

Special cause: colic

From about three weeks to the fourth month of life, reasons for crying may include: special problems kids - . This is a functional problem associated with dysregulation of intestinal tone and motility. Colic manifests itself in the form of painful spasms and bloating of the tummy, which makes itself felt by screams and high-pitched cries, pressing the legs to the tummy and calming down after passing gas or stool.


Typically, the peak of intestinal colic occurs in the evening, from about 5 to 8 p.m., and many parents mark this period as the “hour of crying,” during which the baby is inconsolable, screams almost continuously at high notes, somewhat weakening the screams as it decreases. spasm. Often the screams last in a row for up to an hour or two, while the fists are clenched, the legs are brought to the tummy, the face turns red.

As the spasm passes and the child gets tired, he usually falls asleep and sleeps for quite a long time, but not all parents are able to endure such cries without any assistance, so there are several tips for relieving colic. They are not universal, and you often have to try several of them to find those that are most effective for your baby.

The most popular and effective, according to parents, are:

  • Carrying your naked baby tummy to your warm belly for warmth and comfort
  • Applying a warm diaper or heating pad wrapped in a diaper on the tummy
  • Massage the tummy with your fingers, in a circular motion, stroking the tummy in a clockwise direction
  • Using a warm hairdryer with a jet directed at the baby’s tummy (it is only important to choose a mode so that it does not burn), the monotonous buzzing also soothes.
  • In the absence of stool and bloating due to colic, in extreme cases, a gas outlet tube or a rubber bulb with a soft tip and a cut off bottom can help. After the gas passes, it usually becomes easier.

Often, to eliminate colic or reduce its activity, various folk recipes and medications, both for the nursing mother and for the child himself. Their effectiveness is also controversial; for some they help a lot, but for others there is no effect at all. So, for nursing mothers, teas are offered, and for children - a decoction of dill seeds (), as well as plant-based or synthetic-based drops, they reduce intestinal excitability, have a calming effect and collapse gas bubbles. But often such drugs are given temporary effect or form allergies, so they need to be selected individually.


Sometimes other health problems may be mistaken for the manifestation of colic, which need to be treated more carefully. This may result in mixture intolerance, allergies, intestinal microbial imbalance, and even intestinal infection. This is especially likely when “colic” occurs older than three months, and the physiological maturation of the intestine is almost complete.

Therefore, in such questions and determining the cause of tummy problems, the best consultant will be a pediatrician who, after a careful examination and conversation, will determine the causes of discomfort and crying and suggest ways to combat them.

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Vitamin deficiency: rickets

Often the cause of increased excitability and problems with the nervous system, bad sleep and crying, the child becomes deficient in vitamins, especially because of which the metabolism of calcium and phosphorus suffers, leading to the formation. It is especially likely in children born from autumn to spring, living in regions with a lack of solar activity and rarely spending time in the open air and sun. They need additional vitamin supplementation during the first two years, especially during the period when natural sunlight few.

Vitamin D deficiency is replenished only as prescribed by a doctor and in a strictly defined dosage; self-medication is prohibited; an overdose of this drug is also dangerous.

The initial manifestations of rickets can be quite nonspecific symptoms - increased timidity of the baby, wiping and rolling the hairs on the back of the head, anxiety and crying, interrupted sleep, sweating. Typically, such first manifestations occur at the age of 2-3 months, gradually increasing without appropriate correction.

Emotional problems: baby crying

Often there are no health problems or defects in caring for the child, but he still cries before bed and may have trouble falling asleep. The reasons for this may be the immaturity of the nervous system and its overload.

So, often babies may cry in the evening due to accumulated fatigue and excitement (by analogy with adults, who may also be familiar with a similar problem). In this regard, it is recommended not to overload young children with emotions, not only negative, but also positive. The nervous system is not yet able to adequately “digest” all of them. Before going to bed, you should give up noisy games and activities; you need quiet activities, reading books, drawing and a calm environment around. Rituals that induce calm and sleep are important. Walking along the streets often has a good calming effect. fresh air or staying in a stroller on the balcony.

Crying before bed is an outlet for energy due to excess fatigue (overtiredness). How younger child, the more new information he receives information about the world around him every day, he has new impressions and events every day. It can be especially difficult when there are mass arrivals of guests or relatives; the subsequent nights after such visits can become restless - children often cannot sleep for a long time or wake up in the middle of the night crying. Due to this behavior, excess tension goes away and calmness sets in. It is worth taking these cries adequately, calming the child and holding him close, stroking the back, speaking in a soft monotonous voice or humming.


At the initial stage of screaming, this may seem ineffective, but over time you will develop unique rituals that quickly and effectively extinguish such crying. The child will immediately “automatically” turn on the calming program when repeating the same events.

Neurological diagnoses or characteristics of children?

Up to 70% of young children (up to about three years old) are diagnosed by neurologists with increased excitability, and there is nothing dangerous or scary in such a conclusion. Children with similar characteristics of the nervous system often cannot fall asleep without “yelling out” all the energy accumulated during the day, throwing out the excess in crying. They have a superficial and very light sleep, often it can be interrupted by bouts of crying. Sedative herbs and herbs and a strict daily routine often help.

Often, crying in babies becomes a form of protest due to separation from their mother and attempts to put the baby in their bed. If the issue of moving the baby to its own separate place is finally resolved for parents, they will have to show a certain persistence in this matter, adequately responding to protests, but not succumbing to manipulation. If

Sleep is very important for proper development newborn baby. But often mothers observe a strange phenomenon: before falling asleep, the baby begins to cry. There are many explanations for this phenomenon. So, why does a child cry before going to bed? Should I worry about this?

Crying before bed: physiological reasons

Childhood is a period of development of the body. It is accompanied by a large number of rather unpleasant phenomena. In infancy, some of them can cause anxiety in the baby, as a result of which he cries a lot, including before going to bed. Often the cause of concern is physiological characteristics child. If your baby starts crying before going to bed at night, it means something is bothering him. The causes of vagaries include several factors.


When your gums itch and hurt, infant becomes extremely irritable and reacts painfully to the most familiar actions. This also applies to bedtime rituals.

Teething begins at about 4 months, you need to be patient and by special means, helping to alleviate painful symptoms unpleasant phenomenon. These include gels with a cooling and analgesic effect, which can be used to lubricate the gums of a baby at 5 months, and special preparations for oral administration, used at 1 year, for example, Dantinorm Baby. It is best to use them before nap and when putting the child to bed for the night.

Important! The child needs to buy a special teether that relieves painful symptoms and helps speed up the process of teeth growth. This item is suitable for infants.

Stomach ache

This phenomenon affects infants up to 6 months. It is caused by the peculiarities of the digestive organs of infants, which are completely unsuited to eating breast milk or an artificial substitute. As a result, there arise intestinal colic, preventing the baby from falling asleep peacefully, the child screams and squirms, draws in his legs, strains his arms. In the evening, this phenomenon is observed especially often - the baby cries when falling asleep and shows restlessness during rest. It is worth consulting a specialist and choosing a remedy to help get rid of pain. Sometimes dill water and preparations made on its basis will save you, sometimes the doctor prescribes potent medications.

External inconveniences

Quite often, a child cries before falling asleep not because something hurts, but because the environment is uncomfortable. Concerns may arise from:

  1. Twists in clothes or diapers. The baby wants to sleep, but the folds in the fabric in contact with the body do not allow the child to take a comfortable position and put unpleasant pressure on the skin. Because of such a simple reason, the child screams and the mother gets nervous.
  2. The room is cold or hot. When falling asleep, the baby becomes especially sensitive to temperature indicators and often cannot fall asleep if the room temperature is higher or lower than 20-22 degrees. This reason can cause anxiety in both a baby at 3 months and a child at 2 years old.
  3. Wet diaper. Some children are completely unable to sleep in a diaper that has already been used for its intended purpose and cry until it is changed.
  4. Hunger. Before going to bed, the baby should be fed a little, then he will fall asleep faster and more soundly.
  5. Diseases. If your baby cries a lot before going to bed, shows restlessness during rest and is constantly capricious during the day, you should show him to the doctor - perhaps the cause of the baby’s bad behavior is an illness. A pediatrician can accurately determine whether this is true or not.

If all these requirements are met, and the child still cries every day, then the reason for his whims lies in something completely different.

Psychological condition

Completely eliminating physiological reasons strange behavior of a child, you should pay attention to him psychological condition. Constant moodiness can be caused by disruption of the nervous system.

Young children are emotional creatures subject to frequent stress. Whims before bed can be explained the following factors:

  1. The baby is afraid to part with his mother. Newborns react especially acutely to separation from their parent, who at such a tender age contains almost their entire world.
  2. Nervous tension. Often babies begin to cry hysterically before going to bed. Frightened parents who don’t know what to do turn to a neurologist in the hope that the doctor will help figure out the strange phenomenon. In fact, it turns out that with the help of loud crying, the baby gets rid of the stress accumulated during the day, after which he calmly falls asleep.
  3. Nightmares. Of course, at 2 months, scary dreams cannot torture a baby, since his brain does not yet perceive complete pictures. But older children who have had nightmares may fear their return and may cry a lot before going to bed.

To avoid hysterics before bed, you need to create a comfortable environment in the family. If parents constantly conflict in the presence of the baby, one should not be surprised at the baby’s anxiety and irritability. Mom and dad must understand: the child reacts sensitively to all the events happening around him.

Be sure to come up with a ritual that you will perform before your baby falls asleep. This may include reading books, lullabies and fairy tales. It's not worth arranging active games- this will only make the baby more excited and not want to go to sleep.

To soothe your newborn baby and prepare him for sleep, you can add infusions of various soothing herbs, such as mint or pine extract, to the bath water. The smells will set the baby in the right mood. In stores you can buy special bags filled with valerian and lavender, which will also help your baby calm down and fall asleep faster.

And finally: the famous pediatrician Komarovsky believes that the child’s well-being directly depends on the condition of the parents. Mom and dad should definitely set aside more time for sleep: if they are cheerful and cheerful, the baby will also be less capricious.

In the first year of life, almost half of infants cry before going to bed. The reason for this is a violation of the rest regime, as a result of which problems arise with waking up and falling asleep. It is worth noting that this condition often occurs in children, preschool age and can lead to disorders of the central nervous system.

However, it is not only a violation of the routine that can cause a child to cry before bed. A similar condition is provoked by a number of other dangerous pathologies, which we’ll talk about.

Why does a child scream before going to bed? This condition can be caused by a number of reasons. Moreover, this behavior is more often observed in infants up to one year old, and is often associated with physiological factors, such as:

  • colic in the stomach. If this provocateur is the culprit of the baby’s crying, try placing a heating pad on the baby’s stomach or buy any children's drug, eliminating gas formation;
  • teething. Another common cause of baby crying. The problem can be identified by examining the gums; if they are inflamed, purchase special gel lubricate swollen areas.

Important: If baby cry provoked by increased stimulation of the central nervous system, it should not be calmed. In this state, he needs to cry. This phenomenon is not dangerous to the health of the baby and after some time it will go away without a trace.

These two factors are the most common. However, there are a number of other reasons why a child is hysterical, namely:

  1. Overstrain of the central nervous system. A similar condition occurs if the baby’s nervous system is not able to cope with the resulting load. A signal that it is the overstrain of the central nervous system that is the culprit, whims and sobs an hour before the planned rest.
  2. Nervous excitability. A similar diagnosis is made by a pediatrician during a routine examination. Moreover, in this case there is no reason for parents to panic. About 70% of all children under 3 years of age are susceptible to this condition. To eliminate this provocateur, it is enough to reduce the number of daily active games.
  3. If your baby starts crying before bed, it may be due to a lack of rest routine. Every second parent faces a similar problem today. As a rule, it is generally accepted that children go to bed according to their needs. In fact, this is completely wrong. Children need a routine to feel calm and stable, and if you stick to it, the child will stop throwing tantrums.
  4. If your baby cries after sleep, it may be due to a wet diaper and uncomfortable clothes. Often a newborn feels discomfort from wet things that irritate the tender skin covering. And as soon as the provocateur is eliminated, the baby calms down.
  5. Roar one year old baby maybe due to external factors. These include noise from operating equipment, bright light, too cold or too warm air. You can tell if your baby is hot by a reddened face and heavy sweating.
  6. In addition, a child may scream because of an uncomfortable sleeping position if the baby does not yet know how to roll over.
  7. If a child screams wildly before going to bed, he may be scared of something. This condition is typical for children aged 1.1, 1.5 and 1.7 years. At this age, the baby can already distinguish darkness and reacts to the absence of his mother with a strong cry. In this condition, it is advisable for the mother to lie down next to the child and fall asleep.

And lastly, the reason for crying out loud in some cases is a deficiency of useful elements in the child’s body. Especially vitamin D. Due to its deficiency, not only the metabolism of phosphorus and calcium suffers, but also rickets develops.

Those children who were born from autumn to spring are susceptible to a similar condition. In this case, it will be necessary to organize a full subsidy of vitamin D in the first two years of life.

How to fix the problem

To begin with, it is worth emphasizing that if the baby starts yelling, parents should not panic. In this condition, it is important to quickly identify the provocateur and eliminate it. Often, babies cry because they are hungry. Since during this period the diet has not yet been established and the newborn gives a signal to the mother about hunger by whining or screaming.

In addition, to help your baby fall asleep faster, check the following:

  • Is the baby cold?
  • change the diaper if it is full;
  • pay attention to the clothes, they should fit, not pinch or cause discomfort with folds;
  • check whether the child is in a comfortable position.

Important: If your baby cries before falling asleep every day, he is most likely overstimulated during the day. This problem can be eliminated by reducing the load on the central nervous system. For example, eliminate active games and reduce time spent watching programs.

Make sure your baby is comfortable. Perhaps satisfying all of him physiological needs the sobbing will pass.

When a doctor's help is needed

Unfortunately, not all causes of severe crying in children are harmless. In some cases you need to seek help.

So, when you should not postpone a visit to the pediatrician:

  • the baby constantly screams and does not calm down;
  • in addition to the wild yelling, the baby painfully squeezes his legs;
  • throughout the night's rest he wakes up and sobs;
  • after waking up, he immediately starts screaming;
  • A trembling chin is observed from time to time.

Important: Seek help immediately if the baby twitches, sobs and often wakes up at night. At the same time, he eats well. Similar symptoms are inherent in the initial stage of rickets.

If such signs occur, you should contact a doctor immediately. Especially if he screams a lot.

Related factors

In addition to the reasons described above for which it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor, there are also symptoms that accompany the development of a number of pathologies, namely:

  • if severe fearfulness suddenly appears;
  • biological rhythms have gone astray;
  • the baby looks sluggish and lethargic;
  • severe sweating appeared;
  • the child can hear bad smell from mouth;
  • irritability and moodiness appeared;
  • the skin is covered with red spots and itches.

In addition, the baby is worried about constipation or diarrhea. With such symptoms, you need to fight the pathology. Having eliminated the problem, the consequence in the form of severe crying will go away without a trace.

Developing the right regime

To ensure that your child does not scream in the evening and the process of falling asleep is easy, you should develop the correct rest regimen.

What is a mode? In addition to sleep, receiving information from environment. The main task of parents is to organize the following:

  • protect the child from outside negative factors, which may affect his central nervous system;
  • avoid any stressful situations for a child;
  • organize good nutrition at certain hours. This rule is only relevant for those children who are not breastfed;
  • develop a kind of bedtime ritual, the baby will use it to navigate when it’s time for proper rest.

Important: Hyperactive children without correct mode not enough. In this condition, this is the only way to get a good night's rest.

In addition, it is important to develop a certain sequence preparatory activities to bed. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with one of the suitable schemes:

  • three hours before bedtime, invite your child to play a game for concentration;
  • followed by a relaxing bath;
  • further, it is useful to sing a lullaby or read a skaz;
  • turn on the night light and say good night;
  • after this it is time to fall asleep.

Such a scheme is a clear example of the sequence of actions of parents. You can develop an algorithm of action that is optimal for your family. The main thing is for the baby to understand that if the time comes for quiet play, then it’s time to get ready for bed.

Constantly adhering to this scheme, children's body will get used to falling asleep without additional effort. This means there will be no more screams and tears.

Why does my baby throw tantrums before bed? The famous pediatrician Komarovsky claims that the reason for this is improper preparation for bed. If parents want their child to have a sound and complete rest, it is necessary to create normal conditions, namely:

  • Remove all items that accumulate dust from the children's room. These include carpets, decorative pillows, soft toys, curtains;
  • monitor the room temperature, it should not exceed +20C;
  • Heaters without a humidifier will make your baby's sleep disturbed. This also applies to warm clothes.

It is important to understand good sleep in the bedroom only if the room is well ventilated and humidified.

In addition, the doctor draws attention to one more important point. If you have taught your baby to sleep in your arms, then the so-called newborn instinct comes into force. In other words, the connection between a baby and its mother is very strong until a certain age. Moreover, without it, the child does not feel protected. Therefore, when trying to put the child to bed, he will scream loudly.

You need to deal with such a manifestation gently so that the baby does not get stressed. To do this, first of all, make sure that the child's cry is based on the desire to be again in the arms of the mother. Once you are sure that this is the problem, gradually begin to eliminate it.

Summarizing the above, it must be emphasized that a child’s crying is a natural and completely normal reaction to an emerging stimulus. Moreover, if the baby does not yet know how to talk, he communicates his needs by crying.

However, do not forget, if the screams last for hours, you need to visit a pediatrician as soon as possible. Because such a symptom indicates the presence of a certain pathology.

Lyudmila Sergeevna Sokolova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Article last updated: 03/31/2019

When a child is born, parents want to believe that their child will eat well, sleep well, develop quickly, and have little pain. Unfortunately, the reality is far from ideal. A parent’s heart breaks when a mom or dad hears their child’s heartbreaking cry. I immediately want to turn to the classics. Who is guilty? So what should I do? Why does the baby break?

For a 3-month-old baby, crying is the only way to notify the world that something is wrong with him.

What exactly is a child’s favorite thing before going to bed? For what reason does he cry while falling asleep or constantly wakes up crying? Let's try to figure it out.

Features of sleep of a 3-month-old baby

  • superficiality;
  • sensitivity;
  • reverse alternation of sleep phases;
  • lack of time of day recognition.

Dream infant more superficial than an adult and more sensitive - this is absolutely normal. Any person's sleep consists of 2 phases deep sleep at the beginning of the phase and restless (rapid eye movement) sleep at the end. For babies under six months, everything is exactly the opposite.

In a dream, a child can smile, laugh, cry (sob), and toss and turn intensely. At the same time, his eyes may be slightly open. There is no need to rock him to sleep, he is sleeping. And there is no need to worry about this either. This phase is necessary for the nervous system to function adequately. A baby does not know about the change of day and night, he eats when he is hungry and sleeps when he is tired, he needs to be accustomed to the regime accepted in human society. If for some reason it turns out that the baby slept for a long period of time several times during the day and walked around at night, he will continue to behave this way unless you try to retrain him. Therefore, if you are trying to lull a child who has slept well during the day, expect a roar.

Peculiarities of the psyche of a 3-month-old infant

The newborn's nervous system is not mature enough to short time to cope with the volume of data that has fallen upon her. His psyche is protected from overload by long sleep. If there is too much information and emotions, by the evening the nervous system is overloaded and “goes into overdrive.” The child would be glad to switch off and fall asleep, but he cannot. He tries to relieve excess tension by crying. One can especially clearly trace the dependence of crying before bed, while falling asleep, or during sleep on new impressions. For example, relatives came to visit, cuddled the baby, and lisped. The child liked everything, he behaved perfectly, and before going to bed he threw a tantrum for several hours, did not fall asleep after feeding, and calmed down after 24.00. This is a classic example of the nervous system reacting to too many new experiences.

In such a situation, there is an opinion that the child has been “jinxed.” Psychologically, this opinion is not entirely groundless. Not in the sense that someone has a “heavy” look, or some grandmother is running around the house with the head of a severed rooster. And the fact is that too much information that bombards a child with the arrival of people unfamiliar to him leads to overstimulation of his nervous system (new smells, new voices, different energy). The baby's psyche simply cannot cope. He needs to “discharge” somehow. And he reacts in the only way available to him - he cries.

Even when you are walking with your child, it is better to keep him “facing you” most of the time. The baby, of course, is interested in looking at everything around him, he may even “insist” that you carry him “facing away from you.” But this must be done very moderately, since for a baby such a large overview means unlimited access to external information, which arrives at all analyzers at too high a speed and without interruption. Some kids even switch off and fall asleep from an overdose of information, “hanging” from their mother’s arm.

When the mother holds the baby facing her, he can bury his face in her, thus reducing the flow of information when he gets tired. Probably many have noticed that when a child approaches stranger, he, as if embarrassed, hides his face in his mother’s chest. Thus, he isolates himself from information that he is not ready to process. Too much information is just as bad as too little information. It inhibits the adaptive functions of the body, the development of the psyche and nervous system.

If the child eats normally, defecates, urinates, no visible reasons no, but you often carry your baby “facing the world”; don’t be surprised that he often cries before bed even after feeding, while falling asleep and during sleep, sleeps restlessly and constantly wakes up. For 3 one month old baby information (at the level of emotions, impressions) needs to be dosed. And increase its volume gradually.

A child can be absolutely healthy, not overloaded with anything, his parents follow his routine, and yet he cries before going to bed. The baby eats normally, falls asleep after feeding, but then wakes up roaring and “boils water” for a long time. This is possible if the psychological climate of the family is in a state of storm. Children are very sensitive to the emotions of their parents, especially their mother. Her nervousness is transmitted to the baby and affects the quality of his sleep.

What makes an active baby whiny?

Many parents complain that their child often cries before bed even after feeding. Some babies cry for a long time. Why is this happening?

There may be many reasons, but if you asked a child and he could answer in a language that adults could understand, it would all come down to three simple things:

  • hurts;
  • eat;
  • sleep (but I can’t sleep).

At the age of 3-3.5 to 5-5.5 months, parents often complain that the child cries before bed or while falling asleep. At 3 months he may still be bothered by colic. If the tummy hurts, the baby will not be able to sleep, and even after warming up on his mother’s chest, he will whine in his sleep. It is also not surprising that without carminatives, the baby sleeps poorly and constantly wakes up. Usually by this age observant mothers additional features understand whether the child’s stomach hurts or not. And the pediatrician is already provided with information about which remedy is best to give him.

It is believed that a baby's first teeth appear by the age of six months. If mom took multivitamins and specialized complexes with vitamin D, I can start teething at 4 months. In some cases, babies are born with teeth or they appear at 1-2 months, although this is not considered the norm. In any case, teething is not a one-day process. The gums may periodically swell and itch. It bothers the child, makes him nervous system more sensitive to external stimuli (more excitable) and disrupts sleep, the baby may constantly wake up, twist its head, as if trying to scratch its gums.

In case of difficult birth, caesarean section or fetal hypoxia, the baby may have neurological problems. For example, increased intracranial pressure which is accompanied by headaches. If the child is maternity hospital or in the first month after discharge for some reason they did not do the mandatory neurosonography, it needs to be done. Perhaps, based on the results of the examination, the reason for the child’s prolonged crying before bed will become clear.

If your child cries all the time before going to bed and does not calm down long time, and it is difficult to rock him to sleep or he shudders a lot when falling asleep, constantly wakes up or wakes up crying, his chin sometimes trembles, show him to a neurologist.

Many parents are in no hurry to show their baby to specialists because they think he will “outgrow it.” If there was intrauterine infection, difficult childbirth, fetal hypoxia, the child may experience an accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain (sometimes its amount is insignificant, sometimes hydrocephalus develops) or the newborn may develop cysts in the brain for the same reasons. Such cysts resolve within 6-12 months, some without medical intervention. But it is up to a specialist to decide whether treatment is necessary. A child who has “outgrown” the problem by the age of six months may have problems in the future.

If a child is hungry, he will not be able to sleep. Children infancy are unable to fight the feeling of hunger. The child eats when he wants and cries when he is hungry. Even if you somehow manage to rock the baby to sleep, after 20-30 minutes he will wake up and cry with even greater ferocity.

If a child eats well, is not too overloaded with information, does not have respiratory diseases, but still often wakes up crying, sobs and twitches in his sleep, how can this be explained? Initial stage rickets. Rickets is another reason why a child may cry before bed, in his sleep, or wake up frequently. It manifests itself in the form of increased fearfulness, obvious signs anxiety without significant reasons, irritability and crying before bed. When falling asleep or during sleep, babies shudder violently.

The first thing that comes to mind when a baby cries is that he is hungry. But he doesn’t eat, or eats little and continues to cry after feeding. But these can be wet diapers or an overflowing disposable diaper; they can cause not just discomfort, but also pain when urinating, especially in boys. An overfilled diaper puts pressure on the penis when it rests against the thick layer.

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